Beantown Podcast - The Music Man + RHOSLC Finale (02052021 Beantown)

Episode Date: February 6, 2021

Quinn comes to you LIVE on a fun Friday edition of the Beantown Podcast to talk about more crazy dreams, hustling for CHINA, and the shocking season finale of the Real Housewives of Salt Lake City...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Furnace. Welcome to my show Quinn David Furnace presents the bean town podcast for Friday, this is take like seven. Because I think after three years and change, one of my Samson Q2U series microphones has officially gone down. I'm not a tech expert. I don't know all the diagnostic tools that are necessary. diagnostic tools that are necessary. You know, there's, I basically, I plug it in to the Mac, whoa, the way I always do, and the garage band recognizes it. But then when I record, it doesn't pick anything up. And the crazy thing is, the very first time, I could tell something was wrong, you know, the whole time I was recording, which was
Starting point is 00:01:12 only about 20 seconds, but, you know, I'm watching the feedback on Graschban as I'm recording, and you know, you see the little lines move up and down like a polygraph test almost um And this thing was just like Heavy metal lines always going up. So I'm like what's going on there? I'm loud, but I'm not that loud So I paused it listening back and it was just like a like a static very high pitched irritating sound like Actually, I just got out of the shower right before this and my shower has always done this but it comes and goes in waves and levels of intensity.
Starting point is 00:01:55 It likes to make a very high pitched steam engine noise. when I change the temperature or adjust the position of the shower head. But lately, it's been taken into a whole new level, Mach 5 edition. It sounds like those, I have this realization while I was in the shower. Like those things from Lord of the Rings that the NASGOLE ride, the fell beast or whatever those things are called, is dragon with the really long necks. It's that level of high pitch irritation and I can't really do anything to make it go away. It stinks.
Starting point is 00:02:40 But so I listened back to it and it wasn't picking up, I voiced it all, it was just that. So I was like, okay, something's off there. So I restarted Garage Band, because usually that does the trick. And I started recording again. And this time, this is what the ultimate sort of problem ended up being.
Starting point is 00:03:00 It was just not picking up anything. And I could tell because I wasn't, I was watching the feedback, nothing was coming through. So I have no idea. I, we'll try it out again later, but I was just trying to get this thing done, get it out of the way for you all.
Starting point is 00:03:18 So if you wanna do some easy week and listening, you could, but boy, it's always, always when you want it to work. Isn't that always how it goes? Anyways, my name is Quinn and this is my show. Thanks for tuning in. And it's the Bean Town podcast. It's one of the top 500 podcasts on the North side
Starting point is 00:03:39 of Chicago. And I'm looking like a total bro right now. Like I belong in Rigglyville with this look. I got a long sleeve tee, not a baseball tee. And admittedly my pants don't really fit this, but I got a backwards cubs hat on. That's my thing. I get out of the shower.
Starting point is 00:04:00 I throw on my backwards cap, because my hair is starting to become untamable like a lion's mane and so I just you know kind of throw it under there to manage it. But yeah, sipping some of my whiskey still working on the Jay Henry from Dane Wisconsin. I got my, uh, what are these called, a highball glass? I don't know. In my large ice cube. And we're just Sipin'.
Starting point is 00:04:34 Hmm. You know, we talked last week. Oh, and I'll mention, listener discretion is advised. When you're listening to the bean-tongued podcast, some of you want to occasionally use some language number two podcast subjectively terrible. I talked last week about my my dream which was a okay kind of a fun episode you know it was like we'd never done something like that before. If anyone is out there and they you you like to fall asleep to the bean town podcast, that was
Starting point is 00:05:07 probably your perfect episode. It was funky, man. It was like that movie, her, you know, just kind of like just evisceral, effervescent, you know, it was just, hmm, it'll get you going. I tell you that much. It was an exciting episode to record. And the reason I mentioned last week's episode is I had, or I'm continuing to have funky dreams.
Starting point is 00:05:38 I don't know what's been going on lately. I'm not really doing anything out of the ordinary from a routine perspective, but I am having some crazy dreams. This time, I think it was Tuesday night, I don't know, man. And this doesn't make a lot of sense because I've never been in a musical before, nor have I ever even seen this musical performed before. I don't think. I was the leading role in a stage production of the music man, which you might know,
Starting point is 00:06:11 the Matthew Broderick film version from like, what, oh, five, something like that. The funny thing was, I know some songs from the music man, just because they're pop culture songs, you know, from the 50s or whenever that show was written. But we didn't, none of the songs we sang in the, in the dream production of the music man were songs that were from the music man. I don't recall what they were.
Starting point is 00:06:43 I was a detail I should have written down when I woke up, but I neglected too. But the best part was, so at the end of a, you know, any sort of musical production, they do the the bows, the take a bows, if you will. And I don't know whose idea this was, probably mine, because I just love the attention in the spotlight. But you know how, let's take a musical like the music man, okay, whoever plays the music man, that one, he's gonna come out last, right? Cause he's the star of the show. He's the Matthew Broderick.
Starting point is 00:07:28 But I said, you know what? Even if you get to come out last, you're still only coming out once. So let's pump up those numbers a little bit. And I came out first, which is like a total sneak attack, right? You're expecting some sort of like, whoever plays the town's people, And I came out first, which is like a total sneak attack, right? You're expecting some sort of like whoever
Starting point is 00:07:47 plays the town's people, or maybe the constable, or one of those 76 trombones you anticipate they're going to come out first, right? So I boom, hit them where they weren't expecting it. Came out first, and then I come off, normally you would stay on, while the other cast comes out for their applause, but I took off and, you know, I never stopped working, okay, not even during the applause.
Starting point is 00:08:15 I changed my outfits into a different one and then I come out in the middle, like people maybe thought, oh, oh, though, maybe he's going to do two, out in the middle. Like people maybe thought, oh, oh, maybe he's gonna do two, beginning in the end. No, I'm gonna do beginning middle and end. Cause that's, I'm just a fighter like that, okay? So I come out in the middle, boom, hit them. Come off the stage once more for another outfit change. And then of course, we know how this is ending,
Starting point is 00:08:43 literally with me. I come out onto the stage again in a third and final outfit and the crowd is just loving me, okay? So really, I don't know what these dreams lately are all about, but they have been wild. And I, maybe my dreams have something to do with the fact that I've been hustling a lot lately.
Starting point is 00:09:10 I don't know, three jobs. You know, between my primary job, you know, the one that gets me health insurance and all that fun stuff. That's fairly nine to five-ish with the occasional Saturday event or an evening session on a Tuesday You know stuff like that
Starting point is 00:09:37 but you know with China That's a lot of You know, that's a lot of five to seven p.m. type stuff or seven a.m. type stuff because you might call Beijing and it's like nine p.m. when it's seven a.m. here or something like that. And then there's the occasional like overnight chat. So that stuff will pop up. And then this morning, I wake up at like 3.30 a.m. and you know I usually fall asleep to the office or some sort of Pokemon stream or classical music of some kind with a laptop in bed next to me. And so I anytime I wake up in the middle and I'll check the software tests because you might get, some India, for example, will do a lot of software tests.
Starting point is 00:10:30 And so they're basically 12 hours ahead. And so if it's 3.30 AM here, that's prime time software testing for them. Long story short, I woke up this morning and I was doing a fitness app study from a company or at least the creators of the study were clearly not English was not their strong suit. But I get like 15 minutes into this thing and these tests are usually 10 minutes is what they're advertised, $10 for 10 minutes.
Starting point is 00:10:59 And all of a sudden it's like, okay, now set your phone up against the wall to calibrate it. It's for a fitness at mind you. It's trying to take advantage of the palatone or mirror AI technology aspect of it. They're giving you a real life coach, but it's really artificial intelligence. Now do a full workout, and then after that is up, which is like 15, 20 minutes or something. Come back and answer these questions. And that was already after I had done 15 minutes of this test. And I was only halfway through the questions.
Starting point is 00:11:33 When they wanted me to just casually do a workout for them at 3 a.m. And I was like, buy a guy a drink first. So I reported their asses. And I got lucky, because sometimes the company I work for for software testing has a lot of pros, and also has a lot of cons. And one of the cons is that their support is usually subpar, if you will.
Starting point is 00:12:04 But I gotta tell you, I reported this issue at 4 a.m. and I woke up again at 7.30 a.m. to get the day started to say. And they'd already gone back to me in $7.00. So not the full 10, but it's something, you know. And I'm always hustling. All this is to say, maybe being up at odd hours of the night has something to do with crazy dreams. I don't know. If anyone out there has any expertise in dream analysis, or what's the story in the Bible with all the crazy dreams? Is that like happening in like, Darius and King Leonard? I was gonna say King Leonard, that's not a character.
Starting point is 00:12:56 Is Darius Leonard, is that like a basketball player or something? I was syncing a Xerxes. That's who I wanted to say. Darius was Xerxes' son, is that right? His father? I don't know. Daniel, isn't there something with crazy dreams and needing an interpreter? Or no, that's Joseph, right? But who's having the dreams? I don't know. We could use some clarification. What is it? The Pharaoh has a dream and there's seven years of famine, but then there's also like the
Starting point is 00:13:35 seven sickly cows and that's seven years of desert. What? And Joseph, what do they do? He's got, what, 11 brothers and they all team up to throw them down the well. Just because he had a cool coat, I thought I had it bad when my brothers hid my Pokemon game for me. These guys threw him down a well. I always thought that was a little extreme. And then what happened, some like random slave,
Starting point is 00:14:16 dudes from Egypt just stumble upon this well in the middle of Egypt, sounds miserable. Can you imagine, you know, because you figure their rock and sandals back then, like camel hide, maybe dolphin hide, Carlos hide, and what, they just picked this guy up and they're like, you're with us now, one of the gang.
Starting point is 00:14:45 If he got thrown down a well, wouldn't he have like broken his tibia, tibula, tibia, fibia, fibula? I can never get those straight. Philanjee's, metacarpals, metatarsals, carpals are in your hand, tarsals are in your feet, because T goes with toe.
Starting point is 00:15:06 Is that right? And Gini Mellus, bean-town podcast, again, it's bean-town, be in and podcast And how does it work? He rises up through the ranks or something to become a trusted advisor to the Pharaoh? That's the OG rakes to riches. Story, if you ask me. And then what happens, I think Veggie Tales
Starting point is 00:15:31 did an episode on this. He's just hanging out in the bar one day in Giza or wherever the ancient capital of Egypt was. I don't know. I've never been there. And his brothers all come strolling through and they're like, they don't know who he is but he knows who they are. So, you know, Joseph and the, and the, the, the Technic color dream coat, that's a musical, right? Like the music man? Hmm? Maybe we'll have a dream about that. That would
Starting point is 00:16:06 be tough to pull off though because I don't actually know anything about Joseph the multi, the multiple technological color dream coat. I did one year for Christmas super rain and we, my grandmother, grandma Sal, she's been on the podcast before, podcasting legend three years ago already, yikes. We were all a lot younger back then weren't we? She gave me a VHS copy of, it was like the local high school, I don't know. It's probably buried in my parents house somewhere. VHS copy production of some local
Starting point is 00:16:47 performance of Joseph in the technical or dream coat. I don't know. I never watched it. I just, it never happened. Probably too busy watching the parent trap or Aladdin. Because those films feature some serious babes. Aladdin, Jasmine, I stand by this hottest Disney princess and it's not close.
Starting point is 00:17:16 Like, she was turning boys into men at a very young age. And then the parent trap, I mean, men at a very young age. And then the parent trap, I mean, look, if you were a youngster and you were into pre-pubescent Lindsey Lohan, good for you. That wasn't my thing. I think there was just a lot of strong female energy
Starting point is 00:17:43 in that movie, right? Forget Quaid, you got two Lindsay Lohans, not just one yet, two. Yet the whole opening third of the film takes place at an all-girl summer camp, every nine-year-old boy's dream. You got Natasha Richardson, she rests in peace, total English babe, like, she got the glam, the fashion, she rests in peace, total English babe, like she got the glam, the fashion, she looks good. And then Dennis Quaid's like new wife is, you know, a total pain in the ass, but Meredith
Starting point is 00:18:17 was that her name? I think there's a pool or a scene where they're at the pool, and she was looking good. Mm. Speaking of, speaking of Meredith, however, the only other thing that I actually wanted to get to in this episode, I'm keeping it short because we actually have Rachel's coming over, we need to make dinner, and I do not want to keep her waiting,
Starting point is 00:18:42 I do not want her to get grumpy. Real housewives. You can tell I came in with a lot of material for this episode. Before we get to that, I'll just briefly mention that in two weeks here, I think Saturday, February 20th is the date we're shooting for
Starting point is 00:18:59 when you have our Pledge Drive, telephone fundraiser, which is super exciting. Looking forward to that. I did actually, last night, I think, two nights ago, last night maybe, I put together the GoFundMe for the podcast this year. Wait till I unveil it, you're going to love it.
Starting point is 00:19:20 It's very charity oriented, we got donor tiers. There's just a lot to be excited for. I haven't made it public yet. I will do that soon. I know what we'd say February is pledge drive month, and it's already five days over. But I don't think you all need a full 28 days to donate. Usually it takes like 30 seconds.
Starting point is 00:19:43 So that's coming up. Usually it takes like 30 seconds, okay? So that's coming up. Next week is a big TBD on what the program's gonna be. It might be another Friday because Rachel and I are going away just for the weekend to Michigan for Valentine's Day and our anniversary. Looking forward to that. Should be fun.
Starting point is 00:20:07 And I assume it's just as cold out there as it is here. Man, it is miserable. I actually, I neglected to mention. I had been, I had hit every single one of my runs, running days this calendar year up until yesterday. I finally missed one, not because I didn't have enough time, but just because I tweaked my hammy, not in a specific incident, but just running in the cold is tough on it. And Wednesday, I ran a 10K, and it was just just by the end of it, I was really gimpy.
Starting point is 00:20:44 And I was just like, I definitely could go out there yesterday and run, you know, five miles or something, but it was just like at what cost? And yesterday, if you're in Chicago, wow, were those conditions rough? You know, not only is it mega cold now, but it's just ice everywhere. And this week of all things, I had to go into the office
Starting point is 00:21:06 Monday morning unexpectedly. I was actually coming back. I came back from Rachel's from Lakeview, got to my APT at like 8.45. I'm all settled down, I got my dunk in, and I won't get into the technical details of the computer issue, but my work computer was completely locked out of.
Starting point is 00:21:23 So I had to go downtown and get that fixed. And then I had to go back downtown yesterday to get the keyboard replaced, which is good news, because now I can finally type without having to worry how I strike my A key or my C key or my U key. Right, we were down to 23 fully functioning letters on the keyboard. But man, coming back, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:21:47 in this, this has happened to me maybe once or twice before, which is not saying much because I've written the train many, many times in my life and been in cars and whatever. I got really bad motion sickness, like next level type stuff. I don't know if it was because I had had coffee on an empty stomach and then rode the train. I don't know. I'm not an expert on this stuff. But it was coming back, it was like 2 p.m. in the afternoon. It was a blizzard snow storm
Starting point is 00:22:18 outside. So it's super cold. And I get on the train and I'm wearing regular winter stuff. I got my coat in my hat. And underneath is just a t-shirt and jeans. So I'm literally, you know, we're rocking two layers here. And just had to, I mean, the sweating that's set in and the nausea that's set in, holy mully, it was rough. I was pretty sure between, and again, I'm coming from Jackson up to Loyal on the red line. From about Fullerton up to, I'd say, Lawrence, I was like, yeah, I'm gonna puke. It's just a matter of like, does it happen on the train or do I sense it coming
Starting point is 00:23:10 far out enough to where I can hop off at whatever the next stop is and just go there? But I really did not want to hop off for, I mean obviously you never want to hop off, but in this particular circumstance, because it is a freaking blizzard outside. So that was just like, really don't want to do that. Ended up, got past it. And then of course, you hop off the train and I feel just fine. Get home, eat some cheese and crackers. I feel good again. And then I make the critical mistake.
Starting point is 00:23:37 You know, I'm not a, not a home workout kind of guy like my runs, but since I wasn't running yesterday, I was like, well, let me just do a little home workout kind of guy like my runs, but since I wasn't running yesterday, I was like, well, let me just do a little home workout. I find some whatever, you know, do it at home, no weights, just a yoga mat thing on YouTube. And it just killed me. It's because I have no core strength.
Starting point is 00:23:59 And then all of a sudden I'm feeling mega nauseous again. Yada, yada, yada. I didn't end up making dinner to like 8 p.m. 8.30 just because my stomach, and my head, we're just way out of sync yesterday. Wow, that was a, but I want to say thanks to our sponsors, Home Pride Oregon,
Starting point is 00:24:24 out there in Bend, Oregon. If you need a home-inspected, we've got your guys Steve, you can go to for more information. You can also get your hair cut, your beard trimmed, or your calves massaged, massage therapy, we could get into that. Cuts by Q, they've got the good stuff. I also want to give a shout out to the Samson Q2U series and it is a shame That we are now down
Starting point is 00:24:52 Down to one Which we're gonna have to we're gonna have to fix that a sap Especially if we want to do interviews coming up, the pledge drive telephone fundraisers, we usually have some guest callers. So, yeah, we're gonna have to get that fixed. We will have to adjust that. And otherwise, am I forgetting anyone? No, our promo for the everlasting comfort
Starting point is 00:25:28 Bathville has ended. No word yet if I won their influencer content, we will see. I'm just casually checking my emails because I'm a multitasker. As I was just literally, it takes five seconds, not even multitasking But this piss me off again email from this okay, there's this place on Clark Clark and Pratt called smack dab They do it say a coffee and pastry sort of thing, but they also do dinner
Starting point is 00:25:57 You know, I think they I don't even know what their food is really like I've never eaten from there before But I was just bummed around this afternoon like I read from there before. But I was just bummed around this afternoon, because I didn't want to go out this morning to get coffee kind of a long walk, no matter which way you slice it. And I was just feeling very cold and wanting to be cozy.
Starting point is 00:26:16 But I was like, you know what, this afternoon when I really want to stretch my legs, get the sunshine on my skin a little bit, even though it's still cold, like, oh, go out and get a nice coffee this afternoon Well my go-to Friday coffee spot common cup up on Morris Apparently closes at 1 p.m. Every day now Which is disappointing so then I was like well, let me go to smack dab and the reason I bring them up I just got an email from them like some sort of advertisement whatever
Starting point is 00:26:43 But I tried to order from SmackDown, and apparently they're closed from like one to five, 30 or something, so it was really getting shut out, and I ended up not having any afternoon coffee, which after what happened yesterday is maybe a good thing. But you know what, I can't get no respect, and I could have gotten a dunk in but I was just I was feeling fancy. You know I wanted
Starting point is 00:27:09 Either my my capuchino from common cup or Smack dab only gotten coffee from once or twice but they have like some cool salted caramel Lotte or one time I had like this maple Lotte which is tasted like pure maple syrup and that's delicious so I was really feeling one of those but it's not to be so my last thing here I know we usually do this
Starting point is 00:27:39 first but yesterday last or two nights ago, excuse me, Wednesday night was the season finale of the real housewives of Salt Lake City. And as a reminder, leading up to this episode, they had just done like a two-parter in Vegas. And Gentia was just insufferable. They went to the hypnotist's house. They're like, raise your hand if you don't trust Gen-Shaw. Everyone else raises their hands. And then raise your hand if you don't trust Heather.
Starting point is 00:28:13 And of course, no one's gonna put their hands except Gen-Shaw, which is like bad move because Heather's really her only friend. Anyways, so now we come back to Salt Lake City. And it was kind of a disappointing finale Because the ladies for the most part were kind of doing their own things. I was 90 minutes long I really didn't need to be there's way too much flashbacks Some of the editing was good, but overall it was just it felt like total filler
Starting point is 00:28:40 It really feels like the show has nothing to go on when Gen Shaw is not freaking out. Cause we don't really, the ladies don't spend that much time together. And there aren't super deep friendships or super deep riffs. It's just kind of like whenever Gen Shaw decides she wants to freak out, that's basically the episode.
Starting point is 00:29:08 So the kind of backdrop of this finale is that Heather's beauty bar is like moving locations or opening a new location, I really know. So she's like getting ready for all that stuff. She mentions at one point in the episode that she's like excited and ready at late. Nothing ever comes to that. There was no big daddy.
Starting point is 00:29:26 If you remember from many episodes ago, she went out on a double date with, was it, Jensha, I think. Yeah, it was Jensha and Coach Shah. And then Coach Shah brought his friend, Big Daddy, who was like really into like after school programs and like working with kids and stuff. And they painted him to be just this awful person
Starting point is 00:29:44 because he talked a lot, whatever. Big Daddy, I want back on the show, TBD, he wasn't in this episode. So Heather is kind of off doing that the whole time. Whitney, her dad has finished rehab and he's a hairdresser which is like, if you've seen his hair, probably the one profession you would guess that he's not.
Starting point is 00:30:07 But he does like this demo where he cuts Whitney's hair in front of this class. I don't know if he's like, I remember he's trying to get into this school or something, however it works, whatever. But he's actually like really personable. He's having fun with the class. He seems like he's in a good place. Meredith really doesn't do that much this episode. She's back with her husband Seth, and she's telling Seth about how Jen Shaw was saying stuff
Starting point is 00:30:35 about their marriage to Whitney. This is like many episodes ago back when Whitney and Jen Shaw were just hanging out like lifting weights, like two and a half pound weights. And Seth is just like, he's not angry, but he's like, all of a sudden really passionate and it's like yelling and cussing a lot, which is just like, it was really weird, because it's just like not the Seth that we had been introduced to in the first, you know, 12 episodes of this season or whatever. And we get a very short, brief, Brooks appearance.
Starting point is 00:31:05 I don't even remember what it was about. But then Mary finally leaves the house, which is super exciting. And she goes, it's really weird though, because she goes to her church, and they're having choir practice. And the whole thing is just bizarre. She walks in and people are like,
Starting point is 00:31:24 like they've just seen Jesus or walks in and people are like, like they've just seen Jesus or something. They're just like screaming, they're clapping, they're like crying tears of joy, they're so happy that Mary Cosby has graced them with her presence. It's all very bizarre. And she just like takes over choir practice. And it's not that really even entertaining. It just kind of happens. And you're just like, OK, this is Mary Cosby. At least she left the house. Big news.
Starting point is 00:31:56 Lisa goes to her office. And she's like meeting with one of her interns or something who's basically Lisa but 20 years younger, they're like identical, it's kind of spooky. And then her family shows up, Lisa's family, she's got her husband and her two kids, and her two sons. And one of the sons is like 15 and he's got a, he physically he looks like he hasn't hit puberty, but his voice is super deep. It's really strange, very scary. And then this other son is just like kind of ADD, like eight years old. He's strong stuff on the whiteboard, whatever, being an eight year old.
Starting point is 00:32:34 But they're pitching these two sons apparently have their own like, I don't even know what it is. Is it clothing? Is it skincare? Like ax body spray or something? I don't even know what it is. Is it clothing? Is it skincare, like ax body spray or something? I don't know. They have this brand. It's called like fresh wool for something. And they're making this kid do a pitch, the 15 year old. And it's just very strange.
Starting point is 00:32:56 The whole thing is just like bizarre. Not particularly like entertaining. You're just kind of watching it. And then Jen shot Cote Shaw surprises Jen with salsa dancing. They do that. Cote Shaw is always putting on the smooth words. And for the most part, Jen Shaw is pretty tolerable. Not a lot of crying is good.
Starting point is 00:33:23 So eventually we get to the big set piece, the grand opening of Heather's beauty bar, whatever grand reopening, I don't know. Meredith walks in, she's wearing this crazy-ass mask. I don't know what the term is for a fencer's mask, but that's what she's wearing. It's nuts. And everyone is like, Meredith, what are you wearing? Take it off. It's just, you can't see her face. She looks like a Marvel villain or something. I'm like Iron Man's sexy Utah cousin. I don't really know. But yeah, they have their party and everyone is like confronting Gen-Shaw separately, and then eventually Heather really gets into it with her, and we don't get a lot of like resolution, but it's also not like a huge big sparse flying yelling kind of fight.
Starting point is 00:34:22 So the whole thing is just kind of not a let down, but just like, I don't know, not that much going on, not terribly interesting. Anyways, apparently there's a three part ladies tell all sort of spill the tea kind of gap session, and I've heard these sorts of things are common on reality shows. So we're gonna see what happens next week.
Starting point is 00:34:46 Andy Cohen is hosting, so you know it's going to be good. But that's pretty much what I wanted to share with you. So thanks for tuning in, and yeah, if it's cold where you are, put on your long johns, and get your dunkin' and hunker down. We're going to queue up some music here. Thanks for tuning in. More information coming out soon about the Pledge Drive and that's what I got for you. So stay safe, stay sane, and I'll check in on you next time. Bye. I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just ndご視聴ありがとうございました

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