Beantown Podcast - Thanksgiving 2019

Episode Date: November 24, 2019

Quinn comes to you LIVE from Chicago for his 2019 Thanksgiving special to discuss the things he's thankful for, including Portugal. The Man, Th 8-Bit Boyz, and how the heck we're supposed to treat thi...s plantar fasciitis

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Fernos welcome to my show Quinn David Fernos presents Bean Tom podcast for Sunday November 24th 2018 nope 2019 Isn't time weird sometimes when you think about it. You're like it's 2019 I guess Part of you still kind of feels like You know you're still a 2014, 2015 kind of person. I don't know if it's Obama or if it's, you know, we could get away with more stuff back than Hashtag, Justice for Harvey Weinstein. Harvey Weinstein. Weinstein.
Starting point is 00:00:46 No, I disagree with those views. Killer start to the podcast. I am a big supporter, though, as long as we're on the topic of viral hashtags of Hashtag Freeblogoivich. And actually saw a tweet about, it wasn't about BagoaVitch, but it was about some governor or politician or somebody getting, you know, like five or six years from some petty crime and people on Twitter were going crazy and I was like, you know,
Starting point is 00:01:19 Brad BlagoaVitch got what, 14 years for the whole Obama scandal. So probably Obama's fault in the first place. And you don't, you know, Trump's so focused on we should, you know, investigate Hunter Biden, we should investigate Hillary's emails. Why haven't we gone in investigation into Obama's Senate seat? Maybe throw Roland Burris under the bus? I don't know. What do you think that guy's doing these days? Roland Burris. There's a name that I bet you might have thought you were never going to hear again in your lifetime. Roland Burris. I'm pretty sure it is what it is. If it wasn't that'd be embarrassing.
Starting point is 00:01:59 I don't think he's right here. His name ever got your lifetime. Well, no shit. He's not a real person. I'm pretty sure Roland Burris is the name of the guy who took over. He was Senator Villanoi for, I don't know, probably like a year maybe if that. His seat is now filled by, hmm, Tammy Duckworth maybe, but Roland Burst was the guy who bought the Senate seat from Blegoyevich and Obama's old Senate seat because he used to be Obama and Durbin and now it's then it was Durbin and Burris and then I think someone else took over and now I think Tammy Duckworth is the senator who sits in that seat. Oh boy, we got panic outside. I always loved how that button on the cart is called panic. You got to yell
Starting point is 00:02:53 it out really loud like panic. Panic at the disco. Is it panic exclamation point at the disco? We'll get our research team on that. I don't know if I know any panic at the disco songs that I've tied my head. You know that one band walked the moon? They had that one song. I know, I know, I know, I know. That's not how it went, but I can't remember. Come on and dance with me.
Starting point is 00:03:20 Don't you dare look back. Here's a hold of the, I said you're holding back, I said you're up and dance with me. Oh, the dance was somebody, I wanna feel like it was somebody, Oh, the dance was somebody, with somebody who loves me. That was Walk the Moon by Shut Up and Dance With Me. This is a podcast for Sunday, November 24, 2019. God, I rate that time. It's like one of those movies where the titled card, titled card. The entitled card doesn't come on, come on until like 20 minutes
Starting point is 00:04:06 through, except for only four minutes or so. It's really not like that at all. Start Thanksgiving special. Wow. Who would even thought, um, struggling with the words today? You're probably thinking, wow, Quinn is blessed on a Sunday. I'm not one glass of whiskey and that's it. not one glass of whiskey in and that's it. Although I do have some logonitas, hop, stupid, which is a fun, strong IPA that I've taken one sip of. It's pretty much full, sinned for me. On my coffee table, my coffee table, which is an interesting like mint green color. I think it's from IKEA. I think the title was or the name was like Fall Bard or something like that with four A's and It's been a solid coffee table here get get a get a good listen
Starting point is 00:04:58 What is that? Arctic cherry or something like that. That sounds like a flavor of like Mr. Freeze or I see whatever they're called that you get at the movie theaters when you're 12 and you're going with your buddy Jared to see a B movie. Some of the I don't remember all of the movies that we saw but it was this weird because you had to you know you know, so we were like, twin-agers, right? We were like, 12, 13, 14, because our parents were still picking us up. And we would go see these movies, not bad movies,
Starting point is 00:05:34 but just like, you know, usually PG movies that normally now would just be like, whatever. But for example, we saw a B movie, right? It's like, okay, kind of interesting, but like a Jerry Seinfeld animated, like the whole thing is just odd. And we decided we wanted to see that in theaters. That was probably like, when did B movie come out?
Starting point is 00:05:54 2008, something like that. So it's probably like 13. A B movie before that, B movie might have been a really worse than that. We saw the Jim Carrey series of unfortunate events in theater together, which was actually an okay movie. I don't think the TV series on Netflix got a ton of press, but they did, you know, they put out three different seasons of it, didn't they? Yeah, three seasons. Neil Patrick Harris
Starting point is 00:06:20 played Count Olaf. That was good. It's something that you don't think a lot of people realize or even think about. It didn't have much of like a cultural impact. They promoted a decent amount on Netflix, but it didn't get a lot of external buzz, if you will. But it was well done in terms of like, sticking to the source material. I mean, that was the first time they'd ever put that to screen. And, you know, these books have been out for, what, 15, 20 years. So, that was pretty impressive,
Starting point is 00:06:56 because the movie only goes up through the first three books, and the film managed to pull off all of them, which, when you, if you, or the TV series managed to pull off all of them, which when you, if you, or the TV series managed to pull off all 13 books, which if you watch, you know, the second and the third season, which that was the first time those had put on TV or film, you'll realize how it goes from like a dark, like children's tale to the last couple of books
Starting point is 00:07:22 are just kind of like, what is this? It's like mystery, but some coming of age as well, actually a lot of coming of age. It's just a very different tone that Lemony, Snicket, A.K. Daniel, whatever his name wrote. It's interesting. It's a really fascinating book series. It's very complex, very complicated, some really intriguing, just like commentary on morality and ethics and so it's interesting. How did we get to a series of unfortunate events? Netflix, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:08:07 Speaking of Netflix, I've watched more Netflix in the last 24 hours than I probably have in the last month. I've been watching Better Call Saul. Oh, I don't know why it took me so long to get to this. The honest reason is I was just waiting for it to build up a little bit on Netflix in terms of the amount of episodes so that I could sit down and watch a lot of it. So if you don't know, BetterClaught's Saul is about to start season five, I think, and
Starting point is 00:08:36 I believe it's the last season, which should more or less lead you up to the start of breaking bed. It's a great show show man. It's very much Not very much. It's a decent amount like a legal drama So there are aspects of like the wire Built into it, but is very much event skill again style project The first three seasons are in Netflix right now, and I believe the fourth season will drop as soon as the fifth season starts, which is in January.
Starting point is 00:09:08 I'm in the middle of the second season right now. It's so good. It's pretty tight and compact in terms of its characters and its storylines. It doesn't branch out at time. And because of that, some of the episodes While the character just still compelling like what they spend their time doing is just a little mundane
Starting point is 00:09:31 Like the episode I just watch I think was season two episode five maybe As one of those episodes we were like nothing happens But it's also like the the conversations weren't that interesting but it's also like the conversations weren't that interesting. And people are still doing stuff that will be important to get from point A to point B, but it's just kind of like a, okay. But overall, man, it was so good. I think I watched three or four episodes last night, which is anyone who knows me knows that I love movies,
Starting point is 00:10:01 but one thing I never do is just sit down and this whole concept of binge watching is not something that I love movies, but one thing I never do is just sit down and this whole concept of binge watching is not something that I do because I, one, I really have time to just be like, going to sit down, going to watch this and this and this and this. It's rare for me to, you know, be able to have time slash stay awake to watch one, one, 42, 43 minute episode of something. Otherwise, they just, yeah. So last night was an anomaly, anomaly,
Starting point is 00:10:36 A and, A, M, O, L, Y, like, anomaly. Watched a couple of episodes of Breaking Bad, which is good, because I've been working on it, but I, you know, it's a situation where I maybe watch like one episode a week in the last night. Boom, like a volcano, I just erupted
Starting point is 00:10:55 and watched a lot of it. It's so good. If you watched Breaking Bad and you thought it was amazing, which it was, better call salt, definitely worth your time, just if nothing else, and there's so much more to this, but if nothing else, just to get more Bob Oden Kirk, who, it's amazing how this guy, you know, was a really good comedian, had a fine career, and then all of a sudden got this role and just went into like mega start-up status. Yeah, it's just career, career defining roles. He's really good. Jonathan Banks is really good. They've really added a lot to his
Starting point is 00:11:36 just like emotional development in these prequels. And then you get some really compelling work from Michael McKean as well. Oh, and they're, you know, I'm sure. So don't spoil for me. Okay, don't send us any emails. Being Tom Podcast,, that's again, this bean town. Being in the podcast, Don't spoil the development of the Chuck character,
Starting point is 00:12:00 but that relationship is amazing. I just watched the episode where they have dinner, the flashback with his then wife who I assume is ex-wife now or maybe deceased. And Jimmy's telling all the lawyer jokes and the wife is really into it and Chuck is just pissed off as brother. Oh, it's so good. Michael McKin amazing actor. In fact, this whole cast, I mean, this season you get Ed Begley Jr. in there as well. Michael McKin is amazing. Bob Owen Kirk obviously. Oh, damn, it's good. Vince Gilligan, you bastard. You've done it again. Speaking of bastards, listen to your discussion
Starting point is 00:12:44 as advised when you're listening to the show. Number one, we'll occasionally use some language and you already have this episode. So a little late on the discussion there, Q. Number two, podcasts is ejaculate terrible. I was seriously toying with the idea toying. It's about four or five o'clock. The thing with the light, this, the amount of daylight at this time of year, I mean, the sun is setting at like four o'clock, four, fifteen, which, like, Quinn, this is the first year doing this. No, this is year 24, 25, something like that for me. But for some reason I was thinking like, oh, winter, sun says at five.
Starting point is 00:13:29 No, it's before five and it's pitch black outside. I don't know why I was thinking differently, but in I can say when I work downtown, which is normal because that's where I work. With all the tall buildings, you get to 330 or so and it's like, yeah, it's as stark outside. It's kind of like, imagine how bad it is if you work on like wall shoot or something. You go out for your lunch break and you're watching the sunset. Of course, the sun's rises a little you know, sometime in the 6 a.m. hour, but still, I'm never out that early, except for yesterday it was because I had to work
Starting point is 00:14:12 in the loop very, very early. So I was walking to the train at about 6.45, something like that, and it was bright out, which my body was not ready for. But it's our Thanksgiving Thanksgiving special believe it or not So you might be thinking hey Quinn. What are you thankful for? Well There's a lot lots one pack here isn't there I'm clearly thankful for better call Saul because it's just been fun to
Starting point is 00:14:41 experience that for the first time and Maybe if I watch it a lot over Christmas break, then I can watch each episode as it comes out for season five. It'd be a lot of work, but I think I'm up to the challenge, the task at hand. I have a lot of time next weekend to just lounge, right?
Starting point is 00:15:00 Four-day weekend and only days I have plans for our Thursday. Thanksgiving Day. Otherwise, it's gonna be a lot of television. What else am I thankful for? Well, that's a good question. I was playing a lot of guitar actually today. I don't, I haven't been able to play as much lately as I would like to, but I was playing some good death cab.
Starting point is 00:15:27 Ben Gibberd, I thought about bringing some on the podcast, but yeah, I just figured, if I don't want to listen to it, you don't want to listen to it. But that brings me to another point. I'm thankful for the band Coldplay, the British band. They dropped their new album two days ago, was it? Three days ago, something like that. Called Everyday Life, and I know a lot of the tracks that had already been out in some form or another, not necessarily leaked, Coldplay just did like a, they released almost the
Starting point is 00:15:57 entire album before it actually came out. I like the album. I've only intentionally set down a listen to it straight through once, but immediately, I think it's a lot better than their previous installment from 2015. I can't really say it's better or worse than Ghost Stories, because Ghost Stories in the Coldplay Disgography, excuse me, is just like very different. Not so much in terms of the sound, but just in terms of the purpose of the album, you know, they didn't tour with it, all they're not touring with this album either. It was very much like a heartbreak, break-up
Starting point is 00:16:37 album. It's just very different than anything else they've ever done. So it's hard to judge that. It's kind of its own little thing. Milo's Alito, I think it's fairly similar to Milo's Alito in terms of how much it bounces around to different sounds and stuff. But I like it a lot. If you just want a little taste, go listen to Arabic. They bring on a failed kudi son, I don't call his name something kudi So really interesting horn section a French singer who I'm less familiar with and then It's just yeah really compelling kind of like Like violet hill or something just a different than usual cold play song, but it works so well It sounds very much like a like Kamasi Washington record or something.
Starting point is 00:17:27 Obviously Chris Martin is different than Patrice, what's her name? O'Neal. Not Patrice Burjeron, who's still active, I assume? I don't know. I kind of stopped keeping track of the Bruins after the 2013 Stanley Cup. To me, that was still like last year, but yeah, I've been a little off from then. The Bruins were just the 2013 Stanley Cup. To me, that was still like last year,
Starting point is 00:17:45 but I've been a little off from then. The Bruins were just in the Stanley Cup this last year. Was Patrice Burz around there? I don't know. We, someone from our team can check on that. But yeah, thankful for that Coldplay album. That was fun. Now what I really want,
Starting point is 00:18:03 I mean, we had a new Death Cab on the C. We got a new Coldplay album, that was fun. Now what I really want, I mean, we had a new death cab album this year, we got a new Coldplay album. I would really love, there's two bands that I'm itching for some new stuff from Arcade Fire, because I think they're going to come back with something really good. I think everything now was not necessarily a misstep, because it was a very intentional project,
Starting point is 00:18:21 and I think they did what they wanted with it, but it's just like not that memorable and not that powerful. So much of their music, which this is the whole point of the album, but so much of their music in that album was just so surface level, which is what the album was all about, was surface level things. But, you know, I just want something from them with a little bit more power. I've been watching a lot of their SNL stuff. Yesterday, actually, and, oh, give me some of that stuff again. I would love some new arcade fire. And then something that I think people have just
Starting point is 00:18:57 completely forgot about, even though they were so big, just like a year ago, tears ago, Portugal and man. I'm not sure what they're doing right now. I don't follow any of those guys on social media and I don't think any of them are really into social media. John Gurley or whatever the basis name is. I mean, feel it still and that album was summer 2017. So we're already at two and a half years since then. I don't feel it's still such a big song still, no pun intended. He's still here to
Starting point is 00:19:33 commercials and movie trailers and stuff, but I'm actually going to write that down. I got to see what those guys are up to. I was actually I was looking at a list earlier today of the best indie bands of all time and I'm sorry, death cab was on there and Portugal and Man was on there as well. Yeah, really listening to music from those guys. I'm a hashtag thankful for those two bands. Hopstupid is 8% by alcohol. Alcohol, 8% by volume is what it is. It says OG 1.805. Maybe we can have some of our beer drinkers
Starting point is 00:20:20 let us in on what that is. Thankful for friends, of course. It's a classic trope, but it's true. I have some friends. So sorry, this shout out is buried so much in the 21st minute of our pseudo Thanksgiving special. But I have some friends who play in an Nintendo theme song cover band. So I think Super Mario Brothers, or Yoshi, or I guess this part of Super Mario Brothers,
Starting point is 00:21:01 or Link, Hyrule Temple, Legend of Zelda, or like, you know, Link, Hyrule Temple, Legend of Zelda, stuff like that. So they, every other Thursday for the most part, are at Replay and Lincoln Park, which is pretty much at diversity and Sheffield, and it's a video game bar if you've never been. It's a fun little place. All the games are free.
Starting point is 00:21:26 And they host Super Smash Bros. They bring a TV and GameCube. And they play, you have the game, excuse me, struggling to think about this year. Super Smash Bros. melee is the game you play on a game cube and just anyone can come play and it's fun you have some drinks. Listen to band here's the where the band comes into play. As you're playing the game they play the theme song for that specific level that you're playing.
Starting point is 00:21:58 It's a lot of fun they play two sets with a little break in between eight thirties on thirth days go it out. They'll be there a week from Thanksgiving. They're a lot of fun. You'll get a free sticker. And yeah, come hang out with the boys. And shout out for them on Facebook. Go like them on Facebook once they get to 2000 likes. They have agreed to play the We Me.
Starting point is 00:22:24 I don't know what it is, MII theme song for an hour straight. So that could be fun. Things to keep an eye on on. But yeah, that's the eight bit boys. They're a lot fun, it's a fairly new project. But I went to college with most, if not all of those guys in the band, roommates with a couple
Starting point is 00:22:45 of them, one or two of them in the past. So yeah, it's fun and they have a lot of fun with it. So anyways, go check them out. You can find some of their music on SoundCloud and they are a lot of fun. Otherwise I'm thankful for Homebright Oregon and their prices. You can't beat them. I'm not going to read the full ad today, because I'm just feeling lazy. And I forgot to pull up the advertising before we started here. I'm also thankful for the Samsung Q2U series.
Starting point is 00:23:25 It gives you crisp clean audio quality every time you can trust it, even like you go a full meter away from your mouth. You still get pretty clear quality. It might just have to lean into that little speaker a little bit more to understand what I'm saying. But then it comes back to you like, wow, that shirt was crisp.
Starting point is 00:23:44 Remember when God speaks? He'll use the Samsung. I don't know what's going on with the Conners. Is it still running? I don't know. I don't have cable. I don't, you don't even need cable to watch the Conners. You just need a B.C.
Starting point is 00:23:59 It's a network, Quinn. I don't know. I did see a television advertisement for last man standing while I was watching a football game today. I didn't realize that that show was still on. That's interesting. Tim Allen is such a divisive figure, not only in his personal life, but in the life that he portrays on his character through last man standing. I've never watched an episode. I've just read about it and seen clips and stuff, but it's interesting. There's a market out there
Starting point is 00:24:31 somewhere, probably the same market as Roseanne, and then cuts by Q. In fact, I was doing, I did some serious landscaping in my neck area and my chest area. No, I didn't shave my chest, just trimmed around the nips particularly. Cuts by Q. We'll do your hair, we'll do your chest, we'll do your pubes, we'll even shave your legs. It could be an arduous process, but I think I'm up for the challenge.
Starting point is 00:25:04 Hey, quick shout out to the not shout out, but call out. That's not what I want to say. Something out to the listeners. For those podcasts host out there, we need some advice is what we're looking for. It's an advice question. Oftentimes we'll answer advice questions on this podcast today where you're asking an advice question.
Starting point is 00:25:25 So for those of you who have dealt with planter fasciitis in the past, what have you done to solve it? Because you go online, you go to WebMD, and after you get past the part where it says you have cancer, it says, look, to solve or to heal from planter fasciitis, you just need to stay off your feet. Well, look, here's the deal. Look, here's the deal with plantar fasciitis.
Starting point is 00:25:54 Not even good enough. I was in the car earlier today with my brother's girlfriend and oh, it was Thanos. And, boy, I have completely lost my Trump impression. It was solid back in like 2015 when it was fun to do a Trump impression. I haven't tried to do one in a while, and I tried it today just for time on something in it, boy.
Starting point is 00:26:15 It was like the Hindenburg going down, man. Real bad. What was that, Jack Nicholson? What even was that? Plantar fasciitis. The online says just rest. Well, the way I am, if I rest for two weeks, three weeks, it's just gonna mess everything up if I'm not working out.
Starting point is 00:26:37 I mean, I struggle to, I will struggle to keep, wait off, I'm not, you know, eating enough to have significant weight game, but it's just going to be a pain in the butt to try to lose later. It'll make my days a lot longer because I like to work out during my lunch break. So I can go into the office, work from 9 to 1, go workout, come back, work from 2 to 5, boom, I'm done. I'll just have too much energy, I won't sleep as well. So then you say, well, Quinn, do an exercise
Starting point is 00:27:07 where you stay off your feet. Well, I'm not really sure what to do. I mean, I only run three times a week right now, and then my cardio the other three days is biking and elliptical, which really doesn't cause a lot of stress on your feet. And you say, well, Quinn, why won't you just swim? Well, swimming is a type of activity where it's great to say, yeah, she just goes swim,
Starting point is 00:27:31 but then you actually have to find a pool. I could go to a pool on Lincoln Park, but I have to pay about $15, $30 a month, which, no, that's not prohibited, but you actually have to go. You have to get to Lincoln Park, get off the train, go swim, and even then very limited hours. It's not like I can just go right after work. So, lots of problems there. So here's what I'm getting in.
Starting point is 00:27:58 Trying to heal, solve planter fasciitis without giving up the workouts, because they just don't think that's realistic for me to give up the workouts for You know how long two three weeks? What if you give them up for three weeks you go back realize it's still hurt and then you're like well I'm up crap crack without a paddle right now. I've read some things about each year Working out as with a golf ball that sounds like a crazy amount of pain. Also, I don is with a golf ball. That sounds like a crazy amount of pain. Also, I don't have a golf ball. But I don't know. So call to action, if you will,
Starting point is 00:28:33 because that's what they say when you read, how are you gonna get a million Instagram subscribers or something or podcast listeners? You gotta have your classic CTA call to action. So here's my call to action for Thanksgiving special. I'd be thankful if you all the listeners sent us some interesting tips for how to solve planter fasciitis.
Starting point is 00:28:54 You can tweet it as beantowncast, you can send us an email,, you can text me. My number is out there on the internet if you know where to look, spooky. And you know, you can just come say hi as well, appear in Rogers Park on the far north side of Chicago where you're always open to visitation, visitors and other events of the sort.
Starting point is 00:29:20 That's what I wanted to say, and let me tell you what, because you know, we're at, we're at minute 30 right now, and there's a lot more I could talk about, but I don't know if it's necessarily interesting. Here's what you should spend your time doing instead of listening to Quinn Rambble for another 15 minutes on a variety of topics. What did we even talk about today? Better call Saul, Portugal the man, plantaresiatis. What a thrilling Thanksgiving podcast. Happy holidays everyone. Here's what I encourage you to do. Here's another call to action. Go watch Charlie Brown Thanksgiving or at the very least listen to some Vince Garaldi from Charlie Brown Thanksgiving. Listen to somewhere all of the new Coldplay album. It's a double album but it's only 53 minutes. If nothing else, check out,
Starting point is 00:30:07 Arabesque, my favorite track, Roth the New album. And, you know what, read a book. That's right. Read a book. I'm reading some Al Franken right now. Mostly stuff from the 90s, which is interesting, because I get about half of the political references
Starting point is 00:30:24 and half of them and just like Oh, that must have been a person But that's okay because it's still fun and Yeah, that's what I got for you. So Everyone ever good. Thanks giving Trip to fan and all trip to fan TRYPT OPH and like Tommy fam, but with an N trip to fan and mashed potatoes and yams. What's the deal with the yams, you know?
Starting point is 00:30:54 People always say about sweet potatoes, but don't sleep on yams. Green beans, corn, gravy. I never understood the whole cranberry thing. I'm not a cranberry kind of guy. In your hair, in your hair, Zombe, Zombe, Zombe, hey, hey. Speaking of great SNL performances, the cranberries. What was that? 1990.
Starting point is 00:31:27 Go check them out, Russ and Peace. Doris, what's your name? I don't know. We'll go get our research team on that. I'm going to go, I said I was going to look at something earlier. Oh, what has Portugal man been up to? We're going to figure that out. We're going to get to the bottom of this whole Staten Island conspiracy, if you're thinking,
Starting point is 00:31:47 what's the news story? No, this is like a two year ongoing investigation into what actually goes on in Staten Island. So we're gonna be checking that out. Episode number 100 is either next week or the week after we gotta look at that. Sure, we'll have a big spectacular bash going on, but until then, if you're listening to this Monday or Tuesday, it's a short work week, you got this, get
Starting point is 00:32:13 your stuff done, four-day weekend, going to be wild, go do some black Friday shopping, sleep a lot, eat some trip to fan, and you know, could we get trip the fan and fuse into other foods? That seems like the next big market, because people don't wanna take sleeping pills, melanoma, whatever it's called. They wanna just get that all natural chemicals trip the fan. I'm thinking trip the fan in your ice cream,
Starting point is 00:32:36 it could be the new, you got CBD ice cream. How about trip the fan ice cream? And what is trip the fan even made of? What's the elemental composition? Probably like KG ML X box 240 man rough day for the Raiders. All right, what a thrilling finish. Everyone enjoy your short week. Happy Thanksgiving. We'll come to you next weekend with a long weekend. And I promise the content will be better. If probably not. But we'll see. You know, you've got to hold out hope for bean town hashtag Save Our Podcast. All right. We'll see you next time. Happy
Starting point is 00:33:14 Thanksgiving everyone. Bye-bye.

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