Beantown Podcast - The Big Predictions Podcast (02182022 Beantown)

Episode Date: February 18, 2022

Quinn comes to you LIVE hot on the heels of some big time predictions from the Super Bowl and Wordle to share his sage advice on what will happen to the future of things like Star Wars, the LOTR prequ...el, and Jen Shah

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Starting point is 00:00:28 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn Davis furnace. Welcome to my show. Quinn Davis furnace presents the bean town podcast for Friday, February 18th, 2022. What's going on? How are you? What's happening? February 18th? It tell you what, man, we got 10 days left in February. And this isn't one of those bogus months where they tack on the extra day. Either I. I. Let me say. I'm not going to be a little bit more serious. I'm not going to be a little bit serious. I'm not going to be a little bit serious. I'm not going to be a little bit serious. I'm not going to be a little bit serious. I'm not going to be a little bit serious. I'm not going to be a little bit serious. I'm not going to be a little bit serious. I'm not going to be a little bit serious. I'm not going to be a little bit serious. I'm not going to be a little bit serious. I'm not going to be a little bit serious. I'm not going to be a little bit serious. I'm not going to be a little bit serious. I'm not going to be a little bit serious. I'm not going to be a little bit serious. I'm not going to be a little bit serious. I'm not going to be a little bit serious. I'm not going to be a little bit serious. I'm not going to be a little bit serious. I'm not going to be a little bit serious. I'm not going to be a little bit serious. I'm not going to be a little bit serious. I'm not going to be a little bit serious. I'm not going to be a little bit serious. I'm not going to be a little bit serious. I'm not going to be a little bit serious. I'm not going to be a little bit serious. I'm not going to be a little bit serious. I'm not going to be a little bit serious. I'm not going to be a little bit serious. We got 10 days left in February. This isn't one of those bogus months where they tack on the extra day. Either I let me say this. I don't know whose idea it was, whether it was Julius Caesar with that whole Gregorian calendar or the Clintons or who it was. But why did we say, hey, let's tack the extra day on de February. This, I'm legitimately saying this, okay, and I know I'm not gonna spend the mental energy
Starting point is 00:00:56 to think about the whole 365 days for 366, and like, does the weather impact the day where you put it in the calendar? Like, all that stuff, yada, yada, y. I'm just going to go on blazing assumptions here. Why can't we have a nice a nice like June okay? June's only got 30 days. There's room for an extra or you know what we've gotten so comfy with our our 30-day months our 31-day months and then February is just kind of the weirdo with 28. Why do we need to, you know, just change the weirdo?
Starting point is 00:01:28 Let 28 be. It's nice and even. I always love how you got your 28 days in February and then March happens and the calendar looks like exactly the same in terms of like March 4th is the same day of the week as February 4th was March 17th is the same day the week as as whatever it you know was in February because it's great for me planning I know when February 16th comes around I don't have to go paging through my notebook through my calendar to think wow what day of the week is my birthday on this year I just say hey it's February 16th it's a Wednesday damn my birthday's on a Wednesday this year that blows
Starting point is 00:02:05 Before I finish this very drawn out thought I will mention listener discretion is advised when you're listening to the Bean Tom podcast number one will occasionally use some language number two's podcast is objectively terrible But what I'm getting at here is why can't we take one of those months that has 31 days perhaps we're talking the Genuaries of the world the marcheses, the maze, the July's, the August's, the October's and the December's and let's not do this on December. Actually, okay, you know what? Let me, well, there's two things that play here. I was going to say, let's do it on December because you have December,
Starting point is 00:02:40 32nd. Can you imagine how lit New Year's Eve would be every four years? But then again, I thought, well, hold up the whole point of this was that we would get some nice warm weather. So let's pump the brakes on that. That can be plan B. Plan A, you know what? We're taking a look at these, these, these months that have 31 days in them. I would love an extra day in, I mean, October, you could have like a day after Halloween recuperation. So that would be like plan B, sub plan B, because I didn't want to call it plan C because that's kind of insulting.
Starting point is 00:03:16 I mean, I think we're down to like May or July, I think would be fun. July is usually very hot. August could be a good option to, August 32nd. I mean, it's fun. July is usually very hot. August, August could be a good option to August 30. I mean, that it's fun. You know what? Why can't we have a 30 second day of the month? These are the things I think about. It's, you can tell we're getting closer to spring here in Chicago because just this week, let's see, it was, it was Wednesday. It was about 50 degrees outside and a little bit of drizzle, but you knew it was gonna be extra windy.
Starting point is 00:03:50 Anytime you get a significant temperature change here in Chicago, and I think in most places, because it has to do with vast quantities of the warm air fronts being blown in, you get extreme wind speeds. You know, it's call it hurricane Quinn outside, because I was walking around getting blown all over. And then Thursday, we followed that up with a blizzard,
Starting point is 00:04:17 a snow storm. It looked like it wasn't going to be too bad Thursday morning and then around midday, it just a flip switched or a switch flipped, it just a flip switched. And or a switch flipped, whichever one works for you. You remember when Adrian Peterson got suspended for an entire year by the NFL because he beat his kids with a tree branch? The reason I brought it up is because they called it a switch and I was very confusing
Starting point is 00:04:41 at the time. Like what is a switch? I think this was before the Nintendo switch came out. So it wasn't a common vernacular usage of the term back then. This was like 2014, I think. That was crazy. That was wild stuff, man. A lot of people forget Adrian Peterson just just straight up got suspended for a year
Starting point is 00:05:06 while he was on the Vikings. Towards the end of his career. But yeah, all this means that going from 50 degrees one day to blizzard the next day, that means we are getting close to spring here in Chicago because that is very much what spring is like. Love it or hate it, but I gotta tell you, I'll take some of those high wins.
Starting point is 00:05:25 I'll take the occasional blizzard if it means we can also get some 50 degree days here in there. And a big shout out to Hashtag, a lovely lady of the podcast Rachel Raymos, who was featured on WGN news on Wednesday. Wow, call us a celebrity power couple because Rachi is famous. She got interviewed to chat about the warm weather happening outside. I am a very proud lover. And yeah, my heart is so full for her. So and for us, really, because this just means really big things. This, you know, things are happening. Things are very exciting. We are becoming local Chicago legends. But not to mention, I don't think I've said this on the Bean Town podcast before, but like
Starting point is 00:06:14 three weeks ago, and this was right before the whole, you know, if you've been in Chicago, you might be following the whole Weiner Circle controversy where the guy, the anti-mask her through a brick through their storefront, and then they're like trying to check him down. And I think at this point, they figured out who it is and are just deciding, like, are you just gonna pay us for the window or are we gonna sue you and, you know, civil claims quarter, whatever it is?
Starting point is 00:06:38 I don't know what the latest update is here. But what I'm getting at is before all that happened, which has become a little bit of a Chicago story, the Wiener Circle followed me on Twitter. It was crazy. I guess they liked the show or they saw me tweeting about the Paul games or I don't know what it was, but that's a pretty big get to be in close contact like that with a Wiener Circle. And I live just right down the street. I've never actually been, but I walk past it every week usually on my Friday walk, which I'm going for in a little bit here after we finish up. Yeah, if you don't know, the wiener circle is like a classic Chicago institution on Clark, just north of Fullerton. And the big thing is that like late night, and I don't know if
Starting point is 00:07:20 it's every night or if it's just like Friday and Saturday nights, but you go in after like 10 p.m. or something and there is one of those places where they're intentionally Routue and they yell at you and all that stuff. There is a great Conan O'Brien kind of Short with Jack McBrayer who's well known as as playing Kenneth Parcel on 30 rock and cone comic the insult comic the comic the triumph the insult comic doc. That's how it is. That's how it goes. They're to get a hot dog coincidentally. They go to the the
Starting point is 00:07:54 Weiner Circle on a late weekend night in Chicago and get all sorts of insults. Roll about them. It's pretty fun. But I've never been, because I'm not like a huge hot dog stand type person. There's a very, it's not common. It's just in my day to day life where I'm just walking down the street around there and I'm like, man, I could really go for some greasy fast food.
Starting point is 00:08:19 That's not to say don't eat shit here and there, but it tends to be a little bit more well planned. And you know, usually when I'm walking there, it's like a Friday at 3 p.m., and that's just, you know, that's only a couple hours for dinner, so I'm not gonna stop and get something there. Really, the only time in my life
Starting point is 00:08:35 where I'm like stopping randomly in the street at places like that to get food are like St. Patrick's Day, when I've had like six beers and I need something quick and easy to eat. Or like another great example, you know, when I was in college, I would go to Cubs Games, there's a hot dog place on Fullerton, right? Not far from the Wiener Circle, but on Fullerton, right before you get just west of the Lincoln Hall Stead intersection, Chicago Dog House or something like that. And it's a very like standard place,
Starting point is 00:09:05 but I would go in there and get like two Chicago dogs for $5 and then head up on the train or just walk up to a rigly field. That's a nice like vivid memory of going to, like imagine a nice spring day in Chicago. It's 55 degrees, the sun's out. So you got a light windbreaker on, it's a day game. Because the day game, the day game spring memories are much more pleasant than the night game spring memories because night games are like you wear your winter clothes
Starting point is 00:09:34 and you freeze your ass off. The day games are nice, especially the suns out. You go stop by, you go to a dog house, you down a couple of dogs. It's like five bucks you go up there. This is back in the cup sucked, so you get a ticket for like eight dollars. That was good stuff, man. That was a high life. Life is very different for yours truly these days. And I haven't had a Chicago dog in a while. I haven't had a hot dog of any kind in a while. But the Chicago doghouse on Fullerton is actually where I was first introduced to the the obligoivich dog, which is a regular hot dog with ketchup on it. Okay, so basically the exact opposite of a Chicago style hot dog. What's happening? We are coming to you live. It's a Friday
Starting point is 00:10:19 early afternoon. Happy to be joining you. It's been a tough week, a long week, a busy week with work, and just some other stuff going on outside of all of that. That's just made things very long and very stressful. But I got to tell you, we had a good start to the week. It was the Super Bowl back on Sunday. And we're gonna circle back to this in a hot second here, because it's actually the whole point of the show today, big predictions. But I was very proud of myself for my Super Bowl prediction. You can check the tapes.
Starting point is 00:11:01 You can go back to listen to last week's Bington podcast where Quinn David Furnace yours truly predicted that the Rams would defeat the Bengals 24 to 20. And I got to say the final year, excuse me, the final score of this game was 23, 20. And the only reason it was not 24, 20 was because there was a botched extra point attempt by the Rams where their their holder who's the punter Just mishandle the snap and really no explanation for it. So they did not convert the point after And it ended up being 23 to 20 rather than 24 to 20 I came this close to
Starting point is 00:11:43 ended up being 23 to 20 rather than 24 to 20. I came this close to perfectly predicting the final score. And I gotta tell you, I really let it go to my head. And we're gonna circle back to that in one second here to talk about some more big predictions. Because no straw, no straw, Quinn, Quinnmas is in the house today. N-O-S-T-R-A-Q-U-I-N-M-U-S. Only one end there because having two ends
Starting point is 00:12:09 and then an M would just be kind of like, it's messy, you know, that's, especially if you're writing it out, that's a lot of just arched letters, you know, you got one arch in the N, two in the M, it's exhausting work. But then Monday was Valentine's Day and I got to tell you had a great Valentine's Day It's usually in my life not a big thing, but it was really nice this year
Starting point is 00:12:32 This was Rachel in my second Valentine's Day and actually our second anniversary of our of our first date is happening on the 22nd, which is Tuesday. So that'll be, you know, we met on February 22nd of 2020. Had our first date last year, first year anniversary, we were in Michigan. And then this year, I don't know, we got actually we're gonna be out of town for some family stuff in the middle of the week.
Starting point is 00:13:00 But yeah, two year anniversary coming up next week, but this past Monday was Anniversary past Monday was Valentine's Day. We went to Robert's Pizza, our favorite pizza joint these days here in Chicago, and had a heart-shaped pizza, had a salad, had a couple glasses of wine, and took the bus home, just a quintessential emphasis on the Quinn Valentine's Day experience.
Starting point is 00:13:30 Exchange some gifts, a lot of candy, a lot of wine, some smooching here and there. And yeah, it was just a really nice, a very nice Valentine's Day. So, Rachel's having a big week between the Valentine's Day celebrations, the TV showcase. So there's a lot going on. And yeah, so that happened. That was the start of the week. But then I got to tell you what, and this will help me, this will help us transition. Oh, and if you're curious, and I don't think we talked about it last week, or maybe we did, I don't't know there was not a new episode of real housewives
Starting point is 00:14:10 last week Because they were smart enough to Basically not try to run it against the Super Bowl There was an episode of euphoria actually Which I watched like five minutes of. It's just really not doing it for me. I don't know. I pretty much just turned it on to watch Sydney Swini, but she's kind of crazy in the show.
Starting point is 00:14:40 And it seems like people on Twitter are really not vibing with their character. I don't know. I like to just say things to, to rile up the crowd, get them going. But New Real Housewives, the finale, the season two finale will be this Sunday. I don't think there's gonna be anything like crazy going on. I mean, the whole second half of the season
Starting point is 00:15:02 has just felt like one long three day weekend. There's just been like a lot of arguing, a lot of, I think, manufactured drama with like the whole Meredith's dad memorial thing. It's just been kind of silly Like it was entertaining for the first couple of episodes and I'm still entertained by it, but at this point It's not even like oh this is juicy. It's just like right, here we go, 60 seconds of like weird bickering again. The real hot stuff is going to be season three. And I'm not just saying that. I mean, we get to deal with Mary Cosby not showing up for the reunion, which will actually be a season two thing happening starting next week.
Starting point is 00:15:39 But then Jenny gets fired mid season for her Facebook post. And then we got the Gen Shaw trial literally happening in a month here. I think it's March 22nd, is what it's supposed to be. And I guess this is somewhat big news. Gen Shaw is now the last remaining defendant in the criminal case who has not taken a plea deal. So she's literally the last man standing. I don't know if she's going to take a plea deal between now in March 22nd.
Starting point is 00:16:10 She's obviously rejected the best one she's going to get already. So if she takes one now, it's still going to be bad. So it's pretty much like, at this point, Gencha is like 90% plus going to prison, which is crazy. And, you know, I don't know how long 90 plus percent going to prison, which is crazy. And you know, I don't know how long this trial is going to be. I don't know how it fits in with their filming schedule. I assume they're smart enough to like work it all into season three filming because I can't imagine they would need to wrap it up before then just for editing purposes because this show probably won't premiere until September or October.
Starting point is 00:16:46 So, yeah, I mean, looking forward to that, that's big news, but the finale is coming up this Sunday. And it should be good. I'm interested to see, you know, I don't think they've announced anything yet, but I imagine that they have to add someone new to the cast because we've got Mary's not back. So that brings us down to six. Jenny gets fired, brings us down to five like mid season, which is still doable, but a little, these days, casts are usually bigger than that. And then, you know, Jen Shao, we part of the cast to this entire season, but then season four, they're going to need someone new because if they haven't hired anyone, which I don't think is a case, but if
Starting point is 00:17:27 they wouldn't hire anyone, then by the time you get to the start of season four, you're going to be down to literally four ladies, which is crazy. You would have Lisa, Meredith, Whitney and Heather, which to be honest, like they would be pretty boring, but I would watch a show. It's just the four of them. Because I think it would be like relatively wholesome. Those ladies all have their faults, and I, and not convinced that Meredith and Whitney aren't shady in some degree, either professionally or personally, but I think Lisa and Heather
Starting point is 00:17:59 are pretty like legit, personally and professionally. So we're kind of getting the bad seeds out of here. And maybe they could do a little like once a week check in on Gen Choff from prison every 30 seconds. I don't know. But I wanted to get to the bulk of today's show here, which is going to be, you know, I'm kind of on a hot streak. First, the Super Bowl prediction.
Starting point is 00:18:23 And then I got to tell you this. I play Whirl-Dal every day. And three straight days now, including today, which I won't spoil what the word is, it was a tough one. And I think Monday was a really tough one too. Yeah, Monday I will spoil for you, because I don't even know if you can go back
Starting point is 00:18:39 and play Old Whirl-Dals. Monday was cynic, CYNIC, which is a really that that is a hell of a word. The I mean the I me likely guess at some point the annual you you should probably guess in your first two words. But then beyond that trying to get a double C and a Y. I mean that is just that that was one where I stared at my computer screen for five minutes, just like deconstructing the entire alphabet. Today was, I think, slightly easier than cynic, but similarly challenging. And I got to tell you what, I'm on a total hot streak. Third day in a row, I got word on my third guess, which I really think, you know, I think if you get a very, I'll say lucky first guess.
Starting point is 00:19:25 I mean, you can do first guesses that are smarter than others, based off of just the common usage of letters in words in English, but it's kind of still, total toss up on guess one. And I think guess two for the most part unless you get a really good guess one, guess two is still gonna be mostly a guess. So that's when I feel like you get into guess three
Starting point is 00:19:49 and that's where it can really be like some really solid strategy, which is what I used today, I was really proud of. Like I felt pretty, I guess I wanna try and say is I felt like 90% confident that what I had for guess three was going to be right, even though it was a tough word. And here's the thing that I'm most proud of, and this doesn't usually happen. So I always guess, here's a little insight, insider information into the brain of Quinn regarding
Starting point is 00:20:16 Whartle. I always guess, train, TR-A-I-N is my first word in Whartle. I'm not here to claim that it's the perfect word because you don't have an E, you don't have an S. But excuse me, I really like it. TRAN, I mean, that gives you a lot of coverage. So I guess today, and again, I won't give away the word, but the only other thing I'll say is, none of the letters are on there,
Starting point is 00:20:43 not even like, oh yeah, it's in there, but in the wrong space. It was five straight grays with train. And I was actually able to use that to my advantage because then you can just like clear your mind, take a look at the letter board and say, okay, let's grab those other, you know, were or those other letters that are going to be really popular. So without T-R-A-I-N, where I'm thinking like, okay, I want to get an E in there, I would like to get an S in there, perhaps an L would be good at some point, and probably another vowel.
Starting point is 00:21:12 So probably an O, because I'm going to take the O over the U. So that was sort of my strategy, that was my thinking. And that allowed me to get some interesting letter placements on guest two. And after a minute or two of staring at the letter board, it just kind of clicked on guest 3. And it's really interesting. I would love to see the breakdown.
Starting point is 00:21:30 A lot of people post on Twitter, their wordle pattern, whatever the word is for that. But there's been a lot of people who get 60% of it today, early on, like three letters in various places. And then they just do like four more guesses without getting anything. And so I'm really curious, like, what did you have, you know, what did you already guess where you had like this letter sort of structure or this word structure and you just were firing blanks like random guesses and you couldn't get it.
Starting point is 00:22:05 There was one. I didn't make a comment about this. My last wordal thing for today, I promise, in case you don't play, but I would encourage you to play. It's really fun. It's quick. It's easy. It's a great test of your language skills and ability.
Starting point is 00:22:21 I saw one person today who didn't get it. They got stumped after the full six and they had gotten the the last Letter right. I think I neither the first or second guests that they knew that was there the whole time and they posted This was really embarrassing for them. They posted their entire wordle sort of map and Again, they didn't get it but their last guess so I think it was guess one through five They had the correct letter in the last spot, it was green the whole time. And on guess six, which is your last guess in case you don't know, so you have to get it perfect if you're going to win.
Starting point is 00:22:55 They didn't even guess that last letter. So I don't know if that was just like an embarrassing slip up for them, or if they were just like over it and gave up before that, but you can't give up, okay? You only got six guesses. You can't give up with the wordle. So I figured, hey, let's come out here on the air because I'm on a hot streak and let's make some live predictions,
Starting point is 00:23:15 some big upcoming predictions. And some of these might blow your mind. The first prediction I'm gonna make is that I would like to think it's not a prediction so much as reading from my phone. Our ad sponsors here, and I'll just briefly mention by name, first of all, the nation of Pakistan, again, unofficial sponsor, but they brought me
Starting point is 00:23:38 to the 112th ranked comedy podcast in Pakistan. And you know, presumably the greater, you know, Middle East, which I really appreciate. I what do you call Pakistan, Middle East, South Asia? It's kind of kind of one of those border countries. Also our good friends Home Pride Oregon, our friends of Samson, Q2U series and our good friends cuts by Q.
Starting point is 00:23:58 I need a little shave later today. Lend the hair grow out. We talked about this last week doing the thing where it's like it back a little bit, but they had on after shower dries that way. And outside of it when it's like crazy slick back, when it's like still wet, otherwise, you know, it gets a little poof.
Starting point is 00:24:18 The hair is kind of staying now, which is great. Get a little bit of curl in the back. It's not just like straight down the neck. So it's kind of like a Ben Gibbard. I feel like I'm walking out of like a Powell's bookstore or something, drinking like a coffee with beans from Suriname, you know? And it was like $7.72.
Starting point is 00:24:42 And then you swipe your card or you insert your chip and they're like, would you like to tip and you're like, maybe, and the options are like 35, 40, or 55%. Or, I always feel awkward when they give you the three options. I don't know which POS system it is. It might be multiple of them, but it's like, it's Clover or Square or Toaster, something like that. And it's likeover or square or toast or something like that. And it's like you do the custom tip. And I don't mind, I would do the custom tip often,
Starting point is 00:25:10 because I appreciate my baristas, and I support my baristas. But oftentimes, just like the preset ones are just too much. And they're not prorated to what you bought. So here's another big prediction. Next time I'm in the coffee shop again, when I get a $3 coffee, I'm gonna do the custom tip because $1, 150 or $2 tips for a $3 coffee is just, I don't know, man, I'm thankful that you made my coffee,
Starting point is 00:25:39 but I don't think a 33% tip is the way I wanna go. So I'll do the custom tip, but it's always a little awkward when they're like, if the cash year or the person who checks you out isn't the person who's making your product. They're just like watching you and you're like, because if they're not watching me, I don't really give a crap if I leave a 40 or 50% tip, which sounds cheap, but like, hey, we're not buying a stake dinner here. This is a $3 coffee. But if they are watching, it's kind of awkward because you gotta hit the custom tip
Starting point is 00:26:13 and then find the decimal point, find your numbers, and then you gotta sign. And it's just like, yeah. Speaking of signing, I got my passport back, credit to the US State Department. This has nothing to do with big predictions. Nor has most of what I've said so far, but I just thought of it because I haven't told anyone else.
Starting point is 00:26:32 And that's a great thing about the bean-tum podcast. I spend a lot of my day, and granted I talk a lot more in my day to day life now that we're back in the office and I want to work from home. But especially on a Friday, the only people I like talk to before I see Rachel at night is like the barista, speaking of $10 tips or 10% tips, which I do leave a 10% tip. And that's what I like through their online ordering system. I go to the same coffee shop on Fridays, I buy my stuff ahead at Capuchino and in Asiago Bagel, and you can just do 10%, which is great, because that works out to be like 75 cents
Starting point is 00:27:04 or something. Cool, great, we're done. But my point here is like that's the only person I talk to and like today I don't have any meetings which is great, God I needed it but I'm not talking to anyone else. So you are kind of getting the inside scoop on Quinn's head because this is the most I talk all day.
Starting point is 00:27:24 And I'm excited to be able to do that. But what I was gonna say is shout out to the State Department. I sent in my passport in like the second week of January, I think, and I got it back today. I don't actually, I assumed the old one would come before the new one, but actually the new one has arrived and the old one has not. But yeah, I can now leave the country again, which is nice. And the
Starting point is 00:27:47 Passport Ghostle 2032. So don't have to think about that. And I, I renewed my TSA pre-check for $70 this past week as well. So Packie Stan, look out. Okay, next tour, perhaps. Another big prediction. These Star Wars shows are just going to keep getting worse. And I hate to be the one saying that with the Obi-Wan show coming out because I'm still gonna watch that and I think that one could be good. But man, I don't know how many of you out there watched the book of Boba Fett which finished up this past week or the week before.
Starting point is 00:28:21 I think it was the week before already. Yeah, yeah, it wasn't this week. I don't think I can't remember my day's blur together. No, it was definitely last week. The Book of Boba Fett finished up and it was just like, they made him such a weak-ass bitch, apologies for language, but that's really all it is. And the show just turned into the Mandalorian season three. There weren't even shying away from that. Literally, the train ultimate and the pin ultimate episodes, Boba Fett is honestly, I think he had one line of dialogue
Starting point is 00:28:57 between the two episodes. And they're just Mandalorian episodes, which is fine. But it's like, why wouldn't you just make Mandalorian 3 and make Boba that be a bigger part of it? Why would you call something book a Boba vet? It was terrible. I was not invested in the characters. A story was really just ass.
Starting point is 00:29:17 Really, you're on tattooing the whole time. And villains were not intriguing. You didn't even get like, in Mandalorian, you get John Carlos Bizzito, who I don't think the whole story or anything was that interesting, but you'll watch him when he's on the screen because he's John Carlos Bizzito. This, Bobofe was just like, what is this? And you get the goddamn,
Starting point is 00:29:43 what's his name, Robert Rodriguez, who if you don't know, he's his name? Robert Rodriguez, who if you don't know, is a director like Spy Kids, so you kind of get a sense of his just cinematography. He got some of that, because he directed two of the Boba Fed episodes, including the last one, and he was just had to have these like troubled,
Starting point is 00:29:59 most Espa kids with their Vespas Spuders, and just really shitty graphics and CGI. And Star Wars has always had a complicated relationship with CGI ever since the prequels came out 25 years ago, 24, 23 years ago, something like that. But the thing with the prequels is, I don't know, it felt like it's still kind of fit into the worlds they were on. Like you had a lot of CGI, CGI everywhere you went, Tatooine,
Starting point is 00:30:34 Camino, Genosis, Coruscant, it's like all CGI, um, moose to far, but it like fit in. This one was just so weird. They've got these weird scooters, like these crazy bright colors. They go literally like, it's like watching the scene in Seinfeld where George works for play now and he's escaping the geriatrics on his scooter and it's meant to make fun of high-speed chases because they're going two miles an hour. That's honestly what it felt like. And it's like, how can you have star wars owned by Disney This is like the biggest company in the world How can you have all of that budget and like that's what you make? I don't get it. I mean I think this is a
Starting point is 00:31:17 Reasonable complaint and this was a very popular complaint on the internet too But man, it was just so like it's like shit vision. It was like the Hobbit. Or like the new, did you guys see the new Lord of the Rings trailer? For the prequel they're making there. Man, it is just like, I felt like I need a sunglasses to watch that. Or 3D vision glasses I guess, because the whole thing was just CGI. And it was like, didn't you realize that we all hated the Hobbit for a variety of reasons, but primarily because it just looked so like my eyes were burning when I watched it, apparently not. Because that's what this new one looks like too. And it's like Hugo or the adventures of Tintin, like that whole thing or like the polar express,
Starting point is 00:32:05 it's just like, this isn't working for me. I liked Lord of the Rings because they spent so much time with like careful set building and really interesting filming locations and gritty acting and great dialogue. And these are just like, let's not do that at all. Granted, it's just a trailer, but man. So I predict that just the future
Starting point is 00:32:31 disnification of Star Wars, we already know what we're getting to an extent, but we still get some good stuff here and there like the Mandalorian, but I think overall across the board it's gonna be really shitty. And while I'm at it, I'm making the same prediction for that new Lord of the Rings sequel. I think that's gonna be really shitty. And while I'm at it, I'm making the same prediction for that new Lord of the Ring Seek, uh, prequel, I think that's gonna be really bad. Um, I really think that it's a show that they
Starting point is 00:32:52 need like a name or two, a big name or two to help carry. And, um, they don't have that. Like, I don't even think you will weaving's coming back for this, which is too bad. Because I don't even think you will weaving coming back for this, which is too bad. Because I don't think he came back for the new Matrix movie either. I don't know what Hugo is up to these days. Another big, let's just stick to media while we're at it. They're finally finishing the Jurassic World trilogy, which if you already call it is the Chris Pratt Dallas Bryce Howard, just monstrosity. They've got going on. The first one of this new trilogy must have come out back in like 2014, something like
Starting point is 00:33:37 that. What did they call it, I think just Jurassic World. It was just like a remake of Jurassic Park. And then, but it was like, one of those movies here, it's like, yeah, this isn't great, but it's entertaining. And then they did the sequel, which came out in like 2017, Jurassic World 2, more dino's, more lost, something like that. And it was a whole, the movie was built as like this apocalyptic volcano eruption, got
Starting point is 00:34:07 to try to escape the island. And that was the first 15 minutes of the movie. The rest of it was this weird ass dinosaur auction with all these rich white people for like an hour plus. It was terrible. In this private mansion. It was just like this is shitty Of course got out the kids in there
Starting point is 00:34:27 So they have now released a trailer for the third and final one of this Specific iteration with Chris Pratt and his cronies and stuff It looks just terrible You know, it's like dinosaurs at the Eiffel Tower dinosaurs At pit care and island. Okay, how did you guys get there? I don't know my prediction. It's gonna be terrible I'm not gonna see it. It's kind of got a same like vibe as that then you know the last like war of the or okay What did you got you got rise of the planet of the apes then dawn of the planet of the apes and then a war for the planet of the apes something
Starting point is 00:35:14 like that I never saw the third one and I didn't want to because it was just like in all out war with apes except this one is dinosaurs and I don't know I'm just kind of like with apes except this one is dinosaurs. And I don't know, I'm just kind of like, not that interested in that. I understand the appeal of watching big monsters like fighting against each other. I mean, that's why people went to go see Godzilla. That's why they saw Godzilla versus Kong.
Starting point is 00:35:39 That's why they liked the Peter Jackson King Kong. There were dinosaurs in the Peter Jackson King Kong. That's crazy. I know my brother, I'm gonna expose my brother for a second here. I won't say which one. Has never seen the Peter Jackson King Kong, which I think is outlandish.
Starting point is 00:35:54 You have to go see it. There's dinosaurs, that's so cool. But I have a prediction that this new, this final Jurassic World movie is gonna be really bad. It's bad acting, not interesting writing, fine, you know, they're like technical aspects of it are good, but I don't know. They need to give it up. It's just, let's try something new, okay. So there's another big prediction. Maybe we go away from like media and stuff for a little bit because we've been chatting about that quite a bit. Let's do a prediction on Gen Shah's prison sentence. It seems like it seems like when big famous people, she's not a big famous
Starting point is 00:36:38 person, but it seems like when I hope that someone well-known is going to go to prison for a long time, they don't. So I kind of feel like Gen Shah, who is she's looking at like 18 to 72 months or something like that. I feel like she's going to work it down to like, I don't know, like six months and then she'll get out early on parole and do some community service and like go back to being shum asing. But it's like, I don't go, I don't get where she got all her money. Actually, she probably, here's what probably happened.
Starting point is 00:37:09 And I don't think she's actually that rich because she's been renting her house. And I don't think it takes that much money to put on the illusion of being rich, if that makes sense. That's something actually think about quite a bit with influencers. And anytime I feel like envious, I'm just like anything I see on the internet,
Starting point is 00:37:27 I think like, you know what, hold up. Like I could buy, you know, like a nice house, you know, a down payment, not the whole thing. But like I have the money to do that. I could buy a nice car. You know, sometimes I see influencers and like, oh, this is my new Tesla.
Starting point is 00:37:46 And there are Southern California and stuff. And it's like, I could buy that. But I'm just deciding to save my money for retirement. Just like literally anything else right now. So I think that's what Jen Shaw is kind of all about, which is fine. It's her prerogative. If she wants to come across as wealthy, I mean, she's trying to sell herself as a brand, which is fine. It's her prerogative. If she wants to come across as wealthy,
Starting point is 00:38:05 I mean, she's trying to sell herself as a brand, which is fair. I get it. I don't particularly care for it, but it's what she wants to do. But my point that I was trying to make is, I feel like Jensha defrauded all these people, stole all their money,
Starting point is 00:38:22 and then like, probably under the table, like bought a bunch of things with their money, and then like, probably under the table, like bought a bunch of things with that money. So that when she now is like finally getting busted and caught, but she's been doing this for 10 plus years, and it's like, they can stop her now, but how are they gonna like, you know, track down the stuff that she's like bought for other people and her family and all that stuff.
Starting point is 00:38:44 I don't know how all this works with trials and like forfeiture of assets and stuff, but I assume like after a certain point of like, oh, I bought this for that person and it's there. It's now it's gone. Like good luck getting it back. Like you can't actually get that stuff back. I think it's how this all works. I don't really know. We should get Hashtag brother of the podcast, Jack Fernes, on here to really talk us through some of the legal technicalities. So there's a prediction. Oh, her, yeah, six months,
Starting point is 00:39:18 because it just seems like I want the bad guy to get justice and she's not gonna get justice. Or a little very, a very small dosage of justice, if you will. So that's what that is. Oh, let's see, any other big predictions, you know what, I would have had some more if I would have wrote them down or thought of them.
Starting point is 00:39:43 But that's the thing with the Bean Tom podcast. You kinda get unfiltered Quinn. And some people really wanna listen to that. I'm looking at you, Pakistan. And some people are like, nah, not really, not particularly. You know, there's about 5,787 other things that we'd rather do. Which I recognize. I'm okay with that. That's fine.
Starting point is 00:40:09 I get it. You're not gonna bring me down. But yeah, that's, I mean, here's the thing. I got nothing else in the tank right now. I could ramble that shit a little bit more, but I'm not going to. Here's our call to action for this week. Why don't you email us?
Starting point is 00:40:22 What are your big predictions? It can be about anything. Movies, media, housewives. Your favorite influencers, net worth, all that stuff. Email is being Tom Pagkiss,, and it's being Or you can tweet at us. I'm at White Buns with a Z, the show is at being town Cast. The final thing here, the big reminder next week is our fifth annual Pledge Drive Telephone fundraiser. We've already raised something like $50 for the show. As a reminder, this year you can call in live on the air 815298 7200. Give us a call if you want to be featured live on our program.
Starting point is 00:41:04 We would love to have you. Most importantly, we encourage you to donate money. I match 100% of your donations, meaning I'm not actually pocketing any money, but this is an opportunity for us together to show support for the show and show support for an invest in local charities. The United Way of Chicago this year will be receiving 100% of the matched donations from yours truly. So I'm looking forward to that. The event will be 5 p.m. a week from today. So 5 p.m. Friday, February 25th you can call in. It's usually a
Starting point is 00:41:44 really fun show. It's usually like an hour or 90 minutes. We'll have all sorts of high jinks, you know, guest callers, probably Reading from Psalms, you know, all the things you're looking forward to. We're gonna bring them back this year So that's happening next next week. You can to GoFundMe slash God, I don't know. GoFundMe slash. Here it is. Okay, write it down or just Google GoFundMe, be in town podcast. slash manage slash bean town dash podcast, dash year, dash, five dash fundraiser. It's actually pretty simple. It's just slash manage
Starting point is 00:42:23 slash or just I think go for me go Here's here's what it probably is slash bean town dash podcast dash year dash five-dash fund raise or I was giving you the like the like the Managerial URL which you probably wouldn't work for you. So just scratch what I said. You could also go fund me. Go fund me.
Starting point is 00:42:48 You could also Google Go fund me. I'm trying this out live on air so you know it's legit. Google Go fund me Bean Town podcast. And you'll actually be taken to the fourth annual Bean Town podcast, but your fundraiser, probably because the SEO on our fifth one is not great yet. Google, go fund me, Bean Tom Podcast fifth. Oh, that takes you.
Starting point is 00:43:15 That takes you to which is our website, that's a great place to go. Mito and I need to do before I forget. I need to post because I haven't done this yet. I'm gonna post The link okay and by the time you listen to this it'll be there. I'm gonna post the link. I should have done this anyways on Bentown podcast dot com right on the homepage you can go find it that's where you can donate
Starting point is 00:43:38 It's also on my Facebook my Twitter right you can literally go to atbeantown or ex-season at white bonds or at beantown cast, find the link through there or on my Instagram, it's in my bio at q.qnd. There's no excuse, a lot of ways to donate. Okay, I'm out of breath. That was a solid show, big predictions, housewife drama, something else we talked about for like 10 minutes at the beginning of the show. Oh, July 32nd could be the hottest new day of the year, literally. Thanks everyone for listening.
Starting point is 00:44:09 I really appreciate it. I hope you were having a good week wherever you are. I hope this particular show brought you some birth, some laughter, and maybe a little joy, okay? Like Jennifer Lawrence. Thanks everyone for listening. I'm gonna get that music cute up for you. I will see you next week at the fifth annual
Starting point is 00:44:29 telephone pleasure fundraiser for the kids. Everyone, thanks again. Stay warm, stay safe, stay sane. I will check in on you next time. Bye. I'm sorry. ndご視聴ありがとうございました you

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