Beantown Podcast - Top 5 Hams and Saugatuck 2022 (12092022 Beantown)

Episode Date: December 10, 2022

Quinn comes to you LIVE to present his top 5 favorite hams and recap the 2022 trip to Saugatuck ft. bottomless mimosas, Christmas parades, and Ph.D. dissertations...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David furnace. Welcome to my show Quinn David furnace presents the bean town podcast for Friday December 9th 2022 6 p.m. What's going on? What's happening? How are you? It's pretty dark outside. I think I read on Twitter or something that I think it was yesterday in Chicago was the earliest sunset of the year. It was 4.19 PM, which look, we're no meteorologist over here at Beantown and I don't disagree with that, but I was just curious, because I know the winter solstice isn't for another two weeks.
Starting point is 00:00:50 And so it got me thinking, how does that work to the day, you know, because the days are still getting shorter, right? So in my mind, the way it works, and this must not be the way it works, but I've always thought the shortest day of the year would have the earliest sunset and the latest sunrise, right? And they kind of, you know, as you get back into summer, you add a couple minutes to sunset, yet you add a couple minutes to sunrise evenly. But that must not be how it works if 4.19 PM yesterday, two weeks before
Starting point is 00:01:22 the Solstice, was early a sunset of the year. So we're gonna need to pull the bean heads on that one. I legitimately have, I mean, I don't get it. Is it something to do with the fact that the earth is more of an orb than a circle, or an oval than a circle? I don't know. Someone's going to have to explain that to us. email us, I was here listening to our fantastic intro music, the entertainer by Scott Joplin performed
Starting point is 00:02:00 by yours truly. And I saw a friend last night on Instagram posted that they were watching the sting the Hollywood golden age classic with Paul Newman and Robert Redford prominent for resurrecting the music of Scott Joplin including the entertainer which you're listening to right now so if you haven't seen the sting you're gonna want to go check it out you could watch that it could be a double feature You could watch this sting and then you could watch a police concert video on the second half. Do do do da da da. That's all I got to say to you. It's been a while since we checked in with you. I think it was a special Tuesday night episode of the Bean Tom Podcast. So it's, we're at 10 days, which is pretty much the maximum
Starting point is 00:02:46 you'll find us going here at Bean Town Networks. We were typically very, you know, but for the most part, every Friday until something comes up and we were in SagaTuck last Friday and we're gonna be talking about that briefly, not doing a deep dive, but there's a couple of different things surrounding that that I wanted to mention. So we'll be talking about that, briefly not doing a deep dive, but there's a couple of different things surrounding that I wanted to mention. So we'll be talking about that. We're going to be talking about
Starting point is 00:03:08 our top five favorite hams, and we've got a sort of geography and holiday-themed top five trivialist for you on the show today. So that's what we're gonna be talking about. I'm not gonna beat around the bush with extraneous stories and spellings of all sorts. We're gonna jump right in so you can get in, you can get the knowledge, the insights that you're looking for from the Bean Tom Podcast. You can get out, you can,
Starting point is 00:03:41 whatever you wanna do with your extra time, go get some hot cocoa, go to a Chris Kindlemar go. Do people sing carols anymore? I, you know, it's pretty rare to walk around the streets of Lakeview, Chicago and see carolers, C-A-R-O-L-E-R-S. You just, you know, you don't see it. But we should do a top, we should do like a top five, top 10 favorite carols because there's a difference between Christmas carols and Christmas songs, which is interesting in case you could see I'm sipping for my Canadian
Starting point is 00:04:18 whiskey. And like a George Thorough good song, I got my one bourbon. I don't have a shot, but the bourbon's kind of a shot. It's just got ice in it. And then one beer, a peanut butter, porter, smooth and creamy, my penultimate porter. I got one left in the fridge, get, you know, preparing for the final, what do we got? We got three weeks basically, and the New Year's Eve,
Starting point is 00:04:42 and then dry January, which I want to say my body desperately needs. I have it. It's not like I've been going crazy and I haven't really, I don't think I've been eating particularly bad. Certainly not particularly healthy, but I don't think particularly bad outside of the occasional like we went to Saga T Talk, like that was bad. But I, you know, I haven't been man handling entire pizzas by myself. I haven't been having dessert that much to be honest.
Starting point is 00:05:12 Been drinking a solid amount, but nothing crazy. I think I, you know, I think I'm more prone to drink larger amounts in the summer and the winter, it's, I don't know. I'm kind of rambling here and I don't know if it's entirely true or sensical, so let's just move past it as they would say and always sunny. I want to mention before we do anything else before we get to our trivia question here, that listener discretion is advised when you're listening to the bean-ton podcast, number one will occasionally use some language, number two, this podcast is objectively terrible. But we're gonna be, we got a couple different things we want to cover today, and I know that you all like your trivia. So we're gonna be starting with that. So you don't have to save it for the end. I just trimmed my fingernails, which is why I'm
Starting point is 00:05:57 really struggling to legit struggling to open up this peanut butter portier from Soggetug Brewing. Gonna set the mic down. This is a two-hand job. Hopefully it doesn't spill on the bed. We just wash the sheets. All right, we're in good shape. Hang on. Just as Pinede is, it was last week when I had it. One week ago today, we were at SagaTug Brewing and had our flights.
Starting point is 00:06:30 And I think we mentioned this last time, last year around this time when we did a SagaTug episode, but we also, you know, day two of the trip went to a Mitten Brewing company, which is based out of Grand Rapids, but they have a satellite tasting room in Saga, downtown. And they have a peanuts and cracker jack porter that is out of this world.
Starting point is 00:06:54 And I imagine you can buy it in cans, or I don't know, I was looking online when we got that call them to like see if you can find it at a binny or anything, but I couldn't find it. That stuff, I think it's 11%. It's so punty, it's so good, like punity, salty, creamy. I really should have gone through it and gone, gone it. But, you know, it is not good for my waistline. But to tie up that dry January thought,
Starting point is 00:07:23 I think it's going to be good. I think the physical benefits of it are one thing, and they are certainly plentiful, but I think the mental benefit of it too, just trying to get yourself through what is I would go so far as to say, inarguably, the worst month in Chicago. January is, and I get the argument for February too, because February is just an extension of January. But January is just like the holidays are over. It's just kind of like the, the nature of the, the weather. Super dark days tends to be a lot colder than it is now. It's only 40 degrees outside in Chicago.
Starting point is 00:08:09 You go outside right now and it doesn't, it's like, oh, this weather's gross, but you're not like, oh, I can't take it. It's 38 right now in the dark. It's gonna get a lot worse than that in January and February. But I think just the holidays ending, it's just tough. And so an easy coping mechanism as well will just drink it off. And I certainly do that in February, I promise you, but in January, I think it's good to just try to be like, you know, we can do, we can go four and a
Starting point is 00:08:38 half weeks. There's going to be the alcohol will still be there. when we're done and we get to save some pennies, put it towards QJ's college fund. Speaking of QJ's college fund, shout out to my lovely GF Rageee, she asked to be shouted out to on this show and she said some things about her booty that we can't repeat her booty that we can't repeat on air. So, but it's real and it's fabulous. It's real and it's spectacular as Terry Hatcher would say. That's all we're going to say. Okay, geography time, pull time really, quiz time really. It's all three.
Starting point is 00:09:15 That's why you come to the Bean Town Podcast. I'll mention, you know, visit Bean Town Podcast dot com for our latest page updates because we actually updated our CutsBiteQ page last week, this time, with some fresh new cuts that I think you're gonna enjoy. And a lot of you probably listen into this, think, you know, CutsBiteQ, it's a barber shop that's kind of a male dominated thing.
Starting point is 00:09:41 No, we do women's cuts too, $20 flat rate. Go to slash cuts dash by dash Q. And you can see at the top our latest cut, I call it the French braid. It's kind of a new thing I developed and you'll see our beautiful model Rachel there. It's gorgeous. You can also see basically the entire Airbnb with stating, so it was a tiny cottage. And then also there's a new one to me,
Starting point is 00:10:10 it kind of got a bump it. Looking thing, but that's the secret with Cutspeq. You don't actually need bumpets. We can do that without the plastic. We are plastic free at Cutspeq, which is probably a plus for you. Okay, but here we go. So what I'm asking, and we're gonna,
Starting point is 00:10:27 we're not gonna have the span episodes if you really wanna like take time, write it down on paper, and think it out, just pause this episode, because we're gonna move pretty quickly through it, because I'm gonna totally forget about it next week. But the thing we're trying to learn, the thing I'm asking you is, for the top five Christmas
Starting point is 00:10:45 tree producing states in the United States. So the five states that produce the most Christmas trees in the US, in case you're wondering, this is from, which I'm not familiar with, but we're just going to trust it. But the curious thing here, and this is probably just as interesting as, and I'm not going to do this because it doesn't seem to list it. But there's 45 states in the list, so there's not all 50. It's not like, oh, here we go. So we figured it out pretty quickly. The reason why is not necessarily because there's five states.
Starting point is 00:11:26 That's what I first thought when I opened this right before we started recording, I was like, oh, there's five states that don't produce Christmas trees. Then I was like, well, who is it? And I'd be curious to hear your thought process on that as well. But for me, I was thinking like, well, it's gotta, you know, it can't be anything east
Starting point is 00:11:42 of the Mississippi. There are just no states that fit that data. So I was thinking, well, in Nevada, I don't think of having anything like that. And New Mexico, I don't think of having anything like that. But even that's a vast generalization. It's really hard. There are very few states where you think,
Starting point is 00:12:04 there's no sort of P PINIC and IC action. So the five states that didn't report, this will clue you in a little, but I guess this takes away 10% of, that's good math, 10% of states you could choose from. So the five that didn't report, so they're not in this list, or Alaska, Wyoming, North Dakota, Nevada, and Arizona,
Starting point is 00:12:27 I feel pretty confident that the only one that anyone would possibly consider would be Alaska. And now you know that it's not part of this list. If you're curious what comes in at number 45, so in last place on this list is New Mexico, 938 trees cut. And Nevada, which I mentioned, they were part of the group that didn't report
Starting point is 00:12:47 so we don't know how many they did. Utah was next, South Dakota after that Hawaii Delaware in Kentucky. I think those all make sense. Maybe Kentucky would have been a little bit higher in my mind, but there's a lot of states out there, a lot of trees. So what are the top five?
Starting point is 00:13:02 The honorable mention goes to Washington State. That's at number six. And so again, if you really want to take your time to, you know, make your guesses and stuff, then go ahead and pause the show and do what you need to do. But we're gonna jump into it five to one right now and we're not gonna really elaborate much more on it. We're just gonna tell it to you like it is.
Starting point is 00:13:23 So here we go. Coming in at number five is Wisconsin. Apparently 700,341 trees cut. So Wisconsin number five. Number four. Pretty big jump in terms of volume. Pennsylvania, 1,050,159. So that's 350,000 more.
Starting point is 00:13:43 That's almost, like, actually 50% more than Wisconsin. So Pennsylvania number four, number three, another huge jump. Wow, Michigan, 1,551,185. So that's another 50% jump. That's crazy. Michigan is number three. The big thing now is we're going to see another 50% jump. That's crazy. Michigan is number three. The big thing now is we're going to see another 50% jump. Well, number two, come in at 2.25 million. Let's see. Number two is North Carolina. And it blew that out of the water. Who would have thought North Carolina, 4 million, 31,864? That's crazy. There's such a big difference between two and five. And Jerome were like, I think some people listening to this
Starting point is 00:14:26 might know this because it's actually like a bathroom reader factor or something, but the top state, much closer to two than two was to any of the other ones. Number one is the state of Oregon, 4,714,298 for total sales annually of 120.6, 98 for total sales annually of 120.68 million dollars every year more than one more than 10% of a billion. So there you go. Number five again to wrap this up Wisconsin. Number four Pennsylvania. Number three Michigan. Number two North Carolina. Number one Oregon. No huge surprises. If I was coming in cold to this, and I should have,
Starting point is 00:15:05 because I think that would have been interesting. I knew Oregon was number one. I think I would have thought Michigan would have been number two. After that, it would have been fuzzy. I think I probably would have guessed Washington state just because of Oregon. I'm confident I would not have guessed North Carolina. In Pennsylvania, Wisconsin,
Starting point is 00:15:24 I think I would have had my top 10, but maybe to put top five, I can't really say. Definitely when I put North Carolina, top 10, not that, it doesn't have a ton of trees, and it's not large, I just, you know, in my mind, I'm thinking like Pacific Northwest, you know, tiny states or Upper Midwest, Minnesota, Wisconsin. To round off the top 10, in case you're curious, we knew Washington was six Virginia, seven, New York, eight, Minnesota, nine, Ohio, 10, like those tracked to me. And then California, 11, California's obviously got the size,
Starting point is 00:15:57 but just how many piny trees are there? There's a lot of ponderosa and what are the sequoias in redwoods, but you can't really pass off a redwood as a Christmas tree. That's another cool thing. Christmas trees can really be multiple trees. You could have furs, pines, birches, probably not birches, I don't know. I was gonna mention earlier, we should do a show about,
Starting point is 00:16:22 and I just wanna say it again, so I don't forget forget and I don't know if it would actually be interesting but there's not every every Christmas Carol is a Christmas song but not every Christmas song is a Christmas Carol. We don't need a whole show. We could spend 30 seconds on this right now. O'Come All You Faithful. That's a Christmas Carol. Rocking around the Christmas tree, not a Christmas Carol. Joy to the world, Christmas Carol. I suppose it's more of a religious distinction, more than anything else. Santa baby. If you, if you showed up to my house to the group at 10 white folks, singing from binders and you sing Santa baby, I'm going to think there's some sort of
Starting point is 00:16:59 orgy down the street. I'm not passing judgment on that good or bad. I'm just, that's my reaction. Uh, angels we have heard get high, that's a clear carol, and I want to hip-hopize for Christmas is a Christmas song. The list goes on and on and on and on and on, and on. We could make an exhaustive one, but we're not going to. Um, so anyways, those are kind of your primary thoughts, preliminary thoughts here in the B2L podcast. Now, I just want everyone to know that it paused for approximately
Starting point is 00:17:30 10 seconds right there because this happens to me much more in the summer for obvious reasons due to sweat than it does in the winter, but it just happened right now every once in a while. So there's hair on your fingers, right? Probably not if you're a female, although maybe I don't really know, never really pay attention to that stuff. Probably a lot of males have hair on their fingers. So you got some hair, for me, the large,
Starting point is 00:17:58 I've got a solid amount of hair in between the hand where the finger starts in the first knuckle. There's like a decent knot there, not so much on my pointers, my index fingers, in between the hand where the finger starts in the first knuckle. There's like a decent knot there, not so much on my pointers, my index fingers, but definitely on fingers 2, 3 and 4. Then you jump to the next knuckle, there's a little bit of hair, but not a lot. And then the final knuckle, there's no hair from the final knuckle to the fingertip. But on that middle portion there between the first knuckle and the second knuckle, I will
Starting point is 00:18:24 frequently get There's not really any way to say this or then just like a clogged poor Where the you know the hair follicle is and I basically have to it really bugs me like who's gonna want to leave that sitting there? So I just pull the hair out, you know, you could use a tweezer, but it's pretty easy Just get it with your fingers and then do a little squeeze to like take care of that. The only reason I mentioned that is just because it's a very like personal thing, not something you talk to your colleagues about
Starting point is 00:18:55 at your morning status check-in or you know your friends at the bars. So I'm just curious like how common is that. I get it frequently in the summers because your hands get a lot sweatier. Not much in the winters, but it just happened now. Or I just noticed it now, if you will. So just an interesting point for you there. I want to give a shout out to my brother and sister, Jack and Abby. They gave me a Christmas gift and I received it yesterday. And for the life of me, it took me about an hour to actually understand what was going on with it.
Starting point is 00:19:34 I didn't even know what it was. It wasn't anything I've ever expressed an interest in. But it turns out it's a kind of looks like a Game Boy, like a Game Boy original Game Boy. And basically you stick this like SIM card in there, a 64 gigabyte or whatever SIM card that comes with it and it comes loaded with all these different games. And we're talking like Nintendo Game Boy, Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance, Game Boy DS, PlayStation, Capcom 1, 2, 3, Sega. And that's less than half of all of them. There's a ton I haven't even heard of.
Starting point is 00:20:18 And there's just a library from each one of those. It's not exhaustive, obviously, but a library of just a ton of popular games. Lots of games I've played, like 2% of the games I've played and then just a million other ones that I haven't played. But there's all sorts of things there. And what's crazy about this, I don't know the legal stuff, but they got all the big hits. So I was curious about the licensing of that. But they've got the first, I think, two, about like the licensing of that. But they've got, you know,
Starting point is 00:20:45 the first I think two, maybe three gins of Pokemon on there. I played, I played Pokemon Crystal for an hour today. I'm going to come back to that in a second. Last night I was playing Pirates of the Caribbean, two dead man's chest. There's some really old like Madden and FIFA games that an NBA jam that just do not work well on the platform But they're still there nonetheless There's all sorts of you know Kirby and oh Sonic 2 which I had on Game Boy growing up I played that for like five seconds yesterday before realizing I don't really like that game Some Shrek games right there is it's got everything. So it took me a long time yesterday.
Starting point is 00:21:27 I got home from work and I was just like, one trying to understand what it was, then when I understood what it was, trying to figure out how it works. But this morning I took it the extra step. And so there's a popular, just way of playing Pokemon essentially, to give you a super like 30 second crash course on Pokemon,
Starting point is 00:21:49 because everyone's heard of it, not everyone really understands how it works. You start the game, you have three Pokemon in every generation, every different game. It's different what the Pokemon are. A three to choose from, but it's the same every time. Gen 1 is always squirtle, charmander, or the little flower looking guy, ball-basaur.
Starting point is 00:22:13 So you always start the game with one of those. They evolve into two additional Pokemon, but it's like, you know, so the start of the game is always, you know, pretty much the same thing, because there's only so many Pokemon you can catch. Anyways, there's a software essentially that you can download online called the Universal Pokemon Randomizer. And you see this be very popular online on YouTube,
Starting point is 00:22:34 Twitch and stuff where people will do what's called Solar Runs, meaning you go through the entire game with just one Pokemon. And of course, if you want to do a Solar Run with a Pokemon, you can't get until the last 2% of the game. Well, you couldn't do that unless you had a software that helped you change it essentially. I've played a lot of Pokemon on, you know, like a web browser, just from websites that do, you know, emulating. But it's, you can't, you can't, what's called the Universal Pokemon randomizer, you can't just like type in your URL or something and have it go. There's a lot of specific
Starting point is 00:23:15 parts that I was very confused by up until today, still a little bit, but I think I understand the basics of it. I am so proud to say that I've finally figured out and evolved sim cards and everything. I figured out how the universal Pokemon randomizer worked and I now am doing a crystal, so Gen 2 solar run with celibi, which is the last Pokemon in the polkadex in Gen 2. It's like it was like an event-only thing you had to go to Toys are us to get it Obviously like a cool mythical Pokemon. I don't know anything about it and I nearly plan the run I was just kind of fooling around and it's like oh, I you know I've heard of that Pokemon, but I don't know anything about it. Let's do it
Starting point is 00:23:56 I figured out how to make the software work and everything I'm playing now. I got two gym badges just be bugsy who I think is a boy, but not sure, gender neutral, and getting ready for Whitney and her milk tank, which are notorious in Pokemon world. So that's all I wanted to say because I've been trying to figure out like how to do the universal Pokemon randomizer for a long time because it's very like old looking software. And it's just frankly very confusing. But I figured it out.
Starting point is 00:24:29 I was really proud of myself. And it was all because of this very unexpected, but very fun gift. Rachel even picked it up and started playing. She, there's a game called Harvest Moon, which I know is famous, but I don't know anything about. And she was, you know, getting, getting ready for it. So fun gift cool to have kids gonna love it Thank you to Jack and Abby. All right
Starting point is 00:24:54 So I want to give a quick shout out to our sponsors We already mentioned cuts by Q and of course being Tom podcast comms So let's also say thank you to the Samsung Q2U series. It's got crisp, clear audio quality from Genesis to Exodus. Leviticus numbers Deuteronomy, the entire pen it took and all the other good stuff. When God speaks, he uses a Samsung. And then of course, speaking in Pacific Northwest,
Starting point is 00:25:19 Oregon, double duty today, winning the Christmas tree pole and then also hosting our good friends, home pride Oregon. When you need your home inspected essential Oregon, you're gonna wanna call the experts. You need someone safe, someone certified, and someone that you can trust.
Starting point is 00:25:35 Doublely insured, call 541-410-0316, ask for Steve or code to home pride Again, that's 541-410-0316, or go to home pride Oregon. com. I want to also just very very quickly mention because I haven't been listening back to the shows much but I did listen back to last weeks because I was proud of that episode we did on Tuesday night and there were some obvious technical difficulties right at the start. I don't know I don't have an explanation other than just we're finishing year five
Starting point is 00:26:07 of the Bean Tump podcast and we're running on a Mac. That is, boy, where are we at? About to hit a 10 year anniversary. It'll be 10 years and like, may or something like that. So that's really the only explanation I can offer, but thanks for first taking with it. I think after the first five minutes or whatever, the technical problems disappeared. At least they did on my end. So thanks for bearing with us. All right, welcome to part two, the shorter half. I promise you, of the being 10 pockets, we're going to talk socket tuck for a second, then
Starting point is 00:26:43 we're going to talk our top five hams staying in the Christmas spirit. So I just wanted, you know, we had a great trip to sogutok. It was very similar to last year to give you just the super, super brief rundown of what we did. We went to callvers on the way there, you know, driving on late on a Thursday day and at you losing hour. We got the cheese curds, the large. Our place we stayed in was different than last year. We, my first wanted to stay in the place from last year, because they had a hot tub and we liked the place good location, but it was, it was booked.
Starting point is 00:27:17 So we got a place on the other side of town, south side of town, a very tiny little cottage. Honestly, in terms of like square footage, probably larger or same size as last year, but because it was like last year's just kind of one big room with a bathroom off to the side, whereas this year was like, you're living room, you're kitchen, you're bathroom, you're bedroom,
Starting point is 00:27:38 everything just felt very small. And it was that ceilings were tiny, but it was still a small couch too, it was a love seat, not an actual couch. But we made it work. One thing that was a total pain in the ass was the heat was just, it was kind of like a thing on the wall by the door, so not central, central heat or anything like that.
Starting point is 00:27:58 But it was controlled by a remote, and it just seemed like whatever you were doing on the remote didn't have anything to do with what was actually happening. So one day we came back, I think Friday we came back and it was super hot, but then we'd wake up in the morning and be super cold. It was just, I don't know, that was the, you know, one thing that I didn't love about it. Everything else about the cottage itself was fine.
Starting point is 00:28:21 Good, like, you know, a little bit further than walking than the last place from like the downtown places, but we're talking actually two or three minutes. So nothing crazy. But Friday, we woke up, we went back to our coffee spot on common ground. Thank you to future sister of the podcast, Nicole Sparkbene, for the annual recommendation. That was a place last year I got my half and half latte. This year I reeled it in a little bit. It got like a maple something.
Starting point is 00:28:49 I don't know, it was good maple creme. Pretty tasty. We came back to the house. We watched a brother, the, you know, other brother we haven't mentioned today. Other brother of the podcast, what furnace is on a flight right now to say the Marica? Try to do say the Africa, but it didn't translate as well. South America for what I think is the
Starting point is 00:29:08 official honeymoon. I don't know there's been a lot of trips but I think this is act like this is it this time you know soups not a meal but this time there are mendi's getting the swordfish I think I don't know but he defended his his his doctoral thesis, his dissertation. And all went well. We learned all about yeast and Rachel posted on social media hashtag yeast mode. I think or she texted it.
Starting point is 00:29:33 I don't know, something like that. And Walt is successfully defended and that's big for the pay raise. When you moved to Ohio in three weeks, four weeks, and Dr. Walt now, we got a column, so, Dr. of the podcast, I don't know. But congratulations, so we came back, we watched that, we zoomed in, I even asked a question that got read live on air, which is kind of a big deal, and you know, for these academic folks, I'm gonna
Starting point is 00:29:59 pause GarageBand for a second, because it is tweaking, all right, hopefully it's tweaking less now. GarageBand just, you know, is tweaking. Hopefully it's tweaking less now. GarageBand just, as it goes along, right now, it's just the thing is moving left to the right. It's very smoothly and after 10, 15 minutes, it is just like mega choppy. And I can't tell if it's choppy for you. Usually it's not.
Starting point is 00:30:19 It's just the display of the software, but it makes me nervous, after all of our tech issues. Then we tried a new place we went to, a virtues citer, kind of south of the Sagittuck Douglas area. I had to drive out there, you know, 15 minutes. Had some ciders, pretty tasty, Rachel had a flight. Excuse me, we played Connect 4, but there weren't quite enough pieces, so we would just get to the end of the game and it'd be a stalemate, so that was fun. And then we went to Sawgutug Brewing, which I already mentioned, had a great time, had our flights, came back, watched our jeopardy, and had some wine, had to go to the super value. Oh, also, how could I forget? Because I wanted to mention this. We went to the orb, we went back, we hiked up, took us less than six minutes because we're speedy, and we got hamstrings from hell in a good way. I guess that sounds bad. We're pretty strong.
Starting point is 00:31:16 Rachel's working out right now. That just speaks to the strength that we bring to the equation. But the orb is really, you know, I think of So Sogata as a Christmas town. It's probably more of like a summer beach down than anything else, but we always go in summer or winter rather. But when I think of the orb, you know, it kind of overlooks town, and I wanted to mention this, do you think Dr. Su's got the inspiration for Mount Crumpet from the orb? And that can be our, you know, user engagement question of the week. Email us, beantompodcast, yeah,, and beantompodcast at You can also tell us how you did in our Christmas tree poll.
Starting point is 00:31:50 But because it's just, it's beautiful, it's tall, it overlooks town. You can imagine a Grinch living up there with Max, it's his sled down Mount Baldhead. Mount Baldhead, that's like right out of a sues book too right like you could exchange mount crump it from out bald head in how the Grinch Stole Christmas and no one would bat and I legitimately believe that. Anyways I wonder if the inspiration was was had there but I I wanted to mention that so I'm glad I didn't forget that but we came back we got some
Starting point is 00:32:23 extra wine from the Super Value. That's where I got Fudge last year. No Fudge this year, looked around for it. I took a peek, didn't see it. And then went back to the house, watched her jeopardy, had some wine. And then we took a nice long walk to the Southerner, where we also went last Friday night last year
Starting point is 00:32:43 in Saga Tac on Friday night. So we had our supper. Didn't get the pepper jelly this time. Got something else. I don't remember. Also had some drugs. So nothing crazy, mom and dad. We literally went to a legal dispensary called I don't know yellow walk or something like that.
Starting point is 00:33:03 Drive through. It was pretty cool. Much cheaper drugs there. You know, we're talking like THC. Nothing fun like white lotus or something. Speaking of which, white lotus, which we never talk about, and we should mention housewives before we stop recording. I'll write a note of that,
Starting point is 00:33:21 because I can just briefly talk you through it because it was chaotic. But white Lotus is wrapping up this Sunday, which is hard to believe. It's been a wild ride. If you haven't watched it, if you have an HBO log in, I definitely encourage both seasons. I think they're great. They're very different, but very watchable. I think there's not a lot of shows I can say. This about first season was six hour long episodes. This one is seven.
Starting point is 00:33:46 It's definitely a type of show where I could like, if I had a Saturday with literally nothing to do, like tomorrow, if anyone has anything going on, text me, because Rachel's gonna be out. I could watch every episode back, back, back, back, back. I'm probably just gonna watch World Cup stuff, but I don't know. We'll see what happens.
Starting point is 00:34:05 But, I forgot what I was saying. But yeah, walk to the Southern or something about HBO. I don't know. White Lotus is good. Walk to the Southern or a heterogene or walk to home went to bed. Saturday, big day in town. Saturday was a marquee event.
Starting point is 00:34:22 So we wake up, We get our lattes from penny royal provisions right out there in Blue Star Highway Come back and we knew we were gonna go to pump brinicles for brunch We were fingers crossed that they're gonna be showing the US vs Netherlands game which Rest in peace. They're both out now But yeah, World Cup's going on too, those two games today. So this is Friday, December 9th.
Starting point is 00:34:47 It was the Croatia Brazil game, and then the Netherlands, Argentina game, both just absolutely wild. Both went to PKs, both had extremely late tying goals. Unbelievable finishes. Croatia and Argentina, one of those teams will be in the finals. Croatia was there last time. We'll see.
Starting point is 00:35:11 If Argentina gets in and you get messy and de-marien stuff, people are going to go nuts. So it's going to be interesting one way or another. Tomorrow is what England, France and Morocco, Portugal. I think that's how it goes. When it be crazy if it was Morocco, if it was Croatia, let me just be like, this is a weird man. We go to Pumper Nichols, where we had gone last year
Starting point is 00:35:38 for drinks after dinner on Saturday, but we saw they had brunch this year and looked like they had TVs in there, so we said we gotta go check that out. We did. They were watching the TV game. We had our encounter with Billy, who is definitely a regular there. And when we first got there, we thought he was Mitch. I don't want to go all the way back into the history books, but essentially
Starting point is 00:35:59 Mitch is a very well-known person in Sogatock. We know where his apartment is. It's like above a storefront. It's got a sick balcony. It's an awesome party last year. We got invited. We were halfway up the stairs and ended up not going. It was heartbreaking.
Starting point is 00:36:15 But we've sort of had a year to cultivate all these images of who Mitch is and what he looks like. So we walked into this bar. We see Billy. We didn't know it at the time. But we thought that's got to be Mitch. Sky's wearing pajama pants, you know, flannel-esque, and whatever shirt, but like a long, almost bathrobe kind of garment, a white fedora, and flipped up sunglasses. And he's got a cup of coffee at this bar, watching the World Cup at 10 a.m. on a Saturday.
Starting point is 00:36:46 So we're like, that has to be Mitch, especially because Pompon Nichols is literally next door to his apartment or a Do's house. Turns out it was Billy. We still didn't see Mitch. We haven't seen Mitch. Mitch did not have a party this year from what we could gather. But there were many more parties to be had. So we, bottomless memoses. It was one of the reasons we went there. The thing with bottomless memoses is every place does it differently,
Starting point is 00:37:12 but one of the ways they'll do it, and this is how pump rnicles does it, is they just bring you out two corrafts of OJ, and then they just bring you out a bottle of champagne. Each person gets it because he orders separately. So you know, we're drinking and you know, these sacriames are long, 90 minutes plus stoppage time. So about 105 minutes plus 20 minute half time
Starting point is 00:37:34 or whatever it is, you got, it's over two hours. You're sitting there. So not quite as long as a football game, but if it, you know, for the sacriames that do go to PKs, for example, those are as long as a football game, you know, three hours, which is just exhausting. So you have your first bottle, and then it's, you know, there's like 40 minutes left in the game or something, and you're like, well, we paid for this, you know, 25 bucks. So we, you know, it's like, yeah, it's bringing the second bottle. And then, you know, they're losing, they're getting their asses kicked and it's
Starting point is 00:38:08 like, well, you might as well just go, go, go, right? So we did. So two bottles each. Yes, we are crazy. Yes, I recognize that's a lot of champagne for two and a half hours or whatever, but we did it. Because that's just who we are. We're not quitters. Anyways, while we're drinking, Rachel picks up on a potential pub crawl that's happening in town, we were seated next to some white middle-aged ladies. And so we caught wind of it. So he said, well, we got a wide open wide open Saturday afternoon here, feeling good, except for the US getting their butt kicked. So let's try it out. So the first things first, we had timed it perfectly with the US losing the game ends, the holiday parade,
Starting point is 00:38:53 the Sagittac holiday parade, coming to right down Butler Street, literally outside of the bar. So we walk out, there's a lot of good dogs, the whole town is out. Literally feels like who will on Christmas morning, hallu, foray, dallu, dore, welcome Christmas day is out. Literally feels like who will on Christmas morning, hallu, for a dauludore, welcome Christmas day is here. You know, you got old-timey cars, you got grinches, Santa Claus's, tunes, bands playing. It's just, you know, the sun shining, it's moderate
Starting point is 00:39:19 weather. You're just blasted off a champagne. Who could ask for more. And then we figured out the pub crawl. Basically, you had to go to five different bars in downtown Saga Tug. And for each one, there was like an activity you had to do. We drew Santa Claus in this reindeer. We pinned the tail on the nose on the Rudolph. We sang a carol.
Starting point is 00:39:41 We did anagrams of Christmas things, we did Christmas movie trivia, we did all sorts of things. And there was a huge raffle at the end, we didn't win anything, but it was fun nonetheless. So that's what we did on our pub crawls, crazy. In between, because we finished so fast, because we're trying to win first prize. We went to Mitten Brewing with Chats the peanuts and cracker jacks, which I mentioned pretty delicious. Had our flights there, had our dinner at the Butler, which was one of the places on the pub crawl and ended up getting $100 from this elderly couple who's the owner of some furniture stores
Starting point is 00:40:27 in Southwestern Michigan. They just gifted it to us randomly. So shout out to furniture store friends of the podcast. We should probably do a month of free advertising for them. So maybe we'll kick that in next week. And then yeah, Sunday morning, had our breakfast, had our coffee, and drove back and saw the Vikings
Starting point is 00:40:48 beat the JETS Jets Jets Jets. So that was Sogatoog 2022, it was a great time. And I think we'll be back. I wanted to briefly mention, before we finish up with our top five hams, the real houses, the Salt Lake City, they're kind of into the second half now of season three. And this entire episode was day one, I think, of a trip to, I think it's
Starting point is 00:41:11 San Diego is where they are. Jen can't leave the country because she's going to prison for a very long time. But this, I don't even know how to, we're going to need like a half of an episode dedicated to like a housewives reset to figure out where we are, all the characters and stuff. But essentially what you need to know is on this trip, you have the five cast members. Jen Shaw, we all know Meredith Marks, the, you know, from Chicago, she's an attorney. Lisa Barlow that has a tequila brand, the two-son zone fresh wolf, and then Whitney Rose,
Starting point is 00:41:49 who's kind of blonde and kind of a bimbo, and then Heather Gay, her cousin of some sort, who owns Beauty Lab. So those are the five. Pretty simple enough. There's no more Mary Cosby, you know, still Mary to her grandpa, whatever, but she's not on the show. And Jenny, who got an Introduccion C in season two got fired for social media Trump stuff. So you got your core five, but now we've kind of introduced essentially three more ladies,
Starting point is 00:42:15 two of them are on this trip. And the worst part about this is two of them are Angie. It's just could you not could we not go into a production meeting at the start of this season and say hey Let's see one of you can be Angie one of you can do a middle name like they did in the office with Kelly Kapoor and Kelly Hanon Ellie Comperts character But no, we got Angie K. We got Angie H
Starting point is 00:42:40 So Angie H is blonde. I think She didn't come on this girl's trip. She and Jen are not in good standing with each other. Angie K is like the host of this trip, but also Jen Shaw kind of is. It's kind of confusing. She's on the trip. Jen Shaw dumped champagne on Angie K's head.
Starting point is 00:43:02 And we don't have time to get into this nor do you care. But so now there's bad blood there. And then there's also this lady called Dana, the ANNA, who kind of looks like Angie K, which is extra confusing, not like they're identical, but just, you know, if you had a bottle of wine and you're like watching housewives, as most of us do on Wednesday night, then you're going to be confused. I'll tell you right now. So the whole trip is basically just a lot of this is day one of the trip. There's water or champagne dumped on Angie K's head. I think it's Angie K and eventually they end up on a boat.
Starting point is 00:43:39 Jen's freaking out. She probably done some drugs. She threw, they had like a $5 plate of carrot celery and ranch dressing from Kroger. They throw it into the, she throws it into the ocean. The entire tray, the plastic included. She's a litter bug. Hope they add an extra year onto her sentence. Then she threw someone's fancy shoes into the ocean. She didn't know who's they were.
Starting point is 00:44:01 And Lisa was worried because she has a $1,200 pair of shoes that she brought with her. So there's a lot of stress there. And it's just, it's extremely chaotic. It was 60, I think it might have been longer than that. It was like 70 minutes of pure, just, I don't understand who's mad at whom, why they're mad at whom, just way too much alcohol. It was absolutely ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:44:30 So, and that was day one of the trip. So, that's where we are, right in the middle of season three of the Real Hospice of Salt Lake City. It's between Salt Lake City and Potomac right now. It is a lot to boy. And the crazy thing with Salt Lake City too is like, there's not, basically everything right now is revolving around Jen and the new ladies in some capacity. Meredith hasn't had a storyline all season. Lisa hasn't really had one.
Starting point is 00:45:11 And Whitney has has Heather has, but it's not that important. It's like a sea plot that they're trying to make their thing. It's pretty much just like Jen and these new ladies right now. So you're probably thinking because Jen's not on the show anymore as of season four, you're think of those three ladies, Angie K, Angie H and Dana, will probably all come on, maybe not Dana, but probably both Angie's I would think. So, well, it's interesting. There's a lot to digest. Okay, I wanted to wrap up the show with my top five favorite hams, a nice Christmas, you know, a nice holiday meet.
Starting point is 00:45:46 And I was actually, I had no intention of talking about this up until 10 minutes before we started recording. I was texting with a good friend of the show Sam Anderson up there in Milwaukee, college roommates. And we were talking about our favorite hams. So coming in at number, and these aren't really ordered in any particular way, I didn't have the mental capacity to say, oh, this ham is better than that one. So we'll just say number five, CJ ham. Vikings long time fullback, where's number 30?
Starting point is 00:46:14 He's good for a third and one conversion, two or three times a season. And he actually had a touchdown this year, like three games ago, and that was his first touchdown in I think five years. So shout out to CJ Ham. He probably plays on like, I don't know, 15% of the Viking snaps like most fullbacks doesn't get a lot of glory or recognition, but great run blocker. Seems like a good guy. Coming in number, or I guess our next favorite ham,
Starting point is 00:46:46 the pig from Toy Story. I don't know if he officially goes by ham or hammy, or sort of what his situation is. And is he, is ham, ham, Toy Story? Is he John Ratzon, Berger? Is that who he is? Ham, Toy Story. I guess there's two ham, or two m's. Yeah, John Radsenberger, that's right.
Starting point is 00:47:07 Excuse me. So the toys are, you know, I know the original slinky, the voice actor, from the first one died after that. Soles, Mr. Potato had voice. Yeah, Don Rickles. And then in Toy Story 2, they introduced his wife who was a stealth from Seinfeld, whatever her name was. She just passed, I think. This year maybe last year, I don't remember Let's see anyone else Jim Varney, that was the name of slinky dog. Yeah, well, Sean Ratzenberg or Annie Pots was both peep. That's right Yeah, good stuff
Starting point is 00:48:00 Laurie Metcalf Andy's mom forgot about that the biggest Lori Metcalf, Andy's mom forgot about that. The biggest, biggest toy story question still out there is what happened Andy's dad we don't know. Well, we got to move ahead. We don't have, we got 30% left on our MacBook here. We don't have the energy literally to dedicate to a deep dive. Number three, John Hamm, which I wasn't getting include until Sam encouraged me to do it.
Starting point is 00:48:29 Seems like a good guy. Loved him on 30 rock. I've never seen Mad Men. And he's been in a million other things. Confusing career situation right now for John Ham, he's doing a lot of like TV commercials. I don't know, it just seems kind of strange. Next, number two, the ham from the Bible, right?
Starting point is 00:48:49 He's Noah's son. He's the one who sees Noah naked and then Noah, you know, destroys the earth or something with a flood. All because he got drunk. So what's the lesson we learned today, right? Like the end of Edgitailsie tails? They you know Bob and Larry They're on the kitchen counter and like you're playing the first level for army men
Starting point is 00:49:11 UnPC you kill the cockroaches with the aerosol spray What did we learn today? Well, don't you know? It's okay to get drunk, but try not to expose yourself to your son I Think that's a good lesson. We can just leave it there. And the number one, spiral ham. We mentioned, you know, last week on the bean town of 2022 holiday gift guide, getting your,
Starting point is 00:49:37 your loved ones a sandwich. I think a spiral ham is kind of in the same vein. It's more of a socially acceptable holiday gift, but there's pretty much never a time in my life where you could walk up to me with a hot slice of ham and be like, hey, do you want this ham? And I would say no. I would say 1% of the time I would say no. That would be when I'm brushing my teeth or, maybe if I'm having ice cream, like I wouldn't probably,
Starting point is 00:50:09 I probably wouldn't want ham or ice cream, ham and ice cream. But yeah, if I'm in, you know, middle of the night, three a.m., and I'm sleeping, you wake me up here, you want this ham, I mean, yeah. You know, I'm shivering under the covers, of course I want ham.
Starting point is 00:50:21 If I'm having a turkey pastos sandwich, you want ham? Who, would you rather have a turkey pastos sandwich or a ham and turkey pesto sandwich yet? Give me the ham You're at Christmas dinner and it's you know vegan and you're thinking God Why did I go to this weird thing in Logan Square? Hey Quinn you want some ham? Obviously I want a ham like Bring the other animal products to like the ice cream. I have I have. Like, bring the other animal products to, like the ice cream. I have the ice cream after the ham. I don't want them at the same time.
Starting point is 00:50:49 So pretty much, I always want ham. Guys, that's what I had for you. Those are my top five ham, CJ, Toy Story Ham, John Ham, Biblical Ham, and Spiral Ham. And that's what I had for you. I promised you an efficient episode. And I think it was efficient. I think frankly we just we fit a lot in there. So yeah, that's what I had. Guys, my name is Quin Dea Vifernas. This is my show. And we've got the holidays coming up very soon. We've only got Holidays coming up very soon. If only got two more shows, three more shows,
Starting point is 00:51:24 till Christmas basically. So everyone gets your gifts ready. Use our holiday gift guide and you won't be sorry. Okay, that's what I have for you everyone. I hope that you are staying safe. I hope that you are staying sane and I hope that you are staying sane and I will check in on you next time. Bye I'm just going to sit here. nd ~~

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