Beantown Podcast - Trifongo Madness (11122023 Beantown Podcast)

Episode Date: November 12, 2023

Quinn comes to you LIVE with Puerto Rico trivia, mofongo-related horse names, and winning one for the little guy against Jeff Bezos' cronies...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Furnace. Welcome to my show Quinn David Furnace presents the bean town podcast for Sunday, November 12, 2023. What's happened and what's going on? How are my name is Quinn? And this is my show show we are coming to you live from the north side of Chicago Not the north side of Puerto Rico I opted not to record a show In the in the great territory of Puerto Rico solely because it was one of those trips where it's like you're doing stuff You're out about you're busy You're all over the place and then when you finally get that time to just kind of breathe, relax, be at home, sit in the AC. Our TV had unlimited dealer and Odiel, so it was kind of like, I could, you know, carve
Starting point is 00:00:52 out time for the bean heads, or I could watch Howie Mandel, and, you know, the ups, the downs. We watched the famous Richie, whatever his name is Richie. I don't know. Anyways, it was a guy that the end, it came down to a spoiler alert, but his two last cases are a million and one dollars and he goes for it, which is a really terrible decision. It's an interesting game. I think it was, I think it was like one of those games where there are multiple million cases. And so he had three cases left and it was two millions and one one dollar. I think is, yeah, that's exactly what it was. So he gets an offer of like $600,000, something like that. And you know, you can talk statistics, you can talk analytics in dealer and no deal.
Starting point is 00:01:42 It's largely dependent on like how much money do you need? What do you need the money for that sort of thing? Like you can say like, oh the analytics say to do this, but it's like for what purpose? Right, it's not like NFL where you have a clear purpose or sports, you have a clear purpose, and watching the NFL are now just trying to distract him. Where it's like, your one goal is to win the game. Like that's what you have to do dealer no deal it's like yeah you can win the game in theory by getting million dollars but you don't really win you just try to
Starting point is 00:02:13 make as much money as possible so he had three cases left he gets the offer 600 some thousand he turns it down which is I think statistically right play because it's like you've got three outcomes here. You take the offer, guaranteed 600, whatever it was. You turn down the offer and then there's two things that could happen. You could open up a million or you could open up one dollar. If you can open up one dollar, you are a millionaire. There's a 133% chance of that happening if you open up
Starting point is 00:02:47 One of the million dollar cases, which is what happens spoiler alert Then your offer goes down to whatever was it was like 400,000 or something But you still have a chance of 50 50 chance and it being a millionaire and so he took the shot Which is probably what I would have done as well because it's like you could have 600,000 guaranteed or you could take up not it's not a free shot, right? You're gonna lose 200,000 whatever it is But a shot to you know open up the one dollar case and then you're automatically a millionaire So he doesn't do it. He opens up a million other cases off or goes down to like 400,000 This is where he was stupid once you get to that point where it's a 50 50 shot
Starting point is 00:03:25 That's when you got to take the money even though yeah yeah, it's way less than, you know, the offer you got before. I think it was like, it was like high 300s, maybe low 400s, I think like 380 maybe. But then it's like, the other thing too, so to just finish this thought, he, he does not take the deal, opens, takes his case, it's $1 or just terrible. The tough thing about this, this guy is like a nurse, he's a really sweet guy. And his whole story is how like,
Starting point is 00:03:53 he bought a house, but it's like a family compound. So everyone's living there and people are like sharing bedrooms, it doesn't seem like that nice of a place to live. His whole family's like nurses, so they're really good people, but they don't make very much money. And I just can't imagine.
Starting point is 00:04:07 You know, you see some people who in their offers at the end, we watch a lot of deal and no deal this past week if you couldn't tell. Their offers at the end, it's they're choosing between like, you know, taking an ideal for 25,000 or like having a shot to go for 50,000 or go home with like, you know,
Starting point is 00:04:22 500 bucks or $1 or whatever it might be. And at that point, it's like, yeah, you wanna make some money for sure, but the experience of it is kind of like, part of what you take away from it, because the money's, you're not playing with like, terribly high stakes at that point. But when you're talking about $1 versus,
Starting point is 00:04:41 even in his case, you know, the second one, the, you know, 380 or whatever it was. Like, that's a really big life changing difference, and that's where you need to be able to just say, like, no, I can't risk going home with $1, which is what happened. And I just need to take the lower offer 380 or whatever it might have been.
Starting point is 00:04:58 So I don't know whatever happened to that guy. I should look it up afterwards. He's a very heavy man, and this is an older show. So it's a, hopefully he's still doing okay, but Yeah, watch a lot of dealer and Odiel and just didn't have time to do a podcast. So it's a Sunday, November 12th at about 4.55 pm. And we are getting this in here for you all. It's going to be a shorter episode because I'm just feeling like I know tired still from the trip and then we are out yesterday doing a housewarming thing and then serious Sunday
Starting point is 00:05:29 scary is going on you know for for tomorrow coming back after after a week off so it's very much like take a deep breath let's do the show but let's not go on too long I I got a calendar. I got trivia and we're talking Mofongo a little bit so My name is quid and again Listen discretion is advised when you're listening to the show number one We'll occasionally use some language number to this podcast subjectively terrible But we're gonna try to to make it fun and concise for you all today I
Starting point is 00:05:59 Also want to thank our friends in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan for listening to this program. Thank you for making us one of the, or not one of the 112th ranked comedy podcasts in Pakistan. I got to say it's tough to kind of check the rankings as they go because I think the link that that guy from the Pakistani media sent me, I think it expired. So I don't have like a consistent way of checking. So I'm not exactly sure what it is right now,
Starting point is 00:06:28 but it was 112th when we were first alerted to this like a year ago or whatever it was. So that's what we're sticking with for now until we get an email with some updated rankings. But went to Puerto Rico for the week and have done all 50 states now and not one of the territories. I think there's four territories. Is that right?
Starting point is 00:06:48 There's Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, which are right next to Puerto Rico. And then Guam, of course, and then American Samoa, maybe. And then I think there might be like a US Mariana Islands or something. I'm not exactly sure. So there's like four or five territories. I can't really remember. Puerto Rico is the easiest and cheapest one to get to, although I don't think the US Virgin Islands
Starting point is 00:07:12 are so bad either, because they're just next to Puerto Rico. So it looks good trip, very hot. A lot of beach time. If you wanted the full recap of the trip, maybe we'll do a bean town blog or something in slash blog. I don't know, but the national dish of Puerto Rico that I tried on my first night there is Mofango, which we talked about a
Starting point is 00:07:35 little bit last week, M-O-F-O-N-G-O Mofango per Wikipedia. And my taste, is a dish from Puerto Rico with plantains, it's its main ingredients. Plantains are picked green, cutting pieces and typically fried but can be boiled or roasted then mashed with salt, garlic, broth, and olive oil in a wooden pealone mortar and pestle. The goal is to boost a tight ball of mashed plantains that will absorb the attending condiments, attending condiments. That's like, that could be like a horse name. Someone ought to write that down and save it for later.
Starting point is 00:08:09 And I have either pork cracklings in Chicharón or bits of bacon inside. Although I will save the Mufunga I had at Kayao Caribe on Ashford Avenue there in Condado. Did not have any bacon bits or pork cracklings, which I think you know it would have been better if it did have it. It's traditionally served with fried meat and chicken broth soup. I'll say I think you know reading the Wikipedia article here I think I got shafted a little bit because the the mifongo I had was served in like a chicken gravy and then the chicken was not fried. It was almost like when you pull apart a turkey like that style or rough show, what's the texture of meat is kind of what it was like.
Starting point is 00:08:58 The plantains, this Wikipedia article talks about the plantains being mashed together, I'll say. This Wikipedia article talks about the plantains being mashed together, I'll say. It was extremely tight. It was so tight, you couldn't even absorb the liquids, or as they call it, the attending condiments. I think it was just not as high quality of mifongo as maybe the top restaurants on the island have to offer, but to finish this up, particular flavors result from variations that include vegetables, chicken, shrimp, beef, or octopus packed inside or around the plantain orb.
Starting point is 00:09:30 While there are three killer phrases in here, plantain orb, this is all just the first paragraph of the Wikipedia article on Mofongo. Plantain orb, pork cracklingslings and attending condiments. I mean, those are all like horse names, just three of them right off the bat from the Wikipedia article on Mofongo. The one thing that I was kind of like in the lore,
Starting point is 00:09:57 then I never got the chance to try is try Fonga. So try Fonga, this is from It's a beloved dish in Puerto Rico, and is from It's a beloved dish in Puerto Rico, and it's similar to MoFungo. This dish is actually a combination of smashed fried green plantains, fried sweet plantains, and boiled muka.
Starting point is 00:10:14 So that's where it's a TriFungo. It's not Mo, M-O, the Spanish root for one, but try TRI, the Spanish root for three. So pretty good. Let's see, this person has trifunga with a simple bowl of broth, also known as caldo, garlicky and porky root vegetables. I like that, porky root vegetables.
Starting point is 00:10:36 That's, it could be like, you know, quenferness in the porky root vegetables if I had like a do-wop band or something like that. But yeah, trifunga fungi I would have liked to try at some point for sure. It didn't end up getting the chance though. Let's see anything else good here. I never got a good chance to have chit-choronis either and I can't figure out for certain if you're supposed to say chit-choron or chit-choronis. It's chitro and or chitro and S. It's chitro and just one pork crackling.
Starting point is 00:11:10 And if you have multiple pork cracklings, that's chitro and S. I have no idea. But speaking of Spanish words, let's get to today's paladrum of the day here, which is in Esponial for our listeners. I gotta say, probably the worst part of the trip when I was on the internet in Puerto Rico anytime I go to ESPN, I take you to And it's a serious problem.
Starting point is 00:11:34 You get there looking for football and Aaron Rogers news and NASCAR and you get a bunch of Spanish and Mexican soccer teams and it's not in English and I have no idea what we're talking about. What's sport we're dealing with here is this, you know, is this the world cup? Is this college women's soccer? I don't know. The other thing that's interesting, you know, I was seeing about this a little bit, but like, I feel like in the US, college sports are a big deal, not soccer, but football on in basketball, of course.
Starting point is 00:12:09 In other countries, our college sports as a big of a deal are just like professional, because I feel like you go to Spanish-speaking countries, and obviously soccer, football is like the thing. But it's like college, soccer, a big deal. I know there's a million different professional professional leagues and different levels and stuff and you know all sorts of nations. Not really the US so much but obviously in like England and other leagues but when you get to like if you go to Mexico you know soccer is a huge deal obviously. Is college soccer a big deal or are they all just like do people not like go to
Starting point is 00:12:42 college to play soccer. If you're good enough to play soccer you're probably going to one of the pro leagues that people care about. So interesting questions here. But today's, uh, paladron of the day is brought to you by Home Pride Organ when you need your home inspected, insensual organ, call some who's safe, certified, one of the experts that you got to trust when you're getting your home inspector. This someone could be my dad Steve homepart organ dot com 540 and 40316 or go to homepart organ dot com for Home inspection from 8 is he he'll catch all the nooks all the crannies if you're concerned about your H vac or your plumbing or your wonder and hey Is that you know is that that garage door is that gonna hold up when I sell my home Steve's the one you got asked So again homepart organ dotcom or email homepart organ at, tell them the quintessence.
Starting point is 00:13:28 Today's paladron of the day is, where was it? I lost it, that's embarrassing. I got two separate note documents going here. All right, here we go. Today's paladron of the day is Nadan, an ADAN, meaning they swim in Spanish. And we did a decent amount of swimming in Puerto Rico as well. We had one dedicated beach day, which was last Monday,
Starting point is 00:13:52 I think it was. And then Tuesday was like a half beach day. Did some swimming there as well. And then we went to the beach on Wednesday after the rainforest as well. Didn't see any cool like pythons or anything fun like that. But a crab and a river. So still some good biodiversity.
Starting point is 00:14:14 And then Thursday we went to Crash Boat Beach. There you go. Crash Boat Beach on the western, northwestern edge of Puerto Rico. That was pretty cool as well. So I guess we went to the beach every full day we were there, except for Sunday, which is when we were in Old San Juan. So a lot of beach time, a lot of swimming time, good stuff,
Starting point is 00:14:36 and Nadan, they swim, today's paladrum of the day. Let's also get to today's trivia question of the day, and then we're going to wrap with just a fun little anecdote of something that happened right before we left for Puerto Rico. Kind of a little guy success story that I want to share. It's pretty inspirational and I think that you all are going to appreciate it and maybe give you some hope this holiday season, the reason for the season. But today's trivia is brought to you by the Samson Q2U series.
Starting point is 00:15:10 When you need crisp clear audio quality, you're gonna want a microphone that's been through now 303, that should have been our palindrome of the day, 303. Microphone that's got crisp clear audio quality, the Samson Q2U series from Gen 6, Ag gen 6, I say that sometimes. To Exodusviticus numbers Deuteronomy anywhere in the Pentateuch and beyond Samsung Q2U series when God speaks he uses a Samsung and then finally brought to buy our good friends at cuts
Starting point is 00:15:38 By Q when you need to fresh do some the snappy or new call the experts at cuts by Q I mentioned this last degree did for I did a fresh shave for the island. So looking pretty fresh, pretty young. And you know, the drinking age is 18 in Puerto Rico, so it still wasn't really getting carted. I'm trying to think, I don't think I got carted once in Puerto Rico. I think obviously I don't look like I'm 17 and under
Starting point is 00:16:03 anymore, but I think, you know, even there's a lot of places in, you know, Chicago, where it's like, obviously I'm 21. Well, you still get carted just like out of policy. I didn't really sense that same culture in Puerto Rico. Interesting stuff. But the cuts by Q and E.T., I think we already set it. Snap your new experts at cuts by Q. And of course, you can go to slash
Starting point is 00:16:25 Cuts-by-Q. It'll be nice if we could do the URL without the dashes in there. It just seems like they're kind of irritating when you're doing the ad read, but only so much I can control. OK, we got it. Today is a two-part trivia question. It has to do with area and population. And since we were on the topic of poor Tore Puerto Rico before we kind of sign off on Puerto Rico I'm sure I'll be
Starting point is 00:16:48 back at some point in my life it's not too hard to get to I mean we had direct flights from Chicago to San Juan which were about four and a half hours or so I mean I'll take that over you know know, like Chicago, my Amy, then Miami to San one again, like the direct is way better. Frontier, but we managed and it wasn't the worst thing in the world. Pretty cheap tickets overall, to be honest. By the way, what am I drinking today? Water. Today's literally the first day since last.
Starting point is 00:17:20 I'm going to go out on a limb and guess maybe like Wednesday, 10 days now, without a drink, which is not like, oh, Quincy, Dictate, alcohol is just like, well, Thursday night, kickball night. And then Friday was our last night here, and I was drinking and doing the podcast and stuff, and then had drinks every day in Puerto Rico, because it's like, you got to celebrate vacation. And then came back yesterday, I was like a housewarming party. So a lot of drinking, college football, that sort of stuff, all day yesterday. So just need to be like completely out of it, out for the day
Starting point is 00:17:57 on alcohol. No need to drink. Although the Vikings, we won't get into the NFL today. But Vikings almost maybe drink second half of today's today, but Vikings almost may be a drink. Second half of today's game, they kicked ass in the first half. They were up 24 to 3 and a half time, and then their offense probably got a total of like 50 yards in the second half, and their kick or a missed a kick and just really ugly second half, but wins a win, especially when you're playing the Saints.
Starting point is 00:18:24 I mean, excuse me, just the Saints are like the worst thing of all time. Even, I know it's your primary rival. It's supposed to be the Packers. But it's like the Packers are just good, typically, and whiny. The Saints are actual cheaters who try to injure your players. And they have some cheap shots today, too.
Starting point is 00:18:41 So I think Packers, it's like Obviously, I don't care for them, but it's it's not like I Wish them ill will where his saints and just like, each Not you guys again. I'll say this. I think the Packers that season kind of nail nail in the coffin Today, they lost the Steelers. I think the Packers are down to like three and six now. It's pretty ugly. Not that their season wasn't already over before today, but just today was kind of their last gasp and it was a very winnable game
Starting point is 00:19:13 and they just couldn't do it. So honestly as a Viking fan, I was kind of rooting for the Packers just because when they lose and improves their draft position, which hurts future Vikings, but you know what it is? What it is, you don't get a ton of seasons or I haven't had a ton of seasons in my lifetime.
Starting point is 00:19:28 Maybe like three or four with the Packers are just bad. I mean, they've had more than that, or they don't make the playoffs. There have not been many in the last 28 years, where they're just like legitimately a really bad team. So you just gotta, you gotta enjoy it while you have it. It's not like the bears are lions where it's like it's commonplace for them to be not just bad, but like a joke. Now the Packers get to be a joke. So that's fun too. Today's trivia question. Number one, Puerto Rico's area.
Starting point is 00:19:58 So we're talking their size here. Falls in between the sizes of these US states and I'll give you the size for reference. It's 50, I rounded approximately 5,300 square miles as the size of Puerto Rico. So I do have one hint that I'll give you that will definitely help quite a bit. But without if you want to do it without the hint go ahead and pause. But again, the question is Puerto Rico is area falls in between. So we're talking about like all US states and territories is your context. Okay. I forgot to mention that.
Starting point is 00:20:33 Puerto Rico is area falls in between the size of these US states. So we're looking for the one that's slightly larger than Puerto Rico and the one that's slightly smaller is what I'm asking for. And if you're curious, yes, we're going to do the same thing with population. So it's really just a two-parter. I don't have to say the question again, I don't think. But I'll just give you both these numbers here and then I'll give you both of these hints and then we'll reveal the answers.
Starting point is 00:21:02 For area, again, 5,300 square miles for population, the population of Puerto Rico is 3.2 million, which by the way, the answer to world-all, I think it was yesterday, was Iceland, and you have to guess the population when you do world-all. The population of Iceland is like 340,000 or something like that, which is pretty small. I think it was even more kind of, it was even more jarring when I saw that number after
Starting point is 00:21:33 coming back from Puerto Rico where it's 3.2 million or whatever. So to know that Iceland is basically 10% the population of Puerto Rico and obviously their landscapes and live the ability of their land is very different. But even, you know, Puerto Rico only having whatever it was. Let's just call it like 350 or something. That's so small. That seems, you know, just tiny.
Starting point is 00:21:56 And it is, frankly. Okay, so your hints, the hints are that I will tell you the rank of the states that sandwich, you know Puerto Rico's area and population and hopefully that will help you. It's a lot more helpful for area because it's towards the end or towards the bottom. So for area, the US states that sandwich at rank 48 and 49 out of 50 in terms of size. So Puerto Rico is in between those two. So not quite the smallest, not quite the same size as the smallest state, but close. And then for population that it's
Starting point is 00:22:35 tougher and less helpful, but it falls between a 30th and 31st ranked US states by population. So there you go. That was kind of a long-winded mouthful way of talking about the population and the size of Puerto Rico, but here we go. So Puerto Rico's area falls in between the size of these two US states. The answers can indicate in Delaware. So those two states are 48-49 in the US by size and of course Rhode Island is number 50. And then for population, 3.2 million falls Utah is 30th and Iowa is 31st. So there you go. So for the area again it was Connecticut and Delaware and for the population it was Utah and Iowa. So there you go. That's today's Bean Tom Podcast trivia question of the day. Hopefully you enjoyed it a little too part for you. Last thing I wanna wrap this with,
Starting point is 00:23:47 and that is my last point, because I'm just feeling tired, you know? So I ordered a couple of things on Amazon, which I haven't done a lot of this year, just broadly speaking, I haven't bought a lot on Amazon. Probably have not gotten the money's worth for my Amazon Prime subscription, which I think is more expensive now than I want it,
Starting point is 00:24:10 or think that it is. I don't know what exactly it's up to, I think it's like 120, or maybe it's even more than that, like 150. And probably not necessary for me to have it. What I probably need to do is just combine it with someone else's and split the cost. I think, you know, that's obviously a very common thing to you, but I've been paying for my own prime membership for, I don't know, eight years now, something like that. But I bought just,
Starting point is 00:24:36 it was three things. As a new three set of compression shorts, a new workout shirt, and a new button down shirt, really just kind of, it was nothing like fun, new flashy, really just like replenishing old things because I use compression shorts a lot when I run every day. And I haven't bought a new, just like workout top in probably, I don't even know, 10 years, it feels like, probably not quite that much, but it feels like that.
Starting point is 00:25:01 And then just new work shirts, I mean, you just go through that stuff all the time because you wear them and you get, my biggest thing is my collars get like yellowish and sweaty. So you just, you need new ones with occasion when there are things you're wearing for five days out of the week. So the reason I'm sharing with you that I bought this stuff
Starting point is 00:25:21 is that it wasn't necessarily my trip to Puerto Rico. However, I purchased it like last Monday. It's like two weeks ago almost. Now, anyone who shops on Amazon knows they give you the option to say like, you can just take the default delivery stuff for prime as two days or you can like, you know, push it back a day or something and get like a $5 credit sometimes or you can like package things together just to be sustainable and then get I don't even remember I think it was just like extra cash
Starting point is 00:25:49 back. It was like 6% cash back or something like that. So I was like I wanted it before I left my trips. I didn't want a package just waiting in the vestibule for a week which spoiler alert is what happened. But I selected Friday as my like put a package them all together because the original options were like some on Wednesday some on Thursday And it's like no just put them all in one package. It helps me feel sustainable. I feel green With my environmental choices was shipping So it's like just do it Friday and I got you know the extra cashback purchase or perk whatever it was Friday rolls around this was last Friday night, like after the podcast, I was a couple drinks in,
Starting point is 00:26:25 and I realized I'm like tracking the shipment. Not that I, again, I didn't need it for my trip at all, but I was like, I pushed this back on my own so that you guys could just like take your time with it, and it's like Friday at seven o'clock, and I'm like, this thing is not coming. And so I did a, I did a hero move and part, I'll say this, I'll
Starting point is 00:26:45 preface it just by saying, I feel bad for like the customer service people that I talked to because it's just like these Indian guys on, on like a web chat. I talked to two different people, one person and then his manager. But I opened up a ticket. We're going through the chat conversation. And I just went, I could probably find the transcript of this somewhere and review it But I went full drama queen mode on Amazon just being like I needed this for my trip I'm so sad my trip to Puerto Rico is ruined. I told you guys I was gonna I Would I was gonna be nice and let you ship it later to me on Friday? I was doing you a favor. I basically said the same thing in different combinations like 30 different ways favor, I basically said this same thing in different combinations like 30 different ways, which in one aspect is like terrible and really irritating and I felt kind of bad about
Starting point is 00:27:31 it, but then the other half of me was like, FM was on. Like, let's see if I can get something out of this. But what I'm really proud of, it probably took me like close to a half hour of chatting back and forth to finally get them to do anything other than to say like, oh, we're sorry. So they're like, how about a $10 credit? And normally, you know, I'm a type of guy where it's like, I get anything out of this. I'm happy. I'll take it and run. But I was like, I don't think they're going to rescind their offer if I negotiate a little bit. So negotiating with Amazon, I said something along the lines of, jeez, $10, I mean, it's better than nothing,
Starting point is 00:28:08 but is that really worth a ruin? Is that really the same thing as a ruined trip to Puerto Rico? And so I finally got $20 out of them. I really, I really milked them dry. Hardcore negotiation, I could write a book on this. How to get, how to double your credit from Amazon. So I got an end of the day, a $20 credit back onto my prime card.
Starting point is 00:28:34 So there you go. It was a long conversation, and I hope I didn't ruin those guys' days. But part of me feels bad, because it's like I'm not a drama queen and I don't do that type of stuff, but then the other part of me feels bad because it's like I'm not a drama queen and I don't do that type of stuff But then the other part of me is like hey, I I fought the I fought the big man and Came out on top still didn't get my package on time
Starting point is 00:28:54 But I came out on top and I did come back from vacation Friday night and And we got we got the package it was there everything's in it everything's great And I also have twenty more dollars. So there you go. That's Aunt's Amazon for you. Final shout out today to Lovely fiance Rachel Raymo. She's got a new hit single supergroper Which she's gonna be recording. Hopefully for the show at some point this week. So we got that to look forward to it's a play on Abba's Abba's a super trooper, but this one's about a fish so maybe we'll put it on our
Starting point is 00:29:30 our the 1889 album Deluxe Edition not just Quinn's Quinn's version but Quinn's Deluxe version the Taylor Swift is gonna be like okay Well, I'm gonna do 1989 Taylor's Deluxe version We just go around and around in these circles day after day. That's what I got for you guys. Thanks so much for tuning in. Not as nothing crazy on the podcast today. Not a ton of fun jokes I don't think, but we got some some good horse names. So that was that was pretty fun. Assorted condiments or whatever it was. It was better than that, I don't remember. Go back and listen to it if you want. Don't spend your day relisting to all the episodes
Starting point is 00:30:10 of the Bean Town Podcast, so it's not the most exciting thing to do. Because there'll be another one next week, because that's my promised fuel, even when I travel to the island, like lost. I keep that podcast going. That's my commitment to you all, the Beanheads,
Starting point is 00:30:25 We are on Twitter at beantowncast. I am at white buns with Z. Thank you for supporting our show. My name is Quinnie Furnace. We'll be back next week with maybe like a Thanksgiving special. Thanksgiving's only 11 days away, which is ridiculous. But yeah, that's what I got for you. Everyone, thanks for tuning into my program.
Starting point is 00:30:44 I hope that you stay safe I hope you stay sane. I will sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:31:18 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. ndご視聴ありがとうございました

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