Beantown Podcast - Stranger Things, Kenobi, & Vanilla Ice (05272022 Beantown)

Episode Date: May 27, 2022

Quinn comes to you LIVE to discuss if people still care about Stranger Things, the new Kenobi series, and that white hot Vanilla Ice MAGA rally...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Furnace. Welcome to my show, Quinn David Furnace presents the Bean Town podcast for Friday, May 27, 2022. One last ride on diversity, Parkway. What's happening? My name is Quinn and this is my show. Thank you for tuning in. It is kind of a strange Friday I was I was telling one of my clerks this morning we were having our one-on-one over zoom where it's kind of like it's cold actually in Chicago it's not a nice day today in Chicago it's you know like just just a smidge SMIDGE over 50 in windy, but this weekend until, like,
Starting point is 00:00:48 I think starting, like, Sunday until, like, Tuesday is going to be in the 90s and sunny, but it's super humid. And so I'm kind of inside right now if you're on the YouTube stream, hello, YouTube, if you're watching us not just listening to us, you know, sweater, sweat pants, that sort of thing But it's also so human and so sticky that I feel like you got to be sitting in front of a fan It's it's kind of bizarre. It's a good problem. It's a first world problem to have what's happened And I am the showrunner The best boy the chief caterer of this program
Starting point is 00:01:20 Quinn David furnace presents the being Tom podcast. I want to say hello to all my friends in Pakistan. Hello Islamabad. Hello Hyderabad. Hello Kiber Pass. What's going on? How are you? I'm not going to apologize for last week, but I just wanted to recognize that last week was a tough show.
Starting point is 00:01:38 I was sick, low energy. I wasn't really in the mood for a show. And sometimes you have weeks like that. Hello, Matt Fiedler. Thank you for watching. Thank you for tuning in. It's good to see you. You know what's strange is I can see you commenting in the chat on YouTube. But on my like person marker, it shows you how many people are watching and how many people have given it a thumbs up. We're still sitting at zero. So, you know what that means? It means it's not accurate. It means that there's probably millions of people watching this YouTube stream every
Starting point is 00:02:11 time we go live on YouTube and I just don't know because these analytics are bogus, man. I wasn't going to YouTube stream. I wasn't going to do visuals today until the last second here. Yeah, I guess they don't count exactly. I don't, hey, I don't know what to tell you. It literally says zero right now. I'll send you a snapchat. I wanted to do one more video stream here on the bean town podcast because we are moving
Starting point is 00:02:36 out of seven. I'm not going to reveal my address quite yet. Just in case anyone wants to burglarize me this weekend because there's a lot of valuable stuff in here to steal. I tell you what, moving out at diversity, parkway, and moving to bigger and better things in a different part of town. So the apartment's a lot of boxes, but I've definitely made the mistake. I'm a very proactive person over like things like moving. I like to, you know, transfer my utilities right away and, you know, just like get stuff packed up,
Starting point is 00:03:13 which I think is a great trait to have. But I've absolutely made the mistake in the past and we've talked about it on this show. I distinctly recall a show when I left Baltimore three years ago about packing up all my silverware by accident before my last supper, Jesus style. And then I ate my, you all maybe remember the Crapes story. I made Crapes with garlic butter,
Starting point is 00:03:39 because that's what I accidentally grabbed at the grocery store and I think it ate it with my hands. It was kind of syrupy and sticky. So the taste was bad, the experience was bad, it was just, you know what, we don't need to do that. So I've packed up a decimado stuff. I mean, I got one, two, three, four, five, six boxes packed up right now.
Starting point is 00:03:59 And, you know, there's still gonna be some, there's still some things kind of lingering out there that are gonna take some time. I need to do some, some series cleaning in this place. The clothes always take a little bit of time, like getting all the kitchen stuff packed up. The kitchen stuff is the trickiest because it's the most fragile stuff. You just got to be a little bit more careful with how you pack it. So far, it's mainly been like books and random stuff that doesn't really matter.
Starting point is 00:04:23 And just a lot of knick-knacks and stuff. And so I don't think I'm gonna like throw myself into it until Monday, I suppose. I don't think I have any plans for Monday. It's Memorial Day. Happy Memorial Day weekend, everyone. Obviously I have the day off from work. And so I think that's the day that makes sense
Starting point is 00:04:42 because I'm not working. And I don't really have any big plans. And it's the day before the moving truck comes to just like go from kind of where I'm at right now, which is like, yeah, I've done some packing to like, no, now we just pack up everything and just make sure, you know, you have like a backpack and a double bag that has like your immediate things in there. And I think, you know, I think we'll be good. So, yeah, Nicknex and Pattiwax, that's exactly right. We're gonna get into it here. There's a lot of different things going on
Starting point is 00:05:09 and I'm doing my best to try to like, remember everything. The first thing I wanna mention is listener discretion is advised. When you're listening to the Bean Tom podcast, number one, we'll occasionally use some language number two's podcast subjectively terrible. Although I'm gonna try to bring you
Starting point is 00:05:22 a higher energy than last week, type of show, fast pace, that sort of thing. I mentioned there's a lot going on we wanted to chat about. I don't really want to talk about moving anymore than that because gosh, it feels like we talk about it every year and it's really not that thrilling. I think we all have moved before and we all know how much of a pain in the ass it can be. And that's just, you know, what? That's happening for me, but I'm so glad to get out of this place. I will not have, not have fond memories of living here for
Starting point is 00:05:51 the past year and change. So good to get that out of the way. Next time you hear from me, it'll be June, which is hard to believe. The year 2022 is almost halfway over. How crazy is that? And we'll be in a new space, new podcasting, recording studio, Rachel thinks it's a second bedroom, but we'll see what happens. And I'm looking forward to it. A little bit more light. That's the thing too, with the way my apartment is set up,
Starting point is 00:06:18 which was partially me, but partially just like, it makes sense to do it this way. If you're on the YouTube stream, or if you've seen my apartment and all the less, you know, my couch backs up to this big window, but it's just like the most sensible place to put the couch based off the layout of the living room, since it's very small.
Starting point is 00:06:35 But what it means is that anytime I want to, you know, go live on video, zoom call, whatever I got it either, you know, and you've seen it both ways. We either go where like where the, you know, angels from heaven, you both ways. We either go where like where the angels from heaven, you can't see my face, you just see the light behind me. That's where the blind's open or close the blinds. And it's not that it's very sunny outside right now,
Starting point is 00:06:53 but it's 4 p.m. on a Friday afternoon. And it feels like Hitler's bunker in here, it's so dark because that's like my only, literally, there's two, that's a crazy thing about this apartment that I guess is not I mean my Baltimore studio. I think had like four total one in the bathroom two in the living room one in the kitchen, but we're talking windows here Call your empire rep or Feldcoe member Scott Feldco. This apartment, quite literally, I've never lived in an apartment quite like this before,
Starting point is 00:07:27 has two windows, that's it. We've got this big one here in the living room, and then one on the side of my bedroom. And those are the only windows in this entire apartment. So it's pretty dark, it's pretty lonely out here, nothing too wild. So I'm excited to get out, more natural more windows the whole shebang. So what are we what do we got on tap today? Well, we're talking Kind of bouncing around a couple of different things. There's no one cohesive topic when I do any power rankings
Starting point is 00:07:58 Nothing like that But we got a bean town pull question of the week on Instagram. That's currently live We're going to check in on that which is about a TV show that just dropped today, and we're gonna be talking briefly about another TV show that just dropped today. And I'm, you know, me, I'm not usually like the plugged in TV person, but, you know, there's a lot going on. Not to mention this is us, and did this week. Boy, one word roller coaster, two word emotional roller coaster.
Starting point is 00:08:23 And we got a new right on cue segment that I'm excited to premiere for you. And I want to definitely check in with you a little bit about my weekend last week in Milwaukee, which was just turned into a very just wild kind of scene at Miller, not Miller Park, American Family Life Park or whatever it's called. I didn't, you know, when we, when I was talking to you
Starting point is 00:08:45 this time last week and you would have told me, hey, Quinn, you ever saw vanilla ice and naughty by nature and Rob Basin concert, I would have said, I don't know who Rob Basin is. And seven days later, I've seen all three of those guys. It's crazy. So we're gonna be talking that. Let's check in. Let's check in first. Oh, we're going to be talking that. Let's check in.
Starting point is 00:09:06 Let's check in first. Oh, we should read our ads too. It's been so long since we gave a proper shout out. Probably why we're not getting funded anymore. Let's check in on the bean town poll question of the week because it ties into those two shows. Oh, and one other thing, and we'll get to this, we're gonna actually do the right on Q segment, but this is my first time doing right on Q
Starting point is 00:09:29 when we're also live on YouTube. So, YouTube, your stream is actually gonna be longer than the actual podcast episode because as you might expect. It doesn't take me very long, it's a pre-recorded segment, but I have to pause the podcast recording on GarageBand, insert the MP3 file, and then start playing it again. So I mean, it's going to be like a 30-second delay or something like that, but that's just
Starting point is 00:09:55 how it's going to be. So just giving you a heads up, that's coming. OK, this week's bean town bean head poll question of the week. Again, you can always find these on my Instagram. I'm at q.queenD. That's the place to go for a bean town poll question of the week. You can also say, maybe you are, maybe you're not on Instagram. Well, that means you can't participate in the poll, but you could join Instagram and then you could participate. So that's my plug. But yeah, so our question of the week, which I just thought of this morning and it's still live because I only posted it gosh five hours ago
Starting point is 00:10:32 So we're gonna get more results coming in, but it's crazy. They'll the results are changing every time I look I first checked it like 1015 minutes ago and the numbers were kind of all over the place of percentages Then I checked it like five minutes go and it was dead heat even. And now I checked it again and the numbers have shifted once more. So here's our bean town poll question of the week. If you missed it, there it is on the screen sideways because I that's how I that's how I'm doing it. Our question. Do you care that stranger thing things season four drop today? And currently
Starting point is 00:11:06 here are the results. For yes, we have 33.33% for no, we have 22% for I miss barb, we have 22% and for justice for Bob, not barb, Bob, Sean S and his character. We also have 22%. So thank you to everyone who's voted so far. Yes, this is really making a strong comeback because at first it looked like it was gonna be justice for Bob Then I miss Barb was starting to make it a runaway and now we've got stranger things For yes people apparently are excited that it's back, which is what I wanted to mention because it's actually One of the shows I wanted to mention. It's kind of an interesting thing and thank you to those of you who have not yet voted. You still have 17 hours.
Starting point is 00:11:49 Stranger things, I liked, I thought it was really fresh, really original, had a fun first season. I liked season two. You know, I thought it was an improvement upon season one. I like the introduction of the new characters. Season three just didn't really do it for me. I was just starting to get really bored of the monsters, the whole kind of, the 80s kind of nostalgia aspect of it. It was always like, he watched the show,
Starting point is 00:12:21 and when they're doing the 80s stuff, and they're at the shopping mall and the music all that stuff and the outfits I'm like oh this is really cool Like I love watching this and then they inevitably got to go into the upside down and there's monsters and that my big problem is everyone's got You know 11 and holler cronies. They got powers that are never really explained. And so it's just convenient plot device after convenient plot device. I didn't like how they made that australian dude from season two, the bad, like got possessed by a demon
Starting point is 00:12:54 in season three, and then he was the bad guy. Cause they just ruined his character. You can see it's such a great character arc in season two. And then he just gets totally sideline like that. And I, you know, I think we all knew that Sean asked and was never gonna make it, but he was a great like compelling father figure kind of character.
Starting point is 00:13:15 What's in the cup? Oh, Joaquin, good to see you. Chunky, chunky Corgi 69, is that all right? We got water for now, because it's not five o'clock yet, so you gotta be careful with those things, but it's good to see you, thanks for tuning in. Well, anyway, season four, drop this morning, and it wasn't, one of those things where I was like,
Starting point is 00:13:35 oh my gosh, I know what's happening today, I literally stumbled upon it on Twitter. I don't think I've seen, I don't think I've seen any like friends or anything post about it, so it's really just kind of an interesting thing. Because I feel like season one, season two, season three, it was like, that was the conversation.
Starting point is 00:13:53 That's what America was talking about. I know we got bigger problems right now, but it was a big deal. And I mean, hey, it's been out for 16 hours, something like that. I guess we'll see what happens with stranger thing season four. Apparently they left two episodes to be released in July. So they're doing the like split the season in half and half thing,
Starting point is 00:14:13 except it was like seven or eight episodes or something in the first half and then two in the last half. I know that the episodes are super long. And I figure it's a show that I'm going to, I figure a watch it at some point, but I mean, I'm mostly just focused on Hell's Kitchen reruns right now and not to mention the other show, which is what I was excited for. And I didn't realize it until I woke up this morning like, oh, wait, I think this actually happened today. But it did. And that's the Obi-Wan Kenobi show, which is, you know, kind of not hesitant about, but just like trying to keep my expectations low because honestly anything Disney Star Wars has just been, like the first Disney project. I think that was the case, but they've all just kind of, I mean, Rogue One is fantastic. I think Solo was like crippled by one the way they marketed it and then released it
Starting point is 00:15:13 and then high expectations, but it also was like a pretty average movie. And they just tried to do so much like lore and world building. And I don't, I mean, the biggest problem was I don't think anyone wanted a Han Solo movie in the first place so it's kind of like okay and then gosh I mean I don't we don't need to talk about the sequel trilogy on here seven was like set it up for potential but it was pretty much just a new hope remake eight was just a flaming hot pile of garbage garbage and I never saw nine and I don't plan to nine nine is not something I'm interested in And so you know that the TV shows mandalorian has been pretty solid
Starting point is 00:15:53 Boba that was just like mandalorian season two and a half And my gosh, I might be forgetting something. I don't even remember what else Disney has done But so my point being like, I'm not convinced that it's going to be great, but I will watch anything that you and McGregor does. I even watched his Halston limited, you know, mini series on Netflix, five parts, not that I care about fashion or lies of manneli
Starting point is 00:16:21 or anything about, you know, Halston's life, but it was just like, hey, it's you and like, let's check it out, let's see it. So Disney dropped the first two episodes this morning of Obi-Wan Kenobi, and I'm actually like, I'm feeling it so far for the most part, I'm not gonna like do any spoilers or anything, but the show starts off with like a four minute prequel recap basically, which just like very
Starting point is 00:16:46 out of character for anything like in this era of Star Wars because it seems like Disney Star Wars is trying to forget that the prequel has ever even happened. And the fact that they were, I mean, they were showing like hardcore, like Jake Lloyd clips, Liam Niesin, you know, pod racing. I'm just like, I mean, hey, you can love her. Hate Phantom Menace. And it's got plenty of flaws, plenty of things that are terrible about it. But I thought it was really cool. And we even got some decent attack of the clone stuff and Padme. So it's just like, I feel like, you know, Jake Lloyd and Natalie Portman and Liam Neeson are just like forgotten members of the Star Wars family.
Starting point is 00:17:31 And so I appreciated that we were sort of like doing some throwbacks there. And then just honestly, I'm not going to like reveal anything about plot points or anything like that. But I think it's so cool that they've gotten like, you know, Joel Edgerton to come back and play Lars. The female actress who portrayed, you know, Beru in Attack of the Clones is literally back and she was in a revenge of the Sith for a hot second too. Like she's back. And Jimmy Smith is back to play bail and it's like, they got all these people from literally 17 years
Starting point is 00:18:05 ago. Is that revenge of the Sith? 20 years ago from attacking the clones 19 to like come back and play these roles. Not that they're like life changing roles or anything like that, but I just think that that's cool that they've done that. And of course you and McGregor, one thing that's interesting, the last thing I'll say about this, I think, I don't know, there's like eight episodes in Kenobi or something like that, but you and Setsu wants to do a second season, which would be awesome. I would love to do that. Oh, and Hayden Kertzinsen's back for this Play Darth Vader, which is spectacular.
Starting point is 00:18:33 One thing that's interesting, and I, here's our kind of bean head call to action of the week. You can always email us what you think, or fill out the comment card and or fill out the comment card and I want to see if other people feel this way or if I'm just going crazy. In the prequels, I'm pretty confident that you and McGregor speaks in an English accent. You and McGregor is Scottish.
Starting point is 00:18:58 And, you know, if I suppose if you're not paying that much attention or if you don't know much about Scottish and English accents, you'd be like, oh, yeah, that's what are you talking about? That's the same. They're pretty different in my perspective, maybe not pretty different, but somewhat different. The reason I bring it up, I feel like in these first few episodes of Kenobi, you and is using his just normal Scottish accent, which is a little bizarre.
Starting point is 00:19:23 And maybe he's not, maybe I'm just like listening for it and making stuff up. But I really feel like, I mean, there's been a lot of words or phrases I've heard him say in the first two episodes where I'm like, that sounds pretty Scottish, not English. So that's my perspective, but I want you, the bean heads, the hashtag friends of the podcast to give it a listen and see what you think.
Starting point is 00:19:46 So that's our check-in on television series. And of course, this is us, the dramatic, emotional finale ending after six years, this year. So that's Quinn's TV recap. You know what we, you know what I would love to do right now. Let's hear from our sponsors. We're 20 minutes in. This this podcast episode is flying by. We're going to hear from our sponsors. We're going to learn about our new right on Q segment. And then we're going to talk a little bit about Quinn's crazy concert courtesy of a friend of the podcast Sam Sam Anderson. So that's what we're going to be talking about. Let me go ahead and pull up our ads here.
Starting point is 00:20:29 I haven't done full ad reads in a little while, but I think the fans are excited to hear me sing. You know, all that good stuff. So let's let me let me finish sending this text here. Okay, here come the ads. First up, oh, they're in Google Docs. That's how long it's been since I actually read the ads. It's been a long time since I opened them. Oh man, I'm logged into the wrong Google account. That's gonna make life tough. Dad, air, please don't let me make me put in my password. Okay, there we go.
Starting point is 00:21:02 You ever log in to Google Docs in the first document, you're like, I don't know what that is. Must've been from a software test or something. Okay, here we go. It's actually time folks, Home Pride Oregon. Are you tired of selling your house for less, and don't let me forget, I wanna give a shout out to someone associated
Starting point is 00:21:21 with Home Pride Oregon when we're finished up here. Are you tired of selling your house for less than a quarter of what it's worth all because you can't find a reliable home inspector in time? Well, Oregon listeners, you got good news for you. Home pride inspection services in Ben, Oregon, essential organs, this new home inspection provider, with inspection services, including things like heating and cooling, roughing, roughing the passer, roofing, plumbing, and so much more. Home-Bright Oregon is both contract or certified
Starting point is 00:21:48 and home inspection certified, so you know you're getting the good stuff. If you're tired of big real stays with a little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little,
Starting point is 00:21:58 little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, Steve at 541-410-0316 or you can visit Again, that's 541-410-0316 or you can visit Homeprydorgan inspection perfection. You know, I was thinking earlier, well, as time I walk, and I was kind of thinking about what I wanted to talk about today. That, excuse me, you know, I was going to be running through two or three TV shows here. Kind of feel like the TV guide here, which made me think about the old TV guide, which
Starting point is 00:22:33 was, that was going to be a thing on the Bean Town podcast, and it was for like six weeks. And, you know, hardcore beanheads will remember when I would go and talk about it and like Always be hoping that I'd get that John Goodman cover, you know, Rosanne You know cancel but the Conners are back and I just wanted a cool pick of John Goodman like in a flannel crossing his arms and like the Conners They're back and then my TV guide stop coming I after like I think it was like three issues or something it was a total ripoff. So that's the TV guide story and it's been like two years since we actually brought it up here on the show but gone but never forgotten. All right, oh, our good friends at Samson. The Samson Q2U series. I know for a lot of you it it's kind of a non, it's not really church season.
Starting point is 00:23:28 The holidays are long gone. Easter is gone. Maybe you go to church with your dad on a Sunday for Father's Day and three weeks, but maybe he just wants to stay home and make pancakes. And, you know, we're probably not going to see again until all hollows eve or something. But don't forget whether you're at church or whether you're at home. When God speaks, he uses the crisp clear and audio quality, crisp clear audio quality that you can only get from a Samson from Genesis to Exodus, Leviticus, Deuteronomy,
Starting point is 00:24:00 and all those minor prophets too. When God speaks, he uses a Samson. And I promised you to not let me forget about the shout out. I want to give a shout out to my dad, Steve, owner of Home Pride Organ, it's not Father's Day yet, but he is, I believe what today or tomorrow officially off the clock,
Starting point is 00:24:22 his retail job, and it's been a long time, and congratulations, Pop. All right, finally, our good friends at CutsBikeU Bob, and we've, we all know the hairstyle, we all love it, but how many Chicago-based independent barbers can actually give it to you the way you deserve? Enter CutsBikeU, it's like enter Sandman only a little bit different. CutsBikeU has been independently owned and operated since 1995. I should take my hat off for this so that the listeners can check it out.
Starting point is 00:24:49 This must have here, M-U-S-S, OFHA-IR. Independently owned and operated since 1995 and is probably, and I apologize, because this humidity is killing it. And it's probably one of the better barbershop operations serving Chicago, Cook County, Northwood, Cindy N and the greater Chicago, and area from B Hives to banks, fall hawks to flat tops and everything in between call cuts by Q at 8152987200 or you can email cuts by Q at Yahoo dot com again That's cuts
Starting point is 00:25:16 Cut Q T Z by Q at Yahoo dot com. You know what I never do is actually check the cuts by Q email because I got bean Tom podcast Yahoo dot com sinked up to my What I never do is actually check the Cuts by Q email because I got Bean Tom Pogass synced up to my phone email, like the mail application on my phone, but I don't have Cuts by Q synced up to anything and I never do the full ad read. And so I never think about it. I should check that. Maybe after this if I don't forget. But who knows.
Starting point is 00:25:45 So if you've been trying to get a haircut in the last, gosh, two, three years, just pretend that I've been fully booked. Oh, and you need a fresh do some snappin' nudes call the experts that cuts by Q. All right, thank you for indulging me with my ads. Okay, let's go ahead and get into our new write-on queue segment. And so just to remind everyone, I'm going to have to briefly,
Starting point is 00:26:18 we're going to keep you two going this whole time. You're going to see the behind the scenes action. But I'm going to have to briefly pause the MP3 file to insert our pre-recorded taping of right on cue and then cuts by cue right on cue, we got a lot to keep track of. And then insert it in and then we'll come right back. So that's what we're gonna be doing.
Starting point is 00:26:40 So I'm gonna pause and let's go ahead and get right on cue segment in here. Next time on right on cue. The gun control debate rages on in Washington. Here's what we know. It's Memorial Day weekend, everyone. Flip some burgers and have a good time. An international Mr. Leather 2022 comes to Chicago.
Starting point is 00:27:04 We'll catch up with all the outfits, the sexiness, and see how Scott Farrell is doing. Next time on Right on Q. All right, good stuff. When we're back in sync, MP3, audio file, YouTube, welcome back to Quinnative For instance, the Bean Town podcast. We're in the back half of today's show.
Starting point is 00:27:24 And yeah, that is true. International Mr. Leather is in Chicago this weekend at a hotel kind of downtown in the South Loop. I think the Congress is where it's at. It's that interesting thing, you know, anything related to Scott Farrell, where I want to do some research, partially out of curiosity, just because it's
Starting point is 00:27:45 a world that I don't know anything about his whole kink fetish leather, all that stuff. And some of it is like extremely NSFW, and some of it is just kind of interesting. So you never know when you get to a new webpage, you never know what you're going to find. Is it going to be like interesting cultural historical stuff, or is it gonna be like, you know, some serious penises out in the open? Like, you don't know, which is why it's exciting and erotic. And, you know, very fun. But yeah, Scott Farrell's been talking it up.
Starting point is 00:28:19 He's, he's at International Mr. Leather, which sounds like a big deal, but I learned it's just like, it's just a Chicago thing. So they could just call it Chicago Mr. Leather. I don't know. But apparently all the leather freaks, the leather heads, the John Krasinski's and clonies of the world are converging in the South Loop this weekend, Scott, according to his Twitter, which we've been keeping my finger on the pulse. Got to Chicago yesterday. He's got some sort of booth.
Starting point is 00:28:46 So I think they've probably rented out the ballroom or something like that. It's like an expo kind of deal for my understanding. I don't know what booth he's representing. And I'm sure his hell I'm not going down there to find out. But yeah, I mean, this is an event that he's talked about in his autobiography and he's back in action for this one. So we'll see, I haven't checked in as Twitter lately. We'll see what he's been up to today.
Starting point is 00:29:16 But yeah, the fact that Scott is, gosh, four or five miles from here right now makes me feel a little uncomfortable. So let's not think about it. In fact, this would be a good time for a little graham cracker break. Crunchy. Swim shadeer Joe's This is good stuff you know what I wouldn't mind though
Starting point is 00:30:03 If I'm gonna eat graham crackers, I'm probably going to eat a lot. So I want early mind bringing the sugar content down. Not that graham crackers are like super sugary, but it kind of tastes them and you're like, yeah, there's some sweetness in there. I know graham crackers are more of a kid's thing and you can even buy the graham crackers at least you could when I was a little that are like coated in cinnamon sugar which is just like out of this world sweet but here's the thing like even by themselves they're kind of sweet and I don't really need that. Imagine if you actually made a smore and you put a marshmallow and Hershey's chocolate
Starting point is 00:30:52 bar or you know any chocolate bar you want in the middle, that's like sugar on sugar on sugar. Man that's nuts. And I need a little, look, I need a little sweet every once in a while. I literally went to the lake last night after work and got a big gulp of diet, diet coke. Cause that's sometimes just in,
Starting point is 00:31:16 cause I think I've talked about this before in the show. Sometimes I just getting diet coke mood, like five times a year. And I'm just like gosh, I could really go for a Diet Coke. But yeah, I know people who drink soda, you know, like four or five times a week. And I, I mean, I probably did that for like a year stretch in high school, but not anymore.
Starting point is 00:31:37 I literally get a craving for like a, never a regular Coke. I don't know the last time I had a regular Coke, but a Diet Coke. And that's become a more of a recent thing too. I feel like I was kind of introduced to the concept of Diet Coke instead of regular Coke, probably by Rachel.
Starting point is 00:31:57 Not that she drinks it much either, but anytime she does drink soda, it's Diet Coke versus regular Coke. And I think growing up like I would never go for a diet soda because in my mind it's inferior. But nowadays it has nothing to do with like, oh, no calories or like, you know, aspartane versus, you know, real sugar or whatever. I think I just straight up like the taste better, which it's just less intense, I think, on the sweetness. It's still plenty sweet,
Starting point is 00:32:30 but it has nothing to do with like, oh, I feel less guilty drinking this. Like, I'm still drinking soda, I feel guilty, and I should, but it's just like, I can't imagine drinking like an entire regular soda. Even when I make DIY, like rum and coax or you know Coke and whiskey or anything like that Diet so and I don't feel bad about it at all. That's what I like
Starting point is 00:32:55 Okay As promised last thing I wanted to touch on here. Thanks everyone who's been listening last weekend went up to Milwaukee Took the high-wath of unionization up to the Intermodal, stayed with my dear friend former roommate, Sam Anderson. We had a very nice, very chill weekend, but the highlight, excuse me, undoubtedly, we went to the Brewer's Nationals game, 6 p.m. on Saturday night. And it was a pretty boring game. But Sam found out shortly after he purchased our tickets that there was a post-game concert on the field.
Starting point is 00:33:40 I had never been to a post-game concert before. I probably run the bases at rigly like once. I have no idea. I mean, gosh, it's been almost 28 years of living. I don't really recall. But, or maybe even up in Milwaukee, I don't know. But Sam was like, it's vanilla ice, it's rob base, and it's the guy, one of the guys from Naughty by Nature. And I, of course, had to look up's rob base, and it's the guy, one of the guys from Naughty By Nature. And I of course had to look up what rob base had done.
Starting point is 00:34:09 If you don't know, he sings, it takes two. It takes two to make a thing go right. And then, you know, Naughty By Nature, I know, down with OPP. And vanilla ice, I didn't really know much about other than Ice Ice Baby, which samples under pressure. And he's done. He did like a cover of play that funky music white boy. Anyways, just a really bizarre thing. It was probably almost a full hour after the game ended for them to like get the stage set up, get everything going. Then they bring out a DJ to hype the crowd up.
Starting point is 00:34:46 But it's just man, it's a lot of white people and then you get like Rob base came on first and I think he's saying two songs including, you know, it takes two and then guy from naughty by nature came out and he's saying like two songs including down with OPP and then vanilla nature came out and he sang like two songs, including Down with OPP and the Manila ice came out. And man, it was just trippy. He brought fans up on the stage. He had danced. There was a whole bunch of white girls.
Starting point is 00:35:15 There didn't seem to be any visible security around. I guess no one really cares about the Nila ice enough to attack him. There were teenage ninja mutant turtles on stage dancing. Two of them, I think it was Donatello and Raphael maybe. I don't know who are the four. Donatello, Raphael, Leonardo and Michelangelo, I think
Starting point is 00:35:42 are the four. Splinter is kind of their boss. And this one kind of robot looking dude, looked like something straight out of like a fake 30 rock sketch or something. And yeah, towards the end of the set, I mean, vinylized only played for like 30 minutes. The whole thing was probably like an hour with everyone.
Starting point is 00:36:05 But towards the end of his set, he like got a, you know, like an American flag out. He like draped it around his neck and started to do like all these sluts to the troops and stuff, which I was thinking about this after, because it very much like started to feel like a like a mega kind of thing, MAGA, whatever, which is really a damn shame that they, that kind of sector, that kind of wing of the country has like, not necessarily appropriated that stuff, but like, taken that and like associated with a lot of other things, which really sucks,
Starting point is 00:36:41 because there should be nothing wrong about like, being proud of your country and celebrating the place you live and supporting the people who serve in the military. That's all good stuff. But it just seems so close to so many other messed up things that it feels weird to be like, yeah, let's cheer for the troops and'll have American flags and stuff. So anyways,
Starting point is 00:37:10 it definitely was not like a mega rally or anything like that, but it's just, you're kind of on edge because you're in the middle of Wisconsin, bunch of white people. The vanilla ice comes up from Florida with a flag wrapped around his neck cheering for the troops. And so it's just kind of like, okay. So we got out of there. We actually took a, we Sam had the clutch move. There's a bar down the street from his apartment that shuttles folks back and forth.
Starting point is 00:37:36 And so for free. And so we went down there beforehand, got a drink, took the shuttle, and then on the way back after the concert, that bus was packed. It was kind of like a bus maybe has like, I don't know, 12 rows back or something on each side. So theoretically, that houses like 50 people, but there was, you know, everyone,
Starting point is 00:37:58 a ton of people standing and stuff too, they had to have been at least like 75 people on that bus. It was cramped. And then spent a lot of time at Sam's house on his PlayStation is well playing this hunting game. I think it's called Hunter Call of the Wild or something like that. And first I was really terrible at it.
Starting point is 00:38:15 Started to get a little bit better. It's like the most realist, one of those like hyper realistic games. So it just takes forever to find anything and you got really just crappy equipment to start. But then I was watching some YouTube videos later of like guys who have got, you know, all the special features and bonuses unlocked. And they've got like radar detectors on their guns and the animals have like neon outlines. The scopes can zoom in like a thousand yards.
Starting point is 00:38:45 So, you know, I was hunting pigs and rabbits and deer and coyotes with basically my bare hands. So, it's pretty proud of myself and my abilities. Starting to get a little tick on my throat, which means it's time for time for some more water and time for another graham cracker. But folks, that's what I had for you. I don't want to keep you around any longer than you then you need to be here. You know what we get in? We chat for a little bit and we get out. I want to thank those of you who talk to us on a YouTube stream, Matt Joaquin. It's great to see both of you. If you're listening to this later on,
Starting point is 00:39:26 and you wanna come back and watch the video stream, you absolutely can on YouTube. My channel is just quinfurnist, just search me, it's pretty easy to find. That's where all the Bean Tom Podcast video content lives. I'm moving. Get a good look everyone. This is the last time you're
Starting point is 00:39:45 gonna see it. Last time you're gonna get the nice fireplace and last time you're gonna have to see me with closed blinds at four o'clock in the afternoon just so you can see my beautiful face. We're going to get our outro music going and YouTube it's great to see you take care and yeah next week will be June. Everyone stay safe stay sane YouTube I'll check in on you later. See you YouTube. Bye. And audio. Nice chatting with you. Let's get our outro music going here. I'll talk to you later.
Starting point is 00:40:31 Bye, everyone. I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to, I'm just going to say, I'm just going ndご視聴ありがとうございました

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