Beantown Podcast - The Biggest Ripoffs in America (09092022 Beantown)

Episode Date: September 9, 2022

Quinn comes to you LIVE to bitch about some of the biggest ripoffs in America. Agree, disagree? Email us at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Fernos. Welcome to my show. Quinn David Fernos presents the bean town podcast for Friday September 9th. 2022. What's going on? How are you? My name is Quinn. This is my show. We are one of the top 500 podcasts here in the North Side of Chicago. We are the People's Podcast. We are the 112th ranked comedy podcast. Thanks to you all the fans in the Great Nation of Pakistan. Although I saw like a third of Pakistan is covered in water right now due to flooding. That's nuts. I hope the podcast signal is still getting out there to you guys. Hello to Kiberpas, Karachi, Hyderabad. What's going on? What's happening? How are you? I'm coming to you live from the corner today. You might be saying, well, the corner of what streets, where are you? I'll pick you up. I'll give you a ride home. No, the corner of my bedroom. It's kind of a new, I got a new perspective on life. I got a new
Starting point is 00:01:05 perspective on the, than the bedroom, because I never sat here before and I got a new perspective on life. To my right, I can see out the window and I got, I got a whole view of the bedroom here. Just, I don't know. Sometimes you just sit on the couch for too long and you just say, hey, let's look at this a different way or when I'm in, and I'm in AP physics and I'm struggling with a problem. I say, hey, let's, let's turn this upside down. Let's take this sign and make it a cosine. Okay, let's, let's take a new, let's take a new gander if we, if we will. I built a bed this morning. It was really impressed with myself.
Starting point is 00:01:51 And it looks pretty nice. We got some of this slightly padded fabric going around the sides here and a little headboard. We went from half of a pillow on the bed to like 17 pillows. So things are changing fast here in Lakeview. But we are, I'm excited to be coming to you. It feels like it's been a while. I think last week we recorded it on Wednesday morning or maybe it was even Tuesday morning.
Starting point is 00:02:23 I can't even recall. It feels like it's been a long time. And if you listen to it, I know it was a lot. It was 70 minutes of football talk and I know I like to say this every week but we're not going that long today. I'm just, I'm tired. I'll tell you what, so Thursday, yesterday, long day,
Starting point is 00:02:43 it's kind of a normal Thursday for me in the fall, but I also had to lead a recruitment meeting in the morning. I had to present to the entire law faculty in the afternoon, and then I teach a class from 6 to 8.30 on Thursday nights in the fall, which is a continuation of the stuff I was teaching last week. Hey, one down six to go, and I'm not even there in three weeks. I'll be in Minneapolis, probably do a podcast from the Twin Cities. And so I only
Starting point is 00:03:17 got five left that I'm actually there in person for. So almost done. But I got the first paycheck of the season, there's like four of them that come through, through or four of them with the increased pay, which is always a always a nice thing. Hey, by the time, this is a me problem mostly, but by the time that the regular taxes come out, and then the additional taxes come out to cover from my two other jobs. And then the 403B contributions come out. It's, I'm getting paid like 17 cents a paycheck at this point. But we're making it work.
Starting point is 00:03:58 I'm, you know, just doing my best over here. What I was going to say is, that was yesterday. So, a long day, you know, you leave the house, it's 7.30, 7.40 in the morning, you get back, it's like basically 9.9.15, after you stop at Pop Belly for a avocado and turkey sandwich. And they wake up this morning and I was just like, you know what, I'm going to make this happen. So I started to unpack the bed a little. Well, first, okay, no, step, take a step back. First, you got to hoist the mattress with the other part of the room. You got to remove the wooden slats. Get that frame out of there. You got a vacuum.
Starting point is 00:04:43 Then you got to start building the new one. So I paused halfway. I went and didn't have work out in the basement. Came back up, got the work they started, showered, had the coffee, shouted to Rachel. She got us some pumpkin cream cold brews from Starbucks. We'll be talking about Starbucks in a hot second here. And then I went to town on the bed.
Starting point is 00:05:03 I will say this was probably the most user-friendly bed building experience I've ever had. I've built some beds in my time. Okay. I'm no stranger to bed building. I think my, let's see, the first bed I had to build, and I was in grad school. I had a really, oh, this is a good time to mention, listening to discretion is advised when you're listening to the Bean Tom podcast. Number one, we'll occasionally use some language. Number two, this podcast is objectively terrible.
Starting point is 00:05:31 It had a really shitty, like, classic metal frame with wood slats kind of bed. But I don't remember exactly what the problem was, but essentially, the wood slats they gave me were too long. And so I had to like, I actually had a roommate who brought, his dad brought a saw, handsaw one time to our apartment from Wisconsin and I actually went out onto the deck and the back.
Starting point is 00:06:01 And like, I felt like Tim, the tool man Taylor, doing my sewing, and I fucked it up somehow, because I saw some of them too short. And the whole thing was just like, sometimes the bed would crash into the floor, sometimes it wouldn't, depends on how much you moved. I just did a really bad job of it. This was like 20 year old Quinn, not great,
Starting point is 00:06:23 21 year old I guess. So I built that bed that definitely did not make the move with me out to Baltimore. And then I built another one when I was in Baltimore. And then that one didn't make the move with me. And then I built another one in Rouders Park when I got back. So that was three and a half years ago. And so this is bed number four. We still got the wood slats going, but this one has a headboard and it just looks a bit nicer.
Starting point is 00:06:52 And the last thing I'll say before we move on is we went shopping, like, you know, the whole online shopping thing, it's all the craze that has been for 10, 20 years at this point, but I'm not someone who's personally like, oh, I got to do online shopping because it's, you know, I'm only going to do it since the most convenient thing. Not only is it the most convenient thing, it's also the cheapest thing. We literally went to Bob's discount furniture, which I'd never been to, but they got discount
Starting point is 00:07:21 in the name, right? Just to see, oh, you know, what do they have to offer? How do the prices compare? And I swear, like you could get a bed that looks exactly like the one we bought at Costco or whatever for $200, or you could find the exact same thing on Amazon for like $200, $250.
Starting point is 00:07:39 The beds at like Bob's, it was we were just walking through the showroom, they're like 500 and those like the cheapest ones more like 7 or 800. And so it's just like I can't I don't know like I know a lot of those types of stores that go on out of business, but there's still a lot of Bob's discount furniture and Ashley home furniture store, Ashley home stores, whatever they're called. I don't know how any of those in-person retailers exist. I know they have an online presence as well, but
Starting point is 00:08:17 man, it's just, it's crazy. Not to mention this Bob's Weirin quite literally had at least eight to ten people, sales people on the floor. We walked in there Sunday afternoon at like 2 pm people on the floor, we walked in there Sunday afternoon at like 2 p.m. and it was, it was dead. I mean, there were probably five customers in there and twice as many sales people. I don't get it. I don't understand the business model. I also don't know anything about business. The last business class I took was microeconomics at Rock Valley College in 2011 or 2012 or whatever. So it's been a while and we'll rusty.
Starting point is 00:08:51 Before we move on here, a quick shout out. I mentioned this last week, but shout out to my cousin, Hunter Denison. I was reminded of it because I'm drinking a diet Pepsi and Coke, and diet Pepsi and Coke. That would be a crazy hybrid combo. No, it's a wild turkey and diet Pepsi and Coke. That would be a crazy hybrid combo. No, it's a, it's a wild turkey and Diet Pepsi, a classic cocktail. When I'm drinking it from my Jekyllink's cup and got to celebrate my cousin Hunter and his partner. He leans, whetting last week, got a new bag of jerky, which I don't know what
Starting point is 00:09:21 happened to it. I haven't seen it. Maybe Rachel threw it out. I have no idea. But I still have half, half that, so they're, they're freeze-dried 10 pound bags. And I got one Memorial Day 2019 because of Jake's wedding. I got one last September, a year ago at Remember the Walt's wedding. And they're still half of that in our fridge. And now I have a whole new 10 pounder. It's just a lot of jerky. 10 pounds is a lot of jerky. And I've been gifted 30 pounds of it in the last three and a half years. So that's, that's tough. That's just a lot to manage. Anyway, shout out to Hunter. It was good to see, good to see family there, met my arch and emphasisis new Steve Johnson, uh, who I've been fantasy football rivals with for the last 12, 11, 12 years now and just met
Starting point is 00:10:12 him in person for the first time ever. So that was pretty neat. And we're not going to talk football on this show, but last night was a beat down while Sanjuts Rams getting absolutely muffed by the Buffalo Bills. You might be wondering 10 minutes into the show, 11 minutes in, hey, what are you talking about today? I'll tell you. And we're gonna go through it pretty quickly, but it's gonna be a great idea for you all,
Starting point is 00:10:35 the listeners to share with us your ideas. So the topic for today is the greatest rip offs. And I don't know if it's the greatest rip offs in America, the world I forgot the list, I have to pull it back up. They might all be in America. We'll just say the world. It'll be like when they play the world series, but it's just American teams, I love that.
Starting point is 00:10:54 And I deal with world, it's like, literally, right? You take the best American team against the best international team, which is still American centric. But no, world series baseball, dude, that's just America baby. Here's what I want it would want to know. And we probably will never get to figure this out because unlike soccer, baseball teams don't really do friendly. But if you took the Los Angeles Dodgers and you pitted them up against the Nagasaki blue rays or whatever their name is.
Starting point is 00:11:26 Would it just be like a completely different game and the Dodgers would win by 50 and it just would be embarrassing or would it be like, yeah, the Dodgers are probably still going to win, but it might still be, it might be a competitive game. I think it would be more of the ladder because you see a lot of older MLE players going to play in Japan. And I don't, it's not like they all go over there and are like hitting 60 home runs or something all of a sudden.
Starting point is 00:11:52 I think it's relatively comparable, right? I think like pitch speed, pitch speeds are pretty similar. I'm sure you get, obviously, just more sheer talent in American baseball. But I can't imagine that there's that the drop-off is like crazy. So I don't know if anyone else has ever thought about that, but we're gonna be talking about greatest rip-offs in America. But firstly, it's been way too long, months, since we gave a proper shout-out to our
Starting point is 00:12:26 months since we gave a proper shout out to our friends, our sponsors of the show. So we're going to do that quickly and then we're going to jump into our list of the greatest ripoffs in America. Okay, so first up are good friends at Home Pride Organ. Are you tired of selling, I got the copy right in front of me. Okay, we're going full throttle. Are you tired of selling your house for less than a quarter of a day worth all because you can't find every liable home inspector in time? While Oregon listeners got good news for you, home pride inspection
Starting point is 00:12:50 services in Ben Oregon is central organs hottest new home inspection provider with inspection services including things like heating and cooling, roofing, plumbing, and so much more. Home pride Oregon is both contractor certified and home inspection certified so you know you're getting the good stuff. If you're tired of big real estate's wrangle hold on the home inspection market and you want a safe certified home inspector that you can trust, you gotta call Steve at 541-410-0316 or you can visit And don't ask Steve about camakers last night baby, it was three carries for zero yards. Again, that's, 541-03036 or visit Homeprydorgon, inspection, perfection.
Starting point is 00:13:34 A quick note on Cam Acres. I was in my school league auction draft, Wednesday night. And I don't know how much Cam Acres went for, but it's's probably between 10 and $15 somewhere in that range later in the night and then the whole draft I'm just sitting there waiting for Darryl Henderson to get nominated because that's the guy I wanted I quite honestly believe Henderson to be like not only a more talented back but just like the the primary guy for the Rams.
Starting point is 00:14:05 Like I've seen enough Rams games to watch a lot of them last year. Like Darryl Henderson is the guy you want in that back field. And then Henderson, I eventually had to nominate him because I only had like two spots left so I got to get my guy. And I think I got him for like two or three bucks. And Lo and behold last night,
Starting point is 00:14:20 Acres touches it three times and Henderson touches it like 14 times. So I'm not saying Daryl Henderson is a fantasy god. I just can't believe all the people going for acres and Henderson not even getting drafted in a lot of leagues. Obviously that's all going to change now for last night, but like it's just kind of bizarre to me. And I don't think of I don't think that makes me like a fantasy genius. I think that's just kind of bizarre to me. And I don't think of, I don't think that makes me like a fantasy genius. I think that's just like watching grams games. I don't know, man.
Starting point is 00:14:51 Oh, shout out to our good friends of the Samson Q2U series. Guys, here's the thing. Old Testament, New Testament. If you want to do an audio book of that, it's going to take you while. Weird's what you're going to need. You're going to need audio equipment, more specifically a microphone that's reliable. From in the beginning to, in the beginning again,
Starting point is 00:15:12 the opening remarks from the book of Matthew, right? Is that right? Is that how Matthew starts in the beginning was the word and the word was God and the God was good? Or is that John? I don't remember. It would be kind of poetic symmetry, right?
Starting point is 00:15:26 S-Y-M-M-E-E-T, phone, um, R-Y. But something's telling me that that's John. Let's see. Matthew 11. Here's your bean-toned poll question of the week. How does Matthew 11 start? Oh, this is such a letdown. So you got this whole, okay, so it is John.
Starting point is 00:15:50 Let's look up John 1-1. We'll come back to Matthew in a second, I promise. But you got Genesis 1-1 is in the beginning God created the heavens in the earth, right? Something like that. So you got John 1-1, which goes in the beginning was the word and the word was God was with God and the God was good. No, the word was God, something like that. So you
Starting point is 00:16:11 want that, you want that sort of poetic symmetry, right? You want that cyclicler, circular nature. But no, they put the gospel of John fourth in the lineup. All right, he's batting clean up. Matthew Mark Luke and John. So who's big gaff, G-A-F-F-E, was that? Jabard Gaffney, remember that guy? See a wide receiver? Jabard Gaffney. I promise we're gonna finish Matthew here. I think he played for the Patriots. I played college football at Florida.
Starting point is 00:16:44 All-American, drafted by the Texans and the 2002 draft, was that their first ever draft had to have been closed. Also played for the Patriots, Broncos, Washington and the Miami Dolphins. Let's see these stats. 440 receptions, 5,690 receiving yards, 24 touchdowns. Nothing special with the touchdowns,
Starting point is 00:17:03 but the receiving yards, 5700 receiving yards, that's a really solid NFL career. Good for that guy. Matthew 11, in case you're curious, this is the South of the New Testament starts, right? You got the Old Testament, it's big, it's historical, the New Testament, a lot more efficient, a lot of good Jesus stuff right to the point, a lot of letters, epistles, but this is how it starts. What a whimper. Matthew 1, 1, the genealogy of Jesus, the Messiah. Okay. This is the genealogy of genius, genius, Jesus, the Messiah, the son of David, the son of Abraham. And then they just go through, you know, and, you know, Moses was the son of Isaac and Isaac was the son of you know Mathusela and Mathusela was the son of Jared
Starting point is 00:17:50 From Subway Yada Yada Yada guys my point that I'm trying to make here is if you're doing an audiobook You need a reliable equipment that sounds like Samson's music when God speaks he uses a Samson Show always gets 10 times more entertaining when we dig into the Bible stuff. Maybe this should just be a Bible show. Maybe there's room on 700 Club for a Wednesday to have a little segment. I gotta call Jerry Fowell Jr. Okay, finally Bob and weave. We all know the hairstyle. We all love it. But how many Chicago based independent barbers can actually give it to you the way you deserve? Enter cuts by Q. It's a little like entertainment, just different.
Starting point is 00:18:35 Cuts by Q has been independently owned and operated since 1995 and is probably one of the better barber shop operations serving Chicago, Northwest Indiana where pop is from, Cook County and the greatest Chicago land area. From B-Hives to Bang's, Fohawks to Flat Tops and everything in between, you gotta call Cuts by Q, at 815-298-7200, or you can email Cuts by Q at,
Starting point is 00:18:57 and just know if you ever do email Cuts by Q at, I don't check it regularly once a year maybe. So I will get back to you, probably not good for business. Again, that's cuts. Cue UTC by Cue At All right, sing it with us because it's been months. Oh, when you need a fresh do
Starting point is 00:19:17 something snappy and new, just call the experts at cuts by Cue. I got the piano on the other side of the room there. If I was really thinking ahead, I would have pulled out the piano and played the jingle alongside me because it's pretty much like four chords. It's pretty easily, or pretty easy easily. We needed an adjective and gave you an adverb to think with this show. You never really know what's going to happen. Okay, pulling off the list here again, it took us 20 minutes, but we got there.
Starting point is 00:19:59 The topic of today's show is the greatest ripoffs in America. So we're just going to go down the list. These are not, this is not a power rankings. It's just a list. But as we're going through, keep tracks. Say, hey, I love it. Hey, I hate it. I did that with Rachel earlier. She hated it. That's okay. Okay, her on the show one of these days with a second mic. Oh, she's coming in hot. She just threw a sheet on the bed. I thought she had something to add, I guess not. Just a sheet.
Starting point is 00:20:32 You know what I always wanted to do for my Halloween costumes? I only got, I didn't get to dress up tall as in college, but I always thought it would be badass to just get the giant sheet and just be an old school ghost. We're talking like 1950s, suburbia, your two-poor, although I guess in the 1950s everyone was rich, everyone. So you just cut out two holes of a tablecloth and you just throw them over your head. I think that's easier to pull off when you're like two feet tall. Or I guess you could do like a pillowcase, but you have to cut a whole set of the arms I think that's easier to pull off when you're like two feet tall. Or I guess you could do like a pillowcase, but you have to cut a whole of the arms too. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:21:10 But just get a giant ass tablecloth, cut two holes out for the eyes and just be, you know, the mirror of spooktown ghosts unlimited or something. I don't know, something cool like that. The topic of our show here is the greatest rip offs in America. And we're going down the line here. I'll slightly premeditate on each one, but nothing crazy. I want this to be, I want this to have some zip and pat. I want this to be quick.
Starting point is 00:21:40 And I just lost my Wi-Fi, so I don't really know what's going on with that. Number one, Graceland. Graceland is where Elvis lived. It's in Tennessee about 30 seconds north of the Mississippi border. Just south of Memphis. It is crazy expensive. I think it's like $65 or something to visit Graceland. And you're just like there.
Starting point is 00:22:07 Elvis isn't even there, he died. And I just, I could just drive by and see it from the road which I've done. And listen to Elvis on the radio, maybe watch that Elvis movie, although I heard it's three hours long, so probably not. Graceland, in it off.
Starting point is 00:22:25 Probably the worst thing about Memphis. Next, and I don't want to go crazy on this because I had a good time there, but I just want to put this out there. The Dull Pineapple Plantation, where we were about two weeks ago. Here's the thing with the Dull Pineapple Plantation. Parking is tough, but it's free.
Starting point is 00:22:45 So that's not the rip-off aspect. You go into the main room, things are really expensive, but I mean, they should be, right? Like this is a huge tourist thing. I get it. If I owned the pineapple plantation, I would charge the same prices. Food was expensive, but not terrible.
Starting point is 00:22:59 Unless you want to get that banana split, which is, I think, like $33 or something like that is crazy. Here's the rip off. There's three additional things that you can pay for, three excursions or activities if you will. What we went on was the Gardens Tour, which I just thought, hey, you know, it's lush, it's Hawaii, it's going to be awesome, right? You're gonna see some really cool things. And I think it takes like 20 minutes if you're walking slow to see the whole thing. And there's just a lot of, it's not lush, right? It's not full.
Starting point is 00:23:38 There's just some random trees and bushes kind of scattered throughout. Sometimes the signage is good. Sometimes it's not. Sometimes you know what signage is good. Sometimes it's not. Sometimes you know what you're looking at. Sometimes you don't. The audio tour was really off. And I think that was like eight bucks a person or something like that. So it's not egregious, but it's like, you go to a pineapple plantation, dole, name brand, right? Pineapples, bananas, papayas. You think you're going to get some like lush Japanese gardens, right? Maybe some koi, mahi mahi, you got none of that.
Starting point is 00:24:10 That was the least of the ripoffs and that's someone we did, okay? So I'm not sitting here bitching about, oh I spent my money on this and I spent my money on that, as soon as my observations. The pineapple express I think is like 10 15 bucks or something a person the line on a Monday was like an hour long No shade no cover and the the ride itself. I think is like two miles or 15 minutes. I Can't like how could you pay that much? That's absurd and then the pineapple maze There was some sort of something they were
Starting point is 00:24:45 advertising saying it was the largest maze in North America or something I don't know. It did not seem accurate because you see corn mazes that are like 7,000 times the size. I've been to a giant corn maze. I think I was in Wisconsin or something. And I just recall it being huge. I think we were there for like four days. In the corn, it was nuts. So this maze was, I don't know how much, probably another $10. But literally, you're walking down the parking lot
Starting point is 00:25:14 towards the kind of main building. And there's like clear holes in the fence where you can just like easily walk in. So I'm think, you know, if I, if honestly, if I was there by myself, I would just went into the maze just to have fun with it. But didn't end up doing that because it was hot. And those pineapples turns out they grow from the ground up. So you're not getting a lot of shade unless you're flick from a bug's life. Randy Newman classic. Okay, next on a list, Disney World. When I said this,
Starting point is 00:25:47 Rachel was a little upset. I don't know, ma'am, especially if you see those Disney World prices lately. If you want to take your family of four to Disney for like three nights, it's like $5,000 between your hotel, your tickets, if you pay for the speed pass or whatever, and whatever else staying at Cinderella's castle, I don't know, whatever you might do at Disney World. Not to mention any sort of rides or anything, like a roller coaster, that's extra. So here's what I do when I go to Disney.
Starting point is 00:26:23 I go to the free part, Disney Springs or whatever it's extra. So here's what I do when I go to Disney. I go to the free part, Disney Springs or whatever it's called. I eat peanuts from the ground, and I don't try to take a picture with Mickey because you know they'll try to charge you. And I don't want that. So Disney World is just everything is monetized. Everything is expensive. No thanks. Crowded.
Starting point is 00:26:52 Not my cup of tea. Our next ripoff. Oh, and I'll mention, if you like it, if you don't like it, because I don't think we finish our thoughts here. You can email us. Peentown podcast, That's a great thing about this show. We are a listener, powered, listener, and listener, That's a great thing about this show. We are a listener powered, listener fueled.
Starting point is 00:27:06 We are held accountable. It's a good time. I think I just looked at our, some of our numbers on SoundCloud alone, we're up to 46,000 plays as a show, which is nothing magnificent for six years, but just hey, the fact that I've personally churned out along the help of the beanheads and the guests on the show 46,000 listens to SoundCloud alone.
Starting point is 00:27:30 You know, in the last five and a half years, almost six years, I'm pretty proud of that. I feel pretty good about that. So, it's a neighbor who, in this chair in the corner, I got a great few. There's a neighbor who just walked down with in the corner got a great few, there's a neighbor who just walked down with their groceries, wearing a fur coat, and it's 82 degrees outside. So that's a unique choice. Okay, next rip off, Times Square, a New Year's Eve.
Starting point is 00:27:56 I feel like the words out on this, like people know this already, but if you go to Times Square a New Year's Eve, you gotta get there at like 1 p.m., and then they set it up for whatever reason, where you have like no access to public bathrooms. None of the stores, no portapodes. Obviously, there's a good reason because everyone knows about it and everyone bitches about it. So there's got to be some significant reason that they don't provide that sort of thing.
Starting point is 00:28:22 But it just sounds terrible. I don't know what most people do. P in the street, I guess. Doesn't sound appetizing to me. Times Square in general is a little bit overripped off, but I will say, like last year, not to like, oh, we're in Times Square, like not to just like visit it, but we're in a restaurant overlooking it. And it's, you know, I think it's kind of neat for what it is, like the huge bright lights
Starting point is 00:28:53 at like 9 p.m. Dark outside, like I think that's kind of neat for a hot second. But like standing out there in five degree weather for 10 hours. Excuse me, just so you can hear New York, New York, or old design, and then giving a swoosh to your neighbor to look good for the cameras. Excuse me, that's less appealing to me. I keep losing internet. I don't know what the problem is.
Starting point is 00:29:21 Good thing we're not trying to livestream this right now, but this is rough. I get in on my Mac is good, my phone is good, but my Dell is having a bad day, man. It went into mega slowdown mode very randomly this afternoon, which I'm fortunate, because at that point I was pretty much done with the stuff I was trying to do today. I had done a huge data report, huge project this morning, where I was moving between Excel, Word, the Internet, all that stuff. It just completely went into slowdown mode, like Megas slowed on. I restarted it, didn't fix it.
Starting point is 00:30:04 I said, let's just shut it down. So I shut it down for like an hour and it's knock on wood, doing okay for now. So anyways, we'll see how it goes, but I got it, it's got to stop losing its internet connection. Next up, Mount Rushmore.
Starting point is 00:30:19 Not really a financial ripoff, but it's just kind of so far from anything else, you drive off the interstate like 30 miles. And we've talked about South Dakota a little bit, not only in our state ranking, but we did a crazy horse show back in like June or whatever, or July maybe. Mount Rushmore like crazy horse, completely unfinished.
Starting point is 00:30:40 No plans have ever finished it, completely removed from anything else in civilization in society You drive up there if it's cloudy. I can't even see it. It's hard to get a view from behind the trees guys You're better off watching national treasure two book of secrets. I think they finish and they like come out from behind You know Suddrick Suddrick Wilson. It's not his name said
Starting point is 00:31:03 Warren Wilson Woodrow Wilson. They come Warren Wilson, Woodrow Wilson. They come out from behind Woodrow Wilson's ear. And you get a nice panoramic vista. That's all you need, okay? You don't need to actually go there. It's terrible. Go see the badlands instead and look at some painted rocks, okay? Next up, we're about halfway through here.
Starting point is 00:31:23 Airport food, they sure make it expensive. And the thing with airport food is I wouldn't be so peved about it if you got it back and it was like, oh, you know what, I spent $10 on this, but it's actually pretty tasty. Airport food is always the lowest of low qualities. Apparently, the Rick Bayless fresco restaurant or whatever it's called, Branzino Express. In O'Hare isn't the top three Michelin stars destination for all the
Starting point is 00:31:58 House kitchen master chef winners like I assumed it would have been. It's just the McDonald's, he get low quality. You know, the only thing I really get at oh, here are these days and it's been three years, but that I really am like, oh, this was worth it, was a great American bagel, or bagel, or bagel, whatever it's called. I don't know. But it's pretty tasty.
Starting point is 00:32:23 They always load on the cream cheese. I think it's terminal two. It's pretty tasty. They always load on the cream cheese. I think it's terminal two. It's good stuff. It's quality. Next up Starbucks, just in general, I mean, what is the Grande Pumpkin Spice Latte this year? $6. And then they're going to do the thing where they flip over the iPad.
Starting point is 00:32:41 And like, do you want a tip? And your options are like $5, $10 or $2,000? Doesn't seem ethical, but they do it anyways. That's how they get you. Next up, we got three left here, four left here. This is actually, some of these have been kind of like silly, but honestly grounded in reality for me, this one is 100% true,
Starting point is 00:33:04 and I don't do any of this stuff anymore, not that I ever did. My co-transactions, so those games where any sort of video game, which is pretty much the model these days, but EA, Electronic Arts is specifically notorious for this, but basically you get your game, you're having fun, you're playing it, but then you get 30 seconds in, it's like, oh, if you want to really play the game or upgrade or have fun Or like be competitive you got to pay 99 cents for this $2 for that And it's just when I was a kid that that wasn't like my trip microtransactions in that way didn't exist And so maybe it's just because I'm not used to it, but
Starting point is 00:33:41 When I was a kid you you paid 50 bucks for a game. It was awesome You played the hell out of it. You didn't have to spend any more money. So I understand the business model aspect of it, but just not interested. I think a big culprit of this was the EA Battlefront games. I think they made two of them. Not the original ones, but the newer ones for PlayStation and stuff. And just, I mean, I've never owned them, so I can't speak too much to it, but it seems like, hey, if you want this cool lightsaber or this clone trooper armor, or if you want to unlock DangleBach, D-A-J, D-O-J, D-A-G-O-B-A-H. A lot of letters.
Starting point is 00:34:30 Just putting your credit card information and we'll take care of the rest. So, pretty spooky. Ooh, there's this really lush, golden retriever coming back for a walk outside. This is a great view. You can see everything from out here. Let's see, we got three left here. Oh, there's something I've never experienced
Starting point is 00:34:48 because I don't eat it, but I've heard the, heard the tales and I've heard people avoiding it and I get it. There are these all you can eat sushi places where they'll bring out a roll, you eat it, they bring out the next roll, you eat it, you're on your third roll. If you don't eat the whole thing, you pay a certain amount for each piece that's left. And here's the thing, like we could get into it and explain it, like here's why they do it,
Starting point is 00:35:20 that sort of thing, I don't care, BS, It's all you can eat. Okay. We need to factor this into the prices. So I don't know if you want to charge more. I don't know how you want to do it. But this is America. So when you say all you can eat, I'm going to pay you 20 bucks. I'm going to eat whatever I want and then I'm going to leave and you're not going to charge me any more than that. Okay. I've heard of I've had friends tell me stories like this where it's like, yeah, I got the fourth role. I was so stuffed halfway that I stuff it in, stuffed it into my purse, went into the bathroom, flush it down the toilet, went back out and left. And all you can really say about that is, All you can really say about that is that's unnecessary like where we add as a country
Starting point is 00:36:11 If we have to do that it just seems Something something's missing something's off somehow And we got to do something about it. So I Don't I've never experienced that. I've never been to a place like that, but I know there's people out there that are suffering. And I'm going to stand up for those guys, okay? Because this is a podcast by the people and for the people. That's what bean towns all about here. I don't even like sushi, but it doesn't matter because I come out here every day on this show and
Starting point is 00:36:48 I stand up for you guys you're welcome We got two left here new cars. I've never bought a new car before. I've never bought a used car before I don't even think I bought a hot wheels before but here's a thing with a car It is the quintessential example of a depreciating investment. You buy it and every day you own it, every day you drive it, it becomes worth less and less and less until it blows up or the transmission goes out or whatever and it's worth zero dollars. That's how cars work. dollars. That's how cars work. Why would you ever buy a new car? Now I'm not coming out. I'm not saying go get the you know the Ford Bronco from 1972 with 300,000 miles on it that can barely make
Starting point is 00:37:39 it out the driveway, but you got to find a balance. Don't pay all that money for a new car. You're blowing your money. Go find a nice Japanese car that's 5, 10 years old, 75,000 miles on it. You get another 100,000 out of it. You're only paying a quarter what you pay for the new one. Okay, let's be real here. Last thing, and it's appropriate we end with this one.
Starting point is 00:38:02 Here's the thing. I could have kept going on and on and on with this list I just came up with this in five minutes earlier where I was working So I want to hear what your thoughts are. What do you think are the biggest ripoffs? Go ahead and send us that email. You can also tweet at us I am at white buns with a Z the shows at bean town cast The final biggest ripoff in America is dying. I think we've talked about this before in the show maybe a year ago. Dying is one of the most expensive things you do in life.
Starting point is 00:38:30 It's absurd. I had this thought because I was driving down like Alabama this year or last year, I don't really remember. There's a billboard and it was like cremation starting at $1,000. And I thought to myself, look, for most people at the time you get to your life, $1,000 is like, okay, whatever. But that's the cheap of cheap ends. You know how much funeral homes are and direct, funeral directors and caskets, a bedazzled
Starting point is 00:38:58 casket? When I die, I quite literally want the most easy legal way, whatever is the cheapest. If that means driving me out in the middle of the night, I guess we can get rid of the legal option. Drive me out into the middle of the night and tossing me in the Chicago River or something. Dude, I am all for it.
Starting point is 00:39:20 You can get a fake, you can get a plastic casket, you can have a cool thing at a, you know, don't go to a funeral home, those things are money pits. Go to like the park district, a gazebo, or something, one of those like southside parks that are beautiful, but no one ever goes to. Go to one of those, get a plastic casket from,
Starting point is 00:39:42 I don't know, a circuit city, and just order some, I was gonna say order portillo, so just go to like, it jewels kind of expensive, go to like Walmart grocery, and just get something like that. A nice platter, sandwich platter, cookies, and crystal light, and have a nice time and place in music music and that will be how I die and you'll save so much money and we can spend the extra money on college funds or Syrian refugees. So that's how I want to go. That's officially legally binding,
Starting point is 00:40:21 So that's how I want to go. That's officially legally blinding, notarized and in my will. So the only hold up is circuit cities, probably not in business anymore. Guys, that was my list of the biggest ripoffs in America. I want to hear what your thoughts are. Most importantly, I just want someone to talk to. No, I'm kidding. I've talked too much. Too much talking. We're going to end this now. I got to go to talk to. No, I'm kidding. I've talked too much. Too much talking. We're
Starting point is 00:40:46 going to end this now. I got to go to Jule. I got to get stuff for supper and deal with all the Cubs fans because the game is just ending now because they started at 3 p.m. for whatever reason. I don't know. I don't make the rules. Thanks everyone for listening. Fun show. Nice and tight. 42 minutes plus plus where I want to be Thank everyone for tuning in for supporting the show as always we're coming up on our 250th episode I think that's gonna happen in like late October or something like that So something to look forward to and we might even do a couple of Shows on the road here. I mean I Don't it maybe one or two, but just some of the places I'll be in the next two months. Kansas City. Gosh, that's just this upcoming week. It's coming up Toronto,
Starting point is 00:41:33 Bloomington, Indiana, Champaign, Illinois, Minneapolis, Minnesota, all over Dallas. Not actually, it's just the Avery Johnson quote, Madison, New York City, Boston, New York again. Just, I'm all over town and then some, probably some other place I'm forgetting. Oh, Quad City's virtually, so that's pretty good. That's what I got for you everyone. Let's queue up some outro music. Thanks for listening.
Starting point is 00:42:05 Stay safe, stay sane, happy fall, go Vikings. I'll talk to you next time. Bye. I'm just a woman, I'm just a woman I'm just a woman, I'm just a woman I'm just a woman, I'm just a woman ndご視聴ありがとうございました

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