Beantown Podcast - The Lost Episode (Memorial Day 2018) - 01182020 Beantown Podcast

Episode Date: January 18, 2020

Quinn goes into the archives to present to you the famed 'Lost Episode' from Memorial Day 2018 featuring his ex. You might want a shot or two of bourbon before this one rolls--It's gonna be rough. Wil...l Quinn ever listen to this one? Time will tell. #Beantown #Quinn #FriendsofthePodcast

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinty with Furnace. Welcome to my show, Quinty with Furnace presents the Beantown podcast for Saturday, January 18th, 2020. What's going on? How are you? What's happening? This is my show.
Starting point is 00:00:20 This is my voice. This is what I sound like. Thank you to Quinty with Furnace for that nice introduction music. Our second week in a row sounds nice and good. And you know, told you we were going to be bringing in intro music and outro music, and here we are. I also told you we'd be having the camera, but that hasn't arrived in the mill yet. So we're still waiting on that, but that's okay. Well, we've got a really interesting episode for you today. And something that you've heard us talk about over and over again in the Bean Town podcast is about the fabled lost memorial, not even fabledled the famed lost Memorial Day episode from 2018 that I did with my then
Starting point is 00:01:10 Girlfriend is kind of murky, but significant other Erica who I dated for a couple months when I lived out on these coast originally back in bean town We're doing that episode today. I on these coasts originally back in Beentown. We're doing that episode today. I keep saying, you know, and especially it's picked up in the last couple of weeks, oh, you know, well, we should reference it, or we should release it, excuse me. I finally am committed to doing it, and here's why,
Starting point is 00:01:40 something big happened this morning. I, you know, I'm perusing my Instagram story, perusing PR, P-E-R-U-S-I-N-G. And all of a sudden, I notice a viewer of my Instagram story who doesn't make an appearance typically on my analytics. And that was Erica herself, resurrected from the dead. We're not friends. We don't follow each other on Instagram. That sort of thing. But, you know, a little bit of a surprise to see it, but, you know, we'll welcome anybody to follow the stories,
Starting point is 00:02:18 to follow the podcast, that sort of thing. So I decided, hey, you know what? There's never gonna be a better time than right now to release the episode. So that's what we're gonna be a better time than right now to release the episode. So that's what we're gonna be doing. I haven't listened to the full thing through ever. It never in my life, in kind of preparation for this episode,
Starting point is 00:02:35 went back and listened to the first minute or two. I've got a lot of energy in it, and it's kind of a funky podcast, but it's the whole thing is somewhere a little under half an hour long, I think. So we're just going to get into it. We're going to just play it for you. You can listen to it.
Starting point is 00:02:52 And I don't know if all of your people to bring myself to listen to it, but it's funny their way. I'll let you know because I don't know, I don't recall in the Memorial Day podcast if we got around to this listener's discretion is advised. When you're listening to the Beentom podcast number one, we'll use some language and I'm pretty confident that we used a lot of language in this episode we're about to air. And number two podcast is objectively terrible and I,
Starting point is 00:03:18 there's a reason why this podcast never aired. Some of the reasons I've conflated in my mind with the break up that occurred shortly after. But to give you a little bit of context into kind of the setting of this podcast, it was recorded in Virginia. We were on a little three-day weekend sort of thing right to an Airbnb. a little three-day weekend sort of thing right to the Airbnb. Things are going well. We are hiking around Shenandoah. Everything was good. And basically right after we finished recording, we got into a fight.
Starting point is 00:03:56 But not even really a fight, just kind of a pseudo fight. I guess it was our version of a fight where Erica just decided to stop talking. So we went to bed, whatever, welcome to the morning. Continue to get the silent treatment, would ask questions, probe a little bit, just try to figure out what's going on, try to have a normal interaction, like two adults, and again, stone-clothed silent treatment. Wouldn't you know what, we drove three hours
Starting point is 00:04:23 from the Appalachian Mountains back to Beentown without speaking a single word to each other. I drove the whole way. It was, I would call it awkward, but it was just a feeling and emotion that went far beyond all that stuff and we didn't talk again. So you are literally listening to, I guess I never thought of it this way, but it's absolutely true. When I say you're literally listening to the last significant conversation we ever had. And I've never listened to it. It's not because it's so painful and I just can't bring myself to revisit it. It's not what it is. I got over this relationship about 30 seconds after it ended, but
Starting point is 00:05:07 I just have never felt compelled to. So you all are gonna be hearing the last conversation I ever had with Erica before I even hear it. One day I'll listen to it, but we're getting kind of meta here. Quick update on the podcast before returning over to Quentin Erica from 2018. Recording has indeed begun on the Scott Farrell audiobook. I put in a significant chunk yesterday. First impressions, this is a lot harder than I thought, two reasons why. One, you read aloud a little bit when you're a
Starting point is 00:05:43 younger kid and that sort of thing. But by the time you get to high school in college, you really don't have to do it at all. I'm not used to doing it. And it really takes a lot out of you mentally. It's a big project. And I don't want to say underestimated how much it was going to be. But to a certain extent, I did underestimate it. So we're doing our best, but it's a lot.
Starting point is 00:06:06 The other thing is this book just sucks. Like the minute details of stuff that no one needs to know from the time when Scott was in second grade and his interactions with so and so going out to after school to their house and what they did then. One, I don't buy the fact that that
Starting point is 00:06:27 he remembers all this stuff too. It's just, it's as whatever the strong opposite antinem of engaging and interesting is, this is absolutely what it is. It's bad. You know, it's one thing to do an audiobook of a book that is good and you enjoy reading. It's another thing to try to get through over 500 pages of just an awful book. Keep us in your thoughts and prayers for during our best.
Starting point is 00:06:57 That's all I'm going to ram before. I'm going to turn it over and enjoy. I'm going to come back in at the end. We'll read some ads. We'll update you on what's coming up on the podcast. And then you'll hear outro music, also performed by me. But here goes nothing. For those of you who've wanted to hear it for,
Starting point is 00:07:16 I don't know, the past 20 months, whatever it's been, no more waiting around. Here it is, the last episode from May 27th, 2018. Quinn David Ferns presents the Bean Town Podcast featuring Erica Boyd, the only loss episode we have, nothing else. The only one I've never listened to. Here it is, enjoy. Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, it's Bean Town Podcast. It's your host, Quinn David Furnace, joined today
Starting point is 00:07:45 by special guest, Miss Erica. How are you doing today? Speaking of the Mike's, this is what happens when you let her have one beer. Everything just goes off the rail. Happy Memorial Day weekend. I feel like I got to get this in before we go any further because I just sense it coming. Listener discretion is advised when you listen to the B&Town
Starting point is 00:08:11 podcast. One, when you might be using some adult language here and there, two of the podcasts is just objectively terrible. So there, now you can swear to your hearts, can't tell if you ever stop laughing. She's chordling even. I don't use that word too often, but she's chordling. Your live on the podcast, you're going to have to get it together. Wow. Oh, only in New York, right? We're coming to you.
Starting point is 00:08:43 Are you okay? We're coming to you. Are you okay? You're Roman Cokes been doing more talking than you have tonight so far. We're coming to you live from Shenandoah National Park in Virginia, USA. This is a delayed recording because we don't have any internet. So it's going to make the podcast kind of fun if you've ever read Stephen King's The Shining or seen Stanley Kubrick's film. It's kind of like that, no internet, and a lot of alcohol
Starting point is 00:09:19 and ghost people. And I think I saw an axe in the backyard. So we might have to work on that later. What's going on? How's your week been? It's a three-day weekend. This is exciting. Erica, welcome to the podcast. It's your first time on how are you feeling tonight? Good. Oh, we're going to need more than one word answers if you're going to be a frequent guest on the podcast. Oh yes
Starting point is 00:09:45 you do. People are always emailing me and I apologize I couldn't check just not into the mic. You can hire your coffee into my mic. I usually try to check the email before we get going on the podcast. You all know that so they can answer all your questions, your dating advice, your grievances that you want to file against me. I'm not able to do that this week because I got no Wi-Fi and the service is spotting. In fact, we tried to order dinner tonight via telephone and Erica might tell me what happened? The call didn't go through. She tells me like it is. There's no BS in this lady. Yeah, we tried to order from the Mexican place
Starting point is 00:10:37 we had, what's it called, Ponce de Leon or something like that. Rancho Cucamango, I think. And we couldn't. So we went to Uncle Bertoli's Italian fare and more, something like that. Yeah. And we had some pasta.
Starting point is 00:10:56 Now across the street, if you ever been to the town of Lure, Virginia, L-U-R-A-Y, there is a, what's it called? It's like shoppers, value value plus or something. This store is the craziest stuff. So we we pulled in there yesterday for the first time we were getting what were we buying there yesterday. Gatorade after a long hike and then there were you know it doesn't don't it's like two bucks so you got to snap that stuff up. Well, it's there. Gato. Well, it's hot. And as we're pulling into this store, and you look on the sign above and it's got its name and underneath it says,
Starting point is 00:11:32 something what it says everything. 10% added at check out. Basically, yeah. And I was just, it was kind of a confusing phrasing. And we, we didn't quite understand it. And we're like, wow, the way they phrase that makes it sound like they're going to add 10% of the cost of the item at checkout, which wouldn't make sense, right? You think it would be the other way, because it's like this discount place, so they're going to take 10% off. So I run in there to get our Gatorade and our donuts,
Starting point is 00:12:00 and I realize when I'm checking out, they do indeed add 10% of your final cost to watch to your bill. And I've never experienced anything like this before. If anybody has any insight into this, I'd never seen a store that advertises their prices and then they add 10% at checkout. And they advertise that they add 10% at the beginning. Yeah, it's not like a secret or something. Don't get me wrong. These prices
Starting point is 00:12:27 were dirt cheap. I just don't quite understand like what's the strategy here. So I don't know. We thought about it every which way and then we thought about it the other which ways and we couldn't figure it out. So if any of our listeners out there, particularly in the North Western Virginia region, have been to the store before, please reach out to us. You can find us on email at the beantown, not at, that's on Twitter, at beantowncast on Twitter. Email is That's beantown, B-E-A-N-T-O-W-N podcast.yah It can like us on Facebook. We're on YouTube, subscribe. We're on iTunes, SoundCloud, subscribe, rate us.
Starting point is 00:13:14 That's a big thing. We're five ratings in. We've got perfect five stars so far. It's like an Uber driver. Keep that up. That's how we bring the sponsors in. Jack links, if you're listening. We'd love to have you sponsor our podcast. Come on how we bring the sponsors in. Jack links if you're listening. We'd love to have you sponsor our podcast.
Starting point is 00:13:28 Come on out, shoot me an email. You know where to find us. That's the Bean Town podcast. What are we doing today? A couple different things. Last week I went fridge shopping with my aunt. So we're going to walk you through how to pick out a new fridge. We are going to be discussing goat yoga, the craze that has completely consumed the nation.
Starting point is 00:13:55 And we're gonna start with a little, oh, and then we're also answering the internet's most search questions about the Ozarks because we just finished watching Winters Bone starring, that's a funny name, Winters Bone. Jennifer Lawrence and John Hawkes, one of those highly acclaimed movies that I just never got around to seeing.
Starting point is 00:14:17 So we'll be answering the internet's most search questions about the Ozarks to continue that trend. Let's see, two weeks of your year in Christianity, last year it was lacrosse. I don't know who won the national championship and lacrosse today, do you? I think it's tomorrow. Tomorrow, okay. Do you know who's in the finals? Nope.
Starting point is 00:14:38 We'll have to check on that when we get back to civilization. A couple of weeks ago, we started a segment called Interview with a dog. It did not go well. Now we're going to try to take two here tonight. And we've got a young black pooch here by the name of Cosmo. It goes by Cos or just dog for short. And without further ado, come here Cosmo, interview with the dog time. And we go now live to Cosmo. So if you could see, he sort of lifted his head gingerly, sniffed it for half a second, and used some dog expletives and gave us the paw. And he lied back down. So that was our segment interview with the dog. Always a big hit on the bean-ton podcast. Let's get a sip of the drink here and we'll get going on our preview of Shenandoah National
Starting point is 00:15:36 Park. It's got a lot of room in it. Okay, here we go. Now, there's a big misconception out there about, yeah, hope you're self-summed cake if you want some. We got a canole cake at the shoppers' plus. It was like $7, and then with the 10% in tax, it was like $8.50. Now, what? OK. percent in tax it was like 850. Now what okay I feel like if I hold the
Starting point is 00:16:09 mics too close to each other I'm gonna hit the nexus of the universe. Yeah that's a sign filled quote okay Shenandoah National Park founded in 1492 so there's a little bit of a misconception regarding Christopher Columbus. A lot of people assume that he landed at Plymouth Rock. But it was actually Jamestown. If you've ever seen the disnified Pocahontas, colors of the wind, John Smith, that crap.
Starting point is 00:16:41 That was actually Christopher Columbus' story, but because Christopher Columbus wasn't you know English, the subtitles were too much for the Disney budget back then. So long story short, Christopher Columbus arrives at the site of Shenandoah, Plymouth Rock James Sound, all that stuff. And the late 1400s founds it, establishes it as a Dutch spice colony. If you've seen Pirates of the Caribbean, loosely based off of Shenandoah National Park. That's in 1492.
Starting point is 00:17:18 And what you'll see is that, well, Shenandoah, I should mention the word actually comes from the Iroquois for tapestry. That's something that a lot of people don't know. That's kind of what we're here to do on the Bean Tum Podcast. You know, we're here to have some laughs. We're here to do some heartfelt interviews, but we're also here to educate the masses.
Starting point is 00:17:41 So Shenandoah and Iroquois term for tapestry, there, go put that in your book report for all my middle schoolers out there listening. Thanks for listening. Get some sleep. You know, go to bed. It's a school night. Where it happens on laughs.
Starting point is 00:17:57 And well, just try to be OK. Oh, Cosmo's up now. He bring the rum and cocoa, and he just goes crazy. Moving ahead here, Shenandoah ended up serving an important role in the Civil War. Actually, and we were reading about it earlier today, some plaques around town. It was a battle site frequented by Stonewall Jackson, who I think a lot of people, myself included up until today, thought he was a starting center for the Lakers, but Stonewall Jackson is who I think a lot of people, myself included up until today,
Starting point is 00:18:25 thought he was a starting center for the Lakers, but Stonewall Jackson is actually a Civil War general, and George Armstrong Custer actually was here as well to execute some Confederate soldiers. George Armstrong Custer, best known for his later defeat custard, I think it's custard. No, I was saying he's a vessel of numbers' custard. That doesn't make any sense.
Starting point is 00:18:52 He was defeated at the Battle of Little Big Horn by Jeronimo, actually. And that's why when he jumped out of a plane, he yelled Jeronimo because of that battle. Shannon Doe was established as a national park in 1984 by President Ronald Reagan, if you've ever seen the film Argo, Ben Affleck, Michael Keaton, Cedric the entertainer.
Starting point is 00:19:21 That film is about, not about Shenandoah. It's a really good film about the Iran hostage crisis in 1979, and it won best picture if you haven't seen Argo, four stars, encourage you to check it out. But Shenandoah doesn't really have a movie yet. There are a lot of things in history that have good movies like Vietnam, platoon, apocalypse now, traffic thunder. in history that have good movies like Vietnam, you know, Platoon, Apocalypse Now,
Starting point is 00:19:46 Tropic Thunder, it's not about Vietnam though. Robert Downey Jr.'s Unforgiddle on that film though. But Civil War, where the Red Fern grows, Seabiscuit, what's the book by Stephen Crane? What's that one called? 12 Years of Slave, what's the film, the book by Stephen Crane? What's that one called? 12 Years of Slave, it's not that, but that's okay. The Red Cross, that's what that book was called, I think. But Shenandoah National Park, and it's subsidiaries,
Starting point is 00:20:17 doesn't really have a good book or a film like Black Hawk Down in Desert Storm. There hasn't been a good film about Shen and Doi yet. So maybe I don't know, maybe we'll work on that. Eric, how are you doing here? What's, you got anything to add to the preview of Shen and Doi National Park to kind of set the stage for us? No, you already did. Yeah, but any other fun facts tidbits that we wouldn't know about that the average Joe listening to this, you know, across the nation wouldn't know about Shenandoah. What do you got here? Okay, there's nothing.
Starting point is 00:20:57 She's still here, I promise, but yeah, feel free to chime in anytime, you know. We'd love to have you back. I don't recall that. I tell you what, we had that one podcast where Joaquin was supposed to call in, and he never even showed up. And he's added more to this podcast than you have. So that's our little preview of Shenandoah National Park. We did a preview of Boston a couple weeks ago when
Starting point is 00:21:24 you were there on vacation for spring break. The city that has no nickname as they call it. That's sort of its nickname. It's like inception, which is funny. But yeah, that's Shenandoah. A couple weekends, we'll maybe we'll be somewhere else. You know, a little summer vacation type of action. We'll little summer vacation type of action we'll do another preview then. Let's go ahead and move forward and let's talk goat yoga. Now some people hear that term and they think it's ghost yoga, a little six cents cast per action, lavender city and the original Pokemon but, we're talking goat yoga. Baa, right? Do goats go by? Or is that just sheep?
Starting point is 00:22:08 Just sheep. I growing up, I always thought that goats and sheep were kind of the same thing. That's a home school education for you right there. She thought cabin to let us work. Well, those are very similar. They have similar shapes. One's just purple and one's green.
Starting point is 00:22:22 You don't see a lot of green cabbage. What? No, cabbage is purple on the outside. I have green cabbage, green eggs and ham. No, that's any meat cabbage, too. Okay, careful, because you're gonna unplug the mic. This has been a very trying weekend for us. We're doing our best, though.
Starting point is 00:22:41 We're doing our best, though. The old patience. Yeah. Oops, I stuck my hand in my cake. That's a metaphor. Sweet cream. We don't do any sexual stuff on the podcast. I said sweet cream and you said that's a metaphor.
Starting point is 00:22:58 No, I said that to I stuck my hand in my cake. That's, yeah. We're getting off the rails here. But let's talk goat yoga. Erica, give us a little in-depth preview of goat yoga. What do we, what's the deal here? Why goats? And why now, you know? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:23:21 That's our special yoga correspondent, Miss Erica. Thank you for that lovely preview. If you couldn't tell, it's been tough on both of us getting through this podcast. We're only a minute 16. It feels like 16,000. Oh boy. I'll tell you what. While I'm doing the rest of the podcast, why don't you figure out how many minutes and days,
Starting point is 00:23:43 16,000 minutes is, and we'll report back to that one. Goat yoga was on the front page of USA Today, the other day, it's really exploded across the nation. From what I can tell, you get into a downward dog, which I can't do myself, but I've seen others do it. And then you get, that would be good. And then a little goat climbs up on your back and sings the lonely goat herd from the sound of music.
Starting point is 00:24:09 You want to do a musical to it? No, but I'll do that one. Hi, on the hills at a lonely goat herd. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Right. We got a dog here named Cosmo. It kind of looks like a goat if you shaved them and died in white. Yeah, it's steady. It kind of looks like a demon dog. shave them and and and died in white and
Starting point is 00:24:25 study kind of like a demon dog. He's all black all the time but black don't crack as they say. So that's our that's our in-depth investigation into to goat yoga. Thank you special correspondent Miss Erica Erica, for that rippeting information. Next, let's talk fridge shopping. Now, Erica, have you ever owned or used a fridge? I've used a fridge. I've used a fridge too. I've only made a mini fridge.
Starting point is 00:24:55 I've only made a mini fridge. I've only made a mini fridge. I've only made a mini fridge. I've only made a mini fridge. I've only made a mini fridge. I've only made a mini fridge. I've only made a mini fridge. I've only made a mini fridge.
Starting point is 00:25:03 I've only made a mini fridge. I've only made a mini fridge. I've only made a mini fridge. I've only made a mini fridge. I've only made a mini fridge. I've only made a mini fridge. When you're not talking about goat yoga or you're not talking about Shenandoah history, you're talking about fridge shopping. And that's exactly what I did on Tuesday morning. Went to a, an appliance kind of like a rent a center, but where you buy. And like a buy a center, yeah. Yeah, they got all sorts of fridges and beds and mattresses and microwaves and goats, I suppose, were in Wilmington.
Starting point is 00:25:32 Now, it's a different world out there. And let me tell you some of the different things you're going to look for in a fridge. French doors. It's a thing where there's a handle on each side and it kind of opens up each side towards you two doors. So they call it French doors, I call it two doors, potato patato. Stainless steel, you put your fingerprints on it and if they got the right stuff on there, it just comes right off. You don't see any fingerprints, you're going to want to look for that. You're going to want to pay attention to the cubic feet.
Starting point is 00:26:07 And here's a little trick that Jim at the Bias Center taught us. The US government changed how appliances are supposed to be measured volume wise. So a lot of people come into the Bias Center now and they bought their fridge ten years ago and it might say back then when they bought it 28 cubic feet But then the government came in with Obama being elected Probably Obama because it's bad. This is bad news and Changed it all more government regulation big government and Obama tapped the whole country and
Starting point is 00:26:44 Changed how we measure it. So now you come in and you're like, well, I had a 28 cubic fridge feet fridge before, and now you're telling me it's only 25. And meanwhile, I'm a doubles cost in like $1.60, and I just not my America. So, but you're going to want to look out for that when you're when you're fridge shopping and The other thing to note is do you want that that automatic ice maker because a lot of people like ice I've recently gotten into ice I used to live in a couple of ice-free zones when I was in Chicago
Starting point is 00:27:21 No, I still out in our apartments and when I was in Chicago, no ice allowed in our apartments. And yeah, since Moon Out to Baltimore, my friend got me some ice trays as a going away gift, hell of a gift. And I've been using ice more often in Baltimore. It cools you off. It keeps you hydrated. Your ice might have some fun shapes, like mines, like an et's an emoji ice
Starting point is 00:27:46 tray it's fun you know sometimes I'm drinking it and I got like a a smiley face or a frowny face or a tongue hanging out I don't know what are your thoughts Erica why have a winner dog tray from IKEA and it really brightens up my day you can hear it in her voice. She's been smiling ear to ear in the last 20 minutes of this podcast. So that's a little look into the fridge shopping. I think we paid about.
Starting point is 00:28:15 Oh, you gotta get the water thing on the front. Yeah. My aunt was very specific. She didn't want any water stuff on the front because why do you even want that? You got to faucet two meters away. No, I always thought that and now I have it and it's life changing. It's change my life. But it doesn't come out as fast as the faucet.
Starting point is 00:28:33 But it's soothing. You can take a minute, a second, ponder life, and get a glass of water. Yeah, but I could pondonder life while I was doing something all more productive or like filling up my emojis. What's more productive than getting the liquid of life? All right. So if you want to waste your time with a water filter on the front, you can do that as well. Look out for special savings,
Starting point is 00:29:05 like Memorial Day sales or President's Day sales is a big holiday for appliances. In fact, when Gerald Ford established President's stay back in the mid 70s, that was, he had some ties to actually some rent to centers across the East Coast. And that's kind of an insider's deal. We can reveal that later on a separate episode podcast or
Starting point is 00:29:28 cosmos gonna undo the oh shoot. No, hang on. We got dog problems here on the podcast. Okay, wow. This has been a tough one. Let's go ahead and move into our segment that we've been doing. Man, on the podcast here, boy, is it hot in here, am I right? Yeah, it's probably mid-80s, this brutal.
Starting point is 00:29:57 Apparently there's air conditioning, but we can't turn it on. So, again, Obama's America. We're doing the internet's most frequently asked questions on the O's arcs. So here we go. Let's start writing in Erica's first question is going to be you. How do I rent a canoe?
Starting point is 00:30:20 50 bucks made out to me. 50 bucks made out to you. 50 bucks made out to you. Brief answer. Let's expand on that a little bit. So 50 bucks. Now we're talking the Ozarks. So what type of currents here they're using down there? Heavy. You say heavy. Heavy currents. Heavy current. What?
Starting point is 00:30:39 Heavy current. Let's use English on this podcast. I'd like to say a loha to my Hawaii listeners and Konichiwa to those on the ring of fire, but this is primarily an American podcast, so I'll translate what Eric, okay, this dog is killing me. I don't know what else to tell you, he's a guest. What Erica was trying to say is a wooden buffalo nickels, actually. You say currency.
Starting point is 00:31:08 Mm-hmm. Well, I heard currency. What? I said, you said $50 to, to, to, to, who? $50 to get on the podcast. What type of currency? I heard what type of currency. But what does that mean? What do you mean?
Starting point is 00:31:26 What type of currency? What do you mean to play us out? There's no words there. Let's move ahead. I'll take this question. What about group camping? Now, little PSA about group camping. That can be kind of fun if you kind of explain the rules before you get hot and heavy. Group dynamics can be tricky.
Starting point is 00:31:50 There can be a big payoff, there can be a big payload. If you will. All right, talk to us about group camping. Oh, I meant nevermind. She said she'd talk about it and she's not. So yeah, let's move ahead here. What makes the spring water so blue, Erica, that's a question for you.
Starting point is 00:32:10 I'd like to take a pause and apologize for this being the worst podcast ever. I don't know. You just ask for weeks and weeks to get on the podcast. I've been cornered into the podcast. No, I asked you if you wanted to be on the podcast. You, to make me interview questions. Yeah, and I asked you, what do you want to talk about? I said, I'm doing it.
Starting point is 00:32:39 And you said my sex life. And I said, I'm not going to, no, you said female anatomy. And I said, I'm not going to talk about the female anatomy on my podcast. This is a good, upstanding Christian podcast. And I'm not going to sultry it with your vitro. What makes the spring water so blue? I don't know, vitro.
Starting point is 00:32:59 That doesn't make sense. Well, here we are. Can I ride my horse in the park? No. What about an ATV? No, we're done here. It's alcohol permitted in the park. Always. Are there any places to swim? Oh, yeah. What's your secret water hole? Okay. Dead men tell no tales and I feel like I'm interviewing a dead man over here. How far are we into this God awful podcast?
Starting point is 00:33:33 I told you the questions we were doing before it. This is a setup. This is a gregis. This is an assault. That's what John Melkowic says and burn after reading. Cohen Brothers. Yes, I do. George Clooney. This is an assault. That's what John Mokou says and burn after reading. Cohen Brothers. Yes, I do. George Clooney.
Starting point is 00:33:47 This is an assault. Oh, God. Wow. This has been rough. Let's take a time out here. And yeah, let's try not to't know, try not to get emotional. This has been a really tough podcast. The ice cream cake isn't really ice cream.
Starting point is 00:34:13 Everything is hot, it's so hot. My back hurts from this mattress we've been sleeping on. The views on our hikes have not been as good as what I was going for. It's so hot. I don't know if I mentioned that. This dog is fun 95% of the time and then he starts to just go crazy and he barks in the middle of the night. He gets truck tripped in the wires and won't need his kebbal and lies down when we're trying to hike. Even when we're giving water.
Starting point is 00:34:43 It's just all coming out right now. and lies down when we're trying to hike, even when we're giving water. It's just all coming out right now. Erica, what are your thoughts? Why don't you fill some time for us? We're taking a break. What do you mean a break? You just said let's take a break. I just took my break. Why didn't take a break?
Starting point is 00:34:58 I thought we were taking a break. That's your break. I didn't even have. You haven't even say anything. It's all things went derailed. You have anything you want to plug here on the podcast in the law firms or beauty products or anything or spandex? All right, well, Erica, thanks for coming on. It was a good time. Please end this and Really? Thanks for coming on. It was a good time. Please end this. And really? I'm sorry, I turned it on.
Starting point is 00:35:29 No, don't turn it off. We have a video. I'm sending you off. Thank you. I'm sorry, I can't see you. I'm sorry. Wow. Boy. Boy. OK. Boy, okay, I listened to the first minute while we're actually here on the Craigslist
Starting point is 00:35:53 couch during the recording. I listened to the first minute and then the last minute. Starts off with a lot of energy. And it ends. You can see why I didn't want to post it and why I didn't post it and why it's been almost two years for me to release it. That was it. The podcasting you'd have an ending. It just fade to black.
Starting point is 00:36:20 It's like this a pranos or something, spoiler alert. Wow, OK, yep yep that was it. I hope you enjoyed it. I hope it was worth it, I don't know. That was just an absolute shit show. And I haven't even listened to more than two or three minutes of the whole thing. So, yikes, okay.
Starting point is 00:36:42 Let's get to some ads here. And then we'll finish it up since we're already at about 37 minutes here. Okay. Home Pride Orient. Are you tired of selling your house for less than a quarter of what it's worth all because you couldn't find a reliable home inspector in time? Well Oregon listeners, they got good news for you.
Starting point is 00:37:02 Home Pride inspection services in Ben, Oregon Oregon is Central Oregon's hottest new home inspector and provider with inspection services including things like heating, cooling, roofing, plumbing and so much more. Home Pride Oregon is both contractors certified and home inspection certified so you know you're getting the good stuff. If you're tired of big real estate's twirl wrangle hold on the home inspection market and you want a safe certified home inspector that you can trust. You got to call Steve at 541-010-0316 or just visit Again, it's 541-010-0316 or visit
Starting point is 00:37:37 Homeprydorgan inspection perfection. A little shout out to the Samsung Q22U series, break in the space time continuum with this podcast featuring live content as well as content from nearly two years ago. How crazy is that that we're able to pull it off pretty cool. It was pulling double duty all the way back in May 2018 and it continues to be pulling double duty today here in 2020 and I just boy this is rough. I was I watched the first half of the Wichita State Houston game which does at home. You'd think not an easy win but you know they should be able to clean things up. I turned it off at half time to record the show. And Houston is currently up 47 to 25
Starting point is 00:38:26 with 13 minutes left in the game. Boy, losing by 22 at home. Mercy, that's rough. Not as rough as the TV guide subscription, though, that we were supposed to have for all of 2019. And you know what? You know how that goes. I will mention we were offered, we're actually part of a new company now,
Starting point is 00:38:53 that basically matches, podcasts with potential advertisers. Sent in a couple of pitches at the end of this past week did not hear anything back yet so we'll keep you abreast of that situation abreast A-B-R-E-A-S-T and this isn't going to come through on the podcast you can't hear it because of the quality of that Samsung Q2 you mic front series but I talk about this occasionally my downstairs neighbors on the weekends really loved to pump up the jams. Pomp up the jams, pump it up.
Starting point is 00:39:28 Well, you feed us, stomping. And if you're Jane, she likes to do the very specific, al Gore singing, pump up the jam. Pomp up the jam, pump it up. I can't do it as well as Ma can, but you know, that's just that's her thing. While I was kind of doing some behind the scenes production stuff, putting the audio clip from May 2018 in to this episode, they had this like EDM version of Crazy by Narl's Barkley going, which is like And it's just like, and the bass was just? You know, Will Ferrell and wedding crashes.
Starting point is 00:40:26 I never know what she's doing up there. That's how I feel about my downstairs neighbors. And yeah, is it just like, because they're not, it's not a big party or something. It's one big family that was in two units. And, you know, it's not like they have people over. You never see people other than the family come or go, but every weekend without fail during the day
Starting point is 00:40:51 and into the night to some extent, it is just pump it up. It's like, what do you do? Like, when you got music going that loudly, is that just like, is that your everyday music, your cooking and cleaning music? I don't know. I mean, I have my everyday music too, but it's like Elton John or Coldplay, and it's not
Starting point is 00:41:16 that loud because if it's too loud, then it's just distracting. So I don't really get it. I don't know. Someone can come over to Rogers Park and investigate. They'd be great. Let's read our last ad here so we can finish it up. Cuts by Q. Bob and Weave, we all know the hairstyle, we all love it. But how many Chicago-based independent barbers can actually give it to you the way you deserve? Enter Cuts by Q. It's like Enter Sandman just a little different.
Starting point is 00:41:42 Cuts by Q has been independently owned and operated since 1995 and is probably one of the better barbershop operations serving Chicago, Cook County, in the greater Chicago lane area. From beehives to bangs, fo-hawks to flat tops and everything in between, just call Cuts by Q at Yahoo. No, you don't call an email address, you dumbass. Call Cuts by Q at 8152987200 or email cuts by qat again that's cut
Starting point is 00:42:10 it's cute easy by qat sing it with us around the world wherever you are oh when you need a fresh do some snappy and nude just call the experts at cuts by Q. You know what, I would really like was EDM version being played by the downstairs neighbors of the cuts by Q theme song. Now I would turn up for that. Excuse me. Yeah, that would be good.
Starting point is 00:42:43 What if I heard them playing like an EDM remix of one of my happy father's day song, we're up to two so far, we'll have a third one this year. That would be just awfully kind of them. And you know, we walked down the stairs and it's like, oh, that's Quinnian Furnace, he wrote the happy father's day 2019 song, it'd be like a celebrity.
Starting point is 00:43:06 It could be fun. It could be fun. It could be fun. OK, let's see. We got Pledge Drive Fundries or Month coming up. Hopefully we'll have the camera by then because we've got big plans. For that, regardless, we're going to have a good livestream going. I know we did the livestream in 2018.
Starting point is 00:43:24 We didn't get it going in 2019. But we'll come back with it in 2020 for sure. We've got a rotary phone. It's going to be exciting. And we're going to be looking for around $200 this year. I got to do the math with the subscription services and stuff to figure out exactly what it needs to be last month. We broke it before we even got one or two days into February.
Starting point is 00:43:46 So I don't know if it will be like that again, but we're going to have more donor tears. We're going to have incentives for the fans, the Hashtag friends of the podcast. That will be exciting. Look for us to set up a GoFundMe page again and all that jazz. Okay, that's what we got. We'll keep it short, but cut out the fat. Just like me, I haven't talked about this yet. I will maybe touch on it next week,
Starting point is 00:44:12 because I don't think we have anything planned for next week yet. But I'm currently on the 18-to-6 inner minute fasting lifestyle. If you don't know about it, basically, it takes 18 hours off, and then you fit all your eating into a six-hour window. And you might be thinking, hey, Quinn, you're crazy 18 hours off and then you fit all your eating into a six hour window. You might be thinking, hey, Quinn, you're crazy. It's a diet fed.
Starting point is 00:44:28 You'll never make it. The thing is, I was already kind of doing it in my normal routine, except now I've just cut out my apple for breakfast, which hasn't been hard to do ever since. I was really hung over on New Year's Day, and this sounds really silly, but frankly, for the last 17 days, I haven't felt like eating anything before noon or so, and then I go work out and I eat at about 2 p.m., 3 p.m. or so, and eat dinner around 7 or 8, and that's what I eat. So, it's going well.
Starting point is 00:44:58 I'm down and granted a lot of this is water weight, but I'm down about 15 pounds in the last you know two to three weeks so that's exciting a couple of which I January and it's been it's been a good start so that's what's going on if you have questions comments concerns you can email us beantown podcast at excuse me again that's beantown be a and podcast at We'll have Ryan Austin English on the podcast in a couple weeks here to preview our Oscars special. It's probably likely going to be our next guest. I will say this.
Starting point is 00:45:35 Last thing I say before we get the music roll and I promise, I found someone to eat online with the name of Dave Fernis, which is also my paternal grandfather's name, but I thought, you know, this is pretty cool, it's pretty close to Quinn David Fernis, he has his own podcast, so I invited him to come on the show about five or six days ago, have not heard back from him. You know, you'd think you get a, you know, your name is Dave Fernis, you get an email from a Quinn David Fernis, you'd at least respond
Starting point is 00:46:02 back to the email, so that's what we're holding and I don't hope for, we'll see. But yeah, that would be exciting. Quinn David Furnace presents the Bean Tom podcast with host Quinn David Furnace and special guest David Furnace. I mean, it's like a palindrome almost. It's beautiful. Okay, that's what we got for you, everyone. Enjoy your week. If you're listening to this on Sunday, enjoy your day off if you listen to this on MLK Day. Enjoy that day off. And otherwise, you know what, take care.
Starting point is 00:46:31 Be nice to each other. And if you're ever going to break up with your girlfriend, make sure you do a podcast right before it happens. Because you never know what's gonna happen. All right, roll the music. We'll see you next time. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:47:10 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful.
Starting point is 00:47:26 I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful.
Starting point is 00:47:42 I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. ndご視聴ありがとうございました

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