Beef And Dairy Network - Episode 43 - Bunny Stone

Episode Date: January 20, 2019

London Hughes joins in for this episode, in which we speak to Bunny Stone, one of the world’s most successful Instagram influencers. By Benjamin Partridge and London Hughes. Stock media provided by ...Setuniman/ and Soundrangers/

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The Beef and Dairy Network podcast is sponsored by Granium, the new nutritional sand from Mitchell's. If it's not Mitchell's, get back in the truck. In many respects, Granium is like regular sand, but unlike regular sand, Granium is highly flammable. Our advice is to store Granium several hundred yards away from any buildings, and as long as you do that, you won't have any trouble, unless it seeps into your water system. For a free fire extinguisher with your next order, use the code INFERNO. And as long as you do that, you won't have any trouble, unless it seeps into your water system.
Starting point is 00:00:29 For a free fire extinguisher with your next order, use the code INFERNO. Hello, and welcome to the Beef and Dairy Network podcast, the number one podcast for those involved, or just interested, in the production of beef animals and dairy herds. The Beef and Dairy Network podcast is the podcast companion to the Beef and Dairy Network website, and a printed magazine, brought to you by Granium Nutritional Sand. And as the advert says, it is worth noting that granium is incredibly flammable, as we found out this month when we mistook a bag of it for normal sand and used it to try and put out a fire. To get an idea of what that was like, imagine dousing an old Christmas tree in petrol and then throwing it into a volcano. The problem was then compounded when
Starting point is 00:01:21 we tried to put out the granium fire using a bucket of water, not realising that when granium comes into contact with water, it can create steam that's so hot that it can actually go back in time and start another fire in the past. So if you're wondering why you suddenly remember a school gymnasium burning to the ground in 1976, that's why. Moral of the story, granium is a wonderful nutritional sand for your herd, but do not throw it over a fire that was caused by an out-of-control birthday cake. By the way, happy birthday to Beef and Dairy Network Secretary Steve Reen. I hope you're
Starting point is 00:01:54 being well looked after. I know you're going to pull through, especially given how you've been through this all before, back in 1976. On the show this month, we have the beef forecast, the milk prices, and your letters. But first, last week I spoke to Bunny Stone, who is one of Instagram's richest and most popular influencers, with more followers than Selena Gomez, Winston the body-positive dog, and the bikini lawyer. Bunny is best known for taking photographs of herself holding a grape or grapes. Indeed, she's built her fortune by being paid for promoted Instagram posts by the deep pockets of some of the world's biggest grape merchants.
Starting point is 00:02:30 However, in recent months, she has begun sharing photographs of and appearing in public with a cow. We invited her in to tell us more. Bunny Stone, such a pleasure to have you here hi you're one of britain's foremost instagram influencers yes i am yeah i'm very interested to to learn about how you started off being an instagrammer yeah yeah and and obviously how you obviously grapes as you yeah grapes so grapes is my thing seedless grapes red grapes green grapes I mean? Like just all the grapes really. Is your interest in grapes purely a business thing
Starting point is 00:03:09 or were you always interested in grapes? I just really like grapes. Like they taste really nice. They're not really calorific. And like you just eat it and it's like, oh my God, it's nice. Like who don't like grapes? Like name a person.
Starting point is 00:03:19 Like if you say I don't like grapes, like then you're the devil. Like who don't like grapes? So I had one and I was thinking, actually, this is really tasty. Like why don't they have adverts for grapes on TV? Like you never like, you never see grape adverts.
Starting point is 00:03:32 So I just thought I'll take a picture of myself eating a grape and like promote the grape industry. Next thing you know, like my followers were like, oh, I love grapes too. And like, I feel like before I mentioned it, people weren't really thinking about grapes. now like if Beyonce posts grapes it will get x amount of views but when I post grapes I get more views than Beyonce do you think because obviously Beyonce has started doing all the grape
Starting point is 00:03:58 selfies yeah she's doing it but I was doing it first I mean so she's just copying what I'm doing do you think that you're somehow better at holding a grape? I'm better than Beyonce at holding grapes, 100%. I've been told that if you read the comments, you'll be like, you're so much better than Beyonce at doing this. I'm not hating Beyonce because she has her talents and I have mine. I'm sure that, you know, I can't sing and dance as good, maybe on par with her, but not better.
Starting point is 00:04:23 But I can hold grapes better than her is it to do with your hand is it or is it more i've got big hands and they're quite soft looking and also where i position the grapes close to my mouth is very important because too far away doesn't look interesting doesn't look like you want to eat them too close it's a little bit sexual what happens when you when you do post a selfie that the people deem to be too sexual they will let you know like if what is to be like oh you should take that down like my little kids have seen this i mean like and i understand like i've got a lot of young followers i'm very influential and i don't want to put a grape near my mouth in a sexy way and then a seven-year-old does it do you mean grapes
Starting point is 00:05:03 are sexy they're very sexy what's that name cleopatra is it cleopatra so she held that like she to be fair she did it first with the grapes because she had grapes like held by the head but cameras weren't invented then yeah so it weren't really a big deal and no one really saw it but did you take inspiration no i didn't know her i just found that after was like the history of grape holding people was telling me about cleopatra right but i feel like I'm better than what she did because she had someone else hold the grapes for her, whereas I held them myself. Would you ever let someone else hold the grapes for you?
Starting point is 00:05:34 No, no, no, it wouldn't work. It's not the same. You've got to hold the grapes yourself. And that's kind of become your motto, really. Yeah, hold your own grapes. Because why would you want to hold anyone else's grapes? And why would you want someone else to hold your grapes for you? hold your own grapes because why would you want to hold anyone else's grapes and why would you want someone else to hold your grapes for you hold your own grapes so last week i came to your hold your own grapes event that you're running yeah you were there
Starting point is 00:05:53 yeah i saw you at the back actually yeah sorry i couldn't get you a signed t-shirt but um it was just crazy grapes everywhere so many grapes and um you were launching your your product line of hold Your Own Grapes merchandise. And there's a book, Hold Your Own Grapes. You were holding grapes above your head, which nobody was surprised by. And you appeared on the red carpet.
Starting point is 00:06:15 But also in tow was a very large, very handsome cow. I knew you were going to ask about this, hence why I'm on the show. Yeah, that's my car bob is it a cow or a bull well do you know what is the bull mean it's the boy yeah so i got a bull then lovely everyone was very surprised i don't know why like they're the in thing like literally so i was like i've got everything i mean I've got private jet I got three houses
Starting point is 00:06:46 I've got a house that is literally there just put my clothes in do you know what I mean so it's like some people have a walking wardrobe I've got a walking house I was like what don't I have I've got my vineyard I don't really want a farm it's a lot of hard work but I like the animal aspect of it and I was like what farm animal would I want? Cow. And it seems that you maybe were the first to do this. I was. Not even a maybe, babe.
Starting point is 00:07:13 It was a definite. I was the first. I got Bob in what, 2014? And no one was getting cows then. Everyone wanted them little micro pigs. Back then, everybody had a micro pig. Paris Dilton had a micro pig. Lindsay Lohan had a micro pig.
Starting point is 00:07:30 I was like, all right, babe, I'll get a calf. More from Bunny later. But first, we received a number of letters this month in response to an emotional piece written by dairy farmer Alan Rudd and published on our website, in which he admitted that sometimes he thinks he loves his dairy herd more than his own children. Brian Tring from Carlisle writes, I haven't told my wife this, but when my farm flooded last year, I made sure the cows were
Starting point is 00:07:57 safe before going into our farmhouse to save our children. To be honest, as I was filling the Mitchells in Flato arc with air, it didn't even cross my mind that we had children. To be honest, as I was filling the Mitchells in Flato arc with air, it didn't even cross my mind that we had children. By the time I found them, they were wet, cold, and up to their necks in filthy water. I told them not to tell their mother, but they hold this secret over me every day like an invisible sword, and they have all the power in our relationship. I feel trapped in a world of blackmail at the hands of my terrible children. My seed has become my captor. Please can you anonymise this letter because if my wife finds out... Oh, sorry Brian.
Starting point is 00:08:32 Too late. Janet from Devon writes, I love my child more than anything. Nothing gives me more joy than walking into her room in the morning, waking her up, giving her a big handful of hay and checking her body for ticks. Oh God, I've moved a cow into my daughter's bedroom and my daughter now lives in the barn. Thanks, Janet. Paul Ringer from Rutland writes, a group of sailors to fire me out of a cannon as part of an ill-advised and now I realise over-the-top marriage proposal. As I lay in my hospital bed, a nylon Superman outfit melted onto my skin, my only thought was not for my children from my previous marriage or for the woman who I had forced to dress as Lois Lane before flying into her on fire at well over
Starting point is 00:09:20 100 miles an hour. It was for my favourite cow, Dairy Beast 568. When I was well enough to leave hospital, I went straight to the pasture to find her. When I approached her, there was no look of recognition in her eyes at all, and when I touched her face, she lurched forward, pinning me to a fence. Is love real, or is it just an illusion? I wish I could tell you, Paul. And finally, Rosina from Durham writes, I've met Alan Rudd's children, and I'm not surprised that's how he feels. They are conceited, arrogant, self-centred, cocky little brats. Blemished, crooked, grotesque little pigs. Foul and ludicrous, preposterous toads. Thanks to everyone who wrote in. More after this.
Starting point is 00:10:03 who wrote in. More after this. You know what's smart? Kicking off 2019 by planning out which roles you need to hire for. And you can start by using the smartest way to hire, ZipRecruiter. ZipRecruiter's powerful matching technology finds the right people for you and actively invites them to apply. It's no wonder that ZipRecruiter is rated number one by employers in the US. This rating comes from hiring sites on Trustpilot with over 1,000 reviews. And right now, network members can get ZipRecruiter for free at slash beef. If you love this show, show your support to it and ZipRecruiter by going to slash beef. to slash B-E-E-F.
Starting point is 00:10:47 slash beef. Slash beef. Slash beef. In a world where meat was banned, only one man could stand up to the state. Oh my god! Happy birthday, Slash Beef! It's not my birthday. Yes, it is. I wasn't born. I was forged in the fires of Mount Beef.
Starting point is 00:11:07 Slash Man, so why does it have your birthday and your driving license? Happy birthday. Here's your gift. Thank you. Oh, you really shouldn't have. A trip to Hawaii. I can't go. I must stay here and protect people from the government goons.
Starting point is 00:11:23 Without me, the whole city's beef supply will be confiscated. Isn't it great, Slashbe? Oh, I'm so hot. Take off your leather suit. But without my leather suit, I'm just... Plain old Mr. Fungerson. Don't say it. I'm Slashbe.
Starting point is 00:11:44 Slashbe? I'm Slashbe. Slashbe? Slashbe. Slash Beef Slash Beef I'm Slash Beef Slash Beef Slash Beef Slash Beef Slash Beef Can I have an ice cream please I'll have one too
Starting point is 00:11:52 Is there ever any problem having a bull that size because he he must be two or three tonnes Yeah He seemed quite aggressive Do you know what it is
Starting point is 00:12:04 it's his background he's had a hard life do you know what it is? It's his background. He's had a hard life. Do you know what I mean? Like, before I got him as a calf, I don't know what he was at on these streets. It's a rescue calf. Yeah, rescue calf, yeah. Because a lot of the time,
Starting point is 00:12:16 people get calves for Christmas and realise they ain't that fun. So they get rid of them. And everyone talks about the dog's home and the cat's home and like a puppy's for life not just for Christmas no one says that about cars
Starting point is 00:12:29 no one says a car was for life not just for Christmas so people forget it they leave the cars out in the road but in a way you've sort of made the problem worse in a way just hear me out
Starting point is 00:12:39 okay I will you're an influencer so people like to imitate you and are inspired by what you do. Of course they are. We saw that with the huge sales of grapes. Yeah. Now, you recently started posting photographs of yourself with the bull.
Starting point is 00:12:53 Yeah. And as a result, many children were asking their parents, begging them, I want a calf for Christmas, I want a calf for Christmas. So many of those calves now are already just wandering the streets. That's the thing with great power comes great responsibility and i'm not saying everybody go out and buy a car they're hard work do you know what i mean they're not really pleasant animals to be around they can kick you and you know that saying like a like a bull in a china shop yeah i've seen that in real
Starting point is 00:13:21 life it's not fun you took it into a train of thought. Yeah. Messed up the place. I thought maybe it was just a rumour. It's not a rumour. They really do go crazy in there. So really and truly, ideally, in hindsight, maybe I shouldn't have got a ball. But I'm in love with him now.
Starting point is 00:13:40 He's in my life. What am I going to do? I can't leave him out on the streets. And do you know what if I can help anyone you know like think twice about just pet ownership
Starting point is 00:13:49 and that and just buying a ball willy nilly like these kids that get these calves for Christmas and the calves have like
Starting point is 00:13:56 kicked down the Christmas tree bit their nan do you know what I mean like now they've learned that's a life lesson they've learned don't just buy
Starting point is 00:14:04 a calf because someone else is doing it so is that your message really that is the deeper message yeah just because you see someone with a bull don't mean you should have a bull is that a message that you're putting across enough though because you know looking through your instagram feed it's just lovely photographs of yourself and the bull. Well, it's a nice bull. He's part of my life. It glamorises the lifestyle. He's got a glamorous lifestyle.
Starting point is 00:14:30 He really does. He really does. He's got an iPad. He's living his best bull life. And I'm going to show it off. I'm proud of him. He's achieved a lot in his life. So I'm going to put him on my gram
Starting point is 00:14:42 and let people know, yeah, I've got a bull and I'm proud of my bull. This week, the Royal Society for the Protection of Animals went on record saying it was concerned from your photographs and short videos on Instagram that the diet that you're feeding your bull isn't necessarily the best for it. What, grapes?
Starting point is 00:15:02 Yeah, it seems from the pictures that he has a hundred percent grape diet but he likes it i'm just giving the ball what he wants like some balls like grass my ball likes grapes if you took your ball and put in front of him a big bale of hay or a bowl of grapes he'll go for the grapes yeah and you're sure of that yeah a million percent yeah nobody likes hay like what is hay is Bob
Starting point is 00:15:30 healthy physically yeah he's malnourished but in a sexy way like you know when some people have a fire gap
Starting point is 00:15:38 that was in having a fire gap a fire gap yeah so girls were trying to have the gap between the fires if your fire thighs touched and it
Starting point is 00:15:45 was like, ew, but if your thighs had a gap, it's like, sexy. Yeah. He's got a massive gap and his tail fell off.
Starting point is 00:15:53 He looks absolutely great. You think it's sort of trendy? It's so trendy. You don't need it. What's its use to swap flies?
Starting point is 00:16:02 There's no flies in his mansion. Do you know what I mean? So yeah, he ain't got no tail but he looks stunning he looks so god damn chic when you said
Starting point is 00:16:11 when you say foot fell off yeah it fell off yeah just fell off yeah last Christmas yeah he was having his grapes tail fell right off I was like
Starting point is 00:16:20 what's this man but you know what it's what happens in life he's happy how malnourished does a bull need to be I was like, what's this, man? But do you know what? It's what happens in life. He's happy. How malnourished does a bull need to be for its tail to just fall off? I don't know. I haven't spoken to any other bull experts.
Starting point is 00:16:36 But my next door neighbour, Jerry, said it's fine. He was like... Is he a vet? No. He don't need it. You're looking at me with worried eyes. He don't need the tail. He don't need much. You're looking at me with worried eyes. He don't need the tail. He don't need much. Do you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:16:46 Like, I do everything for him, or his ball carers do everything for him. So he's all right. Like, he's lost half a horn. Like, his horn fell off. He's lost half a horn. He lost the top half, and then he lost the bottom half.
Starting point is 00:17:03 So it's a whole horn, but it was half of the horn that fell off right yeah it's great though he looks great looks like a unicorn more from bunny in a moment but first it's time for the beef forecast fragrant beef essence will lie softly over higher ground while below in the fenlands the beef is fully submerged for now and will be until easter across the south it's mostly calm but in regions, piping hot waves of beef will lash the coast. And finally in the north, most will be bathed in a deep bath of mild, comforting beef
Starting point is 00:17:32 with just one or two isolated spots of gristle. And the milk prices. Skimmed is up five against semi-skimmed, and full fat continues its tumble, now trading at less than a yen a gallon. Cheeses are steady, and over on the New York Cream Index, both single and double are down once more against the cheesecake now back to our interview with bunny stone if as any of our listeners are listening and they're fans of yours and they themselves
Starting point is 00:17:57 want to keep a bull in a city rather than on a farm right yeah as you as you're doing what advice would you give them make sure you have like two levels to your house because a bull in a apartment is a bit like a bull in a china shop and they can't really get in the lift and they don't really take stairs gracefully I would say that's number one number two they're not really good around kids they sit on kids so yeah they'll sit they'll sit on a toddler if you've got kids don't have a ball
Starting point is 00:18:29 do you know what I mean sounds like a bit of a nightmare then no it's worth it it's worth it because at the end of the day when you get home and your house
Starting point is 00:18:36 is completely trashed and your ball is just looking at you with those red eyes you know you've done the right thing do you know what I mean. You know you've done the right thing. Do you know what I mean? Bunnystone, thank you so much for coming on.
Starting point is 00:18:49 Thank you for having me. I'm glad we had this chat. A big thanks to Bunnystone for coming to speak to us. Her book, Hold Your Own Grapes, is out next month. And if you order through the Beef and Dairy online bookshop, the first 500 copies sold will come with a free grape. Enjoy your grape. So, that's all we've got time for this month. But if you're after more beef and dairy news, get over to the website now where you'll find all the usual stuff as well as our off-topic section where this month you can find
Starting point is 00:19:15 out what happened when we tried to take a Komodo dragon on a ferry full of military veterans. So until next time, beef out. and we're the host of Everything's Coming Up Simpsons. Every episode we cover a different episode of The Simpsons that is a favorite of our special guests. We've had guests that are showrunners and writers and voice actors like Nancy Cartwright. I got a D minus, I passed! And we've also had people that are on the Max Fund Network already. We've had Weird Al Yankovic on the show. I was just struck by how sharp the writing is.
Starting point is 00:20:02 I mean, that's no surprise because it's The Simpsons, but I mean, like, you can't say that about a lot of TV shows, particularly ones that at that point had been on the air for 14 years. Find us on, iTunes, or wherever you get your podcasts. Alright, smell you later. Hi, I am Laurie Kilmartin.
Starting point is 00:20:22 And I'm Jackie Kishin. Together we host a podcast called The Jackie and Lori Show. We're both stand-up comics. We recently met each other because women weren't allowed to work together on the road or in gigs for a long, long time. And so our friendship has been unfolding on this podcast for a couple of years. Jackie constantly works the road. I write for Conan. And then I work the road in between.
Starting point is 00:20:45 We do a lot of stand-up comedy. And so we celebrate standup and we also bitch about it. We keep it to an hour. We don't have any guests. We somehow find enough to talk about every single week. So find us, you can subscribe to the Jackie and Laurie show at or wherever you get your podcasts. Okay. Bye. or wherever you get your podcasts. Okay, bye.

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