Beantown Podcast - SNL Season 47 Cast Power Rankings (10012021 Beantown)

Episode Date: October 1, 2021

Quinn comes to you LIVE to discuss Saturday Night LIVE Season 47 and to power rank the new cast! Where will Leslie Jones fall???...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Fernos. Welcome to my show Quinn David Fernos presents the Bean Tom podcast for Friday, October 1st, 2021. What's going on? How are you? The countdown to 200 is in full effect. This is gotta be where we at. Let's see, that's the first week in November is 200. So 99, 98, 97, this is episode 195. We're coming to you live from the north side of Chicago on a very nice October day. It's 79 degrees, not a cloud in the sky. Humidity is not too bad. I went out to target over my lunch break to actually get a very exciting trip. Toilet paper and paper towels, I basically took out a whole acre of the Amazon. Although, do they use, is acre a universal term,
Starting point is 00:01:06 or is it just one of those cool American things that only we use? I don't really know. I never really talked force management too much on this show, but that's okay. We'll leave that to the experts. My name is Quinn. I am the show runner, creator, caterer of this show.
Starting point is 00:01:26 Quinn, David Ferns, presents the Bean Town podcast. I am the show runner creator caterer of this show. Quinnie at first presents a bean town podcast. Hello, all my friends out there in Pakistan, Karachi, Hyderabad, Kyber Pass, it's good to see we are the 100 and what was a hundred and 12th ranked something like that comedy podcast in the country of Pakistan not bad Close to the top 100. That's when you really make it big Speaking of comedy. I'm excited per the Spring I don't know of my dear friend former college roommate Sam Anderson
Starting point is 00:02:03 Find him on Twitter at the real Sam Anderson I think I don't know there's also an actor Sam Anderson who was in lost one of the original people who crashes on flight 707 or whatever it is But he he had reached out Sam the the the the friend not the actor had reached out a couple months ago when he saw that Hassan Minaj was coming to the Chicago theater tonight for a set. And he said he wanted to go. So I said, sure, let's do it.
Starting point is 00:02:35 But these tickets probably back in June or something. And I'm excited. I've seen Hassan before once back in Beentown. So this will be my second time, but I think it sams first time and taking my lovely GF I'm going to be a little bit excited to be here. I'm going to be a little bit excited to be here. I'm going to be a little bit excited to be here.
Starting point is 00:02:50 I'm going to be a little bit excited to be here. I'm going to be a little bit excited to be here. I'm going to be a little bit excited to be here. I'm going to be a little bit excited to be here.
Starting point is 00:02:57 I'm going to be a little bit excited to be here. I'm going to be a little bit excited to be here. I'm going to be a little bit excited to be here. I'm going to be a little bit excited to be here. I'm going to be a little bit excited to be here. I'm excited, you know, it's about three o'clock in the afternoon here We are beginning to wind down here and looking forward although this weekend is going to be very rainy
Starting point is 00:03:11 Here in Chicago and which is too bad But regardless looking forward Been a been a long week. I worked Monday night Tuesday night Wednesday night went to the black hawks game Which is a lot of fun. Hello, Preseason Action, Vs Detroit. But you know, it's a trip. It's an event. And then, excuse me, taught last night, about 8.30.
Starting point is 00:03:35 I was really on fire teaching last night. We were talking about academic planning and study strategies, that sort of thing. You know, the college schedule, the quarter system compared to high school. And we even, I'm so excited and I'm so proud of my students. DePaul, not to call out the university, but they have this video. That is become relatively famous and she is known pretty well in the social science world. It's going to say Tammy Duckworth. That's our senator. Listen to your discretion as advised when you're listening to being on
Starting point is 00:04:13 podcast, some more on occasion, some language, some of two's podcast subjectively terrible. That's our senator, dumbass. Angela Lee Duckworth is her name. She's like a social scientist and she like eight years ago or something like that did a famous TED Talk and her whole point It's about like You should just go watch it yourself or at least a clip on YouTube. It's like six minutes long, but she really gets into The concept of grit which you know synonyms would be mode not mode of perseverance, resilience would be a good way to think about
Starting point is 00:04:48 what she's talking about. And so her very unscientific study is all about how grit is the most important thing. Indie be fair, she's not. I had to go back and rewatch it before I shared it in class yesterday, because I'm always very critical of this video and this concept. And to be fair, when you watch her talk about it, she's not like, oh my gosh, this is the
Starting point is 00:05:09 only thing like this is all that matters. She doesn't quite frame it that way. But I think the more so the way the university really likes this video and how much they really like subscribe to this concept or this philosophy of pedagogy, not pedagogy, but just kind of student retention persistence. They love it. And so a lot of what I teach is handed down from the university. And so I decided to not make a stand that's too strong of a phrase, but I really framed it before I showed it to my students. I was like, hey, let's watch this. I encourage you to think critically about it.
Starting point is 00:05:49 Like, what questions do you have about her argument, what evidence does she used to back it up, which there's very little spoiler alert. But it was great. I'm really proud of my students because we were supposed to spend like 10 minutes on the same total, and that's six minutes of video watching. And then we ended up watching or watching it and then discussing debating all that stuff for like 25 minutes,
Starting point is 00:06:12 which is way longer than we were supposed to go. I had to cut some other things out, but it was a really great discussion. And I got to tell you, like they were, they were conversing at a level that I definitely wouldn't have been when I was 18. So really proud of them. But the point of my original story was it's been a long week, right? Monday was till like, I don't even remember what I was doing Monday night, but I was working. What was Quinn doing? Oh, I had a meeting at 8 p.m. How do you like that? I'm Monday night Tuesday I finished at 8 Wednesday, you know, we got home at like 11 last night got home at like 9 so it's been
Starting point is 00:06:53 It's been a lot and even though you know another night out tonight, but just you know fun go laugh enjoy a beautiful night It's gonna be better than the laugh factory. I'll tell you that much. Hassan is great. So that's what we're doing tonight and next weekend we're running the Chicago Marathon. We'll be doing our Chicago Marathon special and we've got we've got suggestions leading up to that show that maybe I should run at least for a segment with my recorder and do a little live check-in.
Starting point is 00:07:31 And I got to tell you, it's one of those things that's like a fun, cool idea for someone else. But then when you realize it's actually you, I just, I'm not really interested. Because this, this marathon, similar to the last one I ran although this one more so the last one I ran it was just going to I would when I'm trying to say it's like it's survival mode like I want to go sub four and that's cool that's a big goal if I can do that amazing but if not that's I really don care. I just want to finish. Because no one out there is like, oh my gosh, if he doesn't go sub four, what a train wreck.
Starting point is 00:08:09 Like, no one gives a shit. I'm just out there running, like trying to do this. What happened with my last marathon, the Marine Corps marathon four years ago, was essentially like, I had been traveling so much for work, just like traveling straight through weeks on weeks at a time leading up to this thing, that it just was like, I didn't have a ton of time,
Starting point is 00:08:35 I was trying to run in like hotel gyms and stuff, it was just a disaster leading up to it this time. The mileage has still been fine, but the injuries are really piling up. So it's back to survival mode. If I can like make it through the whole 26.2 without really like feeling the craziness of the injuries at any point, or at least nothing before like mile 17 or 18. Like if I can do that, I think there's still a chance for sub four. But if those injuries start to hit at any point,
Starting point is 00:09:18 or they become more severe, and granted, I ran 20, I've run 20 twice this calendar year, I think once back in March or April, and then once maybe a month, a month and a half ago, something like that, I think it did 19, maybe like three weeks ago. But as it's the case for a lot of people training for a marathon, I'm like, I haven't gone over 19 or 20 since the last
Starting point is 00:09:48 time I ran a marathon, just four years ago. And it's just you kind of hold your breath, not while you're running. It's not safe. But you know, it's like, I think I can do it, but there is a whole 10k between what I've pushed myself to do recently and what it takes in order to make it happen. So, that's really the beauty and simultaneously the horror of a marathon. I'm not one of those people who can like go out there and be running 60 or 70 miles a week in you know training prep for this. Do I have the body, strength, stamina, health for it? Absolutely not, but even more so.
Starting point is 00:10:36 Do I have the time? No way. You know, you reach a certain point in adulthood. And this is even without, I'm not trying to equate myself to parents or people who are caring for others all this time. I pretty much got me and that's about it, which is great, it's a great privilege.
Starting point is 00:10:58 But when you are, you know, you got a work commute because we're back in the office now, you work in three jobs. You, I'm still trying, I haven't really talked about the piano much lately, but I've been cooking up something significant. You know, I did the Apache, not a Beethoven back in like April I put out a recording of that.
Starting point is 00:11:20 And I'm trying to do something of similar magnitude, only larger, longer, bigger, more challenging. And I've been working on that for a while. But it's really kind of stuck in neutral, because I just, I'm still putting time into it, but I just don't have enough time. So you add all that and then like trying to have a small social life, nothing crazy, but it's just time there 24 hours isn't enough. Unless I want to go back to like grad school mode where four hours of sleep is the goal, I have no interest in ever like ever feeling like less than six or seven is a good thing and I'm still like if I can get to bed by
Starting point is 00:12:11 10 30 Wake up by 6 38 hours and I'm always up for a little bit in the night like that's that's the goal so Let's jump into what I actually want to talk about today. And this shouldn't be too long of an episode because, and I know that's a classic thing to say on the bean-tongued podcast, but we're not going to do full ad reads. I still got a little bit of work to do before I call it a weekend.
Starting point is 00:12:37 But one thing that I wanted to, or the thing that I wanted to go through, preview PowerRank, all that stuff. We're going to power rankings today as you probably saw from the title. Saturday night live returns tomorrow. Excuse me, I believe for its first episode, I don't know what season this is. It's like 47, 46, something in that range.
Starting point is 00:13:01 And I believe it's Owen Wilson and I actually have no idea who the musical guest is. Oh, Casey Muscreves, who I hear a lot of people talking about, I listen to some of her stuff, I don't really, I don't, I don't really get it. And that's okay. Like she's still very popular and other people can like her stuff. So I'll be interested to see what Owen Wilson is going to be like I know I think he has is he in a Marvel movie coming up He's in something there's like the next Marvel movie. I don't know exactly what it is. I mean they've already done Black Widow they did the Shang-Chan Chi Shang Chi one I think there's another one coming out that he's part of or at least like a TV show or something Eternals, is that the name of it? Is that a movie or a show? I think Angelina Jolie is in it. Is that the one he's in?
Starting point is 00:13:53 I have no idea the one I'm really excited for I don't really get pumped for many Marvel movies But the new spider-man which I think is like Christmas. It comes out It's gonna be amazing. I love all those Spider-Man movies, the Marvel ones. I'm not a Marvel person, but those I love, I mean, I really like them. I find them to be very entertaining. And the more they can focus on like the comic books and the villains and the less they can focus on like all this shitty Marvel world building like oh
Starting point is 00:14:25 Who this character is gonna pop up or yeah, that's a call you know back from the other movie like just give me a great Super hero movie and I'll be happy, okay? So SNL is returning tomorrow October 2nd Saturday night live and There is the announce the cast earlier this week for this season. And I wanted to do a little power rankings. If nothing else, you can get a sense for like what current cast members this Quinn really like, which ones does he not quite care for. This is not a definitive list. This is just my perspective and my opinions. So the biggest shift from last season and from the last mini season,
Starting point is 00:15:09 is Beck Bennett has departed, which was, I don't think it expected it at all, because he's kind of been like, as far as like the straight way, like lead, like he, that's, he's kind of filled that role for a while on Saturday night live. And I don't think anyone was really expecting him to take off because he really doesn't
Starting point is 00:15:33 or hasn't as far as I know done a ton outside of Saturday night live, at least not anything that's terribly popular or well known by my standards. So it's kind of surprised to learn that. I'm curious to see what else Beck has moving forward. I've never been like, he's never been my favorite, but he's just, he'd been around, he must have done at least seven or eight seasons. And so after a while, he's just like, you can't imagine the show without him.
Starting point is 00:16:04 So that's gonna be, I think there's a while, it's just like, you can't imagine the show without him. So that's going to be, I think there's a big, a big kind of void with him leaving that I don't, you know, looking at this cast right now, I've got all the names in front of me. I don't really know, like, who really steps in for that. So we'll see how it goes. I'm going to give you a list of names of the cast in alphabetical order.
Starting point is 00:16:28 There's 21 of them, and then I'm gonna just go 21 to one, worst to best. So here we go. So this is just presenting you the list of names in alphabetical order, starting with a new person. Aristotle, Atari or Atari, I don't know, ATHRI, 80 Bryant, Michael Che, Pete Davidson, Mikey Day, Andrew Dismuex, Chloe Fineman, Heidi Gardner, James Austin Johnson,
Starting point is 00:16:55 Punky Johnson, Colin Joost, Kate McKinnon, Alex Moffitt, Kyle Mooney, howdy say her name, Ego Odom I think. Chris Red, Sarah Sherman is new, Sessley Strong, Kenan Thompson, Melissa Vies and you're Ann Bowen Yang. Okay, so there is our cast and yeah, they all got their Repetory Player, Featured Player, whatever, it just means Lauren Paisam, Manimum Wage, where he doesn't pay a minimum wage, I guess.
Starting point is 00:17:21 So I'm gonna jump right in, and I'm just gonna, you know what, I put numbers by their names, but I believe there's three new people. And I'm just, oh, there was another, there was, I mentioned Beck Bannell, there was another white lady from last year who was kinda like 80 Bryant light.
Starting point is 00:17:42 She was in the cast for one year, I think she's gone to, I don't know what her name was She wasn't very impactful from a show perspective No offense to her So there's three new people and I have them ranked in my list but it Doesn't really matter. Okay 21 through 19 so. So the three new people, Sarah Sherman, James Austin Johnson, and Aristotle,
Starting point is 00:18:09 Thari, or Atari. Just looking at their pictures, I got them here on Aristotle's kind of got some piercing blue eyes. Sort of got like a younger, what's his name? The Danish guy who plays Hannibal. He was in Rogue One.
Starting point is 00:18:29 Well, this is embarrassing. What is his name? Hannibal actor. The new TV show, I'm not talking about Anthony Hopkins. Mads Michelson, but it's embarrassing. I love Mads Michelson, especially his Danish films. He's kind of like if Mads Michelson, but it's embarrassing. I love Mads Michelson, especially his Dane's films. He's kind of like if Mads Michelson was maybe like a little Halfway Asian or something that's John Paul Pindusky's
Starting point is 00:18:51 Snapchat username half-way Asian Because he's half Filipino. He's kind of got that vibe with like the piercing eyes and then the other two new people We've got James Austin Johnson who looks like every white guy Who's ever like led an improv troop? He's like half blonde half ginger with like the round glasses and then the other new person is a female Sarah Sherman I I put her at number 21 because when I saw her picture. She really spoke to me. She looks like I'm not a fan of the like trying to look super retro like, give me the shitty like 70s or 80s hairstyle. That's kind of what I'm seeing from this picture. You should just do a quick Google search to look at her. I am not judging anything about
Starting point is 00:19:44 her comedy or her humor, because I've never heard her talk before. But this whole style that she's got going on is very spooky to me. She's got basically black hair, dark, dark brown, black hair, they're like, old retro, like wire glasses, super big. Lipstick is a little bit too strong for me personally. I don't know if she's trying to be like the next Paula Poundstone or what her strategy is but I guess we'll
Starting point is 00:20:15 just we'll see what she has to prove. Okay. What kind of chop she has. All right, so now we're going to get into number 18, punky Johnson, who's been around, I think this is her second year. She's an African-American female. She really like wasn't given anything to do last year. Nothing interesting. She, you really don't, from what we've seen of her, we really haven't like gotten to see your personality shine.
Starting point is 00:20:42 I have no idea what her like, comedy is like. So she see your personality shine. I have no idea what her comedy is like. So she's that number 18. Number 17, and I know some people actually really like her, and she probably gets a more action to start this year now that free Brittany is in full swing, but Chloe Feynman, she's a Scientologist. She really spooks me more than Sarah Sherman. Her eyes are just like, whoa, like they're looking right at you.
Starting point is 00:21:10 It's just, hopefully she's a nice person, but I don't know. The Scientology, something about her vibe is just a little bit too much for me. Like, makes Tom Cruise looks like he's on Xanax. I don't know. It's a little bit too much. I'm putting Chloe at 17. Number 16, this is tough. I put ego, Odom. I think that's how you say your name. So we're all
Starting point is 00:21:30 on the same page. First name EGO, last name, NWODIM. When you hear Darrell Hammond announce it, it's I think like ego is in the waffles and then Odom, like Lamar Odom, I think that's what we're getting at here. She's solid. You know, she's done some good stuff. I tend to like her, but I kind of feel like she always kind of has... It's kind of just like a one trick pony, like she's got kind of the same thing going on. So much like the way I felt about Leslie Jones who was very much just like This same person every single sketch and that person was very funny, but over time you're just like okay
Starting point is 00:22:19 All right, so that's kind of how I feel about about ego odom at number 15 Bowen Yang and this is tough There are sometimes in bowin. This is I think his third year. He's the first Asian-American and Bowen, this is I think his third year. He's the first Asian American SNL cast member. And I think he's also bisexual or gay, I'm not sure. But there are many sketches where I just like love what he's doing, and I think he really adds a lot to the overall success of the show. And then there are other sketches where it is just like way too much. I'm like, dude,
Starting point is 00:22:46 it was funny. The first time you did it, now you took it up to an 11 and it's like, I don't know. I'm guessing that I'm just like too cynical to pessimistic. And I bet that there are like most people out there watching when he really like goes off the deep end and sketches With like his flamboyancy and just like all that stuff. I'm sure people love it It's just not for me. I'm not uncomfortable by anything or anything. I just think it's like It I think he's very funny at a certain level and they need just like keeps going and it's like okay Bring it back in, you know? So I've gotten him at number 15, number 14,
Starting point is 00:23:28 a person who doesn't really get talked about, but I think he's really solid, Andrew just mutes. So he came on, he was new last year. He was like a college student that just graduated. He's very young, I think he's like early 20s. And he's kind of a, I think he's from like Louisiana or something, he's kind of a I think it's from like Louisiana or something He's kind of a basic look and white guy pretty thin But I just think he's got like very good range. He's
Starting point is 00:23:54 He really impressed me. He got a lot of a lot of work last year in his first year I think last year was his first year And I can't really you know put a finger on it, but I just think he's like Very solid. I think he's like very solid. I think he's one of the better actors on the show. And I've seen some of his stand-up as well. It's pretty solid. So I put Andrew at 14.
Starting point is 00:24:17 Number 13, I'm probably gonna take some heat from this because this is my first kind of like controversial. Like, whoa, that's pretty low. Email us, be on podcast, Yahoo at Com again, speed some podcast, Yahoo dot com, to let me know how much you like or dislike this pic and give me your rundown, your list in general. I am putting Heidi Gardner at number 13. Here's the thing, Heidi Gardner was like that young hot shot rookie who came up quick through the minor leagues made her made a big splash in her first
Starting point is 00:24:51 years of rookie and all of a sudden it's like, okay, is Heidi Gardner going to be the next Mike Trout or Gilda Radner or, you know, where is she going to go? And I just feel like it's a combination. Like, I feel like she really hasn't shown me all that much recently. And I also feel like she just like hasn't been given that much to do and hasn't been on that much. So it's just kind of like, I still think she's really good. And I tend to like most of what she does.
Starting point is 00:25:22 Except for most of the time when she's on a weekend update, I'm just like fast forward. This doesn't work in for me. But I know she's very talented. I know she's got range, because she's shown it before. I just feel like the last season to two seasons, it's been a little bit unimpressive for me personally. So that's why I'm putting Heidi Gardner
Starting point is 00:25:42 at Lucky Number 13. Coming in at number 12 is Chris Red. And this is one that I really spend a lot, not spend a lot of time. Anytime I see him, I go back and forth. A lot of time, I see Chris Red, and I think he's great. Often he's like playing, you know, counterpart to Keny Thompson.
Starting point is 00:26:02 In fact, I think he's on Keeney's other NBC show. But then there are sometimes like Chris Redd will like, ex-apprised all the time, or like, be sarcastic and sketches. And I don't know, there's just something about that. Just for whatever reason, doesn't really work for me. I still think he's very smart. I bet his standup is good.
Starting point is 00:26:24 But sometimes just what they do for him in the sketches. And I just like the length he goes to try to like be like physical comedy to an extent. I don't know. It doesn't always work for me. I still enjoy him. He's been around for like four or five years, seems like this at this point. So he's been around for a little while. Number 11, this could be another kind of controversial and I know a lot of people are like, this is their favorite, but Melissa Villasenior,
Starting point is 00:26:52 who really has dropped off, like if you, if we thought Heidi Gardner had kind of disappeared last year, Melissa Villasenior, she wasn't even on the show for like the first half or something like that last year. I don't know what was going on. The thing with Melissa, she's like a huge YouTube, her YouTube impressions get a ton of views. Lots of people know her from that stuff.
Starting point is 00:27:19 A lot of the impressions she does on SNL are amazing. It's kind of like, I don't always feel like she really fits into the rest of the impressions she does on SNL are amazing. But it's kinda like, I don't always feel like she really fits into the rest of the show or the rest of the cast. It's kinda like she's got some impressions that are amazing and are like, probably the best impressions in terms of sheer accuracy, you know, since like Bill Hader. That's how good at impression she is.
Starting point is 00:27:43 But it's just kind of like, is she like a solo show? Like is there anything else really that interesting going on in terms of like how she works at the rest of the cast? So I put her a little bit lower. I also, and this is no fault of her on this is just my personal perception, like her regular voice kind of irritates me.
Starting point is 00:28:05 So I just would struggle to rank her any higher, but I enjoy her, and I think some of her impressions are amazing, some of the best I've ever seen. Okay, so no shade, it's just where she ended up in the list. I had to put 10 and 9 together, in fact the next two groupings are groupings. There's a quote for our blog. So the first grouping is probably the one you're expecting. I have put interchangeably at 9 and 10, Michael, Shane, Colin, and Joost.
Starting point is 00:28:33 Because they're pretty much identical in terms of what they do for the show. Obviously, they're weekend update. They're both writers. I think Colin, Joost is the head writer. And you'll see them appear in like five sketches of season. Only the ones who need like everyone and their moms quite literally sometimes to be on the show. I mean, they've been doing weekend update for what like five years, six years at this point. So they're good. Love them.
Starting point is 00:29:07 point. So they're good, love them. I really don't have any negative things to say. I think they both do really well in their roles and we can update. I think for most people has been sort of the high point of the show the last, you know, five, five-ish years or so. I mean a lot of the Trump stuff was five-ish years or so. I mean a lot of the Trump stuff was good for a while and then it really, in my opinion, just kind of fell off the wagon. The next grouping is another, I mean, the four distinct men, but I kind of all think of them together and I think they all kind of came up around the same time. So you've got, and I'll do this in order. So from eight to five, although five and six are kind of interchangeable for me. So I've got Pete Davidson at eight. I've got Kyle Muni at seven, Mikey Day at six, and Alex Moffitt at five. I feel like in particular Alex Moffitt and Mikey Day, like Beck Bennett were have for a while been very much like under the radar not exactly household names like you know Bill Hader, Sadekis, even Beck Bennett like people are like wait who is that again but I mean especially Mikey day
Starting point is 00:30:16 and Alex Moffat I mean those guys have been on for like six or seven years at this point right I mean they are just like, there every season. But going back to Pete Davidson, like, yeah, Pete's great. He doesn't always do a ton in the show, but as we can update stuff's pretty good. I'm not like, as in love with Pete Davidson as a lot of people are. I mean, he's a very popular, just name slash celebrity
Starting point is 00:30:42 at this point. I don't think like, oh my god, she's hilarious. I don't think there's anything about like his jokes or his stand up that I'm like, yeah, that's amazing. Like how I feel about Hassan, we'll see later tonight. But Pete Davidson is just a character or personality as much as anyone else on this list. And that personality is typically pretty entertaining.
Starting point is 00:31:07 Kyle Mooney is seven, maybe the hardest person for me to place in this list. He's been around forever. He's just really weird. Obviously, if you've ever seen his YouTube stuff, you'll be like, what the fuck was that? But similar to Mikey Day and Alex Moffey, he's just been around forever now.
Starting point is 00:31:24 And some of his sketches, I think, are like some of his shorts that he'll do, his digital shorts, he's kind of like the, took over for Andy Sandberg's role essentially. And I think that stuff is good. Some of it is too weird, I don't get it. But then you'll see, okay, so a great example of some of the he'll do that, I don't get it. But then you'll see, like, okay, so a great example of somebody he'll do that I think
Starting point is 00:31:45 is just like hilarious. Last year, towards the end of the season, when Daniel Kaluya hosted, there's the YouTube short or the digital short is the, you know, YouTuber apology video, and that was, what's it, we're just talking about, Kyle Mooney and Daniel Kaluulia like basically pulling pranks doing the fake like Logan Paul apology It was spot on it's low-hanging fruit. It's easy, but they executed it perfectly that sketch is amazing And that's all from the mind of Kyle Mooney, so I really like that Mikey day and Alex Moffat five and six you could have them be interchangeable If you don't really know who they are just by listening, you know when they do Don Jr. and Eric.
Starting point is 00:32:27 That's Don Jr. is Mikey Day and Eric is Alex Moff, irrespectively. They're just like, back bent at guys who, I don't think are any people's like, number one favorites, but they have just bent around. They execute well. I think they're both really good writers too. And they're just like, it's hard to imagine
Starting point is 00:32:50 the show without them. I mean, not having back been it is gonna be hard this year, but eventually when those two guys leave, it's gonna be like, yikes. So I have them at five and six. Okay, now we're into the top four. This is like pretty big time stuff now. Number four, 80 Bryant.
Starting point is 00:33:12 And I'll be honest with you, especially with some of these, I don't what is it like, JC Penney or something she's doing, Old Navy, I think she's doing commercials for right now. I hate those commercials. And I don't, you know, 80 Brian, I like most of what she does. She's not like an all-time favorite of mine,
Starting point is 00:33:29 but you gotta give respect where it's due. I mean, this is what her like eighth season, ninth season, something like that. She also wasn't around much last year. She was filming another show that I think got canceled. I'm not sure. But she just, she knows her role, she plays it very well. I'm pretty damn entertained, like anytime I have her on the show.
Starting point is 00:33:52 One of my favorite sketches from last season was when, it's like, they're exchanging, it's like, she moved into a new house and so like her girlfriends are there, they're like giving her home housewarming gifts. And they've got the like silly like, live-life love slogans on them, but they increasingly target her, apparently unrealized alcoholism.
Starting point is 00:34:12 And it's just like two bottles, isn't enough for me. You know, obviously it's an actual joke. It's not something like that, but that sketch was awesome. So I put 80 Bryant at number four. Okay, number three, and I notice a lot of people's number one and A lot of people consider this person to be the most talented person on the show. I've always been a fan More recently getting rubbed the wrong way especially with those goddamn verizing commercials. I'm putting Kate McKinnon at number three
Starting point is 00:34:42 Yeah, she's good very good actor, great timing, but she's kinda in my like mental head space wearing out her welcome a little bit. So she's still great, she's still pretty much carries any sketch she's in, but I don't know. There's just like, especially if you don't know the Verizon advertising campaign, I'm talking about Those, she is just for me.
Starting point is 00:35:08 Not trying to push this on anyone else, but for me, she's really insufferable in those. So still like her, she's great, especially Ellen. It'll never get old. Okay, so we're down to one and two. I think I don't think, I hope no one is gonna be upset about this because these two are just like, for me and my mind, King and Queen, number two, Cessli's strong, been around for a long time now. She's just, I feel like she just gets it or at least in my head gets my sense of humor, I guess.
Starting point is 00:35:43 It's probably the better way of putting it. But I don't really have anything else to say about Sessley, like she's amazing, came through Second City. Yeah, I just think she's awesome. I will watch anything she does, like, until the end of time. And then number one, who else could it be? Keenan Thompson. I, there's nothing you gotta say, okay? And then number one, who else could it be? Kenan Thompson.
Starting point is 00:36:05 There's nothing you gotta say, okay? Longest 10-year cast member of all time. Lauren just pretty much let's him do whatever he wants to do. Some episodes, some sketches, like, yeah, he's totally mailing it in, but other times, it's just like, he's Kenan, right? Kenan is SNL, okay? What is, I mean, he's, this is season like 18 or something for him, it's crazy. I don't have anything else to
Starting point is 00:36:31 say. He's, he's number one, has to be number one. That's how it goes. Okay, so from 21 to one, SNL season, whatever 2021, 2021, 2022. That's a mouthful. Cast list power ranking. We have Sarah Sherman, number 20 James Austin Johnson coming at 19 aerosol authority, although all three of those are interchangeable. Okay. So with the returners, number 18, punky Johnson, number 17, Chloe Feynman, number 16, A. Odom, number 15, Boniang, number 14, Andrew Dismuex, 13, Heidi Gardner, 12, Chris Red, 11, Melissa Villasan, you're 10, Michael Che, 9, Colin Joost, 8 Pete Davidson, 7, Kyle
Starting point is 00:37:11 Mooney, 6, Mikey Day, 5, Alex Moffitt, 480 Bryant, 3, Kate McKinnon, 2, Cessely Strong, and number 1, Keenan Thompson. What would your list look like? Let us know in the comments. Like, share, subscribe. Email us,, tweet at me. I'm at White Buns. The show is at Beantowncast. You can find our slash podcast or anywhere you listen to podcasts, just search for Beantown podcast and we will be there. I want to give a shout out to our sponsors before we go home pride Oregon.
Starting point is 00:37:47 If you need your home expected, you live in the central Oregon area. Call Steve He'll get you to take care of. The Samsung Q2U series that got crisp, clean, audio quality, perfect for a beautiful fall day like today. When God speaks, He uses Samson. And our good friends cut SpyQ. I shaved the front of my neck today, the back of my neck on Wednesday. It has been a big
Starting point is 00:38:10 week for the Q-myster. When you need to fresh do something snappy or new, call the experts that cut SpyQ. And our good friends Milky Way. Uninfacial sponsor, but I have a fun-sized Milky Way bar that I am going to be consuming after this. I got to tell you, I feel like most people I talk to, like Rachel, friends, myself, except not myself. I just talked to myself, but there doesn't work for the purposes of this story. They, like their offices have gone into Halloween mode and they're like decorated and have, you know, baskets of candy,
Starting point is 00:38:45 gorgeous worth of candy. And it kinda makes me feel sad because we don't do any sort of decorating like that. There's no festivities in our office and certainly no candy. But at the end of the day, I'm like, you know what? That's a good thing because I really don't want to weigh like 240 pounds. So's a good thing because I really don't want to weigh like 240 pounds.
Starting point is 00:39:06 So probably a good thing. Folks, I promised you a shorter episode and I'm not going to daily dial anymore. I said what I wanted to say. I still got a little bit of work to do. Then I'm going to go see a banging comedy show tonight. And that's about all there is to say. So thank you for listening. I really appreciate it. I hope everyone enjoyed that. SNL will resume tomorrow night, Saturday, October 2nd. And I will be tuning in, probably not live,
Starting point is 00:39:36 I'll be asleep, but the next day on Hulu, assuming they keep doing that. Shout out to sister of the podcast, Abby Fernis. I think she pays for Hulu, good stuff. That's what I got for you everyone. I hope that you are enjoying this fall weather. Welcome to Spooktober. Let's get that music going. Everyone, stay safe. Stay sane. I'm gonna check in on you next time with our marathon special. Bye! nd nd nd nd nd
Starting point is 00:41:08 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd
Starting point is 00:41:22 Thank you.

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