Beantown Podcast - Season Six Recap (01052024 Beantown Podcast)

Episode Date: January 6, 2024

Yellowstone Spinoffs. Dreadknot. Daddy Long Legs. Season Six was quite a year!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Furnace. Welcome to my show, Quinn David Furnace presents the Bean Town podcast year in review. It's Friday, January 5th, 2024. That's right. We are now into our 89012347th calendar year of Quinn David Fernos presents the beatown podcast. You do not have the wrong show. This is another episode, another installment, just a little bit of different intro music. This week, the reason for that is I did something I almost never do this this week and I dug into the archives ever so briefly. I might continue. continue I am not sure but I went back and listened to the first ever year in review show that we did basically I got an Airbnb in like far western Virginia over New Year's Eve for like two nights three
Starting point is 00:01:00 nights something like that camera was in a remember. It was in a basement, mostly electrical outlets didn't work as I blew them out with the space heater. Didn't have the fuse box in my unit and the owners were responding. So there were only a couple outlets that worked. That was when I cooked the frozen pizza and the pancake griddle did not work very well. Yada, yada, yada. I basically spent two days when I wasn't like outside hiking
Starting point is 00:01:33 Coming coming up with different clips from throughout the the first year the first you know 52 episodes or whatever the B-Town podcast and And so I listened to a little bit of that probably 15 minutes something like that this past week and I might continue on it but One thing we did that I loved I That I didn't that I loved in that uh, compilation episode, just like four and a half hours long, by the way, was a lot of like jingles and transition music. And so one of the, you know, one of the songs we used, actually, I don't think it was that one. It was a different one, which I found, but I was like,
Starting point is 00:01:58 let's pay, let's pay homage. Oh, H-O-M-A-G-E. Oh, H-O-M-A- H G E would be like a Hawaiian word or something O O Moch. It sounds like a Hawaiian rapper or something. I don't know. But pay homage to that with this year's recap. This is the year six bean town podcast year in review. This is our season finale. Here's the great news. You know, you know, you know, get all these shows these days, white Lotus and euphoria. And they take three years in between seasons, not actually with white Lotus. That was a white Lotus was like a fall 22 show. Is that right? Season two, at least season one was before the but you for you last came out like fall or at some point like 2021 I think is when
Starting point is 00:02:49 season two you for you came out. Anyways so so much time between seasons you're not getting that here on Quinn David furnace presents the beans on podcast we're jumping right into season seven next week which when we will be debuting that. So that's on the horizon. It's going to be another fun year of laughs of our, you know, our great specials like taxes, pledge drive, horses, big ideas. There's so much, you know, our travel shows. There's a lot that goes into those.
Starting point is 00:03:22 Or let's just say I have a lot of fun doing them. And hopefully you have fun with them as well. Let's enter discretion as advised when you're listening to the Bean Town Podcast number one, we'll occasionally use some language number two, this podcast is objectively terrible. And I do want to say, you know, there's a lot of things that go into like building the world of the Bean Town Podcast and, you know, there's all sorts of, you know, ad reads and intro music and our outro phrase is stay safe stay sane I'll check in on you next time. A lot of these things like in
Starting point is 00:03:51 any show television podcast otherwise they kind of have to develop over time right you try a lot of things some of them stick most of them don't. One thing that stuck though, and I was listening to my first ever episode this past week was I mentioned that listener discretion is advised. It wasn't the exact phraseology of like number one show, you know, or we'll use some language in terms of shows objectively terrible, but I'm pretty sure I use the exact words objectively terrible. And we're 312 episodes later, wherever we're at, and we're still using it going into our seventh season here. I think it works pretty well. So that's what we're doing here on the show. Shout out, of course, something that is new that has stuck with us because,
Starting point is 00:04:36 you know, you don't just start a show day one, put out an episode and all of a sudden your huge impact stand, right? That takes a lot of cultivation with the fans, with the crops. Shout out to our fans in the great Islamic State of Pakistan, Hyderabad, Kairabas, Karachi, West Bengal, was a clue in jeopardy yesterday. Thank you for making us the 112 ranked comedy podcast in the great nation of Pakistan. What do we got in store for you today? We have a palenger of the day. We've got this week on the campaign trail. We've got trivia.
Starting point is 00:05:12 We've got a of course our year in review. Shout out to our sponsors. We'll be down the line. But none of this, none of this is how we're gonna be starting. I know What one of the things we like to do in the Bean Tom Podcast is drink well, we produce a show. And if you know me at all, you know that January and drinking, those two colors don't run together. It is another season of dry January here,
Starting point is 00:05:43 both on Quinn David Perns, for instance, the Bean Tom Podcasts and just Furby actually. Can you imagine if I did dry January here, both on Quinn David Perns for the B-town podcast and just for me actually. Can you imagine if I did dry January, but it was just for the podcast, for the three and a half to four hours a month every January that I'm actually podcasting, I'm not drinking. I can't do it during that, but outside of that breakfast, lunch, dinner, Mondays, it's all good. No, I'm actually legit in dry January. Again, this is day five, one, two, three, four, five January fifth. The last drink I had was just whiskey and a plastic cup at John Paul Pandowski's wedding. Congratulations. We mentioned it last week, but dear friend of the show, someone who's actually like low-keyed on a lot for this program in terms of on-air talent.
Starting point is 00:06:29 John Paul Pindousey getting married last weekend in Alabama, New Year's Eve wedding. So we were celebrating all the way till midnight. There were fireworks, all that fun stuff. Beautiful wedding. Congrats, John Paul and Kelbee. But the last thing I drank right at midnight, right, as the clock was winding down. I finished my whiskey Didn't have a champagne toast. I actually you know, I look Rachel handed me a glass As like the the clock was winding down and I was like, oh, this is a champagne toast. Here we go. And I drank it It was just it was just tap water, which was fine. It was like at midnight, but I Got bamboozled ever so slightly not anyone's fault. It was just at midnight, but I got bamboozled ever so slightly not in any one's fault It was just my own personal
Starting point is 00:07:07 Expectations, but yeah, so it was some fancy whiskey. I don't remember what it was I think the worst part about dry January is I mean, there's a lot of tough things a lot of good things a lot of tough things But I get you know, everyone knows I like to drink everyone knows it like whiskey craft beer Drink pretty much anything There's very little alcohol out there where I'm like, uh, nope, man, I'm not gonna have that except for the the the sunny Devaak cocktails in my future in laws garage fridge those I have some trepidation about We've gone a full summer cycle now like of swimming in the pool drinking, you know
Starting point is 00:07:46 White claw surges andges and making drinks and stuff. Those lasted the whole summer in the fridge, I don't know who got them where they came from. No shade, because I've never actually tried them, but those were the one item where I was like, yeah, I think I'll let someone else try it first. I have no qualms, Q-U-A-L-M-S about going for the T-Dows. That's been in the freezer since the George H. W. Bush administration with the cranberry cocktail from the George W. Bush administration.
Starting point is 00:08:19 Mixing those together, throwing some ice cubes, having yourself a good time. But the Sun-E-D cocktails didn't quite get into. But I get a lot of, you know, to finish this thought, get a lot of, you know, nice whiskey, and even got a nice glass set from my Rachel's Anton Uncle, which is very kind of them. Just all sorts of goodies, nice stuff. And now it just gets to sit on the bar cart for at minimum of 31 days. And the tough thing too is, you know, there's a lot of tough things,
Starting point is 00:08:49 but January's a tough month, not to drink because it's just so dark, really in Chicago. And for me, socially, there's not that much going on. It's a pretty quiet month. But then you get to February and it's like, okay, you're back, you can drink, you can get back into it, but it's tough to not want to go overboard. And they just kind of ruin all your progress.
Starting point is 00:09:08 You really got to take it in moderation, which is tough. Or you can do it a year like 2020, which was season three for us here at the Intel podcast, and just not drink it all for an entire year, which was quite a feat. You know, the pandemic was such a weird thing. I know I say this to a lot of people, I'm like, I got lucky because it was the pandemic.
Starting point is 00:09:26 And people, I say that to a like, are you crazy? There's nothing else to do, but like stay home and drink. And I get that angle. But for me, it's a lot easier to stay home and not drink versus if life was normal. And it's like everyone's going out,
Starting point is 00:09:41 you're hanging out at bars. I mean, I can't count how many times I physically, I'm just like at a bar restaurant in a year and drinking socially, whether you're not, whether or not you're trying to go crazy, you're not usually I'm not. I'm not really like doing that lifestyle anymore. But still, you know, one drink here, one drink there, go to the bar, watch a Vikings game, have three beers,
Starting point is 00:10:03 even if we're just talking, you know, bush light or something. So they got an unspecial at the roadhouse, 66, $5, $5, bush light pines, which isn't like a crazy deal or anything, but it's Chicago. So you take what you can get. We're playing a trivia game or, you know, weddings celebrations. I don't think I had any weddings in 2020. So it wasn't a big deal, but you know, it's really, it wasn't so bad. So the reason I brought this up, sometimes we do an entire dry January episode, maybe we will in the next four weeks here, but what I am drinking today, we're back to the bubbly water. I used my whatever it's called, so to stream, right? Which I don't use a ton throughout the year, I'll be completely honest with you, but January is really when it shines.
Starting point is 00:10:50 I get my soda stream going, so I just put in some tap water, carbonated up, throw in some ice cubes, a little bit of lemon juice, a little bit of lime juice. That's kind of my normal routine. That's what I did today, except I realized as I was putting the lemon juice back in the fridge, I opened up the fridge door, I had gotten some kosher dill pickle spears at the jewel this afternoon. And I was like, you know what? First let's have a pickle, okay? Got a delicious crunch, they're fresh, break that seal. But then I was also like, you know what, I love a pickleback shot. So let's do our little, you know, pickle juice topper. Now there wasn't like a James
Starting point is 00:11:31 and shot to kind of be a prologue to this macktail I've got going on here. It's not even a macktail, it's just water with flavoring in it. But I put it in a little bit of pickle juice and it's delicious. It gives, you know, it's lemon juice, lime juice is already a little bit of a twang to it, but this one really, dude, I love it. I'm a big fan of pickles. If you ever, if you ever want to, you know, mix up your lemon juice, your lime juice, your carbonated water for a dry January, go do a little bit of pickle juice, just a splash on top. We're talking like a tablespoon. If that, if you like pickle juice, you like pickle back shots,
Starting point is 00:12:14 you got to try it out. Let's do today's palindrome of the day, sponsored by our good friends at Home Pired Organ. Home Pired Organ, when you need or home-inspected, in-central organ, go with the expert, someone who's safe, serve, fight someone you can trust. Probably gonna be my dad, Steve. 5401410-0316, Tom Kuen,
Starting point is 00:12:32 essentially a heating and cooling plumbing, roofing, HVAC, all that good stuff. Even if you got one of those houses like we had grown up with the internal vacuum system, where you just, you have like a hole in the wall, and you plug in the vacuum tube and start vacuuming. We never used it. I don't really know how it worked. I don't know if it was a situation where it's like we could use it. It like goes to some sort of central repository somewhere. But there's a throwback for you. Steve will inspect that
Starting point is 00:12:58 stuff too because he lived in a house with one of those systems for 25 years or whatever it was. or email It's got 541-400-0316, astrosteved tumble quintessential. HomePrideOrgan inspection, perfection. Also a palindrom of the day brought to you by our good friends at CUTS by Q, whether you're looking for a fresh shave and updo a pop, a circumstance, graduation, coming up right around the corner here. When you need to fresh do some of the snap,
Starting point is 00:13:31 you're gonna call the experts at Cuts by Q. And of course the Samson Q2U series, six full seasons of Samson. It's the season of Samson here. Forget the holidays, the car commercials and early December, it's always like, it's the season of Samson here. Forget the holidays, the car commercials and early December is always like, it's the season of savings. It's your local Netflix dealer, I said Netflix, I was trying to say Lexus.
Starting point is 00:13:52 And it's said the wrong thing. Although, isn't Netflix like getting into the physical retail space? I think I read that somewhere. Let's see. Netflix store, as we're searching that and learning something new here in the bean town podcast to close that thought. Remember where were we at? Oh, Samson Q2U series when God speaks he uses Samson. Netflix store. This was from NPR.
Starting point is 00:14:20 This is a little outdated, October 14, 2023. Headline Netflix plans to open brick and mortar locations. Okay, going through here is a Bloomberg report. Netflix, I mean, it aims to open a network of stores offering retail, dining and live entertainment that leverages TV shows and movies. It has not announced when it will be, what it will be selling at the locations. It's unclear if any physical media will be part of the sales. Plans to open the first two of these Netflix house locations in unannounced cities in 2025. So we got a full year at minimum until we're
Starting point is 00:14:58 getting to that. They did not respond to any brs. request for comment. That's probably all we need to know. But yeah, oh, this guy says Netflix is an ecosystem. Senior media analyst with the Motley Fool. The Motley Fool is one of those like, what's his name, Dave Ramsey? Companies where it's like, here's pay for our investment advice or financial advice and here's our financial advice. Pay off your loans and you're sitting there and you're kind of like maybe that's revolutionary for some people I don't know but to me that
Starting point is 00:15:36 seems like pretty obvious. It's money that you owe so how are you going to make your own money before you take care of the money that you owe? I understand that's a very simplistic way of thinking about things, but that's my point. I think Motley Fool and Dave Ramsey are like, here's our genius advice. We're like full-time financial people. Check this out. If you make $50,000 a year, you might not be able to afford a $500,000 mortgage. And it's just like, well, it's mind blowing.
Starting point is 00:16:03 Or those rocket commercials or the guys like, I had three Netflix subscriptions I didn't know about. I've been paying for Amazon Prime for five years, and I never, no one ever told me. It's like, you guys not in hard account. You're on your bank statements, how do you function? I don't know, man. I know I have solid
Starting point is 00:16:26 footing with my financial literature. I'm not I'm not a genius, but I got the like black and white brick and mortar stuff down. But I'm going with it. But some of these like and I know it's realistic to a certain extent, there's like forget about all their subscription either why they don't have any money at the end of the day. But some of these commercials are just so like over the top. So rocket money, Dave Ramsey, Molly Fool, you're all part of that. Today's paladrum of the day. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:16:58 It's a fun one. This one is fun because oftentimes you know, paladrum the day is just like the letters are the same forward and backwards, but this one has the letters forward and backward, but like the words match up as well if that makes sense. Obviously the words aren't exactly the same forward and backwards that wouldn't be a paladrum, but basically what I'm saying at here
Starting point is 00:17:20 is like the mirror point of this is between the words on and no. So it's like a mirror with the spacing of the letters. That's the best way to put it. It's not only the order of the letters, but the spacing of the letters too, which is neat. So here we go. Today's balance from the day. Rats live on no evil star.
Starting point is 00:17:39 So again, you give rats. Opset of that is star. Our RATS is star backwards, same for live, in evil, same for on and no. So that's kind of how that works. If you draw it out, if you do a sketch, it makes more sense. Maybe if you're playing hangman or something like that. So there you go. Rats live on No Evil Star. This week on the campaign trail, there was a big CNN town hall, two of them actually with
Starting point is 00:18:13 what's her name, Nikki Haley, and then Ron DeSantis. I did not see them, but I did read the recap. Apparently one of what Dessantis is trying to do now is he, I mean, he's kind of laying off Trump. He's kind of just like paving his own way, which for, I mean, good for him. Like try to become president by being good at what you're doing and not because you're the other choice to the frontrunner. But apparently what Dessantis got into is he's really trying to like lean into the whole Midwest, middle America, uh, vernacular. Now, and apparently he's using phrases like appreciate ya and willy nilly, which I don't really know if I couldily nilly before. It's just like nonsense, rubbish, all, you usually put all in front of it, right? Like he went all
Starting point is 00:19:11 wily nilly, but I don't really know what it means. But Rhonda Santis was using it. So me and the lookout here is we get very close to the Iowa caucuses, or just the Iowa caucus. I guess there's one Iowa caucus or there are multiple caucuses within Iowa. These things were not really explained to me when I took U.S. history in high school from my dad. But other midwestern phrases to look out for O for cute. It's kind of a fun one. For crying out loud, that's like, I would be like a good Charlie Brown, you know, Saint Paul Minnesota kind of one for crying out loud or rats. If Rhonda Santis is, gets pushed on as a portion record and he gets caught in a lie or
Starting point is 00:19:56 something, he could just say rats. Other things he could say, you betcha. That's like a Marge Gunderson, is that her name? Francis McDormand's character in Fargo, oh, Yubecha. When she's talking to Mike Yanganika, or whatever his name is, the Asian guy at the restaurant, oh, Yubecha. Ufta, I got an entire mug in my cabinet. Kitchen cabinet dedicated just to the phrase Ufta. Rachel got a great white elephant gift. It was fishes of fish fishes, fishes and loaves night. No, it was fish of the Midwest or upper Midwest something like that. I think there's like a blue go on there. Definitely some kind of a walleye, a pike probably, trout, almost certainly a bass. I suppose small mouth large mouth in
Starting point is 00:20:46 between mouth big mouth did you know that Netflix show big mouth the the Nick Crowley John Wayne he think it's on season like eight now there was one of the last I think weight weight don't tell me episodes I listened to one of the the three panelists was a writer on big mouth and And they're like, you know, just finished writing season eight of Bigmouth. And I was like, damn, I remember watching that. I watched the first season, maybe the second season. It's just, you know, I don't really know how to describe it.
Starting point is 00:21:16 It's just too much. Some of it, like, I felt like the nucleus, the core of it was fantastic. But it just got like very uncomfy with like some of the things they were getting into. A lot of like the visuals, just like this is pretty gross. I think more than anything else,
Starting point is 00:21:33 not like, oh, I'm uncomfortable with this. It's just like this gross to look at. I'm not really having a good time, even though a lot of the writing is well done. So, go ahead and email us, if you are still following BigMouth. I feel like it was really like big deal center of media attention on Netflix, you know, when it first started and now it's like I don't really hear anything about it. I didn't know it. If you would have asked me before I listen to
Starting point is 00:22:01 that episode of Wayway, don't tell me this BigM his big mouth still going would be like no that ended in like 2019 But that's not that's not true apparently A couple other things were on to Santas. Oh, I still use opal the time. I don't need to think about it. It's like then like trying to get past someone It's like my immediate reaction. I don't you excuse me is like oh,, oh, that's rude. You're telling me, excuse me, I'm just gonna be like, oh, let me scoot right past you there. They did a whole SNL sketch with Adam Driver and Dismukes, a couple weeks ago, and when Adam Driver hosted,
Starting point is 00:22:38 and the whole thing was beep, beep, let me get right past you there. And that beep, beep, that was a new one for me. I hadn't heard that one before. The sketch was pretty funny. It got a little bit too long, but pretty well done. And then Jeepers, which is like that's something that they would say the apostles would
Starting point is 00:22:57 say an over the hedge, a timeless animated feature that we feature or that we reference rather frequently on this show. Who are those apostles? Because Eugene Levy was the dad and then April Levine was the daughter. Is that right? But was it like a mom, a possible care member? Who else is in this show? Someone would have said, jeepers, Catherine and Herra, okay, well that makes sense. I forgot that there was a mom too, but that's who says it, jeepers all the time. Eugene Levy, Catherine and Herra,
Starting point is 00:23:32 and was it Afro-Livine, I don't remember. But yeah, Wikipedia confirms that they have a strong Minnesota accent. Yeah, there she is. Over the hedge, what a great film. A killer cast. I mean, japers. Okay, so those are some phrases that Rhonda Santas might want to consider incorporating if he wants to win Iowa next week or whatever that is. Let's do a little bit of year in review here, then dov or insert our trivia question halfway and then we'll finish up.
Starting point is 00:24:08 We've done all sorts of different formats for year in review as extreme as like going through and editing clips, doing the whole thing year one, all the way down to just, excuse me, like, Quinn scrolls down his soundcloud account, and it's like, oh yeah, this time we talked about this, this time we talked about that. So what I did, I tried to, I tried to strike a balance, I tried to cultivate a little bit, where I basically just like went through the last 50
Starting point is 00:24:39 some episodes, picked out some of the things that I thought were highlights, and we're just gonna run through them in no particular No, no talking points other than just the actual physical title. So that's really the plan for the next 15ish minutes or however long this takes us All right, so I've tried January was the first thing on my list But we've already talked about that extensively. So let's move on here. This is very appropriate for something that just happened three days ago. So last year on this time was right when Jen Xia was doing her sentencing.
Starting point is 00:25:12 If you missed it, if you haven't followed the show, if you're not part of the Real Housewives make multiverse, Jen Xia was one of the original Real Housewives of Salt Lake City, which is the newest or one of the newer, maybe the second newest. Now I don't know. Real Housewives of Salt Lake City, which is the newest or one of the newer, maybe the second newest now, I don't know, Real Housewives franchises. And in the middle of season three, in the filming, she got arrested, whole big thing, government, federal government lawsuit against her for fraud and bezel-ment, you know, these types of things for her foe company. Stealing money from the elderly more or less. So, Gen-Shah eventually gets convicted or pleads was pleading not guilty
Starting point is 00:25:56 all the way to the very last day that she could change over to a guilty plea, eventually change to a guilty plea along with stewains, her assistant Stuart Smith. I think his name was, I don't actually remember, Stuart Smith was the broadcaster for ESPN who passed away. So, might be him, might probably not though. So a year ago was when Genchow was doing your sentencing and she went to prison in March, I think, and it's like a five, six-year sentence. Fast forward all the way to next year, two days ago, three days ago, Genchop back in the news because Real House is a Salt Lake City which we used to do recaps of did not do a good job with that with season four I apologize.
Starting point is 00:26:37 This past Tuesday was the season finale of Real, season four finale of Real House was a Salt Lake City. finale of real season four finale of real house was assault like city. The new cast member this season or one of the two new cast members in him is Monica and she's been troubled from the very start. Never been a fan personally but there there are people out there. They're still are who are like oh I love Monica. She's this fresh energy. It plays the part very well which makes sense based off of what just came out but likes likes to stir up drama, has you know, mommy, daughter issues, all that stuff, single mom, whatever, ended up divorcing
Starting point is 00:27:12 her husband because she was sleeping with her brother-in-law for months. And the news leaked. So she, suffice to say, she's not my type of lady. The big news that came out, it was one of the people online are calling the greatest episode of Real Housewives of All Time. Not just Salt Lake City, but of all time. Now, I'm not versed in every season of New Jersey, New York. I've never really even seen Atlanta or Orange County. So I can't really comment on this,
Starting point is 00:27:40 but I will say it was fantastic. Basically, there's this troll Instagram account. I don't remember what it's called, but who would just like trolled every single one of the housewives, a Salt Lake City. And long story short, it came out at this dinner or at this vacation in Bermuda, for Monica's birthday party that she was the one posting from this Instagram account. Slightly simplified summary of that, but it was amazing because you have these four OG housewives. Heather, Lisa, Whitney, and Meredith, who like learned this news on the beach and then team up to just go all in on Monica. And basically some really creepy stuff came out of like her
Starting point is 00:28:26 stalker behaviors or stalking behavior. She stalked Gen Sha, but she also made money with Gen Sha. It's just like a whole big thing. You gotta watch it. You gotta see the dinner episode. It was literally like Avengers assemble housewives version. I was so happy. It was one of the greatest things I've ever seen to see these these ladies who we've been through so much with right come together and just just blast Monica and apparently they're like not talking to her and oh well the cherry on top of all this is that Monica is also like a klepto and Heather Gay who is one of the OG housewives owns her her like careers that she owns like a klepto and Heather Gay, who is one of the OG housewives,
Starting point is 00:29:06 owns her like careers that she owns like a beauty play, a salon, it's called Beauty Lab. And Monica apparently has done, and don't ask me like the business side of this because it doesn't make any sense like why she isn't being forced to pay before she gets procedures done. But apparently she was going into Beauty Lab
Starting point is 00:29:24 using like disguises and fake names to keep gets procedures done, but apparently she was going into Beauty Lab using like disguises and fake names to keep getting procedures done and then not paying her bill. Which doesn't sound like it should be able to actually happen, but that's what's happening. So now Beauty Lab, Heather's company is suing Monica for a shit ton of money. And they're like, the OG housewives are not speaking to Monica. So I
Starting point is 00:29:45 don't see how she can come back for season five. Hopefully she won't. This is a great like one season villain arc. And I personally don't need any more of it because she's like tied in deep with Gen Shaba. Man, this last episode, this last Tuesday night. Just Shakespeare would have been proud. Going down the list here are the things we did, a reminder, Stone Mountain down in Georgia, privatized. You see all the pictures of Stone Mountain and the Confederate generals carved into the side. And I was like, I wanna go down there and, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:30:20 maybe not spit on it, because that seems like aggressive, but maybe just like sneer SNER down upon it. You can't even drive to it though. You literally have to pay it's like a $20 interest fee. It's like a park, like an amusement park. And they own the like spot where you can view Stone Mountain. It's like this is just you shouldn't be able to own a mountain. You shouldn't be able to own a mountain Like what if you want to be like a rich guy and like Own a ski resort on a mountain and like operate the ski left and stuff like that's okay, but you shouldn't be able to own a mountain
Starting point is 00:31:01 This is silly. I think I think Georgia really dropped the ball on that one frankly We already mentioned wait-wait-wait-don't Tell Me Once, but one of my favorite birthday gifts ever. Lovely Rachel got me. Got us, take us to go see Wait-Way Don't Tell Me Last March, it probably was, and goes right before my birthday. Some of the most fun I've ever had, even though Peter Sago was on paternity leave, we still got to see one of my favorite guests, Peter Gross, was on. He's fantastic. So that was a really fun time. Nick Kroll, who we've also already mentioned on this show, he called in for the show.
Starting point is 00:31:31 So it was just like, definitely something I want to do again. It's not like the cheapest thing, but it's also not going to break your bank. Or like, you know, I think it's like 50 bucks a ticket, something like that. So that was a lot of fun. And it's what I like about Wayboy Don't Tell Me.
Starting point is 00:31:46 You listen to it, you know, podcast or anything, whatever, it's like an hour. But when you go, they do so much more than that, not, you know, not like four hours, but it's like almost a two hour production that they then edit down. There's just a lot more like improv from the panelists, from the guests and stuff,
Starting point is 00:32:02 which was a lot of fun. So I would love to go back, love to see an episode that Peter Segles hosting. Good stuff. The pickle juice is still in there. I'm like 60% of the way through this beverage still getting the pickle. It's delicious.
Starting point is 00:32:21 It does, I will say, it does kind of cancel out the lime juice or maybe the lime juice I just got was, or the will say, it does kind of cancel out the lime juice, or maybe the lime juice I just got was, or the lime juice I used was kind of weak, because it was the same bottle I had been using last year. I did get a, I got a new bottle I'd jewel this afternoon. Maybe we'll try it again with part two, see if we get that lime juice a little bit stronger here. We did, one of our many annual shows of which there are a multitude we've already mentioned
Starting point is 00:32:45 a couple, but one of them that we love to do, one of my favorites because it's super creative and I think really fun. Our horse name specials, we did our sixth annual top 10 horse name special. If you're new to the show, that's essentially where I, along with the help of you all the beanheads, hashtag friends of the podcast, come up with names off the top of our heads, and they can mean a million different things or come from a million different places that would make great racing horse names.
Starting point is 00:33:14 If you're not familiar with racing horse culture, just literally go look up list of Kentucky Derby winners. Excuse me, big belt. And you'll see just the craziest stuff. You can't even explain it. Horse name, cultures, one of those things you can't explain. You just know it when you see it. And so we come up with 10 new names
Starting point is 00:33:37 every single year on this show. So we're up to 60 names, and then there's always, you know, what's actually number one. We started doing this because I just always, and my there's always, you know, what's actually number one. We started doing this because I just always in my head was like a piscopalian if I ever had a ever had a racing horse which I will never be rich enough to own or what I probably want to. But if I ever had a racing horse I would name him a piscopalian because in my mind that's just like the pinnacle of great horse names that I can personally come up with. And so I decided well for a if we're gonna do one, let's do 10.
Starting point is 00:34:07 And then I decided, well, we'll do 10 every year. So this will be year seven, this will be 10 more names, we'll be up to 70. If you're curious, though, because I had to look this up to, what 2023 season six's top name was, because I didn't remember, it was Dreadnought, D-R-E-A-D-K-N-O-T, which was slightly born out of this this online game I play called Play Tug-A-War or just Tug-A-War
Starting point is 00:34:35 Well, there's a card in there called Drednaught, but I like Drednaught because it's K-N-O-T and it reminds me of like one of those pretzel loafs of bread It's like a knot on top or maybe that's not even a pretzel loafs of bread. It's like a knot on top, or maybe it's not even a pretzel loaf, but a bread knot, right? There's something with bread and knots, and that's what I like. It makes me hungry.
Starting point is 00:34:52 Bread bowl. I was, ooh, I was watching down your strivings and dives on the bike. Just about two hours ago, again, my afternoon workout in. Ooh, there were some good bread bowls on that baby. It was like a beef stew inside of a bread bowl. Mm, that's good stuff.
Starting point is 00:35:08 Plowing ahead here, not really show related, but I try to keep you in tune with the important life things in, I think it was late April. Rachel and I got engaged. So if you're thinking, you're asking, hey, Quinn, when is Rachel officially either going to be a co-host or take over the show, all I can say is we're one step closer. I'm one step closer to retiring and this show becoming Rachel Marie Raimals presents the Bean Tom podcast. I think everyone would like that, frankly, except for Rachel. All 10 billion other people in the world,
Starting point is 00:35:45 including the 200 million in Pakistan, would be a big fan, West Bengal. She's coming. Continuing on here, this will be a good time to, and there's not a ton left in here, but this will be a good time to do our trivia question of the week. So here we go.
Starting point is 00:36:03 Sometimes when I feel like I got nothing with trivia questions, we just say, okay, you're in, or this day in history, let's dig in, let's see what we can find. So here we go, officially, uh, January 5th in history. Here's your question. And as I sometimes like to do, they're a bonus question. Okay, January 5th, 1973, this singer's debut album, Greetings from Azaberry Park, New Jersey, is released.
Starting point is 00:36:33 Name this singer. So again, your two clues are 1973, and name of the album, Greetings from Azaberry Park, New Jersey. Whose album was that? Whose debut album was that? This was one whose title I didn't know until I looked this up. I like to think that given the year and the title of the album, I could piece that together because the title of the album
Starting point is 00:37:00 was a pretty big giveaway. But who knows? Hopefully you know it. And here's your bonus, and we'll give both answers away. The lead single, something I did not note that I learned today. I love when you learn little things like this, or I never would have guessed this. Never had any clue.
Starting point is 00:37:24 The lead single from that album was more famously covered by Manford Man. So basically what I'm getting at is there's a very popular song that you know, by Manford Man, that was actually they covered a brew, uh, I just gave away the answer. Hopefully you didn't need more time. It was Bruce Springsteen. And the song was blinded by the light. Blah, did by the light. Do-no, do-no, do-no, do-no, do-no. I was always, well, I don't really know man for a man.
Starting point is 00:37:53 He's like South African or something. But before today, I just would have said, oh yeah, definitely not Bruce Springsteen. That, I mean, that version of the song is not Bruce Springsteen. But it was originally like the OG lead single from Bruce's debut album was blinded by the light. I listened to it, it's good, it's very different,
Starting point is 00:38:12 but it's original. So there you go, Bruce Springsteen and blinded by the light, your answers to today's bean-town podcast trivia question of the week. Speaking of music, you know, every year of what we have dropped the ball in the past and I apologize for that, we try to do a special song dedicated to my dad and all the dads out there songs now. This one still gets radio play at least among, you know, my, uh, my family, Rachel family, whatever. Like, I still hear them singing it. And I got to
Starting point is 00:38:56 say it's it, it was a stroke of genius. Daddy long legs. I'm going to have to go, I got to go listen to it after this. It's a great song. It's a nice little piano ballad. Super catchy. I mean I've written a handful of songs over the years, the dad themed or otherwise, but that one's up there. That one was pretty solid. This is slightly out of order, only ever so slightly here, but continuing the theme of music here, my 1889 album, slightly here but continuing the theme of music here my 1889 album the whole Taylor Swift 1989 thing I said all one up you or 100 up you 1889 100 down you 1889 and I never did get around to making that entire album which I sincerely set out to do when I started but we did a behind the music kind of MTV style
Starting point is 00:39:43 thing and you heard me sing a couple great songs battered women That was a good one I don't remember the other songs we had on there But they were there at least like three or four we we played on there and that it was a you know joke thing Obviously this whole show is a joke, but there were some songs, especially the last one That I that I closed with let's see if I still have the lyrics to that. I don't remember exactly what that one was about, but I hit some really good high notes at the end. Kodak moment. No, that's not what it was. Oh, over a war. That's what it was. I
Starting point is 00:40:16 do go back and listen to the 1889 behind the music show. At least just for the final song, that's, that's a good song. Oh, River, A-U-R-E-V-O-I-R. It was because the Eiffel Tower was constructed in 1889. It was all in case, in case you were wondering what the hell I'm talking about, 1889, all about things that happened in 1889. It's a concept album. And I I forgot that I forgot about that there's a bonus track But it it closed the episode and it was a lot of fun. So there you go One of my favorite things I did this past year the Mission Impossible Screenplay So Mission Possible What was it seven dead reckoning part one came out this year and I was like what if we did a whole like very meta Mission Impossible movie where Tom Cruise has to escape Scientology. It was great. It had reckoning part one came out this year. And I was like, what if we did a whole like very meta mission
Starting point is 00:41:05 and possible movie where Tom Cruise has to escape Scientology? It was great. It had, and at least Leah, I was gonna say Lisa Remini, Lisa Rina, Housewives, Leah Remini in it. The Masterson brothers had to get Danny out of prison. See, like, did he like actually go to prison or is he still in trial? I don't remember how that worked for all the rape stuff,
Starting point is 00:41:26 but good stuff. Mission impossible, Scientology reckoning. I'm still looking for a big studio to back it. I think Nicole Kidman was probably in there too. A couple more things. We celebrated our 300th episode celebration. We had dear friend of the show and director Zack Snyder call in, which is a whole lot of fun to sort of get his perspective, get his angle on things.
Starting point is 00:41:55 We never did hear from Gerald Butler, which was just kind of, you know, there's sort of like a blackballing process amongst the podcasting community. And I don't think I've really heard about Gerald being on any podcast lately. So there you go. That's sort of what happens when you disrespect a longstanding podcast like this one. And then just two more things here.
Starting point is 00:42:18 We had some great yellowstone spin-offs, right? Because the new David O'Yellow, however you say his last name, O'Yellow, O'Yellow. He's got a new yellow spin-off called Bass Reaves. I was kind of hoping it was going to be Bass Reaves, but it's Bass Reaves. He's like a government sheriff of a town or something, and he kicks a lot of ass from what I've heard. Maybe that's why they call him bass because he kicks ass. Some of the things we came up with were 1944, this is a great depression, World War II kind of thing,
Starting point is 00:42:55 2024, only fans, lib tards, gender, affirming care, all that fun stuff. 1215, Magna Carta, King John, played by Kevin Costner. Oh no, I had Herschel Walker as King John, my bad. 1431, behind every Joan Nark is a powerful man. Turns out she has super slimy. Roseanne Barr is Joan of Arc and Stephen Baldwin plays Mr. Dark. 1271 BC Moses in the wilderness, tame and wild horses,
Starting point is 00:43:27 sleepin' with Canaanites, doin' casual biblical magic. John Voitt stars as Moses and Craig T Nelson as his brother Aaron. 1815 Napoleon comes back from exile and tames a lot of horses and sleeps a lot of pale 15 year olds and tight coarsets. Speaking of pale, I gotta see that. It's a poor thing, it's the Yorgas Lantzha Mus movie. I'm just. It's a poor thing, the Yorgas Lantzmost movie.
Starting point is 00:43:47 I'm just scarred because we had to watch a Yorgas Lantzmost film in a film class at different college, and that one messed me up, man. It was just like 20 years too young to see it. So, even though I don't want to see it today. Yeah. Oh, I wrote for the Napoleon I kid rock want to see it today Yeah Oh, I wrote for the Napoleon one kid rock written all over it. Yeah, he would be Napoleon and do the original soundtrack 2121 Baron Trump the third has to fight futuristic liberals dressing Hillary masks basically the purge Dennis Quaid would be perfect for that
Starting point is 00:44:21 Yeah, there we go those were some of our yellowstone spin-off ideas. So Kevin Costner, feel free to get in touch. Use them as you wish, but I do charge a lot of money because he's super rich. And then finally about, I was gonna say a year ago, a month ago we did our show Live From the Orb, which I thought was really fun. I normally do I love being around mountain bald head, the radar tower, top mountain bald head
Starting point is 00:44:46 in Sagittoke, Michigan, but hopefully you learn some stuff about radar towers and Michigan and mountains and sand dunes and all that fun stuff. And just to be like, be outside, it was raining a little bit, but it wasn't too cold. And I got to broadcast live from a radio tower that has broadcast antennas coming out of it and Weather came on top so it was kind of a full circle moment if you will for me and that's our year in review That was year a very truncated version of bean Tom podcast Season six, but that's what I have for you guys. That's that's a wrap. That's closing the book on season six of Quinn, David Furnace presents the Beating Town podcast and season seven debuts next week right around the corner. I do
Starting point is 00:45:34 not have any big plans yet that I can unveil for you all, but I guarantee you you know, we're gonna be we're gonna be getting some more pledge drive specials with some more donor tiers and then we'll of course have you know, we're gonna be getting some more pledge drive specials with some more donor tiers and then we'll of course have friends of the show, Matt Fiehlers, John Paul Pindowski. Matt Fiehlers also getting married in like three weekends here, which is crazy. It's a season of weddings here,
Starting point is 00:45:57 the Netflix season of savings event, as we learned about half an hour ago. So much more to come, horse name specials, all the hits, all the reasons you love being time pockets, more power rankings, more orbs, more everything, lucky number seven here. Speaking of lucky number seven, I got from Santa Claus some winning lotto tickets
Starting point is 00:46:21 in my stocking this year and cashed out Wednesday for 33 cool George Washington's. So not not 33 Benjamin's just George Washington's but still not bad you know. 33 extra dollars. So there you go. That's what I have for it's dry January everyone. Enjoy the darkness. Hello, my old friend. I don't know what we're going to be doing for outro music today. I'm going to find another cool jingle in my royalty free garage band Mac 2012 model here. The Mac still going baby season seven. One of these days I will legitimately be forced to upgrade, but I'm just kind of hanging out until then and seeing how it goes. I know that there are some like error codes problems that you get usually at the beginning of episodes.
Starting point is 00:47:13 Can't explain it. It is what it is. That's actually what I had for you everyone. Thank you so much for listening. Thank you for supporting our show through six years. Here's to Year 7. You can always find our shows wherever you find podcasts and Don't forget to leave us a five star rating if you would be so kind. And until next week, this has been six years
Starting point is 00:47:34 of Quinn David Ferns Presence of Beantompodcast. Everyone stay safe, stay sane. I will check in on you next time. Bye. … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …我都想到你你都想到你你都想到你你都想到你你都想到你 你都想到你 你都想到你 你都想到你 你都想到你
Starting point is 00:48:29 你都想到你 你都想到你 你都想到你 你都想到你 你都想到你 你都想到你 你都想到你 你都想到你
Starting point is 00:48:37 你都想到你 你都想到你 你都想到你 你都想到你 你都想到你 你都想到你 你都想到你 你都想到你你都想到你你都想到你你都想到你你都想到你 ТРЕВОЖНАЯ МУЗЫКА 1 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd 2 nd Thank you.
Starting point is 00:49:37 you

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