Beantown Podcast - Sauce and Bread Kitchen is on the Hit List (04182021 Beantown Podcast)

Episode Date: April 18, 2021

Would you pay $12 for a 20 oz coffee and a bagel? Well I did, and now you're gonna hear about it...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quindy with Fernis. Welcome to my show. Quindy with Fernis presents the Bean Town podcast for Sunday, April 18th already. Wow. Can you believe that April 18th of 2021. That means we are 13 days away from May. And May is like full on spring time, transition into, you know, total summer mode, which I guess is, you know, that it makes sense. I mean, I haven't, I haven't lived here in Chicago Chicago I haven't felt like it's been winter for you know at least some month or so, but also don't You know you'd think hey if it's the absence of winter means spring, right? I don't know. We're kind of in limbo here. I mean even today is a perfect example where it's about I don't know low 50s and normally I'm into that but I don't know, low fifties, and normally I'm into that, but we just got back Rachel and I from a patio
Starting point is 00:01:08 having some cool bebs, some wine. And when you're just sitting there, it's maybe my fault for wearing shorts, but it's just, you know, it's not quite as comfy as I wish it was, so. All right, I know that's the thing with Chicago though. We'll go from this where it's like pseudo winter, pseudo spring to way too hot, muggy, sweaty summer, just like that, just by flipping a switch. We don't get a ton of in between here, but you know what? that's how it goes. It's better than days with nine hours of sunlight and
Starting point is 00:01:48 Freeze your buns off, right? It's way better than that. My name is Quinn David Furnace and this is my show Quinn David Furnace presents the bean town podcast and We're coming to you live from Rogers Park Chicago will will be counting down the days here, counting down the episodes of how many more recordings we have from this location. And hey, I'll let you know what my address is, my old address is once I move out. And you all the loyal listeners who never got to visit where I live, which for most of you is probably all of you because by the time I move out here in, you know,
Starting point is 00:02:34 six weeks, well, this location will have been like three-fourths of the least pandemic almost, a little bit less than that. But, you know, we got here in June 2019, and we're from home started in March, so I don't know the math on this, maybe like, like seven, 12th pandemic, something like that. But, yeah, it's been a hell of a ride, and we're looking for places now to move into. So it's not quite as dramatic as obviously the last move going from Baltimore to Chicago, right? This will literally just
Starting point is 00:03:13 be like four miles south of here. But you know, I'll be rent and or I'll be hiring movers, which I've never done before. Not because I'm incapable of, or not because I could never just fathom moving myself again. I'm totally up for that, but the problem is you gotta have at least one other person, especially now that I have a couch. Pretty much everything else I own,
Starting point is 00:03:40 not that I recommend or suggest doing this, but pretty much everything else I own, you can go into Hulk mode and try to do it yourself. Even my crazy solid oak dresser is a huge pain in the ass, but it's possible by removing the drawers, taking one step at a time, and pretty much everything else in my apartment I own before pre-couch was like, you can do that. I mean, the bookshelf is a lot. The mattress is a pain in the ass to do by yourself,
Starting point is 00:04:13 but it's possible. But now having this Craigslist couch shout out to brother, the podcast Jack Furnace for helping me move that two summers ago when I got here. That, I mean, it's one of those things where it's just like not possible to do by yourself. So, you know, and getting the truck
Starting point is 00:04:35 and the hassle of, you know, having a truck and navigating in the city, and parking, and unloading and stuff, and it's like, at the end of the day, when you work two and a half jobs and you feel like you hustle your buns off, which I do, in all humility, humbleness, whatever, I work like crazy. And the money shows, which is great.
Starting point is 00:05:04 And I pretty much pocket most of it and save it into retirement funds, stocks, bonds, mutual funds. What have you? But you know, every once in a while, I think, I think it's okay to splurge on something that will help make your life significantly easier and less stressful. That's the other thing.
Starting point is 00:05:26 For me, like the physical, the physicality of it, of moving, I mean, obviously it's a lot, but I'm a very anxious and stress prone person if I'm not careful. And yeah, driving a truck and parking and all that stuff around Chicago, that is very high on the stress test for me. So we're gonna avoid all of that. But thanks everyone, thanks everyone for tuning in. My name is Quinn, this is my show.
Starting point is 00:06:03 Listen to discretion is advised when you're listening to the bean ton podcast number one will occasionally use some language and number two. This podcast is objectively terrible and I'll tell you right off the bat and you probably saw this. Hopefully you're okay when you open up today's podcast. It's going to be a shorter episode. Why? Well, two things. Number one, last couple episodes have been longer. I want to give a shout out to two, excuse me, two special guests. Two weeks ago on our Easter show, we had my mom. Thank you to Jane, Dr. Jane Dennis and furnace for coming on our show and sharing some great, easter thoughts. And then last week was our fantastic taxes special. If you missed last week, I would encourage you
Starting point is 00:06:50 to go listen to it. Not just for the taxes aspect. I mean, we had a lot of great fun, you know, talking money, doing some trivia questions from the CPA exam, and talking about a whole lot of other things as well. Anytime you get Matt Feeder on the podcast, you know it's going to be a good time just because Matt is very insightful and knows his way around a podcast and a guest appearance
Starting point is 00:07:15 and all that stuff. So he's just one of those good guys to have on the show and you get him on, you know it's going to be a quality hour of entertainment. But it's just that the last last two shows have been longer. And so we're just we're we're bringing it back in a little bit, reigning it back in. I think this is episode like 171 172, something like that. So we're getting closer to 200.
Starting point is 00:07:40 Let me, you know, do the math in my head. If we're what 30 weeks right now away from 200 and that means what seven months basically. So we're essentially going to hit episode 200 and like right around Thanksgiving or or like the week after Thanksgiving something like that. That'll be a fun episode. You know, I don't know exactly what the holidays will be like this year in terms of location, travel, et cetera, but 200 episodes, you know, it's not like it's happening tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:08:13 I mean, it's still, you know, the year 2021 will be almost over by the time we hit it, but that will be pretty exciting. So that's number one, couple of long reps. So it's number two, I'm just like, we just got back from patio, we were at Moody's pub, which was kind of fun to go to, because our second day was at Moody's,
Starting point is 00:08:31 and this was our, I'd been back, I think, once since then. Or maybe, yeah, I went with my friend, well, actually a couple of times, I went with my friend and close friend of the podcast, John Powell Pandowsky, who actually hosts his own show if you never listen to the actually nothing podcast go check it out. And then brother of the podcast Jack Fernis doing a lot of name dropping today was in town last summer at one point and we went to Moody's.
Starting point is 00:08:59 It's just a quality spot right. There aren't that many really quality patios in edge water. I mean, you kind of have like, and this is, this is totally like the tourist in me who doesn't know every single spot in edge water, but I kind of feel like you either go to, you either have your, your strip on Broadway or you have your Andersonville strip. And outside of those two places, pretty much neighborhoods, which is fine. And I love that vibe. But it means you don't have that much actually to access.
Starting point is 00:09:30 And so Moody's is one of those, you can't even call it a hidden gems. It's not like, a lot of places are nice. They have, they're a storefront, but then they have a little secluded patio spot in the back, right? There are tons of great spots like that around town. But Moody's, their patio is right there
Starting point is 00:09:46 I mean you walk past it on the street and you see everything And you know we got you know literally we show up today We each had two glasses of wine and we split a large basket of onion rings It's not that's not the order to size. That's just how it comes and our total bill tax and tip tax and tip in the city of Chicago liquor tax, I think was $42 for four glass of wine on Unirang's tax and tip. Now, if that isn't quality, I don't know what is. So I'm just, you know, not that I'm buzzed because I'm not. I'm just kind of like, you know, I'm recording this. It's 4.30 p.m. on the Sunday. Just hanging out, just relaxing. I don't have much to say, right? If I didn't record a podcast every single weekend
Starting point is 00:10:37 as the fans require as they demand, as they pine for, then I wouldn't ever record it this weekend. I do have a couple things to say though. And it's tough because that's the thing with quarantine. I realize this, we don't really use the term quarantine anymore, but work from home. A lot of, you know, this podcast is heavily driven by experiences and just unique situations and, you know, you talk about those. And, you know, for me, oftentimes, there's a lot of travel, clearly not, in the last year
Starting point is 00:11:17 and a half, for obvious reasons. But a big thing for me is that that not more often than not, but oftentimes, you know, year or so, I've been recording a little bit earlier, you know, oftentimes like a Thursday or a Friday, or even like early on a Saturday, and a lot of what happens to me that it's worth talking about on the show will stem from something that happens
Starting point is 00:11:43 over the weekend. And you know, because I try to get the podcast out of the way, get it out there so you all can listen to it on the weekends, if you'd like, and be current, it means that a lot of, a lot of what I would normally talk about on the show ends up being stuff that hasn't happened to me for a full week. And today's a great example. Even though now, I say that now I'm recording it.
Starting point is 00:12:07 It's late in the afternoon on a Sunday. So I'm kind of just eating my own words. But what I wanted to mention, two things from last weekend. If, first of all, if you missed it, this is just a little shameless plug, a shameless self-promotion. But I had been working on Beethoven's Apache Pashionata for a couple months now. And it was a really interesting kind of arc, a story arc here.
Starting point is 00:12:32 I woke up in like early December. Now, if you don't know a Pashionata, Beethoven's 23rd Piano Sonata at F minor. One of his more famous piano sonatas amongst us, classical pianists, but by no means is you know the a passionata like very well-known in popular culture right. When people think of Beethoven you know people who aren't classical pianists or just classical musicians they would know you know for Elise Moonlight Sonata, O to Joy. A lot of people would be familiar with like Path of Teak, for example,
Starting point is 00:13:10 or his fifth symphony, right? Duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh. A passionata is very well-known amongst classical musicians, but it doesn't have that same level of well-known NIS WEL hyphen KNO WN E N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N But it's a very, it's a really good, not really good. Use your words, dude. Well-constructed, beautiful, very moody piano sonata. And the weirdest thing happened to me, like early December, 2020, I woke up. And this was enough piano sonata that I was really familiar with at all.
Starting point is 00:14:04 I mean, I had heard of it, but I never sat down and listened to a recording of it. I had never sat ready before. If you had asked me in early December, hey, tell me about a passion. I would have been able to say it's a Beethoven piano sonata. I don't really know anything else about it. I can't hum any of the melodies none of that. So I woke up and it it was in stuck in my head. In fact, we were just talking about this on Family Chat,
Starting point is 00:14:30 ever so briefly this morning, where people have like head injuries, and they wake up from their coma is knowing it in different language. This is not quite like that, but it's kind of down that same avenue. I woke up not having, I feel like, ever listened to the piece of music, it's 25 minutes long, three movements, ever before in my life, and I woke up and it was in my head. And I was like, what on earth is this? I had to go digging through my sheet music,
Starting point is 00:14:59 through my piano books to try to find what this music was. I was stuck in my head. Eventually I find it. It's a passionata. Basically what happened to hurry the story along here. Over Christmas vacation, I listened to it once a day and just hammered it into my brain. And then when I came back in late December, early January, I just started playing it, practicing it, whatever.
Starting point is 00:15:24 And I'd gotten it to two point maybe a month ago where it was as good as it has ever been, as good as it's gonna get. Cause I only have so much time in my day to devote to playing the piano. It's not my full-time job, it's not even my second job, and nor is it my third job.
Starting point is 00:15:43 It's literally fourth on the total poll in terms of time commitment for me. But I just started playing it a bunch and then I got a little burnt out by it in mid-March, something like that. And I should have made my recording then, but I kinda just flaked. And then last weekend, I had to work on Saturday and afterwards I was like
Starting point is 00:16:06 or I actually I didn't I didn't I'm doing the final recording till Sunday morning Rachel was in the suburb so I had a little bit more time on my hands and I was just like you know what? Yes, it's getting worse the the quality the sloppiness all that fun stuff. It's getting worse absolutely but I can make a recording now before and kind of stop the bleeding before it gets any worse and Basically I recorded it Sunday morning Released it on YouTube, you know, had the premiere all that fun stuff on Sunday night And so that was kind of fun. You know I had had a couple friends the family members watch it And you know no one's getting famous here.
Starting point is 00:16:45 And it's pretty sloppy. Like I'm not that proud of the recording. But I try to, you know, not get two in the weeds, get two technical with, you know, my criticization of myself, which is tough, you know, being a classical piano major. But I'm just like, you know what, I'm 26. I have not, literally I've not had a piano lesson
Starting point is 00:17:08 and I think six years, seven years, something like that. And completely self-driven, like, and this is a 25-minute piece of music that I memorized, you know, still sloppy, still wish it was better, but still put my heart and soul into it. It had fun with it, right? So, got that out there.
Starting point is 00:17:28 If you haven't listened to it, go check it out. Or at the very least, you can be like, here's what I would actually encourage you to do. Watch a couple minutes of me playing and leave a like, leave a comment, subscribe, say wow, congrats Quinn. A lot of hard work put into this great job. Then go find a professional who plays it and you can actually hear what it sounds like when it's done by someone who gets paid to do this sort of thing and you can appreciate how awesome of piece of music it is.
Starting point is 00:17:55 Okay, so that's what I encourage you to do. And so now the question is, well what's next Quinn? I haven't figured it out yet. I, you know, I'm not practicing a passionate order right now. But I've got some other things in the hopper. We'll see what sticks. And you know, figure, make two or three recordings a year. It's fun, right? It's just a little, you know, I'm retired from all this stuff professionally, but it's just kind of fun.
Starting point is 00:18:25 And just, just a way to stay creative and artistic and all that fun stuff. So that came out last Sunday night. That was a lot of fun, to be able to play that and share that with everyone. Yada, yada, yada. So what we're going to do now is a quick ad read and then I have a little local business price jack story for you all. And then I think we'll finish it up. But let's read our ads here. We haven't had full ad reads in a little
Starting point is 00:19:02 while. Home pride organ. Are you tired or selling your house for less than a quarter of what it's worth all because you couldn't find a reliable home inspector in time? Well, Organ listeners, I got good news for you. Home Pride inspection services in Ben Oregon is central organ's hottest new home inspector and provider with inspection services including things like heating and cooling, roofing, plumbing, and so much more. Home Pride Organ is both contract, your certified, and home inspection certified, so you know you're getting the good stuff. If you're tired of big grill, say, wrangle hole on the home inspection market, and you want a safe
Starting point is 00:19:35 certified home inspector that you can trust, you know who to call his name, Steve, he's my dad. His number is 541-410-0316, or you can visit Again, that's 541-410-0316, or just visit Homeprydorgan inspection perfection. I'm sipping some water. I needed a little bit of water to counteract the wine, get hydrated, so we're having a little bit more wine tonight. I got some new, I bought whiskey. I bought liquor.
Starting point is 00:20:11 I bought a handle liquor for the first time today and I think a year and a half. I was trying to think back. Okay, so I bought some gin for my birthday last year, 2020, in like early March. So I guess that was probably the last time I bought some liquor. I don't think I've bought whiskey since then. But I bought Buffalo Trace. Rachel actually saw it, recommended it, picked it out.
Starting point is 00:20:42 Not that she's a whiskey connoisseur, but it was her recommendation. I said, sure, why not? Let's do it. I've gotten some ads in the past for a Buffalo tray. So we'll see how it works. It was like 40 bucks or something like that. So it should be good. We might do, might probably won't do any more sipping today.
Starting point is 00:20:58 I probably would just have a glass of wine and just kind of fade out. I'm pretty, I'm pretty tired. Ran 16 miles yesterday, been eating a lot, getting some steps in, just kind of like, just kind of, you know, relaxing, chilling. So the whiskey might just knock me all the way out. But anyways, that's pretty exciting. Buffalo Trace, I'll let you know how it is. But I'm sipping on my Jack Link's cup here. That's pretty exciting. Buffalo Trace, I'll let you know how it is,
Starting point is 00:21:22 but I'm sipping onto my Jack Links cup here. Jack Links beef jerky, feed your wild side by visiting Unefficient sponsor of the show. I wanna give a shout out to the Samsung Q2U series. It's got crisp, clean audio quality, even though we're down to one. And I think as soon as I move apartments here
Starting point is 00:21:52 and six weeks or so and sort of get everything sorted out, figured out, you know, once I've downsized and upsized and all that fun stuff, well, go ahead and it's as easy as assuming that they still carry the Q2U series slash Samsung is still a company. Then we'll just go ahead and grab another one. And we'll be back to normal.
Starting point is 00:22:16 Cuts by Q Bob and weave. We all know the hairstyle, oh, I should mention Godspeaks. He uses the Samsung. We all know the hairstyle, we all love it. But how many Chicago independent barbers can actually give it to you the way you deserve? Enter Cuts by Q. It's just like Enter Sandman, only different. Cuts by Q has been independently owned and operated since 1995,
Starting point is 00:22:35 and is one of the better barber shop operations serving Chicago, Cook County, North-Ostern, and the end of the greater Chicago land area. From B. Hives to Banks, Fulhocks to Flat Top, San everything in between, you have to call Cuts by Q8152987200 or you can email Cuts by and actually I realized like three days ago that we you know we advertise the Cuts by Q email address all the time here in the show as well as the podcast email address being Tom podcast and I've
Starting point is 00:23:04 got I've got the podcast email I just And I've got, I've got the podcast email I just linked up to the mail app in my phone. So, you know, when there is ever a message that comes through there, I see it, you know, along with all my other emails. However, cuts back Q at and some of the advertising every week, but I don't actually check it.
Starting point is 00:23:24 So I had to go back in there and it's crazy. I have all these different email addresses. And so occasionally when you're doing something online that requires an email address, and it's a place that I don't have no wish to, like you log into an airport Wi-Fi or something in South Carolina or wherever you are that you're never going to be again. And so you're like, here, take this email address or like some random like food carry out,
Starting point is 00:23:52 you know, third party service you got to do on the road. Anyways, so I use Cuts by Q for a lot of random things like that. So I went back in like literally on like Friday or something to see, hey, maybe there was someone who emailed us, half a year ago for a haircut. No, and I'm blaming the pandemic for that. Where were we? From Behas to Banks, Fahok's to Flat Top's,
Starting point is 00:24:14 we already read that. Cuts by QA How to Come Again, that's Cut. It's QUTZ by Oh, and you need a fresh do something snappy and new. Just call the experts at cuts by Q cuts by Q. Okay, I have one other thing because I promised you a shorter episode and we're going to come in right around half an hour. And we're going to come in right around half an hour. And that's going to be great because I'm going to go relax and drift off the rest of my Sunday. Here's what happened.
Starting point is 00:24:50 This was last Sunday morning. Another story from the weekend prior. Because literally all that happens to me during the week, it's literal clockwork. I mean, working from home, I wake up, and I usually have like a Chinese meeting for my consult, consult, consultation, consultant is the word I was looking for a job. So you have a meeting with these kids in Beijing, so it's like 9 PM Beijing, 8 AM in Chicago.
Starting point is 00:25:24 And so I'll do that like three or four days a week Then I get my coffee going. I work my depot job by four or five p.m. Go out for a run come back eat supper Watch the shield And I'm in bed by 9 30 and that is like That's Monday through Thursday. Oh, two, two, for like the longest time, lately, at least this calendar year, like that's what happens.
Starting point is 00:25:57 Literally nothing interesting happens to me, that's podcast worthy, okay? So we have the weekend is our saving grace. Here's what happened to me. There's this little place, and I was thinking about it as I started recording. I'm like, do I want a name drop? And I realized like, you know what? They they've earned this.
Starting point is 00:26:12 I'm going to name drop. Because I've had pleasant experiences before this. There's this little coffee, I guess you'd call it a coffee shop, but they have like some packaged goods off to the side. Just like really random things. I don't really know how to even describe it because it's not package goods that are necessarily just related to, you know, like the coffee shop experience. They are just like random groceries, whatever. Sauce and bread kitchen. It's on Clark Street. sauce and bread kitchen. It's on Clark Street, South of Devon, you know, between Devon and Rosemond. So it's the 6300 block of North Clark on the west side of the street, just South of Devon,
Starting point is 00:26:55 and the Shell Station there. It's a coffee shop that has some very strange hours, that has some very strange hours, especially with a pandemic, they've shifted to mostly like 10 to, well, at times, they were going like three to eight so that you can't, you know, they were going into like full on restaurant mode at that point. You can't be a coffee shop,
Starting point is 00:27:21 you'll be able to from 3 PM to 8 PM. Now it's like 10 to 3 Thursday through Sunday, but last Sunday I went there before family chat, which starts at 9.30. So they must be open earlier on Sundays. I don't know, whatever. It doesn't matter. Saus and bread kitchen. I'd been there maybe four or five times before this in my life living up here in Rogers Park. And it's literally the closest coffee to me. I mean, it's like a six-minute walk for my apartment. And I go past there all the time when I go to Duncan, because the Duncan is just another block down the street.
Starting point is 00:27:59 And I'm always going past like, man, I wish I could go to Sauson bread kitchen instead, simply because like, hey, I wish I could go to Sauson bread kitchen instead, simply because like, hey, I'd like supporting local business. And it's super close, whatever. But their hours are so bad that never works for me. Anyways, last Sunday I'm like, okay, well, let me go get some Duncan for family chat. And I was like, oh, maybe Sa sauce and bread kitchen is open and they were.
Starting point is 00:28:27 So I saw him in there 915 on a Sunday morning. There's three people work in there. And I'm like, you know what? It's the type of sneaky place that has menu items like in the chalkboard but no prices. But I'm like, I've had good experiences within the past, not worried about prices plus supporting local business, whatever. So I say, okay, let's, let's keep it simple. At first I was just singing coffee, but then I was like,
Starting point is 00:28:56 you know what, I could go for a little, a little bagel. And I see that they have bagels up in the chalkboard. And so I say, first I would like a medium coffee. And they say, well, we have 12 ounces, we have 20 ounces. I'm like, well, there's your first mistake. How can you not have a medium coffee for the middle America crowd, right? We're either going like tiny little soda can or big daddy jumbo mama, okay?'m like you know I just give me the
Starting point is 00:29:26 large whatever and I typically I'm not like a large coffee kind of person in fact I got dunkin on Monday morning or Thursday morning whenever that was and I got a small because I was literally like sometimes if I have a medium I just get too jittery but I was like whatever just give me the large give me the 20 ounce and then I also was like oh you have bagels up on the board. I didn't say that to him. I said that internally. And I was like, so give me a bagel. What kind of spreads you up? And it's like, Oh, we just have cream cheese right here. Cream cheese. Okay, whatever that's fine. What kind of bagels you have? We just have everything bad. I'm like, Okay,
Starting point is 00:30:00 whatever that's fine. That was a big slur of words, but I hope you followed it. And here's your chance. So, immediate family members who I told the stories who last we already know the answer to this, but we play a little price is right. Here's your chance for you playing at home. 20 ounce coffee, black. No, you know, this is drip coffee.
Starting point is 00:30:25 We're not talking like triple pump, caffé latte, frappuccino, cappuccino, special order, right? With the beans from the jungles of Laos, okay? This is black coffee, 20 ounce. And a bagel with cream cheese, okay? Not fancy cream cheese, literal regular cream cheese. How much, what's your guess?
Starting point is 00:30:50 With, I think this was tax, tax before tip, I think, I don't remember. Take your guesses, because I'm about to reveal it, pause if you need it, whatever, $12 for a coffee in a bagel, which is just brutal. You know, I didn't see a receipt or anything like that. I should have. I was just so in shock. And I was just like, I mean, I really wanted to just be like,
Starting point is 00:31:18 you know what, I am just going to pop down the street instead and I can literally go to Duncan and do the same deal for less than half. That's not even an exaggeration. You can get a coffee and a bagel of Duncan for, like, for something. And so I'm thinking this place must have just like the most bizarre as a strong word, but just ridiculous, if that's another strong word I I want to use COVID surcharge that they've got you know
Starting point is 00:31:48 Go on for their business right now And the worst part as you know you put in your order. So I okay, I'll be writing two three minutes whatever and I overhear the workers The lady who's making my bagel who wasn't the person who took my order? She's like are these the only bagels we have and the guy who took my orders like, yeah, they're from a couple days ago. So Yeah, $12 for 20 ounce coffee and a couple days old bagel and Yeah, so that that was my farewell, okay to sauce and bread kitchen. I Won't be going back
Starting point is 00:32:26 partially because I'm moving largely because it was you know just ridiculous price and it's like I The what I what I was telling myself afterwards was just like you know what it's frustrating That I dropped $12 on something that could have been You know, I mean I had coffee at my house, I could have gone to Devon Market and gone, a sleeve of bagels and cream cheese for five bucks. And so it's frustrating,
Starting point is 00:32:56 but it's like, you know what, I'm supporting a local business, whatever. But that's the last I'm gonna support them because I work in education, okay? And I have a degree in music. So you can draw your own conclusions. But yeah, I'm not out here to shame, saucen bread kitchen or ask my followers to boycott because God knows that would sink their business. But just, you know,
Starting point is 00:33:25 thoughts you should know. Be on your toes, look out, and you gotta do what you gotta do, but it really is a shame. I mean, there's, you know, saws and bread kitchen, local coffee shop. And then about a year ago, is there's the ellipses incident,
Starting point is 00:33:45 which it wasn't an incident, but just that's a coffee shop on, you know, Devon, like the 1,400, 1,300 block of Devon. And I had to just stop going there because their coffee just tasted so bad to me. The most bitter tasting stuff I've ever, I haven't been back in a year. I literally was like,
Starting point is 00:34:02 cause I was going like once every Friday or something, to try to support local business during the pandemic be like, you know, get something fancy, like support their business, whatever, but it was just so bad. I couldn't do it anymore. So that place is on my hit list, saw some breads on my hit list.
Starting point is 00:34:19 And then the one place I actually loved, which I was going about every week, every other week. I had a punch card, even I had, you know, cash it in one time, I got my free coffee and I was working on my second round was the Common Cup up on Morse. And I actually went to Jen's Notstad. Let's throw a name out there.
Starting point is 00:34:40 I got an espresso with Jen's Notstad one time at Common Cup in like 2013. And that has since closed. So I think I'm I think I'm heading out of Rodgers Park at just the right time, which is kind of funny, but also like actually kind of feel that way. Because I feel like I am running out of coffee spots here. Anyways, I promised you about 30 minutes. I went way over with that last story, but I promise that's all I got to say. So everyone, I appreciate you tuning in and listening.
Starting point is 00:35:14 Our email is and this bean-town, BE-A-N-T-L-N-Podcast at Thanks everyone for tuning in. I hope everyone wherever you are, you're having some nicer spring weather. It's potentially going to snow here on Tuesday. So we got that to look forward to. But if you're listening to this right when we drop it on Sunday, enjoy this year's Sunday. If you're listening to the week, hope it was just a fun little 40-minute escape for you to relax, check in, and stay grounded. So everyone, thanks, Dan, for supporting our show.
Starting point is 00:35:49 I don't know where we have coming up next couple weeks here. No big holidays or anything until what we got, we're probably going to have mom back on the show in what, three weeks here, she'll be here. So that'll be pretty exciting in person. We might have to get another Samsung Q2U series. We'll see about that to prepare for that interview. But that'll be pretty exciting in person. We might have to get another Samsung Q2U series. We'll see about that to prepare for that interview.
Starting point is 00:36:08 But that'll be our Mother's Day special in person, which is pretty wild. We've never done that before. Otherwise, that's what I got for you. Maybe we'll get some power rankings lined up or something. I don't know, we haven't done one of those in a couple of months. So that could be fun. But your ideas are welcome.
Starting point is 00:36:24 Go ahead and email us or tweet at us at Beentowncast and let us know. Otherwise, that's what I got for everyone. So thank you for tuning in. I hope everyone is having a great April. And yeah, that's what we got. Let's cue up our music here. Everyone, appreciate you listening in. Stay safe. Stay sane. Yeah, I I'm gonna check in on you next time. Bye. I'm just going to sit down. ndご視聴ありがとうございました

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