Behind the Bastards - Andrew Tate's Terrible Book

Episode Date: May 4, 2023

Robert reads Andrew Tate's horrendous book to Shereen Lani Younes.See for privacy information....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everyone, Robert here. The episode you are about to listen to is me and Shireen Laniunis and Sophie, our producer extraordinaire, going through some of Andrew Tate's writings, particularly a book of his collected wisdom and some of these weird kung fu stories that he's written. It's all fucked up and terrible. We recorded this when he was still incarcerated in solitary confinement. He has now been released to house arrest. So in the episode, whenever we talk about him being in a Romanian jail, just replace
Starting point is 00:00:34 that with the phrase house arrest in your head and it'll be like we edit it ourselves. Welcome to the Manosphere Mancast with Chant Grunt Punch. We're here today to talk about all of my tips and tricks for picking up high value ladies. First off though, I want to introduce my guest for today, my co-hosts on the Mancast, Shireen Laniunis and Sophie Lichterman. How are you? How are you all doing? Robert, don't ever do that in our presence ever again.
Starting point is 00:01:08 You ready for the Mancast? I think it's doing it for the pod, you know, I understand why you chose. I understand it. It doesn't mean I like it, but I understand it. It's called, maybe we should have called it the Gruntcast, but yeah, I think it's a good idea. I think this is what we should pivot to doing, Sophie, because it is apparently the easiest way to make money in the world.
Starting point is 00:01:31 You repulsed me and I did not enjoy that. Sophie, all we gotta do, we gotta fuck up the heads of like 10 or 15 million like teenage boys and then we retire. Simple. Easy. Or you could throw it into jail in Romania. Well, we won't go to Romania, Sophie. I mean, come on, I've learned lessons from Andrew Tate.
Starting point is 00:01:55 Why not? Well, well, it's a great place to go if you are not operating a massive sex trafficking ring and bragging that the Romanian government won't arrest you. Yeah, you should avoid Romania if that's the case. You should avoid most places if that's the case. This is a book episode. You all know what a book episode is. Shareen, we've been struggling to find a new book for our book episodes for a while now
Starting point is 00:02:19 and I think I may have landed on it. We're actually going to be covering two books today and both of them are written by Friend of the Pod, Andrew Tate. Sorry. Friend of the Pod. Mm-hmm. I was on here for Stephen Seagal's book, right? You were on here for Stephen Seagal's terrible, terrible book that he co-wrote with that.
Starting point is 00:02:39 Oh, that fucking cover. Remember the cover? I just remembered the cover. The cover was a joke. What a choice. What a choice. It was a better cover, not a good cover, but a better cover. What does it look like?
Starting point is 00:02:54 Well, the first book we're talking about by Andrew Tate is his Tales of Wudon, which is Wudon is like a mountain in China and the kind of two big schools of Chinese martial arts, like one of them is named after Wudon because I guess it's just kind of like where it originated. But Andrew Tate, despite being kind of a mediocre kickboxer, is very married to the idea of being like a monastic warrior thing, which is silly. Fucking dork. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:30 I want you to go to the Cobra Tate, that's his website's name, Tales of Wudon page to take a look at this thing. When I say it's a better cover than the Stephen Seagal book, that's not praise. So it opens up with just like a gift of him basically like smoking a cigar. It's like a fucking parody of what Macho means. Everything he does is. So there's like a drawing of him that it's weird because the art style is like a mix of kind of vaguely competent sort of Asian landscapes.
Starting point is 00:04:00 But then the illustrations of like Andrew Tate as a fucking kung fu master, it almost looks like a political cartoon of him. Like it's it's weird. It's a strange mix of styles, but it does beat the Shadow Wolves book. I'll give it that. I guess. Yeah. That's the one.
Starting point is 00:04:19 The one good thing, I guess, is that it beats the worst cover of all time. Yeah. Yeah. Now, to get this book, you have two options, Shireen. One is that you sign up for Andrew Tate's mailing list and every week he'll send you a new story from it, which fuck that. Absolutely not. The other is that you pay five dollars for the book, which also fuck that five dollars
Starting point is 00:04:43 too much. Yeah. Yeah. The third is that you scroll through. I lied. There's three. You scroll through the Tales of Udon Twitter page and apparently you get to the stories. Look, they're they're boring as shit, but I am going to read one of them for you because
Starting point is 00:04:56 it's funny and it will serve as a good introduction to Andrew Tate's second book, which we're also going to cover today. Just just before I exit out of this website, then click X. Yeah, you're going to need to burn your laptop. Yeah. I've never been on this before. But like, you know how like some websites have like a live chat for help option? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:13 So for this one, it pops up immediately like it's just on the front page and it says, this not just a live chat bot. This is your chance to get personal attention from Tate's personally trained special forces. My God. It's up. What? Are they going to? Walk around alone in a jail cell.
Starting point is 00:05:36 This is your chance to change your life, begin a conversation below and follow the next steps. Yeah. It's a little cult he's got going online. I've continued following his journey after his arrest and like just FYI, he has like friends on the outside that he sends tweets to and they've gone from like, I'm innocent and you know, will be vindicated to talking about his like jail cell workout routine and all sorts of like, most recently he bragged about defeating a ghost in hand to hand combat. So it's it's he's he's doing well is what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:06:14 I would normally say I wouldn't risk wish solitary confinement on anybody, but I didn't know solitary confinement could be this funny. So now like I'm morally compromised, but it is very funny that on anybody. You you you're the host of the show for this and you there are so many shitty people. All of them should be in a pit somewhere. I mean, I think it yeah. Okay, that's fair. That's fair.
Starting point is 00:06:38 I mean, I have no sympathy for the I have I have an alternate standpoint, but that's gonna I promised Sophie my New Year's resolution was not to talk about killing people on this podcast. Okay. More than once a quarter. Yeah. More than once a quarter. You've already failed in Q1, but okay.
Starting point is 00:06:55 I know Sophie, you know, life is a journey. Okay. And it sometimes, you know, you you rather than getting obsessed with your failures, you should just celebrate the attempt. I thought life was a highway. Well, that's also that's also what life is. And life is for Andrew Tate. Life is a 5000 year long process because his this the introduction to his book tales of
Starting point is 00:07:20 Wudon begins in a previous life, I lived 5000 human years atop Wudon Mountain. I remember every lived second. Jesus Christ, we're a big, big riot here. Life is competition. Competition is violence. In many modern forms of competition, we have attempted to water down the violent aspects to replicate violence in the most sanitized way. We have full grown men growing as large and strong as possible to put a ball in a net
Starting point is 00:07:49 as opposed to hurting each other. It's funny that he focuses on basketball because football is still about men hurting each other to the point that they destroy their brains. It's the most dangerous sport, isn't it? Yeah. Yeah. Well, also MMA, which is his sport, like both like, yeah, not not really sanitized. But the sentiment is the same.
Starting point is 00:08:08 It's a group of men at war with each with another with one team being victors and the other being losers. The largest, strongest, most beautiful tree violently crushing the surrounding saplings in the quest for resource, he just says resource. Every time I see beauty, I see struggle, the struggle required to create it. When I see myself, I know the struggle lived to become who I am, to live as I do. The more sophisticated my understanding of the universe is constant state of war, the happier, more content and peaceful I feel.
Starting point is 00:08:33 You are meant to struggle. You are here to suffer. If you do neither of these things, you are either dead or invisible. If you want people to care who you are, become familiar with pain. If you do not struggle to become an exceptional man, you are a nobody and every female will prove to you. You may as well not exist. Female is like the worst of the worst words to use to describe people with vulva.
Starting point is 00:08:57 It's one of the easiest ways, though, to determine whether or not someone is like a piece of shit if that is if they if they use it in that way. That was that was a long sentence you just read. It's like it's laid out as almost as if it's a Zin Cohen, but it's it's not. It's just like dog shit fucking fight club ass level philosophy. But without like the knowledge that fight club is a satire of this kind of philosophy. Right. Right.
Starting point is 00:09:27 Yeah. They're not he's not evolved enough to understand that it's not that serious. It's also very funny that he's like like life is struggle. You know, I am like the strong oak that has choked out the saplings called itself beautiful at one point. And I do this so that girls will like me. Yeah. It's just the most pathetic.
Starting point is 00:09:44 It's so sad. How does how does he get away with being so pathetic and like just a big fucking dork? Dorks are great. But there's a certain kind of dork that he is that is fucking pathetic. Well, it's because he's he's reaching out to like 13 year old boys who who are raised on like a mix of like comic books and video games and anime and, you know, there's nothing wrong with any of those things. But when those form your entire like level of familiarity with the world, it's easy
Starting point is 00:10:18 for a guy like Andrew to come in here with a story that sounds like the opening for like a 1990s fighting game and, you know, dry in a little bit. Yeah. Let's continue with the tales of wood on for a little bit longer. Evolution requires pain while others complain that they do not feel happy enough. I'm happy. I'm struggling. I don't want to be happy.
Starting point is 00:10:42 I want to be great. This is the beauty of life as a man. All caps. We are born valueless. All caps. All caps. Man. Damn.
Starting point is 00:10:51 You either build yourself into a king or you fail. Atop wood on. I told priest master Yan Hui how at peace I felt amongst the trees. I could feel life all around me sitting at the foot of the largest tree. I asked him why when life is so beautiful. Why do we fight? His reply was simple. Do you think the largest tree you sit beneath grew so tall amongst many if it didn't fight
Starting point is 00:11:10 in a previous life I lived 5000 years atop wood on mountain I remember every lived second. Now I wanted to highlight this story because it's an example of like the perfect flaws in this style of thinking like how it's not just like silly on an on its face. But actually if you attempt to engage with it scientifically and he is trying to make a scientific argument here it's also a perfectly wrong understanding of forest ecology and biology. Obviously there's a lot of competition in nature a lot of competition among trees and plants.
Starting point is 00:11:43 There's also a huge amount of cooperation. One of the I believe it's acacia trees in a chunk of Africa like when they start being fed on by herbivores the trees will start to release like a pheromone essentially that will warn the other trees that they're being fed on so that they can start production of a tannin that's poisonous to the animals. And so like the trees communicate as a grove to work together to protect themselves. And likewise the animals have evolved over time to only eat little bits of the trees at a time before it starts to get poisonous.
Starting point is 00:12:13 There's this thing actually anyway it's actually must be so good to still to still risk eating a little bit. It must it's got to be delicious yeah what if you were like all right you can eat some cheetos but after 45 seconds there's cyanide in them the bag of cheetos will defend itself. Exactly I think I do think that Andrew Tate thinks he's like a philosopher or like it makes you wonder how philosophers become philosophers because like I think he's in his mind he's saying something really profound right yeah I mean the truth is that like a lot of philosophers are guys like Andrew Tate and that they were just assholes who said
Starting point is 00:12:52 stupid shit and a lot of people listen to them you know for every diogenes there's there's a Kant fuck a mine Emanuel Kant. So I wanted to highlight a little more about how wrong this fucking attitude towards trees is I don't know why but there's a there's an article in American Forest org that I read years ago that I started thinking about as soon as this came up because it's one of like the saddest stories I've ever read the article title is almost impossibly bleak it's titled the trees that miss the mammoths and it's about the Osage orange tree which I believe is what we call Bodark what we white folks call Bodark in the south but it's and it's
Starting point is 00:13:30 one of the hardest trees on earth and you can grow it into like fence posts and stuff like it's that's what they used to do with it is they used to like seed it specifically so that they could like make fences and stuff out of it it's also indigenous Americans used it to make bows because it's a really good tree for making bows from but one of the weird things about it is that it's incredibly geog naturally it's incredibly geographically isolated doesn't grow out of this tiny area in like Oklahoma and Texas and it has these these massive green fleshy fruits they're these huge green fruits we used to call them horse apples because they were all over all over the farm I grew up horse apples yeah I would
Starting point is 00:14:12 huck them at cows I was six look you can't judge me for it but yeah there are these that we called them horse apples and you can't eat them right they're inedible for basically everybody because the seeds are so hard I think there's a couple of animals that did not naturally eat them but but we'll eat them now once we've put them together I'm looking at them now yeah they're wild look they're massive they're massive and fruits and nothing eats them really anymore and they don't spread naturally they're so heavy that like they don't get spread while widely around like birds don't eat them and poop the seeds out are they still alive well they barely are mostly the reason why they're still alive is that we have like
Starting point is 00:14:56 intentionally bred them because we wanted the wood so tree nerds have been trying to figure out like what the fuck is up with this stuff why why why would a tree evolve to have fruit that's so hard and so heavy and doesn't spread like that seems like a bad evolutionary idea yeah and the understanding they've come to is that it's because oh well the trees co evolved with mammoths and giant sloths and that's what would eat their fruit and would spread their seeds and when all of the giant sloths and mammoths were hunted to extinction there was nothing to spread the tree seeds anymore so they stopped spreading around and it's it's this evidence that as much as competition is a part of nature so is collaboration and
Starting point is 00:15:46 interdependency you know because it's not like the the mammoth isn't saying I'm gonna spread these seeds and the tree isn't saying I'm gonna feed these mammoths in exchange for them spreading my seeds but that's the way it works out they're both they were both dependent on each other and now that this this these species that they used to depend on is gone the August Osage tree despite how hard and tough and strong and is it's an incredibly strong plant it's uh it can't breed on its own Robert why are we talking about this because he's wrong about trees Sophie okay the tree the tree is just missing its buddies and it's missing them for centuries that's really sad I thought we were on a different show for
Starting point is 00:16:28 a second I'm like we're doing something that I feel like would be very good happen here to explain tree facts no no where's the fuckery Robert where is it the fucker the fuckery is he's lying about trees to children well children are gonna grow up not knowing about the giant sloth and the Osage orange tree and that makes me angry okay just gonna have you are right he is wrong fuck him okay okay but I hear what you're saying you want more Andrew Tate fuckery and I'm going to give you slightly more than you bargained for here because I in trying to find copies of the way of Wudon I found the saddest post that I have ever seen on reddit it is it is heartbreaking this is from the Cobra Tate subreddit which is listed
Starting point is 00:17:16 as the only official community of Andrew Cobra Tate it's like at 3.7 thousand members too which is nada anyway the post is titled the way of Wudon and it's it's written by a user named Alfred Seifer about nine months ago and I'm gonna read this just hold on to your hearts because this is going to break them I'll hold your heart you hold my heart I may have I perhaps should have said hold on to your gag reflex but here we go it may sound like a fairy tale but this story couldn't be more realistic what I'm about to share is the story of how my trajectory in life changed literally overnight how I found my path to Wudon not gonna lie I was a brutal loser and I'm being modest about how I'm describing
Starting point is 00:18:00 it I was way worse already dead if I might add I had no friends the people in my life were shitty and put me down every single chance they got I was alone depressed and lazy not to mention stupid the worst part of it was I knew the all these things deep down I knew who I truly was and my mind made it clear to me every single day a sore loser nobody wanted me I hid myself at home just to cope with the pain it got worse it got to a point where I lost all hope I had no hope anymore and I lost every battle before they even began the way I got to know Tate was just as miraculous if I might say there are a lot of success gurus and motivational speakers out there but the first time I saw an Andrew Tate clip
Starting point is 00:18:34 something immediately clicked I don't know what it is I got drawn to him instantly the cobra had snapped its victim I know that one hurts that hurt to read from that from that first clip I immediately searched him on YouTube and surprise surprise he had his own YouTube channel I watched each video down to the last bit his speech is just strip me of all it's horrible so it's so horrible his speeches just stripped me of all the victim cope mentality until I saw myself in my true form again a form I swore never to reveal again I was there all of my losses flooding my mind teasing me of how much a loser I still was and still am it was ruthless but Tate went ahead and said this one thing one thing that makes the
Starting point is 00:19:16 difference he said but you can have everything everything you've ever wanted it's a matter of how bad do you want it and from that moment it was my first time to see the light and then he added this I will show you the way will you listen that got me started on my path I borrowed the cash in an ATM to pay for hustlers university I really wanted it I really really wanted it and I enrolled don't even get me started on hustlers university the content the professors the students and the mindset chains that hit you is astronomical I would literally go broke just to remain in hustlers university it's more than just what you see every day you get to see 60,000 brothers hustle and grind with one aim money okay this
Starting point is 00:19:53 is written by andre Tate he made an account it might it might be but he's got a lot of my god wait this is so yeah and everybody's half of these responses are making fun of him yeah I mean like the people that like actually worship him it's just like it's culty it's not sure culty but it's also just like it's sad it's sad in a way yeah and they're so and they're still so many yeah they want to connect with someone so so deeply and so badly it's just like they missed the opportunity to connect with someone that's actually like worth their time and so yeah I don't know it's someone that would help them actually improve as a human being yeah and it's this idea that like and again I think
Starting point is 00:20:41 this goes back to what's incredible one of the things that's incredibly toxic about what Tate is is trying to push here this idea that like everything is competition the only real way to like prove your mastery is by either acquiring women or by acquiring money and you're you're fighting with everybody except for these people you pay to hang out with right like that is a recipe I don't mean this I'm not trying to like say this lightly that's a recipe for suicide like that is the end result of thinking that way you either get out of that thoughts or like because it's deeply profoundly toxic to capitalize on that is so so monstrous you know what I mean to capitalize on that feeling of like isolating
Starting point is 00:21:25 people and being like this has the potential to hurt to destroy people I feel like that is so so evil it's it's very evil it's very like America too right because this is I was just I was watching a documentary last night about um it was like a YouTube documentary about um Tony Robbins and Robbins is was at one point kind of the more mass media acceptable version of Andrew Tate I at this point Tate's might be a bigger name um but they both have a lot in common including this like one of the things Robbins would do is um like you know attack uh women who came on and talked about like the fact that they were suicidal is like he would always accuse them of like using suicide as a weapon against uh the man
Starting point is 00:22:13 they were in a relationship with whereas if like a man came on and expressed suicidal thoughts um he would he would show this kind of like sympathy towards them and stuff like there's these weird there's these weird trends that are like ever present across these these grifters and like ultimately the the big thing that like the guys like Tate and Robbins are pushing is this idea of like masculine mastery and female submission um being kind of the cornerstone of happiness uh and I it I it's it's deeply like it one of the things that it does that I think is so heartbreaking is it kind of like removes the possibility for identification with other human beings on any kind of meaningful emotional level which
Starting point is 00:22:57 is as a cult leader by the way what you want you don't want members of your cult to be able to connect emotionally with anybody else right in an independent of you because that's how you make your money is there is there fundamental brokenness um and that's kind of how a huge amount of the American economy works right like it's all grifts and cons all the way down Andrew Tate is just better at it than most people right I mean fundamental brokenness that was that the whole that was good good poetry that you just said right there yeah it's heartbreaking because you're right it's uh damn speaking of heartbreaking oh yes yes we're going to move on to Andrew Tate's 2022 book but I thought that was your
Starting point is 00:23:40 segue to to yeah it's yeah what do you do yeah but but first but first check out these Andrew Tate approved products oh no no no oh should I not do that Sophie I'm just trying to make us some money here you should absolutely not do that especially especially if it's those baked in ones we have to do soon oh no it's okay eventually he'll get out of prison and then um then we can then we can uh yeah we can collab we can finally do a podcast together no here's ads ah we're back so the book that we're going to be reading for the rest of our episode today is called the Tate Bible uh it was published in 2022 and was written by Andrew Tate and someone named G slim who the fuck is G slim I don't know there was
Starting point is 00:24:40 a gangster rapper named G slim with two m's uh from New Orleans but he died in October of 1996 when he was shot by several people um so I don't think it's this G slim I think it's unlikely to be the G slim who died in 1996 oh this like came out very like some of like yes this came out last year yeah yeah yeah so I think it's unlikely and the only other G slim searches that I'm getting immediately on my search engine are for vaporizers so he either wrote this with a dead man or a vape uh which actually really fits for Andrew Tate to be entirely honest oh my god oh wait no I got an email for G slim huh uh I did the mistake of skimming through some amazon reviews and now I want to die oh yeah what are you
Starting point is 00:25:29 seeing what's what's making you feel so bad most of them are five stars that's good that's good so we're reading a good one uh yeah exactly um the ones that are three stars aren't even about the book being bad but this is what a three star one sounds like the book I love the book I love but when amazon shipped it they threw it in a box with the other items I got and it got bent up really bad that irritates me oh no oh no I hope he's learned how to anyway so I did not ask it for their boyfriend no listen folks I'm going to tell you right now I did not pay for this I found a free pdf posted online uh the pdf is watermarked uh from a telegram channel called get seduction bible uh I don't know if this is authorized
Starting point is 00:26:14 or if this is illegal and I don't really care because I'm number one I'm pretty sure we're covered by fair years used to at here and number two Andrew Tatis in a Romanian prison so I think his legal hands are tied at the moment either way um it opens after the um you know the chapter listing and stuff it opens with I'm so sorry Shireen actually brace yourself here oh your friend brace yourself have your heart you still have my heart always yes whatever is left of it it opens with the tates prayer no no no no how is the person real I don't understand how he's able to get away with with the hit I I I can never tell quite with this guy how much of it is supposed to be a joke because there's two questions right
Starting point is 00:27:02 what of it does he mean as a joke and what is like just narcissistic delusion and then the other question is like what of it do his that is a joke are is realized by his fans to be a joke and it's impossible to tell so I'm gonna read the tates prayer for you Shireen because I know you need more religion in your life yeah I guess so our tate who art in Bucharest he sure is because he's he's in prison there Andrew be thy name thy kingdom come through Cam and fun oh that really that I felt like my biocurtle in my guts I feel like you cursed everyone I know this I feel like I feel like I'm what's your name in the mummy movie reading from the book of the death I'm unleashing a terrible curse I just started to read and
Starting point is 00:28:01 I hear the wind whistling through the howl of demons barely contained but then I continue reading thy kingdom come through Cam and fun online as it is on the blockchain give us this day our daily vodka and forgive those the shit munchers for their trespasses against us lead us to women for temptation and deliver us unto our dominos for his is the Lambo the McLaren and Ferrari forever with Tristan that's his brother oh man wow you just listed up a bunch of brands wow wow oh my god I have to I have to Sophie let me screen share you need to see the photo that comes right after the tates prayer do I do I do I have this is this is necessary I'm afraid this is like morally please share here we go oh my god yeah so
Starting point is 00:28:57 it's it's a I'm guessing what used to be like a drawing of Jesus surrounded by five young women who look suspiciously Mormon but Andrew Tate's face has been photoshopped in fact check you there are only four women in that photo for women sorry concern I do you have a different hair color which is which is fun the flower in his hand is also a woman I don't know maybe yes there's a zoom button at the top middle soviet soviet soviet thank you oh yeah and he has sunglasses on always of course yeah he's always got his sunglasses on this is so what are they holding is there supposed to be like roses yeah those look like roses and like chalices maybe oh I don't see chalices I see all looking at him so great so obsessed
Starting point is 00:29:44 it's it's it's a very very unsettling how this book came to be disclaimer during the first covid lockdown in the UK I was sat around scrolling through Twitter I had never seen nor heard of Andrew Tate before but someone I follow must have retweeted him I remember reading the tweet and laughing at it so I went to his of wudon twitter profile and had to look through the posts it was incredible who the fuck was this guy was he for real or was it a parody account for the next hour I did nothing but scroll through his tweets Jesus and these weren't just singular tweets like your average person posts but long threads that I got lost in they flew from subject to subject dropping controversy humor and pearls
Starting point is 00:30:21 of wisdom alike I won't lie to you I genuinely still thought it was a parody account I couldn't believe anyone actually thought like this surely it was a wind up wait what are you reading from now this is the intro to the book yeah and so I closed Twitter and went about my day but the thing was I couldn't stop thinking about it at the back of my mind or realization had started I thought that actually this guy was the real deal it wasn't a joke it wasn't some prankster trolling everyone so the next day I found his YouTube channel and fell down the biggest fucking rabbit hole in existence Tate speech the hateful Tates the war room Tate confidential god damn it over the next few months during lockdown I would dip in and
Starting point is 00:30:58 out of all this content and on this journey of discovery I noticed one thing kept popping up in the comments Tate you should write a book several times I saw this and when he bothered to reply Andrew would scornfully say the same thing I ain't got time to write a book I'm too busy driving a McLaren through the Alps you can't argue with that he's not doing that no more he's not doing that no more yeah so I don't know I find it compelling that like at least valuable data that like this weirdo who wrote G slim who wrote the Tate Bible with Andrew fell into this rabbit hole during the pandemic when he was alone at home like we know intellectually that's how a lot of this the stuff that's metastasized
Starting point is 00:31:37 now started but it's it's at least useful to get another fucking piece of date of data on that I'm going to continue I decided right then and there that I was going to write the book I needed to be in this man's life Jesus Christ I needed to be in the war room I needed to change my life I needed a fucking all caps Lambo exclamation point exclamation point exclamation point let's do it also in all caps with three exclamation points and then in the next days nothing that little doubting voice that tells you you'll never be able to do it appears in your head it took me weeks of questioning myself to even get started and even when then I stopped halfway through and thought long and hard about whether I
Starting point is 00:32:14 should continue but am I going to be a loser am I going to fail to follow through after all what's the worst that can happen he might tell me to fuck off and I realize I've wasted my time but I can handle that what I can't handle is always thinking what might have happened if I'd finished and it all works out what if a year later someone else does it it's a huge success good news it was not yeah so I decided I would complete the book in total secrecy and then get a physical paper back printed to gift to him this I hoped would get the seal of approval oh my god so this guy just watches all of Andrew's videos over and over again and transcribes them these are transcriptions of Andrew Tate videos listen
Starting point is 00:32:53 the thing is I don't believe anything this book says you know what I mean like I don't really think you don't trust g slim no I don't fucking trust in g slim wow shireen that's pretty offensive I've ever heard g slim died in a gunfight in 1996 for you and then came back to write this book Andrew Tate brought her back that's what I assume this is like so insufferable continue oh man how many pages is this book it's it's a lot shireen it's a lot there's no page oh wait no there are page numbers let me scroll down and see if I can answer that for you too many too many pages you're completely correct okay only some of the pages have page numbers but there's at least 283 of them that's that's a lot of
Starting point is 00:33:41 fucking that's way too many pages that's way too many that's way too many that is like a heartbreaking number of pages first off I I I'm going to say this and it's it's going to sound mean but this man is already dead inside g slim like he's he's he's he's passed on years ago in his soul like there's nothing left but but a whisper and a ghost and the knowledge that he's fucking wrote a book about Andrew Tate that is by Andrew Tate that Andrew Tate never saw I mean you think that's mean but I don't think this person exists so we have two opposing views oh you don't think g slim is real I don't think this is like I just I can't trust anything that Andrew Tate is involved with like I really don't it all
Starting point is 00:34:33 sounds like someone's own fantasy of like being famous that's I mean he is famous unfortunately he a lot of it was like he didn't have nearly as much money as he pretended to like he like one of the funny things about Andrew so he's got this he's got his big hustlers university which is the place you pay like fifty bucks a month for and then he's got the war room which you pay five thousand dollars to be a member of and it gets you into all these discord chats with his you know he framed it as like this is the most powerful secret society on earth I've got men in every government and like people who will show up in any country if I need them I can solve any problem with this like if you fuck with me you know this
Starting point is 00:35:12 powerful cadre he gets arrested nobody does shit right because it was all a bunch of marks who paid five grand to be in a discord chat with Andrew Tate so to that extent like yes it is all lies and smoke and mirrors I think I just realized the difference okay this is where this is the landing point yeah you believe it because you understand that people like this exists in the world and I'm just in denial you know what I mean I'm in denial that someone could actually do this I I've spent a lot of time in the manosphere you know following since years before Andrew Tate following you know reading blogs like we hunted the mammoth and just like going in myself and reading conversations and I think the most durable
Starting point is 00:35:51 lesson I've learned is that if something sounds like the most depressing sad thing that could ever possibly exist and you're wondering if it's real yes it is so I do believe that a guy spent his pandemic rewatching Andrew Tate videos then wrote a book and like asked Andrew for his approval to sell it and give Andrew the money I do believe that occurred I mean you've kind of convinced me right now too because I people like that definitely exist unfortunately yes despite my my my own wishes it's all heartbreaking but we should probably just soldier through to the first chapter of Tate's wisdom the truth about your ego we're going to be talking about ego and why it's super important that you have an ego in fact
Starting point is 00:36:38 the biggest worms I've met in my life are people who don't have egos if you don't have an ego you don't care about how you're perceived and there's not only how you're perceived by others but you also don't care about how you perceive yourself if you're going to become morbidly obese you don't have an ego you can't have an ego and become a morbidly obese person now I think a lot of people get confused because there are two type of egos you've got people who have egos that don't deserve it and people who have egos who have earned it and justified it that's okay I mean for one thing like he's transposing like the actual like psychological concept of an ego with just thinking you're hot shit right like that's clearly what it
Starting point is 00:37:16 means but also just like I don't know if you're actually because Andrew talks a lot about like aestheticism and you know these kind of like stoic virtues and harkens back to these Greek philosophers these kind of Chinese philosophers all of them would have said the same thing about ego which is that like you have to conquer your your like like caring about what other people think is not a path towards power it's maybe a path that gets you arrested by the Romanian authorities because your ego made you brag about your criminal sex trafficking operation yes that's what I might say so yeah that's funny all right so this this whole rant is about his concept of ego let's go down to the next section it's
Starting point is 00:38:02 titled it's so funny when people misunderstand what what what that word means entirely though I think it's so funny like yeah it's also just like people who have egos about different things there are people who don't care about their physical appearance but cared deeply about how they are perceived mentally or about you know how people like their music or whatever like that's not anyway all of this is silly everything he says is silly here's his next chapter do girls love money a lot of people say girls love money and that's not entirely true they think that if you have money you're gonna get girls but it's incorrect I know loads of very rich men who don't have girls and I know loads of old fat ugly rich guys who
Starting point is 00:38:40 are just desperately desperately trying to throw money at girls and these girls won't fuck them because they don't really care about money girls like the trappings of money without seeing the actual money a girl doesn't want you to sit there and say you earn this much that you have this they don't give a fuck what they want is a black Mercedes to pick them up from their house and take them to the restaurant now this is funny shireen because we know from information has come out since his arrest that one of Andrew's hobbies was to find girls in Romania like children like high school girls on Instagram and they're repeatedly hit on them and offered to pick them up in his black Mercedes and we have
Starting point is 00:39:12 like they nearly always said like no you're a creep and a weirdo he just did it so often that he would find you know a few people to victimize like that that was his actual flirtation strategy good stuff good stuff trying to just probability wise trying to hack the system just like if I do this at times yeah that's what all these guys do right like it's all about if you I mean yeah if you are like there's so many people in the world that if you just constantly hit on every woman that you see someone will want to pick up what you're putting down right right and they they kind of take that very basic fact and then and the fact that they're also like mentally abusing children in a lot of cases who don't have as much judgment
Starting point is 00:39:58 or even the kind of like formalized ideas of what they like as even like their entire brain function or whatever exactly exactly and they they transpose that to their fans is like these are the hacks for getting women and it's like well no you're just being like a weird sad creep and 99% of the people you talk to think you're gross and then you're conning a bunch of dumb young men into believing that like this is the trick to being James Bond right yeah anyway like I feel like I don't know I forget what his name is because it's irrelevant and stupid but when I was in high school there was like a pickup artist that was like the same kind of vibe that and or Tata's but like he was like he he he like
Starting point is 00:40:40 introduced the word like negging you know what I mean like oh yeah yeah yeah so that is and he was also bald I'm pretty sure but I don't know what it's what that's about not bald by choice I guess yeah but it's interesting to think like would hit would that have happened if the internet was like it is now or do people like this just like this those are always have to be someone that these like vulnerable young people are subject to like it's it's really because they're not new ideas they're just like recycled and said in different ways no they're not new and this kind of guy isn't new right like if you even want to go back to the turn of the last century a lot of the early kind of people who guys like Gabriel
Starting point is 00:41:27 Dunanzio who like became fascists and led to the the early stages of that movement were like masculinity influencers right there there was and it was because you had this you know there you know there's not a lot of room for purchase for these guys in an era in which like most men are working in like a farm or something or like even in a factory but once you start getting like a lot of white collar jobs where people are like sitting down and filing paperwork all day it's easy to number one that's not often very rewarding work and it's easy to convince us a chunk of the people doing that job that like oh in the past you would have been a Viking and you know you would have had a beautiful woman
Starting point is 00:42:11 on your arm and lots of booty and you know you'd be fighting all the time and getting this anger that's deep inside you out and and I think for at least like a hundred and fifty years or so it's been a pretty profitable thing to mine that vein of insecurity that a chunk of the male population particularly in the middle class is gonna have a Tate is kind of an evolved form of that but yeah totally I mean hand in hand and that unfortunately is always like objectifying and women and like not even just not even just objectifying like sexually but like making them objects yeah yeah well because for one thing like if the primary lever that you're pulling is the insecurity of your audience nothing makes
Starting point is 00:42:54 the kind of men who are vulnerable to take insecure like the idea that a woman there into has like a life and freedom of her own to like not want to hang out with you if you're being like a weird gross creep yeah that's the worst thing in the world with him like what there was there was a shooter like a mass shooter that had that mentality of like these these girls to rejected him and so he got right yeah from Santa Barbara yeah exactly yes but like yeah he was someone that thought all those things and had access to a firearm and the desire to do that like imagine it's just it's just a recipe for disaster like it's you mentioned it's like a recipe for suicide it's like that and also just like
Starting point is 00:43:36 general like death yeah yeah it's it's it's it's it's it's all death colts all the way down but you know what's not a death colt shireen blue apron that's right blue apron is not a death colt that's the one guarantee blue apron makes they are no longer a death colt currently not a death colt blue apron oh we're back boy I love those blue apron ads there's certainly not a death colt um please please please don't thank you that's the end of that one please don't be being serious please don't message us yeah are you saying they are a death colt Sophie because I'm trying to tell people that they're not saying please please please okay this is the most positive things I've heard Robert yeah blue apron so yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:44:31 I've turned I've turned the corner yeah yeah yeah let's continue with our Tate Bible if we must let me tell you something about having a Lamborghini it's two hundred thousand dollars to buy ten thousand dollars a year to service eleven thousand dollars a year in insurance forget that I've replaced the windscreen twice this year from stone ships which is another ten thousand dollars forget the miscellaneous costs it's about three to four hundred thousand dollars I spent so far on a car that has no guarantee of getting girls but what does it do is if I pull up outside of a nightclub or a high school in my Lamborghini high school he doesn't say that but that's what he does then girls look at me and think well I don't
Starting point is 00:45:11 see that kind of car very often that's interesting who does who is he how does he afford a Lamborghini if I continue to talk to a girl I have about twenty or thirty seconds to say something interesting and continue to be an interesting person otherwise I'm going to lose her what it does is it facilitates an opener it gets a tiny bit of interest but it's still my job to finish the interest off if I'm a boring content she asks how'd you get a Lambo and I sit there and go well the Lamborghini has a v10 5.2 liter engine she doesn't give a fuck about the fucking engine in the car if a girl sees your Lamborghini it gives you an opener it's interesting because it's all about like it's not about actually being an
Starting point is 00:45:43 interesting person or like being appealing it's about having these devices that make you look interesting which is always the oh boy oh boy no you don't have to get a personality or be nice or anything you just have to have objects to distract people with yeah then there's this baffling line let me tell you if what what you get if you buy a Lamborghini the only people who genuinely adore you when you have a Lamborghini are ten year old boys they see a drive past and their eyes light up and they start waving their hands and they'll do anything to get in your car so unless you're a pedophile there's no point in buying a Lamborghini to get pussy now what's interesting to me about this is that like he's right about that
Starting point is 00:46:24 in that he's he's he's saying a truth about his business which is that the only people who are impressed by a guy bragging about his Lamborghini are our young children because that's his audience that's who he is trying to that's why all these schools are trying to de-radicalize kids from Tate is because and he knows it he knows that like the only thing that is the only people who are impressed by my act are children and people with the minds of children just I mean that that sentence was also just like heartbreaking intense and not needed but not surprising that it's in there wow it's I mean oh my god I think it's sad that because because young people are so easily influenced but like I'm I was still
Starting point is 00:47:13 kind of like scrolling through these reviews and one of these reviews is talking about how this person sent it to their son and how they like they for encouragement and in hopes of letting helping out the fire under him how Tate is standing up against the matrix how this is like a better way to to teach little girls and boys or whatever but like it's it's sad that it also has per has like seeped into the minds of like parents and like I just can't I don't know I'm kind of rambling now because these reviews are like breaking my brain but but yeah I just think that's that's crazy mm-hmm yeah the next thing is his fifty tips for being a man which oh yeah no these are great there's all sorts of wild shit in
Starting point is 00:48:06 here including late late on us reject sex from a beautiful woman the red pill dorks are desperate for sex at my level you refuse to let a woman have you simply because she's beautiful she has to deserve a man like me I reject stunning women all the time it's good for the soul okay it's it is I gotta say there's something technically impressive about turning the man fluencer grift around from like I'm gonna teach you how to get girls every time to like I don't even need to have sex right that's that's how that's how much of a stud I am is I don't even fuck a lot of the time that is so interesting because you're right the other pickup artist person I'm thinking it was all about getting women yeah yeah that's that it is interesting
Starting point is 00:48:44 and I think it's an evidence of kind of like why his grift has been successful is that he he's taking a spin on you know the the the stuff that people have been doing for a long time yeah I don't have sex normally that means I'm cool you know I mean like I don't always have sex yeah my choice yeah which like it's perfectly fine to not want to have sex it's just interesting to me that like his whole grift is clearly about here's how you become rich and get babes and this is part of like what how he sells it to people I think it's because the majority of people if you have to choose between the two options are they're not fucking all the time but they want to be fucking all the time and or like they're
Starting point is 00:49:24 not doing that at all so I think he's going with the majority being like how can I have the most people relate to this I can tell them that them not fucking is actually a power or a power play you know yeah there's um most of this is really boring stuff but I got to read you number 15 do you okay you'll like this one get arrested a couple nights in jail is good for you I've accumulated about two weeks across different incidences I think that might just be the perfect amount good news Andrew you're about to get a lot more jail experience God it's so funny he did it following his own rules he did this to himself like quite literally but but also just like the idea to write that down in a in a book
Starting point is 00:50:15 or he'd say that out loud and get transcribed or whatever the fuck this book is um is crazy like that is it is just I don't know I don't know yeah wow these episodes really break my brain and that's the goal shireen broken it feels so that's the that's always the goal here at behind the bastards number 21 get alone and refuse to pay it back seller transfer your assets first or do it just before you move country cash and slaves people it's not fair the banks are absolute criminals and you need to get some small retribution they'll simply print more money fuck them which like I don't have a problem with stealing from the bank but Andrew getting alone and then just like not paying it back has consequences
Starting point is 00:50:57 for people in many cases yes like okay that that's gonna come back to bite your fans I don't think that's what he does I think he gets loans from maybe individual people and never pays them back but I'm pretty sure anyway whatever number 22 become very good at stealing I never ever order a coffee from Starbucks without stealing something from the front right under the dickheads nose never steal from small businesses steal from okay that one's fine I do yeah I like low can't agree with yeah that's okay that's it look even a stopped clock is gonna be right about shoplifting yeah so okay let's move past but he's doing it to like like he insulted the person that doesn't catch him he's doing it to like be
Starting point is 00:51:39 like I am I'm better than you I can get away with this also it's not just about giving it to the man or whatever yeah choose a book about a story that sounds interesting a man who's traveling around Africa or a man who decided to sail the Mediterranean a professional boxer whatever throw the fucking book away and go do it yourself living is better than reading good stuff maybe if you had read a couple of stories about I don't know Al Capone maybe you you you wouldn't have wound up in solitary confinement going crazy fighting ghosts good stuff good stuff all right well let's let's move along so it's just all shit like this all this all this lots of this transcripts of him talking on podcasts my god what kind
Starting point is 00:52:27 of sad people what kind of sad man turns this into a book you can you can make a book too I guess anyone yeah somebody somebody turn all of my great wisdom on my podcast appearances into a book that's crazy oh wow if you can be a book anything can be a book yeah anything can be a book so I've scrolled down to the bottom here and I was going to just read you the last page but then I came across this oh no a lot of men take all the frames I used in my webcam business and apply it to their marriage and they say their marriage has never been better it's amazing but unsurprising because women are women and men are men but all in all I genuinely want the best for everybody and I look forward to speaking to a feminist
Starting point is 00:53:07 I hope I can deprogram her and she can get her ass married have some kids make her man a dinner and finally become a good woman and stop talking shit so I look forward to talking with a feminist feminist and I'll fix her brain no problem I'll fix her brain no problem also feminists can do all those things just like heads up she can't get married and have fucking kids or whatever the shit yes yeah yeah so I don't know that's probably all of the Tate Bible we need to go through today do you feel like you learned something Shireen I mean I guess I genuinely learned that I shouldn't be in denial of the things that freak me out and like I don't want to believe because people like this exist and it's better
Starting point is 00:53:49 to be aware of them existing in the world versus not be aware of that and then I don't know yeah it's genuine lesson I've learned today it's heartbreaking but people like this are real in some sense you know we can what is real what is reality we have to add the matrix did it work did reading his book worked I think that we've all escaped the matrix in our own way today and and now we know I don't know what what what what what what what what is escaping the matrix if not getting paid to talk on a microphone in your underpants right we've broken the matrix and if you send if you send Shireen and I five thousand dollars we will put you in a discord chat with everyone else who paid us five thousand dollars and
Starting point is 00:54:44 we will pretend that we're going to show up in that discord chat and talk to you occasionally hmm so I mean it's tempting the way you say it in words and yeah what's my cut yeah Sophie 50% can I need I'm gonna need at least wow wow wow wow shireen we might have to go to war here I mean this is all it's all or nothing we have double the charge 10,000 yeah what about yeah let's make it 10k yeah that'll be fine that'll be good 51% wow wow well we'll uh well we'll we're gonna deal with all this offline but everybody if you mail five or ten thousand dollars to us eventually we'll figure out how to split it up I can promise you that yes yes all right everybody shireen do you have anything you'd like to plug anything
Starting point is 00:55:38 uh I have a podcast as well it's called ethnically ambiguous if you guys want to check it out um I just made this little short film called how can I be present when photographs exist I it's like this little it's a it's a it's a it's a window into my brain recently if you guys have any curiosity about what that is but I think that's it you can follow me on social media if you want to what are your handles oh right uh instagram is shiro hero and uh twitter is shiro hero 666 I do want to point out because I know the word shiro is like some people use it as like the female version of hero that is not that is not my name it's a nickname that I have my whole life from my family it's shiro hero and so
Starting point is 00:56:28 I want everyone out there to know that's not why I chose that name it's my name I I hate the idea of using shiro for hero because hero is not a gendered name I know like hero the term hero does not apply masculine imply masculine or feminine um I think it's unnecessary sound that way it's like yeah yeah I it's like when people like try to de-gender the term folks by spelling it f-o-l-x it's like folks does not imply gender exactly why are we doing this it's fine as it is yeah yeah it's like yeah adding an x to y'all it's like no we're we're good that one's good no no I don't no one's done that they will now they will now let's make that be in our fans thing yeah um all right everybody good
Starting point is 00:57:16 go to hell I love you see you there behind the bastards is a production of cool zone media from more from cool zone media visit our website cool zone media dot com or check us out on the I heart radio app apple podcast or wherever you get your podcasts

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