Beantown Podcast - Spring Cleaning (03072021 Beantown Podcast)

Episode Date: March 7, 2021

Quinn comes to you on a sunny Sunday afternoon to talk about spring cleaning and offer his thoughts on the film 'Promising Young Woman'...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David furnace. Welcome to my show Quinn David furnace presents a bean town podcast for Sunday March 7 2021. What's going on? How are you? What's happening? How is the weather out there? My name is Quinn David Fernis and this is my show the long time standing long running Quinn David Fernis presents the bean town podcast. We are coming to you live from the north side of Chicago It is nice and sunny out and we are one of the top 500 podcasts in
Starting point is 00:00:44 the north as part of this beautiful fine city. So you know that you're getting quality and quantity more than anything else every time you tune in to the Beentown podcast. I'm taking my socks off, which means that I am serious and I'm kicking my feet up and I'm here to stay. We are streaming live on Facebook today
Starting point is 00:01:08 in addition to YouTube. And I think it's gonna be a fun time, just a little something to put on. So this won't really end up anywhere other than the live video. I think you can watch these videos after the fact on Facebook, but I don't know how many people really want to do that. So this one probably won't end up on YouTube or Instagram or anywhere else.
Starting point is 00:01:30 But of course, if you're listening to us, whether that's through your phone's podcast, app or stitcher, Spotify, iTunes, wherever you go to listen to the Bean Town podcast, thank you for tuning in. into the bean town podcast. Thank you for tuning in. We really appreciate it here in year four of the podcast. I am sipping on a little bit of a bullet whiskey bullet bourbon from down in Kentucky. Thank you to Rachel for the lovely Valentine a day gift and yeah it's a little Sunday fun day hanging out kind of got to early start this morning just because we went to bed really late last night or really early last night so got up around seven or so had some coffee and then did a little family chat and went to Duncan, always good, and then yeah, doing this and getting to meet up with great friend of the podcast who've been on multiple times. John Paul Pandowski, piano god and LSA T legend, we are going to
Starting point is 00:02:43 be meeting up with him later this afternoon for a little drink action up in downtown Evanston. Purple line. Haven't been on the purple line since... oh man. Last like September or something I met my brother and soon to be sister-in-law up for some pancakes, although I didn't actually have pancakes, but we went to what? Original pancake house up there on Green Bay Road, so I took the purple line up to Central and walked most of the way over there. But yeah, it's just, you know, it's coming out of, you know, pandemic, I've been working hard to get my job done. I've been working hard to get my job done. I've been working hard to get my job done.
Starting point is 00:03:26 I've been working hard to get my job done. I've been working hard to get my job done. I've been working hard to get my job done. I've been working hard to get my job done. I've been working hard to get my job done. I've been working hard to get my job done. I've been working hard to get my job done. I've been working hard to get my job done.
Starting point is 00:03:42 I've been working hard to get my job done. I've been working hard to get my job done. I've been working hard to for my one job. My other jobs always keep me busy. So I'm just trying to make the most of the time off and get away outside of the apartment for a little bit. It's that balance, right? Because you want to take advantage of your downtime to relax and de-stress a little bit. But you also don't want to, especially for me,
Starting point is 00:04:04 like working from home, sometimes I just want to get out and get away from the APT, even if it's just for two or three hours in the afternoon. Then I feel like I have accomplished something, I feel like I've done something. So that's really what we're looking to do this afternoon. Speaking of accomplishing something and doing something, little spring cleaning going on today.
Starting point is 00:04:25 Finally day off, I washed my sheets yesterday, air dried them outside, and now I'm going around the APT, and it's more of a spring throw stuff away, rather than actual cleaning. There hasn't been a lot of wiping or washing, but more so, just finding things that I really never touch and saying, you know what, we're gonna toss these things. And it's tough, right? Because a lot of the things that I've got my trash bag, we've got foot cam going on here. It's like a Quentin Tarantino film on the live stream.
Starting point is 00:05:09 Speaking of Margot Robbie, we'll talk about her movie in a little bit here. Basically, a lot of the things that I'm throwing away are things where you might look inside of what's in my trash bag and think to yourself, like, wow, why are you throwing this way? Like this isn't garbage. But it's the sort of thing where I moved into this apartment June of 2019.
Starting point is 00:05:30 So we're coming up on two years here. And it's just sort of like a bunch of things that have just been sitting in their exact same spot. And I'm just like, you know what? Like I haven't touched this. I feel like right where I'm just like, you know what? Like, I haven't touched this. I feel like right where I'm not living the perfect life right now in terms of like all the things that I have and want to have, but I'm pretty satisfied with where I'm at.
Starting point is 00:05:58 And thank you for the comment, Walt Furnace. Your ears must have been ringing since we mentioned your name already on the show. Better not trash the or master. That's correct. I'm not trashing the or master. That stays on my nightstand. But I'll give you some examples of things that I'm thrown away,
Starting point is 00:06:17 because I just don't really, they never come into play for me. My yoga mat, not the yoga mat itself. I use that a lot for stretching and what I need to do in home workouts. But the yoga mat comes rolled up and there's these straps that go around it. And I don't need my yoga mat to be strapped up. I'm not taking it anywhere. And even if I did, it wouldn't be too hard to carry it, right? It's not this big bumbling thing that's impossible to carry. So those straps, it might seem like, wow, straps,
Starting point is 00:06:48 are you gonna throw those away? That's kind of weird, right? But I'm also like, I don't need the physical items. They're just taking up space in my apartment, okay? A whole bunch of like cards and checks, things that, well, the checks is a little bit different, but things that it's like, right when you get them, you read them and it's like,
Starting point is 00:07:10 they don't really serve a purpose after that. It's more of the memory of it. And so I'd like to hold on to those things for X amount of time, but you reach a certain point where you've gotten so many that then you're just kinda like,, okay, well I've got one from this family member, you know, stocked away somewhere, one from this family member, like I don't need eight of the cards. And I, you know, I think for some people they might feel differently, they might
Starting point is 00:07:35 want to save every single one of those pieces, but that's just, I don't know, it's just not me. Other things that I'm throwing away, Oh, don't tell the sponsors. They're not going to like this, although they're former sponsors. We only did it for a month. The everlasting comfort bath pillow, that baby's going in the trash. It was made in China,
Starting point is 00:07:59 and I just feel like it can't really be associated with it. So we got a free bath pillow. We shot a commercial and it's one of those physical items where I'm just like, when am I gonna use this? I don't take baths and it's not even because I don't have a great bath setup. I actually could take a bath pretty easily in my bathtub. I just don't want to.
Starting point is 00:08:22 Like baths for me have never, have never been a good, good decision because here's, here's how it goes with baths. You draw the water. I love using draw as a watery fluid, fluid diddic verb, F-L-U-I-D-I-T-I-C. It's like Serbian or something. Fluidatech, right? You can see him shooting three pointers for the Pelicans.
Starting point is 00:08:51 Fluidatech or I'm thinking like a defenseman for the Calgary Flames. That's a good stuff, man. But it's like you draw the bath. You want the water to be nice and hot, right? Who wouldn't want that? unless it's a nice bath You know playing the NFL, but I haven't gotten there yet my phone's not ringing So you get in and you want to make it nice and hot so then you got it, you know You can't get all the way in until the water has cooled down the level where you're not gonna be sculpting your skin
Starting point is 00:09:23 but then you have like a, you have like a two minute window where the water is just the right amount of hot or warmth where you're like, now this is nice, this is relaxing, and then all of a sudden, boom, the flip is switched, and you are like a little penguin without his feathers. Cold, shivering, you're sitting there in a giant vat of lukewarm water and it's just not feeling good anymore. So I need, you know, like a hot spring that has natural heating elements that will kind of come on simultaneously. When I just draw a regular bat, or it's not simultaneously, but periodically, when I draw a regular bath, it's like I'm good for about two minutes and then I am freezing. I don't understand the people who do the like sexy bubble baths like bring your book or bring a movie in there and just hang out
Starting point is 00:10:28 For an hour like that doesn't I don't I don't get that I'm good for about three minutes before I'm really cold again Maybe it's just me. I don't know So the bath pillow get in the nicks Get nixed. We are drinking, I already mentioned my bullet, Burbin, nice and tasty. And I'll also mention that listener discretion is advised. When you're listening to the Bean Tom podcast number one,
Starting point is 00:10:57 we'll occasionally use some language number two. The podcast is objectively terrible. Quarantine has been interesting because I think a lot of people, I've used time at home in a variety of different ways. There's the specific statement of the year. But for me, I just like, nothing has changed. I haven't thrown stuff away.
Starting point is 00:11:19 I haven't decorated. My apartment has just been like exactly the same for the last 12 months, other than you're getting a piano. So an example of something else that I've tossed. And now we're getting into, you know, I mean, I already mentioned the like cards and stuff, but you know, getting into like the more gifts sort of thing
Starting point is 00:11:42 where you just reach a point where you're like, this has been sitting there for two years, three years, whatever, I haven't touched it. It's kind of cool. It's kind of there, but what are we supposed to do here? So I want to apologize. If any of these things that I have mentioned already, or I'm going to mention are things that you gifted me, and I am tossing them out from spring cleaning. It is not a personal dig attack or anything of the sort. I just don't love having extraneous physical items around the
Starting point is 00:12:17 apartment. An example, my friend PJ Schiller sent me some sort of like incredible Hulk. You can't call it an action figure. I wish I had it. It's in the other room in the garbage bag. But you know, some sort of like, it's like a stand almost. It has like a flat back and it's like a wall, but it sits on level ground. And the Hulk is like busting through it. And it just says, you know, incredible Hulk, something like that. Something like that. I feel like, okay, that, you know, I've had it for, you know, two years, three years, something like that. And it's cool.
Starting point is 00:12:49 It's been sitting on my window sill next to my Duncan Keith Floss holder and Mother Mary who did make the spring cleaning cut. I will mention the Duncan Keith Floss holder is probably just gonna be worth money in a little bit and Mother Mary, you can't throw out Mother Mary for multiple reasons. But the incredible hawk, it's like, that was neat, I got a good laugh out of it, but I'm not like a collector or a toy person or anything. And so after sitting on my windowsill for a little while, it's
Starting point is 00:13:19 like, yeah, time to go. Like, thanks for the gift, I really appreciate it. It was fun. Had a good time when I had it. So something like that, that's going to. What are other things that we have thrown out? I haven't touched anything with my books yet, but I'm going to be honest, and I think a lot of people feel this way. You know, I have this bookshelf over here, the side of the living room,
Starting point is 00:13:47 and there are tons and tons of books on there that I've either had to purchase for school or just for fun or a lot of, you know, piano books. The piano books, I probably don't have any reason to get rid of because even though I rarely touch them every once in a while, you're just like, oh, Revell, let me do some site reading there. But for example, and I haven't done anything with the books yet, but for example, I have the alley-raism in book fierce, the Olympic. I assume gold medalist, I don't remember what she won, you know, at the two times she went to the Olympics.
Starting point is 00:14:20 I got that as a white elephant gift. Okay. And I read it. so it's not, I don't even feel that bad about it, because it's not like I just never touched it and it's just sitting on my shelf. I did read her book, she's a really bad writer. It was not Ghost Written,
Starting point is 00:14:36 or if she did, she did not pay that person enough. But it's just like, I'm never gonna touch that again. I have no interest in reading it again. There are no revelations in there that I wanna return to. So that's an example of something where it's like, I don't need to get rid of it because it has a place on the bookshelf.
Starting point is 00:14:56 It's not like taking up space I need or anything. But I'm just kinda like, you know, how many times am I gonna move with that? Before, I mean, I'm not gonna be like, you know, how many times am I going to move with that? Before I'm, I mean, I'm not going to be like an 80-year-old man and pulling my alley-raism in fierce book from 2016 off the shelf. Like, it just, you know, at some point you got to, you got to cut it off. So I have lots of books like that. I have a ton of Shakespeare plays, the no fear Shakespeare publications.
Starting point is 00:15:29 And that's another thing, I actually like Shakespeare quite a bit. He's a great storyteller and great character, dialogue, all that stuff, but it's like, those things have been moving with me since high school, OK? So I haven't, I've never opened one up. So we're, you know, it's been eight years since I graduated high school. Don't think I'm gonna touch it now.
Starting point is 00:15:54 What else? I mean, I didn't, I was thinking maybe there was gonna be a big, big book burning, not with books, but with my clothes, but I realized I went through and I've been pretty good lately with keeping my clothes streamlined. I probably have a couple more sweaters than I need. There's probably a pair of shoes or one jacket that I could toss.
Starting point is 00:16:18 But for the most part of the clothes I have, I'm pretty comfortable with. I did ditch a bunch of socks. I have a lot of, I don't know if other people experience this But I have a lot of like dress socks or not even dress They don't have to be necessarily dress socks, but just socks that you know go a little ways up your ankle Like you would wear you know for you know work or something
Starting point is 00:16:41 And some I mean some of them are are obvious ones like time to get rid of because some of them are obvious ones like time to get rid of, because some of them are ones that I bought on sale at Kmart when I worked there for $2 a pair when I was 17. It's like, OK, I haven't worn these in so long. But my big beef with a lot of those longer socks, and I don't know if other people experience this, but when I'm sitting all day at my desk, which obviously hasn't been a thing
Starting point is 00:17:06 the last year, but prior to that, I'm sitting all day and I have those socks, they tighten up my calves, really bad, and it's just like you stand up after working for three hours and it takes you a half year lunch break just to stretch them out We got a message on Facebook says don't burn them donate them well. I know no one's burning anything And I'm not gonna donate my really old socks that I wouldn't want anyone else to have to wear them
Starting point is 00:17:38 But it is a good idea anytime. I was actually I did a research study a Panel not a panel a one-on-one interview for a company that I'm not allowed to name, but last week about Levi's second hand in Patagonia, Warren Ware, and just kind of trading your clothes and that sort of thing. It was really cool to have that conversation about sustainability and all that.
Starting point is 00:18:01 And the 150 or whatever I made off it wasn't bad either But you know so there's there's definitely some clothes that need to go as well A lot of just random papers a lot of old checks financial documents that need to get torn up and tossed out But yeah, just doing some spring cleaning torn up and tossed out. But yeah, just doing some spring cleaning, downsizing a little bit so that when we do move APTs in a couple of months here, it's just not as bad. Really, I'm just looking for those things that I moved here almost two years ago, set them down, haven't touched them since. Okay, if we've gone that long without usage,
Starting point is 00:18:48 I really don't feel bad about it, okay? So thanks everyone for who's tuning in right now on the Facebook stream. I see you, I appreciate you. And if you're listening to the audio stream, you wanna see a Facebook or a video stream after the fact, you're missing me lying on the couch in kind of a sexy Jeff
Starting point is 00:19:05 Goldroom position with a backwards cap, Chewbacca in the background and a nice glass of bourbon. With that in mind, let me tell you where we're going here on the show. It's going to be a short show just because I, you know, when I don't have anything to say and I don't really right now, because nothing too exciting happened to me this last week. But I'm not going to keep you longer than you need. But what we're going to do, we're going to read our ads here, move through them pretty quickly.
Starting point is 00:19:36 And then I got one update from the Pludge Drive, and then going gonna talk very briefly. I should have spent a little bit more time and kind of thought and meditation and anticipation of this in order to organize my thoughts a little bit more clearly, because I have a lot of thoughts. So I'm not really sure how well I'm gonna be able to articulate what I wanna say about it. But Rachel and I watched promising
Starting point is 00:20:03 young woman on Friday night, which was Carrie Mulligan and produced by Margot Robbie, which is how I made that Quentin Tarantino connection with the feet about 20 minutes ago. So let's, I mean, just gonna share some thoughts, and I definitely think it's worth watching, but I have some issues with it, and that probably stems from my perspective as a male versus a female, right? There's a million different ways to look at the film, but very well done overall.
Starting point is 00:20:34 Let's hear from our sponsors here. Home Pride Oregon, are you tired of selling your house for less than a quarter of what it's worth all because you couldn't find a reliable home inspector time? Well, Oregon listeners have got good news for you. Home Pride Inspection Services in Bandoorg and essential organs hottest new home inspection provider. With home inspection services including things like heating and cooling, roofing, plumbing, and so much more.
Starting point is 00:20:58 Home Pride Organ is both contract to certify it and home inspection certified so you know you're getting the good stuff. If you're tired of big real estate, angle hold on the home inspection market. And you want to save certified home inspector that you can trust. God to know who to call. His name is Steve.
Starting point is 00:21:16 He's my dad. You can reach him at 541-410-0316. Or you can visit again. Write this down. 541-410-0316. Let me make sure that's right. Looks good. Or visit Homepiredorgan inspection. Perfection. I want to give a shout out to the last remaining member of the Samsung Q2U series, the other one's dead. Speaking of dead electronics, little bit teary eyed this morning, one of the victims of spring cleaning, my iPod.
Starting point is 00:21:52 Not my working one. Thank you to Mother of the Podcast, Dr. Jane Denson-Fernis, for sending me your shuffle, very kind, very generous. But you all remember back in April when my nano finally kicked the bucket Because I think I got some wetness Moisturized if you will and not in the fun Nivia skin care way
Starting point is 00:22:16 Or Neutrogena or any variety of skincare products I Put in rice right when I got back hoping that the rice would save it and after 11 months I think it's time to call it. The iPod's not coming back so we're tossing that as well. There's probably some sort of special electronics way you're supposed to dispose of these things like batteries and other things, but I don't know what it is. So kicking it to the curb. Shout out to the Samson Q2U series. I do need to probably get another one pretty soon here. But we'll wait for that new 1400 stimulus check to come in,
Starting point is 00:23:01 right? That's that's coming down the pike now. We just got a vote back Re-vote on it in the house and then bite into sign it and then 1400 to yours truly. I Guess I'll mention now before we finish up our ad speaking of money Thank you again, everyone who donated to this year's telephone pleasure fundraiser. It was a huge success. We blew our our goal on Pleasurey fundraiser, it was a huge success. We blew our goal, blew out our goal by a solid, you know, 150 percent, something like that. $306 total raised and just yesterday donated it to COVID-19 relief via the United Way here in Chicago. So thank you all who donated that, really appreciate your support. And I know there are lots of people here in Chicago. So thank you all who donated that really appreciate your support and I know there are
Starting point is 00:23:46 lots of people here in Chicago that appreciate your help and your support as well. It's really important to me. So thank you for that. I will, I know I said this the last you know last week too. I will get started on gifts pretty soon here. Basically I just have to I have to go online get the the prints ordered. And then when I was a positive of spring cleaning, when I was doing my spring cleaning, I found some stamps and envelopes from last year that I still had. And I also prints from last year. I had a couple of leftover pictures of me eating pizza on top of a dumpster, which is pretty exciting. Don't know what to do
Starting point is 00:24:23 with them. I think I threw those out too. Oh well, we got new picks coming in this year. And I found some old, I forgot I still had some of these, some old Jack Link's temporary tattoos, courtesy of Uncle Andy, who due to his generous gift will be getting a live on air interview coming up here. And also, I can't advertise this because I haven't actually asked about it or secured it.
Starting point is 00:24:48 But I have a friend in mind, an old friend, who I would love to get on the podcast because he's got some really interesting things sort of in his hopper right now. I'd love to learn a little bit more about that. So maybe we'll have that soon. Next week is the birthday show. Okay, that's usually where I get a frozen
Starting point is 00:25:05 cheat cake and just go to town and about a line. Didn't really get to do it that way last year. We're going to pick it up again this year. Also, Rachel's never seen the fugitive and I watched it every year, so we're going to get her in on that watch party. It's, I can't, I can't, we were talking about it yesterday, or the day before, don't recall. And I wanted it so bad to pull out all the lines, you know, spoilers, but I couldn't. She's got to experience it. She loves a good thriller.
Starting point is 00:25:35 And in my opinion, the fugitive is like a perfect movie. It's got that 90s It's so 90s Harris and Ford and Tommy Lee Jones unforgettable Set in Chicago it's just man the music the editing Oof great film look I I I watch it once a year and it's never like oh yeah Here's this part like okay. All right. I know how this goes You are on the edge of your seat the whole time my friend and then you see Jane Lynch and it's like whoa
Starting point is 00:26:16 Chicago is finest Bob and we've we all know the hairstyle and we all other but how many Chicago based independent Barbers right now you sports clips people We all know the hairstyle and we all love it, but how many Chicago-based independent barbers, right? None of you sports clips, people, can actually give it to you the way you deserve. Enter cuts by Q. And if you're watching the live stream, here's a little taste.
Starting point is 00:26:35 Look at these flowing locks. Enter cuts by Q. It's like enter salmon only different. Cuts by Q has been independently owned and operated since 1995. And it's probably one of the better barbershop operations serving Chicago, Cook County, where else? Northwest Indiana, Greater Chicago, and area. Heck, I'd even go out to New Buffalo, Michigan, or Indiana, or wherever it is for you. If you'd like, okay, just gotta pay me enough. Myelage gas and mileage. From beehives to banks, fohugs to flat tops,
Starting point is 00:27:09 and everything in between you have to call cuts by queue at Yahoo. Nope. That's the, you can't call an email address, and that's a common mistake in my ad read. What you should do is call us at 8152987200 or go email us at or you can go to beantownpodcast700 or go email us at or you can go to slash cutsbycute. See some of our latest styles
Starting point is 00:27:30 because we definitely update that website regularly. Again, call us at 815-298-7200, tell him, Quinn sent ya, cause Quinn will be answering ya. And tell him you want to cut, or you can go to email Again, that's cuts, QTZ by Okay, so a movie that got a lot of buzz back when it came out in December, I think it was, Promising Young Woman,
Starting point is 00:28:05 came out in December, I think it was, Promising Young Woman, produced by Margot Robbie and a really loaded cast. I mean, so the main character is Carrie Mulligan. And then there's a lot of, I wouldn't say, a-listers, but well-known people in it. I mean, you have Jennifer Coolidge plays her mom, and then Clancy Brown is at his name, the guy who plays her dad. You know, he's been in a lot of stuff. Then you also have Alison Brie, any community fans or Netflix glow fans will know Alison Brees, she's also married to Dave Franco, and then you have Bo Burnham, who if you've never seen his movie that he
Starting point is 00:28:55 directed, 8th grade, great coming of age film. I go back and forth, I find some of Bo Burnham's stand up to be awesome, some of it I don't get as much, but overall I like him. I think he's a very smart guy. And then Alfred Molina in a very small role, Doc Ack, if you don't know Alfred Molina, and then you got Molly Shannon,
Starting point is 00:29:22 is in one scene, SNL alum alum 40 or 50 or whatever the year is Sally O'Malley Who else oh max Greenfield? From a new girl Adam Brody in a very small role Mick Lovin Christopher oh, man. How do you say it's hyphenated, Mintz pass, something like that. I think that pretty much covers it in terms of who's who of promising young woman if you will. But yeah, I mean, so I mean, I
Starting point is 00:30:00 don't know if you all consider that to be a loaded cast. It's just got a ton of very like recognizable people in it. Pretty much everyone who shows up on screen is you're like, Oh, I know that person from there or from this or from that. Basically, the premise of the movie, and I won't spoil anything because I'm very confident, almost none of no, no one I know has seen it because it's $20 on prime so you're probably asking Will Quinn did you pony up $20 on prime to watch it no sir call the FCC I found it on a different website for free obviously basically
Starting point is 00:30:40 Carrie Mulligan's character is a victim from many years before the events of this film. She's like 30 now, but back in college, med school, whenever. She and her friend, or just her friend, I don't really remember, I don't recall if she is as well, victim of sexual assault. And basically, the movie is Carrie Mulligan. There's sort of two things going on. One, she like, and this is how the movie starts and how you're introduced to her character,
Starting point is 00:31:13 but she will hurt her like hobby, if you will. She works in a coffee shop. Her hobby, more or less, is to pretend to be really drunk in bars. The guy will take her home, and then she reveals once she's been taken back that she's not actually drunk and she's been intentionally doing this all the time.
Starting point is 00:31:34 This is the first, well, there are lots of things going on here. I don't wanna say the first issue I have, but something I just don't quite understand is like, what is she really getting out of this? Like she's spending all her nights doing this. It's not like she hurts the men, right? She just keeps track of them in a little notebook. But she doesn't do anything about it.
Starting point is 00:31:59 She just moves on to the next guy. So I mean, I get it as like a you know a commentary or a statement as part of the film but in terms of like actual what is this mean like why is this character doing this? I don't I don't see how that connects to her like larger goal which is basically seeking vengeance or revenge for her friend who is a victim of sexual assault many years before the start of the film, which is, you know, more of the like, you know, main three acts structure follows that. And this other thing that she does that you, is the first scene in the movie,
Starting point is 00:32:36 is just more of like a hobby, which is kind of like entertaining and you get a little statement out of it, but I don't really understand how it fits in with the rest of the movie. painting and you get a little statement out of it, but I don't really understand how it fits in with the rest of the movie. Anyways, so the movie is basically her tracking, trying to track these people down, and I won't say anything more about other than that. I have some, the character of the Carrie Mulligan's main,
Starting point is 00:33:00 she's the main character, I didn't find her, and maybe this is because of the male, maybe not. I didn't find her, and maybe this is because of male, maybe not. I didn't find her to be very likable in terms of a heroic, protagonist figure perspective. Not only because her sense of vigilante justice is very outside the law, but also just like the choices she makes. And I think that, you know, the film without explicitly saying it
Starting point is 00:33:30 is probably trying to be like, you know, she's like 30 years old, dropped out of med school, lives with her parents, works at a coffee shop, like to be perfectly blunt, she's kind of a loser. And she doesn't, she's very rough around the edges, hard to talk to you. So it's like, there's that too. So I think the film is like trying to say that
Starting point is 00:33:52 because of this traumatic experience that happened to her and her friend many years ago, like she's stuck in a state arrested development. But so I recognize that, but I also struggle since it's like it's been, you know, however many years, eight, ten years. It's like, girl, get some therapy. Like I think you it's okay for that to be an integral part of you and and everything you have going on, you know, with you and your emotions and your physical state, all that stuff. But like, I don't think you get to, I don't think it's healthy or smart to like play the victim card for not just, you know, one year, but like years and years and years.
Starting point is 00:34:37 And so, because it's kind of, you kind of get the sense that like she, despite working in a coffee shop, like she has plenty of resources, plenty of financial support, like there's no reason why she can't take advantage of her opportunities or her resources. So I kind of struggle and it's not, the film isn't trying to like convince you that she is this, that she personally is like this heroic figure, but she is the like
Starting point is 00:35:06 main primary character and everything is really told from her perspective or point of view. So you're kind of naturally, like that's just kind of how you treat it naturally, at least for me it was. Outside of that, I mean, there's so much related to how the film ends that promotes more discussion, but I don't want to spoil it because I do think, I do legitimately think, when you get the chance to watch it, it's a good watch. It's fairly well made, and it has some good statements on rape, culture, and everything that surrounds it. In terms of technicalities, the sound mixing was really weird.
Starting point is 00:35:50 Sometimes there would be some music playing the background. It was just like impossible to hear what was going on. It was just very strange that choice. But otherwise, I mean, I thought the directing at times was a little scattered. And I think it was the director's first film, which makes sense. I would compare it kind to like when Boots Riley directed, sorry to bother you, which was his first, and I think up to this point, only film.
Starting point is 00:36:16 Maybe he's done a second one, I don't recall. But where it's like, I really, you know, I'm a big, big believer in what he's trying to produce, but some of the, you know, choices made and the director's chair, just like that didn't really work or make sense. Anyways, small technicalities, I don't think they really detract from the film too much. But you know what, it thought provoking,
Starting point is 00:36:41 provokes, provokes a discussion and commentary. And I think it's worth watching. So go check it out when you get the chance. If you want to link to how I watched it, shoot me an email, be in Tom Podcasts,, and that's Be in Town, be in podcasts at I mentioned I was going to try to keep today's episode shorter, and while I wouldn't consider to be a short episode I will tell you right now that that's that's all I got to say that's That's what I wanted to share So thanks everyone who tuned in. Thank you for watching the Facebook feed
Starting point is 00:37:15 Appreciate your time and support on a Sunday afternoon and if you're listening after the fact Thanks for thanks for tuning in that's what I got for you So yeah, I'm gonna finish up my bourbon here, and I'm gonna go meet friend of the podcast, Jean-Pau Pandowski for a little afternoon, cool, bev. Thanks everyone for tuning in. I don't have anything else to say. Be safe.
Starting point is 00:37:38 Be sane. Facebook, I will. Checkulator, we got another, oh, we got, okay, I apologize. And I hate when it does this. I have not been ignoring you on Facebook. The comments are just stuck at the top of the screen. And there's no indication that I received a new comment,
Starting point is 00:37:57 right? You'd think that you'd either like your screen would automatically flow down as you're getting a new comment. So it shows you the most recent comments. Or you'd get some sort of message on the Facebook streaming platform to show you new comment. So I do apologize. People have been commenting this whole feed.
Starting point is 00:38:14 I thought we only had two. We have stuff back by the clothing from Walt, anti-marge. Thank you for your comments here. Some links to some groups. very good, very good. Yes, those are good to check out. And there is a clothing bin by the train stop, and usually I'll take clothes there
Starting point is 00:38:32 if I'm going out that way, if it's convenient. So we'll see you next time I hop on the train. Thanks everyone for tuning in, that's what I got for you. We're gonna get our music queued up here. And yeah, That's what I got for you. We're gonna get our music queued up here and Yeah, that's what I got so stay safe Stay sane Drink some whiskey and enjoy your Sunday cutting out the Facebook feed by Facebook have a good one talk to you soon and Yes, I want to end and for our audio stream. Thanks everyone for listening remember to like subscribe wherever you are listening
Starting point is 00:39:07 That helps out our show. We're gonna come to you live next week with our birthday episode So one more time stay safe stay sane and I will check in on you next time. Bye I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to nd nd you

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