Beantown Podcast - Things That Spook Me 2023 Edition (10272023 Beantown Podcast)

Episode Date: October 27, 2023

Quinn comes to you LIVE from the Southwest Suburbs with an all new interview with a dog plus thet 2023 edition of Things That Spook Me ft. Taylor Swift, Grapefruits, and much more!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Furnace. Welcome to my show Quinn David Furnace presents the bean town podcast for Friday October 27th, 2023 last Bean Town of October Year six what's going on? What's happening? How are you? My name is Quinn? And this is my show Quinn David Furnace presents the bean town podcast We are coming to you live from the Southwest suburbs of Chicago today, outside streaming live, outside from the patio, the Rainbow Spadio TM. It's copyright. My name is Quinn.
Starting point is 00:00:36 Thank you for listening to our show. Thank you for making this one of the top 500 podcasts on the north side of Chicago. And shout out to the great nation of Pakistan for making this the 112th ranked comedy podcast in the great state of Pakistan. It is kind of a gloomy day. It's one of those days we look at the sky and you don't even install it. It's all homogenous. H-O-M-O-G-E-N-O-U-S. Just cloud. Not clouds, plural. Just cloud. One cloud. That's it. But temperatures, this is, I think, our last, like, legit temperature day.
Starting point is 00:01:16 Been a weird week here in Chicago. I haven't even been around for most of it. But we've had good temperatures. I was in Tallahassee for a grand total of approximately 23 hours. I think I landed at about 5.36 pm Eastern time on Tuesday and then I my flight left about 5 pm on Wednesday. I was going through some of the memories the last time I was down in that area. In fact, I think the last time was in Florida, because I do not go to Florida frequently. I haven't vacationed in Florida just casually for fun since I was probably 13, 14, something like that, so it's been a solid 15 years. But last time I was there, I was looking through the Instagram, Facebook, and my memories and stuff. I had some more time because I went for a run in town.
Starting point is 00:02:07 I have COD down around Florida A&M University in HBCU south of downtown. I also went to a proof. That's what it's called, proof brewing. It's just on the south edge of downtown as you're leaving downtown to south of the capital building there. I remember going there last time and then of course we also went to or I went to was a solo trip went to Gainesville, Florida. That's what we did our Gator watch 2019. It's spent my whole time in Florida like looking for alligator and alligator, not even alligator's plural. Excuse me, and I finally went to this wetlands reserve
Starting point is 00:02:46 on the southeast edge of Gainesville. And I went around this whole park basically, with my gator radar on, not gator, but gator radar. Gator, I guess for short, G-A-T-A-R, Gator, like, keytar. Always wanted to play one of those, and then you look online, and they're like $600 for the cheap ones,
Starting point is 00:03:10 and it was like, okay, I guess I won't play one of those. I think the other thing with a keytar is like, if you're not actively performing, like doing gigs and stuff, getting paid for that, you kind of have to wonder, is it worth it to actually have a keytar, because it's like, what are you are you really going to do with it? It looks really cool, but I think I would get bothered by the I don't know how many keys does a standard key tar have I
Starting point is 00:03:35 Know when I play just any sort of piano or keyboard in general Which doesn't happen frequently but that has less than the full idiot keys it kind of pisses me off haven't frequently, but that has less than the full 88 keys. It kind of pisses me off. Speaking of pissing, listener discretion is advised. When you're listening to the meantime podcast, someone will occasionally use some language. And remember to use podcast subjectly terrible.
Starting point is 00:03:51 I Google image searched Keatar. And if you're curious, we're looking at like three and a half octaves here. So this one I'm looking at is your classic corg, RK137 key, keytar synthesizer from And it goes, we got a C as your low note, then another C, then a third C, then a fourth C and the top ones in E. So 37 keys, you basically get three full octaves
Starting point is 00:04:21 and then a little high D action. Oh, we got Bailey here. It could be our recurring segment. The Bean Town Pog is in every with a dog. Bailey got anything you want to say. Okay, we found the 30 seconds of the day when she isn't barking. That's nice. There's a little bit of panting action here. I don't know if the phone can pick it up. Speaking of the phone, yes, I'm recording on my iPhone here. We are going rogue, back roads here on the B-Tone podcast. It was a quick turnaround because I don't need to get into all the details. So, basically, I get home from telehazzy, like 11 PM on Wednesday, and then by Thursday at 7.30, I had to be out of the house for work, slash,
Starting point is 00:05:03 pack it up for a, you know, family wedding and stuff. And so I'm like, what do I pack? What do I throw in? Samson, never cross my mind. But it doesn't mean they're not a great sponsor of this fine program. But so I'm outside on the patio. Recording, like, let me do it from my laptop. I think I'm in my laptop in front of me. And I do a couple of audio checks. The smartest thing I've ever done in 300 and one episodes of the Bean-Town Podcast actually test out how you sound before you start recording from just the laptop microphone.
Starting point is 00:05:33 And it was just like cutting in and out. And I was like, this is not gonna work. The bean heads are going to be p-oed. So I'm like, okay, the last resort is the iPhone. It's really not a problem. The only thing that I am wary of is like running into storage issues, but I don't think, you know, that's a problem. It's more so me just being like paranoid
Starting point is 00:05:55 about using my voice memos app to get anything done. But we're gonna, we've done it before. We've recorded shows, I had to blow a hair off my phone. Recorded shows off of our iPhone before. So shout out to Apple, we're gonna make it work. But yeah, keytars, I think harmonica is something that I would be more inclined to use. Harmonica is one of those things
Starting point is 00:06:18 actually still think about from time to time because I listen to a lot of war on drugs and they get a lot of harmonica going in there. But I would need the Bob Dylan thing. So during some songs you can eat or play the harmonica and sometimes you could put a, I don't know, those little hot dogs they put on the rollers at 7-11. I think I could put one of those on and chow down. You know what a killer food is that slaps every time, and I don't think I've ever not
Starting point is 00:06:48 been in the mood for it, a corn dog, man. I think we've talked about this in some capacity of the show before, but whoever came up with the corn dog origin, got to be some guy in Kansas, right, who ran like a hot dog stand, and he discovered it by accident some day, like he was making corn, corn bread or something. Maybe some guy in Mississippi, I don't know, making corn bread and corn bread and at his dog like knocked over the hot dogs, the pack of hot dogs and it fell into the corn bread machine and he baked it and he didn't realize that corn bread machine. There's a classic. Everyone has a cornbread machine, right?
Starting point is 00:07:27 Kind of like the cornbuller from a rest of the development. Falls into the cornbread machine and this guy's name would be something like finious sloggle worth or something, which is why you always see when you buy, you know, frozen corn dogs in the grocery store, they're always called slog worth corn dogs. And he pulls them out and he starts to, you know frozen corn dogs in the grocery store, they're always called slogworths, corn dogs. And he pulls them out and he starts to, you know, cut up his cornbread and he realized, I got a corn dog in there.
Starting point is 00:07:51 And then maybe he like stuck a stick in there or something. And I don't know, do you think the original corn dog was a wooden stick, or do you think they used like a pencil or something, tykondoroga, T-I-C-O-N-D-E-R-O-G-A. I'm pretty sure that was one of our top 10 horse names, one of the years, maybe like year two or year three or something, but it's hard to keep track. Now we've had 60 distinct homegrown horse names
Starting point is 00:08:21 that either I've come up with or friends of the show I've come up with. friends of the show have come up with. But there you go, that's the Phineas Slogalworth Corn Dog, that's the origin story. In 1927, you know, right before the Great Depression. That's why Corn Dog's became such a big Slogorth Corn Dog, it became such a huge hit during the Great Depression because they were inexpensive. You can kind of just use whatever meat you want. It doesn't have to be hot dog as long as it looks like a hot dog. And you just throw it in some cornbread, which
Starting point is 00:08:54 I imagine is mostly just like mashed corn and flour and pencils, right? You don't even need a chopped-down any trees. You can just stick a pencil in there. And then when you're done, you can write a review about Slogworth's corn dogs. If you're curious, Slogworth, S, just like it sounds. S-L-O-G-G-L-E-O-W-O-R-T-H. I guess if you're a Dutch, it could be W-E-R-T-H. I guess if you're a Dutch it could be W-E-R-T-H. Is that a Dutch saying, a German
Starting point is 00:09:28 thing, worth like Jason Worth from the plate for a bunch of different names. With the fillies, the nationals, Jason with O-Y. J-A-Y, like J-S-On, J-S-On Worth. Speaking of friends supporting the show and stuff, thank you to everyone who followed our 300th episode last week here, Beentown Podcast, Beentown Podcast dot com. Thank you to Zack Snyder, director for calling in, and I didn't want to linger on this fact because it was kind of bringing the show down but Gerald Butler not calling in definitely a bummer but I guess you know like Meatloaf said in his song, Risenpiece, went out to Tueinbad. So it was a lot of fun we got to you know kind of pull back the curtain and get into the director's chair. One of those kind of high-top things with fabric with a criss-cross legs.
Starting point is 00:10:21 That was pretty exciting. If you missed it you can go find the show you can watch the live video stream on slash Quinn David Furnace something like that and you can always find our latest episodes on SoundCloud not Stitcher ran out of business rest in peace but player FM Apple podcasts Google Play Store I don't know, whatever. If you have never figured this out because I've never like used an Android phone before. If you have an Android phone, what is like your podcasts? Is it just called like Google Podcasts or something? Android Podcasts or is like a specific name?
Starting point is 00:10:59 Because we call it Apple Podcasts, right? I don't know, too hard to figure out. I want to quickly shout out our sponsors before we talk about some things that are spooking me currently, this are Halloween special, but I don't want to make it too scary, you know. Of course, our good friends, Samson Q2U series could not be with us today through no fault of their own. Samson Q2U series, when God speaks, He uses a Samson. Of course, a good friend's home part organ when you need your home inspecting the central organ, call the experts, people who are safe, certified, double-einsured, basically if they mess up, they'll buy your home bread dollar. Would you believe that?
Starting point is 00:11:40 Steve is his name, 541-040-0316. Trustee Steve, TRUSTE. Speaking of Steve, shout out to Grandpa of the podcast who has unbelievably been on this show before, Grandma's Cell, turning the big eight something today, it's rude to ask, you know, you never ask a woman their age. So when I was on the phone with Grandma's Cell, earlier today, we didn't ask, you know, you never ask a woman their age. So when I was on the phone with grandma Sal earlier today, we didn't ask, you know, you don't bring it up. But it sounds
Starting point is 00:12:09 like they're going to a bang and potluck in the party room of the condo tonight. Grandma Sal bringing the shrimp cocktail. Good stuff, freshly caught from fountain lake, which you might think of the fountain lake, Albert Lee, that's kind of gross. Well, it's better than the shrimp you get out of Lake Shepo, which is right out back of the condo. Wouldn't it be great though? If you're, you know, not part of the family and you're listening to this first of all, how'd you find the show, but two, you have no idea what I'm talking about, but it's basically this lake that's about a foot and a half deep. It's not tiny, you know, it's not like a small pond or something, it's like a regular sized lake that you can see across.
Starting point is 00:12:49 But it's known for its carp, freshwater carp, a Minnesota delicacy, and if you found shrimp in there or any sort of crustacean, I do not recommend eating it. But happy birthday to Graham and Sal, I hope that potluck is banging. We got I'm sitting outside on the patio looking facing indoors and I got Bailey just being a total spook. Bailey if you don't know is the dog of Rachel's parents Betty and Jose and she is just she looks like she wants to eat me. You know I don't uh Kujo Stephen King I've never actually read it but this is what I imagine when I think of Kujo. Billy's given me the mean mug. She should be very happy. It just took her for a walk before this. We went a full eighth of a mile and about halfway through. So the one sixteenth of a mile point,
Starting point is 00:13:35 she just sat down in the sidewalk and she still, so we got blinds. There are blinds in the kitchen and she is moving them out of the way with her nose. You pretty much just see her head just, it's like pet cemetery something. I'm getting spooked. He's staring right at me. Yeah, she just sat for like three minutes with her big booty. I guess, you know, you never ask a woman or age
Starting point is 00:14:01 and you never comment on a golden-rich-year-old booty. I was kind of the golden rules here. But all that is to say shout out to Homebright Organ, New Need, your home inspection, call the experts. Again, 540-03036 or go to You can also email us the show. We've done 300 episodes now. This is 301.
Starting point is 00:14:19 And I'm not going to say we're running out of ideas, but I will say that we have fewer ideas for the show now than we did 300 episodes ago. Particularly a day like today. So, email us me and Tom podcast and me and Tom podcast at Although I know we're about to get refreshed with some great stuff, great content because we're going to Puerto Rico one week from tomorrow. I don't, you know, the way the schedule laid out is a Saturday to a Friday trip, so I don't need to podcast from Puerto Rico, and I'm sure Rachel would prefer that.
Starting point is 00:14:52 But I don't know, we'll see what happens. They're probably gonna stream live next Friday a week from today, day before we go, and then I guess figure out next week after that, but it should be pretty exciting. It's weird to think that it came up fast one week from tomorrow or flying. I'm going to have to figure out, first of all, what's the time in Puerto Rico? The Eastern time, time, I've done no preparation really for this trip whatsoever, time in San Juan Puerto Rico. Yes, one hour ahead.
Starting point is 00:15:25 That means that Vikings game that we are gonna be gone for Vikings Falcons Sunday, November 5th, they'll be a 1 p.m. start time the day after we get there. So we'll try to stream it maybe on the phone. And then of course, our good friends, cuts by Q, when you need to fresh do something snappy or new call the experts at cuts by Q We also made it 16 minutes into the show. I didn't preview what we're drinking today I'm trying a brand new brewery. I just went down the street to the liquor store to pick up a bottle of wine and then a
Starting point is 00:15:59 Four pack. I know it is We're like a month late on this but I got to October Fest, surely my last October Fest dip of the year, but this is from Buckle Down Brewing, which is in Lyons, Illinois, which is not far from where I am right now. Here in the southwest suburbs, only about five miles away. I don't really know anything about Buckle Down Brewing. Let's see if we go to their website. If we could all learn something new today, be it in Lions, Illinois, double down dunkel. It's a plain card themed beer. That's
Starting point is 00:16:32 what they're promoting on their homepage. Pizza now available. This is great. So it's a picture of a pizza. Their color scheme is yellow and white. And so the phrase or the words on their screen are pizza now available, but pizza and now are yellow and then available is white. So instead of being like pizza, now available, it's pizza now available. Just, you know, these are the things that get me through my day. We go to menu here. They've got food options, cheese pizza, sausage pizza, pepperoni pizza, warm pretzel with beer cheese. It sounds good right now. Bake up chips for $1.00. That's what I'm talking about.
Starting point is 00:17:10 Once I went to a bar in, oh by the way, this is the double down October fest German style logger, 5.2%. It's a tall boy. So I need to get working on this actually because it's going to go flat if I'm not careful It's a very standard October fest, but it's good. I got it because I was indecisive and Just wanted to try a new new beer and I knew that it wouldn't let me down. So there we go One time brothers of the show Walt Jack and I There we go one time brothers of the shell Walt Jack and I We're in Alaska doing to a bar because it was summer was still looked like middle of the day But I think it was like 10 p.m. When we actually walked in there maybe maybe like nine and
Starting point is 00:17:55 They had closed their kitchen, but they still had chips. So we drank PBRs and I think they were like the fun-size bags of Doritos. I think I had cool ranch. Something just fell down behind me. The beer is that Buckle Down offers belt and suspenders American IPA 7% cactus pants Mexican logger, hideout dreamcicle, hazy IPA. That's quick interjection here. I was flying solo last weekend, like the whole weekend. Sunday, you know, football day, went for a walk in the morning, stopped in at the jewel to grab some stuff. I made BLTs for lunch, which were killer, like actually really good.
Starting point is 00:18:44 And I wanted, you know, I didn't want to drink a ton, but it's like something to sit on while I'm watching, there's Bailey again, looking at me through the blinds, getting total spooked. We'll add it to the list. We're going to talk about things that spook me in a second here. We'll go pretty fast, because I want to wrap this up. But I'm like, you know, the jewel has a section
Starting point is 00:19:03 for just like their tall boys, you know, you just buy one can. They'll be like, you do, the jewel has a section for just like their tall boys, you know, you just buy one can, they'll be like, you do like 250 or three bucks or something. Oftentimes, most of their selections are at Gurs island, so you can get like a hazy, neon, maximists if you're really crazy, which is kind of what I was in the mood for. So, you know, it's like 10%, 9%, something like that.
Starting point is 00:19:19 And it's like three bucks for the tall boy, which is a great value if you're just like trying to get hammered basically. But I saw one that I didn't recognize, a goose island, it was like teaky something and I just was not paying attention, frankly, I had a bunch of stuff in my hands. And I was like, oh, I've never seen this one before.
Starting point is 00:19:38 I'll try this. I get home, I realize it's like a Margarita cocktail-style beer. And it was basically just like a carbonated Margarita. And of course, get the tall boy. And man, the thing was so sweet. I'm not gonna come out, Bailey's just mean mucking me. This whole show is a spook street. I'm not gonna come out and say, oh, it was bad.
Starting point is 00:19:59 I think if you were in the right mood, in the summer, in the pool, it's like a hundred degrees outside, it would be great. But man, it was just like a cozy Sunday watching the, I guess it wasn't Vikings, it played Monday night, be the 49ers if you can believe it. But I was like, it took me a full like the three hour that a football game lasts to drink the whole thing because it was so sweet. So I messed that one up.
Starting point is 00:20:23 I'll pay more attention next time I'll buy my beer. October Festival which is what we're drinking right now. German Logger, Party Pillow, German Hair, German Hair. I've never seen that before. Hair, H-E-R-E, Hair Beer. I have no idea. When you Google here beer, you just get like the regular word here, like here style hair. It's got to be like hair, right? It's German hair, frowze and schnitzel, hair, style of beer. Okay, I'm not getting anything. So I'm wondering if double down is just pulling my leg. Yeah, it says German here. I'm not kidding you. Let's get past this Riverside Pale Ale. It's a Pale Ale, if you can believe it. Alien Avatar, Avatar 2, Big Letdown.
Starting point is 00:21:11 Patrick McDaniels, an IPA. He's a member of the Bucklevinan Brew Crew. Future proof IPA, that sounds good. Mosaic, Amarillo, and Calypso. A fruity, hop, assault, tear, palette. Bean Town podcast is kind of an assault on your ears, so I think that would be a good match. Imperial rice doubt, it's a rice doubt. Big rich smoothie tasty, wherever I heard that before. This website is frustrating to me because some of the beers have their percentages listed with them, and some of them don't. Not that it matters to me, I'm just a sucker for consistency.
Starting point is 00:21:47 Clenscher X-Green is a double IPA. Ravens cloak, black rye IPA that sounds delicious. Fat Rhino and peril stowards a fun name, and then a haunted pale ale. So there you go, that's Buckledown Brewing. Naughty proud sponsor of the show, but giving me some free press. So there you go, that's buckle down brewing. Not a proud sponsor of the show, but giving you some free press. So there you go. The topic of today's program is things that spoke me. And I'll mention no palindrum of the day today because I literally just thought of it.
Starting point is 00:22:18 And haven't done any research and don't want to try to do it on the fly. I will say we will get in on the Taylor Swift you know stuff here because it's what it's part of one of our things that spooks me. So here without further ado because they just googled it. And this is perfect. Okay this was not planned at all but it fits it dovetails perfectly into what I was going to say. So the trivia question is very simple. What is Taylor Swift's best selling album? Antiboracle will be decided by how many copies worldwide have been sold.
Starting point is 00:22:55 This is per a very reputable website, resite., whatever that means. I have no idea. Let's see. It seems like, so I just Google search best selling Taylor Swift album and it seems like we're getting conflicting information, but we're just going to go with this. No, I have multiple websites sourcing this now. So again the question what is the best selling Taylor Swift album? Currently and if you know what just happened last night it's gonna be a very easy answer for you. The answer is 1989 Swift's 2014 album. As of right now the album has sold 14,332,116 copies worldwide.
Starting point is 00:23:47 And she just did a re-release of it last night, which, I already said this, but it dovetails perfectly into the first thing that spokes me, which wasn't first on my list, but it is now. Excuse me, Taylor Swift, number one, things that spoke me, not just Taylor Swift, that's fine. But Taylor Swift copying the Beentown podcast by re-releasing 1989. So here's the thing, okay.
Starting point is 00:24:13 So Taylor Swift 2014 album, 1989, it's about the year she was born. You know, it's all songs about stuff that's happening. She's got songs about George H. W. Bush and the Rand hostage crisis and Bay of Pigs, all these 80s, late 80s kind of error things, Khrushchev. And so I come out, what, three months ago, two months ago. And I'm like, I'm going to make my own album, 1889, which is basically, it's not the year I was born,
Starting point is 00:24:39 but it's kind of a significant year. So we'll be talking about like Irish potato famines and Jane Adams and you know battered women and all that good stuff. You know you got a great preview of it. On that show I still intend to record some of those songs and make an LP I think. I guess an LP is like a regular album right. What LP is limited play, EP is extended play but an LP is longer than an EP is that how that works, it's very confusing. But here's the thing, Taylor just couldn't leave well enough alone, so she comes out last
Starting point is 00:25:11 night, kind of on the fly, wasn't planned or anything, and she re-releases 1989, mere weeks after I decided to come up with 1889 Quinn's version. So there's a lot of like copycat stuff going on here. It seems like apparently 14 million copies sold isn't good enough for her because maybe the bean down podcast is cutting into her market share. I won't be surprised if she comes after me with her attorneys because I know she's extremely litigious. She did that whole thing with her former manager. Apparently, Permi sources was really just looking out for her. I think it was the same person that Britney Spears and the Olsen twins have. Obviously a very reputable man.
Starting point is 00:25:53 So Taylor Swift and her copycat ways. Number one, I think that's Bootsmean. Number two, mortgage rates, slash housing costs. And I know this is not just a Chicago thing, but man, in Chicago, it's tough. Look, I have no, I'm not naive in this. I don't believe I have no intention of being like, I'm going to work in education, and then also be able to afford a house any time soon, either in Chicago or immediately outside of Chicago. Or just like what I would consider be like a regular nice house, not something that's like super old, super beat up that sort of thing. And never was under that impression.
Starting point is 00:26:32 But what's tough now, and I'm not looking to buy a house tomorrow or anything like that, but it's on my mind, month after month of paying rent, and just, there's a lot more to you know building up your your portfolio and your your your investments in your capital and stuff than just you know rent versus buy right there's maintenance costs there's you know a millions of things that go into it's not it's not as simple as mortgage payment versus rent payment right. But it's something that I'm thinking about and you look at these mortgage rates
Starting point is 00:27:06 even for someone with killer credit like myself. I think I clocked in like 838 last time I checked out of 850 and been hustling my buns off for We're at like a full almost four years of working three jobs now It's just you know, it's kind to the point where that's just my norm. But what's crazy is like if I just worked one job, how much free I, I can't imagine how much free time I would have, that would be insane. It would come up with some like evil plan. It would be bad. I need something to keep me distracted and making money is a good way to do that for now.
Starting point is 00:27:44 But doing all that and it's like, I mean a lot better shape than I think a lot of people I know. But you know, just not getting that far ahead with these mortgage rates that are like 7%-8% I'm just trying to like not buy a house outright obviously that's not a thing in this area but you know they say like try to do 20% down payment while you look at those those mortgage rates and it's like well you're still gonna get you're gonna get slaughtered so I'm aiming in for like 30% 40% it's inevitably going to involve selling off stocks.
Starting point is 00:28:27 Not like for my 401k or my Roth or something, but just my standard brokerage stuff. But you got to worry about capital losses, capital gains, which is not something I really want to do. It spokes me. I got a hair in my mouth on that sip of beer. I don't know if that was mine or maybe that guy who had the beer named after him at Buckle Down Brewery. Who knows.
Starting point is 00:28:54 We already did an interview with the dog on this show, but walking Bailey already mentioned. It's a stereotype at this point, but it's one of those, can a stereotype be true? Because if so, that's what we're dealing with here. I just wanted to get a couple steps in. I mean, we're talking like a thousand steps, less than that, because I just been sitting on my butt working all day, not a very exciting Friday.
Starting point is 00:29:21 So I took out Bailey, we go around the block, and it's one thing if you wanna like, saunter, S-A-U-N-T-E-R around and you smell, I get it, like you've been cooped up inside all day, but when you just sit in the sidewalk and like, look like your brain is dead and nothing's happening, you won't move in any direction. It's like, what do you wanna do?
Starting point is 00:29:40 We can get closer to the house. We can get further away from the house. We can go up towards the sky. We can go down into the ground. You can dig. But just sitting there is like what? So I got spooked. And it wasn't just because of the great Halloween decorations in the neighborhood.
Starting point is 00:29:58 She wasn't fazed by those at all. I mean, I was more scared than she was, but, uh, you're regardless. She wouldn't move. It wasn't even like, oh, there's a spooky spider up ahead. We better stop. We had just passed the spooky house. We were, we were past it. And then she just stopped. No ghouls or gargoyles or haunts or creatures of various spooky levels on the horizon and just stopped. Speaking of the decorations I saw to fly in through this we're gonna finish up soon here.
Starting point is 00:30:32 Skeletons don't really scare me and I'll tell you why. No skeletons are like a staple of Halloween at this point but here's why skeletons don't scare me. Those things gotta be like how much is a skeleton gonna weigh? Like 50 pounds? Even if you're like a, like, the Neal Hunter Vikings defensive end, you're absolutely jacked, you know, 240 pounds or whatever.
Starting point is 00:30:57 The skeleton can't weigh that much. I mean, I know bones can be big and long, but it's all muscle. It's all, you know, not for athletes. I was gonna say fat, but like, the muscle. It's all, you know, not for athletes. I was going to say that, but like the bones themselves can't be that bad. I guess the consideration is if it's like pyrr to the Caribbean and the skeletons are undead, but even those skeletons, I feel like even so they were like regular guys, they were undead obviously, there's zombies basically. But they were like regular guys with skin and muscle and all that stuff and blood I think.
Starting point is 00:31:32 Yeah, they, I'm pretty sure they have blood in the daylight and it's only in the moonlight when they turn into skeletons. But it's like, I don't think something the movie doesn't really address easily my biggest criticism, Jerry Brookheimer if you're listening, is they seem just as strong even when they're just bones and they seemingly lose their muscle mass in the moonlight compared to their regular male bodies in the daytime. So that's my point of contention or my point of concern really. It's probably why I almost never watch that movie again.
Starting point is 00:32:16 I'm down to once every month at this point and it's trending downwards. Some inconsistencies in the anatomy, the physiology. But skeletons don't scare me that much. Something else that scares me and grandma's how about it to my intention when I called her this afternoon, happy birthday, grandma's how. Never getting to trick or treat. So she was telling me about teenagers around town,
Starting point is 00:32:41 based off some gossip she picked up at the library when she was volunteering. About teenagers who are still trick-or-treating and she asked me, you know, when did you stop trick-or-treating or, you know, did you trick-or-treat when you're a teenager and I had to break the terrifying news to her, the spooky news if you owe that any never once in my life got to trick-or-treat. Religious oppression, let's just call it what it is. Religious fanaticism, even. You can't participate in Halloween because it's devil's worship. Not a big boon of candy.
Starting point is 00:33:12 Now, the flip side of that is getting to go enjoy a dynamite Italian meal, Lino's restaurant in Pizzeria, and sit under the leaning tower of Pisa, pretty cool stuff, and go to To toys or us and pick out a bunch of toys. I'm all for it. I mean, shout out to parents, grandparents, people who funded those excursions. I love it.
Starting point is 00:33:36 I appreciate it. It had a great time. My question is, so trick or treating satanic in heathen, but spending money rather than getting free candy and getting dress-ups like something cool like Jesus and spending money at a big, big wig corporation toys or us, you know, obviously they're still doing very well because of all the business we gave them, that's a Christ-like. Not really taking a stand one way or another, it's just a curious thing.
Starting point is 00:34:09 There's Bailey poking your head. This should have been the video cast. I wish I could just like flip my phone around and you could all see as you're listening, just like Bailey mean mugging me right now. She does it for about five seconds and then goes away. She's really unhappy that we're podcasting out here. Let's wrap this up here. Three more things that spook me.
Starting point is 00:34:32 Pivot tables. I'll say this. It's not a just generic. Oh, pivot tables are hard to understand. They're scary. I did a pivot table project today regarding data from many years going back of all of our applicants and their areas of interest, types of law, excuse me, and how that correlated to their GPAs or LSATs or college majors. It was like a gigantic project that I think my manager's mind was not going to be that gigantic,
Starting point is 00:35:05 but for me to like get her the results, like just frankly, like a couple sentences, worth of a trend in summary that she was looking for, I like had to run that data. And it was one of those things where once I finally like figured it out with pivot tables and stuff, like exactly how to get at the data I wanted to. It was not so bad.
Starting point is 00:35:29 It still took me forever. It was one of those things where like, I probably could have made it a little bit more efficient if I was even more of a master in pivot tables, but I think I've used pivot tables like five times in my life and three of those five times when I was in grad school and like I first heard about the concept of pivot tables and then I like try to use it for my own master's thesis and it was just like didn't make sense because I didn't
Starting point is 00:35:56 really know how to like code my qualitative research and didn't want to spend the time to do that. Anyways I I spent like three hours in Piby Tables today and they don't spook me because they're too hard to figure out or something like that. They're wonderful tools and I use them with some, I was somewhat effective at utilizing them today but still, it gets confusing right? You got the four quadrants, you got the values, the rows have the values the rows the columns and the filters and it's one of those things were like because I only use it once a year basically I feel like you
Starting point is 00:36:35 got to kind of start from scratch learning like what these things mean and how they interact with each other each time and that's kind of spooky so there you go two more things. Great fruit as a hand fruit. To this stay I still like, if you give me like a great fruit shelter I love the flavor. I love just like the idea of great fruit but then people who just like cut it in half and eat it for breakfast. It tastes so like I don't even know is it just because it's like overly sour to me. Sometimes maybe I just said bad grapefruit but it just tastes like bad. I don't really know what the
Starting point is 00:37:13 appropriate flavor description of that is, but for me it's just bad. Like I can't even describe it. It's not like it's too sour. It just like... But it's not like it's two-sour. It's just like, I don't know, if you have ever eaten and gripped for it, you probably know what I'm talking about. Whatever that flavor is does not work for me. And then finally, try serratops, rounding out the list of things that spook me. And the reason is, I feel like when we talk about dinosaurs and getting spooked and big
Starting point is 00:37:42 teeth and sharp claws, we always talk about t-Rex or we talk about Velasa Raptor or maybe if you're scared of necks a brachiosaurus. Brachiosaurus is brontosaurus. What's the difference between those two things? Bronto-saurus. Brontosaurus is a very like traditional that's what I'm thinking of with a long necks like next little foot in land before time, but Brachysaurus looks exactly the same. Brachysaurus first, okay, Google search, this last thing we're gonna learn today. The main difference is from Paltens Park Blog, a very reputable source, dot UK. The main difference between them is their size. Brocky source is much larger and heavier than the smaller Brontus source, although they
Starting point is 00:38:28 were both incredibly big. Brontus source weight around 33,000 pounds, so 16 tons. Brocky source was more than triple this weight up to around 128,000 pounds. 44 tons, holy crap. There's a good Google image that shows all of them next to each other. Yeah, they look the same except one is like twice as tall as the other one, so there you go.
Starting point is 00:38:53 We learned something. But triceratops is like the sneaky one, you know, it's kind of like triceratops, it's kind of like the hippopotamus. Where we learn about them as kids, they're not like a cutin' cuddly. We don't learn about them as like cutin' animals, but we also don't learn about them as like,
Starting point is 00:39:12 these things are gonna, I'm going to mall you. But I imagine in real life a triceratops with those big horns could just trample the crap out of you and eat you for lunch. And no one ever really talks about it because we get so obsessed every day, you know. When I'm talking to, you know, friends or aunts, you know, dogs, whatever about dinosaurs, all they talk about is T-Rex, T-Rex, velociraptor, ooh. But I think triceratops could really kick the crap out of you.
Starting point is 00:39:44 And I just want you to know that I get sipped by him. Guys that's what I had for you. Thank you for listening. It went from light to dark and to cold because the cold front is moving in. I'm now very chilly during the last 40 minutes. So we're going to head inside at Bailey's actually out here now. She got so tired of looking at me and through the window now. She's just lying by me.
Starting point is 00:40:06 Let's finish up today's episode with part two of our interview with the dog. I Bailey got any final thoughts for us. Bailey, she hit her nose. Sorry. She hit her nose on the phone, which is maybe a first for the Bean Tom podcast. We got obviously no entry music
Starting point is 00:40:23 and I don't have any outro music queued up for you because I don't want to get busted for copyright. My name is Quinn David Furns. Thank you for listening to my show. Quinn David Furns presents Bean Tom Podcast. Thank you for supporting us. 301 episodes down, 301 to go, and then many more. We'll check in on your next week's Day, Day, Stay, Stay, Scene. Bye! Stay sane, bye.

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