Beantown Podcast - Right on Q / DIY Rum & Coke / NFL Draft (04282022 Beantown)

Episode Date: April 28, 2022

Quinn comes to you LIVE to introduce an all new streaming entertainment experience on Beantown Networks, Right on Q. He also breaks down this year's NFL Draft, and teaches the listeners at home how to... make a delicious draft day cocktail.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Furnace. Welcome to my show, Quinn David Furnace presents the Bean Town Podcast for April 28, 2022. What's going on? How are you? What's happening? You might have turned on the show and you thought, gosh, we got the wrong show where we accidentally turned on that, you know,
Starting point is 00:00:27 hunting podcast again or, you know, this cabinet remodeling show. No, it's just a little spring change of pace, you know. And we're talking football today. If you didn't already know from the title of the show, and nothing says football, like acoustic guitar, some home cooking, the leftover macaroni lasagna I made from Monday night, it's Thursday night now, and you might be wondering what is macaroni lasagna? It's pretty much just what it sounds like.
Starting point is 00:01:03 So we're celebrating the NFL draft. We're celebrating America. We're celebrating home cooking. We're celebrating an all new program that's going to be premiering in the near future here on bean town network. So there's that's coming up later in the show, a little teaser for that. So there's a lot to chat about what's happening. My name is Quinn David Furnace, and this is my show.
Starting point is 00:01:28 Quinn David Furnace presents the Bean Town Podcast year five. How is everyone doing? It is a special Thursday night edition of Quinn David Furnace presents the Bean Town Podcast. I am happy to be coming to live as always right here from Chicago, Illinois. We are one of the top 500 podcasts in the north side of Chicago. We are the 112th ranked comedy podcast in the country of Pakistan. Hello, Hyderabad. Hello, Islamabad. Hello, Kiber pass. What's happening? I don't think the NFL has really made it too big in Pakistan yet. I think they're more of a
Starting point is 00:02:09 cricket nation cricket soccer Highly, I assume But you know who knows but this is our 2022 NFL draft special We are going to be predicting the first round. And I know what you're saying. Gosh, Quinn, we don't like football or, you know, who, who, who cares? You're going to want to stick around. It's going to be a snappy, zippy show. And a second here, I'm going to be making a DIY rum and coke. I don't have rum, I don't have coke, which is why it's DIY.
Starting point is 00:02:47 So you're not going to want to miss that recipe. And I got, I suppose I could even, I got to, I'm going to have to pause for a second when I move over to the kitchen, but you grab the mic stand. So you know, we'll have a good time. It's a fresh new bean town podcast. Thank you to everyone who's been listening. Thank you to everyone who's been listening. Thank you to everyone who's been supporting the show. I wanted to let you know next weekend
Starting point is 00:03:09 is the Kentucky Derby. I have been hard at work. I quite honestly spent my entire run in the rain today, thinking of ideas for horse names, for our top 10 horse names special. So we are, I've got some good ones. I'm excited for that. I have not made my choice for the top horse name of the year yet. So there's a lot of excitement, a lot of buzz, a lot of people are chatting about it on, you know,
Starting point is 00:03:36 subreddits and forums and discurs and twitches and all that stuff. So there's a lot of excitement in the air about that show next week. Our annual top 10 horse name special. And this would be a great opportunity to you promote this week's call to action. Email us beantown podcast at again that's beantown being podcast at If you want to enter for your chance to have your horse name pick selected as the recipient of this year's fan vote award. So get those votes in. We like you'll likely have about a week to do it. We'll probably close that around Cinco de Mayo
Starting point is 00:04:17 or so May 5th, which will be next Thursday. So get those emails in. You can also tweet at us. We are at bean town cast myself personally. Quinn, I am at white buns with a Z. So get those horse names in and we will see who our lucky winner is this year. I also wanted to mention we did a bean town fan vote this past year, or not year, this past week. And it was all about subway sandwiches. And I got, let me see if I can pull up the poll results year.
Starting point is 00:04:51 Hopefully I didn't lose them anywhere, although I might have. Oh, here we go, okay, I got them in a message. And I was actually talking to a friend and we were talking about subway. And well, let's just reveal the poll results first and I'll reveal to you some good news about our potential nexy guest here on the Bean Tom Podcast.
Starting point is 00:05:12 So, are weekly Bean Tom Podcasts beanhead poll question or the WBPBQ as it's known in some circles? When did you last eat Subway? And if you're on my Instagram again, you can follow me at q.qnd. You're going to want to do that for all the latest news updates about my life, which is relatively interesting. I posted a nice picture of what looks to be a veggie delight perhaps or maybe tuna. Just one of the saddest excuses for a subway sandwich you've ever seen. It's a little six, six inch action. I see tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, pickles, red onion.
Starting point is 00:05:49 I think it is tuna, because there's some gray stuff in there that I can't quite make out. And then there's like two black olives on there. So the four answer choices I provided in this beanhead poll question was, or first option a few weeks ago, second option, a few months ago, third option over a year ago and fourth option was never. The results are in. We had 6% say a few weeks ago, we had 12% say a few months ago, 76% of you all mentioned over a year ago and
Starting point is 00:06:18 6% saying never. So we have 82% of the beanheads who chained in this past week, which, you know, as a couple thousand people, said that they haven't had Subway in at least a year. So I don't know if, you know, the sub-subheads are out there listening to this, you know, Subway execs, but that whole eat-fesh, eat-fresh. Refresh campaign is maybe not working so well, well because gosh it's 82% is a pretty striking number and when you consider 12% of the bean ads haven't had it for a few months, only 6% of people in this pool have had it in the last month or so.
Starting point is 00:07:01 So that person who will remain nameless for the time being, but I'm excited that we had a preliminary discussion about coming on the show and talking, I'm legitimately interested in this. I think it'll be a fun and funny, heartwarming, family-friendly, oriented conversation, but I'm actually legitimately interested because myself, I'm someone who ate subway all the time in high school,
Starting point is 00:07:27 growing up on like road trips, you knew that you had made it big, you were lucky when dad decided to stop at subway because that was just hitting a pot of gold. I think honestly, I think the last time I ever had subway, I'm pretty confident in this, was in Walla Walla Washington, I was there with my parents, and this was, you know, this is pre-COVID, pre-crazy inflation. I believe the footlong subs were in the $9 to $10 range. I think of edgy delight was like $8.99 or something
Starting point is 00:08:02 like that. Can you imagine what those footlong price are like at subway now? And the quality is just, in my limited experience, not good. So this was three years ago. And I'm very excited to be able to, it's a close personal friend who responded that they are still, subway is still a go to for them. So we're gonna get them on the show.
Starting point is 00:08:25 It'll likely be sometime the summer June or July. I'm thinking a deep dive, bean town investigative, INVST, I-G-A-T-I-V-E report, into the inner workings of Subway and the diehard loyal fans who continue to frequent there. So you got that to look forward to. You got the horse stand podcast coming up next week. A lot of good spring time action here on the show.
Starting point is 00:08:50 I want to mention before we go to our DIY rum and coke is that listen to discretion and moving around here as we speak is advised. When you're listening to the Bean Tom podcast number one we will occasionally use some language number two's podcast is objectively terrible but I think it's gonna be fun today but we're gonna be talking NFL draft in just a second here. I'm gonna set you down and see how far I can actually make it. How long this cord is gonna stretch. Can I get all the way over? I got the laptop on the counter. Oh I I can make this. I'm going to make it. Laptop on the counter. Hand out stretch to the bookcase to get
Starting point is 00:09:36 a microphone stand so we can make our Tasty cocktail together. So if you're at home, you're you're listening to being Tom podcast, maybe it's kind of, you know, Saturday night, house party, the primary form of entertainment, why go listening to Bean Town Podcast. Maybe it's kind of Saturday night, house party, the primary form of entertainment. Why go out to a bar? When you got the best entertainment for free, Bean Town Podcast, we were never soliciting funding. The only time a year we asked for money
Starting point is 00:09:59 is when we're raising money for charity. How about that? It's a very philanthropic endeavor. I got a, my counter is an amalgamation of goods. Right next to each other, I have a Tito's, handmade vodka from Austin, Texas, Kuzi for your beer. Maybe we'll stick our drink in there.
Starting point is 00:10:21 And on the back it says I'd rather be drinking Tito's, crafted to be savored responsibility, responsibility. And then next to it, I just picked this up today from a baby shower. It is a bottle opener, not for baby bottles, but for regular bottles.
Starting point is 00:10:36 So, a lot of pretty much alcohol themed here. Let's go ahead and get this stand set up. I haven't used a stand in a little while. And we're going to be making DIY at home rum and coke so when you don't have the ingredients that you know traditionally go into a rum and coke. I also, while we're talking about drinks here, I want to give a quick plug to my new favorite happy hour spot in the city of Chicago brandos, Speakeasy. It opens at five o'clock and went there for the first time on Tuesday.
Starting point is 00:11:08 From five to seven, Monday through Friday, I assume I don't know, I would have to look. Happy hour, $5, a variety of things, Palomas, and old-fashioned, and we'll make them so strong next time. It's my gym bag, it needs some work. and old-fashioned and we'll make them so strong next time. It's my gym bag, it needs some work. And I think a couple other things as well. Oh, mule, Moscow mules, that's what I was drinking. I had two and a couple other things.
Starting point is 00:11:35 But I tell you what, they are a little sneaky. I gotta go see what exactly happened because I was on my credit card statement yesterday and It's supposed to be $5 Cocktails and I had two charges from them which just makes sense One was for 24, which is what I was Under the impression was what it was supposed to be
Starting point is 00:11:59 They the $5 was great because that was tax included. So five times four to drinks for me, two or so my co-worker was last days tomorrow, plus a $4 tip which I left. That's how you get to $24. But then there was also an additional $10 charge. And I'm like, where does that come from? So I don't know if it was like a hold on the card or what's going on.
Starting point is 00:12:21 I got to go back in and check that out. If they do take that extra $10, and Brando's is officially going from my favorite new spot in the city to my least favorite spot in the city. So the stakes are high, there's a lot riding on this. But let's talk cocktails here. And first thing you're gonna wanna do, should be great to have the video on for,
Starting point is 00:12:44 but what can you do, you know, it's just one of those days. First thing you're going to want to do is get a glass. Now I'm reaching into my cabinet here and I'm pulling out the 2017 screw cancer, brew hope, the almond cancer fund for Young Adults Glass. This baby's got a hole that at least 16 to 18 ounces. It's probably a pint glass that would make sense. This thing was held at a bar. Paid like 50 bucks for a ticket, but it was all you can eat, pizza, beer.
Starting point is 00:13:18 The thing you got to be careful, here's a little bit of life. Here's a life pro tip for the youngsters out there. Maybe you're 21 year olds. You got to watch out for these charity events where you get free, you know, bottomless food and drinks because the tendency is, oh, you know, free food, but, you know, bottomless food. So let's eat a lot because when all of a sudden you're going to get, you know, just keep
Starting point is 00:13:45 going back for seconds and thirds. But then what happens is, especially with pizza, you eat so much, and then all of a sudden it's like, you're just packing in the beer, you're not feeling it, you're just drinking, drinking, drinking, and getting dehydrated. So there's this week's, the more you know from from bean town podcast Just now streaming on bean town networks. So the first thing you're gonna want to do. Let me sit let me get our mic from back in the stand here First thing folks is find a nice Thing of ice. I love my spherical ice cube maker. I think I got in on Amazon.
Starting point is 00:14:25 I had a $5 gift card and it was one of those things where like for whatever reason you had to spend something that was or buy something that was $5 or less. So I found this cool little spherical ice maker, the spheres, it's what I call them. And yeah, they're great. They last you really long time. And you know what, more could jazz for.
Starting point is 00:14:48 OK, so we're doing DIY rum and coax here. Now the problem for me today, the reason we're doing this DIY is I don't have rum, I don't have Coke. So we're trying to kind of figure out alternatives. So what can you do guys if you don't have rum at home? Well, you might have some scotch, which is what I have. So we're going to go for this McAllister McAllen, Highland single malt scotch whiskey,
Starting point is 00:15:13 12 years old double cask, matured exclusively in the perfect balance of handpicked cherry, seasoned American and European oak casks, natural color product of scowl. And natural color with the you, I feel like I'm reading the Scott Feral autobiography again, or Tails, Tears, and Triumphs of the Stage. I saw he tweeted the other day that he was,
Starting point is 00:15:40 I would have to go back and find the tweet, but it made some sort of reference, I think, not very direct, but some sort of illusion or reference to potentially another book, like a part two, which would make sense because the autobiography, which if you don't recall, we did an audio book about two years ago, like, six, seven hours long something like that, it's in, I think, four different parts on YouTube. It is unlisted so that I don't, he's a very litigious guy. So I don't, you know, ruffle any feathers. If you do want to listen to it, email us. I'll gladly share the link with you. But I sat in my apartment and recorded for, like, seven hours in a variety of different takes.
Starting point is 00:16:25 But I recorded this entire, I don't know how many pages, autobiography because he stopped putting page numbers in the book at about page 48, 49. So it's hard to know exactly how many pages, but essentially what I'm getting at here is the autobiography ends maybe, I don't know, like 2016 perhaps. And so we got five, six years, something like that since then. And really Scott, Scott has made a big life shift. He's committed a lot more to the pornography,
Starting point is 00:16:57 which he writes a lot about his book. And he's decided to become a bodybuilder, like not like that's not his job. He's just like in the gym every day. He takes a lot of steroids and supplements and stuff. I think he works at Amazon from what I can tell from his tweets. He moved to Seattle.
Starting point is 00:17:16 He's always bitching about the rent prices, which is funny because he moved from Rockford to Seattle and all of a sudden he's like, why is rent so much all of a sudden? Yikes. And yeah, nothing is, I don't think he's had like a steady partner or anything like that. So, but there's a lot to chat about.
Starting point is 00:17:35 He's gonna be in Chicago next month for the international men's leather competition or something like that. So maybe we'll meet up. Maybe Scott could come on for the in-depth interview. I would not feel comfortable doing that. So we'll see, that could be good air. Okay, let's get back to these DIY cocktails.
Starting point is 00:17:53 We're almost done here, so we already got the ice in our pint glass, and then we're gonna get into the NFL draft here. So you're gonna wanna pour, you know, some people like to measure, I just like to go right in. And that looks like a good amount. That's a lot of scotch. I wasn't really paying attention when I poured, I was looking at something else. So you're gonna want to put the scotch away. Now you don't have coke, so what are you gonna do?
Starting point is 00:18:20 You're gonna want to go into the fridge and find the diet Pepsi that I just got from the aforementioned baby shower. So this diet Pepsi has been in the fridge for like 30 minutes, not really cold, which is why we, you know, especially one of that ice. So you're going to want to crack it open. This is a diet Pepsi reminds me of RC Cola, which I was talking about earlier at work. I have a friend who's moving to, or the co-workers last days, and I'm moving to the state of Tennessee, and I was telling her all about the Bellbuckle Tennessee RC cola and Moon Pie Festival. I have to check the dates for 2022. I've never actually been before because
Starting point is 00:19:06 Bell Buckles a little bit of a drive from Chicago, but yeah, if you've never heard of it, go Google it. It's world-renowned, the RC Cola and Moon Pie Festival in Bell Buckle, Tennessee, a ton of about 512 people, I reckon. So to finish off off this cocktail, you're going to want to pour that diet Pepsi or if you have an RC Cola, I don't think they ever made a diet RC Cola into into your glass. Now you're going to want to take a first sip just to kind of get a taste, you know, how strong is it. I probably poured nine ounces of the 12-month diet Pepsi can into there. I think this is going to be a pretty good ratio. Let's take a sip.
Starting point is 00:19:48 Might be a little strong. Let's find out. First sip. First sip is the deepest, eh, Cheryl? Mm. Ah. Oh, that's pretty solid, actually. It's a little strong, a little warm.
Starting point is 00:20:03 The ice hasn't really kicked in yet. Let's just top it off with the rest of this Pepsi. Tell me, no way, wine is better than Pepsi. George Costanza. Crap that shit. Excuse me. Okay. What you're going to want to do now? Let that ice settle in a little bit. Give it some coolness, give it some character. And while
Starting point is 00:20:32 while I'm getting reset reset up here in our back on the couch moving from the kitchen back to the couch get ready to take you through this year's NFL draft picks because that's airing live in about an hour here. Let's learn about an exciting new program coming soon across bean town networks. So let's queue that up. Next time on Right On Cute, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, what are the latest updates? Johnny Depp's shocking testimony in the trial of Amber Heard.
Starting point is 00:21:06 And Russell Brand stops by for a five-step guilt-free cheesecake recipe. That's coming up next time on Right IQ. All right, we'll talk about an exciting new program. I mean, I'm looking forward to that. Not so much the, you know, Amber heard Russia stuff, but I've rustled brand. I mean, that guy, he is a hoot. You know how many stories he's got about his time
Starting point is 00:21:33 with Katie Perry? She's crazy. I don't know what Orlando Bloom was doing, but I don't know, man, I guess she's got that American Idol money and he doesn't really seem to work anymore. I mean speaking of the whole Pirates of the Caribbean cast, I feel like here Knightley's not, she's in stuff but like in the art house movies that I feel like but not that frequently. And then Johnny Depp is not really making movies right now for obvious reasons.
Starting point is 00:22:06 So boy, that whole cast really flamed out 20 years later. I want to give a quick shout out to our sponsors, our friends at Home Pride Oregon. When you need your home inspecting in Central Oregon, you'll auto call someone who's safe, certified, someone you can trust that someone is my dad. His name is Steve. Call him up at 541-410-0316 for free quote. I assume I have no idea. Or you can go to When you need your home inspected, you're going to want to trust, I think we already just said all this stuff, right? Gave the number, gave the email, that's about it. Call Steve.
Starting point is 00:22:45 He's a nice guy. He'll get you taken care of. I also wanna thank the Samsung Q2U series. Very mobile today, moving around with, from couch to kitchen and back. It was a solid 10 feet each way. So when God speaks, when Quince speaks, they use a Samsung. And of course, our friends, cuts by Q when you need to first do something snappy So when God speaks, when Quinn speaks, they use a Samsung.
Starting point is 00:23:05 And of course, our friends cuts by Q. When you need to first do something snappy, you knew called the experts that cuts by Q. I need a little neck shave tonight or tomorrow. And it's definitely, I've reached the point. Here is pretty long. Haven't done anything since about August. So it's what? Where are we at about nine months? Ish getting close to nine months? Since the last cuts by Q. I think it might be time for little
Starting point is 00:23:28 Well something I know I might like shave down the sides a little bit I'm not quite sure what exactly what I want to do But it's it's gone to the point where I got to wear a headband when I run Because when you're running with the wind at your back it just goes. And a general PSA to people running in Chicago yesterday, today, whenever you run, there is a major bug spawn happening on the lake front. And it is just disgusting to run along the lake front right now because you're gonna get your full
Starting point is 00:24:04 allotted, recommended dose of protein from those bugs. I tell you what man, it is pretty brutal. You know, a lot of swallowing and just very gross. So general PSA. Okay, all the NFL fans, the football fans, the sports heads have waited long enough. Let's jump into our NFL draft here. We're gonna do a full first round, 32 picks, and I promise we're not going to linger too long. I think this will just be a good opportunity for people because I assume the majority of the bean heads are gonna be listening to this show after the NFL draft first
Starting point is 00:24:44 round has happened because it starts in like an hour. And so it might be tough to squeeze it all in. But okay, so if you're curious, I've got a website here that's going to allow me to kind of make the picks. And I think I had to tinker with the settings a little bit beforehand to kind of make sure I could do it. It wasn't super straightforward, which is like, oh, you make the picks. It was like a simulator sort
Starting point is 00:25:09 of thing. So I had to kind of give myself, try to give myself control over all 32 teams. So I hope it works. I'm not sure if it doesn't work. We're going to have to pause the show. Maybe we'll do another right on Q advertisement. But yeah, I mean, we'll see how it goes. So the first pick of this year's NFL draft is the Jacksonville J. Wars, which is hilarious because they were the first pick last year, too. Has that ever happened before you have a really awful team? They draft their franchise quarterback, Trevor Lawrence, although not Trevor Lawrence could be anyone because it wasn't Trevor Lawrence in histories what I'm asking about and That same team has drafted first next year too. There's a good bean town trivia question for you all. I have no idea
Starting point is 00:25:56 It's a good Roman Coke. Oh Well, I'm here before we make our first pick here now that I'm back in front of the computer RC Cola and Moon Pie where we make our first pick here. Now that I'm back in front of the computer, RC Cola and MoonPie Festival, here we go. I also wanna check out with a population of Bell Buckleys. Okay,, RC Cola MoonPie Festival, June 18th, 2022. That's about exactly what I said. It was gonna be, it's coming up hot here. We're less than two months out
Starting point is 00:26:26 Figure the festivities the setup all that stuff is probably already happening. Juni teen. That's a Saturday I got to remember to send this to my coworker This okay, here's here's the the homepage this wacky fun for the whole family event celebrates the south original fast food And ice cold RC cola and a fresh moon pie, smiling visitors from all over the world. You wanted these days, one of these years, I really do wanna do a podcast live from, from Bellbuckle at the RC cold moon pie festival. It's not happening this year, but I would love it
Starting point is 00:27:03 if it happened this year, or at some point it if it happened this year or at some point Maybe like bean town 37 or something Rachel will love that Smiley visitors from all over the world we can prove it because there's a who travel the furthest contest Furtherist is is what it says a not furthest furtherist my favorite words stream into the downtown area Down now downtown Bell buckle folks. You're gonna want to be careful crossing the street because you might get hit by a rabbit or something where they can find plenty of music cloggers, weird but fun contest, moon pie games and a colorful parade. Just to name a few but no Democrats name a few of the many things that occur throughout the day. So let's see, kick things off with a 10, oh this is actually kind of cool. I didn't know this. Kick things off with a 10 mile and 5k races.
Starting point is 00:27:49 I really am skeptical that anyone in Bell Buckle tend to see is really into 10 mile races, but maybe that's, you know, maybe get some Kenyans in. I also want to go on record here and I'm not making any sort of comments on the health, fitness, nutrition of people living in Bell Buckle. It's a beautiful little town. I just don't think of racing when I think of the Moon Pie Festival. So TBD, I would love to, you know, be part of that someday. More about the race, parade registration.
Starting point is 00:28:17 If you think I'm shitting you, I'm not. 7 a.m. is when the 10 mile run starts. 9 a.m. is when the craft fair and food court starts. 9 15 a.15 AM mid-state cloggers 10 AM bell buckle chamber 10 Mow Run Awards 1045 is the southern country cloggers then you've got the RC and Moon Pie parade at 1130 oh this is a very special event at 1145 you have the RC in Moon Pie, King and Queen, crowning festivities.
Starting point is 00:28:51 Now, if that isn't just the, talk about being the bell of the ball, I mean, you gotta love that. Let's see, next, you have the Speakeasy Classic Rock Band at 12.30 PM. At 115, you've got the prizes and awards. I don't particularly know what prizes and awards reference is, but hey, you know, it sounds like fun. And then at 145.2 PM, you got the speak easy classic rock band,
Starting point is 00:29:26 230 PM RC, coal and moon pie games. It's like reindeer games, it better. Oh, this is real fun for the kids. 345 PM nights of the moon pie round. And 4 PM, oh geez, what a way to end the day. The world's largest moon pie. Let's zoom out here. I was trying to remember when talking to my coworker,
Starting point is 00:29:47 how far Bell Buckle is from Nashville. I thought it was like an hour south. And I think that's about exactly right. So, yeah, it's about our southeast of Nashville, kind of halfway between Nashville and Chattanooga. So, I'm not joking. That is a real thing. It's a big deal in Bellbuckle every year.
Starting point is 00:30:08 And I wanted to see what the population of Bellbuckle was because I guessed 512. And according to Google, 2019, we're at 544. So I was 32 folks off. I'm taking a W for that. OK, let's not wait any longer. Let's get into the NFL draft here. So it's pretty much the cement we got,
Starting point is 00:30:28 the Jacksonville Jaguars at number one. And it seems like the consensus, we haven't really had a consensus up till this point, but it seems like what people are saying is that they're gonna take Trayvon Walker from Georgia, I think, is where he went. So I think that's where we're gonna take Trayvon Walker from Georgia, I think is where he went. So I think that's where we're gonna pick. I don't necessarily think he's the best player in the draft,
Starting point is 00:30:51 but for whatever reason, I think they need a defensive player. Although let's just be real, their offense is kind of shit, even with Trevor Lawrence, but they are getting a TN back from injury. And they just, they did like, they spent all their free agency money on wider receivers for like the bad ones, which was wild. So I could see them taking like sauce gardener or one of these tackles, but I think that it seems like they're taking Trayvon Walker the best edge guy in the draft.
Starting point is 00:31:24 Although Aiden Hutchinson could be good too, but I've heard they're taking Trayvon Walker the best edge guy in the draft. Although Aiden Hutchinson, good be good too. But I've heard they're taking Trayvon Walker. So I'm going to give them Trayvon Walker in my mock draft. Let's see if this works drafting Trayvon Walker. Okay. Yeah. It's working great. Okay.
Starting point is 00:31:36 So now we got the Detroit Lions at number two. And I feel like the Detroit Lions because Aiden Hutchinson went to Michigan. I feel like Dan Campbell, their coach is going to be all over that. So I'm not going to overthink this one. I think that Aiden Hutchinson is going to the Detroit Lions. Number three, the Texans, no one has any clue
Starting point is 00:31:56 what they're going to do. No team has ever been perhaps at this much of a ground zero. They traded away. They're, you know, much beleaguered, is that a word? Quarterback, Dishon Watson. Their whole team is a mess. I think they got rid of their coach.
Starting point is 00:32:15 I think I'd have to go back and look. So they don't have like any good players except Brandon Cooks is their wide receiver, their top guy. And of course, you recall they traded away their star wide receiver two years ago. What's his name, the guy went to the Cardinals. So Hopkins and they got what in return, David Johnson and a seventh round pick or something. It was one of the worst trades of all time. So really, they can go absolutely anywhere.
Starting point is 00:32:40 I've seen a lot of people saying that they're going to take sauce, gardener, the corner corner back out of Cincinnati That feels like a solid option Because they really want someone who can just like be a leader on that defense. I could see them taking one of these hot tackles like a con Wu from NC State of a Neil or Charles cross They could also go for one of these Impact Wider receivers. It's a deep class, but I think I think that they're going to take Saw's Gardener. He's probably
Starting point is 00:33:09 the best secondary guy in this draft, so I'm going to I'm going to send Saw's Gardener from Cincinnati to the Houston Texans. Okay, next up on the clock we have the New York JET jets, jets, jets, who are in an interesting position. They definitely need an impact wide receiver because their wide receiver room is just kind of nothing flashy, nothing special, and they could really use a guy to pair with Zach Wilson, but the jets are another team that would just
Starting point is 00:33:41 been like so bad for so long, they just need, I honestly, I think the best player available at this point. So to the Jets, I am going to give. Let's see. This is tough. And I don't actually really know what I'm doing here. I'm just kind of I'm just kind of shooting from the hip. I'm going to get the Jets Charles Cross tackle from Mississippi state. I think that they're going to try to protect Zach Wilson.
Starting point is 00:34:07 Next up, we have the New York football giants. A team kind of like the jets that are just in big time problems. I think the giants have another pick at number seven from the Bears. And they only have picks. Oh wait, no, no, no, I was mistaken. the bears and they only have picks. Oh wait, no, no, no, I was mistaken. So I could see the one thing I will note about this draft simulator won't be doing any sort of trading or anything.
Starting point is 00:34:32 So I can't really do anything about that, but I could see the giants giving away one of these picks, specifically for a first round pick next year to try and get a quarterback. So I'll actually predict that the giants will trade away this number five pick to a team who needs probably stingy at here at number five, maybe like the chiefs or something like that to try to get a first run pick
Starting point is 00:34:59 next year so that they can get a quarter back. So that's my prediction, but I have to pick someone for the giants. So I will say that the Giants will take, well, they're gonna pick again in one more pick. So I would say the Giants will take Derek Stingley Jr. here at number five. Okay, so now at number six are the Carolina Panthers.
Starting point is 00:35:19 Now people are thinking like, oh, do they, are they gonna go for a quarterback? Cause that's the common thing with the Panthers. They need a quarterback. I don't think they're going to do it. I don't think the Panthers are going to go down that deep. I think they're going to go for a best player available. I think they're going to get a tackle.
Starting point is 00:35:38 I think it's going to help their team out. I'm going to give the Panthers Evan Neal from Alabama. Next, we have the New York Giants. Again, who did we just give them? We gave them Derek Singley Jr. the corner back. of the Panthers Evan Neal from Alabama. Next, we have the New York Giants again. Who did we just give them? We gave them Derrick Sincley Jr. the cornerback. So I think that the Giants will go for this other tackle here. Eekim, Ikwan Wu, and give him to the Giants.
Starting point is 00:35:57 Next up, we have the Falcons, another QB Needy team. They legitimately don't have a quarterback right now as far as I know know maybe Marcus Mariotta I think that the the Falcons are gonna go and get what's his name the guy from Liberty the quarterback And he will be the first one taken. I'm giving the Falcons Malik Willis quarterback out of Liberty Next we have the Seattle Seahawks a team team that has completely hit rebuild, they trade over way, Russell Wilson. They could go for just about anyone here.
Starting point is 00:36:29 I don't think they're going to take a quarterback in this class. I think they're going to just try to get like, well, they got the drew lock from Denver. He's pretty bad. I don't know what they're going to do at quarterback, but they really aren't any good quarterback. So I'm going to give the Seattle Seahawks, Kyle Hamilton, the safety from Notre Dame, which I think is a, I don't think a lot of people are predicting him to go that high, so we'll see what happens.
Starting point is 00:36:56 Next up, we have another pick for the JETS Jets Jets. I haven't been taking Charles Cross a tackle, and number four. So here at number 10, I think they're gonna grab Jamison Williams, the wide receiver from Alabama, best wide receiver in this draft. Number 11, we have the Washington commanders, and I think that everyone expects them
Starting point is 00:37:18 to take a wide receiver, so they're probably picking between Drake London and Garrett Wilson. I think they're going to take a Drake, London the wide receiver from USC Now you have my Minnesota Vikings and A lot of people were thinking that they're gonna try to take Derek Stingley, but most drafts have him going way before number 12 here I could see the Vikings trading down potentially
Starting point is 00:37:44 for a later first round pick and then maybe like a third round pick this year or a second round pick next year. We'll see what happens, but since I can't do trades, we're pretty much deciding between Kaven, Tibido, the edge rusher from Oregon, Trent McDuffy who would be the third cornerback. He's out of Washington or Garrett Wilson, the wide receiver in Ohio State. And I feel like the safe option here is Trent McDuffy just because you get a versatile cornerback
Starting point is 00:38:13 to learn under Patrick Peterson. But K-Von Tibado could be sexy, the edge rusher. And then also the home run option would be Garrett Wilson because then the Vikings would have Garrett Wilson, Justin Jefferson, and Adam Thielin, which would be nuts. But I really, it's, well, it's hard to know because this Vikings front office is completely new, but I think they recognize that like, gosh, they got to do something about that secondary or else they're just going to give up 50 points a game.
Starting point is 00:38:43 So I do think that they're, I think they're pretty confident in their offense as is. So I think they're going to take Trent McDuffie, the cornerback from Washington, which I think is the least sexy of those three picks, but I just think it's what's going to happen. Okay, we got the Texans on the clock. According to this website simulator, I'm using it, you know, it lists every team's needs like guard, defense, attack why I'd receive it. For the Texans at pick number 13, it literally, I'm not shitting you, says every possession.
Starting point is 00:39:11 So if you'll remember at pick three, we gave the Texans saws gardener the top corner back. So I think what we're going to see here is that they're going to continue to build that defense. I think cave on Tibido is not likely to drop this far. but I don't think the Texans are going to let them drop any further. So I'm going to give the Texans Kavon Tibido from Oregon. Okay, next up we have the Ravens. I think this is the first team in the draft that is like actually a competent team that knows what they're doing and has a plan. So
Starting point is 00:39:43 things get a little bit interesting here. I can't see them taking a guy like Garrett Wilson, although he would be great on that team because Lamar is just kind of all over the place with his accuracy. So now we're getting into some interesting picks here. They are a team that definitely needs help on defense. I think they're pretty, I think they're pretty confident in their offensive scheme. So I think that they're going to take Jordan Davis. So defense alignment from Georgia, who a lot of people actually think the Vikings might take, but I think that they're just going to go after Jordan Davis and add him to the interior of that line. And he will wreck the rest of
Starting point is 00:40:21 the AFC North. So I am sending Jordan Davis to the Baltimore Ravens. Next we have the Philadelphia Eagles. They pick at both 15 and 18. The Eagles love drafting wider receivers in the first round. They don't pan out. So we'll see what happens this year. But I think the Eagles are actually gonna do it one more time. I think they're gonna take Garrett Wilson,
Starting point is 00:40:43 the wider receiver from Ohio State. So I will give them Garrett Wilson. The Saints are an interesting spot, or in an interesting spot because they've got a big quarterback question. They've got Jameson, Jameson. James Winston coming back, but he's not a spring chicken anymore. Could they reach for God, whoever is the next wide or a quarterback, who is probably what Kenny picket. Perhaps I'm scrolling scrolling scrolling. We've got Sam Howell. We got Kenny picket somewhere. Yeah, Desmond Ritter.
Starting point is 00:41:17 I don't think Desmond Ritter is going the first round. I am going to say that the saints are going to go for it. I think the saints are going to take Sam Howell. I think they're desperate. So I will send Sam Howell pick 16 to the Saints. Next, we have the Chargers, a team that feels like they're probably just one or two savvy moves away from really being in a good spot. However, they do also play in the AFC West, which is a nightmare this year. The Chargers, I think they brought back Mike Williams. So I feel like on offense with Williams, Kenan Allen,
Starting point is 00:41:51 whoever their tight end is these days, I can't even remember. But of course, Austin Echler, I feel like they're in pretty good shape on offense. Now they just need their defenses. Step it up a little bit. So I'm going to send George Carl Aftis, the edge rusher from Purdue, to play alongside Joey Bosa or Nick Bosa, whichever one plays for the chargers. And they also, the chargers picked up that guy from somewhere, right?
Starting point is 00:42:20 He was really good and then he got, was it free agent or something they grabbed him. So I'm not quite sure if I feel that confident in this pick, but I'm going to send George Carl Aftis the ed rusher to the Los Angeles chargers. I can't remember what that guy's name. The name is the other guy who plays alongside Joey Boça in Los Angeles. I have to look that up. Next up on the clock, we got the Philadelphia Eagles and we got to I have to look that up. Next up on the clock, we got the Philadelphia Eagles, and we got to speed this up. We got 34% left on the old Mac battery. So at 15, we had the Eagles taking their favorite Garrett Wilson,
Starting point is 00:42:57 a wide receiver in the first round, but they do have a second pick. Eagles definitely got to show up their defense. They're going to take Devon Lloyd, the linebacker out of Utah with their second pick in the first round. OK, we got the Saints again, who just like the Eagles, another pick in the mid-round here. They took Sam Howell the quarterback out of North Carolina with their first pick.
Starting point is 00:43:18 The Saints could really use some offensive help here. They are going to take Chris Olave, the wide receiver from Ohio State to play alongside the corpse of Michael Thomas. So we'll send Chris Olave at 19 to the Saints. Now we've got maybe the most interesting team and the entire draft here, the Pittsburgh Steelers, because the Steelers have signed Mitch Trubisky
Starting point is 00:43:44 as a free agent. And it's like, are they gonna legitimately give him the shot? Is he like supposed to be a backup? Is he a transition guy? What is he supposed to be? Steelers are not a team that is used to being bad, just kind of straight up, but they are in danger of being like really bad this year
Starting point is 00:44:03 if they don't get some offensive production. They could definitely use a tackle, they could definitely use a quarterback, but do I really see them reaching for Kenny Pickett? I think they might actually legitimately just say like, oh, we're just going to be bad this year and try to get a quarterback next year. So I'm actually going to send, let's see, who do I want to send them? Bernard Raymond from Central Michigan, the tackle to the Pittsburgh Steelers. Already regarding that pick. Okay, number 21. We have the New England Patriots on the clock. Patriots, because you could use a little bit of everything, but I don't see them taking an offensive player in the first round that just doesn't feel like the Bill Bell check way. So I'm deciding between Andrew Booth Jr.,
Starting point is 00:44:48 the cornerback from Clemson, or Jermaine Johnson, the edge rusher from Florida State. I think Bill likes Jermaine Johnson the second, the edge rusher from Florida State. I'm sending him to the New England Patriots. Here we go, the Green Bay Packers, who have taken one offensive player. Is that right in the last 20 years? What are they going to do? I think they finally realize
Starting point is 00:45:11 that they legitimately have like nothing on offense with Devonte Adams gone. So they really, they got to get talent in there. They're going to take Skymore Sky with two wise fun for the kids at home, the wide receiver out of Western Michigan to the Green Bay Packers. All right, we got about nine more picks here. And I'm going to blow through these pretty quick, because who gives a shit? The Arizona Cardinals are on the clock. God, there's a team in just wild need of everything. I think the Cardinals will take Tyler Linderbaum, the clock. God, there's a team in just wild need of everything. I think the carinals will take Tyler Lindorbaum,
Starting point is 00:45:46 the center from Iowa. It has a big boy. Next, you got America's team, the Dallas Cowboys. A team that is in deep danger of going from like, competing every year to just complete oblivion. Mari Cooper's gone. And that playoff lost last year to the Niners was really embarrassing, if you'll recall
Starting point is 00:46:06 when they tried to do a cubie sneak with nine seconds left on the clock and no time out smooth move Ferguson. I think the Cowboys Cowboys like to go after flashy players They need help on both sides of the line. I think that they're going to take I'll take I'll have the, the Cowboys taking Devonte Wyatt, a defense alignment from Georgia. Next we got the Buffalo Bills, a team that feels like they are one impact player away from, you know, going to the Super Bowl. They're really a team that isn't, you know, in desperate need of talent in one specific area. I think they're just going to try to take the best player available.
Starting point is 00:46:49 And I think for them, the best player available at this point is probably be either like George Pickens, a wider receiver from Georgia, or an Kobe Dean, a linebacker from Georgia, or Andrew Booth Jr. I'm going to give them to Kobe Dean, a linebacker from Georgia or Andrew Booth Jr. I'm going to give them to Kobe Dean, a linebacker from Georgia. Next, we have the Tennessee Titans. This is a team that Julio Jones didn't really work out for this past year. They need someone else along, AJ Brown.
Starting point is 00:47:16 That's why I'm sending George Pickins, the wide receiver from Georgia, not too far from Nashville to the Tennessee Titans with pick number 26. Next, you have the Tampa Titans with pick number 26. Next, you have the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. A team that, who did they even lose to in the playoffs this last year? I don't really remember. But they lost, even with Brady, which was surprising. Gosh, who was it?
Starting point is 00:47:38 They beat the Eagles in the opening round. They must have had to go play Los Angeles or something, although they probably hosted them. I don't really recall. The Tampa Bay Buccaneers, they really just need help in the trenches because that Super Bowl defense is starting to lose a little bit of their edge, Brady Knees protection. I will have the Tampa Bay Buccaneers taking Zion Johnson, the guard from Boston College. Next up, pick 28, we got the Green Bay Packers. They're just taking best player available at this point.
Starting point is 00:48:10 They got their wide receiver. He's fallen probably too far in this drought. We're taking Andrew Booth Jr. The cornerback from Clemson. Now we have the chiefs with back-to-back picks. So the chiefs could really use a wide receiver to fill the void left when they traded away Tyree Kill. You figured there was a guy out there that they really wanted when they made that trade.
Starting point is 00:48:32 And I think that guy is the Arkansas wide receiver Treilan Burke, so I'm sending him to the Kansas City Chiefs. And now they got a chance for someone else. And I think they're going to take Kair Illum, the cornerback from Florida with the 30th pick. We got the last two picks here. We have the Bengals followed by the Lions. Let's just scroll down the list here, see what else is going on.
Starting point is 00:48:57 I already know who I'm giving the Lions, but I think the Bengals will probably take, let's see. Let's just give them, they need help in the trenches. Let's just give the Bengals the tackle, Tyler Smith from Tulsa. They always need help on the offensive line. And then with the 30 second final pick in the first round of the NFL draft according to the bean town prediction model, we are going to give Kenny Pickett, the quarterback from Pittsburgh to the Detroit Lions. All right, they're grading my draft now. Let's see how we did. Now they're trying to sell me
Starting point is 00:49:34 subscription. No. Okay, my first run mock draft, we'll go through it really quickly. There was no grades, just my results. That's not a grade bullshit. Okay, here we go. Just to wrap it up here. I'm not going to give you the team. I'm just going to, well, yeah, I'll give you the team in the name. We'll go one through 32 lightning round. I'm going to need a little bit of rum and coke to get through it. Because Scotch and Diet Pepsi just doesn't really have the same, you know, ring the same bell. Okay, number one, Trayvon Walker to the Jakes. Number two, Aiden Hutchinson to the Lions.
Starting point is 00:50:08 Three, saw it's gardener to the Texans. Four Charles Cross to the Jets. Five, Derrick Stingley Jr. to the Giants. Six, Evan Neal to the Panthers. Seven, Ekem Aquanu to the Giants. Eight, Malik Willis quarterback to the Falcons. Nine Kyle Hamilton, safety to the Seahawks. Ten, James and Williams, wider seaver to the Giants, uh, uh, eight Malik Willis quarterback to the Falcons, nine Kyle Hamilton,
Starting point is 00:50:25 safety to the Seahawks, ten James and Williams-Wider-Cever to the Juts, eleven Drake, London-Wider-Cever to the commanders, twelve Trent McDuffy, cornerback to the Vikings, thirteen cave on Tipado, edge rusher to the Texans, fourteen Jordan Davis, defensive line-win to the Ravens, fifteen Garrett Wilson-Wider-Cever to the Eagles the Eagles 16 Sam Howell for a second quarterback taken to the Saints. Second half of the round here Jordan car or George Carl aftis edge rusher to the Charters 18 Devin Lloyd linebacker to the Eagles 19 Crystal LaVay wider see what are the. 20 burn hard Raymond tackled to the Steelers 21 Jermaine Johnson the second edge rusher to the Patriots
Starting point is 00:51:10 22 Skymore with two Y's wide receiver to the Packers 23 to the Cardinals Tyler Linder. Romm a center 24 to the criminals. Devante Wyatt defense alignment out of Georgia 25 to the Buffalo Bills. We have Nicobie Dean, line back right at Georgia. Again to the linebacker out of Georgia. Again to the bills.
Starting point is 00:51:27 26. The Titans we have George Pickens, the wide receiver out of Georgia. 27 to the Bucks. We have Zion Johnson guard from Boston College.
Starting point is 00:51:35 Go Catholics. 28. We have Andrew Booth Jr. Cornerback to the Packers. Back to back. Chiefs picks. We go Traylon
Starting point is 00:51:43 Berks wide receiver from Arkansas. And Kair Eelam, cornerback from Florida 31, Tyler Smith, tackle to the Bengals, and 32 bringing up the rear. Kenny Pickett, quarterback from Pittsburgh, and folks, there you have it. Those are the Bean Town podcasts,
Starting point is 00:51:58 first round draft predictions. I think they're gonna be pretty bad because I didn't really do my research. I've just been paying attention to the Vikings picks. So let's see how it goes. We got the NFL draft airing live in about 45 minutes here. First round, I'm excited. You know, have some drinks, have some lasagna macaroni
Starting point is 00:52:29 and just kind of enjoy my Thursday night. Everyone I hope wherever you are, you're having a good time. You are enjoying some spring weather. You are getting outside. You're staying up the screens as much as possible. And thank you everyone. Thank you to everyone for listening beantownpodcast dot com streaming on all bean town networks. Looking forward to launching right on cue in the immediate future. I hope you liked your little teaser that you got of it today.
Starting point is 00:52:54 And that's about all I got for you. So we are going to play the outroom music that you know and love. And I am going to tell you one last time, stay safe. Stay sane. Have a rum and coke on me. And I'll check in you one last time, stay safe, stay sane, have a rum-and-cook on me, and I'll check in on you next time. Bye! Yeah! I'm just going to sit here and sit here. ndご視聴ありがとうございました

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