Beantown Podcast - Valentines Poems and Marine Trivia (02102023 Beantown Podcast)

Episode Date: February 11, 2023

Quinn comes to you LIVE for a special Year Six Valentines Day episode featuring the history of the heart, marine wildlife trivia, and a wild new idea for Wheel of Fortune...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Furnace. Welcome to my show Quinn David Furnace presents the bean the host of this show, the second unit line manager, the production assistant, wardrobe, costumes, makeup, all that good stuff. Speaking of makeup, I think the episode five of the last of us is dropping tonight to avoid competition with the Super Bowl. Although I heard HBO is releasing it or airing it during its normal Sunday night timeslot as well. So they're doing a little double dip here. But there's some good makeup in that show. You know, they got the people with the fungi face and stuff and it's pretty crazy. Just open YouTube saw this was happening.
Starting point is 00:01:03 Well, well, welcome in. Thanks for being here on the show. Yeah, we're on YouTube. So if you're listening, you can find us Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Player, FM, wherever you go. You can also check us out on YouTube, Bean Town Podcast, Quinn David Furnace,
Starting point is 00:01:21 this is our Valentine's Day special for year six of the Beentown podcast. We've been through a lot of Valentine's days. And I'm excited for this one. I'll tell you right at the top of the show here, we've got some game show stuff we got to check in on. We've got a poem that I wrote 15 minutes before we went live here. We have got some heart-related trivia on the show. And most importantly, since dry January is over, we've got a crafted cocktail here. If you can't see it, you're not watching.
Starting point is 00:01:57 You're gonna wanna go over to the YouTube channel, check it out. The goal here is to guess what Quinn is drinking just from looking at it. I'll describe it to you on the audio stream here. It basically looks like if you woke up after drinking a lot, you hadn't had water in 18 hours and you took your first kind of tinkle in the toilet. That's sort of the color we're working with here, kind of a clear-ish brown, if you will.
Starting point is 00:02:24 It's in a high ball and it's, I'm, I'm playing around with it. We got the listener engagement. Thank you, saying Amaretto Sour Whiskey Sour. It's probably pretty close to a whiskey sour. I could have created my own new brand new drink here, or I could have created something that's been around since the Stone Age. I don't know. Basically, I poured some whiskey in there, Canada Club, and then I topped it off with a little bit of lime juice and some carbonated water from the soda stream. And I haven't given it a taste.
Starting point is 00:02:56 I've never made something like this before, as you all are well aware on this show, we usually just drink our whiskey straight with an ice cube. So I thought I would get a little bit creative here and see how it tastes. Smalls like whiskey. All right, pretty shitty. Sorry, FCC finds coming in. I knew in the back of my head I was like,
Starting point is 00:03:20 Quinster, you gotta give your listener discretion is advised here, especially for NSFW18 plus very explicit kind of love Valentine's show. So I'll mention here, listener discretion is advised when you're listening to the bean town podcast, number one, to location some language, number two, this podcast is objectively terrible. And here's the problem with what I what I made I can diagnose it real quick Too much water and the water wasn't carbonated enough
Starting point is 00:03:51 I really needed to you know send it into overtime overdrive and I didn't So what we're really getting and it's not quite as cold as it should be that I should have two ice cubes in there getting is It's kind of just like watered down whiskey with a little bit of lime, but I probably need more lime and not quite as cold as it should be. So we're off to a hot start. You get the bubbles a little bit here, but definitely not as crisp.
Starting point is 00:04:20 That's what I was really envisioning as I was crafting this 30 seconds before we went live on air. I was really envisioning a kind of a cold crisp sort of deal with a nice little lime aftertone. I'm sure that the cheap ass Canada Club whiskey isn't helping either Maybe it will be different if I raise a pinky. Let's go in for a sip to sip to sip to here. Check one check two Probably one of the worst things I've ever made. And that's up, I don't really make cocktails, but in terms of its competition,
Starting point is 00:04:53 we're talking honeycomb bread, we're talking undercooked tilapia, which is actually gonna come up a little bit later on in the show here. Of course, it's Valentine's Day. I want to, before we jump into it, and I do not intend on making this a long drawn out thing. I know that's kind of the recurring joke here among many on the bean-tongued podcast. However, long, long work week, man. I don't know. I'm not going to get into it, but just
Starting point is 00:05:21 just a lot of things going on. Today wasn't too bad overall. I mean, good spirits, the weather's a little bit nicer, but frankly, I just want to be done. I want to put my feet up, turn on my jeopardy, turn on my wheel, fortune makes them supper, have a glass of wine, and we'll be talking game shows in a second here. But I'm looking at like a 30 minute stream, is my goal here.
Starting point is 00:05:42 I got it all over and down on my notes app. We got our poem coming up. We're going to read, which is also, if you want to jump the gun, it has now been published on, the beantown blog. So if you want to go to slash beantown-blog, you'll be able to find it. I want to say hello to my friends. In Paki Stan, it is, you know, good to see you. I hope you're doing well I there's been a lot of earthquakes over that way I don't know if they got as far east as as Pakistan lately and then speaking of you know world news the big news today in the US was the The fighter jets shooting down the object that what did they say it was like the size of a car or something on the liberal left
Starting point is 00:06:22 CNN dot com right here Media they shot it down over the coast of Alaska the car or something, I'm on the right here. Media, they shot it down over the coast of Alaska. I think it was 40,000 feet in the air. Just days after this whole China bubble boy thing happened. And then the other leads to right now is George Santos. We have just been caught in another lie this time, a Christian cinema.
Starting point is 00:06:42 We just talked, we talked about George Santos on the show a couple weeks ago when he talked about Sinemia. In our movie past blog, if you missed that, slash beantown-blog, we did an old to movie past, you're going to want to check that out. But the reason I mentioned that story is because, and I don't really know, Kirsten Sinema at all, but they chose a picture they look almost identical. It's spooky. Is George Santos cursing cinema?
Starting point is 00:07:09 In, you know, between the China bubble boy and the FBI raiding Mike Pence's house today and Joe Biden stated the union speech, nothing would surprise me. And I wanna do a very quick segment and unplanned segment here before we get into it all called bean town looks back, which the older this show gets, I feel like we're really going to have to make that more of a thing and probably come up with a snappier title.
Starting point is 00:07:36 But I was reminded earlier this week as Sleepy Joe was doing his state of the union. It reminded me that I did my own state of the union address, the state of the podcast rather. Live from my kitchen actually, if you're curious, state of the podcast, 2019, 46 views, four years ago, so not too bad. It might have been one of our original bean town Unplugged episodes which we did like six or seven of in the first two or three years and then just haven't gotten back into it yet Three likes on YouTube three comments not bad
Starting point is 00:08:23 It's got the tiger blanket in and it's got actually a kind of a red checkered what almost is like a picnic blanket that I think is some sort of nice blanket or something for my mom and I'm not sure. We actually had it on the bed during the cold spell as our extra quilt, but it's particularly scratchy and frankly, you know, it's nice and heavy and stuff, but you don't want that to come in contact with your skin. You'll be itching all night. That was the backdrop of my state of the podcast back and I think it was like, oh, I was living in Baltimore
Starting point is 00:08:50 so it was like 2018 probably. You're one of the show, maybe I'm not sure, maybe you're two. Anyway, I wanted to, first of all, before we talk, game shows, I wanted to think my lovely GF Rachel, who I'm going to dedicate a poem to in a couple minutes here, for coming on the show last week, it was one of our most well appreciated, well listened to shows. We really brought in that kind of Southwest suburbs, white, Catholic demographic that we've been going after for years on this program.
Starting point is 00:09:28 Thank you to Rachel for coming on. Her book review was fantastic. Her breakdown of the Bachelor was great. And yeah, there was another Bachelor episode this week and another real house was a Potomac Rachel is in the other room doing a workout right now. So we're not gonna get those breakdowns, but it's okay, we'll be back next week. That's the beauty of the
Starting point is 00:09:46 bean-town podcast. You'd say, well, Quinn, you didn't talk about this. Or you said you're going to chat about it. We didn't hear about it. When will we ever get the opportunity again to hear from you? And I tell you next week, why? Because we do a show every single God damn week on the bean-town podcast, 200, We're at like 265 right now, 265 weeks running. There you go. Okay now so for those of you who know us you know that I watch this has become a habit in the last probably like a year and a half or so but I will watch Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune every single day pretty much without fail and usually do back-to-back ago. Jeopardy first Wheel of Fortune every single day, pretty much without fail, I usually do back to back ago.
Starting point is 00:10:26 Jeopardy first, so I can really exercise my brain cells and then I kinda just coast with Wheel of Fortune. I actually saw it on Reddit the other day, someone said that they do the opposite order. They kinda get the Wheel of Fortune out of the way early while they're cooking dinner or something like that. And then switch to Jeopardy. I don't like to watch either while I'm cooking dinner
Starting point is 00:10:44 because if I'm cooking dinner, my focus needs to be on the cooking. And Wheel of Fortune is just one of those games where if you're not actually watching and you're just listening, I understand sort of the comfort aspect of it, but you can't solve a puzzle, frankly, when you're not looking at the screen.
Starting point is 00:11:00 I was watching this is not really a big point or anything, but just an idea for the execs over there in a studio city, Burbank, wherever they shoot that show, whoever owns it, I don't know who owns or runs Wheel of Fortune, if it's like so many pictures or something like that. Cutthroat Wheel of Fortune, and really, we could do a whole podcast on this and expand on this idea, because there's a million things you can do with Wheel of Fortune. But one very simple twist, very simple change that I would like to see if you're missing the YouTube stream on doing this cool hand motion that I think we could integrate into NFL officiating, maybe somehow. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:11:36 Sort of a twist action. It's all in my wrist, a wrist twist. Basically, so when you win in Wheel of fortune, you get to go to the bonus round and it's you got nothing to lose, which is the key phrase. You go to the bonus round, you spin the cool wheel, you get any sort of prize, 40,000, you know, a car, 50 grand, 100 grand, whatever. Here's my twist. Some of you keen observers might know where I'm going with this. When you win in Wheel of Fortune, you have to decide. The prizes are all the same. You have to decide if I'm going to keep what I won in the regular play
Starting point is 00:12:11 and just not play the bonus round, or if I am going to play the bonus round, see what happens, and if you lose, you go home empty handed. Now there is an idea for you and I think you know to maybe get more tantalizing T-A-N-T-A-L-I-Z-I-N-G you could maybe get one extra consonant. So you have R-S-T-L-N-E and then instead of calling three consonants in a vowel, you would get four consonants in a vowel. Or let's do, let's say this, to even up the ante a little bit more, push them to the edge, right?
Starting point is 00:12:52 You get your three consonants in a vowel and then one more letter. It can be whatever letter you want. Consonant vowel, Greek letter, whatever you want. There is my idea for real fortune. So it'd be interesting, because it depends on the person who wins, obviously, in what their financial situation is.
Starting point is 00:13:09 But then sometimes you'll see some real low winners too. Oftentimes, because they count the trips, cash value towards your total amount, you'll see people who win, will fortune all the time, who won the prize puzzle, and get a toss up. And that's it.
Starting point is 00:13:23 So they'll win with like $10,000. It will be the high score. But in reality, it's a $8,000 trip and $2,000 cash, which after tax. And you get tax for the trip as well. So that comes out of your two grand. You're probably walking away with a nice trip and like, I don't know what, $1200, something like that. Which is cool. Like, yeah, I would love a nice trip and $1200. But it's sort of like $1200 in hand, a five day awesome experience, or I could really exercise my,
Starting point is 00:13:58 I could push my luck here and I could try to win 50 grand. All cash, you know, and then after taxes, whatever that is, you know, 30, 38 grand, something like that. 38 grand cash in hand versus 1200 in a nice trip for five days. I know it's a sure thing that tripping everything, but I don't know. Like that's a tough call. Now, it obviously gets tougher and tougher if you got someone who walks away with like 25 grand all cash, it's still like, oh, I might try to double, double up.
Starting point is 00:14:31 It's truly double or nothing. I think we, so we would add the extra letter. We would up the, up the andes with the prizes a little bit. Because I feel like 99% of the prizes on that wheel are just the baseline 40 grand, which is great. Don't get me wrong, but I don't know. I think wheel fortune, if you're listening, if you're a long-time fan of the show, make this a primetime tournament or something.
Starting point is 00:14:55 It could be fun. It's basically wheel fortune, but with a little bit of let's make a deal thrown in. I would enjoy that. The other game show, anecdote I wanted to mention was a really bizarre thing that happened on Jeopardy yesterday. And I can't dedicate the time nor the space, no one has the interest to really dig into it all the way. But essentially what happened was it was the very
Starting point is 00:15:18 end of the game, end of the double jeopardy round, there were like three or four clues left on the board. There was one daily double left. And it was very close match at the top between the top two players. And the person, the lady who ended up winning, so it didn't hurt her in the end, but she had control of the board, she was answering clues correctly. There was a bunch of four hundred left and a two thousand left and the daily double can only be behind the two thousand because daily doubles can't be behind a four hundred. So they knew exactly that $2,000 clue in chemistry mind you. So look, I get it.
Starting point is 00:15:50 Like if you're not into chemistry and you know it's a 2000 value clue, so it's gonna be extremely difficult, I get it. It's like, yeah, I don't really want to deal with that, but you're at that late of the game, you know, this lady's winning by like 800 bucks and she keeps avoiding it avoiding it avoiding it and What ended up happening was the guy who was the one day returning champ Also was they were both avoiding it and he ended up getting it just because it was the last clue in the board I think and then he got it right and that he ended up going into being in the lead going into final jeopardy but it's and
Starting point is 00:16:32 then he didn't get it the lady got it she won whatever happy ending for her but I just can't I was telling Rachel this is we were watching it like look I wouldn't be jazzed about finding a $2,000 level daily double in chemistry. And I didn't know it. Okay. Let's be upfront about that. Something with rare earth metals. I don't know. But it's like, you, how can you get that far and then be in that position and just be like,
Starting point is 00:17:01 no, I don't want the daily double. Like those are the lifeblood of the game. If you don't feel good about it, then risk $100. But you can't, Lee, I can't, this is what I said. I can't imagine getting all the way to jeopardy once in a lifetime opportunity and playing to lose or I guess more accurately, playing not to win, like playing to not go for that chance.
Starting point is 00:17:22 You can, you know, you can bet it all, get it wrong, get it right, whatever, or you can bet like five bucks if you want, which people have done on daily doubles in the past. But you gotta take control as Al Yankovitch would say, grab life by the lips and just yank. Excuse me, which is really kind of a play on his own last name. But I just don't understand, getting that far to jeopardy knowing there's a daily double in there. Yeah, you play to win the game. Thank you, YouTube.
Starting point is 00:17:51 And I don't know if your gross was about my, my burp or the gameplay, but I'm just going to assume both. Yeah, I just, I can't imagine getting that far and be like, you know what? Not really going to do a daily double today. So. I don't know. We far and be like, you know what? I'm not really going to do a daily double today. So I don't know. We got her, the lady who won last night, kind of a young lady. We got her queued up for tonight, so we'll see how she does. It was, it's maybe, and I think that there was another person who won, there was an older lady who won once last week.
Starting point is 00:18:21 And I don't remember if she was the first or if she was the second one recently to do it. But a couple of weeks ago, when a female won on Jeopardy, it was the first win by female. And I think the stretch I saw was 74 games, something like that. So now we have a second one or maybe a third. I can't remember if there's been two or three. But, you know, good for the ladies, Ladies night on Jeopardy if you will, getting in on the action. Okay, that's all for game shows here. I wanted to just mention something that's I don't think has ever happened to me,
Starting point is 00:18:54 and we're not gonna dive into it. I just wanna throw it out there, and this will be our bean town podcast called to action email, call to action of the week. And I just remember something else I got a mention and plug. But first and foremost, I had something you've probably never heard of before,
Starting point is 00:19:10 or maybe you have experienced, I don't know, email us and tell us. I had a boring dream this past week. It's like Tuesday night or something. Boring dreams, actually, except kept going back to sleep and they kept popping back up in my dreams I don't know you know, it's one of those things where if I had ran it down right when I woke up I could tell you exactly what it was but it'd be kind of nonsensical and not really humorous
Starting point is 00:19:33 But I had a boring dream. I'm sitting there lying there unconscious Just bored to tears. I don't know if someone accepted me one of my enemies But they're instead of, you know, like, let's, let's get him to sell his father's company like they did to Killan Murphy. They were like, well, we really just want Quinn to feel bored. I don't know. I don't know what happened there. But that's really all there is to say about it. There's not really anything else. I was just, I had boring dreams, which usually it's like, oh, you're falling, you wake up in a cold sweat or, you know, you know, it's Nicole's share zinger and it's just a two
Starting point is 00:20:10 of you and I'm not gonna go down that path. I don't even really know who that is. I think she, was she a spice girl? She's a singer or something. I had a boring dream. So that's that. And the one thing I wanted to plug here then, we're gonna just quickly say thank you to our sponsors. They're going to finish, we will finish up with our poem in our heart trivia, as I promise you a tight 30. And I'm very passionate about that today. We have set the date, which I think we mentioned last week, but we have set the date for our sixth annual Bean Town podcast, Pledge Drive, Telephone Fundraiser.
Starting point is 00:20:49 I know we were talking about last week because we talked about Jerry Lewis and Jerry Lee Lewis, but it's going to be Sunday this year. The last Sunday of the month, which I believe is the 26th of February. I don't know if I set an exact time yet, but let's just say 2pm, okay, for shits and giggles. The GoFundMe is live, and I'm going to be going into an aggressive campaign this week and next week. To get those donations in, we've got our donor tiers out there, they're live, you can check them out. Our stickers arrived in the mail last week. We have Bean Tom podcast stickers for the first time ever. So there's a lot of exciting things happening. Is there a reminder we raise
Starting point is 00:21:30 money every year to cover the operating costs of this show. In turn, I donate everything I received dollar for dollar to a local charity this time around the United Way of Metro Chicago. So you're doing the math, you're thinking, well, gosh, Quinn, this is really out of the kindness of your own heart. You're not actually making, you're actually basically losing money on this, aren't you? Because you paid the operation costs, the donors cover those operation costs,
Starting point is 00:21:57 and then you in turn donate all of that to charity. So you're doing the math, you're thinking, gosh, Quinn, you're getting boned on this. And I say, it doesn't matter. It's for the show. It's to charity. So you're doing the math, you're thinking, gosh, when you're getting bone done this, and I say it doesn't matter. It's for the show, it's for charity. It's so that we can laugh, but more importantly, the United Way of Metro, Chicago, can operate for the kids and for those of us in our community who can benefit from their services and programming. So that's going to be a great time. We'll have phone lines open. You're going to want to call.
Starting point is 00:22:25 I was doing a little brainstorming today when I was at the piano thinking of fun things we could do that are musically related for the show. Like, Quinn doesn't stop playing for 24 hours or something like that. I don't know. We'll see how Rachel feels about it. But that's something to look forward to. So Marker calendars, it's going to be two weeks from this Sunday. Speaking of Sundays, one other thing I have to say,
Starting point is 00:22:46 right here before we just say thank you to our sponsors, not doing full ad reads, I just have to pick the Super Bowl, right? I have to actually go on record. Well, I don't have to, but I'm going to. And just say what I think is gonna happen. And I could pontificate about this for a long time and kind of give you what I'm thinking. But I'm not going to
Starting point is 00:23:06 just ever so briefly, I keep going back and forth and I had like, are the Eagles finally going to get exposed? Not that I think they're frauds, but they just cake walked their way to the Super Bowl. I mean, look, they earned the number one seat, good for them. But in the playoffs, they got to play Daniel Jones at home, which you're saying, well, Quinn, what happened to the Vikings when they played Daniel Jones at home? Well, the Eagles actually have a competent defense, amazing defense, but at baseline a competent defense, which really helps. And then they got to play Christian McCaffrey at quarterback for the 49ers. That's what they did to get to the Super Bowl. Not taking
Starting point is 00:23:46 anything away from them, I'm just saying they weren't tested. It's a judgment call when you get a call from someone who you think is watching. I guess, you know, I said we're going to keep it to a tight 30. We'll keep this call in 90 seconds. We'll see what happens. They're coming live on air so they know what they're getting themselves into. Hey, what's going on? You got a super old pick for the show? Well, it's not such a lag. I just wanted to call and see if you would shout me out.
Starting point is 00:24:17 Oh my gosh. Yeah, this is a sister-in-law of the podcast, one of many Kelly. Are you going to make your official Super Bowl pick or what's going on? Yeah, I really want the bear's to win this year. I think this is bear year. Yeah. Anything else? Because I promise the fans we do a type 30. How many more minutes do you need? Promise the fans we do a tight 30. Five. Well, I haven't even done my poem yet or my trivia.
Starting point is 00:24:55 Okay, Rachel poem and I'll watch you from YouTube. Okay, have you guys got started season two of the wire yet? Yeah, we're like at the so. Whoa, you're almost halfway. Do you like Frank Sabatka? Yeah, I can't really get read on him. I feel like I like him and then I also don't like him. But that's kind of like a theme throughout the entire show. What about Stan Veltchick? I can't remember which one he is.
Starting point is 00:25:22 I really don't like that zippy guy. Zappy. Oh, his z uh, yeah, sabaka junior. Yeah, Ziggy sucks. Cuz it's weird too, but he seems like he has a good heart. Ziggy, Ziggy is, uh, one of the least likable characters, yeah. Yeah. He's just. Well, Stan, Stan Veltchek is the old Polish lieutenant who,
Starting point is 00:25:43 who that's, uh, he gets into a war with Frank Zabatko over the stained glass window at the Catholic Church. Oh, yeah, they're talking about a lot of stained glass and I think you're not following. That's good stuff, dude. Frank Velt or Stan Veltcheck is all time character. So as is Frank Zabatko. All right, we got to get back to this show. This is live air. Okay, go read your phone. Okay. I love you. All right. I love you too. Bye bye Happy Valentine's Day Super Bowl pick. I just think even though Kansas City feels thin, right? I just think it's gonna happen So I'm gonna take high scoring game. I don't think there's gonna be many field goals. I'm going to take Kansas City
Starting point is 00:26:31 38 Philadelphia 34. Kansas City goes ahead late. Philadelphia tries to come back. Jalen hurts throws an interception. Okay, shout out to our sponsors. I want to say hello to Home Pride Oregon. Happy Valentine's Day. I want to say hello to Cutsby Q. Happy Valentine's Day. And then of course course the Samson Q2U series from Genesis Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Judeuronomy, the whole pen to took when God speaks. He uses the Samson. All right we got two things left on the show here. The whiskey cocktail is not improving if you're curious. We are going to, oh I forgot there's a third thing too. Oh dear.
Starting point is 00:27:06 We're gonna go past 30, but I'm gonna move fast. Not at the sacrifice, not to sacrifice the integrity of the show, but I realized I had wanted to know, I was on the bike about two hours ago, and I wanted to know the origin of the heart shape that we all know and love, which is not what your anatomical heart looks like. I want to know, hey, what's the deal with that? And so I found a very brief article
Starting point is 00:27:30 that I'm going to read live on here that I did not read, I did not vet. So we're going to see what's up with that. First, let's read our poem. This is dedicated to anyone who's ever loved more specifically, my lovely GF Rachel? And I wrote this down furiously Before we we started streaming and I hadn't proved freed it proof proof reddit
Starting point is 00:27:59 So we're just gonna see what it is. It's not you know if I had a couple years to work on this I think I could fine tune it slightly I'll be the first one to like this and the first one to re-blog it. I don't actually know what happens if I re-blog a post so we're not gonna do that. But again, this is live on air if you wanna read along with us. slash beantown-blog. It's titled Love Is.
Starting point is 00:28:21 Love is like a flower blossoming from a small seed into something big and beautiful. Love is like a flower blossoming from a small seed into something big and beautiful. Love is like a bear hug, warm and welcoming and always soothing. Love is like Benjamin Button. It doesn't get old over time. Love is like money, the more you have of it, the better. Love is like the Old Testament, scary and violent sometimes, but a happy ending. And to be honest, I don't really know how the Old Testament ends.
Starting point is 00:28:47 It's one of those minor prophets. I don't think there's a lot of fanfare. Love is like the Aral Sea. Dry and salty at times, but it's used to be a key source of water for millions of central agents. Love is like this poem, often meandering and confusing, but she find a sense of comfort in it. Love is like the 1976 Tampa Bay Buccaneers, new to the world and full of losses and disappointment, but rimming with hope for the future.
Starting point is 00:29:13 Love is like Evan Williams-Wiskey, which is not what I'm drinking right now, by the way. Cheap and throat burning, but always there for you and nothing else is going your way. They key me in my sophomore year of college. Love is like the George Thurough Good and the Delaware Destroyers, loud and kickoffinist, but reassuring and gentle all at once.
Starting point is 00:29:31 There's a typo in that one. I gotta fix that later. Love is like the food poisoning I got from undercooked to Talapea. I mentioned that would come back. In December of 2015, fishy and slimy at times, but still warm. Love is like the food poisoning I got from the Chinese restaurant on shared in November of 2016, spicy and full of GMOs, and gone in an instant. That one was real fast.
Starting point is 00:29:53 And love is like the food poisoning I got in the Dominican Republic in June of 2021, super scary. And finally here, love is a mystery. It is the Wild West, almost finished sidebar with bloodmaridion. I got two chapters left. It doesn't play by any of the rules. It's almost a great palindrome. Happy Valentine's Day from all of us at the Bean Town podcast. So there you are. Live debut of love is.
Starting point is 00:30:20 I don't know if we'll, you know. Well, it's already been published, but maybe some sort of scientific journal or something. I didn't ask Rachel, but it could be good to be read at the wedding. Instead of vowels, we could alternate lines. Okay, here we go, and we're over 30, I apologize, I had two things left. This is from Tampa, speaking of Tampa Bay Buccaneers. It's the Tampa cardiovascular associate's website. And this article is titled How the Heart
Starting point is 00:30:50 Shape Got Its Name and Why It Looks Nothing Like The Human Heart. All right, this is from September 30th of 2020. When we all had a lot of free time on our hands, YouTube says not to be confused with Bob Goff's love does. Not to be confused with that. I don't even know what that is. Look it up later. If you did, okay, here's our article here. If you didn't study anatomy at all, and I will mention shameless play,
Starting point is 00:31:14 you got an A in homeschool anatomy and physiology in 10th grade. So, so, articles not really for heart buffs like me, but I read it for the fans. If you didn't study anatomy at all, you might assume the heart shape, such that we use bad, Gleebwritten,
Starting point is 00:31:33 it's worse than my poem. Assume that the heart shape, such that we use for Valentine's Day cards, was what was at the core of our being. I picked a bad article. The muscular organ that runs our body in reality is not shaped much like the heart shape at all. So where did the Valentine's Day heart come from? The conventional heart symbol is used to express the idea of love or adorate. You know what I'm going to move past this bullshit here? I need the history. Here we go. The heart shape we all recognize
Starting point is 00:32:05 and use originated back to an ancient plant known as the sylfium, S-I-L-P-H-I-U-M. It was a species of giant fennel grown on the North African coastline near the Greek city of Cyrene, C-Y-R-E-N-E. It was used as medicine of flavoring spice but more importantly as birth control. Because of this, it was linked with sex and of course love. There's also speculation of it being modeled after human anatomy
Starting point is 00:32:29 of the breasts or buttocks as well as that of water lily leaf or ivy. The first depiction known was in the 1250s. That's older than I would have thought. It showed up in a French romance called Romandela, meaning romancef, meaning romance of the pair. But others question, if that wasn't just an upside-down pair, dot, dot, dot, medieval, medieval. I love when you add the extra, not really adding an extra syllable to medieval, but just really emphasizing it,
Starting point is 00:32:57 so it can be like six syllables, malt, medieval. Art also showed some heart-like shapes in the early 1300s, the famous Italian painter, Gigilt Dull, a painted depiction of charity in the Skorvian cap chapel in which a heart is given to Jesus. It's painting at a big impact on the use of the shape of the heart going forward and
Starting point is 00:33:19 representing the human emotional range and visual form, a big painting like Frank Sabatka. Interestingly, until the later 1400s, the heart was usually shown upside down at the beginning of the 1500s that flipped in images to the heart receipt today point at the bottom. The heart shape is used worldwide to represent love, emotion, and catering. It is widely caring. It's widely accepted as a link shape
Starting point is 00:33:44 to the human heart, despite the animatronic differences, tomical. All right, give Tampa Cardiovascular Associates a call at 813-975-2800. It's going to say my phone number ends in 20800, but that's not true. I was gonna say my phone number ends in 2,800, but that's not true. It doesn't. Tampa, Tampa There you go. Okay, last thing here, and then we're done.
Starting point is 00:34:11 Heart trivia. I'm sticking to the promise I made to you all at the beginning of the year that we're gonna commit to trivia. Have it be an important part of our show. As always, you can email your, excuse me, guesses to be on podcast at, coming in this beat them podcasts at But unlike a lot of those big name podcasts, I don't make you, you know, wait till the next week
Starting point is 00:34:35 to, you know, reel you in for the trivia answer. I just say pause now if you need more time to guess, but otherwise I'm going to reveal the answer. So here we go. It is Valentine's Day. So it is heart trivia and actually wrote down The question this time so it wouldn't just be rambling go loser. All right heart trivia here We go the animal heads are gonna love this the zoologist will will feast on this All right this class and I used class loosely because I was doing some research on it, and I couldn't tell if it was like the official class,
Starting point is 00:35:10 you know, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus Species. I don't think I've missed anything, did I? Kingdom, Phylum, class, order, family, genius species. Pretty good. Looks like anatomy and physiology wasn't the only thing Quenster got an AN in high school. Okay, so I use it loosely,
Starting point is 00:35:38 I don't know if it's an official class, but I don't think anyone other than the zoo heads out there are really gonna raise a fuss if it's wrong. This class of marine animals known for their muscular hydro stats, muscular hydro stats. If you know what that means, it would be helpful. Are unique for having not one but three hearts, I'll give you a hint eventually I promise, but this class of marine animals known for their muscular hydro stats are unique for having not one but three hearts. So your first hint here is that a muscular hydro stat is essentially something like your tongue
Starting point is 00:36:21 where it's some sort of like appendage isn't quite the right word, but something that's part of your body that doesn't have skeletal structure, muscular right, that is like used for some sort of function. Like your finger is not a muscular hydrostat because there's bones in there, but your tongue is. And I don't know if humans really have like muscular hydro sets other than their tongue. But there are lots of those sorts of things in nature. So there's hint one, hint two. This might help you out.
Starting point is 00:36:54 So again, we're looking for the class. The nautilus, one of my favorite animals, is part of this animal group. Group is really the best word for it, because I don't know if it's an official class. So again, the nautilus is part of this animal group. Group is really the best word for it, because I don't know if it's an official class. So again, the nautilus is part of this animal group. And if you're final, or no, that's it for your hints. You do get a bonus point if we're
Starting point is 00:37:18 keeping track of year long, year six trivia answers, which could be fun, but not actually going to do it. Your bonus point is if you can spell the answer correctly, which I don't think is terribly difficult, but you probably have to make like one judgment call on a vowel in the middle. We'll see how it goes. Okay, so pause if you want more time to ruminate, elaborate, et cetera. The answer to this, the class marine animals known for their muscular hydrostats are unique for having not one but three hearts.
Starting point is 00:37:48 We've got a YouTube guest, their guest is mollusks, not a bad guest. It's not what I was looking for, but if you want to pull out the, you know, the stats and the infotus say, no, this is technically correct, I'm happy to write my wrongs. The answer I was looking for was cephalopods. Cephalopods, and for your bonus point here, according to my research, we're gonna spell it. C-E-P-H-A-L-O-P-O-D, optional, as if you wanna make it plural.
Starting point is 00:38:18 Cephalopods, things like squids, a molose might be part of a cephalopod, I don't think so. I think of cephalopods as like squids, octopus, nautilus of course. I think molose are probably related to like muscles and snails and clams probably, but I actually don't know. I memorized the order of, you know,
Starting point is 00:38:40 kingdom, final, final class, whatever, but I didn't learn that much more about marine biology in my high school biology class. I did take one intro to life science class, bio 101 in Rock Valley College with a lab nailed it got an A there too. But again, it was a lot of like chromosomes and meiosis and parts of the cell. We didn't really get into the, you know, marine wildlife so much. I shot for a tight 30, I totally forgot about the origin of the human heart from our friends at Tampa, Cardiovascular.
Starting point is 00:39:14 But that's what I had for you. I want to thank everyone for listening. Thank you to YouTube for tuning in. It's good to see you. I decided to do YouTube stream just so I could connect with you all. As we do our trivia, as we do our poem, I'm sure Rachel's just gonna be watching that and re-peat over and over and over and over again. But we just haven't gone live on video yet at all this year, I don't think. So I just wanted to say hello, and especially if you're in Pakistan,
Starting point is 00:39:38 probably got a sunrise coming up real soon here. So that's pretty nice. That's what I got for you. We will exit now, we will go enjoy our Friday night and have some wine. Maybe watch last of us, fungal people, who knows. We'll see how checking on a bill in Ted who were introduced last week. We'll see how they're doing.
Starting point is 00:39:56 And that's what we got. So hope all your wildest dreams come true. Thank you, YouTube. It's good to see you. And thanks to our callers in Live on the Air, don't forget to save your minutes for Sunday, February 26th, two weeks after the Super Bowl. Isn't it, whoever shows the Super Bowl,
Starting point is 00:40:13 they always like premiere a new show after the Super Bowl, and they advertise the hell out of it. That's what we're doing with the Bean Tum podcast this year. It's not immediately after the Super Bowl. It's not in hour after the show Super Bowl ends, but it's two weeks after the Super Bowl is really what we're promoting this time around. But that's okay, it's still within that window, I think.
Starting point is 00:40:36 Being Tom Pikes, sixth annual Pleasure, I've telephoned fundraiser in honor of Jerry Lee Lewis. Okay, that's what I had for you, everyone. Thanks for tuning in, YouTube, Adios. Good to see you. We'll get our outro music going from the audio end of things. And that's what I have for you. So YouTube, I will check you out later.
Starting point is 00:40:56 Bye-bye. And for all of those you just listening to the audio, I don't think you missed that much from a visual perspective, but some good facial expressions towards the end, I think. So it could be worth it just for that. That's what I got for you. Here come the Tishmingo blues Stay safe stay sane. I'll check in on you next time. Bye I'm just going to sit down. nd nd

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