Beantown Podcast - Walt's Big Wedding Recap (09192021 Beantown Podcast)

Episode Date: September 20, 2021

Quinn comes to you LIVE at the end of a long week to talk about all the festivities of Walt's big wedding as well as get you all primed for another season of RHOSLC! It's gonna be huge!!!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Furnace. Welcome to my show. Quinn David Furnace presents the Bingtown podcast for Sunday, September 19th, 2021. What's going on? How are you? and this is my show. Quinnipferness presents Beentown Podcast. Coming to you live from the North side of Chicago up here in Lincoln Park, what's going on? How are you? We are streaming live on Head there now to slash podcast and this slash podcast.
Starting point is 00:00:41 You can comment, you can stream, comment you can stream you can like you can dislike. I should get a Twitch channel going I tell you what I was just about two hours ago watching the Twitch stream of good friend of the podcast Ryan Austin English or Ligon and he's he was streaming the Witcher which you might have seen the Henry Campbell Netflix series is actually a video game and he was streaming that on his Twitch. I saw him tweet from his Reconertainment account on Twitter
Starting point is 00:01:16 while I was scrolling through and being sad about the Vikings, which they ended up coming all the way back Well first they were kicking kicking booty. Listen to discretion as advised We're gonna listen to the beat up podcast and one will occasionally use some language from whose podcast subjectly terrible there kicking booty blue the lead Started kicking ass again blue that lead Took a lead again blue that one and then drove down for a 37 yard field goal in the game and missed it. Not 47 yards, not 57, 37 yards.
Starting point is 00:01:55 So I honestly feel pretty good. I'm not good, but like I'm getting pretty comfortably numb like the pink Floyd song. To just years and years of pain and it's just, you know, last week I felt really bad. So we blew that one hard this week. I was like, pretty much expecting to lose the whole time. And then we did. So it's kind of like, all right. But while I was scrolling Twitter, feeling bad about myself at some point in like the mid-third quarter there, I came across a tweet from Ryan and you might remember if you're a long
Starting point is 00:02:35 time listener of the show, Ryan's been on once or twice and I've been on his former podcast, the Carried Convo's podcast, which started just I think a couple months if that after I launched my show in 2018. So we were kind of like sister shows for a while. And Ryan and his wife, Chris, and they do a lot of great comedy content, but there hasn't been much for a long time. They've been dark for about two years, it seems like. And so I was really excited when I saw Ryan was streaming. So I went into checking on his Twitch for a while and now that got me thinking, hey, maybe I should Twitch or stream on Twitch. I don't know, it's something to consider. I'd have to look into like what it takes, but maybe streaming the
Starting point is 00:03:21 Beenton podcast on Twitch could be our next big avenue. So I gotta tell you, and it's going to be tough no matter what. But I, you know, the whole live stream thing is just like been tough. Like, you know, one wants to sit there and watch a stream for, you know, endless hours. Not that this show is going to be endless hours. Although we do have a lot to cover. I'm going to be moving pretty fast. But, you know, I, I, I hope this is my, my is my podcast wish on a Sunday night. I hope that
Starting point is 00:03:51 you know even though I didn't sit there and watch Ryan's entire stream I don't know how long he went for. He'd been going for about half an hour when I popped in and hopefully he's not still going. But my hope is that hey I popped in there for 10 minutes I was interacting with him on the chat a little bit But being there for 10 minutes saying hey Love what you're doing good to see you like hopefully that that can not maybe not make the day but be a
Starting point is 00:04:20 Helping hand in making the day so hopefully That was the case. I hope everyone, not a hope today, not from being a biking fan, but I hope that everyone is having a good day. It's been a little while since so we checked in. I mean, I came to you live last Sunday, I guess we recorded,
Starting point is 00:04:40 it feels like a lot longer ago though. And that's because this last week has been crazy busy. It was the first furnace family wedding since 1987. If you can believe it, I know that sounds wild. And I'm pretty sure that's correct. Someone can check my math. But the first furnace family wedding since 1987 I think is correct. So 34 years and change. And congratulations to longtime contributor to this show, Hashtag Brother of the Podcast, Walter Fernis, and his wife. That's fun to say. I like that. Kelly Vanderpoll, although I don't know if the immediate shift is going to Kelly Fernis. That's a really interesting thing. I think Kelly has chosen to shift immediately to that, although I'm sure it takes a long time to get legal documents and stuff. It's kind of interesting.
Starting point is 00:05:45 You grew up in a conservative Christian household. And I don't think this is specific just to conservative Christian. I think it's just like an American culture thing in general. But if a man and a woman get married, or just two people in general, but more, this is more specific to a man and a woman. You married, it's, you know, tradition, like the obvious tradition. This isn't breaking news for anyone.
Starting point is 00:06:11 It is for a woman to take the man's last name. I kinda, here's the thing, and this might be going against like trends, it certainly goes against tradition. I don't actually like that. Like I don't, I've thought about this a little bit recently. I don't think like, I wouldn't be upset if I got married. And my future wife was like, yeah, I want to take your last name. Okay, cool. Like, I mean, this is the silliest little thing. Like, these are just names or just labels that we've put on ourselves.
Starting point is 00:06:46 Although, I think names are important, names are powerful, names are cool. But at the end of the day, it doesn't impact who you are as a person. But I don't know. Like, I think it's kind of strange that we're like, the expectation is, yeah, you're going to change your name. I mean, for nothing else, just for like the pain in the ass hassle, right?
Starting point is 00:07:08 You gotta do like DMV stuff. Uh, you know, you're setting your kids up with weird password security questions, 20 years down the line. What's your mother's maiden name? I don't know. Let me go see my mom's birth certificate because I don't remember it. She hasn't used that name in 20 years, you know. These, I'm always thinking ahead, generations ahead. That's why I buy carbon credits. I actually do.
Starting point is 00:07:39 If we could get, we could get a sustainability sponsor on the show, then we'd have the triple crown tech Samson Q2U series Small local business we got two of those cuts by Q and Homebright Oregon and then Green the account or the you know eco-friendly Systems carbon credits if anyone's out there, be in I can't say it. I've been done podcast at You can see I'm being podcast at But it's been a long week, and I tell you what,
Starting point is 00:08:13 it's been a hell of a five week stretch. I am exhausted. Physically, feeling okay, but eating relatively poorly, not terribly. Hey, I didn't even have any cake at this wedding. But drinking a lot, in fact, I had to take, today would be a great day for a drink, particularly right now, as the Vikings just completely shit the bed, would be perfect for a glass of whiskey
Starting point is 00:08:37 and I got two unopened handles over there. But I'm just like, as you might expect, been drinking a lot the last four days. And I'll give you a quick run through of the week, but I'm exhausted, man. And it's kind of funny because it's like, now I feel like, okay, I get to take a little break, like, little reset. I still do a six day work week, starting tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:09:03 And I run a marathon three weeks from this morning. And I still work three jobs. So it's kinda like, I don't know, this is partially just the life that I've cultivated and chose. I didn't choose to work a six day work week this week. I did choose to run 26.2 miles in three weeks, and I choose to work three jobs.
Starting point is 00:09:27 So it's mostly my choices, like 80, 80, 20 split. But tell you what, this five week stretch, even though there's still stuff coming up, this the last five weeks were just nuts. I think probably the busiest I've ever felt. And at almost no points did I feel so like overwhelmed or stressed that I just couldn't function. I mean, I'm a big like rise to the challenge who uh, let's go get it boys kind of person. But these last few weeks have really stretched me.
Starting point is 00:10:04 It started with orientation at the law school, my primary job, the one where I get all the cool benefits like dental. And that's a big week. It was our first big in person, whatever sense, honestly last year's orientation. And so there's a lot of planning that goes into that and everything went relatively well, but it's just a lot of energy and all that stuff, organization, event planning, I don't like event planning.
Starting point is 00:10:38 Oh, I gotta, I should mention here, I'm holding my Samsung Q2U series. Somebody, and presumably me, because I'm the only one here who runs a podcast, this microphone has always been like, in terms of, I'm holding it, it feels normal. There's nothing like on it, like no gunk.
Starting point is 00:10:58 What I'm getting at is there's like food or sticky something on the microphone, the handle. And I don't know, like, what was I doing last week when I recorded? Did I, was I eating like cheese puffs or something? I ate, must have eaten, atein, A-T-E, dash-e-n. Something with some sort of residue on it,
Starting point is 00:11:24 which is not like me at all, because I'm not a huge snacker in that type of way, we're like reaching into it like a chip bag or something, and then recording, that's not usually how I do it. What I'm getting at here is this microphone is disgusting. I don't know what is going on, but it's really strange. It's like, yeah, it doesn't even look like food though. But it's like all over.
Starting point is 00:11:50 I don't know was it like, it doesn't make any sense. I don't have any explanation, because the micron front has been in the same exact place. It doesn't make sense. So five weeks ago, we had law orientation. Then four weeks ago, I took the vacation. Great time. Just the American South, the great American American Southwest road trip. That was really fun. It was also exhausting. It did I do that to
Starting point is 00:12:15 myself. Yeah. But I can still feel tired. I'm not blaming anyone. I'm just telling you how I feel. And then the next week was even more exhausting. Emerging week for the Paul freshman. I co-teach a class. You talked about it before. I do it on Thursday nights. Wasn't able to go this past Thursday because I had a rehearsal dinner. But I'll be back in their classroom this Thursday. And then the week after that was kind of the most like normal week. Wasn't like going anywhere. It was in my office. It was the four-day work week with Labor Day, which is that was kind of the most like normal week. Wasn't like going anywhere.
Starting point is 00:12:45 It was in my office. It was the four day work week with Labor Day, which is great, right? So you were only were four days. But somehow, American working culture, we find a great way to fit a whole week's worth of work into four days. There's no like, OK, in the amount of times the sun came up
Starting point is 00:13:06 that week relative to how many times the win in the office was it one more than usual? Yes. Did I work the same amount, put in the same amount of time completing my tasks and projects? Also, yes. The only place I really saved time was just like when I'm in the office or doing, like, quote, working for five days, I spend more time in my computer like scrolling Reddit
Starting point is 00:13:32 because I finished my stuff two hours ago and it's 3.30 in the afternoon and I'm like, could actually have to be here for another hour. And but what made that week part of the busy stretch, we transitioned to a new CRM and every day was like Zoom training, basically from like 9 to 4, 4.30. And it's not tiring, but it was just like the most boring stuff. And there were so many tactical issues, it was exhausting. We even, we got to the end of the week.
Starting point is 00:14:11 There had been four days of this. And I still had one or two technical things that I'd been like trying to put in tickets for sending emails, live tweeting. It's like, no, we still never got this fixed. And I was just like, okay, well, we're done. And so that's, I mean, transition to new software is a lot. Moving forward, now we're completely onto the new software.
Starting point is 00:14:33 And I'm gonna have to like learn how to play around with it and stuff, because I was trying to do a little bit, you know, when I was doing the training as you should, but it was kind of tough to complete because of all the tech issues. So that was great. And then last week, and this is really where we want to spend our time here, and then don't let me forget, we're going to finish up with a brief real housewives of Salt Lake City season two intro because the first episode of season two was last week and that's a hallmark staple of this show is that we do we review it each week and I'm not actually gonna watch it
Starting point is 00:15:17 live tonight because I try to watch it with Rachel. When I can, doesn't always work out that way, and that's okay. But, and just, I mean, I'm doing this show. It's about 7.59 at night. You know, I waited till the very end, because I was in the suburbs until about three o'clock this afternoon, watch the Vikings game, got groceries actually at halftime. Vikings game ended like 45 minutes ago. So, I'm
Starting point is 00:15:45 pushin' at as hard as I can I promise. Oh they're showing the downtown Baltimore from the top of federal hill on Sunday Night Football which I just pulled up there. Beatdown Podcasts, namesake, 817 St. Paul Street. Can't quite see it from that angle but I it's it's right in between some buildings there. Beautiful city, just very hot and muggy, and a lot of things I hated. But yeah, the primary emphasis of the next little bit here is going to be a recap of the Wedding Week festivities. It was really fun.
Starting point is 00:16:22 And we already gave a special shout out to Walton Kelly, but I want to give a special shout out to Part 2 because I know or I can imagine how much effort, time, blood, sweat, and tears goes into planning a wedding, but not only planning a wedding, but planning have really like involved and engaged wedding with a lot of moving pieces, not just with the venue, but stuff the night before, a lot of people being involved with different jobs. So there's a lot of management organization there.
Starting point is 00:16:59 And then they were just like, you know, very generous with gifts and stuff too. I mean, I received like two or three separate gifts just for, you know, my, because of my role as responsibilities, that sort of thing. So they, you know, coordinate all that. So what I'm trying to get at is shout out and thanks to Walton Kelly. I hope it was a great weekend for you all. I think everyone did their best to make it a positive
Starting point is 00:17:26 and a warm experience. And I don't think there were any, obviously, I wasn't behind the scenes, except for like 25% of the time. So a lot of behind the scenes stuff I don't know about. Hopefully everything went great. But we started off on, oh, I should mention briefly, this wasn't technically part of the wedding festivities, but it kind of kicked things off for myself because I worked Monday and Tuesday and
Starting point is 00:17:52 Then took Wednesday Thursday Friday off, which was awesome Still have a lot of time off left this year, but Tuesday night Rachel and I had a little date night she had found this Kind of event Ticked event hosted at a restaurant in Chicago right on the river called Robert's Pizza, which I think is new, relatively new, year or two, something like that. And it was the sort of thing where you paid 65 a person up front, which is, you know, it's a lot for it, you know, just like eating for your date night. But we were there for like two and a half hours
Starting point is 00:18:31 and we ate and drank a ton. So it actually, it was a great deal. And I've told this multiple times, but obviously not to anyone on the podcast yet, but just briefly, like, essentially we go, we sit down the whole night, of rounds or courses and I think over the course of the night we we had one started with a cocktail and then there were I think four more glasses of wine so I think five drinks a person and then the first like there's an appetizer there's a charcuterie board and then Three courses and the first two courses each had two pizzas and we were splitting it with like a table There are six of us at a table including this guy who looked and talked
Starting point is 00:19:16 Almost identically to Jim Baker pastor Jim Baker who if you don't know go find him on YouTube He was very famous in like the 80s, Doomsday preacher went to prison for some tax fraud stuff and related activities. And now he's kind of back not on the national scene, but he's about to be get a spike in not popularity, but Google search results because the eyes of Tammy Faye Baker is a new movie coming out
Starting point is 00:19:47 starring Andrew Garfield as Jim Baker and Jessica Chastain as Tammy Faye Baker. And it's kind of about you know them in the 80s and the AIDS pandemic and all that stuff so It's gonna be I'm really excited for it. I'll just say that But yeah, if you didn't know Jim Baker you like could go watch this movie. It'll be cool anyways, that's really like the most tangential thing Essentially for each course we had two slices of pizza. And we didn't even have the third course actually had, oh, there's Ray Lewis. Dancing like a lunatic. Thought it was Mike Tomlin at first, but it's a Ravens game, so he's doing his dance.
Starting point is 00:20:43 The third course had a third pizza, which was a seafood pizza with like clams in the shell, oysters, muscles, calamari, octopus. It was nuts. We didn't have that one, because it was the last pizza, the last like savory pizza. And we also don't like seafood. So there's kind of a double way in me there.
Starting point is 00:21:03 And then a dessert pizza, which was like the regular crust, but with gelato whipped cream and strawberries. And so there's like five drinks and way too much pizza. And we were stuffed and it was like two and a half hours, it was a huge event. We got on their Instagram, so we're pretty famous. But that was Tuesday night, so that was like kick things off.
Starting point is 00:21:24 And so yeah, if you're wondering like When I mentioned earlier Physically, I'm feeling pretty good, but also been like eating like shit and drinking a lot. Well, I Had if you're wondering looking for like a theme of this week. It's called Quinn has five drinks on a Tuesday And it just went more from there. So Wednesday Wednesday was the first time I got to see any family. Jack came over, brother of the podcast. And next special shout out is to Jack. He and I played some music for this wedding as part of the ceremony.
Starting point is 00:22:01 And everyone's, they went very well I've run's coming up to you after and like oh great job you sounded awesome and I am very appreciative of that but I also want to just go on record here assuming everyone who went to this wedding and the rehearsal dinner and stuff was you know is now listening to this show wondering if they'll be included in the special shout- out section. I want to go on the record for all of those people say Jack is the real, was the real star of this music. I was a sir to support him. He was killing it, he even had a point where he had to walk and play at the same time. He could take that trick on like a one man show across the country.
Starting point is 00:22:44 The Dutton's got nothing on this guy. So special shout out Jack, it sounded great. He, you know, he could take that trick on like a one man show across the country. The Dutton's got nothing on this guy. So special shout out to Jack, it sounded great. And also to Jack for what I'm going to mention next, we threw a bachelor party. Not your traditional strippers coming out of cake sort of thing, but still a bachelor party nonetheless for my brother Walt. I hope you enjoyed it. We went to Trader Joe's and Binnies
Starting point is 00:23:05 and got a lot of snacks and drinks. We really explored the Trader Joe's snack section and still just barely scratched the surface. But got some drinks, got a lot of snacks, peanut butter cups, chocolate covered pretzels, pita chips, hummus, artichoke dip, sea salt chips, pickled chips, red wine, white wine, three different types of craft beer.
Starting point is 00:23:35 It was crazy. We rented a bow and the shout-out to Jack is because he really was the mastermind behind this bachelor party planning. Oh, interception for the chiefs looks like it's going to be a pick six to start the game. Boy, Lamar Jackson is, he's not playing poorly to start the year, but he is really just like, I mean, obviously last week, Monday night against the Raiders, they lost that game and should have won it multiple
Starting point is 00:24:05 times. And they started off tonight with a pick six. When you're giving the Chiefs pick six, I think that's the honey badger Tyron Matthew. Yeah. When you're giving the Chiefs pick six, you're gonna lose. Like, that's just, it's just the way it goes. I don't really care, it's cheese first Ravens, I don't really have a rooting interest in this game. You just hope it's gonna be good, right? Ooh, butker, that bastard. I'm playing butker in fantasy football.
Starting point is 00:24:38 He hits the upright and it goes through on his extra point attempt. And then you got the Vikings, you can't make a 37-yarder. And Missing Extra Point, and they lost by one. So, yeah. That's good. Okay, Bachelor of Party was great. We got a boat, and it was a lot of fun.
Starting point is 00:24:58 There were six of us. There was nothing too rowdy. We didn't even ever get to music playing, but it was beautiful weather, really nice to chat. Just, you know, it's like four or five o'clock, so good sun angle. Got a Polaroid that Jack had brought from New York, Polaroid camera.
Starting point is 00:25:17 It was awesome. Then we took the Brown line very long ways. The most like furnace thing to do, took the brown line Like 40 minutes and then walked to another 10 to get to a brewery just twisted hippo very fun spot Met some more people there Drink a lot of beer came back here took the brown line back here, right? This was a no uber type of party, okay? This was a no uber type of party, okay?
Starting point is 00:25:48 I love that, okay? It's very authentic. It's very real. That's just who we are. Drink a little bit more here, talk for a while. One of those great, great moments where you're just like, you're finally off the agenda. No more schedule for a hot second. Like, let's just drink a little bit, chat about whatever you want, your laugh in, vibes are good. And yeah, you can just chill.
Starting point is 00:26:16 That was Wednesday night. Hope it was fun for you Walt if you're listening. Walt's got like a 37 hour drive back home tomorrow, I think. So maybe we'll maybe we'll fit in on the schedule if we're lucky. Okay, Thursday was a little bit more practice seeing rehearsal and stuff for their music. And then we have like a walk through at the wedding venue. It was really hot. It was also really hot on the wedding day. Nothing they could do about that. It is what it is.
Starting point is 00:26:51 I sweat it a lot. I sweat, SWAT, SWAT. And yeah, did the walkthrough picked up my great aunt from Union Station in Michigan. Look who else is taking public transportation. We're killing it, okay? And checked into my hotel downtown, Rachel and I stayed at the Palmer House.
Starting point is 00:27:14 It's a very sign-full-de-in thing because I made the reservation for a king, fantasy suite. No, but just a room with a king bed. Like that would have been good, right? So I check in, they're like, hello, sir. How are you? Thanks for being a gold member. I'm like, well, you're welcome. Unfortunately, we don't have any king rooms left. And I just, I don't get, I don't work in hospitality. And the reason I mentioned there was a sign fell, the thing before there's a classic sign fell moment,
Starting point is 00:27:47 where Jerry sign fell to reserves, a rental car, presumably in the 90s over the phone, but these days it would be online. He gets to the car and they're like, what we don't have anymore, or he gets to the rental car, check out, place, counter. So we're looking for COUNTER. They don't have any more rental cars.
Starting point is 00:28:07 And he says, well, you know how to take the reservation. You just don't know how to hold it. And same thing with this. I just like, and I'm not trying to be Jake Lacey in white lotus here, because we made it work. It wasn't a big deal, whatever. But just out of genuine curiosity. How does that happen, right?
Starting point is 00:28:25 It's not like they've got this, it's not like I made the reservation two nights before and they just had like updated their website with availability, you know, whatever. This reservation was made like a month and a half before. And I'm just like, at what point are you like, oh, we got one king room left, let's just give it to the last person.
Starting point is 00:28:49 And five other people signed up for it. Do they just overbook to take more expensive? Maybe this is the strategy, because it's all about money in corporate America. I'm calling you out, Kathy Hilton. Maybe they just sell tickets at whatever rate or price or type of room people want to buy in for. And they just figured out afterwards. Maybe it's just so much easier than other events just had a long run. So much easier than like being accurate and accountable. And then they offer you a special perk and it's like, oh, I don't have, here's the like
Starting point is 00:29:28 special perk they offered me. Well we don't have a king size room, but we do have a room with two double beds, not even, yeah, he was like, well we have a king size bed for, we don't have any king size rooms available. So, okay, well, yeah, that's fine. I'd say a queen, that's cool. Oh, we don't have any queens either. How can you be a famous hotel? The Palmer House Hilton and
Starting point is 00:29:53 Just not have Kings or Queens. So here's what they offered. Oh, we'll give you a Bed with or a room of two double beds. Oh, wow. Well, this Ravens game, they hand it off. The guy gets to about the one yard line. He reaches out to try to cross it with the ball in his hand. Before he can cross, the ball gets knocked out of his hand, goes flying into the air and another Ravens player jumps, grabs it, and scores a touchdown. That's wild stuff. In case you've been wondering for the last two minutes, well, what do they actually give you?
Starting point is 00:30:32 They gave us a room with two bathrooms. Okay. Is that better than a room with one bathroom? I guess. Do I care? No. What I rather had the one king size bed that I paid for it? Yeah. For sure. So I got a little nifty and I drug those dragged,
Starting point is 00:30:54 dragon, I had dragon, dragon the beds, myself, together. So yeah, we had a little gap in between, but we had like a California king, and we made it work. So that was our Palmer House room, and then Friday, oh no, Thursday, rehearsal, dinner, type thing, up at Evanston Space, cool intimate little like bar concert venue sort of thing, and had some drinks. That's when we did like toasts and speeches, and lots of people gave speeches probably like an hour, but it was really cool. Kelly's grandma and grandpa, her mom, sisters, my parents, made of honor. My grandparents got to talk. One of the roommates from college
Starting point is 00:32:01 representing the other seven roommates. And my siblings and I got to go. We all had kind of a funny little style. Abby had pre-prepared some things. Jack had pre-prepared some things. I didn't prepare or pre-prepared anything. But I think it turned out OK. But yeah, it was fun
Starting point is 00:32:29 People were laughing having a good time ate some food caught up with some people It was good stuff Friday obviously very busy day Woke up took the train up to Evanston to hang out at their hotel for a little bit Went for a little walk by the lake ran into into, I have to say, front of the podcast, anti-stacy furnace, who was on a little walk by the lake. And, you know, did wedding stuff, went down to the venue, took a lot of pictures, started to get real sweaty, ceremony happened, played the music.
Starting point is 00:33:03 I think everything went great. Reception, you know, talked to Hashtag friend of the podcast, been on before Uncle Andy for a long time. Got some jerky. I've got a 10 pound vacuum sealed bag in my freezer now that I cracked open today. It's delicious. It's very high quality shout out to Uncle Andy for bringing that down. I really appreciate it. Yes, so if anyone's in Chicago, they want some some quick protein. Hit me up. You know where to find it. Quinn's freezer. And dance the night away. I was drinking. Oh God, they're showing Rob Ryan on the screen.
Starting point is 00:33:46 Who knew he was still in the lead had a job. Is he the Ravens defensive coordinator? I don't know. He's just as big as ever. I drank straight scotch on the rocks all night. And I woke up Saturday morning. Stumick was a little off, but the head wasn't too bad. And really Friday night, you know, at the wedding reception, all this, like, never, never that drunk. I was drinking some water, and I think the scotch wasn't that like, you know, powerful or you know, crazy quality or anything like that, obviously. But, um, yeah, I never, I never, I was drinking pretty consistently.
Starting point is 00:34:27 I probably had like, I mean, two or three drinks before wedding stuff all started, and then like probably six or seven drinks after the ceremony. That would be my guess, but it was not keeping track. And then woke up Saturday, had some time to get some stuff together, went out to the Airbnb. My parents had rented, did a little brunch sort of thing,
Starting point is 00:34:53 got to see some family, brother of the pocket's Jacks, partner and a Cole's family was there, Rachel's family was there, The whole family. Sisters included shout to Sammy Ramos for coming all the way from champagne or banna just for this event. Very kind of her. And yeah, ended up, ended up back in the suburbs at a certain point and watched Candyman last night. Boy, if we had more time in this episode because we're moving into the fourth quarter here,
Starting point is 00:35:31 I promise, I would spend a little bit more time talking about Candyman. In case you don't know, the original Candyman is a horror film from the 80s, I think. And this was like a, they made, made three. This was like a direct sequel to the original. Jordan Peel, because a co-producer, he interacted,
Starting point is 00:35:52 but he was part of the production team. And there were, it's tough. Because this was, it's way more, way better than just, like a popcorn, C grade horror movie, but it's also kind of like with Jordan Peele's name attached to it, you go in with very high standards. So I consider this to be like the B-version of like get out or us, because it's, you know, get out and us are great. They're not only fantastic horror films but the social commentary is amazing. Essentially the issue with Candyman is they make it all about
Starting point is 00:36:36 the social commentary not just a little bit like in your face and I don't want to call it preachy because I don't want to give a negative connotation to like the message, but the way it was delivered was just bash your face with a wooden plank type of obvious. And I thought the horror was not that great. I thought the storytelling, I wasn't like emotionally invested in either characters. So with all of that, it was just like, here's this movie,
Starting point is 00:37:10 Guising GUIS-ING, as a horror film. That's really just a social commentary film that is labeled as a horror movie. I just thought, yeah, the horror aspect of it, I thought was not good, I thought the acting was actually really bad in most places. And it's cool that I've sent in Chicago, and it's about a lot of like Chicago social
Starting point is 00:37:37 and cultural things, but just it, I don't know. I thought it was pretty, I won't go so far as to be like, it was really bad, but just kind of like, that's a generous two out of four stars for me. So we watched that and then you pretty much know what I did today because I already mentioned it earlier, but that's the like end of the five week craziness. And yeah, it's a six day work week coming up and I'm running a marathon in three weeks, but you know what?
Starting point is 00:38:13 I feel like I can breathe a little bit. So, excuse me, thanks for indulging me in that tale of bravery and heroics and courage. I wanna give a quick shout out to our sponsor, is the Samson Q2 series, even when there is stuff all over the handle of the microphone, and I don't know where it came from. When God speaks, he uses a Samson.
Starting point is 00:38:40 The Home Pride Oregon, my dad's Home Pride Oregon, inspection serves as Locate and, Oregon. It's great When you need a home inspected, they're really good at that Call them at 541-410-0316 or visit home pride Oregon dot com Home Pride Oregon inspection Perfection we'll get to fully ad reads. Hopefully next week. I promise It's just got a lot to get through and I tell you what if you've made it the minute 40 of the show You're probably not sitting here being like you know what I would really love right now a full ad read and
Starting point is 00:39:15 Cuts by Q and I need to I wish I would have did a little bit of Cuts by Q touch up before the wedding this weekend, but it just Forgot to make time for it. But yeah, I need to do a little trimming. I might bring the sides and back down a little bit, give it a little bit of that fresh fall look for the race. But where were my going here? Oh, when you need a fresh do something snappy and new, call the experts at cuts by Q.
Starting point is 00:39:52 Oh, okay. So the last thing I wanted to mention here is that the real housewives of Salt Lake City But the real housewives of Salt Lake City premiered season two last Sunday night and there's a chief with another touch of genetics like it was a bomb or something. Classic chiefs. This game is going to be like 40 to 30 or something. So if you recall from last year, we started giving a recap of the real house of Salt Lake City as I started to watch the show when it was created and premiered.
Starting point is 00:40:38 And I still think real house of Salt Lake City is pretty like low brow, low intelligence. But I got to tell you from just like a turn your brain off watchability aspect a lot of it is good. And there are some franchises that are better than others and some seasons of franchise that are better than others like this most recent season of New York that just ended was trash. And not like the fun guilty pleasure trash like really poor. like really poor. And then there's like Potomac, which is really solid right now. We've been watching that. But my, my like, all my modder, I feel like the one that really got me going. And I don't watch every franchise in case you're wondering, nor do I watch every episode of everything religiously except for real houses of Salt Lake City, because I'd like to watch it. And I need to give you all the recap.
Starting point is 00:41:27 So if you're a new listener, and you don't know anything about real houses in Salt Lake City, here's essentially what's going on. Season one, there were six housewives, and it took me a long time, multiple weeks to be like, okay, who's this person, what's their name? Oh wait, no, that's this one. Do they have the two kids?
Starting point is 00:41:47 Nope, that's the other one. Now I'm good, I'm Gucci, okay. But here's a little, there were six, now there's seven. So I'll give you a rundown of whom everyone is. You got Whitney Wildrose, she's blonde, she's pretty young. I think she's like mid 30s. She's had some work done, but not a ton. She's married to this guy Justin, Justin Rose, who's also like a the name of a golfer, I think, but that's not him. He's older. They were. He was her boss, and she was married to someone else and then she started sleeping
Starting point is 00:42:26 with him and cheating on her then husband and then she divorced him and now married Justin, which makes Justin seem like a real villain or Whitney Wildrose. They're not presented that way in the show, but if you feel that way, I understand. I like Whitney. She kind of sounds like mini mouse or something. She's pretty easy to root for, not a ton of poor qualities. Now she has a cousin, Heather Gaye,
Starting point is 00:42:54 who owns a beauty salon, which when you look at her, you're like, Yikes. Heather's had a ton of work done. She's like the stereotypical housewife in terms of looks in terms of action at you know her actions in demeanor She's great. She was like Mary for a long time in the Mormon church. Oh Whitney has like two kids. I think but we are young. We never really see them Heather gay I think has three daughters who are like teenage daughters
Starting point is 00:43:24 She was part of the Mormon church, married into that for a while, has left the church and is divorced. We saw her husband once last season, I think. And her personality is very easy for us. She's like very strong independent woman, that sort of thing. She just looks a little spooky, has had some work done, and then a lot more after that. Okay. looks a little spooky has had some work done and then a lot more after that. Okay, then you have Lisa. I can't even think of her last name right now. Lisa is like from Jersey, but
Starting point is 00:43:54 lives in Salt Lake City. She's got two kids, Lisa Barlow. She's got two kids and a husband. Her two kids are boys are like 10 like 10 and 15, something like that. And she's just got like a lot of attitude. Sometimes it's very rude and mean. A lot of people like her, a lot of people hate her. I kind of oscillate their episodes around like, okay, yeah, this is cool, but anytime there's like big confrontation, I usually find myself rooting against Lisa. Then there's Meredith Marks, who went to Loyola Law School. She has two children. One of her her son
Starting point is 00:44:30 Brooks is like 2021. You'll remember he dropped out of college to pursue his fashion line and is really pushing that as part of this show. He gets cyber bullied by another house. So I have who will mention in a hot second here. Meredith had a lot of marital troubles that were featured on the show last year, or has been Seth Sputts' time between Akron and Salt Lake City. And Meredith has also had a lot of work done. Looks pretty good though. And doesn't really take anyone's shit.
Starting point is 00:45:02 It's typically very unapologetic. But I think is, you'll find there aren't a lot of like, straight up villains on this show, except for one who will mention in a second. Like Meredith has her moments too, where I don't really love her always. But for the most part, I like Meredith. Then you have Mary Cosby,
Starting point is 00:45:19 who was not supposed to be one of the housewives. Just they added her in at the last second before season one. I don't know if someone else dropped out or what happened, but Mary Cosby didn't really have anything to do last year because she wasn't supposed to be a housewife. She is, she runs a church with her grandfather
Starting point is 00:45:37 who's also her husband, because her grandmother died and her grandmother's dying wish was that Mary, her granddaughter would marry her husband. So that's kind of strange. Mary basically, her whole personality is that she runs a church and she has a lot of clothes. We don't really know anything else about her because there was limited filming and footage. Then the new person who was added, I think her name is Jenny.
Starting point is 00:46:08 She's like Filipino or something. Jenny with a J, I think. We don't really know anything about her other than she's got an attitude and she's little, okay? I think she has some kids. We'll learn more as the season goes on. Then the other housewife, the one who brings in the ratings, Jen Shah.
Starting point is 00:46:29 And we didn't like Jen last year at all. She looks like a stereotypical crazy Botoxed housewife. She's married to Sharif Shah, who's the defensive back coach at the University of Utah. She has like three kids or something like that. I don't know. They're older, like late teens, 20s, something in that range. Jen Shaw became very famous cross the internet. Not very relatively famous cross the internet back in like January or February when she was arrested and indicted for a couple counts.
Starting point is 00:47:08 Federal like wire fraud, I think, basically runs some sort of like telemarketing scam business where she steals money from old people along with her assistant Stewart, who was affectionately known as he introduced himself on the show last year as Stu Chains. Gen Chai has like seven assistants. And at the time watching the show last year,
Starting point is 00:47:34 you're kind of like, what does Gen Chai actually do? How does she make her money? And now it makes a lot more sense. When you realize she's been scamming people for hundreds of thousands of dollars her whole life. And now it makes a lot more sense when you realize she's been scamming people for $1,000 a thousand dollars her whole life So now things make a little bit more sense So as you might expect on this season of real housewives of Salt Lake City They're leaning into that storyline because the arrest happened in the middle of
Starting point is 00:47:59 Filming for the show You might remember I think this back in like February or March Rachel and I actually called into her arrangement hearing or a diamond hearing, whatever it's called. Because you could zoom in. It was great. We listened on our phone as we were working from home together. It was amazing.
Starting point is 00:48:19 They had a lot of technical issues, as you might expect. Her trial got pushed back. I don't think it's happening until the spring or something like that. But that will be great when it happens. So she's on the show, too. So those are our seven ladies. On the season two premiere, they start off
Starting point is 00:48:42 with the moment when Jen gets arrested. So even though that's going to happen like in the middle of the season, they showed like the filming of that. Obviously, that was a very big center piece of episode one of season two. What else happened? You kind of just get an introduction to all the ladies.
Starting point is 00:48:59 Whitney's throwing like a party or something. She drops a cake like four times there in a hot tub. It's pretty sexy. Heather, I think her oldest daughter is like going off the college or something like that. Mary Cosby is still Mary Cosby. I don't think, I think they probably forgot to film her and we're just going to see what happens. Jen Shaw has moved out of the Shaw Shelae because turns out they were renting it and so they
Starting point is 00:49:28 now have a new house. And Coach Shaw is still very busy. Jenny is just kind of doing Jenny things. And Meredith has a better relationship with her husband Seth now, Brooks was on. We learned that Brooks has been cyber bullied by Gen Shai even more in the off season, which is great. And then Lisa is kind of like just being Jersey girl Lisa. And I'm sure that there are some things like plot wise that happen in episode one that I'm forgetting about because it feels like a really long time ago when
Starting point is 00:50:03 I watched it, even though it wasn't. But basically, look, we can spend this time to just be like, here are the characters, here's what to know about them, and we'll start to get into some juicy stuff. I'm sure I'm moving forward here. I think it's going to be a good season. We need it because real houses in New York this season, which is now ended, and they canceled the reunion, was just a dumpster fire, and then Al-Amarjax and just threw an interception into triple coverage, and it was intercepted by Tyron Matthew again. His second of the first quarter. I the only other one that I'm up to speed with, although I haven't seen all, or nearly any of the seasons,
Starting point is 00:50:47 real houses at Beverly Hills, I think is almost done. And the whole second half of this show of this season has just been Erica Girardi and her, what's going on with Tom and like fighting and Lisa Rina and other old school people, Cal Richards are just like shells of themselves, or parodies of themselves. So it's still fine, it's not that interesting though. Real Haas, there's a Potomac we're not watching live.
Starting point is 00:51:14 We're still trying to like, I think we're on season three and they're on like season five or six. It just premiered a couple weeks ago, I think. And so we're gonna try to get caught up on that one. There's not a tunnel, right? There's Orange County, never seen it. Dallas, never seen it. Jersey, Rachel's scene, I think all of it.
Starting point is 00:51:35 I've never seen it. And there are international franchises. But who has time for all that? I mean, they're in different time zones for God's sake. So that's basically where we're at with that. And I'm looking forward to giving you the episode 2 recap next week. What's on deck for the Bean Tom Podcast?
Starting point is 00:51:53 Not sure. Next couple weeks, we will have a marathon special in three weeks from this weekend. And the countdown to 200. Off to go back, double check the math, make sure I know everything correctly, but I believe 200 will be in New York, actually. Our man had to in Big Apple special,
Starting point is 00:52:12 which would be very exciting. And maybe get Brother of the Podcast Jack on there, which would be cool. But that's about all I got for you. There was a lot to cover in this episode, a lot to talk about. I'm very tired. We had a great time with in this episode, a lot to talk about. I'm very tired. We had a great time with family this week, and I hope you enjoyed following along festivities
Starting point is 00:52:30 via this shows episode. Again, everyone, go to Check out the Beantown blog, check out our cuss by Q page, all that stuff. It's very fun. Like, subscribe, share, any questions, comments, concerns, you can email Like, subscribe, share. Any questions, comments, concerns, you can email Again, that's bntompakest. At Again, that's bntompakest at That's what I got for you.
Starting point is 00:52:59 There's other stuff I could get into, other like minor things I could mention, but we're at 53 minutes, 54 minutes. And I haven't showered since yesterday morning, and I haven't eaten dinner yet, and it's five minutes to eight. So I'm doing that now. I hope everyone has a great week. If you're listening to this on Monday morning, hope your coffee's good.
Starting point is 00:53:22 And just hope you start having some nice fall weather out there. Because it was 90 degrees here and it was miserable. So very tired of being sweaty. That's what I got for you. We're going to queue up her music. I thank you for listening. I appreciate you. I treasure you.
Starting point is 00:53:38 My name is Quinn David Fernos, and this was my show. Everyone, start that music. Stay safe. Stay sane. and I'll check in on you next time bye I'm going to do a little bit of this. nd ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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