Beantown Podcast - Quinn Got Blocked (again) (03012020 Beantown Podcast)

Episode Date: March 2, 2020

Quinn comes to you LIVE to discuss potentially putting a Chinese consulting company under with a negative review, acting as the campaign manager for Amy Klobuchar (and wtf is with Tulsi Gabbard), and ...getting preemptively blocked on Instagram by a former coworker. Spurned lover, perhaps?

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn Davis furnace. Welcome to my show. Quinn Davis furnace presents and bean town podcast history. It maybe would have been more appropriate to have recorded yesterday on the actual leap day of every 29th, but it's exciting regardless. I was when I was younger and I'm not talking about like grade school. I'm talking until like two years ago. I always really struggled. I don't know if anyone out there can identify with this, but I always really struggled to remember if February was 27 days and then 28th with a leap day or 28 and then 29
Starting point is 00:01:02 with a leap day. I feel pretty confident now that I've got it sorted out in my head that it's just normal four weeks. Boom, just like that easy peasy cover girl, breezy, man, a plan, a canal, a panimal. I think I figured it out finally. So we're in good shape there. I know a lot of you were worrying, don't worry.
Starting point is 00:01:29 It's going to be okay. But this is Quinn Davis Fernison. This is my show. Thank you for listening. Thank you for supporting us. Quick update on the the pledge drive. Pludge drive month is over, which is exciting. We're still waiting on one check in the mail.
Starting point is 00:01:46 It looks like we're gonna hit, right about $400 exactly, which will be great. It'll be $100 donation going to JDRF, juvenile diabetes research fund here in Chicago. And donor prizes, very exciting. I've got it all set up here. So I actually, with the photo printing,
Starting point is 00:02:07 because everybody who donated $10 getting an autographed photo of me in the mail, and I got some other goodies in there that I'm throwing in. But I had to wait. I do these photos online so I can get a kind of bulk, really cheap price. And so it probably took about two weeks or so, but the pictures arrived in the mail. I got some stamps and I had some envelopes from something else. I don't remember if it was, I purchased them for last year's Pledge Drive or what, but I have lots and lots of envelopes. So working on that tonight, getting the envelopes stuffed, addressed, sent out. They'll be sent out sometime this
Starting point is 00:02:55 week. And you know, you know I mean it when I say they're going out this week, unlike some other people say they're gonna send something and then it hasn't happened yet. And no, I'm not talking about Matt Feeler. Some of you probably thought you knew where that was about to go. No, it's actually going to lead into my partially into the first thing I wanted to talk about here.
Starting point is 00:03:18 And it's gonna lead into one thing and then what I'm actually gonna talk about is tangentially related. But I do some educational consulting, education consulting, college application consulting through two kind of different things that I do. But similar work with both, although one, and I'm going to get to in a second, there isn't much work to actually speak up and won't be. But when I've worked with for a couple of years, they pay a crazy amount of money.
Starting point is 00:03:53 Like, they set the rate. I didn't even, when they first told me the number, and I won't share it, it is. But when they first told me the number, I was like, there's got to be a typo or something. Like six, too many zeros. But they, so I do my work for them in December, November, December of a year right, because that's right when college applications are getting ramped up. I so I did, I did about an hour's worth of work
Starting point is 00:04:19 for those guys, they're based out of Manhattan. In early November before early decision applications are due, and then I did a lot more work, a lot more than even then I did last year. For those guys with one student out on the East Coast in December, right around Christmas time, leading up to the regular decision deadline, which is the first of the year for a lot of colleges.
Starting point is 00:04:45 Well, first things first, I'm not panicking, but I haven't been paid yet. The reason I'm not panicking is because it took a while last year before I got paid, but then I got paid and everything was fine. It's great. Essentially, when I finished my work for these guys in late December, they said,
Starting point is 00:05:05 just, you know, cash flow reasons, is it okay if we pay you with one check in February, one check in March? I said, okay, that's fine. And I was actually, I was talking to somebody about this last night, normally in my life up to this point, that's a situation where it's like, yeah, completely fine, how do I care? As long as you get the money, we're good. I'm starting to reach a point and the dollar amounts on these checks are starting to reach the point and just as I've gotten more sort of financially savvy,
Starting point is 00:05:38 investment savvy, et cetera, where you take a check for a couple thousand dollars, which is what these two checks will add up to when we get there, a couple thousand dollars. And you start to realize, hey, I've got my online savings account with Goldman Sachs. That's running one point, it's way down. It used to be way higher than that, but it currently is at 1.7%. Yield rate. So we're looking at normally not a big deal,
Starting point is 00:06:12 but all of a sudden, it's like, hey, well, there's not $100. You're missing out on it, but in that range between just chunk change and actual real real money. Or, you know, you throw it into a CD or something, you're going to get a lot more than that. Or you throw it out of the stock market and certainly not right now, because the stocks around fire, you're going to not going to get much right now. But in the future, what I'm actually trying to get out with this story has nothing to do with this company actually though.
Starting point is 00:06:41 Yeah, I'd love to get paid and hopefully that will happen soon. I have not received the first of those two checks yet. The last thing I'll say, I emailed them not this past Friday, but you know, 10 days ago. And just was like, hey, just checking in yo, I wrote yo in my email just to make it seem like I wasn't coming on that strong. And they said we're on a business trip right now
Starting point is 00:07:06 because I have my one contact who I communicate with for everything through that company. And they're like, we'll get back to you next week, which was this past week, no email. So, we're gonna see, we're playing it by ear here. I'm still, I'm not worried about not getting paid. I was the very first time that this time last year or I had been paid at this point already,
Starting point is 00:07:29 but I was concerned not getting paid because just the price they advertised was like, but the work I did is legitimate. It's all good, like I'll get paid. What I'm actually trying to get at the story is there's a second company that I did a very minimal amount of work with this year and I'll give you just a quick rundown here. But before I do that, I'll mention that listener discretion is advised.
Starting point is 00:07:52 When you're listening to the Bean Tom podcast number one, we'll occasionally use some language. Number two, this podcast is objectively terrible. Although I think we got a good slate going up today. I'm going to try to be efficient with our time together here today. And there's not going to be a lot of fluff because I got a bunch of things I want to mention. No one big like wild story that's going to involve a big setup and 15 minutes of this happened and that happened. But just a lot of little things that I'm going to get to.
Starting point is 00:08:24 So no, this is not a filler episode. This is kind of vintage solo Quinn bean town. And you don't have one specific topic you're talking about, but it's good regardless. At least that's how I feel. So this other company based out of London, I think, actually. I was thinking it was Beijing, but I think it's London. So no, I don't
Starting point is 00:08:45 think it's been affected by the coronavirus. They contacted me on LinkedIn. They're like HR head. And this is just another educational, they brand themselves as an education tech company. But the work that they do is education and salting. Same thing, high schoolers, you know, typically wealthy, far east Asian high school students studying in the United States, their parents have all the money in the world, like my favorite Kevin Spacey movie, right guys? Remember when that was like the big story in Hollywood, not Kevin Spacey per se, but all the money in the world. You remember that? Great movie. Such a fascinating story, the way he got booted and Christopher Plumber took over and then
Starting point is 00:09:33 got the Oscar and it was so cool. Feels old at this point, but that was what, 2017, 2016 maybe. This, so this HR lady, who's young, you know, probably 30 something like that. She reaches out to me on LinkedIn probably November, early December maybe, late November something like that. And we end up, you know, she's giving me just to run down on what they're doing and then that she wants me to come work with them. And you know, this is all just like gig-based, just part-time consultant stuff. know, this is all just like gig-based, just part-time consulting stuff.
Starting point is 00:10:06 None of this is like, oh, Quinn's moving into consulting full-time now. This is just stuff on the side they do on weekends and stuff. We played tag TAG, T-A-G, on LinkedIn. And if like emails and stuff trying to get you know The video call or something set up just yeah, and the the this call or so we're trying to establish this zoom You know Skype call whatever and it's being branded by her as just an opportunity to learn more about the company What you know what working with them would be like?
Starting point is 00:10:43 Yada yada yada, yada, yada. So I actually wasn't even looking to pick this up and they sought me out, et cetera. But I'm like, you know what, it doesn't hurt to at least talk to this person for 15 minutes and learn more about what they're doing and see what kind of opportunity exists in that space for me.
Starting point is 00:11:05 So I ended up going on a video call of opportunity exists in that space for me. So I ended up going on a video call eventually with this lady and it turns, it's absolutely not. It's not an informational chat. It goes from, here's what we do, and here's what we would be looking for to, okay, so you can start tomorrow, right? Here's this and this and this, you have to send me by the end of today. When I describe it like that, it makes it sound very scammy.
Starting point is 00:11:32 I don't think this company is, or was a scam, but let me proceed through the story here. So I'm like, I wasn't, you know, and I was definitely, it definitely wrote me the wrong way. How this whole thing just went down. But I'm like, it's not, you know, no one's trying to scam me out of anything. It's just strange how they chose to proceed through this. So I do all that. You set up like an online profile and stuff and an intro video to, you know, so that students you're going to work with, you can see and all that stuff. And I go, you know, you go through this huge long questionnaire, like all the different things that you can do, because this company provides a lot more than just high school counseling or high school application consulting. You
Starting point is 00:12:20 know, they'll do like MCAT stuff, or there's specifically like CPA exam stuff that they, you know, at least part of this questionnaire for them. So I do all that. And you know, they'll do like MCAT stuff or there's specifically like CPA exams stuff that they, you know, at least as part of this questionnaire for them. So I do all that. And you know, for me, it's just, you know, high school ACT, essay writing, SAT, you know, application consulting, that sort of stuff, the stuff that I know with my master's in education or master's in education policy. So after I've said it all up, I get in touch with the, or the CEO of the company Dawson. Dawson context means like, hey, we've got this Chinese company. It can be a big hit for you
Starting point is 00:12:57 because essentially the way it works is this consulting company and now that I'm working with is gonna funnel me to this Chinese consulting company. They're the ones based out of Beijing and they contract students and stuff. So it's kind of like double middleman, but I'm like, okay, whatever. So then from there on, I just start working with this Chinese company, and it's this whole big thing. So I got it download WeChat, which I still have on my phone.
Starting point is 00:13:27 I got it dump fix. I feel like those Chinese are spying on us. Quick sidebar, we're China's kickin' our ass and everything. And I said this earlier today in Family Chat, but coronavirus, they built a wall way better than ours. And they hosted the 2018 Olympics. They're hosting the Olympics this summer virus, they built a wall way better than ours. And they hosted the 2018 Olympics, they're hosting the Olympics this summer, if they happen and they're hosting the 2022 Olympics.
Starting point is 00:13:51 So, three straight, good one, China. It's a whole big thing trying to work with this Chinese tech company because there's like this other thing that they want me to download. Essentially it is is I'm giving a PowerPoint and it's this whole big thing I could talk about this for an hour I'm not going to but I have to give a PowerPoint to this company and they're like students and families virtually but do a PowerPoint on my phone and And they want a 60-minute information session on tips for getting into Northwestern University,
Starting point is 00:14:32 which is just like I could do a clean succinct presentation on that five minutes, and you'd get all the information you need. So yada, yada, yada, I prepare this PowerPoint. It's probably like eight or nine slides because how much is there to say? And the company is like, oh, we need to make sure this is an hour long and it's like, okay, I'll stretch it. Fine, they really didn't want me to use the PowerPoint.
Starting point is 00:15:02 So like, you need to add more slides. And I was like, well, tough, tough shit, Sherlock. Then trying to get the tech, the software, it was also because you're working with these people in Beijing. So I was consistently waking up at 6 a.m. More than a handful of times, to like test out software,
Starting point is 00:15:24 because they always wanted to do software tests to make sure everything was good to go. The big day finally comes, it's like the third week of December or something. I wake up at 6 a.m. which is, you know, whatever, like 10 p.m. Beijing time or something to give this presentation. I do it, I kill it, do it for the hour, etc. And the way it had worked with this company back in London is they're like, OK, after you finish,
Starting point is 00:15:50 just tell us the hours you worked, we'll bill you, we'll be good. So I could have billed this company for at least five or six hours, but I decided you know three. One hour, and it's, I think it's very reasonable. One hour for the developing this PowerPoint, right? I had to create this out of thin air, which is a lot more challenging than you might think.
Starting point is 00:16:15 One hour for all the software testing, which in reality I probably spent four or five hours on, and then one hour for the actual presentation, because it was actually an hour. So three hours, so I'm talking to Dawson over WeChat. And I tell him, work three hours, my rate wasn't even that exorbitant for this one, like one 16 hours, something like that.
Starting point is 00:16:40 And Dawson and I get into this whole big thing. He says, we're only paying you for one hour because the presentation was one hour. I, I gave him a piece of my mind over WeChat. And was pissed off because man, because I was way underselling the hours that I actually did. And then he was cutting it off by 67%. Yada, yada, yada, yada, I get paid for the one hour. So I made 160 bucks off of this.
Starting point is 00:17:11 I then left them a bad review on the internet and I was just kind of, I had never heard back from them anything else, was perusing and they are like scrubbed from the internet now. I hadn't done anything with them, well I hadn't worked with them since I got into the big argument with them and then so I hadn't you know interacted with them for you know two months or so and then I was just looking this past week, they're just gone. Like, just completely off the internet and possible to find. I don't really know what happened.
Starting point is 00:17:51 I think I might at some point reach out to the HR person, because they never had a bad relationship with the original person, unlike the CEO who was a turd. But yeah, they're just gone. So made 160 bucks off of that. CEO who was a turd, but yeah, they're just gone. So, made 160 bucks off of that, and I probably put in, I don't know, 11, 12 hours. So, it's a killer rate.
Starting point is 00:18:12 It's still better than minimum wage. So, that was the Chinese consulting company. You gotta be careful with the Chinese. I'm moving ahead here. I was in Minnesota this past week for work. I drove up there, actually stopped in Madison on Tuesday. I had lunch with a dear friend of the podcast and our most recent guest appearance. Ryan Austin English, we went to lunch in Madison at the something, something diner. Eastside of town, old truck stop, kind of a cool place. Had a very underwhelming breakfast burrito, but that's okay.
Starting point is 00:18:55 Then I went up and had a lovely supper, a homemade supper, courtesy of Antwindi, and Uncle Andy, who has been on the podcast a couple of times before, once maybe twice. And as I say that, I'm sipping from my Jack Link's Fedure Wildside travel mug. We're still in hot pursuit of that sponsorship deal. One of these days, just you wait. But Antwendy Cooked Day Delicious Wild Rice Soup with homemade bread and peanut butter cookies,
Starting point is 00:19:33 they were delicious. Uncle Andy, reupped my jerky stash. Everyone's gotta have a good jerky stash. If you don't have one, you're missing out. I'm king of the corners up here. I'm slinging jerky. Re-sale baby. And then I drove to Minnesota. That was a long day. It was about nine hours of driving. But while I was in Minnesota, I did not see the biggest ball of 20 Minnesota. I did go to the Mall of America. I think that was my first
Starting point is 00:20:01 time ever. It was interesting. It's pretty much what you would expect. Gigantic mall. They say four floors, but there's really only stuff on three floors. And then a theme park in the middle. It's like a Nickelodeon themed theme park. The one thing you got to watch out for with malls is when you walk in there as a single man by yourself who's not old enough to have kids and you're just kind of there and you're
Starting point is 00:20:38 not really shopping, just sipping on your caribou coffee. I love caribou coffee, man. I didn't get many weird looks, but just like, because I just wanted to be there to experience it, never seen it before. People always talk about it. I wanted to see just how big and grand it was. But you gotta be careful.
Starting point is 00:21:00 It's a, you know, as a single white male, we face a lot of persecution in today's trying times. Just keep your head on a swivel for all you guys out there. Starting into the Tim Allen podcast. While I was in Minnesota, I had a crazy dream. One of those dreams, and this doesn't happen to me very often these days, probably only a couple of times a year.
Starting point is 00:21:25 But one of those just extremely lucid dreams, where I was, get this, Amy Klobuchar's campaign manager. But I was like, completely woke to the fact that Amy Klobuchar's campaign never stood a chance from the beginning, even though I love Amy. And this is nothing against Amy here. I like her. I wish she'd win the nomination. She's not going to though. She's not that popular.
Starting point is 00:22:01 But man, it was weird. I think I got into a shouting match with Amy about the fact that she's like maybe gonna win Minnesota and everywhere else she gets like seventh place. So good luck, Amy. Yeah, it was one of those dreams, they're just very, very real though. And it's very real that Amy Klobuchar. I mean, this is an interesting point out.
Starting point is 00:22:30 And I won't linger on this for too long, linger, L-I-N-G-E-R. But, or primary campaigns are really interesting to me in terms of when do candidates decide to hang it up and when do they keep it going? Particularly, so I'm not talking about Bernie and Biden. I'm not talking about candidates who have a clear shot at winning. What I'm talking about is candidates like and Steyr just hung it up this morning, I think,
Starting point is 00:23:09 but Klobuchar or Tulsi Gabbard, I think is the perfect example for this. So at what point is it like you're really not re-raising much money, you're kind of just, if you told this to a candidate to their face, they'd push back on this, but in reality, you're wasting money. It's not like it's taxpayer dollars or anything. It's donations, but you're wasting those donations. Because what's the point when you get to, it's March 1st for Super Tuesdays and two days, you're not like there's no, this isn't like the underdogs Cinderella in the in the March mannest tournament that makes
Starting point is 00:23:53 this crazy run and all of a sudden they got a shot. You don't have a shot. There's no reality. You don't go from pulling at 0.1%, which is where Tulsi Gabbard is, because not only is she from Hawaii, which good luck, but people hate her. Republicans hate her, Democrats hate her. You can't win an election when everybody hates you. That's just not how human existence works.
Starting point is 00:24:25 So for someone like Tulsi Gabbard who's been in the race for a very long time and is still in the race, I know this information might be shocking to you, but Tulsi Gabbard is still running for president. What's happening at this point? Because you've already, Tulsi Gabbard's like 15 minutes of fame window in this primary season, way past. I mean, that was like four months ago
Starting point is 00:24:52 when she got a national attention. She's not on the debate stage anymore. She's winning 1% of the vote if you round up. There's, I mean, she can't be raising much money. So at this point, it's purely an advertisement slash PR sort of thing, especially for someone like Tulsi who's not, you know, you're not taking voters away from somebody. So there's really no strategic as far as I can tell,
Starting point is 00:25:22 campaign aspect to it. If there's a political scientist out there, cause I never took a polycyclic in college, and you wanna chime in on sort of what, and you could probably easier to develop an argument for someone like Klobuchar, currently than it is for Gabbard, but if somebody could explain to us, because I think I'm a pretty intelligent person as far as campaigns go, and that sort of stuff, but I don't get it. I just, why it's March 1st, in Tulsi Gabbard still has an active presidential campaign.
Starting point is 00:26:10 Is she like on the ground? Is she giving speeches? I'm just thinking like if she goes out to a Super Tuesday state and shows up for a rally or a speech, it would be like the scene in spinal tap when they play at the festival Second Bill to the puppet show and they do the freeform jazz Odyssey written by Derek Smalls on bass I just what's the point like Don't you have work to do your senator? So I don't know if you know if you have some intel that we don't have, please head to our email,
Starting point is 00:26:47 has some rhythm to it. I like that. And please let us know what's going on, because I actually don't understand it. I don't know. You can also tweet at us. We're at Beantowncast. My personal Twitter is at white buns. Follow us on Facebook or
Starting point is 00:27:05 like us on Facebook. Follow me on Instagram at Subscribe to us on YouTube, Quinn David Furnace, and head to for all the latest news regarding merchandise, bean-town blog, and we're going to be launching something I don't have a timeline for it, so I can't tell you soon. But I have my next project in mind for what's happening on There's lots more for me to get to here, but let's take a little breather here and read some ads. And again, I promise no fat on this podcast.
Starting point is 00:27:38 We're plowing ahead here. Yeah, we're going to read some ads, and I just got a couple other tidbits for you and then I'll let you go early. Wasn't that always a fun thing in college when you get out of class early? It's a real breath or fresh air. It's amazing how much influence the power of the professor has on your mental happiness as well as your physical happiness. Okay, Home Pride Oregon. Are you tired of selling your house for letter? Let's start over, shall we? Are you tired of selling your house for less than a quarter of what it's worth all because you
Starting point is 00:28:19 can find a reliable home inspector in time? Well, Oregon listeners, there's good news. Home Pride Inspection Services in Bend, Oregon is central Oregon's hottest new home inspection provider with inspection services, including things like heating and cooling, roofing, plumbing, and so much more. Home Pride Oregon is both contractor certified and home inspection certified. I put the end in all caps so you know to emphasize it. So you know you're getting the good stuff. If you're tired of building big real estate,
Starting point is 00:28:49 from a little angle hold in my goodness art, we all on the home inspection market and you want to save certified home inspector, you can trust you got to call Steve at 541-410-0316 or you could visit home pride organ dot com for all you millennials and gen zers out there. Again, that's 541-431-6 or you could visit for all you millennials and Gen Zers out there. Again that's 541-410-031-6 or visit HomePrideOrgan inspection perfection. Shout out to the Samson Q2U series. Crisp clean audio quality. We're getting into the Easter season here. It's lint and there's a whole lot of biblical stuff happening. Ash Wednesday was this past week, this past Wednesday, right? I think, I don't know. I never got into the whole Ash Wednesday thing. Although I did have to
Starting point is 00:29:38 play services for Ash Wednesday in college. And they would just like without my consent put the ashes on my forehead because I'd be sitting in the corner playing piano. And they'd come by with the ashes. And you can't be like, oh no, no ashes for me. Like, I'm not a Christian. I just play for the Christian service every week. But I would always go to the bathroom afterwards and wash it off because they just felt silly walking around with it. Not from like, I think people are going to look at me differently perspective, but I'm just like, I don't care who you are, I don't care who you play, I don't want to be walking around the city with charcoal smattered on my forehead. I don't need it, like unnecessary.
Starting point is 00:30:34 But, you know, as we get closer to Easter, that Samson Q2U series, it's gonna be pulling a lot more biblical talk because we always talk about Passover around Easter time and how it's just one of the real big dick moves that God pulls in the Bible. From Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy, all the way to Acts and Revelation, when God speaks, he uses a Samson. Okay, cuts by Q. Bob and we've, we all know the hairstyle and we all love it, but how
Starting point is 00:31:07 many Chicago-based independent barbers can actually give it to you the way you deserve. Enter cuts by Q. It's like Inner Sandman just a little different. Cuts by Q has been independently owned and operated since 1995 and is probably one of the better barbershop operations serving Chicago, Cook County, and the greater Chicago Land Area. probably one of the better barbershop operations serving Chicago, Cook County, and the greater Chicago land area. From beehives to bangs, foehawks to flat tops, and everything in between just call cuts by Q at 8152987200 or get email cuts by Q at again that is cut. It's cute easy. BuyQ at Sing it with us.
Starting point is 00:31:45 Oh, when you need a fresh do, something snappy and new. Just call the experts at cuts. BuyQ. Cuts by Q. All right. I had an interesting experience, I suppose, regarding a former coworker and maybe some hurt feelings, I don't know. So I used to work at Northwestern University
Starting point is 00:32:15 in their office of admissions. And I was never super close to my coworkers up there. I was just busy, you know. Working 35 hours a week week going to class every night after work Just you know, I never got super close to my co-workers there and I never felt that welcome Speaking candidly for a brief moment at Northwestern But that's as much on me probably as it is on anything else so one one co-worker as much on me, probably, as it is on anything else. So one coworker who was always kind to me
Starting point is 00:32:48 and we had a fine relationship, coworkers, friends occasionally, not never, I don't think we ever hung out one on one outside of the office, but go out in groups and stuff. And for probably like a two or three month period, we just had, you know, a casual Facebook messenger conversation going about nothing in particular. I think it was around Oscar's season, if I remember quickly, because we were both into movies at the time, and I still am, and I don't know if she is. But I was on a dating app this past week
Starting point is 00:33:25 and found her and caught me off guard just because I haven't talked to her, I haven't seen her since I left Northwestern, I don't think. So I was like, oh, this is interesting. Interesting, you got the thing where you link your Instagram profile. So I go down, I scroll down
Starting point is 00:33:42 and just look at through some of the pictures and I'm like, you know, I'm not gonna date this person, but I should follow her on Instagram. So, and you probably already have a good idea of where this one's going. I go to Instagram, can't find the profile. Well, something's not right because I know she has an Instagram profile
Starting point is 00:34:04 because it's physically linked to her dating up So pull up my incognito browser Google her name plus Instagram course comes up right away first hit get the handle go back to Instagram profile punch it in No results found So yours truly was blocked by this person. So I'm thinking, man, I must have said something or done something at some point, and I just blocked it out,
Starting point is 00:34:34 because let's be real. And you know, you do stuff that you're not proud of, at least for me, maybe it's just because I'm an awful person, but often times you just like to mentally block it out. So I pull up our Facebook message conversation, which is the only way we ever communicated, right, not, I don't even think I have this person's number and I can't find it in my phone, so I don't think I do.
Starting point is 00:35:03 I go through all the entire Facebook message or conversation, like two months worth. And looking for something, especially towards the end, like did I say something? Like how did we end this? Why did the conversation end? Nothing. Just boring basic talk.
Starting point is 00:35:20 Oh, have you seen this movie? Yeah, I saw it. I really liked it. Oh, I liked most of it. This part didn't do it for me. That was good. What are you seeing? What are you gonna see next? Oh, maybe this one that sort of conversation So I don't know and for the second time in this podcast, I really just have no answers. I don't understand. I don't get it. I don't really care It doesn't change it. I don't really care. It doesn't change my life in any way.
Starting point is 00:35:48 It's just strange to be preemptively blocked. And you might be thinking, well, what's the cause of this? Let's dig in. Like a dentist. Let's find the root, root, R-O-O-T of the issue. I had one theory that's not strong at all because it hinges around a person who is kind of tough to get a read on, but the type of person who wouldn't go around badmouthing people. But I was sharing this story with a friend. I was getting a drink with this friend Thursday night, Friday night, Friday night, after work. And it wasn't an alcoholic drink, and I'll talk about that in one second here. But, and he brought up someone else, a sort of third party dark horse candidate person
Starting point is 00:36:51 I used to be romantically involved with, who also used to work in Northwestern, who hasn't for four years at this point, who I didn't think really knew this person, or the person who has blocked me, but perhaps they did. I don't know. I'm thinking maybe they're just after things bottom out between me and this third party person, I'm wondering because frankly, this third party person is a type of person
Starting point is 00:37:22 who would go around saying lots and lots and lots of stuff whether it's true or not So I think I think that's our I think then I think that's our lead at this point, but it doesn't matter Um, and I'm not gonna dwell on it. I just thought it was an interesting thing to share I was speaking of not drinking um, I haven't talked about this much on the podcast, but this is day 61 of dry January for me, entire month of January, entire month of February with the leap day.
Starting point is 00:37:55 And now we're on March 1st, no alcohol. It started off just because dry January this tradition. Now you might be asking, okay, why, you might be thinking, okay, why, why is he actually doing it? Because January's over, is he just craving attention? What does he got to prove? No, the true answer, and it's this straightforward. There's, in dry January, it's very much like,
Starting point is 00:38:22 oh, not drinking, like it it's tradition won't do it whatever But after that and for the entire month of February it was never like oh well, it's it's tradition I'm just extending it what it what it really comes down to is I'm I'm trying to drop weight right now and I I I have This year so far, but I'm trying to do more And I plateaued the last two weeks or so. And it's totally my fault. It's not some big mystery.
Starting point is 00:38:50 It's my fault. But you consider, if you start throwing liquid calories back into the mix, and even, I'm very scientific with this, one variable at a time kind of guy, you are inevitably going to, you you're gonna bounce back up. So that's the exact opposite of what we're trying to accomplish here. So yeah, not drinking currently. March 1st still have not had a drink yet this year. I also, actually, I haven't had a slice of pizza yet this year either. And I also haven't had sex yet this year, which that last one is unrelated to the first two,
Starting point is 00:39:35 but still, it's good to just be aware of. Cogniz enough for the fans, I think. I feel like that, that albino monk in the Da, I think. You know, I feel like that, uh, that ol' vinyl monk in the Da Vinci code. Remember that guy? Okay, I was messed up, man. That scene got, or that, that film got pretty, uh, pretty graphic at times.
Starting point is 00:39:55 I think I saw it once. Um, last thing here, before, uh, we finish up, and, um, it's kind of a strange one. It's kind of not a long story, it's just a quick little thing but something I've never experienced before for something I've been doing for a long time. I go to the gym after work on Saturday. I had to work on Saturday, six day, work week, and get into the gym, go to the locker room right away to change rakes.
Starting point is 00:40:36 I'm going to go around a 5K. And I open up, excuse me, open up the door, walk in, and low and behold, this isn't the unusual part. There's a guy there getting changed. And now enter the unusual part. His presumably girlfriend or female friend of some sort. It's just sitting there. They're just talking in the men's locker room. And I'm just like, I didn't say anything.
Starting point is 00:41:08 I just walk past them. I go to my normal spot. And at this point, I'm thinking, okay, I don't even think you need a verbal hint or cue or you do one of these, the over-dramatic throat clears. or you do one of these, the over-dramatic throat clears, you'd think that the female would just,
Starting point is 00:41:33 I'm out, kind of actions. That was not the case. I start to address, to change from my suit and tie into my running clothes, and she's just there, just, they're just chatting. Just got her phone out, you know, probably playing angry birds. Young ones do that these days. And they're just chatting.
Starting point is 00:41:53 And I, you know, I got places, D.B. I got stuff to do, so I'm not, I'm not about to, you know, stop what I'm doing. So I just go, I do my total change, which involves being naked Because it's it's the locker room, right? And by the time I got out of there She was still there. They were still there
Starting point is 00:42:17 This just seems like here here's what I'm getting out of this story. It Doesn't bother me. I don't care. It doesn't negatively affect me in any way. But, isn't it just weird? I've never heard of this before. Have you ever had this situation before I'm asking the listeners out there? If you have let us know, because this was a total first for me.
Starting point is 00:42:43 And a first and probably multiple thousand, not me, around a thousand times going into a locker more than a thousand times, been at this for a while, 25 years old in two weeks. Birthday podcast coming up in two weeks with no wine. That's going to be a new one this year. We'll find maybe get edible. I don't know. I hadn a new one this year. We'll find maybe get edible. I don't know. I hadn't thought about that actually. We'll see. But my last point I'll make in this story and I'm not trying to make any sort of
Starting point is 00:43:15 principal stand and I'm not even saying this is right or this is wrong. But could you imagine if it was the gender roles were reversed? If I was just, if I was dating somebody and I was just chilling out in the ladies locker room, which I mean, inherently you would never get me in there. But if I was and another lady walked in and started getting naked, like, I mean, I don't know all the legal rules, regarding, you know, genders and locker rooms and stuff, but I feel pretty confident, and confidently that it's like,
Starting point is 00:43:57 probably, unless there's some emergency situation, it's probably like pretty straightforwardly illegal to just be hanging out in the locker room of the opposite sex. I'm no lawyer, I just work at a law school. I just enforce the law, I don't make it or practice it. But it just seems like, okay, it's just kind of a bizarre thing. Almost as bizarre as being Amy Klobuchar's campaign manager, or almost as bizarre as getting blocked, preemptively blocked by a former coworker
Starting point is 00:44:36 who you never had any negative experiences with. Almost as bizarre as a Chinese company who you left a battery for just folding and disappearing into thin air and almost well It's really an opposite the fact that I have not had sex yet this year that that doesn't really fit into the overarching theme The Scott Farrow book is going nowhere currently. I did not do anything this week.
Starting point is 00:45:05 I was thinking about maybe doing something tonight. I decided in the set I'm going to watch a movie. So you'll just have to wait. I'm about 25% of the way done. I'm doing my best. That's all I have for you today. 45-ish minutes. We're going to get that music queued up,
Starting point is 00:45:25 courtesy of yours, truly. Thanks everyone for listening again. You know how to contact us. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, be on the lookout in the next probably two weeks or so. If you donated to the Pledge Drive, a telephone funder is your $10 or more, including our Tope as Elite members,
Starting point is 00:45:43 and we're gonna be getting some of those guests on Sunish for their one-on-one interviews. We'll have the birthday podcast in two weeks here. We will be getting Matt Feedler on the podcast at some point in the next six weeks for our taxes, special, and you know he's going to have a lot to say with this market volatility as well, because he's also our stock market specialist.
Starting point is 00:46:07 So that's what we have. Thanks everyone for listening. Hope you have a good week. Let's get that music playing. Be nice to everyone. Enjoy this nicer weather. And yeah, we'll check in on you next time. nd nd Thank you.

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