Bellied Up - #10 Does Kansas Belong In The Midwest?

Episode Date: August 11, 2022

Presented By Fleet Farm   In this episode we are at the Wild Rice Bar in North Dakota, our first caller asks if we should kick Kansas out of the midwest, next caller is trying to sell his car subwoof...ers, after that the next caller is wondering if he should swallow his pride and bring his lawn mower in to get fixed, Last caller asks the most important question known to mankind... grilled cheese sandwich or PB&J.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You want to lead this one off? You want me to do it? I mean, yeah, I Can do it. All right now Hey everybody welcome to the belly to podcast We are sponsored What you you just said I could lead this episode off you just said I could do it And you couldn't help yourself could you I could I was not gonna forget to say presented by Sweet farm go ahead no, no, no, no, no, that's it. That's the intro. I want everyone to know how much face miles I had. Myles had him to get this intro right. And I want you guys to now restart
Starting point is 00:00:35 this podcast and listen again to the point where miles interrupt me. Was it going good or no, did he need to jump in? I'm gonna say no. I'm gonna say no. That's so sorry. Anyway, Miles, how are we doing today? We are. I'm doing good. Yeah, we're feeling how deep into that beer. Are you? I got an ice cold bush latte here right in front of me, wrapped in a nice koozy. That a boy. It's good to wrap a wrap them in the kooz. Yeah, wrap them up. Yeah. Yeah, you did a great great job Charlie. Yeah, I can tell So miles what should we talk about before we get into our callers today? Well, I was looking around the bar here. Yeah, I realized that a lot of bars have karaoke
Starting point is 00:01:17 They have bingo nights. They have me raffles meet raffles. They do bar dice all that kind of stuff Is there anything that bars aren't doing Charlie that you wish that they were? Yeah, I'm glad. I'm really glad you brought this up. It's almost like you read my mind. And actually when you said karaoke, it has to do with karaoke. Yeah, okay. A karaoke night. And some people are just awful at karaoke and no judgment. No, no, let me finish. Hold on, what makes them awful? Is it?
Starting point is 00:01:49 They're out of key, way out of key, way out of it. So, in my opinion, it's all about, I'm, I mean, you can't think that everyone's gonna be a good singer. I'm not, you gotta let me finish here. Okay, so. You gotta let me finish. Here's the thing with a voice, okay? And I know a voice from being a very sub-par singer myself,
Starting point is 00:02:05 is you gotta be able to warm the instrument up. You can't just come in hot and expect you're gonna nail a song and have it sound like a professional and get the bar going like, you know? What I wanna see implemented is a warm up booth, a sound-proof booth, you know, kind of like being on deck, you know, in the baseball game deck, he's on deck. He's in the hole. Yes. And honestly, no, actually, it should just be like
Starting point is 00:02:31 on like in baseball. There's just a circle on the floor and you have to go stand there. Yeah. And that corner in the far corner of the bar is just a circle. You got to stand you know what? That's a good ad because yeah, there should be so there should be on deck where it's a circle because that's another problem with karaoke is like Tim is Tim here Tim we're about to let go your song Tim and then Tim shows up or he doesn't and then Tim's pissed that you know He was outside smoking a smoke. Yeah, which is not good for your voice by the way But anyway what I want is a heater could warm it up though
Starting point is 00:03:01 I want to give you a little gravelliness if you know I sing. But what I would like is a little soundproof booth. So you can like, mm-hmm, you know, breathe the line trust, you know, get your vocals right. And then get... Oh, I'm proof of that. Oh, I'm proof of that. That's fine. But you know, I will say even if they're a bad singer and they like, no, you don't have to go warm up. But I just think of me, I would appreciate a little warm-up
Starting point is 00:03:31 deal because that often prevents me from because my voice is not warmed up. I'm at the bar. Yeah, you know? Yeah. Okay. So I like that. I think another thing that matters with karaoke too is stage presence. Yeah. I mean, you could be the worst singer in the world, but if you're working the crowd, people are gonna be excited about you up there. So I think also what they need to add in is maybe like a prop section of the bar. So you could like dress up in a certain outfit,
Starting point is 00:03:58 whether, you know, maybe you're doing a out in John's song and you're just wear all sequence stuff with the crazy sunglasses. I like that What's that? All your biography. That's nice. You and backstreet boys. You can do the the dance that they got with it. That is good area All the single ladies you gotta do the thing. I like I would like to see you know and I Single we just touch tans accidentally and miles gave me would like to see you know, and a single, we just touched hands accidentally and Miles gave me a weird luck, you know, wow.
Starting point is 00:04:28 It's okay. Now holding a single, I'd like to see you in a leotard like to do in the music video. It's a weird thing to say. But they could have that and we could touch my hand. But you could have that in the section of the, the on deck is also got props. It's like a photo booth.
Starting point is 00:04:44 Yes, you know, similar, but more props. Yes, yeah, absolutely. So, and then, and then you're right, because what the, that can help people get into the zone, because the worst thing is when their voice isn't quite hitting it and then they're losing confidence, you know, and, but if you can just put on a little flowery situation, that adds a lot of confidence. I also think that bars should invest in fog machines and certain
Starting point is 00:05:12 songs require fog, you know, yeah, as you're standing there, the lights are down, no lights. Just a city boy. Yeah, fog coming up on the floor. boy. Yeah. Faw coming up on the floor. I need to work out. Yeah, you do. Um, we, uh, and they're wearing a wig, like a long hair band wig type of that too. Oh, white snake guy here. Do. Yeah. You know, look at us. Just solving problems here. What's that vibrates? Your phone going off. It wasn't me. Uh, it wasn't me. The, uh, but I do think that a lot of bars could up their karaoke game in that sense. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:50 Just some few props on deck circle. And a warm up booth. More warm up booth. That'd be a good move, if I think. And we could make the warm up booth look cool. Could have glass in there and like people could put one, one headphone on, you know, and just being there. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:06:04 You know, yeah. Anyways, what's your warm up routine look like? Well, I start off by, I've got great vocal coach, her name's dot, top man, plug dot, you know, yeah, dot, top man. She's great. And so a lot of a mummo, you know, like kind of getting that loose, not the jaw, loose, up the throat a little bit. Oh, now brown cow. Yeah, that's a good one.
Starting point is 00:06:29 You unique New York. Yeah, that's those tongue twisters. Tongue twisters. Yeah. Mummo, AI, and then call and repeat, you know, so I call you repeat. I know a lot more about karaoke than I anticipated. I know. And if you go to karaoke song, here's the thing. I'm also not great at it. So I know a lot about it, but it's more of a fan. Yeah, I don't ever do karaoke, but I don't know why I just like, I don't, you know, like
Starting point is 00:07:01 it's weird because you'll probably, you'll get up in front of 10,000 people. Do your stand-up routine. I like, I don't really feel like doing karaoke, you know? Yeah, I sing, I sing in the shows too. Sometimes and I can nail those, but it's tough. Lance is song everyone knows. My go-to though is bad, badly, we're at Brown, but Jim Kroche. Okay. There you go.
Starting point is 00:07:22 Yeah. What I would do is if I was going to get up there, I'd say, Hey, turn my mic down, turn the music up a little bit more to just hide some of the bad parts of my voice. You do think that anyone's going to do that. You think they're riding them the levels. I'm greason. I'm greason. The skit is karaoke guy. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, how much? What's the most you've ever, well, you don't do karaoke, I guess, but have you ever, what's the most you've ever paid to get somebody's karaoke song up first? I mean, I'm sure I've seen someone drop a 20, you know, one time I paid $40 and I regretted it for a week. I regretted it for a week.
Starting point is 00:08:04 That's a mistake. I think I was trying to impress the person I was with. I was a gal. Oh, whoops, I got this extra 40 bucks burn the whole of my pocket because, you know, I mean, and I was not, I was not a wealthy individual. I was, that was coming out of the lawn mowing reserves right there. Absolutely. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:24 So anyways, should we take some callers? I think we should take some callers. Maybe we'll see if we can get up and do a karaoke song. Yes, the city boy. Born and raised in South drool. Wow, guys. I warmed up before this. I knew we were going to do this.
Starting point is 00:08:46 All right, let's take some calls. Let's do it. Hello. Hey, this is Jordan. You call it in from Holman, Nebraska. Jordan from Omaha. How's Omaha this time of year? It's hotter than I wish I were, but we're surviving. Good for you. What's on your mind? but we're surviving for you. What's on your mind? Yeah, so I had a Midwestern question. I thought maybe the two you could elucidate on. I am a proposal that we cut Kansas out of the Midwest. I don't think it's finished.
Starting point is 00:09:17 I think we should get rid of it. Wow, you want to take away Kansas's Midwest card? You can't do that. Yeah, that's not very Midwest. You can't do that. Yeah. That's not very Midwest. Yeah, no, that's not. I give you two reasons you can't do that. First of all, before I get to the reasons why you can't do it,
Starting point is 00:09:33 I'd love to hear your reasoning for why you think Kansas should be eliminated. Unnxt, wait, not an ex. The opposite. What do you call it? Exiting them. Let's just go with that. Exed from the Midwest. Why do you call it? And accessing them. Let's just go with that. Acts from the Midwest. Why do you think this?
Starting point is 00:09:48 Okay, here's my thought. I actually think that the whole column of the Midwest I could probably be eliminated as like a plain state. I think a brass can probably fit into that too. The Kansas specifically, I think culturally Kansas is so much closer to the South. Like it's butted up against Missouri. I think culturally Kansas is so much closer to the South. Like it's butted up against Missouri. So we've got all of that coming over in Kansas City.
Starting point is 00:10:10 It's right down there with Oklahoma, which is just wanna be Texas. And like, I don't know, I feel like it's clinging on down there at the bottom, barely holding on. And maybe we'll let go. So, wait, let's not like just pass over the thing you said about how you think that all the great plain states should just be axed as well. That's what you think. I'm less married to all of them than Kate. I just think Cam doesn't want to definitely
Starting point is 00:10:39 could be like, I think there's a case for some of that. Here is the case to keep Kansas, the great Midwesterner, Dorothy. She tapped her shoes. She got swept away to eyes. We need to keep Dorothy in the pack. Yeah, I mean, that is a brave thing. We are already low at numbers here in the Midwest compared to the rest of the country.
Starting point is 00:11:05 We can't just be just cutting off a whole states population off of it either. If anything, we got to be knocking on Kentucky's door saying, hey, you ever considered it, you know? Hey, Montana, you want to join? Yeah. We got to, we got to do the opposite of what you're, we got to start expanding really. We got to start bringing the good Lord's word of the Midwest to more states than less. Yeah. I mean, Dorothy would be a horrible loss. I don't grant that. Yeah. Dorothy. She's got great shoes, you know. And and also the tornado. I mean, that's the most Midwest thing as everyone in the cellar. Yeah, coming right down, you know, but Dorothy the most midwest thing. Everyone in the seller. Yeah, coming right down, you know, but Dorothy had to go back up to get total, except we all know
Starting point is 00:11:49 she wasn't just getting total. She was grabbing a couple of beers for the seller. Yep. You know, and, uh, the more midwestern thing with the tornado is everybody get outside or it's a discussion. We need to watch. Well, no, we definitely have to watch it. Yeah, that may actually. Well, mostly just we got to have dad out there watching it. If put the kids out without me responsible, dad can risk his life for the sake of watching the storm. Because That's real green out there. You'll better get safe.
Starting point is 00:12:18 Yeah. I mean, because everyone knows this that if you go out and watch a storm, you're really helping it keep away from your house. Yeah, that's that's usually what that means. You're doing the Heisman to that story. You know, put your head. What are dome? Yeah, I'm sorry that what did now, where did you say you were from again? Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:12:38 Yeah. You're home on breath. And you want to kick yourself out of the Midwest. You've said in the brass. I'm a proud Midwester. I love it. I just feel like the Midwest is culturally diverse and like geographically, like way bigger than makes sense for a single region.
Starting point is 00:12:59 Yeah. What? Well, I wouldn't want to leave. Well, yeah, well, you don't have to because we're out. We don't want to kick you out. Yeah, nobody's kicking me out, but I really thought that the Midwest as it stands is like encompassing it more than makes sense. What is the most Midwest state in your mind?
Starting point is 00:13:20 And why is it Wisconsin? I'm so happy you you want my answer? I said, I'm on the Minnesota. Minnesota. He commitments last. Wow. I knew you were going to say it. Has that hurt a little? It stinks a little bit. Are you a Vikings fan? I'm not a football guy, but I am a ludicrous man.
Starting point is 00:13:46 You're a what man? Ludicrous man. Yeah, a boy. I can get on board with that. See, we can't kick you out, man. Yeah, I mean, we gotta keep you like ludifisc. I mean, you know, yeah, don't go anywhere. We love you.
Starting point is 00:14:02 We love Nebraska. We love Kansas, but it is okay to express your opinions here, even though, you know, we may not agree with them that we just gotta talk it out, that's it. So they're all staying and let's just try to get Montana on board. Gotta get Montana probably Wyoming could probably probably find Wyoming would be great. We can Colorado know way.
Starting point is 00:14:22 Colorado's its own deal, its own entity. I think we should be it Colorado's left cold. Yeah, yeah, you don't want to be messing around with Colorado. But I would like to maybe catch a little bit of Canada as well. Yes, we should expand more toward. Yes, they let us into Canada anymore. I think that we could convince some people up there to just, you know, join the Midwest. We should get a consulate in Winnipeg.
Starting point is 00:14:46 Yeah. I don't know what consulate means, but that sounds pretty sweet. Yeah, it's like the consulate, you know, like, other countries set up these places in other countries that this is our deal. Like if you're in DC and you embassy, like we do, maybe the U.S. embassy.
Starting point is 00:15:03 Yeah, maybe that's what I meant to say. I don't know. Yeah. I don't know the difference between it. Maybe one of our fearless listeners can right-click synonyms on those and see if they're the same thing. Yes. Well, I think we settled it. I think that you need to after the call, maybe look a hard look in the mirror and go, you know what? I'm being kind of mean to Kansas. I maybe got to start accepting them for who they are. They're not going anywhere. So you got to learn to get along. Yeah, it's all just get along. Well, I'm glad I could find some experts in a safe place to
Starting point is 00:15:37 express that opinion. So that's why we're here, man. Yeah, you watch out for twisters, okay? Keep an eye out. Bye. Bye, bye. I've had a lot of people actually wondering if Missouri and Kansas belong in the Midwest.
Starting point is 00:15:58 Yeah, there's there's a certain line that now it's 12 states. there's a certain line that now it's 12 states according to like the US census or whatever it is and Missouri definitely in Kansas that, but I've also had a lot of people saying why is in Oklahoma or whatever, and they think Oklahoma. Yeah, I've never actually been to Oklahoma. Oh, you have it?
Starting point is 00:16:21 No. Oh, you gotta go. I can't say yes or no on that one. Shit, it's like a saucepan. Yeah, it's a great place. Yeah. Yeah. You got to go. And the also, I think that we could even maybe get Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, even when you watch the office, it's like you're watching, like this should be in Wisconsin somewhere. Yeah. I mean, yep, except when you watch the office, it's like you're watching like this should be in Wisconsin somewhere. Yeah. I mean, yep, except when you watch it and they're driving and there's palm trees, you know,
Starting point is 00:16:50 watch that. Yeah, that's kind of fun. It'll happen. Pennsylvania, we should for sure get. Yeah, I would say Pennsylvania more than Kentucky. You even get to Southern Ohio and the Southern accent. Southern Illinois is pretty. Yeah, check as well.
Starting point is 00:17:03 Yeah, but it's not to say that you have to talk a certain way to be midwestern It's a state of mind. It is on a state of eight with that on a shirt Charlie. It's a state of mind I will you probably beat me to it though. Yeah, I'll see it. Man the book meant that. All right, let's see another call. All right. Who do we got on the line? Ah, this is Caleb. Hey Caleb. Glad to have you on Caleb. Why don't you belly up with us and tell us what's on your mind? Oh, absolutely. I just I saw your Instagram story. Bell it up Figure out give your call didn't think you'd actually answer so this is kind of awesome. Well, it's a call in show So we try and answer as many calls as we can so we're glad that you call. What do you got?
Starting point is 00:17:42 So we try and answer as many calls as we can. So we're glad that you call. What do you got? Yeah, so I just, I've been trying to spell something. Oh, great. I'm going to try to let you take this. Great, I love this. I love it. I love it.
Starting point is 00:17:55 I love it. I love it. What are you selling? All right, so I got a pair of 12 inch subs in my trunk of my car that I need to get rid of. Of course you do. Did you install them yourself? They actually haven't been hooked up.
Starting point is 00:18:10 I bought them off with my friends last November. He used them for about a month and then crashed his car so they wouldn't fit in his new car. I just never hooked them up so I decided to sell them. Now what kind of music were you planning on playing out of these subs before you decided not to hook them up so I decided to sell them. Now what kind of music were you planning on playing out of these subs before you decided not to hook them up? Oh gosh, I don't know. A little bit of everything. I like rock, rap, country.
Starting point is 00:18:33 I like pretty much all of it, you know? Good for you, good for you. And what are you hoping to sell these for? Or keep in mind, you could trade them for something else that you need. That's my favorite, actually. But if you just want a straight sale, just give us a price that you think trade them for something else that you need. That's my favorite, actually. But if you just want a straight sale, just give us a price that you think is fair for these subs. Well, I'm looking to sell them for 200.
Starting point is 00:18:54 I bought them for 400 and they're brand, they're only used for about a month, like I said. Okay, some little suspicious here, do you need money that bad or why don't, if you've never been used, you bought them for 400, why don't why if you they've never been used you bought them for 400 Why don't you sell them for you know 85% yeah, you don't need to go up full 50% decrease in price You know the economy's not that well. It kind of is you know I've had listed for about a month and just never gotten any responses from people.
Starting point is 00:19:25 Where'd you list it? I got it on Craigslist, eBay, Facebook, Marketplace, all the places. Well, so my question is, a lot of times I won't buy a product if the photo looks kind of sketchy. You got a good phone that takes good photos? I call 11, so pretty decent camera. And did you have make sure it was in good lighting as well? Yes, I did. I took it inside in the gym.
Starting point is 00:19:53 Good morning. What year are these speakers? I am not sure they. You don't know the year. Well, I think you're not giving people enough information because if you're making this sort of purchase, especially off of a person to person purchasing, you kind of want to give them as much info as possible. Also, the more info you give makes you seem
Starting point is 00:20:18 like less and less of a serial killer. So, if you're just posting a picture, you're trunking and saying 200 bucks, you know, people might get the wrong idea. And if you don't label it right, they might think that you're selling the trunk for 300, 400 bucks. So I think that that's also important.
Starting point is 00:20:34 Yeah, I would really find the specs and get them specs out there. So can you give us any other information on these subs other than you bought them for 400 and you want to bought them for 400 and You want to sell them for 200 Yeah, there's a kicker comp or 12 inch 200 watt dual subwoofers. Oh and it comes with Sure
Starting point is 00:20:57 Okay, so you do have more information on it. All right. That's fantastic now if someone out there is listening how can they Get in contact with you, the purchasing subs? Well, I live in Littleton, Colorado. Cool. And I got it up on Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace. Literally just listed as kicker, comfort 12, bench, sub. Nice. Do you have an email that they can reach out to?
Starting point is 00:21:25 Yeah, it's gonna be Caleb madlam at Caleb with a speak And then madlam is M-A-D L-O-M and unlike most people I have no doctor spaces or any caps in my email Just score that So I mean if you want some subs come take them up. I've been trying to get them off my hand. I got a cover rent this month. I'm into so extra cash is needed. Are you willing to ship? Potentially depending on how far
Starting point is 00:21:55 and how much. Okay. All right. Well, that's great information. If if anyone's looking for some 12 inch subs, Caleb's your guy. Caleb, and I, are you happy with the price $200? Or do you want to go up to $2,300? I mean, this might be a perfect opportunity to go up to $300 on its way.
Starting point is 00:22:15 All right, I would say let's go $300, okay, Caleb. So email Caleb. He's one of them awesome guys who got his own name on the Gmail before someone else could get it. So that's pretty slick. So email him 300 bucks. That's the going offer and meet him in person. He does not sound like a serial killer to me.
Starting point is 00:22:34 Yeah. I'm not getting serial killer vibes from you, which is a, which is a good feeling when you're buying stuff on Craigslist. Yeah. But keep in mind, folks, we can't verify that. So Caleb has a bigger trunk than he has disclosed, uh, run for the hills. Yes. That's a, we do not hold any liability at all. I'm not a silly serial killer. That's something a serial killer would say. Yeah, I was just going to say that, Caleb. And we're not saying that you are, but, you know,
Starting point is 00:23:02 we just sounded a little suspicious now that you said you're not a serial killer. Oh, well, yeah, I guess I'm digging a deeper hole for myself. You dig holes? Oh, no. Okay, you got a, you got a trunk and you dig holes. This is not looking good, but I think that we're right.
Starting point is 00:23:23 Ah, Christ. We'll get, we'll get your subwoofer sold there, guys. So best of luck with it. And we hope you sell these suckers. Let us know. Call us back and let us know if they do sell, OK? Oh, absolutely. I will.
Starting point is 00:23:36 All right. Sounds good, man. Thanks. Talk soon. All right. See you later. Bye, bye now. I'm going to be honest, Charlie. I don't know anything about subwoofers. Neither do I.
Starting point is 00:23:48 I don't even know if they're good pair that he's got. I know. I was never that guy who put those in my trunk. It's not good for your hearing. I really wanted to. And then I realized how much work it was going to be to do that back in high school. And I was like, yeah, I think I'm fine with the, by the end of high school, I had a dodge Dakota sport. And all of the speakers were blown except for the driver's side one. That's all you need. Yeah. And so then they had the like, you could like rotate which speaker it was on. So it just was only coming out of the one speaker. Oh, that's nice. And then you got a nice and balanced right by you. It's a bummer for whatever passenger was with you.
Starting point is 00:24:29 Yeah. Oh, what is this? She's making a bloody marry. Is that bloody? Oh, a one-sauce? Oh, oh, oh, oh. But jeez, that's a nice pour of vodka too. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:39 That's what they do here at the Wild Rice Bar. That's great. No, I don't even know what that is. Is that your worship or sauce? Maybe. She doesn't want to see. She's not seeing a little hot sauce. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:24:52 I'm getting, I might have to get a bloody too. We're looking all lustful at your bloody marries. What's that? I remember your, yeah, my bloody Mary. Yeah, that's trust me. You have those. You're going to be taking a break for the rest of the day. That's over T cattle.
Starting point is 00:25:12 You're going to be spending some time in the office, you know, a lot of texting you'll get done after one of those bloody marries. You know, I mean by that because you can have to go to potty miles. Someone came up to you and said, Hey, can I see your skitter lizard? You'd probably look at them a little funny if you're not going to the fleet farm. If you're going to the fleet farm, you know exactly what they're talking about
Starting point is 00:25:33 when they're talking about their skitter lizard. And it's not that weird, okay? Not just that, what about their flicker minnows? Yes, I am talking about fishing baits. Fleet farm has them all. Actually, anything you want to do with fishing, you go to fleet farm first. If you can't find it there, well, it's probably in the bottom of the drink. Okay. You probably dropped it in. All right. So head on over to the fleet
Starting point is 00:25:53 farm, check it out. Reels, polls, the whole deal. They've got maps over there. And I tell you this, I just caught a very nice 17 inch walleye on a mep spinner. You bet your Toshite did, okay? A nice slow retrieve around dosk. It was fantastic. Look, I'm giving you a fish and advice, but you can't fish with just advice you need the equipment to head on over. Get it at fleet farm, keep her moving and enjoy them walleye. Hello. Hello. Who do we got on the line? This is J. J. Yep. J. Why don't you belly up to the bar with us and tell us what's on your mind. All right, I got a question for you guys. Yeah. All right, I got, uh, I got a ride in one more here, right? Oh, he's kind of a rider. Nice. Good for you. Oh, yeah. It's a, it's a nice hero turn. Oh, but, uh, Miles is getting
Starting point is 00:26:54 excited over here. Yeah. Yeah. So I got a question, I got a problem. So I was driving, uh, two days ago, uh, two days ago and my belt seized up, fell off. And I, I understand, I understand I can, I can probably do the work. Sure. And I feel so guilty calling. At what point do I just take it in and not worry about it? I looked up to YouTube videos. It looks doable, but it's very doable. I just, I think you're going to want to at least attempt to about it. I looked up to YouTube videos, it looks doable, but. It's very doable. I just, I think you're gonna want at least attempt to do so. Yeah, give it an attempt because then when you get in, it's nice.
Starting point is 00:27:35 Give it an attempt with the YouTube videos. And then when you inevitably fail, you can take it in and then you can talk to the mechanics and say, like, what did I do wrong? And then you'll get a little bit farther the next time a belt is something that you can definitely do. What was it? Just an Allen wrench on top there.
Starting point is 00:27:52 Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, this is the first time I've ever had a new one. This is the drive belt. Oh, yeah, this is the drive belt. The YouTube video, the YouTube video is 17 minutes long. That was a red flag. Yeah, but YouTube, how to is more than like three and a half minutes, you may want to take it in.
Starting point is 00:28:13 Yeah. But if you've got some time on your hands, that could be fun. I've got it. It is one of those things, though, that if you try and fix it yourself and you fail, at least you have the peace of mind of like, yes, paying someone else to do it is going to be worth my money because I have confirmed that I cannot do it myself. Yeah, it's the blank of that video that gets me, but it's just the feeling of walking in and handing it over to these. The way that the look that he's going to give me for changing a fellow, not going to be good. Well, so here's my
Starting point is 00:28:42 question to you on the YouTube video. 17 minutes is a long time Be honest. Did you watch it end to end or did you not? No, of course not. I click through it. Yeah, you did the tap through to make it go faster Yeah, I do that all the time. Sometimes people make their how-to's longer so they can get more ad revenue so you may want to just Google and see if there's another YouTube video. And or you could do it the old fashioned way. You still have the instruction manual. He burnt that with a what's an instruction manual?
Starting point is 00:29:21 It's the thing that you have to start your fires all winter long. Yeah. All right. Well, see if you can find a shorter YouTube. I think honestly, 17 minutes, get out there in the garage, have a couple beers, have some fun with it. So is this an older a new zero turn? No, this is a, this is two years old. Well, did you get the extended warranty on it? No, of course. That's the extended warranty. Well, I thought maybe you were one of those insane people that are used to the standard war.
Starting point is 00:29:52 No, the same people that keep the instruction manual. Yeah, yeah, you're right. Sorry. Yeah. Well, I wish it was a little older because then it's like you could justify just getting a brand new one. Yeah. I wish it was a little older because then it's like you could justify just getting a brand new one Yeah, the new or deals too you have like are there Is there any like
Starting point is 00:30:14 Like you pop it open and does it look familiar at all to you? Like or did because a lot of times say I have new casings and stuff and they got to fix it with a USB drive, which is annoying. Yeah, I don't know when I'm with them. Okay. Yeah, maybe take it in it. Okay. So are you married? Do you have a girlfriend, anything like that?
Starting point is 00:30:37 Oh, I'm married to kids. Actually, I'm in the same area called that I called here at the number. What's your area code was West Bend, eh? All West Bend. You're over there in West Bend. Great downtown there in West Bend. I think that's fantastic. I think I got a good solution for you here.
Starting point is 00:30:58 It sounds like you're not so much worried about getting it fixed. You're more so worried about the judgment from the repair man that you weren't able to do with yourself. Am I correct? Yeah, I mean, that's the battle. Yeah. So here's, I got a good solution for you. This is why you come to this podcast here.
Starting point is 00:31:15 What you're gonna wanna do is have your wife bring it in and she's gonna make up some story about how you are gone on business for six months and you know, it's been really tough to mold a lawn by yourself and she feels really bad that the belt broke and she just really needs a guy to help her out. Pause. Would Ant do that for you. I think she might.
Starting point is 00:31:39 Really? Yeah, I think she might. And then anyway, they're actually incredible advice. I thank you. Thank you Yeah, so you have her going you avoid the judgment You're probably gonna get a discount as well because she's gonna do the old sob story vibe of I just tried and I couldn't Figure it out in the YouTube video was so long and I didn't know what to do and I told my husband I would take care everything when he was gone because he's sacrificing so much for this
Starting point is 00:32:06 family and then all of a sudden you get a 50% off. Or I get a 50% off charge. That might be true. Or he just goes, man, you're gonna have to take this somewhere else. I don't do tears. Well, whatever way you choose, good luck with it. Okay, the how long is your grass right now? That's the other question.
Starting point is 00:32:33 I think it's acceptable. It's acceptable, but it's this we just had some rain. So yeah, we had a lot of rain. Two days. Yeah, two days. And you know, there's a lot of backlog over there at the repair shop these days. So did the belt break. Well, you're weeks. Oh, God. Yeah. What are you going to do? Push now. I got, well, I got a, I got a riding tractor, but it's not really set up the mode of lawn nice. What's it set up for? The snow plow? I do a lot of, I do a lot of pulling. Pulling, pulling, pulling. Yeah, I'll make cars on that train.
Starting point is 00:33:12 I don't know if it can come by yet. Oh, geez, we're gonna be lessons forever. Well, good luck with the tractor. So, last question for you. Did it break, mid-mo? Yeah, I smell, I finished the front yard, but I could smell something was, something was in, something was in right, and then as soon as I was about to go to the back yard, she, uh, okay, and then she don't got a half, at least you don't got a half-moan front yard. That would be pretty weird looking.
Starting point is 00:33:49 So that's good at least. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I'd say if you if you do take it in, it's going to be four weeks and you're going to have a molet of a lawn, the front, the back's going to be longer than the front, but that's okay. Party in the back. That's just like my hair.
Starting point is 00:34:03 So, Oh, we go. I don't match store. Oh, there we go. I don't imagine. Well, I appreciate calling. Hopefully, you don't have to wait too long for that train. And hopefully we helped with a little advice there. Yeah, give them a wave as they go by.
Starting point is 00:34:16 They appreciate it boys. All right. I have a couple of blue girls for me. We have a couple of blue girls for you. Yeah. That's my advice with that question, that's what I know. I know I know I really I appreciate that sentiment. All right.
Starting point is 00:34:32 Have a good one, man. I enjoy the day. All right. Thank you. Bye. Bye. I feel like most of the time my advice is much more devious than yours in terms of lies and deceit.
Starting point is 00:34:44 Yeah, I know. It is devious and I don't think Anne would ever do that. No, she absolutely I wouldn't. She would be like, no, you can just pay to have it done and just get over the fact that guy's going to give you a look. Yeah. That doesn't seem like that hard though, but the newer machines don't look like the older machines. Hey, why don't when you get home? It sounds like he's not too far from Milwaukee. Why don't you just get over there, maybe pop your head under the hood and see if you can help him out? Yeah, first of all, I guarantee you, I'm not going to be able to help him out.
Starting point is 00:35:14 I'm going to look at that thing too. I'd be like, all right, pop up that YouTube video. I mean, oh, 17 minutes, you got to take it in. Yeah. I think that that's like the new age. Do you take it in or not? Is how long do you take it in or not is how long the you Now, but what would our what would our grandparents say to us like I don't know how to do it
Starting point is 00:35:37 Wait, so there's a video explaining exactly how to do it. Yeah, it's too long so you don't want to listen Exactly. Yeah It would just shake that that'll happen. Yeah, all right Hello, who do we got on the line? would just shake their heads. That'll happen. Yeah. All right. Hello. Who do we got on the line? This is Alex. Am I listening to Miles? This is Miles. We also got Charlie here too.
Starting point is 00:35:52 You're listening to me now too. How you doing? Very good. How are you, John? I'm doing good. Why don't you belly up to the bar with us and tell us what's on your mind? I was going to introduce you to the question for the both of you. Okay.
Starting point is 00:36:08 It's going to be a choice of one. You got to pick peanut butter and jelly or grilled cheese. Okay. Okay. That's great. Quite first of all, no miles. Go first. I don't want to jump.
Starting point is 00:36:20 I do like a PB and J, but grilled cheese is also my kind of guy. Yeah, but I think I'm going to go PB and J though, especially if you, uh, if it's a toasted PB and J, and then it melts the grill. Oh, that is what I'm talking about right there. And I, uh, I'm going to have to agree now. I know being Wisconsin guy, you know, how could you turn down a grilled cheese and under 99% of circumstances I would not But when you have that grilled PB&J my mom used to make those all my oh my gosh
Starting point is 00:36:54 Well, so I got a question for you. Are you a crust guy or a not crust guy? I'm a big crust guy Yeah, how does cereal kill yeah Yeah, or a three year old. Cereal killer. Three year old. No crust left behind. Yeah, I like that. You know what's really good is grilled cheese with pickles. Oh, grilled cheese and pickles. I like it with jalapenos. Have you ever had those? Oh, I haven't. Now I'm getting hungry. I'm waiting. You're going crazy. And actually, if you do put pickles in a peanut butter and jelly sandwich as well, that's, that's a,
Starting point is 00:37:30 adds a little savory to it. I was gonna say, yeah, salty, little sweet. Yeah. Isn't that what peanut butter? Peanut butter, saltier is it sweet. I feel like peanut butter now, it's got so much sugar in it that it's just a sweet as well. Yeah, it just depends what kind of peanut butter you're getting.
Starting point is 00:37:46 It sounds like you're getting a gif. I always go natural. I go natural too with the peanut butter, but that is it's hard. I don't like the moral scippy guy to be honest with you. Yeah, you seem like a skippy guy. Okay, whatever that means. How do you do? Nothing against you.
Starting point is 00:38:01 Just if I were to look in your pantry, I would bet a lot of money on Skippy being there. Yeah, all right. That's fine Um, and now I guess this Bitcoin is Midwest advice. I would put mayonnaise on your grilled cheese. It makes it much crispier. Oh I never thought about that Wow, you know, do you know the science behind the couple of times? Well, I've been told a couple times by people I trust a lot. So, and are you talking about the butter on the outside that you used to grill with? You put mayonnaise on that and that grills the same butter does. Wow.
Starting point is 00:38:35 That's such a good tip. I'm absolutely doing that. Next grilled cheese I do when I get home from the bar at 2 a.m. And all the pizza joints are taken to one get there. And then you just move. Fridge and you find a grilled cheese. You don't just go to bed hungry. No, you think I've ever gone to bed hungry, Charlie?
Starting point is 00:38:50 Look at me. You think I went to bed hungry ever. That's a good move though, grilled. You know what else is fun is if you're too lazy to make eggs, you can crack them into a glass cup at microwave it. Oh, yeah. And then it turns into a fried egg. I thought you were going to say crack them into a glass and drink them. Oh well. I've got that after his morning workout. Yeah. That's after I got that's if you're really hungry. That's when
Starting point is 00:39:17 he's on his workout regimen where he's really trying to get yoked. Yeah. I get yoked. Yeah, that was a great pun miles. You go chase it. And then you crack that's my grandpa used to crack eggs in his beer and then put salt on it. Yeah, that's what I said. What's your go to late night snack? Is it a PB andJ or what do you got? Ooh, that's tough. I've been on a PB&J kick lately. Good strawberry jam, whole wheat bread. Otherwise, I like granola bunch to the pre-made granola. My wife also makes really good granola. Shout out to Alicia. Alicia, Alicia, making that granola.
Starting point is 00:40:04 So what do you do for a living? I'm actually out in out player on the road doing some sheet metal work. I'm originally from Milwaukee me and my wife are from East Troy. Oh, where'd you guys meet? Back in East Troy, she had gone to high school in Kenosha. We worked at the same ski hill. All you worked down there. That's the one that was the dump that they turned into a ski hill, right? They're like, what the hell are we going to do with the dump? It still is a dump.
Starting point is 00:40:35 So the backside of the hill is the dump. The other side is the ski. That's called reduce reuse. Watch out for the broken beer bottles on your way down the black diamonds. Yeah, Alpine Valley. Alpine Valley. You see, Nate, shows that Alpine Valley ever? Not recently. I think my last was Dave Matthews band. Sounds about right.
Starting point is 00:41:00 Rage was just there last weekend, right? Oh, my God. Were they? Yeah. have you ever seen away? I thought he's were there. Oh, a R. I don't think so. Of a revolution. If you like Dave Matthews, man, you're going to like OAR.
Starting point is 00:41:14 You got to listen to them. Okay, right on. What was their big song? Crazy game of poker. Yeah, it was a crazy game. Well, you don't have to say it's sing it so annoyingly. Oh, that's great. Well, hopefully. So, and then you're both up there and I'll clear now, you're doing the sheep metal situation. And what's your wife do up there? And I'll clear or you're just visiting I'll clear for sure. Well, yeah, I'll be up here for four days. So I'm going to waste back home.
Starting point is 00:41:47 And this actually transitions into a bicell. That was going to offer you guys whenever you guys are in the area. My wife has a meat and cheese board business. Sure, could reward. OK. And we'd be glad to hook you guys up. So if you guys are in the area. Well, so you got to tell us what the business name is.
Starting point is 00:42:05 We're going to plug it here on the podcast. And maybe we'll have some people that are listening and hit up for a nice meeting. She's Sharkootary board. Yeah, the name is Swiss the girl LLFE. Serving Milwaukee and Walker Shaw Swiss the girl. I like that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:22 All right. Like it's the girl from the little mermaid. Yeah, I was just I love that. That. All right. Kiss the girl from a little more. Yeah, I was I was just gonna I love that. That's a great play on words. In the area you're looking for a good meeting. I like going meet and cheese. Shark. Cootery sounds a little too fancy for me.
Starting point is 00:42:34 Meet and cheese plate. You gotta go to Swiss the girl. It's a great name. Tell your wife. Tell you to girl. Tell her we says hi. And and you make sure to take the next time fish comes to Alpine, you make sure to take her with you, okay. Should be very excited to hear it. Alright, really good. Thanks for calling in. Thanks for like us. See you. Bye bye.
Starting point is 00:43:04 I'm actually a pretty big OAR fan. I can tell in the way I've asked your guys that song. I've never seen you so offended. Yeah, I was a little I was a little taken aback by the slander that was mocking that song. I was just giving it to you. And if you're a real fan, you like you like kind of even really don't even like that song that like the deep cuts. Yeah. What's your favorite OAR song? Well, I liked a 34th and eighth album. It's a real good one. Who's cherry? It's a great song. Wow. Wow. I hope that bell was our food. I'm so hungry. Well, Charlie, I think that was another successful ability to podcast a lot of good advice thrown around that was another successful build up podcast, a lot of good advice thrown around.
Starting point is 00:43:45 A lot of good times had by all. I think so. I think we helped some relationships, we helped some marriages, we saved the world, and I screwed it all up. No, I think those are all things that we did on this podcast.
Starting point is 00:44:06 So we're going to go there. All right. Well, we got a few wouldnickels in front of us. So I have to get to spending them. Well, we appreciate everyone for tuning in to another episode of the Bellydub podcast. Again, follow us on YouTube, follow us on Instagram. We usually put up on, for those that are wondering
Starting point is 00:44:26 how they can call in. Go, if you follow us on Instagram, on the bellied up pie, we put up a story when we're recording. It's usually about once every five to six weeks. And so that's usually when Charlie and I get together. And so we'll be looking on there. And we can probably do a better job of even giving a heads up. Yeah, maybe we'll put up a post a day before saying,
Starting point is 00:44:49 hey, we're shooting the next couple of days and you guys can be ready for it. So just like you guys are experiencing this with us, we're also figuring it out too. So we're trying to make it better and better. So yeah. So if you have suggestions, go ahead and message those and miles of read them on And then just tell Charlie what he's doing wrong. Yeah, it's perfect. There we go. Thank you all for listening
Starting point is 00:45:13 Yeah, thanks for tuning in guys and we'll see you in the next episode. Bye. Bye

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