Beantown Podcast - US 50 States Power Rankings Part Three (07312022 Beantown Podcast)

Episode Date: July 31, 2022

Quinn comes to you LIVE on a Sunday morning for Part Three of the Beantown Podcast 50 States Power Rankings. How will Georgia, Ohio, and Arizona fare???...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Furnace. Welcome to my show. Quinn David Furnace presents the bean town podcast for Hyundai July 31st 2021 what's going on? What's happening? How are you? This is take two of this episode we did take one about 30 seconds before you're hearing this. I started recording and I look over at the laptop and something looks fishy. And I realized that my microphone was turned off. So that's a problem historically, traditionally, unequivocally. So this is take two. We are coming to you live on a Sunday morning. Sunday morning,
Starting point is 00:00:48 rain is falling. Room five style. No, it's actually a very pleasant warm summer day. The last day of July, it's 8.30 in the morning. And figured I'd come out here. I'd get you all started. Maybe, maybe if you go to the early church service, you'll listen to us in the way home. If you're snoozing, you go to the late church service, you get us on the way there. It works either way. And I was having this thought, and I'll mention my name's Quinn Fernis. This is my show. I'm the host creator. I'm the host creator, key grip on this show, line production assistant, all that good stuff. I was thinking about this earlier, speaking of church, so I was at a Catholic Mass, Spanish Catholic Mass last week, and a couple of months ago, I was at another Catholic Mass, both funerals, but I'm thinking, look know, oh, look,
Starting point is 00:01:45 everyone knows the church is dwindling. They're having problems. They're not attracting the younger generations. And so, the church that we would sometimes going to growing up sort of a baby mega church, they were kind of on the right track. They were introducing some real, you know, banging tunes and rock songs. You know, that sort of thing to really get you going a quality lights show. But the Catholics really haven't
Starting point is 00:02:18 they haven't gotten there yet. They're still doing the same thing. Here's what young people don't like. They don't like predictability. And when you're talking Catholic Mass, it's all predictability because it's the same thing over and over again. You do the, you know, the call and response sort of thing. You do the peace be with you sort of thing. You do the reading from the gospel.
Starting point is 00:02:51 And then when it's done, you say, the Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want in unison or something like that. And then you do, my least favorite part of church, Catholic or not, is old peace be with you thing. When I was a kid going in on to an part of church, Catholic or not is old piece B with you thing. When I was a kid going in on an hominational church, they didn't call it that, but you have to turn around and shake hands and say, you know, piece B with you
Starting point is 00:03:16 or blessings or, hey, you catch that game last night, that's sort of conversation. And then you do communion. And this is where I know I in the span of the mass. This is where I really started to formulate this idea. So Catholic church, I'm throwing you some bones here. Some ideas for how you might be all the spice things up. Tracks in younger kids. And you don't have to be cringed with it. You don't have to do TikTok videos and stuff.
Starting point is 00:03:50 You don't need dancing nuns or funny face filter on Pope Francis. Now there's some simple tweaks we can make. And I'm thinking, okay, number one, the bread, the tiny little wafer cracker, they give you, it's terrible. It's quite literally like eating styrofoam. I honestly imagine that if you gave me actual styrofoam in that exact same shape as thin
Starting point is 00:04:18 as it is, it would pretty much be the same thing. I imagine it doesn't dissolve quite as well with your saliva, but these crackers that give you bush leak. We need artisanal bread, freshly loafed, freshly baked, and speaking of freshly baked, not a bad idea to maybe have some specialty infused, you know, piece offerings. Maybe instead of piece with you and just shake in hands, maybe we could exchange TCH pills. I don't know. I think I would have a much, much more relaxed time at church if I had a little something something. Also mentioned two things. One, the center of discussion is advice. When we're recording this show,
Starting point is 00:05:08 two, this podcast is objectively terrible. And then the second thing, so it was really one thing with two parts and then the second thing has just one part. This is week three of our US state's power rankings. And we will get to that shortly, I promise. It's eight, 30 in the morning. I have my cup of coffee in hand.
Starting point is 00:05:26 I actually haven't had a sip yet. And so I'm just waking up here, just getting going, Rachel's had a workout. And we live together. Now for the last eight days, which is exciting. And yeah, getting used to all that, we have a new dining room table, a kitchen table. If anyone wants my IKEA coffee table,
Starting point is 00:05:51 I'm trying to sell it. Again, a lot of bites, but I think it's mostly, I've definitely had some bites that are real people, and I think most of the bites are bots, bot bites. So just trying to get this coffee table out here so we can build the new one. We rearrange our bedroom last night a Whole Feng Shui sort of thing Marie Kondo would be so happy. Oh, I know she's not really Feng Shui as much as she's like minimalism Let me get my coffee here
Starting point is 00:06:22 Let me get my coffee here. But going back to the church, okay, so we've talked TCH, we've talked artisanal loaf is, loaf is, loafs. And when we're talking wine, look, I don't need anything fancy. And you know, I've had wines at communion Catholic or otherwise that are bad wines that are okay. Never had a good wine. So I'm thinking, hey, you know, at least like barefoot, right? Barefoot or a step above.
Starting point is 00:06:56 Let's say, you know, you go to Aldi, get winking owl. It's usually like 289. And here's my biggest problem. You go up there, you're getting a little sip or you're getting a little cup along with your tiny little cracker. Look, we're going to mass, oftentimes it's nine o'clock in the morning,
Starting point is 00:07:15 10 o'clock in the morning. No one had breakfast beforehand. We're hungry. Okay, we're hungry for spiritual food, but more importantly, we're hungry for real food. And here maybe okay, so let me finish this off and then backtrack, not backtrack, but just add something else. We need full glasses or at least half pours.
Starting point is 00:07:37 You know, they used to do the five for five at the whole foods on Fullerton Parkway there before that shut down, but they would give you, you know, there's five different stops and you get five half pours. Let's do that. Okay, and then to add to that, so that's Sunday morning, right? Wine, bread, that's good. But a lot of people go to Catholic Mass on Saturday night. And what do you like to do on Saturday night? Well, a lot of things, depending on your flavor, but who doesn't love a shark cootery board? Okay, we got it, you know, it's biblical. There's a lot of lambs, sheep. You get, you get some lamb cheese and you can get, you can cut off a quarter,
Starting point is 00:08:19 cut off a leg. You don't have to kill the whole thing, just cut off a leg and you get some nice thinly sliced lamb for your Saturday night masses. Look, if you're if you're new to a city, okay, let's let's envision this scenario. You're new to a city. You're looking to get involved in your community. You're looking for a spiritual connection. What size that better than hey? looking for a spiritual connection. What size that better than, hey, wine, cheese, fresh lamb, artisanal loafers, artisanal loafers come join us.
Starting point is 00:08:55 St. Justin is the Immaculate, Saturday night, 5 p.m. It's basically like pre-gaming, but also with Jesus. Okay, and before any of the Catholics come at me, do Jesus was the pre-game master? Jesus was, he turned water into wine at a wedding that's bad ass, and then later on, there was fish and bread in limited quantities,
Starting point is 00:09:24 five fish, three bread, and he kept the party going. So don't talk to me about, oh, Jesus wouldn't want it this way. No, Jesus was a party master. Uh, other things that the Catholic church can do. I like the rock music at the start. I like the light show. I think Heartland Community Church had it right. Guitar solos encouraged.
Starting point is 00:09:47 What we don't want, and this is not any sort of personal attack, but I have to say it. And I haven't watched a stream. During the pandemic, I was all into watching Church Shrooms. I would watch the Scott Farrell, Cherry Valley Methodist stream, Rest in Peace, and then I would watch the Rock Church stream, which is one of the non-inominational churches who you and do growing up.
Starting point is 00:10:08 And the Rock Church music, not a personal tech, but man, Marty Pierce just doesn't bring the energy, doesn't have the band leader qualities you want. He's not a, what's his name from Queen? He's not at Brian May, who's not the lead singer that I'm trying to think of, a Freddie Mercury. You know, he's not a Getty Lee. There's not a lot of Sammy Hagar in him, even.
Starting point is 00:10:37 He just kind of stands there at the keyboard, doesn't have a strong voice. And that's, so that's blueprint for what the Catholic should avoid. I try not to sit here on my couch on a Sunday morning while he's probably singing right now and call out names is doing his best and I'm sure he's a nice guy but if you're looking for a blueprint for Catholic Mass go check out Heartland Community Church which is something else now it's you know rebranded you know merged with other churches whatever so it doesn't exist.
Starting point is 00:11:09 Other things that Catholics can do, no one really wants to just walk around and shake hands. So maybe if there was a photo booth, maybe you go into a photo booth and take some picks. Maybe you go into a photo booth and take some pics. No one wants to just walk around and say, peace be with you and you feel like you're a zombie. But what does everyone love? Drinks dancing photo booth fun.
Starting point is 00:11:39 You could even have the, you know, you put on silly costumes. You could have the priests robes, the choir boys, the altar boys, speaking of like weird titles. At Rock Church growing up the people that like volunteer people who would you know hand out bulletins as you're walking into the sanctuary because of the elders. And I know we're still many steps away from some weird handmade, tailed post-apocalyptic society, but I feel like the term elders is just like halfway there,
Starting point is 00:12:18 kind of spooky. Always male, always white, just a little bit too close, huh? There's other things that the Catholic church can do. always male, always white, just a little bit too close. There's other things that the Catholic Church can do. I'm not gonna give you my whole blueprint for that. You would have to subscribe to our paid plan. Right, that's how we make money these days. Or you can just email us, again,
Starting point is 00:12:41 this beantown, the And I'd love to share a couple more tips with you. I would have more tips for you, but one, I wanna get into our states here and two, I didn't actually write any of this down. It was just off the top of my head. And I will say, a little teaser for the future. I have been diligently writing down sort of notes,
Starting point is 00:13:02 things that pop into my head for future iterations of the bean town podcast, future episodes, if you will. There's definitely some things that I want to talk about, at least one full episode idea. So there's some good stuff coming up. I've even been writing down some sketch ideas, and then I have a separate note for my 2022 2023 career goals, which I have to do by September 1st have to have a meeting with my manager. We have to discuss them Which is just my least favorite thing. I've never really Been like the oh, let's like write down these things and it's not that I'm not a goal oriented person
Starting point is 00:13:42 It's just the way they make you do it. In my job, it just feels so, I don't know, like we're just writing things down, just write things down. And the worst part about it too. And I understand the reason behind this all about like advancement and growth mindset. But in my position, they make you write down at least three new goals. A year, which doesn't sound crazy. You know, if you're, if you're jumping from one job to another every two or three years, it's like, okay, yeah, like new things, fresh faces, whatever. But I'm in a job where, yeah, I'm taking on some new things each year. But a, it's not that meany, like big picture and two, it's not that many big picture.
Starting point is 00:14:27 And two, it's hard to predict. You know, you don't sit down in August and say, okay, in May, I'm going to be taking on this. Like, we don't know that yet. We got new staffing, things are moving around. So my point is, I've had like 10 different goals now, like three a year, up to this point. Now I have to come up with three new ones and they can't be related to the ones I've previously had, which is essentially saying like, okay, so more or less you are doing like
Starting point is 00:14:57 10 things previously. Now you're going to be doing 13 things. And I only have so many hours in my day. Okay. Anyways, that's that's what it is. You didn't want to hear me talk about all that stuff. You came here for our week three installment. We're right in the middle three out of five. Hard to believe that after this we're half over halfway done
Starting point is 00:15:24 of our bean town podcast. I've had to believe that after this we're over halfway done, of our Beentown podcast, 50 state power rankings. So I will just, ever so quickly, give you a rundown of where we've been in the past. Thank you to all who've listened so far. Also thank you to our friends in Pakistan, Hyderabad, Islamabad, Kiberpast, what's up? How are you? And I load all my other friends as well. Because bean town is international. Bean
Starting point is 00:15:51 town international. That could be our charity wing. Maybe I should maybe I should become one of those charities that goes to a place like Haiti or something for a week and gets a bunch of white teenagers to take pictures and get Instagram likes and then leave and leave the community in a worse place than when you found it. I feel like I had really fit in with a certain crowd if I did that. Okay, so working on my coffee here, thanks for bearing with me. Number 50 going back to two weeks ago Alabama 49 Mississippi 48 Louisiana 47 Arkansas 46 South Carolina 45 Florida 44 Texas 43 Missouri. The last week we did 42 South Dakota 40 or excuse me 42 North Dakota 41
Starting point is 00:16:39 South Dakota 40 Indiana 39 Kentucky 38 Montana, 36, although you know, Idaho and Montana could have been higher up. They're beautiful, but there's just not that much else going on. So it's great to be a tourist, a white tourist, 36 Y homing, 35 Nebraska, 34 Kansas, 33 Oklahoma, 32 Delaware. Last thing I'll say before we jump back in here is, I got a lot of flack this past week on Family Vacation from for putting Delaware 32. And I thought that was awfully generous. I don't know if, you know, how many listeners on this show have been in Delaware?
Starting point is 00:17:17 And we talked about it when we ranked it because the last thing we ranked. But it's just, it's not much going on there. Okay, you got some wawas, you got no sales tax, and then you got a lot of farms, both like the Amish kind as well as like the white Trump kind. You got a lot of just ski-vy drugs, kind of things in Wilmington, a lot of banks, and I'm just not feeling that Delaware deserves anything above 32. Okay, I think it was generous to put it that high. Also, a lot of just random family members,
Starting point is 00:17:55 not really random, but family members asking for shoutouts on the bean-town podcast saying, hey, are we going to be on the show this week? Hey, can I get a shoutout? And I'm like, I don't know. Do you have something you want to share? Or you just want to come on and be goofy? Because this is a pretty, this is a, this is a serious show, okay? We don't do a lot of high jinks. I come in with a plan every week. I know exactly what I want to say. Things are very time stamped out, planned far in a head years in advance at times. But no, shout out to family vacation last week. I don't, I don't, I didn't keep track of who wanted a shout out
Starting point is 00:18:35 and who doesn't really give two fucks. But shout out to Antiana, shout out to Jane, shout out to Steve Walt, Jack Nicole Abby Ellie Stefano. Am I missing anyone? Oh, Dave Sal Scott Stacy Rachel. Rachel is actually hanging around right right before we started recording. I have my finger on the record button. She almost came on, we were this close. It's gonna happen, living together.
Starting point is 00:19:10 She's gonna wanna jump on. It's wait till we get some good topics here. I could do a love island recap, although I can't actually do that because they air at five nights a week. I think they only don't air it on like Saturdays and Tuesdays or something like that. And so there's no way I could keep up.
Starting point is 00:19:25 That's why Housewives of Salt Lake City works better. Oh, last thing I'll mention here, and then we're gonna jump into our states I promise, just because we haven't really touched on it. Well, Real House is a Salt Lake City. I think it's still filming for season three. They've got to be close to, you know, being done soon. But Jen Shah, that one day before she was scheduled to appear in court for her plea hearing,
Starting point is 00:19:49 or excuse me, not for her plea hearing, for her... I don't know, oh, it was one day before her final day to submit a plea. She did submit a plea. She pled guilty. And she was a last person, last of the like seven or eight co-defendants or whatever to go through with it. And so I think her sentencing date is in October, which kind of feels far away, but also tomorrow's August first shout out to my dad
Starting point is 00:20:15 and my mom, happy anniversary. Excuse me, I think this is 35. It's pretty good. 35 years, solid. Anyways, so Gen Chas can be going to prison most likely and hopefully for a couple of years. So that's coming up in October. At some point it's her sentencing,
Starting point is 00:20:40 October like 21st or something like that. And I'm not really sure what's going on with Stu Chains. We really haven't gone a lot of, you know, GenShide gets all the national buzz and stuff. And if you sometimes if you want things on Stuart Smith, you have to like, physically go find the legal documents and stuff, and it's a little bit, I just don't have time for that.
Starting point is 00:20:58 And I'm not as good at searching for that sort of thing. Okay, this category of states called beloved by some, but some problems. Almost a palindrum. Okay, coming in at number 31, this might send some shock waves and we don't really have much of a listener base here, but if we did, they would probably be pissed off. We're just hopping across the border there from from Delaware more or less New Jersey New Jersey coming in at 31. I have never liked New Jersey and It's probably one of those states if you're from the east coast where you'd probably just naturally
Starting point is 00:21:37 Put it higher in your rankings, but it just doesn't work for me like So let's just kind of work our way through it here. You go starting in the south, you're in Philly, you go across the river, the Delaware, and then you are in Camden, New Jersey. And it's just like factories and kind of run down and crime rate in.
Starting point is 00:22:04 And so that's kind of your first taste in New Jersey. You're going on a scenic run across the Ben Franklin Bridge and you get there and you're like, oh, why did I do that? Good question. And South Jersey is just kind of, there's not much else going on there. Okay, let's talk Jersey Shore.
Starting point is 00:22:27 Never been to the Jersey Shore. Obviously, we are aware of the television show, but it just, I mean, I'm not gonna say like, hey, it's not fun. As far as like the Northeast goes, it's probably like your best beaches. Jersey Shore or Atlantic City, Maryland or Rahobeth Beach, Delaware.
Starting point is 00:22:51 It is what it is, kind of kitschy, kind of family fun oriented. And then you get outside of New York City there, Newark, Hoboken, and it's just kinda like, it's just kinda like Chicago suburbs, honestly, not terrible, but just a whole lot of people, really bad traffic, always traffic. New Jersey's most densely populated state in the Union.
Starting point is 00:23:22 There's just so many people. Look, you're gonna have some quaint towns, like Princeton, cute little like downtown area. And that's not all bad, but then you go to North Jersey and it's just like Amish farms again. And I just feel like New Jersey, I personally don't really care for like a lot of traffic
Starting point is 00:23:44 and being feeling crowded and People are not as nice in Jersey So because of that it comes in at number 31 and I feel pretty confident about it I took a I took a long hard list at what we had left long hard list a long hard look at The list of things we had left right before I started, because I hadn't revisited it in a week. And New Jersey didn't shift around.
Starting point is 00:24:12 It's, I trusted my gut on this one. Okay, coming at number 30, this is about as high as I could let this thing go. Iowa. There's not much to say. Iowa is pretty much agriculture, corn fields, and then the occasional town that's okay, not terrible, not great.
Starting point is 00:24:33 I do like Des Moines, and I really had a nice, have had nice times in both Cedar Rapids and Iowa City as well in the east. Iowa is just very quintessential Midwest. Yeah, it's pretty red. It's pretty Republican. But when I've been in Iowa, I've never quite gotten this sense sort of the chaotic sort of Republican sense
Starting point is 00:25:03 or just like the very aggressive Republican kind of thing. There's plenty of people who hold those values, but they're so spread out in the corn. You don't really notice them. And Des Moines is a really pleasant town. I wouldn't mind living in Des Moines. Rachel would never go for it and that's okay. But, you know, I was cool because it's like you can pop up to the Twin Cities, you pop over to Chicago, you pop down to Kansas City. And you're never super close to anything, you're never super far and that's okay, you know?
Starting point is 00:25:37 So I couldn't let it go any higher than 30, you know, for most of you, that's probably pretty generous already. But I think people are kind. It's quintessential midwest. And there's just really nothing about Iowa that I really hate. There's nothing that's going to stand out getting to the top 29, but nothing that I really hate. So there you go for all our Iowa listeners.
Starting point is 00:26:04 I hope you're pleasantly surprised by 30. Okay, number 29 and 28 we've got a pair here and yes they have plenty of differences but I'm not well-versed enough to parse through them. Number 29 is going to be Connecticut, number 28 Rhode Island. And mostly it would probably flip flop those, go Rhode Island, first in Connecticut. So they have similar issues to Jersey in that they're very crowded, a lot of people. But you know, I had a nice time.
Starting point is 00:26:35 I was in Connecticut and Rhode Island both in late 2020, October of 2020. I distinctly recall a couple of things from both of them. So Rhode Island, I stayed in Providence. I'd never really, you know, done anything of Providence before and granted it and see much, but woke up like 5 a.m. Branded on the Roger Williams Zoo and back and still made it to Manhattan and time for a family chat. That's that's commitment.
Starting point is 00:27:05 But they got lost on their run. It was a little chilly and I probably had my phone. I think I, you know, I, it wasn't like, oh God, I'm totally screwed. What happened was I was just kind of running through the park and kind of got off my intended route because I saw some cool things. And and Next thing you know, I just kept running in all of a sudden I exit the park and I'm on the other side of the zoo and I was like how did I get here? And that's pretty much running like 10% of Rhode Island distance-wise It's just a little guy. It's a real tiny guy Don't really understand how it got its name. Let's learn.
Starting point is 00:27:50 Road with a H is a very like British thing, I think. Rhode Island name. Excuse me. The name, burping. The name, this state was named by Dutch Explorer Adrian Block. I wouldn't have taken Adrian Block for a Dutch name. He named it Root Island spelled R-O-O-D-T-O-3-O's, no two-O's. Pretty far away from my computer screen here. ROODT, space I, excuse me, EYLAMDT,
Starting point is 00:28:29 meaning Red Island in reference to the Red Clay that lined the shore. The name was later anglicized when the region came under British rule. But why would you call it an island? What did he see that said? Oh, this is surrounded by water. Anyways, one thing that I really didn't get to spend time on in Rhode Island that I would have loved to and we're actually going out of order here
Starting point is 00:28:52 I was supposed to Connecticut first, but that's okay Is the kind of the the shoreline really beautiful Newport Rhode Island right A lot of sailing. I think those sounds would be really nice. Nice New England towns. And I do kind of like that vibe, you know? Close to the ocean, you go swimming in the summer. Otherwise, you just enjoy the water.
Starting point is 00:29:18 Kind of like Manchester by the sea, which I think is in Massachusetts, which we'll get to later. So that's Rhode Island. Connecticut is known for one kind of being like a suburb of New York. Two, you have Yale, which is a New Haven, which is a really bizarre town, like half of it is Yale, and then half of it is like really low-class, really like white trash, a lot of crime. It's a really bizarre kind of thing. And then you have the
Starting point is 00:29:53 rest of Connecticut which is really beautiful. I was lucky enough to be there in fall and got some great colors of the leaves changing. So it's a lot of you know a lot of farms otherwise but still kind of still kind of densely densely populated once you get away from kind of or densely populated in sort of the coastline the New York suburb kind of feel that sort of thing but you get away from that it's more like Western Massachusetts of New York and it is beautiful I liked it known for crazy drivers I was lucky enough when I was in Connecticut to not really experience that.
Starting point is 00:30:30 But the one night that I stayed in Connecticut, it was an Airbnb and it was a house that had multiple different rooms rented out, different reservations. But I'll never forget it. It used to be a dentist office. And I literally, I've probably saw the picture on my phone.
Starting point is 00:30:46 Literally stayed in a bedroom that had like a sink and kitchen cabinets and then just a bed. It was wild, man. But I had my apple cider. I had my apple cider donuts. I got those from a farm in Connecticut. And yeah, it was, I had a pleasant time. I watched Sunday Night Football.
Starting point is 00:31:08 It was great. That's one of my favorite things I'm gonna finish up Connecticut here. I'm gonna get a refill on my coffee. Is when you're traveling, you know, for me for work. And you've like had a long travel day or you've done something and then you get to just relax and watch like Sunday night football. You eat something good, something
Starting point is 00:31:33 new you've never tried. You're sitting on your bed there, you're real comfy. Because the best part is you get to eat, you get to watch football and then when you're ready, you just fall asleep. It's amazing. Great feeling. Looking forward to getting that back. I don't like to travel on Sundays, but I don't have to. Sometimes you have to. Okay, so that was Connecticut and Rhode Island.
Starting point is 00:31:55 Let's hear from our sponsors ever so briefly that I'm going to get a coffee refill, then we're going to come back. We have maybe one, two, three, we have seven more to get through. Okay, so thank you to our sponsors out there at Home Prior to Work and you need your home We have maybe one, two, three, we have seven more to get through. Okay, so thank you to our sponsors out there at Home Pride Orch and you need your home inspected, you want to trust the experts, someone's safe, certify and doubly insure. Oh, that sounds like my dad. Yeah, his name is Steve.
Starting point is 00:32:18 Don't forget it, 541-410-0316 or go to Home Pride Inspe inspection perfection. Our good friends at Cuts by Q, probably gonna need a little cut at some point here, but probably not before Hawaii. I want that flow in case I get asked to, be in a point break remake. I wanna have a good flow.
Starting point is 00:32:40 We need to get fresh juice on the snappy new call the experts at Cuts by Q and our good friends at the Samsung Q2U series. If you want crisp, clean, clear audio quality, that you can trust. Trust what the Catholic Mass is trust when they're going through first judges, just regular judges, first chronicles.
Starting point is 00:32:57 When God speaks, He uses a Samsung. We were talking about Samsung and Delilah on one of the weekend streams, Ryan, Liggin and Chris in English, about a week ago. Dude, Delilah must have been a total babe, like 10 out of 10 babe. Probably talked about that. At some point in the last 240 episodes of the Bean Town podcast, okay. We're going to take a break, and then we're going to come back with number 27, where we're
Starting point is 00:33:25 going to be jumping back to Midwest, although some people don't call it Midwest, I think it definitely is Midwest. We will be right back. And we're back. Freshly topped off cup of coffee. I listened, I was out for about two minutes, I listened to the death cab first single from Asphalt Meadows, Roman Candles, because the first line goes, it's been a battle just to wake and greet the great week.
Starting point is 00:33:53 God, I can't speak. That's not what they say. Here's what they say, it's been a battle just to wake and greet the day then it all disappears like sugar in my coffee, although I don't put sugar in my coffee, so it's not actually relevant. Let's jump back in here. Head something I'm also going to say in a completely forgot. Number 27 Ohio, John Kasich country baby. Ohio is fine. It's getting worse. It's getting more Trump-y. And it's really weird.
Starting point is 00:34:28 I don't quite understand it. Like, I don't have a great grasp on Ohio in general. A lot of it is kind of quintessential midwestern, plenty of agriculture, plenty of farms, plenty of small and mid-sized cities. And then you got the three bigger cities. And even after the three bigger cities, you got some like second tier cities that are sizeable, like Akron, Dayton, Toledo.
Starting point is 00:34:55 There's a lot of people in Ohio. But the three cities I don't really understand. You got Cleveland, Columbus, and Cincinnati. So Cleveland, we all know, Columbus, and Cincinnati. So Cleveland, we all know terrible route, whatever. It's earned. Okay. We spent a whole episode on the show dedicated Cleveland before. I don't let me get into it. Okay, my blood pressure is probably high enough from the turkey burger I had last night. But it's just kinda icky. It's got a lot of issues.
Starting point is 00:35:29 It's probably pretty blue, but it's also like working class, rust belt, Pittsburgh-ish, which can be blue, but can be red as well. There's like different sub-sexts of both. They need to go out of Columbus, huge city, like a million people. I don't really have an understanding of Columbus.
Starting point is 00:35:51 It might be, it's kind of like Indianapolis. It's just one of those big cities that doesn't really have a lot of cultural, nationwide cultural relevance or identities. I'm sure if you live there, you know, plenty of things about and you like it, but it's got one sports team, the Blue Jackets, which are one of the worst,
Starting point is 00:36:12 historically worse NHL franchises. You got the Columbus crew, but I don't think people really care that much about NLS. And then it's basically like Ohio State. It's just like Ohio State in my mind is a cap of Columbus. It's definitely like Ohio State. It's just like Ohio State in my mind is a half of Columbus. It's definitely not that much, but Ohio State's big. And then you go down Cincinnati.
Starting point is 00:36:33 Kinda also like Russ Belty. Cincinnati is across from Kentucky, close to West Virginia. It's an interesting place. I've never had bad experiences in Cincinnati. Like, I think honestly, that's kind of more, Cincinnati is almost more like my cut of people than almost anywhere else.
Starting point is 00:36:52 But I don't really have a good beat on it. It's pretty. It's also kind of like run down an old blue collar. Not altogether different from other cities like Kansas City. Anyways, so that's that's insanity. That's Ohio number 27. I really don't have a ton to say. It's just kind of it's just kind of Ohio. Not terrible, not great. And that's what gets you in spot 27. Number 26, one that probably people are going to have a lot higher on their list and I this is one where you know I try not to
Starting point is 00:37:32 have a lot of like go on hindsight of what had done this but I could have put it higher. Number 26 is Arizona. Arizona is pretty. You know starting outside of Phoenix I've never really I've never been to Tucson, but I've heard Tucson is really cool, and it looks really nice, like a kind of a classic, like, you know, Western town, not like West Coast, but like Western town, if you will. And then you go north, Sedona, gorgeous,
Starting point is 00:38:03 Flagstaff, I've found to be kind of like, a little bit rundown, but not bad. Still, still solid. And then Grand Canyon, anything up there, Monument Valley, which I didn't get to go to, because it's just close to four corners, middle of nowhere. But all that is really great.
Starting point is 00:38:23 Beautiful hiking, cool wildlife, shrubs, the Mojave Desert, western part of the state. And then you get to Phoenix. And I know there's a lot of people who live there now. Phoenix Metro area becoming a big thing, Glendale, Scottsdale, Tempe, TMP, Tempe. But it's just, it kind of is reminiscent of Houston in terms of how it's laid out.
Starting point is 00:38:51 It's just huge. You're driving for hours. Traffic is getting really bad. They don't have public transportation infrastructure. And so I know plenty of people who are like out living in, you know, the Phoenix suburbs have an aunt and Gilbert. I have family on Rachel's side who lives in, I can't remember if it's Chandler. Actually, my aunt might live in Chandler, I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:39:19 But, you know, like Scottsdale. And the thing with that is like, I could have fun visiting there, but just living there, the heat, I know it's okay, it's, everyone always says it, I get it, oh, it's a dry heat, but it's still really hot. You have to like, live your life, or organize your life around like, okay, there's certain things we can't do
Starting point is 00:39:43 from like 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. and I hate that. Because in Chicago, even when it's really hot, that doesn't completely prevent me from like going out for a little bit midday. Yeah, it's gonna be hot. You're gonna sweat your buns off,
Starting point is 00:40:02 but it's like, it's not, you can still just kind of to sweat your buns off, but it's like it's not you can still just kind of do it and you'll be okay if you manage it. Whereas Phoenix is like, no, you can't. It's not going to work. Let's look at I pull up Scott still weather. So the highs here starting today, 100, 104, 105, 105, 104, 101, but rain, then 100. So that just doesn't it doesn't sound nice. I don't know. I don't think I would really want to live there. But I understand it. It's beautiful. Okay, coming at number 25, we are halfway through 50. Number 25 couldn't, couldn't get this one any higher, but it gets,
Starting point is 00:40:38 gets a lot of hate just because it gets paired with other states in the South, North Carolina, which is much less a southern identity and much more of a mid-Atlantic identity, similar to Virginia, Maryland, and almost even Jersey. North Carolina is a lot of people. North Carolina is probably what, like the, I don't know, eighth or ninth most popular state in the union. I haven't spent much time in Charlotte, but I've enjoyed it when I have gone.
Starting point is 00:41:07 There's some great like combination of beaches and preserved nature out along the shoreline. And you get to go west into the great Smoky Mountains. And that's, you know, that's like, that's a fun thing to visit. Again, probably wouldn't want to live their full time, but it is beautiful. Really good hiking. People are, it's, you know, it's a little bit more southern,
Starting point is 00:41:34 but it's not, it's not like, backcountry hicks, if you will. It's like, people are, I think they just have a little bit better head on their shoulders shoulders if you will Then of course you get the great basketball programs Duke UNC NC State That's good stuff. It's fun to watch. It's an electric atmosphere North Carolina Probably wouldn't make make my top five in terms of places like oh yeah I think I would want to live there someday
Starting point is 00:42:10 But it's not bad. I wouldn't I wouldn't hate myself if I got relocated to North Carolina Which I'll never work a job where like oh you're getting relocated But if that if I did work a job like that. It's not bad. I don't have that much to say about it if I did work a job like that. It's not bad. I don't have that much to say about it. Good or bad. I just think it's a solid place. It gets lumped in with some less than solid states, but it kind of holds its own. I think it's a nice place. Good blend of nature, excuse me, people, agriculture. It's not terrible, okay? That's North Carolina. Coming in at number 24 here, just hopping across the border, we go to Virginia.
Starting point is 00:42:53 Virginia is a place where I have spent lots of time. Virginia is for lovers. Virginia is interesting. You start, if you just start in the south, across the border from North Carolina, it's just gonna be a lot of farms. It's gonna be pretty wide open. The eastern shore of Virginia,
Starting point is 00:43:15 pretty nice. You know, you get some things like Virginia beach that are very like Atlantic City. You know, you got the boardwalk as family friendly, the carnival. But not a, you know, you got the boardwalk, it's family friendly, the carnival. But not a, you know, it's a little bit touristy, but not a terrible place to just hang out. The interesting thing about Virginia
Starting point is 00:43:33 is you can go out to the Del Marva Peninsula and it occupies the southern little finger out there. That bridge driving from whatever it is, is it like Newport News or Norfolk across that bridge? What is that? I don't know the name of the road, is it 12? That does that. But that's crazy, man.
Starting point is 00:43:56 It's like 25 miles on the water or something like that across the opening of the Chesapeake Bay. I've done that once. It wasn't my favorite. Because at times you're just like the road, it's not really like at an elevated bridge. It's just like we're just on the water level. And it's like, well, what happens at sea levels rise?
Starting point is 00:44:15 Little spooky. And then there are times, there's a couple tunnels where you go underneath the water for a while. It's like, well, what if these get flooded with water? I'm sure these are things that they've thought of. And it's a technological marvel. A great feat. But it's a little spooky. And then you go to Western Virginia. And it's really, it really picture us. It's like, think of the Civil War like settings. That's what, that's what Western Virginia is like. Antietam. Is that in Virginia? No, I think that might be in Maryland.
Starting point is 00:44:46 I can't recall. There's a lot of Civil War battles. I never really got Civil War education growing up on like, oh, this specific battle is here. You talk about the big ones. Like, okay, we all talk about Gettysburg and Fort Sumter, an Appomattox courthouse, also in Virginia. But you know, I feel like there's a lot of civil warheads out there who know, oh, this battle,
Starting point is 00:45:11 this happened, and this one, oh, this happened, and this one. It was battle of Shiloh. I don't know what state that's in Kentucky maybe. Tennessee, maybe Tennessee. But you got to the West, which is, I've been there a couple of times, like Harrisonburg. It's really beautiful. There's some good hiking. You're kind of on the edge of the Appalachians.
Starting point is 00:45:35 Great smokies. You know, it's really nice. It's really pretty. Late back, not good cell signal. And sometimes you want that and then of course you you finish it off in the DMV area Washington DC Ben to you know like Arlington Alexandria many times Washington DC
Starting point is 00:45:57 In no interest in living there God is it crowded? Holy moly, there's a lot of people a lot of culture. It's neat to visit, but man is it expensive man is it crowded, holy moly, there's a lot of people. A lot of culture, it's neat to visit, but man is it expensive, man is it crowded. Zero interest, terrible traffic. Not my favorite place, I don't mind being there when I'm not paying for being there. Let's just put it that way. Also, it gets really hot.
Starting point is 00:46:25 We didn't talk about that with North Carolina, but it's kind of a given with these past three states, Arizona, North Carolina, Virginia. Really hot. It's very muggy, very swampy in Virginia. Just, ooh, always sweating. Okay, coming in, we got three more here, and we're finishing the last five states here
Starting point is 00:46:47 in kind of a general mid-Atlantic-ish area. So I guess I sort of think of them similarly, if you will. Yeah, three left. Okay, number 23 Tennessee. Tennessee is an interesting one. Got a lot of problems. I don't like Nashville. I recognize why people like
Starting point is 00:47:06 Nashville and it's just not my thing. Downtown Nashville, great party scene, millions of bars. I do like the live music aspect but it's not like a country person. Grandel Opera, Nashville fans are a little irritating. Specifically the predators. Titans fans, I don't have as much of a beef with. But you know, it's just kind of Nashville, very hot, super crowded, not really public transportation, a lot of traffic. And I'm just not a cowboy. So, or a fake cowboy, if you will, because most of Nashville is fake cowboys. People from Kentucky and Indiana
Starting point is 00:47:50 who think that they're like cool Southern country, that those are the people who go to Nashville. You go west, you got Memphis. One of my all-time favorite cities. It's gritty, it's blue collar, but the blues are alive and well. They give us in donuts, the Mississippi River, the Bass Pro Shops Pyramid.
Starting point is 00:48:14 It's a great place. I love it. Some good nature, some great green space in Memphis. Yeah, you got to pretty much drive everywhere. Bus system isn't great, but it's beautiful. It's a great, it's all American town. And then you go east. Knoxville is OK, a little bit more old school.
Starting point is 00:48:36 It's where UTK is, GoVolves. And then Chattanooga. She's just talking to some people about Chattanooga, some family members about Chattanooga this past week. I think there was some misconceptions. Chattanooga is beautiful. Right on the edge of the mountains, kind of in the mountains actually. Great nature, good combination of enough things to do, but also not being super crowded. Just a really beautiful town. I love Chattanooga.
Starting point is 00:49:05 Easy access to both Nashville to the west and Atlanta to the south. Or you just drive straight east, you're in the mountains. So I do like Tennessee. It made it, I think, relatively high. What did we put it at? 23 Jordans number. That's Tennessee.
Starting point is 00:49:22 I wouldn't be opposed to living there. Wouldn't be my top choice, but I wouldn't be opposed to living there. I wouldn't be in my top choice, but I wouldn't be opposed. Probably a little too hot for me. Okay, we get two left. Number 22, my old stomping grounds, Maryland. I think it's pretty generous. Maryland's overall, solid, but man, there's some problems. So let's start with the obvious, Baltimore, it's where I lived. Baltimore is not a town where everyone gets murdered
Starting point is 00:49:52 and everyone does drugs, you know, national perception, whatever. But it's a town where you're kind of surrounded by that. You got a lot of that in East Baltimore, you got a lot of that in West Baltimore. And then the rest of it is just some like, either Hopkins people who are super rich or a lot of just like white bros
Starting point is 00:50:16 who went to, you know, Maryland Terps, you know, people who commute to DC. The thing I never really felt about Maryland was that, or the thing I never experienced in Maryland is that people had a strong, like, Maryland identity. You got a little bit of that in Baltimore, but otherwise it was always like, oh, we're from Philly and we moved here,
Starting point is 00:50:41 or we're from DC and we wanted to get a little bit further away. It's just kind of like, you're at a crossroads. And then you go to Western Maryland and man, is it weird? Like, kind of back to like the Civil War battles kind of vibe. Really pretty at times, but people are just a little weird out there. And then you go to the Eastern Shore Maryland, couple beaches, Atlantic City, but it's pretty much like you just drive straight there and the rest of the
Starting point is 00:51:12 you're driving through is just like farms and and trump people. Eastern Maryland is kind of a weird place. Same with southern Maryland, you can go, you know, people don't really realize, you can like go to DC and keep going southeast in Maryland and it's just kind of like you're close to the water but not really like beaches there kind of a weird place definitely in the south at that point. So Maryland pros cons a lot of it is just suburbs either a Baltimore DC because they're I don't know, I think 22 is generous enough. Because if I'm not sitting here and saying like, oh gosh, yeah, man, I really liked it. Which honestly, I kind of said that about, you know, I said that about like Connecticut, Rhode Island,
Starting point is 00:51:52 for the most part. I don't know, I don't know, I think 22 is generous enough. Because if I'm not sitting here and saying like, oh gosh, yeah, man, I really liked it. Which honestly, I kind of said that about, you know, I said that about like Connecticut, oh gosh, yeah, man, I really liked it. Which honestly, I kind of said that about, I said that about Connecticut, Rhode Island for the most part. I think 22 is fair.
Starting point is 00:52:14 Baltimore is just a very unique identity and I just didn't fit in with it. There's actually a couple different identities in Baltimore and I didn't feel part of any of them. I wasn't out of straight out of hairspray, I wasn't a character in the wire. I was just like a young guy making 48 grand a year working in a tree with a job at Hopkins, living like in a really beautiful neighborhood, but one where I also just like really didn't fit in. It's kind of weird. And I really know how to explain it better than that. Our last state number 21 close to making it into the next tier, but just enough holding
Starting point is 00:52:52 it back that I couldn't do it. Number 21 is Georgia. I like Georgia better than a lot of people I think. It's got a lot going for it. I love the diversity of Georgia. Atlanta is a really cool town. Yeah, it's hot, traffic's bad, but there's also just a lot of neat things going on. Great food in Atlanta, good cultural scene. People are really passionate about sports in Georgia, which I love.
Starting point is 00:53:21 Great fruit, peaches, right? Jimmy Carter, peanuts. A lot of things that start with PEA. Peach tree road. There's like nine peach tree roads in Atlanta. And to be honest, there's a lot more of Atlanta that I, or excuse me, a lot more Georgia that has never really spent a lot of time in. Warner Bros. M Athens. But I have been to Savannah. Savannah is
Starting point is 00:53:50 exactly what you think it is. It's really hot, but it's kind of its own identity kind of like Charleston where it's not my thing. I wouldn't want to live there, but I understand the charm of it kind of like parts of Baltimore So Georgia is hot But it's less crazy than Florida They're not as full of themselves as Alabama It's not as just batch at crazy as South Carolina And so it's just kind of a solid place. Things, there's things I don't like.
Starting point is 00:54:28 But I think I like more things about Georgia than I dislike things, okay? That's why it came in at number 21, it was right on the edge. Some people are gonna love it, some people are gonna hate it, but that's how I ranked it. Okay, so today we did number 31, New Jersey,
Starting point is 00:54:43 30, Iowa, 29 Connecticut, 28, Rhode Jersey, 30 Iowa, 29 Connecticut, 28 road, I only 27 Ohio, 26 Arizona, 25 North Carolina, 24 Virginia, 23 Tennessee, 22, Maryland, 21, and Georgia. That's what I got for you. That's what we covered And this is funny. This is a, I just checked my email and got a spam email. It says from square, which you don't know. Square is one of those like payment software hardware companies that like coffee shops use to accept credit card payments, whatever. But it's just says, negative feedback receipt from your customer, oh dear, because we know I use square to accept payments. High-deer, it says high-deer, I like that. You recently had negative
Starting point is 00:55:37 feedback from a customer about the delay of their orders. Negative feedback could put your business at risk, feedback reason, delay of goods or services. Well, here's the thing, if you're waiting for a good podcast, you've been waiting for five and a half years, four and a half years, five and a half. I don't remember. 18, 19, 20, 21, 22. So this is four and a half, year five. Numbers are hard. We require our users to deliver their goods within a week to meet with their customer meet with their customer satisfaction. Good choice of words. Please take a moment to respond to the feedback now. Great, great, great, great, appreciate your response. Thanks to the square team. So let's click on the link to see like what crazy thing it takes me to. What crazy thing it takes me to
Starting point is 00:56:30 Alexander Alexander up and nafts or org and then it takes you the big red screen deceptive website warning May try to trick you into doing something dangerous Yeah, let's There's a certain point where your curiosity to do is goes from like oh, yeah, let's see what it does. It is like a not worth it So yeah, interesting, interesting attempt there from square. Guys, that's what I had for you. We are three weeks down, two to go, on our 50 US state power rankings. Next week, we're going to be getting into some cream of the crop. States that are really solid, but didn't quite make the top like 9 or 10 Which is reserved for some really fairly fun states
Starting point is 00:57:12 So we'll see we so got some heavy hitters out there things like Oregon Alaska Hawaii or Minnesota New York, Maine, New Mexico. Where are those states gonna fall in the data, right? It's gonna be interesting. A lot of things, a lot of chips get to fall.
Starting point is 00:57:40 My name is Quinn David Furnace. This is my show. Quinn David Furnace presents the Bean Town Podcast. Let's get our outro music going here, everyone. I hope that you're staying cool wherever you are. I hope that you're staying safe. Staying sane. My name is Quinn, and I will check in on you next time.
Starting point is 00:57:55 Bye. I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M- nd you

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