Behind the Bastards - Andrew Tate Update

Episode Date: May 2, 2023

Robert is joined by Ian Johnson and Sophie Lichterman for an update episode on Andrew Tate. See for privacy information....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Picture Miami. Picture its beaches. Picture three radio journalists assassinated in cold blood. This is silenced, the radio murders. You left the body there for a reason. It was the calling card. It's like the mafia used to do. The mastermind has never been caught. To find him, we had to go deep into a world of drugs and darkness. And there were these hints of a much bigger conspiracy. I'm Osvalosian. Listen to silenced, the radio murders. On the iHeartRadio app, Apple podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. And now for today's Roblox winter weather alert. iHeartland on Roblox has been walloped by a winter snowstorm. It is a winter wonderland. You can now ice skate at State Farm Park. In State Farm
Starting point is 00:00:52 neighborhood, you can compete in snowball fights, grab a hot cocoa and cookies, and more. There's also special events from your favorite artists and podcasters all month, along with scavenger hunts, exclusive content, and unique items. So enjoy the festive winter weather at iHeartland on Roblox. Head to slash iHeartland today. Just a few miles off the Thailand coast, the island of Kotow looks like a postcard. But underneath the surface lies something sinister. In the last 20 years, dozens of tourists have died mysteriously on the island. A dark cloud has come over the island. Death, mystery, and danger. Listen to Death Island on the iHeartRadio app or wherever you get your favorite shows. And if you want early access to new episodes and to hear exclusive bonus content,
Starting point is 00:01:44 be sure to subscribe to the iHeart True Crime Plus channel today, available exclusively on Apple Podcasts. What's apparently shockingly well hung, my young male lead from the movie Spy Kids. But now he's in his like 30s, so it's fine. Is that a good intro, Sophie? Is that a good intro? You spent 10 minutes before the episode talking to me about the fact that the Spy Kids kid grew up to marry Meghan Trainor and have a huge wang. Oh, I was discussing how, for some reason, and Ian, who is also here, hi Ian Johnson, that we get on Twitter, we get this like at-pop crave account that neither of us follow. Everything I know about K-pop comes from Twitter believing that I am incredibly interested in K-pop. Twitter picks things for you to be interested in. That's just the way it works.
Starting point is 00:02:40 Can I just, I feel like I owe it to the listeners to read this episode. To talk about this former child, Sophie, former child, so first off problematic. Okay, so Spy Kid, okay, so I'm not even, okay. Meghan Trainor causes chatter online after discussing her painful sex with big boy, husband, Daryl, I don't care, he's the Spy Kid. I was joking about it being- Revealing that she can't walk after, I'm gonna read the whole fucking thing, thank you very much. She can't walk after sex. It's to the point where I'm like, is it all in? And he's like, just the tip. And I'm like, I can't do anymore. And I don't know how to fix that. Why? They think that's what you want to see, Sophie. That's what Elon thinks you want
Starting point is 00:03:25 to see. That's what Elon thinks of me because I feel bullied. This is the first time that I have not been cripplingly depressed in weeks. Oh, you're welcome. Yeah, no, this really, I was right on the edge there, Sophie. I was right on the edge. I'm glad you're back. Learning about this, this former child's massive, massive meat wagon has really, has pulled me through. It's my, it's my Prozac. Well, I just felt like the listeners- hearing about these people I was formerly unaware of and their sex debates. That's fair. They're also the couple that has two toilets in their bathrooms so they can shit next to each other. Which, you know, all of this is fine. Well, no, it's not. But all of this is fine. But like, why do I have to know about it? Why does
Starting point is 00:04:10 Ian have to know about it? And why do all of our listeners have to know about it? And I'll tell you- All of our listeners have to know about it because you would not stop telling me about it. Well, I'll tell you what. I thought they deserved a little bit of a ha ha ha. Before we got into this episode, what are we talking about, Robert Evans? Well, you know, earlier this year, right at the start of this year, we did a four-parter on Mr. Andrew Tate because I thought people needed to know more about him. There wasn't at that point really any kind of comprehensive profile on him. Let's look at his life, you know, kind of covering the whole sweep of everything he'd done and how he got to be so influential. You know, and at the- I decided that enough has
Starting point is 00:04:50 happened in the months since then that it was time for an Andrew Uptate. Wow. Chris, please, please, please insert some some- Snaps for Robert. Snaps for Robert. Please insert some snapping noise and some like little like a little applause, but not too loud of applause, just like a little applause. No, no, find me like a standing ovation clip from the VMAs or something. Throw that in there. Like three solid minutes. You know what? Let's bring it back. Find applause for Megan Trainor performing at the VMAs. There you go. Make it all connect. So at the time we covered Monsignor Tate, he was still locked up in a Romanian jail. There was not a whole lot of good info about his early life and rise to prominence. So I had to do a lot of digging to fill in
Starting point is 00:05:33 holes since there just wasn't as much out there as there is now. And what there was out there was not conveniently located in articles. It was scattered throughout literally hundreds of different video clips on multiple different websites. Now in the months since Andrew has number one been released to house arrest, he's gone through obviously during the time he was in jail. He had a bit of a jailhouse odyssey of his own, which we'll talk about. And he's also attracted a huge amount of reporting resources from outlets like Rolling Stone and the recently deceased BuzzFeed News. This has provided us with a lot more context about his early life, about kind of his rise to prominence, about, you know, a couple of small mysteries that we had during the initial episodes we did.
Starting point is 00:06:15 In addition to that, some of our own fans or at least one of our own fans has done some digging on the subreddit and they found some clips from some of Tate's videos that provided some additional context on his backstory. So today I'm going to give you guys an update on what's gone down since we last talked, as well as an expansion of the stuff we covered last time based on some new information. Most of the new info we've received focuses on his father, Emery Tate, and what happened between him and his family during the part of Andrew's childhood that was previously a little bit of a black box. Oh, yeah, by the way, Ian and Sophie are the guests for this episode. Hello, Ian and Sophie. I realized I hadn't introduced you. We did, but yeah, no, happy to be back,
Starting point is 00:06:54 I think. Brave. Brave of me to introduce you twice. That shows how much gratitude I have. You were just so enamored by that, by that big dick story that you couldn't, you couldn't remember what had happened. You were digmatized. Oh, yes. His eyes got glossy and everything. Yeah. So a lot of what I have learned here comes courtesy of a user on our subreddit, Chicken Stuff 18, who come through a bunch of, again, Andrew's backstory is kind of scattered throughout hundreds of videos, many of which are lies. So some of the information in the videos this guy came up with was I found really compelling, because we had kind of, I talked a lot about Emery Tate, his father, the chess legend.
Starting point is 00:07:37 We mentioned kind of one unsettling story Andrew told about him, like being shoved by him, a weird story about kind of him pulling a son out of a tournament for crying. But we didn't know a whole lot about the guy in some of these videos that were brought to my attention. Tate admits that his father was a diagnosed narcissist, which makes a ton of sense, R.E. Andrew's behavior. Yeah. Yeah. So yeah. And he ties Andrew in it while he never like like stops idolizing his father. He ties his father's likely narcissism to his eventual separation from the military and the fact that the family was destitute when Andrew was a kid. In Andrew's recollection of events, which probably doesn't entirely correspond with reality,
Starting point is 00:08:26 but probably does correspond with what he was told as a kid by his dad. Emery, you know, because Emery is working for the Air Force, and he has an argument with a superior officer over how to like translate some sort of document that they've taken in. And Emery is unable to like either admit that he's wrong or like give up the argument, right? You know, that kind of way that narcissists do where, you know, a thing that a normal person, even if the normal person is like, well, you know, I don't agree with this. At a certain point, you just kind of like let it go usually. Emery, Emery keeps on this to the point that it makes it impossible for anyone to work with him. He is initially like forced off of his actual duties and like made to like work as a janitor.
Starting point is 00:09:14 They're basically like you because of how you can't let this go, you are no longer capable of doing your regular job. So like sweep the fucking floor. But he continues to be such a problem that the Air Force offers him a separation from the military. Now, he has been doing this long enough that he qualifies for a pension. And his superiors are like, look, this is a messy situation. We will basically put you on disability and thus allow you to like get a pension. But you have to admit to the diagnosis that our internal doctors have given you of narcissistic personality disorder. The phrase that Andrew uses for this that his dad presumably told him was that the Air Force was asking Emery to put a price tag on his sanity. And he refused to do that and thus did
Starting point is 00:10:04 not get a pension. And that's why the entire family wound up destitute. And, you know, there's some evidence that this is more or less what happened. Rolling Stone looked into the story. They confirmed that Emery was discharged from the Air Force in 92. And his biographer wrote, quote, superiors believed Tate embellished intelligence and cited a personality disorder. Now, that's a little bit different from what Andrew's claiming, you know, which was that he had an argument with a superior about how to translate a document. The way that the his biographer describes it, it sounds more like Andrew was like exaggerating things, maybe for personal benefit. In any case, said biographer also notes that Emery became an alcoholic after leaving the Air Force was all which interrupted
Starting point is 00:10:50 his chess career and got him kicked out of at least one tournament. Despite all of this, Andrew continues to idolize his father portraying his refusal to acknowledge his diagnosis or accept this pension as an act of courage. And I want to play you a clip of him talking about this from an interview he did with a guy named Patrick Bet David, who I don't really totally know how to describe Patrick. He's like kind of in the the weirdo right wing grind setting communities. He's the dude in the back in the blue jacket. Yeah. And he's interesting. I don't know. I assume one of his cronies. Yeah, Patrick. Patrick did famously an interview with Alex Jones kind of early in Alex's legal troubles. That's actually not bad. It's one of like the better
Starting point is 00:11:37 early like kind of adversarial interviews with with Alex. But anyway, here's Andrew talking about his father to Patrick Bet David. But anyway, when they discharged him, they said he had narcissistic personality disorder. And the reason they said he had that is because he refused to listen to one of his commanders. I don't know the exact story. So I don't want to say it on tape, but he refused to listen to one of his commanders about a recording on a tape. And my father was arguing with him about the translation of a certain word. My father believed it was slang for something else. Superior believed it was something else. They got to a personal beef. It developed over months and months and months of arguments about translations. And
Starting point is 00:12:09 they eventually ended up being told to sweep outside for eight hours a day. And then I got to the point my father had discharged. So they discharged him. They diagnosed him with narcissistic personality disorder because they said he wouldn't listen. And they offered him this military pension and he refused it. He said, my sanity is not for sale. And I know that line because my mother used to scream all the time when we were broke in the house, you could have had money, Henry. My sanity is not for sale. Because that was like broke. Now we're broke, right? So I remember they're arguing, Henry, we could have had money. Now we're broke. So because he became a professional chess player, he couldn't pay the bills and we were living in Indiana and South South Chicago.
Starting point is 00:12:44 We were in the ghetto with no money. So I remember him saying that all the time. So eventually my mother was it was English, we decided to move back to England because England has social housing, you get free house and you can get benefits and that kind of thing. We moved back and my father stayed there. So I didn't see my father very much from the time I moved. My mother was always charged to keep me alive and he was just in charge of like giving me the lessons and stuff. So yeah, it was an interesting life, but he was he was a super principled man, like he turned down money. What was actually interesting towards the end of his life? About three or four years before he died. Um, no, no, it must have been way before that because I didn't have money yet.
Starting point is 00:13:20 Maybe 10 years before he died, he called me and said, you know, I've been principled for so long and the way the world's turning and what American government's doing and maybe I should have just signed or do you think I should have just signed? He didn't say maybe, he said, do you think I should have just signed? I said, no, dad, no, you get to live with a pure heart. You shouldn't have just signed because your mother is saying I should just sign it now and because I get back. Sign what exactly? Sign that the narcissistic personality to sell his sanity and get back. Why is the audio quality terrible? Oh, by the way, just so you know, a lot of people signed it. A lot of military. I mean, you know, that's, that's, um, that's all really interesting
Starting point is 00:14:01 to me. I think parts of this are true. Back pay with stuff like disability can work kind of similarly to how Andrew describes it. I've known people who were in the military and on disability and like were later found to be at a higher level of disability and like got 10 years of back pay or something. So it's not impossible that it might have worked some way similar to this. That said, there's definitely lots of lies in here too, or at least things that Andrew's not willing to believe about his background. I think it's more on the side of lies because he talks different ways about why they moved to England at different points in time. In other clips, he acknowledges that they didn't move because England had social housing and, you know, they
Starting point is 00:14:44 were just so poor. They moved because his dad cheated on his mother and that made her leave the United States and want to return to the United Kingdom. Although the fact that his narcissism was stopping them from being able to support themselves probably played a role in why she was willing to do that. We've got another clip here. To me, it's propagated by obviously Western society. It's propagated by the powerful females, this idea that no man should ever dare fuck anyone but them. And to me, it's asinine. You're asinine, you dumb mother fucker. It's just so stupid. It was just like, yeah, man, like if it's not uncommon for people to like bounce when they find out their partners
Starting point is 00:15:53 fucking around on them, like that's not weird. That's not like feminism, especially since it'd be one thing. Again, it's not just that your dad was fucking around on your mom. It's that your dad led the family into gut-wrenching poverty and then slept around on your mom and was gone all the time. And as we're going to cover was definitely abusive, at least mentally abusive. And obviously, we talked about him shoving young Andrew around, probably physically abusive too. Here's a clip where Andrew talks about some of the pretty profound mental abuse that Emery subjected his children to. I remember going home to my dad and saying, hey, dad, can I have a night light? He's like, no. I was like, put up scared of the dark. And I remember he was playing chess. He took to
Starting point is 00:16:38 sleep. When I said I was scared of the dark, he looked at me. It was nighttime. He took my ass up to my bedroom, locked me in the bedroom in the dark, said, there's monsters in there, son. Good luck. See you tomorrow. I screamed and cried all night. I almost screamed and cried for an hour, hour, hour and a half before I eventually fell asleep. Guess what? I never asked for a night light again. I never complained again. And guess what? I stopped being scared of the dark. Oh my God, brave. The stories he uses are like, they're just supposed to be universal, you know what I mean? Like, yeah, a lot of kids are afraid of the dark. A lot of kids get over that fear. But he got over it so
Starting point is 00:17:16 quickly. The most quick. The most quick of anyone. The fastest anyone has ever gotten over being afraid of the dark by himself in an hour. And then he's just fine. And now he's Andrew Tate. And now he's Andrew's fucking Tate. It is so funny. It's not funny that like his dad locked him in a closet. No, no, no, no. It's, it's, it's, it's, but it is funny to give him a night light and told him to go to bed and shut up. It is funny that he talked about it. That's what's funny. It's funny that he talked about it as like, isn't this awesome? This is like my fucking bad ass martial arts origin story. Like my dad locking me in a closet. Probably given what else we know about Emery, he was drunk and didn't want to deal with his son. It's just, it's like, it's both fucked up.
Starting point is 00:18:00 What's funny is like the degree to which Andrew like takes pride in it as like, this is what made me the, the tough, competent man I am today is being locked in a closet at night when I got scared. So all of this along with Rolling Stones reporting paints a picture of Andrew as a kid who showed I think always potential signs of becoming this kind of man. Although he might not have been sort of destined to go down. I don't think he was destined to go down the path that he did. Some of the conversations that Rolling Stone had with people who knew the Tates as kids when they were in the US described very young Andrew as a thoughtful and pretty well behaved kid. One of the anecdotes I heard about him that stuck out is that during family dinners, he had a lot
Starting point is 00:18:43 of like younger relatives, cousins and stuff. And he was always really careful to set up the table for them to make sure that they had all of the plates and utensils that they need. This was just like a thing he did without being asked is make sure that his, his younger relatives were like taken care of at these family gatherings and stuff. That said, there was always, you know, again, he's, he's Emery Tate's kid. There was always sort of signs of the kind of man that he did eventually become. From Rolling Stone, quote, those who knew Tate as a young man say they saw glimpses of misogynistic ragadoshio and a need for attention that they never imagined it would reach this point. If this Tate is a caricature, then it's one rooted in truth and morphed out of
Starting point is 00:19:21 control. The character he's created is based on what he thinks masculinity should be a source who knew Tate as a young man says. And this is the sad thing about it. He has been playing this character for so long that he has actually become worse than the character he portrays. And I think kind of the basis of his character is the way his dad portrayed himself. That's, that's the impression that I get to, to quote from a great band. I don't know, like that's, that's, that's all kind of interesting to me, I would say. So I think like one of the things that you have to get here is there at kind of the core of Andrew is both that his dad, who is this alcoholic narcissist, who cannot admit his own failures and also cannot take care of his
Starting point is 00:20:09 family. Andrew is never able to put down the lies that his dad kind of tells to justify this. And at the same time, when his mom leads, he's never really able to honestly process that. And I think this sort of mythic image of his dad just becomes his kind of attitude towards what masculinity should be forevermore. This affects Tristan as well. His younger brother grows up. I always forgot about, I almost forgot about Tristan because he's not interesting on his own. And other people who knew the Tates as like boys in the UK will claim that Tristan was kind of Andrew's lap dog his entire life, like even as a little kid. That's certainly the way their relationship looks just from the video evidence we have today. A source described them as
Starting point is 00:20:57 co-dependent, which I don't doubt. And said, it's like Tristan is held captive by Andrew and believes or follows everything Andrew says or does. Quote, another referred to Andrew as a father figure of sorts, saying that Tristan had modeled himself in Andrew's image due to their real father, Emery, being largely absent from their lives. And that's interesting to me. You've got sort of like Andrew, who's being this carbon copy of what, how his dad presented himself to children and then Tristan being a carbon copy of that. It's depressing. Like this is not the way human beings ought to live. But you know how human beings ought to live? How, Robert? Off of the products and services that support the show? That's right. And only this.
Starting point is 00:21:46 Look, if there's not ads for food on for a couple of weeks, then you die. That's just the way it has to be. We unfortunately don't make the rules here and have little to no control over anything when it comes to ads. So you get what you get, motherfuckers. Sorry. And it stopped yelling at us about it. Like we can do anything about it. Just the ads are the ads. We simply cannot. Yeah. Picture Miami. Picture its beaches. Picture the palm trees swaying in the wind. Picture three radio journalists assassinated in cold blood. This is silenced. The radio murders. They left the body there for a reason. It was the calling card. That's like the mafia used to do. And yet the mastermind has never been caught. To find him, we had to go deep into a world of drugs and darkness.
Starting point is 00:22:48 And then there were these hints of a much bigger conspiracy. This year they clearly gave a green light. Listen to silence. The radio murders on the iHeart Radio app, Apple podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Badass of the week, hosted by me, Ben Thompson, and my cohost, Dr. Pat Larish. That's me. Is an exciting new podcast from iHeart Radio that dives into stories full of guts, glory, and everything in between. And every week we're telling stories of the most badass figures in history, mythology, and even fiction. We're talking about ninjas, Vikings, pirates, explorers, and scientists, and even the occasional awesome dog. You mean like Goofy? Is Goofy a dog? Or is Pluto the dog? Anyway, no. I'm not talking about Goofy. I'm talking about Sergeant Stubby. I'm
Starting point is 00:23:45 talking about war hero dogs. I'm talking about a bear named Wojtek that carried artillery shells for the Polish artillery during World War II. I might bring up Blaskarina Bulbulina. She's an 18th century Greek naval commander and freedom fighter. Or maybe Galvarina, the indigenous Mapuche warrior who replaced his severed hands with swords to fight the conquistadors. Yeah, this is the show. Listen to Badass of the Week on the iHeart Radio app, Apple podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. From the studio who brought you the number one podcast, The Python Massacre, this is Death Island. Just a few miles off the Thailand coast, the island of Kotau looks like a postcard. It's almost like if you were going to imagine a
Starting point is 00:24:29 paradise island or draw a picture of one, that's what Kotau looks like. Young tourists from all over the world visit the pristine beaches and crystal clear water. But underneath the surface lies something sinister. A dark cloud has come over the island and cast its shadow. Death, mystery, and danger. In the last 20 years, dozens of tourists have died mysteriously on the island. Listen to Death Island on the iHeart Radio app or wherever you get your favorite shows. And if you want early access to new episodes and to hear exclusive bonus content, be sure to subscribe to the iHeart True Crime Plus channel today, available exclusively on Apple Podcasts. Ah, we are all BAQ. So additional reporting has also given us new details about the Tate's life
Starting point is 00:25:29 in the UK, the Tate's lives in the UK's. Tate has claimed numerous times. What are you doing? What are you doing? Grammar, Sophie. I'm doing a grammar. You're doing a grammar? Okay. I love the show. Yeah, I'm doing a grammar. I'm doing a grammar. All right, well, I'm doing a that's not grammatically correct. Well, then you can take that up on the grammar pod launching next month, where I mainly inform people about how they can attorneys general other job titles. So let's talk about the Tates in the UK. Andrew has claimed numerous times that he was bullied for being an American and mixed race. Some sources agreed that he seemed not to fit in and that this may have contributed to him feeling the need to prove himself. That does seem extremely likely.
Starting point is 00:26:25 Oh, yeah. I mean, just simply simply experiencing racism as a not white kid in the UK, for sure. Like I have no I have no doubt that that was a part of his childhood arguments here about that. Yeah. Andrew also, though, seems to have exaggerated the degree to which he and his brother kind of financially struggled in their early days. We reported in our early episodes on claims that Andrew made at the start of his kickboxing career that he and Tristan had to live on like dirt cheap, horrible, unappealing food, this like bland concoction they called flavor as a joke. In other videos, Tate has claimed that they had to steal an eaten KFC leftovers from buckets on tables because they couldn't get enough protein otherwise. One person who knew
Starting point is 00:27:08 him early in his career said that this was bullshit. He never came from poverty. If he's saying he's gone around to nicking KFC chicken, that's a complete lie. He had a portion of Ferrari. And there are photos of the time when Andrew claimed to be living off a pilfered chicken that confirms he did have a Porsche. I actually don't think Andrew is necessarily lying here. So let me let me explain this. Andrew has always placed huge value on visible shows of wealth and nothing seems to do more to for his ego there than displaying expensive vehicles that he owns. I can imagine him early in his sports career getting a big prize after winning a competition. Some of them were like a hundred thousand dollars. And that's a lot of money. But given the nature of his business,
Starting point is 00:27:50 it's also the kind of thing you maybe get one of those every year or even every like two years. So most people would like you have to be kind of careful with that. I don't have trouble seeing him blowing most of a year's living cash on a car that he can show off with and then scrounging for the basics of survival everywhere else, right? Or renting a car to like take some photos or something and then taking it back or something like that. Yeah, it's all about appearances. Like that's not too farfetched. Yeah, I think that what he might not be lying about that. One of the most compelling details from that Rolling Stone article to me is that they bring up an early reality TV appearance by Andrew that I had not been aware of. In 2009, we talked about his
Starting point is 00:28:34 appearance on that like fucking weird dating show thing. Yeah. But in 2009, he was on another show called Ultimate Traveller, which is a British competition where young people in Indonesia like backpacked on camera and they had like different sort of challenges where who can get to this place fastest, you know, on foot or using public transit or whatever. Kind of like amazing race type. Yeah, it seems like it was a kind of a discount amazing race. The prize was like 10 grand. And it seems to have basically been like backpack very simple backpacking challenges. Yeah. And they they kind of voted you had like the prize went to whoever like the other contestants voted had done best. Anyway, here's Andrew's first introduction there. My plan is to lie and
Starting point is 00:29:22 cheat my way through this competition once in a lifetime. Yeah, so that's that's Andrew. You can you can see at that early stage, he's already kind of settled on a vision for the character of himself. He's the bad guy who gets results. He's not constrained by the ethics of lesser men. He'll lie and he'll cheat. But there's also this kind of like necessary humility he has to show because he's trying to break into TV. This is a show where like everyone on it is like an inexperienced traveler, which is a little more a little more vulnerability than he would admit to kind of in the present day. Here's here's a clip of him from that show that's a bit longer. 21 year old Anglo American Andrew Tate is a straight talking entrepreneur with his own
Starting point is 00:30:07 advertising company in Luton. I'm very mentally strong. If I want to achieve something, I will achieve it because I've never been in a situation of my life so far in my 21 years where I really want something and didn't get it. I'm not sure what my fellow drivers would be like. The worst kind of people would either be two faced people, which is undoubtedly going to happen at some point during this trip. People who seek attention and anyone who thinks they're exceptionally smart or exceptionally physically capable and they have nothing to back up, it's going to quickly get my nerves. He just described himself. Yeah, it is. It is funny that he just described himself. Oh my God. Yeah, that's. I don't really want to like comment on
Starting point is 00:30:45 his appearance or anything, but he does look like he looks like a slim gym. He does look like a slim gym, Sophie, because he looks like you would snap into him, right? Yes. Yes. And I do mean that in a sexual way. I was like, I did not, but okay. Yeah. I'm just saying he had more. He had more twink energy in this era than he does today. It looks like a slim gym. Yeah. Yeah. Like a slim gym. So one person Rolling Stone interview described his overall attitude on the show as desperate, specifically desperate to be seen as the baddie. He's not as good at portraying himself that way as he will eventually become, quote, this was not the impression that several people who worked in the show head of Tate, one source close to the production described him as hypersensitive,
Starting point is 00:31:33 recalling an incident where he during a bandana making challenge blew up at another contestant who gently mocked him for getting paint everywhere. He seemed a little bit insecure to be honest with you. They say he just wanted to fit in contrary to his extremely libidness, womanizing persona, Tate did not seem like a ladies man and was rarely seen in the company of women. Another source close to his reality TV career says, I don't think he's a guy who likes being around women. If that makes sense, they say it sure does. And it's it's because like, again, Andrew likes to be seen around women, but Andrew also does not have like the kind of self confidence or ability to the or ability to like interact with people on anything that like could be
Starting point is 00:32:22 approaching a level of equals. Like he cannot be around women who are not there because they need something from him, right? Because they're vulnerable to him. Well, Robert, he was the first kid to be the quickest to be no longer afraid of the dark. So that's true. Get on his level, ladies. Yeah, ladies. This guy not afraid of the dark. Yeah. No, yeah, he just like seems like the kind of guy who like wants to be seen with women all the time, but he hates women. So of course, he like can't like have a meaningful conversation with anyone or will actually have to interact with them. He just wants to be seen with beautiful women, but he hates women. Like, yeah. Yeah, he definitely he definitely like he's also afraid of them though, right? We'll talk about
Starting point is 00:33:09 this a little bit later. It's not just that he like hates women. It's that he's scared to be around them if he's not in total control of them because women have the ability to embarrass you. It's this kind of thing. It's also the the ability, you know, I don't think he's ever gotten over the fact that his mom left his dad because it's it kind of if he processes that it kind of completely shatters this image of his father because his mom left not just because his dad cheated because his dad couldn't do the things that you're supposed to do as the quote unquote head of the family. Right. He's not taking care of shit. And so like that that like it's the same. We're seeing Stephen Crowder who was is now much less of was a very big right wing personality has just there's this
Starting point is 00:33:56 ongoing blow up in the daily wire kind of far right sphere where all of his former friends are like rolling on him. But one of the things that's come out is that his wife is divorcing him and he went on a long rant about how this is only possible because the state of Texas allows one party divorces. Right. Basically, if a woman doesn't want to be married, she can leave and he hates a lot a lot of men on the right hate this. And Andrew hates this because among other things, it means that like they have the freedom to embarrass you is the way he's seeing. I'm not saying people should be embarrassed of like marriages don't work out. That's fine. You know, that's life. But that's how he sees it. Right. That's actually so funny. It's really fun. I mean,
Starting point is 00:34:40 yeah, it is funny. It is funny because he's a piece of shit. It is funny because he's a piece of shit. Also embarrassing men is a great hobby. And I encourage it to many. It's it's it's critical stuff. So yeah, it's kind of worth noting that like his initial life goal, right? He's martial arts. I do think he never really saw martial arts as much, but a stepping stone. Maybe there was a point at which he thought he could be like a big celebrity through it. But it became pretty clear early on he does not have the kind of charisma that was going to make that possible. He's also not good enough at working with people, I think. Like, you know, look at a guy, you know, fucking Dave Batista, right, who comes out of the MMA world and and became a great actor,
Starting point is 00:35:22 famously good at working with people. I think that's generally the case with with those folks. Andrew's just like he's he's an asshole. He's a giant asshole. And like and like he wasn't good enough to be, you know, he wasn't good enough. Yeah, exactly. Like that's just not happening. Yeah, you can get away with being the giant piece of shit if you're a fucking goat. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But he just isn't. He's not like a Mike Tyson, right? Mike Tyson can get away could get away with some shit because he was very good at punching people. Certainly. Andrew Tate's just kind of mid at punching people. So before settling on social media and, you know, kind of being a weird online discord cult leader, his first clear
Starting point is 00:36:04 goal was to become big on reality TV and then parlay that celebrity into a larger career. He decided the best way to do this was being seen as aggressive and dangerous, which is also funny because like I think about two of the three of really the biggest kind of people to come out of combat sort of sport type dealies and go into acting in the recent past. And like, obviously, two of them are, you know, pro wrestling, which is very different from MMA. But like, you know, you look at Dave Batista, you look at the rock, you look at Oh, what's his name? The guy in peacemaking. Oh, John Cena. Yeah, John Cena is like his own kind of thing. But yeah, it is it is interesting to me. His attitude is like, well, if I want to
Starting point is 00:36:48 break in as a big celebrity, people have to see me as the dangerous asshole. Well, like all of the big celebrities that came in through like fighting kind of media are like famous for being really pleasant. Like that's a huge part of their brand is them is them. Yeah, John Cena's done like the most make a wishes of all time. And like, yeah, just like the chillest dude. Of course, people left yeah, it's a man. It's interesting, like how kind of out of the zeitgeist he is. There was a time, you know, you can look at like Steven Seagal, right, who also comes out of kind of fighting sports, right? And who's famously a giant asshole and a psychopath and a rapist. A lot like Andrew tape. But that was a really different era, right? By the time Andrew was trying to break
Starting point is 00:37:32 in to stardom, we in the West have decided that when we when we make a big fighting guy into a celebrity, we want him to be like a friendly giant as opposed to a crazy asshole. Yeah, that's just where we are now, you know, you can you can take what you will from that. Anyway, I found a story about Andrew in one of these articles that I think says a lot, like kind of reinforces the point we're making about how he feel his awkwardness around women. There's a story in the Rolling Stone report about a woman who visits him who visited him in Tristan in their home for a party in like 2009 and described him very differently from how he's usually described. She said it was a really good time at first. Andrew is hanging
Starting point is 00:38:17 out with her and her friends. He gives her like a boxing lesson. She's having a lot of fun with him. But he's also kind of like a weird guy. She noted that he was like there wasn't like much interesting or creative about him. Like he knew how to fight, but he didn't really have much to talk about. And he kept kind of like going over the same lines talking about his Porsche, talking about his championship belts. And after a while, they decided to like, you know, this is the UK, take the piss out of him a little bit, right? So they she and a friend do a photo shoot in front of his Porsche with like posing with his championship belts and dressed. They dressed his punching bag and girls clothes, right? They were like fucking around with them a little bit, you
Starting point is 00:38:56 know? And they posted this shit on Facebook and he blows up like what sounds like a very scary, like, like, like rage episode. He's cursing at them, calling them bitches. You get the feeling he's kind of at least being physically threatening, although they certainly don't say that he like attacked them. But like, so they leave and they never see him again. But it's one of those things where like, he's kind of the instant he's laughed at, he he like that that just absolutely destroys any kind of self control he has the the the mere fact of a woman laughing at him is the thing that like devastates this man. I don't know, says a lot. Well, so many women have laughed at him since so. Yeah, yeah. Man, it's one of the again, like, one of the one of the best things you can be as
Starting point is 00:39:51 a guy. If you if you are interested in like not being a creepy weirdo is not flip the fuck out when people laugh at you because it happens just taking rejection well as a skill. I think more people need to develop. Yeah, it it it it really deeply unsettles people when like you do something silly and they laugh at you and then you act like a psychopath. Like that makes people think that you might murder them. It's generally not fun to be around those kind of people. Yeah, it's you know, we live in the society we live in. You should you should put a lot of focus into being someone who doesn't doesn't give off I might murder you vibes. It's important. It's a good rule. Yeah, a good rule of thumb don't seem like you might murder people. They don't like that.
Starting point is 00:40:37 But again, Andrew's whole ego is like wrapped up in seeming like a person who might murder you. Bad way to make friends, in my opinion, Andrew. So I think a thing I didn't get across well in my earlier episodes was this kind of added context, which I think it what it makes undeniable is this vast emptiness at the center of Andrew, right? Like that's what these two girls claim is that like, you know, they think it might be fun to hang out with them at first, but there's just nothing there. All he's got to talk about all he's got within him is these kind of visual signifiers, these belts and this car of success. But there's like nothing he's not about there's no substance there. There's no substance. Now, we get some different stories from girls who
Starting point is 00:41:23 knew him when he was younger about like how he got rich. His earlier girlfriend, a woman named Svet, who a couple of news agencies have talked to, says that he got rich not from manipulating girls into camming, but via kickboxing and crypto. That may have been a lie that he told her to disguise that he had earned his money via camming. It's a little unclear to me, but I'm going to quote again here. With her, she says, he adopted the persona of a family man. He would just say he was looking for a sincere girl with a pure soul to start a family and have three to five children with, she says. Indeed, Svet says Andrew was particularly obsessed with getting her pregnant and insisted on having sex without protection. He talked many times about giving
Starting point is 00:42:03 her pregnant and having her raise his children, she says. A spokesman for Tate says Andrew vehemently denies any allegations that suggests he urged previous girlfriends to have unprotected sex. So that's, you know, I feel like we have to put that in there for legal cases, but it is like interesting to me. All of this, all of this context, I think fills him out and makes him a sadder example of a person. It seems like his decision to become an influencer and effectively create a cult around the image of himself as a business guru and philosopher came after he was kicked off of Big Brother as a result of the rape allegations against him. We can pretty definitely say that he exaggerated his claims of wealth at varying points in various videos.
Starting point is 00:42:47 Tate claimed to be worth $700 million and sometimes to be the world's first trillionaire. Romanian police were able to confiscate about $4 million worth of assets. Now, I don't doubt that he had more than that. Obviously, it's not hard to hide stuff, but I don't think it was anywhere close to $700 million, let alone a trillion dollars. Now, his former girlfriend also notes that he regularly claimed to be on a tight budget, perhaps due to all the money he had to spend on the fancy cars and the Rolexes and other signifiers of wealth. Whatever the truth, the source of most of his money grew to be subscriptions to his various online schools and the War Room, a series of private discord rooms for people who described as his insiders,
Starting point is 00:43:26 aka anyone with $5,000 that were willing to give to Andrew Tate. In videos I watched, he tries to portray the War Room as like the new Illuminati. These are the most influential men you've never heard of. They could get me out of any bad situation I got into. If I get into a problem in any country, they can pull me out of it right away. I have connections everywhere. They'll take vengeance on my enemies for me. Leaked chat logs from the War Room reveal more pedestrian realities. There's a video of a guy who enrolled in the War Room and presumably spent all that money and did a vlog review of his time there. He describes what the organization teaches as telling members how to become a, quote, pimping guy who looks down on women, uses them and abuses
Starting point is 00:44:08 them and manipulates them to get what he wants. He provides a screen grab of a member of the War Room telling other people how to coerce their partners on camera to have sex on camera. It's that sort of stuff. It's not these James Bond types all talking about how to manipulate the stock market. It's guys being like, here's how to sexually assault a woman and profit from it, right? That's how to be a predator and go. Also, guess who was a member of the War Room? I guess still is a member of the War Room. Tell us. Tell us. I'm so excited. I'm so excited. Jacob Wohl. Oh, that's incredible. Oh, God. The internet's favorite idiot boy whose only backstory. Again, Andrew's talk like these. He talks about these people like they're
Starting point is 00:44:56 fucking captains of industry and like former spies. Jacob Wohl's entire career is repeatedly failing at obvious political scams and then getting sued like nearly into destitution for attempting and failing to manipulate an election with a series of robo calls. Yeah. Great, great catch getting kid grifter. Yeah. Yeah. Getting the guy who in like five different videos posed with the same cigar. People proved it was the same cigar by looking at markings on the wrapping because he doesn't actually smoke them. He just wanted to be seen holding it like and he didn't have the money to buy more than one. It's all about appearances with these guys. It's all about appearances. And that's the thing with all these fucking guys.
Starting point is 00:45:42 For whatever reason, cigars are a big part of it. I'll say this for Andrew. Like I am a guy who smokes cigars. Andrew actually does appear to smoke his cigars. Like he does it enough. Like he does it like a guy who like Stephen Crowder does the same thing. And so does Ben Shapiro. And I think they both hate cigars. Like they do not. They are they are like they're doing it like it's miserable to them. Like they're kissing a snake. I will say I think Andrew actually does enjoy that. So I'll say that for him. But you know, that's not praise or anything. It just means some other guys are even sadder. Another guiding ethos of the war room is achieving autonomy from the matrix by obtaining multiple passports and citizenship. Screen grabs of 2019 war room
Starting point is 00:46:26 chat logs obtained by Rolling Stone appear to show the war room instructing men how to do so. In one screen grab, a user identified as Tate outlines a project to help people obtain multiple passports. Pay a price. Send old ID, passport in the mail. We'll let you guys know as soon as we're live. So yeah, there's like pictures. Tate has posted pictures of like his fake IDs or what appeared to be his fake IDs. And he's bragged about collecting passports to flee from the law in different countries, which is part of why after his arrest, his one month stay in jail was extended three times. If you brag repeatedly about your access to private jets and multiple passports, that provides the government with a really easy case to describe you as a flight
Starting point is 00:47:10 risk. Self incriminating as well. I've seen enough episodes of law in order to know you shouldn't flaunt that kind of stuff when you're going to go to jail. No. Again, an actual, a dude who is the real version of what Andrew pretends to be and thus has a bunch of fake IDs and shit because he's doing crimes, never would talk about it. Ever. You don't mention the go bag. Ever. Not a fucking word. Not a fucking word. No. Like watch heat. That's how you handle this sort of shit. You don't brag about it on fucking tick tock. So, Andrew, you know, once he gets locked up, this is at the end of last year, kind of goes very quickly from this sort of James Bond man of the world, international man of mystery type branding to unhinged tweets that he's like
Starting point is 00:48:01 sending out via an intermediary like he goes like immediately from like I am the business, you know, guru influencer ladies man to like I am fighting ghosts in my jail cell. My favorite example is this from February 25th. I was awoken last night by an icy chill and identified a ghost in my prison cell. He was terrified and begged me not to annihilate him. I sent him back to hell with a message for the demons. I am always ready. That's just like how broken his brain is. Like even in these like fake scenarios, he just has to be like the ultimate like badass like unfazed. Yeah. Like I can beat up ghosts. Yeah, I can fight ghosts. It is funny that he's gone right back to bragging about like no, my dad locked me in the fucking closet. I thought the
Starting point is 00:48:53 ghosts off on my own. Andrew. Okay, buddy. That was actually that was actually Tristan. It's just beaten up his brother in jail, wailing on him. Oh, I love it. You know who would beat up their brother in the dark? Hmm. Every sponsor we have for this podcast. Okay, I'll take it. Yep. Picture Miami, picture its beaches, picture the palm trees swaying in the wind, picture three radio journalists assassinated in cold blood. This is silenced. The radio murders. They left the body there for a reason. It was the calling card. It's like the mafia used to do. And yet, the mastermind has never been caught. To find him, we had to go deep into a world of drugs and darkness. And then there were these hints of a much bigger conspiracy.
Starting point is 00:50:04 I'm Osvalos Shin. Listen to silence, the radio murders on the iHeart Radio app, Apple podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts. Badass of the Week, hosted by me, Ben Thompson, and my cohost, Dr. Pat Larish. That's me is an exciting new podcast from iHeart Radio that dives into stories full of guts, glory, and everything in between. And every week we're telling stories of the most badass figures in history, mythology, and even fiction. We're talking about ninjas, Vikings, pirates, explorers, and scientists, and even the occasional awesome dog. You mean like Goofy? Is Goofy a dog or is Pluto the dog? Anyway, no. I'm not talking about Goofy. I'm talking about Sergeant Stubby. I'm talking about war hero dogs. I'm talking about
Starting point is 00:50:56 a bear named Voitec that carried artillery shells for the Polish artillery during World War II. I might bring up Laskarina Bubulina. She's an 18th century Greek naval commander and freedom fighter. Or maybe Galvarino, the indigenous Mapuche warrior who replaced his severed hands with swords to fight the conquistadors. Yeah, this is the show. Listen to Badass of the Week on the iHeart Radio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. From the studio who brought you the number one podcast, the Python Massacre, this is Death Island. Just a few miles off the Thailand coast, the island of Kotow looks like a postcard. I mean, it's almost like if you were going to imagine a paradise island or draw a picture of one, that's what Kotow looks like.
Starting point is 00:51:42 Young tourists from all over the world visit the pristine beaches and crystal clear water. But underneath the surface lies something sinister. A dark cloud has come over the island and cast its shadow. Death, mystery, and danger. In the last 20 years, dozens of tourists have died mysteriously on the island. Listen to Death Island on the iHeart Radio app or wherever you get your favorite shows. And if you want early access to new episodes and to hear exclusive bonus content, be sure to subscribe to the iHeart True Crime Plus channel today, available exclusively on Apple Podcasts. Ah, we're back. And we're talking about Andrew Tate in jail. There were a lot of funny moments from his jail, his letter from a Romanian jail. At one point, his representative claimed
Starting point is 00:52:44 that he had been diagnosed with cancer and he needed to go to Dubai for surgery. This was like publicly, they were saying this to all of their fans to try to generate outrage. This was very viral. He's gonna die in jail. They're killing him. This is a murder attempt. Now, the Romanian government, he's in jail. They're not even, I wrote tapped his phone calls. He's in jail. They know what he's saying on the phone, right? Just the way that any jail system does, right? Like, if you're talking like, that's the way it goes. Yeah. So they, and anyway, the calls that they listen to, in them, he is discussing like Dubai as a potential route for him to escape from. This is like claims made by people in the Romanian law enforcement. And since the UAE doesn't like
Starting point is 00:53:28 extradite to Romania, this makes sense, but also kind of backs up the government's claim that he can't be released. Once this stuff leaks, Tate, like that, once the like claims come out that like, he might be sick, there's a shadow on his lung, Tate was unable to handle the idea of people thinking he was sick, even though this was an important part of his escape strategy. Because again, sickness implies unacceptable vulnerability. So he posts. You can't have that. Oh my God. No, no, he posts this. I do not have cancer by lungs contain precisely zero smoking damage. In fact, I have an eight liter lung capacity and the vital signs of an Olympic athlete. There's nothing but a scar on my lung from an old battle. True warriors are scarred both inside and out.
Starting point is 00:54:12 Oh my God, he's so funny. It's so funny. Olympic level lungs, by the way. Yeah, I can't get cancer. It's scared of me. Oh, I'm going to I'm going to continue what he what he puts in this thread is one of the most influential men on the planet. It is important for the good of humanity that I live as long as possible. At the my current strength levels, I estimate to survive for at least 5,000 more years with this in mind, I take my medical care extremely carefully. I had a regular checkup organized in Dubai, pre detention. The doctors were extremely interested in the scar on my lung. They do not understand how I survive without treatment. They do not know the secrets of
Starting point is 00:54:55 Wodan, but this battle has long passed. He attached this photo in the thread. Sophie. I'm so sorry that I have to show you this. Lay it on me. Oh, buddy. It's just him doing a high kick and posing in front of a mirror in his gym and his underwear. He's going to flex the cancer away. And this guy is worried about women laughing at him, stopping hysterical. He's going to live to be 5,000 Sophie. He's going to be the emperor of mankind. That's so cool. Women 5,000 years from now will still be laughing at his bitch ass. They'll still be laughing. Oh, my God. Yeah. They will have evolved beyond gender and they'll still be laughing at him. The amount of overcompensating.
Starting point is 00:55:44 They will be living as like mental energy flying through the ether and laughing at him. For someone with such a fragile ego and who's clearly like really obsessed with like looking powerful and strong, it's just given us so much fodder to make fun of him with. It's like. It's so funny. He's doing it to himself. It's true. And that's what really hurts. So reporting based on sources within the Romanian judicial system suggests that Andrew directed a support campaign and may have intimidated witnesses from inside jail from an article by Buzzfeed News, RIP. Romanian authorities also said that the states have encouraged their army of followers to message at least one alleged victim demanding
Starting point is 00:56:25 she retract her accusations. These comments are of a nature to provoke in the victim a state of fear is a result of the threatening tone they have in addressing her attempting to determine her to change her statements regarding the accused in the case. The judge noted in the February summary. On top of this in December, a U.S. law firm representing the brothers sent a cease and desist to a woman in Florida. This is the woman who he had been holding against her will, whose mother contacted the FBI, who contacted U.S. authorities to free her, which is what started this whole series of investigations kind of mid last year against Andrew Tate that led to his arrest. So he Romanian authorities are at least looking at this as intimidation. Andrew's lawyer
Starting point is 00:57:07 Tina Glandian, number one, has said that her firm had no part in sending this cease and desist. But obviously a lot of Andrews, a lot of the harassment being directed against people who have made accusations against Andrew has occurred in a somewhat decentralized manner. Andrew was stoking it. And he's certainly talking, you know, the Romanian authorities say he is directing his representatives to kind of incite harassment campaigns by his fans. But it's not as simple as just like, oh, yeah, somebody paid someone to go do this, you know, he has people who are willing who once riled up will go and take action. There's evidence that at least one fan attempted to track this woman down in her home in Florida. Thankfully, he did not succeed. But there is ample evidence
Starting point is 00:57:52 that other fans have executed far reaching harassment campaigns on women who have spoken out against him. We talked about Daria Gusa on our last episodes, who's the she was the young Romanian woman who when she was a child was contacted by Tate in an attempted grooming her. Right. She says after talking to the BBC for the article we cited, she received numerous threats, including a guy who found her phone number, texted her and said that he knew where she went to college and had her class schedule. Daria claims that because of this harassment, several of her friends who also had contact with Tate refused to talk about it. Quote, it's not just the people who work for him. It's that there are basically millions of men out there who really idolize these people and would
Starting point is 00:58:32 do anything to protect them in their image. So I think it's completely justifiable that so many girls don't want to speak out. BuzzFeed's reporting also sheds more light on one of the women arrested with the Tates, a former Romanian cop named Radu, who is suspected of using her position to gain a legal access to a classified police database over most of 2022. A judge noted that quote, it would be impossible for the accused to access the database without support from others, which might be seen to suggest that some Romanian authorities believe a broader conspiracy exists with among members of their law enforcement agencies. That said, this all doesn't necessarily mean that there's some hidden Tate cadre inside of Romanian policing. This could and probably is.
Starting point is 00:59:12 I'm going to say this is the most unlikely explanation. Radu is really devoted to this guy, partly maybe because she's in love, partly because there's financial benefit here, and she's bribing her colleagues for specific favors. This is a known problem that Romania has, bribery among public officials. There doesn't have to be some secret cadre of Tate supporters within Romanian policing for this to have happened. Radu just needs to have thrown some money around. At any rate, Buzzfeed's reporting suggests that Radu may have helped quash earlier allegations in Romania against Andrew. In addition, prosecutors said they had obtained new information from the police unit local to the Tate compound, suggesting that women had filed multiple complaints of
Starting point is 00:59:52 violence, coercion, and abuse against the brothers that predated the current case. These complaints have gone unresolved, giving rise to suspicion of undue influence from Radu. So basically, the thing he only got in trouble this time, like this whole chain of events started because he was allegedly keeping that woman from Florida held against her will, and her family contacted US authorities and that got the ball rolling on all of this. But there were claims from women in Romania and attempts to report to the police earlier that this Romanian cop quashed because she's on Andrew Tate's team. She's profiting from this with him. There are also allegations that prosecutors make that Tate ordered his team to reach out to
Starting point is 01:00:37 two right wing Romanian politicians. Both of these guys are like big gender politics culture war dudes and COVID deniers. One of them is on Ukraine sanctions list for spreading Russian propaganda. And basically, I mean, here's the quote from Tate to talking to his assistant to telling her what to say to the two politicians. If you take the side of the guys when they get out of prison, they will make sure you are rewarded for telling the truth. That's what he told his assistant to say to these these politicians. Now, to be fair about that, like both of these right wing politicians seem to have seen where the wind was blowing because they didn't they did not agree to work with them. And in fact, when asked by local media if they were willing to
Starting point is 01:01:19 defend Tate, they said no. So it kind of seems like this was again, part of the Tate had this kind of belief that, you know, between my money and my connections, I can make anything happen. But he he flew too close to the sun. Like there's this this this whole thing blew up too big. So when he reaches out to these guys who normally would have loved to be associated with him, they're like, no, bro, you fucked up. Like, number one, cops are listening to everything you say. Like we don't want to we're not like start there. Number two, you are in a lot of trouble and we don't want to be associated with you. That's not smart. When you put all this stuff together, it might be seen as somewhat surprising that the brothers were finally released from jail and
Starting point is 01:01:59 into house arrest. Reporting does suggest they're under heavy watch there. So they're unable to leave the country with ease. But still, why were they released from jail? In an official summary of a late February court review, the judge who had been on their case from the beginning claimed that there were new reasons to keep the brothers incarcerated based on the government surveillance of their calls. And I found this in an article in The Guardian. The accused present a clear danger for public order. They made preparations to evade criminal investigation by leaving Romania and are trying to influence witnesses and are exerting pressure on the victims. But a month or so later, two different appeals court judges, both of whom were new to the case, approved the move to house
Starting point is 01:02:35 arrest. There doesn't seem to be a good explanation as to why this happened. BuzzFeed's reporting claims that there's a lot was a lot of anxiety at the move in official circles. It's hard for me to say what's happening here, what is going to occur. There are reports from like the judges who are still on the case that the information that's come out and that the attempts to influence witnesses by Tate have prejudiced judges against their case. Quote, one experienced Romanian justice system insider who requested anonymity told BuzzFeed news that Andrew's various missteps while in detention stemmed from the influencers need for public attention and his compulsion to arouse controversy. I think Andrew Tate is not the most intelligent guy, the insider said. And
Starting point is 01:03:16 but he probably can't help himself. And it's again kind of unclear to me, you know, I think a lot of people were like, this is a bad sign that they've released him into house arrest. It was kind of unprecedented for them to hold him before indicting him for three months. So it's not entirely weird that this has happened. He is still like basically waiting for the indictment, which is should come before June kind of based on the letter of Romanian law. They have to make a move kind of before June. So we will see what happens with that. I do want to talk a bit about the person that Andrew was hired to run his legal case, who is an American lawyer named Tina Glandian. Tina has made a career of working for high profile. He hired a woman. Yeah, surprising. Yeah. She is a
Starting point is 01:04:01 surprising in some ways, a surprising but also not surprising in terms of PR. Yeah. Yeah. And she's also she she is the disgraced celebrity lawyer. Her past clients included. Oh my God. Her past clients included Jesse Smollett. So that wasn't a win. That was not a downer. She also she was not the primary lawyer for but her boss was and she helped with Chris Brown. She was like representing him. Sensing a pattern. And she also represented Kesha and one of Kesha's lawsuits against a former producer, which went a lot better. So obviously this woman, you know, you win some, you lose some. I found a very puffy PR piece first of all. I mean, yeah, that case, she was in the right. I found a very puffy PR piece about her on a website called Dan's Papers that included this
Starting point is 01:04:52 quote. Glandian's legal counsel has proven invaluable to countless celebrities, professional athletes and entertainers. Her list reads like boldface names splattered on page six, representing a lister such as Kesha, Mike Tyson and Chris Brown. Glandian was also the lead attorney in the Michael Jackson v extra jet case after Jackson's chartered jet was illegally wiretapped. I am inspired by a desire to help people, particularly the underdogs, Glandian says, the feeling that someone is relying on me to tell their story or to right or wrong is a great motivator. I strive to give my clients a voice and to be their most zealous advocate. So, you know, she sounds nice. She also claims to be a dedicated women's rights activist. In times when Glandian
Starting point is 01:05:34 is not conducting business or trying cases, she is an outspoken advocate and a champion for women's rights, both nationally and internationally. She's a UN representative for the Armenian International Women's Association and part of the commission on the status of women. So that's good for her. Women's rights activists. I think lawyer who helped Chris Brown. Yeah, look, you know, take that paycheck, right? You can represent women later. Like girl, don't know. You got you got to get paid first, Sophie. Got to get paid first. And then you can represent Kesha briefly, but successfully. So since being released from jail, Andrew has continued to post the funniest post I found from
Starting point is 01:06:16 him since his release. He's uploaded a like a picture to Twitter of a bunch of little electric scooters, like 10 of them in the Walden yard of his compound, because he's on house arrest with the text. They raided my house and took all my cars. So I bought 10 new Bugatti's. So that's sad. He still maintains his absolute innocence and says there's a zero percent chance of him being found guilty. One video showed him walking around a room in his house smoking a cigar while he says, since last year, I've been in 24 hour lockdown, no yard time, pacing a three meter cell with zero electronics or outside contact. Absolute clarity of mind, real thoughts, real plans, vivid pain, one hour home and I can't stand my phone. Some habits die hard. We must defeat
Starting point is 01:07:03 Satan. Like what is he even talking about? Some habits die hard. We must defeat Satan. I mean, it sounds like a guy is afraid of the dark. I mean, he says shite hand because he's like doing a doing a doing a Muslim thing, which I still don't know how serious he is about this. But like I am still kind of, I'll be honest with you, it is unclear to me if he's trying to play this. Right. Like if he's if this is like if he thinks that this is a smart play, or if he's actually coming unglued. And I guess we won't know that for a while. I mean, I don't see this all seems weirder than some of it. He's always had bits of this. This like martial arts mysticism has always been a piece of him and a piece of his like his
Starting point is 01:07:55 like public profile. It's so much more now than it was before. I mean, I think I think there's only one logical conclusion here is that the ghost one, the ghost one that he's being piloted by the ghost. It's driving his meat suit. Yeah, I think that's the truth. That's the truth. Well, keep us posted. Yeah. All right. Well, that's that's the Andrew update. I hope you all have had a good time. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. So there's that, I guess. No, no, it's mostly funny. We'll be back Thursday because I found some books Andrew wrote. We'll be talking with Shareen Laniunis about those. But until then, you can find us in various places on the Internet. I have a book called After the Revolution. You can just type it into
Starting point is 01:08:47 wherever you find books. Ian, you got anything to plug? No, I mean, you know, just cool zone media. Keep keep it moving. I'm on Twitter and Instagram, young Hershey, YUNG. I don't really tweet or post that much anymore these days, but I'm thinking about trying to get back into it. Maybe the fans will give me some inspiration. So. Oh, yeah. Posting is always a good idea. Follow Ian, you coward. Yeah, no. Yeah. Maybe you guys will give me back, like, terminally online. So let's do it. Oh, actually, don't follow Ian. That sounds bad. That's the life we want for you. I think I would get, I think you consume me if I tried to urge you to become online again. I think that's like a hostile work environment. That doesn't sound safe. Yeah. Anyway, that's the episode. Go to hell.
Starting point is 01:09:40 Bye. I love you. Bye. Behind the Bastards is a production of Cool Zone Media. For more from Cool Zone Media, visit our website,, or check us out on the iHeart radio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Picture Miami. Picture its beaches. Picture three radio journalists assassinated in cold blood. This is Silenced, the radio murders. You left the body there for a reason. It was the calling card. It's like the mafia used to do. The mastermind has never been caught. To find him, we had to go deep into a world of drugs and darkness. And there were these hints of a much bigger conspiracy. This year, they clearly gave me a light. I'm Osvalosian. Listen to Silenced, the radio murders. On the iHeart radio app,
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