Beantown Podcast - Year Two Recap ft. Walter Furness

Episode Date: January 6, 2020

Quinn comes to you LIVE from Chicago with brother Walt Furness to discuss Year Two of the podcast. Extra tidbits include who was it that starred in Joker? Rappers in the lobby of an AMC theatre, and t...he Vikings beating the Saints (again)*yawn* what else is new...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is my voice. This is what I sound like. We're coming to you live from 1506 West Arthur Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, where we are bathing or perhaps basking in the glow of a Minnesota Vikings win over the New Orleans Saints in the wildcard round boy. It was a great wildcard weekend. We got two overtime games. I think all four games were within one score. We were down at Redmond's today watching the game with a crowd of like-minded fans and boy it was the mood here is tense. It was tense at times. Man, there were a few moments where you really thought things were going to go south just like, you know, for example right from the beginning, that Adam Thielin fumble, it's not good, but we pulled it together, kept the hope alive,
Starting point is 00:01:13 we're on the San Francisco. We're just, we're enjoying that. So, it's gonna be a lot of good stuff coming at you. This episode of the podcast, we're going to be talking year in review. So we got some recaps for you. We'll probably make some time for some ads. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:01:34 We've got probably more talking about the Vikings. So buckle up. It's going to be great. And yeah, I don't know. I guess we're just gonna keep, we're gonna keep stalling here until Quinn gets back. He's currently out walking his neighbor's dog and I hear some barking outside.
Starting point is 00:01:58 So hopefully things are going okay. Hopefully there's not an altercation or a run-in or a scuffle. You never know though. A lot of activity up here in Rogers Park. So, oh, I think he's back now. Quin David Ferns welcome to the Bean Tom podcast. Hey, what's going on, man? Just one that golden globe tonight and I just, I did it myself. I feel a lot of good energy and Margarabi's toes, man. They looked really good on the big screen, didn't they, man?
Starting point is 00:02:30 That was some live feed from earlier tonight on the golden globe. Hopefully there's no copyright problems there. We just spliced it right in. Don't sue us. Thanks to Walt for that introduction here. Get started without me. Wow, just kind of feels like a metaphor for life. You know?
Starting point is 00:02:51 It's like that we were playing Katan when I was at my parents' house last week or the week before and it was one of those games where, you know, I'm fighting hard, scrapping hard to get that fifth point and all of a sudden I looked out at the board and I'm clear cut last place. So, yeah, Katan is one of those games that I enjoy and I've been playing it for, you know, 10 years, whatever. And I feel like I figured it out, but my win percentage is pretty awful when it comes to that game. I don't know, I don't care enough to research, you know, next level strategy or anything online because I'm prideful and I feel like I have it figured out. But man, I've probably played 50 games of guitar in my life and I can't recall when and
Starting point is 00:03:36 more than five or six of them. So it's not my game, I don't know. But yeah, this is the show. This is the bean town podcast. joined by a lot of dogs scuffling outside. A lot of extracurriculars going on. This is our year one review. And I think it's pretty fitting that we're joined by brother of the podcast Walter Furnace. I don't know, this has got to be,
Starting point is 00:04:05 well, it's not 2019 anymore, but it's still year two, but I feel like this is your, at least your fourth appearance, maybe, we're gonna be talking about one of them briefly on our recap, but then you were on only a couple weeks ago around Thanksgiving-ish, I think. So, Walt's been with us probably more than anyone else this year, so it's fitting that he'd come on to do the recap. Before we go any further, I'll let you know the listener's discretion is advised. When you're listening to Quindade First presents the
Starting point is 00:04:36 Bean Town podcast, number one, we'll occasionally use some crazy language, and I got admit I got caught up in the heat of the moment a couple times at the bar today and there were some let's effing goes and boy there was one about that sack fumble would you say that that was good I think I was in shock too much when that happened to say anything but there was one third down play was like a swing pass to Camaro something something. I think I said, get his ass. I felt like I was auditioning for Get Out or something, man. And then I may or may not, after the Adam Thielen basket
Starting point is 00:05:19 catch to get him down to the three yard line to set up first and goal in overtime, and may or may not have said finish them the something off. So it was it was fun. While how many this is like one of those games where you count or have to guess how many jelly beans are in the jar how many how many people you think we had packing to that bar. It's tough because we were only in half of it. Yeah, sort of a walk in the front and there's a bar right at front.
Starting point is 00:05:44 You got kind of your narrow front area and then you pass through the side and then there's a whole back bar, which probably had to be more people in it than the front. And man, I don't know. I'm not very don't think I'm very skilled at estimating crowd sizes, but I don't know we could have had 250 in there maybe I don't know, felt like a good size wedding. Yeah I'd say that's that seems pretty accurate. Almost as many 250 is almost a number of f-bombs permitted and on cut gems, which we saw which was a good movie. I'm glad it wasn't one of those movies with a lot of sex scenes because when you watch those with your parents, it's just, man, and we're all old enough now to where I think no one minds it that much, but it's just, it's always fun. I remember I watched Risky Business one time with our mom and I don't know why she didn't veto it because I think she knew the movie
Starting point is 00:06:48 I had never seen it before if you don't know Risky Business after the first five minutes, which is Tom Cruise Dancing to Bob Seager It's basically just like a it's like weekend at Bernies, but with a lot more prostitutes It's and it turns into kind of like a it's like weekend at Bernice but with a lot more prostitutes. And it turns into kind of like a crime thriller. I don't know, it's strange. It's not a great movie.
Starting point is 00:07:12 Everybody knows it for those first scenes, I feel like. Can you kind of forget about the rest? Yeah, there's not much there in my opinion. But in my, I had a former roommate college who tells a story of going to see Don Juan, or no, excuse me, Don John. Like Joseph Gordon-Levy at Scarlett Johansson movie from, I don't know, 2013, something like that. Which if you don't know what that one's about, you're just going to have to Google it for yourself.
Starting point is 00:07:39 So speaking of movies, just a couple of other pieces here, and then we're going to jump into our year in your Viewer Promise, and we'll try to keep it short-ish. Jumped on, John, is from 2013, that's clutch. We saw, 1917, last night, had to go all over Chicago to see it, because there's only one theater in the entire city, apparently that has it.
Starting point is 00:08:06 You go down to like socks 35th and then you got to walk west aways and then there's like a back alley where you have to do a special knock to get in, I think, right? Yeah, it was something like that through the Lincoln Tunnel and past the gumdrop forest. I know, so we so as one of the movies who saw trailer four set out, and it wasn't 1917, but it was another movie out December 25th, like limited release, and then everywhere January 9th,
Starting point is 00:08:35 I'm wondering if 1917 has a similar structure, but the strange thing is a bunch of reviews, both like newspaper reviews, magazine reviews, YouTube reviews came out in early December, like three weeks before December 25th, which isn't normal. So I still haven't quite got it figured out. I'm building a list of things I don't understand, like a cold-played B-side, 1917 release date, Stan Nyland, and the East African restaurant by the Duncan Donuts on North Quests, have you talked about that in the podcast now? You got it at some point
Starting point is 00:09:12 Yeah, well, it's someone to remind me to talk about that next week or some put in the comments Yeah, yeah, yeah, like subscribe smash that share button if you don't mind But yeah 1917 was fun Walt you have while you have any thoughts about it. Yeah, a few thoughts right at the bat we were talking a little bit afterwards and I don't know how much we'll talk about what transpired post movie but yeah for now I'll leave that for now but the movie itself was really impressive in a couple of different ways. And one of them was that I think there was only one really obvious cut in the entire about two-hour film. I imagine there were a few other places where if I were directing it, not that I ever would
Starting point is 00:10:00 be, I would probably put in a cut. But suffice to say, this scenes were really long between cuts and the way the camera kind of continuously moved, and the sort of really long stretches of both dialogue, but also just sort of affect and mannerisms that these two lead actors, George McKay, and Charles Dean, something camera, that other guy's name. But these two guys had to handle, and then of course all of the supporting cast around them was really impressive.
Starting point is 00:10:35 So long stretches are really good at acting. The set design, incredible. We had a little sort of confusion about where exactly it was filmed. I think we got that figured out later, but because the camera is kind of moving constantly, the tracks of land that are covered in these shots is really impressive. So there was a lot of really great stuff in there, and then, of course, part of all this, which is just a cinematography and really interesting shots. And I felt like it gave a very disquieting,
Starting point is 00:11:13 but very good for a portrayal of the desolation of the battlefield and the horrors of war. So yeah, a lot of good things to say about. I don't have any real serious criticisms of it so far. Yeah, for those of you who don't know, 1917 is the sequel to Steven Spielberg's War Horse, this time directed by Sam Mendez. And yeah, it's pretty much two guys running across,
Starting point is 00:11:41 filmed in England and Scotland, but set in France for two hours. And I was doing some reading just about the production. And Sam Mendez, the director, said that shots in the movie ranged from six seconds to about 7 1-1-1 1-1-1 more cuts than what realize, but I think modern technology probably helps out in some ways in addition to just the places where you can make a strategic cut without people noticing. So yeah, lots more cuts than you notice one, obviously, and it makes sense because the movie advances
Starting point is 00:12:23 multiple hours during that cut. But overall, really strong. Definitely go see it. When you get the chance, you might have to drive across a few states to get to a theater that has it, but it may or may not be worth it depending on gas prices in your local area. Afterwards, so we were actually watching the film with a couple friends, everybody, Matt McIntyre, and then host of the local Google Podcast,
Starting point is 00:12:51 Tark Shahada, and he'll come up in our year review in just a second here. But I don't know, I don't even really know how to comprehend this. I feel like a Saints fan talking about the game today. We never did turn on that New Orleans radio afterwards. Oh, that's fine. Maybe we can do that after this.
Starting point is 00:13:11 So we're, you know, this four of us, we're having two separate conversations and I think you and Tarrick are just standing there. We're at, you know, right at the exit, probably going to leave in a couple minutes or at least make plans for what we're about to do. And this African-American gentleman who I would pin at around 30 somewhere in his 30s, comes up and I don't even, the whole interaction because it was just so,
Starting point is 00:13:41 like nothing I'd ever done before. I don't even remember how the conversation started. He said something. He made a comment about like Vikings had, I think. Yeah, and also he was like pointing at our shoes or something, but I didn't understand what he was asking us. The only thing hotter than that was the 7-O-Lifeman cashier today. What did you say?
Starting point is 00:14:04 What's your profession? Yeah. And I was like, today. What did you say? What's your profession? Yeah. And I was like, what do you mean? And he was like, no, what's your profession? I was like, well, we're at a law school. And we were having two separate conversations, man. We haven't looked it up yet, but apparently it's a quote from 300.
Starting point is 00:14:21 Yeah, he was like, you know, from 300. And we were like, you know what, I mean, he was like, you know, from 300. And we're like, it was like, you know, that movie is like 16 years old, bro. The only thing I know from 300 is when he says, this is Sparta, Gerard Butler, and he kicks him into the pit or whatever. That's 300, right? Yeah, I think so. I never actually saw it. So I know they're very different, but sometimes I get 300 in Sparta just con-jumbled in my head.
Starting point is 00:14:49 Wait, I don't think you can pick up the sink. Very active, I apologize. But my sink is crazy. Yeah, Sparta is the Brad Pitt Orlando Blue movie, I think. Where you think of the Troy? Troy is what I'm talking about. Yeah, I know. It's Sparta.
Starting point is 00:15:04 There isn't one called Sparta, right? Not yet. Not yet, there will be. Yeah, Troy Apologies. I get Troy in 300 mixed up. I know they're different. In 300, it looks, it's a very distinct visual look. Is that directed by who's the guy that did the new Batman movie,
Starting point is 00:15:22 or the Superman movie, the one where that has Snyder. I think he did. Oh, okay. I didn't know that. Anyways, you want to pick up the story regarding this young African American gentleman. I'll try. So yeah, he made his intentions somewhat clear
Starting point is 00:15:39 after the first few seconds that he was kind of, you know, talking fairly quickly in a very kind of bloat-quacious manner. So he slipped in, I heard him slip in something about how, you know, he wanted, he was going to do something for us and that, you know, basically like he would welcome slash ask for donations. But he sort of, then he proceeded to ask about our favorite rappers. And before we could even answer, he said, say someone old school.
Starting point is 00:16:12 And I think I ended up saying that I liked chance, I wasn't really sure how to answer, but then he, I don't know, he, not sure if he even got a response from me, but else he launched into this lengthy, can only describe it as lengthy. You reminded me of the first half of 1917, no cuts. No cuts.
Starting point is 00:16:33 Yeah, he went for about probably seven, eight minutes without a cut. More than that, I think. Well, I mean, in total longer maybe, but a couple of times, so he starts wrapping. And I don't think either of us are well positioned to accurately judge the quality of someone freestyling. But he kept going.
Starting point is 00:16:54 He made there were a lot of cultural references packed in. It kind of felt like American pie or something. They're just coming out. You're so fast. And the Domiclean song I'm talking about. They're coming out. You're so fast and the Donna Cleansong I'm talking about. They're coming out you so fast, you can't really process everything. And then after a while, he kind of stopped and like turned his back to us, walked
Starting point is 00:17:12 away a few steps, then after pause came back, I think the walk away happened twice total. At least, yeah. So you put those altogether about 12 ishh maybe plus minutes later We finally pretty much had to say like hey man. Thanks. That was awesome like we're We actually got to get going at this point Matt had already left Yeah, one friend just we didn't see him again. He was gone. Yeah, he was I don't know He was in the bathroom or standoff to the side or something when this started, so he didn't get kind of like caught in the circle of eye contact. So anyway, yeah, eventually kind of had to just, you know, let him know that we appreciate
Starting point is 00:17:54 it, but we are on our way and a couple of us, you know, found a little bit change for him. But yeah, he was just... Well, the thing that I would describe it... You got... He paid him a little bit, and I... At Taric was generous with what he gave, and I didn't have any small bills, and I just said... Plus, I don't know... I feel kind of bad, but also like, didn't ask for this,
Starting point is 00:18:20 and didn't want it either. The thing was, they gave him a couple of donations and then he went for another five minutes or so. We thought we were good to go, but yeah, it was, I don't know if he had any sort of mental anything, but it's not going to disparage him anyway, but it was just it was a lot unexpected unexpected lobby. I didn't see the lobby of a AMC in River East. And there were a bunch of people there and some way you found us.
Starting point is 00:18:53 I don't know. Yeah, I don't have Viking sat. Well, this this weekend there are a lot of you know comments between the Viking sat and then we decked out in gear today when we went to Redmond's lent Walt a sweater which he looked like Boo from monsters ink wearing that's pretty accurate And I wore I wore a purple suit with a vest and a yellow slash gold tie Yeah, and my Vikings hat and yeah got a lot of comments, mostly positive ones, although I think there was an FU from something
Starting point is 00:19:29 you're driving on Clark. Yeah, they had their window down and we're like, FU Vikings or something. Like, well, you lost. Yeah, I don't really know other than if you were a Saints fan, like, if there's anybody else out there who was like, oh, man, man, the Vikings won.
Starting point is 00:19:46 I don't think Bears fans really care that much. They're too busy just too busy soul searching and thinking about Matt Negi. I don't know what Bears fans are doing right now because the bowls are in the black car. And then the Paul Blue team, and who've been in my info sessions that work, being like, you know, it's one of my new jokes, and we actually have the best sports team in the city right now,
Starting point is 00:20:10 but we also just lost a prop. I got rid of some new material now. Yeah, I mean, if you are a Chicago sports fan, which, you know, I think we're biking fans, but we still try to appreciate and root for most of the Chicago teams. Man, it is. It's like everybody's in tank mode out there. Well, I heard Whitney Young's Winter bowling league is supposed to be pretty competitive this year.
Starting point is 00:20:36 So we'll keep our eyes on that. I don't know. Anything else before we jump into a little year one recap? 21 minutes into the show. Yeah, man, crazy time flies. That pretty much sums up the last decade, but... I mean, I started that part, yeah. Well, you know, I'd tease it a little bit. Yeah, no, I guess I'll just add that you were talking about the, you know, the one disgruntled fan who yelled at us While we were waiting for the bus, but I'd say probably four or five to one We had a bunch of, you know, random strangers like congratulating us and even people who weren't wearing Vikings gear today after the game So that was pretty cool
Starting point is 00:21:17 You know makes you feel like hey, maybe not everybody's just trying to root for everyone else to lose so that was nice and maybe not everybody's just trying to root for everyone else to lose. So that was nice. And what else? Yeah, I don't know. We, it's probably isn't even worth mentioning, but a couple nights ago, we put some trivia. I was just going to mention something from it. Yeah, it was tough, but I mean, they were just two of us, just myself and Quinn, we put up a respectable showing, I think, but it was very challenging.
Starting point is 00:21:43 There were a couple rounds that we kind of zeroed on and that just wasn't Wasn't gonna cut it. Yeah, what are your Replay songs? Just the two of us. I don't remember who did it originally, but we'll Smith did a famous cover And the lady comes in just just the two of us. Sounds familiar, but I don't know, honestly. Well, what I was going to say about trivia is I thought I'd try something fun on this episode. And what I'm going to do is give you the very last question of trivia, and then I'll reveal
Starting point is 00:22:20 the answer at the end. I like it. You have two choices. You can listen to the whole thing. It's by Grover Washington, Jr. What a straight G. You can either listen to the whole podcast and you'll get the answer at the end or you can Google it when I say it. But, you know, instant gratification's not not all that used to be. Okay, here's a question, and hopefully I word it correctly. In the 2010, so this is movies that came out from 2010
Starting point is 00:22:50 through the end of 2019, which, does 1917 count? We don't really know. Questionable. Still have to determine that movies that came out in the 2010s, there were 38 that grossed over $1 billion worldwide. This is the film with the shortest title by character count. Not like was it tiptoes that movie with Matthew McConehey what's it called? It's about little people Gary Oldman in the role of a lifetime. You know that movie right?
Starting point is 00:23:25 Boy, I'm not sure. It's Matthew McConaughey, Gary Oldman and the trailer, it says Gary Oldman and the role of a lifetime. And it's Kate Beckinsale, I think. Yeah, I'm pretty sure I should do the trailer before where we can watch it after this. Yeah, it's basically Matthew McConaughey is dating Kate Beckinsale. Yeah, it's got Peter Dinklage in it.
Starting point is 00:23:50 And Kate Beckinsale finds out that Matthew McConaughey comes from a family of little people, and it's a drama. Yeah, OK, you have shown me this. I forgot about that. And Kate Beckinsale gets pregnant, and you don't know it's got Patti Arquette too. You don't know if it's going to be a tall person, a little person. It's really a crime thriller.
Starting point is 00:24:15 Let's see. Debuted, oh, this is, oh, listen to this. This is indicative of some issues. There's 150-minute director's cut that they released to the festivals and the actual theatrical cut was 90 minutes. I don't know what the math is on that. I think it's like 60% of the film though is left
Starting point is 00:24:36 after the cut. Wow, that's a lot. Peter Jackson couldn't even do that. If you haven't last seen before, we jump in. I promise you, if you haven't seen the trailer for Tiptoes, go watch it. You'll think it's a joke. Wikipedia page starts Tiptoes, also known as Tiny Tiptoes. That's really necessary. You got to go see the trailer for this. This is two minutes, it's totally worth it.
Starting point is 00:25:06 That's all I'll say. You're missing out if you choose not to watch it. This is our year one, or excuse me, our year two recap. And I was thinking, you know, we would not have it be as long as the year one special, which is four and a half hours or something, but at this pace, oh man. that one you had to like, man, I don't know, get
Starting point is 00:25:30 a catheter or something, just to make it through. Yeah, we're going to need wall to go get some coffee from Duncan pretty soon here. We'll move through this pretty quickly, I promise, but that's where we'll start with our year two recap. So although officially at the end of year one as you would expect, the year one special was a big project of ours. As a reminder, I went to an Arabian B,
Starting point is 00:25:54 kind of right on the border of Virginia and West Virginia over New Year's Eve. And all I really did there was hike. And I saw a vice on New Year's Eve. But the best part of the story was the ad on Airbnb says that there's a Kitchen with a working stove and I thought this place is perfect I get there and there's no kitchen There's one in those little like pancake griddle things that you plug into the wall and the first time I tried using it
Starting point is 00:26:21 I actually blew the fuse and I was down to like one or two outlets the rest of the time I was there. And I knew the fuse box was behind this horse picture in the bathroom, and I found it after some digging, but I could never get it right. I think I must have blown a socket or something. So I had stopped on the way, because I drew out there from bean town. I had stopped on the way in Aldi, which is, you know, when you find one of those, it's like, when you're playing mother load
Starting point is 00:26:48 and you find a Ruby at 500 feet, you gotta take it. You know, all these got some great prices, particularly on pizza. You can get one of those just like jumbo, it's like 16 or 18 inches cheese pizza for us, where $5, which seems hard to believe in this day age but it exists I can assure you. So I grabbed one of those thinking you know pop this in the oven or the whatever I thought was there and it's just this little pancake griddle. So you know the story I told you a year ago but I
Starting point is 00:27:19 cooked frozen pizza one slice at a time on like a frying pan on this pancake griddle. And it wasn't very good. It kind of like curls up at both ends, the crusts and then the tip. And the bottom is really hot, but the top isn't really cooked. And it was just one of those things where you're eating it and you're like, this is, this is awful, but this is what I have for myself. But while we were doing that, we edited the year one special, potentially the last great feat of my MacBook Pro, which we're recording on right now, and it's actually been, 2019 was actually really good.
Starting point is 00:28:00 We did the surgery on Christmas Day, and then edited the year one special, which was at times extremely painful. But this year, it's been good. We did the surgery on Christmas day and then edited the year one special, which was at times extremely painful. But this year it's been good. It's kind of just like a glorified Netflix watcher at the point and streamer of sports. But yeah, she's doing all right. Better than my work computer, which crapped out right before Christmas break. And tentatively we have it back now. But rambling a lot, the year when special, four and a half hours, what I like about it is it's all time stamped. So you go into the comments, you find the things you like, skip over the things you don't like. And it's a lot of fun.
Starting point is 00:28:36 And as we kind of get into talking about year two here, I want to say this. And I was just literally like an hour ago going through, listening to episodes but reading episode titles and descriptions to find some of the things I want to highlight in this recap and you know, I think I felt at times like year two is just Really awful especially compared to year one and I felt uninspired at times and You know played like Kurt Cousins on Monday night football sometimes. But going back through the recap, it's, I still feel like it's not as good as year one, but it's different. And there were still lots of fun moments
Starting point is 00:29:14 and lots of things that I had forgotten about. Man, I wanted to say one other thing. I don't know if it was about Kurt Cousins or something. That actually mattered. But it started off in January when I got a fun email to the bean town podcast account from a Mr. Rock Chris. You may remember this story. Your classic Nigerian guy, I don't know if he claimed to be a prince or whatever, but I had a sneaking suspicion that this was Chris Rock's code name. We never did.
Starting point is 00:29:48 Receiving any confirmation on that, but we went back and forth with Rock Chris through many emails, and I pulled a little, I don't know, what's a good phrase for when you pull a switcher rule. Yeah, that's a tough one. I know what you want to say, I think. But you kind of turned the tables on it. Yeah, it was like the gander of the goose. You know, okay, I'll throw it out. There's some, here's some easy bait for all the white people listening to this podcast, which is everybody. Yeah. You know, I booted judge over here with that. You know, in the office, the marijuana episode where Dwight's, you know, a bootie judge over here with Eric. You know, in the office, the marijuana episode, where Dwight's, you know, all uptight about finding the joint in the parking lot, he conducts his investigations throughout the office.
Starting point is 00:30:35 Abbie's already finishing my sentence here. I'm sure, you know, Jim kind of turns the tables on him and tries to convince. Marijuana is a very lost drug. Yeah, exactly. So, you know, exactly how much pot did you smoke? No, you said I'd be conducting the interview when I gunned. Yeah, that's the one. So, that was what it was like, I feel like.
Starting point is 00:30:52 Oh, how the turn tables, not from that episode. But basically, I was looking to set up a... I don't remember what the metal was, but some sort of precious metals or minerals mine near state college, Pennsylvania, which was closer to where I was living at the time. And I just needed some funds for kind of the initial investment. And Mr. Rock Chris was not happy with this. He exchanged maybe one or two emails after that. Eventually, he ghosted me.
Starting point is 00:31:20 So it ended up like most of my relationships in life. Yeah. Cue the sad. Too bad. Yeah. Yeah. We know the sound effects. Yeah. But yeah, you're playing that at the bar. You could always add that in and post. I could. I won't, but I could. How about the first sound sound? Perna. Low quality, that's all right. Next, this was our second annual, and we're gearing up for our third annual here, our Pledge Drive, Telephone Fundraiser. This was exciting, we decided to turn February,
Starting point is 00:31:55 instead of just having one episode, be kind of the episode, we decided to turn February into Pledge Drive Fundraiser month. And I think we hit our goal of something like $220 before the month even started, perhaps. It was wild. But that was really exciting and really encouraging. We're going to do that again. This year, we're going to introduce some new donor incentives. And I think the one that everybody wants is where I ship you an autographed picture of my, well, maybe they don't want it, but I send it to him anyways.
Starting point is 00:32:29 There's a distinction. And we got a new picture this year, last year, it was a cowboy. If you have one on your fridge right now, give it a little wave. There's a camera in there. And it's been watching you all year. So we got another one of those coming to you and the camera has better tech as well. So that's exciting for everyone. But with that, whatever, two to ten to twenty whatever it was, we launched, which was a big get for us,
Starting point is 00:33:05 and we'll have some announcements about that, coming up in February, pledge, I've month. The best thing I think was that we launched a Bintown blog, which was, still was, it's still going, in a malgamation of a lot of different things, you got some movie reviews on there, you got some kind of Bintown throwbacks, we told the parking girl story,
Starting point is 00:33:25 but in writing for the first every time. And then just some weird things as well, like plus ones at weddings and surprise parties hurt people. Although Walt had a surprise party this year and I don't think anybody, significant was left out. No, that's always the, I think when you have an SO planet, it's a little bit better than just a friend planet,
Starting point is 00:33:46 because if the SO has a pretty, typically has a pretty good sense, especially for you guys who've been dating for like 17 years or whatever, have a pretty good sense of who the friends are across the board, whereas one friend might not know who all the friends are, because I certainly don't know who all of my friends are. And I don't think that's a very normal thing anyways.
Starting point is 00:34:08 But look, we will be looking forward, excuse me, to the third annual Pledge Drive Telephone Fundraiser. And as promised, we'll be doing an over video, which is exciting. And thanks to a suggestion from brothers of the podcast, Walton Jack. we're probably gonna get a rotor wheel for that episode.
Starting point is 00:34:28 Oh yeah. Which is really exciting. We've never had anyone call in live, but I think this is gonna be the year. We gotta find a way to live streaming, which is probably why they haven't called it yet. I get like two calls a year, so the statistical lots of it
Starting point is 00:34:46 happening during that half hour are well we'll do the calculations later. We did our first ever state of the podcast 2019 while it'll be the last time we did a state of the podcast 2019. If we do it again I was thinking about this the other day is there gonna be a state of the union this year? Because it's pretty early in the year, but Trump's also impeached, so I don't know, because doesn't Nancy like get to decide a lot of aspects? Yeah, the speaker has to invite the president,
Starting point is 00:35:16 I think technically to give the state the union. I actually thought I heard something recently in the news that she did extend that invitation again, he of course has to accept and all that. But we'll see. Yeah, it was interesting when that happened. I think State of the Union's on a Tuesday night, typically. And when it came around this past year in 2019, I think I remember finding out about it
Starting point is 00:35:39 on a Tuesday morning, the Tuesday morning of the State of the Union speech. And I had not made any prior plans to record a special of any kind. So I wrote a speech that ended up, I don't know, it's on you two, I think it's like 10 or 12 minutes. And then, you know, dalled up my kitchen and gave the State of the podcast speech with some inspirational, freedom-inspired music in the background, which was exciting.
Starting point is 00:36:08 I also mentioned this isn't specific to the podcast, but speaking of recording yourself in your kitchen, that Oscar's monologue last year was a whole lot of fun. People have asked and, you know, whenever someone says people have asked or said, that means no one has actually asked or said, if I'm gonna do that again this year, I haven't thought about it,
Starting point is 00:36:27 but I will need to think about it soonish considering it's like 35 days away. So, I don't know, we'll see. It was a lot of fun last year, actually wrote the jokes mostly while I was running, and I haven't thought of any yet, but I'm sure I could get a solid 30 seconds of material if I just sat down and started talking about it.
Starting point is 00:36:49 But on in that vein speaking of the Oscars, we brought on our Oscars specialist Ryan Austin English. He kicked our asses in predictions again. I don't know what the final telly was. I think he finished at 18 or 19 something like that out of 24. And he's always a lot of fun to have on. And we'll talk about Ryan at the end of this show again when we get around to the end of 2019. We also brought on friend of the podcast Matt Fiedler for the second straight year,
Starting point is 00:37:20 although he comes on all the time. He is our tax expert, our tax specialist. This year, we talked about the top 10 things the IRS doesn't want you to know. And we never actually talked about that. It was just a catchy title. Well, now you got this year's planned out. I guess.
Starting point is 00:37:39 This year, Matt had it easy. We'll let him off easy in year two with the taxes, because there really wasn't anything that interesting with my taxes, but this year I moved to states, moved to jobs, and had a lot of money coming under the table that I may or may not want to report on the Council of Matt Feeler. He's also my lawyer, so he doesn't know it yet though. He does a lot of double duty. Technically, I can't say he also my lawyer, so he doesn't know it yet, though.
Starting point is 00:38:05 He does a lot of double duty. Technically, I can't say he's my lawyer because he doesn't have a JD. He hasn't passed the bar, so technically, I didn't say that. It just, well, just have to check the tape. Given the way things go these days with Rudy, I think you're fine. I hope so.
Starting point is 00:38:23 Let's see. I'm just scrolling through my phone here looking at things that wrote down Walt. This next one concerns you. You may remember probably back in March or April, there was a job opening for the Assistant Basketball Coach at Northwestern University. We wrote a little cover letter.
Starting point is 00:38:38 That was a good one. That was, I was thinking, was that when we were in New York? I thought we wrote that one. No, no. No, that was in Baltimore. Okay. Oh, that's right. That was when I was visiting in Baltimore. I had a conference in DC and I Came by the weekend for the weekend. So yeah, that was great Man, you've ever think about putting that out there on the blog. I think okay. I'm pretty sure it is if not, we'll publish it. But yeah, if anyone's curious, so they don't know if I ever said one or another, I did not send that to Jim Phillips.
Starting point is 00:39:14 You know, I just figure as an alum and someone who actually goes back there frequently, I didn't want to get banned from campus or anything. So, you know, that's something I think about. People who get kicked out slash banned from baseball stadiums or something, you think those people go back? Because I feel like I would go back all the time and not really worry about it. I'm sure there's lots of belligerent people who probably relish going back.
Starting point is 00:39:42 I'd probably get one of those Mr. Potato head disguises with the black mustache and the glasses and yeah that was just go all Jean Parmesan on a little Martin mole reference. The way the Northwestern men's basketball team is playing so far this year I think you might want to send in your application. Holy cow, Gents not stood if you're listening please move back to Chicago land. You could probably start. Yeah, I think he's out of NCAA. Well, actually, I don't know how that works
Starting point is 00:40:11 because you see people like playing grad school. So it might have nothing to do with the degrees you've earned. Yeah, I will. Yeah, I think you could, I'm not an expert on this. I feel like you could probably, yeah, I think you could, you know, you'd have to enroll in some kind of program. There's like you could probably, yeah, I think you could, you know, you'd have to enroll in some kind of program. There's probably, you know, more, you could probably work some magic classes. Exactly. And, uh, man, yeah, I think as long as you haven't used
Starting point is 00:40:34 it yet, it's still out there, kind of like a 529 plan. Yep. I think you have, if you haven't used it, if you haven't played professionally, and as far as we know, Gens never did get that Chinese basketball contract signed. So yeah, still eligible. Gens is I can 99% guarantee he's never listened to an episode. But I'm sure this is the one. And if he finds himself on minute 41, chiming in right now, the phone lines will be open at some point in the future. Just not yet. I see.
Starting point is 00:41:06 Mute plowing ahead here. We're going to hit the hour mark in this podcast. Well, apologies. Go get a snack. Yep. We went to Kansas City and I was there for work and I loved it. I think that was my first time definitely as an adult, ever being in Kansas City. But, while you're down there, you get a lot of good, kind of, southern Christian
Starting point is 00:41:32 sermons and preachers on the, both FM and AM radio. And so, shortly after that trip to Kansas City, I call it God's country, Easter rolled around. And two years ago, I can't do it that way anymore, I'm sorry. I got to really be in the zone. And I hope so. Okay, Casey's got a stand for something, you know, something Christ or King Christ, city Christ. It's like a King's Cross in England. Easter came around shortly after that, and two years ago for Easter, I had worn my purple
Starting point is 00:42:09 suit, which I actually put on today for the first time since Easter 2017. 2017 is 2018. Again, my years mixed up here. So I want to do something special for the podcast and I was feeling really inspired, really guided by the Lord in all caps, L-O-R-D. Not your favorite pop singer from, I don't know, where is she from? Britain, Oklahoma, the Caribbean. I don't know, she's got that real kind of voice.
Starting point is 00:42:43 That's submitting that Lord impression to the academy for some sort of a word. We gave a sermon which I wrote myself. It was about half an hour long. It's the first time I've ever been a sermon. I actually think it's not a half bad sermon. But seriously, I'm going to listen to it again this year. Maybe we'll do that again if I feel inspired. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:43:10 I'm going down to Edwardsville. That's probably as close to the South as I'm gonna get before Easter this year. But it was a lot of fun. I was actually pretty proud from just a serminal logical perspective, serminal logical, S-E-R-O-N-O-N-O-L-O-G-I-C-A-L. Yeah, I think you nailed it. I felt like Raj Patel at the spelling bee there. It's good. All I'm saying is if you want a fun sermon that doesn't, you know, it poked fun at Southern Christians and evangelical Christianity here and there, but I think there were actually some nuggets in there that would have made Jol-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o You get to admit it. I don't know if that's a good thing. Well, it's a good thing for the ratings. Yeah, it's a good thing for that group, I guess.
Starting point is 00:44:09 Yeah. Moving ahead here, we continue to tradition that we started and you're one of the podcasts with our top 10 horse names. And just so you know, Walter, I'm going to come to you in one second asking you for one of your best horse names. This year, our number, so 2017, our number one horse, no, 2018. It's 2020 right now, it's crazy. 2018, our number one horse name was still my overall number one horse name, it's when
Starting point is 00:44:35 I always go to, and I think it's on my bumble profile, a Piscopalian. This year number one, continuing with the religious theme. It was Pentetook, Pentetook, P-E-N-T-A-T-E-U-C-H. It's not one of those acapala bands. It's refers to the first five books of the Jewish Bible. Pentetook was this year's number one horse name. And for the full list of our top ten horse names from 2018, 2019. Excuse me.
Starting point is 00:45:06 This is rough. We're just going to say year one, year two, year three, from now on. You can go listen to full episodes. So we'll turn it over to you. I know you only had about 30 seconds to think, but excuse me. This is wild. Wow, that's a prop.
Starting point is 00:45:22 Mercy. There were some carnitas in there supper What's what's what's what's what's a what do you think in right now in terms of a top horse name? I feel like I'm in between a couple you kind of got me on this one The first thing that came to my mind which is admittedly not as original as I'd like it to be was The first thing that came to my mind, which is admittedly not as original as I'd like it to be was Equanimious valedisk, scantling thought it was, you know, a nice little tribute to the Packers-wide receivers and also
Starting point is 00:45:55 sounds like it was You know one time like an iron works or something sure That was sort of the first thing that came to my mind. I was trying to think of Something else. Did you I know it was in the or I think it was in the top 10, but one of your, one of the ones that was on your list, which I loved was like the name of the English chap who like found its Singapore. Oh, you remember that? You remember referring to Stanford Raffles. Stanford Raffles, man.
Starting point is 00:46:23 It's, That's fantastic. I also thought maybe you can name a horse, like Malore or something. That's good. It's just zippy, really easy to say. Yeah, I don't know if that was what I came up with. Hey, that's not bad. This wasn't an episode, but a big gift for the podcast,
Starting point is 00:46:42 bean town buttons. If you haven't gotten yours yet, we still got about 99 or the 100 that we were. Hey, there's one down in San Marcos, Texas. They're flying off the shelves. Call now 815298 7200 phone lines are open. Yeah, bean-town buttons, they say I heart bean town on them. There are a lot of fun. You can travel with them Past TSA figure that out. So you don't have to worry about that. They're fun. They're chic. You can put them Either on your clothes or directly through your skin whatever you want May or may not have tried that. Reminds me not how to try that. Reminds me of the time.
Starting point is 00:47:27 Quick aside, promises will be quick because we got so much to get through. Yeah, we've heard that one before. There was, I don't think I've ever told the story of the podcast. There was a time growing up, but it was kind of like Avengers Endgame or something. Later in the stages of growing up. I was probably, I don't know, 14, 15, something like that. And my mom, who was on the podcast two weeks ago, thanks to Jane for coming on. We'll talk about that at this rate in about four hours.
Starting point is 00:47:59 Maybe we will at the four hour mark. Yikes. I don't want to try anything with the longest podcast we've had is other than that one, probably around 100 minutes, something like that, probably one of the Oscar specials. Damn, 24 categories. Mom had jammed the stapler, and it was a real heck of a jam. And I don't recall why, but I was being blamed for it.
Starting point is 00:48:25 One of those situations where I just have absolutely nothing to do with it. So I felt kind of pressured to make it work, because if you don't have your stapler, you really can't function as a family. So I was late at night sitting down in the school room, which was in our basement growing up. And just fiddling around with it, and it was a real sticky jam, like you could buy at
Starting point is 00:48:52 a, you know, produce section or something. Although if you're jammed in the produce section, you might want to check where it came from. And next thing I know, just moving more rapidly through the not so exciting story here, I look down and there's a staple completely in my thumb, which didn't hurt when it went in, but it hurt like a banshee coming out. All the way in. All the way in.
Starting point is 00:49:19 Yep, just, there's no scarring or anything, but yeah completely in reminded me of the scene in UHF when Michael Richards is Going at the bad guys with a stapler gun. I think I just pulled it out with my other hand And I didn't waste any time. I was kind of freaked out and there was a little bit of blood Nothing crazy and I didn't get tetanus, which was good, but yeah first in Fingers crossed last time I've ever stapled my thumb. It's pretty painful coming out, and I think just the shock aspect of it was extreme too for a little 15-year-old Quinn.
Starting point is 00:49:57 Yeah, facing your own mortality like that can be pretty scary. Absolutely. Working, believe it or not, we're almost to the halfway point of your year too. Wow, that's exciting. We'll try to move a little bit more quickly here. One of my favorite stories and something that I'm glad I'm doing this. It's as much fun for me as it isn't for you. Something I had forgotten about was
Starting point is 00:50:23 literally I think either the night before or I don't remember exactly how it worked, but I had packed everything up and was you know, I'm moving across you know, many, many states from the East Coast to Chicago and so I'd eaten down pretty much everything in my apartment or packed up like dried goods that I was gonna take with me. I had also like a dummy packed up all of my silverware. And that's Strike One. So, you know, what's something you can make when you don't
Starting point is 00:51:00 really have any ingredients, nothing fresh for sure. I decided to make crepes or little thing pancakes. And I said, okay, there's one thing that I really need to go to the grocery store to get because you really can't do it without it. I needed to get some butter. So I had flour, I had sugar, I knew I had some milk in the fridge. I don't know if, you know, I had bought it one week ago or one month ago, but probably not a problem. And I think I had a couple eggs left too.
Starting point is 00:51:32 So I'm at the grocery store and I don't want to buy a full, you know, four sticks thing, because although it's a great Led Zeppelin song, it's not what I needed at this point in my cooking journey. So I just kind of don't pay much attention to grab one stick, get on out of there. That's all I needed. I go home and I'm ready to make the crepes. And I realize the butter is some sort of garlic and herbs infused butter that one might use for cooking ham or broccoli or any steamed vegetable really. But I'm thinking you know how bad can it be? It's you know butter's butter right? So kind of strict too. Well I pull out the milk
Starting point is 00:52:21 and the expiration date was I don't't remember what, but not great. So we're playing with a bad hand here. I mixed it all together and I noticed, boy, it really smells like garlic and herbs. And you know, you can make crepes that are savory and not sweet, but I had some syrup and nothing else to do to make them savory. So I thought, you know what, maybe it smells way more potent than it tastes. So I cook up some crepes and a douse and syrup and don't have a fork. And I dig in like the wampa, and I'm by your strikes back.
Starting point is 00:53:09 You haven't seen it, you gotta see it. Man, those were disgusting. Cause the whole new meaning to the last supper. Oh. I don't think the milk came into play much. I think the garlic and herbs butter just overpowered everything. Some powerful stuff. Man, I think I got extra strength or something
Starting point is 00:53:35 because it was just one of those meals. Like when you cook a slice of frozen pizza on a pancake griddle where it's just and this is not good. I'm sensing a theme of you and you know a real fine dining here. Ain't that the truth? Later a couple days passed and we had to drive from Baltimore to Chicago. We took the bean-tone podcast on the road permanently, moving from our East Coast home at 817 St. Paul Street out here to the Midwest.
Starting point is 00:54:10 And everything with the drive went pretty peachy until I got to Indiana. It was probably about 11 a.m. at this point. And Queen came on the radio, Bohemian Rhapsody to be specific. And you'll recall a section in the middle of that song when Brian May really gets it going with the guitar. And it's da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da.
Starting point is 00:54:33 It's a great time to headbang, which is what I was doing as I was driving the U-Haul truck. And on I, what was I, I 90, something like that, 88. I don't know. On Indiana or in Indiana, 90 or 94, I 90? Something like that, 88, I don't know. On Indiana, or in Indiana, 90 or 94, one of those two. Apparently, well no, here's what happened. So I was driving, I was head banging, there was a, I was in the right lane, as you should be.
Starting point is 00:54:59 Notice the cop behind me and like find whatever I wasn't speeding and speed the whole drive. The cop pulls up to me in the left. I'm still head banging and was almost all the way past me. You're watching the Daytona 500 guy almost clearism. But then he pulls all the way back, pulls back behind me. So I knew something was up at this point, but I was feeling confident in myself because I wasn't doing anything wrong. And pulls me over. Two guys come over to my right side window
Starting point is 00:55:30 and they're like, though we notice you were, you're looking like you were falling asleep there. And it was like, oh, I feel pretty good just trying to get to Chicago. And like where are you coming from? It's like Baltimore. You were like, oh, have you watched the wire?
Starting point is 00:55:47 And I was like, season one, we literally spent the next probably three minutes on the highway talking about the wire. And I just really wanted to go because I was tired and I was close to Chicago. But talked to two cops in Indiana about the wire and they love it. They said, hey, Quinn, you gotta keep going season two.
Starting point is 00:56:10 I haven't yet gotten there yet, but for those Indiana state troopers out there listening, I promise I will. Got my license, got my insurance, whatever, everything's good to go, made it safely. And yeah, cops in Indiana really like the wire, I guess. We came out with a new Father's Day song, which is a tradition on the podcast.
Starting point is 00:56:34 So we had one in year two featuring the Bob Evans in Orlando, where dad, whoop, food poisoning, because all you need to know. And this past year, year two, we had some mentions of Macy's, although I felt like that little NASS on Old Town Road, there was a lot of auto-tune and distortion and stuff. So apologies if you can't understand the lyrics, I should probably put them in the YouTube description maybe tomorrow. But we had a fun one there just me and the guitar. So look out for another Father's Day song this, what is that? Second Sunday, a June something like that. Yeah, I think so. A little bit after that was the NBA
Starting point is 00:57:18 draft. And I was, you know, having one of those weeks, I had about 51 weeks slash episodes like this year where I really didn't know what to talk about. And it was getting late in the day and I asked my friend John Paul Pandowski who's been on the podcast before, if he wanted to come on. And he said sure, so we got together an apartment down on Addison Street in Chicago. Again, we were watching the NBA draft together, and neither one of us really know anything about the NBA, but John Paul knows a lot less than I do about the NBA, which should tell you something about his knowledge. So we had John Paul, I'm asking you to go through the first seven picks of the NBA draft, give us his profile, strengths, weaknesses, what he liked about and what he didn't like about him.
Starting point is 00:58:05 And if you didn't catch the episode, I do recommend in particular going back and listening to this one because John Paul is just a very funny person in general. And when you get him talking about hoops, there's no telling what's going to happen. Shortly after that, I promised you we'd go fast and we aren't. We had Tark Shahada, who has been mentioned on the podcast already tonight. Come on. He hosts the local glow podcast and I think we found him a new guest with that young man, young rapper, who came on.
Starting point is 00:58:38 I kept waiting for him to say, you know those super hot fire clips, but I'm not a rapper. So stop rapping at me. Yeah, that would have been appropriate. We should get him on the super hot fire show or whatever it's called. We had TARC come on and talk about his podcast. If you think the Bean Tom podcast is, you know, as awful and low budget as it gets for podcasts you'd be right. Tart Shahat is show local glow podcast is on the opposite end of the spectrum. Super high production value. Unlike this show Tart takes a lot of pride in his
Starting point is 00:59:15 show and has some really interesting guests on as well. If you're interested in the kind of smaller scale Chicago arts scene from things ranging from music to visual art to spoken word to rappers. You're gonna want to go check it out. They are, I don't know, hiatus isn't the right word right now. I don't know if they officially finished season two, but yeah, go check it out. Maybe the most famous story from year two of the podcasts, I got catfished first time, I think, ever. I'll give you a quick recap of the story. I downloaded a new dating app because it was,
Starting point is 01:00:04 well, banned from Tinder. And Bumble is not good for me. Hinge, I usually do pretty well, but I was looking to spice up my dating life a little bit. So I get Clover, which I'd been getting lots of ads for on Instagram. Yada, yada, yada, yada, I download it.
Starting point is 01:00:19 It's a Sunday afternoon when I download it. I get a match within like an hour, and it's girl who he looks like her pictures 19 whatever we start talking says she's in Chicago from the West Coast for a wedding I'm like, oh, sorry to hear that. How are you doing she says? I'm doing okay. My mom's doing really well though. Here you want to see she's in the pool like this makes no sense year you want to see she's in the pool. It's like this makes no sense. If you listen to the story the original time you know this wasn't like a Quinn's being super gullible thing. I knew this was like really off and really strange. So I had no expectations but it was just interesting enough to where I wanted to keep it going. Yada yada yada we say we're gonna meet up for drinks me and the mom not We say we're going to meet up for drinks me and the mom not to not this girl I've been given two numbers daughter and mom presumably
Starting point is 01:01:10 go to a bar on Well Street in Old Town and the worst part about this story was not being Catfish is the fact that I had to go an hour down to Old Town on a Sunday night I Probably waited there for like 90 minutes That's the only time my life when I've watched the Goldbergs that show on ABC with Jeff Garland town on a Sunday night. I probably waited there for like 90 minutes. That's the only time in my life when I've watched the Goldbergs that show on ABC with Jeff Garland, because it was playing on the TV. And but I think it's like $3 glass of wine or something on Sundays.
Starting point is 01:01:36 So it wasn't all that bad. But yes, it was a classic catfish. Did some reverse image searching when I got home, and the mom turned out to be Flavia Alessandra, a Brazilian Portuguese speaking model, an actress who is most well known for her voice work. She did in the Portuguese dub of Incredibles 2. So, wow, what a resume.
Starting point is 01:02:05 What? Resume. Yep. Quinn got catfished. It's a classic story and go back and listen to it. It was happening on Lala Palusa Weekend. So that's what early August, I think, hell of a time. I'm going to skip that one.
Starting point is 01:02:21 It's not that exciting. I went, it was just me getting a recliner. There's not that exciting. I went Just me getting a recliner There's not that much of a story Maybe there'd be like a cool interaction or something. No, the people are normal. They just lived like two blocks away So the thing was a lot to carry but You put on your back or something well, you know when I was I So I was already tired by the time I got to street level because they lived on the third floor.
Starting point is 01:02:49 So getting you down the stairs was a lot. And then I think that in my mind, what I wanted to do was, you know, haul it all the way up over my head and then rest kind of the seat on my head and walk like that. But I don't think after getting it down the stairs, I felt like I had the upper body strength
Starting point is 01:03:08 to get it over my head. So I ended up just carrying it like you'd think, arms with my arms and kind of bumping your knees against the thing that reclines out. Yeah, my forearms were pretty messed up for about a week after that. But now we have a lazy boy recliner. So let's listen.
Starting point is 01:03:33 That'll be good for reclining. Yeah, lazy boy sales are going up 100%. Let's see, what else here? Oh, I went skydiving this fall. That was fun. And I thought it was. Oh, I went skydiving this fall. That was fun. And I could was. Wow, I didn't know that. Well, it had nothing to do with skydiving and everything to do with the car ride there. I went with one of my friends who works tech at DePaul and is a super nice guy. And this story and any of the subsequent stories, no indictment on him or his personal character,
Starting point is 01:04:08 but we went with him and two of his friends, three young Indian American gentlemen and the driving was Driving was don't want to stare your type, but now two hours out to Rochelle Illinois Rochelle Rochelle and For some we for some reason we decided to I think just to avoid the toll I don't know I would have happily paid it we took like country roads like the Lil Nas song as opposed to I 88 and we were just a little NAS song as opposed to I-88. And we were just honestly, you would like get to a stop sign, stop, accelerate, 90 miles per hour. It was another stop sign and like five seconds, slow way down.
Starting point is 01:04:54 Yeah, it's like a roller coaster ride for the second hour of that trip. So we get to this skydiving place and I run to the bathroom and think God the stall was unoccupied and I just let loose. What was wild was I hadn't eaten anything that day because I wasn't quite sure if I should or not. And then the skydiving took a long time and we didn't get back to Chicago to like 6 p.m. So that was rough. The worst is when you throw up and you can't really like clean your mouth after that
Starting point is 01:05:26 so a little bit uh, well it was it was fun, but there were some interesting moments as well Pay the price of a little bit of a mammal off your teeth for that one probably. Yeah, definitely I had some coffee which is really good for your animal. So coffee first, that's what I had. That's mostly what came out. That was a nice brownish color. I spent, I was talking to Walt about this a couple of hours
Starting point is 01:05:53 ago. I spent, unfortunately, about 48 hours in Cleveland, 48 hours, which I'll never get back. But as I was coming back from a walk, and I was walking past progressive field, and every year, Jason Kipnis does a shoe toss. Excuse me. Are you saying records for the most belches on a podcast?
Starting point is 01:06:17 There are some potatoes in that one. Jason Kipnis has like a charity thing. I'm not sure exactly what all is involved with it, but he'll throw some of his game cleats over the gate from inside Progressive Yold to the outside where there are lots and lots of fans waiting because in Cleveland on a Thursday morning, that's really the best thing there is to do. And so I got to intercept a couple pictures to good video. Don't know much about Jason Kippness other than the fact that we beat him in the 2016 World Series, but it seems like a good guy. Got out of Cleveland. If you're curious, there's a real fun YouTube kind of photo compilation on my channel with some real high energy guitar music in the back. And my favorite Instagram story I've ever had is a saved story.
Starting point is 01:07:09 So you can go to my Instagram page at q.quindy and it's just one photo in the story, but it's a cool little picture I took of a little pup and set to some fun music. You're going to want to check it out. We're getting to the NTIR I promise. We got about five or six more bullet points here. Maybe my favorite experience of 2019, of year two of the podcast, Gator Watch 2019 went down to Florida to two cities.
Starting point is 01:07:41 I'd never been before for the most part, Tallahassee in Gainesville. I was Promised by locals that I could see some gators so it's given some spots in Tallahassee did not see any didn't even see Rick Scott so it was just bad across the board Went down to Gainesville, which is where University of Florida is, and they said, go to Lake Alice, you'll see some there. Nope. Go to this other spot in the edge of campus, you'll see some there. Nope. So eventually I identified some wetlands about two or three
Starting point is 01:08:17 miles south of downtown where I was staying. So I decided to take an afternoon, go run there. It was like 80 degrees. It was pretty hot, pretty sweaty. And I'm running all around these wetlands and just no gators. And I'm thinking, this is just, you know, why did I come here? I'm worthless. I can't do this anymore. Eventually, towards the end of my time in the wetlands,
Starting point is 01:08:41 I run into this park ranger who was a total honey. I mean, we're talking like 24 just graduated college, works for the park service, just all around babe. And we were watching this turtle give, actually the turtle hadn't give birth yet. It was digging a hole to give birth into reminiscent of the time I was born. But, yeah, I just called St. Anthony's a whole Like Park Andrew says hey, have you seen the gator yet in my eyes? You know perked up my ears opened and she's pointing over to this dam like half a mile away said go over there
Starting point is 01:09:18 You'll find it and I ran over there saw the gator you can also see it on our Instagram story Some haters have tweeted out at us and said, no this is fake, it's not true, but I can assure you I did see the gator and all its glory had some fun kind of pond scum hanging out on its back and he was just out there basking in the sun. Second time if you said basking today. So that was Gator Watch. That was definitely the highlight of my time. But you didn't get a date out of it? Didn't get a date. Nope.
Starting point is 01:09:51 I can't do long distance. And also, she was out of my league. It's like, if we were in the same league, then I got relegated, then I got relegated again, and then I retired. That's kind of the difference between us. Oh well, let's talk about this a little bit. I won't spend much time talking about it,
Starting point is 01:10:10 but I guess I'll throw this just out of curiosity to you, Walt. Do you know if you've ever been to Gate 35X at Reagan Airport in DC? Pretty sure I haven't. In fact, I'm not even sure if I have ever been to Reagan. I've been to Dallas. I've been to BWI. It's possible I've been to Reagan, but I'm not even sure. So I doubt it. Yeah, it's, you know, Reagan is smaller than you would expect, but you know, you're just walking down and the numbers are going up into the tens, 20s, 30s, normal gates, whatever. But there's a 35, I think it's 35x, it might be 35s, I don't remember which one it is,
Starting point is 01:10:59 but sounds like the iPhone that's going to come out in four years here. You have to go down these escalators into the basement to get to this gate. So I go down there, I'm not too worried about it. It's like Cleveland down there. It's just never seen the light of day, an absolute hellhole like St. Anthony's Hospital or something. There is probably five or six gates down there and they're seating for about half of one of them. And it's just chaos. You have to get on a bus out of that gate to get to your plane. And I was held up for some reason, I don't remember why they hadn't given one of those stupid
Starting point is 01:11:39 things where you buy it online, you book it online like normal, but you're not given a seat. And I remember, I went up to the gate person, I was normal, but you're not given a seat. And I remember, I went up to the gate person, I was like, hey, don't have a seat, it's like get it at the gate, said, all right, you're gonna have to wait until everyone just like shows up. And at this point, I'm like, oh man,
Starting point is 01:11:55 I don't wanna get, I guess, not bumped because apparently I didn't have a seat, but I don't know why I didn't have a seat. But you don't wanna be like 34, be either. No, no, I don't know why I didn't have a seat. You don't want to be like 34 B either. No, no, I don't want any of that. And I didn't want to be at gate 35X at DCA. I'll tell you that much. So the last person to get on this bus, and it was crammed. I had a bag in the front of the bus, a bag in the back of the bus. My boxers were over on the other side of the bus. It was wild. Eventually we got there and the rest of the story is history. But if you ever find yourself at Gate 35X in the Iregan, just watch out because
Starting point is 01:12:35 don't say it and warn you. Yeah, that was not fun. We're close to the end here. Our 100th episode happened in what you the last you're close to the end here. Our 100th episode happened in, what, either the last you're gonna remember, or first you're gonna December, don't recall which. But I did it coming off of, well, I still had it, tonsillitis. And if you list, you remember that episode, because it was only about a month and a half ago.
Starting point is 01:13:00 I sounded pretty rough. It was a tough one to get through. I had tonsillitis for the second straight year, almost exactly 365 days apart, which is scary. And, you know, if you ever get tonsillitis, I don't really know what to tell you, because it sucks. But I had like 103 degree fever and went to the urgent care. They couldn't do anything for me. It was painful. The short story is I was at work and started to feel really feverish, but I had a focus group on snack foods that night for like one fort and I didn't want to let that slip. So I stuck around, did the focus group. It was my
Starting point is 01:13:40 first ever focus group where we get to taste things. And when you got really bad tonsillitis and a hundred four degree fever and you're tasting spicy popcorn. Wow, I'm a celebrity, get me out of here. That was bad. You know, Paddy Bagoievich was on that show. Hashtag free Bagoievich. Really? She was on that? Yeah. Wow. She was, you know, like America's first lady for a couple of months there. Better than the one. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:14:11 no. Hey, be best. What did the back of her shirt case? Her shirt say, I don't care do you know? Yeah, I think it was, I don't really care Do you? What? Like, man, God is talking, I guess. I don't know if that's the point. We did our home for the holidays part one episode with some friends and guests of the podcast long overdue. Had it been on in a long time. Ryan, Austin, English, and Kristen, English, came on the podcast.
Starting point is 01:14:44 That was really exciting to have them on. I can't really tell you what we talked about, because I don't remember, but it was like an hour long episode. A lot of Tim Allen talk and home improvement, and I just remember they were talking about the finale and Kristen thought it went one way, and then I gave them like a 30-second rundown of what actually happened.
Starting point is 01:15:04 So I showed them two weeks ago and this is the last thing I have here before we get to the answer to that trivia question. I didn't forget about you. We did our shocking raw emotional interview. Mom goes to prison. It's really torn our family apart but I think this is the first step in the healing process. Jane spoke out for the first time since leaving the state penitentiary, and it was really just, I think it was a good thing, not only for the Furnai family, it was a good thing for America, for that to come out.
Starting point is 01:15:40 So if you liked the Gail King, our Kelly interview, you're really going to like, Mom, Ghost of Prison. It was just a little bit more emotional. All right, that was a little taste of what year two was like. So maybe a little bit less travel than year one, maybe a little bit less outlandish, but still lots of fun things and some fun stories and this was interesting for me to revisit. Walt, what were what were wanted to or your favorite moments from year two and it could be either year two AD or year two of the podcast? Man that's good lot to think about. Well, I'm gonna start by ribbing you a little bit and ask if you wanna tell everybody out there
Starting point is 01:16:30 what maybe you thought was a pretty good moment for me that happened in the last couple weeks of the year, maybe involving some kind of family extended family competition perhaps. So, you all know the game dominion and Walt cleaned our clocks. So I got to say that wasn't where I was going with that. Well, one thing we didn't mention in our year 2 recap was I'll say thanks to Hunter Bowlin,
Starting point is 01:17:03 Fantasy Football Commissioner for coming on, our show back in mid August, I suppose, and giving us our Fantasy Football kind of preview. We should go back and listen to that, see how he did. But all right, I give it to you. Congratulations, Hunter Bolin. He won our league this year. He went, what, 14 and one. So it was mighty impressive and won one our league this year. He went 14-1, so it was mighty impressive and
Starting point is 01:17:27 Walt won our league too. Yeah, thanks for that, high praise. Yeah, a lot of good ground covered here tonight. I'm trying to think of other things that were stand out to me. I enjoyed getting to make some repeat appearances on the podcast this year. I feel like I'm on a hot streak, you know, finished out, finished out 2019 and started this year strong with a couple of close performances here. So, what about your 2AD?
Starting point is 01:17:58 Your 2AD, good, good, good, good, here. Isn't that like the year that supposedly the Magi finally made it? Good to know. I know it took those sons of bitches so long. Yeah, well I think they were coming from the East. Probably use an Apple map. Oh, yeah, I think that was back when it was like Apple 3.1 or something.
Starting point is 01:18:19 Yeah, no 35X. Yeah, so you know, a lot a lot of people think that you know They've got their accurate Nativity scenes you got your three wise men Melchizia deck Shanoah and Jacuzzi But you know obviously they weren't there the neither birth
Starting point is 01:18:42 Took a little bit longer whether it was was Apple Maps, whether it was, I don't know, they probably had to do a lot of packing, they seemed like they're pretty rich guys, so they had a lot of stuff to bring with them, so maybe it was that. So I think of that, that stands out to me 82. What else, there was, you know, the Romans were a big deal back then I guess
Starting point is 01:19:09 You know if you take a world history in The kind of context that we grew up in that's about all you learned about it that time So you know that I'm sure there were a lot of other great things happening Maybe you know in the Americas maybe in Africa Maybe in Africa, maybe in Asia, and I say this all tongue in cheek, but you know, you're really focused pretty heavily on the Romans. Remember there was a class called like ancient civilizations or something, and it was just Egypt, Greece, and Rome. They totally blew off Mali. They totally blew off ancient China.
Starting point is 01:19:48 You know, there was no talk of the Urakoy. So Yeah, I don't know education system these days, man. Yep. Yep. Yeah, you know, when you were talking about the year 82, I was I'm looking forward to and maybe with modern technology We'll live to see this. When you get to the year 8032 and you say the full thing 8080 or I said 8032 8082. 8082 it sounds like your Drew Brees doing a snap count or something. Yeah well. 8082. Whatever he was today. It didn't cut it. No, it did not He did what if you did 80?
Starting point is 01:20:29 88 88 88 88 I think you're programming right now You know a little C++ don't you well, I took a C++ class at rock Valley College back in the day I'll teach everything you need to know. Yeah, well it's sort of helped lay the groundwork a little bit because I later took a class in Python which I've also forgotten most of. I should remember more of that but yeah, it's just interesting stuff. I feel like it's something that has spent a lot more time with to get really competent but you know it's a big part of it. It's just learning to think the way that computers think, so to speak, to kind of anthropomorphize them.
Starting point is 01:21:13 It's different than the way we tend to think usually as humans, so you gotta get your Spock on, I think. I like that, get your Spock on. It is minute 82 of the podcast, which means traditionally it's time to reveal our trivia answer for this week, as always happens in minute 82 of our podcast. So as a quick reminder for the one and a half people who made it this far on the podcast, I'm talking about Matt Feedler and... Yeah, maybe the cast of Tiptoes.
Starting point is 01:21:50 Oh, it's that one. I intend to do it. All right, let's get with it here. Now, it's all right. I'm making no money off these hands. And I'm sorry if that's a surprise for people to hear after I've been reading them for like over a year, but I don't get paid. As Matt Kirby used to say, getting paid, getting laid.
Starting point is 01:22:20 Neither of which. Extremely ironic. This tonight's trivia question was, from 2010 to 2019, there were 38 films released that grossed over $1 billion. This one has the shortest name slash title by Character Count. Alright, drum roll time. The answer is Joker. Mm, very recent. Starring that one guy from... Mark Walberg?
Starting point is 01:23:00 No, it's got, his brother was in Indiana Jones in the last crusade Well River Phoenix's brother so Joker whatever his name is Walt you haven't seen it yet, so I would like to I Yeah, don't spoil it, but I'll get around to it eventually just like all the other several thousand movies that I say that about probably my favorite movie with a several thousand movies that I say that about. Probably my favorite movie with a dancing montage on the stairs to a Gary Glitter song. That's good stuff.
Starting point is 01:23:33 Eddie, parting thoughts here, Walt, whether it be concerning the Red Sea or the Holy Sea or Anthony Hopkins. Whether you part your hair left or right. Yeah. Or center. We don't just grim in here at the bean time behind you regarding partings or not.
Starting point is 01:23:56 But the floor is yours. Well, thanks. Appreciate it. When thanks again for having me on as a pleasure, as always. And I feel like we had a pretty good time here, even though it went both about twice as long and three times like we had a pretty good time here even though it went both about twice as long and three times as short as we thought it might so If you made it this far
Starting point is 01:24:15 Click that subscribe button and Because obviously you're the kind of person who wants this content delivered to you all the time and when comes out with a new episode every week, so just do it. We'll wait. But yeah, thanks everybody for listening. I don't really have anything else to plug, except for GoVikes, School, we'll be heading on to San Francisco. I'm, you know, resting on my laurels right now
Starting point is 01:24:42 from my Super Bowl victory in Fantasy Football, so far, 2020's off to a pretty good start. Yep, those mock dress are almost open and you're gonna want to practice. And apparently we're all taking my old Sanders top five now. So that's what I've heard. I'm not convinced yet. Well, you don't have to worry about that because you're not gonna be picking top five. I'm not convinced yet. Well, you don't have to worry about that, because you're not going to be picking top five. OK, OK.
Starting point is 01:25:08 Thank you to Quentin Tarantino for coming on the podcast. Thank you to Walt for giving us that nice little introduction. That's just going to wrap it up for year two. If you've never listened to the song, wrap it up. It's Alton John and George Michael. And it's got some great false set. Oh, I'm reading Alton John's biography right now. It's called Me Thank You to Sister of the Podcast, Abby Furness for the Christmas gift. And I'm just
Starting point is 01:25:34 glad I can say Christmas gift again. From all of us here at Bean Tum Podcast, year two, thanks for tuning in. We'll be coming at you next week with our year three debut. And we'll be talking about, I don't know, we'll figure out who started that movie Joker and we'll kind of go from there. That's good. All right. Everyone have a great week, weekend, whenever you listen to this, your three coming up next, we'll check in. Well, well, check in on you. It's like those people say milk versus milk. Milk.
Starting point is 01:26:13 Milk. Well, we will check in on you later. you

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