Beantown Podcast - Taxpayer Rant and July 6 Trivia (07062022 Beantown)

Episode Date: July 7, 2022

Quinn comes to you LIVE to test you on your July 6 trivia, rant about taxpayer dollars, and preview Summerfest 2022...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Furnace. Welcome to my show, Quinn David Furnace presents the bean town podcast for Wednesday. Believe it or not, July 6th. What's going on? What's happening? How are you? My name is Quinn. And this is my show. We are coming to you live midweek from Chicago, Illinois Where it's super humid. Oh, man. You should have seen my run today downtown along the lake Millenia Park Grant Park Soldier Field Burnham Harbor all the hits
Starting point is 00:00:43 As it's only mid-70s today, but man, if it isn't sweaty, I was sloshing S-L-O-S-H-I-N-G, sloshing around. It's just that sticky, but great time of year for people watching tourists of all shapes and sizes. We got TASA Chicago coming to Chicago this weekend. And I won't be in attendance because we're going to Summer Fest, which is why I am recording on a Wednesday night because Summer Fest runs Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights. And I'm literally not going to be back home until Monday, probably, starting
Starting point is 00:01:28 tomorrow. Rachel and I are going up to summer fest. Not going to spend a whole episode chatting about it. Maybe we'll recap next weekend. But we're going to be going on a slight rant today. And then we're also going to be doing some July 6th trivia for you. We haven't done bean town trivia in a little while and I figured hey the fans, fans of all walks of life are gonna want to tune it for this one. I made it, I don't want to say it's easy trivia but it's definitely closer to easy than it is crazy challenging. I tried to give hints, clues, all sorts of stuff. I think we got like seven questions, something like that. You know, also be very happy to know that I've been working diligently today for like half an hour, honestly. On my US state power rankings.
Starting point is 00:02:17 And I think the way that I'm going to divide it is, you know, I'm trying to figure out how to do it. We're going to do, you know, aepisode series. Obviously we've got 50 states to talk about. And this isn't just going to be me reading a list. This is going to be me sharing my memories, my thoughts, my opinions, state by state. The reason we're doing this US state power rankings now is because more or less by the end of the series, I'm going to have hit all 50 states.
Starting point is 00:02:45 And so I feel entitled to have an opinion that I'm going to share with you on all 50. I haven't figured out exactly how many weeks it's going to be, where we're going to end, but I'm thinking we're going to do a five week series. And that don't need to get started soonish because we're going to Hawaii, like third week of August, fourth week of August, I think. So we're going to Hawaii like third week of August, fourth week of August I think. So we're gonna get started on that shortly here. But I've been coming up the way it's gonna happen I think. Based off of what I was what I was working on today is that it's not gonna be like okay on this episode we're doing
Starting point is 00:03:20 15 through 41. Although it might you you know, it might, the way that my groupings turn out, it might be like between nine and 11 states per group, but they're, they're gonna be categorized by group. And certain groups will be like, oh, this state just really sucks, others will be like, this is underrated. They'll have the different groups. I think there's gonna be five of them,
Starting point is 00:03:40 which I think works for five episodes, will have, you know, their sort of naming conventions. And within those, we'll of them, which I think works for five episodes, will have their naming conventions. And within those, we'll rank them. At the end of the day, we'll go from 50 to one. But you should really focus less on what's the difference between 48 and 47, and which state falls into which group.
Starting point is 00:03:59 So that's what I'm thinking. I spent, I legitimately spent some time at the office today thinking about that. I also worked on some fantasy football stuff. Man, today was busy. I'll tell you that much. But heading back to summer fest, here's a little taste of who we're hoping to see. And I will say I was, I was doing a deeper dive into the lineup of summer fest and a
Starting point is 00:04:22 little disappointed, it was way too strong strong word but they do a lot of their stuff where it's like everyone's going at the same time at 9.30 and then maybe someone later at 10.15 but there's conflicts on both I think Thursday and Saturday where there's like two artists that I definitely want would want to see both of them and that's just not going to be possible. I think Thursday is John Fogarty and boys to men happening at the same time at both at 9.30 and then Portugal the man is at 10.15. And then I think Saturday or something it's both Rick Springfield and Death Cab at the same time.
Starting point is 00:04:58 It's like, well, that stinks. Like I would love to see both of those artists. So I've made my choices. I actually know, that's not true. I'm definitely seeing Deathcap on Saturday. I haven't seen a Deathcap show since the last time I was at Summer Fest, gosh, three years ago, I think. And the Thursday ones a little bit tougher
Starting point is 00:05:13 because I would love to see John Fogarty. I mean, that's just so, that's like classic rock royalty. But seeing boys to men would be pretty awesome you know, awesome too. I don't know if they still do all the crazy dance moves or if they just kind of like stand behind their mics now, but regardless, that would still be really fun to watch. So we got some choices to make regarding tomorrow night, Fogarty versus boys to men. But then Portugal, the man will be after that, which I'm really jazzed for. I haven't seen Portugal, the man ever in my life, that they've played as a band since releasing the lead single of their upcoming album.
Starting point is 00:05:50 So there's just a lot to be excited about, frankly. I think that's a great thing about this. I think it's a great thing to see the band. I think it's a great thing to see the band. I think it's a great show that they've played as a band since releasing the the lead single off their upcoming album. So there's just a lot to be excited about, frankly, a lot that I'm personally looking forward to.
Starting point is 00:06:13 It should be it'll be good to get out. Uh, actually, Ben and Milwaukee recently, I was there, what about a month and a half ago visiting with with my former roommate Sam. But otherwise, you know, outside of that trip and going to the deep south in January all the way back then, if you can believe it, I have not traveled it all this year. And it's, I'm just like, you know, the days are ticking off the calendar here. And I know I've got a lot of stuff coming up. We got Hawaii next month, doing a family vacation also in Wisconsin, hitting Wisconsin a million times later this month.
Starting point is 00:06:52 I've got, I'm gonna have some good work travel. I'm excited. Quick sidebar before we get into my rant here. I'm excited because original like, bean town season one, okay. You go back and look at just like the episodes you look at just the places we recorded from that used to be a staple of the show. Recording from interesting places like Memphis, Tennessee on the
Starting point is 00:07:17 banks of the Mississippi River with a bag of Gibson's donuts. I was gonna say a bad word earlier, and I forgot to give our listener discretion as advised, so I didn't say the bad word. Let's turn discretion as advised and we're listening to the Bean-Tum podcast. I'm on my location, I need some language.
Starting point is 00:07:33 Number two is podcast subjectly terrible. It's gonna say bad ass. I think about boys to men, I don't remember. But we, you know, I've podcasted from Parisburg, Pennsylvania, I've podcasted from Parisburg, Pennsylvania. I've podcasted from other places. I'm sure. No, definitely Wisconsin for sure, Indiana, I bet. You know, but we just haven't, we haven't had the New York
Starting point is 00:07:58 Alaska, we Texas, we just haven't had the chance to do that in a while, because I just haven't had the chance to do that in a while because I just haven't been traveling. One, COVID, pausing a lot of work travel. And then two, just, man, it's so expensive. It's such a pain in the ass. Life is just, man, the last year, two years, kind of coming out of heavy COVID here is just brutal. I feel trapped in a sense, which is not a bad thing because I live in Chicago
Starting point is 00:08:38 and thankfully there's something to do every day and there's family nearby, but man, it is tough. Just car rentals, gas, and you sort of flight price. So you just got to be more selective picking and choosing. But it's, it's okay between a couple of Wisconsin trips. Hawaii is a big crown jewel. The culmination of like 27 years of my life traveling, to be honest. I'm gonna be doing some work trips. I don't know exactly where yet. I'll actually have a better sense one week from now doing some travel work planning.
Starting point is 00:09:15 I am the director of Off-Campus Recruitment for our office. Put that on my LinkedIn profile. So I wouldn't be surprised. I can't make any promises yet, but I wouldn't be surprised if we had some upcoming episodes from places like New York City, perhaps, or Miami is on the table. There's even a chance in about two months here that I might go to Kansas City, which holds a special, this last thing I'll say holds a special place in my heart because Kansas City was where I was when I accepted this job that I currently work. I still remember getting the call. I was literally walking the streets of downtown just browsing.
Starting point is 00:10:04 I don't remember what I was doing really. talking the streets of downtown, just browsing. I don't remember what I was doing really. And I ended up having a call with the HR person and it was super windy and it was really hard to hear. But I love Kansas City, solid barbecue, not as good as the Memphis, but just a nice place. Great pride pride beautiful downtown banks of the
Starting point is 00:10:28 Missouri River That that might be coming up. That's a hell of a drive or a flight. So TBD. I'll keep you posted Okay, I wanted to do a mini rant here on the show before we jump into some trivia and My rant is this on the show before we jump into some trivia. And my rant is this. Taxpayers paying for sporting stadiums, sports stadiums. So the argument, and I'll say this,
Starting point is 00:11:03 this is not a new conversation, this is not my first time being made aware of the situation or how it works. But there's recent news today that Lori Lightfoot our beloved in quotation marks mayor of Chicago is exploring via mayoral committee, which I want to know. Hey, how do I get on one of those? I was on a committee at the law school this time last year about undocumented students and
Starting point is 00:11:37 I didn't really do anything, but you know what I remind me if You're listening to this, remind me, because I will forget in 20 minutes when the show wraps up. Email us, again. It's I'll put that on my LinkedIn resume. It's always good to be on committees, be part of organizations.
Starting point is 00:12:00 That's something that, if I'm being completely blunt with you, I don't really care about just that whole world in general. And people get really obsessed with it and hire it. They're like, oh, I'm part of Daca. I'm part of NSA. I'm part of NLSA. I'm part of NAFTA. I played a big role in drafting NATO.
Starting point is 00:12:24 Everyone's got to have acronyms. And what's with those people that put, you know, they get an online degree from the place that they work, and it's free, and then it's like an MLA, and then they put that next to everything. Email signatures, business cards, LinkedIn names, Facebook names, Twitter's, it's got to be John, John Smith, MLA, and then people are like what the hell is an MLA? When I was a kid, MLA was a formatting tool or a style, Ryan's styles.
Starting point is 00:13:08 And you would go to And it could have taken you 10 seconds. If you learned how to actually format MLA, you could have just done it by hand. It would have been super easy. But what you got, I'm giving myself severe PTSD right now and this is probably nightmare fuel for anyone out there listening. You go to you choose your format you got MLA you got APA to what I used in graduate school. You got
Starting point is 00:13:42 Chicago. I don't I don't know why we all need these different things. It's really, so seems so trivial. This is one of the reasons that I'm never going, don't have any current intention of going to school again to earn another degree. Like just not interested in the just, just trivial bullshit that is like, oh, is this formatting right?
Starting point is 00:14:09 Did you, you know, is your work cited perfect? Hey, you should make your your lit review longer. Like after doing that in my master's degree, I always thought I would go get a doctorate, but man, I just, I always thought I would go get a doctorate, but man, I just, I have zero interest. Like I would much rather go to plumbing school and learn how to plum. Then go get a doctor and have to put up with all the, you know, writing papers and, oh, set your source. And, you know what, I've got a space for papers
Starting point is 00:14:47 it's called slash block. Okay, you can read all my recent essays there. But you go to, you gotta put in author first name, last name, year titles, and then it will do a nice little format, but of course, it's a pain in the ass to export it there trying to get you to pay And I'm sipping on some white wine by the way, which is not a normal Wednesday activity for me But I was game ready to record and I was just like you know
Starting point is 00:15:19 I don't think I can do this whole show with you know ice water And I had two bottles of white wine in the fridge. I was like, this is an opportunity. Because my other options were white cloth surges, which I had one too many of this past weekend. And I think I had like three. So really wasn't that many. Spread out over three days. Four days really.
Starting point is 00:15:41 Friday. Saturday, Sunday, Monday. And then I'm almost out, almost out of whiskey. I am hanging on to the last drags, D-R-E-G-S or D-R-A-G-S. I don't know. Drugs, drugs. It's a tough word, hominemes. Of the, the whiskey I was gifted by my brother and future sister-in-law, Jack Nicole, good friends of the podcast, for my birthday, which was, gosh, three and a half months ago. I haven't bought whiskey because before that, I was working on, I was nursing a whiskey that my partner's boss got for me
Starting point is 00:16:31 Which I hey no complaints, but also I've never met him before. It's just kind of like okay No questions asked man and then also some scotch that I got which I think was for my birthday perhaps for Christmas from From Rachel's family. I don't recall the last time I bought whiskey or bourbon of any sort, liquor, really, it's been a while. And I'm almost out. I need to make a run. I need to get some, at some point, probably right after this weekend. But yeah, you export it to EasyBib, from EasyBib, you got a copy and paste it into your Word document and boom, there's your work site in.
Starting point is 00:17:08 Here's the thing, no one actually cares about work cited. Why? Because everyone has so little time to dig up your footnotes and check your sources and I'm I'm I never did like a full-on bullshit you know work-cited kind of thing when I was in high school or college or anything like that I was always honest and straightforward with that stuff but it would be so easy to just like totally pull stuff out of your ass make it look legit and no one's ever going to be the wiser because no teacher has the time to do that sort of thing.
Starting point is 00:17:53 So what I'm really bitching about here is regular old people like myself, taxpayers paying for these huge sports, arenas, stadiums, whatever you wanna call them, it's totally bogus. And the argument from these teams that pretty much own the stadiums is, hey, well, we're bringing in a bunch of tourism and stuff and, you know, that's benefiting you by living here. Here's the thing. If my tax dollars go pay for, and I don't know if this is actually the case, but I'm just going to include it as part of my argument,
Starting point is 00:18:40 because that's just kind of the way this show is going today. If my tax dollars pay for an Arlington Heights bear stadium, I don't really see the public good benefit that I'm personally receiving from that, even though you took taxes out of my paycheck to make it happen. You know, it's just kind of what what is a bunch of people going to Arlington Heights and gambling out there and drinking a lot and watching a terrible football team. How does that benefit me? It means more crowded metras. It means, you know, other things that are probably bad for me.
Starting point is 00:19:29 I just not seeing the positive benefits, but you charged me to make it happen. Where this dome at soldier field, who really wants that? I don't know, man. I'm just feeling a little pissed off. I really, I don't, I see that the argument that it like benefits the public good feels very thin to me. And while we're on the topic, I just fire and blind here. Not a fan of this whole Chicago Cubs fan Draft King's sports book that they're building at the corner of Clark and Sheffield, not Clark and Sheffield. Sheffield and Addison.
Starting point is 00:20:18 It's a behemoth. It's where the old Captain Morgan club used to be. It's completely shielding the stadium from that corner, which is a damn shame. That's my favorite corner of the park. It's just a little bit more quiet, a little bit more chill, not quiet, but like you go to Clark and Addison and it's a madhouse. You go to Sheffield, Madison. People are just kind of, you know, just kind of nice. Some good trees, Starbucks used to be there. But the worst thing about this is the Cubs have woefully W-O-E-F-U-L-L-Y, under spent on their roster this year.
Starting point is 00:21:05 I think they're literally 15th or 16th in the league in payroll, which is absurd for, excuse me, a team of their resources, some of the richest owners in baseball, the Ricketts family. They, you know, won a World Series six years ago. It's just ridiculous. They have spent so little on the team. The team sucks. Again, our ass is blasted. Although we have one four series in a row.
Starting point is 00:21:38 But we traded away all our star players. Not saying that was a good decision, bad decision. It's just like that, you did that. And so now we're spending all this money on this sportsbook so that you can just attract gamblers from the suburbs. Man, bad look. All right, let's change the pace here. Let's lighten things up. Let's say thanks to our sponsors, our good friends at Home Pride Oregon. If you need your home inspector in the central Oregon,
Starting point is 00:22:12 you need someone with Brady Bunch with those teaky necklaces. Shun, I made a reference to the Brady Bunch. Is it part of the show or is the movie when they go to Hawaii? I don't remember. This past weekend in the pool. I don't think anyone got it. You know, those 60 year old show references just aren't what they used to be anymore.
Starting point is 00:22:41 If you need your home inspected and central organ, call someone that you can trust. He's safe He's certified. He's like triply insured, I think He's my dad his name is Steve call him at 541-410-0316 or go to Guys if you're buying your home in this market you need a good home inspection Something that's gonna get it right the first time and all that jazz. Go to, check it out, tell Steve Quinn-Sentia, and you'll have
Starting point is 00:23:11 something to talk about, you know, and that's a start, because you want a good relationship with your home inspector. Our good friends, Samson Q2U series, delivering crisp, clean, and clear audio quality. We were talking about Jacob and Esau on a patio, on a balcony of good friends at the podcast, John Paul Pandowski, moved into a new place. Great view. And I told him, you know what, all of us talk about Jacob and Esau. I don't have my Samsung Q2 microphone series here. I don't feel crisp, I don't feel clear. So I'm glad to be glad to be back in a safe space.
Starting point is 00:23:51 Five days later here with my Samson Q2U series, premium quality microphone from Genesis to Exodus, Leviticus numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua Judges Ruth, the Kings, the Samuels, the Chronicles, all the way to Nahum, Nehemiah, and all that good stuff. When God speaks, he uses the Samson. And of course, our occurs, struggling here. It's just kind of, I don't usually podcast at the end
Starting point is 00:24:16 of a day. I don't do night podcasting as much, just generally. I'm more of either like a Friday afternoon guy or like a earlier Saturday or Sunday kind of guy. I don't do it at night very frequently. I told you how busy I was today with fantasy football and other not-work-related things so that just man that took it out of me. So I'm stumbling a little bit here. I promise we're gonna finish our ad reads, we're gonna do some trivia and we're gonna call it a day. We're already do some trivia and we're gonna call it a day.
Starting point is 00:24:46 We're already at 25 minutes. This is gonna be a nice summer bean town podcast. Nothing too short, so you don't feel gyped. Nothing bloated in long. Although you wanna talk about bloated, me for like the last six days. Man, today's not as bad, but boy, caught a couple of glimpses of myself in the mirror. It broke down right then in their tears. And then we're gonna, you
Starting point is 00:25:13 were gonna, we're gonna end it. But to finish our ad reads here, good friends at CutsbyQ, guys, ladies, transgenders, non-binary, whatever the, you know, A is an LGBTQIA plus, I think it's ally. When you need a fresh do something snappy, you're going to want to go to want a Chicago's oldest independent barbershops serving Northwest Indiana, Chicago and Cook County, all the way up to like Kenosha really, because that's how far the Metro goes. And if you do race scene, I got to do a Amtrak and that's like 40 bucks versus eight bucks. It's just simple dollars and cents. When you need to fresh do something snappy and new, I didn't even finish that thought. That's okay.
Starting point is 00:26:06 Call the experts at Cuts by Q. Bean Tompod, or Cuts by Q, Again, that's Cuts by Q at You can also check out our featured styles on Bean slash Cuts-by-Q. I couldn't get those dashes out of there. I couldn't figure out how to do it. So you're just gonna have to live with it. Okay, as promised, I have, let's see,
Starting point is 00:26:33 one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. July 6th, bean town Podcast trivia questions for you all. I'm going to move through this pretty quickly. I'm going to keep the editorialization. I'll take nine-letter, nine syllable words, Alex, for 1600, to a minimum. And again, I tried to design these. They're all July 6th themed. I didn't throw any cake walks out there,
Starting point is 00:27:07 but I also didn't throw any 99-mile-power sweep sliders from Randy Johnson and MLB high heat 2004. Okay, kind of toad that line, if you will. I think they I think they are they're more of like a 45-mile-power Ricky Shahada softball. Good friend of the show, Tariq Shahada, who pitched in Little League one time, I think one time only, well we were playing him and it did not go well. Just a slower pitch than what we traditionally saw. And the runs started flowing out there on a June night in Bauman Park. So I think they're more like that.
Starting point is 00:27:58 No offense to Tarek or anyone. It's just a memorable night. I had fun. I don't speak for Tariq. Speaking of which, Tariq, quick plug. Tariq has new music out. You should go check it out. You can just, I don't know, Bandcamp, Spotify, I'm not sure. If you just Google Tariq Shahada music.
Starting point is 00:28:19 T-A-R-I-Q space, S-H-I, H-A-D- HADH space music MUSI K like it's Eastern European music like Brahms or Bartok It's a great K name Or De Forge Act a lot of Ks So you can spell music with a K or a C. I don't care You're you're the one typing man, not me.
Starting point is 00:28:49 He's got new music out. Go check him out. He's been on the show before. Good friend of the show. Okay, without further ado, here we have some July 6th themed trivia for you all. These are in no particular order. I tried to keep the categories varied. There are, there's one question that has a follow-up, so it's really the same category. And then there's two baseball themed questions. And that's just okay, because I'm a baseball fan. And you're gonna have to be one, two.
Starting point is 00:29:18 Okay, here we go, first trivia question. It starts and ends with baseball. So here's our first trivia question. trivia question, it starts and ends with baseball. So here's our first trivia question. On July 6th, 1944, this second army lieutenant and future infielder, who would go on to win National League MVP five years later, so in 1949, was arrested for refusing to give up his seat on a military bus to presumably a white man. That wasn't included in my research, but you have to figure that's the case. A white someone. Either a man, woman, anyone else on the spectrum, anyone from the LGBTQIA plus community,
Starting point is 00:30:01 I didn't find any further details. I'll say one more time. On July 6th, not without the extra comments. On July 6th, 1944, this second Army lieutenant and future infielder who would go on to win NL MVP five years later was arrested for refusing to give up his seat on a military bus to a white man. And I want to say before we reveal the answer and go any further, these are all original questions came up with them myself to the research, so you can pat me on the back later. For helping you learn some new factoids, they're all July 16. Okay. I don't know. I mean, you don't need to be a baseball fan to have a guest at this one and kind of put the pieces
Starting point is 00:30:43 together, put the timeline together and come up with an educated guest. The answer to this one and kind of put the pieces together, put the timeline together and come with an educated guess. The answer to this one is probably the one you're expecting. It's probably the only black baseball player from that era that you can name unless you're just a huge satchel page guy. The answer to this one is Jackie Robinson. Jackie Robinson was in the army during World War II. I don't think he ever like served overseas or anything like that. Although I don't know that for sure. And yeah, he was arrested for refusing to give up his seat
Starting point is 00:31:12 on a bus. The OG Rosa Parks. How about that? All right, question two. We're going a little bit further back in time here. Actually, a lot further back in time. Another one where I think, hey, if you just use some common sense, put it together, not trying to put any pressure on you, but see if you can see if you can get this one. On July 6th. And again, none of these
Starting point is 00:31:43 questions, I'll say this, we're one down six to go. None of these questions are designed to be tricky or you know, trip you up or fool you. These are just straightforward ones. I want people of all ages, all backgrounds, all LGBTQIA pluses to get this one or these ones. Okay. Here we go. Second question. On July 6th, 1787, the first ever US coin worth one cent was minted. On the back was an image of how many chains linked together circling the phrase, we are one. Maybe an early Pat Benner-Tar thing, I don't know, I didn't find that in my research. I'll say it one more time and then I'll reveal the answer. Again, we're looking for the number of chains that were linked
Starting point is 00:32:24 together. On July 6, 1787, the first ever US coin worth one cent was minted. On the back was an image of this mini chains linked together in circling the phrase, we are one. Not in Latin, I like that. We're going to think of this right off the bat. Okay, so how many chains was it? 1787? Well what's the only number at that stage of US history that really has significance? In my mind it's 13 and that is the correct answer, 13 colonies. Okay so there are 13 chains on the back of the first ever US coin. Okay, here we go. Oh, the music heads. The England heads will love this one. Okay, the film buffs on July 6th, 1964. This musical comedy film starring the Beatles opens. The film would go on to be named the 88th greatest British film of the 20th century by the British Film Institute.
Starting point is 00:33:26 I'm looking for the name of the film. I have never seen it, I don't know anything about it, I don't plan to watch it. I'm not Beatles Head, but I'll say it one more time, and then I'll reveal the answer. On July 6, 1964, this musical comedy film starring the Beatles opens. The film would go on to be named the 88th greatest British film of the 20th century by the British Film Institute. And the answer to that is a hard day's night. Apparently this was right in the middle of Bielmania, and I was actually doing some research on other July six related things.
Starting point is 00:34:10 And I saw it was one of those websites that you just right off the bat, you can tell this is not gonna be legit. I found another Beatles related fact, it said on July 6, 1967, John Lennon and Paul McCarty meet for the first time and I said to myself, that does not sound right at all. Apparently it's 1957.
Starting point is 00:34:32 Okay, but the answer to that is a Hard Days night. If you've watched the film, let us know. Tweet at me. I'm at White Buns with a Z, the show is at Beentown Cast. We'd love to hear your review of a hard days night. Okay, moving on. Here is this sort of two-parter. We'll see if you can get them. Okay, on July 6th, 1946, this US president, former US president, the only US President ever hold an MBA is born. A Master's in Business Administration.
Starting point is 00:35:09 I'll say it one more time. It's a pretty straightforward question. I'm just asking you which President was born on this date and giving you a little clue. On July 16, 1946, this former US President, he's the only US President ever hold an MBA, is born. And the answer to that is George W. Bush. And you probably know what the follow-up question is going to be. What was George Bush's NBA GPA? No, I'm kidding. Which Ivy League school is George W. Bush's MBA from. So where did George W. Bush earn his MBA from? The answer to that is Harvard Business School. All right, I have three left for you. We got one
Starting point is 00:36:00 pop culture, we got one science, and we got one sports. Okay, I think this might be the toughest one out of all of these. Although I am hamming, if you didn't know anything about George W. Bush's education background, then you would have had like a one in, I guess eight, guess if you know all Ivy League schools, although I can't, I don't know for sure that all eight Ivy League schools have business schools. I think that's the case, but I don't know much about Dartmouth
Starting point is 00:36:32 and Brown, to be honest. So I won't go so far as to say that. So if you could think, okay, which former US president, 1946, which former US president is currently 76 or whatever, and you know that they have an MBA. Hey, I mean, maybe you would guess Clinton. I think Clinton would be a fair guess as well. I think those two guys are really your only guesses. I mean, there's only so many to choose from. You have still alive. You have Carter is definitely older than that. Then you have Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump.
Starting point is 00:37:07 So I think really your choices were between, although I don't think, honestly, like Trump wouldn't have been a terrible guest either, if we're being honest. Okay, I don't want to comment anymore. You can determine for yourself, was it hard, was it tough? Is this next one tough?
Starting point is 00:37:21 But this one is a little bit more interesting. You're gonna, maybe you might know this one right off the bat or you might have to do some piecing together or you might have to take a guess. But we'll see. Okay, on July 6th, 1927, Janet lay, is it lay? Janet Lee, I think it's Janet Lay. I'll E-I-G-H is born. Known by many for starring in the film Psycho, I want you to tell me the name of her daughter, whom younger generations may know from a horror film of her own. I'll give you a clue, not just one film, but a franchise. Okay, so I'll say it one more time, and if I'm butchering the pronunciation of her last
Starting point is 00:38:00 name, I feel terrible, because I thought I knew it. On July 6, 1927, Janet Lay is born, known by Mini for starring in the film Psycho, tell me the name of her daughter, whom younger generations may know from a horror film or franchise of her own. And, you know what, if you don't know it at this point, I'll give you a little clue. You might know her from a yogurt commercial, or a series of yogurt commercials. The real young generations might know her from the remake of Freaky Friday, with Lindsey Lohan. The answer is, of course, Jamie Lee Curtis,
Starting point is 00:38:43 father Tony Curtis. Okay, Jamie Lee Curtis, father Tony Curtis. Okay, Jamie Lee Curtis, mom is Janet Lay. I think. So that website I found that on was not the same one as the Beatles one. That said they made it in 1967. Okay, yeah, we're good. All right, Wikipedia confirms it,
Starting point is 00:39:03 just like my bibliography. All right, two more questions here. This one I struggled because originally made it and it was too hard, so it wasn't enough clues. And so then I added one clue and that maybe makes it really easy, but I don't know. Let's just throw it out there. Science has the category. July 6, 1885 marked the first ever successful testing of this R vaccine, R in quotations,
Starting point is 00:39:31 by Louis Pasteur, damn French, P-A-S-T-E-U-R. Say it one more time, July 6, 1885 marked the first ever successful testing of this R vaccine. It's not pirates, it starts with an R by Louis Pasteur. So basically tell me a vaccine from the 19th century that starts with an R. And I guess your options are like Rubella is that Scarlet fever. We're learning so much here on the Bean Tom podcast. Rubella is German measles.
Starting point is 00:40:12 I thought Rubella had like a, I guess it is, you know, German measles. So I guess Rubella is like the common, more common name for it, I guess, by me, or for me at least. But what's the thing they say, like you get a three day measles, you get a like,
Starting point is 00:40:30 there's, it's an acronym, and I think there's three letters, Rubella is one of them. It's like your RMP vaccine or something like that, and it covers three different things. Rubella vaccine. This came up on like, jeopardy or something like that,
Starting point is 00:40:46 maybe two months ago. MMR, there it is. Okay, I'm not crazy. MMR is very safe and effective. This is from CDC, of course they're gonna say that. Okay, but what is the MMR vaccine? Measles, Mumps and Rubella is my guess. Measles, Mumps and Rubella. Hey, look who is a little scientist.
Starting point is 00:41:07 Look who got an A in college biology. Look who got a B plus in chemistry. Still, still passing, okay? Like Nell Larson. Passing, read that book. Loving V. Virginia. Okay, so rabies was the answer is the rabies vaccine. First successful testing in 1885. We made it. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. I decided no, I said let's make it a little bit easier. So here we go. On July 6th, 1933, Major League Baseball hosted the first of these games played at Chicago's Komiski Park.
Starting point is 00:41:56 So I want you to tell me the type of game it was. Again, one more time on July 6, 1933, Major League Baseball hosted the first ever of these games played at Chicago's Kamiski Park, which people don't know is 35th and well, 35th Street or the Chicago White Sox Plate. Now known as Guaranteed Rate Field. I think, unless they changed it again. I don't know. Did they? I don't. I manual. Let's look this up. White because it was the cell, white socks, stadium, and then it changed to Guaranteed Rate, but it did change, did it change back
Starting point is 00:42:41 to something else? No, it's still Guaranteed. OK, so the answer here, what game, what type of game was played first in 1933, July 6th? It was the All-Star game, the Summer Classic. I cared a lot about the All-Star game when I was a kid. I just, it felt very magical. It felt really fun. I could give two shits about it now. But I definitely recall having a fun time watching it grow up and I think growing up
Starting point is 00:43:08 There was a span of like 10 straight seasons where the AL one Ichiro Suzuki hit an inside the park home run. I think in an AL all-star game You're gonna want to check that out Pull up the YouTube. There's your homework for next week each row All-star game inside the park home run. Yeah, there it is 2.5 2.8 million views on YouTube. That's pretty good is in 2007 Okay, that was some bean town July 6th trivia for you. I figured I didn't want to do a full
Starting point is 00:43:42 Trivia episode. I didn't want to just bitch for a full episode. Let's meld the two together and that's what I came up with. I don't think it starts next week, but it could is our I believe five part US 50 state power ranking series. It'll be the biggest endeavor We've done on the Bington podcast in a while in terms of an actual series of episodes. We don't typically do that. So I'm looking forward to it. I hope you are too. You're going to learn a lot about the United States and my mostly unresearched opinions of them. So you have that to look forward to. But most of all, I hope I'm not sure if you've ever learned something. I'm not sure if you've ever learned something. I'm not sure if you've ever learned something. I'm not sure if you've ever learned something.
Starting point is 00:44:28 I'm not sure if you've ever learned something. I'm not sure if you've ever learned something. I'm not sure if you've ever learned something. I'm not sure if you've ever learned something. I'm not sure if you've ever learned something. I'm not sure if you've ever learned something. I'm not sure if you've ever learned something. I'm not sure if you've ever learned something.
Starting point is 00:44:44 I'm not sure if you've ever learned something. I'm not sure if you've ever learned something. military. Maybe you learned that Jamie Lee Curtis mom was in psycho right? Like it's silly for you maybe but maybe you also learned something and I hope you did. That's what I'm trying to do. I want you to laugh. I want you to learn a little bit and maybe reminisce with me about how silly bibliographies are. Okay? Everyone, that's what I got for you. We're gonna queue up our outro music. I'm going to summer fest. I'm gonna see maybe boys to men,
Starting point is 00:45:12 maybe Fogarty, Death Cab, Portugal, the man. Skillet, Christian Heavy Metal Band, they are sick. If you don't know skillet, go check them out. They rock. I'm not bullshitting you. I fucking love those guys. That's what I got. Here comes our outro music.
Starting point is 00:45:30 Most importantly, stay safe. Stay sane. I'll check in on you next time. Happy Wednesday y'all. Bye. I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just, I'm just going to say ndご視聴ありがとうございました Thank you.

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