Beantown Podcast - we r engaged & Memorial Day Wknd 2023 (05282023 Beantown Podcast)

Episode Date: May 28, 2023

Quinn comes to you LIVE with a guided meditation on charcoal history and cooking brats, Nathan Bedford Forrest info, and the engagement story. All 3 American classics in one episode WOW...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn, and it's welcome to my show. Quinn, and it presents the Bean Town Podcast for Sunday, May 28, 2023. What's going on? What's happening? How are you? My name is Quinn. This is my show.
Starting point is 00:00:21 We're coming to you live. Looking out the window here in Rigglyville Stream of cars could be mistaken for a funeral Percession as the cubs have now lost what for an arrow five and a row Just completed I think the games overall let's check completed being swept by the perpetually inept Cincinnati Reds at home. I thought it's not over yet. It's eight to being swept by the perpetually inept Cincinnati Reds at home. It's not over yet.
Starting point is 00:00:48 It's 8-3 in the eighth. So still going, but things are bad in Riggly, real bad. They lost that last game to the Metz, like 90-0. They lost the Reds, 10-1 or something like that. It was just, or maybe vice versa, but absolutely atrocious. So it's just pretty depressing around here, which makes things even crazier because in people are like, well we got to grow drown our sorrows in alcohol. And you just try to stay off the streets and be safe, seeing as it gets nuts.
Starting point is 00:01:27 It is Sunday, May 28th. It is Memorial Day weekend. Happy Memorial Day to all those who celebrate and recognize and thank you to our fallen armed service members. Big day for barbecues, big days for cookouts, all weekend long really. If you have a lake, this is your Christmas, even if it's freezing cold water, you gotta be out of the lake,
Starting point is 00:01:55 you gotta have a bratwurst. Oh man, now that I said bratwurst, I'm thinking bratwurst. That would be so good. Just, we'll do a little guided meditation here. You fire up on the grill, you got an old school charcoal, you've kindled it. I don't know if the kindled charcoal seems like you could kindle it. Charcoal is like, what a charcoal is like burnt wood or something already.
Starting point is 00:02:21 And then it's like twice baked woods, or twice baked woods, is basically charcoal. It doesn't really make much sense to me. What is the, what do you think? Grashbank cut out right as I was starting to do my charcoal talk, which is very kind. Charcoal is a lightweight black carbon residue produced by strongly heating wood or other animal plant materials in minimal oxygen to remove all water and volatile constituents. Now there is a phrase that really tells you everything you need to know, volatile constituents. It could have been my small intestine this morning. Let's keep going here.
Starting point is 00:02:54 In the traditional version of this pyrolysis process, pyro-meaning fire, lysis, LISIS, meaning something happens called charcoal burning, often by forming a charcoal kiln, great word, K-I-L-N, the heat is supplied. Sounds like a, sounds like a, the ABC affiliate new, affiliate news station in Sioux Falls or something, right? K-I-L-N Sioux Falls. The heat is supplied by burning, part of the starting material itself with a limited supply of oxygen. The material can also be heated in a closed retort. The heat is supplied by burning part of the starting material itself with a limited supply of oxygen. The material can also be heated in a closed retort. Now a retort, so you have your regular tort, which is, you know, delicious, creamy, perhaps delicate, buttery, soft.
Starting point is 00:03:37 If you have a retort, that's like a twice baked retort. If you're noticing a trend here, it's true. Everything in involving charcoal is a twice baked tail. If you're curious, in chemistry lab, a retort is a device used for distillation or dry distillation of substances. It contains a spherical vessel with a long downward pointing neck. It looks like an emu or something. It's a crazy thing. Or something I would use for my drugs, my extensive drug habit. We have a bond, I think, is what it's called.
Starting point is 00:04:11 It got it as a gag gift or something. And I don't know what to do with it. I think you'd have to buy some, I think you'd have to buy some drugs or something to put in. I don't often see the Minifinworks. Modern charcoal briquettes used for outdoor cooking may contain many other added days like coal I hate that So we learned that it's basically a type of burnt wood
Starting point is 00:04:37 But we wanted to look at the etymology of charcoal So we got a Google something more specific charcoal. Well, I guess as we're thinking about this more, and we need to Google it coal, we just heard that it could be in charcoal and char is to kind of burn something, right? So charcoal from the late middle English probably related to coal in the early sense, Char Cole. So, mystery solved. Today's, before we get back to the brats here, today's palindrome of the day here because I mentioned it in a tweet when I was live tweeting the Vanderpump Rules Part 1
Starting point is 00:05:16 reunion is Tenet, T-E-N-E-T, which is a James, a Christopher Nolan rather film starring John David Washington's son of Denzel and Twilight. What's the kid's name? Robert Pattinson. What a guy. Terrible movie. I hated it honestly. I really, I'm a huge Christopher Nolan fan and I really thought it was just garbage. Here is my problem with it. And I'm having this problem more and more with Christopher Nolan films as he ages. It was kind of the same thing in parts of Interstellar. The audio mixing is just so intentionally blurry.
Starting point is 00:06:04 It's not a mistake. It's a, you know, it's a, you know, hundreds of million dollar film production. And he just, him slash his audio team decided to mix those films and portions where the music is blasting and sound effects are happening to where you have no idea what the dialogue is. And it's kind of like, okay, is that realistic? Is that cool? Yeah, I was at, it will get to this in a second here,
Starting point is 00:06:28 but engagement party last night, where it was loud music, blaring, and Cubs game blaring. Yeah, there's a lot of times where, hey, I have no idea what you're saying. But when I pay $15 plus my large popcorn and Diet Coke, hopefully bottomless, I'm anticipating being able to hear, you know, plus my large popcorn and diet coke, hopefully bottomless. I'm anticipating being able to hear, you know, it's kind of my escape from the not hearing world.
Starting point is 00:06:55 It shouldn't be like, you know, a quiet place should be the only time really, or a quiet place too when you can't hear, because there's really nothing to hear so much. But those audio mixes were so much more clean. So So Tenet is your palindrome of the day. So imagine you're opening up to get back to how we got started in this discussion. You're opening up a nice five pack of brats. Excuse me, could be Johnsonville, could be a Velvita. I don't know who else makes brats these days. Jack links. And you know,
Starting point is 00:07:29 you slap him on the grill. It's a charcoal grill. So you worked really hard. You did your, you, you charred your own coal even. And if you couldn't tell you some still battling illness, it's been 10-ish days of symptoms of any sort at this point. So, trying to stay strong, but it's, you know, fighting it for sure. So you char your own coal, you throw, you slap those babies on the grill and just, oh man, it's, they're sizzling, you get the perfect grill marks.
Starting point is 00:08:01 You might have a combo pack where some of them are just regular standard German bratwursts and then some of them are cheddar worsts, a huge fan favorite. Basically the version, basically a cheddar worst is like a juicy, juicy, juicy bratwurst. Never had a juicy, juicy go up to the Minnesota State Fair. Get your hands on one, preferably two hands. Cause you're gonna need it. And man, you get, you get a nice, brioche bun, perhaps. I always love when you get those buns that are way too big, the potato rolls
Starting point is 00:08:36 for what you're putting in on, but you just do it anyways, because sometimes it's my moral day, weekend and carbs don't count. And then, you know, you fill it up with all the fixings. There's the traditional things you can put on a bratwurst. I like mustard or spicy brown mustard, perhaps. I don't typically do catch up on the bratwursts.
Starting point is 00:08:58 I don't feel like they would have a lot of catch up in the Bavarian region, or wherever bratwurst are found. have a lot of ketchup in the Bavarian region or wherever Bratworth's star found, Hamburg, Frankfurt, Munich, Milan, Vienna, Strasbourg, all notable, Bratworth's producing entities. Oh man, my legs bleeding, I hate that. So then you throw it on the bun, you got your spicy brown mustard, maybe some onions, some nice, you don't do anything with them, you just slice open an onion, picked out a couple rings, you're going to get that raw crunch, normally undesirable in this specific instance,
Starting point is 00:09:38 an absolute banger. You got your onions, your mustard, you could even do two or three kinds of mustard. You could do your classic Dijon and then you could do the spicy brown that has the tiny little mustard seeds that you can explode with your two front teeth and your bottom four teeth. And you throw it all together. Any other fixings you want, you can even make it a-go-go-avitch bratwurst with ketchup. Never really associated a pickle with a bratwurst. I suppose it could work,
Starting point is 00:10:14 as long as it was a good crunch. You know, you don't wanna get to get soggy. There's no room for that. And then you just take a nice, you take the biggest bite on the first one and it's just delicious. I had that sensation or that yearning, Y-E-A-R-N-I-N-G, a couple of nights ago we were walking back from my friend's house or just walking to a friend's house, Friday night and I was like, man, and it wasn't even, it wasn't that I was super hungry,
Starting point is 00:10:44 it was just sometimes you get that specific craving, right? And it's the craving, you don't get often because it's something you don't eat very often, but just I just wanted one big thick slice of deep dish pizza, and I just wanted to take, really take that, you know, go right for the corner angle there, and just take the biggest bite possible,
Starting point is 00:11:03 and just get inundated by cheese, tomatoes, carbohydrates, maybe a pepperoni, even. But it has not come to fruition yet. But I'm really banking the pizza gift cards lately. I got some stuff to a local place here in Chicago. I got some stuff to aluminum alonades here in Chicago. I even got a cooking glass gift card where I could make my own pizza. So thank you to all who have showered me with gifts in the last 12 months. I will get around to them. We just don't eat pizza very
Starting point is 00:11:37 frequently. There's not a lose super close or our Robert's pizza place not super close. Although they're both delicious, highly recommended. But yeah, it's more of a weekend, so I hope everyone is able to get out there. Hope you're able to enjoy the outdoors. I know we're gonna probably get outside and a little bit here. It's a weird recording time.
Starting point is 00:11:59 I don't know if you've recorded at 4.15 pm on a Sunday before, but basically woke up. We were out real late last night celebrating. We'll talk about that in one second here briefly, but then didn't get a lot of sleep last night. Woke up, did a family chat, went to brunch, and then just had to come back and just turn on real housewives and just crash because that's how it was. So our schedules are a little bit off right now for 15 in the afternoon Still a beautiful day outside gonna go check out the Belmont Sheffield Music Festival the ABBA or ABBA Cover Band tonight Top five ABBA songs just off the top of my head if you if you made me pick five that I had to listen to over and over again
Starting point is 00:12:41 I would probably say Oh, man, this is gonna be tough. tough. I'm going to offend some people here. Let's go with, I have a Waterloo. They're kind of their first big hit, right? That's a classic. I'm a big fan of what is it? The winner takes it all. There's a great scene in Better Call Saul, where Bob Oden Kirk and Michael McKeen do karaoke to the winner takes it all. Let's see what else. I mean, you obviously, you got your obvious fan favorites dancing queen. Take a chance on me. I mean, and I like those songs. I don't know if they're in my top five. I'm a big fan of what is it? Chickatita, is that how it goes?
Starting point is 00:13:29 I can't remember exactly how it's spelled, but that's a good one. And I love that piano at the end, is just a classic here. I'm doing a quick top obo songs here just to make sure you don't forget. We've already listed three, Waterloo, The Winter Takes It All, Chickatita. Some of the other ones that are immediately
Starting point is 00:13:47 came up or SOS that's a good one. I actually like that one quite a bit super trooper for Nando knowing me knowing you. Give me give me give me give me I don't think I'm a big give me give me give me top five person, Vule Vue, man lay all your love on me. That one's that one's kind of spooky. It's kind of of get that spooky synth going. I don't know. I guess if I had to choose two more, it would probably be, oh man, I would probably say dancing queen. I mean, it's just iconic. You never get tired of it. And maybe, maybe SOS. So I guess some honorable mentions would be mom and me, take a chance on me, super trooper for anando knowing me, knowing you. I do like knowing me, knowing you quite, but anyways, we're going to go see that band tonight, I
Starting point is 00:14:36 believe if I can, if I can rally myself. So we got engaged, which is pretty exciting. My beautiful lover, my fiance, Rachel Ramos, and it happened. It's over. And now we can look ahead to the future. No, it was, we'd gone ring shopping, a couple, kept getting re-scheduled. It was supposed to happen in like, I don't know, October of 2020 and we finally did earlier this month. So we went and rent shopping a couple weeks ago. Rachel picked out what she liked.
Starting point is 00:15:15 I made the purchase online, got it shipped to the store, the showroom. I always maybe we should have that maybe there should be a bean-town podcast showroom. I always feel like if you're a brand or a company that has a showroom. I always maybe we should have that maybe there should be a bean-town podcast showroom. I always feel like if you're a brand or a company that has a showroom, it really just kind of adds to your legitimacy. Everyone thinks you're very exclusive, very unique, very fun bean-town podcast showroom. I would say the biggest problem, there are two problems I see this problem, there are two problems I see that it would be the responsibility of probably the showroom manager who I would hire from an intern program, probably with like Northeast Trinilanoi for diversity purposes. Help me get a James Beard Award or something. And an NAACP image award.
Starting point is 00:16:06 I would like one of those. Maybe with the likes of Tyler Perry, Royce Clayton, and Obama, Oprah, et cetera, et cetera. But the two problems I see with the bean-tongued pocket showroom one having to pay rent, okay? Especially, you know, if I'm gonna do this, we do it right. So we're probably going to meet ground floor, Michigan Ave.
Starting point is 00:16:30 You know, it's, you got, what's the point of having a showroom? If no one knows, you have a showroom. Okay, so that's probably number one. Problem number two is what we would put in the showroom. Is, you know, that's less of a concern to me, because I'm kind of one of those, hey, we'll figure it out. Kind of people.
Starting point is 00:16:45 But when you're talking physical inventory, that just might be tougher. I guess we could just like take a bunch of pictures. We could have all the, we could have all the bean-tongued podcast, annual sort of photos over the year. It could blow them up on canvas, hang them around the showroom.
Starting point is 00:17:04 We gotta have something in glass that people can look at, people can Google out, Gawk out. I never find, I'm not really a Gawker. I know other people who Gawk, but I don't know. I don't typically feel gawkable, but I don't know, we'll keep thinking about it. I think it's a good idea. I Got to keep workshop in that being thought by guest showroom
Starting point is 00:17:30 But so got the ring picked it up Monday after work and then I had actually texted a bunch of people family friends all that stuff the day before Sunday Basically letting you know, hey Saturday night Rachel doesn't know, but we're gonna go out We're gonna get crazy which we did and celebrate our love love's eternal glory and so at that point I made those plans to celebrate the engagement without any sort of plan to propose just knowing it was gonna happen so at that point I was just kind of feeling out the week seeing how it was going and Got to Thursday night and I was just like, you know what let's
Starting point is 00:18:14 We're not doing any no plans for Friday and Saturday the stuff was happening. So I Just and there's also you know once you get to that point where you got the ring, you know, you're just kind of like, I just want to do it, not to get it out of the way, but because you're excited. And you want to share that with the other person. And we've got one more sip of my lemon water here that I made at 9 a.m. so it got to be, got to be cautious. Eric, we're wrapping things up pretty soon. It's here though. I Got I got the rest of this story or ad raise or trivia question and then that's it for for all Q on Memorial Day weekend
Starting point is 00:18:53 You're everyone deserves a vacation myself included. I I deserve good things. I deserve to celebrate my Memorial Day weekend But the fans the ones who support this show including our friends in packy stand to Packy Stan, thank you for making us the 112th ranked comedy podcast in the great nation of Packy Stan. You all deserve free content every weekend wherever we're at here, 27280 podcasts and counting. There's someone walking down the street with like a cape. It's like if someone, you know, is at the Pride parade here in Chicago and they had a big pride, pride, pride, pride flag
Starting point is 00:19:36 and they wore it like a cape, but it wasn't a pride flag. I don't know what it was. It was really blown in the wind. But to finish up this story here, so Thursday night I just threw decided we're gonna go for a walk We'd been working from home Thursday. We're both pretty Lazy didn't do very much. I hadn't left the house yet. It was like 5 p.m And so I said hey, let's go for a walk and yada yada yada
Starting point is 00:20:01 found a nice little spot did a nice small speech, holding each other close. And went down on the knee, which took some work, bad knees over here. And then eventually slipped the ring on right to the help me back up. And we hobbled home. So got a bottle of wine, good stuff, made some calls.
Starting point is 00:20:25 Had to get in touch with my taxes guy, my lawyers. So got a bottle of wine, good stuff, made some calls, had to get in touch with my taxes guy, my lawyers. So there's a lot of stuff to, I had to get my ducks in a row, really, it's the simplest way to say that. And then yeah, now we're engaged. So bean town podcast phase two engagement in year six of the podcast, just wait until bean-town podcast covers the wedding. I mean, that's just going to be wild.
Starting point is 00:20:51 You know, it's probably going to be like, hey, we got, you know, rehearsal dinner at six, but recordings at five, things are tight, especially if we have a guest on. So we're going to have to make some compromises compromises really that's what loves all about those compromises You know if Rachel says I can do my podcasts live during the ceremony Then I will say okay Rachel you can invite you know All all your exes or something to really show them I don't know what her what's on her list of negotiables we'll get her on one of these days to come share some insight I did want to say say shea Sean Connery say thank you to
Starting point is 00:21:39 our sponsor Tom Pride organ if you need your home inspector in central organ call someone who's safe certified someone you can trust can trust. Call Steve, 541-03416, heating plumbing, roofing, cooling, and all the good stuff. He'll inspect everything and say, do this, don't do this, this looks great, this stinks. But he'll, he'll say it in that loving, Steve tone. To let you know, he's not angry, he's just disappointed. Go to or email HomePrideOrgan at, give him a call or text 544-030-16. Tom Quint sent you HomePrideOrgan inspection perfection. Of course thank you to our friends, the SAMHSA and Q2U series. If you're looking for crisp clear audio quality summer is officially
Starting point is 00:22:23 here so in Memorial Day weekend, what better way to celebrate summer than with just 10 out of 10 Professional audio studio quality. That's what you get from the Samson Q2U series Whether you do in a live stream Sunday school or you are doing an audiobook of the entire book of Obadaya Obadaya stone Jeff Bridges from Iron Man. The original the original MCU film, the original MCU villain Jeff Bridges. What a guy. God speaks he uses a Samson and yes in case you're wondering I apologize the energy is low for a second maybe even a third week in a row here. That is just the way it is when you're sick. And who knows what next week is gonna,
Starting point is 00:23:08 in fact, next two weeks recording is could be a little wild here. Actually, in two weeks won't be so bad. Going to Boston for a cousin of the podcast wedding. But I don't think I leave till late Friday night. Next week, I'm in San Diego. In fact, I leave in three days here. Wednesday through Saturday night.
Starting point is 00:23:25 So it could come back in record Sunday. Friend of the show Abbey Whitsack, running a big half marathon on the west side that Sunday morning. So I'm gonna try to get out there for that, but I don't get back to like midnight. So TBD, maybe we'll record live from San Diego. We'll go up to Torrey Pines.
Starting point is 00:23:42 I'll shoot a, you know, a 70 on the old 18 hole there. I don't know, there's probably, you probably gotta put your name on a waiting list of like 20 years to play at Torrey Pines or something. I don't really know how that works. But yeah, we'll be in San Diego, beautiful weather, right on the ocean there. Take a dip in the harbor, try not to get run over by
Starting point is 00:24:08 Phillip Rivers' yacht. And the Danian Talmudson, or Antonio Gates. And then finally our good friends, the cuts by Q, barbershop, boutique. You know, I saw a future system on the podcast, Samantha Rae-Mose last night. She had a beautiful haircut. I said, hmm, I thought to myself, that's got to be a Cuts by Q. It wasn't though. But if
Starting point is 00:24:36 you need a fresh do something snappy and new, call the experts at Cuts by Q, a152987200 or email Cuts by Q at or you can go to slash cuts-by-Q. Okay, I want to finish up with our trivia question here. That'll get us pretty much with our outrimmies. You'll get to the half hour mark, which is perfect. If you listen to this on seven times speed, then you'll be done in three minutes. That's not quite right, four minutes, four minutes in change.
Starting point is 00:25:06 Okay, so our trivia question here is very simple, very straightforward, it was not written. It's just an idea, one of those types of trivia questions. Okay, so Memorial Day, we all know it, we're all familiar with it. I'll give it, in fact, let's just do a couple of these trivia bits about Memorial Day. I'll put it with the Wikipedia page, and you can see what you know, see what you don't know, and you'll all learn something, because I learned this stuff. So Memorial Day in the United States
Starting point is 00:25:31 was originally created as a holiday to honor the fallen of which war. Okay, so that was the original trivia question I wanted to ask. So again, Memorial Day was originally, the concept was created to honor the fallen soldiers from which war. And your clue is that it was developed during the Johnson administration, I believe. And that doesn't narrow it down for you, because there are two Johnson's in two different centuries. It was the first Johnson administration, Andrew Johnson, first president to be impeached
Starting point is 00:26:11 if I'm not mistaken. It was an 1868 to honor the following members of the Civil War. Okay, so another trivia question for you, I didn't know this, it's somewhat inconsequential, but it's interesting, it's now observed on the last Monday of May, but from 1868 to 1970, it was observed on this date. And it could be
Starting point is 00:26:31 the last Monday of May but it is not this year off by one day. It used to always be May 30th. So you know those you know 1930s factory workers when May 30th fell on a Sunday they didn't get the day off and they were they were bitching especially if their grandpa was a you know Confederate general or something Charles Evans Hughes or something I don't think that's the name of a general. There's this one brother of the podcast Jack Fernis when he had a beard going on. He thought he looked like, and he kind of did this one Civil War general, and my late grade uncle Tune Day apparently like identified him that way as well without knowing that Jack already thought of him like that. And it's this like, Beelister Nathan's Nathan Bedford Forest, I think is his name.
Starting point is 00:27:25 Beelist, Ircival Ward General. And it was just crazy, because I witnessed the time when my uncle Tunde was like, Hey, Jack, you look like Nathan Bedford Forest and Jack the hour before had told me like, I think I look like Nathan Bedford Forest. And it was just these two guys in the 21st century making connections to this Confederate Army General and grand wizard, the first grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, Nathan Bedford Forest. Great association. I don't know if there's any other memorial trivia we want to do here. I thought I
Starting point is 00:27:58 had one other one I wanted to do but I can't find it right now. That's what I got for you. If you want to read more about it, go check it now. That's what I got for you. If you want to read more about it, go check it out. It's on the Wikipedia page. I hope everyone's having a fun, safe, happy, and more of the weekend. I hope you got some educational instructions about Brock Wursts and what you might put on yours from our little guided meditation there.
Starting point is 00:28:22 My name is Quinn David Furness. Thank you so much for tuning in. We'll come live to you next week. Either a low budget production from San Diego or we'll wait and record against Sunday here in Chicago, TBD. Happy Memorial Day. We can everyone stay safe, stay sane. I'll check in on you next time. Bye. I'm going to do a little bit of the same. ndご視聴ありがとうございました Thank you.

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