Beantown Podcast - Quinn's Getting Old (10052019 Beantown)

Episode Date: October 6, 2019

Quinn comes to you LIVE to discuss hiking at Starved Rock with killer mosquitos, recruiting young kids at Big Ten schools, and getting old aka pulling your groin at your football game with 18 year old...s

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David furnace. Welcome to my show Quinn David furnace presents the bean-town podcast for Saturday October 5th 2019 pleading the fifth. I tell you what what's going on? How are you? What's happening? This is my show. I'm the creator the host the writer the best boy the key grip all That good stuff of my show. We're one of the better shows on the north side of Chicago and we're your number one source for misinformation. Far and wide across the internet, what's happening? I should mention before anything else, a listener discussion is indeed advised when you're
Starting point is 00:00:41 checking out the bean-tongued podcast. Number one, we'll occasionally use some language of all different kinds and I'm not talking Korean or Mandarin or Cantonese. You know, the Mandarin, the Iron Man villain, you remember it was Iron Man 2 or Iron Man 3 was it when he was the bad guy because because one was Jeff, what's his name, from Big Lebowski. And Bridges number two, what was his name? Oh, but Daya, stain. And I think his villain name was something else,
Starting point is 00:01:16 like Titanium Lady or something like that. And then in episode two, you got Mickey Rorke, right? He plays a electric, electric, electric, electric, carbon, electric, and in episode three, that's the one with the guy Pierce, or is he in tours,
Starting point is 00:01:36 he in through your Sam Rockwells and one of them? I don't know, but they get, they get Ben Kingsley to play the Mandarin in that guy's trouble. So look out. I think Sam Rockwell is in two and I don't know. I think I saw Iron Man 3 once and I can't really tell you the plot. All I know is Ben Kingsley was the Mandarin. But we're not going to be talking about that on today's bean town podcast.
Starting point is 00:02:05 Number two, podcast is objectively terrible. I'm going to hopefully I can bring some light into your life with my show. Well, it's raining here in Chicago, but I wasn't raining earlier this week. It did some hiking. So you may or may not remember a recurring segment that we do here in the bean town podcast that we haven't done in a little while, but it's called, what's the weather like over there? And so we're gonna do something a little bit funky. We're gonna break the space time continuum,
Starting point is 00:02:37 and we're gonna throw it over to our hiking correspondent who happens to be no one other than Quinty with Furnace. Take it away, Q. Hey, this is Quinn. We're coming to you live from Utica or Ottawa or whatever the Ogles B, whatever the name of the town is, where Star Rock is. We're here at Little South Canyon. Beautiful, not so much day outside it's like 95 degrees crazy
Starting point is 00:03:09 muggy in either the mosquitoes down here or wild I don't know what the visibility is probably three maybe four miles a little bit of a haze going on today was still bright out big time, that feels like as well over a hundred degrees. I'm wearing long sleeves and no water. So we'll see if I make it out. Wow, how about that? Pretty neat, huh? Reminds me, my reaction to that reminds me of, in college, we would do a lot of John Grootin impersonation, especially when we're on Chimundi Night football, and say, how about that, man? He's breaking the space, time, continual.
Starting point is 00:03:50 It's really blowing my mind, man. Of course, John Grootin's now the coach of the Raiders. That was pretty neat. Thank you. Thank you for that weather report, Quinn. And it indeed was muggy. It was around 90 degrees. The fuel's like was about 105 when I got back to the car.
Starting point is 00:04:13 And the craziest thing was that there had been some serious flooding out there. And that meant the mosquitoes were going nuts. And this was October 1st, so that on Tuesday, I'm driving from Chicago to Iowa City. And I make a little pit stop because I love Star Rock. Haven't been in years.
Starting point is 00:04:35 Great spot for hiking. If you're listening and you live in Illinois and you never heard Star Rock, go check it out, you know, on the internet. And you see what you're missing. Canions. It's wild. Interesting, fascinating, geological formations. You got limestone in there. I'm sure there's some shale, SHLE, shale. There's probably some igneous rock, some sedentary rock. There's rocks that you never even heard of before.
Starting point is 00:05:10 There's some cool chipmunks and squirrels, ground squirrels, red squirrels, brown squirrels. I saw a blue j. Did not see any larger land mammals. Besides, let's see, I did see a wood chuck. Is a wood chuck a real animal? Because people talk about beavers and they talk about groundhogs. But is, you know, is there space for the wood chuck? That's really my question of the week.
Starting point is 00:05:41 It's a new segment here. We're calling it question of the week. And my question of the week is, what's new segment here. We're calling it question of the week. And my question of the week is, what's the deal with wood chucks? I think if we could have that segment, you know, occur retroactively, we had a whole big podcast last summer, I think, or 2018. What's the deal with Staten Island? What's the deal with Staten Island? Of course, you can only do a Jerry Seinfeld impression. If you like, yo, like this.
Starting point is 00:06:11 There's no other way to do it. Unless you kind of don some mousey features, I love the word don, D-O-N. I think that's how you spell it. I don't know, as a verb, like don in evening gown, or don a tuxedo, or a fedora, perhaps. I was thinking about saying dawn, and I think you can kind of hear
Starting point is 00:06:34 a little bit of a Chicago accent when I say it, but I was listening to the radio, I don't know if it was yesterday or today when I was driving home, and there was somebody on the radio like trying to do an Australian accent. And they just didn't seem to understand. You could tell that they were trying to do one from the vernacular and the words they were
Starting point is 00:06:55 choosing like, might and dang and that. But they just, it was like, I don't even know how to describe it imagine a British person underwater And their nuts just got crunched from skydiving. That's about what it sounds like It was rough and I I don't claim to you know have a great Australian accent myself but You know, I think it's better than then your average Joe Schmo As is my John Grootin. I don't think I gave my best effort on today's podcast man You know, I think it's better than your average Joe Schmo. As is my John Grootin, I don't think I gave my best effort on today's podcast, man.
Starting point is 00:07:29 But moving forward, we're going to clean that right up. And I do miss John Grootin on Monday Night Football. The Monday Night Football broadcast, to me, just seems so. Blah, it's not, no, no, no. I was a big fan of Mike Toreco. John Grootin and Ron Jaworski, man, Jaws, love that guy. Now I can't even tell you who they have. Who's the, I don't know, definitely don't know who the play by play guy is.
Starting point is 00:07:58 I don't even know who the color commentator from Undenight football is. Of course, the OGs got L Michaels and John Madden. Um, but yeah, did I tell you this on the podcast maybe last week or the week before? I was, we were doing our family chat every Sunday morning as one is to do. And I just out and nowhere. I had never in my mind or in my memory tried to do a Chris Collins worth impression before and we were talking about how my sister likes to do a little slide in action, which is reminiscent of Chris Collins worth, you know, classics and then I football
Starting point is 00:08:41 slide in which has a cult following of its own on Twitter But I was able to rip off a great Chris Collins worth just like out of the blue didn't even think about it I didn't really know what I was gonna say And I'm not gonna try to Repeat it again here on live air because we are indeed live But I was pretty proud of myself. It was I don't't know, not to toot my own horn too much, but I really thought it was pretty good. Well, what's happening, thanks again for that weather report. It was a nice day at Star Rock.
Starting point is 00:09:13 It was just really hot. Yeah, it was October 1st. Billy Joe had been a woken. And yeah, I had a whole day to get from Chicago to Iowa City. So I stopped off from hiking. Got some Jimmy Johns on the way. A little picnic action, some chips and a drink reminiscent of what we used to do as a family growing up, which was fun. We would go during, you know, we're times a day, we're times a year because we were homeschooled. And it's, you know, the worlds are oyster. When you're a homeschool, let me tell you that.
Starting point is 00:09:48 You finished school at 10 o'clock in the morning and play some mad in, play a little Pokemon blue, maybe watch some Arthur at 3 o'clock, maybe catch Jeopardy, take a nap, shoot some hoops back yard, and you do all that before noon. It's good stuff, dude. Home schooling was a apologies for language, but it's the only way I can say at home school was the shit.
Starting point is 00:10:17 And my fellow home schoolers there can back me up. Hiked probably about five miles or so. I didn't go too crazy. I had lunch at the lodge, walked around a little bit, got a trail map, and then I set out. So I just walked, if anyone knows, start rock. I just walked from the lodge to St. Louis. No, La Salle, right? Saint Louis is West, La Salle's East. I went east along the river, the Bluff Trail, to La Salle Canyon, which is a great, like it's classic vintage canyon.
Starting point is 00:10:58 It's not that far off the trail. It's like half a mile or something. So it was like two and a half miles or two and a half miles back. But it was really buggy. Yeah, in fact, just eating my lunch in the shade, I started to get some really nasty bites. Here is the worst part about these damn mosquitoes. I was not getting bitten in like obvious places.
Starting point is 00:11:21 So I was wearing a long sleeve t-shirt in short. So you would think go legs ankles neck like hand, right? Maybe a facial bite. No, I my worst ones were on my ankle, but below my sock line. So through the socks, I got a really bad one right on the inside of my elbow where that vein is. And my shirt sleeve was covering that. Granted, it's a fairly thin long sleeve T, but it was covering it. And then I got a really nasty one on my left butt cheek. How many times you get mosquito
Starting point is 00:11:59 bites on your left butt cheek? Well, I got one. And that one was not as bad as the inside of the elbow was really bugging me. No pun intended. And then I still, I'm checking on my ankle right now. I still can see those bites. Maybe I got some of that West Nile virus or I had a co-worker who was telling me about it. I called the triple E, which I think is like endowed and infused a kidna sephilosis or something. It sounded real rough. I think rattlesnakes carry it and probably mosquitoes as well. I didn't want to catch that, but maybe if I wake up tomorrow and I have special mosquito powers, then we'll know it was endowed, kidnatephalitis infused.
Starting point is 00:12:49 So I drove out to Illinois Canyon and Kess Kaskia Canyon and council overhang, which were always my favorite places to go at Star Brock when I was a kid because they're far away from the tourists. It's like almost completely off the map way on the edge of, you know, what's considered Star Rock. People don't walk there. They just drive out there and then hike. And I always remember those canes being really beautiful, especially I really like council overhanging and then that leads to Cass Cascade, but then Illinois Canyon was like my favorite.
Starting point is 00:13:24 So I get out there and at this point it's already probably three or so and that leads to Cascascia, but then Illinois Canyon was like my favorite. So I get out there, and at this point, it's already probably three or so. And I was, from the five seconds after I set out on my hikes, the first go around, after lunch, I was drenched in sweat. So you were just dealing with that for five mile hike, which was pretty rough.
Starting point is 00:13:44 And I didn't have any water with me, which was not like a huge mistake, because I felt fine. I was dehydrated, but not to the point where I like starting to get loopy or anything. And I got some water when I got back to the lodge. But I drove out to Illinois in Cascastia, which are shorter hikes. So I was hoping to just knock him out
Starting point is 00:14:08 and then get in my car and drive, you know, another two hours to Iowa City, but I got out there and just looking around and it was super muddy. And I had remembered as a kid that right away off the bat, those trails, they tend to be muddy and then they got better the further back you got in. But I was just like, I was already super muddy, dirty, dusty, et cetera, dusty baker.
Starting point is 00:14:28 And I was just like, it's already 3, 3, 15s, two hour drive out there. Like if I do this, I'm probably not getting out there till at least 7, 7, 15, then I get a shower and figure out what I'm doing for work tomorrow, details, logistics, things of that nature. And it's like what I really don't want to do is completely mess up my shoes, because you know,
Starting point is 00:14:52 I was hiking in my dress shoes. Not as in my tenors, as we used to call them, the three tenors, but it's the two tenors, right? Because you only have two feet, tennis shoes for the uninformed. but it's the two tenors, right? Because you only have two feet, tennis shoes for the uninformed. And I just still want to get them crazy money. So that happened.
Starting point is 00:15:12 So I didn't actually get out of the car. I just pervade and surveyed the trail and the muddiness levels, which hadn't been bad at other places. Some areas where you got to kind of wander into the forest a little bit off the path to avoid some of the trail mud, but for the most part, not bad.
Starting point is 00:15:32 And almost no people out there, right? I was there on a Tuesday afternoon, school day, crazy hot. There were some people at the restaurant, but otherwise, I probably came across a grand total of 20, 25 people and the you know five miles that I was doing, so not bad at all. Then I drove to Iowa City and that's where our story will take a little break for you here.
Starting point is 00:15:59 In the second half we're going to be talking about visiting Iowa City, Champaign, Urbana, Bloomington, Indianapolis. And then I'm also going to tell you this. I'm getting old and I really started to fuel it today. Before we get there though, let's read some bean-town ads. All right. Are you tired of selling your house for less than a quarter of what is worth? All because you couldn't find a reliable home inspector in time, Mercy. Well, Oregon listeners, I got good news for you. Home Brian inspection
Starting point is 00:16:29 services in Bend, Oregon, essential organs, highest. Hairball, new home inspection provider with inspection service, including things like heating, cooling, roofing, plumbing, and so much more. Home pride Oregon is both contractor certified and home inspection certified so you know you're getting the good stuff. If you're tired of big real estate, a little bit of angle hold on the home inspection market, you want a safe certified home inspector that you can trust. Call Steve at 541-410-316 or visit or if you got fantasy football tips for Steve, oh, give him a call there too. And it's 541-410-0316.
Starting point is 00:17:09 Homeprydorgan inspection perfection. Shout out to the Samsung Q2U series. Crisp, clear audio quality weekend, week 365 24 7 when you need it. It's there when God speaks. He uses a Samson. And I should mention that in my living room, which is where I tend to record here, I got two little figurines here on the window sill that I am looking at. They face me one of them. And they're pretty much the same person, but they're different. One of them is the incredible Hulk, or Hulkster,
Starting point is 00:17:56 as we like to call him. And then the other one is Mother Mary. So they're about a yard apart from each other. And they watch over me. One spiritually and one hulk, stually. So the act's tough making adverbs out of words sometimes. But we do our best anyways. TV Guide would love a new copy because here's the thing we are writing in the
Starting point is 00:18:25 heart of Fall Television season and I have no idea what's going on. No clue what's on TV. Apparently the Conners is back. I keep here in radio advertisements for this show Evil which just seems like maybe they ran out of all the names for television shows and now they're just back starting at the start of the dictionary again. We're gonna get another Gilligan's Island, but it's gonna have nothing to do with the skipper and CNDP to Mary Luhu and the professor,
Starting point is 00:19:00 all that stuff. And then I don't know, maybe we'll get the Flintstones against speaking of John Goodman. That was never a TV show though, was it? all that stuff. And then I don't know, maybe we'll get the Flintstones against speaking of John Goodman. That was never a TV show though, was it? Yeah, it was. It would have been a cartoon. Yeah, a TV, a television cartoon which they then made into a film starring John Goodman. I got hurt my throat. Last ad here here, Bob and weave.
Starting point is 00:19:28 We all know the hairstyle and we all love it. But how many Chicago-based independent barbers can actually give it to you the way you deserve? Enter cuts by Q. It's like enter Sandman, just a little different. Cuts by Q has been independently owned and operated since 1995 and is probably one of the better barbershop operations, servicing Chicago, Cook County and greater Chicago land and Northwest
Starting point is 00:19:52 Indiana. From beehives to bangs, you have to get me out there though because I don't want you to take like a bus. If you want to go to Gary, how do you get there? Is God be a bus from Chicago to Gary? Is there an Amtrak? I don't think so, maybe. I don't know. I drove through Gary the other day. What, you know, there was a time maybe last year that you before when I had access to a rental car. And I think I was working to like Crown Point
Starting point is 00:20:21 or something up there in Northwest Indiana. And I think I know everything myself, like I got like four hours or something, maybe I should go to Gary, because people always talk about Gary. It's always the butt of the joke, but I've never actually like gotten out of my car there to see what's going on, see what it's all about.
Starting point is 00:20:38 So I thought to myself, maybe I'll go to Gary, see what it's like. And then I was just like, I worry that I'm going to get to Gary, and there's not going to be anything there, and I want you actually nowhere to drive to. I didn't go to Gary. I've still never gone out of my car and Gary. I always just drive right on through. Where are we? From Be Heist Banks, F Faux-Hawks, the flat tops and everything in between just call cuts by Q at 8152987200 or email cuts by Q at Again, that's cuts! Q-U-T-Z
Starting point is 00:21:19 Q-U-T-Z, excuse me Oh, when you need a fresh do something snappy and new. Just call the experts at cuts by Q. So I tell you what, I was during the ad break there. I was eating some supper. And I almost ate my entire supper without remembering. I had to document it. And I'll tell you why. I'm doing a focus group, and it's a very, it's not traditional.
Starting point is 00:21:50 All right, most focus groups, you're like actually in a group and you show up and you talk for two hours, whatever, you get your check go home. So this is really more market research than a focus group, I guess, but it's through an app, doing some documenting of meals and life events, which I don't tend to have on a day to day basis. But now we're considering a flake football game
Starting point is 00:22:15 that I played earlier, or a 5K, I ran. Those are life events, apparently. According to what this app wants, so I documented those. I'm going to talk about flake football and just one second here But I'm actually gonna put you on pause for a sec so I can you got to write some comments about your meal And so I'm gonna write those comments Well, that was wild. Well, I took a picture of my food I had to write some comments, but then I didn't stop there. I said let me document another life event
Starting point is 00:22:44 Because they want three plus a day. So I took a selfie of myself with the microphone, the Samsung Q2U series, and I was like, OMG, TTYL, recording, we're live, jokes on them, because I wasn't live. But we are again, no. Oh, and then this app sends you push notifications and you get the weirdest noise. I remember hearing it for the first time this morning and it freaked me out. I thought I like broke some glass or something. I'll see. I'm going to hold it close to the
Starting point is 00:23:18 phone. We'll see if it if it happens again. It should there should be two, because I did two separate things, so it should be two separate notifications. But yeah, I went to Iowa City, worked there, Quintessential College Town, went to a steakhouse for dinner and had a, let's see, I had a, oh a bison burger. It was delicious. Taste pretty much like beef, and if I was just, someone gave me a burger and it's like, taste pretty much like beef. And you know, if I was just someone gave me a burger and it's like, here, it's a burger. I probably wouldn't be able to tell you,
Starting point is 00:23:50 oh, I think this is buffalo or this is beef. It's all good. Once you know, they're different, you can kind of tell, but it was delicious. A side salad, try to brew there. Oh man, I'm trying to remember what it was called. Well, I don't remember the name of the brewery, but if you just Google Knoxville, Iowa, brewery,
Starting point is 00:24:12 it'll come right on up, I promise, because I did it later, because I also forgot what the name of the brewery was there. That's not the sound of the push notification for my iPhone. Let's see. Let's see. Let's see. Oh, then I had to drive to, let's see.
Starting point is 00:24:32 Champagne or Bannas? Champagne, CH-AMPA, IGN. So champagne, soup, and aldehyne, a scar. Someday you'll find me Coping it the last line In a champagne supernova A champagne supernova in the sky How many special people change
Starting point is 00:25:02 How many lives live in chains Where were we, where were we getting high? Slowly walking down the hall, faster than a cannon light, in a champagne supernova in the sky. someday you will find me, company the last light, in a champagne supernova, a champagne supernova in the sky. And then a hyphen in URBA and Aurbana. Urbana sounds like it could be a clothing store for young, like, twin-agers or something. Urbana. Urbana fittersitters but different. And did some recruiting there, had some Chinese food,
Starting point is 00:26:09 which was a lot. You know, that's the thing. You go out into the countryside here and you get food for a crazy good value. It's awesome. It got like three gallons of fried rice for I think like 750 or something. That's the way to do it. Three gallons of fried rice for I think like 750 or something.
Starting point is 00:26:25 That's the way to do it. And then finished up in Bloomington, Indiana. I had never been to Bloomington before as far as I know. And yeah, it was a pretty classic college town. I felt like I was in Wisconsin or something. But just tons of student houses. And I've seen like a nice little place to be, but it's the thing with these college towns,
Starting point is 00:26:51 a lot of big 10 towns, are what's like you got the college there, but there's really not much else industry. So getting jobs, relevant job experience during the school year can be more of a challenge. You see lots of those students will go away for their summers. What what big 10 towns are there that aren't you know the Iowa cities, the Champaign or Banners, the Blooming Tunes, so Minneapolis obviously is not like that at all. I don't
Starting point is 00:27:23 know much about West Lafayette but I assume it's very much like other college towns where Purdue is. Madison is not as, it's kind of in between, right? Because Madison is like a college town, but it's like, you know, it's obviously way bigger and there's way more going on than the aforementioned places. Continuing our tour of the Big Ten here, Columbus is obviously huge. I'm going to Ohio State this week,
Starting point is 00:27:53 be there in a couple days. Columbus is not a college town, Ohio State happens to be there. I think East Lansing is, I don't know, I haven't been to East Lansing. I was just in Michigan, but I haven't been there. East Lansing kind of feels, I assume like a college town, but how close is it to the actual Lansing?
Starting point is 00:28:09 We don't know. And Arbor is a college town for sure, definitely. A little bit bigger than, you know, the tiny college towns, but, and there's a little bit more going on, but it's, I think it definitely is. And what else? I've never been to State College in Pennsylvania, but I assume it's pretty standard college sound
Starting point is 00:28:33 and rockers. That's in oh man. I've been there. I was just there last summer. I don't remember the name of the town though. And I didn't really feel like it was a college-ish town. It just kind of felt like New Jersey. Not like Princeton or something. Princeton is a beautiful campus, but the town is very old quaint. It's the university, not a town else. Well, my apologies to any other big 10 schools
Starting point is 00:29:02 that I definitely missed, because I don't think I covered everyone 14 schools Maryland. Oh What's the name of the college park, right? You would think it's a college town. I don't know I never actually went out there I lived in Maryland for two years, but I never went to college park and Yeah, any other Big Ten schools I missed you can you can tweet at the same really at bean town cast Or you can email us bean town podcast at Yahoo dot com again. That's bean town B and you can podcast at Yahoo dot com I think I got everyone. Let's see Minnesota and I'm counting on my fingers because there's 14 schools. So we got Minnesota Iowa Wisconsin Illinois I'm counting on my fingers because there's 14 schools. So we got Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin,
Starting point is 00:29:47 Illinois, Northwestern. We'll call it in college town, but it's Chicago light, so I got to start over because I lost count. Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Northwestern, Illinois, Indiana, Purdue, Michigan, Michigan State, OSU, Penn State, Rutgers, and Maryland, and missing someone. This is really going to bug me in the podcast, Just can't continue until we figure it out. So it's gotta be a state that has a second one that I just missed, or is there an entire state school that I have missed? And I apologize, you know what, I'm gonna pause
Starting point is 00:30:41 and figure it out because for those of you big tenors, you've been shouting it at the screen for two minutes now. So I'll be right back. Okay, I figured out, and I was paused for about 15 seconds, and I started back again. I said Minnesota, I was, is there anything West of Iowa? There shouldn't be, but there is Nebraska is in the big 10, which is ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:31:04 Nebraska is not like big Ten, which is ridiculous. Nebraska is not like Big Ten, it's not Midwest. I take as much offense into Nebraska being in the Big Ten as I do, Rutgers and Maryland. That's ridiculous. Yeah, makes no sense. So after finishing the Bloomington, I drove to Northwest part of the Indianapolis metro area where I had dinner and spent the night with Hashtag for another podcast and one of our most recent guests, Hunter Bolin, Commissioner
Starting point is 00:31:33 of the Regalville Dogs, Fantasy Football League. You remember he came on back in mid-August. And we talked hardcore fantasy for a while and that was a lot of fun over an hour. We talked fantasy. I should go back, we were talking about this, I should go back in four or five weeks into the season now, see how apt the analysis was apt, APT, also American players theater, Spring Green with Scotson, you never go, if you've never been, go check it out. Lovely, lovely performances, but watch out for those mosquitoes. Holy cow. You got stingers, the size of pencils, and they'll eat you right up. Yeah, I had dinner to a brewery
Starting point is 00:32:16 chatted with Hunter. I got to see the dog Malcolm, who's a great dainst, Scooby Doo look and fella. I was at Hunter's house just over a year ago when Malcolm was, I think, two or three months old, something like that. And just a little pup. Look, like a scrappy doo lookin' dog. And now you got full Scooby Doo mode. But that was very kind of Hunter and Paige,
Starting point is 00:32:42 his fiance, right? Not girlfriend, not wife, fiance, I think is where they're at. To host me in their nice home. Probably, I'm trying to think, do I have any other friends who are home owners? I don't think so. I've got my, you know, bunch of my family members own homes, but like extended family, not immediate family, but I don't think I have any friends that own houses. It's because all my friends
Starting point is 00:33:11 for the most part in Chicago. And then, drove back up here this morning, Saturday, and here's something fun. So, this is the last thing I'm gonna talk about. We'll get out of here about the 40-minute mark. So, Quinn's getting old. I don't do much in terms of high impact stuff outside of running. And I haven't been running as much in terms of distances.
Starting point is 00:33:37 I'm still going out three times a week, sometimes four. But I'm doing every day, if I'm at a treadmill, I usually go two to two and a half or outside, I'll run like a 5K. So, I'm consistent, you know, I'm not just like running a mile and I'm good without breaking a sweat, but I'm also not going out there for five or six miles, and more than anything else, it's really just a time thing. But beyond the, beyond the running, I don't do much that's high impact. So I decided to be fun moving back to Chicago and working on my home of the matter
Starting point is 00:34:11 to join an Intermural flag football team. So I played flag football, Intermural's all three years. And I was an undergrad. My freshman year I played with my dorm mate buddies. We had an OK team. He was a bunch of green freshmen who didn't play football in high school. I don't think anybody in our team played football.
Starting point is 00:34:34 None of us were big. One of our teammates is our center played football. But he wasn't exactly like a super talented or active guy. Not to say he wasn't good at what he did, but he was just, you know, it's not like we had a quarterback or a wide receiver running back or something, we had like a center. Who wasn't that big? He's probably, you know, 6162-220 close to my size.
Starting point is 00:35:02 Like not, you want to look at it and be like, this guy's a center, you would think lineback or tight end maybe. But, so I did that all three years, second and third years I played with friends who turned out to be Hunter Bowling and his squad, and that's how I met Hunter. And that was a lot of fun. So I was, Hunter and I were talking last night
Starting point is 00:35:26 about her flake football glory days. And I shared with him that I decided to join a free agent team. So show up our first game was today. Me and a bunch of white guys who don't know each other. They're all freshmen for the most part, a couple of sophomores, and then walks gray beard, old man over here.
Starting point is 00:35:52 And you might think I'm joking on, but I do really feel kind of old. Not necessarily just being around those guys, but just in life. And I spend a lot of time talking to 21-year-olds, 22-year-olds at work, law school fairs and that sort of thing. And even those people,
Starting point is 00:36:17 which, you know, they're only two, three years younger than me, they feel really young, man. And in fact, it was having dinner with Hunter in Page last night. And I think Page thought I was like 20 or 28 or 29 or something. But just because of how you carry yourself, but nope, still 24. Makes you wonder, what am I going to be like when I'm 40? Because I feel like right now, I feel like I'm in my early 30s.
Starting point is 00:36:53 Just based off of like what I've done in life, what I've got, what I've still yet to do. It's kind of an interesting like experience or internal sensation having done all this stuff and, you know, with the perspectives I have and that sort of thing. Only 24. It's just, it's kind of, it's interesting. I don't know. We'll see. So I play football, killing it, you know, scored a touchdown, threw some touchdown passes. through some touchdown passes, we dominated more or less. But I pulled my groin. I don't know if a groin pole, grand strain, the first thing you need to know about it is it's very mild. I couldn't have run after I did that.
Starting point is 00:37:37 And that was towards the end of the game. I was playing quarterback, so I just turned into Kirk Cousins, don't run or anything. So quick passes. And we were still doing okay now. If the defense was smart, they would have known that. You could just press our guys and Blitz 2 on me, and we would have been F'd, but yeah, didn't disclose my injury, and we just continued on chugging.
Starting point is 00:38:02 So, got a couple of sacks, a couple of touchdowns, and we're one and no. And we're going to the playoffs. Going to the playoffs, because all you have to do is one game and you're in the playoffs. But, well, I tell you what, I am getting old because I get home. I had to ice my groin for about half an hour.
Starting point is 00:38:20 And then I got in the shower and took a long hot shower. Basically, I see hot, but DIY, I see hot. But, you know, I jammed my thumb. I had a toe nail issue that I think is doing better now. I had another finger get jammed messed up a little bit. And then my left knee is like, damn, what's going on there? So, oh, and this was all. So I drove back from Indianapolis this morning
Starting point is 00:38:47 got back to my apartment around noon. Our game was at two takes 40 minutes to get there so it's like kind of squeeze the running. So it went out ran a 5k without stretching much or hydrating much because I just didn't have time. You know I was up against a clock. So I ran a 5K and then came back through on my football clothes and went down to Lincoln Park, no showering, anything like that. So that was a smelly, sweaty day, but it was a beautiful day outside. But I'm feeling it now, lying on my couch and already feeling tired, and I'm recording this at about 7, 7, 15. Yeah, it's 7,08 right now at night. And I'm like, oh, getting ready for bed.
Starting point is 00:39:30 I'll go out, have one drink. But I'm gonna need maybe a quick little nap, which is famous last words, but the time changed, the jet lag, all that stuff. It hit me, man. And I'm feeling it now, But getting old, it's tough. It is tough. Okay, well, that's, I told you I'd bought a motor about the 40 minute mark, and I'm a man of my word. Joker came out. I have not seen it yet. I'm planning on seeing it. Of course, everyone's talking about it.
Starting point is 00:40:03 Lots of positive things being said. Lots of stupid negative things being said. Not about the movie itself, but I saw as a CNN headline, dumb asses, it was like, does Joker glorify violence for kids? It's like, there's a reason the rule on our rating movies is you're not allowed to see it unless you're 17, you know, without an adult. And I think it should be like, well, you can't tell adults what movies their kids can and can't see. But it's like, and I saw a tweet about this and it was dead on. It was like, does, does America realize that not every movie that comes out is suitable for children?
Starting point is 00:40:41 I remember being a kid growing up and watching movies that you get a VHS from the library and you fast forward through some parts, completely skip other parts. If my parents had vetted a movie beforehand and they knew where a swear word was, like there's a scene in a Spider-Man, 2002, to be McGuire Sam Remy will in Defoe James Franco Christian Dunst and uh oh what are the name of the actors in actress actor and actress who play uh Uncle Ben and Aunt May um that's her name she's still alive I think the think the actor is dead. As is Uncle Ben. Spider-Man cast, 2002.
Starting point is 00:41:32 Rosemary Harris, I think, is the name of Aunt May. And Uncle Ben would be Cliff Robertson, that's right. And J.K. Simmons, don't forget. And Joe Minga, Nell O', Minga, Nell O, however he says the last name played. People forget he played Flash Thompson in that movie. Yeah. And Randy Savage plays Bonesaw, an Octavia Spencer is in it, right? She's, she's at the wrestling scene. And
Starting point is 00:42:03 says another like, oh, Ted Ramey plays Hoffman. Hoffman? And Macy Gray is in it. Remember she was like the hot thing in 2001, I don't, but apparently she was. Yeah, that cast is stacked, man. People who would become super famous, who weren't famous at that point.
Starting point is 00:42:24 But there's a scene early on when, uh, and spoiler alert here, but Uncle Ben's changing a light bulb. Right at the beginning, first 10 minutes of the film, although the open credits and those rainy spider-mobiles are like 24 minutes long. So maybe opening, you know, opening 30 minutes of the movie, Uncle Ben's changing a light bulb, and I think what is he says, God or he doesn't, he wouldn't say like, shit or something like that. I think he just says, God. But like taking the Lord's name in vain, right, commandment number seven, whatever that is.
Starting point is 00:43:10 And we always had a fast forward through it. And I was like, as a kid, I was mystified. I was like, what could Uncle Ben be saying that we were not allowed to see it or not allowed to watch it? And you know, after seeing it, I'm like, boy, we fast forwarded through this. So yeah, that's what I was shielded from as a kid. And now people are saying, oh, maybe you don't take your kids as Joker. Yeah, no duh. It's rated R. It's going to be a lot of murder, which is fun, but not for the whole family sometimes. So, we'll go see it.
Starting point is 00:43:35 One of these days can get a chance. I'll be traveling. We'll be on the road this week. We'll be in Columbus. We'll be in Dayton. We'll be in Cleveland. America's least ever city and we'll be in the big apple. Going to Manhattan, gonna see Hashtag brother to the podcast Jack and do some work and we back next Sunday.
Starting point is 00:43:53 So that's what we got for you. Thanks for tuning in. Thanks for listening to me talk about, uh, what did we talk about? Getting old, What did we talk about? Getting old, hiking, star-druck, and shed painty for now, burn the sky. As soon as I get this uploaded, I'm gonna play that in guitar, and I'm gonna sound awful. Because the guitar is bad, not me. Okay, that's what I have for you.
Starting point is 00:44:22 Everyone, have a good week. Take care, stay dry, stay warm. Go to a pumpkin patch, drink some apple cider and get some candy corn. Get your Halloween costume picked out, right? Three weeks away. Four, three and a half, that's weird. I feel like people haven't been talking about Halloween.
Starting point is 00:44:37 I haven't gotten any Halloween party invites. I'll be out of town traveling for work in Virginia. Hey, if anyone hears about any banger Halloween parties in Arlington, is that where I'm gonna be? Just HMU, you know, hit me up. Kids, don't know what that means. All right, I have a good one. We'll check in on you next time.
Starting point is 00:44:55 you

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