Behind the Bastards - It Could Happen Here Weekly 137

Episode Date: June 29, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 From KT Studios, the number one podcast, The Idaho Massacre is back. The new developments in the University of Idaho murder case. It was an unimaginable crime. One house, four victims, only one accused. If this is true, then this guy is the real life Dexter. Listen to season two of the Idaho Massacre on the iHeartRadio app, Apple podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.
Starting point is 00:00:30 Do, do, do, do, do, do. We all know what that music means. It's time for the Olympics in Paris. I'm Matt Rogers. And I'm Bowen Yang. And we're doing an Olympics podcast? Uh, yeah. We're hosting the Two Guys, Five Rings podcast.
Starting point is 00:00:50 Watch every moment of the 2024 Paris Olympics beginning July 26th on NBC and Peacock. And for the first time, you can stream the 2024 Paris games on the iHeartRadio app. And listen to Two Guys, Five Rings on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. I'm Andrea Gunning, host of the all new podcast There and Gone. It's a real life story of two people who left a crowded Philadelphia bar,
Starting point is 00:01:16 walked to their truck, and vanished. A truck and two people just don't disappear. The FBI called it murder for hire, but which victim was the intended target and why? and two people just don't disappear. The FBI called it murder for hire. But which victim was the intended target and why? Listen to There and Gone South Street on the iHeartRadio app, Apple podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. The Medal of Honor is the highest military decoration in the United States. Since it was established in 1861, there have been
Starting point is 00:01:45 3,517 people awarded with the medal. I'm Malcolm Gladwell and our new podcast from Bushkin Industries and iHeartMedia is about those heroes. What they did, what it meant, and what their stories tell us about the nature of courage and sacrifice. Listen to Medal of Honor, Stories of Courage on the iHeart Radio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts. Curious about queer sexuality, cruising, and expanding your horizons?
Starting point is 00:02:16 Hit play on the sex positive and deeply entertaining podcast, Sniffy's Cruising Confessions. Join hosts, Gabe Gonzalez and Chris Patterson-Rosso as they explore queer sex, cruising, relationships, and culture in the new iHeart podcast, Sniffy's Cruising Confessions. Sniffy's Cruising Confessions will broaden minds and help you pursue your true goals. You can listen to Sniffy's Cruising Confessions, sponsored by Gilead, now on the iHeart Radio app or wherever you get your podcasts. New episodes every Thursday. Call zone media. or wherever you get your podcasts. New episodes every Thursday. Cool Zone Media.
Starting point is 00:02:46 Hey everybody, Robert Evans here and I wanted to let you know this is a compilation episode. So every episode of the week that just happened is here in one convenient and with somewhat less ads package for you to listen to in a long stretch if you want. If you've been listening to the episodes every day this week, there's gonna be nothing new here for you, but you can make your own decisions. Welcome to Kadappan here. I'm Andrusi, Jeff Theeby channel andrusim. So today,
Starting point is 00:03:17 I wanted to really draw attention to the strategies of resistance that have marked the stories of the African diaspora. Of course, the diaspora is widespread and diverse and you could find or scattered hundreds of millions in communities across the globe, largely due to the impact of the trans-Saharan, trans-Atlantic, and Indian Ocean slave trades as well as voluntary migration. Many millions of stories could be told, but very few of those stories have been told so far. My focus is really on the African diaspora in the Caribbean today and what strategies they use in their struggle and how those strategies could potentially be utilized today in our contemporary struggle. So for some context, in case you just arrived on Earth, a couple years ago, enslaved Africans suffered truly deplorable conditions from the moment of capture through the passage
Starting point is 00:04:12 and the seasoning process until the last of their days on the field of the plantation. Yet in spite of their deplorable conditions, enslaved people endured. Resistance endured. It was both inevitable and constant, as even their enslavers recognized. Resistance of course began in Africa itself. Enslaved people often fled to escape. Local captors who were seeking to profit from the demand for slaves. Entire villages would sometimes relocate or fortify their settlements to avoid capture. Rebellion was common among captives as they waited to board ships during the initial loading
Starting point is 00:04:47 and even on the high seas. Tragically, or perhaps bravely, some chose to resist by taking their own lives, either during the journey or during the brutal seasoning process upon their arrival in the Caribbean. On the plantation itself, resistance took many forms tailored to specific circumstances and opportunities, but acts of defiance were a constant throughout the history of slavery in the Caribbean. While not all forms of resistance were as overt as the famous revolutions and rebellions, each act played a role in shaping plantation society, undermining the institution of chattel
Starting point is 00:05:23 slavery and ultimately hastening its demise. We can classify these acts of resistance into three key categories. Non-cooperation, confrontation, and prefiguration. Non-cooperation involves the deliberate refusal to comply with those in power, using both overt and covert methods to protest against oppressive conditions. Confrontation is about direct and assertive engagement with oppressive forces, aiming to disrupt or undermine them.
Starting point is 00:05:53 And prefiguration refers to the deliberate organization of future social relations, institutions, and practices in the present, envisioning and enacting a better future. It's important to note that these categories often overlap. Interdynamic struggle against slavery, non-cooperation, confrontation, prefiguration, intertwined, embodying the seeds of revolution. Throughout history, in fact, wherever people have faced oppression, these forms of resistance have emerged. And the era of slavery in the Caribbean was no exception.
Starting point is 00:06:28 Acts of non-cooperation were perhaps the most common form of resistance on the plantation. Non-cooperation took many forms, often subtle yet impactful. Enslaved individuals would act carelessly, feign illness, or pretend ignorance. These tactics slowed productivity and provided plausible explanations for accidents. By sabotaging tools and machinery, they further disrupted the operations of the plantation. Arson was another method used to strike back against their pressures, causing significant damage to property and resources. Securing extra meat through covert animal slaughter was a way for the enslaved to supplement
Starting point is 00:07:06 their meager rations and exert a small measure of control over their own survival. And of course, running away was another powerful form of non-cooperation. Individuals and small groups would escape for various reasons. To find psychological relief from the relentless oppression. To reunite with loved ones. To protest their harsh material conditions, or to carve out an alternative way of life within the oppressive system.
Starting point is 00:07:31 These escapes were not just about physical freedom, they were acts of defiance that challenged the foundations of the plantation system. Modern day activists and workers often engage in similar forms of non-cooperation to challenge capitalist structures and state authority. Just as enslaved people would intentionally slow down or damage tools to reduce productivity, modern workers might engage in slowdowns, work to rule actions, or even deliberate sabotage, which also falls into the next category of action. These actions aim to disrupt the efficiency and profitability of
Starting point is 00:08:05 capitalist enterprises, often as a form of protest against unfair labour practices or to demand better working conditions. Pretending ignorance was, as I mentioned, a common tactic among enslaved people to avoid the harsh demands of plantation labour. We might look at the quiet quitting folks who do the bare minimum required for their job, refusing to go above and beyond in order to avoid burnout and to resist the expectations that seek to exploit them. Running away from plantations, despite the severe consequences, was a powerful form of non-cooperation that of course sought to reclaim autonomy. In modern times, though not equivalent, strikes and walkouts serve a similar purpose. Workers leave their positions to protest unfair conditions, risking financial stability to
Starting point is 00:08:52 demand systemic change. In the plantation era, acts of confrontation involved direct assault on the system itself. Like I said before, the plant has lived in constant fear of revolt, and this fear was especially heightened during the Christmas season. What seemed like benign dances and festivities often disguised rebel oaths of secrecy. Poisoning was another feared form of confrontation, a subtle yet deadly alternative to open rebellion. The mere threat of conspiracies and plots, whether real or imagined, kept the colonial regime perpetually on edge.
Starting point is 00:09:29 Colonial legal systems were primarily designed to manage colonial property, which included enslaved people. These laws were harsh and allowed for severe punishments for any perceived transgressions. Enslaved individuals could face brutal consequences for unauthorized movement, large gatherings, possessions of weapons, or practicing secret rituals. Mastering the art of subterfuge was thus crucial for survival. What does that tell us about navigating our current legal context? While planters tried to sow discord among the enslaved by facilitating ethnic division,
Starting point is 00:10:05 by separating African-born from Korean-born, from dividing domestic and field laborers, and splitting skilled and unskilled workers, they instated people to, about manipulated plantation politics. They carefully studied the personalities of their white overlords, subtly provoking divisions between bookkeepers, overseers, and owners. Anansi, the Spider Trickster, a popular West African folktale character, became a hero, inspiring strategies of disguised satire, trickery, and deceit. Yet despite their cunning, many rebellions were quashed before they could even begin,
Starting point is 00:10:40 and those that did spark were often brutally suppressed. The divisions fostered by the Planeter class between Creole and African enslaved people hindered revolutionary efforts. While all revolts sought greater power and freedom, Africans typically desired all-out war and the establishment of an African lifestyle apart from the colonies. In contrast, many Creoles, the Caribbean-born Africans, aimed to modify the system to gain the rights of free wage laborers. Such conflicts helped foil revolts in Barbados in 1683, Antigua in 1736, St. Croix in 1759, and Jamaica in 1776. What does that tell us about the risk of unresolved visions when
Starting point is 00:11:21 undertaking revolutionary action today? In the past, enslaved people used secret meetings and covert planning to organize revolts, often disguised as social gatherings. Today, activists can use encrypted communication or parties as staging grounds for political activism. Today, poisoning may be off the table, but it's evident that property destruction, including arson, has persisted as a means of protest. The efficacy of that method of protest is perhaps situationally dependent, but it certainly sends a message. Activists of today must confront legal systems just as enslaved people in the past needed
Starting point is 00:12:02 to when dissent shaved against the status quo. There's a time and place for court battles and bail funds, but they're not lasting means of resistance. We do need to brainstorm more permanent means of liberation from this legal system. Finally, just as Anansi the Spider Trickster served as a symbol of clever resistance among the enslaved, we need stories and symbols that can just as potently empower. There was a time when Guy Fawkes' masks served as a powerful symbol of resistance. As a creative species, a symbolic species, we'll always need those signals to guide
Starting point is 00:12:36 and encourage us, to give us safety in numbers in a sense of solidarity, even if such symbols alone are not inherently liberatory. Finally, acts of prefiguration may seem less viable under their grim conditions, but even if they could not build the socioeconomic autonomy that characterizes robust, modern prefigurative practices, enslaved people still managed to create networks of support and resilient cultures that offered respite in a world that sought to strip them of their humanity. Mutual Aid was truly the name of the game.
Starting point is 00:13:09 In the face of social death, they cultivated ties of real and fictive kinship. Since biological families were often torn apart by callous slaveholders, with mother-child units being the most common familial arrangement, many enslaved Africans extended their concept of family beyond biological kin. These networks of fictive kinship provided emotional support, protection, and a sense of belonging, helping to preserve their humanity in the midst of suffering. An example of this resilience can be seen in the rotating savings and credit associations they developed among enslaved women.
Starting point is 00:13:44 Despite their marginal earnings from market activities, they pooled their resources and rotated lump sums of money to each other in acts of mutual aid, all without their master's permission. This practice not only provided financial support, but also reinforced the bonds of community and cooperation. Similarly, today's marginalized communities create networks of solidarity, mutual aid groups, and community centers to support each other in the face of systemic injustices such as poverty, discrimination, and violence. Such communities also often redefine family to include chosen families, providing emotional
Starting point is 00:14:20 support and care outside traditional family structures, particularly within LGBTQ plus communities and other marginalized groups. Today grassroots organizations and cooperatives continue the tradition of economic cooperation, empowering marginalized groups to economic solidarity, microfinance initiatives, and community-based lending. But it's important that we don't look at these actions in isolation. Confrontation alone is not enough. Non-cooperation alone is not enough. And of course, prefiguration alone is not enough.
Starting point is 00:14:55 So let's look back at diasporic history to those who did bring those actions together, sometimes successfully. Maroonage, the act of enslaved people escaping plantations to establish independent communities, defined the Maroon experience. Deep within forests and nestled in the mountains across the Caribbean, thousands of Maroons forged their own path, shaping history through resilience and defiance. As runaways, they were inherently non-cooperative.
Starting point is 00:15:32 As warriors, they directly confronted plantation society, and as community builders, they aimed to prefigure a better future for themselves and their descendants. Maroon societies varied widely, shaped by local geography, available resources, and their relationship with colonial powers. They thrived in rainforests and mountainous terrains, which offered natural defenses and facilitated guerrilla warfare tactics. Led by captains charged with defense, Maroon settlements prioritized vigilance, fortification, and constant readiness.
Starting point is 00:16:06 They communicated with neighboring communities, practiced evasive maneuvers, and engaged in both defensive and offensive strategies. Prior to the Haitian Revolution, François Macandale and his network of enslaved and Maroon allies struck fear into the heart of Saint-Domingue. They targeted plantation owners with acts of sabotage and arson, challenging colonial authority with daring raids and strategic strikes. Beyond warfare, Maroon communities were self-sufficient, producing or acquiring what they needed through raids, trade, or cultivation. They traded with pirates, merchants, and other maroon settlements across islands, while hunting,
Starting point is 00:16:45 fishing and farming for sustenance. Yet their precarious existence often necessitated careful population management. Some communities struggled with maintaining numbers, while others cautiously accepted new recruits, balancing growth with the risk of attracting colonial attention. It's unfortunately not all good in the history though. Despite fierce resistance, some Rune communities opted for peace treaties with colonial powers, ensuring their survival over generations. However, these treaties often came at a high cost, ceding autonomy in exchange for relative
Starting point is 00:17:22 peace and limited rights under colonial rule. The 1739 treaty in Jamaica, for instance, imposed British control over the Maroons, restricting their land rights and obligating them to capture and return their fellow escaped slaves. While many Maroon communities ultimately succumbed to colonial pressure or were unable to remain hidden, some, notably in Jamaica and Suriname, endure to this day. Regardless of their fate, all Maroon communities defied the colonial order, asserting the independence and capability of enslaved Africans to conceive and pursue freedom. What lessons can we take from their struggle?
Starting point is 00:17:59 How can we apply their strategy in our resistance today? The struggle of the Maroons offers us some useful lessons, in my opinion. When they succeeded, it was through strong community ties and solidarity. They built networks of support and cooperation that were crucial for survival. Today, we need to be fostering unity among diverse groups facing systemic oppression. Building alliances across different communities strengthens our collective power and our resilience against common adversaries. Another lesson we can glean is that the Maroons adapted their strategies to the local terrain and resources available. Similarly, modern resistance movements can
Starting point is 00:18:36 benefit from strategic adaptation to current socio-political landscapes. This includes utilising technology for communication and organisation, understanding the media and digital as well as the physical landscape, as well as adapting tactics to fit specific contexts. Because not every tactic is going to make sense in every situation, and we can't be going through the motions. Also notice the Maroon communities sought to establish self-sufficiency as much as possible in their struggle.
Starting point is 00:19:04 They could not adequately resist if they were still fully or mostly dependent on the beast they were fighting. They needed to be producing their own food, goods, and resources. Otherwise, any all-out confrontation would be suicidally premature. We, as movements, need to in sustainable practices, and self-reliant economies to reduce our reliance on oppressive systems. We cannot confront these systems if we are still dependent on them. We will not succeed if so. The Maroons were also flexible.
Starting point is 00:19:37 They shifted between defensive and offensive strategies as their circumstances demanded. Modern movements could benefit from maintaining that kind of flexibility in tactics. We cannot be all offensive and we cannot be all defensive. We must strike a balance. Finally, though this is projection on my part, I believe some of the Maroons would have had long term vision. Despite their immediate challenges, I believe they maintained a long term vision of freedom and autonomy that sustained
Starting point is 00:20:05 their resistance over generations. Contemporary movements can benefit from a similar long-term perspective, recognizing that meaningful change often requires sustained effort and commitment across time. That's all I have for today. All power to all the people. You can follow me on YouTube at Andrewism and on slash Saint Drew. Peace. From KT Studios, the number one podcast, The Idaho Massacre is back. The new developments in the University of Idaho murder case. It was an unimaginable crime. In the early morning of November 13th, 2022, four University of Idaho students killed. Police have no suspect and no murder weapon.
Starting point is 00:21:08 A nationwide manhunt captivates the world. Moscow PD saying today they're now looking for a white Hyundai Elantra. Then a shocking arrest. There is now a suspect in custody. This is a PhD student in criminology. This is the guy. Will he be found innocent? He claims he has an alibi.
Starting point is 00:21:29 Or face death. Listen to season two of the Idaho Massacre on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. I'm Andrea Gunning, host of the all new podcast There and Gone. It's a real life story of two people who left a crowded Philadelphia bar, walked to their truck and vanished. Nobody hears anything. Nobody sees anything. Did they run away? Was it an accident
Starting point is 00:22:01 or were they murdered? A truck and two people just don't disappear. The FBI called it murder for hire. It was definitely murder for hire for Danielle, not for Richard. He's your son. And in your eyes, he's innocent. But in my eyes, he's just some guy my sister was with. In this series, I dig into my own investigation
Starting point is 00:22:23 to find answers for the families and get justice for Richard and Danielle. Listen to There and Gone South Street on the iHeartRadio app, Apple podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. We all know what that music means. Is somebody getting coronated? No, it's time for the Olympics in Paris. The opening ceremony for the 2024 Paris Games is coming on July 26. Who are these athletes? When are the games they're playing?
Starting point is 00:23:04 You may be looking for the sports experts to answer those questions, but we're not that. Well, what are we? We're Two Guys. I'm Matt Rogers. And I'm Bowen Yang. And we're doing an Olympics podcast? Uh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:18 We're hosting the Two Guys Five Rings podcast. You get the Two Guys, us, to start every podcast, then the five rings come after. Watch every moment of the 2024 Paris Olympics beginning July 26th on NBC and Peacock. And for the first time, you can stream the 2024 Paris games on the iHeartRadio app and listen to two guys, five rings on the iHeartRadio app, Apple podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. The Medal of Honor is the highest military decoration in the United States, awarded for gallantry and bravery in combat
Starting point is 00:23:58 at the risk of life above and beyond the call of duty. Since it was established in 1861, there had been 3,517 people awarded with the medal. I'm Malcolm Gladwell, and our new podcast from Pushkin Industries and iHeartMedia is about those heroes. What they did, what it meant, and what their stories tell us
Starting point is 00:24:21 about the nature of courage and sacrifice. Without him and the leadership that he exhibited stories tell us about the nature of courage and sacrifice. Without him and the leadership that he exhibited in bringing those boats in and assembling them to begin with and bringing them in, I saved a hell of a lot of lives, including my own. Listen to Medal of Honor Stories of Courage on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts. From the writer of Amazon Prime's Red, White, and Royal Blue
Starting point is 00:24:55 comes a hilarious and demented new audio mystery. Does this murder make me look gay? Master Vandy is dead! Then it's probable that whoever killed Vandy is in this very room. me look gay. Featuring the star-studded talents of Michael Urie, Jonathan Freeman, Douglas Sills, Cheyenne Jackson, Robin de Jesus, Frankie Grande, Sean Patrick Doyle, Brad Oscar, Nathan Lee Graham, Seth Rudetsky, Leah Delaria, Lea Salonga, and Kate McKinnon as Angela Lansferri. Lick em, lick those toesies.
Starting point is 00:25:43 Listen to Does This Murder Make Me Look Gay as part of the Outspoken Network on the iHeartRadio app, Apple podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Hi, everyone. It's me, James, and I am joined today by Kirsten Zitlal, who is a Baller Water Drop volunteer. We've done some water drops together
Starting point is 00:26:03 and also an immigration lawyer. And we're gonna talk about ice transferring people in their detention and generally the sort of post arrival process that migrants, asylum seekers specifically face when they come to the United States. Welcome to the show. Thank you. Thanks for having me. And thanks for being here. So I think to start out with people, when I speak to them, like in my day to day life, are very unaware of the situations that migrants face when it comes to obtaining legal representation. So maybe we could start off by just explaining that this isn't like if you're accused of
Starting point is 00:26:35 a crime. In theory, it's a civil proceeding, but also they'll lock you up. But you don't get a public defender assigned to you. So can you explain, let's say someone comes through the hole in the fence in a combo, right? They get detained at the OEDs, we give them a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and then they get taken out, processed. What happens after that? So from when they come to street release, in terms of their legal representation, how does it work? Yes. So I'll address the street release folks as well as the people who are then taken to ICE detention.
Starting point is 00:27:05 Yes, yeah. Yeah, so I'll start with the street release folks. So they, well first, anybody who irregularly enters the United States, not at a port of entry, is subject to detention, not just by border patrol, but by ICE. The fortunate situation, I mean, sorry, the lining, the silver lining of this entire awful situation is that there's so many people coming that there's not enough detention space to detain everybody and so hence the street releases. So the people can then go directly to their family. They will go with a notice to appear which starts their immigration court proceedings
Starting point is 00:27:40 which was issued by Border Patrol. So immediately they have to navigate the immigration court system, starting with the fact that the notice to appear might have a false date on it as far as their court date. So that's the first issue. So what does that mean when you say a false date? Like if they show up on that date, the hearing won't be happening. So there's been a trend over the years to put to be decided as a hearing date on their notice to appear, which is the first document that says, hey, you're now being put in immigration court proceedings.
Starting point is 00:28:09 We'll send you a later notice to your address that you gave us of when you're actually going to have that hearing, or rather the court will. So the immigration lawyer bar pushed real hard on this issue and said, no, this is BS. You need to put a date and time. The reason they weren't is because they didn't want to take the time to coordinate with the courts to make sure that there's actually a judge on that date and time that they assign. So to satisfy the legal requirements that we've pushed for, they often will just put a fake date and time.
Starting point is 00:28:35 So in other words, they haven't done anything to verify whether there's actually a judge sitting at some court that day or time to hear their case. Yeah, they're just making it up. So this is exactly, so this is of course incredibly confusing and very dangerous because they basically need an attorney immediately to explain this concept to them because they first of all won't know how to look for when their actual court date is, which is a link that I don't think Border Patrol ever gives them. And then if they miss their actual court date, then they will of course be ordered deported
Starting point is 00:29:04 and the, you know, then they will, of course, be ordered deported and then ICE is after them and really they have no other options at that point. So really the need for an attorney arises immediately. And often immigrants have been robbed, they've paid all their money to transnational criminal organizations, excuse me, and an asylum case is costly. So they have a right to an attorney, as you said, but only at their own expense. So this is a tremendous challenge off the bat, as you can imagine. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:34 And then just to further sort of go down that pathway, the attorney is paid for at their own expense, but without an attorney, they may not be able to obtain a work permit, right? So... 100%. I mean, navigating the process on your own is, as an immigrant, it just seems basically impossible to me. I mean, there's so much that even us as attorneys struggle with that it is, and it's evolving all the time.
Starting point is 00:29:59 So even if you manage to submit your asylum application by yourself, the process and then later submitting the work permit form and knowing where to send it and how to navigate USCIS, that's, I mean like I said, it's difficult for us. I mean let's just say I got a work permit with somebody else's photo on it the other day so, you know, so it's a total mess and to have an immigrant even navigate that process is, it just seems impossible. Yeah, yeah. I mean I've, no I have not applied for, but when I renewed my green card, I did that myself.
Starting point is 00:30:30 English is my first language. I have a PhD. I'm used to paperwork. It was very scary and complicated. Exactly. And your whole future is resting on it. It's extremely anxiety inducing. By design too. I mean, it's they haven't updated forms to become a resident since, I mean like the thirties or something. Yeah. Exactly. Exactly. And it's all just to make it as difficult as possible and the wait times and everything else.
Starting point is 00:30:57 Yeah. So how about the folks who go into ICE detention? So these are typically people, well, I mean, that's just the thing. These days, there aren't the typical people who go into ICE detention. It's kind of, it seems to me that certainly there's people who are mandatory detention where if they have a prior deportation order or prior criminal or immigration history in this country, they will probably be detained. But I've also noticed a lot of racial profiling in the detention. I have a few black clients right now in detention and if they were white, I'm absolutely convinced they are not even white but Latino, they would have been released already.
Starting point is 00:31:36 So and one of them is a black Muslim man from Kenya and he's been called a suspected terrorist by ICE for six months or more that he's been in detention with zero proof whatsoever. And so they'll just hold them for that reason because he's a black Muslim man. So these are often people with very meritorious cases. Like for example, this man was an opposition party leader and recruiter back in Kenya. So these people just need, I mean, whether they win their not win their case or not can hinge on just being able to get representation, you know, because he's very intelligent and probably would have been able to put together a good case on his behalf. But the stats about people winning cases detained without attorneys is very, very low.
Starting point is 00:32:18 So, yeah, so then they have to work with a family member on the outside, obviously, to get ahold of an attorney. Not a lot of attorneys or all attorneys do detained work because it is so difficult to start with. I mean, access to your client is just so limited and getting evidence, I mean, they have to have a reliable family support network on the outside, essentially, to help them get evidence from their home country. I mean, how else do you do that detained? And so it's a lot of work coordinating as an attorney and so forth. So San Diego County
Starting point is 00:32:48 saw that need and actually started a great program. I'm not exactly sure when it started, but apparently they weren't getting enough applicants and maybe it's been around for a little bit, but they didn't know about it. And it's, they set aside like $5 million to specifically pay attorneys to represent people detained in Otay Mesa, which is of course the big ICE detention center in San Diego. So that caused there to be more attorneys, you know, or more or slightly more represented people at Otay Mesa, which is great. Because typically when I go in there, you know, this is just anecdotal evidence, you'll see a handful of attorneys, maybe a couple, maybe at most like five, and then you see all the detainees, the immigrants sitting there, and there's clearly more than there are attorneys.
Starting point is 00:33:31 So, you know, I read a stat by the ACLU that it's like something like 70% as of 2021 did not have attorneys in detention centers. Right. So they just won't be represented throughout that process. Exactly. And certainly, like, God forbid, you're a Muslim. If you're a black Muslim man, you're at the intersection of things that are going to have you sent straight to jail. Exactly. Just to briefly explain for people who aren't familiar, when we talk about ICE detention,
Starting point is 00:33:56 what are we talking about? What are the conditions and who is often operating these detention centers? Excellent point. So these are for-profit detention centers. So it is operated by ICE in conjunction with two large companies called CoreCivic or GeoGroup. And if you're not familiar with these companies, Google them and you will immediately be horrified. Yeah, there'll be a lot of them. So it's a horrifying state of affairs. Essentially, one of the biggest things, and one can Google this right now, is the wrongful
Starting point is 00:34:27 death suits and payouts. So literally, the business model is to allow people to die detained as a cost of business rather than give them proper medical care or take them to the hospital and so forth. And they will pay out, and they do pay out, millions to families. And I've seen this in action. Not that any of my clients died but just the gravity to which the health situation has to be in order to have a prayer of getting them out. Yeah, it's very sad. I think one thing that I come back to now, like four years-ish into a Biden administration, is that like on one of his first executive orders, he's going to end for-profit prisons,
Starting point is 00:35:11 and he never did shit about the ICE detention. Right from the outset, there was like, these people do not have the same rights as other people and we don't care about them as much. Exactly. Exactly. And at this part, well, and at this point too, it's like, given that he's done a 180 on anything that was pro-immigrant or that he said he was going to do at the beginning, you kind of start to wonder, is he just being paid off by the same people, by a geogroup
Starting point is 00:35:34 or core civic? You know, they contribute millions of dollars to whoever's running for president for good reason. So, it makes you wonder from that aspect as well. Yeah, like it certainly, it was in his immigration reform bill right to increase the amount of ice detention facility beds, or cells or whatever. Hopefully, this advert that we're about to pivot to here is not for core civic or geo group. But
Starting point is 00:35:59 if it is, fuck them. Amen. All right, we are back and we're going to talk about this process of place relocating detainees. So this is something that you've actually done an interview about recently, right? There was a piece written about it. Yes, yes. I did two interviews about it just because it's an issue very close to my heart for several reasons. Detained work is very, very difficult and just the fact that few
Starting point is 00:36:34 attorneys do it. I mean, more have now in light of the county program, but still it's very emotionally draining too. You see, you literally see the decline of the person in front of your eyes, both mentally and physically, and it's just, it takes a lot out of you. So these people need and deserve representation and like I said, are often detained unjustly and have strong cases that they could actually win. So basically, these people deserve representation and need it the most. I mean, they're basically the most marginalized out of any immigrant there is. So for ICE to suddenly start transferring, mass transferring, I might add, represented
Starting point is 00:37:18 detainees when they never have in the past and they haven't their own memo from 2012 that says they shouldn't do this, except for exigent circumstances, you know, like some, and they describe it as some medical issue or something severe that requires it. It's just, it's pretty obvious that this is just direct retaliation or just designed to get attorneys out of OTAI because there's been more of them in there and we tend to make a stink and we tend to ask, hey, why haven't you given decision on my client's request to be released and what's going on here? And we tend to send a lot of emails advocating for our clients and we tend to be
Starting point is 00:38:00 pains in the asses. And before this happened, I noticed that ICE was just not responding at all. Whereas I had some relationship with ICE agents that are at the detention center. Just to back up, every client is assigned to a deportation officer. So you technically have somebody from ICE to communicate with and they're supposed to be in charge of the person detained, you know, whether they're released or whether treatment, like any other point of contact. And so even under the Trump years, you'd be able to, yeah, you might have to follow up, but you'd be able to communicate with a couple of them or some of them would do, you know, and so I noticed in the past year or two that this is, it's just been kind
Starting point is 00:38:38 of this scorched earth approach where they just won't get back to you or yeah, and, and they're also not responding to requests to have people released for just months and months and months despite attorneys asking and so it doesn't surprise me that the timing of this and that they would do this now that I'm reflecting back on this as well as the county program. There's more attorneys at Otay Mesa now. And so, I mean, essentially what happens is if the person is transferred, which they've all been transferred to places like, I think Colorado is probably the best option, but generally like Louisiana, Mississippi, things like that.
Starting point is 00:39:19 Texas is where my clients are currently. So these are places where you can imagine there's a, not a lot of quality immigration attorneys and b, not a high chance of winning your case given the nature of the judges that are there. Yeah. So- I've heard migrants articulate to me that they would not want to be in the Fifth Circuit. Exactly. They come here in the Ninth Circuit. Exactly. They're getting sent right back to the Fifth Circuit there. Exactly. And that's where my clients are now. And one judge from OTAI decided, who scolded me for suggesting that this was even by design, he told me to act more professional.
Starting point is 00:39:53 He didn't say anything to the DHS attorney about what his client was doing, but told me to act more professional. Changed venue for that client, I was talking about the Kenyan client. And so we're now in El Paso. And thank God he has a strong case, but even then I wonder because that's, I mean, if it's well known amongst migrants,
Starting point is 00:40:10 you can imagine how bad it is. Yeah, totally. If it's reached someone who knows nothing, yes, I mean, so it's just, it's ludicrous that you have, you know, people pretending like, judges, you know, just like this had to happen when you have, you know, 70% of people, you know, people pretending like judges, you know, just like this had to happen when you have, you know, 70% of people, you know, at least that's slightly dated, but still, I don't think the percentages that even if it's 50%, why not unrepresented people? So to do this, it's just a very obvious like, fuck you. I mean, it's just there's's no other way to justify it. Yeah, and like, when that happens, right, so you have this gentleman from Kenya who's been transferred to Texas, that then, you then have to travel to Texas, right, for his hearings to meet with him. Yeah, so that's the whole big battle. And I have two different clients with two different experiences. So he, I will either have to appear via WebEx from my home, but then the judge now has two people remotely because my client's not in El Paso either.
Starting point is 00:41:17 He's detained in Anson, Texas, which is a blip about three hours away from Dallas or something. And this is also by design, right? They put all these detention centers in the middle of nowhere because, God forbid, the public sees that people seeking asylum are in prisons. So anyways, so both of us are going to be remote if that's the case. So I think there needs to be some personal contact and maybe if I can have some communication with the DHS council, I have to go to El Paso to give my client the best chance of something.
Starting point is 00:41:48 Otherwise, we're both faces on this video with a Fifth Circuit judge. The other flip side of the coin was that I have another client who was transferred and his trial is literally around the corner. It's next week. Yeah, he was transferred four weeks before his individual hearing. I filed something scathing saying, Judge, please don't consider changing venue. This is, you know, he's been detained long enough. He's a 21-year-old, by the way.
Starting point is 00:42:13 I mean, so DHS sheepishly filed something. So counsel for ICE filed something saying, okay, well, we're asked, we agree to that. We just asked that he could appear via Webex from Anson, Texas, also. So now he's going to be a face on a screen, but I can be at O-Type. But still, these are all significant disadvantages. Judges are evaluating immigrants to see whether or not,
Starting point is 00:42:36 in their mind, they're quote, credible. That means do they think they're lying or not. That's very hard to do on a video, because you're looking for body language. You're looking for subtle things You know and also it's just like the human aspect of it is very important You know it's easier to deny asylum to somebody on a screen that it is somebody sitting in front of you You know, there's so many there's so many small aspects and so ICE claims like oh well
Starting point is 00:42:59 Well, you just you can communicate just fine You know you can you mean will offer you calls and even video calls. And I'm like, okay, you don't understand anything about being an attorney and what it means to actually represent clients. At the person's final court hearing, they are asked to swear to the contents of not only their asylum application, but also all evidence they filed. And so, how on earth can you show them and sit with them to show them the evidence in person, you know, that you can only do in person. So it's just this
Starting point is 00:43:29 whole concept that you can that you can even adequately lawyer remotely or over the phone. It's it's just it's not possible. Yeah. And especially for people who are less, you know, like I spent less time on Zoom than we have in the past four years, right? Exactly. And a lot of these people are traumatized, you know, and are... Like, as an attorney, you need to build rapport with them. And you do that by meeting with them in person, otherwise, they might not share vital information with you, you know? And honestly, the family of the 21-year-old mainly hired me to be with him during his final hearing. And so now I can't even do
Starting point is 00:44:09 that, you know? Just to try to calm and, you know, these people are petrified. They've been through so much and now they have to talk about all of it in front of this American judge in a robe from a prison. And I have to be, their only ally is not even with them. Yeah, and like there's understandably, in a lot of countries, saying something on a phone or on a call might be a risk, right? A hundred percent. You know, it takes a, I'm not saying it's not a risk doing it in this country, but like, yeah, all of these things stack up against them.
Starting point is 00:44:41 I spend most of my time telling my clients, like, hey, what we discuss on the phone is attorney-client privilege. Like, nobody could use this even if they try. And it doesn't calm them down because it's just they think they're being recorded probably from their experiences in their home countries. And frankly, I don't even know if we're being recorded. I just know that it can't be used. You know, I mean,, so yeah, there's so
Starting point is 00:45:05 many things that go into representing somebody who's detained. And ICE knows all of this full well. So this is a very deliberate choice. And it's something we haven't seen before, like ever. I mean, everybody's pretty shocked by this. Yeah. When did it, when did it begin? I want to say a couple months ago, but this mass transfer they did that sparked us to talk to the press and so forth was over Memorial Day weekend. So they like to do that too, I've noticed over holiday weekends, because last year they were trying to deport a couple of my clients, even though they had things pending.
Starting point is 00:45:39 And they tried to do it over the weekend, and so on purpose, right? And so the client's families would call and be like, hey, he's being printed, like processed for being deported. And so we immediately, yeah, I had to do this twice a year ago. So I had to send two emails basically documenting and ceasing the ICE attorney being like, hi, they have a pending XYZ case. It is unlawful to deport, stop what you're doing immediately. But like, had we not been notified over the weekend and sent that email, they would have
Starting point is 00:46:10 been deported despite having a case. So this is the type of stuff that regularly happens. But it's very ballsy to me to transfer like, I think it was probably like 100 people or hundreds or something, you know, I mean, over Memorial Day weekend, you know, and of course, oh, their memo, by the way, also says they're supposed to notify the attorney. You know, I mean, I heard from frantic family members who are like, why the fuck am I getting a call from aunts in Texas? Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:46:34 What's going on here? Oh, oh, and this is rich. You'll appreciate this. It wasn't even one transfer. They first went to Eden, Texas, which is another lovely place in Texas. And then a week later were we're moved to this place called Blue Bonnet, because they have to give them pretty names, right?
Starting point is 00:46:50 Detention facility at Anson. Yeah. And so I had arranged a legal call at the first detention facility and then had to do this process all over again. And they ask you for everything but your DNA in order to prove that you're their attorney to get this legal call. I mean, I spent two weeks just trying to figure out where my client was. And these
Starting point is 00:47:06 are two. Imagine this is sucked up like all my time since Memorial Day. I mean, there's the other clients, you know, I've been struggling to get to their cases. Like, thankfully, I haven't had too many deadlines. But I mean, it's it's been brutal. Yeah, that's sex. Talking brutal. Unfortunately, we have the brutal obligation to transfer to ads for a second time. So we're going to do that, and then we're going to come back. ["Ice on the Road"] All right, we're back.
Starting point is 00:47:41 So we've heard about how ICE are transferring people across to different parts of the United States. What I wanted to talk about now was another recent development, which was Joe Biden's executive order, not the very recent one on parole in place. People have seen that, but this one quote unquote closing the border. Can you explain, we haven't really seen that impact on the ground yet, but can you explain these people are supposed to get essentially a document forbidding them from re-entering for five years?
Starting point is 00:48:12 Correct. And it's not just any document, it's the worst document. So it is an expedited removal, which is a fancy term for a deportation order that when issued by border patrols, CBP carries with it a five-year bar. And so that means you're not admissible in any way, shape, or form to the United States. And if you try to re-enter during that time period or even at any time, irregularly, you will then be put in what's called withholding only proceedings. And that essentially means you are no longer eligible for anything, not even asylum,
Starting point is 00:48:48 just a very, very difficult form of asylum, which is called withholding or protection of the convention against torture, which is also very difficult to win. So those are the two things you're stuck fighting and then you are also mandatory detention. So there's no possibility of you getting out unless you win your case, which is of course very, very difficult. So I can, I haven't seen this play out, you know, like we're saying it's relatively new and I, yeah, but I can imagine based on my experience and based on what all of us know that like people aren't going to have any idea what this is. And they're going to, and plus there's desperation and other, I mean, they just came to the Darien, they're not gonna let a piece of paper stop them. You know, so, so, I mean, so these people are probably going to turn around and try again and end up being in this withholding only posture, which means they're now really screwed in terms of having a way difficult time winning any sort of relief and definitely detained.
Starting point is 00:49:42 Like, they will not be released. I've had clients on occasion, like every blue moon be released, but the way ICE is acting these days, I don't think it'll happen. So, one of the thoughts I had is this justifying additional detention centers. If we're now having, going to have probably more of those types of people. But it just in general, I don't see there being a shortage of people they can detain. So I think. Yeah, no, I think they yeah, I don't think that we have an option in November to vote
Starting point is 00:50:14 for a person who isn't going to build more prisons for refugees. 100% 100% which is, which is why. And I think that's something very, you know, it can be, you can take it and be like, okay, I'm so depressed, you know, blah, blah, there's nobody to vote for, like, you know, because basically Biden has done, you know, gravitated so far to the right, I call it. All of the stuff that they waived in 2020, so Trump will do this, Biden has done. Exactly, right. And so I don't even know that I call them Trump-lite, but I don't even know if he's Trump-lite anymore. He's like more like Trump-medium or almost there, you know, so. Trump with less racist speeches. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:50:48 Trump minus the racist speeches. Exactly. So it's just, I mean, so the way to look at this is that like literally we are their only hope. I mean, the government here is not only like, not only going to not save them from anything, they're creating all of these situations, putting them in more peril. So it really behooves us to find
Starting point is 00:51:10 all the different grassroots organizations, and there's so many of them that we can help and donate and volunteer our time to, because that's literally all these people have. Yeah, so let's talk about that a bit, because that's something both you and I do, is we participate in water drops, in migrant aid of various kinds, welcome stations are the thing we've been doing recently. So let's talk about that a bit because that's something both you and I do is we participate in water drops in
Starting point is 00:51:28 Migrant aid of various kinds welcome stations are the thing we've been doing recently You know you and I were out a while ago now. I'm just kind of collapses on itself But we were out in a place near the border you we were there when we met the two Mauritanian dudes You carried the Chinese exactly. Yeah. Yeah, it was so beautiful, right? Yeah, it was such a wonderful, like, obviously it's pretty bleak that this guy's unable to use one of his legs properly and therefore two people who don't share a single word with him have to carry him. These two Mauritanian men we met, I'll just rewind to tell the whole story. We were driving down the road and we kept meeting groups of Mauritanian refugees coming north and we were able to help them by giving them water. And quick interruption, by the way, I looked up Mauritanian and unsurprisingly, they have
Starting point is 00:52:08 female genital mutilation, child labor, and basically any like it's just horrific. Capital punishment. Yeah. Gay people, right? Exactly. So these people very, very nice, just wanted mostly a bottle of water and, you know, how far till we can surrender to border patrol, which is what they intend to do. And they kept saying that there's a guy with a broken leg. And we were like, oh shit, like, but that's potentially fatal in this place that we're at. They just keep saying, go down the road, you'll see him. So we keep going down the road and we come around the corner and there's two guys, sort of each, and then there's a third guy in the middle of them with like his hands
Starting point is 00:52:45 over both their shoulders, right, and they're sort of humping him down the road. And it turns out that this Chinese man, only speaking Mandarin, he had like a brace, or like an external fixation on his leg, like bolts through his leg, and couldn't walk. And these dudes have been carrying him for two days and they couldn't speak the same language. Like they didn't, they weren't able to communicate. And it was the most humane thing and it made me just so ashamed that like these people in a time of desperation for themselves have taken the risk to help other people. And then here's our government just being like, screw you, you don't belong here, we're going to put you straight in prison. Especially these are mostly Muslim African men from Mauritania, right? They're generally sort of that will be one of the more persecuted demographics. And perhaps you can talk about like, how you
Starting point is 00:53:35 got into participating in water drops and how other people could do so or any form of like direct mutual aid as opposed to advocacy? Yeah, yeah, absolutely. I mean, I think the main thing to take away is that it's easier to help or participate than one would think. I think you look at this issue of immigration and it's so overwhelming right now,
Starting point is 00:54:03 and it can be a bit like, oh god, you know, what can I possibly do or, you know, and even if I'm, you know, what difference am I making, you know, and it's just like I have the same struggles working as, you know, an immigration attorney because you're just like, god, you see just the vast need and, you know, you focus on the person in front of you, you know, and not to sound cheesy, but that's a life you can affect. And so we're, and all of us collectively have an impact more than we know, you know, so I think that's just the first thing to share. So don't, don't feel defeated and, and think that remember that if you have 20 extra bucks
Starting point is 00:54:41 a month to spare, for example, like if you donate that to supplies for migrants, then that literally allows the work of water dropping to continue. And you know, that's the other side of the coin. If we can go out all we want, but if we don't have money or supplies to drop, then nothing gets done, you know, so if you live in any part of the country, really, you can find a reputable organization, you know, or BRC is a collective. I volunteer with Borderlands Relief Collective. And every cent goes directly to the supplies that we drop. And that's a very it's a huge, tangible source of help. All of our supplies are consumed, as you know, within a week or so, we think. So it's just, there's so many different ways to participate. There's organizations that allow you to talk to detained immigrants, you know, like Freedom for Immigrants. There's different ways you can help if you want to communicate with them.
Starting point is 00:55:42 There's also detention resistance who works with the people mainly in Otaimaesa to help just provide even a source of support, just someone, a human being to talk to who can help them with little things like writing letters or putting money in their account to be able to contact family members. I say little things, but those things are huge. Because if you can imagine being an immigrant in another country and you're in a prison, but somebody in that country or a few people are showing you love, I think at the end of the day, whether you're officially deported or in asylum or whatever, those are the things that stick with people.
Starting point is 00:56:21 Because I know that they're going to remember that probably for the rest of their lives. Yeah. And I think it's the least we can do to be welcoming. Exactly. with people because I know that they're going to remember that probably for the rest of their lives. Yeah. And I think it's the least we can do to be welcoming. Exactly. The state has failed to do so. Exactly. That's why the welcome stations that we do are so beautiful too, right?
Starting point is 00:56:32 Because it's just, I mean, what we were doing that day when we met those two people or the three people rather, and it's just like they get a loving, helpful person as their first exposure to the United States. And then, you know, instead of border patrol, which makes them take off their shoelaces and treats them like, you know. Yeah, like they're criminals. Exactly. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:56:53 Yeah. And it's nice. I've exchanged numbers with those people and they're like, oh, you're the first American I met. You'll always be like my first American friend. Someone said the other day and I thought that was really sweet. It's a beautiful thing. It's a beautiful thing. I think about that all the time with my clients.
Starting point is 00:57:07 I'm just like, God, I feel so fortunate to meet all these people from different countries. And I'm embarrassed to say that I have to usually Google where the country is. It's awful. I don't know what our geography education was, but let's just say I didn't get much of it. But just where am I going to meet people from Belize, from Kenya, from Trinidad, from Chad, you know, and be able to really share life with them to a certain extent or, you know, I know their most vulnerable and awful experiences, I know their family, you know, or about their families or about them. And it's a really beautiful thing. So it's just, you know, so to have to interact with them in a prison is just, you know, it's just ridiculous, you know. But so that's why those welcome tables are, I think, so just pure and precious, because at that moment, there's no bullshit involved yet. There's no US government. It's just humans interacting with humans. Yeah, totally. It's really nice. It's one of the things that I like to do. And yeah, if you're in a place where
Starting point is 00:58:05 you can do it you should do it if you're not it would be great if you give some of your money. I am going to read as we finish up a plug for the sidewalk school Matamoros and Reynosa. I just want to like they are in desperate need of money right now they do amazing work with people on both sides of the border. I've been on a panel with Felicia for UCLA that you can find if you're good at Googling things. It's on YouTube. It's the Allied Community Arts Brigade at UCLA hosted a panel.
Starting point is 00:58:31 So if you search that and board a panel, I'm sure you'll find it. If you want to know more about the sidewalk school, I recommend it. And we're joined there by people from Border Kindness and Alo Trollado, which are both excellent organizations working on the border here. But the sidewalk school are working with refugees and asylum seekers
Starting point is 00:58:47 on both sides of the border in Matamoros and Valle Nosa, so in the Texas area. And they desperately need your money. If you would like to support them, you can go to slash 06CDOC76. And we'll include that in the notes of this podcast as well. Kirsten, thank you so much for your time. We really appreciate it. Thank you, James. From KT Studios, the number one podcast, The Idaho Massacre is back.
Starting point is 00:59:26 The new developments in the University of Idaho murder case. It was an unimaginable crime. In the early morning of November 13th, 2022, four University of Idaho students killed. Police have no suspect and no murder weapon. A nationwide manhunt captivates the world. Moscow PD saying today they're now looking for a white Hyundai Elantra. Then a shocking arrest. There is now a suspect in custody. This is a PhD student in criminology. This is the guy. Will he be found innocent? He claims he has an alibi.
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Starting point is 01:00:39 A truck and two people just don't disappear. The FBI called it murder for hire. It was definitely murder for hire for Danielle, not for Richard. He's your son, and in your eyes he's innocent, but in my eyes he's just some guy my sister was with. In this series, I dig into my own investigation to find answers for the families
Starting point is 01:01:03 and get justice for Richard and Danielle. Listen to There and Gone South Street on the iHeartRadio app, Apple podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. We all know what that music means. Is somebody getting coronated? No! It's time for the Olympics in Paris. The opening ceremony for the 2024 Paris Games is coming on July 26th.
Starting point is 01:01:37 Who are these athletes? When are the games they're playing? We may be looking for the sports experts to answer those questions, but we're not that. Well what are we? We're two guys. I'm Matt Rogers. And I'm Bowen Yang. And we're doing an Olympics podcast? Uh, yeah. We're hosting the Two Guys Five Rings Podcast. You get the two guys, us, to start every podcast, then the five rings come after. Watch every moment of the 2024 Paris Olympics
Starting point is 01:02:07 beginning July 26th on NBC and Peacock. And for the first time, you can stream the 2024 Paris games on the iHeartRadio app. And listen to two guys, five rings on the iHeartRadio app, Apple podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. wherever you get your podcasts. The Medal of Honor is the highest military decoration in the United States, awarded for gallantry and bravery in combat at the risk of life above and beyond the call of duty.
Starting point is 01:02:39 Since it was established in 1861, there had been 3,517 people awarded with the medal. I'm Malcolm Gladwell, and our new podcast from Pushkin Industries and iHeart Media is about those heroes. What they did, what it meant, and what their stories tell us about the nature of courage and sacrifice. Without him and the leadership that he exhibited in bringing those boats in and assembling them
Starting point is 01:03:08 to begin with and bringing them in, saved a hell of a lot of lives, including my own. Listen to Medal of Honor, Stories of Courage on the iHeart Radio app, Apple podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts. or wherever you listen to podcasts. What's the hardest question you've ever asked your mom? Mom, what happened to your sister Margarita? For me, it's about a murder that's haunted my family for decades.
Starting point is 01:03:40 They said that they took her, and the next day she was already dead. To find the answers I went to the place where my family is from El Salvador and found that the story starts with a priest who was killed on the altar and sparked a war. I'm Jasmine Romero and on Sacred Scandal Nation of Saints join me as we uncover an unholy war, one that includes government cover-ups and politicians turned death squad leaders. But I'll also tell you the story of one family, mine. Because on this journey,
Starting point is 01:04:15 I found out that we had more secrets than I knew. Listen to Sacred Scandal, Nation of Saints, as part of the MyCultura Podcast Network, available on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, as part of the My Kultura Podcast Network, available on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Welcome to I Get Up and Hear, a show that today is very urgently about things falling apart in Kenya and how to put them back together again. I'm your host, Mia Wong. What you're about to hear is an interview about the Kenyan protests that was recorded
Starting point is 01:04:46 on Sunday, July 23rd. At time of recording, it is now Tuesday the 25th and in that two day span, the situation in Kenya has gotten significantly worse. Kenyan police are firing live ammo into crowds of protesters. They've killed at least five people today, that number is expected to rise as more protesters die in hospitals. The government has deployed the army and shut down much of the internet in an attempt to stop news from getting out. On Kenyan TV, political leaders called the protesters criminals and a threat to national security. Meanwhile, protesters made good on their slogan to occupy parliament by
Starting point is 01:05:19 storming and then partially burning down the parliament building as politicians continue to meet their demands with bullets. What we've seen today is terrifying. Cops shooting live ammo into churches, cops opening fire on people waiting for medical care. Meanwhile, to the fury of the protesters, Kenyan troops arrive today in Haiti to begin the US-backed occupation of the country. We spent this interview largely discussing the local Kenyan political elites, but this is also an international crisis. Much of the impetus for the brutal tax increases on basic goods came from an international monetary fund bailout deal that required Kenya to increase its taxes to 25% of the country's GDP. Thus, Kenyans are being robbed twice. Once by the Kenyan political masters of
Starting point is 01:06:01 the cops shooting them in the streets, and again by the IMF and their neoliberal wealth extraction program. As the struggle continues, let us now turn to our interview and to a more optimistic time in the movement to get a real understanding of what the protests are about. Welcome to It Could Happen Here, a podcast where the here is currently Kenya. Yeah, I'm your host, Mia Wong, and we are going to talk about a bunch of protests and a bunch of very, very, very interesting sort of political developments in Kenya that I think have gotten very distressingly little coverage in the sort of like Anglophone mainstream media. And with me to talk about that is Justine Wanda, who's a stand-up comedian, a political satirist, and a writer who's created fake work with Justine about, well, basically all the stuff that we're going to be talking about today are things you will see on this show.
Starting point is 01:06:51 Justine, welcome to the show. Thank you so much for having me, Nia. How are you doing? Ah, you know, this is one of those morning recordings, so I'm a little bit unhinged, but it's okay. I'm really excited to talk to you. So yeah. Yeah, I'm really excited to talk to you.
Starting point is 01:07:12 So I think the place to start here is, can you talk about, so these protests are about an upcoming finance bill. So let's talk about what actually is this bill and what's in it. Okay, so for me to be able to talk about the finance bill, I have to talk about the finance bill that was passed last year. Yeah, go for it.
Starting point is 01:07:38 So in 2023, we had a finance bill that was passed. Most of the finance bill last year had something called the housing levy, which basically requires every single Kenyan who's employed to remove a little bit of their salary to go directly to pay for an account where they'll pull the money to build Kenyans affordable houses. And in Kenya, housing is not especially a crisis in like rural areas, because most people have their own personal homes. The issue is usually the urban centers
Starting point is 01:08:13 where housing is actually very expensive and it's very poorly infrastructure. Like there's no water sometimes, there's no electricity in certain parts. Like people have done a lot of illegal connections. So last year the bill was kind of rammed through and there was so much public participation actually in the beginning that was like a lot of people got angry about the bill forcing people to take money out of their pockets to contribute to a fund that didn't seem like they had a plan and a lot of politicians were actually on TV
Starting point is 01:08:47 and everyone was watching every interview and they're like, you don't make any sense. We don't understand. Yeah, it's like, what is that money for? We're not sure, but we know we want to build new houses. How are you going to manage the money? Who's going to be in charge of the money? How is this like every single aspect was met by like some form of deflection or like a lie. Just like a lot of there wasn't any accountability in the in what they were telling us.
Starting point is 01:09:17 And even the person who was in charge was like on TV, he was sweating. He looked like he was lying though, who knows? And so everyone was like, if this is how you're speaking about it when we aren't giving out money, what will happen after the fact? But the bill sailed through, and one of the elements that was in that bill that wasn't even in the news
Starting point is 01:09:41 was that avocado farmers in the country will start to be charging, will be charging a certain amount of money on their produce and they have to produce receipts on this every single day. What? Yes, if you sell one avocado or a bag of avocados, you have to do a breakdown of your sales and provide receipts to the government and then you're charged for it. Oh my god. And yes and the MPs this like earlier this year were like when the bill usually like sometimes it takes a while for the the clauses to come into effect it takes like maybe a couple of
Starting point is 01:10:20 months so the the amount the farmers are supposed to get charged was supposed to go live on, sorry, in February or something. So in February, farmers are getting attacked by like the Kenya Revenue Authority, they're being told you need to provide these receipts and everything. And everyone is like, I don't understand because we weren't informed. And then the politicians who did not read the bill but passed it were like, oh we didn't read the document it was too big. What? That's baffling! Exactly, so like that kind of information was what
Starting point is 01:10:53 that was what was on the news just before they introduced now the finance bill 2024. So it's like we know you didn't read the one from last year, you passed a bunch of know you didn't read the one from last year, you passed a bunch of bills that you didn't understand the impact of it in the long term, so why should Kenyans trust you with this new one? And then they were like, no, we have the best economic interests at heart, and then everyone was like, but the bill you passed last year to increase revenue didn't work. So if it didn't work, what makes you think having a bunch of new taxes is going to work? And they couldn't answer that. And now this finance bill 2024 wants to introduce a motor vehicle tax,
Starting point is 01:11:36 where if you own a car, you will pay like a certain amount, like I think 2.5%. That's one of the valuation of your car, and you pay it to your insurance company every single year. Wait, to the insu- what? Yes. What? Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, hold on. So why is the tax, why is this being paid to the insurance company? That's what people are asking.
Starting point is 01:12:06 It's like we understand, insurance in Kenya is mostly run by private entities. All of us know exactly what they're doing. So it's more of like a way to privatize and get money into people's pockets so we can see, and then end up being stolen and there will be no accountability. But they say it's easier because the insurance companies already handle this kind of stuff so it's on top of your insurance on top of like the insurance you pay for your car you pay the motor vehicle tax as part of that and I'm like that's ridiculous we don't trust you with our money on any given day why would you think we would trust you suddenly with the bunch of money being
Starting point is 01:12:45 run by a private firm somewhere? Because they're not going to show us their books. Yes. It seems like a part of this too is just that the sort of tax infrastructure is isn't very like the tax collection infrastructure isn't very good, because you would think that that wouldn't be that hard for the government to just collect. But instead, we have like it like an Ottoman style tax farming situation. So I love it. You say that because like that's how that's exactly how it feels.
Starting point is 01:13:16 Like everything is run. It's very. We are the smartest people in the room. We can't make the wrong decision, but you've made the wrong decision again and again and again. And now we're like, we want people in the room. We can't make the wrong decision, but you've made the wrong decision again and again and again, and now we're like, we wanna see the approach. We want to understand how this is going to work in the face of unemployment, in the face of, like the country has not been in good economic trajectory
Starting point is 01:13:37 for a while now. And those economic shocks can be felt. A lot of people are closing down their businesses. A lot of people are downsizing, which means it's less people employed. Even the beauty industry, which is mostly like run on imports because they're charging so much import duty.
Starting point is 01:13:56 The beauty industry can't even stand on its own. So people are not just buying less makeup. It's like people who are the stores and any of those kinds of businesses can't even have their like, their person who comes to get their job days. It becomes a bit of a problem. So everyone is like, if you're going to charge us more,
Starting point is 01:14:14 you have to have an infrastructure that works for us. Yeah. Yeah. Another tax that they're adding on the finance bill is the import duty fee to like, sanitary towels, wheelchair, tires, like all because like Kenya doesn't manufacture a lot of stuff. So you find like our like the pad manufacturing industry in Kenya like sanitary towels only 2% are
Starting point is 01:14:39 manufactured here. Like a big chunk comes from outside and they want to increase their import duty on that. So that means the parts in the market are going to be even more expensive. Yeah. And that's something that like that's not, that's not a like, that's, that's, that's, that's not a luxury good. You just need that. Yeah. So everyone was like, okay, I guess though, we'll just have to stop having periods. That's what you're saying. We're going to have to magically figure out with nature to just stop having periods because you guys want to tax us in this particular way.
Starting point is 01:15:19 It's not just the small things, because the problem with the Kenyan space, especially with sensitive issues. So our third president, his name was Muay Kibaki, was one of the first presidents in the world to remove VAT on sanitary towels. He was seen as someone who's setting an example for so many people. And then the fact that this is happening when this country was seen as a chancetter to not just African countries but other countries around the world when it comes to very important goods, it felt like we were going backwards and not in a way, it's not like we didn't have an example to follow. We actually did have a set precedent on like how an economy is supposed to work. So everyone who's grown up in this particular environment where
Starting point is 01:16:18 they felt safe and protected by the government and like the government taking the lead on very important issues with like, you can't say building Kenya, buying Kenya is a top priority for you when even electricity costs are expensive. Yeah. seven shillings, which is way too expensive. So you pay for your fuel, but like most of the charges on the fuel is just the levels and taxes and they're adding a little bit more here. And it seems like from the way that these are being structured that, you know, I mean, one of the thing with direct, like I guess we call them sales taxes here is that they're incredibly regressive. The people who get affected the most by it are the people who don't have that much money versus something
Starting point is 01:17:12 like doing, versus doing an income tax on the people who are the highest owners. The burden of this falls entirely on people who are poor and can't afford it. Yes. I think it's very scary to think a lot of our politicians, because they get paid with taxpayer money.
Starting point is 01:17:30 And what they did when during, when they were writing, when they were contributing to the budget, they were like, we want, we want this and this amount to be added for this and this thing. But the problem is like, when you look deep down what they're looking for, they don't want to pay taxes off of their salaries. They want to find a way for taxpayers to pay for part of the taxes that are being
Starting point is 01:17:51 added so that they don't have to lose money. Yeah. And every, yeah, everyone is like, we know you're budgeting for corruption. We can see you. We can see you still, and we don't want to be part of that. And now to them, it feels like we're being aggressive because we want, we can see you still and we don't want to be part of that. And now to them, it feels like we're being aggressive because we want them to be held accountable for their very punitive, for the punitive measures that they're sending to like regular Kenyans. As you said, a lot of sales taxes affect everyday people. And we don't know how else to stop it. And I think that's why the protesters, so they're catching fire and everyone wants to be out in the streets. Yeah, and we are going to we are going to come back and talk about the protests in a
Starting point is 01:18:34 second. But first, I hear here are some products and services that are, I don't know, probably also being taxed. But. All right. And we are back. Yeah. So OK, I think I think people should have like a decent understanding of the fact that these taxes are these are taxes on basic commodities that people need. And that's one of the easiest ways to start a protest movement is to suddenly make it too expensive to live. So let's talk about who, yeah, how, how these
Starting point is 01:19:18 protests sort of started and how they've been being organized. My issues, like we can't really say how the protests started but there was a lot of anger by Kenyans online because Kenyans are chronically online like especially the younger generation. A lot of people have cell phones, a lot of people are not tuned into the news really but the information sharing happens where like when a clip from the news is cut which on TikTok people see it, they're like, this is happening. So people get angry and then they share it. So what happened with the, with the finance bill, people would cut very
Starting point is 01:19:52 little clips from the news and then someone would help put it in context. So that's where my channel comes in, where I'm not just using the news clips and provide evidence. Like I've go through the finance bill and then even consulted people who work in, like ask lawyers on Twitter, like people who have resources and understand the law or like what that would mean for everyday Kenyans. I would literally reach out.
Starting point is 01:20:17 And it got to a point where I am now in communication with the right channels. Like you can directly ask how this would impact people, like if they tax bread more or like refuse to make it easier for suppliers to get items for the supply chain. How does this affect everyday people? So that helps bridge the gap of information. And now with more people critically, not just looking at the news but finding the evidence for themselves really helped us get to a point where when you share we are protesting about this issue, this is where we're going, this is what's happening, this will happen in a certain town. So like Nairobi
Starting point is 01:20:56 had its own Occupy Parliament, reject the finance bill demonstration, It happened in Mombasa too. It happened in Nyeri, Eldoret, all these smaller towns where people were like, but they're people from rural areas. They won't really care. And I'm like, you don't know that. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:18 And also something that's really magical has happened. A lot of Kenyans were like, okay, maybe there are, there are a lot of Kenyans who live in rural areas who don't have media that doesn't cater to traditional listeners, like people who only speak certain languages. So vernacular station. So people started using TikTok to do direct translation. It's like, this is the script. Yes, this is the script for the finance, these are the taxes being added. This is the tax on bread, this is the script for the finance, these are the taxes being added. This is the tax on bread.
Starting point is 01:21:46 This is the tax on your vehicle. This is the tax that will happen on like period and sanitary pads and diapers and everything. So someone does the whole breakdown in their vernacular language and they share it on their family WhatsApp groups called Indians love WhatsApp. That's if you want to do anything propaganda, like you can easily do it on WhatsApp. The forward messages are crazy. So because like WhatsApp is mostly co-opted by aunties and moms and people who love to share, please go to chat, share this to seven friends.
Starting point is 01:22:20 People took that Monday to where they send it to their moms and then have it shared like seven of their friends who don't understand maybe what the finance bill entails. And that is really changing the landscape of like who gets to interpret the bills, who gets to understand how it influences them. And it's been very, very effective. So people who are passive are more like more understanding of like why everyone is on the streets. Yeah. Yeah, it seems like it's it almost seems like there's there's kind of a I don't know, it's like a TikTok think tank that's been sort of doing this valuation that is being spread through. That's that's really cool. I'm just saying it's absolutely lovely to see because like tribalism has been a tool that's
Starting point is 01:23:02 been wielded, especially during elections to make Kenyans look like they don't care about each other and they can't go beyond their differences. And this time it's like, yeah, we do have language barriers, but we're not going to let that affect us negatively. We're gonna figure out a way through the noise before they start co-opting those spaces and start saying, oh, Gen Z kids are lying or millennials
Starting point is 01:23:26 are just started getting money. So why would they care about taxes? And so everyone is making sure those spaces are not corrupted. Yeah. Yeah. It seems like a really sort of incredible popular education thing that's been sort of powering this. Yeah. So I want to, I guess, talk about,
Starting point is 01:23:45 one of the things that I think maybe kind of breached the, I don't know if calling it like the Great Firewall is exactly right, but it's like, I think one of the parts of this that has gotten a little bit of play in the sort of media over here has been the police response, which has been terrible. Yeah, if you talk about response, which has been terrible. Yeah, we talk about
Starting point is 01:24:06 what the cops have been doing. Okay, in in Kenya, protests, historically protests have always been extremely violent. Like during the Moai era, people used to get beaten up a lot. Moi was our second president. He was in office for 24 years. So he was a power hoarder. I'll use those words. He was a power hoarder. He didn't want to go anywhere. He wanted to stay in power for as long as he could. And to counter anyone who would go against him,
Starting point is 01:24:41 people were tortured, people were disappeared, people were killed and like dropped in forest. Many families couldn't find their members, especially if they went out to protest or do anything. That's why Wangare Mathai's story, who's like one of the biggest environmental champions the world has ever seen. Her story was so unique because in the face of the most brutal dictator this country has ever seen, she showed up and like she didn't just disagree but she fought back and she did she used the same tactics that people are using now. She informed the very ignored part of the population to get the information across that if they start taking away your land and cutting down your trees
Starting point is 01:25:26 and you want to be able to farm, you won't have anything. This whole place is going to be a dead site in a couple of years. So everyone was panicking because land is a very sensitive issue. And that's why the movement worked so well. Because she was not just speaking against authority but she was going to like the people who who are going to be affected the most and during those protests she was beaten up her hair was like young top her head it was very yeah it was very graphic and very painful like you watch those videos and they're like who does something like this and now it's being replicated
Starting point is 01:26:03 and now it's being replicated. Sorry, it was replicated again, like throughout his presidency, but throughout the years, a lot of civil rights movements and all the community-based organizations like came together and they would still protest about stuff. But the issue, it had moved on from like large protests to even smaller protests being,
Starting point is 01:26:24 like they would send the police to beat up people who are speaking up about any issue and usually because like you're in smaller communities there's no way to track so if someone dies in Kibera and it's a slam area and it's mostly disenfranchised. The community organizations there know they can find justice for the family, but because our police are mostly here, you can't hold them to account because they work for the state.
Starting point is 01:26:54 It's very hard to get any form of justice. But this time, was it last year when people were protesting about the cost of living. And I think it was just shortly before the finance bill 2023 passed. People were protesting, people were out and they were angry about everything and people were beaten up. Someone lost their two year old child, because the child was beaten by the police. Yeah. Yeah. Like, there's a woman who lost her son. Because usually when you're at protests, sometimes the people who are passing by, but because you're there and the police are there, they end up, yeah, you're not part of the process. So there's a woman who ended up losing her son last year to the protest and her adopted son too.
Starting point is 01:27:46 And then this, this year, like a couple of weeks ago, she died in a flood in Madary. So Kenyans online, yes, Kenyans online keeps seeing the terrible nature of like how state violence keeps continuing. So this time when the protests were being organized, everyone was like, make sure you're peaceful, don't you're peaceful. Don't carry any stones. You can as well throw stones there. You carry stones, you won't even pick up tear gas and throw it back and everything.
Starting point is 01:28:16 And this time everyone was like, just make sure you're very peaceful. Only use your voice, protect each other. A lot of the announcements around the protests were like, make sure it's fiscal so that they don't have an excuse to say that you are out in the streets doing something illegal. You don't attack shops. You don't try and force yourself into anyone's premises. And what happened that was very beautiful this year is like the establishments like the one I'm in right now helped protect citizens who are protesting. So kids would be out of the city and start getting tear gas
Starting point is 01:28:47 and like they would open the door, people would come in and they would close the door until they could leave the way. Yeah. So you find establishments are working to not just protect people, but also to be, to be part of showing like, this is our premises, it's not been looted. It's not being destroyed because destruction of property apparently is is our premises. It's not been looted, it's not been destroyed because destruction of property apparently is a bigger problem than you losing your life. So yeah,
Starting point is 01:29:12 most people felt they were safe at the protest and they also felt like they were seen by other protesters so it was largely peaceful, very well coordinated, there's information on how to get medical help or in case we're arrested how to get legal assistance so every single element was like we're not just going to burn out of like going into the streets but making sure everyone returns home safely. A lot of the protests in the past were, they got a little violent because maybe some of the protesters went rogue. And obviously the politicians love to use bad actors
Starting point is 01:29:54 where they implant a bunch of people who go and destroy business premises. And then it looks like the protesters didn't come there to actually protest. They were there for their own selfish reasons. So this time what happened is like a lot of the protesters were given the right information on how to stay fiscal. It's like, these are the streets to use,
Starting point is 01:30:14 these are the meeting points, these are the contact people for, in case you get injured, there's this medic. In case you get arrested, these are the lawyers. In case your friend disappears, make sure they have a live location on so we can track them and everything. So it was widely successful because that kind of peaceful and well coordinated move navigated towards spaces that were ignored before. Like the safety of everyone was a priority.
Starting point is 01:30:46 And because our leaders can't really find who started the protests, because it's mostly like a group led the movement, they've started abducting who they feel like are community leaders, yeah. Yeah, so I guess that's something I wanted to ask about was like, has the police response actually been any less bad
Starting point is 01:31:05 this time than it's been with other? So this time on Thursday they shot. Yeah. They shot into a crowd and one of them ended up shooting a 24 year old and he bled out, he died. His name is Rex Masai. And then another kid was also shot.
Starting point is 01:31:29 His name is Evans Kiragu was also shot. And I think they were trying to get him help and everything, but he died yesterday, I believe. And there are still other protestors who are yet to be found. And then yesterday morning, there's a very popular Twitter personality who was disappeared, like they kind of abducted him. Jesus.
Starting point is 01:31:52 Yeah. Yeah. But then Kenyans held a space online for over six hours and they're like, they were dragging government officials. They're like, if you people don't return this particular person, we will find you. It was very, particularly funny. You would think this younger generation people don't have concentration issues, no one is going to listen to us. But everyone was online and they were paying attention to every single speaker just to keep the space longer, holding space for the
Starting point is 01:32:26 person who'd been taken and he was found his lawyers, the lawyers, sorry, the lawyers in charge found him and they went and like, they went and got him and he went back safe, but obviously you can see he was visibly shaken. His Twitter name is crazy Nairobians. Yeah. And then now today, they took one of the doctors was organizing for a blood drive in like, um, in a certain up market area. They just pick it, picked him out and like, no one has been able to find him until now. So people are still advocating to like get him back.
Starting point is 01:33:06 And a lot of big personalities are making phone calls, lawyers are showing up. They're like, if you see this particular car, if you sit in your location, kindly inform us, share the information. So everyone who's online is trying to get the right information to make sure that that doctor is brought back.
Starting point is 01:33:23 And ironically, that doctor is actually unemployed because the, the government is refusing to hire new medical personnel. Cause like it's too expensive when we see them like driving around in new cars. Our president even has like very expensive shoes. And everyone is like, your shoes could literally pay like three doctors salary. Yeah. Just hire, hire the right people. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:54 But like Kenyans are pushing to make sure everyone is safe and everyone who's lost, especially big Twitter influencers and big media personalities and influencers are coming together to make sure they use their platforms to help find anyone who's not who's been disappeared or been abducted. Yeah. Where do you think the movement's going from here? I know I should well, I think I think I've lost track of what reading of the bill they're at right now was I thought it was the third reading or it's a it's on the committee stage.
Starting point is 01:34:39 So at the committee stage, they go through the every single clause and they try to justify why they should keep it or whether they're going to disband it but everyone is just like we don't want any of this because some of the bill is if there's a there's a part of the bill that I didn't mention where the Kenya Revenue Authority is supposed to go through Kenya's personal data to see if you're dodging taxes. And I'm like, that's ridiculous. Cause a lot of people in Kenya are supported by a family member. So you find, if I have money, I'll send it to my kids. And then my kids might support it to their friends
Starting point is 01:35:17 who is probably in trouble. So if it looks like I have money coming in, it's probably maybe because of like a family contribution, a personal contribution. So they want to charge more taxes on that and it actually makes no sense. So it looks like they're tracking how much money you look like you have. Yeah, it looks like they're tracking how much money you look like you have and then they want to tax you on that or like say you're evading taxes and it's scaring a lot of people because once that happens, it goes back. There's
Starting point is 01:35:46 no safety in anything you have. So I guess so from from there. So is the strategy right now based around sort of trying to get these, trying to get the committees to just like to have this bill sort of die there or a lot of us are trying to make sure the bill doesn't go any further than it is. And everyone is tracking their MPs. So what happened even before the protest, people started sharing their MPs numbers. Every single person would find like a member of parliament's number and we're like, if you, if this is your relative, please give it to us.
Starting point is 01:36:23 If it is your side chick or whatever, like whatever way you relate to this person. Cause it's government officials, their numbers should be public anyway. Citizens should be able to reach them. Yeah. And because they wanted to hide behind their big cars and big houses, we're like, okay,
Starting point is 01:36:44 we're gonna find you where you're at, and we're going to text you, and we're going to tell you to vote no. And most of the employees were very dismissive. They were like, the party that's backing me is the one that got me into office. It's like, no, people voted for you, you should represent their views. So a lot of Kenyans held the line where it's like, I don't care what your boss is telling you or what party this is, you have to vote with us. So a lot of MPs who were shamed online, some of them had to convert. Like they changed their votes because they were high division. Incredible, Folié works. Yes, go leave work. We're so happy. We're like, yeah, go leave work. We should do this more often.
Starting point is 01:37:28 So that's really, that really gave hope to a lot of Kenyans who are feeling like maybe their work isn't amounting to much. But we lost, we lost that one battle. A lot of us ended up losing the battle to the second reading because many of the MPs were... so there's this fund called the CDF fund, it's the constituency development fund that MPs kind of use it like their personal bank account. So members of parliament will get the CDF fund and then they'll use it to go and like... so it's supposed to actually take care of like bursaries or any county emergencies directly affecting constituents. But what employees do is they like they wield it as a personal bank account. So it's like you have to like do a lot
Starting point is 01:38:18 of ask his thing and a lot of performative nonsense for you to even get some of the money. of performative nonsense for you to even get some of the money. And a lot of people don't actually end up getting the money. So what the budget makers did, they decided to top up the CDF fund so that more employees have more money. And usually they just pocket that money. So they were like, okay, I feel like we've, my budgeted corruption has hit the account. I don't need to do the right thing. Yeah. So this is just literally a bribe. Exactly. It's like the best way is like, and they're like, no, I'll have more money to take care of the constituents. It's like, no, you're still this money anyway. You guys are not any, you're not going to grow our conscience today just because you have more money. So most people are trying to get the parts of the budget rescinded and put into efforts that
Starting point is 01:39:13 go directly to education and healthcare, even if it's directly to the school instead of the individual. So that will help cut down on that kind of corruption that a lot of MPs run with. And I think that's scaring some of them. And we're hoping to get more people to push their members of parliament or any nominated representatives to recognize that all these items that they're voting for is not just going to affect us, but it will affect them and the money that they're hoping to steal. So if you're going to steal from us, make sure you don't get any of the money. Yeah. Incredible. Yeah. Is there anything else you want to add before we wrap up?
Starting point is 01:40:07 Yeah, I'll say usually when a lot of stories in the African continent are covered, it's usually like Africans vote for bad leaders. And well, that is true. Most of the time people don't feel like they have an option. Yeah. And like, you know, if you, you listeners statistically are probably either an American or a Brit. So like, you, you, you know exactly what that's like. Like, you have like a, someone who just, you have Trump and he's like a front runner right now.
Starting point is 01:40:42 So, cause a little little so on TikTok something happened I think yesterday or something where people were like how did Kenyans vote for this person he has such a very dark criminal past and everyone was like uh have you guys seen yourselves was like, ah, have you guys seen yourselves? There are no high forces. Everyone makes very foolish mistakes. And all of us look like we don't know what to do to make sure people like that don't ascend into power. Because like group things sometimes gets us to like very dangerous places. It happens everywhere. No one is any less affected if someone who you hoped would lose games power. Like you're all in deep trouble. Like no one is on a higher pedestal than the other.
Starting point is 01:41:34 All of you can actually lose a lot. And one of the things that we are trying to remind each other is we're trying not to get this space. So what Kenyans are trying to propose like a direct manifesto where any person who's running has to have like a clause in their manifesto that is going to even be turned into like a policy and law where if you steal any money or you go found doing anything corrupt you have to like remove yourself from office immediately like there's no bargaining to do whatsoever like you have to leave office immediately and Like there's no bargaining to do whatsoever.
Starting point is 01:42:06 Like you have to leave office immediately and then we're gonna seize on your property. Like anything. Like rules. Yeah. People are gonna, yeah. It's like if you're gonna get into power, make sure the salary you're getting is enough.
Starting point is 01:42:20 If you have any ambitions, let them die now. Like do everything before you get into office. And I think that's so encouraging to see because everyone is not just looking at the now and like all these bad taxes and the bad leadership that we have, but also looking to the future of like, how do we make sure we don't get here again? So that's really encouraging to see everyone is making sure that they hold people to account across the board. Like if you're protesters, make sure you're safe, make sure you know this information, but also for the future, this is what we want.
Starting point is 01:42:57 So it's not just like removing bad taxes, but if we're going to pay taxes, are they going to be used? And how are we going to make sure that the future of the country is being protected by collective interest and not just like individual worship, which has been a very, very big problem in Kenyan culture. Because like over here, musicians are barely celebrities, but a politician would walk in here and people would lose arms and legs to just say hi. So we're trying to make sure we fix that too. Yeah, so I guess if people listening to this want to try to help support the protests, are there steps that they can do and places they can go to find more information? places they can go to find more information and.
Starting point is 01:43:48 Because a little bit is group organized. I have to find the, the information I could send it to you. Yeah, yeah, we can put in the description of. Yes. I don't know from the top of my head. Yeah, no worries. How to do it. Because I'm trying to think and like, most people would like to do individual,. We have a lot of mobile money transfer, which I usually direct to the person so that it doesn't go through various channels and then people end up misappropriating or stealing. So if community led, so I'll have to find the information and then share it.
Starting point is 01:44:21 Yeah. Cool. Yeah. And okay, if people want to find you on the internet, where can they do that? So on Instagram and TikTok, it's fake work with Justine, like at fake work with Justine, like the full handle. On Twitter, it's at official FWWJ. So it's official FWWJ, which is just people who just
Starting point is 01:44:48 didn't official people can just see. Yeah, we'll get we'll get that in the description too. Yeah. Yeah. I do have my personal account, but I don't know if I want to give that here. Yeah, no worries. Yeah. No, I can still give it. It's at Justin Wanda. J-U-S-T-I-N-E-W-A-N-D-A. Yeah. Cool. Yeah. Justine, thank you so much. Thank you so much for coming on the show, talking about this. This has been great. Thank you so much for having me and letting me like just run my mouth out for a couple of minutes. Yeah. And good luck to you all. Hope you'd fucking hope you stop them and bring them all down. I really hope we do. If we don't, it's gonna be so sad.
Starting point is 01:45:33 Yeah, but thank you so much. Yeah, of course. And yeah, this has been Nikita Fett here and you too can go make your politicians' lives miserable. From KT Studios, the number one podcast, The Idaho Massacre is back. The new developments and the University of Idaho murder case. It was an unimaginable crime. In the early morning of November 13th, 2022, four University of Idaho students killed. Police have no suspect and no murder weapon. A nationwide manhunt captivates the world. Moscow PD saying today they're now looking for a white Hyundai Elantra.
Starting point is 01:46:31 Then a shocking arrest. There is now a suspect in custody. This is a PhD student in criminology. This is the guy? Will he be found innocent? He claims he has an alibi. Or face death? Listen to season two of the Idaho Massacre on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.
Starting point is 01:46:55 I'm Andrea Gunning, host of the all new podcast There and Gone. It's a real life story of two people who left a crowded Philadelphia bar, walked to their truck and vanished. Nobody hears anything. Nobody sees anything. Did they run away? Was it an accident or were they murdered? A truck and two people just don't disappear.
Starting point is 01:47:20 The FBI called it murder for hire. It was definitely murder for hire for Danielle, not for Richard. He's your son, and in your eyes he's innocent, but in my eyes he's just some guy my sister was with. In this series, I dig into my own investigation to find answers for the families and get justice for Richard and Danielle. and get justice for Richard and Danielle. All that they know.
Starting point is 01:47:47 Listen to They're and Gone South Street on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Do, do, do, do, do, do, do. We all know what that music means. Is somebody getting coronated? No! it's time for the Olympics in Paris. The opening ceremony for the 2024 Paris Games is coming on July 26th. Who are these athletes? When are the games they're playing?
Starting point is 01:48:18 You may be looking for the sports experts to answer those questions, but we're not that. Well, what are we? We're two guys. I'm Matt Rogers. And I'm Bowen Yang. And we're doing an Olympics podcast? Yeah, we're hosting the two guys five rings podcast. You get the two guys us to start every podcast then the five rings come after.
Starting point is 01:48:42 Watch every moment of the 2024 Paris Olympics beginning July 26 The Medal of Honor is the highest military decoration in the United States, awarded for gallantry and bravery in combat at the risk of life above and beyond the call of duty. Since it was established in 1861, there had been 3,517 people awarded with the medal. I'm Malcolm Gladwell, and our new podcast from Pushkin Industries and I Heart Media is about those heroes. What they did, what it meant, and what their stories tell us about the nature of courage and sacrifice. Without him and the leadership that he exhibited in bringing those boats in and assembling them
Starting point is 01:49:45 to begin with and bringing them in saved a hell of a lot of lives, including my own. Listen to Medal of Honor, Stories of Courage on the iHeart Radio app, Apple podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts. What's the hardest question you've ever asked your mom? podcast. What's the hardest question you've ever asked your mom? Mom, what happened to your sister Margarita? For me, it's about a murder that's haunted my family for decades. They said that they took her, and the next day she was already dead. To find the answers, I went to the place where my family is from, El Salvador,
Starting point is 01:50:28 and found that the story starts with a priest who was killed on the altar and sparked a war. I'm Jasmine Romero, and on Sacred Scandal Nation of Saints, join me as we uncover an unholy war, one that includes government cover-ups and politicians turn death squad leaders. But I'll also tell you the story of one family, mine, because on this journey, I found out that we had more secrets than I knew. Listen to Sacred Scandal, Nation of Saints, as part of the MyCultura Podcast Network, available on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.
Starting point is 01:51:10 Welcome back to It Could Happen Here, a podcast where Robert Evans is lying down on a couch because he just feels exhausted from sleeping 11 full hours. Garrison, you were much younger than me and don't seem to feel exhausted because you just woke up after staying up all night, did you? Yeah, no, not as exhausted. I hate you. Do you know what is exhausting, Robert? Elections?
Starting point is 01:51:41 The 2024 presidential election. The 2024 presidential election. Yeah, I hate it. I hate it, Garrison. I hate it, but also I have made a commitment. I have made a commitment to making a prediction about the election this year and sticking to it, even though it's going to make everybody angry. And I have a good reason for doing so. it's because I want to try one of the rarest drugs that exists in the world today That Nate silver shit see everyone's been wondering since like 2020 What's what's up with that guy? Did he like lose his mind was he always kind of like? Out there, and we just didn't notice because he he got lucky a couple of elections in a row.
Starting point is 01:52:26 And the answer to that is no. Nate was a pretty reasonable guy. He comes out of like not politics. He only got into politics in 2006 because they banned online gambling and he got angry about it. And then he accurately predicted the 2008 and 2012 elections. Which wasn't hard, to be fair. Which wasn't hard, no it was not. I mean, he got all the states right, but it was just a matter, because people have pointed out he didn't seem to be nearly as accurate in 2016 or 2020.
Starting point is 01:52:57 There's a degree of fairness to that, but like 2008 and 2012 were our last non-smartphone elections, where there wasn't this like big, you know, demon of social media kind of hiding behind everything and making everything a lot weirder. And I think part of, you know, I think what ultimately caused Nate's madness though is that in 2016, he did pretty well.
Starting point is 01:53:20 He like laid out, there's a 29% chance of Trump winning. And when he like explained what that chance was, how Trump might sweep the blue firewall states and whatnot, it's basically what wound up happening. And as like a reward for being more or less correct while the election was going on, all of the Democrats hated him because the news sources they liked said that Trump had only a 2% chance of winning. And then when the election was over, it became like mainstream kind of reality to just say, yeah, Nate, Nate fucked that one up. He finally screwed up. And I think that that mix of things is what's driven him insane.
Starting point is 01:53:58 So I've decided to predict that there's a 29% chance that the election is basically the same as 2020. And now, unlike Nate, I don't have any kind of math to back that up, it's just a gut feeling. But I'm calling that now because I want people to get really angry at me now. And then ideally, when I'm right, they'll get even angrier at me. And then I can go insane on social media
Starting point is 01:54:24 and just gradually become completely unhinged and see what it's like to be Nate Silver, the ultimate high garrison. See, I thought you were going to say you thought there was a 29% chance that Nate Silver would just completely completely lose it and do some like, like, yeah, do a major act of terrorism. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. That's what I thought you were going to say. Yeah, he drives a double decker bus into the into the Lincoln Memorial. God, that's my that's my hope. He storms the 538 headquarters. Yeah. He's going to take it back once and for all.
Starting point is 01:55:01 Oh, OK. So today we're going to be talking about election polling. The debate is very, very soon here in Atlanta, Georgia. And as a little bit of a preparatory measure, we want to go over some of the actual poll numbers for the 2024 presidential election. I like to start with this Iowa poll from Seltzer and Co. Now, Iowa is a weird one, right? Iowa has gone red pretty consistently the past two years, although 2020 was closer than 2016. In 2020, Trump won the state by 53.1% to Biden's 44.9%. But the numbers right now are much, much worse for Biden.
Starting point is 01:55:43 Not good. No, it's pretty bad. Trump is leading Biden in the general election in Iowa by 18 percentage points. And third party candidates, including Kennedy and the libertarian candidate, Chase Oliver, are receiving a combined 15% support. It's it's pretty bad. It hasn't been this bad in a while. Now people like to use this specific Iowa poll as kind of a barometer for the Midwest in general. And that's, you know, not completely accurate all the time. But it is something that people do consistently point to as a general barometer for Trump's possible success in the Midwest. Now we have Minnesota. Which is key because one of the most probably the most viable path to Biden winning involves holding that quote unquote blue firewall, which doesn't include Iowa, obviously, but
Starting point is 01:56:31 it does include Michigan and Wisconsin, both of which are generally within the margin of error in most polls, but looking very sketchy for Biden compared to how he would like them to be at this point. Wisconsin's not looking great. Minnesota, according to a survey USA poll from just a few days ago, Biden is up six points. Yes, yes. Michigan is I think the one I was saying is a little closer. Yeah. So that's kind of the situation with with this poll. I'm not
Starting point is 01:56:57 going to get into any of the more specific numbers because the numbers in this Iowa poll are going to be actually pretty reminiscent of more of the general election numbers which we're going to get into especially when we're gonna start factoring in things like the conviction and Trump's popularity among independents, which could very well be a major deciding factor in this election So I'm gonna I'm gonna quote from Forbes here quote Trump leads Biden by one point 50 to to 49 percent, in a CBS poll released Sunday that comes after a streak of surveys found Trump's lead has slipped since his felony
Starting point is 01:57:30 conviction in Manhattan last month, including a Fox News survey released Wednesday the 19th that shows Biden up by two points, a three-point swing since the network's May survey. This was among a streak of five polls since mid-June that show Biden beating or tied with Trump." So Biden has made some considerable progress in the polls in the past month. Biden and Trump are now tied in the Morning Consult's weekly survey. As Biden has now been leading Trump by a point in for two weeks in a row, a month prior Trump was way, way ahead of Biden. And the two are also tied in The Economist, YouGov survey released last Thursday, as well as a PBS'd Morris poll from Tuesday the 18th.
Starting point is 01:58:12 Yeah, and there's a couple of things. I mean, like, it's easy to say that's probably due to the conviction, because that's the biggest thing that's happened since then. But I also think there's a decent chance that some of that is just the result of the fact that Trump is now definitely the nominee, which was a little more up in the air previously. So now people are kind of forced to consider what that really means.
Starting point is 01:58:33 But it does seem in general like there's been motion and like things have been moving in Biden's favor since the conviction. So I don't think it's wrong to say that probably overall, the evidence suggests helps Biden at this point. Yeah, and the Fox News survey is really interesting because they have this they have it on a graph here. And you can see Biden steadily moving upwards on the graph very consistently. And Trump has largely flatlined, if not is actually kind of moving a little bit down. Robert F.
Starting point is 01:59:05 Kennedy Jr. is also moving quite down. Not completely surprising, considering the whole brain brain worms thing. He's gonna be the most interesting thing, I mean not the most interesting thing, because whether or not Trump wins could mean whether or not we are able to continue doing what we do, but RFK is kind of the most interesting thing for me in terms of like, is there going to be any kind of evidence that there's actually real hunger for a third party, which everyone keeps talking about as this constant topic of discussion in US politics, but it never happens.
Starting point is 01:59:41 And people were getting very, RFK is obviously a bad guy to pin your hopes on a viable third party on. But I am interested to see if it, cause there's a decent evidence that the primary chunk, cause when you factor in RFK, Biden's lead doesn't go down, right? Because RFK is really popular among a lot of the independents that Trump is already strong with. And so the big question is like,
Starting point is 02:00:05 is he going to drain votes from Trump or just kind of fizzle out? And I think right now the smart money is kind of on fizzling out, but it's a little hard to say. Do you know what we can say for sure though, Robert? That Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is the primary sponsor of this podcast.
Starting point is 02:00:22 God, I hope so. I really hope we start getting some RFK ads on here. Look, folks, if you if you're not sure whether or not you want to vote for RFK, we get it. You know, obviously, it's this is a big choice. But our recommendation is head down to the Gulf of Galveston and shove your head in that in that Texas coast water.
Starting point is 02:00:41 Get a couple of amoebas rattling around on that brain of yours and then see how you feel about RFK Jr. You know? All right, we are back. Let's talk a little bit about independence because this voting block will basically be the deciding factor in this whole election. So that PBS Morris poll that found Trump and Biden tied also found that Trump has lost six points with independence compared to their poll taken just before his conviction last May.
Starting point is 02:01:21 And Biden has gained eight points with independence and now leads Trump by two points in that category. And similarly, the Fox poll also shows Biden leading by nine points among independence. And that's a massive like shift. That's enough of a shift that I wonder how much polling methodology maybe to explain for it. Like, were they just polling these people? Were they pulling them badly before or are they pulling them badly now? Because that's quite a lot of movement. We'll talk a little bit about polling methodology here at the end because it might, yeah, it is certainly the polling methodology
Starting point is 02:01:55 produces a large degree of the numbers. A lot of these polls have a margin of error of about 3.5 percent. But this finding is consistent across almost every single poll being done right now. A political Ipsos poll from mid-June found that 32 percent of independents say they are now less likely to support Trump after his conviction, with 21 percent saying it would be an important factor in their vote. Yep. And I did, this is the kind, when we were taught, we'd talk in the group chat before the conviction, I would, I made a note a couple of times of the fact that there's a sizable number of Americans who are not what you'd call high information voters,
Starting point is 02:02:35 but just feel really gross about voting for a felon. And I think these are the kind of people who are independents a lot of the times. They're not people who think much about politics. They're people who make often just kind of- They're not as partisan typically, yeah. Yeah, yeah. And they can kind of make a swing gut decision on either of these guys in a moment.
Starting point is 02:02:52 And if you tell, well, he's a felon, that matters to some people. This frustrates a lot of high information political analysts, the fact that so many Americans just kind of like make almost random decisions like flip of a coin calls about what to do, but. Which is also what makes polling very hard is. Right. But all polls also indicate that this will probably
Starting point is 02:03:17 be a much closer election than 2020s. And in an election this close, small shifts among independents could very well determine the outcome. Now, I'm going to quote from that political Ipsos report on their own poll, quote, quote, a plurality of respondents in our poll, 38% reported that Trump's conviction would have no impact on their likelihood to support Trump for president.
Starting point is 02:03:38 33% of respondents said that the conviction made them less likely to support Trump, while only 17% said it made them less likely to support Trump, while only 17% said it made them more likely. These results were worse for trunk among respondents who said they were political independents. 32% said that the conviction made them less likely to support, and only 12% said that it made them more likely to support Trump." And that same poll also found that 9% of Republicans say they're now less likely to support Trump. Yeah, which is massive. And that actually makes me want to bring up one of the guys, the analysts I've been reading.
Starting point is 02:04:11 Because this is actually the, to the extent that there's any real basis behind my 29% chance things work out basically like 2021. It's this fucking dude, Helmut Norrpoth. Norrpoth is, he's one of these guys who's built a model. Like you get these every now and then like, because they're great content for TV news dudes, like, oh, this guy's got a model predicting the election. His model predicted the last 40 elections properly,
Starting point is 02:04:38 even though they like ran them through after we knew how the elections were going to go. And I don't know how fair that is. Helmut actually did accurately predict a couple of like, he's had his model going, the primary model for like the last seven elections and it predicted five of them correctly. Now, when it got right was 2016.
Starting point is 02:04:56 Although it predicted how Trump was going to win wrong, it got that he was going to win right. I don't know how much credence you wanna give that. And he fucked up in 2020. Although, you know, the fact that there was a pandemic, then I'll give him a little bit of grace. The other one he fucked up was 2000, but he called it for Gore.
Starting point is 02:05:14 So I'll read from his website describing like how this works, because it's relevant to what you're talking about in terms of independent voters. And it's also relevant to what I think is another major factor and who's going to ultimately win, which is likely voters versus like, if I feel like it, I'll vote.
Starting point is 02:05:31 Because Biden's lead jumps substantially when you consider likely voters. Whereas Trump does very well with like maybe voters. And I kind of don't feel like this is gonna be a high turnout election, right? That's what I am seeing. We have some data on this that I'll talk about later, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:05:49 And Helmut's model works that way. So, quote, the primary model gives President Joe Biden a 75% chance to defeat Donald Trump in November. This forecast takes account of the performance of the two candidates in the early primaries. Biden won the Democratic contest in those states by far larger margins than Trump did in Republican ones. What also benefits Biden in the general election is an electoral cycle that favors the sitting president. In a nutshell, a White House incumbent facing no significant challenge in primaries almost always wins re-election. As for the Electoral College, the most likely outcome of the 2024 election, predicted by the model is that Biden will get 315 and Trump 22, two, three. And basically, so part of why I think this guy's probably a hack, but it's kind of interesting is he's, he's looking at how they performed relative to each
Starting point is 02:06:32 other in their primaries and you could, there's a degree to which you can say like, well, primaries are absolutely not general elections, but what it does show is relative how much Trump's support has faded from Republicans. And Trump actually did considerably less well in the primary than he did in 2020, right? There was a degree of actual hunger to vote for Kerry Lake, who I think is the Arizona candidate who was running against him. And he showed weakness in a number of primary states that was not there in 2020, which suggests, along with the polling you showed, that like 9% of Republicans are less likely to vote from after the conviction. And I'm at a weakness in his base that could be pretty meaningful when we get to the
Starting point is 02:07:23 election. And I don't think it's been taken into account enough by, for example, folks on the left looking at how much everybody hates Joe Biden, which is also a very real factor. But I think that people are kind of denying the degree to which a lot of folks who should be his base don't like Trump anymore. Yeah, and this was one of the weird things post the conviction.
Starting point is 02:07:41 There was some pundits who were trying to make an argument that somehow the conviction would actually make Trump a more popular choice, which maybe works if you're like a contrarian, but it doesn't really make much sense. And if you look at like the approval ratings for the conviction and the verdict, they fall pretty pretty well on party lines. It's really gonna come down to independence. And like everyone who's gonna vote for Trump, who like really, really, really wanna vote for Trump are still gonna vote for Trump, right?
Starting point is 02:08:11 Like that's how it goes. Absolutely not. And they will buy the, I'm voting for a felon hats that Facebook keeps trying to sell me. Absolutely, right? Like those are not the people that are in question, but there is a large number of other people who do not own a mega hat, who are actually, you know, questionable in who they're going to vote for.
Starting point is 02:08:29 On this note, I'd like to like to quote again from Forbes, quote, polls consistently show the conviction is a low priority for most voters in deciding who to actually cast their ballot for. The political Ipsos poll found that 53% said it's not important said it's not important to their voting decision, while 61% in a Reuters poll released last week said it won't impact their vote. Now one of the clear shifts that we have seen post-verdict is a sizable increase in Biden voters who list stopping Trump as one of their main reasons to do so. We have numbers from March to now is that the main reason for supporting Biden in March, we had 47% saying it's to
Starting point is 02:09:06 oppose Trump. Now it's 54% saying it's to oppose Trump, which I think that number will only increase the closer we get to the election because people don't want Trump to be president again, even though they don't like Biden. Be like the other thing with these numbers is that the percent of people who say I like Biden as reason for supporting him has decreased since March. Yes, yes. It has decreased by 4%. Of course, because he's not likable
Starting point is 02:09:34 and he shouldn't be president still, but Trump is even like, and people understand, like, that is the number one thing when I go out of like, the bubble of my friends and whatnot and talk to family members or just like have conversations with like Uber drivers or whatnot about politics. I have not heard a single person state a reason for vote they wanna vote for Biden that is more important
Starting point is 02:09:59 than I don't want Trump to be president. That is everyone that I encounter basically. Like I'm Obviously you have other people, but it is weird to the extent to which that's what this election is going to come down on. And I kind of think it's evidence that like of a failure and strategy in Trump's part, because I think he probably could do better if he were to focus on allaying those fears that he wants to become a dictator. Well, as opposed to harping on like one of the things that's interesting to me, he's
Starting point is 02:10:29 campaigning very heavily in Wisconsin right now. He's already made like two visits just to southeast Wisconsin in the last two months because Wisconsin is up for grabs, right? Every poll I've seen basically is within margin of error. It's either guy's game and it's a critical state. margin of error. It's either guy's game and it's a critical state. And Trump is hammering Biden on crime in Wisconsin, right? Like, look at how your dibs have done, look at how much more violent the city's become. And about 1% of registered voters in Wisconsin consider crime a major concern in a presidential election. And part of that's because like violent crime has dropped and like massively in Wisconsin and nationwide over the last year. And I, I do wonder the extent to which because Americans views on crime are not based
Starting point is 02:11:11 on how bad crime actually is. But I also wonder if people are start are like the degree to which that's a vote in concern for people is fading because it has dropped so much. Yeah. And I, I'll be curious to see if kind of Trump's strategy of hammering the Democrats because they're bad on crime is going to prove to be a serious misstep. Well, even Fox News has had to do recent segments
Starting point is 02:11:34 talking about how there actually has been a drop in crime, even though Americans feel like it hasn't, which is a quite funny little tidbit. We're all looking for the guy who did this moment. Now, I do want to get through a few more conviction numbers. I'm gonna quote from Politico's report on their own poll regarding the importance of the conviction in people's vote. Quote, 22% of respondents said the conviction is important
Starting point is 02:11:58 to how they will vote and that it will make them less likely to support Trump. Only 6% of respondents took the other side of the question, saying they are more likely to support. A nearly identical negative effect showed up among independents, with 21% saying they are less likely to support and 5% saying they are more likely." Now, of those who say the conviction is important to how they will vote, 7% of Republicans say they are less likely to support Trump. So that's an interesting number. And only 13% say they are more likely.
Starting point is 02:12:28 And like, come on, those people were always going to vote for Trump anyway. 40% of Democrats, of course, say that they are less likely. Now 28% of Republicans say that the conviction makes them more likely to support Trump, but it won't affect their vote. And among those who said the conviction isn't important to how they will vote, 40% said that it has basically no impact on their support of Trump. Most of those people are independents. Now political also asked respondents if they thought the prosecution was brought to help
Starting point is 02:12:54 Joe Biden. And most around 51% disagree with the claim, but 43% agreed and said that the case had probably been been brought to help Biden. And these results are roughly similar among independents. So still, most people don't think so. And there's people who have, you know, suspicions. Not super surprising. Now political notes that these figures might be movable, though.
Starting point is 02:13:18 These are not necessarily locked down opinions as, quote, roughly a third of all responders and independents said that they still do not understand the details of the case. Well, unquote, so glorious. This is the those are not really set in stone. And political also notes that there's a number of upcoming events and variables that could change the public's opinion before November, you know, including all of the ongoing efforts by political operatives to influence people,
Starting point is 02:13:46 the public perception of both the conviction and just, you know, the election in general. The debates, obviously, too. The debates, as well as Trump's sentencing in Manhattan on July 11th, which could possibly, you know, entail a period of incarceration, probably not. But if it did, that would certainly impact these numbers. And also Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg's testimony before Congress on July 12th. This could impact the numbers regarding how many people think this case is legit versus how much people think is just purely like a political move. But still, about half of adults do approve of Trump's conviction. The AP did a poll with the NORC a week after
Starting point is 02:14:26 Trump's conviction, but before Hunter Biden was convicted on that federal gun case, and US adults seem more likely to support Trump's conviction than they are to disapprove, with at least 48% saying they approve, and just 29% somewhat or strongly disapproving, and 21% not approving or disapproving. To quote from the AP, Republicans are less united on the verdict than Democrats. Roughly 6 in 10 Republicans disapprove, while 15% approve. The other 2 in 10 neither approve nor disapprove. Overall opinions on Trump have barely budged. About 6 in 10 U.S. adults have an unfavorable opinion of Trump, which is in line with from our findings in a poll conducted last February. Four in ten have a favorable view of Trump, when also largely unchanged since February.
Starting point is 02:15:11 The numbers are equally poor for Biden. Four in ten U.S. adults have a favorable view of the Democratic president, while six in ten have a negative one." Unquote. Yeah, this is very much unique in races that I can recall, a race to the bottom. Like who can alienate, who will alienate less of the base, right? Yeah, no, we, polls consistently are showing that there will be historically, that there is historically low voter enthusiasm.
Starting point is 02:15:40 Both candidates have very low favorability ratings. And an NBC poll found that 64% of voters say that they are very interested in this year's election, which is a 20 year low. So you know, not great numbers. And a new CBS poll found that among young Americans who did vote in 2020, only three quarters say that they'll definitely do so again. Now this poll also does show that Trump's support among young voters has been almost unchanged since 2020.
Starting point is 02:16:09 Yeah, he's got about done about 2% better, which is fairly minimal considering how much Biden's lead is among that group. But overall young voters do believe in generally progressive values pretty consistently, including support for a ceasefire. And that's, I mean, part of the reason why we may not see, which, you know, could be catastrophic for Biden because 2020, a lot of his win came in the fact that he did deliver
Starting point is 02:16:34 so much of that. Like so many young voters came out, turnout was so high and they overwhelmingly supported Biden. There is also, I mean, kind of a reason why that might not wind up mattering, which is where Biden, I mentioned earlier, Biden does really well among likely voters, much better than he does among the general electorate, and this is part of a shift among white voters with degrees that has been... We get a lot of talk, and this has been significant, especially like Latino
Starting point is 02:17:03 voters shifting towards the GOP has been a really important story too. But this one does not get talked about as much. In the four years since Biden took office, white men with degrees have shifted 24 points towards Biden and he has gained 19 points with among white women with degrees, which is like a huge amount of his support. And also that's one of the groups that's likeliest to vote. Like the strength that Biden has gained among kind of middle of the road, leaning conservative suburban voters is potentially going to be a decider in this election. Yeah. And according to the New York Times and the Sienna, the polls do seem slightly skewed in Trump's favor actually this year, mostly by disenfranchised
Starting point is 02:17:46 voters who may not participate in the upcoming election. An analysis they did found that Biden had led the last three of their polls among 2020 voters, but trailed among registered voters overall, which is basically exactly what you're saying. You know, Garrison, speaking of likely voters are are I don't know, that doesn't really lead in. Here's the fucking ads. Look, you don't get you don't get a good one every time we do this, folks.
Starting point is 02:18:12 There's too many are likely to listen to these ads. They're fine. So we are back. Is polling actually useful? Is this actually useful anymore? The answer is kinda. But you know, people have gotten really, really anti-polling in recent years. You know, the 2016 election certainly contributed to that. Although, if you look at the actual 2016 polls, it's kind of interesting. In 2016, Clinton generally pulled much higher than Trump for the duration of the race. Though in late July, the two were neck and neck with the gap closing once again in late September. And the week of the election, Trump was on average trailing by less than 3.5% behind,
Starting point is 02:19:02 which is often in the margin of error for these polls. And pollsters usually consider something under 3% being a toss up. Now this is 3.5%. So still it is it was trending towards Clinton and there's there is reasons why in terms of their polling methodology that was flawed. But the polls were actually a bit closer than I think what public perception seems to remember of the 2016 polls. Yes, and this is part of why the public memory of 2016, and to an extent 2020, and to an extent every election is so bad is, you can't emphasize this enough, people are dog shit at understanding
Starting point is 02:19:41 what polls say, right? They are really bad at understanding uncertainty. One of the things that I hate to keep going back to the Nate Silverwell, but I think he's a fascinating case study. And one of the things he pointed out after 2016, the minute you have a forecast where there's less certainty, people don't like that. The minute you have a forecast that doesn't have a Democrat winning, they don't like that very much. And it's to point out like his,
Starting point is 02:20:07 he kind of started to become a heel as soon as he started showing that like, Trump had a real shot at winning. And as his forecast continued to show kind of weakness among Democrats, it got people angrier and angrier. And that's most of what makes people determine whether or not something is a credible source on the election.
Starting point is 02:20:25 And that's kind of why a lot of this is like a doomed effort is because people consider an expert credible if they are saying something they wanna hear. Cause most of what people want in terms of election polling is to feel reassured that things are going to be okay. And that's, you're kind of, it's always like a confirmation bias game. And it's also one of those things where like,
Starting point is 02:20:50 the instant you do well, if you are legitimately a rigorous expert and you predict things correctly, you're going to suddenly be this focus of so much media attention and have so much money and job offers thrown your way, that it will inherently drive you mad. Which is part is part of why again I am predicting a 29% chance that things are basically the way they were in 2020 So I can get all that sweet sweet CNN money, you know if I wind up being right
Starting point is 02:21:15 I am curious Garrison kind of in that line because as as our as our official poll expert You kind of came into this I don don't think, with a strong set of biases about what would happen. When you actually started drilling down into the numbers, did that change at all your impression of what was going on this election? I think I thought that the numbers for Biden would be slightly worse. I think that's kind of the general feeling. And that has been, you know, what the numbers have kind of looked like in my cursory glances
Starting point is 02:21:44 the past few months. But looking more into kind of polling science, what these pollsters are saying, the gap is usually within this 3% that it feels like it's going to be a very close election. It'll be much closer than it was in 2020. Polls thought that 2020 would be a much, much more obvious win for Biden. It was it was it was a closer election than what people thought. But this, I think, will be even even closer. So it's it's going to it's going to be a tricky one.
Starting point is 02:22:12 We're going to be kind of on the edge of our seat come election night. Which is what no one wants to hear. Right now, especially since you have this, you have a lot of people who want to hear Biden is doomed because they have, for generally generally good reasons come to despise Biden over the last four years. And they just want to know that like the things they're angry about matter. And the thing that I all I can say to those people is like, I don't know that anything matters and I do think there's a really good chance. I think this is basically a coin flip.
Starting point is 02:22:43 Yeah. And I think, you know, polling is going to look very different this year because Trump is not the incumbent. I think there's a lot of other factors that are contributing to the polls and pollsters have adjusted a lot since 2016 to make sure that more Trump support is accounted for both in 2020 and in 2016. The error did not come from overestimating the support of Clinton and Biden. It came from underestimating Trump's support. And this has been fixed for via a number of methods. You know, there's certain theories people have had,
Starting point is 02:23:20 like the quote unquote shy Trump voter theory, which is kind of largely disputed, saying that, you know, people certainly by this fucking point. Yes. No, saying that people who like support Trump are too scared to tell pollsters that they support Trump. Quite, quite silly. It's essentially it's essentially blaming blaming like poll errors on people just lying to pollsters because they're too nervous. So I know there's a lot of other stuff we have.
Starting point is 02:23:46 We have we have adjusted for white non-college educated voters, you know, because people who have a college degree are more likely to respond to polls. So all this does get adjusted for, especially since 2016, because that was the main cause of the polls kind of being fucked up that year. So what exactly happened in 2020 then, if these things like the non-college vote and the shy Trump voter theory were sort of adjusted for? Well, a few things happened. The pandemic one, you know, made certain polling figures a little bit unique. The election also featured the highest number of voter turnout in decades, something that we're probably not expected to see in 2024.
Starting point is 02:24:24 number of voter turnout in decades, something that we're probably not expected to see in 2024. In 2020, the national polls were too favorable to Biden by 3.9 points, state polls by 4.3. I'm going to read a report from the American Association for Public Opinion Research, analyzing 2020 election poll errors. Quote, If the voters most supportive of Trump were least likely to participate in polls, then the polling error may be explained as follows. Self-identified Republicans who choose to respond to polls are more likely to support Democrats, and those who choose not to respond to polls are more likely to support Republicans. Even if the correct percentage of self-identified Republicans were polled, differences in the Republicans who did and did not respond could produce the observed polling error."
Starting point is 02:25:11 If this was indeed the issue, it was probably made worse by Trump in 2020 by being very disparaging to polls, making his base probably less likely to honestly engage with polling metrics. And both in 2016 and 2020, there was large, large postmortems among the polling community trying to figure out how to improve. And 2022's polls were more accurate than any election since 1998
Starting point is 02:25:38 with almost no bias towards either party. So that is a good side in terms of the accuracy of polls. In terms of this not being nonsense. Yeah. Correct. So a pollster named Nathaniel Rakic said, quote, polls true utility isn't telling us who will win, but rather in roughly how close a race is and therefore how confident we should be in the outcome. Historically, candidates leading polls by at least 20 points have won in 99% of the time, but candidates leading polls by less than three points have won just 55% of the time."
Starting point is 02:26:09 And that kind of lines up with our current situation, right? Biden was, even though the polls were slightly skewed towards Biden in 2020, he was so far ahead that most of the polls, in terms of saying who would win, were still correct because Biden was just so far ahead. This time, that will not be the case. That's not what the polls are gonna say. The polls are gonna show this being a much closer race, and that I think that is what it's gonna be come November.
Starting point is 02:26:32 So yeah, that's kind of the lowdown of the current polling situation. I'll be curious to see what the numbers are post-debate, and especially after the sentencing in July. Yeah, we'll see. And I should note that Nate Silver just released his official forecast today. And it's almost the opposite of that weird German man who gave Biden a 75% chance of winning. Nate gives Trump a 65% chance of winning. So we are going to see which of the election pundits who make their entire
Starting point is 02:27:05 living off of gambling on elections winds up getting to be feted on all of the talk shows in like January of 2025. That'll be exciting. That's the real toss up, honestly. That's the real toss up. It's Helmut versus Nate, baby. Who's going to win? I kind of think they both might be conmen.
Starting point is 02:27:36 From KT Studios, the number one podcast, The Idaho Massacre is back. The new developments in the University of Idaho murder case. It was an unimaginable crime. In the early morning of November 13, 2022, four University of Idaho students killed. Police have no suspect and no murder weapon. A nationwide manhunt captivates the world. Moscow PD saying today they're now looking for a white Hyundai Elantra.
Starting point is 02:28:10 Then a shocking arrest. There is now a suspect in custody. This is a PhD student in criminology. This is the guy? Will he be found innocent? He claims he has an alibi. Or face death? Listen to season two of the Idaho Massacre on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or
Starting point is 02:28:32 wherever you get your podcasts. I'm Andrea Gunning, host of the all new podcast There and Gone. It's a real life story of two people who left a crowded Philadelphia bar, walked to their truck, and vanished. Nobody hears anything, nobody sees anything. Did they run away? Was it an accident, or were they murdered? A truck and two people just don't disappear.
Starting point is 02:28:59 The FBI called it murder for hire. It was definitely murder for hire for Danielle, not for Richard. He's your son, and in your eyes he's innocent, but in my eyes he's just some guy my sister was with. In this series, I dig into my own investigation to find answers for the families and get justice for Richard and Danielle. Listen to There and Gone South Street on the iHeartRadio app, Apple podcasts,
Starting point is 02:29:30 or wherever you get your podcasts. We all know what that music means. Is somebody getting coronated? No, it's time for the Olympics in Paris. The opening ceremony for the 2024 Paris Games is coming on July 26th. Who are these athletes? When are the games they're playing? We may be looking for the sports experts to answer those questions, but we're not that. Well, what are we? We're two guys. I'm Matt Rogers. And I'm Bowen Yang.
Starting point is 02:30:08 And we're doing an Olympics podcast? Uh, yeah. We're hosting the Two Guys Five Rings podcast. You get the two guys, us, to start every podcast, then the five rings come after. Watch every moment of the 2024 Paris Olympics beginning July 26th on NBC and Peacock. And The Medal of Honor is the highest military decoration in the United States, awarded for gallantry and bravery in combat at the risk of life above and beyond the call of duty. Since it was established in 1861, there have been 3,517 people awarded with the medal. I'm Malcolm Gladwell, and our new podcast from Pushkin Industries and I Heart Media is about those heroes.
Starting point is 02:31:11 What they did, what it meant, and what their stories tell us about the nature of courage and sacrifice. Without him and the leadership that he exhibited in bringing those boats in, and assembling them to begin with and bringing them in saved a hell of a lot of lives, including my own. Listen to Medal of Honor, Stories of Courage on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or
Starting point is 02:31:37 wherever you listen to podcasts. From the writer of Amazon Prime's Red, White, and Royal Blue comes a hilarious and demented new audio mystery, Does This Murder Make Me Look Gay? Master Vandy is dead! Then it's probable that whoever killed Vandy is in this very room. Lock her up. Lock her up. Lock her up. You killed your daddy. You don't get anything fizzy.
Starting point is 02:32:08 911, what's your emergency? I'm in the Monroe estate, and I just caught a murderer. Yes, I'll hold. Featuring the star-studded talents of Michael Urie, Jonathan Freeman, Douglas Sills, Cheyenne Jackson, Robyn Day Jesus, Frankie Grande, Sean Patrick Doyle, Brad Oscar, Nathan Lee Graham, Seth Rudetsky, Leah Delaria, Lea Salonga,
Starting point is 02:32:30 and Kate McKinnon as Angela Lansferry. Ruh-ruh-rup, lick-um-lick those toesies. Ruh-ruh-rup. Listen to Does This Murder Make Me Look Gay as part of the Outspoken Network on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Oh, yeah. That wasn't the opening of the podcast. Or unless it was. I guess it was because we're
Starting point is 02:32:55 recording. Welcome to It Could Happen Here. Harrison, I had to open an episode about a terrible, terrible piece of voice acting history with some horrible voice acting of my own. It was the only right way. It's true. It's true. There has been some really bad voice acting going around lately. Yes.
Starting point is 02:33:13 Oh boy. So do you know what we're going to talk about today, Robert? We're going to talk about the South Park of X. And I know what you're all wondering. What the fuck is X? Did you guys get a placeholder? Did you like type in a placeholder because you forgot the name of what
Starting point is 02:33:32 this is the South Park of or whatever? No, no, no. We're talking about Twitter. We are talking about the first animated sit slash com on X slash Twitter titled The New Norm Show. Not to be confused with the 2022 low budget movie the new norm this is a new animated project from the great minds over at dave rubin incorporated yeah was so bad but also so insightful that i did a whole bunch of drugs and wrote about 2000 words
Starting point is 02:34:09 about this project and uncovered some kind of shocking things that we will slowly get into. I first want to just want to go over the mini pilot itself because right now the only thing that's out is like this three minute or so little mini pilot and we'll get into why this is the only thing that's out right now. But I first just wanna do kind of like a short play by play and it will be short, because again, it's only three minutes.
Starting point is 02:34:32 Yeah. Of what happens in this new perspective animated sitcom that they want to air on now known as X. Yes. So I think the first thing you need to know about it, besides the Dave Rubin-ness of it all, it looks like early 2000s flash animation. Like really bad early 2000s flash animation.
Starting point is 02:34:54 It's not good. It's not good. None of the characters can really express things and the perspective is always a little bit off. Yeah, it looks like something like a moderately competent person could have animated in this course of an afternoon if the people paying them did not actually want anything
Starting point is 02:35:12 that looked very good. Well, and I think that is kind of what happened. They posted one video showing the animating process, and it does look like just one person did it in like a day. So anyway, it starts with an older man sitting in a living room chair, scratching at an ankle monitor. He reaches for a beer only to find that it's been woke a fight with rainbow packaging. The man reacts in horror and his more liberal daughter remarks, progress, it's the new norm.
Starting point is 02:35:37 And then a pandering country music theme song plays, which we will play for you later, just because it's so bad. We're going to have to. I want to start just because this is the first shot of the episode, and it was the first thing in the episode that made me very angry, and it's how small his feet are. Like, especially if you're going to have, it looks like the fact- He got them Rob Liefeld feet.
Starting point is 02:36:01 He's got them Rob Liefeld feet, and this is particularly a problem because the ankle monitor doesn't look like it's going to be a one-off joke because he doesn't have an ankle monitor. He has like an evil Amazon Alexa that looks a little bit like it's, but it's gotten some Howl 9000 DNA in it.
Starting point is 02:36:18 Yes. That every time he says something that's not woke enough, it yells at him, right? It yells offensive, offensive, yeah. Yeah, the fantasy progressive government that is in charge in his, in this cartoon world has forced him to wear an ankle monitor because he's not woke enough. And so I'm guessing that's going to be a recurrent bit. And if the fact that he has this cinchian ankle monitor is a recurrent bit, his feet
Starting point is 02:36:44 shouldn't look like the ankle monitor should always be falling off of them. Right, his feet are so, like, it's really bad animation. Right, like, I'm not even saying that's a good bit, but if that's your bit, you have to actually design the characters to sell the bit, as opposed to me constantly thinking, how was that fucking ankle monitor
Starting point is 02:37:02 staying on his goddamn ankle? Anyway, whatever. The character was not designed with the ankle monitor in mind. That was a later edition. So, anyway, after the theme song, the man addresses the audience. He says, I'm the old norm. I want normal beer. God damn it.
Starting point is 02:37:17 I just want to point out, this is like the only character that gets an introduction. We don't we don't really learn almost anyone else's names except for one other character, which is just great, great for like a pilot. Anyway, so he steps towards his front door and the ankle monitor starts beeping. He blames his liberal daughter for being put on house arrest for quote unquote, threatening the school board, which he says he did because the school was quote, brainwashing kids into thinking girls aren't girls and men aren't men. His daughter says, sometimes they're neither or both
Starting point is 02:37:49 or dressed like dogs. Anyway, his wife comes home. Oh God, yeah, there's a real furry obsession in this show. I guess we'll talk about that later too. Because this was birth years ago. This is not like a modern current take on wokeism. But his wife comes home and with her is someone wearing a COVID mask sporting a pink mohawk.
Starting point is 02:38:12 And here I'm going to play our first clip. What's that? Warning. Offensive. Actually, that is one of my pronouns. Also they, them, and me. You're non-binary? How do you know that word? I learned it in school. That's why I'm locked up! Norm, the judge agreed to conditional parole. What condition? Where's my room?
Starting point is 02:38:40 That's staying here? Chaz is part of a new government program. To re-educate homophobic, transphobic, racist... Charlie, finally! Someone normal! I... I don't understand. You're... black. Did that just black whisper? You're his friend?
Starting point is 02:39:01 And boss. So, something that isn't fully conveyed just through the sound is that when the daughter finds out that this new person is non-binary, she gets like big, big like lovey eyes. Yeah. And the black boss character, he is played by failed politician, Larry Elder.
Starting point is 02:39:19 And he is very- Oh my God, that's Larry Elder? Yes! Yes! Yes. Oh, that's funny Elder? Yes, yes. Ah! Yes. Oh, that's funny. That's so funny. He's just there to show that black people like Norm. Right? Yes, exactly.
Starting point is 02:39:33 The progressives actually are racist for not liking Norm because the only black person they're going to put in the show thinks that he's rad. It's just a normal thing that you do if you're a right-wing hack making a low budget cartoon. He is wearing, by the way, a Washington Redskins hat and shirt. And shirt!
Starting point is 02:39:51 Just continued four years ago. Yeah, and his first, his opening line in the show is him coming in and saying, I come over here to escape woke. Yes. Yeah, one thing I do think is interesting is that both this character, because Larry Elder makes a note that like his son is about to transition and is at least non-binary.
Starting point is 02:40:11 They don't really know what any of this means. So a little bit of the script is unclear as to what these kids actually, how they identify. And obviously Norm's daughter is, I don't know if she's non-binary or just like into, like generally queer, but like that is the impression you're left with. And again, if you actually were someone who was kind of conservative or conservative sympathetic, like Mike Judge making like a cartoon, you
Starting point is 02:40:37 could actually get some mileage out of the accepting the idea that like, okay, you've got these curmudgeonly older people, and you've got their kids who are like, way more open about this kind of stuff. And there's room for plots, as King of the Hill did pretty well, that kind of lampoon the culture in general, but it requires a little more self-awareness. Like, again, if there was a little bit, you might wonder like, what are we saying if we're the people making this right wing piece of propaganda that all of the young people feel very differently about gender than their parents? Well, yeah, that's why Norm keeps saying, I'm the old Norm, I want to be here. And the show is called The New Norm. Not to be confused with the 1999 ABC sitcom, the pronoun or that. His little AI Amazon assistant just bleeps out, offensive, offensive.
Starting point is 02:41:48 Jazz is here to re-educate Norm. In non-bonery studies. I'm allergic to dogs. It's okay. Billy is an emotional support dog and non-binary. Oh, okay then. Good dog. Just amazing voice acting in that clip. And with a helpful laugh track so you know what is a joke and when you're supposed to laugh. Which is so embarrassing for an animated sitcom to put on a laugh track. Like, oh my god. Oh my god. It smacks of desperation because nobody really liked, nobody misses laugh tracks. Laugh tracks are like if you have a live studio audience, you know, a laugh track kind of like
Starting point is 02:42:32 makes sense. This is this is an animated sitcom. It's like if there's a laugh track on like Rick and Morty or like The Simpsons. Like what the fuck are you doing? Yeah. Anyway, the two men sit down to watch sports and Larry Elder laments that a non-binary person is present in the room and starts complaining about his child. Reggie? Reggie? Try Regina. Transitioning to what? Another fumble! Whatever it calls themself now, amazing pronoun usage, another fumble. Now Norm tosses the gay beer to Chaz, the non-binary character Chaz. Chaz. Chaz fumbles the catch and says that's not even, that's not a gay zoomer name.
Starting point is 02:43:23 Chaz is like something, like that's not a gay zoomer name. Chaz is like something like that. That's very Gen X Chaz. Totally. Yeah. Well, again, because this is all made by Gen X people. Yeah, exactly. Yes. Chaz fumbles the catch and says that they can't drink because they're not 21. And Larry Elder replies, y'all influence my boy to cut off his junk, but draw the line at beer.
Starting point is 02:43:44 And then Chaz hides behind the couch to call replies, y'all influenced my boy to cut off his junk, but draw the line at beer. And then Chaz hides behind the couch to call upper level government operatives who are advising them on this reeducation assignment. Before we get into this, I want to start with what doesn't make sense about that bit, which is that if Chaz was straight edge, right, and they were kind of, again,
Starting point is 02:44:04 if they actually knew anything about like the real sort of cultural kind of divides that are coming in around Gen Z and Gen Alpha, they could have made a point that like, yeah, this generation of kids doesn't get drunk and do drugs the way like millennials did. And that's an actual like cultural cleavage point, but Chaz is not straight edge.
Starting point is 02:44:22 Chaz is just saying, I cannot legally drink beer. Right? No gay person has ever said. Which no gay, but it like the fact that the- Unless they're straight edge, yeah. Larry Elder then comes in and says like, oh, this is a characteristic, but it wasn't like a characteristic
Starting point is 02:44:37 of you queer Gen Z kids. But the queer Gen Z kid did not express that as like a characteristic of his identity. He was just stating, this is illegal. I can't because it's illegal. Yeah, very funny. Yeah. Anyway, anyway. When Chaz's conference calling with this, this upper level government, we have, we have this general in like a, in like a kink dog mask who barks.
Starting point is 02:44:58 And there's a trans woman admiral who says, find a way to break him. Maybe we can fix the country. says, find a way to break him. Maybe we can fix the country. I believe the Admiral is a really transphobic character of US Assistant Secretary for Health, Rachel Levine. And it's not even a good character. It's just bad. No, it doesn't look like her at all.
Starting point is 02:45:17 There's also another character, which Robert identified as a possible hate crime and tasked me with locating who this person is. And I believe with about 100% certainty that this is a character of Sam Brinton, who was appointed the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition in the Office of Nuclear Energy. Are you kidding me?
Starting point is 02:45:40 For the Department of Energy. Now- Ah, these people are so fucking conservative social media brain. What are you fucking? Come on. Brenton may be well known to some of our listeners as being let go in late 2022 after being linked to a series of airport luggage thefts. One of the funniest things that's ever happened.
Starting point is 02:46:02 This person could not stop stealing luggage from airports so much that they got fired from the Department of Energy. That's amazing. This, this goes back to like 2018 years, years, years of airport luggage thefts. It's so funny. But again, if this was a good comedy thing, they would have some kind of bit like maybe, maybe they would be holding like a, like a, like a, you know, like a collection of luggage, but no, they're just, they're just, they're just standing behind the progress pride flight. Like that's it. Like it's not funny.
Starting point is 02:46:31 Yeah. Cause again, cause the actual funny thing about this would be to have like your government character be someone at the department of energy who got taxed with this through some sort of incoherent DEI narrative. And also a character trait is they are always stealing luggage and like you can actually build bits around that incoherent DEI narrative and also a character trait is they are always stealing luggage. And like, you can actually build bits around that over time.
Starting point is 02:46:48 But they just, they threw all these people in knowing that like the 200 people who are as right wing online as them would get who all these were, as opposed to doing the thing that you would do if you were actually making a show for mainstream consumption, which is like, make fun of people that the audience will recognize. Throw a Joe Biden in there, right? Like, obviously, you're doing this in 2024. Like, where is
Starting point is 02:47:13 anyone that someone who's not completely lost their mind to this stuff will recognize? And this is, this is the climax of the pilot. It's a, it's, it's so, it's so bad. After Chaz has this little phone call, the fake camera zooms back to show a fake animated studio audience, and the bad country theme song plays once again. And now I will play it for you, because this section is both so pandering, but also oddly genuine towards the end. When the song goes, thank God for Elon Musk and his shitpost memes, X is the home for free speech, an unvoiced animated Elon Musk pops through the door for no reason. Someone on Twitter took a screengrab of the Elon Musk and said they gave him that in Smith look, and he does
Starting point is 02:48:29 look like one of the fish people from ins, but it's not a flattering caricature. I think it's meant to be. It is because like it's it's I don't know. This is a really interesting moment because this is where it gets like.
Starting point is 02:48:43 Kind of like genuine. Jess Hawken wrote, the part that blows my mind about this video is the Elon Musk cameo where the bitterness and resentment of the video melts away into still believing in Santa Claus. And it gets, it gets just so weirdly genuine with this, with this like the kind of heartfelt saccharine Elon Musk ending. Well speaking of genuine Garrison, the main thing that's genuine is our love of these sponsors.
Starting point is 02:49:21 Okay, we are back. So there, after watching this pilot, there's a lot of questions to be asked. Why is there a fake animated studio audience? You know, pretty bad. My friend Ellie Erman pointed out, like, why is the protagonist so unpleasant even in their perfect fantasy world? And also, why is the word sitcom hyphenated in the title? Something that you don't do. Just a lot of a lot of baffling things. So there was there was a mix of reactions to this. You know, some of the blue checks on Twitter were kind of lapping this stuff up. One person with the username amazing gaining
Starting point is 02:49:55 productions wrote, I know some people are critiquing it, but my fiance and I laughed at a couple points. It's a good start. I hope you continue to work on it. We need all of the indie material we can create. And included in this tweet is a picture of a very poorly drawn avatar saying, Hi, my name is Indy David. I'm here to fight Goliath mainstream. Oh my God. Oh my God. Amazing Gaming Productions is a Gamergate 2 themed gaming company who wants to create anti-woke games.
Starting point is 02:50:26 They've done nothing. They just post really bad artwork. And I cannot overstate how bad this cartoon is. Why is the neck that wide? Why is his neck so wide and so long? For how bad the TV show's animation is, this reply was just so bad. I had to point it out. Just incredible. Yeah. Now, Dave Rubin, the possible alleged potential most likely creator of the show, does air his work on Blaze TV, you know, by Glenn Beck.
Starting point is 02:50:58 And even other Glenn Beck employees could not help but point out how terrible this is. Logan Hall, writer for Glenn Beck's The Blaze, wrote, quote, TV shows on leftism, the cringiest, most unwatchable, nauseating trash ever created. TV shows on conservatism, somehow even worse. And one of the most brain poisoned conservative cartoonists, George Aksopoulos, basically like a discount stone toss, wrote, quote, South Park had Ed. This has as much edge as uncooked sourdough. Between this and the Daily Wire's limp cartoon, they may as well be flushing money down the toilet.
Starting point is 02:51:34 He then went on to say, give me a small team, a million dollars, and total creative control, and we will make a cartoon pilot that will melt faces. So again, he just wants to get his own TV show. But a whole bunch of these, you know, kind of right-wing cultural critics were not enthused with this outing because it's really bad.
Starting point is 02:51:55 So I want to get into kind of who is behind this. Now, the full, I hesitate to say creative team, but the people behind- Let's just say team, yeah. The team behind The New Norm Show, not to be confused with the Fox two season documentary show The New Norm, have been largely kept secret, possibly out of fears of humiliation. Yeah, that's how you know it's a good show. But we at least do know some of the voice cast, right?
Starting point is 02:52:22 Larry Elder plays the token black conservative who only exists to affirm that the main character isn't actually racist. Now I doubt Larry Elder has much involvement beyond lending his voice. And the other two confirmed voice, again, I hesitate to use the word talent or even actor, but the other two voice contributors are Dave Rubin and JP Sears. Now I believe these two could be much more critical to like what makes up the comedy of The New Norm Show, not to be confused with the Oatley Oat Milk series
Starting point is 02:52:53 of online puppet shorts titled The New Norm and Al Show. Now, I assume that most people listening to this are familiar with Dave Rubin. Like many of these right-wing influencers, he's a failed comedian turned political podcaster who's been positioning himself further and further to the right over the course of the last decade. Now, JP Sears was a quote-unquote holistic life coach who turned kind of into like a YouTube skeptic type satirical comedian, and while trying to parody New Age woo
Starting point is 02:53:20 and conspiracy theories, JP was peddling his own pseudoscience and adopting more and more conspiratorial beliefs. Over time, JP and his comedy began moving further and further to the right. But the COVID-19 lockdown was kind of the breaking point where he went all in on anti-vax COVID-19 and January 6th conspiracy theories. But I think there has to be at least one other contributor, you know, behind like the art and design of the show. And I can't I can't figure out who that is. I scrolled through all of the tweets to try to find out if this account had another name. I can't find out who exactly this other person is. There is there is one mystery, one mystery component. But one one interesting thing I did uncover is that the New Norm show, not to be confused
Starting point is 02:54:01 with the 2012 TV show, The New Normal, has been in production in some form for over four years. They've been working on this for over four years. There's one frame from a video titled Character Sketch Evolutions posted on September 19th of last year. And this shows project files stretching all the way back to January of 2020. They've been working on this since January 2020. Early sketches of the daughter feature an Antifa and transgender tattoo on her left arm. Also, she has a keffiyeh and posters that read vegans for Palestine all all in 2020 artwork.
Starting point is 02:54:41 Wow. Yeah. Yeah. Wow. That's kind of fascinating because the daughter character in the published pilot is just wearing like a hoodie and like artwork. Wow. Yeah. Yeah. Wow. Great. That's kind of fascinating because the daughter character in the published pilot is just wearing like a hoodie and like a beanie. There's none of that stuff.
Starting point is 02:54:51 She's got like some bracelets that have like a, there's at least one of her bracelets has a rainbow on it, which I think is the only queer signaling or like kind of really signaling of any kind that we get. And she has an Apple watch because LOL Gen Z. But yeah, otherwise her design is completely boring. Like there's nothing going on. And I found this other thing that is maybe a little bit, a behind the scenes look at what this may have been.
Starting point is 02:55:20 So last March, this account posted a little comic strip saying, I'll look at how it began as a comic strip. So possibly this may have originated as not being an animated series, but instead an online webcomic, which might explain a few things. And also that I assume I assume the mystery contributor that we don't know probably was working on the webcomic and then kind of roped in more and more people into the animated series. But I am gonna read out this webcomic just because it is fascinatingly bad. Oh my God.
Starting point is 02:55:53 Oh my God. Norm says, for 20 years, our address was 7 Columbus Ave. Now it's Colin Kaepernick Drive. That's his daughter saying that. And everyone thinks, I feel so. The mom says, fancy. The daughter says, woke.
Starting point is 02:56:08 And Norm says, sick. And then a whole bunch of news crews show up at Norm's front door. They say, what's it like to live in the most woke address in town? And Norm says, I refuse to call it Colin Kaepernick Drive. It's Columbus Ave. The news media says, any last words
Starting point is 02:56:24 before the angry mob shows up? Should we call the fire department for you? And Norm says, I thought you snowflakes defunded them too. It's not even a- No, no one was talking about defunding the fire department, not true. Anyway.
Starting point is 02:56:37 It's like, it's just not even a joke, right? Like the, there's not like a release of tension or anything with like the end bit being like him saying, why would we call the fire department? You defunded that. It's not, it's like, it's not a joke. No. The last series of panels are even more disconnected.
Starting point is 02:56:55 They are back inside. The door is closed. Norm says, Chloe, which I guess is his daughter's name, never said in the pilot, Chloe, why must your generation change everything? And then the doorbell rings delivery. The mom answers the door and says, sorry, wrong address. This is now Colin Kaepernick Drive. Ben Affleck Boulevard is two streets down where James Woods Parkway used to be.
Starting point is 02:57:16 My God. That's the one. What is that even? That is that even? Do you really like is it? They were okay. James Woods has fallen. They replaced it with Ben Affleck Boulevard.
Starting point is 02:57:28 If you could, if you were someone who was like kind of conservative, but not completely brain poisoned, you could actually get some good bits out of like, they changed the name of this street from Columbus Avenue to Colin Kaepernick Drive. Now the smart way to play off of that would be to make it very clear that the town has a bunch of existing issues with inequality and racism that they have not dealt with in lieu of changing the name of a single street and pretending things are better.
Starting point is 02:57:52 And you can actually like there's there's things you could do with that where you actually making comedy. The fact that the escalation is rather than sort of like examining this world and like why should like this gets done just to kind of like make these like performative gestures. Instead it's like and next they're going to replace James Woods with Ben Affleck. Very good. Do the Gen Z kids, do the progressives like Ben Affleck? Does anyone feel all that strongly about Ben Affleck? No, we should. We had to start naming streets after Ben Affleck? Does anyone feel all that strongly about Ben Affleck? No, we we have to start naming streets after Ben Affleck. Also, why would there be a James Woods Parkway anyway? Whatever.
Starting point is 02:58:33 Yeah. Who's naming a street after name a thing James Woods has been in like. Oh, my God. So the marketing of this pilot is even is almost as baffling as the pilot itself, right? There is a few slogans they like to use. First of all, the South Park of X, which is already just brilliant. It's heart-breaking. Legalize humor, very funny. And make America funny again.
Starting point is 02:58:58 They will often just tweet these phrases out with no context. And sure, why not? The home page on their website reads, quote, the new norm, not to be confused with the ongoing podcast series, The New Norm, is an animated sitcom for our woke world, an edgy yet family-friendly comedy that shines a funny light on today's most divisive issues and gives Americans a safe space to come together and laugh. Just fantastic stuff.
Starting point is 02:59:27 Great, great. I love, again, I made a comment about this, but I love that they're calling this the South Park of X because like the South Park guys would never put a cartoon or anything else on X because they actually make things that are commercially successful. And so real companies will buy their shows. Whereas if you're putting something on X, it means that there's no money in what you're doing. It means that your show is going to be monetized alongside those ads for games that don't exist, that just show like little action cartoon characters leaping into the legs of like very horny drawings of Gorgons and shit and actual straight up pornography because there is no money on X.
Starting point is 03:00:13 Family friendly. It's so funny. Now there are a few reviews that they post on the New Norm website. Bill Maher says, brilliant. Dave Rubin says, beautiful. Larry Elders has relevant, timely, and funny. I'm in. And Kevin Sorbo-
Starting point is 03:00:29 He's literally in. He's one of the voices. So is Dave Rubin. And Kevin Sorbo says, all in the family for our time. Wow. Robert, what is all in the family? Because I am a zoomer. I need to explain a couple of things. All in the Family? Because I am a Zoomer. I need to explain a couple of things. All in the Family was a groundbreaking sitcom show from like 15 or 20 years before you were born. Even longer than that.
Starting point is 03:00:54 I mean, it was like the 70s, right? Yeah, oh shit. It was like 30 or 40 years before you were born. Yeah, it's way, way before my time. It's before your time. Yes, yes it is. And Kevin Sorbo, do you know who Kevin Sorbo was even? Robert, I grew up watching Christian movies.
Starting point is 03:01:12 I am intimately familiar with Kevin Sorbo. Oh, okay, okay, but not Hawaii. He actually got famous. He also was Hercules. Yes, in a show that again, prenates your existence by at least 10 or 15 years. And is now just a weird, bad Christian actor. Now, so, these reviews are funny, not only because two of these people giving reviews
Starting point is 03:01:31 on the site are literally in the pilot, but also, let's look at the Bill Maher quote, brilliant. Do you think Bill Maher has seen this pilot? No, he hasn't. No, no, no. Do you know why? Of course not. Because underneath the text that says, in quotes, brilliant, it says brilliant, Bill Maher, HBO real time host.
Starting point is 03:01:51 And then in much smaller text, it says, speaking of the show creators, previous work featured on HBO, he's just talking about Dave Rubin being interviewed on his show. At some point, Bill Maher said brilliant to Dave Rubin being interviewed on his show. At some point, Bill Maher said, brilliant to Dave Rubin. And now they're using this as a quote, endorsing the show. Man, I kind of, I feel like, so like again, 15 years or so ago, back when he was still alive, Roger Ebert shared one of my articles
Starting point is 03:02:22 that I wrote for Cracked. And I kind of want to take his feedback on that and claim that like, dress it up as feedback for our podcast. Roger Ebert loves this show that was made 10 years after he died. Well, he doesn't, but he said something nice about something else I did a long time ago. So I think he would support this show.
Starting point is 03:02:40 Speaking of the show creators' previous work, it's amazing. And we will return to the Kevin Sorbo quote about all in the family for our time. Again, like this isn't even just a parody of like all in the family. They're they're taking certain they're taking certain elements, but but not like actually satirizing them. They're just kind of doing them again. And do you know what we're going to do again, Robert? A good ads. We're we are we are going to go to ask. you know what we're gonna do again, Robert? A go to ads?
Starting point is 03:03:05 We are gonna go to ads. We're going to transition, which the people who make this show would really hate. ["Sweet Home Alone"] Okay, we are back. I have a few images from the marketing of this that you're gonna love, Robert. Back in September, the New Norm Show's Twitter posted this picture. It's a very bad cartoon. Oh my God. Ben Shapiro, Tucker Carlson, and Joe Rogan. What are these? It has one
Starting point is 03:03:40 like. And Dexter says, who is your fave? I love how small they made Ben Shapiro and Joe Rogan. Oh, and there is another another image of Norm, the titular character, saying, thank you, Chaya Reichek and Elon Musk for the freedom to say amen. Now that the word amen was was undemonetized. So most of their marketing kind of look kind of looks like this. It's just it's talking about other more popular right wing content creators, or just praising Elon Musk. That is most of the marketing for the show. It seems their primary marketing strategy seems to be sucking up to Elon Musk to
Starting point is 03:04:20 attract attention from him and his fan base. Now I haven't seen anyone else talk about this yet, but the new Norm show, not to be confused with the new Norm MacDonald show, actually released their first video project last March. It was titled, Elon Musk XAOC AI Animation unquote. What? With show creator Dave Rubin saying,
Starting point is 03:04:43 the future of animation is AI. The video starts with an AI image of Elon Musk in a black suit with voiceover of Norm addressing Musk saying, Hey Elon, check this out. We cut to a congressional deposition where AOC is questioning Elon Musk, who is wearing a spacesuit, about him replying quote-unquote true to a meme posted by Norm saying that AOC is hot but not smart. Mr. Musk. Call me Elon. There's a slow-motion love heart sequence of Elon and AOC staring at each other,
Starting point is 03:05:21 and Elon says, I have a hands-on approach to the world's population crisis. You'll never get your hands on me. I'm boycotting you. Then go yourself. God, he looks like a cherub in that spacesuit. What is happening? So yeah, here's here's here's AI norm and AI Elon Musk sitting in this courtroom. Now, Norm says that it's because of Elon's reply, quote, that millions of people saw my post. So in this, in this like little to no effort, AI short,
Starting point is 03:05:53 they straight up lay out their intentions behind all of this clamoring for Musk's attention and approval, right? Their goal is that if Elon Musk can see their stuff, maybe he'll spread it and it will be popular That's the entire intention. Why does Musk look like a nine-year-old boy? Oh, yeah, he does look like Cherub, Elon Musk, absolutely.
Starting point is 03:06:13 But this is their entire strategy, right? It's to make content that they hope Elon Musk will see and then boost so that people will give them money That's the entirety of the bit. In the replies to this AI short film, everyone who expressed that they liked it, saying, like, so funny, or just like a laugh emoji, the Norm account replied to every single one of these tweets with a thumbs up emoji. That's it.
Starting point is 03:06:35 That's it. Sometimes with a flaming thumbs up, sometimes with a regular thumbs up emoji, but replying to every single tweet, they just did a thumbs up. It's so lazy like like content goes out. That's some intern who's getting paid by their in like or if they're getting paid or whatever, however, they're getting evaluated. They want to be able to claim that they were doing lots of work.
Starting point is 03:06:58 So yeah, they're just going through and thumbs up in every post. That's wild. So this is all kind of reminiscent of the Daily Wire's own animated comedy, Mr. Burcham, right now, Mr. Burcham, we talked about in our in our in our Daily Wire episodes earlier this year, but it was it was pitched to Fox like over a decade ago. They even made a 10 minute animatic. Fox passed. And so did every other network and streaming service also declined to pick up the project.
Starting point is 03:07:26 And until it came across Jeremy Boring's desk a few years ago. And Jeremy Boring said, Adam Carolla, that's who the kids love these days. So yeah, they greenlit the show and it is now airing on the Daily Wire Plus. But most of the jokes are super outdated because again, this was pitched 10 years ago, over 10 years ago. now airing on the daily wire plus. So in terms of the new norm show, not to be confused with the many other projects with the same title, only the three minute pilot episode is out right now, right? They are soliciting more money. And that's the main drive of putting out this pilot is that they are they are spreading around this donation link like crazy. They've explicitly said when does the first episode drop? Soon, but sooner if y'all give here with the donation link.
Starting point is 03:08:24 Yeah. soon, but sooner if y'all give here with a donation link. Two other tweets read, quote, support this show to animate the first season and support this show and help fight the woke mind virus with laughter, unquote. I don't think this will actually ever get made because no one's gonna support this because it's garbage. This is like that Red Ape family and FT cartoon,
Starting point is 03:08:41 which I'm still heartbroken about. Exactly, all that they're doing is trying, like unfortunate souls to donate money to this. And I don't think the right wing billionaires are going to be funding this the same way they fund other daily wire projects. So this seems kind of dead in the water. This seems like not much thought was put into it. It's lazy. It's also completely stealing a Simpsons joke from 1999. This is the big thing I discovered. So
Starting point is 03:09:10 I've been trying to watch more 90s Simpson lately. Good for you. Good for you. Solid move. And as I was watching this three minute pilot, something started to feel a little bit familiar. And then I read the Kevin Sorbo review, All in the Family for our time, and I realized something. This whole show is just stealing a cutaway gag from a 1999 Simpsons episode about a fake sitcom called All in the Family 1999, in which a new, more woke and inclusive version of the original show is airing on TV. And here's a collection of images, Robert,
Starting point is 03:09:48 in my Google document that shows early concept art of Norm looking exactly like the main character of- Yeah, down with this, down with the cigar. Of all of the family, 1999. Literally, the picture of him in the chair looks traced. It is the exact same. There is a diverse cast. And they've got the black friend standing next to him.
Starting point is 03:10:07 Exactly. They've got the woman's study major in her Birkenstocks. Exactly. They've got a rabbi in there as opposed to the, which is some 90s diversity. But like, and I remember that bit too, which is like a, it's actually a, cause there were conservatives writing
Starting point is 03:10:23 on the Simpsons in the 90s. One of the, John Swartzwalder was like a famous libertarian. Like he's a, but he's also like funny. And so they made a good bit about like PC, like the, the, the rash of like overtly politically correct shows, right? Like it's, it's, it's a, it's a fun little aside joke that Schwarzwelder was enough of a comedian to know is good for about six seconds. Exactly, and I will play those six seconds right now.
Starting point is 03:10:53 And at 9.30, all in the family, 1999. Oh, geez, dear, they got me living with an African American, a Semite American, and a woman American there. And I'm glad I loved you all. I love everybody. I wish I'd saved my money from the first show. Yeah, see, there's a couple of different jokes there. There's multiple jokes in that three seconds or so.
Starting point is 03:11:17 It's such a good layered joke on the part of the Simpsons. It has the parody of Archie from All in the Family kind of being offensive in an old-fashioned way, bemoaning that he has to be around all these people, but also saying that he loves everyone and the way that these kind of shows like to play both sides by showing the main character is still good-natured despite his faults. And then he flips again, saying he's only come back to do the show because he needs money. The bit doesn't overstay its welcome, it lasts only like 10 seconds, and yet is infinitely more funny than the entirety of this three-minute pilot. And Dave Rubin actually thought he could just rip off a short obscure Simpsons joke and stretch it into an entire show and no one would
Starting point is 03:12:01 notice. So I was really happy to find that this was just a stealing an old Simpsons joke really poorly too. And because I've been watching more older Simpsons, I've also realized that a lot of the jokes and lady ballers are also just completely stolen from Simpsons, but ripped of the context that makes them funny. So all of these like right wing like cranks were trying to produce this comedy stuff. They're all just kind of going back to old Simpsons jokes that people hopefully have forgotten and are injecting them without the actual humorous context into all these anti-woke projects.
Starting point is 03:12:36 And it doesn't work. It simply doesn't. One, it's plagiarizing, and secondly, it's just bad. But yes, I will post some of these comparison pictures on my Twitter at HungryBotai if you wanna see the shocking, shocking comparisons. That was a fine investigation, Garrison. Cause you're definitely right. Like this is a carbon copy of a cutaway gag
Starting point is 03:13:02 about all in the family. That's so fucking funny. Even the background house is the same. Look, they have about all in the family. That's so fucking funny. Even the background house is the same. Look, they have the staircase in the same, the window in the same, the door. The windows are literally in the same, the door, like it's identical. Everything is in the exact same position.
Starting point is 03:13:15 It's wild. I know. They sent this to an animator. Like they sent that screen grab to the animator. That's so funny. God, The Simpsons was such a good show in its golden years that people are still trying to incompetently rip it off.
Starting point is 03:13:30 And again, they compare themselves to like the South Park of X. South Park even did a much better job of ripping off The Simpsons and making that be the focus of an episode that like everyone rips off The Simpsons because of how long they've been going on. Like yeah, anyway, whatever.
Starting point is 03:13:46 They were smart enough to remove the cigar in the final pilot, but all because they, because that would be just so obvious, but all the concept art that they've posted on Twitter like half a year ago has has him with a cigar wearing a white button up shirt and it looks, it is, it is, it is almost traced. It is like his, his, his arms are they threw on the vest clearly that distract. It's it's phenomenal. So yeah, amazing stuff from Dave Rubin. He I guess shouldn't have quit interning at the at at John Stewart back in the 2000s.
Starting point is 03:14:17 Maybe maybe he could have had a better life. But instead instead we get this. So great job, Dave Rubin. I wish you only the best in your future creative works. Yeah. This is what's going to get him that plush writing gig on the Rick and Morty season. I don't know, whatever the next one is. I'm sure he's on the cusp. Oh, he's close to breaking through. I can feel it.
Starting point is 03:14:39 Yeah. Yeah. All right. Well, I'm good. I'm going to go watch some classic Simpsons again. Thank you for reminding me. Hey, we'll be back Monday with more episodes every week from now until the heat death of the universe. It Could Happen Here is a production of Cool Zone Media. For more podcasts from Cool Zone Media,
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