Beantown Podcast - Vikings vs Bills - Game of the Century (11182022 Beantown)

Episode Date: November 18, 2022

It was amazing...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Next time on Right On Q. Donald Trump announces a 2024 presidential election bid. Lauren Bobber, Berk, Boober, Lauren B. wins the Colorado seat, I think. And we talk what's next for Nancy Pelosi, her new podcast, her starring role on Zootopia Plus and her family. Next time on Right on Q. Hey, what's going on?
Starting point is 00:00:38 It's Quinniv Fernos. Welcome to my show. Quinniv Fernos presents the bean town podcast for Friday, November 18, 2022, what's going on, how are you? My name is Quinty and this is my show, I am the creative director, the costume designer, makeup, and special effects on this program, Quinty of Furnace presents the Bean Town Podcast. And it's Friday, it's 4.40 in the afternoon and it is dark outside my friends.
Starting point is 00:01:06 I just went out to grab a pair of big gulps after our workouts this afternoon. Nothing says refresh, rejuvenate, regenerate like two large diet coax from the 7.11 on Clark Street. I'm gonna tell you right now, it's gonna be a short installment. Why is that? I'm feeling very crappy. Kinda flew like symptoms, that sort of deal.
Starting point is 00:01:35 It's not COVID according to the tests, which is good news, but I'll tell you this much. Like in the grand scheme of things, they feel a lot better right now than I did 24 hours ago. 24 hours ago, I was lying on the floor of my office with the door closed and the lights turned off, and I was lying flat on my office floor using my cardigan as a pillow
Starting point is 00:01:59 because that's just how bad I felt. I couldn't go to kickball last night, couldn't do any of that stuff. And it was a total bummer too that this happened this week because we had our Christmas or holiday party. Can't say Christmas party anymore even though we're at Catholic school. We had our Christmas party yesterday, which was, you know, open alcohol, all that stuff, good stuff, and just couldn't enjoy it, unfortunately, because just felt like crap. So that's where we're at, but we're toughin' it out. Last night was one of those tough, delirious nights where, you know, I was running, not a crazy, if you feel like 101, right? So it's, you know, you're not like sweatin' through your pillow and stuff, but you just, I always found that tough in the winter, especially it's tough to get the the temperature right. Your
Starting point is 00:02:49 head will just be like burning, but your arms will have the chills. There was one point in the night right after I think Rachel crawled into bed, where I just like could not stop shaking. It was it was terrible. And then you know, you're waking up every five seconds. You feel like you're not sleeping at all. It's not, not, you know, completely true. But, you know, you're sneezing randomly, you're coughing randomly. It's just hard to get into that, that REM rhythm, if you will. So I'm doing okay today, finished up work here. Unfortunately, I have to work tomorrow. That's the biggest bummer. I don't usually do work events on campus, traveling all the way downtown and stuff
Starting point is 00:03:29 when I'm feeling under the weather. And I've got moderated panel and all that stuff that I got to do. So we're just going to, it's going to be an adventure. For the most part, I'm usually one of those people who like, when there's stuff that has to get done, like it has to happen, I'm usually pretty good at people who like when there's stuff that has to get done like it has to happen I'm usually pretty good at sort of rising to that occasion
Starting point is 00:03:51 But we'll be tested tomorrow. We'll see how it goes It's a bummer, you know, I think everyone's getting sick a little bit Right now. There's a lot of flu going on a lot of COVID a lot of RSV which I was reading about today There's a lot of that going through schools in particular. And I was sick, you know, when we went to New York, which was, you know, it was like October 14th, 15th. So basically a month ago, I had a cold then too, that I got kind of on the plane right there and was finally all better by like the Tuesday or Wednesday.
Starting point is 00:04:22 So five or six days later. So I thought I was kind of in the clear for the most part with a lot of stuff, but not the case, but we'll be okay. We'll be fine. Listen to discretion as advised when you're listening to the bean-town podcast. Number one, we'll occasionally use some language.
Starting point is 00:04:41 Number two, this podcast is objectively terrible and again, gonna to be shorter show, going to be a little lower energy show and that's just, you know, what we don't do on the bean ton podcast, we don't miss shows. I'm not planning on doing that gimmicky thing where you bring in a guest host until at least year 10, right? I'm thinking reasons why we need a guest host, death. I'm thinking reasons why we need a guest host, death. You know, although if I have fair enough warning, I might be able to write, you know, a couple of thousand episodes and then just have an AI chat bot read it or something.
Starting point is 00:05:15 That's something to consider. Being telepods gets never asked and despite, you know, the death of host, if I prepare it enough. Now, preparation isn't always the name of the game on this show. See today's episode, but, you know, something to consider. Other things, maybe the birth of a child, although I don't know. I suppose I could do it from the waiting room, so we'll see how Rachel feels like that. She feels about that. I'll run it by her. But I could do it from the waiting room. So we'll see how Rachel feels like that. She feels about that.
Starting point is 00:05:45 I'll run it by her. But I just got to find the right time. I think it's really the biggest consideration. Tonsolitis is a classic one. I had tonsolitis both years earlier than Baltimore. So I guess I think I recall doing this episode. The second time I had it was the year one of bean town podcasts and I think I remember that episode was really sad to listen to
Starting point is 00:06:08 probably one of my 250 worst episodes at least. So apologize retroactively for that. If you're just launching into the anthology of bean town episodes. That one's a dud when you get there. What are we actually talking about today? Well, not much. We went to Arcade Fire last Saturday. It was a good time, good show. I got to say, in spite of all the allegations and stuff,
Starting point is 00:06:38 the, and their touring quite heavily, they still put on a fantastic show. It was, it was different this time around. First last time Will Butler, Northwestern alum, younger brother of Win Butler, kind of the face of the franchise. They're no longer in the band. He left back in January.
Starting point is 00:06:59 And so they got a new guy who's kind of doing a lot of stuff that he does, but they had a great balance of songs across albums. They didn't ignore everything now, which was a critically panned album. They put out right before this current one called the Wii. They played a lot of songs that I really like. Definitely a couple that I didn't expect.
Starting point is 00:07:23 We exist, which is the second song off Reflector. It's a song about trans rights more or less and the music video is great. It's got Andrew Garfield, so go check that one out if you haven't already. But yeah, they were they were a good time for sure. And then Sunday, oh man, the game of the year, Vikings versus Bills, inexplicably a new start time in Buffalo, a couple of snowflurs coming down. It was it was wild going into it, man. I knew when the schedule was released, you knew this was going to be the toughest game of the year. Like, there are games where it's like, okay, you should win this one, like, you're hosting Detroit.
Starting point is 00:08:10 There are games that are, you know, toss-ups, like this one home versus the Cowboys, there are games where it's like, it's gonna be tough to win this, like when we went to Philly in week two and we did not win. And then there are, you know, there's usually one to two games on your schedule each year
Starting point is 00:08:24 where you're just like, there's really no way in hell that we could ever win this game. So let's just see how we do. And that, so that was kind of, you know, how everyone felt. That wasn't me being a Debbie Downer, but going into Buffalo, most, most people's Super Bowl pick for this year. And, you know, they've had a couple hiccups throughout the year, but they were still heavily favored. The interesting thing going into this one among many other storylines was that their star quarterback, Josh Allen, the Wyoming cowboy himself, has a UCL injury, which is some sort of ligament or something in your elbow.
Starting point is 00:09:00 It's this thing that leads to Tommy John surgery amongst baseball players, but not very common amongst football players. And so the whole narrative going into it, the bills are being very sneaky, very secretive. No knew if Josh Allen was going to play. When he's on, along with my homes, he's, you know, one of the the two best quarterbacks in the league right now. But Josh Allen brings something a little bit extra that my home does and in that they're both good rushers. But Josh Allen is a tank. He's like 65 to 40, kind of call pepper-esque. So when he gets moving and you saw this in the game, but you don't just like hit Josh Allen and he goes down. I mean, if he's moving down field with speed, you just try to get a hold of them and hope that someone else comes and helps you out. So we go into this game, especially when
Starting point is 00:09:54 they announce that Josh Allen was starting thinking, you know, we're going to do our best, but we really just want to see like, can we, let's take, take you know let's take some temperature on this 2022 team because they're hot you know they're they're grabbing a lot of headlines but you know have they actually beat that many good teams and I would say yes and no but you know it was just like let's try to stay within two scores of these guys well get the ball first and guys. Well, get the ball first. And in classic Vikings fashion, go down, at least this year, go down, score a touch on Justin Jefferson. Like the Vikings are so good at that. It's unbelievable. Which inevitably means tomorrow, versus the Cowboys or Sunday, versus the Cowboys, they're going to go three and out on their opening drive. And we're all going to hit the panic button.
Starting point is 00:10:43 So they go up 7-0. Next thing you know, they kick off to the bills and I think they returned it like and got a personal foul. Next and I think it's, yeah, it wasn't even a personal foul. It was, they called a horse collar, but it wasn't. So the bills literally started at the Vikings like 40-yard line. Next thing you know, boom, tied up 7-7 there. Run in it down our throats. Couple of possessions later, boom, tied up 7-7 there. Running it down our throats. Couple possessions later, boom, 14-7 and it's just like this is...
Starting point is 00:11:10 All right, it was fun for about two minutes at the start of the game and now it's less fun. I should say I went to... for the second time this year I went to Route 66, which took over from Redmints as the official Vikings bar here in Chicago Went Rachel and I went there for the first time for a Vikings game I've been there other times for the the Vikings bears game and it was pretty quiet in there I Don't know exactly I guess at the time I just thought okay
Starting point is 00:11:42 This is just kind of the normal vibe went this time and I still got there 20 minutes before the game and I barely got one seat at the end of the bar. It was just crowded in there, standing room only, all that good stuff. So, I mean, a completely different vibe, which ended up being great, but just I didn't expect that going in. But I was there flying solo Rachel was doing some family stuff. So it's 14-7. Both of the bills touchdowns have been on the ground and you're just sinking like Josh Allen probably isn't 100% that's probably why they're you know it's running it so much like if we can't if we can't stop their run game with you know Devon Singletary like it's running it so much like if we can't, if we can't stop their run game with, you know,
Starting point is 00:12:27 Steven Singletary, like, it's just not gonna go well. Like, that's the one thing the Vikings need to be able to do. No one says that they have a great, like, amazing, rush defense, but they just, you know, if they can't, and most, this is how it works for most teams. If you can't stop their rushing attack, especially a team like the bills that traditionally does not, you know, do great with their rushing attack.
Starting point is 00:12:51 I don't know why that is, but they're just not, not a great rushing team. It's like, well, we're screwed. So early on in the second quarter, they grab another field goal, 17 to seven, you're thinking like, okay, at least we kept in one of the ends on this time. We ended up driving down the field and getting a touch or a feel goal, rather. We got real close to the end zone, but couldn't quite punch it in. So it's 17, 10. And then I don't try to remember exactly what happened. Basically,
Starting point is 00:13:22 late late in the first half, down 1710, we were driving down the field, looked like we were, you know, gonna at least get it to it in four and a half then, but in theory, tie it up with a touchdown. And I think we turned it over on downs. I can't remember. Carcosa, at this point, I had already thrown one really bad interception where he had KJ,
Starting point is 00:13:45 just floating across the middle and he just way over through him right into the safety sands, like KJ had plenty of space and Kirk just totally air milled it. So that was discouraging. So I think, I think this was late in the first half of the Vikings had third and one incomplete pass, fourth and one incomplete pass. So they turn it over. Next thing, you know, bills drive it all the way down, feels score touchdown, right as time expires, right before time expires. So it's 24, 10 and a half and you're thinking on their road, I think the bills got the ball to start the second half.
Starting point is 00:14:18 It's just it's going to be rough. So you know, third quarters going, I think it was in the third quarter when Kirk threw just one of the worst interceptions you'll ever see. And the explanation was essentially is very straightforward. He thought that the Bill's defender was a Vikings receiver. Yeah, and let me tell you, when you're a quarterback and you're trying to complete passes and you're intentionally trying to throw it to the defender, it's hard any you know any wide receiver who's been in football for 10 20 30 years will tell you it's tough to make catches when the ball is actually intended for the defender so not
Starting point is 00:15:01 one of Kirk's finest moments that was a second interception of the game and That was bills got another field go out of that so in classic Vikings fashion The second half defense starting to clamp down. They're still giving up yards, but they're not giving up touchdowns And I don't want to spoil anything for you, but that touchdown they gave up right here. The first half was the last time the bills would snip the end zone. At one point, I think maybe it was still when it was, you know, 24 to 10, like early in the third quarter, Josh Allen through a end zone interception of Patrick Peterson.
Starting point is 00:15:42 They looked like basically they were about to go for the dagger and they didn't get it So that's Interception won by Patrick Peterson off Josh Allen So a bills kick this field goal with 145 ish left in the third quarter. They're up 27 tennis and you're down three scores Your offense has only put up three points since the opening drive and it's almost a fourth quarter and you just look dead in the water well points since the opening drive and it's almost a fourth quarter and you just look dead in the water. Well, literally on the first play from Scrimmage after that bills go up 2710, you hand it off the Dalvin. He makes a man miss. Boom, boom, boom. Looks like it's 2017 again. Dalvin cooked to the house. 81 yards, I believe it was. And all of a sudden, 27 17 and you're thinking, okay, like, we're still going to need a miracle or two probably to get back into this game, but at least we're not dead.
Starting point is 00:16:31 And that's what I love about these Minnesota Vikings. They take some punches, but they don't give up. And Kudos at the Elven Cook because he's gotten a lot of shit this year. So Vikings defense continues to hold. Next thing you know, it's about five minutes left. They drive down the field, a very methodical, well developed drive and hey, I'm, himself, CJ, punches in and his first rushing touchdowns is 2017.
Starting point is 00:17:01 I think it was. So it's 23, 27 pending the extra point and in classic Greg fashion, he misses the extra point. Greg finds a way to miss at least one vital extra point every other game. It's just sort of in his DNA. I know that there are other kickers out there who miss kicks too, but man,
Starting point is 00:17:20 Greg is just not having a good year. He's pretty money on fuel goals inside of 50, but not good above 50 and a total roulette on extra points. So it's 27.23 and there's about four, four and a half minutes left. And so now you're at the point of the game where you're like, oh shit, like it's this late we still ball three time outs but it's really just going to be one of those things where the bills just need like two maybe three first downs and that's like actually the end of the game so somehow the Vikings come out and you might be wondering where what
Starting point is 00:18:01 happened to the bills run game this whole time I don don't know either. And I think that's the reason they lost because they just stopped running it. It wasn't any, it wasn't like, oh, let's sprinkle it in. I don't know how many rushes they had in the second half that weren't Josh Allen scrambles. I mean, James Cook, I think had one or two touches. Dalvin's younger brother. And Zach Moss plays for the Colts now, right?
Starting point is 00:18:24 He's not even on the team. Nyeem Hines didn't rush it. He had one catch and Singletary just kicked ass in the first half. I mean, he must have had at least 50 or 60 yards in the first half and then and two touchdowns, right? And then he just touched the ball probably once or twice in the second half. I don't know the exact stats on this, but I can't imagine the bills had more than... I don't know. Four, five non-Jashel and runs in the second half. I don't think that's an exaggeration. And over time, spoiler alert, we're going there. So Vikings drive it all the way down. I can't not mention the greatest catch of the year. It's fourth and 18. They just
Starting point is 00:19:08 got attacked twice and Kurt Cousins just kind of threw it up. We could do a whole podcast about this play, but I'm not going to. Kurt just kind of threw it up for Jefferson. In between four defenders, he reaches up with one hand. So the defender behind him, who gets two hands on it, they go to the ground, the wrestling for it, and somehow JJ makes the catch takes it away. It was amazing. One of the greatest things you'll ever see. If you haven't seen it, you gotta go watch it immediately, literally just YouTube, Justin
Starting point is 00:19:37 Jefferson catch. Next play goes to Thielin for 10 yards, and he gets a late hit out of balance, so that's a 25 yard play. Next thing you know, they are all the way down there, somehow, down 27, 23. It's under a minute left. Now you're in a situation where the bills are using their timeouts, because they don't want the Vikings to score, touch down with zero seconds on the clock.
Starting point is 00:20:02 So there's just a lot of that type of gamesmanship with the clock going on. Third, it's a third, third down, I think. And Viking threw a slant route to Justin Jefferson. He scores a touchdown and put us up. It's amazing. But the replay comes in from above and turns out he was short by half an inch. So when it's under two minutes in either half or an overtime, there's no challenges. All replace come from the booth, which will come into play multiple times later. Actually, it won't come into play,
Starting point is 00:20:37 and that's the problem, and we'll get to that in a second. So it turns out it's fourth and one from the half-inch line, game on the line. If you get it, you go up with about 30 seconds left. If you don't get it, then it's game over because you're out of timeouts and the bills can just take a knee. So they do a cubie sneak from the half inch line. Kurt Cousins looked like he got it. They've ruled that he did not get it. And of course, on those types of plays, when there's a million bodies in there, it's really hard to just overturn it because you can't
Starting point is 00:21:10 really see where the ball is. So they give it to the bills with what there was about 40 seconds left, 30, 40 seconds. And on the first play, all the bills have to do is literally take like, I think with the time and the clock, they had to take two knees. Well, fumbled snap, one of the most unbelievable things you'll ever see. Like an all time, is it a high pressure, high stress situation for the bills? Yes, but one of the all time gaffs you'll ever see. Josh Allen not only fumbles the snap, but the Vikings and Eric Kendrickson, particular managed to land on the football. And everyone's
Starting point is 00:21:45 sinking like, oh, it's chaotic. Like could this be a safety? They'll get the Vikings within two with only about 35, 40 seconds off that, you know, that would be amazing. But it's even better than that. Somehow it's a touchdown because Eric Kendrick's recovered it. Greg hits this extra point. Thank God. So it's 3027. You're thinking they're going to win. Well The bills even with no timeouts like the chiefs are in like old Aaron Rogers are just capable of getting down the field in an insane
Starting point is 00:22:19 Sainley small amount of time which they do But it's not you got to mention that they had this huge chunk play to Gabe Davis that, in real time, looked like a catch, but you could also tell it was kind of iffy and you figure, well, we just got to review that, right? The refs got to stop it from upstairs and we'll take a look. And replay showed you clearly did not catch it. Well, the refs did not stop the play and the bills just kept driving down the field, which is just kind of like Not good, right? Because One quick replay angle showed he didn't catch it and The Vikings can't stop it. They're not allowed to challenge it in New York. Just said no
Starting point is 00:23:01 We need the bills to win this game. So they just kept playing. Bill's end up getting all the way down to like the, I don't know, it was like the ten yard line or something, which was scary as hell on a passenger interference call, but there were only about five seconds left. And so they could have gone for the win right there, but they opted to kick a field goal. It's good sending to overtime. Vikings get the ball first and overtime. They're hot on their drive. Dalvin's pounding it. It's good send it to overtime. Vikings get the ball first and overtime. They're hot on their drive. Dalvin's pounding it. It's a reminder in regular season,
Starting point is 00:23:29 a touchdown first wins the game in the playoffs. They've changed it to where if you score a touchdown, the other team gets a chance to possess. But that, it's not applicable to the regular season. So, Vikings get all the way down. It's first in goal from like the two. And they handed off the Dolvin. He gets absolutely stuffed back to like the four or five.
Starting point is 00:23:50 Well, turns out the bills were playing with 12 men on defense. And not just like, you know, most times when there's 12 men where you got 11 playing and there's one guy running off and he doesn't quite get off. They lined up with 12 in the box just casually. I don't know if that was a miscommunication on their part or if they had been already informed by the refs that, hey, just play with 12, you'll be good. Another play that's a five year penalty should have been for should have gotten the Vikings to the one yard line should have been first down. And it's it's reviewable too, right?
Starting point is 00:24:29 That's not like most penalties where it's not reviewable. This one is and New York just said, no, we're not going to do it. If literally one of the referees jobs on every play to count the players on the field. And also someone's job in New York. So look, I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but the fact that there are multiple of those plays that it's New York's responsibility to stop in a review and they just decided not to. That's about all the evidence I need, frankly. So next play they get sacked, they got to end up kicking a field goal. It's terrible because you're just like, well, Josh Allen is just going to
Starting point is 00:25:10 go down and score a touchdown. It's going to be the game and they get all the way down there. It's second and 10 from like the 10 yard line, 15 yard line maybe. And again, they could kick a field goal to tie with about two, three minutes left in overtime, and there are ties in overtime, or they score a touchdown to win. Next thing you know, Josh Allen doesn't see Patrick Peterson terrible throw into the end zone. Play before I'll mention, great pass break up by Duke Shelley, who the Vikings brought up off the practice squad the day before, off Dawson Knox,
Starting point is 00:25:45 one-on-one coverage, amazing stop to save the game. Next pass, Patrick Peterson, and zone, interception, game over. Vikings win the craziest game of the year. They're eight and one now. The Packers lost last night to the Titans. They're four and seven, so the Vikings have a six game lead on the on the Packers with a game in hand. And their magic number is three. So if they win this week and next week
Starting point is 00:26:17 and the Packers lose next week and the Packers play the Eagles, then their division is clinched with what six games left to go for the Vikings. Is that right? How many games do they have left? They're eight and one, so they have eight games left. Yes, so they could clench the division with six games left to go. The lines would have to lose as well because lines and the Packers are the same record, but really not too worried about it. So that's the football action. Let's pause for a quick nose blow break. Oh man, Garage Band is failing me.
Starting point is 00:26:55 I wanted to say the only other thing I wanted to, yeah, Garage Band literally just crapped out. Got to stay strong, baby. We got five minutes left. Real hospice, the Salt Lake City has gone just berserk this season, especially the last two episodes. There's been a big shift. And I was reading online. Some people were saying how to do it like when when Jenny got kicked off the show. And they thought they need to bring more people on. I don't know exactly what it is, but they brought on just like three different friends
Starting point is 00:27:28 of, and it's going to get even more confusing because two of them are named Angie. I think we talked about this once on a previous show, but there's Angie K, Angie H, and then this other one, Dana, D-A-N-N-A, which I know what you're saying. That's not a name. Well, welcome to Salt Lake City, baby. So It's a lot to try to keep up with these new these new characters. I won't lie to you and doing my best And it's kind of interesting. There's just like It's all kind of chaotic right now.
Starting point is 00:28:05 There aren't like clear storylines. The feuds are not clear. Heather and Whitney are in this tip right now, but it really just seems like Heather is going through some shit, but it's not being like, you know, she's not being open about it. And so it's just kind of like figure something's not being like, you know, she's not being open about it. And so it's just kind of like Figure something's off with her, but you're just kind of
Starting point is 00:28:29 speculating at this point Lisa and Meredith aren't really like going head-to-head ever, but they're just not really talking to each other. I will say there is a super awkward Boys lunch, so I'm always I'm always pining for something, you know, even a whole spin-off I would love, which is just the boys. Coach Shaw, John Barlow, Seth Marks, Justin Rose, and I guess those are the only boys right now. There's only four of them. And now they got those friends of husbands coming into it. I don't know anything about them, but they had a lunch at Coach Shaw's house, barbecue. It looked pretty tasty. But then Seth and John have this awkward thing because if you'll remember Lisa, when she thought she was muted, went off on Meredith. And now Seth is just being really weird
Starting point is 00:29:25 in this confrontation with John. And he's, I don't really know what Seth is trying to get out of it, but John is basically just being like, yeah, Lisa said what she said, like, sorry about that. It was awkward, but like, you know, that's not really me. And Seth is just being like weird about it. I don't know what Seth wants to happen. Anyway, so that awkward
Starting point is 00:29:46 confrontation happened. Well, well, the boys were having their lunch together, their barbecue lunch. And otherwise, the show is just kind of in chaos right now. Heather's got her non-religious choir going. They're singing songs and Jen Shaw is just a mess finding someone different to yell at every time. I will mention her sentencing is December 15th. It's coming up hot. It is going to be the event of the year. It's going to be three weeks from Thanksgiving. I haven't saved it in my phone, so I don't forget, I am pumped for it. Excuse me, a sneeze live on the Beentown podcast.
Starting point is 00:30:35 And you got, so we're throwing these friends of into the mix. Again, Meredith really has been giving nothing to do this season. So it's just You know, it's kind of it's you asked me oh what happened on this last week's episode I tell you I really have no idea, but I know that I can't stop watching and I know that it's chaotic so
Starting point is 00:30:58 That's where we're at with real real housewives of Salt Lake City and in fact we've reached the midway They've done the midway. They've done their midway trailer, which is hard to believe already. It won't be an episode next week. There will be an episode of the bean town podcast next week. Next week is Thanksgiving. Should be a good time looking forward to it.
Starting point is 00:31:17 And yeah, I don't know what exactly our broadcast situation will be, but there sure to be some turkeys, some trip to fan, some friends, some family, some laughs. Speaking of friends and family, I want to give a shout out to our sponsors, good friends of the bean town podcast are friends at home pride Oregon need your home inspecting central organ. You need to call someone safe, certified, call the expert Steve 541-03016 or go16, or go to HomePrideOrgan's Spection Perfection. Also, our good friends at Cuts by Q, when you need to fresh do something snappy or new, call the experts at Cuts by Q.
Starting point is 00:31:56 And then finally, our good friends, Samson Q2U series. Speaking of Biblical, there's a big, jeopardy controversy in the tournament champions. Wednesday, I think it was. The final was basically asking which of Paul's epistles has the most Old Testament quotations. And the answer that they revealed was Hebrews. And the correct answer is actually Romans. And the reason for that is not because Hebrews has fewer Old Testament quotations than Romans,
Starting point is 00:32:28 but because it's generally accepted at this point that Paul did not write Hebrews. And so that shanked Sam Buttree, who has become America's sweetheart, Steve Martin, look alike out of a win in the tournament of champions, which is a big deal. And just a really bad gaff, G-A-F-E, from the Jeopardy writers room. When God speaks, He uses the Samson.
Starting point is 00:32:54 Thank you, everyone, for listening. You can always reach our show by emailing And this can also tweet at us for what is worth while Twitter is still alive. I'm at beantown cast, personally I'm at White Bonds with a Z. I thought about doing this entire show
Starting point is 00:33:10 not about the Vikings, but rather about how Twitter was falling apart then I decided like, I just didn't really wanna talk or think about it anymore, so I decided not to. And then you can always find us, latest episodes, beantown blog blog cuts by Q-style page in our brand new
Starting point is 00:33:28 right on Q segment page. Thank you to The producers of that segment for today's little tidbit. That should be a good segment coming up later on the show So that's what I got for you today everyone. I hope you're a little bit healthier than I am. I hope you are Enjoying a diet coke while you're listening to the bean-ton podcast. Skull likes playing cowboys this weekend and then Patriots on Thanksgiving night Get out your turduckins should be good. That's what I have for you everyone. Thanks for listening. Stay safe stay safe and stay, and I'll check in to the next door. nd 오늘도!

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