Beantown Podcast - Top 5 DePaul University Bands (06232023 Beantown Podcast)

Episode Date: June 23, 2023

Quinn comes to you LIVE just north of campus to power rank the top 5 DePaul University bands of all time...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Furnace. Welcome to my show, Quinn David Furnace presents the bean town podcast for Friday, June 23rd, our penultimate Friday of June. Tomorrow marks the last week of June, which is I know everyone when a month changes Like wow, I can't believe it, but hey guys. We are halfway through the year by the next week when we're streaming to you live June 10th was this past Monday Father's Day was this past Sunday and of course speaking of Father's Day
Starting point is 00:00:42 You all are getting a great little behind the scenes pulling back the curtain kind of look. This is the backing track to our smash hit single daddy long legs which premiered right here on bean town networks last week for Father's Day. If you missed it you can go find the track on YouTube on my channel, Quinty of it, Furnace or just search any sort of, you know, internet search engine for daddy long legs. It'll probably be the first like 20 hits, or you can listen to last week's episode. Happy Father's Day to everyone. Had a great time.
Starting point is 00:01:17 Probably my greatest creative project in years, I would say. So you're listening to the back and track right now. Maybe we'll do a live version, like live from Red Rocks or something soon here, summer tour series could be fun. I haven't been to Colorado in a long time. I don't even know the last time I was in Colorado. I was supposed to go to Colorado in the early days of the pandemic while I had it planned and then the pandemic started and then I had to cancel my trip to Colorado. I don't know if I ever got my spirit credit back, but it's long gone now.
Starting point is 00:01:50 They won't let me use it for more TV guide magazines. Well, that's neither here nor there. My name is Quinn David Fernandez, and you're listening to my show, Quinn David Fernandez presents the Bean Tom podcast. One of the top 500 podcasts in the Chicago and area. We are I am the creator host, best man, flower girl, all that stuff of this fine program. It's all about love, forgiveness, friendship, camaraderie, camaraderie,
Starting point is 00:02:18 see kind of a weird word. You know, the vowels, they line up, but it just, weird word, you know, the vowels, they line up, but it just, they don't always sound quite right to me. Comradery, C-O-M-R-A-D-E-R-Y, I think is comradery. I always, it always seems a little, the word, it just seems thin, you know, you feel like there should be a double consonant in there, either the M or the R, but I don't think there is. We are coming to you live on a Friday afternoon, actually kind of late in the day, kind of a tight timeline.
Starting point is 00:02:48 I got something at six, I got a 10-2, and it's about 506 right now. So in case you're wondering, gosh, this is gonna be another bloated drawn out episode. No, this is gonna be, we're gonna get right to the point. Actually, don't have much for you. We're gonna jump right into it in a second here
Starting point is 00:03:05 Once I give a shout out to our friends in Pakistan. Hello hydra bad kyber pass Islamabad. Thank you for making us one of the top 112 podcasts in the great Islamic Republic or Islamic State of Pakistan and thank you to Me myself and I for that great piano backing track. We are drinking from distille brewery in ours at normal D E S T I H L distille brewery deadhead IPA. It's a West Coast style. It's got a great can. It's dark with a kind of a jolly Roger looking thing going on, but he's got a mustache and a beard. There's hops on it. It's got some fun flavors.
Starting point is 00:03:47 Says support flavor, boycott bland. I don't think I've ever, I actually, I'll take that back. I think I've had to still at some point. I've never been there. I never spent a lot of time in normal. But I was at Julia's shirt. He getting some wine for kickball and Rachel requested an IPA. So it's 6.9% and just six cans.
Starting point is 00:04:04 But a fair price thing goes $10 or $11 and I'm having one for myself now, so it's pretty good. It's pretty happy. It goes down very smooth, a nice west coast IPA. Before we get any further, let's do our palindrome of the day today. I'll say this, it doesn't have any significance, but it's just something I thought of in the shower as we really start to build out this show here
Starting point is 00:04:32 as we approach 300 episodes. I figure we gotta get creative with Palendrome of the day. So today is the number 19, except it's enrolment numerals. X, I, X, the number 19. Is your trivia, no, that's not the trivia question. That's the palindrome of the day, which reminds me, I gotta write the trivia question of the day,
Starting point is 00:04:52 potentially on the fly, which would be crazy. But let's burn that bridge when we get there. I wanna start off by talking very briefly about summer kickball league, which has been going for, I guess it's technically four weeks in last night. It was just our third game we had a buy last week. But we had an op-ire last night, who was a nice guy, first and foremost, he was very chill.
Starting point is 00:05:16 It was his first game on piring ever, apparently, from what I was told. But the issue, and I'm not going to go all the way off on a tangent on this, just pointing some things out that were little flustering, if you will. This guy was so chill to a fault, if you will. There were times during the game where he was just talking on his phone as the game's going on, and he's not rude about it. He's just like, yeah, the game's happening,
Starting point is 00:05:42 he's watching it, but also he's talking on his phone. So, my other just minor annoyances, I'd be playing outfield. I played a lot of left field last night, made some good plays, kept the ball in front of me, made some good catches, made the final out. It's always fun to make the final out of the game, you know? Because you can kinda do a celebration of dance
Starting point is 00:06:00 and someone can really give you a crap. I was gonna say something else, another choice word, but I forgot to say, listener discretion is advised when you're listening to this program. Number one, we'll occasionally do some language. Number two, this podcast is objectively terrible. You know, the other team can't give you any shit
Starting point is 00:06:17 if you do a fun dance, which I didn't, I kinda just grabbed it and I kinda just, you know, did a little salute like, hey, we made it. I just gotta make a quick comment. I'm sitting here in the bedroom, my podcast chair. And of course, in our apartment complex, we're not allowed to have dogs.
Starting point is 00:06:34 I think we've spoken about dog at cost on the show before where they sent out a message like a month ago saying they were coming through all the units searching for dogs because they know people are harboring. It's a great word, great verb people are harboring. It's a great word, great verb to use harboring. A guaranteed G-E-R-U-N-D. People are harboring dogs here. Anyways, there's two goldins across the street and I've seen other dogs. I'm
Starting point is 00:06:55 aware of other dogs live here, but a new golden alert, a puppy, just walked out not from our section of the query, but the one directly adjacent to us closer to the street. And so boy, dog of cost, part two, it's, it would be tragic if that happened. I'm going to be under the floor, bars and everything. Anyways, another issue that I had with this game as I was playing left field, so you're playing defense. And it's, look, is, is knowing the count going to drastically change how you played defense? No, but there were a lot of, you know, you're far away. So when there's a ball and it gets taken or there's a, there were a lot of kicks right
Starting point is 00:07:36 down the foul line that could have gone either way last night. The umpire doesn't make any call. He probably says something at home plate. So the batter and the catcher know what's going on, but he's not moving his arms at all. There's no fair. There's no foul In fact, I'm I'm gonna take this one step further. I'm going to Surmise that I don't even know if this poor kid even knew Like what those hand signs were because there was one play when I was I always am our third base coach when that's not my turn to bat Or kick and there was one player that came screaming down the line,
Starting point is 00:08:07 one of our own players kicked it, and it could have gone either way. I, you know, based off of my angle, I couldn't really tell. And he made some sort of like motion with his hand where his palm was perpendicular, if you will, to the ground, but straight down in front of him, he was just kind of like pushing his fingers one way, but he was pushing his fingers in towards the field of play like towards the pitching mound To in which when to indicate probably if it's down the third base line
Starting point is 00:08:34 That's probably a fair ball, right? But apparently that meant foul So you're playing in the out in there in the outfield and then balls are you know going by people aren't Kick in you don't know if it's a ball or a strike and it's just kind of frustrating. Here's my biggest complaint though. And after going through the whole game and realizing I don't, as nice as this guy was, I don't really think he knew what was going on other than how to call. If someone is, if there's a force out, he could call that. And even then there were some issues, but I don't wanna go all the way off on the tangent here into the deep end. My biggest problem, we were batting
Starting point is 00:09:09 and I'll say we won by the way. So I'm not here to say, oh, this guy costs us a game or anything, but it was frustrating at times. Because you just wanna set up rules that everyone can adhere to and you play within those rules. And if you get your ass kicked,
Starting point is 00:09:23 you get your ass kicked. If you win, you win, it's great, okay? But we just want regular consistent rules. So we had to run our first and second two outs, so there's a force at any base. And the ball gets kicked to, I don't know what kind of defensive alignment they were in, but essentially the shortstop or the third baseman, I think here's what happened. It got kicked to their shortstop. Their third baseman is standing right smack dab in the middle of the baseline. Second to third, not even.
Starting point is 00:09:54 It's not even like, oh, if they're round, if our runner's rounding, she might run into it just like probably seven or eight feet off the bag, which is, I guess, close to halfway, these bases are so close apart. But she's just, she's just standing there. She's, she's, you know, not making a move to the base or anything. I don't know. She apparently didn't know how to cover, but not really her problem. So the ball gets, kick to the short stop. So our guy from second is running to third, right? Is two outs. There's a force out there, he's got to try to beat that play. And he just, or a runner, runs right into the third basement,
Starting point is 00:10:31 right up on to the point where he about to just have a huge collision. And of course, no one wants to just truck over infielders. So our runner had to just like pull up. And like try to start running around the third baseman by the time that happened the shortstop just fielded the ball and ran it all the way himself to the base for the force out of third and I'm just sitting there or standing there as a third base coach like hey like that you know you can't really
Starting point is 00:10:56 do that that's clear interference we've got our base runner the third baseman was not making a play in the ball and that the third baseman was just standing right there. And so I'm just trying to get the opposite tension. And he's not even really, he doesn't care. He's not really looking at all. And then the other team starts to come over because I'm playing third baseman.
Starting point is 00:11:17 So I'm kind of in their neighborhood because they were set up down the third baseman dugout, if you will. And they just got so pissed off. This was early in the game, and I'm just trying to get an explanation with them, but I'm not saying hey, change the call or anything. I'm just hoping maybe for the future,
Starting point is 00:11:33 if we have another play like that, which could be huge in a game, right? That there's some sort of call or adjustment, or say, don't do this next time, or something like that. The other team comes over and they are just, it went from a regular casual game to they were just pissed off. They seemed like a pretty chill team up until that point. They literally surrounded me as I wasn't admittedly making a move back towards the
Starting point is 00:12:04 outfield to start playing yet defense But I'm just like can we get an explanation? They're like bro bro bro. Just like you can't I wasn't gonna start getting into arguments but they were all up in my face And it's like you can't just like stand in the baseline Of course our loving op just no no comment no call or anything so up just no comment, no call or anything. So it was a great comeback. I'll say this. My lovely fiance, Rachel, you would have to see this. She came up with nobody out two outs. We were still down at that point. I think we had one beginning that this was part of, but we had kind of scored our runs, scored our runs, bases were cleared. Rachel comes
Starting point is 00:12:46 out. She gets on. She gets down to first. She beats a throw. She gets to second on the next play. Then she gets to third on the next play. She goes all the way home. The rally has begun. Runs upon runs all started by lovely fiancee of the the show Rachel Raymos. She got some MVP votes or gain ball votes at the end. It ended up going I think to one of our guys that hit a home run that we had two of them. So shout out to the kick and uglies. Little bit longer of just a summary than I wanted to but I feel very passionate about these things. Not to bitch about them but to say let's get on buyers who are at least if you're gonna come all the way down there, let's not talk on the phone and let's, if you got a blatant
Starting point is 00:13:30 interference or something, you can at least like, if you're not sure what to do, you can call a redo or you can at least call the third basement over and say, hey, next time, which is what I would have preferred if he just said to the third basement, okay, I'm not going to, you know, we're not gonna redo this or anything under the inning, but next time you gotta stand behind or in front or something, that's just baseball, softball, kickball 101. You cannot just imagine if you could just deploy
Starting point is 00:13:58 that strategy, which they could have less than if they really wanted to, you could have a second baseman or more realistically, let's say you got a guy in first is my last point I promise. You got a guy in first and the first baseman just plays like normally like you know five or six feet off the line which makes sense but you're standing right next to the runner who can't leave the base before the ball is kicked. Well that runner instantly has to either go up and around or down and around and it's just that adds an extra honestly an extra second or so to your time
Starting point is 00:14:33 to get between bases if not more. And that's just not okay. I mean, if you're not going to call it, it's a super easy to exploit defensive strategy. So the last, very last thing I'll say is this team wasn't this person playing third base. It's not a professional third base when she didn't know really what she was doing from an obstruction perspective. Abstruction is the word here. OBST, RUC, T-I-O-M.
Starting point is 00:15:02 But it's making it into a teachable moment rather than them surrounding me and looking like they're about to throw a punch. Let's have the ump say, okay, next time do this. Unfortunately, they just wasn't who this ump was. So PSA to all the kids out there listening, okay. There's just some very basic defensive positioning things to know. And the first rule is you cannot obstruct a runner unless you are actively making a play on the ball.
Starting point is 00:15:30 So there you go. Let's give a quick shout out to our friends here at Home Pride Oregon. When you need your home inspected essential organ, call someone that you can trust and that someone could very well be Steve. He's my dad. You can find him at 541-410-0316 or by visiting
Starting point is 00:15:48 or you can email HomePrideOrgan at There are just ways upon ways to get in touch with Steve. So if you want your home inspected, you got to call the experts. 541-030-0316 or go to homepider Oregon inspection Perfection. I also want to give a shout out to our friends at the Samson Q2U series when you want crisp clear audio quality You got to call someone that you can trust that no that doesn't make any sense use a product you can trust in case You couldn't tell I am literally coming up with a trivia question on the fly got a little bit more crunch for time Then I wanted to I got I got in the zone on the bike. The exercise bike about an hour ago. I was listening to my Vikings podcast and you know just got locked in. Did like 10 miles plus I lifted plus I did my 10 push-ups. So it was all in
Starting point is 00:16:40 all the good workout. But now I'm distracted trying to come with trivia. Excuse me, because I neglected to do it beforehand. Anyways, Samson Q2U series, and God speaks, he uses the Samson. And of course, our good friends, CutsbyQ, just sit a nice little Friday, shave by Q, got the little neck area going, you gotta take care of that neck beard.
Starting point is 00:16:59 I usually let it go like one day past its expiration date. But yeah, it's been a while since I really let that thing go probably pandemic era. It's just, it's not comfortable and it doesn't look great. So it's kind of a double whammy. If you need a fresh do something, snap your new call the experts at Cuts by Q. Okay, to cap off this show,
Starting point is 00:17:21 we're gonna have a trivia question that's gonna be in the middle of this, but I wanted to, in honor of a follow up boy, starting up their summer tour, this Wednesday night at Riggly, which by the way, we're on day three of three of three straight days of Riggly concerts. So we had follow-up boy on Wednesday, who people love, you know, hometown band. And then the last night and tonight, Morgan Wallin, who I don't really know anything about, he's a country singer.
Starting point is 00:17:48 I am aware that he was supposed to do SNL and then he got mega canceled. And then I think they brought him back. I think he still came on. But he's a very problematic singer, said some very bad things basically. And he played last night tonight. And so Lakeview News and Boys Town is up in arms,
Starting point is 00:18:08 especially since this is Pride weekend, we've got, well, I guess it's weird in how they do it in Chicago. There's Pride weekend, which I think was last weekend. But then there's the Pride parade, which is not during Pride weekend. Pride parade is this Sunday. So they really try to double up there, I mean, good for them. But so we
Starting point is 00:18:26 got Morgan Wall and Pride parade going on the same weekend, which is electric. But Fallout Boy was super, super loud. It was crazy. All the Facebook comments and Reddit comments about like how far away you were, you could still hear Fallout Boy. Of course, we were our two blocks away from Riggly. So it was, you here, everything that they're saying. And last night, Morgan, while Lynn Dernwaller was not as loud, but you could still hear a lot of stuff. Of course, I don't know a single more Morgan, while in a song.
Starting point is 00:18:58 So I don't know. But that takes me to our first trivia, our first and only trivia question, little scatterbrainer, I apologize. Trivia question, and then, well, let's say we have a trivia question for half way. We're doing our top five. When follow-up boy came to Winson A, they got me thinking, we should do a top five, DePaul University bands, okay?
Starting point is 00:19:20 So these are not, when I say DePaul bands, it just means that one of their core members has to be a You know a to Paul person a community member if you will and most instances that means graduate You'll see one of them is not that's not quite the case which we'll get too shortly here But so we've got five on the list here counting down number five. We got Joe Keere who most of you know as Steve Harrington Stranger things is known for his hair, great character arc, of course, he's kind of the bully in season one. And then it turns out, you know,
Starting point is 00:19:54 now he's a fan favorite on that show, which is still going unbelievably. I know we like to make the jokes about all the kids are gonna be in a nursing home by the time that last season comes out, but I mean, it's, I don't know how much time is realistically supposed to have passed from the first season in the show to where it's going to be in season five, but the kids are legitimately, we're talking probably at least. It's got to be basically like 10 years now, right? In terms of win stranger thing season one came out. Well, let's see.
Starting point is 00:20:24 There isn't a release date yet. Okay, 2016. And there's not a release date yet for season, the final season season five, which I never saw season four, by the way, I gave up like I loved one. I thought two was okay. I thought three was just it lost me. And then I never saw four, which is totally fine. But no plan for season five yet, and it's a writer's strike, and it's halfway through 2023. So is it actually gonna be 10 years? Probably not, but realistically,
Starting point is 00:20:53 you would think this time next year would be the earliest, right? So eight years, eight to nine, maybe 10 years, is what we're looking at, which is crazy. But Joe Kiri is also a singer. He releases music under the stage name Joe, DJO. He was a former member of the Sekedelle Rock Band post animal. And what I wanted to do is kind of just a small little tidbit
Starting point is 00:21:20 about each one of these DePaul acts. Of course, Joe Kiri did graduate from DePaul.Paul while I was a student there. I never knew him. I don't think I ever like interacted with him at a party or anything like that. So here's your fun fact. And I promise you this is just this fun fact for Joe is just because I couldn't really find a great fun fact on the fly. The others are better, I think. So Joe Kiri's fun fact per Wikipedia, he is a fan of Charlie XCX and Stanley Tucci. And I, you know what, that's about as fun as facts get, frankly, I mean, you're going to have to pick two random people on Wikipedia
Starting point is 00:21:56 to be fans of what better than Charlie XCX and Stanley Tucci. I still never saw the lovely bones. I read the book about two months ago while we were in Mexico, but I Never actually saw it Okay, number four on our list and I'm gonna piss some people off with where I where I place them But we've already mentioned them fallout boy Technically not a Chicago band technically will met band. Okay Shout out to sister in law the podcast Kelly Vanderpoll furnace but of course Pete Wentz kind of the highest profile member of Fala Boy and this is kind of the DePaul Astros great Pete Wentz left DePaul with one quarter left before
Starting point is 00:22:41 graduation which is absolutely brutal he got to that spring break late March of 1998 or whatever it was. And he just said, you know what, I'm not going to do it. I can't quite finish. And I don't think he even has a college degree. And now I'm trying to remember what even was my fun fact for fallout boy It might have been that Pete Wentz did not actually graduate from DePaul University So we like to claim them I mean who wouldn't like to claim Pete Wentz, but he officially did not graduate
Starting point is 00:23:17 I think I think that was my fun factor. Maybe I just didn't come up with one I don't know but there's fall a boy that's number four maybe I just didn't come up with one. I don't know. But there's Fallout Boy. That's number four for you. And I certainly heard pretty much everything that they sang on Wednesday night because it was impossible to not hear them. I was supposed to see Fallout Boy.
Starting point is 00:23:36 Here's another small fact for you. I was supposed to see Fallout Boy as part of a three act tour. Green Day, Weezer and Fallout Boy were supposed to tour Summer Concert series in 2020. Obviously that did not happen. They came back in 2021, rescheduled. Unfortunately, they rescheduled their show for fiancee of the podcast Rachel Raimel's birthday.
Starting point is 00:23:56 And I decided, you know what? There are things that are more important than island in the sun. Sugar were going down swinging. And what's that one green day song where it's like, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, then trouble time to sleep. Brain, brain stew, that's how it goes. On my own, here we go. Yeah, so never ended up getting to see that triumvirate, if you all sold the ticket, but for a good cause. OK, time for a bean-tongued podcast, trivia question of the week.
Starting point is 00:24:35 This is one I had no idea about before I just looked it up while we were trying to do our ad reads here. And it's a pretty simple question. What was the first ever concert at Rigly Field? I'll give you a clue. It was 2005. It's someone who's probably been back to Rigly a million times. I think he's coming back this year.
Starting point is 00:24:54 Although I'm actually not sure. I know he's coming to Summer Fest, which first weekend is happening right now. Bleachers is tonight. We of course have a nine day pass all three weekends. They do three-strike weekends of Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and we have the last weekend. So right after the fourth of July two weeks from now. And yeah, it's one of those things where like we bought the nine dates, it was on sale at the time we bought
Starting point is 00:25:15 it for 65 or whatever it was. And so we, you know, if we really wanted to, we could go up to Milwaukee tonight tomorrow night and watch whatever's going on up there. And same goes for next weekend, but we're just going the final weekend. We'll talk about Summer Fest more as we get into it. But the reason I brought it up was Jimmy, oh gosh, I just gave way the answer, okay? Or at least the first name, okay? So if you need a clue, your first clue is 2005, your second clue, this man's first name, okay? So if you need a clue, your first clue is 2005, your second clue, this man's first name is Jimmy. So now you're out there thinking the music heads
Starting point is 00:25:51 are really racking their brains or thinking, that could be Jimmy Page, headlining Wrigley Field in 2005, a little British invasion. Who else could it be? Jimmy Neutron, sort of an animatronic, comes to life. It could be Jimmy Butler. Okay, Jimmy Butler in 2005 was probably, I don't know, what, like in high school? Probably way before that, right? If that was 18 years ago, Jimmy Butler is, we're really getting to the bottom of things on the Bean Tom podcast here.
Starting point is 00:26:25 18 years ago, Jimmy Butler would have been 15. So yeah, I guess high school. I guess he's 33 already. He's already five years older than I am. Any other Jimmy's that come to mind, Jimmy from Seinfeld, it could be Mel Tormé, a little code name. I don't know when Mel Tormé passed away,
Starting point is 00:26:45 but no, the answer of course is Jimmy Buffett who is going, or maybe it was last night that he was at Summer Fest. I can't remember. No, I think it's the weekend we're going. It's one of those pay extra to see him kind of deals, which I probably won't do, but tonight, or tomorrow night at, no, tonight is Zach Brown Band,
Starting point is 00:27:04 is the pay extra ticket at Summer Fest tomorrow is James Taylor and Cheryl Crow Which would be a great great act. I would like to see Cheryl Crow one of these days I've seen James Taylor a handful of times fantastic He's also getting a little bit older and the shows aren't you know as Electric as obviously they were in the 1980s, but still great stuff. So yes, you can fool or play trivia with your friends next time they ask you, who was the first ever act?
Starting point is 00:27:37 Really can't phrase this. Let's just say this, Rigglyfield hosted its first concert in 2005 with Jimmy Buffett's a salty piece of land tour and that is Particket Master, okay? Oh gosh, we're getting conflicting information here. Okay, so this is a two-parter. If you want to play this trivia question under protest, you can because per Wikipedia, 1922,
Starting point is 00:28:04 this is just an interesting tidbit here we got to move this thing along but July 12 1922 Cubs Park hosts its first concert lights were brought into illuminate the field and a platform and soundboard was set up over the infield for an orchestra performance so there you go if you want to if you want a bitch and moan, please feel free to do that. So here we go. Per Wikipedia, 2005, September 4th and 5th, Jimmy Buffett becomes first musician to use Rigly Field as a concert venue.
Starting point is 00:28:35 So I guess there's some sort of differentiation going on there. Interesting. Okay. All right. Number three on the list, a soft spot in my heart. Okay, go. I know your most people out there saying, Quinn, you ranked okay, go, but follow, boy. And you know, this is my show. Tim Nordwin, famous bassist of okay, go. Great thing about Tim Nordwin is you go back
Starting point is 00:29:00 to those like early, okay, go music videos. He's the one singing and you're just like wait so all this time you know a bunch of people think that Tim Nordman is the lead singer of okay go he's not as Damian Koolosh who by the way if you've seen the poster that just got dropped I don't know if there's a trailer yet but Damian Koolosh and his wife who is this daughter of Al Gore and Tipper Gore, those two people, not Al and Tipper, but Damian and Tipper Jr.
Starting point is 00:29:31 directed a movie about the Bini baby craze. I think it's on Apple TV or something. It's got Galfa Nakis. I can't even remember who else is in it, but yeah, it's like a legit cast. And they directed a film about, I think it's called the Beanie craze or something like that. So which brings up kind of the question
Starting point is 00:29:53 I've had about, okay, go for so long. It has been such a long time since, okay, go like did anything musically, they've done some like creative, like art educational stuff. They came out with one song during the pandemic, but I don't think their their last music video was obsession, which was like 2018 or something like that. It's been a long time. Their last album was 2004, excuse me, 2014. So we're at nine years since their last album. They played a show show at Niagara Falls just like a one-off show
Starting point is 00:30:32 and It was it was weird. I think it was like New Year's Eve or something So they probably just got paid a boatload good for those guys the point I'm trying to make here as I was trying to read an email It's like I don't really know what the future direction of this band is, but I love them nonetheless. Great music videos. I think the music is solid.
Starting point is 00:30:51 I know other people think it's just average, but I'm a big okay golf fan, Tim Nordwin, graduate of the theater school, in I don't know what year, probably early 2000, something like that. They've been around for a while their first album was in 2001 I think it was so
Starting point is 00:31:11 2002 yeah, okay, okay go number three now we got to get into the classics here classic to Paul bands number two The doors of course Rayman Zarek. Oh, we didn't do our okay go trivia Or our interesting tidbit. Now we got to try to remember what it was. I should have, you know what, I have a tab. Here's how I came into this with our tidbits. I had a tab with all these bands. And I had basically scroll down to the part where I wanted the,
Starting point is 00:31:44 or where the interesting tidbit was, basically scroll down to the part where I wanted the, or where the interesting tidbit was, and then I was just going to trust myself to actually read it, but that did not happen. So we'll just make up an interesting fact for, okay, go, well, we're not gonna make it up, but okay, go has a song from their first album called Cicis Cinnamon Lipsips and you can find their music video on the public access program
Starting point is 00:32:10 Shika Go Go I think is what it was called And it has two famous Mu two famous people Kind of radio famous people Chicago people in the background playing fake instruments of this music video on public access television. And I'm trying to, I think I know who it is. I think it's Ira Glass and Peter Sagle, I think are the two people who are in the background doing this.
Starting point is 00:32:38 But I'm going to the YouTube comments just again from this. If you don't know this music video, just go to YouTube, okay, go cinnamon lips. You don't have to put the extra seas in there. We'll try to come back and confirm that, but I thought the YouTube credits, or the YouTube comments would bring this up, but we gotta move on here for the sake of the show after I do one more Google search. Peter, I know Ira Glass is one of them.
Starting point is 00:33:08 I think Peter Segal is the other one. From, wait, wait, don't tell me fame, of course. Peter Segal and Ira Glass, there you go. 1999, okay, go. In the background, playing fake instruments. Excellent. Okay, number two on our list of the Paul Bands, the doors, Rayman Zerick, of course, great keyboardist, comes from the same studio I did, more or less not actually. But here is our, here is our, oh, this is the tidbit I wanted. Well,
Starting point is 00:33:42 Rayman Zerick, Grestresson piece was at DePaul. This is Perwick Epidia. He played piano in his fraternities Jazz Band, participating in the Intermeal Football served as treasure of the speech club. And here is the really interesting thing. This was my tidbit. He organized a charity concert with Sonny Rollins,
Starting point is 00:34:01 the very famous saxophonist who's still alive. And here's a name you'll recognize Dave Brubeck. So he organized a charity concert, got those guys to play with them. I think Dave Brubeck's about 20 years older than Rayman's Eric was. So that's pretty badass that he was able to get him out to play. And then finally, of course, here we'll do reverse engineering here. I won't tell you the band yet, but probably the most famous to Paul band ever to exist. Their original name was the big thing. I was fiddling around with my Samson Q2U series, Corden,
Starting point is 00:34:39 messed up the audio. So let's try this again. This band, who is number one, my number one to Paul band, their originally was big thing. Then they eventually changed it and this would obviously give it away. So we'll just go for the number in DePaul band, they changed their name to the Chicago Transit Authority and eventually after being threatened by a big lawsuit, they changed their name to just Chicago. And there you go, there's your number one DePaul band. So five, go. There's your number one
Starting point is 00:35:05 to Paul Bann. So five, four, three, two, one, we've got Joe Kiri. We've got Fallout boy, asterisk. We've got OK go, we've got the doors, and we've got Chicago. Apologize for getting crunched on time at the end there. We've got stuff that we've got to get to a little call here. Everyone, thank you so much for listening. Thank you for listening to Daddy Longlays. You can find it wherever songs are streaming, anything like that across bean town networks. Don't forget to email us,
Starting point is 00:35:34 Let us know how you did on trivia. Let us know your favorite band or act from your alma mater is. And with that in mind, guys, I hope that you stay safe. I hope you stay sane. I'll check in on you next room. nd nd

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