Beantown Podcast - Season 7 Top 10 Horse Names Special (05032024 Beantown Podcast)

Episode Date: May 4, 2024

Quinn comes to you LIVE to reveal his 2024 Top 10 Horse Name list, plus some in-depth analysis of Kristi Noem, Pocahontas, and the Sound of Music...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Furness. Welcome to my show. Quinn David Furness presents the Beantown Podcast for Friday, May 3rd, 2024. It's officially a third of the way through the year. What's going on? Season seven of the Beantown Podcast is one third of the way through the year. What's going on? Season seven of the Bean Town podcast is one third of the way over. What's happening? My name is Quinn and this is my show. Quinn David Ferentz presents the Bean Town podcast. I am the jockey. I'm the owner. I'm the trainer. The whole triple threat. I do it all here, slash stables. Stables song by Death Cab. That's a great track, kind of slower. It's the ending of Plans, I think. It's in three, four time, Ben Gibber, the opening line is like,
Starting point is 00:00:56 time for the curtain call. I don't know what the lyrics actually are. I haven't listened to that in a while. Speaking of a third of the way through season seven, we've kind of settled in here to a rhythm. First, yes, still going on Audacity. It's been about a month here. No, I have not transferred over the intro and outro tracks
Starting point is 00:01:19 from the MacBook. It's in mega timeout mode right now, and I haven't even opened it up for a month. Second, we've kind of settled in, at least this season, to our go-to segments. We try to do as best as I can this week on the campaign trail because of the big election coming up. I do our trivia question, which try
Starting point is 00:01:41 to keep going for as long as the show is going, because I enjoy trivia. And I think you all the listeners do, too. And then whatever our main content is, plus our ad reads. I just want to share this briefly. And I don't actually have an entry into it this week, so I apologize. But something that has fallen by the wayside here,
Starting point is 00:01:59 palindrome of the week. We did a lot of palindromes. Probably got up to like 20 or so. And then it just kind of lost its luster. L-U-S-T-E-R, lost its luster would be a great horse name, which we're going to be talking all about in a second here. So apologies if there are any big palindrome heads out there. I apologize that we haven't kept up with it as best
Starting point is 00:02:26 as we could have. And also, right on queue, still under construction, you can actually go to slash write-on-queue. Make sure you put the dashes in there or it doesn't work. There's got to be something with the website coding where I could make the URL not have to have the dashes, but it sounds like it's above my pay grade.
Starting point is 00:02:42 My pay grade for this show is zero, so it's really not saying a lot. But hopefully that will come back soon, maybe when the campaign ends in six god-awfully long months here. We'll get back to that. We're going to get right into the headlines in a second here after I let you know that listener discretion is advised.
Starting point is 00:03:05 When you're listening to this program, number one, we'll cage you in some language. Number two, this podcast is objectively terrible. Also, what am I drinking today? Is a, I was just telling Rachel earlier today, man, I gotta, not that I feel like, oh my god, I'm getting super fat and like, I gotta, I gotta cut everything out. But just knowing that we got, you you know engagement photos coming up shortly you're probably are wedding is officially under the uh...
Starting point is 00:03:29 under a year away which is exciting so saying that i got it cut things out the easiest thing is just like lay off the craft beer bin you know especially as the weather's got nicer tried to like go out go for a long walk stop in a local brewery support local businesses of drinking beer that sort of stuff.
Starting point is 00:03:45 So what do I do? I go to Jewel on my long walk today to get some supper or some other stuff. And I walk out of there with a tall boy, a victory golden monkey, Belton-style triple. If you're curious, yes, it's 9.5%. That was not the plan. I want to make things very clear.
Starting point is 00:04:01 It was not the plan when I went for the walk. But man, just a busy work day. One of those days where you kind of sit down with your computer, you get going a little bit slow to start. And it seems like everyone woke up about 11 AM and were like, oh, we're going to crash the party. And yeah, I went for a long walk. And the team's messages just didn't stop.
Starting point is 00:04:24 So eventually I get to jewel. I'm like, I try not to be a huge stress drinker. And I think this is just like end of the week, taking a load off. But man, just today was way too much for a beautiful Friday. Ideally, I would have played hooky and gone to Wrigley and just watched the Cubs blow another game to the Brewers. Our former closer, but he was pitching in the eighth today,
Starting point is 00:04:47 Adbert Alzolai, blew his fifth save of the year so far and we were only May 3rd. I imagine that's a Major League Baseball record to have blown five saves already by one player through whatever we're at, first 30 games of the season. I mean, that's pretty remarkable. Yeah, it's knocking into the weeds with all the cub stuff. It's unnecessary. Don't need to do it. I feel like our recording level is way too low here.
Starting point is 00:05:17 Like, auto-adjusts. I think that's what happened. And this is bringing back some memories here of Audacity. My voice probably just got way louder for you on the recording. I apologize for that. I'm not going to get too far into the weeds here, but we had that recording with Matthew Feather, our Texas
Starting point is 00:05:33 special, about two weeks back. And Matthew was great, as always. And he talked the same volume levels he usually does. What Audacity does, though, and I should have figured this out, and I got to find this research project for next week, way to turn this off. Audacity tries to be like smart AI and adjust the recording level to try
Starting point is 00:05:56 to protect listeners' ears based off of what it hears coming in. So if you have something like Matt Feather coming into the phone, even though the volume might be where I want it to be, it kind of detects it because it's like a lower quality as, oh, let's lower this recording level. It seems like it should be the opposite, right?
Starting point is 00:06:12 But it does something where it brings the recording level way down. Case in point, I just realized before I started, I was like, OK, let's make sure our recording level is high. So I bumped it up to like 90%. And then I just checked it was at 48%. So it does some sort of auto adjusting, which I 100% do not want.
Starting point is 00:06:29 And I just watched it go from 87 to 76. So it is doing this automatically. I think the last couple of episodes we've been good. I'm going to try to get through it without having to stop and try to adjust the setting. But I do want to make a note of that for later, because it is extremely irritating, and it can lead to episodes that are almost
Starting point is 00:06:49 impossible to hear, like our one with Matt Feather. So we're learning about all the pros and cons of Audacity right now. I know about 2.5% of the features. The last thing I'll say is this isn't my first rodeo with Audacity. I recall back in 2020, season three of the show, I think it was 2020, I went down to, or I went over to the, to New England
Starting point is 00:07:17 and did a couple of shows out there. I was intending to do shows as I went along and then just release them periodically, yada, yada, yada. I used Audacity because I didn't want to travel with my Mac. So I had another laptop with me that didn't have GarageBand. It was like, let's just use Audacity. And I had the same issue. And I couldn't figure it out.
Starting point is 00:07:34 It was really problematic back then. I don't know if something's changed now. It's a little bit better, but it's still a little bit of an issue. So just know that it's got to be something you can turn off in Audacity, I imagine. So if you know, email us, beanthownpodcasts at Again, that's beanthownpodcasts at But today is just one of those days where it's like end of the day.
Starting point is 00:07:59 No more inspiration for talking. Really would just like to shut my trap for about 12 hours, play some video games, and wake up, get a good night's sleep, especially tomorrow. I'm doing some volunteering, going to a food pantry for about three hours midday. And you know you're going to have to chat through that, right? It's a very social thing, helping the less fortunate. So I'm not going with anyone I know. It's a completely diving in head first.
Starting point is 00:08:27 So excited to do that. Good for the community. But also, I'm going to have to talk. What's our recording level at now, guys? 76%. If we had someone in the booth, the engineer booth, then this would all be different. Let's jump into this week on the campaign trail here.
Starting point is 00:08:45 We're gonna take a little sidestep from the whole Trump Biden thing. I could talk about the White House correspondent, White House press correspondent's dinner last, I think it was last Saturday night that Colin Jost gave the keynote, or whatever they call it, speech at. It was pretty cool, pretty well done by Colin.
Starting point is 00:09:03 But I do wanna touch on this because this has been all over the news lately. Basically, if it's not about the White House or about the Trump trials, this is what we've been talking about. Christi Noam, OK, if you don't know. And I don't know if it's gnome, like G-N-O-M-E, or noam, like two syllables, but it's N-O-E-M, Christy Noam.
Starting point is 00:09:27 So basically, if you haven't been following the author of this New York Post article is Megan Palin. And at first I saw it, I thought it was Sarah Palin. I was like, well, that'd be pretty cool. I wouldn't really trust Sarah Palin to write any sort of anything, frankly. But maybe she could dictate it. And I'm partially playing catch up here too, but Chrissy Noem is the governor of South Dakota.
Starting point is 00:09:50 And she recently released a memoir, I think it was. I don't know if it was a book or just a memoir. But my understanding with Chrissy Noem is the book's not out yet. She has just been like releasing excerpts is essentially what we're dealing with here. And everyone's saying, oh, you know, she's making her push to be Trump's VP, which surprisingly Trump hasn't announced his VP pick yet. We're six months to go. It feels like prime time. Like this
Starting point is 00:10:16 is especially this. Here's the thing. And there's got to be strategy to this. I think from like running for the White House political standpoint. Trump is pretty knowledgeable. Maybe it's not him. Maybe it's the people he surrounds himself with. But they have a plan. So I think there's a reason why they haven't done this. But doesn't it seem like with Trump stuck in trial,
Starting point is 00:10:35 it's literally been, what, two weeks now, three weeks now, with the exception of Wednesdays? The judge did say he gets to go to Barron's graduation. So poor Trump. But wouldn't it behoove, B-E-H-O-O-V-E, Trump to have a vice presidential running mate picked out now so that that person can campaign? I mean, I guess Kristi Noem is basically
Starting point is 00:10:59 campaigning for Trump right now with this whole book tour. But wouldn't she want it to be set in stone, official? So she's making her push. The reason we mention it is one of the excerpts that her team released to advertise the book. And it's maybe it's probably just a shock campaign, which sounds like something you could do in Star Wars Battle Front or something.
Starting point is 00:11:22 I don't know. But basically that she talks about growing up on a farm in South Dakota, and not just growing up, she lives on a farm still in South Dakota, and how she tells a very specific story about a dog that was just not behaving as well as she wanted to. And so she took it out behind a 14-month-old wire hair pointer.
Starting point is 00:11:43 She says she hated it. It's worthless. It's not behaving well. And so she took it, a cricket, she took it behind the barn and shot it. And she's kind of pushing this out as just like that's the excerpt she's pushing out. And I will say this, as someone who's been around farms,
Starting point is 00:12:03 animals, all that stuff, she's saying sometimes these sorts of things happen. I don't think anyone is arguing that Christy Noam has no idea what she's doing as a farmer. What's crazy is she's pushing this as her lead excerpt from this book and then getting a ton of shit for it. So hey, we're talking about her. If she's governor of a state,
Starting point is 00:12:26 she's probably not stupid. I mean, Sarah Palin's are out there. So Christine Ohm, congratulations. You got to the front page of the news. Sarah Palin, Megan Palin wrote an article about you. That's kind of like if Sarah Palin and John McCain ever got together, their daughter would be Megan Palin. Big view heads will know that.
Starting point is 00:12:45 Is the view still going on? And if so, who is on it these days? Is Joy Behar still on the view? Or did the view finally end? Looks like when I Google the view, there's a YouTube clip from six hours ago. Brooke Shields, of course, uploads a new movie for celebrating women. And man, if you have not seen Brooke Shields, of course, applauds new movie for celebrating women.
Starting point is 00:13:05 And man, if you have not seen Brooke Shields in this latest The View thumbnail, holy moly. Spooky. Spooktacular. Who are the current hosts of The View? Joy Beyer is still going. Apparently, she took 2014. I don't think we've ever talked about the view in 330 episodes
Starting point is 00:13:27 of the Beantown podcast, so good for us. Last thing before we're going to jump into trivia here. And then not going to bury the lead anymore. We got horse names to get to, guys. Joy Bayard took 2014 off. Otherwise, she's been there since 1997. Whoopi Goldberg is still on. That's kind of surprising.
Starting point is 00:13:44 It's been 17 years for Whoopi. That's a lot. The rest are very new. Sarah Haynes, that's the, she hosts The Chase, right? I had no idea that she was on The View. That's interesting. Meghan McCain is gone. Anna Navarro is, you know her from like CNN.
Starting point is 00:14:01 She's on it now. And Alyssa Griffin, I don't really know who from CNN. She's on it now. And Alyssa Griffin. I don't really know who that is. She was White House director of strategic communications for Trump. Oh, that's nice that they got her on the view. Press secretary to Mike Pence. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:14:17 Other interesting names that have been on, that we may have forgotten about. There is someone called Jedidiah. Jedidiah Baila? It's a female There's someone called Jedidiah. Jedidiah Baila? It's a female. Her name is Jedidiah. That's crazy. I never heard of that.
Starting point is 00:14:32 Candace Cameron Burr. Candace Cameron is DJ on Full House, right? Yeah, Burr is her married name. Raven Simone was on for two seasons. How could we forget? Jenny McCarthy. That's what's her names? Jenna Moroney, Jane Krakowski's Arch Nemesis in 30 Rock.
Starting point is 00:14:54 Rosie O'Donnell was on two different one season stints, 06 to 07 and 14 to 15. Elizabeth Hasselbeck was a classic. Lisa Ling, of course, for three years. Barbara Walters, rest in peace. And then the first two seasons, Debbie Metinopoulos, don't know who that is, and Meredith Vier and Star Jones were both 97 to 06.
Starting point is 00:15:19 And then a slew of great guest hosts over the years. Speaking of 30 Rock, I'm pretty sure Sherry, Terry Shepard, Sherry Shepard has been on once or twice. There you go. There's the view. But that was this week on the campaign trail. Let's jump in here and give a quick shout out to our sponsors. Then we're going to do trivia.
Starting point is 00:15:40 And then, guys, the big event, one of our biggest shows of the year. If you're curious, are our Odessa recording levels down to 68? Why does this bastard thing keep We're going to do trivia and then guys, the big event, one of our biggest shows of the year. If you're curious, are our recording levels down to 68? Why does this bastard thing keep pulling down? I literally am sitting here as we're recording, dragging the slider. It just happened. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:15:58 It's like watching your toe twitch or something. It's like, you know what's happening and it's infuriating, but you still have to see it. Drag the slider up to 80% recording volume. It goes down to 68. I'm not that loud. If this fucks with the listener experience for the beanheads, I'm going to riot. The goddamn problem is I take a sip of my beer,
Starting point is 00:16:22 and there's a lot of beer here to be drank. And then it's like, oh, we're not hearing you. Let's change the recording volume. But it brings it down instead of up. They're very frustrating. Guys, Home Pride Oregon. When you need your home inspector in Central Oregon, don't just call any Joe Shmoe or a Sarah Palin or as
Starting point is 00:16:40 Megan Palin or as Megan McCain would say, Joe Sixpack. Call someone who's been established in this industry. He knows Bend, guys. He knows the wood that you use to build your house. He knows the clay that you use to build your porch. He knows about trellises. He knows about other structures, gazebos. Certainly, his parents used to have a great gazebo
Starting point is 00:17:04 that I painted with my brothers many years ago. Different colors, accidentally, but separate story. Steve knows houses. Let's just put it that way. And when we're talking about Steve, that's right. It's HomePriorityOregon, 541-410-0316. Or you can always reach out to Don't try the website
Starting point is 00:17:25 .com seems like it got scooped up. I only wish that I would have thought of that here. The Beantown Networks, we could have made .com a subsidiary of Beantown Networks. Would have been pretty cool. Can you imagine going to slash home-pride-org? It's a mouthful, but it's not that bad to type,
Starting point is 00:17:42 especially if you have excellent 100 words per minute typing like I do. All this is to say, call Steve. Home Pride Oregon, it's a once in a lifetime experience. Don't fuck it up, basically, is what I'm trying to say, Home Pride Oregon, inspection, perfection. Steve would not endorse the F-bombs, but sometimes you've got to get your point across, guys.
Starting point is 00:18:07 Speaking of get your point across, guys. Speaking of get your point across, maybe a nice even neckline from Cuts by Q. Oh, that would be nice. You know how I cut my own hair? I grabbed my Chicago Bulls hat that I think my dad got when we were kids from somewhere. He would probably remember I don't, but I've held onto it ever since. It's the only piece of Bulls gear I own. But I take
Starting point is 00:18:30 that baby, I put it across, I take the brim of the hat, I put it across my neck so you have a nice even surface, and I take my electric trimmer, you know, holding the brim of the hat firmly against my back of my neck with my left hand, take my electric trimmer with my right hand, and then just use that as like an edge, basically. And that's how I trim my own neck. Here's the good news for you if you're interested in our services at Cuts by Q, one of Chicago's
Starting point is 00:18:58 oldest or more recent or both. Independently-owned barbershop boutiques, bowls, beehives, bangs, those cool bangs that you see on TikTok now. We do it all. But the good news is you don't have to hold your own hat when I cut your neck. Cut your neck sounds terrible. When I trim your neck, it's like Sweeney Todd. And then the tail of Sweeney Todd.
Starting point is 00:19:23 It's the only song I know from Sweeney Todd, because it's in the cold open of that office episode with Ed Helms. No hats required, OK? I got my own eyes. I can look right at your neck. It'll be great. I'll keep it straight.
Starting point is 00:19:36 I might use a ruler, though, I feel like, to make sure it's straight, or a leveler, or something. I don't know. I don't really know how people who actually went to cosmetology school do that sort of stuff. But cosmetology school, is that what you go to become a barber? Is that all kind of included?
Starting point is 00:19:53 You learn hair in cosmetology school, what about barber school? There is a barber college in downtown Chicago on Wabash. Denmark College, look it up. I've always wondered what goes on in there. I feel like maybe we could do a collab, a product collab, drop some new combs. C-O-M-B-S, great word, combs.
Starting point is 00:20:14 I don't know. Denmark College, hit me up. BeantownPodcast, Actually, we have our own email, if you can believe it. CutsbyQ at It is not monitored frequently. And unlike Beantbyq at It is not monitored frequently. And unlike Bean Town podcast at, Cuts by Q does not flow into my phone's native email app.
Starting point is 00:20:33 So there's a very strong chance I will never see your email. But I'll try. I log in once a year, just out of curiosity. I see all the likes, not only the spam, but all the websites that I've had to create accounts for, just access their services over the years. There's a strong chance that I'm going to throw in cutsbyq at for that.
Starting point is 00:20:56 So it's like a time capsule. You see all these great websites in the past that you used one time and you never thought of again. So there you go, Cuts by Q. When you need a fresh do, something snappy or new, call the experts at Cuts by Q. And I want to get to the horse names here. I'm excited. And we still got trivia.
Starting point is 00:21:14 So thankfully, our last sponsor here, because TV Guide, stopped sending itself to me. I'll never know it's on TV again, except House of the Dragons coming back this summer. I actually have seen it on like Game of Thrones I just saw the last episode. I also saw the Red Wedding and you know we've been close to finishing The Wire of course Aiden Gillen is the mayor Tommy Carcetti. Apparently he's also in Game of Thrones but I saw a spoiler the other day on Reddit that his character dies. So rest in peace.
Starting point is 00:21:53 Of course, our good friends, Samson Q2U series, crisp, clear audio quality. We had some good Bible verses last week. So thank you to Samson for being clear with your intentions, with your sound, with your quality. I appreciate it. Not to get too far derailed here, but I've got to start writing.
Starting point is 00:22:14 Father's Day 2024, season seven of the Bean Time podcast. After Daddy Longlegs last year and Daddy Longlegs 2.0, by the way, if you're like, oh yeah, I remember Daddy Longlegs. But what was Daddy Longlegs 2.0. By the way, if you're like, Oh yeah, I remember Daddy Long Legs, but what was Daddy Long Legs 2.0? The most fire trap remix of all time inspired by Rachel. You got to go check it out on my YouTube channel or just YouTube search Daddy Long Legs 2.0. Dude, this thing is a certified banger. When it first came out, when I first dropped it, I was listening like five times a day and I'm down to like once every other week. But still good.
Starting point is 00:22:46 Still nuts. But I feel like there's a lot of pressure, right, after the success of Daddy Long Legs, a great song in 6'8 time about spiders and spinning. There's a lot of pressure to get it right this year, keep that flame burning all the way to Paris. So we've got, I mean, it's Father's Day. It's not Mother's Day.
Starting point is 00:23:08 Mother's Day is next week. Father's Day has still got a month in change here. But just, I mean, time's going to fly before Father's Day. I mean, we've got like three weeks. We move apartments in three weeks from today. That's right. Beantown Podcast is going to officially have its fifth home. Is that right?
Starting point is 00:23:29 St. Paul Street, where it all started in Baltimore, Beantown. Rogers Park, part two. Lincoln Park. Wrigleyville. And now North Center. So yeah, we're going to be in season seven. Beantown Podcast is going to have its fifth home.
Starting point is 00:23:48 Hopefully the acoustics in there are good. I don't know. We'll find out. But where are they going with this? Oh, and then we move. And then Memorial Day weekend. Or that is Memorial Day weekend. And then Rachel and I both have dueling bachelor, bachelorette parties for the same couple out
Starting point is 00:24:10 of state that weekend after, kind of the end of May, early June. And then we got some parties and stuff. And then, then it's Father's Day. So shout out to Steve, who you may have heard about earlier on this show. Shout out to my sister of the podcast, been on a handful of times, Abby Furness, slated to graduate college with a bachelor's degree
Starting point is 00:24:34 in a little bit more than a month here. So very exciting. We got way off schedule with cuts by Q. So let's just, excuse me, Samson Q2U series. Let's end it there. When God just, excuse me, Samson Q2U series. Let's end it there. When God speaks, he uses a Samson. Thank you for indulging my brain all over the place.
Starting point is 00:24:52 We're gonna be very straightforward and to the point, we got two things left here, although part two, of course, is huge, right? Horse names, that's what you all came here to see. Apologies, it took me half an hour to get in. I did wanna do a quick trivia question. It's not about horses. It is about Jerry Seinfeld and his new unfrosted film, which
Starting point is 00:25:13 the critics are outside of the plugged-in Hollywood people who have Jerry on their show. And it's like, they have to say, oh, it's very funny. The cast list is great. Apparently, it's just utter garbage. Dude, Jerry on this media tour, at least from what I've been seeing on Twitter and Reddit, he is getting, especially juxtaposed, great word, against curb ending with Larry and stuff. Jerry is getting absolutely destroyed reputation wise. People are saying like,, god, we realized Jerry's really not
Starting point is 00:25:46 that funny, and Larry was the only one with edge. Because B-movie, gosh, 20 years ago already, right? B-movie, maybe more like, what was it, like 2007. So like 17, 15 to 20 years ago. B-movie, obviously very bizarre for that to be Jerry Seinfeld's first movie after Seinfeld. But it's kind of come around 10 to 15 years later. It's memeable, almost like Shrek.
Starting point is 00:26:14 People are like, oh yeah, this is kind of iconic. Unfrosted, you never say never about a film. But it's getting absolutely raked through the coals right now. So I wanted to ask a question, a trivia question to all the beanheads out there, not about Jerry, not about his film, but about Pop-Tarts. And the question's going to be pretty simple, and you can just kind of take your stabs. I'm not going to give you a lot of extra clues unless you really want them. Maybe, we'll see. But here's the very simple question that I have.
Starting point is 00:26:47 And I had it highlighted. And then it completely disappeared, which is not helpful. OK, here we go. I found it. So Pop Tarts originally came in four flavors. Yes, our trivia question is that simple. So back when it was introduced in
Starting point is 00:27:05 1964, right before, right after Homepart Oregon got its start in Oregon. 1964, the original Four Flavors of Pop Tarts. Name them. Fans of Beverly Hills Housewives, Beverly or Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, that's a mouthful. Will, no Sutton and her famous argument with Kyle Richards from this last season. Name them. Name them. If you're curious, yes, she does have a southern accent. She's from like Nashville or something. And now she lives in Los Angeles. So name them. What were the four original Pop-Tart flavors? If you want any more time, go ahead and pause.
Starting point is 00:27:55 Do what you need to do. I'll try to give some hints for each one of these. I'll say this. There's nothing that's going to shock you, I think. The original four flavors. First one nothing. It's nothing. It's gonna shock you. I think the original four flavors first one is Let's see, it's a it's a fruit and red and Sometimes the little seeds might get stuck in your teeth at least they do for me. That's right. It's strawberry second up it's I
Starting point is 00:28:23 Think if you go to the internet these days, it'll be like the consensus fan favorite. It's certainly my favorite. It's a combination of two flavors that go perfectly well together. It is, you know, it's not fruity, but it's sweet. It's absolutely delicious. It's like a cinnamon roll.
Starting point is 00:28:43 I guess I just gave you part of it It is brown sugar cinnamon And yes if we were doing an entire Power rankings of pop-dart flavors brown sugar cinnamon would absolutely be my number one The third flavor is back to fruity and It's one of the only things in nature that naturally comes in this color. Other things that you might see in this color are a certain type of lobster.
Starting point is 00:29:11 If you need any more clues I don't really know what to tell you. It's a blueberry that also has little seeds that get stuck in my teeth. I think blueberry more so than strawberry. If you're curious, the culprit is my permanent retainer on the bottom of inside of my bottom kind of four. Those little seeds just get wedged in there and if I'm lucky I can get it out with my tongue but it almost always has to be a toothbrush going in there or floss. And then the last flavor is the toughest one, largely because it is a fruit, but then it's a two-word phrase. The first one is a fruit.
Starting point is 00:29:51 The second word is something I don't even know what it is. Let's look it up. You know what? If you can guess it, great. I'm just going to tell it to you. It's apple currant. And I had to look up what currant. Currant is one of those, or currant, however it is you. It's apple currant. And I had to look up what currant. Currant is one of those, or currant, however it is.
Starting point is 00:30:08 I think it's currant. One of those fruits, C-U-R-R-A-N-T, where it's like, yes, I've seen it before. I've heard of it. But I couldn't tell you what it is with any sort of accuracy. So directly from Oxford Languages Dictionary, a small dried fruit made from a seedless variety of grape originally grown in the Eastern Mediterranean region,
Starting point is 00:30:26 now widely produced in California. So it's like an apple-grape combo. If you're curious, AppleCurrent was quickly renamed AppleBerry, which is just hilarious. It's there's, I don't want to go too deep into this, but things like blue raspberry or something where it's like this doesn't exist. It's like a manufactured flavor.
Starting point is 00:30:51 Apple berry. What the hell is berry flavor? Is it a cherry? Is it a strawberry, a blueberry? What is berry flavor? When you get the Jolly Ranchers that are watermelon flavored, or really watermelon as an artificial flavor, it's pretty far from regular watermelon flavor, right? Blue raspberry is basically just like sweet, like pure sweet and blue color with a little
Starting point is 00:31:21 bit of a sour after finish. That's kind of what blue raspberry is. Trying to think if there are any other like candy flavor like famous candy flavors out there that are just like this is not at all what this actually tastes like in real life. I'm sure they are in abundance but there you go that was our trivia question of the week. Let's jump into the horse names, guys. OK, so apologies for baring the lead. I am infamous at doing that. Something I wanted to share with you right before we jump into our top 10 list here,
Starting point is 00:31:54 and honorable mentions. Thank you to the guest predictions or guest submissions. I really appreciate it. I've never really gone through the actual entrance list of the real Kentucky Derby for this year to kind of give you like a comparative sense of, okay, this is what the names are actually like.
Starting point is 00:32:11 Quinn goes through these, this silly exercise every year and it's like probably kind of accurate, but like, is it actually close? Who really knows? Oh, and I also got to go before I forget into my, I did not finish my document with the horse names before I started recording, which is a damn shame. But I wanted to go into my all time top 10 horse names and enter 2024 before I forgot because we got to talk about that too.
Starting point is 00:32:41 But I just wanted to share with you what the entrance for this year's actual legit 2024 Kentucky Derby were. So that you can kind of get a sense of, you know, what we're dealing with here comparatively. So, and I apologize, I'm just typing something into my phone. Let's read the names. OK, it's getting to the final document set. Let's read the names. And then let's maybe jump in and remind you of what the top 10 list for 2023 was,
Starting point is 00:33:16 and then we'll get to our top 10. And I won't belabor the point too much and go in depth on each name, because it's just kind of surface, excuse me, surface level, superficial, point too much and go in depth on each name because it's just kind of surface excuse me surface level superficial and just fun excuse me I don't think my names this year have a ton of like great backstories there weren't a lot of historical polls I didn't have any sometimes in the past we've had guys like Stanford raffles I think Walt brought my attention to that maybe one
Starting point is 00:33:42 year my brother and that's great cuz you're like, let's go talk about the founding of Singapore. I don't have anything like that this year. It's pretty just fun and flirty like me. Okay, here are the actual Kentucky Derby horses for 2024. I'm going to fly through these. Number one, door knock DOR NOCH if you're curious. Number two, Dornock, D-O-R-N-O-C-H if you're curious. Number two, Sierra Leone. Number three, Mystic Dan, M-Y-S-T-I-K.
Starting point is 00:34:11 Number four, Catching Freedom. Number five, oh I love this one, Catalytic, that's great. Number six, Just Steel, Steel as in iron. Number seven, Honor Marie,s me of Breaking Bad. Number 8, just a touch. Number 10 reminds me of Terrell Owen's T-O password. It's got an asterisk next to it. I don't know what the asterisk means.
Starting point is 00:34:36 Isn't that one of your least favorite things in life when you see a clearly sort of published asterisk and it's like, oh, let's search the rest of the page to see what the asterisk means. And there's nothing there. That makes me so mad. Because it's like, there has to be something here on the page. There has to be an asterisk explanation somewhere. That is a gigantic pet peeve.
Starting point is 00:35:02 We do pet peeve podcasts here and there. And that should 1,000% be on there. That was the front half. Back half, Forever Young, 12 track Phantom, 13 West Saratoga, 14 Endlessly, 15 Domestic Product, 16 Grand Moe the First MO, 17, I'm pretty sure this is a Taylor Swift album Fierceness jockey John Olafskas I feel like he's won a handful of derbies so watch out for Fierceness that's my pick already 18 Stronghold 19 resilience 20
Starting point is 00:35:39 Society Man and 21 Epic Ride and the note this is not the asterisk this is a note epic ride replaces and see no following the ladder horses scratch maybe they had to broke his leg they shot him or something I don't know one thing I wanted to check on the trainer is a does Bob what's his name Bob famous because he got like banned but then he got brought back, right? Famous horse trainer. You know him if you saw him, he looks like a James Bond villain. Famous horse trainer, Bob. Bob Baffert, is he still, this is from, still banned, NBC Connecticut.
Starting point is 00:36:19 Is he still banned? He's 71 years old. I was going to say he has 71 years. I've been playing too much duolingo, espanol, you say yo tengo 71 años, whatever 71 is. I learned it in college. I haven't gotten that far yet. We haven't gotten above dos e in numbers. Don't hate me. That's just how they, uh, how they show it to you. It says, Oh, okay. Here we go. Well, we're learning something. Learned one thing here. Baffert will not be at the 2024 Derby in July 23.
Starting point is 00:36:49 Churchill balance tacked on another year to Baffert's two-year suspension after his 2021 winner, Medina Spirit, failed a post-race drug test and was disqualified. So Baffert is eligible to enter horse and prickness in Belmont Stakes, but not in Kentucky Derby. So it will be another three years or so. Or it will be a third year without Bob Baffert.
Starting point is 00:37:15 Through 2023, apparently, Baffert has collected $351 million in purse earnings. And then the last thing from the Washington Post, his fines have been worth roughly $20,000. 351 million versus 20,000. There you go. Bob Baffert. Have yourself a day. Okay, let me pull up ever so briefly and then we're actually getting to the top 10 list. This has been an all time clinic in burying the lead, which I apologize for. ever so briefly and then we're actually getting to the top 10 list. This has been an all time clinic in burying the lead, which I apologize for. Here were the top 10 horse names from 2023.
Starting point is 00:37:55 And I don't have all the honorable mentions here. I'm just going to do the top 10 list. So thanks for bearing with me. This is last year. Number 10 pitch clock violation. Number 10, pitch clock violation. Number nine, upcharge the rear. Number eight, aeuania. Number seven, tarmac tartar.
Starting point is 00:38:12 Number six, scotch snob. Number five, taken for granted. Number four, tales of yore. Three, A440. Two, doxology. And number one, dreadnought. OK, and number 1, Dreadnought. OK, so without further ado, thank you to everyone who, over email, over Instagram,
Starting point is 00:38:31 submitted names for this year's top 10 horse list. We're going to jump into it right here. Let's do our guest names that got submitted, because I do support everyone who supports this show. I appreciate you. And I receive your comments, your questions, your feedback, and I read them on air. It's a community-based show.
Starting point is 00:38:51 So while these three guest name suggestions did not make the official top 10 list, who really cares, right? Because we're reading them right here. And we've never had a guest prediction make number one. And this year is no exception. The guest prediction slots in at number 10. It doesn't have to be that way. It's just how I did it this year.
Starting point is 00:39:11 But here are the three guest predictions or guest suggestions. I keep saying predictions. Thank you for submitting these horse names and for supporting our show. I appreciate it. From mother of the podcast, Jane, we have Emoji. Spelled just like it's supposed to be emoji.
Starting point is 00:39:29 Could have been a good opportunity to add some E-M-O-J-E-E, something like that. But it's OK. This is a very audio focused podcast. From brother of the show, Jack Furness, I like this one, Hot Dog Party. Reminds me of that Seth Rogen animated film. Which I think there's a TV show out now
Starting point is 00:39:52 because I saw some sort of ad. I lingered on it for a second. Lingonberries from Ikea. We used to go as a family, quick side step, we used to go to Ikea like once a year-ish. It wasn't like an annual tradition like oh this is the day we're going to Ikea, it just would happen occasionally. From Rockford to Schomburg, which felt like a big trip to me, but it was like an hour. And I don't know if we would like pair it with other things, but we would go for a little bit.
Starting point is 00:40:27 I don't recall buying things. Maybe I'm going crazy. But my memory says we literally just like walked around, browsed, observed, took notes. And then most times we would go down to the food court and, you know, everyone would get like one thing, it'd be like $3 each. But your hot dog, your Swedish meatballs, which I thought were disgusting as a kid, something about the sauce?
Starting point is 00:40:51 I don't know. It's ridiculous. Swedish meatballs are delicious. But you can also get lingonberries, right? IKEA. Thank you for that submission, Jack. And then Matt Fieler, big winner today. You just heard him on the show a couple weeks back.
Starting point is 00:41:05 He submitted two. And one of them was what we picked for our top 10. The one that did not make it was Wraith Rath. I don't know if Matthew's been watching some Lord of the Rings lately. He's a huge hobbit head, as you might know. But Wraith, excuse me, without the belch, Wraith Rath was, without the belt, Wraith Wrath
Starting point is 00:41:26 was the last of our honorable mentions. So let's get into it. The top 10 list here, we're going to start in number 10. Big event, top 10 horse names of the year. I love it. Thank you, everyone, for supporting us. It's one of my favorite shows of the year, even though it's taken us 42 minutes to actually get
Starting point is 00:41:41 to our top 10 list. But here it is without further ado. We'll read the top 10 list. We'll add little anecdotes along the way. And then we will cement our new number one horse name of the year into history along with our other ultimate number ones list, which I will read out as we finish up this episode. OK, grab your drink strap in.
Starting point is 00:42:05 Number 10, our guest listener prediction slot of the year from Matthew, their dear friend of the show, representing the partially representing the alliterative party this year. Usually I have a couple. I only came up with one, but Matthew was gracious enough to come gracious enough to come up with one of his own. This is Havoc Harbinger. Great name, Havoc Harbinger.
Starting point is 00:42:34 Sounds like a Marvel villain, right? Havoc, just like it's spelled, H-A-V-O-C and then Harbinger. Great word. If you're curious from the Oxford Dictionary, a person or a thing that announces or signals the approach of another. Excellent work. To all of our listener submissions this year, but Matthew, great job. Havoc, Harbinger.
Starting point is 00:42:58 Congratulations, number 10. Number nine, this one I think came up when I was watching Beat Bobby Flay. Number nine is Creamy Leeks and L-E-E-K-S. It almost sounds like NeNe Leeks, right? From Real Housewives of Atlanta and the Celebrity Apprentice. But leeks of course if you don't know,
Starting point is 00:43:19 they're like a broad leaf, almost like a wild onion or celery kind of that type of thing. Or like a green onion you could almost think of it like, but like a much wider leaf. Leeks, my first introduction to Leeks when I was younger, if you play Pokemon Generation 1, one of the most like underutilized slash boring Pokemon of that generation far-fetched is a bird that you can get in a trade in Vermillion City. If you trade like a drowsy, this girl will give you a far-fetched, but it's a normal
Starting point is 00:43:57 like type bird. It's not interesting. The one kind of signature thing it has a sword stance, which raises your attack attack by two levels which in original Pokemon gameplay is hugely overpowered but he doesn't have any other good moves. Though I think the like thought process of where you get him in the game is to use him for a specific cut function to access a gym that you have to pass but there's other Pokemon who can learn it. But Farfetch'd has a leak in his mouth. He's a bird with a leak in his mouth. Like that's the Pokemon.
Starting point is 00:44:28 So that's not the origin of this name. It definitely came up from watching a cooking show. But Creamy Leeks. There you go. Almost could be a golf course, right? Creamy Leeks. The link said Creamy Leeks. I would play there.
Starting point is 00:44:42 I've never played golf before. But I do anticipate getting roped into a golf game at this bachelor party I'm going to in Nashville, which probably could be disastrous, right? Just casually putting this out there. I never played golf before. I've hit a couple balls of the driving range of my dad when I was like 16. I've never even been to a Topgolf. I played mini golf. So I feel like putting wise I know what to do. Not that it's going to go in, but like I know what to do. But driving wise, man, I'm going to have to watch some YouTube videos on the drive down there. I've watched my fair share of golf in my day. I understand basic mechanics. I understand how you're supposed to hold the club. But man, if this course we're playing
Starting point is 00:45:29 is any sort of water trap or alligators or people behind me that would like me to not take 10 shots to get the, I was going to say puck in the goal. Shows you how I'm thinking. Ball in the hole. It's going to be puck in the goal shows you how I'm thinking. Ball in the hole. It's going to be bad. Creamy lakes. We'll see you, Tennessee, in three weeks, four weeks.
Starting point is 00:45:53 Number eight, when you're planning a wedding, this is something you need to do consistently, guys. Number eight, it is vet your vendor. And I thought about changing, last second, changing vendor to vetner, like the property in Monopoly. But I decided, let's stay true. I guess I said there was only one other alliterative name, but vet your vendor is basically alliterative.
Starting point is 00:46:18 So vet your vendor, whether it's the catering, photography, which we're working on right now, your actual venue, day of coordinator, flowers, people you have to hire off the street because no one actually wants to come to your wedding, maybe, we don't know yet. These are all vendors that you have to vet.
Starting point is 00:46:43 So number eight is vet your vendor. Number seven, I was making a traditional authentic gumbo about a month, two months back. And I love gumbo, it's what I request on my birthday every year. Typically when I'm doing Creel stuff at home, I just cook jambalaya, it's a lot easier. You don't have a roux.
Starting point is 00:47:04 But I texted my mom, I texted Jane, I was like, what's a lot easier. You don't have a roux. But I texted my mom. I texted Jane. I was like, what's your, tell me a little bit about your roux secret. And Jane proceeded to share number seven with me, her roux ratio. When you're talking roux, guys, you got flour, butter, and probably a third thing.
Starting point is 00:47:22 Looks like I paid a lot of attention to that text message. But you got to, actually it might just be those two things, right? Butter and flour. But everyone's got a different roux ratio. Some lean into the butter, some lean into the flour. I tend to follow more of a moderate with my roux ratio. But, and this is the last the alliteration, I promise.
Starting point is 00:47:43 Number seven was Roo ratio. If you're curious, Roo is R-O-U-X. We were talking about bowlimber, B-E-A-U-X, center. Sixth round, center, right? Fourth round, fifth round, can't remember. After the first 32 picks, I kind of tune out. And it's like, oh, that's kind of nice. Maybe that guy will be good.
Starting point is 00:48:06 But it just kind of happens. I'm not actually tracking those guys. Number seven, Roo Ratio. Number six. This is one I wish I would have made a note on where it came from. All of these names here are things that have come up. And I wrote them down in my phone.
Starting point is 00:48:21 I was like, oh, this would be a great horse name. This one's no exception. I just don't remember where it came from. But now it makes me think of a certain Windows computer game that comes with your laptop when you get it. Number six is sweeper cell sweeper like Randy Johnson cell like free cell Which I could never figure out how to play but But this makes me think of Minesweeper, too. You've got all those little different squares you click on, Minesweeper, Sweeper cell.
Starting point is 00:48:50 I think it was some sort of malapropism or mispronunciation of Sleeper cell, which if you've watched any Tom Cruise Mission Impossible movies, you probably understand a Sleeper cell somewhat well. But this is a Sweeper cell.. But this is a sweeper cell. So number six is sweeper cell. Number five will be near and dear to the hearts of many Midwesterners out here.
Starting point is 00:49:12 I actually don't know how far this goes. Is this just a Chicago thing? Is this a Midwestern thing? Is this a nationwide thing? Is this a worldwide thing? I have legitimately no idea. But watch out, because they're coming. And here in Chicago, it's started a little bit.
Starting point is 00:49:28 And peak, not peak, but like shit hits the fan this upcoming week. Number five is Brood19. And that is an X-I-X, if you're curious. Brood, X-I-X. the cicadas, they are coming in hot, like a plague of locusts in, I was going to say the Mennonites. But Israel, Israel is so boring, right? Everyone says Israel.
Starting point is 00:49:57 There's got to be other names. Canaan, were there locusts in Canaan? Probably. I certainly want them to be other neighbors next door having a party I think our downstairs neighbors were moving out earlier today when I walked in with my tall boy rest in peace everyone's moving dude they I'm not even gonna get into the apartment showing situation, but they've been showing our apartment since late March,
Starting point is 00:50:28 and it's May 3rd. They still can't give this puppy away. I will say, though, tip of my cap to our leasing company, Cass, we haven't had issues with them. Other people online have had plenty of issues. I'm not going to get into it. I will say though the way that they do their their showing notifications, right, Chicago you have to do 20 or 48 hours notice. They have an email system where they tell you like here are the
Starting point is 00:50:57 scheduled times and if something gets canceled it gets canceled. We've had like 40 cancellations in last month. It's absolutely insane. Had three more today, all canceled, which is fine with me. You just get a shit ton of emails. And for some reason, I get duplicate emails. So any time there's an update, I get two. But the reason I give a tip of my cap,
Starting point is 00:51:17 because my previous place when I lived in Lincoln Park, my landlord did not respect the 48 hours notice. One time came in when I was in the shower. And what are you going to do? I'm not going to be like, oh, yeah, I'm going to go to small claims court with you and try to get emotional damages to this 90-year-old Greek lady. I'm not going to waste my time on that.
Starting point is 00:51:42 It's just a shitty situation. So thank you, Cass, for at least having a shred of decency. Although, man, I wish someone would sign for this apartment. They've already knocked it down a couple hundred dollars. So we'll see. If they knock it down another 500, maybe we'll break our other lease. Number four, god, we are getting down to it. Number four, I don't know, excuse me,
Starting point is 00:52:10 whom exactly this came from, but it was something in a work email that I saw. And I just saw it, and I was like, this, hold the phone. This is going in our top 10 horse names. Number four, indigenous touches. And what I like about indigenous touches is it could be like a handsy Sacajawea, or it could just be like we are designing a mural in,
Starting point is 00:52:37 I don't know, Norman, Oklahoma. And even though it was a bunch of white settlers who came in and probably raped and pillaged and Native American tribes and pueblos that had been here for centuries, what if we made a mural dedicated to the Native Americans that had some indigenous touches? Or again, going back, it could be just Pocahontas going to town on John Rolfe, giving him a hand job. You know, Thanksgiving,
Starting point is 00:53:05 right? That's how that happened. The first Thanksgiving, Pocahontas giving a little tug, a tip of the cap and a tug of the, tug of the boner to John Rolfe. That's the Disney, I think that was Pocahontas too, which I think that's actually true though, right? So everyone knows the Disney Pocahontas. She marries John Smith. It didn't happen in real life. He leaves on the boat because he gets shot, right? And she's like, I'll miss you forever or whatever,
Starting point is 00:53:37 and he leaves on the boat. They made a Pocahontas 2. You know what? I want to be respectful of time. I also want to know about Pocahontas 2. You know what? I want to be respectful of time. I also want to know about Pocahontas 2. So let's go ahead and let's head to Google and check out Pocahontas 2. I'm pretty sure she, like, it tries
Starting point is 00:53:54 to get back to the real story. And she goes to England. Pocahontas 2, Journey to a new world. Okay. So here we go, Pocahontas 2, 1998 direct to video animated musical adventure film. Well, the first film that with her meeting John Smith
Starting point is 00:54:16 and the arrival of British settlers in James town, the sequel focuses on Pocahontas journey to England with John Rolp to negotiate for peace between the two nations. Although her death is omitted from the film's ending. Damn. So that raises the question, what actually happened to Pocahontas? I'm not going to read the whole plot, but this is interesting because I never actually have seen this movie. In London, John Smith is ambushed by a group of soldiers with a warrant for his arrest and presumed dead in the ensuing confrontation. John Smith gets framed as a traitor.
Starting point is 00:54:52 Yada, yada. It sounds like they really throw John Smith under the bus here. Let's click into John Rolfe's Wikipedia page. What was this guy in real life? Husband of Pocahontas, first settler in the colony of Virginia to successfully cultivate a tobacco. My eyes are just done. 7.30 PM already, mercy.
Starting point is 00:55:15 Tobacco crop for export. OK, let's move past John Rolfe here. We can come back later. Pocahontas, let's talk about this death that they were talking about that didn't get shown in the film. In March 1617, and when was Pocahontas born? We think 1596. Oh, 21 years old.
Starting point is 00:55:39 Shit. Did you guys know Beantown podcast poll question of the week? Did you know Pocahontas was dead this young? This is brutal. I had no idea. I thought she lived to be like regular age back then, like her mid-30s. OK, here it is direct from Wikipedia, two paragraphs,
Starting point is 00:55:55 and we jump back to the horses, I promise. We got three left. This is all from Indigenous touches. In March 1617, Rolfe and Pocahontas boarded a ship to return to Virginia, but they had sailed only as far as Gravesend on the River Thames. When Pocahontas became gravely ill, she was taken ashore where she died from unknown causes, age 21 and much lamented. According to Rolfe, she declared that all must die for her. That's spooky.
Starting point is 00:56:26 It was enough that her child lived. So you had a kid, I guess. Is there still a Pocahontas descendant alive today? I don't know. Speculated, I was looking up Hitler's children earlier today, because he had like one alleged child that wasn't confirmed. And then that person has grandchildren,
Starting point is 00:56:42 or that person has kids who are like in their 50s now. Crazy stuff. OK, speculated cause of her death included pneumonia, smallpox, tuberculosis, hemorrhagic dysentery, AKA the bloody flux. Wow, that'd be a good horse name. And poisoning. Bum, bum, bum.
Starting point is 00:57:00 Pocahontas' funeral took place March 21, 1617, in the parish of St. George's Church grave send her grave is thought to be underneath the church's chancel which is just a part of a church though that church was destroyed in a fire in 1727 and its exact site is unknown the wait so we don't even know where Pocahontas is buried this country's going to shit man by this country I mean England 1958, she has been commemorated by a life-size bronze statue in St. George's Churchyard, a replica of the 1907 Janeson sculpture
Starting point is 00:57:33 by American sculptor William Ordway Partridge. Speaking of middle names, oh, wait, here's the son. I wanted to briefly mention middle names. Rutherford B. Hayes, take a quick guess. What do you think his middle name is? Because I was thinking of what could we name our dog when we get him in a couple weeks or months here. Rutherford B. Hayes is high on my list but I wanted to see what the B stood for. I didn't know this. Rutherford B. Hayes, middle name is Burchard. B-I-R-C-H-A-R-D. Sounds like a hockey player
Starting point is 00:58:06 for the Montreal Canadiens. Rutherford Burshard Hayes. Pocahontas and John Rolfe had a son, Thomas Rolfe. Thomas and his wife had a daughter, Jane Rolfe, so we got some half siblings going here. Can we 23andMe this shit, get all the way to the present day, like John Tyler's grandchildren?
Starting point is 00:58:33 What do we find from Thomas Rolfe? We got any family here? Oh my god. It actually happened. Thomas Rolfe per what is this source here on Wikipedia? Oh, this is some sort of like, Who Are You Really? ABC network show. Get this.
Starting point is 00:58:57 Thomas Rolfe is the 11th great grandfather of Edward Norton. So Edward Norton's 12th great grandmother, Pocahontas, baby. We unlocked. That's better than National Treasure. Ed Norton, star of many a Wes Anderson film and American History X. 12th great grandmother was Pocahontas. Bad ass, man.
Starting point is 00:59:27 You learn crazy shit on the Bean Tom podcast. I don't know about you. Oh look, our recording level's down to 33%. Gotta bump that baby back up to 75. Okay, number three. This just happened today. This was something that was mentioned to me in a phone screen by a candidate and when I heard it I was like, what the fuck is that? This gotta be a horse name. Number three, matrix of prioritization. Yes, it's gonna be a mouthful for the announcers. We'll start this horse in a shitty post or something. He'll have no chance of winning. You don't have to worry about it. Number three is matrix of prioritization. And I don't have any good stories for that,
Starting point is 01:00:06 other than just like when I heard it, I was like, someone literally just said this phrase, this is real life, that's it. Number three, matrix of prioritization. So a little bit less backstory than the 10 minutes we spent on Pocahontas. Number two, this is one I wanted to pick first so bad, but we've had so many one-word winners in our history.
Starting point is 01:00:26 I was like, we got to get back. We got to pump up those numbers. So spoiler alert, the number one horse name is going to be two words. But number two on our list, I really loved. It's a great word. It brings me back to pre-calculus, my sophomore year of college, or of high school, rather.
Starting point is 01:00:44 Number two, it is sinusoidal. And if you need the actual spelling, it's exactly what it sounds like, S-I-N-U-S-O-I-D-A-L. And it just refers to having the form of a sine curve, which is the same thing as a cosine curve, but just upside down. This memory that I have in my head has nothing to do with sine or sinusoidal, although I guess it was probably this stuff happened
Starting point is 01:01:12 while I was in sophomore year, which is when I would have been learning about sinusoidal curves. But I used to have to go right after or before piano lessons. My brother Jack and I for two years in high school, Jack's two years older than me, we're like attached at the hip for a lot of things with like going around town, going to different schools for classes, going to music lessons, whatever. There was at least for one
Starting point is 01:01:37 semester, maybe a full two, a time where like it was maybe once a week, twice a week, I don't know, probably once a week, where my brother Jack, who had a great horse name earlier with the hot dog party, would have to drive to the community college to take a class there and I would be with him I think because I had a music lesson right before or after that. And so I would just be like there in the student atrium hanging out, little 15-year-old Quinn. And that's when I first started getting into like, oh I have my own money, I can spend this on whatever I want. There was a subway in the student union, it became my weekly routine. Excuse me, back when subways had five dollar footlongs, oh baby, this is bringing back the memories.
Starting point is 01:02:25 And walk up to the Subway, you get a $5 footlong, a spicy Italian, which is like three different kinds of meats, sodium content, 300% of your daily values or daily needs. You get it on the Italian herbs and cheese bread. Oh, man. So the Back When Subway was a legitimate organization. And I would just take that baby to the house, take it to a table, work on my sinusoidal curves,
Starting point is 01:02:53 matrices, whatever you learn in pre-algebra. I don't know. I retained nothing of it. Pre-algebra slash trig. So a lot of sines, cosines, arctans. You really get a lot of usage out of that TI-84, and not just the Pokemon. But yeah, fond memories.
Starting point is 01:03:12 And it was $5 plus tax. It was probably like $5.40. Paying cash always. I didn't have a debit card or anything until I was 16. So rip. That same subway is probably $9 now. Let's go see. I'm gonna actually save you this and just look this up later for my own purposes. See if there's still a subway at Rock Valley College. It looks like there potentially is. But guys, this
Starting point is 01:03:40 brings us to our number one horse name. Here it is with no further ado, no drum rolls or anything. The number one horse name for 2024 season seven of the Bean Tom podcast and enter it into our number one horse name Hall of Fame. It is Fugue State. And Breaking Bad fans might know it. I don't really know how this came about. This is one when I started to make the list back in like January. I was just
Starting point is 01:04:07 like there's something about this term that sticks out to me. It just feels like a great horse name, right? So number one is Fugue State. If you are a fan of Breaking Bad, either in season one or season two, there is a time where Walt is saying, oh, he's doing something over the weekend, innocuous, to cover against his wife, Skylar. And the RV ends up breaking down. So he's stuck out there for longer than he wants to be. And so he has to decide, how the fuck
Starting point is 01:04:43 do I get out of this situation? And he says, because he's already been diagnosed with cancer and whatnot at that point. So he's like, oh, I completely forgot where I was. He makes it up by wandering into a grocery store in his underwear, pretending he has no idea what he's doing when he knows exactly what he's doing. And he says, oh, it was a fugue state.
Starting point is 01:05:03 And I don't know if I've really come across it. There was something that popped up that jogged my memory on this term for our horse name special. There was a recording level back to 55%. I'm going to have to investigate this later. Audacity really pissing me off. But fugue state is your number one horse name for 2024. So top to bottom. And then we'll finish with
Starting point is 01:05:26 our final list of number ones. Again, thank you to our honorable mentions here guest submissions. I really appreciate it. Jane Dennison furnace emoji Jack hot dog party family members and then Matt Fiedler wraith wrath number 10. Number 10 from Matt Fiedler, winner of this year's listener submission contest. Number 10, Havoc Harbinger. Nine, Creamy Leaks. Eight, Veture Vendor. Seven, Roo Ratio.
Starting point is 01:05:55 Six, Sweeper Cell. Five, Brood 19. Four, Indigenous Touches. Three, Matrix of Prioritization. Two, Sinusoidal. And number one, fugue state. So we go back to the beginning, season one, all the way through now.
Starting point is 01:06:12 2018, still, we're going to have to turn this into like a Jeopardy! Masters type thing, though, right? To like, you know, pit number ones against each other. That's going to be brutal. I think in my heart of hearts, great phrase, this is still my number one overall. I don't think I've ever come across anything that's like, oh, this is way better than number one. So for me, number one is still our OG. 2018 Episcopalian. 2019 Pentatuck. 2020 Irregardless 2021 intensive purposes 2022 flamingo phlebotomy
Starting point is 01:06:49 2023 dreadnought and 2024 the newest entry into the Hall of Fame is fugue state so there you go guys thank you for bearing with me this podcast was all over the place way longer than I wanted to to be. The sun has gone down. I need to have some supper. Right. That's what our pizza. That's what I'm having. I'm pretty excited. That's what the little von Trapp girl says. The sun has gone to sleep and so must I.
Starting point is 01:07:20 They're gone. Next week on the Bean Town podcast, Quinn does an entire reading of the script of Roger's Hammer scene, Sound of Music, three hours, no pee breaks. So every star, grab all every valley, till you find your dreams. Now I got to go watch the end of the first half of Sondheim music when that badass mother sings that amazing song and she hits the high note at the end. What a picture.
Starting point is 01:08:13 Rachel's never seen it. She's letting the Nazis win. Guys, my name is Quinn David Furness. Thank you if you submitted a horse name. If not, it's never too early for next year. Our recording level is down at 8%. This has got to be wreaking havoc on your ears. I apologize.
Starting point is 01:08:30 We've got to end it there. What a nightmare episode. Thank you so much. My name is Quinn David Furness. This is my show, everyone. Stay safe. Oh, thank you to Pakistan. Quick shout out.
Starting point is 01:08:40 Karachi, Hyderabad, Kyberberpass, 112 Frank Comedy Podcast in Pakistan. Thank you. Stay safe. Stay sane. They have horses in Pakistan, probably. I'll check in on you next time. Bye.

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