Beantown Podcast - Quinn's Spookiest Films (11032019 Beantown Podcast)

Episode Date: November 4, 2019

Quinn comes to you LIVE from Eugene, Oregon to discuss jet lag (tysm Daylight Savings Time), gate 35x at Reagan, and six films that spooked him out as a kid--How many of them have you seen? #Halloween... #FriendsofthePodcast #Beantown #Quinn

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn Davis furnace. Well, in my podcast, Quinn Davis furnace presents the Bean Tom podcast or Sunday. November 3rd, 2019, what's going on? How are you? What's happening? Coming at you a little bit late this weekend.
Starting point is 00:00:12 That's because I changed time zones twice. It's daylight savings time. I tell you what, you had daylight savings time ending on top of jet lag. And it's just, I don of jet lag and it's just I Don't I don't I don't know what time it is while I do because I'm looking at the clock But I don't know what time it is it's sunset outside, but it feels like it's the middle of the night I think they might speak a different language here if you're curious. I'm in Oregon Which is part of the contiguous
Starting point is 00:00:43 48 states, but it's really its own separate deal, you know, kind of like Florida or Provo. We're out here for work and then going to pop over and see the parents and the sister. Thank you to sister Abigail Fernos for coming on the podcast last week and giving us some good Halloween tips and advice and some fun crafts you can do with the family. We're actually going to continue that theme. The focus of today's podcast is not scary smoothies of all time, but movies that have really scared the crap out of me.
Starting point is 00:01:22 And it's going to be a short list. There's probably only five or six movies on there. Look, obviously there are, and we'll get into this in a little bit. Obviously, there are, you know, hundreds of super scary movies. So I'm not going to be able to please everyone, not the first time we had that problem. But what you're just going to see here is a little insight into some movies that have really scared me quite a bit. And they're not all straight horror movies because the nice thing about thrillers and well a lot of these are horror thriller some action in there.
Starting point is 00:01:57 You don't have to just have horror slash you to be scary and I don't have any slasher movies on my list as far as I can remember. What's important to know when you're listening to this podcast is that listener's discretion is advised. Number one, we'll occasionally use some questionable language, some spooky language, if you will. And I actually, I was writing a fantasy football note about this the other day about how Halloween not only has it become, you know, such a huge holiday in the US, and I don't know just how modern that is, but it feels like in the last 10, 15 years, it's really taken off.
Starting point is 00:02:32 Now it's tough for me to judge because we didn't celebrate Halloween as kids, so I'm not sure from the mid to late 90s up until the mid 2000s. I don't, before I had much of a grasp on popular culture, I don't know exactly how big it was, but it's big now. And I was saying in my note that I was writing that it just seems to go on forever and ever. It's kind of like a warm-up to Thanksgiving or something, right, because that's always a four-day weekend, and oftentimes people spend five days or six days there. So that's like a week long thing.
Starting point is 00:03:06 Halloween's like a week long thing, right? Because people celebrate their parties the weekend before. Then Halloween actually happens. It was on a Thursday this year, and I kind of thought, you know, that would be the end of it. But I got more in terms of like social media content that I was consuming and that I was viewing from friends. I got more like Halloween parties and action on the back half on the second weekend. So just this weekend
Starting point is 00:03:34 that's anyway now, the amount of Instagrams and Snapchat and stuff from Friday night and Saturday night of this weekend compared to last weekend was crazy. I guess I missed the boat on that. I assumed that it would be the weekend before that was weekend was crazy. I guess I missed the boat on that. I assumed that it would be the weekend before that was a big thing. I'm not sure. Well, next year we won't have to worry about it too much because I believe Halloween 2020 is on a Saturday, I believe, because 2020 is a leap year, so we're skipping a day. Usually, it just advances to the next day of the week, but we'll skip it on a Friday,
Starting point is 00:04:03 which is a shame. And in a similar vein, my birthday this upcoming we'll skip it on a Friday, which is a shame. And in a similar vein, my birthday, this upcoming year skips me on a Sunday, which is a very childish thing to be upset about. But it's also just kind of like, you know, it would be a good opportunity to get a casual drink or something.
Starting point is 00:04:18 I don't know. Number two, the podcast is objectively terrible, although it is objectively spooky. To relate to what I, the podcast is objectively terrible. Although it is objectively spooky. To relate to what the story was just telling about Halloween seemingly going on for so long back to the podcast, yes, we are doing a second spooky installment. Because last week we had Hashtag sister of the podcast Abby Furnace on to talk about Halloween in this week.
Starting point is 00:04:43 We're not explicitly talking about Halloween, but we are talking about scary movies. So it's exciting. I don't know if you've ever had a holiday that's consumed two consecutive week or weekly podcasts, but we're gonna do it today. I'm, I mentioned I'm here in Oregon. I'm here for work, working here tomorrow and they going to see some family in the middle of the week and then actually got to fly all the way from Oregon to Boston.
Starting point is 00:05:11 Coast to coast, kids. Salt Lake to Boston. I think I connect in Cleveland and then Chicago's where I finish up. I was in Cleveland Oh, man, when was that I was just in Cleveland What day is it? It's Sunday the third. Oh, I was in Cleveland a Thursday. No Friday night I spent spend an hour Friday night in the Cleveland airport. Tell you what that's not where you want to be Although I will I will say this for all the hate I give to Cleveland, their airport is solid. And I got in there, I was on a layover trying to get home from DC. I got there and it was eight o'clock in the night or something and it was pretty dead, which I really appreciated.
Starting point is 00:05:58 Because Reagan, where I left from, was just an absolute madhouse. If you ever been to, oh boy, I don't remember the name of the terminal or how the terminals are divided there, but my gate was 35x, right? So there's just normal numberings. It goes up to like 36. So you walk all the way down to the end of this terminal,
Starting point is 00:06:22 and you see 35, 36, and then there's 35x, and there's escalators down into the basement that you have to take to get there. So it's really this dungeon-y kind of place. And you go down, and it's just like, the escalator kind of comes down into the middle of the room and then all around it. Well, at one side, no, it's like employee stuff.
Starting point is 00:06:41 The other side is gates, I think there's five or six of them. But there's not a lot of seating, not a lot of it's really crammed because you know they got five or six gates down there but they probably have the average seating for about two gates and then when you are when it is finally time to board you you I got to take a bus so I'm you know this was Friday I worked in Arlington I had flown out there late Thursday night, working in Arlington Friday morning, had to get back to Chicago, because I was working in Chicago on Saturday morning.
Starting point is 00:07:13 So yeah, if you're scoring at home, we're talking like a 24 hour trip, less than that even. I was physically in DC, Arlington, for like 20 hours. So I'm at, you know'm at the speaking of spooky things, gate 36X at Reagan International Airport DCA, that was pretty spooky. Flight gets delayed and then they're calling people
Starting point is 00:07:38 and I hate this. Sometimes you get this where you check in online and they're like, we're not able to print your boarding pass right now. So just printed the airport. I'm like, all right, find whatever. It's usually not a problem. It's like, go, I printed the key ask for American Airlines.
Starting point is 00:07:53 And they give me the, you know, it's not my boarding pass. It's just your thing to get through security. So get your boarding pass at the gate, which is just like, this is a pain in the butt. I got my boarding pass from Cleveland to Chicago, no problem, but trying to get my boarding pass from DCAT Cleveland is a whole production apparently.
Starting point is 00:08:14 Even though, you know, I bought this ticket three months ago, hate when this happens. I don't know why it happens. Maybe if there's anybody out there who works for the airlines, the big airline companies, I'm thinking United, Spirit, Delta, American, Frontier, Alaska, Jet Blue, Pan Am, the Wright Brothers, anybody? Chiamin, send us an email, beantownpodcast, against beantown, bea, Aintz, beantownpodcast at, or tweet at us. We're at bean towncast to just figure out what's going on because
Starting point is 00:08:47 so I go up to this gate, you know, before they're boarding, I'm like, hey, told me to come here to get my boarding pass and it's like, yeah, we're not going to be able to do anything for you until we see how many seats we have, which is just fun. You know, it's a fun thing to hear. And, you know, externally, I'm, you know, the same calm demeanor, because, you know, no one, airports are just a hellscape. So I'm not gonna add to that. I'm just gonna, you know, keep my head down and listen to instructions, that sort of thing.
Starting point is 00:09:19 So I just wanna get home. It's a Friday night and all that jazz. But I'm like, what is this? Just want to take it and I want to make sure I'm on this plane. Because if I didn't get that flight, I, boy, I was up shit-crick without a paddle. Apologies for the French. And so everyone's boarding, and I'm just standing there
Starting point is 00:09:43 like a dummy, because I still have a boarding pass and then after everyone is Gone out to the door to get on this bus that apparently we're supposed to get on to take you to the planes Then they call up one person and It's not me and they give him a word mess. He goes on they call up another person And now there's like four of us standing there, and then they call me up on the third person, there's three people left behind that didn't get boarding passes,
Starting point is 00:10:12 which just seems like a really shady thing to do. Again, I don't, I've never worked for an airline, and my family ever has to, I don't really understand how this works, but like, you know, it's not like we're fine, stand by or something, it's like how many CCs are available, no, I mean, I how this works, but like, you know, it's not like we're fine standbuyer something It's like how many CC other people know. I mean, I bought this ticket three months ago like like I did for I fly I average, you know three four flights a week on average. I mean
Starting point is 00:10:37 I buy by these all the same time. Why is it a problem in this one and not on others? I don't know maybe it's because I didn't pay the extra 200% for the when this one and not on others. I don't know, maybe it's because I didn't pay the extra 200% for the business class, first class, prime member upgrade, something like that. So I walk out to this bus, which the doors are still open, but it is chocked full of people, man, because everybody from this one flight,
Starting point is 00:10:58 from DCA to Cleveland is on this bus. That's a lot of people. There's like 80 of us or something like that, on a bus. That's a lot of people. There's like 80 of us or something like that on a bus. It was not a pleasant experience. I felt like I was crowdsurfing just on this bus. My bag, one of my bags was in one part of the bus. Another bag was in another part, and I'm squeezing it. And I'm on the road, so it's me hitting my gut here.
Starting point is 00:11:21 And I'm not gaining a ton of weight. But I'm certainly not losing any weight So I take up some space some critical mass if you will and then the bus ride man It's like 12 minutes because this bus is going super slow I think we went down to like West Virginia or something just to get a plane. It was It was nuts Finally get to get to Cleveland get to Chicago. Of course Of course, you land at O'Hare. It's like nine o'clock at night.
Starting point is 00:11:49 I'm real tired, long day. Just want to get home knowing that I got to wake up in the morning to go to work. We land and then we taxi for an hour. Man, that was rough. Because you're so close. And knowing it's going to take an hour to get home from the airport too. And it's just, that was rough because you're so close and knowing it's gonna take an hour to get home from the airport too and it's just that was tough. Anyways made it
Starting point is 00:12:10 back, worked on Saturday and today's Sunday and woke up at about four this morning and flew out to Seattle, the Bay Apple, the city that never sleeps, Washington, the natural state, and then Longlayover was supposed to be about three hours. Plain coming to Eugene at a flat tire, of course, and not the fun kind like beer. So we had to change that and then wait for a new plane and I got to watch the Vikings blow the game right at the end, which was just fun. It was really fun to watch like the band fun FUN FUN, FUN, FUN, period Nate Rus and
Starting point is 00:12:51 Jack Antonov is that the name of the guy who created bleachers? I only learned about like I only learned about Jack Antonov. I think that's his name apologies if it's not a Couple of months ago because I was always, this is one of my big questions, kind of like one of the things I always say, like free book Goiwitch, or I've never seen, still never seen men in black, it was like what happened to the band fun? Because they put out two albums,
Starting point is 00:13:16 they had like two huge songs. And then that was in like high school. And they just stopped making music. Well, it's just like a project. You don't really think of them as a band. And now Jack Antonov has another project called Bleachers, which is semi-active currently, I think, they also put out two albums and had two really big songs.
Starting point is 00:13:38 So he's a big producer. He's a musician, obviously, but he's more of a producer than anything else, I think. think I digest here though. How did we get there fun? Oh, it was fun Finally made it here the Vikings lost but every so did everybody else in the industry north The Packers I didn't get to watch much of that game, but man they I mean they didn't score touch channel though There are five minutes left in the game I'm gonna have to you to read some columns and stuff to figure out what the hack happened in that game.
Starting point is 00:14:08 But I mean, it's never easy to travel to the West Coast and perform, but you don't expect Aaron Rogers getting Devonte Adams back. That team's basically at full strength to score, what did they put up 11? Against a charter defense that is fine but like not you know not invincible I mean the bear should beat him so yeah before we get into some ads here I do want to introduce you to my list here so that I'm not just rambling and then ads and then we save all the good stuff for the end.
Starting point is 00:14:41 So again and we'll keep this podcast pretty short, because I need to find some dinner. Tired of airport food. What's the deal with airport food? Can't do Jerry's sign film, and that's okay, because I know myself. So again, this list that we're running through and looking at it, I have six movies on this list, so we'll do two of them, and then we'll read the ads very quickly and then we'll do the last four. But again these aren't, this isn't Quinn's official list of the scariest movies of all time. These are just a list of six movies that have really scared the crap out of me and none of them are super niche movies. They're all fairly well known, fairly popular except for maybe one of them that
Starting point is 00:15:30 I can guarantee you've heard of five of the six movies on this list. Maybe you have heard of the six Maybe you have and if you're a big movie fan you obviously will have but It wasn't like a gigantic box office success But that will be the first movie we get to after the ad break. See how I teased it out. Yeah, I'm getting good at this two years After starting the bean Bean Tum podcast, and this is between our weekly episodes and our specials. This is right at around episode 100. We'll do a little celebration when we get the actual weekly episode 100,
Starting point is 00:15:55 which will happen right before Christmas, I think. I'll have to go check, because there's 53 weeks in a year. So that would be, you know, two years would be 106. So it would be six years before the second or third week of January. So that should be the third week of the second or third week of December. So kind of up in about a month here. We'll check in on that.
Starting point is 00:16:20 Again, I digress. These are movies that I watched. The youngest I was when I saw one of these movies I was probably you know five. The last movie I saw on those lists I don't even know I was probably 16, 17 or something I got to check the date on one of these. It's that niche movie I was talking about. I got to see what year it was. But these are just movies that I watched growing up that really scared the crap out of me.
Starting point is 00:16:53 And so if you're looking for a good movie for a spooky time of year, maybe you check one of these out. You probably have seen a lot of them already. Again, a lot of them are pretty well known. Movies 2013 was when this one these out. You probably have seen a lot of them already. Again, a lot of them are pretty well known. Movies 2013 was in was when this one came out. So I would have been 18 and I think I watched it the year it came out. It would have been right around the time I was finishing up high school. But let's jump right into the list here. First
Starting point is 00:17:20 one is a pretty old movie, but not the oldest one on the list. It's very well known and very well regarded in the horror genre. It is the exorcist. This is a movie I've only seen once and it's the type of movie that's good enough to see multiple times, but scary enough to where I'm like, I'm good because there's never going to be a situation where I'm just casually like, you know what? I would love to watch right now, the exorcist classic. It's really creepy. The makeup, the set design, the strong religious, kind of not even undertones because it's right in your face, but all that stuff is just very carefully crafted, very well acted, very sad to, it's a very sad ending to the exorcist.
Starting point is 00:18:10 And I haven't seen that movie for, I would've probably 13, 14 when I rented that from the librarian's sought for the first time. So it's been over 10 years since I saw it. So I actually can't talk about it too much. I just remember, and I'm not the type of person who gets extreme nightmares or anything like that, but I do remember feeling very unsettled
Starting point is 00:18:31 and very uncomfortable after watching that movie. And speaking of the religious undertones, there is another movie on this list that will get to that a little bit. It's last one I have on my list, but as a quick, not even an honorable mention because I didn't find it to be overly scary just a little unsettling. I did watch The Witch, which was Robert Eger's first movie, because the lighthouse just came out. That was his second, but The Witch was his first, which came
Starting point is 00:19:00 out. Oh, I don't know. Three, two, three years ago, something like that. It has that on your tailored joy girl who you might know from, ooh, what's the name of that thoroughbreds with Olivia Cook? Love that movie, that was fun. Anton Yelchens last movie, Rest in Peace. But that also, I mean that's about 1630s New England. So there's a lot of religion and Calvinism and stuff in that. So the extra is this number one on the list. Number two we have, and this is my go-to people always ask me, what is your favorite horror movie of all time? I always come back to this. It will never change.
Starting point is 00:19:41 It's always gonna be the same. It's a timeless film. It's never change. It's always going to be the same. It's a timeless film. It's psycho. Not the Vince Vaughn remake, the original 1940, 1950, whatever year it was. It's just, man, it holds up. I showed this to a girl I was going out with this past summer who said she'd never seen it. And it's just one of those. One of those extremely culturally significant movies, right? There are so many references and stuff you can make to the movie and you can take from it. Psycho is very unsettling, very scary even though it's you know it's black and white, know the visual effects, the action sequences,
Starting point is 00:20:27 they're not anything special, they're very much old-timey, but the combination of the music, Hitchcock's cinematography, and then just the Anthony Perkins performance, unbelievable, fantastic. I haven't seen Bates Motel. I don't know if you can just casually stream it anywhere online. It is the type of TV series that I would be interested in spending some time
Starting point is 00:20:54 getting into, which is not something I say for most TV series that I hear that are good. Because I like Psycho so much, and what's the, what's the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Kid who's in it, who plays Norman Bates, I think I would like it. And it's gotta live you a cook. See, we're coming full circle
Starting point is 00:21:15 because I was just on our Wikipedia page because I like to check in on her because she's one of my celebrity crushes. Bates Motel has, what is this guy's name? Freddie Heimor, something like that. August Rush, that kid, Freddie Heimor, that sounds right. He's British. But Psycho is fantastic.
Starting point is 00:21:37 The ending, especially if you don't know the plot, the ending, some people figured out beforehand, people don't it's amazing Yeah, it's I I can watch that once a year and be entertained It's only like 90 minutes something like that it moves Very quickly the beginning is you know the first act before proverbial shit hits the fan It has so many red herrings in misdirections you don't know which way it's going so any chance I get to to watch
Starting point is 00:22:11 psycho with somebody and they haven't seen it before it's it's amazing and I can't say that for every Hitchcock movie you know there are the classics and I thought about putting your window on the list because that's a damn scary movie too And also just like you know, it's in the summer. It's hot. It's very sweaty and comfortable. That's a very nerve-racking movie Um, his other, you know, critically super, you know, well-regarded ones. I don't find to be quite as scary across the board Um, I still, you know, they're still great, but I don't find them to be as scary. The birds, I've never been as big a fan of the birds.
Starting point is 00:22:49 It's scary, it's disturbing, but I don't know. I'm not that afraid of birds, you know? I eat them, you know? You give me Norman Bates, so I don't know what that guy's gonna do next. I don't know what clothes he's gonna be wearing. I don't know what weapon he's gonna be brandishing. Brandishing is that's all.
Starting point is 00:23:06 That's a good word, man. Brandishing, B-R-A-N-D-I-S-H-I-N-G. Killing it on the spelling game. But that's cycle, that's number two. Again, we got four coming at you after this ad read. And I think you're gonna like them. We're gonna keep that list going. Let's read the ads real quick here.
Starting point is 00:23:23 Home Pride organ. You tight and in the home field. We're in Oregon. This is great. Okay. Everybody listen up. You you could really benefit from this ad read. I'm telling you what and we're going to make it special just for the Oregon listeners here because we're recording live from Oregon. Are you tired of selling your house for less than a quarter of what it's worth all because you couldn't find a reliable home inspector time? Guys, we've all been there time to pay attention. Well, Oregon listeners, I got good news for you. Home Pride, inspection services in Ben, Oregon is central Oregon's hottest new home inspection provider with inspection services,
Starting point is 00:24:02 including things you better write this down, like heating and plumbing, roofing, plumbing, heating and cooling, so much more. I messed that up, don't even care, I'm gonna plow right through it. Home-Prior Organ is both contractor certified and home inspection certified, and I put AND in all caps so I know to emphasize it. So you know you're getting the good stuff time and time again
Starting point is 00:24:25 I added an extra phrase there to really tell you how serious I am if you're tired of big real estate Engle hold and God knows we all are on the home inspection market and you got to have a certified Home Inspector that you can trust you know who you got a call his name Steve his number is You know who you got to call his name Steve his number is 541 410 0316 he's my dad and he built his own website. It's titled home pride organ dot com again It's 541 410 0316 or just head on down to home pride organ dot com home pride organ and Spaction perfection Mercy Wow That was a and Spaction, Perfection, Mercy.
Starting point is 00:25:06 Wow, that was excellent. Need a sip of water here. I gotta stay hydrated. I'll tell you what, I had some coffee at O'Hare this morning and then you go sit in a four and a half hour play without water. That's rough on the bladder, man. Not the bladder, like the kidneys. Go hobble to the bathroom
Starting point is 00:25:29 at C-TAC, can barely walk, because you're cramped in there with your knees. Middle seat, oh, I didn't mention this middle seat, 4.5 hour flight. That's just fun, you know? It's just fun. And you pee and it's like you struck gold or something. We'll watch in the color of the urinal change. Man, I tell you why. That's a little TMI. Shout out to the Samson Q2U series traveling on the road with us, getting my water. The Samson Q2U series has not had to do as much traveling this fall recruitment season as in past years, which is the direct result of me spending a lot more weekends at home this time around which I do appreciate. But occasionally, Samsung Q2U series will pull double duty like we did last week when we
Starting point is 00:26:20 had our sister on the podcast or it'll come on the road with us. And we really do appreciate that. Thank you to Samson. The TV guide story don't have any TV guides with me on the road. The television does have a you know a guide button that you can press, which is pretty neat. Although I don't know what's going on with direct TV, but like this hotel room, you know, Direct TV on the television doesn't have NBC. I've been to other ones where it doesn't have Fox.
Starting point is 00:26:50 I know it's not a Direct TV thing. I know it's the network thing, but like what's the situation, what's the deal? Why do we casually just like not have a network that doesn't really make a lot of sense to me? I don't really understand if anybody has any insights, please let us know, because I don't really get it. I don't understand, aren't all TV supposed to have networks
Starting point is 00:27:17 regardless of if you have a cable package or not? Can someone explain to us please and thank you? All right, let's Just checking a football score because you know normally I would have this It's it's 5.30 and there's already a football game on which is just nuts I don't know how you West Coasters do it But I'm checking the score of this Baltimore New England game, which is a fantastic game And normally I would you know just having on the TV on mute, but because this television doesn't get NBC We got a we got to go to the computer and we all know I'm not good at multitasking
Starting point is 00:27:53 So let's finish these ads so we can get back to the spookiness Cuts by Q Bob and we've we all know the hairstyle and we all love it But how many Chicago based independent barbers can actually give it to you the way you deserve? Enter Cuts by Q. It's like Enter Sandman, just a little different. Cuts by Q has been independently owned and operated since 1995. It's probably one of the better barber shop operations, serving Chicago, Cook County, and Chicago land. From beehives to bangs, fo-hawks, to flats, Vohox, the flat tops and everything in between. Just call cuts by Q815, 298, 7200 or you could email us. Yeah, I would thought there was gonna be a website, but no, it's an email.
Starting point is 00:28:34 It's the first time I ever read this ad. So give me some slack. Or email again, that's cut. Squtzee You know the song sing With us at home. Oh, and you need a fresh do. Something snappy and new. Just call the experts and cuts.
Starting point is 00:28:52 Buy a Q. Nice. Okay. 10-0 Ravens. Reading the Patriots. Hey, that's pretty good. That's pretty exciting. Good for those guys.
Starting point is 00:29:00 March X and already killing it. Geez. Thought that New England defense was supposed to shut him down. pretty good. It's pretty exciting. Good for those guys. March X and already killing it. Geez. Thought that New England defense was supposed to shut him down. Apparently not. Barely not. Melcubber, Jr. Okay, let's get back to the list. You have four more horror movies. I'm going to give them to you fairly quick. Do some elaborating and elaboration. But we're already close to half our mark here, so we'll start to wrap it up.
Starting point is 00:29:29 So one of my favorite movies of all time, and it's the one on this list that is not a huge blockbuster, I'm not certain that a ton of people have seen it, but you absolutely should. It's called Prisoners, and it's from 2013. It's a film by Deny Danoof, who if you're not a big film buff, you probably don't know the name off the top of your head, but you've definitely seen some of his movies. He has done the new Blade Runner. He is doing Dune, which comes out in 2020 I think. He did enemy with the really trippy Jake
Starting point is 00:30:09 Jill in the home movie which a lot of people love I struggle a little bit more with that one. His two probably best known films would be Sicario which I love. I never saw the sequel and don't want to because it's not a Denis Villeneuve project, but Cicario with Emily Blunt, Javier Burdem, and Josh Brolin. That's a killer cast, right? It's not Javier Burdem, it's Benicio Del Toro. I get those two guys mixed up even though I get it, they're completely different. They don't look like it all, but I just I struggle sometimes. And then he also did a all, but I just I struggle sometimes.
Starting point is 00:30:45 And then he also did a rifle, which got a lot of Oscar buzz, right? Amy Adams was nominated. I think, um, is that Jeremy Renner was in that? He wasn't nominated for that. I don't think, but Denis Villeneuve was nominated for Best Director. I'm sure it's nominated for a lot of stuff. Best picture got nominated'm going to need to for. So that's the Neville Knuth. Well he did prisoners, which is Hugh Jackman and Terrence Howard and Jake Gyllenhaal and Paul Deino. Keller cast, right? Absolutely. And it's about abduction its core what at you know how far length will you go Human versus human to get your family back and it's Yeah, it's it's a thriller movie. It's like a core thriller movie, but it's pretty extreme And it really like a core thriller movie, but it's pretty extreme.
Starting point is 00:31:49 And it really, not, it didn't like mess me up, but I just remember watching and just feeling like, holy cow, and then the ending, fantastic. No spoilers here, but one of those endings, like inception or something, where it's unclear as to what it actually is, or like, 2001 space Odyssey. This is not as abstract as either of those two. It's more straightforward
Starting point is 00:32:11 in how it's portrayed, but it still leaves you wondering what exactly happened. And it's amazing. The whole movie is like that in a ways. It's never, it never comes out and tells you this is how this is happening and so this is gonna happen. It's, you have to watch it if you've never seen it and you're looking for a fantastic two-hour thriller that it's going to
Starting point is 00:32:36 leave you entertained from start to finish with an amazing cast, fantastic direction and a film without really any good guy. Purely good guys are purely bad guys. A lot of character ambiguity prisoners. Go check it out. If you like Hugh Jackman, you like Paul Dana, you like Jill and Hall. It's, yeah, man, it's good.
Starting point is 00:32:57 Okay, moving ahead here, could not do this list without having at least one Stephen King. The question was, which one do I pick? I think the obvious choice of the shining and yes, I remember watching that as a kid and that one messed me up quite a bit, especially just like the dream sequences with the the necked grandma and the twins and the what is it dog given a blowjob like. And he said bear what is it, a dog given a blowjob? Like, was that bear? What is it? I know exactly what it looks like.
Starting point is 00:33:28 I don't know what it's supposed to be. It's pretty, that's a pretty damn disturbing movie, but I went with a little dark horse pick here. And it's a combination here, because I think it's King's scariest book, his scariest novel, which is definitely, people are gonna disagree with me on this, but the movie adaptation is amazing as well. It's misery. James Conn,
Starting point is 00:33:50 Kathy Bates from what the the late 80s, something like that. Let's check the year on misery. If you don't know this the premise of the film, basically there's this alcoholic writer 1990. The novels 87. There's this alcoholic writer 1990, the novels 87. There's this alcoholic writer in the movie portrayed by James Conn, who's driving through the mountains in Colorado, gets into a car accident, is found by this slightly little crazy lady,
Starting point is 00:34:21 played by Kathy Bates in the film, who was a big fan of this author, but not a big fan of where his sort of this book series is going that he's writing. And so she wants him to make some adjustments. And let's just say things get a little spooky from there. And you want to talk about violence. Boy, there's one particularly gruesome scene in this movie, and the book is way worse.
Starting point is 00:34:49 The book really plays up the whole drug addict. He's not alcoholic. He's addicted to painkillers, I think is what it is. And they really play that up in the book. And the scene, and if you know, Misery, you know the scene I'm talking about, the particularly gruesome scene, is way worse in the book. I remember I was at a Hassan Minaj standup show, and before he came out, I'm sitting there in the audience reading my book,
Starting point is 00:35:26 and of course they get to that one scene, and I just remember finishing it right before Hassan came out, and just feeling like extremely nauseous, like 50-50, not sure if I'm gonna puke or not. Thankfully, I started laughing, and I was good, and I didn't puke till after, so it was, you know, happy ending.
Starting point is 00:35:43 But that's misery, if you don't know it You gotta you know if you have the time absolutely read the book because it is better Well, I don't want to say it's better than movie. It's more extreme as a different experience. I think it's fantastic Absolutely worth checking out Okay, number five in the list here is a film classic Sigurny Weaver has made a lot of money off of it. No, it's not holes, it's alien. So alien and alien two both get a lot of high marks
Starting point is 00:36:18 but for completely different reasons, right? Alien two is a pure action movie, feels a little bit like Predator, big guns, big army guys going in there to f-shit up. I abbreviated one swear word and just said the other one. But Allian, the original is a, and a lot of people forget this, it's a pure horror movie. It's not really action.
Starting point is 00:36:43 It starts off really slow. Alien takes about 20 minutes, 25 minutes to get going. And then the rest of the movie is just pick them off one by one. Type of stuff in a very scary ending as well. Love Alien, big fan. I don't want to call it predictable and say that's a Downside because it was a wholly original film when it came out now if you watch you're like oh, I know where this is going and I think it might be less Scary because of what we're used to now
Starting point is 00:37:19 But at the time as far as thriller horrors go Man that was good James Cameron before he really fell off the deep end. Was that James Cameron or Ridley Scott? Alien is, is it both of them? That's definitely one or the other. Let's check it out. So it's from 1979. It's directed by Ridley Scott. Is James Cameron involved with it at all?
Starting point is 00:37:42 Or is James Cameron not an alien guy at all? No, he did aliens I did I call aliens to Alien aliens and alien three that's kind of confusing was James Cameron involved in the original alien Let's Doesn't seem like it although, you know with a name like James Cameron. You're always involved Yeah, it's so good if you haven't seen it. It's not one of those, you know, movies where people, you know, hype it up And it's like, uh, well, is it actually like a no like this is the OG
Starting point is 00:38:17 Both alien and aliens like Terminator and T2 are ones that you have to see and even even the, you know, some of the sequels have been solid. I'm looking at all the, all the alien films right now. So alien is great. Aliens is also amazing just for completely different reasons. Alien 3 is not that good. It's still fun though. I have never seen Alien Resurrection.
Starting point is 00:38:44 It's from 1997. I don't know anything about it. I'm guessing it didn't get much for critical reception. I also never saw Prometheus. It was, you know, seen like a really cool concept and I do like Michael Fassbender. And it's one of those movies where, you know, some people really like it, some people really hate it. But at the end of the day, it created a lot of buzz and research, like discussion. I did see Alien Covenant, which is not like a direct sequel to Prometheus, I don't think, but builds off of the world created in that movie. And those two are both prequels to the original movie.
Starting point is 00:39:27 I did like Alien Covenant quite a bit, largely for Michael Fassbender's performance. Maybe I'll see Prometheus one of these days. I don't know, it was good. Alien, check it out, as well as aliens and maybe the prequels as well. Okay last one and then we're gonna finish up here and This is another movie that like prisoners is not a horror movie. This is very much an action movie It's the one definitely action movie action adventure. I have and People who know the franchise well will know exactly what I'm talking about When I throw this name out there Indiana Jones in the Temple of Doom When I saw this you know my dad my mom showed us Indiana Jones and we were little kids
Starting point is 00:40:15 You know, I probably first saw Temple of Doom when I was like five or six Temple of Doom is 1984 right I always try to gauge or fit my years for Indiana Jones based off of Star Wars. So, you know, Star Wars is 77. Raiders is 80. And then Empire is 81. Return of the Jedi is 83. Templar Doom is 84. And I always remember that last crusade is 89 because that's the way my brother was born. I think that's right. Someone can check me on my math if they want because maybe I'm wrong. But Templar Doom, if you've seen it, you know exactly what I'm talking about the whole man the whole second act Bleeding into the third act before you know the opening act released and that scary. It's
Starting point is 00:41:12 Kind of you know similar to Raiders The second act though is just like what a WTF man, and this is scary stuff and The soundtrack like John Williams killed it, but this adds, you know, people just focus on the whole heart scene. Yada, yada, yada, yada, yeah, that's scary, but the music adds to it so much. It is freaky, deaky on a scale of one to ten.
Starting point is 00:41:43 It is freaky, deaky on a scale of one to ten. It is freaky as hell. And that's, I mean, that's like the scene. The rest of it isn't necessarily that horrifying across the board, but I mean, the pink-up palisine where they're eating, the dinner table is very unsettling, the heart-scene obviously, very unsettling. The heart scene obviously very unsettling. And then just the whole kind of atmosphere with the stones and the thuggy people and the cults and the worship scenes and it's in the child slaves. It's just like, I mean watching it, if I watch it now, it's a 24 year old, I'm like, all right, I mean, that's kind of some weird shit
Starting point is 00:42:25 But like, whatever, but when you see that movie and you're like five, it's oh man That will mess you up for a while Kali ma Okay, there's my list again if you want The full list here. I'll give him to you right now So we and these were just six movies that scared me quite a bit when I was a kid. We have the extra cysts.
Starting point is 00:42:49 We have psycho. We have prisoners. We have misery, alien, and temple of doom. All classic films, all films I recommend without hesitation. Please go watch those if you haven't seen any of them, or excuse me, if you haven't seen one of them, and you're just looking for the type of movie that's gonna engage you from start to finish, be very entertaining and it's also
Starting point is 00:43:11 going to spook you out a little bit. Those are six good movies for that right there and I can make a list of 50 movies but no one wants to hear that and I don't want to produce that. So that's just a little sampling of six movies that really spooked me out when I was younger. Okay, that's what we got for you. I'm working in Oregon, going to Boston later this week, City Without a Nickname, so that should be fun. And then we'll be back in Chicago next weekend for a podcast and then got one more trip back to DC. I don't take the back to gate 35X at Reagan and don't put me on that bus again because that was I'll just I'll just rent a car and drive home.
Starting point is 00:43:55 How is that? Okay that's that's what we had for you everyone. Have a good week. Hope you have hope you're getting some nice fall weather, wherever, wherever, wherever, not wherever, wherever you are at. Quinn's got to find some supper here. Daily savings time end or ended. It's got dark at about 2 p.m. here. You're also further north. So I maybe we'll see some Aurora Borealis. We got options. I'll keep you posted. Thanks for listening. Have a good week. Check in on you next time. or Borrelius, we got options, I'll keep you posted. Thanks for listening, have a good week, check in on you next time.

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