Beantown Podcast - Vacation Planning (07212023 Beantown Podcast)

Episode Date: July 21, 2023

Trigger Warning: This podcast stunk and a nice summary would pretty much be email me with your vacation suggestions at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Furnace. Welcome to my show, Quinn David Furnace presents the bean town podcast for Friday, July 21st, 2023, year six of our show, What's going on, What's Happening, How are you? My name is Quinn, and I am proud to present this program, where listener discretion is advised. Number one, we'll occasion you some language number two, this podcast is objectively terrible, and hello to our friends in a Pakistan, whether you are listening in the Punjab region,
Starting point is 00:00:38 the Kashmir, or Hyderabad, or any of those other great places. Thank you for making us the 112th ranked comedy podcast in the great nation of Pakistan. It is July 21st here. It's a beautiful summer day. We're kind of in between. It was really hot a couple of days ago.
Starting point is 00:00:59 And then today's not so bad. And then it's really gonna be hot next week. We're talking like mid 90s the whole time. We had a little like smoke break if you will this time last week You know, we had the really bad smoke from the Quebec region Like a month ago at this point maybe a little more than that and Then or just about a month ago, I suppose and then it kind of went away and Everyone forgot about it And then just it was the last Saturday we were Up on a high rise at a friends apartment near downtown hosting they were hosting a a fundraiser for the Chicago Marathon running for charity
Starting point is 00:01:41 The Immerman angels which is what my friend Elise you still is run for when she would run podcast shot or run podcast run marathon shot to Elise and her Her family hope all as well smoke You know very hazy kind of in orange and I think it's pretty much back to normal. It was just like a weird kind of 36 hour blip. It's kind of strange how that works. I guess it's all dependent on the wind and stuff. But yeah, that's that's that. Thank you to everyone who tuned into last week's episode or mission impossible 8 storyboard.
Starting point is 00:02:17 It was very exciting. It was very thrilling. I had a great time and thank you for your feedback bean town podcast at and this bean town podcast at But yeah, it was a fun show and I'm now at Stolei 21st. I'm in the mode now, mentally, honestly, where it's like, I can see the end of summer. It is not far. You have law school orientation, not that I'm attending that I'm running, helping run. Not far, maybe you have law school orientation,
Starting point is 00:02:45 not that I'm attending that I'm running, helping run, part of the planning team. And that starts three weeks from Monday, and it's just like, boom, once that happens. It's kind of weird, because then I shift into like fall mode, where I'm like teaching classes, I'm teaching class, I'm Thursday nights, traveling a little bit for work, recruiting,
Starting point is 00:03:05 obviously, Labor Day happens and then NFL starts, which is a lot of fun. But that's a beauty or Chicago. I got a frickin' blueberry seed stuck in my teeth. I was munching. Rachel went out last night and got us some snacks and stuff from Jule while I was playing kickball. And there were some blueberries on sale apparently, like
Starting point is 00:03:26 a $2 carton, not the little one, like the big one, you know. And I foolishly had a munch to a couple through some back, through back some berries right before I started recording. And sometimes those little blueberry seeds, they're the tiniest little things and they just find their way to get in every crevice of your teeth is really a shame. But I was saying, you know, you get all that fun, fall stuff kind of starting with that something great thing about Chicago's.
Starting point is 00:03:54 You still, the weather doesn't really drop off until honestly, like, early November usually. Or it's basically like, you'll have some colder days as you get into October, you know, you might have a 40 degree day. But then it'll bounce back up to like 75 and sunny. And you go out in like a like jacket and you're just sweating buckets. And that's a great thing because then you can watch some college football. You can watch some NFL. We got the fantasy football, the way we do it is
Starting point is 00:04:31 You get to pick where you draft and a snake draft and reverse order of where you finished Place-wise last year so if you were the worst team in the league then you get first dibs which this this time round is Reserved for cousin of the podcast hunter den and he got married last year around Labor Day and oh, man We just got speaking to which I was just gonna check we have a survey out there just to gauge everyone's availability for When they're available and I just checked and we got we've got five responses so far, but one of them came from the commish You know him from Jack links, Andy Dennis, and only one available date. So I got our member to send out an email there.
Starting point is 00:05:09 Hopefully everyone can do it on Monday, Labor Day. It's apparently the commission has an extremely busy schedule. Maybe that's just a power move. Maybe he's available every day. I don't even know if he's been listening lately. Maybe he's available every day and he's just like, this is the day I want. So we're just going to play hardball. Not a bad strategy. I'll say that. But then if it doesn't work, it's like someone's going to get left out. And that someone will probably be the
Starting point is 00:05:35 comments. If that's the only day he's available, right? Plowing ahead here, though. You know, it's I'm not throwing in the towel on summer. We still have a ton of nice weather left. It's just like my time where I get to spend a lot of time working from home, and still very busy, definitely. But it just feels like, you got, I mean, it's a real thing. You got more time in your day, right?
Starting point is 00:06:00 Because you are, you're not commuting. because you are, you're not commuting. So that's something that I miss quite a bit. And you know, summer's kind of ended. So that got me thinking, I was thinking about it, as I was thinking about it, like, I got to play my vacation for the rest of the year because we took a vacation in April, is that when I was and went to Mexico? I still have the scar to remember it. I'm looking down on my leg. My left shin had a bad accident with a lot of blood. Although you were in a chlorinated pool,
Starting point is 00:06:40 so no one could tell it was awesome. Very cloudy, chlorinated pool. Preppy cloudy from the blood, I don't know. But it's almost healed up. Anyways, it took the vacation then that was four days, we did a Thursday, Friday, Monday, Tuesday, and then coming back to work on a Wednesday after being in King Koon was the worst. But then it's like I have so much vacation time. I think I'm allotted 15 days, and this is, use it or lose it essentially. 15 days that I have to use, and then another three summer holidays, which I have to use in the summer. So I'm actually off next Thursday and then the Friday after that and then then two floating holidays as well and
Starting point is 00:07:36 That's on top of the 10 days. Sorry, I'm a little scattered brain right now. I apologize That's on top of the 10 days that I can carry over each year that I just I just live with that balance like I'm ever gonna touch it So the day I finally leave this job, which could be 50 years from now, who knows, God, if I'm still working when I'm just across the board generally, if I'm working when I'm 78, that's something went horribly wrong. Or like, we were going to have one kid and then Rachel was like, Octo mom, and we had to provide for eight. Wouldn't that be the worst? I don't, you know, I don't think anything like that can naturally happen, right?
Starting point is 00:08:10 Like I don't think you casually give birth to eight babies when you're just trying to give birth to one. I'm not an expert in reproductive health or anything, whatever that would be a OB-GYN. Not really my area of expertise, if you will, expertise. But I feel like obviously twins happen all the time. You hear about the occasional triplet. Quadruplet seems very much like the cutoff, right?
Starting point is 00:08:44 You never hear about quadruplets, naturally in the wild. And then you get to quintuplets, sex tuplets, haptuplets, octuplets, what would 9B? NAND tuplets, or deck tuplets. I don't think there's ever been a deck tuplet before. But it's like, I feel like, you know, if you're preparing for one baby
Starting point is 00:09:04 and you're responsible financially, life style wise, whatever, you can make it happen, right? Two is like, oh shit. Like we're gonna have to just make it work. Three, I feel like is when it would be dangerous on, right? If you have three times the mouths to feed, the child care costs, all that stuff like that. That feels really tough to recover from. I feel like I'm financially responsible enough to take the hit for double trouble.
Starting point is 00:09:35 But triple, triple trouble would be really tough too. These blueberries, these are killing me. We'll just call this the episode where Quinn spent the whole time picking stuff out of his teeth. The fans went crazy for it. Let's do our palindrome of the day and then we're going to talk vacation a little bit here. Just where to go. We're crowdsourcing suggestions here and I'll give you some of the things because there's
Starting point is 00:10:03 actually two, there's gonna be two different trips, but they have different, kind of different, because of Rachel's situation. We'll talk about that in a second year. But today's paladron of the day, I didn't really have to work hard for it because I was on my Facebook memes earlier this morning, if you will, and came across this post for four years ago,
Starting point is 00:10:23 which would have been, I guess, year two of the bean town podcast. This is from July 21st, 2019. This is by far our longest palindrome of the day ever. I'm not even writing it into our little notes app that we have on our iPhone, that where I keep track of all of them, so I know I don't duplicate.
Starting point is 00:10:43 Maybe this will just be every year on July 21st every episode. This will be that palindrum. Although I suppose we only do an actual episode on July 21st, like, well, it's every five years or however that works with leap years, I don't know. Speaking of which women's world cup started what yesterday, day before, I think USA plays their first game tonight, first beat NAM.
Starting point is 00:11:04 The whole thing, the whole game is just going to be fortunate son playing US and Bades Vietnam. You got to say Vietnam or else you don't really, you're not really a patriot I guess. Okay, here's today's palindrome of the day. I urge you implore you to bear with me and I didn't do the research on it this time around. I'm just trusting that which is a really bold move slash mistake four years ago Quinn was on top of this and did the work. Here's today's paladrum of the day. It's going to take a second. Dennis, Nell, Edna, Leon Leon Nedra Anita Rolf Nora Alice Carol Leo Jane Reed Dina Dale Beisel Ray Penny Lanna Dave Denny Lanna that we had Lanna now we have Lina Ida Bernadette Ben Ray Lila Nina Joe Ira Mara Sarah Mario Jan Ina Lilly Arn Betty Dan Reba Diane Lynn Ed Eva Dana Lynn Pearl
Starting point is 00:12:10 Isabel Ada Ned D Reena Joel Laura Cecil Aaron Florentina Arden Noel and Ellen Sinde which is probably like a big orgy or something I'm guessing is what that refers to, but it's also a palindrome. So there you go, it's today's palindrome of the day brought to you by Home Pride organ. When you need your home-inspected and central organ, call the experts, call someone who's safe, certify it's someone you can trust.
Starting point is 00:12:37 Call Steve, happy birthday to Steve last Sunday. 541-410-0316 or go to Also by our good friends at the Cuts by Q series, it's got crisp clear audio quality, it's good for a podcast, in the summer, it's good for a podcast in the fall. Winter and Spring is really the four seasons of podcast. What's his face? The guy who viv all these, got nothing on the Samsung Q2U series.
Starting point is 00:13:07 We'll come out and say it right here and now. When God speaks, he uses a Samsung. And then of course our good friends at Cuts by Q. When you need to fresh do something snappy or new, call the experts at Cuts by Q. I have a little whiskey and neon beer hug chaser here. Kind of loading up early in the front end, front end tonight, going to pitchfork, which I've never been to before. Pitchwork, music festival, the only reason I'm going is because we have friends who apparently,
Starting point is 00:13:41 I don't even know the details, but someone had a three day pass that was being used tomorrow and Sunday, but not today. So, I don't know any of the bands that are playing. In fact, crossing entire festival, the only name I recognize when the names came out was Boni there. But I will say this after a little bit of research I figured out tonight, Tom York's other band is playing. So, any radio head heads out there, it's Tom York and his
Starting point is 00:14:06 guitarist Johnny Greenwood I think his name is something like that. I'm not a radio head person. I don't dislike them. I just have never invested time to get into them. Same as like I don't know like Bob Dylan or something. I don't dislike him. Don't not like a mega fan. I just don't know or Will I am you know those would kind of be the big three for me. I knew it's called the smile or the smiles something like that Those are That's who's sort of the last band tonight. It's like a jazz trio almost. I'm very curious to see what it's about. Anyways, the plan is do that kind of a weird schedule.
Starting point is 00:14:52 Rachel is already in the suburbs. Well, I mentioned Rachel's got some book stuff for you on this podcast here today. It's also going to be a short podcast because I got a Gets Goodaddle in here. But Rachel's already out in the suburbs tomorrow. Apparently the plan is go to Raging Waves Water Park out in Yorkville, which is a western suburb.
Starting point is 00:15:11 I feel like on a beautiful Saturday, a hot Saturday in July, I'm just thinking like it is going to be as crowded as you could ever want it to be, right? Like that video of the wave pool in China, where you can't even see the water, just people and tubes. That's basically what I'm envisioning for tomorrow. So the goal, the plan is to, it's ambitious.
Starting point is 00:15:37 Wake up, do a little classic, like, 2020 early Saturday morning run kind of thing. The good news is I don't need to go like, 5, excuse me, 15 miles, probably just gonna do like a 10k or something, just for times purposes. And then shower up, grab a coffee to go,
Starting point is 00:15:55 and then try to be to the Southwest Burbs, so I can hitch a ride to the Western Burbs by like, I don't know, try to the Western Burbs by like I Don't know try to get to Midway by like nine I would think so doing all that and and more So the point of that story is let's not get Absolutely blasted tonight because then I'm never going to wake up and I really I it's gonna be a beautiful day tomorrow I really want to Get that run
Starting point is 00:16:25 in because I haven't run since Wednesday. But Rachel has instructed me my lovely fiance or requested that I mentioned on today's show that she is four books behind schedule here on her 60 book reading goal for calendar year 2023. And guys, it's almost August, okay? We are almost 712ths, kind of a big number there. 712ths of the way through the year. And so Rachel is looking for any quick, easy recommendations. So I said, you know, maybe let's do like a Clifford, the big red dog.
Starting point is 00:17:05 OK, there's got to be at least like 20 of those. Or if you want to go more classic, but you still want a quick read, Count Amonet, Christo, you got to do the original, not the abridged. It's like 1,500 pages. It's not that bad. You could get through it in three months if you were diligent.
Starting point is 00:17:24 And I did get, maybe she can borrow book I got from the library, crying in H. Martin, Michelle's Honor, Japanese breakfast. I'm like three chapters in, which is a record for me in the last two days. So I'm killing it over here. I got to remember to bring that to the burbs tomorrow. Good read, especially if you like Korean food. There's a lot of Korean cuisine terms in there that I just spend in a lot of time just googling to
Starting point is 00:17:51 see what these things are. But yeah, here's the thing with vacation. Okay, so second half of the bean-tum podcast. So I have basically two more full weeks, two five day weeks that I will be taking. And then I have two more days on top of that to figure out. But you can get in the back half of the year holidays and stuff, it's easy to just kind of, yeah, I'll just take this day off, whatever, not a problem. It's one of those things where like,
Starting point is 00:18:16 I should pace it better throughout the year when I really need a day off in like mid-May or something where you're just gassed. because you've been just sprinting. I guess this year took a vacation in April. So maybe like mid-June or something. Because even the days that I have off lately feel like I've been doing stuff which is not good. Not good for my mental well-being. But the way it's gonna go here, so we got a week in October, no, we can November. So it's still gonna be a little bit of a stretch here.
Starting point is 00:18:55 After my, got one week, one day off, next week, one day off the week after that. So we're gonna go from early August to early November. So that's a three, it's a three month stretch. It's ambitious without the day off. But it's just tough because you want to take the full week for a vacation, right? So I got the time to take, but I teach
Starting point is 00:19:14 I'm Thursday night for the first eight weeks, basically from Labor Day on. And just recruitment travel that I'm not doing that much this year. It's really not sexy at all. There's no fall 2023 tour. Let's put it that way. Like we did back in fall 2018.
Starting point is 00:19:31 But you add all that up and then like we got a wedding and late October, family wedding. Next thing you know, it's like boom, it's, it's no member. And then there's already so much with Thanksgiving. You don't want to like, I don like, I don't like to do vacation then because you always get off early and like Wednesday and stuff. I don't know. But the point I'm trying to make here is we've got one week in November and then one week in December.
Starting point is 00:20:03 The thing is for Rachel, it's one week of vacation and one week of work from anywhere. So basically you can work from home but you're encouraged to like travel and just be in a new place and still be connected on your laptop. So I think our plan is to take a vacation in November and then a, for me, a vacation for Rachel work from anywhere in early December, which is interesting to me. I've never really done that before where it's like, yeah, we're both going on a trip somewhere. I will not be tied down whatsoever. I can do whatever I want.
Starting point is 00:20:33 You need to be like in the Airbnb or the hotel or whatever during working hours and then we can do fun stuff. So we are fielding recommendations here. I've thought about it a little and I've spent some time just like doing a Google flight search for the dates just to like get a sense of what's out there, what's reasonable. But it's interesting, I think, now we're in this space too, where we're engaged and the
Starting point is 00:20:55 wedding is just top of mind and cost associated with the wedding. And so all of a sudden, at least for me, it's kind of like, well, I have the money because I've been saving a lot to like go do a big trip if I wanted to. And that was always kind of the plan this year. It was like go do a little tropical something in Mexico. We really did pretty much nothing while we were there. Didn't spend any money just lying on the beach the whole time. So with the intention of like, okay, then we'll take a big trip later.
Starting point is 00:21:26 The original plan was to go to Paris or Norway or something at the end of August. That's obviously not happening because Rachel switched jobs and then the Jonas Brothers announced a tour stop and just it all kind of just fell apart. So now it's like how big do we go? And when you throw in the work from home, work from anywhere week versus the vacation,
Starting point is 00:21:52 like how does that change the destinations you want to go, right? You probably don't want to do the exact same type of thing twice, right? But I don't know, I'm also not in the mood to like go to a big city. Personally for my vacation, I'm much more interested in like, I enjoy New York, I don't want to be there for five or six days, you know. And same goes for pretty much any big city. Even if it's new, like if I went somewhere like San Francisco, I wouldn't want to just like, hey, I'm in San Francisco for five days exploring the city, even though you could, and it'd probably be a lot of fun.
Starting point is 00:22:27 I just like, when I'm on vacation, I like the idea of being like out there open-free. You can go for hikes. You can drink beers. I especially like when I feel like, so I guess going back to my roots, I didn't get to do this last year, but I've done it a couple years in a row before that, like the big road trip, which is not necessarily on the table for us, because that's just,
Starting point is 00:22:58 that's why I wanna do a couple's vacation that way, and then you can't do the work from home thing that way. But my solo road trips are always like super Intense staying in the cheapest places Drink in a lot sleep in a little bit hiking driving a ton see and all sorts of cool stuff And I kind of want to tap into those roots in some way so part of me is thinking like maybe
Starting point is 00:23:24 You know when we're talking the vacation. I would be down for like a Denver like finding their super cheap renting a car. And then there's a million things you can do, right? I mean you could spend time in any of those cities. Denver, Boulder, Colorado Springs, you could go up to Jackson, Wyoming or Laramie, or whatever it is. Fort Collins, you go down, you go to Pueblo. You can do a million things. Obviously hiking would be crazy. Rachel has never seen the Rockies before as far as I know.
Starting point is 00:23:58 I think that's accurate. But then it's also like, well, do you want to take that up a notch? Because it's your vacation, right? You save all this money. But then going to finish off that point about the wedding, I started to make earlier. It's like, well, you don't want to just blow all of it.
Starting point is 00:24:11 Not that I'm going to. Because you just got this, you're like, well, the more money you pump into this, the less money it could potentially be for the wedding. If you treat it like a zero sum game, which is probably not the exact way to treat it. But then I'm thinking, well, do you pump it up a notch to go to Calgary or something which has always been on my bucket list? The opportunity to go to Banff, Jasper, there's a million national parks right out there. In fact, one was on, I don't think it was Jeopardy the other night.
Starting point is 00:24:48 It was something else that I just like stumbled upon and a national park in Canada. And I was just like, oh, I've never heard of that. Like, I don't know where that is. Excuse me. So I looked it up and it's just like Southwest of Bant basically in the same Canadian Rocky range. I Did a Google search. Oh, Kutene. That's what it is K O O T E N A Y Kutene. I assume that's how you say it National Park So that's an option like I would love to do that
Starting point is 00:25:19 But then you're also like we're gonna be in early November You could probably get away with that in Denver, and not be worried about like getting snowed out of places. You probably some place, but not everywhere. But I feel like you go up into the Canadian Rockies, and then that's a big consideration, or even if you wanna do like glacier or something. So that's a consideration, if it was August or September,
Starting point is 00:25:41 I wouldn't think twice about it. But I also, I don't wanna to do like a beach super hot vacation. So I'm not thinking any like, I guess one other option though, Puerto Rico, I've always wanted to go. And I feel like Puerto Rico is not quite as like sexy, Bahama, mama, just on the beach. You can do some hiking in Puerto Rico. You can still hit the beach if you want. You can almost do it like we did Hawaii last year,
Starting point is 00:26:07 where yeah, we were hitting the beach, but we were also hiking or up super early every morning, drinking a lot, like not in the morning, but maybe one day, I don't know. So we got options. I think the one thing that probably is not gonna happen is going all the way over to Europe, as much as I would love to hit a number of places
Starting point is 00:26:26 specifically for me like Oslo, I would be so happy to go to Oslo or Copenhagen I'd be totally down for and I would obviously be down for the classics too. Like never been to London, never been to Paris, never been to Rome. We just had friends who honeymooned in Italy all across it and then it looked awesome, like Como. You gotta do your attack of the clones quotes. I don't like sand. And even for a while, I was looking at Reykjavik as like a, it's not quite as far of a fly.
Starting point is 00:26:59 An Iceland looks dope. But with the weeks, for whatever reason, the weeks where we're going to have looked at it and it doesn't seem like they're that good of a deal compared to the rest of continent and Europe so I think that's out for now. I think across the board that one's out right now just because the time it takes to get there and back so but we'll see we got it we got it convene the one thing that we definitely will not do is the work from home, work from anywhere week.
Starting point is 00:27:29 That wouldn't be Europe, because that's gonna throw up your time zones, right? You would work every day from like, in theory, if you did it, your work hours would be like three to nine p.m. And that's obviously just like, you're not gonna do that. So, I think the strat, I think for the work from anywhere is like, don't, don't mess up your time zones too much.
Starting point is 00:27:53 I think one hour, I had one hour behind isn't so bad. And it's really up to Rachel to decide how she wants to do this. But a couple of things I was thinking I actually, I spent probably like half an hour researching the UP because I've never actually been up there before. And I'll say this, I hear a lot of people rave about the nature of the UP and it looks absolutely gorgeous. But I feel like, I don't know, if we go up there for a work from anywhere,
Starting point is 00:28:20 a week where you're just kind of in one place for four days, five days, whatever it might be. I don't know if that would be quite as enjoyable. Because I would want to be like all over the place, like see everything while I'm up there. Because I'm probably only going to go once or twice in my life. Because it's just like the UP is never on the way to anything. If you're going to the UP, it's because you went to the UP. So that, I mean, it's because you went to the UP.
Starting point is 00:28:45 So that, I mean, it's an option. I would love to do it. I've been to all 50 states. The UP is kind of its own little magical kingdom attached to Wisconsin that I don't think is like, oh, if you don't see this in your lifetime, you really didn't live. But I think it'd be interesting. Other options, definitely considering just taking a cheap flight into Hart's Field Jackson,
Starting point is 00:29:10 grab in a car, and from there you can do a number of things. I would probably want to go to Eastern Tennessee, maybe even all the way up into North Carolina or Virginia, kind of go back to the roots. You could also find like BWI or something and really tap into the roots and then go to like Shenandoah. It's been way too long since I've gotten the chance to do any sort of appellation, anything. I've been to Atlanta frequently for work in the last couple of years, but I have not had the opportunity to go up into the mountains over there at all.
Starting point is 00:29:50 So I'd be down for that because it's like, it's a short flight into Atlanta or BWI, which I want you to choose. I guess you could do like, if you find a really cheap Knoxville flight or Charlotte probably works too, but then you just you know you find a short flight you grab a car And you just like find a nice pleasant air be and be And then you know Rachel would have a nice spot to work and I could just like go for hikes during the day So we'll see it's it's an option You could also do something like that in the Rockies or something.
Starting point is 00:30:27 The only consideration is that it's a modulator later into December. These are all the options we're weighing. This is probably going to enter the record books of the top five, top ten most boring bean town podcasts of all time, Quinn Rambles about travel options. So let's just leave it at this and we're going to do a trivia question. And we're not going to start the outro music before we do it. Like last week, those really embarrassing. There's probably a number of people, at least, you know, two, who when the outro music started, you just turned it off and you're like, well, Quinn really fuck this one up no tribute this week
Starting point is 00:31:05 It's it's it was in it was all planned, okay? It was all you know the Marvel mid credits teaser. That's what last week was But we're not gonna for we're not going to not do it before the outro music starts and it has nothing to do with well It's appellation related I guess which was not planned the trivia question was chosen very arbitrarily it's a this day in history sort of thing but if you have any recommendations or suggestions I would I would entertain because I already I'm forecasting something coming from a particular family member I would entertain going all the way to the West Coast, but I'm not in love with it.
Starting point is 00:31:51 Because I feel like everything out there is just very far and you'd have to end up doing a lot of driving. And I'd rather just kind of post up in a new place that I've never been before and be able to explore that. So I'll leave it there. But our Bean Town Podcast email is of course, Bean Tom Podcast at and gets us
Starting point is 00:32:09 Bean Tom B in podcasts at Okay, last order of business here, and then I'll let you run. This date in history, so here's our trivia question. This date in history, this, 1861 is the year we're talking about. This battle, also known as the Battle of First Manassas occurred. It was the first major battle of the American Civil War. And so I guess there's kind of your, we'll start there.
Starting point is 00:32:44 And if you get it,, you know, there's kind of your, well, we'll start there. And if you get it, then you get extra bonus points without any other kind of clues or any other information. The, let's see, trying to see who the commanding officers were here. Looks like I just had it pulled up really I'm mad at myself that I lost it. Anyways PT ball regard, bar regard, ball regard. I think he was the Confederate general is that right? And then Irvin McDowell Brigadier general what a great term what a great title great rank. Irvin McDowell was the union general, I believe.
Starting point is 00:33:27 If you want to hint, it is named after a tributary of the oxoquon river, OCCOQUA, and there's a river I never heard of. It's named after a tributary. It is 32.8 miles long that originates in a spring in some mountains. OK, so here you go. So here's the answer.
Starting point is 00:33:51 If you want more time, we'll do a two part one. I want the answer. What's the name of this battle? Also called the Battle of the First Manassas. And two, what state was it in? Not talking gas, plasma, liquid. We're talking a US state. Okay, so the answer here you go, if you want more time pause,
Starting point is 00:34:08 answer is the first battle of bull run. It was won by Confederate Confederate forces. And for bonus points, what state is bull run in case you couldn't put it together, bull run is the tributary of the Oxychuan River. Bull run is in Virginia, like 30 miles southwest of DC. I don't think I've really explored that area, like the actual battlefield or anything like that. I did go, I had to do some work in West Virginia
Starting point is 00:34:44 once or twice when I lived on the East Coast. And one time I had an afternoon, where I was just like completely free. I think I was out by Frederick, maybe is where I was. And there was just like a national historical site, basically a battlefield. And I got the chance to just kind of walk around there. It was one of those things where like, yeah, there's not really
Starting point is 00:35:10 that much going on. There wasn't like a million things going on. It was just kind of a field with some like houses and stuff. Monocacy National Battlefield. That's what it was. M-O-N-O-A-S-D-O-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I- cool like that. Bonus question, because I just thought of it. Where was the Battle of Antietam fought? It has nothing to do with anything else. I'm just curious.
Starting point is 00:35:50 This also known as the Battle of Sharpsburg. The answer, I can't even find it here. Oh, Maryland, there we go. Well, we were just talking about it. Washington County, Maryland. I don't even know where that is. Sharpsburg, Maryland. It's kind of right where that where Maryland gets really skinny. So that's pretty fun. I drove through there
Starting point is 00:36:11 once. That's what I had for you. We're going to put this episode out of its misery. It was just, it was, it was a tough effort all around. I'll say this as an explanation not an excuse I'm gassed. Not because I had chili this week, although that's a separate thing. Just a lot of talking, a lot of Zoom time this week. Late night last night, big kickball win in the quarter finals. We'll see you next Thursday night for the semi finals. But yeah, just definitely a feel like I need a nap and I'm about to go to a music festival. So the key tonight is not get crossfaded.
Starting point is 00:36:45 There will be no funny business there, just a couple drinks. Guys, that's what I got for you. Thank you for tuning into this week's show. Thank you for supporting my efforts. I hope you did well on trivia. And let me know if you have any amazing kind of hidden gem, vacation ideas that are not going to break the bank.
Starting point is 00:37:02 I would love to just like see some great natural beauty, willing to fly for sure, but want to have a car not looking to just like fly to a city and just stay there. So that's what I got for you everyone. I hope that you're having a great summer, happy weekend, penultimate weekend of July. Everyone stay safe, stay sane. I will check in on you next time. No mid-credit scene this time. Bye. safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay safe stay and I miss you. nd ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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