Behind the Bastards - Part Two: Rudolf Steiner: The Racist Who Invented Organic Farming and Waldorf Schools

Episode Date: September 26, 2019

In Part Two, Robert is joined again by Chris Crofton to continue discussing Rudolf Steiner. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for pri...vacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What would you do if a secret cabal of the most powerful folks in the United States told you, hey, let's start a coup? Back in the 1930s, a Marine named Smedley Butler was all that stood between the U.S. and fascism. I'm Ben Bullitt. I'm Alex French. And I'm Smedley Butler. Join us for this sordid tale of ambition, treason, and what happens when evil tycoons have too much time on their hands. Listen to Let's Start a Coup on the iHeart radio app, Apple podcast, or wherever you find your favorite shows. What if I told you that much of the forensic science you see on shows like CSI isn't based on actual science, and the wrongly convicted pay a horrific price? Two death sentences in a life without parole. My youngest, I was incarcerated
Starting point is 00:00:49 two days after her first birthday. Listen to CSI on trial on the iHeart radio app, Apple podcast, or wherever you get your podcasts. Now, with the Soviet Union collapsing around him, he orbited the earth for 313 days that changed the world. Listen to the last Soviet on the iHeart radio app, Apple podcast, or wherever you get your podcasts. What's anti-Semitic my organic farming? I'm Robert Evans, hosted behind the bastards. This was yet another trademark unbelievably bad introduction. My guest with me for part two of our series on Rudolph Steiner, as with part one, Chris Crofton. Hey, how are you? I'm good, man. How are you?
Starting point is 00:02:03 Glad to be back. I'm good. I'm doing good. I'm drinking some cold brew coffee and still got this sinus thing that I've had, but I think I'm going to have it for life. Probably because of bad shit I did when I was a ghost. Well, your ghost, nothing, your ghost knew that the lessons you gain from this sinus infection are critical to your development as a person. Nothing that happens is random. I'm bald too. Can you imagine what the shit I did when I was a ghost? I can remember the deep satisfaction I had sitting in Mosul and watching airstrikes hit apartment buildings and seeing little kids stream out of them, just blood pouring down
Starting point is 00:02:41 their faces and going, I'm glad their ghosts made the choice to go through this. That was a smart decision for those ghosts. Those kids are going to learn some lessons. I went to one of them. I go to those Rudolph Steiner doctor. What are they called again? Anthropasophist. Yeah, and I was like, I have a sinus infection and he was like, what do you expect? And then I was like, I had to pay him 50 bucks. Gave you some crayons though. Yeah. Do you know how you behaved in the 14th century? And I was like, I don't know. You were a real dick. Yeah, of course you're bald and have a sinus infection.
Starting point is 00:03:14 Mm hmm. So we're talking Rudolph Steiner. Now, Rudolph Steiner obviously still has huge numbers of admirers and followers in the world today. Some of those people maintain a website called Waldorf Answers that looks as if it was coded and last updated around 2003. And immediately after I wrote that line, I actually browsed over to the chunk of the site where I could find out when it was started and I found out that it was actually opened in 2004. So I'm just pretty good at guessing when websites were made is all I'm all I'm talking about. So here's what they have to say about Anthroposophy. Quote, Waldorf education was developed by Rudolph Steiner 1861 to 1925 at the beginning of the 20th
Starting point is 00:03:57 century. It is based on Steiner's broader philosophy and teachings called Anthroposophy. Anthroposophy holds that the human being is fundamentally a spiritual being and that all human beings deserve respect is the embodiment of their spiritual nature. This view is carried into Waldorf education as striving to develop in each child there innate talents and abilities. Waldorf schools operate in a nondiscriminatory way without regard to race, gender, ethnicity, religion or national origin. Some of the ideas in Waldorf education and Anthroposophy are complex and require a degree of goodwill on behalf of the reader to grasp. So goodwill. Yeah. Yeah. You gotta really you gotta really have some goodwill to ignore the racism. That's a funny way to put
Starting point is 00:04:39 it. That is a funny way to put it. They must have taken a while to think of that one. Yeah, that was a long meeting. How do we how do we phrase our leader was basically a Nazi? You know Frank Luntz is? No. He's the Republican guy that's made a zillion dollars off of naming, you know, social programs entitlements and he named enhanced interrogation and he's in charge of like language for the Republicans. Well, he is a fortune. I mean, I gotta say he's nailing it. Yeah, he's very punchable face. What's interesting. Go ahead. Yeah. No, I just I was going to say he's nailing it like the CIA was nailing those men's testicles to their wooden shares in the enhanced interrogation. Yeah, that's that's that's some so the kind of people that come up
Starting point is 00:05:27 with like how are we gonna say like, you know, you should you should read this and not be freaked out by the racism like what you know, goodwill. Well, we can have goodwill read it with goodwill like read it like an asshole. Again, once I get my friends dangerously drunk on everclear at the end of the night, and they wake up in horrible pain, I tell them it's going to take some goodwill on their behalf to forgive me for poisoning them. And it does. And just real quick, here's something in terms of behind the bastards, I would definitely fucking classify Frank Luntz as a bastard and a friend of mine, he's you know, he says he's made a zillion dollars off of like rebranding social thing that makes me the maddest is social programs being called entitlements. I mean,
Starting point is 00:06:14 I just can't believe how why liberals got on board with calling him entitlements, but probably because they're not really bad at politics, and they're not really liberals either. But he hired my friend to play at his party, Frank Luntz. Frank Luntz has a full sized diner, an actual diner built on his property, like a fantasy diner, like a whole you know, the working soda gun and everything. Jesus Christ. And he had like, he had like, he's so much money, he has a replica of a diner in his yard. Anyway, he wants to live that scene from the first back to the future movie every day of his life. Right. And nobody came to this party. Nobody came, he had like 1000 waiters and a million, he has no friends. Well, yeah, why would you be that guy's friend?
Starting point is 00:06:59 That's behind the bastards, the bastards end up all alone with all their shit, and all their dumbass theories. Yeah. Now, so we just talked about how in the Waldorf answers site, they, they really point out that like, Waldorf schools are nondiscriminatory, they don't take into account race, gender, ethnicity, religion, or national origin. And here's where I point out that if you Google Rudolph Steiner anti-Semitism, you will find yourself presented with a return from this website in a page titled, Rudolph Steiner, an active opponent of anti-Semitism. That title is all in big capital letters, and it purports to be a study of the man's life and writing that proves that Steiner battled against anti-Semitism his entire life. The website notes, in the 1890s,
Starting point is 00:07:44 Steiner vehemently argued against the outrageous excesses of the anti-Semites and condemned the anti-Semitic brutes as enemies of the human rights. As a convinced liberal whose position coincided with that of reform Jewry, he actively supported the integration and full legal and social status of the Jews in Europe. In 1888, he wrote, the Jews need Europe and Europe needs the Jews. Against the anti-Semitic propaganda of hatred, he set his ideal. One should only value mutual actions between individuals. It is completely uninteresting if one is a Jew or a German. That is so simple that one is almost stupid saying it. How stupid does one then not have to be to say the opposite? So it goes on like that for quite a while, quoting very real things that
Starting point is 00:08:23 Steiner wrote or said arguing against anti-Semitism. The essay would probably be very convincing evidence of the fact that Rudolph Steiner was not an anti-Semite if it weren't for the fact that number one, there's almost nothing in there about statements made by Steiner after 1900 and number two, people who aren't anti-Semitic rarely need entire web pages devoted to how not anti-Semitic they are. You don't run into that for say Georgia O'Keeffe. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Thankfully, our old friend Peter Staudenmeier of Marquette University put together a detailed breakdown of Rudolph's ideas about the Jews titled Rudolph Steiner and the Jewish Question. It's a very nuanced piece, and I'm sure that the Waldorf people would describe
Starting point is 00:09:04 it as a hit piece, but I don't think it takes that tone at all. Staudenmeier acknowledges that Steiner's views of the Jews changed significantly over the course of his published career. Quote, in the overall arc of Steiner's intellectual development, his attitude towards Jews moved from an unreflective embrace of anti-Semitic prejudices to public denunciation of the excesses of organized anti-Semitism to an elaborate racial theory of cosmic evolution in which anti-Semitic themes played a prominent role. So he was an anti-Semite who had a creative history to his anti-Semitism. Who is this Staudenmeier man? Staudenmeier is a professor at Marquette University of German history who has done most of the writing that I found on Rudolph
Starting point is 00:09:42 Steiner. He's like the expert on Rudolph Steiner. So the people of the Waldorf school do not like this Staudenmeier man. They're not going to be fans of this Staudenmeier. No, they're like would you shut up? Yeah. Stop reading the things that our guru wrote. Yeah, yeah. You're making them look bad. You need to have more goodwill. Yeah, that's it. Yeah, you're not reading it right. You're not using enough goodwill. So prior to about 1902. That's fucking insane. God damn it. It's baddy. Now, I want you to remember in the Waldorf answers section, one of the things they say is that he wanted greater integration of Jewish people with Germans, right? He wanted more integration, which sounds nice if you just think of the term integration the way it was used when
Starting point is 00:10:26 say we moved away from segregation in the United States. Yeah. That's not what Steiner means. If you spend most of your fucking time or any of your time talking about, let's put it this way, if you, if you spend a lot of your time talking about Jews, there's something wrong with you. Yeah. If you specifically, if you're talking about the Jews. If you're a white guy, why are you talking about the Jews all the time? Why is anybody talking about just talk about, why don't you talk about what you had for breakfast? Why don't you stop talking about the Jews? Well, Rudolph Steiner talked about the Jews a lot. Yeah. I mean, that's the thing is like the people defending Steiner, it's like, well, but why did he talk so much about the fucking Jews? He's not Jewish. So why is he
Starting point is 00:11:13 talking about Jews so much? Well, that's what we're going to get into. So prior to 1902, it's fair to say that Rudolph Steiner's anti-Semitism was not out of line with mainstream anti-Semitism in Germany and Austria-Hungary. During his pan German nationalist period, he was no more racist than the average person and he was probably less racist than the average American. He was no more racist than the average person of goodwill. Yeah. Yeah. Well, you got to, you got to be fair about that. Like people believed all sorts of crazy shit about the Jews as a matter of course back then. There's literally, there's still to this day churches in Europe with like reliefs of Jewish babies suckling at the udders of a pig. Like that's a thing that's on ancient medieval churches. So
Starting point is 00:11:56 like you grow up in that, there's a base level line of anti-Semitism that I can't judge you for more than you judge everyone in the society for, right? So there's like, you have to, in order to, for me to like really harp on you specifically as an anti-Semite, if you came up in Germany and Austria-Hungary during this period, you have to go to another level of anti-Semitism. I don't mean yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So in the early 1900s, Steiner's shit got weird and decided the more hateful and extreme because, and yeah, we're going to spend a while talking about that. Steiner spent most of his life as what you would call an assimilationist, which is what they talk about in that, in that Waldorf answers part where he wanted to see integration. But what this meant in Steiner's
Starting point is 00:12:37 context is he wanted to see Jewish people assimilated into German culture. Now this is better than wanting to kill them all, but he'd still sought the elimination of Judaism. Like that was his goal. He wrote that he hoped, quote, Jewry as a people would simply cease to exist. He didn't want this to happen by them being killed. He just wanted them absorbed into German society and the whole culture and religion to die out. That was his goal. Fucking settlers that wanted to make Native Americans go to Christian schools and just would just make white people out of them. Exactly. You can say it's better than like the literal Nazi policy of gassing them to death, but like not a lot better. Right. No, same.
Starting point is 00:13:17 Yeah. Motivated by the same ideas. Yeah. And you can also see how like that could easily turn into the other thing given a couple of bad years. Yes. Yeah. Now Steiner considered himself, quote, German by descent and racial affiliation. And he was offended by the idea that Jewish people considered themselves Jews as well as Germans. He thought that represented a fundamental conflict of interest and made it impossible for Jewish people to truly be loyal to Germany. This is silly, but I'd like to remind you that when JFK was elected, a whole lot of Americans were worried he'd be loyal to the Pope rather than the United States. So everybody's dumb is the point. In 1890, Steiner wrote an article on stylistic corruption in the press in which he blamed Jewish journalists
Starting point is 00:14:00 for using, quote, Jewish vernacular idioms and other expressions mocking the German language. Why didn't he just read it with goodwill? Yeah, he didn't. Yeah. I'm not gonna let this go. I'm still blown away by this goodwill thing. I'm not gonna stop saying it. It's fucking amazing. In 1886, he wrote an article in which he called Jews a people whose religion does not recognize freedom of the spirit. He believed Jewish people had no ability to appreciate the religion of love that was Christianity. In 1888, he wrote extensive defenses of a book, Hamunculus, by Austrian author Robert Hammerling. Hamunculus was, of course, a work of profound anti-Semitism, chronicling what Hammerling viewed as the Jewish drive to conquer the entire world.
Starting point is 00:14:42 Hammerling thought Zionism, which was the desire of some Jewish people to immigrate to Palestine, he believed that was part of a scheme to, quote, found a new kingdom of Israel, destined to encompass the whole world eventually. Y'all remember when Israel conquered the world? Uh, if you're a racist, you do. Now, Rudolph loved this book. He called critics of it oversensitive Jews who couldn't make an objective judgment of the work. This is Steiner, quote, it certainly cannot be denied that Jewry today still behaves as a close totality and that it has frequently intervened in the development of our current state of affairs in a way that is anything but favorable to European ideas of culture. But Jewry as such has long since outlived its time.
Starting point is 00:15:24 It has no more justification within the modern life of peoples. And the fact that it continues to exist is a mistake of world history, whose consequences are unavoidable. We do not mean the form of the Jewish religion alone, but above all, the spirit of Jewry, the Jewish way of thinking. Now, you know, what's, what's the charitable reading of that? Man, it's just so fucking arrogant. I just think people, you can't, this fucking one dude decides that a whole fucking culture needs to go away because that's what he thinks sitting in his fucking chair and his stupid study or whatever. I mean, it's just so arrogant. It's just the height of, it's incredible that someone would sit and say like, oh, a whole culture
Starting point is 00:16:10 needs to go away because I just, I'm tired of it or I don't like it. And it's, you know, it's particularly frustrating and particularly offensive because Steiner directed his anti-Semitic, his desire for assimilation was focused primarily towards the Jewish people in his area, Viennese Jews, which of all the Jewish communities in Europe, Austria's Jewish population had done the most to integrate themselves in the mainstream society is a general rule. The most patriotic people in Austria and in a lot of like German speaking areas were Jewish Germans during World War One. They served at a disproportionately high rate in both the Austro-Hungarian and the German militaries. So the fact that Steiner targeted these Jewish people in particular
Starting point is 00:16:51 suggests that he was really, really, really fucking anti-Semitic because like he wasn't just going after like the, like obviously it wouldn't be okay either, but he wasn't focusing on like Jewish refugees from Russia or whatever and like harping on them because they spoke a different language. He was looking at people who were identical to everyone else but wearing Yamakas and like furious about that. So like he's not just an anti-Semite. He's like a gold star fucking anti-Semite. Like he's particularly fucking racist in one of the most racist places that's ever existed. That's important to note. So in the late 1890s, Steiner became intellectually taken by the writing of individualist anti-religious thinkers like Max Stirner. As a result, he focused
Starting point is 00:17:37 more on the Jewish religion and Zionism. Now if you'll remember that Waldorf answers defensive Steiner, they called him an opponent of anti-Semitism and claimed that he railed against it. When they make those claims, they pull out quotes like this from Steiner. Anti-Semitism is not only a danger to Jews. It is also a danger to non-Jews. Anti-Semitism and with it racism is a symptom of spiritual decay. It is a symptom of a cultural disease. Therefore, it is a duty of everyone to fight against it in all areas as energetically as possible. And that is something Steiner really said. Here's another thing Steiner really said. Actual anti-Semitism is not the cause of this Jewish hypersensitivity, but rather the false image of the anti-Jewish movement invented by
Starting point is 00:18:18 overwrought imaginations. Anyone who has dealt with Jews knows how deep runs the tendency to create such an image. Even among the best of their nation, mistrust towards non-Jews has completely taken over their souls. Steiner is saying that anti-Semitism is bad and evidence of ignorance. But he's also saying that anti-Semitism is for the most part a fake problem invented by Jewish people to justify their persecution complex. Which sounds really familiar to some things some people say about racism today. Like, oh, it's bad to be racist against black people or Native Americans or Hispanics. But really, most of the time when those people see racism, they're just being oversensitive. Like, that's the fucking right-wing internet
Starting point is 00:19:01 right there. Yeah, right-wing internet or right-wing people in general aren't just like, oh, the liberals just love saying racist. Yeah. And they have to say, oh, racist is terrible. Yeah. It's not because they're over-sensitive. They just can't stop saying that because they just, yeah, they're hysterical about race. And it has nothing to do with the fact that we're all actively acting like racists. No, it has everything. They're just looking for racism. The fact that if racism is at the same level as it's always been, which is fine. They don't charitably read our racism. Like, if they did, they wouldn't have a problem with it. Yeah. I mean, I just saw it last night after the debates, like something like,
Starting point is 00:19:40 the Democrat, I mean, the Republicans saying like, the liberals can't stop talking about racism. Like, that's their thing. It's just, yeah, it's a fake problem from over-sensitive people of color. Yeah. And, you know, Steiner was the kind of guy, his defenders will always pull out, he has a bunch of quotes about anti-Semitism being bad. And they'll always pull out those quotes where he rails against particularly organized anti-Semitism. And, you know, he did say those things, but the write-ups of him that quote them, ignore quotes like this, which is also from Rudolph Steiner. I consider the anti-Semites to be a harmless people. The best of them are like children.
Starting point is 00:20:21 They want something to blame for their woes. Much worse than the anti-Semites are the heartless leaders of the Jews who are tired of Europe, Herzl and Nordau. They exaggerate an unpleasant childishness into a world historical trend. They pretend that a harmless squabble is a terrible roar of cannons. They are seducers and tempters of their people. He's again saying this about 20 years before the Holocaust. It's just gaslighting. And that's, I mean, like there was no, you know, that's a modern expression. But the idea is it's what Trump does too. He says something racist and then says that he didn't say it or that it was taken wrong and you just keep flip-flopping. You keep saying something
Starting point is 00:21:00 horrible and then saying that people took it wrong and then you say something horrible again. And then somehow you end up like you're, I don't know, it's like you introduce, oh, this is so complicated. But like you introduce like you start the problem and then it becomes a problem. And then you say that, that I can't do it. I had it and I lost it. But just the idea that basically you cause this situation and then you accuse everybody else of being oversensitive to it and then use that as part of your proof that the race you're talking about is somehow flawed. Like look at them flipping out. Like, you know what I mean? Like that's kind of, I'm not saying, I'm just saying like, I didn't say anything that bad, but they're just, their
Starting point is 00:21:47 nature is to flip out too much, which is a flaw, like which is a way to be racist. Like, look at them, they can't take anything. Like not like a white person, I could take as much shit as possible, but these Jews flip out about everything. Watch this. You know, it's a very subtle and insidious way of continuing the racism to say that they are overly sensitive. Yeah. And there's a bunch of Steiner quotes that basically follow the pattern of anti-Semitism is bad, but here's what the Jews do. These people can't take any criticism because they're Jews. Now, for the sake of fairness, I have to point out repeatedly that everybody was anti-Semitic in Germany at this time. Pretty much everybody. It was in the air and literally chiseled into the
Starting point is 00:22:33 stone walls of churches. Winston Churchill is famous today among Israelis for being one of the greatest advocates that nation has ever had. He was an intense and outspoken supporter of Israel and of course, a staunch foe of the Nazis. In February of 1920, Churchill wrote an article for the illustrated Sunday Herald titled Zionism versus Bolshevism. Quote, this movement among the Jews is not new. From the days of Spartacus, Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx and down to Trotsky, Bellacoon, Rosa Luxemburg and Emma Goldman, this worldwide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development of envious malevolence and of impossible equality has been steadily growing. So Winston Churchill, who again is
Starting point is 00:23:15 considered to be one of the great patrons of the Israeli nation in the 20s, was saying stuff that was essentially directly in line with Nazi theories about like the Jewish people as behind socialism and the Bolshevik revolution, which is the same shit Steiner saying. So my point in bringing this up is the fact that Steiner believed this shit during the late 1800s and early 1900s definitely qualifies him as anti-Semitic, but it doesn't mean he was or would have been a Nazi if he'd lived long enough. There were people who believed similar things to this. And when the Nazis came along, we're able to recognize Nazi propaganda as insane and evil and work against the Holocaust like Winston Churchill for all of his flaws. Once the Nazis started saying the same shit,
Starting point is 00:23:56 he like stepped back from that. So we can't necessarily say that Rudolf Steiner would have gone to bed with the Nazis, especially since he died in 1925. But we can look at what his followers did once the Nazis came to power. And speaking of the Nazis coming to power, Chris. Yes. It's time for an ad transition. I don't know why that's a bad ad transition to make. That's not a good one. Oh boy. Oh boy. I have made an error. Speaking of Hitler's unique brand of esoteric anti-Semitic, nope, that's not the right way either. Oh shit. Let me help you. Yeah. Now a word from our sponsor, which is not a Nazi. During the summer of 2020, some Americans suspected that the FBI had secretly infiltrated the racial justice demonstrations. And you know what?
Starting point is 00:24:53 They were right. I'm Trevor Aronson and I'm hosting a new podcast series, Alphabet Boys. As the FBI, sometimes you got to grab the little guy to go after the big guy. Each season will take you inside an undercover investigation. In the first season of Alphabet Boys, we're revealing how the FBI spied on protesters in Denver. At the center of this story is a raspy voiced, cigar-smoking man who drives a silver hearse. And inside his hearse was like a lot of guns. He's a shark. And on the gun badass way. He's a nasty shark. He was just waiting for me to set the date, the time, and then for sure he was trying to get it to happen. Listen to Alphabet Boys on the iHeart Radio App, Apple Podcast, or wherever you get your podcasts. What if I told
Starting point is 00:25:44 you that much of the forensic science you see on shows like CSI isn't based on actual science? The problem with forensic science in the criminal legal system today is that it's an awful lot of forensic and not an awful lot of science. And the wrongly convicted pay a horrific price. Two death sentences and a life without parole. My youngest, I was incarcerated two days after her first birthday. I'm Molly Herman. Join me as we put forensic science on trial to discover what happens when a match isn't a match and when there's no science in CSI. How many people have to be wrongly convicted before they realize that this stuff's all bogus? It's all made up. Listen to CSI on trial on the iHeart Radio App, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.
Starting point is 00:26:41 I'm Lance Bass and you may know me from a little band called NSYNC. What you may not know is that when I was 23, I traveled to Moscow to train to become the youngest person to go to space. And when I was there, as you can imagine, I heard some pretty wild stories. But there was this one that really stuck with me about a Soviet astronaut who found himself stuck in space with no country to bring him down. It's 1991 and that man Sergei Krekalev is floating in orbit when he gets a message that down on earth, his beloved country, the Soviet Union, is falling apart. And now he's left defending the Union's last outpost. This is the crazy story of the 313 days he spent in space, 313 days that changed the world. Listen to The Last Soviet on the
Starting point is 00:27:38 iHeart Radio App, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. We're back. What I love about ads is that they aren't Nazism. Oh boy, we're going to lose some money from this. It's difficult to transition from this sort of subject matter into lighthearted, you know, whatever happens. I don't know what sponsors you have, but you know, something that delivers candy bars. Yeah, they're not Nazis. I should note that several times. But you know who were Nazis? Go ahead. Many of Rudolf Steiner's followers. Yeah, fuck Rudolf Steiner. This guy, man, someone needed to put him to bed. He talked too much, he wrote too much. This man needed to have his coffee taken away.
Starting point is 00:28:31 Yeah, he's one of those guys, like his whole life isn't that interesting. It's just he had all these crazy ideas and people followed them and a lot of problems have been solved. No, so I have nice ideas. Like I have nice ideas, but I also have clinical depression. So I don't write 17 papers a day about my nice ideas. But then there are these non-depressed assholes who are idiots who have boundless energy to write 5,000 racist treatises every fucking week. Okay, well, but maybe if you would spend more time reading the ghost library that lives in space, you would have more ideas to write about too. All right, I'm too tired to make up shit like that. You gotta visit the ghost library, man. You gotta have a defective brain that has like,
Starting point is 00:29:16 you have to be dumb and like really, really, really not depressed and just get out of bed every morning and just start fucking jabbering about nonsense. I mean, that's these kind of people that had endless energy. The assholes with endless energy is what ruins everything. Trump's an example. The guys up and running around all day saying shit. I mean, the guys have a lot of energy. Too much energy. This goes into my theory that you shouldn't stop rich people from developing problematic drug addictions. I think that's true. Yeah, you should just let them... If Rudolph Steinert, aged 19, had actually been doing a shitload of opium and had died at age 25, none of this would be a problem. Right. Yeah. It's a shame. It's a shame. Hashtag
Starting point is 00:29:59 give opiates to rich kids. Yeah. Like, let's say someone gives them opiates to Ben Shapiro. Yeah. Boy, howdy. He's an example of one of these guys. Like, it's just like, shut the fuck up. Never had a real job, way too much energy. Just set your alarm later. Give him some fucking oxy. Sleep in one day, Shapiro. Now, after 1902, when Steinert joined the Theosophical Society, he became inculcated with Madame Blavatsky's ideas about the mythical Aryan race. After this point, the idea of root races and Aryanism took an increasingly central role in his developing philosophy. The Theosophical Society was not an explicitly anti-Semitic organization. Jewish people were allowed to join. But an awful lot of their beliefs sound like straight up Nazi propaganda.
Starting point is 00:30:44 In a book called The Key to Theosophy, Madame Blavatsky wrote, quote, if the root of mankind is one, then there must also be one truth which finds expression in all the various religions except in the Jewish. All religions are cool except Jewish people. Which does, I mean, for Europeans in the late 1800s, that's woker than most. Yeah. She wasn't like Europeans should own India, I guess, so yeah. Now, Blavatsky viewed the Jew as the almost mythical antithesis to the Aryan, the opposite of the spiritual and progressive ubermensch. If this sounds exactly like Nazi racial theory, that's because it essentially is. Now, Chris, I'm going to guess you've heard of the Tula Society.
Starting point is 00:31:32 You know, I have not. Not. It's spelled Thule Society, like the top racks that people have on their four-wheel-drive cars. Oh, okay. Yeah, I still really not. I'm not familiar. I mean, I'm not exactly sure what it is. Well, if you've read your Hellboy comics or played a lot of Wolfenstein games where there's like Nazis doing dark occult magic and stuff, the actual historical root of all of those myths is the Thule Society, the Tula Society. I've read about them. Uh, yeah, yeah, yeah. They're pretty famous. Nazi occult stuff, but... Yeah, exactly. This is the root of that. And the Tula Society was a real occult society, and they financially
Starting point is 00:32:12 supported a little group you might have heard about called the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, which became the Nazi party back before, you know, Hitler actually joined. Now, Hitler himself was never a member of the Tula Society, but many influential Nazis were. Guys like Hans Frank, who ran Poland for the Reich, Rudolf Hess, the deputy furor, and Dietrich Eckhart, who actually founded the original Nazi party. The Tula Society's impact gets exaggerated often, but they did provide the core members of the early Nazi movement. And these people held the same esoteric anti-Semitic beliefs about the eternal struggle of Aryans and Jews as the Theosophical Society did, which makes sense because both groups were closely tied together.
Starting point is 00:32:54 Many members of the Tula Society were adherents of Madame Blavatsky's teachings. So the Tula Society is like they have events with the Theosophical Society. They have members in common. A lot of their teachings are based on Madame Blavatsky's writings, and the Tula Society becomes the sort of intellectual and spiritual center of the early Nazi movement. And of course, Rudolf Steiner was a hugely influential part of the development of the Theosophical Society. Yeah. It's hard to trace out how many Nazi ideas are directly descendant of Steiner's and how many are just sort of a lot of people thinking about similar things. But he had a big influence on the Theosophical Society, and the Theosophical Society was like one of the strain carriers for
Starting point is 00:33:36 the Nazi disease. So that's where we're going to here. So while it wouldn't be accurate to say that anthroposophy inspired the development of Nazism, it is accurate to say that anthroposophy and Nazism share common ideological origins. They are at least first cousins. It is true that Steiner was a loud critic of organized anti-Semitism. His writing on the subject was mostly limited to the period right around when he first got involved in the Theosophical Society. Once he left in 1912 and founded Anthroposophy, he progressed towards racial beliefs that were basically identical to where Hitler and his friends wound up. I'm going to quote one last time from Professor Stadenmeier's piece on Steiner and the Jewish question. Quote. In
Starting point is 00:34:17 Steiner's eyes, racial exclusiveness was the hallmark of Jewish identity. He accused Jews of national egoism along with materialism, abstract thinking, and an obstinate refusal of progress. In a remarkable about face from his 1900 to 1901 writings, by 1905, Steiner was complaining to his future wife about the corrosive and totally materialistic consequences of the continuing Semitic influence within the Aryan epoch. Sounds like her bet his wife was having a lot of fun. His future wife was like, tell me more. Bet he was great in bed. But let me tell you about the Jews. She must have been having a blast. Could you please stop talking about the Jews?
Starting point is 00:35:02 I'm trying to come and this is really making it hard. You're not Jewish. Why do you talk so much about them? I mean, I think one thing history tells us is that literally nobody in Central Europe made a woman orgasm in the early part of the 20th century. Oh no, I've thought about that. I don't know why I've pictured Hitler's parents fucking, but I have. Because I've seen pictures of the two of them and I just was imagining not only did that poor woman, his mother, have the worst sex imaginable with this fucking cartoon mustache of a husband who probably was smoking cigars while he was having sex with her. Then on top of that, they give birth to the biggest monster in world history. I mean, it's unbelievable. The journey of Hitler's mother,
Starting point is 00:35:54 I think, is something worth... Oh, I don't know. I just think about it because it's like, fuck, she probably was just... I mean, there was just no upside to any of it. She didn't enjoy the sex. She gave birth to the history's greatest monster. Oh yeah, it's a bad tale. We do have a fun two-parter of this show about Hitler's sex life and everything we know about how the fewer fucked. Oh my God, he probably mailed the sperm to like a horseback and had it dumped inside. It's weirder than that. Fave of bronze ear. Now, I'm going to finish that quote about the continuing Semitic influence within the Aryan epoch. Yes. This tendency continued throughout Steiner's final anthroposophical period, even after his organizational break with mainstream
Starting point is 00:36:37 theosophy in 1913. In a 1918 lecture on specters of the Old Testament and the nationalism of the present, for example, he strongly associated the Jews with a social element that is antisocial as regards the whole of humanity and insisted that Jewish culture was a folk culture, not an individualized culture of humanity. So, he gets way more racist after his break with the theosophist society. Now, this brings us to the question, what happened to Steiner's followers once the Nazis took power? Well, the Waldorf schools and the modern-day anthroposophists will like to point out that they, too, were oppressed under the Nazis. That Waldorf answers site I referenced earlier has a page titled Anthroposophy in the Time of Nazi Germany.
Starting point is 00:37:19 Anthroposophists belong to the many groups of people who were persecuted under the Nazi regime. Hitler's own disdaining remarks regarding Rudolf Steiner and the anthroposophists appeared as early as 1921. By the spring of 1933, articles criticizing the movement began appearing more frequently in national socialist newspapers. By the summer of that year, Steiner's books were banned from public libraries in Bavaria, and study groups and branches of the General Anthroposophical Society, along with other cultural organizations, were ordered to submit to national socialistic leadership. Now, Waldorf answers will point out that the Anthroposophical Society was banned in November of 1935, after the extensive lobbying of Heinrich
Starting point is 00:37:55 Himmler and Reinhard Heidrich. This is, in fact, true. But like all anthroposophist defenses of these kinds of charges, they leave out quite a bit of contextualizing information. So, I'm going to quote now from Anthroposophie and Ecofascism. Immediately after the Nazi movement attained state power in early 1933, the leaders of organized Anthroposophie took the initiative in extending their support to the new government. In June of that year, a Danish newspaper asked Gunther Walshmuth, Secretary of the International Anthroposophic Society in Switzerland, about Anthroposophies' attitude towards the Nazi regime. He replied, We can't complain. We've been treated with the utmost consideration and have complete freedom
Starting point is 00:38:33 to promote our doctrine. Speaking for anthroposophists generally, Walshmuth went on to express his sympathy and admiration for national socialism. Walshmuth, one of three top officers at Anthroposophie's world headquarters in Dornach, was hardly alone in Steiner's followers in his vocal support for the Hitler dictatorship. The homeopathic physician Hans Rauscher, for example, proudly proclaimed himself just as much an anthroposophist as a national socialist. In 1934, the German Anthroposophic Society sent Hitler an official letter, pointing out Anthroposophie's compatibility with national socialist values and emphasizing Steiner's Aryan origins and his pro-German activism. The exception, of course, was Jewish members of anthroposophist organizations. They were forced,
Starting point is 00:39:14 under pressure from the state, to leave these institutions. There is no record of their Gentile anthroposophist comrades protesting this racial exclusion, much less putting up any internal resistance to it. In fact, some anthroposophists, like the law professor Ernst von Hippel, endorsed the expulsion of Jews from German universities. I was just thinking about something. The post-World War I period for Germany was similar, in a way, to the post-911 post-Iraq war period we're in now in the United States, in the sense that the narrative has been shattered, like the narrative that Germany was this ascendant power was shattered by World War I. They lost. That fucked up their
Starting point is 00:39:59 citizenry because there was no more storyline. People need storylines to proceed ahead. People like them, and they really need them for security's sake, even if they're imaginary. In the United States right now, post-911 and post-Government bailout of the banks and post-Iraq war, no one is sure what we stand for anymore. They don't believe that America stands for bringing democracy to the globe. They don't believe that we stand for. They don't believe the American dream anymore. It's so often that these spaces in history are filled with racist narratives to give a storyline back to culture, because right now, American culture is flailing around similar to Germany post-World War I. I feel like America feels pretty bad about itself,
Starting point is 00:40:46 and it's looking for a way, a narrative to attach. I'm sure you've seen hypernormalization, that kind of thing, where these spaces in history are very dangerous, because they allow for anybody to come in with some crackpot philosophy that people will be like, oh, thank God, I just need something to follow. One of the things that's luckiest about our current time, because we are in what I consider to be a dangerous situation, and there are some parallels to where Germany was in between 1913 and 1932. One of the big benefits that we have is that a very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very vanishingly tiny fraction of our adult population has any experience in combat or war, and that the wars that sort of have had a cratering impact on kind of our national
Starting point is 00:41:35 self-image didn't involve very many people. One of the reasons that the early Nazis were so dangerous, that is not something we see with most of the proud boys and the other sort of fascist groups, the vast majority of those guys in modern day have never seen combat. All of the Nazis were guys, not a single one of them flinched from physical, they were all physically courageous. Adolf Hitler got into whip fights with people, where he would be like tearing pieces of their faces off, and would be like getting shot at and stuff. They were all, that's one of the benefits we have is that our fascists are mostly physical cowards, which I think is one of the reasons. Yeah, it's one of the reasons I have some hope that we can overwhelm this thing,
Starting point is 00:42:17 is that most of these guys, like the Nazis, were more willing to gamble than our fascists have so far been. So if we have a saving grace, it's that. I wish there was a way democratic, and I say democratic. I mean, politicians could just say something like that instead of the nonsense democratic candidates say in debates. I mean, I wish they could just say, hey, here's a nuanced view of what's happening right now. Here's what Trump is. I mean, I know that's not going to happen, but you know what I mean? Trump is a cartoon to fill space in a historical narrative that is lacking direction right now. Yeah, we need a new myth, because myths are the core of any society. And that's part of what Steiner and a number of other
Starting point is 00:43:05 people collectively in over a long period of time created for Germans. That's kind of why Madame Blavatsky's teachings really take off in a big way in the immediately pre-war and post-war period. And these other thinkers like Steiner are providing this mythical idea of the Aryan race and this conflict that they have with the Jews. And that was necessary for the Germans to explain how they lost World War I, was this idea that there was this deeper conspiracy. Steiner wasn't saying that as much. He did say a bit of stuff like that. But his beliefs about sort of how these alien races are weakening the Aryans and how the Jews are not really a part of this thing. That all played into this greater theory of somebody is trying to stop us from
Starting point is 00:44:03 taking our rightful ascendant place in the community of nations. Now, let's talk about organic farming. So I've mentioned a couple of times that Rudolf Steiner kind of invented organic farming. And I don't mean that he invented the concept of farming without pesticides or fertilizer. Like obviously people have been doing that since forever. But he is one of the main people behind inventing kind of our modern concept of organic farming as in opposition to industrial farming. What time does this guy get up in the morning? That's what I want to know. He fucking got a lot done, right? Like he's got a half hour night. Like a lot of criticisms of Rudolf Steiner. Laziness is not one of them. I wish he had done
Starting point is 00:44:46 less. That's the thing. Yeah. These people need to fucking settle down. When I started my research into Steiner, I found my way to a Twitter thread started by Dr. Sarah Tabor. She's a crop scientist and she had a hot take on Steiner's particular farming innovation, which is called biodynamic farming. Quote. So organic is what happened when Europe had to start using artificial fertilizers because they'd spent 100 plus years throwing sewage into the ocean and the land was all out of nutrients. German spiritualists were like chemical fertilizers in my food. Oh hell no. That's way too Jewish. Rudolf Steiner's work was like 60 to 70% racist theory. And organic was just the so this is what my racist theory means for farming side of his work. German racism was soon judged
Starting point is 00:45:31 to be embarrassing. So later editions of his work just deleted those chapters. Eventually 1960s US counterculture kids picked up editions of Steiner's books with the most egregious race theory material deleted. They picked up on the yay nature and back to the land down with artificial vibe and had no idea that it was all an anti-semitic tirade. And that's essentially accurate. Dr. Sarah Tabor gives a pretty good summary there, but we're going to get into the weeds of biodynamic farming next. But before we get into the weeds. Incredible. You know what doesn't promote weeds. What is this? Are you doing an ad break for Monsanto? I'm doing an ad plug. Yes. You know if you need glycophosphate that you can healthily drink. Are you tired of bees existing? Do bees piss you off? Have you
Starting point is 00:46:19 been stung by a bee recently? Round up. They just play that scene from Stand by Me when Macaulay Culkin gets killed by the bee. It's like Monsanto putting an end to this bullshit. So this is an ad break, I assume? Yeah, this is a fucking ad break. Yeah. Is it? Products. During the summer of 2020, some Americans suspected that the FBI had secretly infiltrated the racial justice demonstrations. And you know what? They were right. I'm Trevor Aronson and I'm hosting a new podcast series, Alphabet Boys. As the FBI, sometimes you got to grab the little guy to go after the big guy. Each season will take you inside an undercover investigation.
Starting point is 00:47:08 In the first season of Alphabet Boys, we're revealing how the FBI spied on protesters in Denver. At the center of this story is a raspy voiced cigar-smoking man who drives a silver hearse. And inside his hearse was like a lot of guns. He was just waiting for me to set the date, the time and then for sure he was trying to get it to happen. Listen to Alphabet Boys on the iHeart Radio app, Apple Podcast or wherever you get your podcasts. What if I told you that much of the forensic science you see on shows like CSI isn't based on actual science? The problem with forensic science in the criminal legal system today is that it's an awful lot of forensic and not an awful lot of science. And the wrongly convicted
Starting point is 00:48:00 pay a horrific price. Two death sentences and a life without parole. My youngest, I was incarcerated two days after her first birthday. I'm Molly Herman. Join me as we put forensic science on trial to discover what happens when a match isn't a match and when there's no science in CSI. How many people have to be wrongly convicted before they realize that this stuff's all bogus. It's all made up. Listen to CSI on trial on the iHeart Radio app, Apple Podcast or wherever you get your podcasts. I'm Lance Bass and you may know me from a little band called NSYNC. What you may not know is that when I was 23, I traveled to Moscow to train to become the youngest person to go to space. And when I was there, as you can imagine, I heard some
Starting point is 00:48:56 pretty wild stories. But there was this one that really stuck with me about a Soviet astronaut who found himself stuck in space with no country to bring him down. It's 1991 and that man, Sergei Krekalev, is floating in orbit when he gets a message that down on earth, his beloved country, the Soviet Union, is falling apart. And now he's left offending the Union's last outpost. This is the crazy story of the 313 days he spent in space. 313 days that changed the world. Listen to the last Soviet on the iHeart Radio app, Apple Podcast or wherever you get your podcasts. We're back. So now we're talking about what what did Rudolf Steiner do now? What did that fucking bio dynamic carpet racist do now? Biodynamic farming is still a thing today.
Starting point is 00:49:58 You know what's funny real quick, Robert? I gotta tell you, I've mentioned this on other podcasts. I don't know why I just said that, but I just mentioned this all the time. Let me put it that way, not on podcasts on the street anywhere, because I'm still knocked out by the fact that the Renaissance happened because of coffee. Like coffee became readily available in Europe at the exact same time that I mean that kicked off of the Renaissance. And I guess that's a real fact. So I really had an influence for sure. Yeah, and it's not probably not the whole thing, but I'd say it was 50-50. So it's amazing. I wish that we could have shut off the coffee supply to Germany between the years 1918 and 1934. I will say this, when you really get into the weeds of
Starting point is 00:50:47 reading about European history, one of the thoughts you repeatedly are led to is like, boy, we should have really cut the Germans off from their caffeine supply. Yeah, 100%. That it was a mistake to give those people coffee. These people needed to be more tired. Yeah, these people needed to be sleepy. How can they? I swear to God. They really got too much done. Time machine, go back, smash all the fucking coffee machines in Germany in 1920. Well, you know what, speaking of where coffee came into Europe, there's a single point in which you could have stopped coffee spread. So one of the sort of the, which generally credited as like how coffee became part of Europe is like when the Ottomans laid siege to, I think it was,
Starting point is 00:51:24 I think it might have been fucking, I don't know if it was Vienna or yeah, I think it was Vienna. When the Ottoman Empire laid siege to one of the cities in Europe and they got their asses beat, I think this is when like the Polish winged Hussars like broke their army and routed it. I'll take your word for it. They left their camp behind, right? So outside this European city, they leave their camp behind. And being Turks, their camp included huge bags of coffee and like Jezva's, you know, their kind of coffee pots that used for Turkish coffee. Oh, these are the stories I live for. So Europeans like started trying this shit out and they were like, oh my God, this stuff's amazing. But also they were like, oh my God, this is like a heathen
Starting point is 00:51:59 evil Muslim drink. Like, is this something we have to ban and prosecute? And so they took it to the Pope and like the Pope tried the coffee because everyone was like, is this a devil drink? Can we drink this? And the Pope tried it and was like, this shit's amazing. He was like, I've never wanted to say mass more than in my life. The Pope, I think it was Pope Clement, I forget which number, but he had numbers after him. But it was a Pope Clement, I think, baptized the beverage of coffee in order to make it acceptable for Christians. Like that's how coffee came into Christendom is the Pope like officially baptized it so that that Christians could drink it. But that's when the Pope's hats got tall too. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:36 That's an awesome story. That's so great. I love that. The first people who discovered coffee in Europe, man, or anybody, the first person who discovered coffee, I'm just jealous of. Oh yeah. Okay. There's a lot of cool myths about that too. But back to biodynamic farming. Yes, biodynamics. So the Biodynamic Association, which is like an organization for biodynamic farmers says this and explaining what it is, quote, each biodynamic farmer garden is an integrated whole living organism. This organism is made up of many interdependent elements, fields, forests, plants, animals, soils, compost, people in the spirit of the place. Biodynamic farmers and gardeners work to nurture and harmonize these elements, managing them in
Starting point is 00:53:12 a holistic and dynamic way to support the health and vitality of the whole. So that sounds good, right? Yeah. Yeah. Now, right above that on their biodynamic principles and practices page, they say this, quote, biodynamics is rooted in the work of philosopher and scientist Dr. Rudolph Steiner, whose 1924 lectures to farmers open a new way to integrate scientific understanding with a recognition of spirit and nature. Now, as with anthroposophic medicine, Rudolph Steiner was never a farmer. That's interesting. Absolutely. In no way was a scientist either. Yeah. Of course not. Why would he do that? He was busy lecturing people. That's why I was wondering how I'm saying this man has got boundless energy. He was never a fucking doctor either.
Starting point is 00:53:53 He was dictating while he was farming. I mean, I think he might add like a PhD, but he was never a medical doctor. Yeah. Wow. Okay. Yeah. So he never, he just like, he just passed, he's like had this idea based on basically racism that maybe farms could be purer if they had less Jew in them. Well, that's kind of where this is heading. Yeah. Yeah. And I will say- He sort of already said, yeah. I mean, one of the things about saying this is kind of complicated. There's too many impurities in society and in the farm. He wasn't wrong about every aspect of biodynamic farming because he was one of a number of people looking at the way industrial farming had been started in Europe
Starting point is 00:54:29 since like World War I. And it was like really toxic and involved a lot of horrible chemicals. And like people were doing fucked up shit to the land and he was able to see like, oh, maybe we should do less fucked up shit to the land. He also mixed that in with a bunch of insane bullshit, but every aspect of what he was saying wasn't wrong. There were a lot of problems with industrial agriculture, as there are today. And he was one of the first people who pointed that out. He just also was not a farmer and did not know what the fuck he was talking about and any complex sense of the phrase. Right. It's like a clock being right. Whatever they say, broken clock. Even a racist clock is occasionally right about pesticides. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:08 Yeah. Now, you may notice that none of what I've read there gives us much insight into what biodynamic farming actually involves. It's just a lot of vaguely positive flowery language about the spirit of the land. So I found a 2017 article in The Guardian, which focuses on the rapid growth of biodynamic farms in the United States. It cited the co-director of Demeter USA, remember the name of that company, a nonprofit certifier of biodynamic farms in the United States. They claimed the acreage devoted to biodynamic farming in this country increased by 16% in 2017. Here's how The Guardian described the methodology behind biodynamic farming. Quote, Austrian philosopher Rudolf Steiner, a controversial public figure, introduced biodynamic principles by encouraging
Starting point is 00:55:49 farmers to look to the cosmos before planting and harvesting crops. It's pretty vague. It's space farming. It's space farming. What does look to the cosmos mean? Yeah. It means farming with witchcraft, basically, essentially. As wooey as that sounds, and it's about to get wooier, biodynamic foods are growing in popularity. Demeter works with more than 50 US brands, including whole foods, to add more of their food to the shelf. And a lot of people claim it tastes better. But you know what doesn't taste good? Nazism. And that's where biodynamic farming first got its start. So in the episode we recently did on Fritz Haber, we talked about how the explosion in the use of nitrogen fertilizers made possible the growth of the world's population
Starting point is 00:56:35 beyond around 3 billion people or so. But all those chemical fertilizers also fucked up the topsoil. And in many cases, they had a negative effect on the flavor of food. This was noticed at the time, particularly by people living in Germany. And the organic farming movement first arose as a response to this. Steiner was not the only person who started pushing for a reformation of farming methods, but he was among the first and might have been the most influential. His biodynamic approach involved rejecting artificial fertilizers and pesticides, and instead using compost and manure. He urged farmers to reject monocultures, giant farms growing just a single crop. These are all good enough ideas, but Steiner's biodynamic also involved a lot of bullshit.
Starting point is 00:57:16 Not just following the lunar calendar, but using homeopathy to channel astral energy and other dumb shit like that. It wasn't just harmless magic, though. Biodynamism took off in large part because it tapped into a very dangerous part of the zeitgeist. I found an article from the Journal of Environmental History titled, Organic Farming in Nazi Germany, the Politics of Biodynamic Agriculture. It's written by, guess who, our old buddy Peter Stadenmeier of Marquette University. He seems to have something of an obsession for all things Steiner, and he's definitely the guy to go for on this one. I'm going to quote from him now. In the 1930s, biodynamic advocates touted their version of organic agriculture as, spiritually aware, peasant wisdom, in contrast to civilization,
Starting point is 00:57:58 technology, and modern urban culture. Yeah, hippies, but there's a thinner line than you'd think between Nazis and hippies. Because you know who else stood against modern urban culture and really pushed ideas of spiritually aware peasant wisdom? The fucking Nazis. And biodynamic advocates found a welcome home once the new Reich started winding up in 1932. At that point, the main company selling biodynamism to the German people was Demeter, who's still around today. Now Demeter sold organic food, and Walletta sold cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. Both companies exist today, and are, as far as I know, responsible corporate citizens. But back in the 1930s, they were responsible corporate citizens of the national socialist government. In July of 1933, biodynamic
Starting point is 00:58:45 farmers founded the Reich League for Biodynamic Agriculture. Their leader was an anthroposophist named Erhard Barch. The movement saw Nazi policies as more or less in line with their own esoteric beliefs. They encountered some early issues and were briefly banned in 1933, which is something the anthroposophists will point out regularly. But that ban only lasted a year. Quote, As early as 1934, Nazi Interior Minister Wilhelm Fricht visited Barch's biodynamic estate and expressed his support for the organization. He was followed by a parade of similarly high-profile figures, including Rudolf Hess, Robert Ley, and Alfred Rosenberg, who were guests at biodynamic headquarters in Bad Sarro, and voiced their support for the undertaking. Representatives of the
Starting point is 00:59:26 Reich League for Biodynamic Agriculture publicized the achievements of their organic farming methods in various media, highlighting the virtues of a natural approach to growing food for the revitalization of the German nation. They claimed that biodynamic farms enjoyed more abundant harvest and produced higher quality crops than conventional agriculture, adding that organic procedures were more efficient, healthier, and more conducive to the well-being of the peasantry and the German people at large. Depicting the farm as a unified organism, Barch disdained the Americanization and Mechanization of Agriculture as hazardous to the German peasant life and its connection to the living soil. One Nazi catchphrase that you'll hear a lot even today is blood in soil,
Starting point is 01:00:05 and most people think of that more literally than they should as talking about the airy and blood and the soil of Germany. But when they talk about the soil, they're actually talking more about like a metaphysical connection to the dirt, because again, this sort of like connection to like peasant farming and stuff is a huge aspect of what the Nazis were pushing at the time. And it's something that, you know, biodynamic farming really played into quite well. Why did the Nazis get all this free time? This is what I want to understand. I mean, I really do want to understand this. Robert, you might know something that I don't really understand. Why did, like, what exactly made the German economy function? What was the money behind
Starting point is 01:00:50 all this? Like, obviously, if you want to sit around and talk about farming and whether or not people should be more like peasants or any of this kind of stuff, you need spare time and you need a functioning society, which certainly Germany did not have like for a while before millagerization. I mean, who was funding all this free time speculation that these Germans were doing? There's, okay, so this is a very, there's the answer that's very complicated. For a lot of these German philosophers, many of them did in the 20s especially, receive funding from a number of kind of shady sources, including a lot of very wealthy American businessmen, including some of the businessmen who carried out the business plot, which was an
Starting point is 01:01:39 attempted fascist coup against FDR. I know about that. Yeah, yeah. Which is an incredible story. It is an incredible story. We're doing an episode on it. But more to the point, number one, the Weimar Republic had a lot of problems and was also came of age in a very difficult time to be running Germany, but it was not as dysfunctional as history books often painted. It had its bad years, but by the time the Nazi party really started to rise, the economy had started, was well on its path to recovery. Now, a big part of what, you know, there's a lot of people who mistakenly believe that at least Hitler's policies were good for the economy of Germany, they were not. Where all of the money came from in the early chunk of the Nazi parties like
Starting point is 01:02:20 time and power was they stole it from all of the Jewish people. They took their businesses, they took their money, they took their houses and they gave them to party members and robbery is a large part of what stimulated the German economy. They also borrowed at sort of like unsustainably high rates and use that to push a remilitarization, which like gave jobs and stuff, but it was not sustainable and it was not sound economic policy, which is part of why conquest eventually became necessary if they were going to maintain anything close to the same pace of development. I'm just interested because deep thinking, cultural, like intellectualism is not, is good and we're kind of going through that right now. Like the good part of it is maybe
Starting point is 01:03:01 thinking, well, maybe, I just mean the good part would be the part where you think about, well, maybe farming should be, should be organic. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, maybe we should reform things a bit. Yeah, sure. But then that same thinking, that same like sort of luxury to ruminate leads to terrible ideas as well. It's just very interesting to me because, you know, like what we, it seems like this is proceeding toward is like so many things that are currently happening came out of this fucking horrible period. Like, like, and some of them are good and some of them are horrible, but you know what I mean? Like, but they all come from this like deep thinking and consideration that doesn't exist in culture anymore. It doesn't seem to me. Anyway, it's just
Starting point is 01:03:45 a thought. That's just something that's occurring to me is like, it's like, it seems like a lot of stuff happened as a result of the Nazis having too much time on their hands. And I wonder where that time came from and why there's no time anymore for it or it seems like there's no, there's no, there's no bunch of good people doing the deep thinking that would be necessary to bring culture forward in good, I don't know how to explain it. That's what we try to do here at Behind the Bastards. Okay, well good. There you go. Maybe that's it. Maybe that's it. Okay. If you, if you want to, if you want to draw even more comparisons between the rise of the Nazis and our own incipient fascist movement, one uncomfortable thing to look at could be the fact that if you
Starting point is 01:04:25 guys like Hitler and his, his fellow thinkers in the Nazi party did a lot of their development after they started becoming political figures and they were essentially paid and subsisted on donations and sales of their books. Hitler got very wealthy off of the sales of Mein Kopp and that's what gave him a lot of the time to formulate the rest of his philosophies and like figure shit out. And nowadays we have a class of people who have been paid by a mix of largely by right-wing oil billionaires and fracking billionaires like the Wilkes family and stuff. People like Ben Shapiro, people like Dave Rubin, people like Jordan Peterson and also from the fact that they sell a shitload of books about their philosophies and stuff. And these people are just continuing to think about
Starting point is 01:05:09 things and stuff like cultural Marxism and whatnot. And it's scary where that might lead. And we kind of saw where it led once when you give dumb assholes, tell them that they're really smart and give them a bunch of money to think of more dumb shit. It gets really bad. And yeah. I got you. Okay. I'm just thinking about, okay, so maybe, maybe the best is less, less thinking. Okay, I'm just trying to figure out what the hell's going on. This is a lot. It's hard to find lessons from history sometimes. Yeah. So when the Autobahn construction started in 1934, a group of landscape advocates oversaw the construction. The guy in charge of this was Alwyn Severt, a biodynamic advocate who was considered the third Reich's most prominent
Starting point is 01:05:57 environmentalist. Severt considered himself to be national socialist through and through, and his beliefs on bio dynamism were directly intertwined with his beliefs on race science. It is true that anthroposophists and bio dynamists, who are often one in the same, regularly encountered pushback and even oppression from Reich officials. But that said, less to do with the fact that Nazis saw them as fundamentally dangerous movements and more to do with petty infighting and bickering between different factions of Nazis. So like the Waldorf Answers people will claim that like, well, no, look, the, all these Nazis hated anthroposophy and like banded at a couple of points and like, that's proof that we were oppressed by the Nazis
Starting point is 01:06:33 too. And the reality is that certain Nazis loved anthroposophy and certain Nazis hated it because Nazis were caddy bitches who spent most of their time fighting with each other. As Stadenmeyer lays out, most practitioners of Steiner based philosophies had no problem with the third Reich. Quote, in 1937, an organic dairy farmer from Silesia declared that both biodynamics and Nazism were based on closeness to nature. While in 1938, biodynamic advocates blamed profit oriented chemical agriculture on Jewish influence. A 1941 letter from an anthroposophist and biodynamic advocates similarly lamented that German efforts to maintain healthy soil were threatened by Jewish influence and racially foreign infiltration.
Starting point is 01:07:13 The biodynamic movements anti-materialist stance sometimes when it prays from Nazi anti-Semites, an adulatory 1940 text proclaimed, we are confident that biodynamic agriculture will continue to realize the ideal goal. Ordinary materialism is digging its own grave, the cow is not a milk factory, the hen is not an egg laying machine, the soil is not a chemical laboratory, as the Jew professors would have us believe. See, first half of the sentence is like, oh, maybe they're, maybe they're, yeah. Being in college when my Jewish professor told me that hens were egg laying machines. Yes. Classic Judaism. Yeah, the class was called hens. Yeah. Now, anthroposophy did succeed in getting itself heavily purged by the Nazis. Now,
Starting point is 01:07:57 this is largely because of a little fella named Rudolf Hess. What do you know about Rudolf Hess? Well, I know Rudolf Hess was, wasn't he Hitler's best friend for a long time or his right? He was Hitler's best friend for a long time. What do you call it in time? His Reich's Fuhrer or his second in command or whatever. He was the deputy Fuhrer of the Reich for a while. And didn't he use to be some butcher or something? I mean, all these fucking Reich guys were all like X, like, like just regular motherfuckers, like loading dock managers and shit, who put on like outfits. He was a failed chicken farmer. Stupid ass outfits. So Hess was the guy, he was Hitler's best friend for a long time. When they were in prison together,
Starting point is 01:08:36 Hitler dictated Mein Kampf and Hess did a lot of the actual typing for it. So Hess was like, as close to Hitler as a person could be. And Hess was a believer in all of the ridiculous esoteric witchcraft Nazism stuff that you could possibly fucking believe. Sophie just showed me a picture of his eyebrows. I forgot. That's the first thing that came to my mind. I don't understand how these master race motherfuckers excused like these, these obvious, I mean, the master race has fucking eyebrows look like two goddamn snakes. Yeah. Yeah. Anyway, it's baddie. So yeah, Hess was a big, big fan of the occult, big supporter of he was in, you know, the, the, the Tula society. He was a big believer in like a lot of the stuff Steiner said. And he
Starting point is 01:09:18 was a major supporter of anthroposophy and like biodynamic farming and like was a big advocate for Steiner type beliefs in the Reich. But in 1941, he hopped in a plane and flew to Scotland. Now, we don't know why exactly. The most plausible theory is that he was a legitimately delusional person and actually mentally ill and convinced himself that he could negotiate peace with England on the eve of the German invasion of Russia. Right. He did not succeed in this and was instantly captured. And the whole affair was incredibly embarrassing to him. Hess had again been Hitler's right hand man throughout most of his rise to power, literally writing down a lot of Hitler's words. When Hess abandoned him, Hitler took it personally. And since Hess had been a
Starting point is 01:10:00 major Nazi advocate for occult bullshit, his exiting the picture provided more practical monsters like Reinhard Heidrich with an opportunity to purge other Nazis they disagreed with. Heidrich, by the way, is like maybe the worst of the Nazis. I know. Wightly considered to be the architect of the Holocaust, the butcher of Moravia, terrible person. Now, while anthroposophy was excised from German public life due to this, biodynamic farming continued. From the very start of World War Two, biodynamic growers had worked with Heinrich Himmler's SS to help plan for the agricultural colonization of the occupied Eastern territories. The plan was to uproot and eliminate the slobs and replace them with German farmers. To biodynamic advocates, this represented an
Starting point is 01:10:43 incredible opportunity. They would have a chance to rework all of Eastern Europe into one enormous organic biodynamic farm. Starting in October of 1939, the SS established a biodynamic agricultural school in occupied Poland. So, after Hess's flight, Heinrich Himmler ordered the SS to use the term natural farming for organic agriculture rather than biodynamic, but nothing changed about the methods or the individuals involved, many of whom were dedicated anthroposophists and Steiner followers. Gunther Punk, a biodynamic advocate, became head of the SS office of race and settlement in 1938. His goal was to fill the conquered East with biodynamic farms run by soldier farmers. I'm going to quote from Staudenmeier one more time.
Starting point is 01:11:27 The centerpiece of the biodynamic operations was the sizable plantation at Dachau, which produced medicinal herbs and other organic goods for the SS. As at Ravensbrook, the labor at the Dachau Biodynamic Plantation was performed by camp inmates. From 1941 onwards, the Dachau operation was overseen by anthroposophist Franz Lippert, a leader of the biodynamic movement from its beginnings in head gardener at Willeda from 1924 to 1940. So, in at least two concentration camps, there were biodynamic farms operated by slave laborers. That is, the birth of organic biodynamic farming was literal concentration camps. So that's cool. Willeda and Demeter both operated happily under the Third Reich, along with other less mystical companies like IBM. But the inherently fascistic
Starting point is 01:12:13 roots of much of the organic farming movement have continued today. A sizable minority of organic farmers in the US and Europe are far-right extremists whose quest for purity, unfortunately, extends beyond keeping their corn pesticide free. Obviously, this doesn't mean anyone who runs an organic farm or supports organic farming is a Nazi. The ideas have evolved a lot since then. Anymore than the IBM chip in my laptop makes me a fascist. But it is important to understand the problematic roots of stynarist ideas, because they are still very much influential to this day. And this, my friend, is when we talk about Marianne Williamson. Okay. Yeah. Now, she is not to my knowledge an anthroposophist, but her beliefs are close
Starting point is 01:12:53 enough in line to anthroposophy that she regularly shows up alongside them in literature. For example, I found the book Isms and Allergies, all the movement's ideas and doctrines that have shaped our world. It includes a brief discussion of stynar and anthroposophy. The very next paragraph discusses the Unity Church, which was founded in 1889 as a sort of combination of New Thought, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Theosophy. Quote, Today, Unity and New Thought have blurred into the new age, which adds a spiritualized version of quantum physics and a psychological therapeutic aspect to the doctrinal mix. Marianne Williamson, who is a Unity pastor, Gary Zukoff, and Wayne Dwyer are only a few bestselling writers who proclaim that spiritual growth follows from a transformation
Starting point is 01:13:33 of our ways of thinking. Now, I found another interesting article on the Southern Cross Review, Reflection on the Anthroposovical Path of Schooling. It mentions Williamson and stynar in the same paragraph. Like stynar, we must read and make connections with the great spiritual literatures of the world. This enriches our view of the spiritual world and can also provide assistance when we have difficulty with meditation or get stuck in our personal growth. Although our goal is to gain knowledge of the spiritual worlds that stynars saw so clearly and beautifully, we should not become dependent on his insights. If we are to develop our own ability to see the spirit, we must develop the ability to think for ourselves. Even study of contemporary spiritual
Starting point is 01:14:09 teachers like Marianne Williamson can help us develop this ability. So that's a guy advocating for the charitable reading of stynars texts. Now, again, there's nothing inherently Nazi here, and I'm not saying the author of that piece or Marianne are fascist because, again, a lot of the racism has been pruned out of the modern publications of stynars work. But it is worrying to me how close some of her beliefs seem to intertwine with stynars. A terrifying number of his followers had no difficulty diving headfirst into fascism, many considered it a natural step forward, and I'm worried that some of those same ideas are still very common today. Now, Marianne Williamson herself is, of course, Jewish, and I do not believe she is a fascist, but I do think she harbors a
Starting point is 01:14:49 number of these toxic beliefs. She's famously said, sickness is an illusion and does not actually exist. And the fact that this sort of nonsense isn't seen as immediately disqualifying in a candidate deeply concerns me. When one type of anti scientific bullshit can propagate, other more toxic ideas can also breed. This is the most important lesson we can take from the life and ideas of Rudolph Steiner. That's the end of the episode. Hey, listen to this. Marianne Williamson is another one of these rich kids. She she had a wasted decade where she moved to New Mexico and lived in a geodesic dome with her boyfriend. And she also was going to pursue a career as a cabaret singer, but got distracted by quote, bad boys and good dope. I mean, well,
Starting point is 01:15:38 you know, we all get distracted by bad boys and good dope for a period of time. Right. But then when these people find the way or what they think is the way these big ego people decide that everybody, I mean, it's so like you basically attach universal, you have a huge ego. So you attach like you take your personal journey and then you kind of try and impose it on everybody else. It's like, it's very, it's very like a myopic tunnel vision. There's some it's just very selfish. It's this idea that that your personal journey somehow you forget that you're a privilege. You're one of this privilege class that gets to spend all its time, you know, thinking about shit that you really shouldn't be thinking about. You should
Starting point is 01:16:30 just be most of the time probably minding your own fucking business. But you end up with this huge amount of space in your life where you live in geodesic domes. And then it just leads to this, I don't know, attaching so much importance to your own narrative that it doesn't deserve. Yeah. And it's, it leads to problematic shit like like what you see in Marianne Williamson's writings and stuff, where she'll talk about sickness and disease as if it's, it's not a thing that just happens randomly to some people. It's tied into like aspects of your what you believe or like how you act, like what sort of energy you invite. And it's, it's not, she would never say you, if you have cancer, it's your fault. But that's one of the
Starting point is 01:17:14 interpretations of the things that she writes. And it's why a lot of like disabled people, like people who were born with like, you know, disabilities or whatever, like get really scared when they see this person starting to gain steam and politics, because a shitload of stuff that she's written is the same kind of shit Steiner was writing about how like, oh, well, you know, if you didn't, I don't think she would literally says that like, oh, you're your ghost, you know, balked before jumping into your body. And that's why your arm doesn't work right. But a lot of her beliefs about sickness and stuff are very much in line with that. And it's this like, it's this new age positive thinking bullshit, a lot of which is directly
Starting point is 01:17:54 descended from Theosophy, which is also one of the root movements of the Nazi movement. And it doesn't mean that like, if you're into new age shit, you're a Nazi, obviously. But it does mean that like, similar patterns of thought can lead to both things. And like, one of the things I found that was really interesting to me while I was doing this research was just like a Twitter post Marianne Williamson said, where she noted that like, oh, people on the left are way meaner than me than people on the right. Like everybody talks about how mean the right is, but the left has been really like, those are the ones who've been the meanest to me. And somebody quoted this and said, I think one of the scary things about American politics is the next few years is that
Starting point is 01:18:31 people don't realize how easy it is for folks with kind of kooky new age left wing views to turn a hard right. I knew a not like it was a journalist talking about like, I talked to a Nazi militia leader once who sent his kids to a Waldorf school, because he believed in a lot of the same wooey bullshit, like there's a certain level of like, if you get into some of these weird esoteric beliefs, other esoteric belief systems like Nazism are going to be more enticing to you than just embracing like the world's like, like, let's not believe this kind of bullshit. Like, let's try to actually like fix problems. Yeah, if you get more accepted, if you get kooky, you're going to want to hang out with kooks. And only kooks are going to are going to tolerate you or respect you because you are
Starting point is 01:19:18 talking shit, and you make no sense. I mean, she has no business speculating about the causes of diseases. She's not a doctor. She's a person who comes from a background of geodesic domes and bad boys and good dope. And, and, you know, I hate the expression stay in your lane, but to an extent to it is a, it's a matter of you're talking out of your ass. And people who are also talking out of their asses will be a lot nicer to you than other people who are like, realistic and saying you don't know what you're talking about. Stop talking about diseases and causes of diseases. You don't know what the fuck you are saying. Pierre, you know, and then, oh, but these other people are much nicer to me because, because they're insane. That's why. Yeah. And it's,
Starting point is 01:20:05 it's like, you find like a lot of the shit that like was at the core of bio dynamism is also at the core of like what Williamson says about healthcare. She said this recently in Detroit, while she was like campaigning for president and talking about like reforming the healthcare system. We need to be the party talking about why so many of our chemical policies and our food policies and our agricultural policies and our environmental policies and even our economic policies are leading to people getting sick to begin with, which again, you can interpret that in a reasonable way or you can interpret it in a stynarian way where it's like, oh, that could lead to some really fucking uncomfortable conclusions about the world. She said shit like people who want to
Starting point is 01:20:42 avoid the swine flu should pour God's love on their immune systems. Yeah. Like she said shit about vaccines that's really unsettling. And you know, obviously like Steiner was an anti-vaccine guy and so are a lot of Nazis. And it's one of those things. There's a lot of very far left people who are very anti-vaccine and a lot of Nazis who are anti-vaccine. And one of the things that's scary to me is that if you push a lot of those far left anti-vax people, they won't drop being anti-vax and stay left wing. They'll just go over to the Nazis, like not all of them, but a decent amount of them. It happens. Yeah. I feel like people need to tell more people who are talking about stuff that they don't know anything about to shut the fuck
Starting point is 01:21:26 up. Yeah. And when somebody who, yeah, when somebody who, I mean, it's narcissism. All it is is narcissism. It's just narcissism makes you think you're an expert on fucking everything. And once someone, it's just annoying to me. There's so many good people who aren't just aren't blabbing. What is, I forget what thinker it was said this, but like the greatest problem in the world is that fools are so confident and wise men are so full of doubt. There you go. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's what I've been trying to get at this whole episode. Yeah. Be really, be really fucking careful about anybody. And this is one of the problems, the fundamental problems with having a president is that then you have this person who has to
Starting point is 01:22:07 pretend like they're competent about everything from nuclear policy to energy policy to climate change to international policy, to national defense, to military intervention. There's not a single human being on the face of this earth and there never will be who is competent on all those things. Not one, never will be, never will happen, never, ever, ever, ever, ever. But because of our system, they all have to be able to bullshit at being good at all that, even though at best, the best of them are competent at like two or three of those things. Yeah. And once you get into the world of like, oh, I know about diseases, even though I don't have any background in science, then next thing you know, your best friends are going to be
Starting point is 01:22:54 people who don't believe in climate change because they think it's, people who have expert opinions on things that they know nothing about. Yep. Fuck them. And fuck Rudolph, whatever, Steiner. Rudolph Steiner. So in conclusion for today, fuck Rudolph Steiner. Fuck that guy. Punch a dancer. And farms are bad? That might not be the lesson to take out of this. Fuck Rudolph Steiner, man. He's, you know, I don't know what to say. Yeah. It's just a wild story. It's almost hard because it's like, obviously, there are actually very important aspects of like organic farming. And some of the ideas, even in biodynamic farming, like about like, that are critical, like we're having a major problem now with like our top
Starting point is 01:23:42 soil is being eroded. And there's like certainly aspects of organic farming and a biodynamic farming that are better for the top soil than a lot of the industrial shit we're doing. That's absolutely a fair point. He wasn't wrong about everything. He just talked about everything. So he was mostly wrong. Like that's Steiner in a nutshell. Yeah. I wonder if Jennifer Aniston's a farmer. I don't know. I wonder if Jennifer Aniston was just like, I just thought it was a school about acting. Like I just learned how to be an actress. Yeah, that's right. These kids, you know, I don't know. I don't know. I think that I have no idea. I'm trying to think of something to say and I can't think of anything. I mean, I guess in order to determine whether or
Starting point is 01:24:25 not Steiner's influence was on balance, bad or good, you have to weigh on one hand slave farms on concentration camps. And on another hand, Rutger Hauer's tears in the rain speech from the end of Blade Runner and really who's to say which is worth more? Concentration camps. It was bad. Oh boy. Good times. How do you wrap it up usually? Do you wrap it up with a grand statement about the history or is it just sort of like a public service to give people? No, I don't trust grand statements. If I were to come out with some like conclusive simple one sentence summary of like what actually is worth understanding in this, that would be me oversimplifying things to the point of inaccuracy just like all of these grifters I talk about do. I'm not going to try to do it.
Starting point is 01:25:12 It's fucking complicated. So you're providing context for information. It's really, I tend to want narratives with endings and things, but this is sort of seems like one of those things where it's like you're just, it's good to know these things and they give you the ability to keep an eye on warning signs and sort of problematic little things about. Yeah. Keep an eye on your organic farmer because he might be getting a little too weird. If there's a single sentence summary I can give this that isn't entirely inaccurate or too succinct to be valuable, it would be don't trust anyone who talks with expertise about everything because no one's an expert on everything. And sometimes that includes me. Definitely don't trust me. I'm a terrible person and that's the
Starting point is 01:26:03 note that we should end on. You want to plug your plug up? Thank you, Robert, so much. I really, really enjoyed being on your show and I'm deeply impressed with your research and writing and I would love to come back on again. And in the meantime, you can find me on at the Crofton show where I talk about a complete nonsense. So you don't have to worry about me being an expert on anything on there. And my advice column, which is equally, I mean, sometimes it's serious, sometimes it's not serious, but it's called The Advice King and you can listen to my album Hello, It's Me on Spotify and everywhere and Pitchfork gave it a 7.4. So go listen to my Pitchfork approved album, Hello, It's Me. And go buy a Pitchfork along with some bolt cutters to
Starting point is 01:26:50 get ready for the upcoming civil unrest. That's my plug. I am Robert Evans. You can find me on, well, you can find the sources for this website on I do want to give a special shout out to Peter Staudenmeier, who has done a whole fuckload of this episode with his own research. So thank you, Professor Staudenmeier. I hope I pronounced your name not wrong. You can also find us on Instagram and Twitter at At Bastards Pod. You can find me on Twitter at IWriteOK. You can buy t-shirts at If you want t-shirts that have anything to do with this podcast, you should look up BehindTheBastards on And that is it. That's the episode. Go fucking hug a cat and punch a dancer.
Starting point is 01:27:37 Thanks, Robert. Okay. Sophie, should we be advising people to assault random dancers? No. Okay. Well, the episode's over. Cool. What would you do if a secret cabal of the most powerful folks in the United States told you, hey, let's start a coup? Back in the 1930s, a marine named Smedley Butler was all that stood between the U.S. and fascism. I'm Ben Bullitt. I'm Alex French. And I'm Smedley Butler. Join us
Starting point is 01:28:08 for this sordid tale of ambition, treason, and what happens when evil tycoons have too much time on their hands. Listen to Let's Start a Coup on the iHeart radio app, Apple podcast, or wherever you find your favorite shows. What if I told you that much of the forensic science you see on shows like CSI isn't based on actual science and the wrongly convicted pay a horrific price? Two death sentences in a life without parole. My youngest, I was incarcerated two days after her first birthday. Listen to CSI on trial on the iHeart radio app, Apple podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. With the Soviet Union collapsing around him, he orbited the earth for 313 days that changed the
Starting point is 01:29:24 world. Listen to The Last Soviet on the iHeart radio app, Apple podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.

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