Beantown Podcast - Tips for a Cozy Fall (09272020 Beantown Podcast)

Episode Date: September 27, 2020

Quinn comes to you LIVE to discuss Aldi's Toaster Tarts, tips for a cozy fall, and what type of professor Robert Langdon is. It. Is. THRILLING....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's, it's, it's, it's Quintime. That was like seven hits. It's Quintime. Everyone needs a little bit in their lives, I think. Indoors, outdoors, above ground, and below ground. I don't care if you're in a coffin or you're training the Pokemon coughing KOFF and G or you are, you know, working in an underground heroine lab. Been watching Ozark lately.
Starting point is 00:00:51 I'm like seven episodes into the second season. So I've got some ideas. And for my own safety, that's all I can say. Okay. And don't ask me why. my own safety, that's all I can say. Okay? And don't ask me why. Don't ask me why my name's Quinn, and this is my show. Quinn DeVivich furnace presents the Beentown podcast, and what didn't she know in exactly what,
Starting point is 00:01:20 four weeks, just under four weeks, three weeks and six days, will flying to bean town it's like a pilgrimage it's really exciting we've we've we've teased it on the show but we're we're flying out to Boston and renting a car and going for it from there. You can go anywhere you want, except for Canada. But I can get close and get to the border and pure across. Maybe if I pay off a border agent and maple syrup, I could take a couple steps. TBD, wow TBD. This is this could practically be a whole new show waking up with bean town. We're recording this at 7.30 a.m. which we don't normally do. I got to tell you, the plan, love a good plan. The plan for today was until wake up at like 6 a.m. which I did. I will get to that in
Starting point is 00:02:37 a second. But wake up, head out to the lake because it's been such a nice weather here. It's, I mean, my apartment is toasty. I've got fans on. That's how nice it is in that we are September 27th today. I was going to do a nice relaxing podcast outside from sunrise on the lake. Maybe even build a wooden raft and take it out there. But it was going to be kind of a nice calming, peaceful, meditative state sort of deal. And I think you all were going to like it. I was, you know, maybe going gonna run like a five minute yoga thing
Starting point is 00:03:32 Followed by yogi beara quotes and then some yogurt Not a ton of yoji words But they tend to be good ones Like what other yoji words are there? yoga yogurt Yogi beara Y I don't know or throw those the only three Someone with a linguist
Starting point is 00:04:02 Or semantics background with a linguist or semantics background. That's not the word I was looking for. What's the name of the guy, the type of guy that Robert Langford is, Langford, Langford in the Dan Brown novels. A cryptic, a seismologist. I think, let's, we got our second laptop of three right here in front of us for instant typing access. Wasn't that his name? Robert Langford? Maybe I am mixing it up. Da Vinci code.
Starting point is 00:04:48 Dan Brown. Mystery thriller, Robert Langdon. I was close. Clote, I missed it by like four letters. Okay. What is the deal here? What's his title? I don't stop. I don't, you know, they're really giving me the business. I really wish you could just tell me what his deal is. He studies like signs and symbols. I'm so upset by this that we're not continuing
Starting point is 00:05:37 until we finish this. And I apologize for bringing the show to a halt. I am going to pause. That's how upset I am. Okay. Semiotics. Close to semantics. Semiology.
Starting point is 00:06:02 Semiotics. Not a word you often find yourself using, but hey, semiotics. Not a word you often find yourself using, but hey, semiotics, SCMIOTICS. You learn something new on the bean-town podcast. You know, as a kid, your mom might take you somewhere and she might say at the end of the day, hey, what's something you learned? And usually you just make something up.
Starting point is 00:06:24 But now, instead of saying something crazy like, Jesus was black, you could say I learned what semiology is, or at least how to spell it. Because I recognize I haven't actually given the definition, but you know how to spell it, because I recognize I haven't actually given the definition, but you know how to spell it. And in this ever changing, global, industrialized automated workforce,
Starting point is 00:06:57 spelling is really what it's all about. Don't let anyone tell you differently. Hmm. I'm very excited today because I just took a big bite out of my toaster treat, frosted brown sugar cinnamon. Oh, man. frosted brown sugar cinnamon. Oh man, in case you're wondering, it's the Aldi brand of Pop Tarts. Or you could say Kellogg's Pop Tarts are the Kellogg brand of Aldi's Toaster treats. And I think that would be accurate.
Starting point is 00:07:47 I went to Aldi yesterday for the first time since March. There's one, it's about a 15 to 20 minute walk for me about a mile exactly. So it's not so bad. It's just there's another grocery store, literally a block from my apartment that I usually go to. But I had some free time last night and I was looking for some supper, but I wasn't looking to shell out big bucks. So when you're looking for massive quantities of food
Starting point is 00:08:26 without digging too deep into your pocket book, I should get a pocket book. It's like a wallet, but more British. I said, you know what, I haven't gone to this all day in a long time, let me go down there. And while I'm there, getting my giant ass pizza, oops, FCC fine coming our way, because this is what you didn't mention, let's turn it to discretion as advised when you're listening to the bean-town podcast.
Starting point is 00:08:55 Number one, we're locating you some language number two. Podcast is objectively terrible, but I tell you what, man, you go down to Aldi and you get a 16-inch pizza for five or six bucks. It's the steel of the century. And it's solid pizza too. It's not like winning any awards, but it gets the job done. And I tell you what, sometimes there's something nice about having pizza and not waking up the next morning like all greasy and completely dehydrated. Now granted, I woke up this morning, which was only 45 minutes ago.
Starting point is 00:09:40 Oh, I mentioned I was gonna, we're interweaving stories here. It's a nonlinear being-ton podcast. I woke up, looked at the clock, it was six. And inside of my mind, maybe we could get a semiologist, seismologist, to break this down. Who's someone that studies dreams? I think that's what I need.
Starting point is 00:10:05 I woke up at six and I sat up and I was just catching a lot of social media, whatever. And I was going to pull up a video to watch and I looked down at my computer clock and it's at 705. Bump, bump, bump. Where did that hour of my life go? What happened? Something is off in this space time continuum. I feel like an hour was stolen from me on my weekend, which is the worst because I had to work yesterday. So I already only have a one day weekend, which is just one of my had to work yesterday. It's already only have a one-day weekend, which is just one of my favorite things of all time.
Starting point is 00:10:49 But back to Aldi, it's nice, because sometimes you have pizza, and if it's, you know, it can be really good, but if it's chunky or thick or greasy, all of the above, and high in sodium content, which BT Dubs, why does pizza have to be so high in sodium content? Like what is it from?
Starting point is 00:11:15 We got pizza, you got dough, which has some salt in it, of course. You got cheese and you got sauce. I don't even put toppings on mine. So where does all this salt come from? We need to go undercover, I think, at a pizza parlor and figure out why pizza is such a high sodium content. Anyways, wake up this morning.
Starting point is 00:11:41 Yeah, a little parched. You need to drink some water, but you don't feel like shit, if I can be frank, which is just a good way to feel on your Sunday, you know? That's what I'm going for. So while I was at all the I figure this would be a great opportunity to pick up another great treat. And those are toaster treats, which I've had way too many in my life, but I haven't had any this year. And these things are like pop charts, but way better. And I don't know about you, but I think food just tastes better when you know you bought it at a great price.
Starting point is 00:12:36 I can't eat food and enjoy myself when I spent a decent amount of money on it or more than I should have. I can do that. But when you're eating a 16-inch pizza and knowing that it only costs $5, pizza and knowing that it only costs $5. Unless it's 7-Eleven because that's just the worst pizza of all time. But otherwise, you just feel good about yourself. I love a good steal. Whether you're shopping at allty or you're playing for the Dodgers pinch running or your shoplifting at all the I love a good steel or your Randy Bryce and your background is in steel.
Starting point is 00:13:19 Iron stash. There's a little throwback for you. I tell you what, you know, Paul Ryan called it quits. Just after, what was that? Just after the Randy Brice election. What do you think that guy's doing? Either or, Randy Brice or Paul Ryan. You know, Paul Ryan teaches a class at Notre Dame and Amy Coney Barrett, who's going to
Starting point is 00:13:44 be the next Supreme Court Justice, is a, also teaches at Notre Dame and Amy Komi Barrett, who's going to be the next Supreme Corps justice, is a, also teaches at Notre Dame. Maybe they know each other. Could they be having a Christian affair? Jamesville to South Bent, long distance, who knows. What's very exciting is to get, because Paul Ryan drives to Jamesville South Bend, probably not right now, but in normal, non-pandemic conditions, he makes that drive once or twice a week. He has to go through Chicago, maybe I could
Starting point is 00:14:17 intercept him. Like if I was playing defense for the Montreal Alloets and Mark Trespin. Former Bears coaching legend whose daughter Chloe was semi-themeys at the Paul when I was there, along with Sophie Pence. I really went to school with royalty and Joe Kiri. So if you're keeping track, all the people who went to college with indefinitely knew at a very close personal level. Sophie Pence, daughter of, well, you know Chloe Trespin big big name in Chicago sports and Joe Kiri and that kid from the second part of Moonlight which I forgot his name
Starting point is 00:15:20 which makes sense because we're such close friends. We know each other pretty well. What is his name? I'll look it up after. We can't afford another Robert Langdon situation on the Bean Town podcast. But man, being in Aldi last night really just, well brings back the memories at all. So like, I, not an overwhelming amount, but I know some people, rich or people, people who are more well to do historically. Who just think Aldi is the shit. and the only reason they think is the shit
Starting point is 00:16:06 This is like the most elite thing of all time the only reason they think it's a shit is because the prices are lower because it's more affordable But I tell you what I Don't know if we've really talked about on the bean tub podcast before but that all the model is Fantastic I on the Bean Tum Podcast before, but that all the model is fantastic. I don't mind bringing my own bags and waiting in line a little bit longer to check out for those prices, man. That is good stuff. You buy it. Even just in my grocery store around here, my little local place. Prices are about average for big city. I can manage it. I'm better than fricking Whole Foods in Jolosco, but you go down to the Aldi and it's just like a glimpse of what life could be if I was willing to walk a mile
Starting point is 00:17:00 every time I want to groceries. Which there have been times in my life where I have. When I lived on Fullerton Ave, I would walk down to the Aldian Clive, and that was about a mile. Every time I want to grow trees, that's when I had a lot of toaster treats. Hack of a year eating treats. But this got me thinking, you know,
Starting point is 00:17:31 even though the temps in Chicago here are still quite warm, you know, what are the ingredients of a great fall weekend cozying up at home? Because I was seeing about this last night. I was just sitting here on my couch, but I'm just off watching TV. In fact, I got to go look at the synopsis, S-I-N-O-P-S-I-S. Shares a similar suffix to hypnosis.
Starting point is 00:18:09 They both got that nosis thing going on. Synopsis, maybe not nosis, just cis. Something to do with sisters, I suppose. I fell asleep watching my episode of Ozark last night, so I got to go back and see what happened. You won't believe what Jason Bateman and Michael Sarat did this time. They should have just cast Michael Sarat to be his kid on that show. That would have worked out just fine. Noah is that his name? That kid is just fine. I guess I like him better than Charlotte.
Starting point is 00:18:45 We're not gonna do a deep dive into Ozark on today's episode, cause I know a lot of my listeners haven't seen it. But in the show, Michael Bluth has two kids, Charlotte and Noah. And Charlotte is just like, she doesn't do anything. Grandi, they don't give her anything to do.
Starting point is 00:19:05 But she's just kind of there. Like, she's not an interesting character. And I don't particularly find the actress portraying her to be a strong actress. She's just kind of there. But then her little brother, who's like 12, is also just kind of there and doesn't really get to do much related or relevant to the actual happenings, but is also just like kind of creeping.
Starting point is 00:19:38 Very interesting guns. He sets up his own shell corporations. He sets up his own shell corporations. Just, you know, not quite sure what he's doing. Anyways, we're going to be in the second half. I'm going to be setting the stage for what a nice fall cozy day could look like for you. In case you need any tips, tutorials, or walkthroughs, you know, I should start my own YouTube channel and just call them walkthroughs WokTROUGHS. And it could just be a whole bunch
Starting point is 00:20:18 of fun recipes you can make in your walk. If you have any recipe ideas, email us, beantown podcast,, again, this beantown B&D podcast at And we'd love to get it started. Knowing me, it'd be the sort of thing where I make like two videos. They get seven views a piece. And another failed project. But let's, let's read from our, or let's hear from our sponsors today. And then we'll dig into the second half. Home part organ, are you tired? Mm. Good start here.
Starting point is 00:20:52 That's why we don't record before 5 p.m. Are you tired of selling your house for less than a quarter of what it's worth all because you can find your lab a home inspector in time? Well, organ listeners, you got good news for you. Home part inspection services in bend organ is central organ's hottest new home inspection and provider with inspection services, Well, Oregon listeners, it got good news for you. Home Pride and Inspection Services and Bend Organist Central Organist had a new home inspection provider with inspection services, including things like heating, cooling,
Starting point is 00:21:10 roofing, plumbing, and so much more. Home Pride Organ is both contractor, certified, and home inspection certified. So you know that you're getting the good stuff all the time every time. If you're tired of big reels, stay, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little reels, stay a little bit, little bit, little bit, wrangle hold on the home inspection market. And you want a safe certified home inspector that you
Starting point is 00:21:28 could trust you have to call Steve at 541-0-031-6 or you can visit Again, that's 541-0-031-6 or just visit Home pride organ inspection perfection. Shout out to the Samsung Q2U series. It's good whether you're talking about Aldi or wherever you shop, okay? But I'm telling you, those prices at Aldi are clutch. You can walk in there and walk out an absolute king having spent only like $40. absolute king having spent only like $40. By a whole bunch of canned shrimp, all right, grandma sell.
Starting point is 00:22:12 There's your ticket. You don't got to wait for it to go on sale at the HB. But the Samson Q2U series, it's got it all. It covers a lot of ground, like me when I was playing defense, the Montreal Alloets, Dating Chloe Trustman, that was the life. When I was on top of the world, and all those famous actors I knew, including the guy from, I was about to say Twilight. No, that's Kellen Lutz, I was about to say Twilight No, that's Kellyn Lutz moonlight
Starting point is 00:22:46 Whose name I still is escaping me although I did actually obviously don't know him, but I did actually see him in a play while I was there Now we're just gonna Pull up the cast name Cast names Ashton Sanders, that's right. Quality stuff. From Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, the numbers, dude around him,
Starting point is 00:23:15 you all the way down to Jude and Revelation. So they know whenever read Jude, I think it's pretty short. Anything good in there, let us know. If so, if not, that's okay. I'm not going to read it. When God speaks, He uses a Samson. Last one here, cuts by Q. Bob and we, we all know the hair styling, we all love it, but how many Chicago-based independent barbers can actually give it to you the way you deserve? Enter cuts by Q. It's like enter Sandman only different cuts by Q has been independently owned and operated
Starting point is 00:23:48 Let's see Since what year was I born 1995 and it's probably one of the better barbershop operations serving Chicago Cook County Northwest Indiana and the Greater Chicago land area including This counts as North-West Indiana. I think low Indiana pop as mini donuts We talked about them. We had a whole show dedicated to them. They're posted on social media like 3 a.m. Papa's time, which is the same thing as Eastern time. But because I wake up in the morning and I'll scroll through Facebook for two or three minutes.
Starting point is 00:24:21 And well, I've lightly, I've been waking up at like five a.m. and doing some of this action. You'll see two hours ago on Facebook, pop is makes their posts were open today. Yada, yada, yada. Which is like three or four a.m. Eastern time. And I was telling this to my brother Wal, yesterday on a run,, they've got something automatic set up,
Starting point is 00:24:47 or Papa is not sleeping well. And he's an older man, so it'd be nice if he was sleeping well. I feel for Papa, what you gotta do is go support local business. Maybe we could get a Papa's ad read. Something to stew on in the future. I love using stew as a verb. Where were we, boy? Oh, from beehives to bangs, fohocks, the flat
Starting point is 00:25:15 tops, and everything in between. You have to call cuts by Q8152987200. 7200, struggling to talk today. Or you can email Again, that's cuts. QTZ by Alright, sing it in unison like hands across America here. Oh, and you need a fresh do. Something snappy and new. Just call the experts at cuts.
Starting point is 00:25:43 Buy Q. Cuts by Q and Callin' Luts. What if we got Callin' Luts to do the ad read for cuts by Q? We call it Luts for cuts. Someone ought to reach out on Twitter, not from our account because we have like 30 followers and I'll think it's spam but from someone's account. Hey if you're listening you have more than 75 followers on Twitter, DM us, I'll send you $5 if you can successfully get us in contact with Kalon Lutz from Twilight to do the ad reads in which case I can introduce him introducing Cuts by Q and say now here is lots for cuts. I that's a gold mine idea.
Starting point is 00:26:37 This is why I get paid the big bucks on this show. I love a good side hustle. Okay, welcome to part two of the program, shorter part, I promise. I've got to go to the grocery store before a fam chat. Got to get my ingredients for a jambalaya. What do we put in there? Well, you got brown rice.
Starting point is 00:27:05 Got to have brown rice. I've been making my rice in the slow cooker. I haven't been doing this for very long. It'd be a month, two months. I love it. Bold new strategy. It's just, it's easier. You can monitor it.
Starting point is 00:27:20 When it's done, it's done. You don't have to worry about like, stovetop sticking or burning the bottom or Maybe you made it too watery or not and You're always worried like What if I take the top off the lid or what if I take the lid off the pot and pop off the lid, or if I take the lid off the pot.
Starting point is 00:27:48 And it's not quite ready yet, and I let all this steam out, and there goes my cooking process. You make it in the slow cooker, I'm serious. Rice or barley, what it's what I've been doing. Like, Minnesota long grain, brown rice, hold or unhauled barley, whatever you're putting in there. Three and a half hours, three to three and a half hours on high, just monitor it. It works like a charm. But we got my jumble eyes a Midwestern hardy wholesome take. This isn't your cage and creole grandmother's recipe, right?
Starting point is 00:28:28 None of that shrimp can't fresh or otherwise. I put, obviously, rice. For meat, slightly, I've just been doing chicken and andoe. Works pretty well. And then veggies is where it really soars. S.O.A.R.S. Soars. It will do a lot. And you might cringe, but I need this thing the last the whole week. We're doing, so the ones you have to have, tomatoes, celery, onions, and bell peppers. But I like to kick it up a notch with some body who killed Mr. Body, still TBD. I've never actually finished Clue the Movie, so I still don't know who did it.
Starting point is 00:29:23 Maybe it was all of them. Is that the twist? Is it that they all killed Mr. Body? I don't know. I'm going to go look it up after this, because I actually don't know the answer to that. But in addition to those base veggies, we're also throwing in some carrots.
Starting point is 00:29:42 Controversial one here might be zucchini. I think I mentioned celery, right? That's one of the ones you have to have. And then I'll usually throw some like, either some peas, corn or both in there. Cause those are kinda just veggies that are like not really gonna do anything. Not gonna make it literally any more healthy
Starting point is 00:30:02 or less healthy, but it'll just add some body to it Which is what you're trying to do when you're trying to stretch it out for four to five nights and then a lot of hot sauce Just you want to make sure that you're getting you know getting your nose running and Then otherwise you know some cage and spice but it's pretty simple. I don't do anything too exotic but it tastes good. Anyways what we were, how did we get to Jumbo? Oh I'm going to the grocery store. That'll be an adventure. But what I wanted to say, fall cozy setups. So there's no better time of the year
Starting point is 00:30:50 to get cozy than the fall. And here's what I recommend. So first you're going to want a nice couch. If you bought it, that's okay, but I find that I feel better about myself having gotten it for free on Craigslist, which is what I'm sitting on right now. In fact, I am lying, prostrate, great word, on my couch, recording the podcast. On a Sunday morning, toaster trees ready to go, I really wanted to eat all of them but I realized if I did it on air, it was going to be a disaster. More so than our shows where we're not eating, which is hard to do. But get your couch going. You're going to want to assess your blanket situation.
Starting point is 00:31:36 I myself am in great shape. I got my go-to Academy Blanket from Delaware. I got a massive cup of blanket, which we only whip out when we really need to cozy up. But I've also got a blanket from Grandma's Sal, which is pretty old at this point, but still solid. I have a heated blanket when things get real cold. I've got a Yoda blanket that I won for winning Star Wars trivia that's literally about two feet long.
Starting point is 00:32:06 That's really more good for like a cape of sorts. And then I have this long big long kind of flannel-looking thing that I think I got from my mom from Christmas that I've never really used, but it's huge and it's very warm. So I guess if I'm ever like camping, which I don't want to do because I don't like to camp, but if I ever was camping, I would whip it out. So my point is you're going to want a strong blanket game. Make sure you get some good pillows that goes without going saying Without saying going saying that's not how it goes
Starting point is 00:32:51 Okay, what else do you want well? Toaster treats I think we've established that Fault candles very important especially even get some fun-centred ones. I've got an assortment here. Right now, burning, I have pumpkin spice over on the ledge. We've got something else, caramel pecan maybe,
Starting point is 00:33:14 and then macintosh apple, and then mold something. Mold apple, something like that. Mold, M-U-L-L-E-D. I don't really know what it means to mull something, I know what it means to mull something over. But if he gave me an apple and he said, Mald is.
Starting point is 00:33:35 I don't even know where I would start. I love when you go to the, you know, Chris Kindle-Mart, and he gets a mold-spiced apple cider or wine, that's a good stuff. But I don't really know what it is. It's just like warmed up and added like a cinnamon stick to it. Is that what mold means heat and add cinnamon? Ah.
Starting point is 00:34:04 We need to get our holiday expert on this show. This is optional, but I found it helps. I have a little statue out of Mother Mary that I found on the street in Baltimore one time in a wheelchair. Next to my Blu-ray copy of Zootopia, which is on my bookshelf over there. She's just kind of nice. The way I position the candle is that the candle sits directly in front of the Mother Mary statue, which is what probably, seven or eight inches tall. So she has a nice, omnipotent effervescent glow about her, which I think is really nice to have. which I think is really nice to have. Otherwise, in addition to your mold candle, having a mold beverage is nice.
Starting point is 00:34:51 I haven't had anything mold in a while and right now I just have tap water. So I'm not maximizing my coziness meter right now but that doesn't mean you don't have to. And then you're gonna want some good listening, either some nice smooth piano jazz, or turn on your favorite episode of the B&T on podcast. We have 142 for you to choose from, I think,
Starting point is 00:35:19 141 or 142, plus eight specials. So I lost track of how much content that is in terms of time, but that's gotta be a solid like couple weeks, right? Worth of recording time. So you can be cozy for a while. And last but not least, fuzzy socks, those are good to have too. Otherwise, that's the basic recipe for feeling nice and cozy in the fall. Now, if you want to really kick it up, make it even more fall,
Starting point is 00:35:59 you can make some fun arts and crafts. Like you could do that thing where you trace your hand and make a turkey out of it on some card stock. I might have to do that later. That's pretty fun. It needs some different colors though. But you know, these are just my suggestions. Hey, what do you like to do to get cozy for fall? Let us know, tweet at us at Beentowncast. And, you know, talk to us about the Kellyn Lutz thing too. Or you can email us,, Let us know how you like to get cozy for fall. You can also post on Instagram, take us at to show us how you like to get cozy.
Starting point is 00:36:50 All right. I tell you what I'm going to do now. I'm going to eat my toaster treats and I'm going to research Colin Lutz, see how accessible he is. We got a big week coming up here. We have our first presidential election on Tuesday night moderated by Chris Wallace. And then I think SNL returns a week from last night, which I'm very pumped for,
Starting point is 00:37:16 because you know that debate's gonna be killer. It's gonna be freaking Alec Baldwin versus Jim Carey on stage. Like comedy gold. I am very excited. Anyways, that's what we got for you. Go shop at Aldi. Get some toaster treats.
Starting point is 00:37:36 Thank us later. And literally buy one of everything else in the store and still walk out of there with a bill under $100. And thank us later or now, whichever. Otherwise, that's what we got for you today. So we're going to queue up some music here. Thanks for tuning in. Thanks for all your support.
Starting point is 00:37:53 We are almost three years now through the Bean Town of Hotcast, which is hard to believe. But that's just the way it is. And I don't know what you're thinking. Wow, he's going to transition. He's now going to play some Bruce Horns beat to play us out. No, I'm not. Because that's we'd get sued. And I could play it.
Starting point is 00:38:12 I could play a cover on the piano, but it's all the way over there. So and my toaster treats are all the way right here. So that's pretty much the deciding factor. That's what we got for you today. Thanks for tuning in Another week older another week Older stay safe stay sane and we're gonna check in on you next time bye I'm just going to sit there. ndご視聴ありがとうございました

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