Beantown Podcast - Tik Tok Ban & Ruth's Chris Steakhouse (01172025 Beantown Podcast)

Episode Date: January 17, 2025

Quinn comes to you LIVE to discuss Zero Hour, apostrophes in restaurant names, and how Maple is celebrating MLK Jr Day...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Furness. Welcome to my show. Quinn David Furness presents the Beantown podcast for Friday, January 17th, 2025. What's happening? What's going on? How are you? Season eight of Beantown podcast live on MLK Day weekend.
Starting point is 00:00:27 How about that? You want to talk about the great traditions of long weekends in the US. Labor Day, Memorial Day, Thanksgiving, step aside. We got a brand new one, MLK Day. I think, was it Obama who signed MLK Day into law as a federal holiday? I think big misstep there, putting it in the third Monday of January. Now, I know this may have existed before its federal protection status, but am I the only one who's out here thinking we just had a week, two weeks off?
Starting point is 00:01:03 Before that, we had a four day weekend shortly before that with Thanksgiving and Christmas, year respective. And now we're just getting back into the swing of things. It's January, it's the worst month. It's cold, it's dark, I'm not drinking, not spending money. And all of a sudden you're telling me, oh you get a three day weekend and the Monday
Starting point is 00:01:22 is gonna be a high of four degrees outside. I don't know, to do what? To do an MLK prayer breakfast that I'll make for myself? What do you think MLK would have had for breakfast? There's a lot of, you see a lot of prayer breakfasts around MLK. Do they cook something in his honor? I don't know, he was an Atlanta man. What do they have in Atlanta? Tyler Perry? Steaks? Friets? F-R-I-T-E-S? I don't know. I imagine MLK
Starting point is 00:01:55 Jr. having a classic maybe some some pork sausages, some hash browns, and some eggs because that's probably my favorite breakfast, and I like to think MLK and I are pretty similar dudes. I am the creator, the host, and the PA of this show. Production assistant is what, if you're not sort of in the industry biz with the industry lingo, you wouldn't know. But I've been doing HR human resource phone
Starting point is 00:02:25 screens for candidates of the camera vault coordinator position all week and I've talked to a handful of PAs and that's right it's it's for the camera vault it sounds like I don't know the Indiana Jones seven or something Indiana Jones and the camera vault of Destiny. Well, they just said dial of Destiny. So camera vault of the Canaverus camera vault. That would work. Well, you could have a vault that is Canaverus,
Starting point is 00:02:58 I think almost by definition. Mini vaults would be Canaverus. Yeah, if anyone's looking to become a camera vault coordinator, just hit me up. I'll put in a good word for you. And I also want to, of course, give a shout out to our good friends over in Pakistan, Hyderabad, Karachi, Khyber Pass, and all the nice little towns in between, the villages, the pueblos, the aldias in espanol. Thank you for making us the 112th ranked comedy podcast in the great islamic republic of pakistan and listener discretion is advised when you're listening to this program number one we'll occasionally some
Starting point is 00:03:36 language number two this podcast is objectively terrible today it is uh dry January, 17th day of the month. Over halfway, if you will, but I do plan on extending this into a dry February as well. I've got to get ripped for the wedding. So I'm working on a Trader Joe's sparkling lime water. But good news, it has other natural flavors as well. Per the ingredients, I was going to go to the ingredients to see what the other natural flavors are. And the ingredients in this are carbonated water and natural
Starting point is 00:04:08 flavors. So I guess is that like natural flavors from the aluminum in the can? Is it seep? Does it eep? Not eep, eek. Seep and eek. That'd be pretty good. We're joined by our, oh there's a splash of lemon juice in there as well as a little homage to the 7th annual Pledge Drive Telephone Fundraiser. We are joined by co-host Maple today. Interview with the dog, you got anything good buddy? Oh, she licked the microphone. That's not sanitary for Samson.
Starting point is 00:04:40 And her cavalcade, C-A-V-A-L-C-A-D-E, of lambs and snuggle pups. We've got two lambs up here. Nope, there's a third. We got three lambs, stuffed toys, and a snuggle pup from Grandma Jane. Very, very generous. We got lambs from all over. We got witchy lambs, we got valentine's lambs, we got Christmas lambs. You got the whole calendar day covered, Maple. My question to you, and I don't want to say this just because you're a big Republican, but Where is your MLK Junior Day lamb? Hmm? You ever consider that? Hmm. I saw you on Chewy yesterday. We'll make this Maples Minute by the way. I know you don't have a Samson by you to respond back but I'm happy to give you a shot if you would like to respond to these allegations. I logged into my Chewy account. I saw the browsing history and I
Starting point is 00:05:38 saw that in my recent browsing history. You were searching for lambs and you specifically filtered out MLK Junior Day you said check all holidays and then you opened up the individual list and you went down and not for Flag Day not for you know Cyber Monday you specifically went to MLK Junior Day and said I don't want anything that would give off the impression of, you know, racial harmony or peace and love, joy and equality for all. He said, no, specifically, no, I don't want that. So I don't know. It's pretty, pretty terrible. You had any response? Nothing. Too distracted. That's Maples minute. And I actually had a another Maples minute I was going to use, but we're going
Starting point is 00:06:31 to save this for next time. Because it's appropriate to something I saw today, but more appropriate to a day that's actually coming up in a handful of weeks here. So we'll circle back to that. But that's Maple's minute today. I almost went so far as to say Maple was browsing for lambs with little white pointy hoods. But I just felt that was a bridge too far, as they say. We've got a couple of questions to pose to the audience here see if we
Starting point is 00:07:07 can get an explanation but first we have to of course mention the TikTok ban held up in court today or by the Supreme Court today. Apparently Sunday it's the last day it is zero hour, folks. You saw this in the Book of Revelation, New Testament, the Old Testament prophets talking about this. It is go, go, go time. It all makes sense. It lines up.
Starting point is 00:07:36 Zero hour, very apocalyptic. You have Trump being re-elected. You know, fairly good chance he's a messiah, and just, I don't know, I think Jim Baker was on to something with those buckets. You know, you got the broccoli and the rice, the texture, it's ooey gooey delicious, and then you can use it as a crapper. That's what Jim would tell you. But Zero Hour is here, I think it's the book of, it was either Ephesians or Ethiopians, makes it very clear, you know, the signs that
Starting point is 00:08:10 you'll see. And of course we had the solar eclipse just about nine months ago, eight months ago, whenever it was. You have, you know, maple going against racial equality. The signs, like Joaquin Phoenix. I've never seen that movie, but I think he's in it. The signs will tell you. I actually once nailed a signs trivia question at my old joint back in Baltimore, and I had no idea. It was a total guess. Something with crop circles. I've
Starting point is 00:08:47 never seen signs before. But TikTok, you know, I think everyone's kind of freaking out. It's just the next one in a long line, right? Vine, dead. TikTok, soon to be dead. Excuse me. AOL chat dead. MySpace dead. Alexander Graham Bell's Telegram dead. In fact, you don't even hear that much about Bell Pacific or AT&T. Pacific Bell Park, that's the old home of that New York baseball Giants, San Francisco Giants is what I was trying to say. And I always loved playing in their stadium
Starting point is 00:09:27 and the video game as a kid. I think they have a big Coca-Cola, a glass Coca-Cola bottle in the outfielder they did back in 2002 or whatever, and a big glove, a big mitt that you can smash a home run into. Best way to play those baseball games is a kid. Rest in peace, TikTok. You do your fantasy draft to start your season with your franchise, and you want to make sure you get your lineup just right.
Starting point is 00:09:56 You place no emphasis on pitching, right? I've got the pitch framing, and I can outwit guys. And I'll just draft a couple kn knuckleballers like Tim Wakefield and John Franco father of Dave and James And then maybe spend a high draft pick on Mariano Rivera or something to just give me consistent nine out saves Five days a week because he's the Iron Man. It's like Cy Young but know what you would do is you stack The top of your order.
Starting point is 00:10:25 It doesn't really matter the positions these guys play, because defense doesn't matter that much in those games. It's all about run production, as we would call it. It's what my PAs would call it, run production. And you draft three really fast guys, like a Kenny Lofton, or a Juan Pierre, or an Ichiro Suzuki, or all three. So there's your outfield right there, taken care of.
Starting point is 00:10:51 And then you put those three guys at the top of your lineup, and then you get like an Albert Pujols or a Jason Giambi, or perhaps, I don't know, a Mike Piazza. You throw them in the cleanup hole, and here's what you do to start every game. It's almost, if you can execute well, it's almost a guaranteed two to three runs to start the game. And what better message to send your team and the opponent than I came here to bunt score runs and chew bubble gum.
Starting point is 00:11:22 So yeah, you throw your three really fast guys in the lineup, you bunt singles. And of course, if you have a Lofton or a Pierre or a Suzuki, it was so easy if you get your placement right. Not so easy, but if you get the placement right, it's there's a very good chance you're going to reach on a single. Those guys were just like absurdly fast like the Mike Vic and Madden 2004 kind of cheap or Bo Jackson in Tech Mobile. Then you load the bases, ducks on the pond, nobody out, three straight bunts, thrilling stuff and then you bring in your poo holes or your aforementioned Giambis or Sammy Sosa or whoever you want and you
Starting point is 00:12:06 just wreak havoc. Because those guys, it's like you're always going to hit at least 300 feet. So you either get a sack fly and you can probably move the runner from second to third and pick up a second run. Or if you get a hit, it's at minimum two runs. Extra bases clears them or you hit a grand slam. And that's how I started off every game. Three to zero, four to zero.
Starting point is 00:12:30 You don't need starting pitching when you're winning by 10 runs after the first inning. Ray Maple. I don't know how we got there, but TikTok, I won't miss you. Never had, I was going to say I never had TikTok. I've had the app once or twice, because back in the day, you could watch TikTok videos without having an account, either on a web browser on your computer or with the TikTok app, but you didn't log in.
Starting point is 00:12:56 But I've never actually created an account on TikTok with an email and a password and a two-factor authentication. And I feel like I've missed my window, which is a bummer. But it is what it is. So rest in peace to TikTok. I've got some questions I'm going to ask in a second here. But of course, continue on a longstanding season eight tradition, our second week here, our hot take of the week.
Starting point is 00:13:23 Last week, it was all about tea. And I want to say for all the haters out there who hated my hot take, and I saw all the tweets at Beantowncast and blueskysocial at Beantownpodcast and angry hate email at or on the Beantown blog, et cetera, et cetera. In spite of all the hate and in spite of me saying tea is so overrated I still have tea in January specifically because it's warm and it's so cold outside and even though it's like you're drinking tap
Starting point is 00:13:56 water with just a hint of lime sometimes it's just nice to stay warmed up so I want to say that I'm I'm a trooper. I have my tea It's good for your I think your lymph nodes. I would think or your endocrine system Or your Y chromosomes It's still pretty terrible and I even got a fresh pack to test it out. Like what if What if all the tea I have is just old and expired? Let me go to the jewel, buy a fresh thing of lemon herbal tea, and then make it exactly
Starting point is 00:14:31 the way you're supposed to, poach it for four minutes, no more, no less. Or you could steep or steam. And I was just still like, no, not great, not interesting. It's got nothing on this Trader Joe's sparkling lime water with other natural flavors, namely aluminum. My hot take of the week this week, so we got Restaurant Week coming up very soon here in Chicago. It was always a big deal in Baltimore. I think I've probably shared this opinion on the show before, but Restaurant Week is such a scam and in
Starting point is 00:15:05 fact I was listening to one of my podcasts earlier this week where they were talking about restaurant week and they were they were they did the due diligence whoever whomever they had on the show to actually go through the restaurant week prefix menu do not ask me to spell that one because it's French and it doesn't count. PR, I don't know, P-R-E-F-I-X, something like that. I think it's more complicated than that, but it doesn't matter. Phonetically, phonetically, phonetically, hooked on phonics, it works. They broke it down and they're like, okay, you go to this restaurant.
Starting point is 00:15:44 If you were to order these things individually, not off the prefix fancy restaurant week menu, it would be $70. And if you did it on the restaurant week menu, it would be $75. And it wasn't the case with everyone. I mean, there are a couple where you saved five or 10 bucks. But look, I'm not in the restaurant business. I don't mean to offend. And I do think that it is nice to celebrate local restaurants in your community.
Starting point is 00:16:08 I'm all for that. But the whole idea of we're going to throw together a menu and charge you a set cost. And it's this great, great way to try new food that otherwise you may not be able to afford. Uh-uh. Totally against that. Don't believe it for a second. Plus, all these places are like three courses, four courses.
Starting point is 00:16:32 I'm old school and we would go out to eat no appetizers, water, maybe split a Sprite if you're lucky, and you're ordering off that kid's menu until you're 18 plus. So that last bit was dramatized for oversaturative effects. But you know what I'm getting at here. So that is our hot take of the week, Restaurant Week Big Time Scam. I don't need a fancy week to tell me when to support my local community. I won't do it at all because this is January and it is a heavy low spend month for us. That was actually something else I wanted to talk about.
Starting point is 00:17:10 I don't have any glaring life changing insights here. But in addition to my dry January, which is well documented at this point, I'm also instituting a low spend January, which just means pretty much spending money on groceries. And if there's any wedding expenses, like, obviously that doesn't count. But what we're really targeting here is like the unnecessary cover your ears dog treat for maple. Any thoughts on thoughts on that maple no she's mad because i said she's never been to the mountaintop mlk um you know no uh trying to avoid going
Starting point is 00:17:55 out to eat as much as possible having everything being home cooked is ideal and uh haven't like gone and bought a coffee since mid December at this point. In fact, I was looking at my bank statement the other day because I was kind of able to go right from like a long extended stay at the in-laws house directly to no spend January. My last like non grocery expense or non utility or wedding stuff was like December 23rd over at a brewery. So I've almost gone a full 30 days now it's been like 25 days and the plan is to keep it going at two more weeks January 31st will be two weeks from today and it's not like I have a big problem with this already it's just
Starting point is 00:18:41 like trying to get into that meditative zen mode with just being happy with what I get from the grocery store once or twice a week and my candles and what they would call living off the land by which I mean going into the back of the cupboard and finding the half empty bag of ranch cashews from Trader Joe's that I think Rachel got in July and saying, you know what the expiration date on these babies hasn't hit yet? Let's munch. And I did, I had to munch a little bit before we started recording because I took an edible. So it is what it is, you know. Not really feeling it in the head yet, but I am hungry. Usually it goes head and then hunger, but it's one of those reverse edibles. Benjamin Button. Chewable.
Starting point is 00:19:31 Of course, I want to give a shout out. It wouldn't be Bean Town Podcast without thanking our sponsors. You know what? We didn't do this last week, which feels sacrilegious since it was the start of a new year. You got to get started off on the right foot, which I always thought was ableist towards, you know, left footed people. You know, going back to this whole baseball conversation, you see oftentimes, I just searched my Google Docs for Beantown. It said no search results because I was logging into my Chinese Google account. Okay, Beantown ads. But the thing, this one says nothing either. There it is.
Starting point is 00:20:17 You know, in baseball, the point I'm trying to make is oftentimes you'll have guys who are right handed, but they learn to bat left handed to increase their advantage as a hitter. Or you can have the opposite. You can have someone be born left handed. They're a left handed hitter, but then they are a good infielder. And so you can't be like a second baseman who's
Starting point is 00:20:40 a left handed player. That doesn't work the way you are situated. And same goes for catcher. I think there's like two left-handed catchers in history, something like that. It's not that crazy. Maybe it's just active players, but you just don't see left-handed catchers.
Starting point is 00:20:56 But they learned a bat right-handed. It's a whole thing. What if you could be right-handed but left-footed? I don't know if that's actually a thing. I guess we'd have to ask the soccer folks because otherwise you're not really using... there aren't other sports I feel like other than kicking and football where you're like dependent on which foot is better for you. Unless they're you know what about like the pole vault or something do you naturally jump off
Starting point is 00:21:23 of your dominant foot for that? I'm trying to think if I was doing a big jump. I'll say this. I think if I was running at Kalahari Water Park or Lake Michigan in the summer and I was going to do a big jump into the pool, I think I'd rather jump off of my dominant foot, my right foot. I think I'd feel a little bit more confident, a little bit
Starting point is 00:21:44 more comfortable. I got to'd feel a little bit more confident, a little bit more comfortable. You know, I got to get to a water park. It's been 20 years. I miss it. Here's what we were getting at. Excuse me, initially. Double burp. That's embarrassing, Maple.
Starting point is 00:22:00 Here we go. Are you tired of selling your house for less than a quarter of what it's worth all because you couldn't find a reliable home inspector in time? Well organ listeners I got good news for you. HomePride inspection services in Bend Oregon is Central Oregon's hottest new home inspection provider with inspection services including things like, well they're not so new anymore but you get the gist. They were seven years ago when I wrote this like heating and cooling roofing plumbing
Starting point is 00:22:27 and so much more. Home Pride Oregon is both contractor certified and home inspection certified. So you know you're getting the good stuff. If you're tired of big real estate store ankle hole on the home inspection market and you want a safe certified home inspector, you can trust, especially in the age of zero hour, which we have officially arrived. The clock is at midnight and also we're at zero hour. Midnight is like zero, but it's a 12, it's a whole thing. I think that could be part of Nate Bargatze's Washington's dream sketch. Call Steve at 541-410-0316 or visit
Starting point is 00:23:02 Again, that's 541-410-0316 or visit Actually, that's 5414-100316 or visit Actually the website's down. So go to email homepiredorgan at From any number of providers you choose Outlook, AOL, Webikins chat. Homepired Oregon inspection, perfection, but not a TikTok. Don't send him a TikTok., but not a TikTok. Don't send him a TikTok.
Starting point is 00:23:26 He's not on TikTok. TikTok doesn't exist by the time you listen to it. In the US, at least. I also want to give a shout out to the Samson Q2U series, whether you're getting licked by a dog or spoken into about zero hour. If that's the case, you're probably a Samson Q2U series. You know how to deliver the crisp.
Starting point is 00:23:50 I'm talking to it like we're talking directly to Samson. You can deliver that crisp clear audio quality when you're sharing your favorite Bible verses from the Book of Revelation about zero hour and the fire and brimstone and the pit of sulfur, which sounds painful. I always imagine a pit of sulfur is just like a regular old pit of fire. You know, if like you were making a s'more
Starting point is 00:24:14 and you had a little fire pit, but like much bigger than that. How is that different than the pit of sulfur? What is sulfur in its natural state? Is it going to be more of like a volcano rock? Or is it actually fire? Because when I think of sulfur, I think of fire, but sulfur doesn't have to be fire, right? It could just be highly flammable. These are things we got to look into. I've had this vision of the pit of sulfur in my mind for the last 28 years or so, and here I am two months before turning 30 and my whole world is
Starting point is 00:24:46 spinning like a top. Samson, when God speaks he uses a Samson and of course our good friends at Cuts by Q Bob and Weave we all know the hairstyle and we all love it but how many Chicago based independent barbers can actually give it to you the way you deserve? Enter Cuts by Q. It's a little like enter Sandman, only different. Cuts by Q has been independently owned and operated since 1995 and is probably one of the better
Starting point is 00:25:15 barbershop operations serving Chicago, Cook County, Northwest Indiana and the greater Chicagoland area. From beehives to bangs, foehawks to flat tops, and everything in between, you have to call Cuts by Q at 815-298-7200 or you can email cutsbyq at Again, that's Cuts, Q-U-T-Z, by Q at Oh, and you need a fresh do some and snap your new just call the experts at cuts by Q You know I said TZ like that and then I sang the song it all kind of reminded me of American Idol 11th place finisher from season 6 or whatever it was Chikizy
Starting point is 00:26:01 What was his last name Z something like that his first that. His first name was Chi-Kee-Zee. It was like C-H-I-K-E-Z-E. I loved Chi-Kee-Zee. Maple didn't, because he's African American, but I loved him. And you know who else was great? Sanjaya Malikar. That guy, man, we gotta go back 20 years internet wise.
Starting point is 00:26:22 That guy was, everything felt so pure back then. Winsan Jai was our biggest pop culture sensation now we got Kim Kardashian and Britney Mahomes and you know Whopper Whopper Whopper Whopper. Alright I have a couple of questions here and then a trivia question. My first question, this came out, what on earth is margarine? Now, I'm a little bit too young. I remember the whole Butterverse margarine, the very tail end
Starting point is 00:27:00 of it, early 2000s when it was kind of number two on the Yahoo hits of the day behind Sanjay Malikar. But I was browsing and saw something mention Olio on a Wikipedia page. And I was like, what the heck is Olio? The only Olio I remember is there was this flash game on called Olio. And it was all these pink squares running across your screen and different patterns and they had faces and you had to click them to get points.
Starting point is 00:27:29 That's the only thing I know about Olio. So I looked it up. Olio is like the old fashioned term for margarine, which neither one of these words make any sense to me phonetically or if you break down the suffixes or the roots. Olio is like, it sounds like an element or something and then margarine It's like everyone everyone should have a great aunt named Marjorie Okay, that's pretty close. But margarine what that like what does it even mean? marginal
Starting point is 00:27:58 Something I don't know what margarine is so I looked it up margarine is like to be margarine and has to be what margarine is. So I looked it up margarine is like to be margarine it has to be like 80% vegetable oil something like that and can't be any more than 9% pork fat or something. I don't remember what the breakdown was chemically speaking. You know there weren't a lot of other natural flavors in there like this delicious Trader Joe's sparkling lime water. It's just Trader Joe's sparkling lime water. But if you're old enough to recall the great butter versus margarine debate and kind of the swings back and forth as a very pendulum-atic situation is my understanding because we all used butter going back to the Stone Age
Starting point is 00:28:38 and then margarine burst onto the scene. And it was like, oh, this is better for you. I can't believe it's not butter. It tastes so good, but it's so healthy. But now we've swung back to, not only have we swung back to butter being the main thing, it's my understanding that up until I came across the term oleo on Wikipedia yesterday, not a single person had thought of or purchased margarine in the last 10 years,
Starting point is 00:29:05 as far as I'm concerned. I don't recall ever seeing margarine at a grocery store I go to. I see butter and sometimes I see spreadable butter and cream cheese and ricotta and deodorant and so on and so forth. I don't recall seeing margarine at any of the grocery stores I shop at. So if someone from the Dairy Institute or when we stayed, when we went to Green Bay, we went to Door County on our first, Rachel and I first vacationed together back in June 2020, I think. We stayed down the street from the Dairy Lab, which if you just Google Green Bay Dairy Lab,
Starting point is 00:29:41 you'll see a very dilapidated lab. Kind of spooky looking, but also kind of fun right there on the, what is it, the East River, I think, flowing through downtown Green Bay. And we stay just down the street. If there is any maybe retired chemists from the Dairy Lab or animal nutritionists or animal husbandrists, H-U-S-B-R-A-N-D-I-S-T-S, who want to chime in. You can find us on blue skies social at Beantown Podcast, or tweet at us, x at us, Beantowncast, or emails. As always, beantownpodcast at My other question, who is Ruth's Chris?
Starting point is 00:30:24 What are we doing here? We're talking basic English. TGA Fridays I can get. It's an acronym. It's like a half. It's like if you have a web page with four collapsible drop down arrows, you have one of them expanded and the other three are still closed collapsed yeah TGI Fridays I get that Applebee's I don't know what the heck an Applebee is is it just a bee who likes apples but it's fine it's a proper noun it's an apostrophe S it's clearly like hey this is an Applebee's restaurant same goes for's. I know what a chili is. It owns the restaurant. The chili owns the restaurant. Chuck E Cheese, I think it's just a middle initial, so not hard. And then Little Caesar's, it's you know another apostrophe. Yes, he's just a regular Caesar,
Starting point is 00:31:20 but he's little. And you know And we could go down the line. A Pizza Hut, well, I know it's a little hut that has pizza. But Ruth's Chris, let's break this down. So from backwards, sometimes you've got to work backwards on these complicated problems. When you're finding tangents or doing U substitution or whatever you're looking for, arktans. A steakhouse, I know what that is.
Starting point is 00:31:45 It's easy. Boom. You can get sirloin, perloin, strip, a New York strip, a Manhattan strip, or Salisbury steak, which doesn't sound like it would have an eye in it, but it does. The Salisbury, not the steak. Chris. Chris.
Starting point is 00:32:07 Chris Steakhouse. If it was just Chris Steakhouse, maybe you're a guy named Chris or Christian, or you're Hans Christian Anderson, and you want to own a steakhouse without all the glitz and glamour and distraction that come from being a celebrity restaurant owner, like you would get from Michael Jordan's steakhouse or Excuse me, what is it Mike Ditka steakhouse dick for meals steakhouse whomever it is they have their own steakhouse
Starting point is 00:32:35 And maybe you just weren't very creative Maybe you didn't like how when you your name ends in s you put the apostrophe after that and it's it's like Do you pronounce it like Chris's steakhouse or is it just Chris's steakhouse, right? Are you supposed to? It's a life mystery. I've always wondered if my name was Chris and I want to say, oh, if I was talking to myself, like maybe if I was a maniac in the mirror or something, Joker 2, Fully, I do, AKA Folly 2, you would say, oh, this is Chris's comb. This is Chris's toothbrush., you would say, oh, this is Chris's comb. This is Chris's toothbrush. Or do you say, oh, this is Chris' tomb, Chris' comb, right?
Starting point is 00:33:14 Chris' comb. Do you pronounce it like S apostrophe, or do you pronounce it like S apostrophe? S. These are the mysteries of the universe we're trying to unravel. Regardless, maybe Chris didn't want the apostrophe s these are the mysteries of the universe. We're trying to unravel regardless Maybe Chris didn't want the apostrophe. Maybe he just wanted to be Chris steakhouse But then whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa Ruth Great Bible, you know Mama who's taken not taken no for an answer. Let's just put it that way talk about end times
Starting point is 00:33:46 Total babe Old Testament babe, OT, no cap. Ruth's owns Chris? It's Ruth apostrophe S, Chris steakhouse. So is it like Ruth, her name is Chris and she was, it's more of a, I'm not Ruth Chris's steakhouse, but more of a, I'm carrying on the Chris steakhouse legacy. Ruth's Chris steakhouse or is Chris steakhouse its own proper noun in and of itself, like an Argentinian steakhouse or, you know, the Sinai peninsula steakhouse or a Salisbury steakhouse right is a Chris steak maybe they meant crisp C-R-I-S-P a crisp steak that's more what in the southern regions we would refer to as chicken fried which is delicious in and of itself I don't know if they would use margarine in chicken fried
Starting point is 00:34:46 Salisbury steak. Could you chicken fry any steak? Is it limited to strip, sirloin, rib eye? Rib eye is kind of a fun term. What the heck is a rib eye? I understand what a rib is. Is the eye just the end of it? Unclear.
Starting point is 00:35:03 But my light year is more clear than Ruth's Chris. Now I've read about this in the past there was a Ruth's Chris steakhouse in downtown Baltimore along the water there. There's actually a great episode of The Wire season 4 where Lieutenant Bunny Colvin takes some kids in his class, including Naaman Bryce, out to dinner at a Ruth's Chris steakhouse. I've looked this up before when I lived around there, so this was seven or eight years ago. And I read it once, I had the solution once. I think Ruth is her own person, and Chris is his own person, but they got the names mixed up and
Starting point is 00:35:45 then they just kept it that way. This is actually not the only example of this. To a less extreme amount, you all might be familiar with Hardee's, well maybe you also know Carl's Jr. In that one I actually have read, I believe at the original Carl's Jr. when they were putting up a sign, they just like, it was a botched job, as Frank Reynolds would say, cleaning his toenails. Botched job, botched it, botched toe. So I don't know if the same thing, if some dumbass college kid making two bucks an hour put the parentheses in the wrong spot and Ruth's Chris steakhouse
Starting point is 00:36:28 Like they did with Carl's jr. But It's interesting to think about it's very interesting to think about the only thing that would be worse would be if it was Ruth Chris steak houses Then it's like you know pig Latin or whatever I Never I never learned pig Latin. I felt very out of touch. That's not the phrase I was looking for, but just left out. Some serious pig Latin FOMO.
Starting point is 00:36:57 I think there was an episode of Mary-Kate and Ashley where they were whipping it around or something and I just felt completely completely left out Rachel reminded me of a text message from the other room we still have a gift card for that place I don't even know where we got that gift card from we don't we should have used it in Hawaii they had a Ruth's Chris steakhouse there but I don't know you feel weird flying eight hours just to go to a Ruth's Chris steakhouse. But next time, that's probably the most legitimate chance of us using it next would be going back to Waikiki, which is not likely to happen anytime soon. And that's how unlikely it is that otherwise we're gonna dine out at a Ruth's Chris steakhouse in the suburbs.
Starting point is 00:37:49 So those are some questions I had this week on the Bean Town podcast. Finally in honor of MLK Day, our trivia question of the week, sort of a two parter and sort of a just either you know it or you can give it your best guess and see how it goes but not a definitive oh you should definitely get this kind of question so the infamous Selma March which I think was what 1966 something like that I called it infamous, that's kind of insensitive, the famous Selma March. How long, I'll tell you right now in case you don't know, he was marching from Selma to Montgomery, which is the capital of Alabama. So my question is, how long did MLK's Selma March last in terms of time?
Starting point is 00:38:49 And how many miles did it cover? And you know, it's crazy, I looked this up earlier when I was creating the question. I didn't actually write down the answer, so let's see if I remember it accurately. But basically, how many miles did the march from Selma to Montgomery cover, and how long did it take? So if you want more time, go ahead and pause the show right now. 1965, March 25th. Martin Luther King, this is per the King Institute dot Stanford dot edu. I feel pretty good about this one. Martin Luther King led thousands of nonviolent demonstrators to the steps of
Starting point is 00:39:30 the Capitol in Montgomery, Alabama after a five day, 54 mile March. So there's your answers. Five days, 54 miles emails, being town podcast at How you did on those trivia questions this week and we'll update the season eight standings. Still very early on. If you messed up last week, there's still time to get in on the ground floor of this great season eight long trivia spectacular. With all that being said, that's what I had for you today. On Quinn David Furnace Presents,
Starting point is 00:40:05 the Beantown Podcast. Thank you for supporting my show now in our eighth season and looking forward to a couple more weeks of dry January here and we'll see if the TikTok ban actually happens and we'll make I don't know, NFL Conference Championship game picks next week. I guess this week we'll say Chiefs, Lions, Rams, and Ravens. That's my pick. Chiefs versus Ravens, Lions versus Rams. You heard it here first on Quinn David Furness Presents,
Starting point is 00:40:38 the Beantown podcast. So from all of us across Beantown Network's Beantown and our subsidiaries, thank you for supporting our show. My name is Queen David Furness. I hope you all stay safe. Oops, that's the wrong... You know what?
Starting point is 00:40:54 Just a tough day for that because when I first started recording the first take, we played the outro music to start and then had to restart. And then just now I started playing the entertainer on my phone when that is the intro music so I don't know what's going on with it but we're just gonna end it there. My name is Queen David Furness I hope everyone is staying safe staying sane stay warm and I'll check in on you guys next week. Bye. so so so so Music

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