Beantown Podcast - Salute to the Solar Eclipse (04052024 Beantown Podcast)

Episode Date: April 5, 2024

Quinn comes to you LIVE to salute the 2024 solar eclipse, talk tech issues, and preview some upcoming episodes. A reminder to email us your questions for Matthew Fiedler, as well as your 2024 horse submissions!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Furness. Welcome to my show. Quinn David Furness presents the Beantown podcast for Friday, April 5 2024. What's happening? What's going on? How are you? My name is Quinn and this is our program. Quinn David Furness presents the Beantown podcast. I am the creator, the host and for now the chief producer of this program, although let's start right there as you're probably noticing for a second week in a row, no intro music, no outro music, largely done out of laziness, but I tell you what I, so I got it, what I got to do next, we're recording on Audacity again, I don't know why I said it so strangely, this week. We do have the Samsung Q2U series coming in hot today. So hopefully the audio quality works out well.
Starting point is 00:00:51 We used the Bob Barker microphone last week, and it was up and down. It was not quite as good as Samsung. But for the aesthetic, that's kind of some sacrifices that you have to make. But what I need to do, and what I did not do, is actually go into my MacBook, because that is where the audio files, the MP3s for our intro
Starting point is 00:01:13 and outro music live. And then I got to transfer them over email or something, so that I can access them on this computer where I have Audacity. But then I was playing around without knowing I wasn't going to be able to do it for real. Just playing around with multiple tracks on Audacity, which I have no experience with.
Starting point is 00:01:34 And I was having a hard time figuring it out. So it's an adventure. We'll see. But we are now accepting applications for summer internships, unpaid. Although I would buy lunch here and there. I'm thinking like tomato, salmon. What if we get fresh tomatoes from my future mother-in-law's garden, a little bit of mayonnaise
Starting point is 00:01:58 slathered on there, S-L-A-T-H-E-R, and some white, good old white wonder bread. I'll make that for you occasionally. So send your applications in to bean-townpodcasts at Again, that's bean-townpodcasts at I will say most of my listeners these days are from Pakistan. Shout out to Pakistan. Thank you for making us the 112th ranked comedy podcast in the great Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
Starting point is 00:02:25 If there are any aspiring unpaid interns out there from Karachi, Hyderabad, Khartoum, or anywhere else, we will have to have a come to Jesus conversation about visas, sponsorships, and HEB1s, or whatever they're called, or J1s, or J2s, or F1s, or I don't know, F1 visas. Because that's kind of expensive. So not sure if we're going to be able to do that.
Starting point is 00:02:50 I guess it depends on your skills and qualifications. If you fall head over heels for someone, then I'd be more willing to do it. So it's not a deal breaker. But if you do require visa sponsorship, you better be a home run candidate. So email us resumes and cover letters. BeanTomPodcast at
Starting point is 00:03:09 And thank you to Pakistan. Listener discretion is advised when you're listening to this program number. Oh, also must have a working knowledge of audacity, microphones, USB microphones, and preferably MLMs. Take that for what you will. Next step in the Beantown network empire. We're drinking our last of our six pack of a Temperance Beer
Starting point is 00:03:35 Co. basement party alongside a little bit of whiskey here. Woodford Reserve, getting close to finishing off the Christmas present. Of course, it's a delayed start, so they don't get to have any in January. I bought some scotch today at the Jewels. Excuse me I have not bought scotch in a long time. I just looking at the bottle I can already tell it's gonna be one of those you take a little sip nearly that goes down tough but you know what I don't know if I've ever had a scotch where I drank it and it didn't go down tough. But you know what? I don't know if I've ever had a Scotch where I drank it
Starting point is 00:04:05 and it didn't go down tough. Is that just me being a cheap ass? Absolutely. But you feel like you got to pay like $75 for a bottle of Scotch before it starts going down smooth. That's just kind of my association. For me, whiskey and bourbon go down a little bit smoother, and Scotch is rough on the way down.
Starting point is 00:04:25 I don't know if that's actually a quality of the beverages, a distinction, if you will, but that's just my association. Email us if you know that, whether that's true or not, because that's my understanding. So we're going double barrel a little bit here today. But taking it slow, just a long day, tough day. I won't belabor this point, but a ton of tech issues today, man, on phone calls at my job. The AirPods crapped out, not in like a permanent way, but just started to really cut out.
Starting point is 00:04:56 Couldn't tell if it was me or the people I was talking to, so I had to abandon ship there. Our phones, our work phones integrated to Microsoft Teams this week and there's been a whole slew of issues there. Candidates not being able to hear me. Just all sorts of stuff. And then, you know, when I was in the office yesterday and anytime I plug into my like office dock, if you will, it messes up the audio settings and you gotta restart and all sorts of stuff.
Starting point is 00:05:23 So just a fun amalgamation of issues. Let's blow past that. We mentioned, we'll get this out of our Samsung Q2U series. Thank you to Samsung. We're very well deserved week off last week for the Samsung Q2U series. So back and better than ever. When God speaks, he uses the Samsung, of course, last week. And a big one for the Samson Q2U series, so back and better than ever. When God speaks, he
Starting point is 00:05:45 uses the Samson, of course, last week, and a big one for the Lord. Didn't get a lot of feedback from the beanheads on my seven plagues, three pros concept. It's sort of my version of a Herman Cain's 999 plan, but maybe people are just not caught up. Maybe there's Pakistanis out there who are 320 or so episodes behind, which I understand. Also, our good friends at Home Prior to Oregon, when you need your home inspection in Central Oregon, go with someone who's safe, certified, and expert. You can trust. That might be my dad, Steve, 541410316.
Starting point is 00:06:21 Or email homepriortooregon at I'll say this. If you get homepriortooregon at mixed up with Be I'll say this, if you get mixed up with Beantown Podcasts email, you send Steve a cover letter and a resume. You send me a request for a home inspection. I'll do it, but I'm not insured, so it's a risk. And Steve knows his way around a cover letter,
Starting point is 00:06:40 so you'll probably be in good hands with him. But I don't know, he definitely doesn't do visa sponsorship, so good luck there especially for Pakistan you know he's a big he's a big bush guy and he probably worried that you're Al Qaeda's kid or something like that hiding out in Pakistan no that's slander no slander on the Bean Top podcast certainly not for a good friends at home Pirate Oregon, inspection, perfection. Although he probably won't sponsor you still though.
Starting point is 00:07:09 Doesn't have anything to do with Al-Qaeda however. And then of course a good friend's cuts by Q, did a big old shave by Q. A full face shave, first time and it's always, it's usually like a month, two months or so in between my full face shaves. It feels like it's been a while. So I got a clean look.
Starting point is 00:07:27 I have a 10-year-old's birthday dinner tomorrow, so I want it to be fresh for that. You know how that goes. Cuts by Q, when you need to fresh do something, snap your new call the experts at Cuts by Q. All right, let's jump into it here. It's going to be a short-ish episode, because there was not a ton of preparation done.
Starting point is 00:07:46 Kind of a long week. Just had to kind of grind through it. You know, that post-Easter letdown is real. Before we jump in, an announcement, show announcement. Next week, we're going to be one of our favorite shows of the year our dear friend former Co-host of the white noise podcast alongside yours truly
Starting point is 00:08:11 tax expert Matthew Feeler is going to be joining our program for the seventh annual bean town podcast taxes special Be on the lookout for that this year's theme is joint filing. Okay. So get ready for that. You know, study up on your joints. You got your ball and sockets. You got your, I don't know, what do you call them? The hinge, hinge joints. That could be a good, good hangout for singles. Hinge joints. Get it? It's a joke. Pretty good. But Matthew Feather is gonna be talking to us all about taxes, tax days, ten days from now. And yeah, so if you
Starting point is 00:08:53 haven't done your taxes yet, get your W-2s out. I will release my taxes live on air, although I did them like two months ago and I don't even really know what I would release. They're pretty boring. They've looked the same now for the last like four years. No big changes. I think I had fewer capital losses this year than in years past. I don't know if that's a good or a bad thing. Probably a good thing, right?
Starting point is 00:09:16 I wouldn't want to have losses, certainly not of the capital variety. I feel like any time the Blackhawks got to play Alexander Ovechkin. That guy's still active, he's still in the league, feels like he's really old. But yeah, Matthew Feather, dear friend of the show, congratulations to Matthew. We got to celebrate his wedding down in Mexico. Gosh, already three, three and a half months ago.
Starting point is 00:09:43 Crazy stuff. Let's get into it. I'm pretty sure he completely botched this last week, although I didn't listen back. I don't remember. We didn't do it this week on the campaign trail last week. So this week on the campaign trail, though, there were some more primaries.
Starting point is 00:09:56 Who cares? The least exciting primary season of my lifetime, we've covered that ad nauseum. But I did want to say that this past week on the campaign trail, Trump rather got really pissed off when he found out that this year, transgender day of visibility would be falling on Easter. And of course, he said, Joe Biden
Starting point is 00:10:17 created transgender day of visibility this year to be on Easter, specifically to stick it to the Christians, which of course, is patently false. But patently false. And so in response, Trump said that November 5th, which I believe November 5th, 2024 is election day this year, certainly is, he said that November 5th would be Christian day of visibility. I kind of like how Trump is just out there creating holidays. It kind of makes you wonder who gets to actually create holidays
Starting point is 00:10:51 and who doesn't. Is it a congressional thing? Does it need 2 thirds of the Senate? Can a president just sign something into a bill into whatever you would call it, enact a bill? I like when cities or counties do some special specific person. It's their day.
Starting point is 00:11:14 But I was really sad I found this out the other day. I don't know how common this is. Presumably very common. Let's say there's a Fred Van Vliet or something, wins the national champion, or the NBA title three years ago, four years ago, whatever it was, for the Raptors. So Rockford, and they probably did do something like this, I don't know, but Rockford will announce June 20,
Starting point is 00:11:36 a week after the finals ends, as Fred Van Vleet Day. The thing that makes me sad, excuse me, is that I've seen this happen in a couple other places recently, different examples, but it'll just be for that year. It's not like, oh, every year now this is Fred Van Vliet Day. In my mind, if something is, you know, Quinn Furnace Day here in Chicago, March 16th, no brainer, it should be Quinn Furnace Day every year, right? It shouldn't just be once.
Starting point is 00:12:02 There's no, a day happens once a year, right? So that kind of bummed me out. Seems like a silly thing to get bummed out about. This guy just walked into our apartment, not our actual apartment. But I'm out looking out the window and peering out, if you will, if you'll, like Jimmy Stewart in a rear window
Starting point is 00:12:23 without the broken legs. He's walking in shirtless. That's crazy. I don't know if he was like a streaker at the Cubs game or something. Big W for the Cubs today. 9 to 7 over the Dodgers. Nail-biter.
Starting point is 00:12:37 Great gold glove defense. Cubs have won five in a row. They're hot. Beating the Dodgers. Shohei Otani, I think it was his first game ever, at Wrigley Field, he had a home run. Double, single. I think he had a single. He was, yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:50 Or no, no, maybe not. Double in a home run, at least. Dead air. But yeah, so Christian Day of Visibility is going to be November 5. And now you've got to wonder, are there going to be more offshoots, like different sex and denomination?
Starting point is 00:13:05 Like when is Episcopalian Day of Visibility gonna be? What about Seventh Day Adventist? What do you think the Seventh Day Adventists believe? Something to do with the number seven. Seventh Day, God rested, right? Are they lazy? Is it like the lazy denomination? Everyone's always resting?
Starting point is 00:13:23 You can't have church. Here is my problem with church on Sunday. Sunday's supposed to be the day of rest. You wake up your little kid and mom and dad are like, hey, we're going to 8 o'clock service. That's not really resting for me, is it? That's like get up at the butt crack of dawn, brush your teeth, put on a polo, and go listen to a 45 minute sermon from John D. Sprecher.
Starting point is 00:13:47 I don't know, that doesn't feel very restful to me. I will say, I was always jealous when I was a little kid of the friends who got to go to the 1030 a.m. service at Rock Church growing up. there was an 8 a.m. and then Sunday school would be 9.30 to 10.30. No idea what my parents did from 9.30 to 10.30. They must have their own groups. I don't know. And then there'd be a 10.30 service which was had much more leeway and liberty to go long right and spill into the noon hour which spills into the football games which is to get that's my golden rule. Forget, love your brother as I saw with my golden rule is don't miss the football games.
Starting point is 00:14:30 So I was always jealous because those kids, if they went to Sunday school, you got to be there at 9.30, if not, 10.30. But I was very jealous that they got to sleep in on Sundays because that felt natural, right? It'd be a Sunday, it's a weekend you get to sleep in. But it didn't work out that way. But in hindsight, I'm OK with the decision to go to the 8 AM. I mean, my ultimate number one choice
Starting point is 00:14:56 would have been just don't go at all. But really, the only way to not go would be if you faked sick, which happened a handful of times. But then the problem is you've got to watch whatever's on TV on Sunday mornings with no cable. And if you ever watched network television on a Sunday morning, that is bleak, man. I mean, you don't get any good today show action, no, you know, Matt Lauer scandals. You don't get cartoons.
Starting point is 00:15:22 You miss that boat by 24 hours. So it's a lesser of two evils. But not great. And then Oh shoot I was going to say something else. Completely escaped. Escaped my mind. That's okay. Just take some whiskey. That'll help my memory. Take some whiskey. I've been doing too much Duolingo. I tell you what man. You try to drink in Espanol Tomar, Tomar el beverage. Right. I don't think that's actually true. It's a bebe right. That's to drink Comer to eat Como Zoo, St. Paul Lake Como Europe somewhere. We're gonna be talking geography in a second here with our trivia question.
Starting point is 00:16:08 We are way off track. Christian Day visibility. Oh yeah, we were talking Seventh Day Adventist. That's how we got talking about laziness. So there you go. That's it this week on the campaign trail. The biggest bummer is like I don't think this has been confirmed one or another yet, but I don't think we're going to get debates, right? It's already so irritating to me that we were robbed of primary debates. Even when it was DeSantis and Nikki Haley were still around, it wasn't like DeSantis, Trump and Nikki Haley together on a stage.
Starting point is 00:16:43 It was these stupid like back to back town halls that no one cared about for DeSantis, Trump, and Nikki Haley together on a stage. It was these stupid back-to-back town halls that no one cared about for DeSantis and Nikki. And obviously, Biden doesn't have any sort of cool opposition. When's the last time you had an incumbent president who had legit opposition where they had to do debates and stuff? I mean, has that happened like post World War II? You would assume it has but in my lifetime I don't think it has. Obviously like
Starting point is 00:17:11 my earliest recollection of a presidential election is probably 2004. 2000 is very fuzzy to me. I don't really remember it at all. 2004 I certainly do to an extent though. John Kerry. But like George Bush wasn't debating, you know, Fred Thompson or something like that, or Ron Paul. In 2008, obviously, open wide, you get both going. But just what a disappointing election season this has been, just so boring. I don't know.'s progress here that's
Starting point is 00:17:47 this week on the campaign trail it's our salute to the solar eclipse today and when I talked about not having done much research when I came into show the show that's really what I was talking about so the solar eclipse is going to be Monday April 8th and in the US it's like mid-afternoon. I think Chicago, we're at like 90% coverage, something like that. And it starts at like 1230. It ends by like 330, something like that.
Starting point is 00:18:15 The current forecast here in Chicago, let's look. You know it's been back and forth. It looks like it's scheduled to be sunny and 68. Earlier, people were saying, oh no, it's going to be super cloudy. Well now, at least per Apple weather forecast, whatever it's called, sunny and 68. Oh, speaking of Apple, just super quick sidebar.
Starting point is 00:18:40 I actually went to the Cubs game on Wednesday night in the snow, which was wild. But crazy wild thing happened that is a new experience for me. So anytime you go to, I think this is most MLB ballparks, are this way. You have to have your ticket on your smartphone through the MLB ballpark app, which it's been that way for years, no problem. Any,
Starting point is 00:19:05 you know, where you buy it from. It was TicPic this time for me, but StubHub, Game Time, SeatGeek, whatever it is. You just get those tickets delivered to your MLB account and then you download or have the MLB ballpark app on your phone. Well, I'm one of those people I only keep the apps on my phone that are really essential, that I use all the time. So Duolingo, Instagram, podcasts, Cribbage Pro. And then for apps that I only have when I need them, for example, MLB Ballpark, I delete that right when I get into the ballpark.
Starting point is 00:19:40 I don't need it anymore, as long as I have my, or after the game. I don't need it. So I buy as I have my, you know, or after the game. I don't need it. So I buy this ticket. I was waiting around Wednesday trying to get a sense of what the weather was going to do. And it's funny, I should say that, because the weather only got worse and worse.
Starting point is 00:19:54 And I still was like, oh, yeah, I'll buy a $6 ticket and go to the game. So you might all out there in Beanland might have experienced this. Beanland sounds like a Candyland sequel. The Apple App Store was down. And so I have my tickets. I buy them online on my laptop and get them
Starting point is 00:20:13 transferred to my MLB account. I get the notification over email that they've been transferred successfully. And I only bought half an hour before a game started. So it's like 6 PM. And I go to my phone and try to download the app, because that's how you get your ticket, and no dice. And the app store was down the whole time.
Starting point is 00:20:33 I don't know when it came back, because I never checked it again. But I couldn't download the app. So I called Fan Services. Thankfully, it got through pretty quickly. The exact opposite of my ComEd experience, I tried to transfer my electricity service, because I'm moving next month, and was on hold for 35 minutes,
Starting point is 00:20:47 didn't talk to anyone real, and then had another call I had to jump to. So I just never talked to anyone. So 0 for 1 on that front. But there's no crazy ending to the story. I went to the box office. The guy was very leery, right? L-E-E-R-Y, I think. Not, uh, O leery. There's a Cubs guy, Cubs guy,
Starting point is 00:21:09 right? Fielder, Troy O'Leary, I think. Role player, serviceable. I go to the box office and the guy's like, well, I don't, I don't know if I'll be able to help you. And I was like, well, like I called fan services. They said that they're aware of the issue and this is what I had to do. And he's like, I don't know, man, like I try but if I can't find it I can't help you. And I was like, yeah, I mean, okay. So he had my phone in there. So I had to put it in the little slot where he gives you tickets. It was like a solid five minutes.
Starting point is 00:21:38 Thankfully on the TV inside he had Wheel of Fortune playing. I heard today was Pat Sajak's last ever taping for Wheel of Fortune. So that airs probably sometime in the summer. But Pat's a great white right wing game show host. Pretty legendary. So shout out to Pat. I saw him one time at a bar in Chicago.
Starting point is 00:22:02 Real short guy. But eventually, it got sorted out. The guy was just very wary of my story. I'm like, you think I'm like walking to Wrigley Field in the snow trying to scam you out of a $6 ticket? So it worked out. But he had to physically text me my ticket. So I have no idea how we got on this topic.
Starting point is 00:22:28 But the solar eclipse is Monday. Here's a couple tips. If you're not in full penetration, I think they call it, you've got to get glasses. Now, any sort of glasses will probably do. Glasses you would normally use to look at the sun should be fine for this. So if you got the movie theater 3D glasses from when you saw Monsters versus Aliens, Cowboys versus Aliens,
Starting point is 00:22:52 or Alien Covenant, those glasses would be fine. I saw Alien Covenant in theaters in Evanston one time. Not a half bad movie. Good performance from Michael Fassbender. Or you could, I don't know, I got, what are they, Birkenstocks? No, Ray-Bans. Rachel got me Ray-Bans for a birthday a couple years back.
Starting point is 00:23:18 I probably wouldn't stare directly into the sun, though, with those. So probably don't stare directly into the eclipse unless you're right in the path of totality, is what they call it. Be a good, sounds like a World War II historical film starring Sam Worthington and other white males, one token black guy, Daniel Kaluuya. I was watching clips from Sicario earlier this week. I forgot Daniel Kaluuya was in that film.
Starting point is 00:23:55 Didn't he film the? Who said he's doing a Dune 3? Here's the thing. I thought, and I don't know anything about Dune. We did a whole episode about it a couple weeks back. Still don't know anything, because I didn't actually read the plot synopsis, nor the book, nor have I seen either film.
Starting point is 00:24:09 But I just assumed, because I always just thought, hey, there's a Dune book, right? You do Dune 1. You split the book into the first half. You do a Dune 2. You split the book into the second half. And there's your two movies. Apparently, there's going to be a Dune 3. And is it just Dune 2 didn't finish the book into the second half. And there's your two movies. Apparently, there's going to be a Dune III.
Starting point is 00:24:25 And is it just Dune II didn't finish the book and there was always more meat left on that bone? Or are we actually going to create a whole new Dune? Excuse me, how cool would it be if they made a documentary about those sand dunes in Nebraska along the Platte River? Maybe tell Timothy Chalamet as the voice over, or Javier Bardem. We did confirm that he was in the film,
Starting point is 00:24:49 so I felt pretty good about that casting choice that I pulled out of my ass a couple weeks ago when we wrote the plots for Dune 2. But now we're going to have to do a whole other episode. We're going to have to do a whole show about Dune 3. Too many Dunes. Well, that would be Dune 2. There's not a lot of good three puns, right?
Starting point is 00:25:11 What did Fast and the Furious 3 do? Is that Tokyo Drift? I don't know. I've never seen a Fast and the Furious film. So Solar Eclipse. You know, I promise you a shorter episode. And so I'm going to give it to you with our trivia question, then we're going to wrap things up.
Starting point is 00:25:29 I just want to say, first solar eclipse is 2017. We did, I distinctly recall, I think it was June or July of 2017, last solar eclipse. I was in Baltimore. And it was a hot, muggy day up in the Charles Village-Homewood campus of Johns Hopkins University. We stepped outside Mason Hall onto the quad. There's four quads on that campus. It's a beautiful campus. I don't remember what that quad is called in particular, but right outside the office. Look up and it
Starting point is 00:26:03 was fine. It wasn't that exciting. I Think this one's gonna be better I think Chicago's in a good path of totality not the path of totality but like a secondary path of totality or tertiary That could be the name of dune 3 tertiary dune So yeah, hopefully the clouds hold up and I've been seeing a lot of posts on reddit about you know People are like, oh like I'm driving down to Carbondale I'm driving down to Indianapolis and everyone is I guess this is based off of what happened in 2017 everyone was like if you were trying to drive from Indianapolis
Starting point is 00:26:36 Carbondale wherever to Chicago Monday night after the eclipse the interstates are going to be completely jammed up like you won't be able to get home for 10 hours like the amount of and I'm not saying it's unwarranted maybe it's true it's crazy to me though that so many people want the extra 6% of totality in the eclipse I don't I don't, I don't, for lack of a better phrase, I don't give a fuck. Like if I can see it, it's mostly totalicious, total dial Pokemon, total dial,
Starting point is 00:27:15 Croconaw for alligator, good stuff man. My favorite starter ever, total dial. First Pokemon ever raised to level 100. I don't care if it's like full totality, like do I need to drive five hours south to get full totality or could I just like look at it or and take a day off work mind you or could I just like look at it get the almost exact same experience use my you know glasses from Alien Covenant. Although I think my father-in-law, future father-in-law,
Starting point is 00:27:52 mine or Pet P, when you're engaged, we need to normalize just referencing your future in laws such as in laws. And this happens from time to time where I'm talking about Betty and Jose, great supporters of the show. And it's like, you don't want to call them your in-laws because then people are like, oh, I didn't know you were married.
Starting point is 00:28:13 Then you're the whole thing. We're like, no, I'm not actually married. It's just way easier to say, much less in a mouthful, than saying, oh, my fiance's parents. Too many syllables for me. I prefer in-laws, two syllables. It's quick. It's snappy.
Starting point is 00:28:29 We need to be able to just say this. So from here on out for the next year until our wedding, I'm just going to normalize saying in-laws, even though they're not technically my in-laws. It is what it is. The point I was trying to make, Jose Grisgris, I don't know if he has glasses. So you could probably, I would say,
Starting point is 00:28:51 don't look through like a whiskey glass or a wine glass. Do the actual glasses. You know, they're plastic. So we really shouldn't call them glasses. Tough episode across the board. But I made it. 330 episodes, wherever we're at. No days off.
Starting point is 00:29:12 No weeks off. It gets six days off. But no weeks off here at the Beantown podcast. OK. Last thing here, it's our trivia question of the week. And it relates directly to the solar eclipse. And apologies to all the eclipse heads who are expecting a deep dive.
Starting point is 00:29:29 They probably know the show very well. Basically, like if last week, Tonight with John Oliver was a podcast is kind of what we do here. Oh, I wanted to mention one key difference in our trivia question. There is a difference between a solar eclipse and a lunar eclipse. I looked this up earlier on my phone
Starting point is 00:29:44 as I was walking home from Jules. There is a difference between a solar eclipse and a lunar eclipse. I looked this up earlier on my phone. So I was walking home from Jules. A solar eclipse is when the moon passes directly in front of the sun, and it blocks out the sun. So that big, black, dark circle, he sees actually the moon blocking out the sun. And you just see the little corona, I think is what they call it, the edge of the sun
Starting point is 00:30:05 around the moon. So that's what's going to be happening on Monday. A lunar eclipse, not quite as bad ass, but it's when the Earth is directly in between the sun and the moon. So kind of a flip-a-roo. And I don't really know what you see there. You look at the sun, it's probably the same.
Starting point is 00:30:22 You look at the moon, it's Earth's shadow. So it's just like a dark moon. But if it's a dark moon against a night sky, then what does that even look like? Today's Google Image Search of the Day, brought to you by Home Pride Oregon. Google Image Search of a lunar eclipse. There's not even any good pictures.
Starting point is 00:30:46 It's just like, here's the science behind it. A lunar eclipse, it doesn't even look. It's just like a red moon. So why is the moon red in a lunar eclipse if the Earth is blocking the sun from it? Why does that make the moon more red? Lunar eclipse. Oh, I googled lunar image.
Starting point is 00:31:08 That's embarrassing. That's why the image is sucked. Lunar eclipse, why red? During a lunar eclipse, the moon turns red because the only sunlight reaching the moon passes through the Earth's atmosphere. That's pretty bad ass. The more dust or clouds in Earth's atmosphere during the eclipse, the redder the moon passes through the Earth's atmosphere. That's pretty bad ass. The more dust or clouds in Earth's atmosphere
Starting point is 00:31:26 during the eclipse, the redder the moon will appear, as if all the world's sunrise and sunsets are projected onto the moon. OK, that's pretty bad ass. Apologies to lunar eclipses and apologies for my bad Google searching. OK, so this week's Beantown podcast, Trivia Question of the Week, brought to you OK, so this week's Beantown podcast trivia question
Starting point is 00:31:45 of the week brought to you by our good friends at Cuts By Q and a Samsung Q2U series just to double up on all of these. OK, pretty simple, pretty straightforward. And I looked up a map to figure out exactly what this meant, and I'll explain it to you. So the solar eclipse center line, that's the key word, really just the path of the solar eclipse, totality,
Starting point is 00:32:10 path of totality, passes through these 15 US states. OK, so the diagram I was looking at for this had like three lines. There's a central line and then two lines right outside of it. At first I thought it was's a center line and then two lines right outside of it. At first, I thought it was just the center line, because that's what they, that's what the question says, center line. But there was actually two lines equidistant
Starting point is 00:32:35 from the center line that represented the path of 100% coverage, I guess. That's what they're talking about. So the 100% coverage, not the exact middle of the 100% coverage. So it is a little bit of a band, B-A-N-D, if you will. So again, I'm asking you, and you're going to have to know a little bit about the path of the eclipse
Starting point is 00:32:54 and who has 100% coverage and who doesn't in order to make a solid guess at this. But it's a pretty simple question. There's 15 states, and this was from, I don't know, or something like that, slash news, I don't know, for your source. So 15 states. Take a second.
Starting point is 00:33:12 Pause if you need to, because we're going to jump in here after a sip of whiskey. So if you don't know, essentially, it's going from southwest to northeast, is what I'm trying to say, in a relatively straight line. I don't know how the Coriolis effect impacts this stuff. But if you need more time to guess, pause now. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:33:41 15 states. It starts in Texas. And if you want to pull up a map to help yourself through this go ahead but it's gonna be pretty straightforward I'm just gonna tell it to you straight in order Texas then Oklahoma then Arkansas then it just kisses Tennessee and Kentucky Missouri Illinois I feel like it's easier now I feel like the front half was a tough Kentucky, Missouri, Illinois. I feel like it's easier now. I feel like the front half was a tough half.
Starting point is 00:34:09 Indiana and Ohio just kisses Michigan. Pennsylvania, Michigan might be before Ohio. I don't remember how that works, but regardless, irregardless Michigan, then Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, and it closes out in Maine. So there you go. My question is, okay, so it makes the path through those 15 states and goes off into Greenland and, you know, Iceland and whatever.
Starting point is 00:34:40 Does it come back around? I know, you know, we're not getting another solar eclipse until like 2074 or something like that. But what about the next revolution? How close is it to being a solar eclipse? These are the questions astronomers have sought answers to for decades. These are secrets of the universe.
Starting point is 00:34:57 Great program on UHF by Milo, Weirdo Yankevichs, 1989, flop turned cult classic. There you go, that's your Bean Tom Podcast trivia question of the week. That's our show today, shorter episode, especially without the music, but that's what I got for you. We're gonna have Matthew Feather coming on the program next week to talk taxes. If you have any questions about joints or joint filings or dental fillings, email us, beanthumbpodcasts at We will read your question live on air. Oh, last, very last thing, because I was talking to one of my brothers about this last week,
Starting point is 00:35:41 and I haven't done the call to action yet, and it's in about a month that we need it so official call to action Bean Town podcast horse name special we do it every year Kentucky Derby weekend our top 10 horse names and I prefer to have one of the 10 be the listener choice if you will so submit your choice we've had you know and I will, here's my promise.
Starting point is 00:36:06 If you send in a horse name, I will read it live on there. Whether it makes the top 10 list or not, you get that screen time, OK? So email us, bintownpodcast at with your horse name suggestion. Text me, call me, whatever it is. Don't call me. I'm not going to pick up.
Starting point is 00:36:22 I might. How many more whiskies do I have? If I'm like six whiskies in, you call me, I might be like, hey, Aunt Joyce, what's going on? I don't think Aunt Joyce, great Aunt Joyce, listens to the program. I don't even know if she's my aunt. She might be one of those funky cousins.
Starting point is 00:36:38 You never really know with these things. I need my 23andMe account. Email us, bintompacockets,, with your top 10 horse name pick. And best name gets into the top 10 list. All names are red. That's what I have for you, everyone. Thank you so much for listening.
Starting point is 00:36:55 Thank you for supporting my show. If you're new to the program, go ahead and give us a like and a subscribe wherever you listen. Hopefully, the app store is not down for you. And this is Quintessential Beantown. Underprepared, over-served, 100% Quinn. New slogan. We'll workshop it.
Starting point is 00:37:15 Although I liked the start. The punchline needs a little bit of zip. Guys, my name is Quinn David Furness. This is my show. Quinn David Furness presents the Beantown podcast. Stay safe. Stay sane. I'll check in on you next time.
Starting point is 00:37:26 Bye.

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