Behind the Bastards - Let's Read the Proud Boys Membership Manual

Episode Date: July 6, 2023

Robert, Katy and Cody read a Proud Boys manual that was recently released as part of a sedition case. (1 part)See for privacy information....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is ICT. Over the years, I've compiled thousands of inspiring and thought-provoking quotes. And now, I'm passing that knowledge onto you and my new daily podcasts. ICT's Daily Game. In less than five minutes, I'll break down why these words matter and reveal personal stories that show them in action in my life. Listen to ICT's Daily Game every weekday on the I.Hard Radio app Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcast and start your morning with me. Hey, what's up y'all? This is Eric Andre, but I made a podcast called Bomming about absolutely tanking on stage. I tell gnarly stories and I talk to friends about the worst moments of bombing in all sorts of ways. Bomming on stage, bombing in public, bombing in life.
Starting point is 00:00:45 Like the time I stole a girl's phone during a set and she dumped on stage and threw a big A-maker punch to my nose. Listen to bombing with Aircon Drayon, Will Ferrell's big money players network on the I-Hart Radio app, Apple Podcast, or wherever you get your podcasts. I'm Sonari Englinton.
Starting point is 00:01:01 This is Shattering the system. The podcast. Ed Buck is accused of doing horrible things that resulted in the deaths of two black men. We begin with the shocking crimes of Ed Buck. The accounts of the victims were truly shocking. When a federal prosecutor is shocked, you know you have a story. Listen to shattering the system on the iHeard Radio app Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts. Hey everybody, Robert Evans here.
Starting point is 00:01:35 This week is a mandatory time off for our company because of the legally recognized holiday thing of a jigg. So you know, we're big fans of just letting people not work. So we're not working or didn't work for half of this week, which is why there's only one behind the bastards episode. Also, this is a wonder that we recorded a while ago. So heads up, you know, it might be one or two dated references in this, but it's a good one. It's a good one, you know. It's me, Katie, Cody, we're it's a good one. It's a good one. You know, it's me, Katie, Cody.
Starting point is 00:02:05 We're talking about the proud boys. It's funny. What's secretly responsible for the Bay of Pigs? My Cody, John Stone! This is Behind the Baster. It's a podcast where myself, Sophie and Katie Stoll confront Cody over his involvement in the attempt by the United States to destroy Cuban sovereignty. Cody.
Starting point is 00:02:26 Cody, what do you have to say about it for yourself? I was not worried about this, but I stand by all of my actions and any quote from me. Do your worst. All right, history history, it already happened. So I guess you can't shame the guilty when they embrace their crimes. Yeah, Yeah. This is a. Yeah. This is shit. We're living in my crimes. I'm
Starting point is 00:02:51 I'm going to post post shame society. No, true health and longevity release your shame. Why did you pull the air support at the last minute? Wouldn't you? I mean, yes, I would have. Okay. So. Softball. What a fun goof. What a fun goof.
Starting point is 00:03:12 We goof in. About a fun moment from history that everybody enjoyed. Especially. Full of fun little goofs in moments. That's what everybody says about history. Yeah. So I brought you all here today to talk a little bit about friends of the pod, the proud boys.
Starting point is 00:03:31 Yeah, yeah, Cody, I know you're both big stands of the old proud boys. I'm gonna guess I don't need to introduce this with too much detail. You're all aware of who they are as an organization. Everyone's aware that they played a major role in January 6th and five of them from the leadership are on trial right now for sedition, you know. Hey, everybody, Robert here in the months since we've recorded this, all of those guys were found guilty of sedition. So not on trial
Starting point is 00:04:00 anymore, guilty of sedition. Yeah, that's right. Yeah, that's it. Yeah, these these these fucking guys. Yeah, do they still dance with what's his name? Roger Stone. I mean, right now everybody's being a little more careful. But yes, I mean, sure, like, yeah. Yeah. But yes, I mean, sure, like, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, so there's like five of them who are on trial right now. All of them are kind of like leadership people. There's guys like Joe Biggs, Dominic Pizzola, Ethan Nordein, like people who had been, I mean, I've met most of these guys.
Starting point is 00:04:43 And they like, as a result, oh, yeah, it was a real, real crowning moment of my life. Robert, I never took you to be such a name dropper. Oh, yeah, no. I'm tight with all of them. So when you have, when you get charged with sedition by the federal government, there's going to be a process called discovery wherein which the prosecutors have to provide to the defense all of the evidence that they want to introduce for that trial, right? Because you have a right, this is one of our civil liberties, you have a right when you're being charged with a crime, to know what the evidence
Starting point is 00:05:19 against you is, which is a very important thing, I don't need to defend civil rights to the audience. But one of the things that means is that the government has been putting out all of the things they want to introduce in the evidence, which has included a bunch of internal calls from the proud boys and their signal chats, because they just had a signal chat. It was, I think, literally tile, like, sedition or something where they talked about their seditious conspiracies. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:05:43 Guys. Geniuses. How it like cookie-punny or something, my gosh. It's so funny. It's like how do you keep track of all the code names and you're gonna need a document? Just assuming that all of them are about sedition. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:05:57 Still I give them names. No, this is why I've made, sovi and I have made the cool zone work chat just titled seditious conspiracies because it seems like such a good idea. So one of the things that has gotten introduced into evidence as a result of all this is a manual that the proud boys had for conducting meetings and like starting, you know, your own whatever proud boy organization. And that entire manual is now available online in its entirety and
Starting point is 00:06:25 we're going to read it. Before we do that, I want to note, this was specifically introduced to for the trial of Dominique Pizzola, who's a fucking proud boy. And his lawyer is trying to block prosecutors from mentioning it at the trial. The defense attorney noted that like he thought that some things in the document, including the proud boy masturbation policy, might influence jurors in a negative way. Well, the document is riddled with politically incorrect remarks and assertions, which would cause most of many Americans to recoil an anger hatred and discontent. That's his defense lawyer. That's your reason to keep it from the trial. Your owner, my client's a piece of shit.
Starting point is 00:07:10 So if you let people know that could be a real problem for us. For sure, you know that they're extremely racist and awful. Why would you? Your owner, you don't understand that these guys suck ass. I don't know if that's how the law works. No, it's not how the law is going to work. There's a reason that I have this manual right now. Exactly. So I'm going to start reading this now. First page is titled, Crowboys meet up, stations of the congregation, station one,
Starting point is 00:07:40 like a stations of the cross reference? Probably, right? station one, like a stations of the cross reference? Probably, right? Probably. Right. Yeah. Bold type is not to be read aloud. Before the meetings begin, clear the area of all women and of men who are not at least first degree. Yeah, you don't want any girls around in your secret club meeting. No, no proud girls. There are no, well, I mean, this is actually a major topic of contention within the proud boys. Oh, sure, yeah. There is like an auxiliary ladies organization, the proud boys girls, I think.
Starting point is 00:08:12 It's called. It's the proud boys girls. That's so fun. Yeah, there's some organization for the proud boys. You have to be in a relationship with a proud boy to be a proud boys girl. I believe so. Oh, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:26 If doors cannot be closed, the proud boys assemble to an area that is as secluded as possible. This area is protected by two main guards who are assigned to monitoring the perimeter. The following is to be read aloud by the brother in charge. Brothers, we are about to open this council in the first section.
Starting point is 00:08:42 All persons not having received the honors of membership in the first degree shall please retire from the chamber. The doors shall now be closed and the guards assume their positions. Brothers, do you vouch that all present or in position of first degree membership? All members say yes, sir. Repeat after me, I am a Western showvonist. All right. Come on guys. Oh, my God. I'm just going to read the rest of the pledge. Yeah. I am a Western showvonist who refuses Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh.
Starting point is 00:09:06 Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh.
Starting point is 00:09:14 Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh.
Starting point is 00:09:22 Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. this meeting is only to be discussed among other proud boys and the federal agents that you talk to when you give up your fellow proud boys. You are our brother now. We have your back as you have ours. We don't care what race you are or what your sexual preference is. The only prerequisite of this organization is that you are a man and you recognize that the West is best.
Starting point is 00:09:42 We will commence this meeting by reading a passage from Pat Buchanan's The Death of the West is best. We will commence this meeting by reading a passage from Pat Buchanan's, The Death of the West. Oh, oh, oh,-American chapters should neglect to recite the italicized sentence at the end of paragraph two. Excited for when we get there. Keep that one in mind as I read this section from epic can in spoke. Robert, bold font type is not to be read out loud. Are you going to read that out loud for us though? Yes, yes, that was the bold type.
Starting point is 00:10:24 I'm going to read everything. We're going to get all type. Great. Yeah. Just like a patch. Tell us. Read this sentence. Yeah, don't read this sentence if they're not Americans.
Starting point is 00:10:33 So this is just, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's very, it's very silly. Just all right. Just all right. Can you make sure to write to, to let us know when it is. Yeah, I'll let you know. Thank you. That's only not to let us know when it is? Yeah, I'll let you know. Thank you. Thank you. That's only not to be read for people not in the US.
Starting point is 00:10:48 So like the Canadian proud boys back before the proud boys were declared a terror with Storconessation and Canada. All right. As fair minded and mostly Christian folks, we can see that there is truth in the indictment of America's past. Our fathers did participate in slavery. We did practice segregation. Our treatment of the Indians was not what one should have expected of people to whom the
Starting point is 00:11:07 sermon on the mount was divine command. But having internalized a guilt that gnaws at their souls, these Republicans and their lifelong crest for absolution are easy prey for confidence men like Jackson and Sharpton who run the big sting. The truth, in the story of slavery in the slave trade, western man was among the many villains, but western man was also the only hero. For the West did not invent slavery, but it alone abolished slavery. Had it not been for the West, African rulers would still be trafficking in the flesh of their kinsmen. Slaves, after all, were the leading cash crop of the friends of Mansa Musa.
Starting point is 00:11:38 In Mauritania and Sudan, today, slavery has returned to the deafening silence of intellectuals who have built careers on the moral shakedown of America and the West. And this is the italicized part that you're not supposed to read to foreigners. America was a segregated society, but in no other nation do people enjoy greater freedom, opportunity, and prosperity than here in the United States. You're not supposed to read that one in Canada because of the big bad. We don't want to offend our international community. Yeah, yeah, you don't want to hurt their feelings.
Starting point is 00:12:07 The time for apologies has passed, but if Middle America believes that capitulations and reparations will buy peace in our time, it deludes itself. If there were no more demands, the race racketeers would have to find a new line of work. But as long as the silent majority keeps a seeding to their demands, they will keep making them.
Starting point is 00:12:21 Time to just say no. And that's interesting. I mean, for one thing, it ignores the fact that there were a number of places in which slavery was abolished throughout history, including like the Persian Empire, the Persian Empire who fought against the West. In a, yeah, cool stuff, very good. It's great. And also that the slave trade that was abolished by Western men was also created entirely by them
Starting point is 00:12:53 and slavery was fundamentally different before the Atlantic slave trade started up. Selective use of facts and history. It's just bad. It's just bad. It's what you'd call Pat Buch back to history. It's just, it's just bad. It's just like that. It's, it's, it's, it's what you'd call Pat Buchanan grade history. Uh-huh. I forgot that was Pat Buchanan talking.
Starting point is 00:13:12 Yeah, that is. That is a lot. That's what I could do. Yeah. Oh, good man, terrible man. Raise a glass and say, we're getting to the toasts. I'm excited for this. Raise a glass and say, a toast to the greatest civilization on earth. And the men who built it, uhuhuru,
Starting point is 00:13:30 everyone says, uhuhuru. I would also like to make it, oh yeah, they do that all the time. I would also like to make a toast to the entrepreneurs who risk everything to improve our lives, to the entrepreneur. The entrepreneur. Yeah. And to the house. Yeah. Thank God for the entrepreneurs who, I don't know, created a fake taxi cab company that lights a venture capital money on fire in order to try and justify their own introduction to their meeting. It's so funny. And the housewives that create human life, shape it and build the communities in which
Starting point is 00:14:03 we live, to the housewives, to free speech, the first amendment, to free speech, and to our guns, the second amendment, to guns. These Colin Riss, these responses are making me feel like some song in Hamilton. Uh-huh, yeah. I do wanna hear them. Manuel Miranda's to guns.
Starting point is 00:14:24 Well, I can even immer burst love people in him. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, there we are. To the heroes who answered, yeah. To the heroes who answered their country's call and ultimately laid down their life so we may maintain our great society, to the veterans and our honored dead. And everybody repeats that. And finally, to the parasites, both on the streets and in the White House who want to
Starting point is 00:14:44 attack us and take what we earn, to the trespassers who want to sabotage our culture, our family and our way of life. You want to war? Well, you've got one. Do all of our enemies both high and low. Everyone says, bring it on. Oh, just for this very well written. Yeah, for as cocked as you people are by the folks that you hold water for and it's so funny. It's like, you finally got your little war and then you all turned on each other immediately afterwards because it turns out that war involves a degree of personal risk, which none of you
Starting point is 00:15:19 were actually willing to suffer, which is why you all rolled on each other. Yeah. Oh my God. Brothers, before we close the speeding, are there any matters we need to settle before the Sharia court? What? Yeah. What?
Starting point is 00:15:35 What? Yeah. I think I'm sure it's a Sharia law joke, I guess. Not a good one. If you feel like what's the joke. Yeah. Yeah, it's like, because this isn't, you don't have your own set of laws that you've listed out here in any way.
Starting point is 00:15:52 Like, it's a weird statement. It's just a bad joke. It's classic Republican humor. Yeah. Did they start it with, oh my God, or was that you reacting to the same rubbery thing? No, that was me reacting. Good question, Cody. Good question.
Starting point is 00:16:07 If you feel you've been wronged. I just want peppered in every other sentence for them to go, wow, we, here's the next thing. Oh my gracious, my. But sadly. Yeah. So anyway, after that, yeah, they ask if you've been wronged by a brother or someone has been banished unfairly, let it be heard now before me and we will settle it like men. And then you have to present your grievance.
Starting point is 00:16:31 And then there's a defense. If the defendant isn't present, he has to submit a defense in advance. So they just don't hear the case, which is interesting. I guess they don't try people and they have cincha in the proud boy should we accord. That's good. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. The matter is now settled.
Starting point is 00:16:47 We remain as brothers, first degrees, who which is to get their second degrees, raise their hands. We will be performing second degrees throughout the night. I now declare this meeting adjourned. Raise your glass. A huru, proud of your boy. God, this is so cringy.
Starting point is 00:17:00 A huru. Yeah, yeah. It's, it's their like little slogan that they took from another group of people. Like it's it this is a who is like a thing that exists. It's a swahili noun for freedom. I think they are stealing it because of the who who movement, which was like a socialist African international movement in the 70s. But yeah, it's just them being stealing. Yeah, I like it.
Starting point is 00:17:36 Yeah. Yeah. I think. Freed. Normal proud boy stuff. Yeah, freedom. Also proud of your boy. I think it's very funny that they. Oh, Cody, you're not ready for what's coming. Yeah, freedom. Also, a proud of your boy. I think it's very funny that they
Starting point is 00:17:50 Oh, Cody, you're not ready for what's coming. Oh, no, I mean, oh, yeah, for, for listeners, which I'm sure you know this, but yeah, the crowdboy's name came from Aladdin. Yes, one of the original, one of the original songs. I thought that was called Proudboy. I'm so excited to tell you this. So what we've read before as all the, the, the next thing that this lets us know is that. I've got that. I'm so excited to tell you this. So what we've read before, as all the, the next thing that this lets us know is that what we've already read is that's all that's required of a proud boy's meeting. And then the next thing that they usually like to do is play a song, station two. Oh god.
Starting point is 00:18:19 And then so the next part of this is the entire lyrics to the song, proud of your boy. What? That's the next question to Come on, Dice. Come on, so do they play it or do they. Oh, fuck yeah. I think they sing it. Oh, hell yeah. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:18:34 Let's see. I mean, yeah, because there's like, yeah, there's stuff in here about how you're supposed to like, if you're going to a bar, you should try to find a bar that has proud of your boy on the jukebox, which I don't know if that actually is a thing because this is a song that was not in the movie. It's on the movie. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:50 So I don't know why it would be. Why would it be? Why would it be? Like, I'm surprised that it's available to view, like, a version of it on, like, YouTube. Like, you, I'm sure it was started as, like, a DVD special features. Exactly. Yeah. Why would that, why would any Disney musical be on a
Starting point is 00:19:07 jukebox? I'm sure there. Well, that seems like maybe. Most of them are now have like internet connections and shit. Oh, that's there. Yeah. But also, most of them don't have very much music. At least the ones that you don't know. Right. But like a jukebox jukekebox I doubt they'll have and if they do it's not gonna have like a Cut song from Aladdin. No, it'll be like almost Yeah, it'll be the best of Disney musicals which proud of your boy. It's not not gonna be on there Yeah, I think my apologies to Alan Merkin, but Menkin sorry my favorite musical based bit of comedy Yeah, it's not.
Starting point is 00:19:47 A Merkins of pubic wig. Yeah. Have you guys ever, did you guys ever hear that or read that vi-sarticle where that guy just went to his local bar and played the Boister back in town over and over again for days? No, that's amazing. Until they found out who he wasn't kicked him out. That's one of my favorite things. Like that is his internet comedy. The Malaney, stand up a bit about he did the same thing for what's new pussy cats.
Starting point is 00:20:14 And like it was just this slow process and he just tells the story of like watching this one dad at a table getting anger and anger. Just losing his mind. Yeah. Uh, that's, that's always good. Um, so it does say right underneath the, the lyrics to the song, it says, it is healthy to sing our anthem at least once a night, but this isn't always possible. Ideally, we seek out venues that have a jukebox with this song available.
Starting point is 00:20:41 So there you go. It is how these sing this at least once a night. Yeah, it's good. Yeah. It is, it is funny that in this song, the person singing it says that there are late bloomer, which isn't an inaccurate way to look at all of the proud boys. If late, maybe some time to fail, it still needs to. Yeah, they have some blooming yet to do. Yeah, stunts it maybe. Yeah, Cody, if I had me, my brothers together, we would force you to get out your mandolin and play proud of your boy, but I just think anyone deserves that. Yeah, I was gonna say like, hey, I've never heard this song once. I could guess it.
Starting point is 00:21:25 We could do it on the podcast now. We're all playing a song I've never heard. Yeah. But I don't want to subject this, people to this. No, no, you know what I think is a better idea, Cody? Get out your mandolin, play this song. We'll go to ad so that only we hear it and none of the fans ever get to hear it. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:21:47 See if I can find out. I think that's a good plan. All right, mother fuckers, enjoy these ads. We're gonna listen to Cody. Yeah. Yeah. One of the best new podcasts of 2022 is back with a closer look at the darkness surrounding Megaturge La Luz del Mundo and its leader, Nasson Joaquin Garcia. They believe that he was Jesus Christ on Earth. It wasn't even so much that he liked sex.
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Starting point is 00:22:57 911, what's your emergency? You shot her! Oh my God! It's a nightmare we could never have imagined. And a killer who is still on the loose. My small town rocked by murder. There are certain murders I'm scared to discuss. In the 1980s we're in high school losing friends, teachers, and community members. One after another, after another, for a decade.
Starting point is 00:23:22 We weren't safe anywhere. We're teenagers terrified to leave our own homes. Would we be next? Who is killing all the kids? And why? In that moment, I saw rage. And why do some want the town secrets to stay dead and buried forever? I'm not sure why you're digging up all this old stuff again,
Starting point is 00:23:44 but I'd be careful. Don't say I didn't warn you, Nancy. Listen to the murder years on the iHeart Radio app Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts. Hey, what's up y'all, this is Eric Andreik, but I made a podcast called Bumming about absolutely tanking on stage. I'm talking about your mother and hair as a real experience as a performer. I tell gnarly stories and I talk to friends about their worst moments of bombing in all sorts of ways. Bombing on stage, bombing in public, bombing in life.
Starting point is 00:24:15 Like the time I stole a girl's phone during a set and she dumped on stage and threw a big A-maker punch to my nose. I wanted to know what's the worst way they ever bombed or performed way too drunk or high. I was there every time where they thought they were going to crush and they stunk it up. Subscribe to my podcast, Bombing with Eric Andre to hear more crazy stories from me and my friends. I'll have guests like Sam Jay, who will say Sloan, Michelle Butteau, Max DeMarco, DJ Doug Pound, Saturday Night Live, Sarah Sherman, and more. Listen to bombing with Aircon Dre and Will Ferrell's big money players network on the IR Radio app, Apple Podcast or wherever you get your podcasts.
Starting point is 00:25:00 Oh, and we're bad. That was so good. Wow, Cody. That was so fast. That was the best live music I think I've ever heard. Thank you. And the way that you just extempt for 35 straight minutes was really impressive. You added a lot to it, I think. Yeah, thank you. It was honestly beautiful.
Starting point is 00:25:17 Yeah, I kind of blocked it. I could have re-create. Oh. Yeah, yeah. No. If only we'd been recording. If only. Yeah, I, I, I, I bumped the, the, the recorder, uh, right. Well, yeah, no. If only we'd been recording. Yeah, I I I bumped the the recorder right
Starting point is 00:25:27 was started. And I got it. It was like, you know, something took me over like it. Yeah, you were channeling. Yeah, exactly. The spirit was that the song is healthy to sing every night. I'm going to start doing it. I think we're all proud boys now. Okay. So now the next bit of this, this packet is how to perform the three degrees. So all of the lyrics to proud of your boy. Yes, this occurs after all the lyrics to the cut Disney song, proud of your boy. So here's how to perform the, you know, the different degrees of membership. First degree, all that's required here is that the proud boy publicly declares the following. I'm a Western show in us to refuse us to apologize for creating
Starting point is 00:26:08 the modern world. Public is open to interpretation. We don't allow anonymous contributions to the proud boys because that isn't proud. We also don't accept trans men because they aren't boys. It is up to that chapter's discretion to determine how the public, the first degree declaration, how public the first degree declaration is. At the very least, it must be set on video and submitted to the chapter, very much to just set in every possible public platform available. Second degree.
Starting point is 00:26:32 Fine. Okay. Oh no. Oh, what's that, Cody? What you got? This is the whole, it's so silly. It's incredible. It's incredible.
Starting point is 00:26:41 I'm a Western showers who refuses to like, you didn't do anything. Yeah. Like you're not even saying like, I'm a Western showers who refuses to like, you didn't do anything. Yeah. Like you're not even saying like, I'm a Western show, and it's not proud of my heritage and my ancestors did X and Y. Like there's so many things unpack there.
Starting point is 00:26:52 They can put like, even the thing they say. We just had another one of these guys in Portland get arrested for being a child molester. Like you did not create the modern world. Your pieces of shit. Yeah, you're fucking like, you're pissing on the modern world and being pieces of shit. Yeah, you're putting like, you're pissing on the modern world and being a monster, Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:27:09 All right. Well, anyway, second degree, five cereals. The counter, a brother not involved in the fight who counts each cereal, well, who counts each cereals. That's how it's written. After determining its validity leads this ritual. Before the punching starts, the prospect has to repeat his first degree oath. I am a Western showbiz to refuse to apologize for creating the modern world.
Starting point is 00:27:31 Then the counter says, you will now list five breakfast serials. While the prospect recites the serials, five proud boys must pound him, shots to the head and blow the belt are discouraged, but not against the rules. The proud boy receiving his licks is not meant to fight back, although doing so, there's not negate his second degree. Degree after the. It's just like, yeah, fuck me. You guys do it. Yeah, after the beating.
Starting point is 00:27:54 Don't fight back, but like you can fight back. But also you can. It's fine. Yeah, so yeah. After the beating, the brother gets a hug from the counter as he says, welcome aboard. And everyone says, proud of your boy, several times. Yeah, after the beating, the brother gets a hug from the counter as he says, welcome aboard. And everyone says, proud of your boy, several times. Just several. Just yeah, however many.
Starting point is 00:28:11 More than once you get. More than one two. Yeah. Not a couple, several. So like you get, you know, more than a couple less than a, you, something like that. Proud boys and secluded areas have tried to have friends give them their second degree and submit it to a chapter for verification.
Starting point is 00:28:28 This doesn't work. Those in remote areas have to create their own chapter and make sure the five men punching them are at least first degree proud boys. I love that. I love that there's some sad person out there who like asks whoever he technically calls a friend to be like,
Starting point is 00:28:43 Will you come over and punch me when I'm breaking my mind? I want to get into this club. I need to, I've been practicing my, I've been practicing my serials and I need you to come hit me. That is why the serials. It's, you know, it's funny. It's dumb. It's funny and stupid.
Starting point is 00:29:00 In some way, this is obviously we're in the process. I don't know when this will come out as opposed to those episodes, but as we record this, I'm in the process of putting together a massive series on like the actual historical illuminati in different secret societies. And like all secret societies do to some extent are based in like nonsense. Like it's an important aspect of them. It's like weird nonsense that takes everyone out of the regular world and puts them into a different, ideally heightened reality.
Starting point is 00:29:33 In some ways, this is in line with that, but it's also good secret societies would pretend to do magical rituals and stuff. This is much sillier. So I don't know, I don't know the degree to which to sill. Yeah. Yeah. Instead of like sillier and like trying to be creepy or something like which maybe is the point they won't they they're like some of it is tongue and cheek obviously, but it is also very silly. Yeah. Yeah. It's a it's good stuff. Um, it's it's fun. So the next rule, I don't be like it. This is this is good that everyone's going to enjoy this. No wanks. Oh, a proud boy may not ejaculate alone more often than once every 30 days. That means he must abstain from pornography during that time. And if he needs to ejaculate, it must be within one yard of a woman with her consent. Thank God for that.
Starting point is 00:30:27 Oh, I am. The consent part. Honestly, like good for them. Yeah. At least that's in there. Low bar, but they they gingerly stepped over that bar. Yeah. They knocked their foot against that bar as they stepped over. Yeah. They slightly little bit, but they didn't quite fall down. Yeah. Yeah. Would give you penalty points, but the passing. The woman may not be a prostitute. So wait, but also like the you can, I mean, you can look at porn without ejaculating. Yes. What is no, what is no point rule seems arbitrary. I think I think it I think it I think maybe they're just acknowledging that none of them can avoid coming if they look at porn. Um, okay. Yeah. Um, no one follows
Starting point is 00:31:16 this rule. No, I'm I'm yeah, I'm sure they they all break it, But that's what it was for. No prostitutes. No prostitutes. I'm sure a lot of them break that role too. Yeah. We're there going to have no kids in there. Yeah. No. Yes. Considering.
Starting point is 00:31:36 All right. So let me finish reading this. So after this woman may not be a prostitute. This is our religion and our purpose, the religions founder, Dante Nero, men who are away from their wives for extended periods of time have requested video conferencing as a way around the one yard rule. This is not allowed. Dante Nero was like a comedian and MMA guy. I see was on Shepel show and Opian Anthony a lot. I see was on Shepel show and Opian Anthony a lot. Yeah. Again, some of this is them, oh, and he's a self-help guru now.
Starting point is 00:32:12 Actually, let's go over to Dante Nearrow's website. Some of this is them fucking around. I'm sure a lot of this is them fucking around. And also at the same time, they come to take it very seriously because they're inherently ridiculous people. Such are the confusing vagaries of right-wing weirdos. So the third degree, you need the words, proud boy tattooed anywhere on your body, and you must preserve the tenets of your first and second degree.
Starting point is 00:32:41 There are no rules on how the words must look, though, the enormous to pursue the traditional tattoo font of your. There you go. That's, that's good. I mean, I, I do know, I remember the fucking guy who I had a standoff with in Portland had Proudboy tattooed on his forearms very visibly and all of the photos of him like macing people and shooting them with paintball guns. And the proud boys were like, oh, he's not a proud boy. It sounds like he did the only thing you need to do to be, I'm sure somebody hit him while naming breakfast cereals. Like, yeah, if you're trying to like distance yourself
Starting point is 00:33:21 from somebody that gets in trouble, it's not good that they permanently inked on their body. No, that's a, maybe a sign that you have it that you're in a gang. Maybe. Yeah, it certainly makes it easier to prosecute people. But that's funny, fourth degree. This degree is loosely defined as engaging
Starting point is 00:33:41 in a major conflict for the cause. Being arrested is not encouraged, although those who are immediately become fourth degrees because the court has registered a major conflict for the cause. Being arrested is not encouraged, although those who are immediately become fourth degrees, because the court has registered a major conflict. Serious physical fights also count, and it's up to each chapter to determine how serious the conflict must be to determine fourth. This regulation is not retroactive, and it only counts events that occurred after a brother was declared a proud boy. So that's good. Yeah, I mean, this is something I think people knew you gotta get into fights.
Starting point is 00:34:11 I do like that you get it automatically if you get arrested. So I think a lot of people were getting their fourth at January 6th, yeah. Congrats everybody, you did it finally. You did it guys, you really did it. I hope you're proud. Yeah, yeah. If somebody gets skipping guys. You really did it. I hope you're proud. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:25 Yeah. Yeah. If somebody gets skipping degrees, if someone gets a third degree, then before their second degree, the third degree is placed in a form of stasis until the previous degrees can be completed. This also works with those who get a fourth degree before their third. If the previous degrees are never completed, the degree remains in stasis. Poor one out for all the proud boys whose degrees are tragically in stasis, everybody.
Starting point is 00:34:45 That's a real heartbreaker. Sorry, folks. Yeah, tragic. Station four are politics. We are not a political group. We're a fraternal brotherhood, like the Oaxlodge or the Shriners. We are a multi-racial group that is socially liberal and welcomes gay members. Again, our only non-negotiable
Starting point is 00:35:05 rule is that you are a Western showvoness to refuse us to apologize for creating the modern world. Oh, and they clarify here, much confusion revolves around the word showvoness as women tend to assume it means sexist. It means a person displaying aggressive or exaggerated patriotism. You admit you're exaggerating things for effect. That's cool. They're defining a show being, a showvinism being showvinistic is being patriotic. Yeah, they sure are.
Starting point is 00:35:35 Like Western showvinism. So like typically, showvinism is just sort of like, thinking you're like, yeah, it's believing that like, a certain thing is superior to everything else. Like, the West is the best and so on. But like, you could generally go a Volvo show venous.
Starting point is 00:35:53 Right. But generally people associate chauvinism with the sexist part. Yeah. Is that's just where the term gets used the most, um, yeah, for obvious reasons. Yeah, not these guys. They're reclaiming. Exactly. Almost all our members are pro Trump, but there are exceptions are Pope being one of them. So I guess Dante and Aero. That's not a Trump guy. Not a Trump guy. That's good for him. All right. Um, diversity of thought. Oh, wow. A piece of ideas. Dante N Nero's webpage finally loaded the proud boy Pope.
Starting point is 00:36:27 And it's advertising Man School 202. So that's good. I got to read this to you from Dante Nero's Man School site. In 2006, I received a call from my friend and company mentor, Patrice O'Neill, to team up on a radio show. My 11 year experience as a male stripper gave me a perspective on male, female, social dynamics,
Starting point is 00:36:47 seldom experienced. Okay. Oh, okay. That's good. That's fun. This website did take a really long time to load for stuff. It took so fucking long to load. I do apologize.
Starting point is 00:37:00 I'm sure Dante Nero's man school is great. Very excited. Man school 202. Uh huh, 202. I'm sure he's really's man school is great. Very excited. Man school 202. Uh huh, 202. I'm sure he's really ironed out a lot of the props. Even better, exactly. We disavow Nazis and don't want them at our meetups. I've seen a lot of Nazis that y'all's meetups. We disavow racists and don't want them at our meetups. We allow weak beta male versions to join because our fraternity is about helping men improve their lives. And that includes all men. If however a proud boy refuses to step up to the plate, if he doesn't heed our advice
Starting point is 00:37:29 and try it, if he doesn't assimilate and engage with the group, you'll be asked to leave. Our founder Gavin McGuinness peace be upon him, all often sites his 10 ways to save America list as a compendium of proud Western beliefs. So I guess take a look at that. I'm not going to do. Oh, you sure Cody? Are you sure you're not gonna do that? Oh, it's okay. Well, you're never gonna save America that way.
Starting point is 00:37:54 Well, I want to. So fine. Yeah, you want to like that's what you were trying to do with the Bay of Pigs. I think I succeeded. Yeah. Oh, I found the blaze coverage of this outspoken comedians radical plan to save America in ten easy steps will likely rile up left and right. Oh, I think they're going to get it.
Starting point is 00:38:15 Yeah, they're going to get into this in the, that's, that's such a funny title from the blaze currently being sued for sexual harassment because one of their chief hosts Eliza sh- Eliza Schaefer was a sex pest who they had to fire. Oh, really? Yeah, no, they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they
Starting point is 00:38:37 sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they sh- they That guy. All right. So these are the 10 ways to save America. I think you're going to be surprised by some of these guys. Number one, abolish prison.
Starting point is 00:38:47 There are too many men in prison right now and we need to fix this mass incarceration problem. This obviously doesn't mean bust open the gates right now. It means we need to start going in the opposite direction and recognizing the people we are putting in cages or human beings. The following points lend themselves back to this one. Oh, that's a solid start, right? Number two.
Starting point is 00:39:06 That's a lot stronger. That's a lot stronger. That's a lot stronger. That's a lot stronger. That's a lot stronger. That's a lot stronger. That's a lot stronger. That's a lot stronger.
Starting point is 00:39:14 That's a lot stronger. That's a lot stronger. That's a lot stronger. That's a lot stronger. That's a lot stronger. That's a lot stronger. That's a lot stronger. That's a lot stronger.
Starting point is 00:39:22 That's a lot stronger. That's a lot stronger. That's a lot stronger. That's a lot stronger. That's a lot stronger. That's a lot stronger. That's a lot stronger. but gun laws are too strict in about 80% of the country and 90% of the Western world. Right now it's mostly bad guys who have guns. Good guys need them too. This will help prevent crime. Look guys, there are, there are, there are, there are, there are, there are half a billion guns in the United States.
Starting point is 00:39:36 It's only the big, if that is not enough of them to get into the hands of good guys, then that is not part of the problem. The more isn't going to solve it. Yeah. Like, there are, whatever you think about gun control, the examples of the United States should show you, more guns is not a thing that's going to change it, you think. Right. It's all good.
Starting point is 00:39:57 There are so many guns in this country. You can get a gun, if you want. Yeah. Yeah, I would like to see their research on the data. The data supporting the bad guys have guns. Right. It's like, like, give people guns. We'll actually sell them to people.
Starting point is 00:40:17 You can, yeah, they're doing that now. Yeah, they're doing that, man. In every state, they sell guns. So it's like trying to get a gun, but can't? You can get more guns than you can get a portion. That's for sure. Yeah, the people who are trying to buy guns and can't are convicted felons, many of whom are proud boys.
Starting point is 00:40:34 Which I use to go back to that point. That is what they're doing, right? Yeah, I mean, a lot of them do have criminal records and did prior to joining. Number three. Well, then those don't count, right? Yeah, they shouldn't. Because legalized drugs. Yeah, here's another good one, legalized drugs.
Starting point is 00:40:51 So that's good. Well, that's odd. That's where Megan is his inner vice. Yeah, they do phrase this oddly, take away the profits from drugs and you take away gangs and soon prisons are losing their best customers. That's an, I mean, I think that needs an edit pass. That's interesting. It's an odd way to phrase it. Yeah, they're like circling a real point there.
Starting point is 00:41:15 They're circling a real point, which is that like the state is paying the private prison industry to keep people incarcerated and also the increasing financialization of stuff like the ability of inmates to make phone calls is part of how that industry makes its money and that's deeply predatory. That's a weird way to say that, but okay, I'll give it to you. I'll give that to you for our boys. Number four, end welfare. Right now we have incentivized single mothers.
Starting point is 00:41:44 This has shattered families, especially poor families. Stop rewarding single mothers for leaving their husbands and we get the family back. With fathers comes discipline and employment with jobs comes less crime. Oh boy, yes, single moms are leaving their husbands because welfare is just so good. This is all over the place, man.
Starting point is 00:42:04 It really is. Oh. What a wild statement. What are these opinions? What is the thing on? Yeah, I mean, a lot of these guys, a lot of these guys had their wife's lead to leave them because their pieces of shit, probably who got arrested and sent to prison for committing some sort of fucked up crime. Yeah, hitting them, selling fucking fentanyl like whatever. They're all, who knows what's going on? It's very
Starting point is 00:42:32 funny that they're specifically like the problem is too many women leaving their men. Well, maybe you guys are pieces of shit. Maybe you fucking suck. Yeah. Stick a little deeper on them. Yeah. Also, didn't they say like a minute ago that they're not a political organization? Yes, but they're like, we gotta end welfare, we gotta do that. This is just a political process. Political. Yeah, they're very, I mean, obviously they're a political street gang, but you know who else is a political street gang?
Starting point is 00:43:04 Fucking blue box. Yeah, blue apron. The blue apron. Yeah, that's right. You meant ads. Yeah, they have, they have a gang. And I support that gang. They're gonna make you your food
Starting point is 00:43:21 in little prepped boxes and you're gonna like it. Mm-hmm. it's good. Say Good Scandal, one of best new podcasts of 2022, is back with a closer look at the darkness surrounding mega-church La Luz del Mundo and its leader, Nasson Joaquin Garcia. They believe that he was Jesus Christ on Earth. It wasn't even so much that he liked sex. He wanted something to pray. It's the largest cult in the world that no one has ever heard of. For three generations, the Luz del Mundo had an incredible control on his community
Starting point is 00:43:57 that began in Mexico and then grew across the United States until one day. A day of reckoning for the man whose millions of followers call him the Apostle. Their leader was arrested and survivors began to speak out about the sexual abuse, the murder and corruption. This is just a business and their product are people. They want to matar, they will kill you. Listen to all episodes now on the I Heart Ready Up, Apple Podcasts, or whatever you get your podcasts.
Starting point is 00:44:29 911, what's your emergency? You shot her! Oh my God! It's a nightmare we could never have imagined. An Achiller? Who is still on the loose? My small town rocked by murder. There are certain murders I'm scared to discuss.
Starting point is 00:44:45 In the 1980s, we're in high school losing friends, teachers, and community members, one after another, after another for a decade. We weren't safe anywhere. We're teenagers terrified to leave our own homes. Would we be next? Who is killing all the kids? And why?
Starting point is 00:45:03 In that moment, I saw rage. And why do you some want the town secrets to stay dead and buried forever? I'm not sure why you're digging up all this old stuff again, but I'd be careful. Don't say I didn't warn you, Nancy. Listen to the murder years on the iHeartRadio app Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts. And I talked to friends about the worst moments of bombing in all sorts of ways. Bombing on stage, bombing in public, bombing in life. Like the time I stole a girl's phone during a set and she dumped on stage and threw a big A-maker punch to my nose.
Starting point is 00:45:52 I wanted to know what's the worst way they ever bombed or performed way too drunk or high. It was there every time where they thought they were going to crush and they stunk it up. Subscribe to my podcast, bombing with Eric Andre to hear more crazy stories from me and my friends. and they stunk it up. network on the IR Radio app, Apple Podcast, or wherever you get your podcasts. Oh, we're back. Having a good time. Oh, the great time. Having a good time. Number five, close the borders.
Starting point is 00:46:43 We have straight, we have straight, throw, I think they meant to write from. We have straight, throw a merit-based immigration policy and have replaced it with open borders. We need to build a wall and encourage assimilation. No more Spanish schools or Chinese schools. Everyone speaks English and Patriots doesn't listen, encouraged.
Starting point is 00:47:02 Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh. Great, good guys, good, good for you. English and Patriotism isn't encouraged. Oh, great. Good guys. Good, good for you. Outlaw censorship. We have a band Chinese. Also no more censorship. censorship. Incredibly funny. Oh my God. The West has thrived with the checks and
Starting point is 00:47:21 balances open discussion provides without it fascism thrives. We need to fight for free speech not just against the government, but against discussion provides without it fascism thrives. We need to fight for free speech, not just against the government, but against the people who want to shut it down. We are now policing ourselves worse than big brother. That needs to stop. Free speech includes all speech, good and bad.
Starting point is 00:47:34 And a huge part of this brotherhood is making sure nobody is prevented from speaking. This is obviously our most important cause. Then why is it number five? Six, Cody, six. Six, sorry. Right above number seven, then right there. I'm sorry, real quick. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:51 We police each other worse than big brother? Yes, I think that's a cancel culture reference, Cody. I think it is, yeah. So there's, claiming that cancel culture is worse than big brother. Yes, yes, because they're fine with big brother as long as big brother forces people to be patriotic. People to speak Spanish. All right, well, what they don't like is cancel culture saying, hey, that's, that's kind of fucked up. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:26 Well, you know, cancel culture has absolutely led to lots of proud boy girls leaving their proud boys. Yeah. It's cancel culture when you can't hold down a job and then you hit your wife and she leaves. Yeah, you gotta you gotta blame something other than yourself. Otherwise, what do we even do in here boys? So I guess we blame women, right? Mm-hmm. Because we're proud boys. We shame the women.
Starting point is 00:49:00 Mm-hmm. It's good stuff. It's good stuff. The most important one. So glad we got to it. Finally. Yes. Number seven now, venerate the housewife.
Starting point is 00:49:12 Proud boys are encouraged to put a ring on it and knock her up. We need to make more proud boys, the younger encouraged to sew their wild oats, but as we get older, committing to a family becomes more and more important. With the family comes a deep respect for the housewife. We push back against the feminist notion that shaping human lives is somehow selling out. We see housewives as sentient beings who have an incredible gift. So there you go. Made you proud babies. Yeah. Proud, proud babies. Glorify the entrepreneur. Western liberalism scoffs at the rich and those who put it all on the line to improve our lives.
Starting point is 00:49:49 We recognize the incredible sacrifice this takes. And we are in awe of all the great entrepreneurs throughout history who got us here. Proud of your entrepreneurs. Why don't they name any of them? I yeah, tell me. great question, great question. Nine, recognize the West is the best. This is just a hate fact. America was not stolen from the Indians, and it was not built on slavery. A hate fact.
Starting point is 00:50:15 Yeah. Europe and Britain were not built on colonization. We fought hard to be number one, and we won. All other cultures are not really different. What the fucking kind of thing is that to say? Sorry, like, we didn't colonize, we fought hard and won. We fought right, I didn't colonize, we like take over. I said, I didn't conquer that shit, like what?
Starting point is 00:50:35 And then made it a colony. Yep, sorry. And then the colony, in the middle of your sentence, I just couldn't, I couldn't. You couldn't contain it. I couldn't stop, I'm, you couldn't contain it. I couldn't stop. I would continue. I'm not so sorry. Yeah, it's, it's good. All other cultures are not merely different than us. They are worse. That's how that ends. Oh, yeah. Okay. So we didn't colonize or conquer anything. We merely fought and won against the losers who suck.
Starting point is 00:51:09 Yeah. Golders are bad. Who are every other culture in history? Again, I'd like to check their sources and their data on where they're getting this information. Not really. Yeah. information, not really. Yeah, no, not really. So next is shut down the government. We have no respect for the institutions that rob us of our hard-earned wages.
Starting point is 00:51:35 We don't expect another man to handle us our freedom and determine our destiny. We may not be anarchists, but we always want the government brought down to the absolute minimum. And it also needs to ban Chinese schools. I was going to say, Jason, you want to ban the government, but we always want the government brought down to the absolute minimum. And it also needs to ban Chinese schools. I was gonna like, I was just saying, Jason, you want to ban the government, but you also want to give, make sure everyone has a gun and ban other languages and do all these things. Yeah, it's a, how are we gonna do that? How are you gonna do it?
Starting point is 00:51:58 There's a, I forget which, because it's some right-winger, there's a conservative quote that I actually like the quote, they just don't actually, they never mean it, but it's a, I want a government small enough to drown in my bathtub, which is a thing that I want legitimately in a lot of ways, but is not a thing any conservative actually advocates for because they have increased and expanded the security state every chance they've gotten. They're lying to you. They're lying to you. They're lying to you. They're lying to you. They're lying to you. They're lying to you.
Starting point is 00:52:28 They're lying to you. They're lying to you. They're lying to you. They're lying to you. They're lying to you. They're lying to you. They're lying to you. They're lying to you. They're lying to you. They're lying to you. They're lying to you. They're lying to you. They're lying to you. They're lying to you. They're lying to you. They're lying to you. They're lying to you. They're lying to you. They're lying to you. They're lying to you. They're lying to you. They're lying to you. They're lying to you. They're lying to you. They're lying to you. They're lying to you. They're lying to you. They're lying to you. They're lying to you. They're lying to you. They're lying to you. They're lying to you. They're lying to you. They're lying to you. They're lying to you. They're lying to you. They're lying to you. They're lying to you. They're lying to you. They're lying to you. They're lying to you. They're lying to you. They're lying to you. They're lying to you. They're lying to you. They're lying to you. They're lying to you. They're lying to you. They're lying to you. They're lying to you. They're lying to you. They're lying to you. They're lying to you. They're lying to you. They're lying to you. They're lying to you. They're lying to you. They're lying to you. They're lying to you. They're lying to you. They're lying to you. They're lying to you. They're lying to What will it be boys? What will it be? Yeah. So station five, the end. This should serve as a general guide for starting your own chapter. There has been a lot of talk about whether a Muslim should be allowed in. The elders have not settled this nor will they talk about an antiquated ban on abdos.
Starting point is 00:52:57 I think they're talking about abboridginals. They use the word elders. Yeah, yeah, that's the leaders of the proud boys. That's creepy. Yeah. Is Abos, what else would that mean? I'm going to check that, is that like a slur? I think it's Aboriginal.
Starting point is 00:53:15 Yeah. Yeah, my guess is it's a slur for Aboriginal people. That's what's, yeah. Oh, yes, the racial slur database has come through when they wet again. Did they say they welcome all races? They sure did. Wow, there's some fascinating ones on here. Although the racial slur database listed as ABO, whereas the proud boys listed as ABBO,
Starting point is 00:53:38 but there's numerous misspellings in this, so that doesn't really mean anything. Okay, I'm pretty sure that's what that is. There are other general guidelines that don't matter. We hate flip flops and cargo shorts. Fedora's are banned. We like to stick to classics like Levi's Chuck Taylor, Van Eras, Clark's Desert Boots, Jay Crew Wing tips, Pendleton, Woolrich Filson, and Ray Bans. We encourage proud boys to be well dressed in colored shirts, especially when talking
Starting point is 00:54:08 to the media. The uniform, which is not mandatory, but highly encouraged for rallies, is a black Fred Perry polo with gold piping. A goal for the club is for people who try to shut down free speech to see a deep, a sense of fear when they see the black and gold appear at a rally. It signifies a group of men who are prepared to fight back. A recommended shoe is the black red wing classic moccasin toe boot boot leg proud boys t shirts are all
Starting point is 00:54:31 over the internet and there is no official one as of yet. We encourage the free market and enjoy seeing proud boys benefit from their own club. Each individual chapters have full autonomy. We fully believe in chapter rights and have no mandatory terms outside of the West is the best. This is not a Gavin McGinnis fan club, although the movement was created via the Gavin McGinnis show. Many members haven't even seen the show. This is about taking our civilization back. This
Starting point is 00:54:53 is about rebuilding the patriarchy. There are dozens of chapters and they are all over the world. We have a proud boy in the White House, Lucian Windrich, not anymore. And we have a proud boy making it. Yeah. Holy. All right. Yeah, we have a proud boy's making international headlines as they destroy the left. Mike Cernovich, Charles C. Johnson. They're, yeah, I get not political though. Household names. Oh, yeah. There are charity events, fundraiser, release, free speech, and legions of proud boy's
Starting point is 00:55:19 girls, and even a comedy tour, not anymore. We are creating documentary shows, podcasts and changing the course of history. It's incredible to be, it's an incredible time to be proud of who you are. We tried shaman apologies. It didn't work. It's more than just a time to say no. It's time to fight, which they did on J6 and it didn't, it didn't go well for them. And yeah. Yeah, they didn't get to hang. So that's all very funny. That's extremely funny. I do like the, they, they slipped in that they prefer moccasins to boots. But also, what is a moccasins toe boot? It's like, I mean, it's a boot that
Starting point is 00:55:58 it draws from like moccasins. Oh, right, right. But also, you should finish your sentence. Oh, just that like it's, you know, they're like this big like Western civilization we invented where the best we did everything. Well, why are you using that the culture's toe for your boots? Why prefer moccasins? Well, they've taken a few things. It's taken in lesser cultures. Yeah, exactly. Let's talk a little bit about what happened after all of these proud boys get arrested. So January 6th, they're very happy. There's like, there's another manual they have. Yeah, what to do. No, they had not, so they had not really prepared properly for this.
Starting point is 00:56:38 And it's, it's very funny because like in the wake of everything falling apart for them, Like in the wake of everything falling apart for them, there was a, like a signal voice chat thing that they had that again got recorded. Oh, sorry, it was through telegram. So they had like a big, this was in like February, I think, first after it became clear that the feds were coming for everybody who was at J6, where they had this like big panicked meeting. And it's very funny. Because they had all of these different voice notes where they had talked about storming the Capitol before. And then after this, everybody's panicking. All of the people who weren't
Starting point is 00:57:20 at January 6th were yelling at the people who were at January 6th and being like, you guys have fucked us. You didn't have any kind of op-sec. And like now everyone's going to get arrested and we're screwed. And Antifa has better op-sec than we do. It's really funny. So yeah, that's good. That's very funny. I like taking so long to get to that conclusion.
Starting point is 00:57:44 Yeah. obviously. Look, we're laughing. The proud boys are still a threat. They still are an organization that can do that, like, we'll continue to do damage. They've been behind a lot of these, like, school board meetings. You know, there's always proud boys at these protests at drag shows and LGBT key events. They're still dangerous and fucked up, but it is worth noting that for all of this rhetoric they have about being this great fraternal organization of real men who understand masculine values, the instant the state crack down, they all fucking rolled on each other. and values the instant the state crack down, they all fucking rolled on each other. Um, yeah. That's because they aren't proud.
Starting point is 00:58:28 Then they're proud boys. Yeah, they certainly weren't proud when the FBI came to their doors. They, they, they became less proud. Uh, and more boys. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah. Anyway, that's what, yeah. Well, this was a fun little treat. Yeah. Everybody happy.
Starting point is 00:58:50 Everybody feel good about. I'm having a proud. Now, I'm proud of my boy, Cody. Thank you. For the Bay of Pigs thing. Yeah. I am proud of Cody. Look, I don't support the Bay of Pigs, but I'm proud of Cody for getting out of his comfort zone. Yeah, absolutely. That's a lot for you, Cody. That's a really good deal. We all know that you don't like to go outside. You don't like to interact with people or...
Starting point is 00:59:13 Exactly. Well, and I can just remember that for years before that, you would always say, you know, whenever we got to talking, you'd be like, I just don't think I'm ever going to attempt to overthrow a sovereign nation using CIA mercenaries. And I'm just proud of you for trying, Cody. You know, you're proud of me. I'm facing your fears. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:32 You know, I've wasted time, I've wasted me. So say I'm slow for my age, LA Bloomer. Okay, I agree. That I've been one right kid, you know, some sun, some pride and some joy, but I'll get over these lousen up messing up screwing up times Wow, yes, definitely definitely not that I can see why they left that one on the cutting room floor Yeah, we don't we don't maybe we don't need that one. I need it. It's not very good. What was it? Move on? I need it. It's never again. What was it? Move on?
Starting point is 01:00:10 Oh, is it a laden? Okay. Okay. That no, that makes a little more sense. That makes a little more sense. Some say my gold brick a goof off no good with that couldn't be all that I am. Oh, it's nice. I just really like to think of them Seeing this that they're meeting. I It's nice nice. I just really like to think of them seeing this that they're meeting I Like once a night shoot I didn't sing the song yet today. I got to do a Like like laying in the bed softly Singing it to your kid as a lullaby Helped you get to sleep the The proud babies, by the way. Proud babies. Baby.
Starting point is 01:00:47 It did quite land when I said it earlier, so. Thank you again. You give it a go? Exactly. You got to be proud of your thing you said. I'm a little proud baby. Okay. Speaking of things you're proud of to you too, how many things you'd like to plug?
Starting point is 01:01:04 Why wouldn't they call them, instead of proud boys' girls, call them proud babes? That's better. That's better, right? But that does not apply. That does imply possession. Proud boys' girls implies ownership.
Starting point is 01:01:19 Yeah. It's not proud boys like the way we read it. It's like with a apostrophe. Yeah, the girls who's not proud boys like the way we read it. It's like with an apostrophe. Yeah, the girls who are not the proud people. The proud boys is girls. Yeah, exactly, exactly. So if you'd answer your question, yeah, we've got good shows.
Starting point is 01:01:37 Our YouTube channel is called Some More News. Our podcast is called Even More News. You can listen to them both in the same audio feed. Cody, you take it away if the rest is the thing. Those are all true things. You can also watch the YouTube channel. Like you said, we've got our own personal social media accounts. If you pick up our names,
Starting point is 01:01:57 we've got a slash some more news. And we got merch with warm bow on it. Okay, this isn't an end. I know, this is I just like saying all the things. Yeah, we got a show some more news, even more news, check them out. We love you. Hey, how's it going? That's what we got. All right. Well, that's all that we have to until next week. that we have to until next week. This has been behind the bastards. A podcast that will continue on from now until the heat depth of the universe. And the buy right. It's in the bylaws.
Starting point is 01:02:40 Behind the bastards is a production of Cool Zone Media. For more from Cool Zone Media, visit our website or check us out on the iHeart Radio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Now I'm passing that knowledge on to you and my new daily podcast, Icedees Daily Game. In less than five minutes, I'll break down why these words matter and reveal personal stories that show them in action in my life. Listen to Icedees Daily Game every week day on the I Heart Radio app Apple Podcast or wherever you get your podcast
Starting point is 01:03:22 and start your morning with me. Hey, what's up y'all, this is Eric Andreik, but I made a podcast called Bomming or wherever you get your podcasts So how does a half American half-nic arrogant party girl from New Orleans with absolutely no journalism experience break the biggest story of the eights That's what journal least is all about. I'm a woman, wife, theater, t-shirt, not wearing a bra. Curses like a saver. I got balls bigger than any man. Dan Rathick used to call me his secret weapon. Listen to Journalista every Tuesday on the iHeart Radio app, Apple Podcast, or wherever you get your podcast.
Starting point is 01:04:18 Apple Podcast or wherever you get your podcast.

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