Beantown Podcast - Yellowstone Spinoffs (11032023 Beantown Podcast)

Episode Date: November 4, 2023

Quinn comes to you LIVE to pitch his new Yellowstone spinoff ideas, featuring Baron Trump III, Joan d'Arc, and a lot of sex. And guns. And definitely no avocado toast. #MAGA...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Furnace. Welcome to my show. Quinn David Furnace presents the bean town podcast for Friday, November 3rd, 2023. The last drags of season 6 here on Quinn David Furnace presents bean town podcast, almost, almost season seven. Almost Thanksgiving, dude, the holiday season is like, I don't know, does the holiday season have to wait for Thanksgiving to start for it officially to be holiday season? Or is it just basically like once the calendar turns to November? Now it's holiday season. I mean, Thanksgiving is, is only three weeks is 20 days away. So relatively early this year, I guess there's only, it's a small window of days that Thanksgiving can actually be, but hey, a couple weeks ago, I saw a Walmart holiday commercial and then I was on the bike. Just about two hours ago. I get into a little workout today and have,
Starting point is 00:01:05 I always listened to like a podcast or scroll through Reddit on my phone but I always put on Triple D Guy Fieri on the Food Network while I'm cycling, while I'm peddling I don't have the audio on it, just watch because it's interesting to see, you know, this types of food that they put on there
Starting point is 00:01:21 but I saw a Starbucks commercial that was really leaning into the holiday stuff I feel like I don't see a lot of Starbucks advertising. They kind of just rely on their brand to do their work for them typically. But that was not the case today. They're doing some advertising on the food network. So I guess holiday season is coming up hot. And what else is coming up hot is our trip to San Juan Puerto Rico I'm gonna be leaving in about 12 hours here and Gonna be hitting the beach gonna be having some Mofango M.O. Is it M-O-F-O-N-G-O or is it M-U? Mofango
Starting point is 00:02:00 Fungo No, it is it's that it's the's, Mofungo, which is like fried, it's like mashed fried plantain with some kind of protein. Pum, this kind of, it's kind of like, to why last Hoi, and then I chose the worst possible place to get it. Just like the, what is it called called the Alamoana Shopping Center. And we went there after a sunset cruise, it was an interesting dichotomy. Like the sunset cruise is really nice or the last night, it was really beautiful. And then we're like walking back, it's probably
Starting point is 00:02:38 like a half hour, 40 minute walk, something like that. And there weren't very many good dining options between there and our Airbnb because we're on the other side of Wa like that. And there weren't very many good dining options between there and our Airbnb, because we're in the other side of Waikiki. And there just wasn't a lot, like actually open after eight o'clock on a Thursday or whatever it was. And so we ended up going to this shopping center. So largest in or open air shopping center
Starting point is 00:02:59 in the world maybe or in North America, something like that. And just like hit up the food court, I kind of took it as my opportunity to try Poy, P-O-I, because I wanted to, but, boy, it was, I think it was both a combination of the fact that you got Poy from a mall food court and the fact that it's Poy. I think it wasn't just one or the other, but it was just so cold and like gloopy and tasteless. It was the, just just most bizarre thing so I guess you got to try it another time with someone who knows what they're doing to really make a judgment call
Starting point is 00:03:33 But first impression not positive, but yeah, we're gonna be going there tomorrow there for five or six days And got all sorts of fun stuff planned so looking forward to it Got to soak up the sun like Cheryl Crow once said. And it's going to be a good time. Listener discretion is advised when you're listening to this program. Number one, we'll occasionally use some language number two. This podcast is objectively terrible. But I think it's going to be fun. It's a little it's going to be efficient action pack today. Got some things I want to get through talking yellow stone today, so that's going to be pretty exciting. And we are giving a shout out to our friends in the Great Nation of Packy Stan.
Starting point is 00:04:12 Of course, thank you for making us see 112th ranked comedy podcasts in the great state of Packy Stan. Thank you, Kiber Pass, thank you, Hyderabad, thank you. Thank you, Kiberpass, thank you, Hyderabad, thank you. All really just generally Pakistan, all over. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We are sipping on a surly before I die. Today here, I bought the 12 pack when I went up to the Twin Cities last. Gosh, it's already been a full month since I was there. So, I'm going to be out of the country. I keep thinking that it's weird been a few months since I was there. So I'm gonna be out of the country.
Starting point is 00:04:46 I keep thinking that it's weird, because I'm like, you're fine with the Caribbean, I'm thinking like, what do I need to do? Like, what credit card do I need to use? Do I need to exchange money? Do I need to bring a lot of cash? You know, is my driver's license gonna be good? That all that stuff is racing through my head
Starting point is 00:05:02 in my passport. And it's just like a flight to Milwaukee, only longer. And hopefully, well, I was going to say hopefully a beverage source, but we're flying frontier. So I'm not, I'm not expecting or anticipating anything. Rachel and I couldn't even get seats together in frontier. They, they auto assign them. A lot of airlines just auto assign you seats now. I feel like there's more airlines that auto assign than not. And yeah, we are, we're both in the aisle, but two rows apart from each other. So I suppose if we really reach out our hands, then we could
Starting point is 00:05:42 probably touch finger tips maybe. We like an ET when Henry Thomas and ET touch finger tips and they light up. Pretty cool. We watched the first episode of the new Netflix series, Follow the House of Usher, which if you don't know, basically they take the old post story, which is a great story by the way, and try to make it into a succession modern day kind of thing. In fact, it's heavily like modeled after succession in terms of the music and the mood and that sort of thing. We watched the first episode, I think there's six or eight episodes, maybe.
Starting point is 00:06:19 It was healthy. It was like a full hour. It's Bruce Greenwood and Kara Gugino who we were talking about on our 300th episode with Gerald's game and one or two other people that I can't recall the time I had. Oh, but Henry Thomas was in there. Oh, Mark Hamill plays the lawyer. Good stuff. Luke Skywalker, the Joker, of course. And yeah, Henry Thomas is one of the like sons basically He's kind of like the Alan Ruck role from succession so far as I could tell you know We just watched one episode But it was interesting. I they're basically trying to like take the story and put a modern twist on it so
Starting point is 00:06:58 kind of interesting kind of It's like trying to be a little bit too spooky just for the sake of being spooky when I'd rather just have it be like the slow burn kind of, it's like trying to be a little bit too spooky just for the sake of being spooky when I'd rather just have it be like the slow burn kind of uneasiness thriller like they I think they tried to throw it a little at least in the first episode they tried to throw in a little bit too much of like the jump scare kind of stuff when that was just kind of unnecessary so anyways but we're drinking our surly and we got a little glass of a rye whiskey here which we talked about maybe two weeks ago on our
Starting point is 00:07:26 300th episode got that going. And thank you to all the beanheads out there. Go ahead and follow us on Twitter at beantowncast. Just sent a tweet out. Excuse me, take at beantowncast and a tweet just a little bit ago. So it's active. email us the show being town podcast at Yahoo dot com again That's being town be in podcast at Yahoo dot com. Let's also think our sponsors real quick here
Starting point is 00:07:52 Then we're gonna talk yellow stone. We also got a paladron of the day and some good trivia And we're gonna we're gonna mo right through this stuff because it's already kind of like 615 It's dark geez. It's not even daylight saving time yet. We got, we got what basically 36 more hours, less than that, like 30 hours of daylight saving time left. And then we're gonna go into four months of just absolute darkness. I'll say this, like woke up this morning,
Starting point is 00:08:22 you know, the sunrise was like 7, 20 AM. That's, that's tough. I mean, it's really hard to get out of bed at that point. So the daylight seeing time and ending helps with that a little bit, but it's, there's something really depressing about the sunset starting Sunday. I think is like here in Chicago,
Starting point is 00:08:41 it's already down to like 443 or something like that. And hey, I get off work at 430. I'm basically for about another two or three weeks going to have some kind of lightness. And then after that, it's literally like three months where you walk out of the office at the end of the day and it's just dark, which is just my least favorite thing. But daylight saving time ending is only so much to blame. That's my thing that peaks me. Peaks my interest.
Starting point is 00:09:15 P.I. Is it, this is one I actually don't know. Is it just Q.U.E.S. Peaks my interest? Yeah, I thought maybe there was a C before that queue, but there's not. There's, you know, the whole movement to abolish or end daylight saving times is really necessary. It's an old antiquated type of thing. And I'm all for not changing the clocks twice a year, but what I am for is permanent daylight
Starting point is 00:09:41 saving time. Like I don't want if we get rid of daylight savings time, then you're just shoveling more hours into the morning and fewer into the night. And I only speak for myself here, but I gotta tell you, like, there's a lot more going on after work that I'm like wanting to do and psyched for, you know, daylight versus in the morning.
Starting point is 00:10:06 And I understand people have different perspectives, people have different schedules, that's everything. But in the morning, I'm literally just like wake up and try to like get going whether it's light or dark. I don't work out in the mornings unless it's a Saturday long run, make my coffee, pack my backpack, get on the train, get to work. That's what I'm doing in the
Starting point is 00:10:25 morning. So if we have, if we get rid of daylight savings time and we're permanently more light in the morning than the night, that's just useless to me. So when everyone's, when you go to Congress and stuff, and they're talking about, let's get rid of daylight savings time, I worry because I feel like they're going to get rid of daylight savings time, but stick to the non-daily savings time clock when really we need to be sticking to the permanent daylight savings time clock. If anything, we could move another hour ahead so that the sunrise is at like 9 a.m. in the winter.
Starting point is 00:11:02 That's okay because I'm just in my office. It doesn't matter to me. But if it doesn't set till 5 5 30, that's okay. Because then I get to at least do something and see where I'm going. But of course, a good friend's home part organ. When you need a home inspector in central organ, call the expert, someone who's safe, certified, someone you can trust. Whether it's heating, cooling, HVAC plumbing, electrical, so much more.
Starting point is 00:11:29 Guys, you gotta do this. There's a lot of things in life you can just skimp on, okay? Cooking, chicken, until it's all the way through, not that big of a deal. Pain taxes, you know what? They are not probably not gonna catch you. Doing, you know what, they are not probably not going to catch you.
Starting point is 00:11:46 Doing, you know, washing your bed sheets once a quarter, it's fine. But things you can't skimp on getting your home inspected. It could cost you millions of dollars if you don't do it right the first time. So that's why you got to take this stuff seriously. Call Steve, 541-410-0316, or go to HomePriot Oregon dot com, again, 541-410-0316, or go to HomePriot Oregon dot com, or email homepriot Oregon at, tell him quince ncha, and you'll get probably a pad on the back, but it's also just a warm fuzzy feeling. I also want to thank our friends the Cuts by Q, Samsung Q2U series. Excellent technology, always slow, never disappointing. The
Starting point is 00:12:31 reason I phrase it like that is because I was when I started recording this podcast finally, I had been ready to start recording for like half an hour. And my Mac did this fun thing where you open it up. Granted, I haven't given it a nice little reboot in a long time, but like probably multiple, multiple months. And open it up and the backlight was on, but nothing was going on upstairs. There's just nothing.
Starting point is 00:12:57 So I had to give it a hard reset, hold down the button for five seconds and then pump it back up. And that thing was like a solid 20 minute reboot time, like no joke. And there are programs that start automatically, too, that I used when I was like a sophomore in college. It's like a VPN and Skype.
Starting point is 00:13:16 I love when I open up my Mac and it starts Skype. Like Skype is, Skype, it's own thing. It did Microsoft buy Skype and then just like shelve it and create teams. I can't really remember how that went. I will say this when I, you know, Skype feels like an ancient relic at this point. When I first started my current day job, four and a half years ago, I still used, this was before we adopted Teams. Teams is probably around by then 2019. I don't know exactly when Teams was founded, but we
Starting point is 00:13:51 still use Skype for business as our primary instant messaging tool. I'm now used Teams, but Skype was still a thing for like the first basically like pre-COVID and then at some point right around then like early 2020 we switched to teams. So all this is to say the Mac is holding up admirably let's just put it that way okay. Got nothing I got nothing bad to say about the Mac it's running beautifully right now it's not overheating or anything like that the garage band program bar is moving left to right seamlessly and that's that's that's a that's a blessing because I remember even doing the the roast of Quinn David furnace which was a season one program we were literally like 25 episodes into the show when we did that.
Starting point is 00:14:48 Probably a great special ever, like not even being ironic. Like easily one of the top episodes best special you've ever had. There's already five and a half years ago. But I remember doing that and like being so nervous watching Grasmen go as like people were you know exchanging mics and stuff because it was getting so choppy and I was like man if this thing cuts out in the middle of like my grandma or something and I have to like say hey grandma Sal can you say that funny anecdote again it's just not
Starting point is 00:15:19 as fun right but now here we are five and a half years later and this baby is still kicking. So good tech there, good tech here at Samson Q2U series when God speaks to use the Samson. And then of course a big day for cuts by Q because I shaved my beard for the first time and probably, I don't know, I haven't really kept track but it feels like probably three or four months, something like that. I'm going to, you know, Porto Rico tomorrow, want to want to look clean, want to look nice, and just decided, let's go for the big shave. So it doesn't take, you know, it's not like, oh gosh, Quinn Shade, it's going to take years for everything to
Starting point is 00:15:55 grow back, and it'll give me like three weeks, and we're back to like where I was an hour ago. But it's a big move, regardless. So there you go, cuts by Q, but it's a big move regardless. So there you go, cuts by Q. When you need a fresh G, something snappy or a new call, the experts at cuts by Q. Okay, let's get to our Palendrum of the day here. It's pretty fun. I feel like a lot of our Palendrums of the day,
Starting point is 00:16:21 it's kind of like a last second thing. And sometimes it's related to the episode topic, sometimes it's not, but it's not always the most engaging thing. Today is fun. We never had an animal in our palindrome of the day. And if you think of any other animals, you know of that are palindromes, email us, Today's palindrom of the day is a ha ha.
Starting point is 00:16:45 That's right. It's a ha ha two words a H a space H a. I'm just going to it's a very short Wikipedia entry. Ah ha ha is a species of Australian wasp named by the entomologist Arnold Menke, M e n k e in 1977 as a joke. I didn't know, I haven't read this before we started. I just found it earlier.
Starting point is 00:17:10 Menke described several years after it's discovery how when he received a package from a colleague containing insect specimens, he exclaimed, aha, a new genus, with fellow entomologist Eric Grisel responding, ha, doubtfully. The name of the insect is calmly found in lists of bizarre scientific names. The name was also used as the vehicle
Starting point is 00:17:30 of registration plate of Mankie's car. Well, that's an interesting thing. It's 1977 and it's Australia, and I get it because it's Australia. There's like a million things down under there that you've never seen or heard of before that are completely unnatural. But we're still discovering genesis and giving them names and 1977. I thought we would have
Starting point is 00:17:52 figured that out by then, but apparently not. Their habitat is like the very northern tip of Western Australia, which has got to be one of the most like remote places in the world. Hang on, let's get a better map of this. Western Australia. Western Australia is already like, I mean, it's a huge state. It's almost half of all of Australia. But when you read about it or even just like look at a Google map of Western Australia and you're like, okay, let's look at the roads here.
Starting point is 00:18:26 There's like six roads in this thing that's like the size of probably like Alaska. It's probably similar size to Alaska. It's probably like probably two thirds of size of Alaska. Whereas Alaska is covered in like forest and mountains and rivers. Western Australia is just like sand, I think. It's really wild. There's Perth in the southwest corner, but then you get northwards atop.
Starting point is 00:18:56 And there's just a bunch of random cities here that are not connected by roads like Alaska. These are just, are these like permanent cities? Do people live in ski gully creek? Geek gully creek? I don't think so. There is a big wildlife reserve, a Prince Regent National Park. I never even heard of Prince Regent. Let's pull some of these Google images. There's a nice waterfall. The problem is it's going to cost you like thousands of dollars even to just fly here. So it's like only rich people can visit.
Starting point is 00:19:31 Or trust fund babies who can just drive. This, I mean, it's super beautiful, it's amazing. There's this guy skinny dipping on Google images, I don't know, he's got his swimsuit on. But he's swimming in this like pond for lack of a better word. And it's Western Australia. There's no chance on how that guy's still alive, right? Killer leeches or something like that. Oh, this is super badass. There's this really cool like table rock formation in Prince Regent National Park. The image doesn't seem to have like, show me more details about this image. I don't know. But that's really cool. Prince, Regent, National Park.
Starting point is 00:20:05 Check it out later if you want to see some cool images, but easily like one of the more remote places in civilization. I suppose there's a lot of places in like Russia, Eastern Russia that are just like, yeah, we don't go there or like none of that or Yukon and Northwest territories. But I think Western Australia is high up there in terms of the, yeah, no one's hanging out here. Wild Wild West literally, Western Australia. Anyone listening out there ever see that movie wild, is it called Wild Wild West? Two Wilds with Will Smith and Kevin
Starting point is 00:20:45 Klein. And it's like peak Will Smith, you know, the credits. It's a great song actually. It's your classic Will Smith credits rap, like he did for, oh shoot, what's like his like his OG for that? Oh, man in black. I forgot about, I forgot that those songs existed. I gotta pull this up, not to play for copyright purposes, but it's, you know, it's the, it's just like the most stereotypical, that's not the right word, but it's Will Smith, the credits for app. That, that just like culture, that very tiny culture in general of Will Smith doing the wraps for the credits of his feature films I love that and there's a
Starting point is 00:21:33 guy on YouTube his name is like D.G. something I don't remember I just YouTube searched men in Smith that shows you how good I am at searching something while I try to describe it. There's this guy in YouTube and his like claim to fame is every year a couple of years ago he stopped doing it unfortunately but every year on September or whatever the date is in the song September by Earth Wind Fire. It's like September 20th or something like that. 21st something like that. But he would do a different like a video, not necessarily a lip sync in the song, but there'd be some sort of like scene that he created set to the song. And it's really interesting in his YouTube videos for that.
Starting point is 00:22:16 If you've never seen it, let me find this guy's YouTube channel and I encourage you to go explore this guy's YouTube channel and I encourage you to go explore September. We have devolved here on a apologetically and we have not even gotten into our topic for today. September 20 is at 21st. Demi here we go. Oh god, I'm'm gonna butcher this guy's name. I apologize in advance. Okay, I'll spell it for you. First name, Demi, D-E-M-I. And this is his YouTube handle as well. Last name, A-D-E, J-U-Y-I-G-B-E.
Starting point is 00:22:57 Demi, A-D-J-E, A-D-J-E. A-D-J-E, Bay. Bay, a dead, a dead, a dead, a jig, Yik Bay. I got to stop there. His last video was 11 months ago. The last time you did a September 21st video was 2021, so it's been two years that he hasn't done it. Okay, to, to, for God's sake,
Starting point is 00:23:24 to finish this thought, the reason that I bring it up is because he has made a series of videos of other movies that have nothing to do with Will Smith, but it's just like, what if these movies had a Will Smith dial credits wrap? And so, my favorite one is Moonlight, which is just spectacular.
Starting point is 00:23:45 Because if you know these Will Smith credit wraps, it's like they basically do a synopsis of the song after you've watched the movie and they just put it into a wrap form. There's a good Lando one from Star Wars. I remember that. He did get out, which is a good one. Hacks our ridge. The Mel Gibson movie. I haven't even seen that one.
Starting point is 00:24:12 Arrival. Moonlight's my favorite. He does lots of other things too. Actually, like his YouTube channel probably has upwards of 30 videos on it, something like that, 50. And I've probably only seen 10 of them but Go check out this September 21st series and then check out if you're interested in like and he does a good job of impersonating Will Smith Do so it's pretty fun
Starting point is 00:24:35 And if you don't know anything if you don't never seen like men in black or wild wild West and you don't know that Will Smith in the past wrapped the credits, wrapped a song for the credits of his own movies like Go Listen to those two because they're on it ironically like catchy songs. The Wild Wild West, I remember how that goes. It's a very like early 2000s late 90s music video. The Men in Black song, there's one, there's Men in Black one and there's many black two as well so Good stuff you got to go check that out that'll that'll take you back 25 30 years. It's fun Okay, let's talk yellow stone. So this is what we're gonna do to finish it up
Starting point is 00:25:18 Already 25 minutes in that's my bad So yellow stone if you don't, was a show that came out, and I was gonna say like, it came out on this channel. I have no idea. It was a streaming show originally, but I don't think it was a paramount, now it's a paramount plus things.
Starting point is 00:25:38 I see ads for it all the time, but we have seen Yellowstone before most of it, the first three, seasons, maybe. And I don't remember how we streamed it. It wasn't that long ago. It was maybe like a year ago that we went through Yellowstone and then we just gave up on it. Eventually Rachel would remember like how we watched it.
Starting point is 00:25:57 It's not, you know, it's not like Netflix or Hulu. It might be like peacock. I don't know, but now it's a CBS thing. Way off topic or not important, but he also started in 2018, if you don't know, this is different than yellow jackets, which is the show about the soccer team that crashes, and there's a lot of like flashbacks and stuff. This is yellow stone.
Starting point is 00:26:18 This is 2018 Kevin Costner and a bunch of other people who are like semi, like sea. Let's call them sea list actors There's the lady from flight. I don't even remember what her name is. She's like a well-shactress or something redhead then there's The one of the sons is it's like a country music singer Luke crimes is that his name? Or is that the guy who plays Rip, I don't know. But basically all you need to know about Yellowstone is that it's a Western with a really intriguing kind of setup.
Starting point is 00:26:55 Kevin Costurb lays like the patriarch of his family, his ranch, that Don Don, he's like trying to keep it together. Oh, it's got West Bentley from American Psycho. He's probably the second most famous actor on there. And the first season is very solid, pretty well done. Excuse me, definitely one of those shows that leans into the unrealistic and over-dramatic just to keep the plot moving.
Starting point is 00:27:19 But what happens season after season over and over again, a couple of things, like tendencies, developed that make it insufferable. One, the main characters just do whatever they want, no consequences, and it's not even like a, oh, we're rich and powerful family, so like, like the trumps, like, we'll go into the courtroom, we'll get off of this. It's just like, things are never addressed. Like, if you really want to watch Yellowstone, you want zero spoilers, you can stop listening now, but one of the characters kills like a civilian on the road.
Starting point is 00:27:51 Like by accident, and they're just like, oh, yeah, we'll take care of it. It's like, I don't, I don't know. I don't know if you'll take care of it. Um, things that just get increasingly unrealistic, zero consequences. And again, it's just like, it's never, stuff is never addressed. And then it's basically, it's been described this way and it's completely accurate in my opinion. It's just a soap opera. It's a modern day, you know, with good camera work and stuff, soap opera. And it's just, I think especially especially we got into like season three maybe.
Starting point is 00:28:29 The acting gets really bad. So, Kevin Costner is always fine. And like, you can love Costner, you can hate Costner. He's kind of like a mega guy, whatever. But he's, I mean, he's been doing this for 50 years now. He's a pro, one of the best actors of all time, like whatever, he's good at what he does. They'll like, the other main characters are solid,
Starting point is 00:28:52 Kelly Rally, that's her name, she's a female lead. But even she from the beginning over acts so much. She's so like, I can't even think of the right adjectives for it, but they try to make her into like this super powerful like bad bitch And she just has a certain way of acting and talking where to start your car like okay like I get what she's doing all right And then after three or four seasons of it, you're just like I Need a break. She is just insufferable way too much and not not interesting or entertaining.
Starting point is 00:29:26 And then some of the other like male leads like the sons, West Bentley is a solid actor but they don't, they don't give them that much interesting stuff to do. I feel the two other kind of male leads are kind of the same. They're like these young cowboys and they're not good actors. They're not like, they're not like awful, but they're not bad. Or they're not good, excuse me. And then you get to the supporting cast, like one of the kids, one of the sons has a wife and a son and these were clearly people they just found
Starting point is 00:29:55 in like the Laramie Wyoming Community College acting 101 class for non majors. And it's like, how much are you paying these people? Because it's so bad. Is there anyone on set who can direct these people a little bit better? And then there's this whole like crew of cowboys who live out in the barn They don't get to sleep in the house. They live in the barn There's this one guy's like a Sam Elliott knockoff So they're guy who wants to be a rodeo star
Starting point is 00:30:28 and his name is something stupid, like Billy or Charlie or something and he's an outcast and no one likes him. And now he's getting his own spin off. Okay, so let's get to what we're actually trying to talk about. So that's a way too long recap of what Yellowstone is and that's just my recollection of having, we haven't watched it in like a year What you might the reason we're talking about Yellowstone is because they announced in the news this week again
Starting point is 00:30:52 And quick tangent I just want to address this real quick real house as a Salt Lake City is going. It's happening strong We haven't been doing our weekly updates this season. I apologize for that There's so much we could be talking about with it. I'm not going to. I'm just note that this season has been solid, but there's just a lot of new changes, new cast members, new shakeups, and frankly nothing terribly interesting from like a crazy dramatic thing is happening so far. It's just the natural letdown after the Gen Shot goes to prison prison thing. I mean that was just like one of the greatest storylines in housewife history. And a lot of the stuff this this season is just you still watch it. It's not bad like they do a they know their lanes now in the production value of solid. But the actual like interactions amongst the housewives to me personally. And there haven't been a good like juicy storylines.
Starting point is 00:31:47 Mary Cosby is back and she's just as terrible as ever. So I guess that's all I can really say about it. So the reason I bring a Yellowstone for this episode is because they've announced or not announced. But yeah, I guess this week they announced two more spin-offs for Yellowstone. And you might be thinking two more spin-offs, that means they already had spin-offs for Yellowstone. And you might be thinking two more spin-offs, that means they already had spin-offs, which is true.
Starting point is 00:32:10 So basically, there was Yellowstone original, which was 2018. So this isn't even like, oh, yeah, this franchise has been around for 10 years, time for some spin-offs. It's like, we're just now hitting five. They haven't even finished Yellowstone yet. It's in production hell with like, SAG and stuff.
Starting point is 00:32:31 I don't even know what it's supposed to finish. I, I read today that they're trying to finish you four in 2025. Just shoot it, take it behind the barn. That show is maddening to me. We have a bean-tum blog post all about it, the season two shocking epic finale. The crazy thing about Euphoria season two is like, that came out when Rachel was like,
Starting point is 00:32:57 in her previous apartment with her friends or something, I just remember like watching it there and that feels like decades ago. I was early 20s, you know, I just remember watching it there and that feels like decades ago. I was early 20s. I was clean, shaving much like I am now, and just wild stuff, man. Euphoria, I don't know, man. It's not, I think we gotta act that.
Starting point is 00:33:18 But speaking of the devil, I was talking about how good the garage band had been for me and it crapped out there. Okay, so I don't know exactly where it cut out, but let's just talk yellowstone spin-offs. 1883, Faith Hill and Tim McGraw. It's like the grandfather of John Dutton or something like that, Kevin Costner's character from the original Yellowstone. And I guess they just, I mean, because they're married in real life, right?
Starting point is 00:33:41 Faith Hill and Tim McGraw. So I guess they just sing a lot. I'm guessing 1883 is more of a musical than anything else. Then you have 1923. So 40 years later, Harrison Ford and Helen Mirren. I guess they must be John Dunton's parents, maybe Tim McGraw's kids. I don't know. I don't really can't imagine Harrison Ford really did that much in that show. I mean, I feel like he's kind of past his like, acting ability prime. And now he's just kind of like a crotchety old guy. And that's his thing, which is fine. But it's like, do you want him to be the lead in your dramatic TV show? I don't know. And Helen Miran is just fantastic as always. So upcoming, they have three,
Starting point is 00:34:23 they, they, okay, so they had two things that were announced. And upcoming they have three they they okay so they had two things that were announced and then they announced two more this week these are all individual spin-offs. There's one called six six six six six which is I was talking about that like stupid cowboy rodeo kid named Charlie or Jimmy or something I think his name is actually Jimmy who gets sent away to he gets like banished to this ranch in yellow stone called 6666 and for me that's like both 6666 that's the devil's numbers this is like yellow stone goes to hell but it's plus right because it's only available on Paramount Plus so we get the extra 6 you know what 6666 and my day they just called that 24 and you you had Jack Bauer and Keith or Sutherland, okay?
Starting point is 00:35:05 46 is trying to keep it consistent. Never seen that show. Does every season of 24 have 24 episodes? Like exactly. Pretty interesting stuff. Then there's another unannounced before this week, an already or untitled but announced spin-off just called Matthew McConaughey right now and of course they're gonna have to give it some
Starting point is 00:35:30 numbers so I don't know what Matthew McConaughey's gonna do I guess he's gonna try to like tap into his true detective kind of vibe. Whatever his name was there Rusty Rusty something. Rusty dumpster dumpster. Well, it was the name of that guy we invented last week who invented the corn dog down in Kansas. It was like Willow's willows worth or something. I don't know. Let's go back and listen. So Matthew McConaughey is getting his own Yellowstone spin off now this week They announced two more 1944 and 2024 so 1944's obviously gonna be some good like great depression stuff There's gonna be you know yellowstone is already basically about cowboys who like live in Montana And they feel like the world's passing them by so I guess 1944 is gonna be about also cowboys who
Starting point is 00:36:23 Live in Montana or maybe like a State that wasn't a state yet like Arizona or something. They're like, oh this and there. This is the dialogue This unsettled land. Everyone's a little unsettled by this war and then you know this other guy says Yeah, in all these you you know, people are talking about civil rights. I just don't know what happened in this country when it did all of a sudden and blink of an eye, it passed me by. And then another guy, you know, like a little kid, he's like 18 and he just wants to help out of the ranch and he gets drafted.
Starting point is 00:37:04 And then he dies and then you know they bring they bring like his his like little name badge back in a little box all the way back you know pony express they bring back to this paycheck of the family here in 1944 and he opens up the box and he's like damn you F, I knew these liberals were turning this country to shit. And then he spits out the set of his mouth. So that's kind of a synopsis of night. That's pretty good. They could use that. That's sort of your synopsis of 1944. And then you get 2024, which is going to be like only fans invasion, lib tards, and woke culture. And there's probably going to be a storyline
Starting point is 00:37:52 where like the patriarch, he asked to go to Southern California for a business meeting. And it's a big fancy hotel. And he's wearing his 10 gallon hat. He feels very out of place. And the waitress comes around. And she's like, or he's wearing his 10 gallon hat, he feels very out of place. And the waitress comes around and she's like, or he's like, what do you got on special for brunch this morning? That's how everyone talks in the y'all stuff. And the waitress is like, we have
Starting point is 00:38:17 this avocado toast is really delicious. And this guy's like, oh, the cut of what now. And he just looks kind of, he shakes his head and he kind of looks you know dismay and he says coffee black Black my ancestors used to have And it comes in like a you know like a fancy kind of Ceramic mug and he's like he pulls out his own tin cup from his his and he's like, he pulls out his own tin cup from his canteen or his pack. And his business partner's like, what are you doing there?
Starting point is 00:38:51 John is like, tin makes a taste better. And they do some kind of business deal and they have to, I don't know. Get Shamu back into SeaWorld or something. I don't know what a mega guy would wanna do in Southern California, but that's what 2024 is gonna be about. And then probably some good only fan stuff as well,
Starting point is 00:39:12 because that's the other thing I didn't mention about the OGL, so there's a lot of just passionate cowboy sex. Not like HBO style sex, not that good, but just like less kind of arousing to watch kind of sex, kind of the in between. So that's pretty much Yellowstone, sex, cowboys, rodeos, a lot of shooting people, especially Indian Native Americans, and no consequences. That's the Wild West, baby.
Starting point is 00:39:48 If you can't take it, go back to your avocado toast and your only fans and your, you know, your anti-work Reddit subreddits, you know, go back, go back to those places. So we got all this coming up. I have a couple original ideas and read more about these and go to slash television. And we're going to wrap on this and the do our trivia question. Then we're going to be done. So here's some other ideas I have for be or for yellow stone for B for Yellowstone spin-offs, first 1215, okay. You know I was going here, magna carda.
Starting point is 00:40:28 King John, picture this, King John, he's fighting against the government regulations. Everyone's bringing a bill at running need and they're like, King John, King John, you gotta sign this bill to limit your executive power and distribute more power to the the lords and the barons and you know communism and that fun stuff and King John is like hell no and I think this could be one of those fun like Quentin Tarantino things
Starting point is 00:40:57 where you kind of rewrite history you know like the end of once upon a time in Hollywood where Sharon Tate doesn't get murdered it could be, King John doesn't sign the Magna Carta. So you might be curious, Quinn Huda have lined up to play King John. Well, I was thinking of all these spin-offs. I have ideas for original ideas. I wanna be credited by the way. Don't steal my ideas.
Starting point is 00:41:18 This is copyrighted. I gotta get some actors and actresses in here who are committed to the mega cause. That's the thing about Yellowstone. The reason is popular is because mega loves it. Chemcozner, a bunch of country singers, playing actor or playing characters. This is big west shooting. People of color.
Starting point is 00:41:41 This is what the Godfair and Republicans are all about. So I'm all in on Herschel Walker as King John. If you don't know who Herschel Walker is, go do some research and then imagine him playing King John and you will thank me. Next up 1431, I love this because everything in the Yellowstone universe is just about the patriarchy in a positive way. versus just about the patriarchy in a positive way. And so 1431, we're talking Joan of Arc. And the tagline is gonna be behind every Joan of Arc is a better, powerful man. The tagline needs some work, I will give you that
Starting point is 00:42:18 because I just came up with that off the top of my head now. But if you're curious, Joan of Arc, here's how we're gonna get the ratings. Jonah Vark was really slutty. And I know she was only, Jonah Vark was only like seven, eight, when she died, something like that. So we're gonna have to maybe stretch it.
Starting point is 00:42:33 We want her to be 18, although you're gonna see have an idea for something underage and a little bit here, which I think is gonna be, we have to see what the networks feel about it. I don't know, but, I think it would be, you know, we have to see what the networks feel about it. I don't know, but I think it would be fun. If Joan of Arc was like super slutty, and you know, French and kind of, you know, slutty.
Starting point is 00:42:57 Here we go, cast Roseanne Barr as Joan, and then this is gonna throw you for a little bit of a twist. I think you're gonna like it. Steven Baldwin as Mr. Dark. Steven Baldwin, big mega Republican. Okay, going up here or going back here rather, 1271 BC, how about that? So far we've just done AD years.
Starting point is 00:43:19 Now we're doing BC years. 1271 BC Moses in the wilderness. He's doing everything. He's he's tame and wild horses. He's doing biblical magic. He's turning rods into snakes, cobras even. He's you know, he's sleeping with all those can and I'd women and you know that they're loose. The Bible just basically spells that out. Starring John Voit as Moses, classic, magory, public, and in a surprising kind of comeback, Mr. Incredible himself, Craig T. Nelson as Moses. And I guess if she's free, we could bring Roseanne Barra into this one as well. She could be
Starting point is 00:44:14 Sophie. What's her name? Miriam. Yeah, Miriam. So that's 1271 BC. We got two more here. 1815. Napoleon comes back from exile. He's not French in this one. He's American, which works well because I know they're making the Napoleon movie, the Ridley Scott one with works well because I know they're making the Napoleon movie, the Ridley Scott one with what's his name Phoenix, Joaquin. It was Joaquin Phoenix is American, so this kind of tracks, okay, that's everyone's doing it. Napoleon comes back from exile, one of his exiles, he's got two, right? He was, I can't remember one of them is St. Helena and the other one is like Corsica or some or Elba, something like that.
Starting point is 00:44:43 Elba, I thought was a pasta apparently it's an island. He so he comes back He tames a lot of wild horses. He tames a lot of wild bitches And I think here's here's where they're really gonna. I mentioned that we're gonna do this earlier This might make you uncomfortable. Okay, but good TV is supposed to make you uncomfortable We're really gonna stretch the limits of what we're allowed to show here Napoleon's gonna be sleeping with a lot of 15 year old French bitches. Or maybe he has like a side quest to Sicily or something. He gets the Italians, right? Like White Lotus season two, Mama Mia. And they're going to be wearing those like tight corsets, think, think like
Starting point is 00:45:22 Lisbon Swan, here nightly from Star Wars 1 Phantom Menace. No, Pirates of the Caribbean, Curse of the Black Pearl. So it's gonna be really tight and it really kind of pushes the upper RESTL regions up. But they're 15, so it's kind of, but it's meant to be like edgy and shocking and like you're not sure if you root for them,
Starting point is 00:45:44 but then he fires a gun into the air and he's like, you know, I love America basically. So you know he's actually the good guy. So that's how we kind of work it in. This role I thought about long and hard on for a whole 30 seconds on the on the bike earlier today. And then it hit me. This has got Kid Rock right and all over it. Kid Rock
Starting point is 00:46:07 Napoleon Bang and bitches Dude that is a winning combo and there are last one here. I came up with kind of a Later on in my walk But I like it because we haven't really done anything like this yet. 2021 No, let me try that again because that's wrong. 21, 21, 21, 21. Baron Trump, the third has to fight futuristic liberals dressed in Hillary masks.
Starting point is 00:46:38 It's basically like the purge. They come to his house. It's like, we're going to indoctrinate you. We're going toctrinate you. We're gonna give you You know free health care. We're gonna fund your public schools. We're going to rain in government spending And he's got to just go out there and mow them down. Also, he's gonna he's gonna fuck some bitches And so when I thought you know for our last kind of one in the universe at least until next week when we announce another five Who do we want playing Baron Trump the third and then it couldn't be it couldn't have been more obvious of one in the universe, at least until next week when we announce another five. Who do we want playing Baron Trump the third and then it couldn't be, it couldn't have been more obvious. This is Dennis Quaid. And we could do the thing like with the Olsen twins in full house
Starting point is 00:47:14 where you kind of swap out Dennis and Randy or Dennis for Randy and vice versa when someone gets tired, you throw in the other one. So that's 21, 21, Baron Trump the third, fight into lip tards, bangin' bitches, quaint brothers, boom. So there you go. And I wanted to finish up today's episode with Yellowstone Trivia, which has nothing to do with the show, thank God. We're done talking about it, I promise.
Starting point is 00:47:40 We're gonna plow right through this. So also, if you like our ideas, let us know being Tom podcast at I think there's some good ones in there when you got Kid Rock when you got Dennis Quaid Randy Quaid Craig T Nelson You really cannot lose Okay, trivia question is very straightforward. It's hard yellowstone national park was the first ever national park in the United States created in which year? So yes, I do want the exact year that Yellowstone National Park was created. If you want more time, go for it We're gonna go right through it. The actual year? 1872, so there you go, that's when Yellowstone National Park
Starting point is 00:48:29 was first created. The best part about today's trivia question, there are two bonus questions. Number one, who is president in 1872? When I first saw the year, I wasn't really thinking straight and I was like, oh, we should ask them who the president is that's gonna be really tough and then I thought about and I was like well it's an election year but the election happens at the end of the year so if you just know like basic US years you'll know that it's really not too tough to figure out. too tough to figure out. So the president who was who was oversaw the creation of Yellowstone National Park was Ulysses S. Grant in 1872. He won an election in 1872, I don't recall against whom, but that was that.
Starting point is 00:49:19 And then finally, bonus question number two, the second and third US National Parks were created in 1890 named these national parks. Your hint is stay out west, but neither one of them are in a state that has anything to do with Yellowstone. But this state was mentioned earlier. I'm going to talk about avocado toast. I think that was that was a 2024, if I remember correctly. So the answer to bonus question two, the second and third national parks were created in 1890,
Starting point is 00:49:54 named them, they were, and I've been to, like half of these two, half of one of these two. Yosemite, which I've never been to and then Sequoia which is like the half. I've like been up to the base amount Whitney before and I don't know if that technically counts. I don't think it does, but it's right there and it's a bunch of Sequoia trees.
Starting point is 00:50:16 So I felt like I was there. There you go, that was our Bean Tom podcast trivia question of the week. And that was some of my ideas for some upcoming yellow stone spin-offs. Let us know what you think, tweet at us, beentowncast, email the show, Thanks everyone for listening, thanks for supporting our show. Crazy thing about next week, Paladramic episode 31303, baby.
Starting point is 00:50:40 So excuse me that maybe that will be our paladram of the day. Not sure if we're going gonna broadcast live from Puerto Rico, wait till we get back to Chicago, unclear. We got options, but maybe I'll do it from Puerto Rico on my phone. They'd be kind of fun. The first ever Bean-Town podcast live from a US territory. Pretty neat stuff. That's what I got for you.
Starting point is 00:50:59 Let's wrap it up there. Everyone, thanks for listening. Everyone, stay safe. Stay sane. My name is Quinn. I'll check in on you next time bye I'm just going to sit here. ndご視聴ありがとうございました

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