Beantown Podcast - Shaka Zulu - Chaka Khan Connection? (09222023 Beantown Podcast)

Episode Date: September 22, 2023

Farm Aid. Southwest Check-In Strategies. Abraham Lincoln. This show had it all....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Furnace. Welcome to my show Quinn David Furnace presents the bean town podcast for Friday. September 22nd. What's going on? What's happening? How are you? We are officially in fall. I know it's unofficially officially been that way since Labor Day, but we got, you know, October Fests going on. I was at October Fests with a leg. It's two weekends ago now already. And, you know, there's fall fest coming up. There's apple fests coming up. I wore a long sleeve shirt out to get my bagel today this morning for breakfast. So it's it's fall and I'm living the bachelor life today. Rachel's in Arizona having a good time. Well, let me pause right there. That could be trouble that I just said that.
Starting point is 00:00:59 And we should really edit that out and re-record because it's a surprise party. And so assuming that certain people don't know they're about to be surprised. Well, it's not a surprise party as much as it's just a party and not all the guests who are attending were on the original yes list. Let's just leave it at that. So hopefully I didn't spoil anything. I know the Bean Tom Podcast is worldwide, speaking of which, hello to our friends in Pakistan,
Starting point is 00:01:34 Hyderabad, Islamabad, Kabul, wherever you are listening from. Thank you for making us do 112th ranked comedy podcast in Pakistan and likely, you know, the greater Middle East and Central Asia South Asia Tibetan plateau I don't know how far those signals go
Starting point is 00:01:52 But I mentioned a little in the bachelor life, but the diet today. I'm killing it bagel for breakfast cheddar herb with veggie cream cheese a dynamite combo can't beat it Had some peanut butter butter, filled, pretzel nuggets, about one o'clock for lunch. Forgot that I have a banana. And to this point, have still forgotten there's a banana over there in the kitchen that I should have.
Starting point is 00:02:17 And now drinking a glass of whiskey. So pretzels, baggled whiskey. And if you're curious, what would Quinn be like if if he was still single to the stay? This is probably staring staring at in the face right here. And the plan is to keep this high in tight. Like a haircut from cuts by Q and you need to fresh do something snapper. You're new call the experts that cuts by Q keep it high in tight and timing. Cause I'm hoping I'm trying to do this,
Starting point is 00:02:45 squeeze it all in and then go just like hang out either on a patio or something. It's not gonna be super long, it's already 4.45 in the afternoon and they's getting shorter here and I got work in the morning but just wanna, just get out of the house a little bit, definitely need some steps and read my book. That's the thing.
Starting point is 00:03:05 I am so bad about intentionally reading my book. When you sit me on the couch, especially, you know, most days long work day, running around doing lots of different things, and then it's like finally get to supper 7 7 30. Man, the last thing I want to do, or the first thing I wanted to do really is just like turn on TV Or almost know with the shield. We got like five episodes left and
Starting point is 00:03:29 Jeopardy's not even back yet. Once Jeopardy comes back at another 20 minutes of Screen time to my day there, but I'm working on remains of the day by Ishii Ishii Guru. I got it right over here. That's his name pretty famous author Coswell Ishii Guru. I, I think I was pretty close. They made a movie out of this one with Anthony Hopkins. This is my second novel of his. I first read, never let me go,
Starting point is 00:03:57 which they made a movie out of with Andrew Garfield and who else was in that one, Kerry Mulligan and Kier Knightley, I think it was very well done. I enjoy his writing style. What this movie was, Anthony Hopkins and Emma Thompson back in the 90s. So working on that one right now, and I'll continue to work on it as I fly tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:04:21 In fact, I've got a timer on my phone. I fly tomorrow, in fact, I just got a timer on my phone. We're gonna do the first ever, I believe. Although we're almost 300 episodes in. I got, it was quick sidetrack, I got a capture or research when exactly 300 is, because I believe it's next month. I think this is like 297 today, 296 maybe. We don't have any big 300 episode anniversary plans yet, but it might be fun to put together a little, you know, slideshow presentation best of maybe get we're going to do a live airline Southwest check-in
Starting point is 00:05:09 in approximately five minutes here for my flight. So tomorrow, crazy, crazy weekend, okay, we won't go all into all the details because this is not really what I want to talk about in today's show. And before I talk about the thing I don't necessarily want to talk about for very long, I will just mention, listen to discretion as advised. When you're listening to this program, number one, we'll cater to some language number two, this podcast is objectively terrible. But working tomorrow, which is the reason I couldn't go do family stuff out on the West Coast in Arizona this weekend, a big, big work event, and then immediately afterwards
Starting point is 00:05:43 heading to Midway to take a flight to Minneapolis, I am going along with brothers and a father of the podcast while Jack and Steve to Minneapolis, US bank stadium, the Minnesota Vikings playing the Los Angeles Chargers. It will be my first ever time inside of US bank stadium. I go to Minneapolis frequently and it just never works out
Starting point is 00:06:05 that there's a Vikings game going on and it's actually funny because the weekend after I have to go to Minneapolis too I'm actually gonna buy or push it and just drive up super early on the Monday and then work their midday Monday and before I would have gone up on the Sunday to see the game but they're in Carolina. So going there, literally getting into Minneapolis at like 6 p.m. tomorrow night, 6.30, something like that. And then Sunday, just game day, just that experience, winner, lose, we'll see, playing the chargers, both teams just sucking it up so far.
Starting point is 00:06:37 And then my flight is literally, I think it's like 5.20 a.m. on Monday morning, it's brutal. Unfortunately, there wasn't more like a 630 or something that could get me to midway by like eight, even 745, it's gonna be just wake up crazy early, 3 a.m., 315 a.m. and then just work a full day in the office on Monday. So not a deal, but I was just like, you know what?
Starting point is 00:07:02 Rachel's gonna be gone. I got a work Saturday. Ideally, it would be a full weekend, right? But life is not always ideal. So doing that, pumped is my second ever NFL game, second ever Vikings game. It'll be the first one in Minneapolis and it's a beautiful stadium, at least from the outside and I've only heard good things. So we're gonna be doing that. We're also gonna be talking today and it's gonna be a quick episode I promise about this day in history.
Starting point is 00:07:31 It's partially a quick episode because nothing was just striking me creatively. And then I was thinking, well, maybe there's different ways to skin a cat, which is kind of a spooky phrase when you think about it. It's not a phrase I don't think I've ever used more than once or twice in my life, but it's applicable to the situation when I'm trying to get at is decided, well, if nothing else we get to come up with a palindrome of the day and a trivia question of the day.
Starting point is 00:08:00 We'll start off with a palindrome question of the day and then the trivia question led into some just kind of interesting things. Today's palindrome of the day is, go deliver a date, vial dog. So it's like you're speaking to a dog, all right? Go deliver a date, vial dog. Vial dog could be like a, I don't know, a band that played at Riot Fest this last weekend.
Starting point is 00:08:25 We did our, thank you for the non-death cab heads in the room for sticking with last week's episode where we powering the tracks from Trans-Atlanticism. It was awesome. I mean, to see Trans-Atlanticism played straight through was definitely really cool, but honestly, I enjoy Postal Service even more. Like, the amount that they could do, even though it's so much electronic,
Starting point is 00:08:48 but the mouth that they could do live was fantastic. Oh, here's the alarm. It's pretty quiet. I can't even hear that. I don't know how that wakes me up in the morning. It's so quiet. Especially on some of the tracks, and like the back half been gibbered. Like, once the majority of the tracks in like the back half Ben Gibberd, like once the majority of the song I'm going to play and they're just kind of jamming a little bit. He would go sit on drums and play which was cool. And then, and especially I think my favorite one was probably brand new colony which is the
Starting point is 00:09:17 the penultimate track. But they brought Jason McGurray the drummer for Death Cab Out to play the drum set at the end of that song. And the drums were just perfect, man. It was awesome. So, and then they all come out together and play one song at the end, which is a little bit of an underwhelming. It's a Depeche mode cover, which I just don't know much about that band.
Starting point is 00:09:39 And the song is just like, it's not like a big kind of glorious finish. It's just kind of like a middle of the pack, middle of the concert kind of song, and it's good. They jam a little bit, but it's not like, I don't know. I guess Ben just must really love that song one way or another. So... Anyways, but it was beautiful.
Starting point is 00:10:00 Getting home from RIFO's disaster. Mexican Independence Day plus Pinkland crowding but we're counting down the seconds here. I'm very passionate about my Southwest check-ins. I was flying so I went to Kansas City a couple weekends or a couple weeks ago as Wednesdays like two to enough weeks ago and it was a 24-hour trip. What was, checked into my initial flight, no problem, right? 24 hours before, here we go, 450, retrieve reservation.
Starting point is 00:10:33 Flight's not ready for check-in. Don't give me, don't do me dirty. It's 24 hours before. Okay, there we go, it's going through. This is crazy, this is live. You're checked in, where's my number? I'm on the computer, B23. That feels solid.
Starting point is 00:10:50 That's about what I got when I went to Kansas City. Anyways, the story I was trying to finish, I'll have to get this boarding pass later. The story I was trying to finish was that my flight out of Chicago on the Wednesday, so I was, I was flying there on a Wednesday morning and working on Wednesday, a flying back Thursday morning.
Starting point is 00:11:10 Fly there, but flight is delayed. It was gonna be like a land, and then I have like two more hours before I have to check back in to go home the next day. But it was delayed so much that it, my flight, a 24 hour window opened while I was still in the air and airplane mode, and it was close to. I was like watching the seconds tick down, and the plane was getting closer to the ground, and I'm like, airplane mode is off, but you're still above the
Starting point is 00:11:39 cell towers, and I was just like, this is brutal. I wasn't bad, it was literally like three minutes after. But I still got shafted. I was like C, C20 or something like that. Hey, it's an hour flight, not a big deal. But I just like the glory of saying I got to the high Bs. So B23, good, not amazing. I feel a little bit shafted, okay. My laptop clock said 450. I hit
Starting point is 00:12:07 retreat reservation and it gives me the old, it's not ready and then you got to spend an extra, it was probably an extra 10 seconds reloading again. And that probably was the difference between B23 and the A2 first class medallion. No, they, they, how does Southwest do it? They don't sell a, or they don't assign A1 through A15, I think it is, and you can just buy that. So that's always just open. I don't necessarily blame them from a business perspective. It's just what they do.
Starting point is 00:12:37 And then I think like A15 through A30, you can just buy at the time you buy your ticket. I think that's how that goes. So I think it starts, well, it's probably expanded above 830, right? So Southwest goes A1 through 60, B1 through 60, C1 through 60. I imagine, I feel like, hey, I was really quick on the refresh even though I got shafted a little bit.
Starting point is 00:13:01 There's got to be more people who buy the priority boarding. It's got to be above 830, right? It's got to be more people who buy the priority boarding. It's got to be above a 30, right? It's got to be at least into the high A50s, A40s 50s because I mean, I was seconds away from being as close as you can get on that refresh. The 24 hour advance in B23s, what I got. And I did the same thing when I was fine
Starting point is 00:13:22 and can't sit a couple weeks ago. And I think I was very similar. I think I was like 20 at that point. So I feel pretty confident in my abilities to check in exactly 24 hours ahead. And I know that there are other people who are just as good at that. If not better than I am. Maybe you don't get shafted by the system. But point being, I think I was pretty close to the front.
Starting point is 00:13:46 With my clicking skills. B23 is one of those where it's like, if you want to sit in the window, which are the most desirable seats on a plane typically. And for a short flight, it will be for me too because I don't need to go anywhere. You gotta go towards the back, third of the plane, not usually a problem. Although, to be perfectly honest, I might, um,
Starting point is 00:14:09 where it gets skittin' all the nitty-gritty details that are really entertaining of Quence Flight. What I'm trying to say is I might just take an early aisle seat, maybe in like the nines or the tens, the nines, as if there's multiple nines, maybe like nine through 15 or something like that, row wise, because then I can just boom, get off the tens, the nine says if there's multiple lines, maybe like nine through 15 or something like that, row wise, because then I can just get off the plane, which normally don't care about, but it's like, I want to get there, want to get out of there as soon as I can. So more time to party, dance, kick, drink, importantly. So we'll see, I will, I know you're all gonna probably not gonna be able to sleep tonight
Starting point is 00:14:46 Just thinking what did Quinn do? How did he do it? I'll let you know as soon as I know but excited Vikings game We're staying right near surly, which is a place I'm familiar with I got to go last time for the first time or last year for the first time So I'm pumped that's gonna be a great time even though it's all very like in flux Family members flying out at different times people going here people going there But it's just like boom. Let's just make it happen. So I we did today's palindron the day I was I was looking for trivia in my default trivia whenever I don't have something good
Starting point is 00:15:19 Just off the time I had because this week is I have not been creative at all this week, although I've set some time aside for piano. I just have been exhausted in a number of different areas of life, mostly work related, but just long, long tough week. So I just don't feel creative at all, which is fine. So I go to this day in history from September 22, 2023. And all of a sudden I'm thinking like we got show ideas right here, or at least trivia ideas right here. So we'll get to trivia at the end here. It's one of the, you know, this days in history kind of things, but just kind of perusing the the entry for September 22nd, 2023.
Starting point is 00:16:05 We'll also mention, we mentioned we're gonna see father of the show tomorrow. If you need your home inspector, if you're in central Oregon, maybe you're a new home buyer, maybe if you're first time, you don't wanna take any chances, okay, get someone to back you up, so I'm gonna save, certified, an expert like Steve, you can call him up 541-410-0316 or visit
Starting point is 00:16:27 for a I'm just gonna I'm just gonna guess a no risk no cost initial consultation right pick up the phone he's not gonna charge is not gonna bill you by the minute right he's not your but diatrist he's not your pediatrician he's not your electrician, he's not your electrician, right? They're not trying to build. Yeah. What's the, what do we need? Two different verbs, milk and milk, B-I-L-K, because I feel like milk means the same thing as milk in the context of, you know, milk as a, as a word.
Starting point is 00:17:03 I guess, milk according to the content, we know, hey, they're the authority. Milk means to cheat or defraud someone out of money, while milk has no specific fiduciary association. I added that those last two words myself. Those weren't on the content or Maybe they could use me as a guest writer. Fiduciary, F-I-DY, that's a whole other can of worms.
Starting point is 00:17:29 Probably can only use fiduciary and specific contexts. I updated my 403B contribution, not retirement, not requirement, contribution amount per paycheck, decreased it by one percentage point today to funnel more money towards wedding savings. And I also realize Rachel is not the beneficiary that I didn't have a beneficiary on my 403B. So now you heard it here first in the bean-town podcast, if I am mysteriously murdered or just disappear in any number of ways, anytime soon, you have a prime suspect. So shout out to fiance the podcast, Rachel Ramos. No,
Starting point is 00:18:15 she would probably never do that. And of course, our good friends, we already mentioned Cutspeq, the Samsung Q2U series. Guys, it's almost 300 episodes. Samson has just been here. In fact, I'm using one of my OG Samson's. I really had two at the start. I think originally I had one, but then like a month or two months and I bought a second one. And this is one of those OG twos.
Starting point is 00:18:35 I have a newer one that, for whatever reason, is just like out of the rotation right now. There was a time when I was using two mics for recording or something, and then I just grabbed one and happened to be the older one. And that's time when I was using two mics for recording or something and then I just grabbed one and it happened to be the older one and that's what we're still using. 300 episodes later still going strong. So Samson Q2U series, when God speaks, He uses a Samson. So if you're curious what happened today? So we'll get to trivia at the very end here and it's one of the things that happened on this day in history. But going back into the history books here, 1862 Lincoln issues the emancipation proclamation.
Starting point is 00:19:11 It makes me think of there, so there's a kid's probably the most, one of the most infamous kids' jeopardy. It's not even like teen tournament, like kids' jeopardy, I think. This kid's got to be like 11 or something like that and he answers it's a final jeopardy question. And I think he would have won if they gave him, is a super easy question. Everyone knows it's the emancipation proclamation.
Starting point is 00:19:37 The kid puts a T between the P and the A at the end. So the emancipation, you can't even tell that, I said something differently. Emancipation versus emancipation, you can't even tell that I said something differently, emancipation versus emancipation, proclamation. And it's back when Alex was hosting. And Alex comes across like a little bit of a dick, it's not really Alex's fault, it's the judges ruling and Alex has to relay that to like this 11 year old kid.
Starting point is 00:20:00 But then the kid, it was this whole thing where like, yeah, it sucks, it was unfortunate. And then the kid's parents like, take him on thing we're like yeah, it sucks It was unfortunate and then the kids parents like take him on the day show and you know fourth hour with Kathy and Hota Lee and it's like 11-year-old from Massachusetts Milked out of Billed out of 20 right built right built out of $20,000 by jeopardy, you know Buzzfeed clickbait And it's like there's some truth to that like it's kind of bullshit But it's also just like a pain in the ass. Like this kid is making the rounds on the Today Show.
Starting point is 00:20:28 Like when, what was it, Jake Cutler on the Today Show? No, it wasn't. It was the double-doynk, the kicker. Remember that? And this is all coming from Abraham Lincoln. The double-doynk kicker, was it Cody Parkie? So back in was it 2018 that years is sticking out to me. Cody Parkie, double-doin kicker was at Cody Parkie. So back in was it 2018 that years is sticking out to me. Cody Parkie, double-doin.
Starting point is 00:20:49 The Bears had won. It was like the last time the Bears were legitimately really good, hang on, I gotta turn on a fan here. Quick pause. Still gotta pause. Okay, it was like a 30 second pause. We had a random, our inner random, not a heat wave, but like
Starting point is 00:21:05 things were steadily Declining from a temperature and climate perspective over the last couple weeks and then starting yesterday It's been like high 70s and kind of muggy But I think once your body shifts into soup mode like George gets stands it would say The the high 70s and humane just feels warmer than you're expecting it to And so I'm just sitting here podcasting shirtless just got out of the shower and worked out a little bit right before this And I'm just like sweating even though I've got like a
Starting point is 00:21:37 whiskey and ice going No works done well until tomorrow So just you know stuff like that happens. Sweaty podcast. But what I was gonna say, Cody Parkie, remember, he was the kicker for the Bears. I don't remember who else he played for. He was one of those kickers that was not around
Starting point is 00:21:57 in the NFL for super long. But I'm pretty sure he was the guy who did the double-doing great. And then it was like two days later He yeah, yeah, and it was yeah 2018 season here. I got the clip right in front of me It was so bizarre like he does the double-doing he misses it. It's a prime time game It's like the last time the bears were any good and they had a really kick-ass season right? It was Trubisky maybe his rookie year second year
Starting point is 00:22:26 really kick ass season right is Trubisky maybe is rookie year, second year. And they were what probably like 13 and 3 something like that. They go to the playoffs, they're hosting the Eagles. They're pretty favored pretty heavily. It's not like, oh, it'd be shocking if they lost, but it was like, yeah, they should win this game. I don't read, they weren't a number one seat, so they didn't have a buy, but they were at least a two or a three seat, hosting a wild card team scrappy eagle scene that just had a good defense. That was not the year the eagle super bowl. That was a different beast. And basically, just the bear, it was a very low scoring gritty game. And then of course Cody Parkie misses it by hitting the uprights twice on the final kick.
Starting point is 00:23:10 A very kind of similar vibe to when the Vikings lost to the Seahawks on that negative 20 degree game at the U of M. Vikings were heavily favored and they still should have just won no problem because their kicker should be able to make a 24-year 24-year field goal or whatever the distance was. This was similar from Cody Parky. I think it was like a 35-year field goal and he just missed it at the Interregulation and they lost by a point or whatever it was. But then the bizarre thing is he goes on the today show like two days later and it's like It's just it's weird for like one individual to do that not a high profile individual he's just the kicker and a lot of bears just like people not just fans but like people inside the team were upset about it and it's just a very like bizarre thing so all this is to say that Lincoln issued the emancipation proclamation in 1862. Let's take this isn't our official trivia question.
Starting point is 00:24:13 Let's take guesses here and I will guess to before I actually hit enter in Google search it. How long is the emancipation proclamation? I'm thinking in word count. So there's the emancipation proclamation and then there's the Getty's Spurga dress or the two like famous Lincoln things, right? Speeches.
Starting point is 00:24:33 Getty's Berga dress is notable for being super short. He wrote it on a napkin on the way there, on the train, right? The emancipation proclamation, it wasn't like a, I don't think that was a speech, right? It was just like a document that he wrote down and it got Wide spread or something like that So I don't I think it's longer but then I'm also like well, what did he actually have to say other than just like Hey slaves you're free, right?
Starting point is 00:24:58 So here we go take your best shot. I have no idea. I feel like I'm gonna be way off. How long is the emancipation proclamation? I know Gettysburg is crazy short. Gettysburg is like a stanza. I'm going to guess emancipation proclamation is 300 words. Okay. So take your guesses. We're going to plow ahead. We're going to hit search and see what comes up. Okay. The emancipation or original, the original, the original of the Emancipation Proclamation is the Nash, is in it. Okay, too much history. With the text, oh, I'm going to be way off. Text covering five pages.
Starting point is 00:25:33 It's going to be more than 300 words. Okay, how many words is the Emancipation Proclamation? Could we get that? How many, I shouldn't have said how long, I should have said how many words, I don't need pages. How many words is the emancipation proclamation? I'm not going to straight answer. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 00:25:52 719 words. So, I feel like I was off by a pretty healthy margin, but it wasn't egregious. It wasn't like I said, oh, the Gettysburg address is probably like 10 pages when it's like a paragraph. So there you go, 719 words. That was very unofficial. I don't even, it wasn't the content, I'll tell you that much. So there you go, that happened. Lincoln issued it on this state in 1862, although I think it didn't like go into circulation until 1863 Three months later, so these things took time. It sounds like Other things let's learn let's let's take a quick series. No, we're not gonna go very much longer But 1906 the Atlanta race riot of 1906. I'm gonna be completely honest with you. No idea
Starting point is 00:26:41 Like any specifics of that. I don't think I've ever heard of the Atlanta race ride of 1906. So if you all want to just put on your learning cap for a quick second here, we go right to Wikipedia. Violent attacks, that's how it started. This is how the Wikipedia entry starts. It wasn't like the race riots where it's just violent attacks by armed mobs of white Americans against African-Americans in Atlanta began after newspapers published several unsubstantiated and luridly detailed reports of the alleged rapes of four local women by Black men. The violence lasted through September 24th. The events were so three days. The events were reported by newspapers around the world, including a French journal describing
Starting point is 00:27:24 the lynchings in the USA and the massacre of Negroes in Atlanta. Scotland was on it, London was on it. Final death toll of the conflict is unknown and disputed, but officially at least 25 African Americans in two whites died on official reports range from 10 to 100 black Americans killed during the massacre. So there you go.
Starting point is 00:27:43 There's a lot more if you wanna go read about it, of course. But yeah, pretty much a newspaper just said whether true or not it sounds like it wasn't, but I don't know. I have to do more research. That for white women were raped by just generic black man, early 20th century USA, and then a bunch of black man got killed so or black people got killed So there you go. That's America for you Ain't that America which John melon camp will be talking something related to him in a second year
Starting point is 00:28:18 1828 shock azulu Assasinated now that's different than Shaka Khan, right? Were they married? Were they hooking up? OK, Shaka Khan born in 1953. So that would be 125 years after Shaka Zulu was assassinated. So presumably, no connection. But that's sort of what we do here on the Binton podcast.
Starting point is 00:28:45 We kind of connect the dots. Shaka Khan is one of those singers where it's like, I'm aware that that's a person who exists and is a famous singer, and I can't tell you anything more about them other than black female. So she's known as the Queen of Funk. There you go.
Starting point is 00:29:04 Known for her hit, I feel for you. 10 Grammy Awards, that's pretty good. Although I've been pushing for the Bean Town podcast to be nominated for Grammy Awards, so I don't know how much of these things really matter anyways. Her collaboration with Steve Winwood produced a number one hit. Higher love, okay, so she's the female voice on higher love. There you go.
Starting point is 00:29:29 But Shaka Zulu with an H, not a C, understandably confusing. Is it Shaka Khan or Chaka Khan, right? Okay, you go to Wikipedia article for Shaka Zulu, which is badass because it just says Shaka. It's not Shaka Zulu, it's just Sh it just it just says Shaka. It's not Shaka Zulu. It's just Shaka. Here you go. This is the full name Shaka. First name, S-H-A-K-A, pretty straightforward. And then last name, lowercase K-A capital S, lowercase the rest of the way.
Starting point is 00:29:57 E-N-Z-A-N-G-A-K-H-O-N-A. So Sh Shaka, Kacen Zangakona. Probably not that hard to say when I'm speaking at the hang of it. Shaka, Kacen Zangakona, that G kind of towards Zangak, throws me up. He's the king of the zoo looking to him from 1816 to 1828. Shaka was always one of the players in Sid Meier's civilization, which I don't know which edition they're up to now. When we were kids, we had two, which felt very basically like one step above Tetris, essentially in terms of like the graphics and the layout.
Starting point is 00:30:45 So I assume the original civilization was very much that way. Because civilization, too, I remember just being very, very, like, black, and a little bit of color, and not much else. Then we had three, which I think we played a lot. And I think there may, I think four may have trickled down like towards the end of my time playing games on a PC. So I imagine just there, they're probably up to like seven or eight now in terms of additions, but essentially, you know, you sort of pick your your nation, your tribe, whatever you want, right?
Starting point is 00:31:21 You can be, of course, the USA, you'll probably be Lincoln. You can be Queen Elizabeth II, who I, and you'll probably be Lincoln, you can be Queen Elizabeth II, who I always thought was very kind of sexy, frankly. You can be Gandhi. Gandhi has like an internet meme reputation for going for nukes, which is funny. And I don't know if that's actually substantiated in the game, or if that's just because he's Gandhi,
Starting point is 00:31:42 and it's a fun joke. But you could also be the Zulu's, and so you're like, leader would be Shaka. I don't remember who else was in there. I'm sure there's like, whoever the emperor in Japan was during World War II. I don't think you could do Hitler, right? That seems a little too on the nose.
Starting point is 00:32:01 France, I think, was like Joan of Arc, I think, if I recall correctly, it's kind of interesting. You just have to like go back through your tribe or your country or nation's history and figure out like, who will we pick as the most important influential person of all time, you know, for this thing? I don't know, kind of a fascinating, said Myers-Agenius though. I knew what he was doing. But that was Shaka Zulu.
Starting point is 00:32:30 Let's go down. So it's the assassination, unfortunately, was what we are commemorating here. Dingane and Malanagana. Shaka's half-brothers appeared to have made at least two times the assassination. Beforeaka before they succeeded. Bitches. Perhaps with support from Pondo elements and some disaffected. There's a lot of tough words in here. Easy, yendain people. Shaka had made enough
Starting point is 00:32:56 enemies tell me about it. Among his own people, the hasten, his demise. Hasten is not a verb I use enough. H-A-S-T-E and hastin. Do you actually, do you slip a little T-action in there when you say hastin, or is it just hastin and people know what you're saying? I have that sometimes when I say the word folk, like folk music. Do you slip a little L in there?
Starting point is 00:33:17 No L in there? A lot of L in there. I found myself recently slipping too much L in there, and then I'm very self-conscious about it, because you say folk and it's like an egg yolk, but is it egg yolk? It's egg yolk, right? You don't say it in Ellen egg yolk, but I found myself saying the Ellen folk, like folk music, but it's, it happens so fast. It's a millisecond where that L could be or not be and it makes sense. It's such a thin not wide letter That L just it boom. It's just straight up. It's just a vertical column. It goes by so fast. It's not wide like a W
Starting point is 00:33:57 Or a B events got some beef to it Right, so these are the things I think about I to it. All right, so these are the things I think about. I have, in all honesty though, I have been slipping too much L into my folks lately. And should there be any L? Should it, what should we think of it as F-O Super Nero LKS, or should we think of it as F-O-K-E-S folks? Very challenging.
Starting point is 00:34:24 Okay, let's just briefly see if there are any other good these days and this day in history is from September 22nd and I just want to finish up with trivia because I want to actually like get out and go do some things. 1914, you boat, Devastate's British squadron, 1953, the famous four level opens in Los Angeles. I want to click into that just because I actually don't know what that is Okay, what is I clicked on this and it didn't Take me to the four-level. It just took me to some generic bullshit page about inventions Not helpful Okay four four level Los Angeles, four level interchange. Oh, that's really cool. I love infrastructure. The four level interchange is the first stack
Starting point is 00:35:12 interchange in the world completed in 49 opened in 1953, Northern edge of downtown LA. Okay, connects about your different streets. A stack interchange. Yeah, basically what we think of when we think of just two highways crossing each other streets, a stack interchange. Basically what we think of when we think of just two highways crossing each other, that's an interchange, but this was four level. That was the first one ever. That's very badass, that's very cool. So there you go.
Starting point is 00:35:36 No thanks to I need to search and Wikipedia to find it. Here's something I didn't know. 1975, President Ford, Jerry, survived second assassination attempt. If you had asked me to make a list of all the presidents who had assassination attempts outside of the obvious ones that were assassinated and then they think people like Reagan, Ford was not on my list once, and apparently it happened at least twice. So we're learning things on the Bintoam podcast.
Starting point is 00:36:13 1994 Friends debuts, 1961 Kennedy signs a Peace Corps legislation, shout out to brother of the podcast Jack Fernos. And in 1776, Nathan Hale is executed by the British for spying. There you go. So today's trivia question in classic bean town fashion, I have sort of the context around it. And then I never actually wrote the question. So we are going to be doing this on the fly.
Starting point is 00:36:41 And we'll see what we can do. So one of the second thing that popped up on the, the Stay in History, related to farm aid. And so as you can probably expect, it was the Stay in History that farm aid, which was a sort of a spinoff of live aid, benefit concerts, right? It's the first ever farm aid, 1985.
Starting point is 00:37:03 So what are we at? Almost 40 years old, 38 years old. It's the first ever farm aid concert. It happened just a couple weeks after that year's live aid were learning a lot in addition to trivia here. Basically, the live aid was for the Ethiopian famine. Bob Dylan made comments in his words have been misconstrued over the years,
Starting point is 00:37:26 but it's essentially saying like, if we can raise this much for Ethiopia, maybe we could raise this much for our own farmers. So six weeks later, I think it was, if first ever far made was held at this big 10 stadium. Okay, so basically if you can name the college campus, that's good enough. But if you can name the actual name of the stadium, and it's still the same name today, so there's nothing tricky about it. It would be like if the DePaul plays at Winchester Arena, and that was the answer in 1985 that will be the answer today. Although Winchester Arena, and that was the answer in 1985 that's still be the answer today. Although Winchester Arena, I don't,
Starting point is 00:38:08 that example seemed like just terrible because Winchester Arena was built like six years ago, so. Bad example. I'm trying to think if I can have any good clues for you, so it's a big 10 stadium. I will say this, it is very much surrounded by corn. Excuse me. Now, I know where corn is what I was trying to say before, it belts
Starting point is 00:38:30 to infinity. I know a lot of Big 10 campuses slash stadiums, but let's just think like the college towns is what I'm thinking about are very much surrounded by corn. The ones I would say like are not top of my head. This is not exhaustive. There's literally like 20 big 10 schools that think of now, which is just bullshit. I'm gonna stick to the 14 I know right now, but even then I can't recall all of them.
Starting point is 00:38:58 Minnesota where I'm going tomorrow not surrounded by corn, right? It's more or less across the river from downtown Minneapolis. You could make a similar argument for Camp Randal in Wisconsin like Madison is trying to make corn, yes. It's also a fairly large city in the second large city in the state.
Starting point is 00:39:17 I feel like Penn State is trying to make forests and mountains not really corn as much, right? I don't know anything about East Lansing never been there for Michigan State and Michigan and Arbor a little bit of a bigger town than your rinky dink college town right I'm basically what I'm doing here is narrowing things down the answer is not Minnesota or Penn State or Wisconsin or Michigan or Michigan State. Rutgers, Rutgers is more surrounded by concrete, I think. I actually have driven
Starting point is 00:39:52 around Rutgers campus in East Brunswick, I think is where it is. There's a couple, there's Rutgers camped in too, but I've also been there. But basically, I am not going to just run through every big 10 school I can think of. The answer, if you didn't know yet, it's homegrown right here in Champagne, Illinois. The answer to this week's Bean Tom podcast trivia question of the week is Memorial Stadium. 1985, if you're curious, who performed, there's a lot more we could get into here There's a lot of like just fun trivia some good good stuff going on But I will not for time sake because I'm ready to wrap it up I will not go into more details if you want to read about the first ever far-made concert you absolutely should though
Starting point is 00:40:39 Here I'm just running is a long list and these are just going to be biased towards people I know in my musical world and knowledge. There's probably a lot more people on here that I'm not going to list that you would know. So definitely go check it out because this lineup is ridiculous. Here are the acts that play the first ever far made in 1985.
Starting point is 00:40:58 Again, this is not all of them. These are just the ones I know. Alabama, the Beach Boys, Bon Jovi, Jimmy Buffett, Rip, Glenn Glenn Campbell Johnny Cash Charlie Daniels John Denver Bob Dylan John Fogarty foreigner Vince Gill I didn't know Vince Gill was even around then he must have been so young how old is Vince Gill Vince Gill is born in 57 so he he's going to 28. Okay, I guess he was like young prime Vince Gill. Sammy Hagar, Arlo Guthrie, Darrell Hall, Hall and Oats, right? Emileu Harris, Don Henley, Wayland Jennings, Billy Joel, Randy Newman, BB King, Carol King, Chris Christopher,
Starting point is 00:41:38 San Hughie Lewis, Loretta Lynn, John Melon Camp, who we mentioned earlier, Joni Mitchell, Willie Nelson, Roy Orbison, Tom Petty, and the Heartbreakers, Bonnie Raid, Luke Reed, Kenny Rogers, Brian Setser, Rock this town tonight, right? Sissy Spasek, I didn't even know Sissy Spasek was a musician.
Starting point is 00:41:56 I just know her from, I was gonna say Annie, but that's not right. What's the name of that Stephen King novel? This is terrible. What is that called? There's people just all four of our listeners are just shouting it into their speakers right now. This is one of the worst things I've ever done in my life. It's not be able to recall the horror film that sissy space equis in
Starting point is 00:42:28 This is just embarrassing this should be like the top of a Wikipedia page I Got a pause this is terrible Okay, that was like a five second pause carry obviously I'm on Sissy's sp- okay, let's- let's- our last thing of the week, actually. Let's finish up this farmaid line up and then we're gonna finish with Sissy's SpaceX, it's just pissing me off. Eddie Van Halen, Neil Young, it is an artist known as X, which is an American band that I personally don't know, but they seem relatively famous. They had an album listed as one of two albums on the Rolling Stones greatest,
Starting point is 00:43:14 500 greatest albums of all time, so that's pretty solid to get to on that list. Okay, final thing of the week before we play us out, how far do you have to go down sissy space x Wikipedia page before there's any mention of carry whether the character or the film now this is a stupid question because I can't actually count all these words but what I can do is copy and paste all the words before it take you to a word counter. This is the highlight of my day. I've been sitting alone on the couch all day. I finally get to talk to someone. Okay, so here we go. Take your best guess. We're not going to bullshit around it all. We're just going to give you the answer. How many words on her Wikipedia page, which was so infuriating
Starting point is 00:44:03 to me before there's any mention of what is in my opinion by far her most famous like cultural just thing that she's known for. Maybe that's just me. And I mean, it is to an extent right, but I feel like when I think Sissy's basic, it's synonymous with Carrie, right? Okay, last chance, how many words? 170 words. It's like two paragraphs before they mentioned carry. It just seems irresponsible. That's when I had for it. I hope you learned some stuff today. I thought that this was kind of an educational being done podcast. You learned about my strategies, picking Southwest flights. You learn about Shaka Zulu, not related to Shaka-Con. You learned about, you probably started self-doubt
Starting point is 00:44:47 how you say the word folk. Are you slipping any of the back of that tongue in there to slip in little action or not really? Little L, great to mirror a quest song, go check it out. Okay, that's what I got for longer than I wanted. What else is new? I gotta go read my book. Remains of the day with Anthony Hopkins. Thanks for listening. We'll come to you next week with
Starting point is 00:45:11 some more Bean Tom Podcast action getting closer at episode 300 that's Qopar Outro Music. My name is Quinn David Fernes. Thank you for listening to my program. I will check in on you next week. Bye guys! nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd
Starting point is 00:46:36 nd nd nd Thank you.

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