Behind the Bastards - Part Two: TB Joshua: The Evangelical Pastor Who Built His Own Hell

Episode Date: February 29, 2024

Robert and Miles get to the nightmare heart of the TB Joshua story: a sprawling empire of sexual violence and gaslighting on an epic scale.See for privacy information....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 My name is M. William Phelps. For the past several years, I've been re-investigating the cases of two young women, abducted from their small towns, their bodies dumped deep in the Ozark woods, with a connection to one very familiar name. Find them, torture them, kill them, BTK. Secrets finally revealed sending authorities rushing to confront a suspect has been hiding in plain sight for decades Listen to paper ghost season four on the iHeart radio app apple podcast or wherever you find your favorite podcasts Hey, what's up? This is your boy Jerry Clark and I am the host of story time with legendary Jerry podcast for the last 30 years I work with some of your favorite artists, like Alcast, Killamite, GZ, ACOT, Jermaine Dupri, and so many, many more.
Starting point is 00:00:50 Storytime with Legendary Jerry is an ode to the South. Southern Rap has had the game on lock for years, and now I'm telling you legendary stories of how we did it. Listen to Storytime with Legendary Jerry on the I Heart Radio app, Apple Podcast, or wherever you get your podcasts. One of the best shows of the year, according to Apple, Amazon, and Time, is back for another round.
Starting point is 00:01:13 We had a big bear of a man, who was called Mal Evans, who was our roadie, and he was coming back on the plane, and he said, will you pass the salt and pepper? And I miss her, then. I said, will you pass the salt and pepper? And I miss her. And I said, what? So I do better. Listen to season two of McCartney, a life in lyrics on the I heart radio app, Apple podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts. Closer media. Welcome back to Behind the Bastards, a podcast about illness by the sickest man in podcasting Robert Evans.
Starting point is 00:01:52 We're recording this about a week after our TB Joshua part one episodes with The Great Miles Gray. Miles, take an audio bow. Wow, what a bow. Beautiful. I just head butted my microphone. I'm technically better, I guess I have this fun thing that happens with sinus infections, where my nose is mostly better, but now my jaw hurts like hell. It's like a, I think it's partly related to coughing, but it happens when you're with when your sinuses get completely fucked.
Starting point is 00:02:23 So I'm feeling great, Miles. How are you? You have that colloidal silver, I say. Yeah. Yeah. I'm always putting silver in various parts. You watch. Sorry. Did you watch that documentary, Miles? Mother God. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:34 Yeah. You know, I did. Any time I know she was a Crip. My favorite thing is people taking quack medicine that turns them different colors. Do it. It's so good. Every time it's funny.
Starting point is 00:02:48 It's fucked up, but I was taking so many screenshots when I was watching that that I use as memes among my friends. Like, just this one where the guy was playing guitar while she was in the bed. Yeah. I send that. Just like the energy of playing guitar while she was in the bed. Yeah. I send that. It's so good. Just like the energy of playing guitar for a corpse like that.
Starting point is 00:03:09 You're like, oh, this is wild. It's the bee's knees. I quite literally forced Jamie to watch that all the way through in the middle of the night. I was like, I can't be awake tomorrow and you have not watched this for me to talk to you about this shit. It was miles.
Starting point is 00:03:22 When they were wheeling her through that, the whole thing was out of whatever. Anyway, it must watch. It was miles. When they were wheeling you through that hot, the whole thing was added, whatever. Anyway, must watch. It was great because it led me after, I was watching it with friends and afterwards we were very much like, well, I still want more cult content. And we found fucking, I think it was Netflix,
Starting point is 00:03:38 we were on, I forget, whatever thing we were on, the algorithm was like, That was HBO, that was HBO, I think. It was HBO. Here's a show about like this commune that might be a cult or might not. It was like a mystery show. And I put it on in the first episode.
Starting point is 00:03:50 Feels kind of like a documentary. There are a couple of weird moments and I'm like, what's going on with this? And then the second episode, it immediately transitions to being a reality show fully. And I was like, they fucking tricked us. They tricked us into thinking that we were watching like a documentary about this commune that got accused of being a cult and it's just a reality show We're people like have to live on a commune right and I was like
Starting point is 00:04:14 You tricky sons of bitches This is worse shit. This country is chicken shit man. This fucking country Horrible speaking of this country, you know, it's not this country, Miles. Where? Nigeria. Yes, yes, yes. You know, I'm not an expert on Nigeria,
Starting point is 00:04:33 but most of my research suggests different country than we live in. I thought it was seamless, to be honest. Thank you. I thought it was good. It connected with the main thought, which was it's not this country. It's not this country,
Starting point is 00:04:44 but it is where TB Joshua lived. And most great cult leaders, Miles, have a title or an alternate name they prefer to be known by. I'm not gonna say every cult leader, but a lot of them do, right? Elron Hubbard was the Commodore because he loved navies and making people pretend to be in his navy.
Starting point is 00:05:03 Keith Reneary was known as Vanguard to his followers. I had a Beyonce joke in here, but I realized, why would I, I don't need that kind of heat. How did you just pronounce her name? We're gonna bleep it out anyway. Like they did in that Donald Glover's show, Sophie. So it's fine. Right.
Starting point is 00:05:21 So in keeping with the fact that he was a general creep and monster, TB Joshua had the most unsettling cult leader nickname imaginable, Daddy. That's just, hmm, that's the good stuff. Not like father, they call him father sometimes too, but like Daddy specifically is what most of his followers refer to him as, which is just an extra level. I don't know why it's worse than a father. I guess it's not, maybe it's just like exposure because of the Catholic church,
Starting point is 00:05:49 we're all used to religious figures being father, but like daddy is creepy, right? No, daddy is cause it's like, it's juvenile, but also there's, it's sexually charged in different contexts. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, and I mean, and it is in this context because like the people who he was most insistent
Starting point is 00:06:06 call him daddy were the young female followers that he was fucking, right? Why did for a second I forgot I was on behind the bastards and I was like, oh, finally said chill words. Like we're just going to talk about mother god. And then I'm like, oh, that's right. We're talking about TB fucking Joshua again. Well, wait a minute. I thought I was watching a Netflix documentary about a cult
Starting point is 00:06:26 and now I'm on a fucking reality show. That's such a fun cult documentary because like, it's, I mean, it's a story about a woman destroying herself and like dying, but she's also the cult leader. And it's like interesting because it's a cult leader where the primary victim was the cult leader. Like the cult leader was the victim of the cult
Starting point is 00:06:44 in a way that's really fun. Yeah. As opposed to this, which is just horrible. But you know, this is yeah, we're not going to give you the fun store. You're not going to hear about Mother God here. Go watch HBO if you want. Is there colloidal silver at the very least in this one? There there is quack remedies, but those quack remedies are just praying
Starting point is 00:07:01 until your cancer eats you alive. OK. All right. Yep. All right. Yep, so good stuff. Despite that I'm still in. Yeah. You're contractually obligated to be in. We have ironclad contracts with our guests. Hey, don't reveal the process here.
Starting point is 00:07:17 I know I'm locked in till at least 2026. We're represented by one of those Epstein lawyers and it's just... Oh, anyway, speaking of abusive relationships, let's talk about the tale of one of TB Joshua's followers, Ray. Ray is an English woman. She left Brighton, England, where she went to university for Nigeria
Starting point is 00:07:42 in the winter of 2002. She traveled there with a friend to see TB Joshua. Now, both Ray and her friend were strict Christians who had seen videos of TB Joshua's miracles passed around in tapes and heard stories from other evangelicals who'd gone to his church. Right. Again, as you noted, it's very much like, I don't know, the way that, like, you know, back in the early aughts, late 90s, like punk bands, you'd get like some burnt, like you'd get like a tape or something from a friend of yours, right?
Starting point is 00:08:10 Right. It's like a live session from this band no one else has ever heard of. And yeah, that's how that shit spread. It's the same way with this. And in Reza counting, she watched these videos for the first time with her church congregation when she was 16. So a couple of years before she went over there, and quote, the whole room went completely still when they first watched TB Joshua cure people. Now, it's one thing to say, these people were convinced that TB Joshua could work miracles and
Starting point is 00:08:35 but wanted to see that for themselves, but that doesn't get at the essential horror of what was going on here. Ray, like a lot of TB Josh was foreign volunteers, was homosexual. And because of the religious environment she was raised in and the time, again, you got to remember this, the early 2000s weren't a very different period for a lot of this stuff. She believed that this was immoral and she wanted to pray the gay away, right? Like that was her, like she recognized this about her, she's raised in this culture and she wants to be cured of this. And whatever she's doing at home is not getting rid of this thing that is part of her, right?
Starting point is 00:09:11 Right. And she sees these videos of this supernaturally powerful preacher in Nigeria and is like, maybe he can do it, right? I'm seeing like, you know, that he's like fixing this guy's like leg or whatever snake oil We saw last time. Yeah. Yeah. And obviously that doesn't work. But you can see why she would get hope for this for the first time, right? As a result of like watching these videos. Ray letter told him later told an interviewer, I thought, Well, maybe this is the answer to my
Starting point is 00:09:41 problems. Maybe this man can straighten me out. Like if he prays for me, I won't be gay anymore. And so after she and her friend went and visited Scone for a week, her friend goes back to the UK, but Ray elects to stay, to like drop out of school, to basically leave her family and to join his church. She recalls thinking, this is what Jesus would have done.
Starting point is 00:10:01 An article published based on a BBC Africa Eye report states, neither Ray nor many of the young people who left their home countries to meet Joshua in the early 2000s paid for their tickets. Church groups across England raised funds to send pilgrims to Lagos to witness these miracles, and Joshua contributed scone money himself, senior former Church insiders say. Later, once the church was well established, he charged high prices for pilgrims to come and stay. So it's really like a bait and switch type thing, right? Like we'll put money into bringing people over here
Starting point is 00:10:30 until we've established demand in the industry because there's so many people coming back home. He's a good businessman, right? Evil, evil businessman, but most good businessmen are evil. So. Yeah, there's no, yeah, you can't make the line go up unless you have truly despicable aims. Or you're just like, no, there's no, yeah, you can't make the line go up unless you have truly despicable
Starting point is 00:10:45 aims or you're just like, nah, I'm just, I'm just good at, you know, getting the people here and making the money. And the line is going up for Skone. Yeah. Bisola, an Nigerian woman who spent 14 years inside the Skone compound says that courting Westerners was a key tactic. Quote, he used white people to market his brand. And it's worth noting that miracles were also marketed, as we've said, to other Africans
Starting point is 00:11:07 and that TB Joshua was an equal opportunity abuser, but the abuse looked different depending on where you were coming from. And this brings us to how he treated members of the Nigerian LGBTQ community. I'm going to quote from an article by Open Democracy here. Hans-Lean Davids, who works with the Inclusive and Affirming Ministries, IAM, a Pan-African network that champions LGBTIQ rights in religious organizations, says that Joshua promotes the notion that LGBTIQ people are bad spirits blocking prosperity. Parents from poor communities bring their children that are LGBTIQ identifying to Joshua's
Starting point is 00:11:44 services, in the hope that their bad omen child will be turned into something good and they will start to have good luck and prosperity, says David, who is a former Reverend with the Uniting Reform Church in Southern Africa. And so again, for kids like Ray, the preach is that like this can fix you. This guy is so much more powerful
Starting point is 00:12:01 than any of the religious leaders you've seen in your country and he can actually fix you where they can't and when they're talking to light when he's sort of like preaching to to queer Nigerians What he's saying is that like if you send your kids here for me to fix them The bad luck that your family has incurred because you have a gay child in the family Will be wiped away and your family will start making more money, right? Like that's literally the pitch. Yeah. And both of those things are evil. They're just a bit different, right? Yeah. Yeah. Which we're just using different motivators to get people there. Right. And it showcases that this is someone with a pretty keen understanding of both cultures. He understands the Western cultures that he's recruited from and he understands his own community, right?
Starting point is 00:12:45 And that different approaches are going to work better, right? Yeah. Now this gets us to another interesting difference between, or sorry, and I think it's kind of key to note that when it comes to how he preached to poor Nigerians, to Ghanians, to peoples in West Africa and largely the people he is recruiting from there, not exclusively,
Starting point is 00:13:05 but a lot of them are very poor. He focuses on prosperity, right? And not just in terms of like promising that if you come to the church, if you send him your kids for him to fix them, your family will be prosperous. But he does this sort of thing that's very common in the US among prosperity gospel churches
Starting point is 00:13:21 where you have to tie the huge chunk of your income. He asks for 10% from the incomes of all of his church members and that will ensure that God blesses your finances. So the way this is, and again, a lot of this is prosperity gospel shit, you get this in the US all the time, you have to give money to the church, but that's how you guarantee God will increase your income, right? That's the only way for you to make more money. I'm one of God's official agents, man So yeah, the deal give me about like 10 give me a 10% kind of your shit all fucking tell God Yo, make sure you hook them up this month and we're good. Yeah, we're good
Starting point is 00:13:56 So over the first 20 or so years of operations stone perfected the practice of reaching out to people in different ways And of course the practice of faking miracles and this is. And of course, the practice of faking miracles. And this is what all of these tactics rely upon is faking miracles. Witnesses have claimed to press that not only were some miracle recipients actors, as we've already discussed, but it was also common practice to trick actual sick people
Starting point is 00:14:18 into playing their part. TB Joshua's agents would comb logos for people with health problems that were easily treated, but like these people couldn't afford to treat those health problems, right? So it's, you've got some sort of, you know, bacterial sickness or whatever, a virus even, that we can treat, you just can't afford to treat it.
Starting point is 00:14:34 These people would be brought in, and then in the food or water they're being given, they would be drugged and treated against their knowledge and told that what was fixing them was them being prayed over, right? They were gaslighting people into believing that they had been cured. So like someone's like has some kind of maybe like parasitic infection or something like that. And they're like, dude, just fucking hit them with the antibiotics and they're fucking yogurt.
Starting point is 00:15:00 And then, yeah, wow. Because of, you know, because of, you know you know the water the lack of good water in a lot of especially these poor communities Yeah, there are a lot of people with with parasitical in and with that sort of shit with these certain sorts of like intestinal parasites Once you get people good medicine the degree to which people Like improve is it will it does feel magical if you don't know what's being done, right? Right? It does feel magical if you don't know what's being done, right? Right. Like it's such a quick change. And yeah, it's I've never heard of anyone doing that. And it's, I guess objectively it's better than the other thing he's doing,
Starting point is 00:15:34 which is like lying to people about the fact that he can cure their cancer. Yeah, like HIV. They're like, yo, don't do the meds. Just pray. Just pray. This is I get. I don't know why it disturbs me more because it's objectively not as bad, but it is like weirdly more fucky.
Starting point is 00:15:50 I don't know. Oh, yeah. Well, because you're completely you're using the their own distress over their their health to then like supercharge your shitty belief factory to then be like, yeah, man, I'm going to take your stress about this and I'm gonna convert that into just devotion to what I'm telling you and staying in line and promoting my message all the while when it's like,
Starting point is 00:16:15 yeah I just gave you fucking a Moxa Cylinder, whatever it was. Yeah, right? Yeah, we're literally like, I've remefted, I'm sure that is what we're giving them a lot of times because it's an effective anti-parasitic. Yeah, also for COVID. Yeah, and also for, of course, Cures COVID. Koloidal silver too. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's my combo. I just, you know, Miles,
Starting point is 00:16:32 I just take silver when, if I start to feel under the weather, I keep a pile of silver in my gunsafe and I just eat one of those little silver bars, you know? Yeah. That's like an extended release capsule. I think that's how it works release capsule. But yes. He's eating silver bullets. No, I need those for werewolves. My yeah, that's true. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to spread this information on the show. It gets a lot worse somehow. So I mentioned last episode that given Nigeria's problems with HIV,
Starting point is 00:16:59 a lot of TB Josh was claimed miracles had to do with curing people of that illness. Here's the thing. It's actually kind of hard to convince someone who is dying of AIDS that you have fixed them, right? Because they continue to be really sick. So they opted to go and obviously like HIV and AIDS are not the same thing, but someone who is untreated HIV, it will eventually progress and become clear that they have not become cured. And that's a potential danger, right? If people do eventually realize that you were lying to them, they could, you know, speak out about it and cause problems.
Starting point is 00:17:32 So the much safer thing that the church eventually lands on is bribing doctors to tell congregants they've tested positive for HIV and then curing them, having them go get a real HIV test at an actual clinic and it comes back negative because they were so sick. Fuck out of here. I know, right? That's so fucking evil. Holy shit. Like, Jesus.
Starting point is 00:17:54 Yeah. Every, is this such a different kind of bastard, you know, like the past we've talked about all kinds of Nazis, child abusers, just general head get. This guy is just completely fucking with people's realities in a way that's, A, just, it's like, I hate using the word, but it's like genius. It is, it's fucking with me that like, he's like,
Starting point is 00:18:21 no, this is what you gotta do. You get the people who don't have AIDS, get them to pop on a fucking fake test. Then you go take the real thing and then guess what? We fucking won. But it feels like also something like how probably like finance works at higher levels to, you know what I mean? Of this same thing of like, no, just make it look like this and then watch.
Starting point is 00:18:39 Watch. I think it's key to understand stuff like this because it's so easy, especially when people talk about cults like this that are operating in Nigeria for folks to have the wrong idea that, well, maybe these people are getting tricked or something because they lack access to education that people have. I would hope that the degree of misinformation around shit like COVID in the US would disabuse you of that. It has very little to do with your level of education.
Starting point is 00:19:06 In this case, it's even less because you're dealing with people who probably can't afford a lot of medical care. And so the church says, as churches often do legitimately all throughout the world, we are offering medical tests to see if you have HIV or whatever, people who do not have access to much money go and get the test. It tells them they're sick, they get cured, so they think by, you know, the, by, by TB Joshua, and then they become dedicated members of the church
Starting point is 00:19:33 and give them what little money they have. You know? And like, what other options do a lot of these people have? Right? You know, like, that's an insane thing to have to deal with. Yeah, that's what makes it, I guess, yeah, just doubly vile because you're already, you're already taking advantage of the inequity that exists within your country to then be like, yeah, let me just exacerbate this even more. Yeah, it's like one of the most comprehensively evil things
Starting point is 00:19:58 I've ever heard of someone doing. It's, it's pretty bad. Yeah. But you know what isn't comprehensively evil, Miles? It's just a little evil. Tell me. The sponsors of this podcast. Okay.
Starting point is 00:20:10 Yeah. Yeah. That's our guarantee. Just a little evil. All of a sudden, he says, Linda, I see a skull. Deep in the heart of the Ozarks, a mysterious disappearance turns into a grisly discovery. Two young women murdered.
Starting point is 00:20:29 My name is M. William Phelps. For the past several years, I've been reinvestigating the cases of two young women, abducted from their small towns, their bodies dumped deep in the Ozark woods. With a connection to one very familiar name. He chose his own moniker, binded them, tortured them, killed them, BZK. Cold cases on breaking wide open as a heated confrontation with an alleged psychopath ensues. Did you kill those girls? You got all this information, then why did you ask me if you already knew?
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Starting point is 00:23:19 And I'm speaking about the Westerners here primarily. I want to quote again from the BBC discussing the story of our friend Ray. When Ray landed in the seething heat of Lagos, she saw miracles too. Dozens of people came and testified to having been healed of serious illnesses. I had a really involuntary reaction. I just broke down in floods of tears, she said. It was then that Ray was chosen. Joshua singled her out to become a disciple, an elite group of followers who served him and lived with him inside his compound. Ray thought she was going to study under Joshua to cure her sexuality, to learn how to heal people. The reality was very different. We all thought we were in heaven, but we were in hell, she says,
Starting point is 00:23:54 and in hell, terrible things happen. TB Joshua sexually abused Ray, and not just her, but numerous other disciples. That was largely the point of being, at least the female disciples. The male disciples got abused too, but I think it was more like literally just getting physically beaten and tortured and shit when they didn't do things to, because he was an abuse of asshole, right? In addition to being just calculated evil. We don't know how many of these women there were,
Starting point is 00:24:21 at least dozens. Most of the people who were incited and have gotten out suspect that the number of women he sexually abused is in the hundreds. I mean, it could be higher than that. Like this guy was in power and wealthy for a long time and had access to a lot of people. By this point, the early aughts, the synagogue church of all nations had expanded into a compound of several full city blocks wide, with massive towers of apartment buildings, a grand stadium capable of hosting tens of thousands of worshipers, schools, shops, and theaters. It was effectively a city within a city.
Starting point is 00:24:56 The women chosen by Joshua were isolated, locked away from friends or family, and from each other. They were often kept in total isolation, right? Locked in individual cells effectively. Ray claims that she believed firmly she was the only disciple in a romantic relationship with TB Joshua and so great was his control. And that, I mean, that's how she described it. I don't think romantic would be the right way to actually describe this. But at the time, that was how she was looking at it, right? She also claims that his control was so great that he was able to make it impossible for most of the women he was abusing
Starting point is 00:25:30 to know that other women were being abused, right? This is something you'll hear from a few of his victims, so it seems to be probably pretty consistent. Joshua, like most cult leaders, was not a big fan of condoms. And as a result, a lot of the women that he slept with wound up pregnant, often repeatedly. Dozens of women have claimed to the BBC that they were forced to have abortions by TB Joshua, who seems to have had no desire himself to father multiple
Starting point is 00:25:55 children. He does have some kids, but most of the time he seems to have just ordered these women to get abortions. One of his former victims told an interviewer, if any of us got pregnant, he said, you cannot betray the man of God. We have to do something about it. I never had a choice, whether I could keep a potential child or not. I felt like I didn't own my body. And for an idea of how prevalent this was,
Starting point is 00:26:19 how consistent a thing this was for him, TB Josh was evangelical Christian compound, had a secret on-site abortion clinic just to service his victims. Whoa. Yeah. Oh my God. Yeah. It's C, okay. Yeah. Yeah. He has like an underground abortion clinic in this like little city that he's built. Right. And just like all his victims. Right. And all the money that he's raking in just goes to creating this like little city that he's built for his victims. Right. And all the money that he's raking in just goes to creating this like bubbled reality city to do this kind of shit. Yeah, where he exercises total control. And when I say abortion clinic, don't picture a clean,
Starting point is 00:26:58 competent, plant parenthood facility. TB Joshua is still an evangelical Pentecostal and believes that abortion is wrong, but he primarily seems to have believed that it was wrong for the women that he was assaulting to get pregnant at all, right? And thus he saw the procedure not just as necessary for his own benefit, but as a punishment for them. Right? Holy shit. Like because they like how dare you get pregnant exactly after no unprotected sex. Yeah, I am I am like God's prophet and there's nothing more important than my work and you're putting it at risk with your selfish decision to get pregnant.
Starting point is 00:27:34 That seems to be from the way they talk about it. That seems to be how he he treated this. Right. Okay. Jessica Kamu who is one of his African victims, she's from Namibia, says that she was taken by Joshua at age 17, raped and locked away to what amounted to a dungeon. He kept her there for five years and forced her to have as many abortions over the years. Quote, these were backdoor type medical treatments that we were going through. It could have killed us. Another follower went into more detail.
Starting point is 00:28:04 You know it, you skip your first period, you skip your second period, and you have killed us. Another follower went into more detail. You know it, you skip your first period, you skip your second period, and you have to talk in secrecy, you'd be taken by one of these elder moms to this clinic of his. And he's referring to part of the facilitation process that like this whole cult runs by is he's got some of these elder women who do a lot of the work of handling the younger women that he's abusing, right? Because he's not going to do that himself, right? He's got coat leadership to do, you know, he has more important things to handle. Yeah. He's making medical diagnoses. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:28:35 TB Joshua had a ferocious temper, probably not surprising. And the man, his followers called Daddy, was prone to fly into rages at the drop of a hat. The most severe punishment he needed out was forced isolation because that's pretty close to the worst thing you can do to somebody. And this was often prescribed for the women he had, he was abusing. Ray says that she was locked alone in a room at one point
Starting point is 00:28:56 for two years and was visited only by TB Joshua for reasons I probably don't need to explain. She attempted suicide several times while imprisoned in the compound, but again, that's not easy to do because of the degree of control he has. Yeah, like I said, this is one of the worst stories I've ever come across. And it sure is. And like it has, it's like any conceivable way to be a despicable person, they say, oh, yeah, yeah, like I'm engaged in that too. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:26 Imprisonment, trafficking, sexual assault, sexual violence, medical gaslighting, like fucking literally anything. Yeah. Like I don't want to say, you know, when you're talking about like really bad cult leaders, it's making like a moral distinction like this one was worse than this one. Yeah, yeah, yeah, no. I've never been more disturbed by a cult story than this. This is like the most unsettling cult shit I've ever read about, I think. Yeah. And someone who's like, because a lot of the times it's like,
Starting point is 00:29:56 it's just like a unwell narcissist with like great charisma who's like racist. Yeah. And then this guy is so deeply thinking about the myriad of ways he can control and abuse people. Yeah. That's when you're like, yeah, it's like it's a completely different level or not a different level, but it's just a different level of severity. Yeah. Yeah. More common punishments were meted out to regular followers of the prophets, people that he's not having sex with, right? These would include whipping with chains or horse whips, the use of electrical cables to whip people for punishment. And of course, it was also just there was a level of average abuse that all of the people who lived on scone property were forced to go through. Everyone living on this
Starting point is 00:30:39 compound is made to wake up early and go to sleep very late. They are often forced into physical labor. All of these buildings, which are massive constructions, are built by his followers who are living on site, at least as much as possible. I'm sure they had to pull in contractors for some stuff. But and the reason he's doing this, and this is normal cult stuff, right? You keep everyone's sleep deprived because that reduces their general level of defense. It's a pretty common cult tactic. Men were also given roles as his close disciples and they were used to abuse women and other men.
Starting point is 00:31:13 It's a lot of the men who are his enforcers who are doing these physical punishments, but they were also comprehensively abused as well as this passage from one of the BBC's investigations makes clear. Former disciple Giles Hearst, 31, says at first that he was love-bombed, a term that can be used to describe when Colter group shower or agree croot with love and accolades to get them to join.
Starting point is 00:31:33 But when he became a disciple, Hearst said, he saw the other side. Competition was fierce among the 200 or so disciples for Josh was attention, and they were encouraged to report each other for behaviors deemed wrong, he said. Sins are confessed in front of others, recorded in archived according to Hearst and other former disciples. Passports are taken along with novels and any medications, including mild painkillers or malaria pills.
Starting point is 00:31:53 Permission from Joshua in the form of a signed pass is needed just to make a phone call or email, Hearst said. So again, that kind of speaks to the overall level of control that everyone's under and like kind of the central part of the compound where he's got his closest followers. Is there how many people like lived in that city? It's really unclear to me. At least hundreds. I think it fluctuates over time in part because the amount of facilities available and there it's like an onion, right?
Starting point is 00:32:22 You've got this kind of in the area closest to him living around him and like the most secure facilities, a couple hundred people, you've got some less secure facilities where people are under less control and you have a larger number of them. And you have a much larger number of people who are coming into the ceremonies who are probably volunteering their time,
Starting point is 00:32:38 who are certainly tithing money, but they live outside of the property. And to them, it maybe doesn't feel like, and maybe it just does kind of feel like a normal church that you give money to and you volunteer at, you know? Right. That's certainly the way it feels for the majority of people, I think, who are contributing to this, you know, the number of people. It's it's it's a cult, but it's not recognizable as being in a cult to the majority of people who are aware of TB Joshua and think that he's a man of God. Right. Right. Right. Yeah. Because like, why would you there's no need to have tens of majority of people who are aware of TB Joshua and think that he's a man of God. Right, right, right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:05 Because like, why would you, there's no need to have tens of thousands of people in that kind of control. You don't have that kind of time, you know? Like, why would you? I don't have that many fake COVID tests. I can get people. Yeah, exactly. That's just exhausting. Obviously, this is only possible because the Nigerian government was a full patsy to TB Joshua's activities. The amount of money he brought into the country was seen as worth whatever harm he did.
Starting point is 00:33:30 Immigration officials even acted to smooth the passage in long term visas of Westerners who came to join his church. There was effectively an accelerated entry program into the country just for TB Joshua followers. Wow. Yeah. Yeah, you get like your visa extra fast if you're coming in, you know, because they know the officials in Lagos number one, they're getting paid directly and they also
Starting point is 00:33:48 know these people are bringing money into the country. Yeah. Yeah. It's not like we're just getting bribed. It's like there is a tangible effect on the economy. So yeah, this is a benefit for like the country, you know, to Rob do maker right. Exactly. Exactly. That's our logic as a result of this situation, speaking out against scone was dangerous, you know, because the authorities are on their side. It was not until the BBC Open Democracy Joint Report published in January of 2024 as both a series of articles and a documentary that any of this information came out. In one of many articles on the subject, the BBC notes, a number of our witnesses in Nigeria claim they were physically attacked and in one case shot at after previously speaking out against the abuse and
Starting point is 00:34:28 posting videos containing allegations on YouTube. A BBC crew that attempted to record footage of the church's logos compound from a public street in March 2022 was also fired at by the church's security and was detained for a number of hours. Holy shit. Yeah. The state's involvement is only just in so far, like it's just because of the bribes that they're looking the other way or other people like in twine, like, you know, part of the mesh. I think it's probably more than just bribes. I would be surprised if no one was in twine. I would be surprised if he wasn't kicking other benefits too to some people, you know?
Starting point is 00:35:00 Right, right, right. I don't know that we have like a perfect context for precisely how the relationship worked Yeah, but it's clear that they were like no we we like we like tuberculosis Joshua. Yeah, old tuberculosis Joe so the sheer volume of rapes and the abortions that came with them along with the physical and psychological abusive disciples created the potential for legal Consequences and so yeah, TB Joshua abusive disciples created the potential for legal consequences. And so, yeah, TB Joshua, he's got to maintain control locally through bribery. But it's also kind of worth noting that since so many of his victims are Westerners, there is this risk that international condemnation
Starting point is 00:35:36 might erupt, right? You know, because you can't, you can't bribe every government that some you've got followers on. And theoretically, they get concerned when they realize like wow a lot of people have Left our country and live with this guy and seems like they've been the ones that come back are describing Yeah, and so how he would shield himself from this was with the use of charities Priority his death in 2021 any article about TB Joshua incredible outlets would note that he was controversial And they talk about some of these allegations against him But then they would be like well He also puts a lot of money into good causes and maybe so he's maybe he's faking miracles
Starting point is 00:36:13 I think based on a lot of the articles I read prior to this I think how you might have interpreted this guy prior to this BBC open democracy report is He's faking a lot of miracles and he's kind of a fraud, but he's committing that fraud to get money that he then puts into really useful charities around the world. So like, it's kind of unethical, but the ends are good. And I want to quit. There's a segment I've got from a Daily Mail article. That's a decent example of this. Followers are expected to give about 10% of their paychecks. And the payments are monitored and people are ranked and seated accordingly.
Starting point is 00:36:45 T-shirts, books, and frames and photos promoting Joshua are also for sale. However, even former disciples agree that Joshua himself does give a lot of money to charity and in scholarships. Joshua defended his church's resources. Without material and money, I wouldn't be able to carry out so much huge, huge, huge people come here for support, Joshua said. So that kind of gives you the idea of how this is sort of justified and you know, that's bad.
Starting point is 00:37:09 He's like, it's just like, fuck man, this guy takes like the learnings from so many predatory companies, industries, states, whatever. Like the whole thing of like how like BP is like, and that's why we're investing in like renewable, blah, blah, blah. Right, he's doing a Chevron here. Dude, what are you talking about? We're fucking the earth. of like how like BP is like, and that's why we're investing in like renewable blah blah blah. Right, right.
Starting point is 00:37:27 He's doing a Chevron here. Dude, what are you talking about? We're fucking the earth. I just told you we just put up like seven fucking windmills in fucking Indiana, man. What the fuck, dude? This isn't, why are you fucking with me? Part of what's frustrating about this guy's early life is it's such a black box. I am really curious how much access did this guy have to like the internet?
Starting point is 00:37:44 Did he spend a lot of time in libraries? Like what was his studying? What was the process of? Because this is the complexity of how he kept this all going speaks to somebody who did read really widely, right? It'd be weird if he just came up with all of this on his own rather than being inspired by other abusive organizations doing similar things. Right. I mean, you know, it's not, a lot of foreign companies operate in Nigeria. So I'm sure his first interaction is seeing how Western companies operate in West Africa. And, you know, like he probably took a couple lessons
Starting point is 00:38:17 from Royal Dutch Shell Petroleum, and I was like, oh, okay, I see how y'all do, okay. I might be able to use some of that in some of my shit. Yeah, I mean, it's just like, I think it's sort of like, like a game, recognized game and like a fucked up demonic predatory way. Yeah. Like, oh, I'll take a little bit of that. I'll take a little bit of this. Yeah. It's good stuff.
Starting point is 00:38:37 So former high-ranking followers alleged that this was part of a concerted plan to protect himself by making any attack against him. Look like something that would threaten money that was helping suffering people all around Africa. So basically the question they're asking people, having people ask themselves is, is going after TB Joshua for a little bit
Starting point is 00:38:54 of being a con artist worth hurting all of these people, right? How else are they going to get the money? Now, this didn't always work. And so TB Joshua's first line of defense was something he cribbed from a character in his favorite book, the Bible. On his compound, he constructed what amounted to his own personal hell, a high-rise living structure that could fit hundreds of worshipers. And again, this is where they've got these like punishment cells where he can
Starting point is 00:39:18 lock people for behaving badly. And I want to play you a clip from that BBC documentary with his followers talking about how this place is run. There was a system in there that he used to abuse this woman. He wanted to cover the building of his apartment. He designed it. The whole building was just designed to keep secret. వారికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికికిక� Tell you the specifics, Thaekis, that this person should come. He would always tell you which entrance to take, which door to get into. He can ask the ladies to come through any of the door. So people don't see them.
Starting point is 00:40:17 He would always ask you, when you come, did anybody see you? You'd be like, no sir. Then he would raped me again. It was a process, a very nasty cycle. We couldn't see it, right under our nose. He designed a system for deceiving all of us disciples. A lot of women were being abused by this man. I had no idea.
Starting point is 00:40:47 I thought I was the only one. I didn't know that that thing had happened to anybody else. So that's pretty bad. Yeah, the guards who were running this hair in prison were often teenagers themselves. They're said to have often been like boys who were 16, 17, 15 years old. So they are again both victims because they're subject to discipline
Starting point is 00:41:09 and beatings themselves. But they're also being used to facilitate this abusive system in part because they're younger and easier for him to influence, right? One of these boys after leaving told the BBC that TB Joshua usually raped four to five women each week, sometimes more, former church officials, the highest number of estimates that you can find are like in the thousands of victims over the years that he was doing
Starting point is 00:41:32 this. So really just like a kind of incomprehensible scale. Right. Yeah. The fact that the root of TB Joshua's recruiting power are these miracles forced some action from Nigerian regulators. Again, the Nigerian government's not a monolith. There's a huge amount of corruption, which is how he gets away with this. But he is constantly subject to resistance, not just in the government,
Starting point is 00:41:56 but from other Pentecostal leaders in Nigeria. We don't know all of this. They don't know the extent of what he's doing, but they know that he's faking miracles. Right, right, right. That he's just a bullshit artist. And that's what they see. Right. Yes.
Starting point is 00:42:10 And probably, I'm sure they had some idea that there was more going on, right? Yeah. But certainly we're not aware of like the full dimensions of it. But there was resistance. And this kind of culminated in 2004 in the Nigerian National Broadcasting Commission, officially banning the airing of videos about mirror of miracles that could not be verified, right? So you can't publish on television unverified miracles. Now, what does it mean to verify a miracle?
Starting point is 00:42:34 I was gonna say, yeah. You get a blue check on yours. This is a verified miracle. Yeah, I don't know precisely what that would mean. I haven't found good explanations to what kind of process they might have had for verifying miracles. We'll get to the primary way this works. It doesn't wind up functioning to actually stop him
Starting point is 00:42:55 from putting out these miracle videos. It just changes the way he's going to do it, right? Oh, right. And it's interesting, I read some articles about sort of the reaction of the Pentecostal community in Nigeria to this law banning video miracles. There was not as much comprehensively like negative reaction to it as I would have expected. The Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria, or PFN, who had long made it clear that they did not consider TB Joshua to be a legitimate pastor,
Starting point is 00:43:20 supported the ban arguing, we don't harbor bastards in our fold, people who have failed in other businesses and who see the church as a better option, which is a respectable stance. For his part, TB Joshua claimed in public that he was the target of the ban. And I think this is true. I do in fact think he was the target of this ban. And I should also say all of these pastors
Starting point is 00:43:42 who are supporting the ban and who are against TB Joshua, some of them are legitimately decent people. Some of them are just protecting their own business interests. That's also a factor here. I found one quote from a contemporary article on the bill attributed to a pastor and it does seem to be an only slightly availed attack on TB Joshua. According to him, the nation has reached the level where people now have billboards with messages like, come for treatment of all blood diseases. That is unethical, that is unhealthy, and that is ungodly, he said, adding, I think probably the fear we have is that they shouldn't have a carpet ban. Jesus said we should allow the chaff to grow with the wheat until harvest time, where God will sift the chaff from the wheat. So this guy's being like, yeah, it's really
Starting point is 00:44:21 fucked up that they're advertising they can cure your blood diseases, but it's up to God. It should be up to God to make let people know who's legit and not. Which is such a weird stance. How dare you? Yeah. How dare you? Yeah. That's God's department.
Starting point is 00:44:34 Yeah. That's God's job. One preacher, Thomas Audu stated, as a Christian, the Bible is the basis. And we must take cognizance of the fact that not all that call the name of the Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven. The devil himself has been shown to showcase some miracles too. So we have to be careful not to be carried away. Which is a really fun way of like threading that needle, you know, that it's both siding it. And I did find a very fun quote from a guy who doesn't support the ban that I actually unironically agree with, although maybe not
Starting point is 00:45:05 in the way that Reverend Henry Awonni meant it, quote, if they must ban miracles, they should also look into some advertisements like alcohol, films, cigarettes, and movies that are beyond the level of children. And yeah, I'm totally fine with that. Let's ban ads to kids too. Let's do it. That's the thing. That's the thing I love about people with bans.
Starting point is 00:45:23 They're like, well, if you ban this, you might as well ban the Bible. Yeah. I don't believe in banning any particular book, but I believe I'm fine with banning fake miracles on TV. But I'm saying like the way the logic always eventually comes back for the thing they're trying to protect. Well, we might as well do this. Like yeah, maybe you do. I mean mean, like, you can find a sense of destruction or, you know, negativity in whatever you look for. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And so what's interesting to me about this is this ban is clearly crafted to stop TB Joshua from recruiting people, but he kind of pivots. And again, maybe the worst thing about this guy is how smart he is, right? Because one of the things he is early on is realizing the value of social media.
Starting point is 00:46:09 And so he makes kind of a seamless pivot. He launches a satellite station, a manual TV, that's like a YouTube channel. And so he gets over the benefit on televising shit. He's like, oh yeah, TV is not even where it is anymore. I'm just gonna start a fucking YouTube channel. We'll get the videos out that way. We'll get him out to even more fucking people.
Starting point is 00:46:27 He is considered maybe, there's definitely some experts quoting the BBC who's like, he was the first of these pastors in Nigeria at least, and one of the first in the world to really recognize how to use the internet to spread this kind of propaganda. God damn it. Like is he ever gonna fucking slip up? I mean, yes, but it doesn't really matter.
Starting point is 00:46:50 Right, right. Yeah. But it's like every single thing it's like he in. But it like his instincts are just like spot on. It's like, oh, yeah, yeah, OK, can't do that. I'll pivot to digital video. I'll pivot to this. Yeah. The two thoughts you have reading about him is like, what a monster. And also, man, this guy was fucking smart.
Starting point is 00:47:06 Yeah. He knows what he's doing. He's got like seamless instincts. Yeah. So in following years, he would become one of the first pastors in Nigeria to create a Facebook account. And again, to start uploading his videos to YouTube. And I think Emmanuel TV starts as like a satellite TV station, but like they start up a YouTube account very quickly. He's putting videos on Facebook. And they get to the point where both of these accounts have millions and millions of followers and subscribers. And this really supercharges the growth of his flock to an astronomical level.
Starting point is 00:47:34 By 2014, Scone has branches in London, Greece, Ghana, South Africa and a number of other countries and millions of followers around the world. His prominence only increased in the years since the TV miracle ban. In 2012, he was declared one of the 50 most influential people on the entire continent of Africa by the Africa report. Skone became host to powerful people from across the region. Ghana's president, Zimbabwe's prime minister, Nigeria's first lady and the wife of Nelson Mandela all attended services.
Starting point is 00:48:06 Big names, you know? Yeah, yeah, I've heard of them. Yeah, heard of them. So many Pentecostal pastors in Nigeria and elsewhere, or like many Pentecostal pastors, not just in Nigeria, but in the United States, he sold prayer cloths and holy water to followers. He claimed that the water itself was treatment for a number of illnesses. And as usual, he primed worshipers with videos of people cured of AIDS and other endemic illnesses with his holy water. And then he started hawking it to crowds of people at churches in Ghana, Sierra Leone, and elsewhere in West Africa. Here's one worshipper testimonial on the power of this anointing water and I have seen the miracles it performs. My father was suffering from pain in his leg when I sprayed the water and after praying the pain went away.
Starting point is 00:48:50 So that's good. This guy continued. It's like in Jesus's time. He did a lot of miracles so a lot of people followed him. Now we see that God can manifest again when people come to the church if they pray and they believe they are healed. And I might say like I don't think Jesus charged anybody. Like, I don't tend to believe in supernatural hearing, but at least my recollection of the Bible from when I was a Christian is he was not charging people. No, that was kind of the whole thing. He's like, he's just, I mean, for lack of a better word, he's hooking people up, you know, just just because that was like the Jesus thing.
Starting point is 00:49:21 He's got one of those little strike things attached to his phone that starts asking you for tips. He's like, all right, what's going on? What's his do his name Lazarus? Oh, wait, hold on what y'all want? Oh, hold on, hold on, man. You got to tell me that paper tape over the stigma to hole in his hand. That's got a Venmo QR code. So this thing is a QR code.
Starting point is 00:49:39 The thing about it is. Yeah, just scan this nail size hole right there. There you go. Now, yeah, I can get your boy Laz up real quick. You know what I mean? But that's just gonna be like five racks, all right? You're gonna give a fuck about this. So like any good businessman, TB Joshua
Starting point is 00:49:58 knew that both hype and scarcity were critical for driving up demand. But those two factors also have a tendency to make people crazy. And in Ghana, this resulted in a massive stampede. I'm gonna quote from an article in The Guardian here. The worshipers were hoping to obtain wholly new anointing water,
Starting point is 00:50:15 which Emmanuel TV had announced would be distributed for free. The anointing water usually costs 80 seddies, but we learned on Sunday that it would be given out for free, said Joseph Adinvor, 52, who witnessed the fatal stampede. I have never seen anything like it before. People had come from Togo, Benin, and even from Kenya. They tried to close the church, but people were climbing over the walls and breaking
Starting point is 00:50:35 in. The police and army were there, but they couldn't control the crowds. The police, who are investigating the deaths, said that they had not anticipated the number of people who would attend the church, and worshipers arriving with his mess early as 2 a.m. All of us were caught by surprise. Police spokesman Freeman Tettis told the BBC World Service, no one knew the crowd will be so huge. Four people died and more than 30 were injured.
Starting point is 00:50:57 So, you know, good stuff. Again, now this one, he took a lesson out of like, hype beast, like Black Friday door buster sale culture. Right, yes. And in fact, a few weeks before this, he made an unannounced appearance in the capital of Ghana, which shut the city down for a full day because he was selling stickers for cars
Starting point is 00:51:17 that he promised if you put these stickers on your cars, they'll free you from poverty. And it caused such a stampede that it like shuts the whole city down because he doesn't warn authorities, you know, right? Yeah. It's like, it's like if the president started showing up in cities with his motorcade and like no, no warning was given to like local police. So you're just, it would be even, I mean, it's already pretty bad if you've ever
Starting point is 00:51:38 been in a city when the president is like, yeah, man, we can, we'll forgive your debt. First 50 people here, forgiving your debt. I'll give you, I'll give you like a passport passport to how far away could we possibly be from that? Yeah, oh I don't want to think about I don't want to think that too far in the future. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, we're good Let's just stick to 2014 when a Ebola outbreak ravaged sections of West, and government officials had to go to TB Joshua, not for help treating the disease, obviously, but because they needed to tell him,
Starting point is 00:52:11 to tell his followers from other West African countries, don't go to Lagos for healing right now, right? They're being like, look, man, we know the benefit, like the deals you have. Do not, like like we cannot encourage any Religious tourism right now because it's just gonna spread Ebola to the fucking yeah, right? Yeah, and I will say TB Joshua was a rational enough person to be like well. Yeah, that's probably not good for anybody That's probably gonna be bad for me if that yeah, he's like I'm gonna be at the Prime Minister's house tomorrow
Starting point is 00:52:44 Hooking people up, come through. He does cancel a bunch of upcoming healing sessions, which is the minimum he could have done. But he also sends 4,000 bottles of anointing water to Sierra Leone with a claim that it would cure anyone suffering from Ebola. The water was flown in on a private jet that cost as much to make the trip as the cash donation TV Josh was church made to buy food for victims of Ebola. From an article in The Independent, quote, the preacher's TV channel showed video of a man called Joe Faia Nyuma who claims to represent Sierra Leone's high commission accepting the donation. Nyuma says on the video that the water will be used to curb the deadly Ebola yolk that is about to destroy our nation. So that's good.
Starting point is 00:53:25 You love spreading disinformation about fucking Ebola. Yeah, and turn it into a little bit of marketing. Yeah, a little bit of marketing. Now, Miles, you know who can cure your Ebola? The only people who can cure your Ebola. The good folks at, who makes, so, you know, purchase it. All of a sudden, he says, Linda, I see a skull.
Starting point is 00:53:51 Deep in the heart of the Ozarks, a mysterious disappearance turns into a grisly discovery. Two young women murdered. My name is M. William Phelps. For the past several years, I've been re-investigating the cases of two young women abducted from their small towns, their bodies dumped deep in the Ozark Woods, with a connection to one very familiar name. He chose his own moniker, binded them, tortured them, killed them, P2K. Cold cases are breaking wide open as a heated confrontation with an alleged psychopath ensues. Did you kill those girls? You got all this information, then why did you ask me if you already knew? Long-held secrets finally revealed sending authorities rushing to confront a suspect
Starting point is 00:54:44 who's been hiding in plain sight for decades. Listen to Paper Ghost season 4 on the iHeart Radio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you find your favorite podcasts. 911, what's your emergency? You have to send someone. What's going on? Whatever it is, that's our entire emergency force on the way somewhere. They're saying there's a body in the woods. Excuse me, I don't seem to recognize you.
Starting point is 00:55:10 Um, that's because I'm not from here. A small town stuck in the past. There's only one cell tower and currently it's out of order. With secrets hidden for centuries. We hear things, you know, when they whisper or when they think they're alone. And a curious stranger who may be their only chance for survival. I'm talking about the murder and disappearance in small town New Hampshire. What do you think?
Starting point is 00:55:34 I'm sorry, have you ever listened to a single true crime podcast? You turn up in Danville just as the town sees its first real crime in decades? This is Consumed, an all-new supernatural audio thriller inspired by the novel by Aaron Mankey. I did not wake up this morning preparing to deal with forces beyond my understanding. Please, I call that breakfast. Listen to Consumed on the iHeart radio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. I'm going to teach it in a way that, well, you can understand. No unexplained theories, no mundane lessons, no using 20 words when two will do. I'm going to meet you where you are and take you where you need to be.
Starting point is 00:56:32 I'm giving you straight talk, relatable stories, and life lessons through my own experiences and the lens of others. We're not just talking about why financial freedom is important. We're focusing on how you can achieve it too. We all might have different starting points and in goes, but as long as we have the desire to acquire financial freedom, it can be done from the streets to the suites. Listen to Money and Wealth with John Hope Bryant every Thursday on the Black Effect Podcast Network, iHeart Radio App, Apple Podcast,
Starting point is 00:57:03 or wherever you get your podcast. We're back. Like all true prophets, TB Joshua made numerous predictions about the future with perfect accuracy, at least according to him. One of his chief claims to fame was correctly anticipating the maybe not so tragic and retrospect death of Michael Jackson. Starting in January 2009, he told his followers to expect the death of a great star. When the King of Pop died a mere six months later, he told everyone that's who I was referring to all along. And this is a, he does this a lot. This is one of the more fun bits of TB Joshua lore. Like Baba Vanga type shit where it's like, oh, you're oh, we got something coming this year, right?
Starting point is 00:57:47 Yeah. In January, 2013, he told followers, I am seeing flame in America. Just a quarter of a year later, the Boston Marathon was bombed. And although that didn't really involve a tremendous amount of flame, yeah, I think it was more of just like
Starting point is 00:57:59 a brief explosion in shrapnel, but like whatever, he claims victory again. Right. I might also say like three months later, four months later, like if you're saying I think America is going to be subject to a deadly attack, that happens like every week or so. Yeah, to be fair. Yeah, and even flame like at the rate of forest fires, like you're lucky to get at least a couple of years you can claim. Yeah, if you claim some sort of attack or a deadly thing is going to hit a bunch of Americans,
Starting point is 00:58:25 you know, three months ahead of time, something will happen, right? Yeah, it's their own health care system. There will be a crash, you know, whatever. Yeah. Critics claim that there's not even any evidence that he made the prediction in January, just a video published months later that Scone claimed had been recorded in January. So who knows? That same year, he predicted an attack in France, telling the people of the country that they should pray against suicide bombers or any attack of any kind that will affect many.
Starting point is 00:58:52 Two years later, ISIS militants carry out a series of attacks on the Bataclan nightclub in areas around in Paris, killing like a hundred something people. And he's like, this is what I was referring to two years previously. Two years ago. Just like, yeah man. And people were like, oh, right. referring to two years previously. Two years ago. Just like, oh yeah man. Oh, right. France is a big country.
Starting point is 00:59:08 If you're like sometime in the next two years a bad thing will happen in France, it will. Yeah, I mean, yeah, it's just probability at that point. But hey, he's, you know, he's seeing things as an intermediary. One of his few fuck ups is in 2016, he calls the US presidential election for Hillary Clinton. Now. Oh man. I know what you're saying, Miles.
Starting point is 00:59:33 I'm pretty sure Hillary Clinton did not in fact win the 2016 election. No, Hillary won. Hillary won. The election was stolen. Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. Yeah, you are a big Hillary truther. Oh yeah, dude.
Starting point is 00:59:44 Skoon had a response to that when people were like, it seems like he was wrong about this. And this comes from the Nigerian magazine Punch. TB Joshua has said his prophecy on US election was not off the mark. He added that people need spiritual understanding to be able to interpret it. During a service at the headquarters of his church at Ikotun Lagos, in Sunday, prophet TB Joshua said, there was nothing controversial about the prophecy. It is human beings that are controversial.
Starting point is 01:00:10 He stated that his words were misinterpreted because we're not on the same level of spiritual understanding, an explanation which drew applause from his guy. Literally he's like, oh, you just don't get how right I was because I'm built different, baby. Yeah, that's on you.
Starting point is 01:00:24 I'm sorry, I can't get you up to this level. You know what I mean? And we're just kind of like the whole, the dude from Big Lebowski, sort of like, that's just like your opinion, man. Yeah, yeah. God, that's good. That's just quality shit right there, Miles.
Starting point is 01:00:38 Yeah, that's shit house read to the maximum right there. Now, by far, TB Josh was favorite use of his gift of prophecy, was to engage in his by now well established tradition of fucking with Ghana for absolutely no reason. That same year, 2016, he predicts a massive terrorist attack in Ghana, which provokes widespread panic among people in Ghana.
Starting point is 01:00:59 And like the police and security services have to keep issuing assurances, being like, we have no evidence that anything is wrong. Police don't panic that you're about to die because of what the, I don't even, there's not even, I think the only reason is that, he's like, well, you know, probably there will be some sort of terrorist attack in Ghana at some point.
Starting point is 01:01:18 Like most countries have them occasionally. So if I just call one now, eventually I'll be right. And I can add this to my list of correct prophecies Who gives a shit if it causes a panic in the short term, right? Yeah, exactly. Yeah He made a similar prophecy later in 2016 warning that South Africa's Orlando Stadium would be the site of a massive terrorist attack during an upcoming rap concert He predicted 12,000 deaths from this attack. Oh my god an upcoming rap concert. He predicted 12,000 deaths from this attack. Oh my god.
Starting point is 01:01:50 That's your call. I think he's getting sloppy at this point. What are the, how would they do that? Yeah, come on, Babe Ruth. Yeah, you're not calling them all. What weapon would even cause a death toll like that? That's four nine 11s. Right. And what's the capacity of that stadium? He's basically like a third of it or whatever. How many people? It's a big stadium. Yeah. It could certainly hold more people than that. But how would you kill everyone in the stadium? Yeah. And right. Like why a rap? Boko Haram. ISIS. Neither of them have access to that kind of weaponry. Wait, but what's the was like he said a rap concert. Like was that meant to be like a specific artist? No, no, I think there was a rap concert.
Starting point is 01:02:26 Right, right, right. I don't know why. I'm not enough of an expert on like the dynamics of the rap industry in Nigeria and how it interrelates to the evangelical movement to know if there was more going on there. Right, well this is South Africa. Maybe he wasn't a fan of D'Antwer.
Starting point is 01:02:40 Yeah, maybe. Who could blame him for that that we all saw that fucking movie No, no, no Good God Was it chappy my god? Yeah, that's the real crime making chappy Why why did they allow them in here? Also? He's like the guys a monster and the girls a nepo baby apparently Rappers a saint hip-hop I I I haven't kept up with Dan towards since that movie
Starting point is 01:03:10 Why would I think I think you you may be able to do an episode on them. Oh good. Okay, cool. Yeah, that'll be fun Yeah, so obviously 12,000 people are not killed in the stadium and when nothing happens He announces that the post on his Facebook page, predicting this had been fake news. So he loved it. Again, he keeps learning. He's paying attention to Trump at this point. He's like, well, shit, I can make money on this. Right. Um, my God. So by 2014, TB Joshua was 49 years old and worth, I think the estimates of his wealth are all fucked because they usually say 10 to 15 million dollars. But like he has a private jet that's worth like 60 million dollars. He's in the Panama Papers. He and his wife for having incorporated a company in the British Virgin Islands.
Starting point is 01:03:54 And like, you know, the Panama Papers, I don't think you're noteworthy among that crowd at 10 to 15 million dollars. That's like what their gardeners make. Yeah, exactly. Mysteriously. Yeah. Your daughter's your gardener? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:09 Yeah. I'm going to guess he has a lot more cash than this, but he's just smart about, like he is about most things, about like protecting his actual. Yeah, and what the presentation of it all is. Yeah. He has a lot more to hide than just money. This kind of prison harem complex he
Starting point is 01:04:25 built for this purpose, or at least one of them, because there are several, you saw the video of that several large buildings in the compound. And one of them that he plans himself is initially four stories tall. And this is the height of the building that the foundations had been poured to support. As time went on, scone keeps growing. and he's like, I want to make this building taller. So add another couple of stories to the top there. All design them, right? All the construction on the property is carried out by Colt members because that saves time and money. And he's the one designing the building himself and basically bribing the government and architects to ignore that like nothing is being done up to spec. And this becomes a problem. Miles, I don't know if you're aware of this,
Starting point is 01:05:05 but if you add more stories to a building that it's meant to support, that can cause some serious issues. I don't know. That's just, I think you're kind of like on a different level of spiritual understanding that I'm on when it comes to geometry or physics. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:22 You're a big, I don't know enough about physics to make a good joke about this. So maybe it's fine, but it's not going to be fine. It's going to kill a lot of people. You know who else they said couldn't keep adding stories? Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ. And then we got the book of revelations. Praise me. Exactly. Now scan my stigmata for the QR code for salvation. So as Ray related, quote, he just kind of kept pushing and saying, I want it higher. It must go higher. It must go higher.
Starting point is 01:05:51 So that's great. This is not going to end well, Miles. Wait, so what was it built for? And what did the building end up at? It's like four stories, and it winds up being six. So they've got like 50% more weight on that foundation than it should have. And one has to assume other corners are being cut too.
Starting point is 01:06:07 People were aware from a fairly early period that the building is not safe. It would sway like you could see and feel it swaying in heavy wind. Followers reported that the staircases and the building around the staircases would wobble when you went up, which is a bad sign. I don't think I've ever been on a wobbly staircase. No, no, fuck that shit. I mean, maybe if I was like tripping or something, maybe I've been on a few wobbly, like never in my right frame of mind and firmly in reality, no.
Starting point is 01:06:39 Yeah, it's you would not want to be in a building like this. On September 12, 2014, one of TB Josh was disciples warned him that the structure of the building was showing imminent signs of failure. He ignored the warning and ordered 204 and visitors, mostly South Africans, into the ground floor dining room so that they could eat lunch. Two hours later, the building collapsed and the video of, like, it looks like, you know, if you've seen like 9 11 footage is like that kind of collapse. It just is it's there and it goes down. And it's like pancakes on it. Just like, yeah, it pancakes. If you if you
Starting point is 01:07:14 remember back in Florida, there was that condo building. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. It looked a lot like that where it's just downzens, perhaps more than 100 were killed instantly. More than 800 people are also trapped inside. These numbers are really vague. We have no idea how many people were in the building when it collapsed or how many died, really, because first responders are blocked from entering the compound itself for 24 hours. Right? What? He attempts to have his own people carry out the rescue efforts and blocks the government
Starting point is 01:07:50 from entering. Oh my God. Yeah. For one report, quote, some church workers attempted to save lives in reckless and amateur ways without the use of mechanical equipment or medical training. They used tools from the church's maintenance department. In one instance, a church worker allegedly used a chainsaw to amputate the leg of a man who was trapped under a fallen beam. He was screaming, says Emmanuel, visually shaken during his interview. He is not sure if the man survived. I saw a lot of things that really traumatized me. Faces were crushed, says Michael, a disciple who was in his late teens at the time.
Starting point is 01:08:21 Followers have since told reporters that they were told during this like 24 hour period where he's kept the authorities out that some of his followers are ordered to drive van loads full of corpses out of the compound to be buried in secret. What we can verify is a death toll of at least 116. What can be verified? Yeah. Yeah, almost certainly more than that how much more is unclear, but like that's a lot You know that's all out on its own a really bad disaster You know right especially when you have to add the caveat It's like look these are the ones we can confirm because we've also heard that they were absconding with corpses in the night Yeah, they were driving vans of dead people away, to God knows where.
Starting point is 01:09:06 A coroner's inquest found that the church was culpable for criminal negligence and recommended that T.B. Joshua be personally charged, but once again he bribed local officials and reporters and nothing was done. To placate his own followers, T.B. Joshua turned towards the well-worn authoritarian tactic of spreading conspiracy theories, And I mentioned in episode one, he was generally better on like not being racist against Muslims than most Pentecostal preachers in Nigeria are kind of known to be. This is where he turns on that
Starting point is 01:09:34 because he decides the best way to like try to put this away is to claim that Boko Haram had carried out a terrorist attack to destroy the building. It wasn't that he ordered them to make it in a way that was unsafe. And he even he has his people edit together a loose change style documentary that claimed to show either Nigerian government or terrorist Boko Haram jets flying over the complex before the structure failed. No. Yeah. They're doing like. He doesn't Alex Jones. And they're they're putting like it was doctored footage or that's what they're
Starting point is 01:10:10 just saying, like they have a counter. I have seen clips from this documentary and it doesn't even sound or look like there's like there's a plane in the air, but like it's the capital of Nigeria. There's always planes in the air. There's certainly it doesn't show a jet fighter bombing this building. Right. And I'm sorry, that's a Boko Haram fighter jet? Yeah. And then I also don't really think Boko Haram have fighter jets. I'm sure they've got some like planes like prop planes and shit, you know, they're not a tiny organization. But I don't think
Starting point is 01:10:41 they're capable of carrying out an aerial bombing on the capital of Lagos. I think that's beyond Boko Haram's capacity Yeah, and I think yeah the Nigerian government may have something to say to if that actually happened Yeah, I think the Nigerian government probably say something like Boko Haram did care I believe they carried an attack on like a mall in Nigeria around this period and it was not like hushed up It was a pretty big deal. Yeah Jesus around this period and it was not like hushed up. It was a pretty big deal. Yeah. Jesus. So it works well enough.
Starting point is 01:11:08 TB Joshua continues to preach and scone continues to rake in money for another seven years. He would likely still be making money to this day. But on June 5th, 2021, right after carrying out a live broadcast, TB Joshua dropped dead. He was 57 years old. His wife claims that he had shown no
Starting point is 01:11:26 signs of illness previously, but like, that doesn't mean anything. These people are all liars. You know, maybe he had cancer, maybe he had like a heart condition. Who knows? I don't, it's not clear to me that we will ever know precisely, but thankfully he's fucking dead. Yeah. The one thing we know is that it wasn't karma. Because if that were the case, a lot of these fucking motherfuckers wouldn't be alive right now. Yeah, yeah, absolutely not karma because he never really pays the price.
Starting point is 01:11:51 I guess you could say he died earlier than is normal for a man of his level of wealth, but not early enough that I'm like, good, you know? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, it's good that he's dead, but it took, God took a sweet time on this one. Yeah, Seriously. He has a massive funeral, obviously, well attended by local celebrities and politicians. An enormous crowd marches his coffin through the streets. His wife Evelyn has taken over Skone in his wake.
Starting point is 01:12:16 I think it's probably suffered without him as he never left a clear successor. And I think the general consensus from people who know more about Pentecostalism in Nigeria than I do is that he's probably the church is probably slowly on its way to fading into irrelevance, but you know, it's still around. And yeah, TV Joshua never really brought to justice for his crimes. So that's cool. Maybe something will happen to Evelyn now that some of this stuff has come out, but I don't have a ton of faith in it.
Starting point is 01:12:44 And that no, no seldom. The bad guys seem to win a lot. I've yeah. Yeah. Weird way. But who knows? Maybe maybe that'll change. Maybe that'll change. Maybe that yeah. Maybe we'll finally get a handle on the human race this year. Maybe this will be the one. You know. Yeah, yeah, we're starting off strong. Yeah. Yeah off strong. This has been a good year so far. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It seems like everyone's doing really well. Mm hmm. Speaking of doing well, Miles, why don't you do well by directing our listeners
Starting point is 01:13:13 towards your plugables? Yeah. Uh, thank you so much again for listening to me right now. And I will count on your continued support with my missionary. My Mission Church, evangelicalism podcast called The Daily Zeitgeist. It's about news, politics, comedy, and just a little bit of good old Christ talk too. So check into that every day. And also check out, Silver miles net where you can pick up some of my blessed vials of colloidal silver And you can you could cure is honestly everything like I don't even have to tell you because it literally here. Oh, yeah, absolutely Yeah, yeah, you'll get better at like fucking video games. It's not really for health. I should say that it's not for health
Starting point is 01:14:00 It's like more like stuff to be cooler. Oh. Okay. Wow. That's very responsible, Miles. Yeah. It'll make you a better freestyle rapper. Yeah. Feedy, it does it all. It does. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:11 And I'm going to go ahead and say it'll cure your syphilis. So don't go to the doctor if you get syphilis. That's he's just gonna chip you. Cause silver miles dot net. Anyway, Sophie, uh, we're not still sponsored by Big Syphilis, are we? Not far from where. Alright, well, then avoid catching syphilis until they pay us. Behind the Bastards is a production of CoolZone Media.
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