Behind the Bastards - Part Two: Bobby Fischer: Chess Nazi

Episode Date: February 16, 2023

Mia Wong is once again joined by Robert Evans to finish the story of Bobby Fischer.See for privacy information....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Alphabet Boys is a new podcast series that goes inside undercover investigations. In the first season, we're diving into an FBI investigation of the 2020 protests. It involves a cigar-smoking mystery man who drives a silver hearse. And inside his hearse look like a lot of guns. But are federal agents catching bad guys or creating them? He was just waiting for me to set the date, the time, and then for sure he was trying to get it to happen. Listen to Alphabet Boys on the iHeart Radio app, Apple Podcast, or wherever you get your podcasts. What if I told you that much of the forensic science you see on shows like CSI isn't based on actual science?
Starting point is 00:01:21 And the wrongly convicted pay a horrific price. Two death sentences in a life without parole. My youngest? I was incarcerated two days after her first birthday. Listen to CSI on trial on the iHeart Radio app, Apple Podcast, or wherever you get your podcasts. This is behind the bastards, a podcast about the worst people in all of history, one of whom is in fact, Bill O'Reilly. But we are not talking about Bill O'Reilly today, we are instead talking about Bobby Fisher, chess Nazi. Also featured in the Hilltop Hood song, Cosby's Sweater, which is not about Bill Cosby's crimes, it's actually a reference to Biggie. So it's okay, it's fine, you can enjoy the song.
Starting point is 00:02:38 Mia, how are you doing? Doing okay, we're heading into the downhill stretch of this Friday afternoon and also the downhill stretch of the life of one Bobby Fisher. That's good, I am ready for it to be the downhill stretch of Bobby Fisher's life. Unfortunately it gets really bad before it gets over. It hasn't been good yet. It's only getting worse until it gets better against the end. Okay, well let's roll. Ruin my Friday afternoon please.
Starting point is 00:03:19 When we last left the hero of American chess, Bobby Fisher was the hero of the free world, the chess world champion and also people are just dropping piles of money on him and he refuses to pick any of it up. He does just no promotions. Everyone wants to pay him and he's just like, no. He does do one thing after this and that one offer that he does take is to go play a tournament in the Philippines in 1973. Awesome. This is where Fisher gets into the business he's going to be in for the rest of his life, which is the dictator business. Now, okay, it's important to note that this is the year 1973, right? This is the year after future pod subject Ferdinand Marcos staged his military coup and became a dictator of the Philippines.
Starting point is 00:04:11 He has already tortured people. He's going to torture tens of thousands of people. He's going to inflict a rate of terror on the beleaguered people of the Philippines and Fisher just spends this whole tournament there like hanging out with Marcos and his wife. And he's having a great time. That sounds like one of the worst dinners imaginable. He likes it, apparently. I'm sure he liked it. I'm saying it sounds like one of like the dinner conversation.
Starting point is 00:04:38 Just absolute like trashed here. Oh, God. Yeah, no one has ever. Well, actually, that's not true. They did. They did actually accuse Bobby Fisher of having good taste before he proved them wrong. But it's, you know, he like this is one of the places that like always sort of sticks with Bobby Fisher. Like he likes the Philippines so much that like he's going to move here eventually.
Starting point is 00:05:05 And Fisher's reaction to, you know, the Marcos dictatorship is like this rules. I love it. And eventually the tournament ends. He is back to the U.S. And there's good news and bad news. The good news is that he breaks with the church of God because their doomsday prophecies keep failing. He's literally the only guy to ever do that. He really just was like, OK, world doomsday prophecy number four.
Starting point is 00:05:31 Like none of them are working. So that's the good news. Yeah, he's out of the cult. The bad news is that one of the first things he does when he comes back to California is buy a copy of the protocols of the Edelman's Zion. Oh, good. Yeah, no, that's that's that's great. The great move, Bobby. This is going to send him in some good directions, I think.
Starting point is 00:05:50 Because so far my main problem with this guy is he's not yet keyed in enough on esoteric Nazi propaganda. So the other book that he gets is called Nature's Eternal Religion by Ben Klassen, who is like. Now that's that's actually esoteric. Very good. Oh, yeah, Bobby. Nice work. He's like a weirdo. He's a really fanatical like racist and anti-Semite.
Starting point is 00:06:13 He's one of these guys who was like, like Christianity is actually Jewish. So it's it's it's not like white enough. So we need to be like not Christians. And he he's the founder of OK. So the thing that he found is the World Church of the Creator was concerned in the creativity movement. And they're most famous for producing the mass shooter Ben Smith. And I need to make a note here. This is not the shooter.
Starting point is 00:06:38 The mass shooter named Ben Smith from Portland from last year. This is a completely unrelated mass shooter named Ben Smith from 1999. Look, if you're listening to this podcast and you're also a Ben Smith, your your asses. We got an eye on you, motherfucker. Be careful. Don't do any bad things. Yeah, please, God, we don't need it. We don't need a third Ben.
Starting point is 00:06:58 It was played out after the first time. It was played out before the first time. It's definitely played out before the third time is not the charm. Do not enough enough with the Ben Smith. Anyway, make this just a normal name again. This Ben Smith goes on just like a murderous rampage shooting black Jewish and Asian people before just like going out like a tiny baby in a car chase. And at this point, Bobby's getting like real weird with anti-Semitism.
Starting point is 00:07:27 He sends his two Jewish friends a copy of a book called The Secret World Government by... Oh, God. I actually... OK, I have confidence I can kind of do this name. Major General Count Cherub Spira Dinovich. Which, by the way, that book... No, that's not a name. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:07:44 I'm sorry. You need to walk me through how that fucking thing is spelled because I simply don't believe you. It's C-H-E-R-E-P-DASH-S-P-I-R-I-D-O-V-I-C-H. What kind of fucking... Wait, sorry. What kind of place is this motherfucker from? This guy is a Russian white... A Russian white...
Starting point is 00:08:05 Well, he was originally a Russian admiral and then like a Russian white army admiral. Yeah, yeah. So he's in the fucking pro czarist. See, look, you're not going to hear me stand up for the Bolsheviks all that often, but... My God, did those people suck? Look, any culture that's putting out names like that, you're going to have to line some people up in a basement. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:08:31 It's the only thing to do with names like that. This is one of those guys who like they absolutely should have shot. He's... No, that's an unacceptable name. Yeah. Well, also, he's like a major guy who's he's basically like an anti-Semitism organizer. Yeah. That sounds right for the white army.
Starting point is 00:08:48 Yeah. So he writes this book about how a Jewish Mongol cabal is running the world. Oh, sure. Yeah. No, that honestly, that's I actually I'm back to having respect for this guy because that is not one I have heard of every kind of Jewish cabal except for a Jewish Mongol cabal. That's very good. I think I actually...
Starting point is 00:09:09 Okay. My understanding of this is that this is the thing about like... No, it makes sense. There are certain kinds of... Yeah. There's like kinds of Russian nationalists who are like insane about the Mongolian like the invasions. Well, and there's a big part of especially this era of anti-Semitism.
Starting point is 00:09:24 I mean, it bleeds through to today, but one of the big things Hitler would talk about is the idea that like all forms of social justice and tolerance are Jewish plots and the Mongols for all of their flaws, we're pretty tolerant of other religions, right? That was like a factor in their governance. Like they didn't really care what you believed. Yeah. They did. Okay.
Starting point is 00:09:46 They did lots of genocides, but not because you believed something different. It's their mode of genocide is are you a pastoralist or not? Which is a very different thing from this kind of stuff. I can see someone being like, well, the Mongols were tolerant of other religions and so that's part of this like Judeo-Bolshevik conspiracy to water down, you know, orthodox Christendom. Except he thinks the Mongols are like still like it's a it's a Mongol Jewish. I don't know. He's very weird.
Starting point is 00:10:14 Is it like the Mongol equivalent of the guys who think that the Queen of England still secretly rules the world? I don't know. I didn't read this book because I was like, I'm not. I can't. Yeah. I read so much bullshit for this episode. That's like absolutely not.
Starting point is 00:10:29 Look, find a find a Mongol and ask them, are you secretly running the world? I, well, I have family inter-mongolian research, which is not actual Mongolia, but it's pretty close. I could probably get across the border. I have always wanted to go. I want to go specifically for Nadam, which is like this, this big multi-day everybody goes to the city, Ulaanbaatar, and they wrestle and do horseback archery and drink heavily. And it sounds like exactly the kind of thing that I want to do.
Starting point is 00:10:57 It sounds like a good fucking rip. Unfortunately, back in things that don't rip, Fisher, like he's just full on like, like entering his Nazi crank phase. Like he, well, okay, so that book we were talking about, he sends that to like a Jewish couple who's been his friends since like childhood. And they just stopped talking to him because they're like, Bobby, what the fuck? Yeah. Bobby.
Starting point is 00:11:25 Bobby keeps trying to write books about him and he keeps trying to sue them because he's like, no one can write about me unless they're me. And everyone's like, that's, that's not how the law works. That's not how writing works, Bobby. Yeah. I'm sorry. Okay. And, you know, the sort of peak of this is in 1975, he's supposed to defend his world
Starting point is 00:11:43 championship, right? And Manila offers five million dollars to host the event as like a PR thing for his old buddy Fernand Marcos, and this is, this is still, this is 27 million dollars in today's money, which is like, and in 1975, like that is a, that is a truly terrifying amount of money. Yes. And Bobby is like, no, I will not play this tournament unless you agree to change the font format of like the championship to this weird format where like, okay, so normally the way scoring works in chess is if you get a, if you ever draw, both players get half
Starting point is 00:12:16 a point. And if you, and if you win, you get one point and you're trying to get to like a certain number of points. Sure. Bobby is like, no, no, no, no. Draws no longer give you any points, you plane on limited number of games to get to 10 wins, and if they both are at 9-9, it's like, there's a draw and Fisher keeps being the champion.
Starting point is 00:12:33 Okay. And Fide is like, okay, like. Sounds a little stacked in his favor like he was complaining about the Russians being, but all right. Yeah, yeah. And Fide is like, okay, like whatever, fine, like we'll, we'll, we'll, we'll let you do this. Like the 9-9 thing is kind of a normal thing.
Starting point is 00:12:50 There have been rules previously where like if the score is a tie the world champion keeps being the world champion because they haven't been defeated Okay, but but Fide is like, okay. We cannot let you play an infinite number of games Because if like you can act you could actually just get an infinite number of games, right? Because chess draws a lot and Fide is like come on man Like we'll cap it at 36 games that that's enough and Fide and Fisher is like, okay you do this or I'm out and And the chess federation is like, okay, he's bluffing, right? He'll come around eventually Fisher instead of doing that resigns his title
Starting point is 00:13:26 Because he says Fide won't let me defend it. So I'm resigning Which like that is not what happens It's not that Fide didn't let you defend your title It's you refuse to play unless they stack the rules the way you wanted them to be and then you like resigned huh It's very weird and at this point So the guy who was supposed to play was Anatoly Karpov who's like of the the famous Casper of Karpov rivalry and Karpov is really pissed But I don't think you can do about it, right? Like you can't fee can't force Bobby Fisher to play chess. So
Starting point is 00:13:59 Karpov just becomes the world champion because Fisher refuses to show up well Okay, Bobby Good call. I don't know seems like you're making the right move for your career Yeah, you know at this point with Fisher is busy doing other stuff and by doing other stuff I mean he's turning into like a weird fitness bro guy. Oh Awesome. Oh man, is he becoming like a fucking like fucking chest influencer? Like is he is he going? He's doing a reverse Andrew Tate. No, but here's here's the thing that like actually he's just doing an Andrew Tate
Starting point is 00:14:32 No, cuz he's not actually coming in influence he this next phase of his life is he spends 20 years basically in the wilderness and Oh, and not talking to anyone and so well this I support actually Yeah, also, I think Fisher was actually good at chess unlike Andrew Tate. That's true Yeah, so what one of my thesis of this episode is that Fisher's not actually as good as everyone thinks he is just that nobody had ever seen real chess in the night in like the fucking 1970s Like I will do this rant later, but okay, so here here here is Bobby Fisher
Starting point is 00:15:06 What what he's fucking doing? Well, he's not playing the world championship. He's mostly playing in quote every day He'd drink one or two pint glasses of carrot juice one right after another Dozens of vinyls of vitamin pills Indian herbal medicines Mexican rattlesnake pills lotions and exotic keys were piled on tables and ledges everywhere All to keep him what he believed was a strict healthful diet and to treat some ailments He had from time to time Uh-huh, so he's taking rattlesnake pill. He also doesn't really think he like won't go to die very very normal man Yeah
Starting point is 00:15:41 and it's a so you know that he basically like locks himself in his apartment and then what he spends all this time doing is like Looking over chess games and then yelling about the moves people play so loudly that like people will walk past his apartment and Hear someone yelling and be like what the fuck is going on here and the second thing that he's doing and And and this is another like kind of famous Fisher story is that he's walking around handing out Nazi pamphlets Which oh, okay. Yeah, but the thing about this is very this is okay This is like fully his crank phase right because if he wanted to be like an actual Nazi propagandist He could have gone to the medias are talking about them
Starting point is 00:16:19 But instead what he's doing is he's literally like like standing on the street corner with pamphlets and then like putting Nazi pamphlets on like people's windshields well, I mean I Guess I do prefer that Oh, definitely Version of this active not well, okay. Well, we'll get to what he is good at but Well, let's go that he refuses to like take work or like make any money from endorsements Which again, everyone is trying to pay him. He just refused to sign contracts at this point because he's so paranoid And so this means that he has no money, right?
Starting point is 00:16:54 And he blows through all of his original chest real championship money and in order to like survive He starts living off his sister's social security checks He's doing he's actually doing a reverse Hitler here. Yeah, he has fully turned into like into a California beach bomb He's like moving from rented room to rented room like yeah He he at one point he moves in with the sister, but like she kicks him out of his house for his anti-semitism Wait, so she's she's but wait is he stealing the money from her or is she She just doesn't want him in the house. I guess that makes sense. Well cuz like she this is like like But basically until this incident where he gets like even tell the end of his life really like his mom still keeps in touch with him
Starting point is 00:17:38 Like they're still talking but they like have an agreement never to talk about politics because Fisher will start ranting about Anti-semitic world conspiracies. Yeah, I mean that's normally Yeah, okay, very very. Yeah, I I don't know. I don't know what you do with Bobby Fisher. I'm not gonna I'm not gonna backseat Bobby Fisher's mom her. She's she's made a lot of mistakes though I think we can agree on that. Yeah, I mean I would argue a lot of it isn't her fault like it was like a lot of a lot of what happens to Bobby Fisher is literally just Like do you know how hard it is to raise two children as a single mom who also has she also was working class in like In nineteen like nineteen after forty-five. Yeah, yeah, like yeah, it's like it's it's I don't know
Starting point is 00:18:22 She she has a hard time, but she is like an impossible task and I don't know maybe maybe don't let him go to Cuba with the guy we're in the swastika pin, but I Don't know the other thing that's going on this period. I feel like wait. This was Castro Cuba, right? No, that would that was pretty okay. No, this was yeah, this is Batista Cuba. Okay. Yeah I feel like Castro Cuba probably wouldn't a lot of guy with a swastika pin in right that has to be one thing They'd be good effect to be fair to be fair. He did really like Franco. So Yeah Well, you never know you never know. Okay, so the other thing about a Fisher like his one of his other baby
Starting point is 00:19:01 He's he's like from the time he wins the world championship. He becomes absolutely convinced the KGB are trying to kill him and So he starts walking around with like like basically like belts of potions They're supposed to save me for trying to poison him at one point later He starts wearing like the modern equivalent of like like a 1600s buff coat. He's wearing this like leather jacket That's like like five inches thick because he's like if they try to stab me Okay, you know what I was I was worried you were gonna be like yeah He started walking around with a bunch of guns and this was gonna go in a dark But potions and leather armor is pretty cool
Starting point is 00:19:39 He is he is kitted out like he's heading to Baldur's Gate Yeah As a result of this right he like it gets to the point where Nobody even recognizes him as Bobby Fisher anymore There's at one point. There's a very famous story about him where so okay He's in California. He's like wandering around the streets and there's a there's a robbery nearby and The cops think that he matches the description of the of the suspect And so they arrest him and then they just keep him there because they think he's sketchy
Starting point is 00:20:14 He after this happens He writes this pamphlet called I was tortured in the Pasadena jailhouse and I'm gonna read a little bit of it because I think it gets At what's going on in his mind at this point. I was immediately handcuffed in a brutal fashion The police pushed my hands away way up my back and caused me considerable discomfort and pain Later I saw about the metal had torn into the flesh of both my wrists I was put in a police car But I was unable to move far back enough for them to close the door because there was some kind of hump in the middle Of the back seat after several attempts to shut the door by brutally pushing my right leg with his left leg
Starting point is 00:20:47 The officer finally succeeded in closing the door by pushing My leg in with the door itself that that sentence has been going on for like a century Yeah, later. I saw that my right knee had turned black and blue and like he you know It like he the stuff he's talking about like he starts he talks about how he was like stripped naked and like forced to Say in an empty cell with no food or water and like a lot of people kind of make fun of this And I think this is absolutely plausible Like yeah, this is all stuff that like, you know people people who I know have been in jail I've like had cops do this to you because yeah cops
Starting point is 00:21:21 But on the other hand, he's like fully in crank mode now And he's fully convinced that like this entire thing is a setup and it's been like orchestrated by like Well the Jews because he's unbelievably at Hispanic at this point He's convinced that like this whole thing is like a government plot And you know the thing about this right is if he'd actually gone to like the New York Times and Been like hey, I got tortured by the cops. They would have covered it, right? Like he every everyone still wants to talk to him But instead he's fully he's fully a crank now and he just like publishes his pamphlet with like a thousand dollars of his own money
Starting point is 00:21:56 And like walks around handing out copies like on the street to people And meanwhile like like and people are people are like just this is like the 1980s They're still just throwing money at him, right? Like at one point so people were willing to take to spend $10,000 literally just take his picture and he's like no, you know, you can't take a picture me no and You know, this is this is how he spends the 80s It's just sort of like another crank like on the street screaming about like Jewish conspiracies
Starting point is 00:22:27 And I think like if he was in 2023, right, I think he actually would have done great Like he you know, he'd have he'd basically would have been you basically would have been yee, right? He'd have a podcast he'd have like a giant entourage of like people who kind of have their shit together but he were also Nazis but like You know part of part of thing about this period is you know the 1980s have the white power movement But they don't have the kind of like media infrastructure that like someone like Alex Jones or for example. No, they're they're just starting to build it Yeah, guys, what year is this again? Well, it's like the whole 1980s. I think yeah, yeah
Starting point is 00:23:01 So you've got guys like Tom Metzger and David Duke and they're building media But most of it is like what you'd call zines and stuff coming out. Yeah stuff like the Liberty Lobby Willis Carto Oh, we're gonna get to this out there with yeah a lot more kind of a a Sophisticated stuff, but it is it is not they do not have the kind of media reach that they yeah And and the other thing about this right like I so it's not clear to me if any of these guys ever tried to contact Fisher It's possible they did but the problem is he's only point of contact Was that Jewish family that he sends all sent all those anti-semitic conspiracies to so no one can actually get in contact with him
Starting point is 00:23:37 Because like his friends to stop talking to him because they were like, okay, you're too much of an anti-semit like I'm Jewish like okay But eventually in 1990 Boris Spatsky like I don't I don't remember exactly how he did He fun he finally finds some way to like get in contact with Fisher about doing like a rematch the world championship With like 2.5 million dollars on the line Spassky's original partner like pulls out of this because he realizes that Bobby Fisher was a Nazi And these were the heady days when like people occasionally would see someone who's a Nazi and be like I'm not gonna work with this guy But you know who will wait shit. That's oh boy You know who won't work with Nazis. That's right. That's right. That's right the podcasters who
Starting point is 00:24:23 Advertise the advertisements who podcast on this shit During the summer of 2020 some Americans suspected that the FBI had secretly infiltrated the racial justice demonstrations And you know what? They were right I'm Trevor Aaronson, and I'm hosting a new podcast series alphabet boys as the FBI Sometimes you got to grab the little guy to go after the big guy each season will take you inside an undercover investigation In the first season of alphabet boys
Starting point is 00:25:00 We're revealing how the FBI spied on protesters in Denver at the center of this story is a raspy voiced Cigar smoking man who drives a silver hearse and inside his hearse with like a lot of guns He's a shark and on the good badass way Nasty sharks. He was just waiting for me to set the date the time and then for sure He was trying to get it to happen Listen to alphabet boys on the iHeart radio app Apple podcast or wherever you get your podcast I'm Lance Bass, and you may know me from a little band called in sync What you may not know is that when I was 23, I traveled to Moscow to train to become the youngest person to go to space
Starting point is 00:25:43 And when I was there as you can imagine, I heard some pretty wild stories But there was this one that really stuck with me About a Soviet astronaut who found himself stuck in space with no country to bring him down It's 1991 and that man Sergei Krekalev is floating in orbit when he gets a message that down on earth His beloved country the Soviet Union is falling apart And now he's left defending the Union's last outpost This is the crazy story of the 313 days he spent in space 313 days that changed the world
Starting point is 00:26:25 Listen to the last soviet on the iHeart radio app Apple podcast or wherever you get your podcasts What if I told you that much of the forensic science you see on shows like CSI isn't based on actual science The problem with forensic science in the criminal legal system today is that it's an awful lot of forensic and not an awful lot of science And the wrongly convicted pay a horrific price Two death sentences and a life without parole my youngest. I was incarcerated two days after her first birthday I'm Molly Herman join me as we put forensic science on trial to discover What happens when a match isn't a match and when there's no science in CSI How many people have to be wrongly convicted before they realize
Starting point is 00:27:20 That this stuff's all bogus. It's all made up Listen to CSI on trial on the iHeart radio app Apple podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts We're back. Wow, that was easily our best pull to advertising Sophie had to drop off because her phone is ringing off the hook from companies that want us to represent them on our show Oh, is is is is is is Exxon mobile on the phone? Sophie? Oh, that's a huge get. I'm very excited Mia We got the Exxon mobile account Yay, very excited Exxon mobiles going green so by I don't know let's say 20 70 or shit. So zero Zero emissions from Exxon everybody get on the Exxon train
Starting point is 00:28:15 We love every single oil rig green. Mm-hmm. This is Exxon's Exxon's goal is no animals harmed by oil spills by 2050 and they're gonna make that a reality by nuking the ocean. Wow brave Heroic courageous. Thank you Exxon. Anyway, Mia. Let's continue So all right last let's Bobby Fisher, right? He people people are refusing to work with him because he's a Nazi. So, okay What what what what he what is he saying that people are like this guy's a Nazi? eventually a He has like a kind of relationship and he's like how old is he in the 90s like
Starting point is 00:28:54 Late 40s has this kind of relationship with like an 18 year old. Yep. And he's gonna do this Okay, that's not great. That's not ideal to be fair. It's not great to be fair to Bobby Fisher I don't I couldn't find any evidence that he actually did anything with anyone underage but He he really seems to like like 18 and 19 year olds and at one point one of like this is this woman named Kita like gets a talking to him and This this is this is a description of what of what he's saying This is still a night this like in like 1990
Starting point is 00:29:28 He told her that the reason he wasn't playing like chess was because the Russians cheat and over the course of future letters and phone Calls he elaborated on his theory regarding how the games played by Kasparov and Karpov had all been pre-arranged and that he believed That Kasparov and Karpov were actually agents of the Russian regime He asked if she was Jewish everyone who is Soviet and everyone who is Jewish cannot be trusted. He affirmed So alright on the one hand we got some anti-Semitism here But I also wanted there's two other things I want to focus on one is that Okay, hey, he's still mad about those people drawing in a tournament in 1970. It's now 1990 and
Starting point is 00:30:10 to okay, so like that there was kind of collusion going on between some of the Soviet grandmasters the Kasparov and Karpov games and I cannot emphasize this enough are Absolutely not being raked. This is nonsense Kasparov and Karpov for people who don't know are like the two best chess cat-cat Karpov basically from by 1975 and then Kasparov comes in in like the mid-80s and these two are the best Indisputably the best players in the world who aren't named Bobby Fisher for like this entire period and Okay, I actually think Kasparov's better than Fisher was at his height, but Kasparov never gets to play him
Starting point is 00:30:48 Kasparov and Karpov play like a bunch of world championships against each other and they fucking hate each other It's not clear to me if any other two players in the entire history of competitive chess have ever hated each other as much as Kasparov and Karpov do Like Kasparov like to this day is a Russian dissident Karpov is like the Soviet Golden Boy as best as I could tell like to this this rivalry starts in the 80s It is now 2023. They still hate each other Karpov's now a Putin loyalist at Kasparov's still I guess a Russian dissident like at one point It gets the point where in one of the world championship matches both sides have like
Starting point is 00:31:25 Rivaling groups of like hypnotists and mystics in each act like sitting sitting in the room trying to like like hypnotize and counteract the hypnosis It's it's wild these people just like I cannot emphasize enough how much these people despise each other and how much Bobby Fisher has just like Completely gone off the rails. Are you at this whole thing is staged and And for Fisher meanwhile is like he's living in his tiny apartment that is just entirely filled with a combination of like books and Of cassette tapes that he recorded of his anti-semitic conspiracy theories And I tried to track these down and I couldn't find them. I don't know. Maybe they exist somewhere but From endgame apparently they were
Starting point is 00:32:04 Materials for quote a book that would prove how the Soviets cheated in chess Oh, the other thing he's still mad about is Nixon it turned out actually lied to him when he said he could come to the White House and Never let him go to the White House, which I guess is what you get for trusting Richard Nixon Yeah, not not not ever gonna be your best bet and he is still mad about this like 20 years later He is like incensed He didn't get to go to the White House, but while this is going on behind the scenes The cranks are still turning on this sort of like comeback match like Bobby Fisher Boris Spatsky Like world championship rematch thing and eventually they find someone willing to pay five million dollars for a match
Starting point is 00:32:49 That guy's name is oh boy. I Jediz Mir Velesovic He's often just called Gazda Jezda, which is roughly means Jezda the boss who is the president of the judo-scandic bank in what remains of Yugoslavia and It is at this point in the career of Bobby Fisher As he is about to play his first professional match of chess in almost 20 years in the remains of Yugoslavia that we need to talk about the Bosnian genocide. Oh boy So Not not not I'm gonna bet he has fun opinions on on Bosnians. Yeah. Oh, yeah, it's oh boy
Starting point is 00:33:30 so All right, and before we go any further I need to lay out an accusation here Which is that I think that most of the chess accounts of Bobby Fisher's actions in this period are at the very least lying to the readers by omission And I think a lot of them are actively engaging in genocide denial by not telling their readers like What is going on in you go in like quote-unquote Yugoslavia because it's not really Yugoslavia at this point No, no, no, it's yeah, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, right? Well, and like, you know, and the other thing about this, right?
Starting point is 00:34:00 Is it like the the place to Bobby Fisher like a Serbska and stuff? Yeah. Yeah well, so it's 1992 and like Technically speaking there is a country called Yugoslavia and when people write about this stuff like oh you play in Yugoslavia But this is this is not like Yugoslavia in the sense of like the state that had existed up until this point This is a basically a rump state controlled by genocidal Serbian ethno-nationalists and And but but by the time Bobby Fisher gets there and he gets there in late 1992, right? The series the siege of Sarajevo has already begun. There's a bunch of peace protesters have already been gunned down by Serbian militias The Yugoslav people's army quote-unquote is just fully under control of the sort of Serbian ethno-nationalist is shelling the city of Sarajevo
Starting point is 00:34:40 And like and the other thing that's important to know about the important to understand about about When Fisher gets there is that the Bosnian genocide has already started, right? Yeah, but Bosnians Bosnians are already you know being Bosnian Muslims are being routed up and killed by Serbian forces Serbian militias have already set up concentration camps. Yeah, the sort of like the mass rape of Bosnian women has started and You know, we are like by the time Fisher is going to this place to do his first public appearance in 20 years We are like well into one of the worst things that happened in Europe in a century That's all Europe have some of the worst things that's ever happened to 200,000 year history of humanity Yeah, yeah, it's like by a time that by a time the term and I started like there are already
Starting point is 00:35:22 50,000 people dead in the series of wars that sort of the Serbian ethno-nationalist have waged against sort of Croatia and Bosnia and You know, okay, like it's just gonna like to get a sort of sense of how bad things are if you're Bosnian, right? so The Serbian like ethno-nationalists have at this point They have taken control of like one of the world's best equipped armies, right? Like Yugoslavia was like a giant army. I mean so for an idea of how good Relatively competent the Yugoslavian military was Read Balkan history all the way up to the period where Tito takes over and then read Balkan history for the period where Tito is in
Starting point is 00:35:59 power, yeah They keep the Balkans for quite a while from going to war and no one else really does that Yeah, and you know and but the problem is again by this point like this the Serbians have just fully taken over that that Yeah, and but like when when the when the war against when when the Croatians like try to like when the Croatians like leave Yugoslavia because their their alternative is staying in there and being ruled by like Malosevic and these sort of like Like just absolutely Hero slow it on Malosevic. Yeah. Yeah, like what by a time they start this like the Croatians are literally they are like raiding their own museums and like
Starting point is 00:36:37 Going to film sets trying to find old World War two World War. It's like old World War. God. Why can I not say World War two? I don't know. I Wow hacking a fraud just call it WW2. Yeah. Yeah, they're finding old WW2 Or the old dub dub dose. That's that's my favorite way to say it Yeah, like like they are there they are there like in film sets Recovering weapons that were originally like dropped or like drop to the creation by Tito and the partisans in like 1943 and You know, okay, so the great if you think the Croatians are in bad shape Those are the people the Bosnians are buying weapons from
Starting point is 00:37:11 Are the guys reading their own museums for World War two era weapons? So that's gonna go well, yeah Yeah, so Bobby Fisher is playing in a chess tournament in a country that has already committed a genocide, right? They are they are already doing it is already started and this entire tournament is being run as a PR Up by Gaza Jezda as this, you know the sort of like statement against like the US and UN like Sanctions against Serbia and like, you know, we're gonna show the world how ridiculous these like oppressive sanctions are and you know You can talk about how much good those like sanctions did or didn't do I mean that there's one part of it like doesn't get talked about very much
Starting point is 00:37:48 Which is that so there's a weapons embargo, right? That's imposed on on Yugoslavia, but it's also big big because Milosevic pushes for it to get imposed on literally everyone Which means that, you know, this weapons embargo is kind of fine for like serve the sort of Serbian army because they already have all these weapons But you know the Bosnians can't now like are under sanctions and can't buy weapons anymore and you know, okay So oh wow so in an effort to stop violence the international community Limited the group of people who already didn't have guns from getting more guns and then they were victims of a genocide Good thing. That's never happened again. Yep Oh
Starting point is 00:38:28 God and you know, I mean like part of the other story about this is like the Serbians Really think and they're right for a lot of the period of time the Shenneth's going on Like they think they get the West on their side because the West will be like Oh, we need them to fight like Islamic extremism. Yep And you know that famously never led to anything absolutely horrific happening then or later But you know the reason I'm talking about all of this is you know the the economic sanctions are still sort of wreaking havoc in Serbia and But bypassing those sanctions are is like one of God's agendas like main jobs
Starting point is 00:39:01 So this guy the guy who's like paying for this tournament, right? It's running like one of the largest banks that like remains and sort of like this like shattered Like Yugoslavia shell the problem is it's a Ponzi scheme So he's offering 15% returns on deposits and everyone's like well Look at look at look at like how connected he is to like the Serbian political class Like would our leaders ever associate with someone crooked? No, this must be fine It must be that he just get 15% returns because he's not greedy and okay, so that's the part that like We can confirm. He was doing is is that he's running this Ponzi scheme. Um
Starting point is 00:39:41 Everything I feel like is really murky. There's there's these like persistent claims that he was smuggling weapons from Israel to the Serbian Army Um, yeah, the source of this is a is someone who was the former Serbian minister of defense who like testified against a blow specific at the Hague I I don't know. I think it's possible. I'm not gonna like definitively say it's true because I couldn't confirm it, but What what does seem to have been true is that this bank is part of how the Serbian government is avoiding UN sanctions Um, Melosific very quickly at like the big when you know when we start when he like starts all of these wars, right? He very quickly ceases Like billions of dollars and foreign deposits in like Serbian banks in order to get a hold of like the value incredibly valuable US dollars They contain now. Okay, so it's a little bit of economics. He stuff. You need US dollars to buy things
Starting point is 00:40:30 Yes, we have to be in the form of US dollars on one of the most important things you need to buy with that is oil Which can like it's very difficult to buy all of us not in US dollars Um, yeah, and you know, but by getting people to invest like a real American dollars or like German marks in this Ponzi scheme Which you can either buy things from Germany or used to get like dollars the government's able to bypass the sanctions and The bank itself at very least once and probably other times seems to have been like directly running oil through the blockade now just also claims that Melosific like forced him to fund a bunch of paramilitary like death squads and I don't know like the guy's a pathological liar So who knows if that's true? On the other hand, there are a bunch of death squads in this period that are getting funded by
Starting point is 00:41:16 partially the Serbian government and partially like Incredibly sketchy source. So who knows he might actually be telling the truth here. It's unclear but you know, of course, the thing that he's also just stealing an enormous amount of money because again, this is all a Ponzi scheme and And hilariously this this whole whole like show match that he's funding is actually like one of the things that brings down his bank because So here's from the Washington Post The court acted alleging that the bank had failed to make promised payments to private enterprise, which is another bank Including those releasing the Svetli Stefan the resort where Justice staged the opening games of the chess match between Bobby Fisher and Boris Boris Spasky last September
Starting point is 00:42:00 so he like defaults on like his rent payment for this resort and The court seizes like a bunch of this sort of oil that he's running through the blockade and at this point Everyone begins to sort of realize that wait. Hold on. This is a Ponzi scheme and he like flees to I he flees to Israel and then later on is like sentence ten years for like financial crime So this is the guy who's running the show match and
Starting point is 00:42:30 Okay, here's from endgame about sort of what the effect of this show matches When the match's venue was moved to Belgrade Slobodan Milosevic the president of Serbia met Bobby and Spasky and asked to be photographed with the two He used the occasion to trumpet his propaganda to the international press quote This match is important because it is played while Yugoslavia is under unjustified blockade That in its best ways proves that chess and sports cannot be limited by politics Milosevic was later charged with crimes against humanity by the international criminal tribunal on the Hague and died in prison He sure did yeah, but you know the really depressing thing about this is like this PR effort worked
Starting point is 00:43:11 Right there are vast swaths of sort of the international left including like mainstream progressives You like wouldn't expect to be you know backing a Genocidal fascist who will to this day hold that like what happened in Yugoslavia was actually like NATO torn apart from being socialist And you know like never mind the fact that Milosevic was a career banker who is like he is the guy who like does a bunch of structural adjustments Right like he like he became the butcher of the old socialist economy before he became the butcher at Bosnia And you know never mind that like his turn to like genocide left no nationalism was like what destroyed Yugoslavia never mind that like Serbian fascist carry out a genocide novels pulled off another one like there are Like enormous numbers of people who today believe that like what what happens in this war was like Serb resistance to NATO imperialism is like okay like
Starting point is 00:44:00 Yeah, like NATO sucks. Also these people were trying to kill every Muslim in Bosnia and they almost did it and This PR thing right like The other thing about about the Fisher tournament is like the kind of PR they get from this This is also a key part of how of how the Serbian regime is able to sort of like Keep at like keep anyone else from getting involved in this by sort of playing different international powers off each other so I could get more time to seize land and do the genocide and You know, okay, so Fisher doesn't care About this shit like he's like yeah, fuck it like I'll do I'll do I'll do propaganda for Bolosovic. This is fine
Starting point is 00:44:36 Um, the US tries to stop Fisher from playing the show match. So right before like He's about to leave for For Belgrade the US Treasury sends him a letter that's like Do not go it is a violation of the sanctions that we put out. I'm gonna read from the letter Violations of the executive order, which is the sanctions are punishable by civil penalties not exceeding $10,000 per violation and by criminal penalties not exceeding two hundred fifty thousand dollars per individual ten years in prison or both You're hereby directed to refrain from engaging in any of the activities described above
Starting point is 00:45:15 And Fisher Fisher's lawyer Tells Fisher like don't play this like this is actually gonna go really badly for you And Bobby Fisher's like I fuck you like I'm going to I'm going to play this chart a bit The US government can't tell me what to do. And so, you know, he does But, you know, it's sort of classic like Bobby Fisher fashion He he throws just another giant chest like temper tantrum His list of demands continue to grow. I mean, that's what he does though. Yeah, every single time And every single time so we'll set up a chess master like Bobby Fisher will be reasonable this time
Starting point is 00:45:50 It's like no You are not going to be the person that makes Bobby Fisher behave like a noble human being. He's like physically incapable. Yeah And then this is this is this I don't I don't know. I think this might be the funniest one of these that he does His list of demands continue to grow Justice strategy of appeasement was to give him whatever he wanted even though the item might not have been mentioned in the contract Bobby rejected six tables as inadequate before asking for one from the 1950 chess Olympics and Dubrovnik even though even that one had to be slightly altered by a carpenter to satisfy his demands The pieces had to have the right Hefton color when he chose the same set that had been played in the Dubrovnik Olympics
Starting point is 00:46:33 He particularly liked the small color contrast dome on the bishops. Hey, which prevented their being confused with pawns Which like you are like one of the best chess players ever. How are you getting confused between a bishop and a pawn? Like wait, okay. I don't know baffling. Uh, it's difficult to believe but Bobby rejected one set because the length of the knight's nose was too long The anti-semitic symbolism was hardly lost on those who heard the complaint Oh my god. Oh my god. Yeah Come on. Come on man. Don't Yeah, are you fucking calling your chest pieces like Like
Starting point is 00:47:13 Yeah What do you even say to that? What do you say to a man who's so racist he's racist? He scrutinizes his chest pieces to see if they have semitic noses like What is Well, apparently you've given five million dollars. I don't know. This is what keeps happening. They just keep just keep giving him money I So all right, so he shows up and he plays this match And a shit ton of journalists show up to cover this and literally there were people being herded into concentration camps
Starting point is 00:47:44 Two and a half hours away from where this match is being played, right? And the journalists are like Fuck that like there's a chess match going on and and these people and they never think about the journalist, right? You know, okay. It would have cost them like zero total dollars, right to go cover the genocide that was happening They have to pay one thousand dollars to cover the event And while they're covering the event they get some classic Bobby Fisher lines So there's a thing things he says to the press quote Soviet communism is basically a mask for Bolshevism, which is a mask for judaism
Starting point is 00:48:18 Okay, I mean that's pretty basic stuff. Yeah, but but the thing it's actually about that, right? It's like, okay, so there's like modern versions of it, right? But like normally they have like the democratic party is a massive bolshevism But like what do you mean? Soviet communism is a mask for Bolshevism. It's the same thing like yeah. Yeah, it is weird To say that Soviet communism is a mask for Bolshevism. I don't even think about that. But yes, that is deeply peculiar It's like saying these CEOs are disguising themselves as capitalists. Well, they're not really The other thing that's funny about this is like
Starting point is 00:48:51 When you re-serve a Bobby Fisher like you will constantly hear people like screaming about he has 180 IQ and it's like He's just saying shit like like he he can't even keep his anti-semitism into like coherent anti-semitic steps Like a normal Nazi can he's just saying this stuff um He also pulls like another classic of the anti-semit genre and does the like I'm on an anti-semit because jews are semites I'm sorry because Arabs are semites and I'm not anti-Arab Which is like, you know, he's really sort of he's developing the repertoire of what will become like the modern anti-semitic stuff Um, he has another line where he says someone asked him how he's doing in chess and he says
Starting point is 00:49:30 I think I'm doing quite well considering I've been blacklisted for the last 20 years by world jewelry Which is just like Yeah, you know He's just saying this to like a bunch of reporters and then they all immediately forget about this And you know the genocide that is going on two hours away and you know Everyone's back to just comparing him to Picasso and Mozart and being like, oh my god I can't believe I got a witness like Bobby Fisher playing again And and you know, okay, so I think there's two things going on here
Starting point is 00:49:56 One is that like a huge just like this is true of the press Basically forever is that a huge portion of the press corps are made up of just like absolute hacks Who just don't give a shit and in this case also are just like fervent Islamophobes So they just you know, don't care about the genocide happening outside the window And the second part about it is that they're sort of like bewitched by this chest, right? And I think like we we have a better perspective on this than they do because you know, this is the year 2023 I I have seen god play chess. I have watched alpha zero an AI program like Tara 3600 rated bought a part like tissue paper in a game that like
Starting point is 00:50:34 Only bears like a tenuous resemblance to anything you would call chess Right, like I can log into youtube right now and watch like Magnus Carlson or like ding lead ran on cork Like the sickest shit anyone's ever seen And you know and like and part of all these countries like people just better at chess now than they used to be right All these people who are like causing who are just like calling Bobby Fisher Picasso It's like yeah, okay like we we have games of chess that you can look at right now That would have made every single one of these people's brains explode like nobody nobody writes about Magnus Carlson Like he's Picasso even though again Carlson is better than Fisher is like it's basically like indisputably is better than Fisher is
Starting point is 00:51:10 And nobody would cause him this like it It you know we we no longer have to respect Bobby Fisher's chess. It is the year 2023. My dishwasher can beat him Not a joke actually could my dishwasher has enough computing power and it's a piece of shit But it has enough computing power to run a program powerful up to beat Bobby Fisher and I'm sick and tired of pretending that like That's not true anymore. You know, you know what you know what your dishwasher couldn't do is fucking Take me on
Starting point is 00:51:39 At warhammer 40,000. That's true. It actually probably 2000 points of orcs versus 2000 points of Whatever you want to pick. I'll throw your ass down. Come on dishwasher. You can't even paint You're not going to be able to get three colors in a base on those models. So I went by default You can no because you just you might be able to make that work Yeah, but you know, okay like hey back to us. What's happening here, right? Is it even even in the 90s? Right? It's been 20 years as he did this the cold war is basically over but the sort of mythos of Fisher is like still powerful enough that
Starting point is 00:52:18 Like all of these people are just sitting there while the genocide is happening fucking two hours away and are being like Oh, hey, look, it's Bobby Fisher. He's playing all the chess again And you know, this this this all is an enormous like PR success for Melosovics is almost PR success for everyone involved in this sort of genocide And Bobby Fisher is like, okay, I can I can parlay this into getting a chess career back Um, the problem is that in December of 1992, he gets an indictment from a grand jury for violating the sanctions in the US So instead of trying to restart a chess career, he's like desperately scrambling across Europe with like Some members of people who I think are like part of like the Hungarian royal family or something trying to like desperately not get like arrested For being a wanted criminal for breaking these sanctions
Starting point is 00:53:04 But you know, who's not a wanted criminal for breaking sanctions? I don't know if we can promise that Yeah, it's absolutely I'm gonna say roughly 50% of our sponsors I feel confident that it's somewhere around half of them we can prove Have never been forced Okay, you know, um, just just roll the ads During the summer of 2020 some Americans suspected that the FBI had secretly infiltrated the racial justice demonstrations
Starting point is 00:53:38 And you know what? They were right I'm Trevor Aaronson and I'm hosting a new podcast series Alphabet Boys As the FBI sometimes you gotta grab the little guy to go after the big guy Each season will take you inside an undercover investigation In the first season of Alphabet Boys, we're revealing how the FBI spied on protesters in Denver At the center of this story is a raspy voiced cigar-smoking man who drives a silver hearse
Starting point is 00:54:11 And inside his hearse was like a lot of guns He's a shark and not on the good and bad ass way It's a nasty shark He was just waiting for me to set the date, the time, and then for sure he was trying to get it to happen Listen to Alphabet Boys on the iHeart Radio App, Apple Podcast, or wherever you get your podcasts I'm Lance Bass and you may know me from a little band called NSYNC What you may not know is that when I was 23, I traveled to Moscow to train to become the youngest person to go to space And when I was there, as you can imagine, I heard some pretty wild stories
Starting point is 00:54:49 But there was this one that really stuck with me About a Soviet astronaut who found himself stuck in space with no country to bring him down It's 1991 and that man Sergei Krekalev is floating in orbit when he gets a message that down on earth His beloved country, the Soviet Union, is falling apart And now he's left defending the Union's last outpost This is the crazy story of the 313 days he spent in space 313 days that changed the world Listen to The Last Soviet on the iHeart Radio App, Apple Podcast, or wherever you get your podcasts
Starting point is 00:55:33 What if I told you that much of the forensic science you see on shows like CSI isn't based on actual science? The problem with forensic science in the criminal legal system today is that it's an awful lot of forensic and not an awful lot of science And the wrongly convicted pay a horrific price Two death sentences and a life without parole My youngest, I was incarcerated two days after her first birthday I'm Molly Herman. Join me as we put forensic science on trial To discover what happens when a match isn't a match and when there's no science in CSI How many people have to be wrongly convicted before they realize that this stuff's all bogus? It's all made up
Starting point is 00:56:25 Listen to CSI on trial on the iHeart Radio App, Apple Podcast, or wherever you get your podcasts We're back! And wow, I really enjoyed those ads for the Hungarian royal family Hey look, the current president of Hungary, not great. Why not have a king again? It went great. The last time Austria-Hungary had a king, everything went swimmingly He made good decisions and that's why everyone was, they were so happy with their king that they were like Let's try a completely different series of forms of government Yeah, it was great. Look, the First World War, as we all know, started in 1939 There was no war before that because Austria-Hungary was a great place
Starting point is 00:57:17 Yeah, it's because their king went on vacation. He just wasn't watching So, alright, one of the things that, at this point, the press has finally started to notice that Bobby Fischer's an anti-semite And their immediate thing is like, oh, it's because he's mentally ill Oh, this old, no Yeah, like people, there were like chess psychologists brought in to like diagnose him What is a chess psychologist? Are they diagnosing him based on how he chesses? Mia, did you make that up? Because that seems like a grift
Starting point is 00:57:54 There are so many chess psychologists in this story. I didn't know this existed until like I read a lot of chess books, like I played chess for years I didn't know chess psychology existed until I opened these books And suddenly there was like 17 chess psychologists trying to figure out if Bobby Fischer's okay No, no, I get parts of this because like, I think a psychologist could tell a lot of people about how they play Warhammer 40,000 For example, Dark Eldar player probably shouldn't be allowed to own guns Reasonable But you know, okay, like all these people are like
Starting point is 00:58:28 Making a lot of Warhammer jokes for about 6% of the audience You know, it's probably higher than that. It's probably like 8%, at least Maybe 9 That seems good You know, I think what's happening with this whole sort of Bobby Fischer like mentally ill thing is just like Well, there's two things. One is that they're treating him in a template of like, oh, there's like the mad genius Who's like so smart that he like goes insane in the end It's like, no, like he's not actually that smart A and B
Starting point is 00:59:01 It's not that he's a material, he's just a Nazi And people just like cannot get over that this person who'd been the like personal hero against the Soviets is like You know, if you could just be like a completely run-of-the-mill Nazi Not even like a particularly good Nazi propagandist, just like a completely run-of-the-mill Nazi yelling about people on the street Now, okay There are a couple of things that Bobby Fischer does later in life that are like Relatively famous. One of his biggest claims of fame is he invents this game called Fischer Random Chess Which is this chess variant where like
Starting point is 00:59:36 So Fischer has this theory that like like the reason chess sucks is everyone has to learn openings Which is true. You have to learn like a million moves of opening and there's all this theory and it's very annoying Because people will just come in like having spent the last like 17 years studying exactly one move ordered And so he's like, okay, well, what if we randomize the pieces on the back of the like on the back of the board's location So that you can't like plan what you're gonna do And this is a very this is supposedly very famously a thing that all you Fisher invented. I'm gonna read this passage from Endgame Eventually Bobby shifted his monologues from hatred of Jews to chess He became angry however when Laszlo showed him a book published in 1910 by the Croatian writer Izildur Gross
Starting point is 01:00:20 This book described a variant of chess that seemed to be the forerunner of Fischer Random with the exact same rules Muttering something about gross being Jewish Bobby went to change the rules of his variation to make it different from grosses Huh So yeah, he also this is also the period where he starts getting obsessed with like preserving his genius by having a child and like preserving his gene pool So he starts putting out like ads in the newspaper for like a girlfriend Um, he's yeah, the description of it is I quote they must be one blonde and blue-eyed to young three beautiful for a serious chess player And suddenly this doesn't work for reasons that are in fact incapable. We'll never understand why this failed etc etc Um, he also starts getting like he gets progressively more into like
Starting point is 01:01:18 Like he starts reading uh, what's his name? Uh, David L Hogan who's one of like the most worlds most like probably most influential Holocaust deniers And you know and but by the end of the 90s he started doing radio interviews again But the interviews are just like him doing anti-Semitic rants Like there's there's one where he just like he gets on this interview and it starts and then completely out of nowhere He just he's like let me say a few words about the Jews and it starts running about the Holocaust And he also does the like yeah and the host is like wait aren't you Jewish and Bobby does does the thing again where he was like I will I will go to the little boys room and like with my dick out and it was just like Bobby man like
Starting point is 01:02:06 I mean the title of his episode is so perfect At least he's consistent you know you gotta respect that Respect is the wrong word Yeah Yeah and this is not even like the most somatic anti-Semitic thing he says in radio and business period He also is getting like very very hardcore anti-American but like from from the anti-Semite direction And there's a story about so he's in Japan he lives in Japan for a little bit And he has a story where he goes to like he goes to a movie theater to like what I forget what the name of the movie is
Starting point is 01:02:40 But it's some movie about Pearl Harbor and when when when like Pearl Harbor starts Probably Torah Torah Torah Maybe I don't remember I don't know if it ever said what it was but he like like so that Which is also by the way the best Pearl Harbor movie No seriously it was amazing it was made with both like Japanese and American film crews It's a fucking incredible movie yeah Yeah check it out yeah it came out in 1970 so I don't know Yeah so he's like he's like so he gets in the part where like they're doing the comic
Starting point is 01:03:13 They're doing like the raids on Battleship Row and like he like jumps up and starts clapping And he's like everyone else in this theater is like a ram Japanese person like why is this dude clapping at Pearl Harbor And he's just like incredibly confused why no one else is like sitting there clapping What the fuck It's a whole thing he also there's another thing one of the other things he's obsessed with the end of his life is So he has this like storage locker that he put like some of his annotated chess games in But he doesn't he never pays the deposits and so eventually they like still hold his stuff Even so they change the deposits but then the company gets bought by another company and they're like looking through their books
Starting point is 01:03:56 They're like okay we have the storage locker full of crap that's not being paid for so we're gonna auction it off And Bobby Fisher like someone buys all of the stuff in the box and gives it to him But for the rest of his life he has this giant rant he goes on anytime someone interviews him about how he got robbed And how there were billions of dollars of merchandise in it and how there was like a giant Jewish conspiracy And about how like Bill Clinton was secretly Jewish and like was conspiring to take the ship this like holding container from him It's I don't know it's it's incredibly strange And all of this culminates in this radio interview that he gives in the Philippines on 9-11 Like literally this is like like like several hours after the towers have gone down
Starting point is 01:04:44 Yeah so I just want to play a little bit of like so you can get a sense of like what Bobby Fisher sounds like When on this this thing that his interview is giving a 9-11 to a Filipino radio station This is all wonderful news, it's time for the US to get the head kicked in To get the time to finish off the US once and for all Just the President Bush I say, just the United States The United States, the Jews, the Jews are criminal people, they mutilate their children They're a murderous criminal, stealing, lying bastards They made up the whole of us as a word of truth to them
Starting point is 01:05:18 Increasingly Yeah that Oh, oh boy Yeah Well Okay so like Bobby It's a trip, there's like, there's interesting parts of it which is like you can see we're sort of like a lot of modern American political culture is going like You will hear a lot of people say shit that sounds like that right
Starting point is 01:05:36 Yes He's just combining it in a kind of weird way There's other, so I played like a short movie, there's like this interview is like pretty long There's like, there's some kind of like, there's kind of this like Trumpian stuff in it too He has this whole rant about how like nobody has single-handedly done more for the US than me I really believe this I mean, man you Yeah
Starting point is 01:05:59 You played a game Yeah he played You moved plastic pieces around the board And like a senior, like two of the most powerful American politicians who have ever lived had to like call you in order to get you to play the game Yeah And you know, so the most famous part of it, somehow we like, okay so As this interview goes on it gets progressively more anti-Semitic And he goes on this rant about how he's hoping that like the country will be taken over by the army
Starting point is 01:06:31 And they're like, they'll like close all the synagogues down and then like start arresting everyone is Jewish and like executing them Yeah a little Q and Oni, sure Yeah and you know, this finally does not go well for Bobby Fisher And I think like, you know, Fisher's kind of Nazism I think is It's something that kind of could have worked in the modern US, but the problem is like he hasn't He's gotten to a point where he just has no ability to sort of like, like quote unquote hide his power level Like all of the modern American Nazis like believe this shit, it's just that like Yeah
Starting point is 01:07:06 They're slightly smarter than he is and don't say it out loud Yeah But you know He's a couple of moves behind you might say Yeah, yeah and like but like you know, he's also simultaneously like a bunch of moves ahead right Because like if you look at the lines he's taking right, it's like pro-Serbia and the Bosnian genocide like being against the Iraq war But also being anti-Semitic like these are all coherent political positions in the US after he dies Yeah
Starting point is 01:07:31 It's just that like he even has a rant about how he like appreciates the cultural purity of Islam because they're not like degenerate and shit Which like could have been an angry thing Yeah, yet another similarity between him and Andrew Tate Yeah, it's just that like he he just wasn't like good at doing the press And this finally Bobby Fisher like finally after literally decades of him saying shit like this And there's a bunch of other interviews before this that he's given where he says something like this Finally, you know again, and he said he's saying shit like this like what in a press conference in Belgrade while the genocide is going on And nobody cared
Starting point is 01:08:08 But he made a mistake which is that he said it on 9-11 Yeah, that's not gonna go well He is the first person on earth to learn that the line is 9-11 Right Yeah, right before Gilbert Gottfried Yeah He even beat Gilbert to that fucking punch That's one of Robert's favorite things to bring out
Starting point is 01:08:30 I love Gilbert Gottfried's 9-11 jokes Yeah, but like Fisher like okay one of the one of the enduring legacies of this though is when people write about this right like The part they're the most horrified about tends to be the celebrating 9-11 And they tend to downplay the part where he says he wants every Jew in the US routed up and killed like You know because like again it like the thing that he violated was like what's gonna become the sort of sacred tableau of like 9-11 But you know and this is finally the moment where like the chess community turns on him he gets kicked out of Fide also they let him back in later on Which is okay Fide like sure A choice
Starting point is 01:09:13 Yeah This is where we get to one of the things that I'm optimistic about the zoomers for because you really can't exaggerate the degree to which 9-11 was a religion for Americans For a very like most of the time that I was like an adolescent to a young adult and now zoomer kids will like I don't know Photoshop in fucking Burton Ernie as the Twin Towers and like think nothing of it like there is it is it has been desacralized to such an extent Because of how fucking far we went in the other direction and that's probably necessary I will say this I like Fisher I think is the is one of the few people who's ever done a 9-11 thing who genuinely deserves to be canceled for it Like it actually He deserved to be canceled a long time before this
Starting point is 01:10:05 This is one of these moments he has been saying all of this shit basically for 30 years right I mean actually 40 years because he gave his first interview where you're talking about like hitting the Jews and like fucking 1966 1962 Well right Look I think I think on behalf of cool zone media and behalf of the United States I'd like to say thank you Osama bin Laden for cancelling getting Bobby Fisher cancelled for all of us Thank you OBL yet yet another dub what what I really like having health insurance so shut the fuck up Mia
Starting point is 01:10:42 You can't get cancelled for that kind of thing anymore Sophie You can't Mia Okay so you know like you know I think I think a big part about this also was like the fact that everyone put up with this for so long was this was a sigh It was an incredible amount of time Yeah Yeah Until a man from Saudi Arabia stepped up to Oh my god
Starting point is 01:11:10 I wonder who would win in a bin Laden Bobby Fisher anti-semitism off that would have been a I don't know Pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty close That's an Aliens versus Predator situation if I've ever heard one But like you know okay like this is like although I guess I might say bin Laden did win so That's true Yeah He lived longer than Fisher did so
Starting point is 01:11:35 Yeah it'd be like you know okay like Bobby Fisher like this was the US's guy in the Cold War right like he was America's hero like this is this is this is the guy that he is but it's interesting Fisher is smart enough to recognize that he was just like nobody actually like cared about him right he was just a sort of like a tool of like like the American Cold War machine But he's a neo-nazi so the conclusion he draws from this is just like more neo-nazism neo-nazism But on the other hand after 9-11 the US actually like starts playing to go after him and in 2003 the Justice Department in a move that is defined by the Bush administration's incredibly questionable grasp on legality like revokes Fisher's passport without telling him Now they can't actually do this It's funny but not But yeah like it's you know the Bush administration versus Bobby Fisher is another one of those sort of alien predator things like it's not good In 2004 Bobby Fisher is in he's in Japan he's trying to like fly home to the Philippines and he gets arrested
Starting point is 01:12:47 Now this is kind of funny in that like Bobby Fisher getting arrested in Japan is like he really went to Japan thinking these guys were like his boys and then they hold him in airport jail which is apparently a thing that exists And then move him to a maximum security like immigrant detention facility because he just keeps on like complaining and getting in fights with the guards And okay so like it's like at one point he starts complaining that his soft boiled eggs were actually hard boiled and this leads to him getting into a fight with his prison guards I mean there is a really big difference there It's true And this is you know solidarity on the egg issue Yeah and I mean it also like Bobby Fisher is not a good guy right but it's also worth noting that like every single Japanese police officer is at all times too bad days away from like Hoisting the rising sun flag and hunting down every Korean in a three mile radius so this is another they both suck situation
Starting point is 01:13:53 Yeah like you said alien predator versus predator And at this point so Bobby is really trying to fight getting extradited to the US because if they send him back to the US the Bush administration will just put his ass in prison for like a decade And so he tries to renounce his US citizenship so he gets deported somewhere else except the problem is in order to renounce your citizenship like formally someone from the embassy has to show up and see you do it And the embassy refuses to send anyone So Fisher just doesn't own Can't even renounce your citizenship right Wait I just read where he tries to get asylum oh my god Yeah oh it's so good
Starting point is 01:14:31 Oh it's so funny So yeah okay so for the rest of his life right he claims that he's not a US citizen and the US claims that he is still a US citizen And so he tries to get asylum and so he tries to get asylum before Robert wait for this list I'm waiting I'm waiting I am here Germany, Cuba, North Korea, Libya, Iran, Venezuela, Switzerland, and Montenegro all of whom are like no fuck off
Starting point is 01:14:56 Wow Libya wouldn't even take him Gaddafi wouldn't When Momar Gaddafi won't take you Like you would have To be fair to Bobby Fisher here this is 2003 Momar Gaddafi who's like cozying up to the Bush administration So this is the worst time to be gassing Gaddafi This is the worst time
Starting point is 01:15:16 But still And North Korea they love taking people in if it'll piss off the United States Yeah and even they're like I don't know about this guy like Yeah we don't need North Korea doesn't need this press Yeah So alright well while he's in like immigration prison I don't know how to preface this so I'm just gonna read it
Starting point is 01:15:45 Fisher then announced that he was gonna marry Mayoko Watai his longtime companion I could be a pawn sacrifice he said to the press But in Chester is such a thing as pawn promotion what a pawn can become a queen Bobby's son is my king and I will become his queen Okay I got nothing I don't know So they get married and after nine months Bobby's able to assemble like an incredibly elite team of random guys from Iceland And because there's only seven people in Iceland like these random guys in Iceland are able to convince the Icelandic parliament to like give him citizenship
Starting point is 01:16:21 And so he's able to get like I think a citizen What he wound up getting a good one how the fuck did that happen Well here's the thing though he hates Iceland Well okay I guess that's fine That's one of the better citizenships to have It's true yeah that's a good one but I don't know He somehow finagles this Icelandic politics is a joke You son of a bitch I want Icelandic citizenship
Starting point is 01:16:44 Look Iceland if you're out there give me citizenship you'll get all of the benefits of having Robert Evans as a citizen I assure you there's some Yeah we will be compiling a list which we'll get after you give him citizenship Oh yeah no we'll have a long list it's gonna you're gonna Everyone will be doing real well when I'm a citizen I'm gonna bring pride to Iceland So Bobby on the other hand he hates Iceland he spends the rest of his life just like pissing off all of his friends And by the time he dies in a hospital well okay so he doesn't even want to be taken to a hospital But he's like so fucked up that like his like two remaining friends are like okay we're bring to hospital he dies there
Starting point is 01:17:28 And by this time he has like very little left And okay this would be the end of the story of Bobby Fisher except three years after he died Sorry? I said it fucking ought to be Yeah but it's not because he, the three years after he dies they have to dig up his body to settle a legal fight about who would get all of his money Which I think- How does digging up his body settle that? Well okay so he, there's a whole thing where he was like with several people and I forget which of his like wives kind of
Starting point is 01:18:05 Or people he was with like claimed that someone like their son was his son But it turned out that that son was actually another person's son So they had to dig up his grave to do genetic testing Yeah that is the story of Bobby Fisher Chessnazzi It's at least funny Yeah he, I don't know if getting to live out the rest of his life in Iceland is like what he deserved but he was miserable so Sometimes that's all you can hope for Yeah
Starting point is 01:18:39 He died very sad Well that's mostly what I wanted for Bobby was for him to die sad because I don't like him Do you have any pluggables for us Mia? Yeah I do a podcast called Dig it Up in here Wow Brows into it And yeah I'm on Twitter at It Me CHR3 and you can find me there doing stuff Cool
Starting point is 01:19:03 Hell yeah Well that's gonna do it for all of us here at whatever this is The podcasting emporium of Mr. Magorium Until next week Don't play chess It involves a cigar smoking mystery man who drives a silver hearse And inside his hearse look like a lot of guns But are federal agents catching bad guys or creating them?
Starting point is 01:19:56 He was just waiting for me to set the date, the time, and then for sure he was trying to get it to happen Listen to Alphabet Boys on the iHeart radio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcast Did you know Lance Bass is a Russian trained astronaut? That he went through training in a secret facility outside Moscow Hoping to become the youngest person to go to space? Well I oughta know because I'm Lance Bass And I'm hosting a new podcast that tells my crazy story and an even crazier story about a Russian astronaut who found himself stuck in space With no country to bring him down With the Soviet Union collapsing around him, he orbited the Earth for 313 days that changed the world
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