Bellied Up - #16 Charlie And Myles ”Taste” Wine

Episode Date: September 22, 2022

Presented By Fleet Farm In this episode we're at Uncle Buck's in downtown Milwaukee. Our first caller is wondering what to do with their 5 acre property. Next caller wants to become a bartender and wa...nts to know more about drinking wine. Last caller of the day is making money off of airline tickets and is curious on what he should do with his cold hard cash.

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to another episode of the Belly Up podcast presented by Flea Farm. Charlie Barons, how are you, my guy? I'm doing good. Where are we at today? We are at Uncle Bucks in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, right over there by the Pfizer Forum close to the deer district. It's a great bar. It's got a lot of wonderful, wonderful decor. Well, I like what I like about Milwaukee is they really know how to brand everything around deer.
Starting point is 00:00:31 Yeah, we've got the deer district of Milwaukee box, uncle box, you know, just deer running through the roads. They had deer crossing signs somewhere. You know, deer color blind, right? Yeah, that's why they never stop at the stoplights. That was really good. Actually, that that I wrote years and years and years ago, and I was going through my standup bits like, I need a new bit.
Starting point is 00:00:59 What do I have? And I saw that. Oh my gosh. How do I now put that in my standup show? So is it going to be in? Yeah, it's going to be in. I'm testing it out here. I test it out. I'm sure it's good. Yeah, thank you. Thank you very much. I'll maybe do it as like a, hey, I know this isn't going to be funny type of vibe. No, I'm going to say it's super funny. I'll say it as a one off. You know,
Starting point is 00:01:16 it's like one of those jokes. Some comedian described it like this where you shoot, you leave your hand down like you're shooting a three and you're already walking back to that because you know it's going in. Yeah. But you don't like put too much emphasis on it like they should laugh. It's your already on to the next show. Yeah, already playing defense. Yep. Yeah, you're back on defense slapping the floor. Yeah. Ah, slap were you with floor slapper? No. Did you play basketball? I did. I believe it. You're very athletic. You are. You are. You're very athletic. No, you're athletic. Um, so anyway, yeah, what why'd you bring that up? By the way, what? Oh, that's right. Because we're in Uncle
Starting point is 00:01:52 Box. We're Uncle Box. Yeah. Describe everyone what the vibe is here. And Uncle Buxf had never been here before. Divine bed Uncle Buxf first of all, they do a great job with taxidermy here. I mean, they got a nice one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, 14 pointer. Do we call that a 14 pointer? Cause you got the two, I think underneath, you know, we're at a bar. So we don't need to be splitting hairs. Let's just count it. Split in hairs. That's funny. Cause that's what antlers do. Hey, that's really good. Keep going. That's really good. Keep going. It's really.
Starting point is 00:02:27 All right. So what would you call that one? What would you call that one? Which one are you counting? Which one are you counting? Three, four, five, six, seven, all that little. Yeah. A little bad.
Starting point is 00:02:36 A little. No. I would count it. I would count it. Fine. We'll count it. I wouldn't show a picture of it after I told someone, yeah, I got a 14 pointer, you know.
Starting point is 00:02:45 Like, oh, yeah, bad service. Yeah. Can't get that quick. It's exciting. No, it's a good looking buck. We got the, so I actually on our other podcast, you bet you radio found where all podcasts can be found. Well, he talked about our perfect man cave
Starting point is 00:02:58 and a giant antler chandelier was actually something that I want in my man cave. And he got a bunch of them here I'm gonna tell you near ant and Lanier and The no chandelier antelier antelier antelier antelier. Yeah, it's antelier We're so cool. Freak. You know how there's a thing where people People that are pretty annoying what they'll do is they'll steal the copper mugs for
Starting point is 00:03:29 Like mubles and stuff. Yeah, I'm not gonna lie. I might try and steal one of these Antileers just like someone I'm gonna try and put it in or one of our bags and Hopefully, I don't notice you're putting it. Yeah, that's gonna be very tough notice you're putting it. Yeah, that's going to be very tough. It's going to be tough to explain to us. Say what I'm checking, you know, snip and run. But, uh, gotta get up there and snip that chandelier down. There's a wire involved. Live wire here. I've already got a distraction in place. What's that? What this one right here? Oh, nice, nice. Yeah. Yeah. What goes in miles? you were to see, you already liked the Annelier, what other taxidermy is appropriate, not just for the man cave or the garage, but for you're getting married, what is some taxidermy that's okay for the home? That is, it depends on what kind of gal you're settling
Starting point is 00:04:19 down with. Well, what do you think should be appropriate? I mean, I think that anything goes in your basement, right? Like the old ball and chain can't be like, no, you can't put taxidermy up in the basement. That's your, that's fair game. You know, over the mantle, if you got the right gal, she's probably gonna allow you to put some taxidermy up there. A lot of other people not, right? So it all depends on what area of the house that we're talking. Okay, bathroom. Don't you just want a nice buck looking at you? Looking down there.
Starting point is 00:04:53 And just like, is that all you got? Just thinking like a, maybe like a fox staring at you. Yeah, let it go. I had to dream I saw a fox last night. I just remembered it. I don't see enough foxes. That means I was thinking the exact same thing. Thank you for bringing it up. I don't know. You know, a fox is typically like a sly. Well, you have sly. Yeah. So maybe I'm untrustworthy or maybe someone in my life is or you're about to come up with the most clever idea of your career. Ooh, because slide could be clever. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:25 Mm-hmm. Or it maybe means that something's gonna get stolen from you because it wasn't Swiper and Dora the Explorer. Swiper, no swiping. It wasn't Swiper or Fox. Yeah. Yeah. You know what I do think it actually means?
Starting point is 00:05:39 I think we should recreate the Fox in the Hound where I dress up as a Fox and you dress up as a Hound. So, I'm wearing a friends and you can be like, oh my hoondog, you know, and then you're, you and your friend, how does that? Oh my hoondog. You gotta do that. Oh my hoondog.
Starting point is 00:05:53 Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, the hoondog. You know, something like that, I don't know. But I think it could be a lot of fun than you and your friends could come like me. And then I'll, I wish the listeners could know how many ideas Charlie's pitched me in the last six months that involves us just dressing up in costumes. I like furries.
Starting point is 00:06:14 Oh, okay. Well, that's a new development here. Just a conceptually. I don't do that. Not that there's anything wrong with anyone who does that on Thursday nights. All right. Friday night too. A furry fetish. It's fine. No, it's not a fetish. I've just seen it. Number three. It's not the wrong with that. I'm not going to fetish shame you. Okay. But yeah, I think
Starting point is 00:06:38 a barefoot foot furry night, like a barefoot blue moon for what's that country song? Yeah, barefoot blue Jean night a barefoot furry night Anyway, um, so we get a great episode. Yeah, well here's the last question before we get into the collars here Is it okay to have taxidermy up in your house that you personally didn't take? I'm not as much of a fan of that, you know, but I mean, if it's like, you know, it doesn't matter. I mean, what are we doing? Split and hairs here, you know, what are we in antlers? What are we in the house? Split and hairs.
Starting point is 00:07:19 Um, I don't know. In my opinion, I think it's like, it's okay. If it's not yours, if it's like your grandpa's, a pass down or something like that. But there should be a plaque. Or if it's like a really cool thing you got from like a thrift store, it's kinda cool. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:36 I think it's okay, you should just put a plaque that says, this isn't mine. I didn't. Otherwise, it's still an antler. mine. I didn't. Otherwise, it's still an antler. You're starting to cool off a little. We started hot. Started hot. And I think that we are cute. That might be it. Get into some call. Okay. Let's get into some call. And Gieber moving. Hello. Hello. What do we got
Starting point is 00:08:08 on the line? Hi, this is test. Test? P E S S. Test. How you doing, test? Good. How are you guys? We're doing good. Yeah, we're just having a drink at the bar. You want belly up with us or no? We're just having a drink at the bar. You want belly up with us or no? I wish I'm at work. Well, I work from home. Virtually speaking, virtually speaking. I'm taking mid-day break and belly up to the virtual bar with us.
Starting point is 00:08:35 Yeah, what's on your mind? Well, I am looking for some advice. Ooh, okay. Okay, well, what are your guys? What do you got? So, I'm born and raised in Wisconsin. So, been here 27 years. Say it with a smile on your face.
Starting point is 00:08:53 Test, cheese, guise. Oh, I love Wisconsin. It's amazing. I would never leave. Okay. Oh, I thought there was gonna be a butt at the end of the line. Yeah, I thought you were going right to a butt too. You were like, well, I'm born.
Starting point is 00:09:06 That's just, that was very Midwest of your setup, you know, very understated. I like it. All right. I've interrupted too much tests. Sorry, you're born and raised in Wisconsin. Uh, yeah. And I just bought a five acre property up in Elroy, uh, North of the, of the Del. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:25 And, wondering what you guys think I should do with the property. I mean, I've got so much land now. I just, I don't know what to do with the five acres. Well, you're gonna want to plant a food plot next year. Yeah. And you're gonna want to put up a few deer stands. Yeah. Maybe a few tree stands.
Starting point is 00:09:42 Yeah. And maybe get a retaining pond on there. Oh That'll be tough, but now we should ask I guess because Miles seems to go he's going right for the recreational farm situation But five acres you're not gonna get any is this is this in the middle of nowhere five acres? There's this in town because don't do that if it's in town No, it's it's what is it is it north of the Dels? Is that where L Roy is? Yeah, yeah, and it's outside of town. It's in the bones. It's in the bones. Okay, and you got it for for fun, right for recreation or do you need? Do anything specific on this is there a tax purpose? Perhaps you got it? You need to build something, you know?
Starting point is 00:10:25 No, there's a, there's a home on it. So I do live there full time. Oh, you live there full time now. Well, then you can maybe, you can go the bed and breakfast route. You could go, you could go cart track. You could put out there. Would be kind of fun. Yeah, there the possibilities are endless here. Maybe we start with what are your interest because we could go all day on this. Those are the things that I would want on my five acres. Yeah. Yeah. So the previous owner did leave some deer stands so those will definitely be used. Nice. And then we've also got a lot of apple trees. So I mean, maybe an orchard can be started. That'd be pretty cool.
Starting point is 00:11:10 Okay. Yeah. The Instagram girls in the fall will pay an arm and a leg to go take a photo by your trees. I'll tell you that much. And you get some nice cider there and do some of them apple cider doughnuts. And actually, I do think if you plant trees, that could become a tree farm. And then you know, is that enough? No, I'm saying you know what they're saying. I don't know. I don't know anything about tree farms,
Starting point is 00:11:36 but you got a plethora of side businesses. That's all I could say. Yeah, are you trying to? You didn't buy five acres, you bought five new businesses. Yeah, that's true. That's true. Yeah, so I think you can make a little tree farm there. Maybe do a side hustle and then, you know,
Starting point is 00:11:54 if worst case scenario, it all goes to shoot, just write it off on your taxes. Yeah. Okay, that sounds great. And we're not tax experts, by the way. And so we will not help you if you're audited, but we'll definitely, you can call back if you get audited and we'll say, Audrey. Honestly, if you just write it off, no one has to pay for it.
Starting point is 00:12:15 So you're good to go. Okay. But that's really exciting. Now is it just you on this acreage? I mean, my husband and then we did buy some chickens and we've got a few little hobby farm as well. You buried the lead. You buried how many chickens did you buy? Well, tractor supply, apparently there's a minimum of four, so we had to buy four. Yeah, you want to buy, you know, at least half the half the litter.
Starting point is 00:12:43 Yeah. Did they call it a litter with chickens? I don't know. I don't know anything about chickens either. You never had a chicken miles? I mean, I've had chicken, obviously. Look at me. But I've never owned a chicken. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:59 They're fun. Yeah. Do you get a rooster too? What? What are you experienced with chickens? You kind of first time chicken owner here. What's going on? Yeah, first time on lots of new experiences. We actually weren't told what the sex is of any of them. So we're just trying to figure it out.
Starting point is 00:13:14 Well, if they're cock a doodling, do them waking your ass up. You got your answer, but you know, that's that's a lot of fun right there. That's and that's a lot of fun. or cock a doodling doom, waking your ass up, you got your answer. But, um, you know, I, that's, that's a lot of fun right there. That's, and then they, they really take care of themselves. You can just let them go and, you know, feed them or, honestly, if you got sorghum or some growing around there, they'll feed themselves in the winter. That's
Starting point is 00:13:39 a different story. They might die if you don't feed them. But, uh, I'm not a pro with chickens either. Also, the coyotes might get them too. So don't feed them. But I'm not a pro with chickens either. Also, the coyotes might get them too, so don't get too attached. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I'm like under the mindset that they might die. So yeah, that's always good. You always got to have that mindset. Yeah. You know, we're all going to die. Life is just about continually disfawning your parents tell they die and then you die. Yeah. It's a circle of life. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:07 Already there. No worries there. Yeah. Everyone can relate to that. You're folks got to be proud of you. You got to farm though. So that's nice. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:15 Are any of these ideas maybe something that perqueers up there? You're like, hey, maybe I'll try that out. Yeah, and we help you with all here. Yeah, I think a tree farm is a great idea, honestly. Boom, bang. That's what we're here to do. It's a little that that was Charlie's idea. Well, you should go say, yeah, I'm gonna get a lot of concrete
Starting point is 00:14:35 and make a go-kart track, you know? And so, please. Well, you probably would just do asphalt for that. Asphalt, yeah, yeah, that's true. A concrete go-kart track, that would be, that would be pristine. Yeah, it's like. A concrete go-cart track. That would be pristine. Yeah. It's like the NASCAR of go-cart tracks.
Starting point is 00:14:49 Yeah, well, that's cool. When your tree farm is up, and you're looking for names, belly-up tree farm sounds pretty good, you know? Not belly-up tree farm. They'll think that you are no longer in business. Belly-de-up Yeah, it's important. But if you do go out of business, it's a very simple fix, you know, with this spray paint.
Starting point is 00:15:11 So there you have it. There you have it. Well, Tess, this was awesome. Is there anything else we can help you with before we let you get back to planning your tree farm? Do you guys have any advice? to plan in your tree farm. Um, do you guys have any advice just just off the shoe? Wow.
Starting point is 00:15:33 That is. Yeah. Lath often live hard. I'm reading inspirational signs in every bathroom I go. If you laugh, cry and think every day, that's a full day. I just thought of that. Oh, what about this? Lath, love and live and live.
Starting point is 00:15:53 I don't know like the older, maybe live laugh love live laugh love live better over. Test live laughing. I've found they should put that on some home decor. Yeah. I actually got some good advice. My brother told me this, which the only smart thing he's ever told me, uh, never cheap out on anything between you and the ground. Oh, yeah. Shoes, mattresses, socks, shocks on your car, socks on your feet. Don't, don't cheap out on anything that goes between you and the
Starting point is 00:16:24 ground. Yeah. Honestly, I think goes between you and the ground. Yeah. Honestly, I think you guys just changed my life. Yeah. Go get yourself a nice pair of socks after this. Yeah. And some shocks too. Shocks and socks. All right. Well, I hope that that was good sound advice. Yeah. Thank you, Tess. You have a good day and enjoy your apples. Okay. And if your tree start throwing apples at you Either went to Oz or you did psychedelics, okay? Thanks guys. Tell your folks. I said hi. All right. We will and you tell your folks we says hi. Okay? What? Well, this is glad to at me and that's bullshit all right bye test yeah
Starting point is 00:17:09 seal yeah you tell your folks he says hi hello who do we got on the line oh this is Ryan Ryan right guy sorry you probably heard that way too much where do you add what you Holland Hi guy. Sorry. You probably heard that way too much. Where are you at and what's your Holland? I haven't been in the anna. I actually just picked my little sister up from school right now. Oh, that's a good plan.
Starting point is 00:17:32 Oh, plan, hokey. Oh, yeah, you know, I kind of get the weekdays off. So it kind of works for me. Wow. Well, Ryan, what are you work? Yeah. Where do you work? I actually work as a restaurant. I do fine dining nowadays. Yeah, what does your role at said restaurant? I am a server, but I might be going back to bar tending, and that's kind of my dilemma right now. Oh, okay, there we go. Server versus bar tender.
Starting point is 00:18:01 Belly on up to the bar. Oh, yeah. Belly on up to the bar with us. Do you see that? Tell us what's on your mind. See how we did that. That was such an easy transition. Well, you know, the thing is, I've never like barked in a fine dining place and there's just so much work. I'm used to like, you know, your Midwest, you know, it's not in a beer bar. I just don't know if I want to do it there.
Starting point is 00:18:23 Oh, because you're afraid they'll be mad if you mess up their expensive cocktails. Exactly. I mean, I actually, that is a fear of mine of getting yelled at for not knowing something because I'm not fancy enough. It's kind of like, like we've talked blackjack before. It's kind of the same thing. Oh, yeah. You got to know what you're doing when you're sitting your ass at that table.
Starting point is 00:18:45 If you do the wrong move, the guy who's really good at blackjack is going to be mad at you. If you make the wrong move, if you make the wrong kind of cocktail, some cocktail snob is going to be mad at you. You know, and that is true. And what Miles is bringing up is a very common thing. It's sort of the fear of the unknown, you know, but I think once you get, it's like anything. It's like once you get into the mix of it and you know.
Starting point is 00:19:12 So if you, let's say you take this menu and you practice those cocktails and you get a, you get a little bit of confidence going, I think then you should make the decision, you know, because I think a lot of times we make decisions out of fear of what we don't know. But if you can know just a little bit and sort of wrap your head around this job, it could seem a lot more attainable. And then of course, you give it a week, you've mastered it, and then you're making all those tips,
Starting point is 00:19:39 my man. A lot of times as well, this may help the psyche side of it. You gotta take a look around at some other fancy bar tenders. And you got to find the ones that are like, you look at them. And you're like, okay, that guy is not very smart. And he can do it. Like I can do it too. I shouldn't be worried about it.
Starting point is 00:19:57 That is true. There's a lot of dumb smart people in the world, you know? Yeah. Now it could be though that the main bartender at this bar is just a sharp as a sharp as a tack. Sound as an old engineer. And then, you know, you're gonna, you might get intimidated.
Starting point is 00:20:14 But if that's the case, take my advice. If he's just a, you know, schmuck or whatever, take my else's advice. But either way you go, we're giving you solid advice. You must know bar down. Yeah, you can. Yeah, my biggest thing is it's like, we have a lot of wine and I don't know the first thing
Starting point is 00:20:32 about wine. Okay, this is so easy. Oh, man, this is the easiest thing in the world. Is it wine is scary to me too? No, no, no. Here's the number one thing. No one knows anything about wine. If someone thinks that they know about wine,
Starting point is 00:20:45 they just know all the buzzwords, they know all the techniques to make you look fancy. What are the wine buzzwords that everybody must know? Tannins. What does that mean? Tannin fuel. What does Tannins mean? It's stuff that's in wine.
Starting point is 00:20:59 What's the thing where they say? It doesn't matter. Okay. Tannins are like when you squirt with a glass around and you see the little legs down and that's what makes your mouth. You're really. Why are you worried about why you know more than every other person about wine? Yeah, that is interesting.
Starting point is 00:21:15 What is the legs thing though? What when we're looking at the legs, what is is that the tenons or the tail? More legs means a better wine. Oh, the more the leg, the better the more it's kind of like me. More legs, the better it tastes. Mm. That's right. I can't believe I can argue.
Starting point is 00:21:31 How good is ostrich? What do you like having better and nice juicy steak or a dry piece of chicken? Well, steaks got more legs. I'll take a little bit. ostrich has more legs than steak. Have you had had Austria before? How many legs is Austria? Chav. Oh, it's got I thought you meant the length. No, I thought you meant the length of these legs. L. E. G. S. There's more legs on a on a pig.
Starting point is 00:21:55 I know what your definition of more was. The more the more lines just like meat, the more legs, the better. Well, more can mean more size lengthwise. Legs. Anyway, I'm glad we're helping you out here. Maybe you're helping us out more than we're helping you out. Well, so you're already, I don't know why you're so worried about the wine thing.
Starting point is 00:22:20 You know what the tanins were. You know what legs are. Let me guess. Do you know the technique to aerate the wine through your teeth? Oh yeah, that's where you slurp it a little bit. Are you like swish it around kind of like mouthwash? No, no, no, you put a little in your front two teeth. I show you. I can never do it without gangs. Fixing yourself. You're working on it. I'm experiencing it.
Starting point is 00:22:49 Could you hear that? I know that this is kind of a little bit. Okay. I have one more question for you guys. Oh, good. Change the subject. It's like a used slurping. Driving related.
Starting point is 00:22:58 Driving. Driving. We in the Midwest going to learn how to use roundabout. When are we going to put them in at my hometown? Yeah. And I've seen the most Midwest thing ever. I've seen people actually in the roundabout stop and wave other people in. Yeah, that is what you do it around about.
Starting point is 00:23:13 I think what you're all, we are always yielding in the Midwest. We can't handle more yield signs, you know? And so I don't know who decided to put the roundabouts there, but honestly, yeah, if we just eliminated the yield signs on roundabouts People would keep that wouldn't feel like they need to stop, you know what I mean? That could be it because once you say yield They're like, oh, I'll choose who's after you. I have to come to a complete stop Oh, I have to yield one step further if it's a stop sign
Starting point is 00:23:39 You're gonna put the car in park. You're gonna get out, check the tire pressure on your car, all that stuff. Whereas if it's a yield sign, then you just come to a stop. So if we just don't have anything, I think that will yield. Yeah, yeah. I mean, right now, it's, you're right. It's basically like, you know, someone's driving
Starting point is 00:23:57 or whoever is not from the Midwest is in the middle of the track, you know, and the Midwest people are like, you know, the pit crew at NASCAR, and they're like, is that what you just said? Oh, no. No, you know what, maybe think of it as when you said, check the tire pressure, but I can't feel like
Starting point is 00:24:12 all these people from the Midwest get out of their car and as these cars are circling, they're like, stop here, let's check your tire pressure, we'll fill up your fluids. You know, that's kind of a funny bit. I mean, that's actually, maybe roundabouts are a good spot to have like an auto body shop or a change like a jiffy loop. Yeah, right in the middle. That'd be a good.
Starting point is 00:24:33 I'd be like, build days when they go to get gas, they come out and check your clothes and air your tires up. Yeah. And it's just volunteer based. It's all volunteer based in the Midwest. It's just you just all you got to get is the facility stuff there, right? You need a gas pump out there. Yeah. All that. And then it's just all volunteer work. Perfect. Let's implement it. Cut us implementing it to a zoom out birds. I view it's just like
Starting point is 00:24:53 four lanes that just backed up like three miles. There's car accidents everywhere explosions. And we're just giggling in the middle because we're helping so many people. So in other words, we're never going to figure it out. You're just going to have to accept that it's not a, it's not around about. It's just a four way stop. Yeah. It's just, it's just call it as it is. It's just a four way stop. Doesn't matter what the deal tries and tell us, you know,
Starting point is 00:25:22 I've got one more question here before I got to let you go. Yeah, I mean, we're we're ripping and roaring. All right. Any advice for someone that just got done riding a stand-up, how do I get over the nerves to go on stage? Oh, wow. Miles, how is he doing? I, I don't know. I'm a bad guy to ask about nerves, you know? I just like kind of just go and do it and then just figure it out when you get up there. But Charlie's a better answer for this one. I had a lot of nerves when I did my first stand-up set. And I went up there and I did my set and I completely bombed and I didn't go back up for six months. And that was not good. That's not what you want to do.
Starting point is 00:26:07 But I think, so how many minutes is your set? I'm still kind of rehearsing it, but it's probably around a half hour right now. Half hour, holy shit. I need that much. Yeah, no, you need it. So you're going to go to an open mic and do this? Yeah, I'll probably turn it down to like 15 minutes or so for that. No, you're going to probably turn it down to like 15 minutes or so for that. No, you're going to probably trim it down to five minutes because most open mics are between three to five minutes. I don't know how they are in Indiana. If you have an open mic where you got 15 minutes, that's great.
Starting point is 00:26:35 But I would start with a three to five minute open mic. I would go there tonight. Or that one is nice. If you actually do have air quotes 30 minutes of material, it's great. All you got to do is just take the three or four best jokes you got in there and that's your hot five. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:26:53 You've really done it work. You've already got it. Yeah, so I would really boil down your set to your top. I would say 10 jokes and make the, now if you're doing a half hour, I assume you have a lot of setup and storytelling in this set. Is that correct? That's correct. Yeah, the hardest thing I had right and was that you know that come around back joke towards the end that kind of relates to the one in the beginning. Yeah callback Your callback. Yeah, so what I would do is I would just get best, whatever you think your best punchlines are literally go through and highlight them. If you wrote
Starting point is 00:27:28 it down or if you're thinking about just, just do that and just condense your setup into a one sentence setup, bang it down with a punch line. And really when you're first starting up and stand up, people just want to know, who are you? And they also have predispositions of who you are just by looking at you. So embrace what you look like. Embrace where you're from, say like, hey, I'm whatever, I'm from here, punch line. You know, I am blank.
Starting point is 00:27:57 I've always been told I look like Tom Petty and Owen Wilson the most. That's good. If Tom Petty and can you do impressions? Wow. What would what would what would what would Tom Petty sound like if Owen Wilson was singing it? Well, I'm petty if Owen Wilson was singing. Yeah. Oh, I don't know. Well, think about that. Try doing that impression. That's kind of funny. Yeah, it'd be like wow well. I'm free Falling free
Starting point is 00:28:29 Paulie you kind of sound like Joker. I know that I only have one impression. I'm terrible at impressions Yeah, well do it better than me forgot say come spitball and here all right leave it to the professional comedians Charlie Yeah, I know I'll leave it to you guys But um, but that's really funny. That's a great opening line All right. Leave it to the professional comedians, Charlie. Yeah, I know. I'll leave it to you guys. But that's really funny. That's a great opening line. Yeah. I know what you're thinking.
Starting point is 00:28:49 I look like Tom Petty at a love child with Owen Wilson. And then you ever think about, or you can just go right into a phone if they did actually have a love child. Well, that sound like. Anyway, I could go on and on about this, but you've got a lot of good stuff. And just boil it down to your five or six best punchlines. Go do a hot five. See how it goes.
Starting point is 00:29:07 And when you bomb, it may not be on your first time. Could be your second, third or fourth. Just know that bombing is part of the process and to not wait six months to get back up there, get back up there the next night. You'll be terrified or whatever. I think they say once you fall, just get back on the horse. There you go. Miles bringing in the hot advice to close this out.
Starting point is 00:29:30 All right, I'm just forgetting guys. That was some good advice today. I appreciate you Ryan. Thanks for hanging out with us. Thanks for bellying up to the bar with us. Have a good one, man. Tell your fuck that I'm Ryan. I'm gonna watch out for Deer on my way home.
Starting point is 00:29:43 All right, good for you. Okay, don't hit them if you do. All right. Have a good one. Bye now. So you don't know anything about wine. Do you know what was the last time you drink a glass of wine like because I wanted to or because it was the only thing at the table. It would have been, I remember I was in I was in Canton, Ohio. Okay. I was at a nice event. It was for the NFL Hall of Fame.
Starting point is 00:30:11 I was at a nice event, he says. The nicest event I've been doing a long, long time. And don't think I'd say that's a pretty big deal. He's just like, yeah, I was at a pretty cozy intimate event. You know, it was only the NFL Hall of Fame, sir. Elephant NFL Hall of Fame, Goldjack at ceremony, and they only had wine there and I drank wine. And it was okay. How are the tenants?
Starting point is 00:30:32 I don't know. I don't know anything about that. Look, I'm okay with one. The mouth was whatever. I didn't pay much attention. I wanted to get a little buzz on, you know, so you were gulping wine. Yeah. A little more.
Starting point is 00:30:43 But then I started to be like, ah, this can't give me a hangover because I didn't know if a wine does that. I'm not good with wine. I'm not, I don't get it. Like, what are the things that like, okay, if you're just a normal guy walking into a thing and you want to look somewhat presentable with wine, give me the four things.
Starting point is 00:31:03 Almost give me the toolkit for a guy who knows nothing about wine. The toolkit for someone who knows nothing about wine, but wants to kind of impress somebody. What is it? Here's the first, you need to have nicknames for stuff. You can't be saying the entire name of the wine. You just got to be like, yeah, I'll take the cab, right? Or the Pino.
Starting point is 00:31:22 Pino. Yeah. Yeah, I'll take the Pino. Yeah, you don't need to say the whole name. So that's number one. Good. Number two, one chart, I'll have the shard. Once you get this, sounds like shard though. Yeah, don't, don't hold the shard. Yeah, I'll have the shard. What excuse me, sir? You know the the shirt today. That's great. Oh, that's good.
Starting point is 00:31:47 You know, it doesn't have a T in it, right? No, but it's funny. You say it, if you say it short, you know, I'll the shard. The shard. And then the D and the T kind of come out. That's funny. Trust me, that's a good one. You're going to make a video of this.
Starting point is 00:32:01 Hey, later. Number two, once you get the glass, you don't drink it right away. First, you gotta just start swirling. Oh, that I know. And you've just started swirling it. Always forget that, but I know. Then you're gonna pick it up
Starting point is 00:32:14 and you're gonna stick your nose all the way in it, give it a sniff. Do you exhale out of the mouth though, because if you exhale through the nose, I found you can get some snot in your wine. Just, you can just only in a little bugger. I mean if you like the extra flavor, yeah maybe launch a few boogies in it. But is it, is it?
Starting point is 00:32:33 And, that's how you got to do it. So it's in the nose out the mouth. I don't know if you do continual breaths like that. That could be, that could be a breath workshop. I think it's just a, it could be a breathing exercise. And then you take the glass away. Oh, okay. Well, I'm trying to experience the full line situation. All right. So breathe it. You want basic steps, Charlie. You're going to step three, four, name it, spin it, breathe it. And then you're going to take the small taste. And then you're going to swish it
Starting point is 00:32:59 around your mouth. And you're not going to pay attention to it. Then your mouth gets used to what's going on. Oh, first you have to put it in your mouth all around. Yeah, that's before you do the air rating thing. Well, yeah. Are you? No, I don't know the order, but my guess is you get your mouth used to it. You drink it. Then you put it in your mouth and you do the sucking it through your teeth thing. Really? I don't know. Well, I was listening to you this whole fricking time thinking you knew what you were talking about.
Starting point is 00:33:31 You just wasted five minutes in my life. Well, no, I'm saying I knew up to that point. Oh, okay. And then you probably are going to want to end it with the buzzwords, right? It's. That was a great chart. Oh. There's no buzzwords in that sense at all.
Starting point is 00:33:46 Shark. You just wanted to work Shark back in. No, it's going to be. I started out my legs. And now I can see my tannins. All right, let's take another collar. Hey, friends, get ready for fall. I want to know what today is. What's that? It's my half birthday today. Dude, I'm so sorry. I missed you. I missed you birthday. I must. Well, no, it's it. No, you're good. I mean,
Starting point is 00:34:17 it's my just celebrate my half birthday right now. No, I know, but and what better way it's can you do the math for me? What days your actual birthday September 22nd plus minus six or plus six September October November December January February February 20 second March 22nd. I can remember that that's now that'll be three days after your anniversary And where would you we want to well? I broke that chart. We want to go to sweet farm. We, sweet farm on your half a half birthday for the fall cleanup, you know, schools back. And that means fall is back. Fleet farm is your fall cleanup headquarters from rakes to leaf bags and blowers to gone fertilizer's, etc. And don't forget to get your everyone's looking for a good blower on the outboard to get your outdoor wear either. Miles, you're
Starting point is 00:35:16 always wearing your bibs and maybe I got to get some bibs to I like bibs. You like bibs and the only good place to get them is fleet farm. Honestly, we farm. We love it. Fleet farm. No, honestly, I can't think of a better thing to do on your half birthday than to go to fleet farm. Maybe for your half birthday, I'll take you there. Well, that's today. I know. So let's go. Okay, we'll finish the podcast later. Okay, let's go. All right, guys, you got to do the same. We'll meet you at the flea farm for your half birthday. Okay.
Starting point is 00:35:50 Hello, who do we got on the line? Dan, well, I probably shouldn't give you my last name, but Dan. Why not, Dan, you don't trust us? You know, our last name is Charlie Barons and Miles Moore, that's Mount Pleasure actually As I have found out recently Charlie you did know my cousin. Oh Jesus. You might actually know my last name What is your what's your last name also did you say your name is damn?
Starting point is 00:36:19 Dan Dan like D.A.N. Like damn. It did sound like Dan. And B at the end. Are you saying Dan? D.A.N. like Daniel. Dan. Dan. What a damn. Pretty standard.
Starting point is 00:36:35 Pretty standard deal. Dan, why don't you belly up to the bar with us and tell us what's on your mind? All right, so I need some advice. I recently got bumped from an airline, and they gave me some money to spend. So I'm curious if you guys have any advice on how to spend this money. It's a trap. First of all, I will say it's a toll trap because it's so hard to spend that free money they
Starting point is 00:37:01 give you. I have found personally, but hopefully that's not your scenario. So is it just cold hard cash or is it like it's a voucher? Is that voucher? It is not well, it was a voucher to redeem for a visa or master card prepaid credit card. So he's also lost with cash. That's what it is like.
Starting point is 00:37:20 Cold hard cash. How much money? How bad did they screw you? $1,100. Whoa. How'd you get $1,100 from an airline? Did they drop you off mid-air? They give you a parachute and say,
Starting point is 00:37:34 Hey, what does an airline need to do to give you $1,100? Well, the ticket was like six grand. Oh, yeah, probably. That's probably it. How much was your ticket? Let's get the facts all on the floor. So I believe the ticket was maybe three four hundred dollars me and my family were going down to
Starting point is 00:37:53 our window. But because of my job I had to leave a day later so it's just me on the flight. So what happened was I supposed to board the plane out and now one PM will say and they're like, hey, we're looking for volunteers. And I was like, oh, well, you know, I'll sign up. So they're like, oh, hey, we're giving out $600 for this flight. I was like, well, cool. So the time comes and goes and I get the $600. And then the next flight I was supposed to be on, they're like, hey, we're looking for volunteers again. I'll do it again. Let it ride, baby.
Starting point is 00:38:33 And that's how you lost your job. No, yeah, thankfully, no. It's pretty hard to fire my position, but what's your position? They gave me another 500 bucks. That one. I'm a firefighter. Oh, you're a firefighter. Well, geez. So, OK. I mean, that's an unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:38:53 That is a great story. That's how you got a 11-hundred bucks. Yeah. I never do that because I always think you're just going to get a voucher. And then I've had a terrible voucher experience. What airline were you applying? I was flying Delta. Delta is a good air.
Starting point is 00:39:10 They would do that. All right, well talk us through. What do you got your eye on potentially for this 1100 bucks? Well, I was thinking either a vacation or another fire. Hey, but hold on. The big hold on. Another fire. Well, hold on fire army said, Oh, geez.
Starting point is 00:39:30 So the vacation can be a slippery slope because what are you going to do when you get to the airport? And then they say, Hey, we're looking for volunteers. You're addicted to that now. You're never going to make it on the vacation. That's you're just going to get caught in an endless loop of getting visa cards with 500 bucks. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:48 You know what? We don't need to discuss any other options for the money. We already know what you're doing. You're already out there cruising cheap tickets. You're like, what are you investing? Yeah. What cities do they cancel a lot of? Take me to Ottawa, you know?
Starting point is 00:39:59 Yeah. That's got bad weather. Yeah. Yeah. Who's got bad weather coming in? You turn into a meteorologist? Delta gave allegedly the news story said 10 grand per ticket for grand rapids to Minnesota St. Paul wow
Starting point is 00:40:19 You must have fish again Really wanted to go to St. Paul or really wanted to get the hell out of Graham Rapids. I guess one of the two. But that's a nice town. 10 grand and grand. I do that. Oh, what is it? I can't confirm it, but that's what the news, uh, the TV news article. I think we just unlocked a new profession. Yeah. And that is, you know, fashion. Yeah. And that is you know how old you literally identify which ones they they generally overbook and you're just continually signing up for those tickets and they ask for a volunteer. You volunteer and get the money. That's a great. Yeah. You could make a living off you couldn't. I mean, he is making a living out. I can tell. Well, I mean, you're making more than your firefighter cash money from this potentially 1100 dollars
Starting point is 00:41:09 and two hours. I don't think firefighters make that much. No, no, no, we do not. No, where are you fighting fires these days? Uh, Toledo, Ohio. I was just in Toledo. How big is Toledo? Toledo, it's about half a Milwaukee.
Starting point is 00:41:26 Okay, well, how big is my walkie? It's about two Toletos. Okay. Yeah. That's cool. Well, yeah, I wish you could have seen you, but I was working. Well, what that, well, you got, you were working. Now it's important.
Starting point is 00:41:39 Yeah, me and he just didn't want to spend any of his, you know, sitting in the terminal waiting for his next volunteer. Right. Toledo is a great town, man. just don't want to spend any of his, you know, sitting in the terminal waiting for his next following. Right. Toledo is a great town, man. I like that town. A lot of I went out there. That's a lot of fun.
Starting point is 00:41:52 I went to a couple of. Did you go to Tony Packup? Do I? No, I went to a bar, uh, Greek place, Greek bar or something. I forget the thing went to a toga party. No, no. One Greek bars. I don't remember either. It had a Greek name on my toga card thing. Why did you bring up a toga party?
Starting point is 00:42:12 I don't know. I feel like you'd have a toga party at a Greek bar. I don't know if it was Greek or if they were just serve Greek food. I think something on my credit card statement said Greece to me. Well, I don't know. Anyway, GRES is what you're saying. So you went to like a pizza joint. No, I went to me. I don't know. Anyway, gr e as e is what you're saying. So you went
Starting point is 00:42:27 to like a pizza joint. No, I went to Greek. It was some sort of Greek or Greece. Are you saying? Well, Greece is a place where Greeks are from. So yeah, you know, you really shouldn't have skipped all those grades in grade school. What, so you're thinking about getting a firearm? What else are you thinking about buying with that money? Uh, you know, if you do that, the vacation, I just kind of let it sit, but here's the cab ya. Delta did say that I have to use the money by December 31st. Oh, they would say that one. So I got some time. Well, it's a visa credit card. I don't think Delta has any say in the visa credit card. I feel like, um, what?
Starting point is 00:43:11 Tell Delta the visa expires December. Oh, they're hoping you forget about it. They're hoping you forget about you get that money back. So, okay. All right. Well, I would say don't hold on to it because that's, your money's not doing anything for you there. Right. I would maybe think about
Starting point is 00:43:33 donating it to charity. Yeah, that's it. You're gonna donate that money to charity. Okay. He's like, that's like the worst answer miles. I hate that answer. Yeah. Because now if I say I don't wanna do that,
Starting point is 00:43:43 I look like an absolute dick. And we know his cousin too. And we know his cousin. Yeah. Yeah. I'm gonna call my aching. And Mike's gonna call me and say, how I read such a dick. Yeah. Well, there you go. You have to donate to charity. Put it right in the church basket. Yeah. Go buy yourself some buy some for someone else. You got a significant other. I do. Yeah. So buy them some with it. You don't spend all of it on that. You know what?
Starting point is 00:44:09 This is this is too much decision. Give it to your significant other and have them. Don't do that. Yeah. No, don't do that. That way you don't have the guilt. It's not you don't have the guilt of not donating. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:20 Yeah. He or she will not be able to handle that much responsibility. Yeah. That is. So get stressed out for you. This is Honestly, just give the money back. It's too stressful. Yeah, that's our advice. That's it. Just get called out to say you take this I'm certain to sweat. I think about this. Yeah, all the possibilities all the the you know Dogs and shelters you could save with it. Yeah, just don't think about all like the kids you could adopt with that.
Starting point is 00:44:52 Yeah. Ooh, I'm gonna adapt a lot of kids with it. Well, someone can. Well, if you're going through the right orphanage, you can. Do you know a lot about orphanages miles? No, and there's a comedian that says that's the problem with no one's adopting is no one knows where the nearest orphanages. Oh, that's a bill, Burbit.
Starting point is 00:45:13 Yeah. But at the dog rescue, everyone knows. Yeah, right. Exactly. Well, it's a lot easier to rescue a dog. Oh, we could rescue dog. There you go. But I think rescuing dogs is free.
Starting point is 00:45:24 Uh, no, well, it's free to a degree. You got to buy them food. There you go. But I think rescuing dogs is free. No, well, it's free to a degree. You got to buy them food. You got to get them cowards, little congs you fill with peanut butter. You got to get the peanut butter. You know, it's all processed bones. Bones. Yeah, they go burying them in the backyard. You know, got to do the whole deal. So yeah, go get a dog and send us pictures, okay? I will do that. All right. Doc's doing, watch for dear. Tell Mike I says hi, okay.
Starting point is 00:45:54 Hey, next time I'm on a flight and they ask for volunteers, I'm gonna give you a quick call. Yeah. All right, do it. All right. I'll give you the best advice I can. No, I'm saying that you can volunteer. You make more money. Oh, yeah. All right, do it. All right. I'll give you the best advice I can. No, I'm saying that you you can you can volunteer. You make more money. Oh, yeah. All right. Volunteers.
Starting point is 00:46:09 Thank you. I appreciate it. All right. See you, man. See you now. Tell Mike. We say hi. Yep. Let Mike. Bye bye. Bye now. I mean, that's a great racket you can run up. Just picking flights that always are over booked. Yeah. I mean, it's never have an intention of getting on the air flight at all. There are so many rackets in the flying thing that customers do, but then the airlines get hip to you. They do like you can get cheaper flights doing like three connections going to say Hawaii or something, but then you're not going to Hawaii, you're just going to LA, you know.
Starting point is 00:46:58 Actually, I don't know if that's how it works, but you buy a flight to New York, but it goes through Atlanta. Yeah, but you just get off in Atlanta. Yeah, but if you don't get on in New York, the next flight back, they can't tell it. Yeah, so you can only do it for one way. You only go one way, but that's a good way to screw the man and also make everybody else to airline flights more expensive, but they are fed really subsidized. I think they'll do all right. The airlines make a dollar and I make a dime. That's why shit up in the air in airplane time. Did your dad tell you that? I don't know. Charlie, well, I think that was a pretty fun podcast. I think my personal favorite was the guy,
Starting point is 00:47:46 the racket that our guy was dealing with the airlines. Yeah, I mean, you know, I thought about it before, that's a good way to make a living. Businesses can be born in any situation, in any deal, you know, you just gotta stay in there and be creative and, you know, before you know it, you end up with an opportunity. And there's a cost to that opportunity. It's called an opportunity cost.
Starting point is 00:48:15 Guy who wasn't listening to conversation. You playing dominoes on your phone? I'm thinking I played dominoes in my mind. No, I know. What's your, what's your biggest failed side hustle you've ever tried to do? Oh, geez, there's so many. I was trying to do a, I was trying to go independent as a bike mechanic and I put up, you know, because I didn't want to work for the man, you know, so I put up these fires.
Starting point is 00:48:50 I fixed cheap bikes. Did the man want you to work for him? I didn't get fired. I got fired from, no, I don't think I got fired from bike. Keep going. You were doing what? I put up these fires. I said, got a cheap bike, need a cheap fix or some need, I thought there was a market for people who need their cheap bikes fixed, because you're not gonna go to the bike store. Like a coffee?
Starting point is 00:49:12 Yeah, and in college, you got a crappy bike, you're not gonna go spend 75 bucks for a bike, it's worth 75 bucks. I would do it for 10 bucks. Fix your derailer, your brake pads, or this or that. Nobody called me, not one person. Yeah. That, I mean, doesn't sound like I didn't want to call you for that.
Starting point is 00:49:30 Well, you must not have had a cheap bike and needed a cheaper pair, because that's what my sign said. Printed it at the school computer, UW-Madison and college library. It cost me, uh, 10 cents a pay. I would love to know that you were a very entrepreneurial for being there. Yeah. Um, I think my worst side hustle. Thanks for asking, Charlie. Yeah, I care about you too.
Starting point is 00:49:51 Um, I signed up for like a, it was like a online. It was called user testings, I think. And it's like you literally would just like, they would, it would just be like, you'd just do tasks. Test for them. Test for them. No, no, no. It was all online and I would have to like fill out a survey or Like use an app and like all right navigate to this page
Starting point is 00:50:14 I have to like click whatever as like side hustle like if I don't got anything going on and you didn't make enough money I mean like 60 bucks, but it was like it was pretty bad money. So how long did it take you make 60 hours? I don't know like five hours. Oh Liam. Yeah, I'm not good. No It's like We're all doing the math in our head. Yeah, I'm like a little over 10 dollars. No, it was bad. So yeah, I mean, nothing really. 10 dollars. Not as good as the bike shop idea.
Starting point is 00:50:49 I made zero dollars until in that. So you win. Can't go broke making a profit, I guess. You win. Well, thanks for listening to another episode of the Belly Duck podcast and you can find us places. And I can't wait for you to be on YouTube. Follow us on Instagram.
Starting point is 00:51:05 Tim Tock. Facebook. Is Facebook still a thing? Can't wait. This is a joke. But serious question. There's people who are listening to this on Facebook. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:18 I know that. And that's a joke. Yeah. Go listen to your Bet you radio and Cripes cast as well. And we'll see you the next one guys Bye Bye

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