Bellied Up - #3 Myles Takes (And Gives) Marriage Advice

Episode Date: June 23, 2022

Presented By Fleet Farm We are on location this week at The Newport in Milwaukee. It's Charlie's birthday and what better way to celebrate than giving advice to callers. (03:59) Our first caller is wo...ndering if she should tone down her midwest accent. (10:25) The next caller needs advice on how to deal with his upcoming wedding. (21:58) After the callers, Dave bellys up to the bar to talk about getting into graphic design, his tattoos, and marriage advice for Myles. (34:57) We wrap up with Kyle coming to the bar. Wondering how to sell more Busch Light at his own bar.  Recorded 04/27/22

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 We are here in the new port bar. Is it a new port bar? The new port. Yeah. The new port. Just the new port. Sorry. Didn't mean to add bar at the end.
Starting point is 00:00:07 No, it's fine. This is the salt of the year right here. Oh, great folks here. We've had a conversation with almost everyone now in this bar. Absolutely. At least one of us have. And I mean, this is what being, if you could bottle up the Midwest in its culture, it would just be
Starting point is 00:00:24 whatever here at the Newport today. That's what I think I like about small towns Midwest, even though we're in Milwaukee, it still has that small town feel. My bib strap was a little... That's on the back. Yeah. I just fixed it for me.
Starting point is 00:00:41 Kim didn't want to be on the back. Kim is our bartender today. She is a bartender. She is a bartender. She is a bartender. She is a bartender. on the bar tender today. She is what I like about Kim and we talk about this at some point in one of these two podcasts here. She not only is got great hospitality but she's not taking shit from anybody. And that's what you want in your bartender. Especially us. Yeah. I mean we we can get pretty sarcastic and sassy, but Kim's not having fucking any of it. No, she just Just put the stuff. Yeah, she just put the soft thank you Kim. No
Starting point is 00:01:13 That's how she says I love you that is also the Midwest in the show it is it's watch out for deer in the middle If you're getting made fun of that means that we love you made fun of that means that we love you. This is how my mom does it to my dad. What? What? Kim's the best. He's the least. Kim is great.
Starting point is 00:01:30 So a lot of advice though. We've been giving a lot of advice on these podcasts. What is? Charlie, how many shots have you made me have today? I've had infinity shots. I mean, doing this on my birthday and not a good move. You know, I'll want that too. What did we think? Mix in a water, barons. I'm trying to. Here's the thing. No, what did what did we think was gonna happen when we started a podcast called the Bellied up
Starting point is 00:01:59 I don't know. I do not know. Did we we think we were going to get sober? No. I need to borrow one of you guys drive my truck to the next place. Because I can't drive that far. We got a guy who can get your truck to the next slide. Do we really? Yeah. And that brings me to a great point. Don't drive drunk, because that is the dumbest thing you can do.
Starting point is 00:02:17 Yeah. Always fun to ride. And if you're in a small enough town where there is no Uber or Lyft, just get a ride. Someone will give you a ride. It's always a better option. Call the priest. Their priests will give you a ride. A wake. Father Tom's always awake. Give him a call. He may, you know, take a little extended stay on your confessional, but that's the only thing. A few other Hail Mary's do not.
Starting point is 00:02:41 That's a little extra five minutes of confessional for a free ride. I mean it's worth it to not drive it's not too bad. An extra five minutes a pen and saying to God you know it's not at all. Couple extra Hail Mary's and you're good to go. It's worth it. Say it in the back of the uber or when your priest is driving him. Maybe well he's giving you a ride home just do the confession right there it's a traveling confessional that's actually a new app idea that is a good app we should you get all the priests to drive air quotes uber drive professional drive professional I absolutely love that they pick you up from
Starting point is 00:03:21 the bar you do the confessional of all the sins you committed on that Friday Saturday night on the way home Sunday you're good at church give me that you Chris yeah bless me father for I've sinned I had a couple two three you know I had a few two couple two really got to confess the fireball shots because that's You know, I can get you going. Oh, geez. So Should we get to the pod? What do you think? I think that's enough chit chat for one day I think we better dive into these callers. Let's do it. Hello. Who do we got on the line? Oh? My gosh, is this you back shot? This is him. How are you? I'm good. How are you doing? Good. I got Charlie here with me too. Yeah, I'm here too. How are you doing? What's your name now?
Starting point is 00:04:16 My name is Tiffany and I'm from the upper peninsula of Michigan. All the year. We got a youper up here. We're in the U. P. Ironwood, Michigan. I feel like superior. Yeah. Ironwood. I played a show up there. You know, funny story about Ironwood. I've done shows all around the country and not one person has been kicked out of the show for being too drunk at the show. But in Ironwood, it happened. And so that, that's a gold star for the city. So what can we help you with? You got some. Yeah. Yeah. Do you got something you want to buy selling trade or do you have some Midwest advice that you need or want to give? What's on your heart today?
Starting point is 00:05:00 I have some Midwest advice that I'm near. Okay. Okay. Yeah, well, where are your guys at? Yeah. So my question is, whenever I go anywhere, as you can tell, I have a strong, you per accent. Yeah, sure. And I encourage you guys and you have watched your shows and sometimes you can amp it up and sometimes you're torn it down.
Starting point is 00:05:24 Yeah. Sometimes you can amp it up and sometimes you're torn it down. How would you recommend? I'd tone down my, my ears and my, you know, CH isn't such. Well, first of all, I don't think you always need to. I was going to say that. I was going to say, well, why do we need to tone it down? What situation are you in where you think toning down that beautiful accent you got would serve you better. Well, I travel a lot and so when I go to other cities, even in the upper peninsula, I get asked if I'm from Canada and then my accent kind of becomes a topic of conversation. So if I could make it a maybe a little less super-yupor and maybe just a uber.
Starting point is 00:06:04 Yeah, I gotcha. If you don't mind me asking, what do you do for a living? I am an area secretary of woods and waters narcotics anonymous. Wow. I travel around and I guess speak and I host our narc critics anonymous in conventions. Gotcha. Spread the message about free. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:06:28 It's wonderful. So the reason why I ask is, I actually think you can use your accent as a talk, like you said, a topic of conversation, really what an icebreaker, as we would say, to get the conversation moving, where if someone had it toned down a little bit, someone might not be as interested in chatting with you. So I think you could almost spin it using as an advantage. I would agree with that. I almost think
Starting point is 00:06:53 whatever makes you different is, you know, what your perceived weakness is actually your strengths here. Oh yeah. So if you can sound just a little bit more unique than the rest of the folks, now they're listening. I think you should actually go like super duper, you per. Yeah, I think you double down on it. I think you even go more, you per. Yeah, you crack a couple jokes to about it, you know, and you can even start by saying, you know,
Starting point is 00:07:21 I know you think I'm from Canada, I'm not. I'm north to Canada, you know, and technically, you are. I know you think I'm from Canada. I'm not. I'm North to Canada, you know, and technically, you are. Look, it wins or on a map. You are North to Canada. You embrace what the good word gave you geographically. And I think you're going to see some positive results from that. I love that. You know, that's exactly what I needed to hear. Yeah. Yeah. Thank you guys. Yeah, don't go change in you. You are perfect. Just the way you are. I mean, even have a good example of this. Charlie was in the news. They tried to get him to tone down his accent. Soon as he got out of
Starting point is 00:07:55 the news and doubled down on his accent, then his whole career exploded. That's where things took off. You know, I once told an audience in Dallas on a hot day, I just told them stay inside and find yourself a bubbler. And a bubbler in Wisconsin, that's where we go to drink water, but outside it's a device you use to smoke the devil's lettuce. So I may have lost that job, but I gained a few fans on that day. So again, it's not about the the short term losses. It's the long term gains. Yep. And that's what you got to remember right now. Well, thank you guys. You know, I'm going to take that. You know, thank you. I don't think I can point it down. It's for generation deep of super. Yeah. So I'm just gonna be the super duper.
Starting point is 00:08:47 Youper that you are. Yeah. Exactly. Be a super duper of a youper as you can be and think doors will open. You don't know if and if anyone doesn't like it, they're a pooper. They are. Yeah. Be a super duper.
Starting point is 00:09:00 You per if they don't like it, they're a pooper. There you go. We just wrote that on a shirt. Yeah. Put it on a shirt. And, and, and, you know, and really this, the leap of faith, it's like Indiana Jones in the temple of doom, where you know, throws the sand across, sorry, Raiders of the Lost Ark, it's where he throws the sand across the, he's looking around this big abyss. He doesn't know if he should
Starting point is 00:09:22 cross. He throws the sand and, and look, walk and the path will reveal itself. That's all I got to say, D.A. You know, any solid advice that comes with some Indiana Jones, I think you're supposed to take out. Yeah, it is. Absolutely. I think that was a great way to cap that advice off, Charlie. And the way you said Indiana Jones, oh my gosh, we're feeling good about you, everything
Starting point is 00:09:47 that you're, everything you're putting down, we're picking up right now. So thank you for that. You, you helped us today. Thank you, guys. I appreciate that. I'm going to take, you know, take some time to love me a little more and just can't tone it down. It's who I am. I love it. Come and set a better myself. Yeah. All right. Thank you for calling. I'm watching out for deer up there in the U. P. All right, you two now. But by tell your folks, we says, I, all right. What a super duper, you per what an amazing super duper, you per honestly. I, you know, I'm, I'm glad we went down that path with her. I feel like we helped her significantly. I think we did too. We got on the line
Starting point is 00:10:28 Danny back it Danny is that right? That's right. Joe is actually mess. Oh, where'd we meet? We met in a we read in Omaha. I want to pop the question on stage.
Starting point is 00:10:41 Oh, yeah. Oh, that's no. Wow. So Danny messages me. He says I'm going to propose. All right. And he says, can I do it on stage? And he says, yeah, sure, you can do it on stage, but you know, I can't guarantee how it's going to go. But now I guess, now I, and she did say, yes, I'm saying, yeah, that was what I was going to ask. So that's great. So now Danny, that was what I was gonna ask. So that's great. So now Danny that was about geez, we six months ago Maybe so how's it been going? Yeah, I think that was October I got the wedding actually June 11. Oh, so the wedding is on
Starting point is 00:11:16 The wedding is on so I was calling for some advice for miles We're trying to send boat from wedding planning. All age. All right. Yeah. Yeah. Don't bring me into this. Yeah. You don't want advice from Charlie on this one. Yeah. I did a swing and a miss on the whole marriage thing. But you know, that my old is a he's got it. So I am currently swinging.
Starting point is 00:11:37 It's up in the air whether it's going to be a miss or not, but I'm just kidding. I'm hitting a home run. Yeah. She's a great guy. Well, no, I'm not actually swinging. I'm a metaphorically swinging a bat. We aren't swingers. Oh, yeah, no, I didn't even think that.
Starting point is 00:11:51 Yeah. But yeah, I recently got engaged as well. So yeah, you're right. What do you got? What do you need advice on? Oh, I mean, just how to keep a thing like stress levels a little down, you know, when you're a painter and get the DJ mix. Yep. Thank you notes. So are you, are you two sharing the planning equally? Is it a one pulling more weight than the other on that or, uh, you know, where
Starting point is 00:12:26 are we at that wise? Oh, boy, I'd say it's about a 60% mother in law and then maybe like 25% mean 25% hurt. Oh, yeah. All right. Well, I can tell you right now, I know you're not asking me for this advice, but you're going to want to make that percentage go. Now, let me ask you before you say that, is the mother-in-law doing good work? Or is she doing busy work? Yeah. What's I mean, I think she's doing pretty good. Oh, she's doing good. Okay. So you have a good relationship with your mother-in-law. Yeah. Oh, good. Good. Very good. Well, then you think her and you make sure to send her some flowers.
Starting point is 00:13:08 So here's my first advice. You seem, it seems like you got your 25% that you're contributing. I would say, keep, stay in your lane. Keep in that 25%. Let them do the other 75% and if they ask you a question, just agree with whatever they want. Stick to your 25%. Don't make any waves. Don't cause any extra issues that way and let them, you know, plan the rest of it is what I would say. Okay, I mean, we got quite a bit of legwork done, but I'm sure there's going to be some of some hitches here in the next month. Yeah, another thing that's important to remember is this day is 0% about you, and it's
Starting point is 00:13:53 all about the brides. So whatever you can do to make sure that her day goes well, I mean, that'll go a long way, especially on the honeymoon. If you know what I mean. Oh, yeah, I know what you mean. Wait, what do you mean? I'm just, you know, just a fun honeymoon. Oh, yeah, okay. You know, and I'll just say this, when you tie that knot, what you really want to do is tie it like you're tying on your
Starting point is 00:14:18 favorite muskie lure. Okay, so and you're going to tie it with with love. Yes, but also care and tenderness. Okay, you don't want that muscular going anywhere because through the courses of your marriage, you're gonna cast that sucker into a tree, okay? And you're not gonna want a yanker and yanker. You're probably gonna yank a bit, all right? But you're not gonna want that line to break
Starting point is 00:14:40 and that will depend on the amount of love you used to tie it. And if you sinker down to the bottom of the drink and you get caught on a log again, you can yank and yank, it's not coming off. So what do you do? You grab your nose and you close your eyes and you just dump down and you get that lure off the log, okay? Otherwise your dad's gonna be mad.
Starting point is 00:14:59 You lost his favorite muskie lure. Now what your dad has to do with this lure, that's beyond the analogy. but I think you get what I'm putting down here. Yeah, I definitely do. I appreciate the fish and algae. Yeah, not a lot of muskies down here. Well, what are you catching? Oh, let's see,
Starting point is 00:15:20 I like to do a little catfish. Oh, nice. Now, are you noodle him for the catfish? I thought you just got to stick your arm in the hole and just go for it. I am not brave enough to noodle. Oh, yes, you are. You never noodle before you got to do it and go bare handed. You're about to be married. You're going to be noodlein for the rest of your life, man. So you might not be comfortable with it. Yeah, I don't know what that means, but you know, I can just just go with that. Okay. And did we help you out here today with that advice or no? Yeah. Yeah. I think though. I think the biggest thing is just keep your head down. Don't try and ruffle too many feathers.
Starting point is 00:16:02 What is, if here's a question for you. What are you most stressed about when it comes to this day? What's causing you the most issues? One specific thing. Do you hear that sigh? That is amazing. He's like, where do I start? Yeah. He's got some stuff going deep down. God, that sigh, you couldn't, you couldn't act that. That is just perfect. I felt like there was a beginning of a bowel movement in that, in that sigh. What is really eating that your crock? Give us the one thing about the wedding that you just, if this was over, we'd be fine.
Starting point is 00:16:39 I don't think it's one thing. I think it's just her being stressed. You're like something happening. Oh, yeah. Along with her. Oh, you know what I mean? You got to destress her. Are you good with massaging? Okay, you got to work. I know that.
Starting point is 00:16:56 I'm set it all. You get bored. Well, you better start not get bored. Okay. Have yourself a couple drinks and and and, and, you know, figure it out there. But he means he gets bored with the wedding planning. And we get bored with the massaging. Oh, I can relate to that, actually. After like 30 seconds, it's like, all right, this is getting a little old after that. But, you know, like, you think it's such a good idea.
Starting point is 00:17:21 And then it's like a lot of a start. Yeah, I don't keep going. Take the stress of the wedding out on her knots and see what happens. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Not too much. Here's the thing, spend a hundred, 150 bucks on getting her massage. If you can't do the massage, just buy her one. Yeah, you got you got enough money going on or is money tight? That's a real question. I mean, with all the supply chain and the gas prices. He's doing the massage on his own.
Starting point is 00:17:54 Yeah, all right. Well, here's the thing. I guarantee if you Google how to do a good massage, you can find some YouTube videos that'll help you out there. Maybe make a game out of it. Yeah, but it sounds like you're a sportsman. Don't, don't Google it too hard. Okay, otherwise you're gonna find some other video.
Starting point is 00:18:13 You gotta be careful what type of massage you're Googling. Yeah, make sure you Google, make, well, one, make sure you're on Google and not another site. Yeah, if there's a hub in the name, you're in the wrong place. You don't want to be searching the hub. You want to be searching on Google. On Google, stay with YouTube. Okay. We're not going any R-rated stuff here. No erotic video massaging. Okay. I'm fine with that. I got to wait till after the
Starting point is 00:18:39 writing for that. Yeah. Yeah. You do. Yeah. and then then you might be making your own massage video on the honeymoon. Yeah, and whatever you do, don't put that in a safe and then piss off your, your contractors, and you'll be on the straight and narrow okay fella Okay, all right. Well, I hope that the wedding goes great and that you guys aren't a stress going into it sounds like it's gonna be a great party and pretty cool that Proposed that Charlie show. Yeah, and I just want to say it's an honor that you chose my show to get engaged at. And when is the wedding? My invite hasn't come in June 11th? Well, where is my invite?
Starting point is 00:19:34 I've been waiting. It's June 11th. Uh-huh. I didn't know. I just kind of feel like I should make it to last a minute. Yeah, man to walk minute. Yeah, man to walk a minute. Yeah, so anyway, I know my invite's lost in the mail and I'll sit next to your great aunt.
Starting point is 00:19:51 I don't care. OK. You can sit next to my great grandma. She's actually live up in a West Bend. Oh, West Bend. Yeah. Humberton from well, good. Well, I'd love, you know, maybe I can drive her down.
Starting point is 00:20:07 She needs a ride or whatever. You can drive the whole family down pretty much. I'm a whole extended family. All right. Sounds like you got a nice road trip. I got a big bad in the back of my pickup. Okay. Hopefully it's warm and June. Okay. Yep. But all right. Well, I'll let you guys go. I gotta go get to the old ball and changing that work. All right. There you go. The old battle ax. Well, there you go. Well, you have a good one. Okay. Tell her we says hi. All right. I will. Thanks guys. See you, man. All right. Bye bye now. The Belly to podcasts is presented by Fleet Farm. Now, Fleet Farm, you think, oh, this is just a hardware store, right? No, no, no, no, no, no. This is the mans mall. And what do you got at the mans
Starting point is 00:20:51 mall? You have unlimited snacks. You think that all those other grocery store, all those other places got snacks? No, no, no, no, you got you gotta go to flee farm, go to the snack section, gigantic bags of trail mix, peanuts, licorice, almonds, all sorts of mixes. My personal favorite is the, the, the clusters, like the turtles, the peanut, or the chocolate peanut butter, caramel. It seems like they have chocolate covered everything there. Yeah, basically if it's got chocolate on it, I'm buying it at Flea Farm. But that's one of my favorites, but my all time favorite at Flea Farm is the orange slices. There is not a better orange slice on the market in the entire world than the ones in the
Starting point is 00:21:43 snack section at Flea Farm, the orange slices, you gotta get them, you gotta try them. That's the miles, you bet you guys stamped approval on there. So if you're getting hungry, listen to this, like I am, you gotta go to Flea Farm, the man's mall, and pick yourself up some snacks. Yeah, what's your name? Dave, Dave, what are you doing?
Starting point is 00:22:02 Yeah, I'm getting better. It's beer of what kind of shot do you want? It's Oh, we're going to the Tully. Tully. All right. You know, no walkies favor three of them. Oh, so, uh, where are you from? No walkie. Yeah. Originally, born and raised until I joined the Navy and went to San Diego and said, fuck snow. Yeah, I feel that. What when did you join the Navy? A long time ago, tell me. Wait, wait, same your name one more time.
Starting point is 00:22:30 Dave, still on the Navy. Oh, God. Do you get that? He's going there. He's going there. He's off. He's off. All right, so first of all, thank you for your service.
Starting point is 00:22:40 And in all honesty, appreciate that. My pleasure. And so you went into the Navy, and how was the Navy for you? Well, it sucked when I was in it, but the memories I have of the four ports are pretty good. Well, let's cheers to that. Cheers to your service.
Starting point is 00:22:54 Thank you very much. Cheers. All right, there we go. All over the wallet. I expect that. That's all right. It has been. It's been christened at the new port.
Starting point is 00:23:04 Woo. Uh, so is though this the Belly-Up podcast and thank you for belly enough with us. Why not? And this is an advice podcast and we also do buy selling trade as well. So if you have something you want buy seller trade, you can toss it out there.
Starting point is 00:23:19 If you have advice, you want to give us when we give you can do any of that. And if you want to take some time and just think about it, we can talk about whatever you want to talk us when we give you can do any of that. And if you want to take some time and just think about it, we can talk about whatever you want to talk about, honestly. So Dave, what time? Vice. What?
Starting point is 00:23:33 Well, what's what's what's what? What what have what have you been up to lately? What's what's been going on since you got to work in? What's well? I decided to become a graphic designer. Oh, that's cool. Where do you do the graphic design? Uh, right now, nowhere.
Starting point is 00:23:49 Oh, yeah, I saw them. So that could be it. You're looking for a gift. Hey, that was the major career choice. That's cool. And biotech or I could have gone graphic design. Any choice? I'm going to decision.
Starting point is 00:24:00 So what drove you, Dave, to graphic design? What inspired that original? Just love art. Love of ours. And actually when I saw that graphic designers do album covers. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's coming out with an album here. I got into album coming out. So favorite bands. Let's hear it. Favorite bands. All right. Top of the head. Beatles. Number one. Uh, the who? Number two. Yeah. And we could go on with the Reverend Horton. He super suckers. Uh, Johnny Cash. Yeah. What's your favorite Johnny Cash on Dave? God. I was just thinking. Oh thinking oh I mean there's always a ring of fire so it was a good one.
Starting point is 00:24:49 Burning ring of fire yeah it reminds you after night over at Taco Bell huh. Dave oh I would say Taco Bell a few nights ago so I know exactly what you're saying. The Burrito Blue. Yeah, the Burrito. The ceramic splatter of the... Okay, okay, sounds... ...crap-dol. ...hahaha. Yeah, it sounds like we're at the Newport on a Wednesday at 5 p.m. Is it really 5?
Starting point is 00:25:18 I like full some prison blues. I like... I like... It's all started to finish. Oh, it is. It really, that is a great album. Now, let me ask you is a new port your, uh, your neighborhood hangout. It's one of several. That a boy, you name it. He's been there, man. I'd be here a lot more if I could bring my dogs in. Oh, you can't bring your dogs here. No, it's the one dog only,. All one dog only I see. I get that. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:25:46 you know, there's a lot of people, the owners, they have their dog in there. Yeah, they're going, yeah, we just want to, well, you know, too many dogs, certain dogs makes a pound, you know, you don't want a pound. You want to be down in Cleveland at the dog pound. I can tell you that much. So I make a lot of paper bags there. Oh, God. And I go poop skin. Also Dave. Now I made the joke, which was not well taken. And I get it about Davey still in the Navy.
Starting point is 00:26:15 How many people bring that up to you when you say your name's Dave and you're in the Navy? And do you resent Billy Joel for that? Or would you do a Billy Joel cover album? I was just going to ask you what you thought are Billy Joel. I, I, you know, there, so when I was a baby, I'm still in the Navy. I'm glad you brought, but I'm out of the Navy. So that's not you.
Starting point is 00:26:35 Yeah, that's not you. He's Dave here. Dave is out of the Navy. Dave is no liar. Dave, you know, it's like it's, that's how a lot of people will remember. Yeah, go name, name, name, name, name, name, name, name, give me a clue. Navy, Navy, Dave. Yeah. So when I was a kid, do you remember AIM and some messenger? Do you remember that? Oh, AOL messenger. Oh, God. Anyway, you do. I remember that. Yeah. Yeah. Do you know what one of my screen names was?
Starting point is 00:27:06 One of my screen names was older. One of my screen names was Captain Jack. Okay, which is a Billy Joel song. Well, Captain Jack, who gets you're a strange young kid. Where are you? Oh, I was a weirdo. It's also a who song. Captain Jack is a who song too? What's Captain Jack? Captain Jack is a who song to Captain Jack what research
Starting point is 00:27:28 I Be interested I love how it was happy Jack Happy Jack captain Jack was a weird song. I think it's about a drug dealer, but anyway A lot of good songs are all they are yeah, we're about doing drugs or you wouldn't have a lot of songs without drugs. Mr. Tamboring, man, Bob Dylan, same deal. So anyways, um, yeah, you're feeling good. How's the graphic design biz? Now you got a tattoo here. Do you design your tattoo? Oh, I can't see the other side. Oh, you got a pull the arm out. S I S U. Sissu. Cause finish. Oh, are you finished by blood? Northern Wisconsin. Oh, that a boy. That a boy's got that, uh, is that, uh, norwegian or no, is Finland different from norwegian or no is Finland different from norwegian?
Starting point is 00:28:25 It's two countries over. Yeah, you got Norway. Charlie's just being... I'm an idiot. Finland. Yeah. And Scandinavian. Yeah, those things, you'll not be named.
Starting point is 00:28:36 If it's not shaped like a glove, Charlie doesn't know anything about it, so yeah. You think it's up here? Yeah, it's about there. There you go. Yeah. The lumberjacks and miners. What were you thinking with the flame? What was the average hot rod? Hot rod
Starting point is 00:28:53 nice. Are you a car guy too? No, not terribly. Okay. My dream car be a 57 Chevy Bel Air. Oh, which wouldn't have hot rod flames in it? Yeah, what? How old were you when you got that tattoo? Were you in the Navy then I was not in the Navy Where'd you get the tattoo?
Starting point is 00:29:11 San Diego, oh sure that's a Navy base, you know, you got your portal to a top core not oh Ben or not oh, that's that's a rich beach. Okay. Yeah, bye guy that happened to like doing this kind of artwork and and it were a drunk at the time. Were you sober at the time? You can't be drunk. No, because you believe more. You know, because you know, well, you bleed more and they don't want to make bad choices. Right. However, that doesn't say you can't go in there with a bunch of vikings. GZ. That will be added in. is. That is circumvented. 100%. What if he's got a prescription, you know? Yeah, did you have a prescription or no at the time?
Starting point is 00:29:49 Of course. Yeah. Of course. You just take a couple extra. You can go pain free. And it's just kind of like you get nice mellow feeling right there. Yeah. That is just, you know, you're just relaxing.
Starting point is 00:30:00 Yeah. Those are on the TV in the corner. Yeah. You know, whenever you get that prescription that the doctor gives you because you jacked your back up. Yeah. You got a nice couple of weeks there. Yeah. The docs are a little loose on the pen. No, not anymore. Not anymore. Perdue. You know, those guys bribe those doctors and got everyone addicted to the opus. No, they bribe them they bribed them. They straight up bribed them. That was different.
Starting point is 00:30:27 There is no difference. It's the same thing. Sounds better. Sounds better. So, paper anyways. I like your tattoo is the bottom line. I do enjoy it. Take it surely.
Starting point is 00:30:38 And you're feeling good about it. You have no regrets? No regrets. I like that for you. I'm too much of a... I can't commit to anything. So that's why I don't have no regret. No regrets. I like that. I'm too. I can't commit to anything. So that's why I don't have any tattoo. Well, except your marriage. You know, he's getting married. Well, you married Dave or no. Have you been past that? Did you get married ever? Once when I was really young. Yeah. That lasted three months. Do you have any advice for miles as a bug to get married? Yeah, this will be good.
Starting point is 00:31:05 Geez. Run. Oh, no, he can't honestly. Okay, all right. I know I'm not in the best physical shape, but I am. Yeah. This body don't run unless it's water dripping off me. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:19 My, I was a booze dripping down your arm for taking a shot. Yeah. I'm not going to be a lot of people. I'm not going to be a lot of people. I'm not going to be a lot of people. I'm not going to be a lot of people. I'm not going to be a lot of people. I'm not going to be a lot of people. I'm not going to be a lot of people. I'm not going to be a lot of people.
Starting point is 00:31:40 I'm not going to be a lot of people. I'm not going to be a lot of people. I'm not going to be a lot of people. I'm not going to be a lot of people. I'm not going a good long run on your bill. Yeah. Well, it was go for it. She hasn't run. So that's a good sign. Okay. Yeah. That's what I really worried about.
Starting point is 00:31:51 There's plenty of reasons. It's trying to catch up when they start running. 100% Charlie knows about that. What else? What the hell? No, poor man. No, my young live a little bit. Yeah, time for a couple more divorces.
Starting point is 00:32:10 Yeah, fiance is not going to like that one. No, she's not. That will be on me. Here. Where she's not smack my head. And you tell her, oh, the Mikey smell. That's what I get for insulting him. So be on.
Starting point is 00:32:22 Now you got some hair on your jacket here. What kind of a dog do you got some hair on your jacket here. What kind of dog do you got or a cat? Is that can air dog? A couple of dogs. Yeah. Greyhounds. Nice.
Starting point is 00:32:32 Yeah. She retired racers. What are their names? Maria and Karina. Maru. That sounds like a nice song. The real. What are they good racers?
Starting point is 00:32:40 There's a song Karina Karina. Oh, you know that song. Ted Hawkins really sings it when they meet my dog. Do they really? If you know that song, Ted Hawkins? No. Karina Karina. Where you been so long?
Starting point is 00:32:55 Maybe once the American Legion karaoke night. It's a great Ted Hawkins is my favorite. I come on. What's your number one go to karaoke song? Uh, none. Oh, not a karaoke guy. My first one. I come on. What's your number one go to karaoke song? None. Oh, not a karaoke guy karaoke shy I'm the same way I think being the guy that's on the mic a lot all that stuff I'd be you know up for karaoke. I'm just you know I want to listen to other people in barris. Hey, I want to embarrass myself by singing. I can do it at home
Starting point is 00:33:21 people in barracks. You got everyone. I'm Barris myself by singing. I can do it at home. There you go. I liked that. Your dogs are like, here you're singing. They go and they get shot. Oh, boy.
Starting point is 00:33:31 I just want to say karaoke shy. That's a great name for a band you should do cover. That actually. Yes. Carole man. karaoke shy. Yeah, we did. Yeah, do karaoke.
Starting point is 00:33:43 So we got to do the real stuff. Yeah. I love that. I love that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I were we talking about? No, I do think why don't we bring that idiot over here? No, Dave, come on. We're happy you can. No one else in this bar came over, Dave. You were the only one brave enough to do it. We appreciate you. He's karaoke shy, but he's podcast pro right here.
Starting point is 00:34:17 podcast pro, but karaoke. Shut. Yeah, I'm a podcast pro. But I'm a podcast pro But I'm a karaoke shy Right now old jam right here put it on the album there we go. Oh, I can work while we appreciate you coming up and Belling up. Yeah, yeah That's the story of our life now These are the guys who hate here in that right now. They're the ones who are gonna have to watch out. You're on their backside now. Yeah, we're working for them.
Starting point is 00:34:48 Cheers to you, man. Thanks for coming on. All right. Cheers. We'll see you. Be good now. Yeah, good meeting you in person too, Dave. Kyle Charlie. Kyle just make sure you're holding her up so we can start it off with a shot of blackberry brandy this is shaboigan staple Wisconsin's finest I what is it Malibu the mid last oh yeah the shaboigans waves you know bad bad decisions will happen I said I wasn't drinking today is what I know. Well, that's how it goes. And then everyone looked me square in the eye and said, you're a fucking liar. So Kyle, I got this message during our last guest. I have a live one for you. So when you say to Kim over there to get her to say that, Kim is, I've known Kim for a long time and I'm a bartender. Yeah, she's fantastic. Good, good friend of mine. Know what I like about Kim is she doesn't take no bullshit.
Starting point is 00:35:48 That's what you want in a good bartender. We've asked her to be on Miles Astor. I asked her. She's like, oh hell no. I'm going. She's fantastic. She deals with all the the old fellas during the day. She got men. So she keeps them in line.
Starting point is 00:36:00 But professional. She know here, you know, she starts at 1130. They're here at 1131. So So she deals with them all day. She doesn't put up a shit. God bless you. Now, what are you on here for? You on here to give us advice? Are we going to give you advice?
Starting point is 00:36:13 Or do you have something to buy, so are you? You know, I would love some advice. Okay. You know, when I said I have a palette of bush later earlier, I wasn't joking. Oh, he's got one. Yeah, so I... Is that in the garage or what?
Starting point is 00:36:24 No, no, I own a bar and a bush later earlier. I wasn't joking. Oh, he's got me. Yeah, so I sat in the garage or what? No, no, I own a bar and a bar. What bar? It's called coyotes. It's about halfway to Manitlach. So he said, what city? Belgium, Wisconsin. Oh, Belgium. New Belgium.
Starting point is 00:36:35 Nope, just Belgium. Belgium. Regular Belgium. Just north of Port Washington. Oh, yeah, right up. Just Belgium. Just regular Belgium. No, the town's called just Belgium.
Starting point is 00:36:44 We got a Belgium, a New Belgium, a Berlin, a New Berlin. and the and I was like, all right, so we do dollar bush, while we used to do dollar bush lights until the price went up. Yeah, I know I've shared a lot of your bush light stuff. Yes. Yes, so I was like, well, I gotta go check these stuff. Well, thanks for supporting the brand as always. What are you drinking right here, by the way? That's a little bit of a buzz. I knew that Vodka and soda.
Starting point is 00:37:19 I'm not gonna really drink today, but then the shots came out. Now it's here. Now we are here. But so what do you want to do with this pallet of beer? You know, well, we sell them $2 now, a bush light. But just still a steal of a price. I agree. We're not selling as many.
Starting point is 00:37:38 So, yeah. Yeah, do I get over that dollar? I mean, now if you look at it as a strict math equation here that is a 100% pricing. Yeah, you got it. It's just tough for the locals. I want that they're used to a dollar. They got to pay two dollars. That is tough. So drink a buck a beer in their garage. Even less 50 cents a beer. You know, I like to think that we offer you know a nice ambiance. Yeah, what is your ambiance? Tell me what's the most unique thing in your, what's name of your bar?
Starting point is 00:38:07 Coyotes. Oh, you said that. I'm bad with. He's been doing that all day. That's our headlistener. So coyotes, why'd you name it coyotes? You see like coyotes? Well, my name is Kyle.
Starting point is 00:38:18 I worked in kitchens for a long time. It's coyotes. Coyotes. Coyotes. So the Mexican guys that I worked with used to call me coyote. Oh nice. So I just figured change. I was like, that's cool name.
Starting point is 00:38:30 So I just spell it. Kyle Odie. And that's the now again. It was going to be called the curve brim in. But when you got drunk, you couldn't say curve brim. And you've got the most curb brim I've ever seen in my life right now. So you said curb curve curb, curb, curb,
Starting point is 00:38:45 curb to brim. By the way, I'm a little bit tuned up and that's tough to say. I would much rather say Kyle Yote. Correct. Now, or Yotes, or Yotes for a second, let's talk about the brim action. Because in the late 90s, early 2000s, that curb brim is curved as you could get could get used to take rubber bands and put them around
Starting point is 00:39:08 No, yeah, but then flip it over and leave it sit. Oh, that's a good move That's audio visual. He took the brim flimmed it flipped it over into the hole in the back of the hat Let's it sit that's perfect. You like you like how Miles is a better podcast. So now I am because he said that for all the people now watching. Well, it's like color commentary. I know. Yeah, it's work. Yeah, you can be Joe. But he's the rock. I'm the Wayne layer. So let me ask you this, when did the curb rim go out of style? Because it's not currently in style. You know what? I would say early 2000s. I remember all the flat brims around them, but you're just flip ups, but you're
Starting point is 00:39:49 waiting around for the curb rim to come back. I'm going to be honest, you're like maybe a couple of years out. I will be back. That's how fashion goes. You are a trend setter right now. Yeah. Yeah. I just, I've always done this way and so I know I get a lot of comments on and now I'm like so Conscious about my own Brim it's like yeah, he's like in the middle Well, what's funny is this hats from 96 obviously is So I was right, but so so everyone went from having brims like this to the super curve Grim so and now we're in the middle.
Starting point is 00:40:25 So I think we'll go back to the curve here soon. Yeah, you know, it serves as a drunken meter too. So if you see it about here, just get the hell away from it away from it. But yeah, most of the time it sits about here when I'm at the bar. So that means I'm in good condition. Audiovisual, he had it cocked a little bit to the side, guys.
Starting point is 00:40:45 Yeah, my girlfriend knows when it's like this she's like all right. We got to go home I'm like, there's a good call. We're driving. What's your girlfriend's name? That's Anna. No, there. She's a nurse Where's Anna? There she is Come on over come on over and I know she's out Come on over come on over and I know she's out. She's out. I'm gonna put a rock on that. Okay. So far you've kicked out kicked your coverage. I got a comment. Yeah. Oh, there she is.
Starting point is 00:41:15 Six months. Yeah. Let's talk nice. How are you? What attracted you to Kyle O. T. Uh, you know, I didn't really have a choice. Ah! That's weird.
Starting point is 00:41:27 We got a talk about all of this. What do you mean you didn't have a choice? Well, it was at the Newport, and I was here right after dinner with some girlfriends. Right there by the camera. And that lovely bartender, Kim, came up to me and was just like, hi, who are you? I have someone I want. She to meet his name's Kyle, and, who are you? I have someone I want you to meet, his name's Kyle and she pulled him right in front of me
Starting point is 00:41:49 and we've been together ever since. That how many years now? The matchmaker. Oh, no. It's five years. Oh, no. Hey, Kim is the matchmaker. Kim is the matchmaker.
Starting point is 00:41:58 So, cards on the table, I have pleaded with Kim, not to introduce us because I had been here drinking for eight straight hours. How was he that evening when you met him? Actually, I could not tell he was that drunk. He was great. Wow. That means he's a professional.
Starting point is 00:42:13 He now means he had a buddy that was kept restrainting his hat for him. He's like, no matter what happens, turn my hat forward for me. Are you thinking Kyle could be a good man for a long time? I do. We moved in together. We bought a house together. Yeah. So wait, still boyfriend, girlfriend?
Starting point is 00:42:34 Yeah. So Kyle. So Kyle. Now the question comes to you. When are we going to now? Do you believe that the guy has to propose? Or do you think you could propose? I don't that the guy has to propose or do you think you could propose? I don't believe the guy has to propose Wow, do you have a ring on you right now?
Starting point is 00:42:53 It could be funny enough waiting for the perfect moment Kyle when she got down on her knee there, did you feel good? I started perspiring? I see the sweat. I was ready. You guys are a few couple. Where would you live? Let's say you got married. Where would you live? Well, we live in the town of Lake right now. So maybe adjacent. Yep. And how is it cohabitating? Great. Yeah, we're doing all right. Does he snore? Yes. A lot. Does he need a CPAP machine?
Starting point is 00:43:24 Probably. Oh, wow. CPAP gang unite, baby. Let's go. Let's go. There's nothing wrong with the CPAP machine. I feel like you just feel like you're flying a jet every day. Whatever Kyle was living with it. The she stole her dog. I do. You both are. Her and the dog. The cute thing was when we first started dating he told me I heard and now I Oh Yeah, it was cute. So do you guys keep me? I think you're the only one here that doesn't snore
Starting point is 00:43:58 You're kind of the loser. I'm the loser. Yeah, do you guys keep each other up with your snoring or no? Yes, the more shots, the more animals that get night. Yes. Well, I was going to say, I thought maybe you guys were like doing a symphony at night. Sync, you're not using snores together. Yeah. Collaborating. Yeah. Oh, some some nice between the her and the dog. Yeah. It is a nice little symphony going on. Then then she throws in the puppy dreams from the dog and Yeah, it is a nice little symphony going on. Then she throws in the puppy dreams from the dog and it sits. It's a beautiful montage. What is your biggest complain about Kyle? I don't know where to begin. Oh, oh, well, begin anywhere. Sounds about right.
Starting point is 00:44:38 Um, I would say his lack of cleaning. Oh, he's not a cleanly nice guy. No, messy game here. Oh, he's clean. But what's what's the problem? Yeah, Kyle, you and I are the same thing. Yeah, what area are you outing the garage? Yeah, literally my fiance would be saying the exact same things that you are. So what area of the house could he clean more? Any area any area. Hi, oh, you got to get on the ball. I do start small Maybe start with like the entryway just line up some shoes and shit. There we go. I do straighten those Okay, see hey shoes are easy now. I choose are easy. He was trying to Shows are easy now shoes are easy. He was trying to Organize the shed and then he heard you were at the Newport
Starting point is 00:45:32 And then he dropped everything honey. I can't clean the shed Barrens is at the Newport. I got to get there. It was legit. That's exactly how that he's not good marriage material Well listen when he finally cleans that shed get down on that knee. Let's make this official Okay, it's been enough time you can both stand each other snoring. That's a big deal I've been I've been going on. It's great to see you guys here. Thank you for coming out I'm glad the new porc can bring couples together Yeah, I'm glad too and that was all thanks to this little lady. This is a joke. You may leave my back with wife We always said if the world goes to hell and we have to escape me and her can survive
Starting point is 00:46:08 in the woods together. Yeah. Her boyfriend. I don't think he is too keen on the fact that I say backwards wife. But probably neither is your soon to be fiance. No, she's not either. When are you going to pop the question?
Starting point is 00:46:19 It'll be probably pretty soon. Yeah, do you get a ring yet or no? I have one. It's like, oh my god. There's no ring. Oh, it's you. It toes, grandmother. You're grandmother. That's not Scotland. Still have the rings. That a boy that's not a blood diamond. You know, you do that. No strip mining. Have a shine and to get the free hand. Uh, uh, rock or Africa, wherever you get diamonds, I don't know. I don't even know where they come from. They're alive. But it's good. Good on. Well, they're smart. You buy them in a lab
Starting point is 00:46:49 these days. Yeah, you know, that's cheaper. Is that how you got that I did that? I didn't do that. That's good. What do you want? You want to plot diamond? What the hell are you going? Well, I just, you know, you don't want to come off as too cheap. You know, so you, you know, diamond is a direct reflection on how much you love them. You know, so let me ask you, you got the ones where they were not blood diamonds. You paid extra to get a non blood diamond, right? Correct. Okay, good.
Starting point is 00:47:15 Yeah. Yeah. So, no, no blood in my diamond is what I said. When are you going to propose? I don't know. Probably, we just bought a new camper this year. And here we go. Hear me out.
Starting point is 00:47:29 There's a reason behind it. It is coming. So for the last five years, we've been going to the same campsite up in where St. I call it St. Pranay State Park up in. Oh, yeah. You know where I'm talking? I can't even.
Starting point is 00:47:43 It's just your hammered right now. No, it's just a bunch of football. His hat is four. Well, he's not hammered. Once again, once again, here, that's just past chip. Well, false. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'm a chip.
Starting point is 00:47:53 Well, also, I passed rice lake or no, uh, south west at your well, okay, real good. So, uh, you're going to do it there? I think so. Yeah. Yeah. We've been going every year. What we went, we had been dating for two months and went to that campsite So it was kind of scary like you don't go camp over somebody you just met two months and yeah, we had a blast
Starting point is 00:48:10 Well, that's actually a great way to find out if they're a pseudo killer not right off the bat We're sleeping and I survived the trip not a serial killer right? You can maybe do this long term smart. So yeah, I think we're that'll probably be when it goes down Well, you see my good couple. Well, so here's the thing though, we need a little kid. We need to figure out when we're going to release this podcast. Yeah, I know. So we screw in the pooch.
Starting point is 00:48:32 Oh, you guys are fine. You got to find that. That's fine. So we'll try and release this one maybe later in the run. Yeah, we'll give you some time. Yeah, you got two months before the start, right? Yeah, you're serious. So you better propose quick. Oh, yeah. Yeah, it's a love about You get a head start, right? Yeah, seriously, you better propose quick. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:47 It's a love of we're giving him an ultimate. I asked for advice and you guys gave me advice. Yeah, you have two months. Yeah, get down on that knee, make it happen. We'll make sure. Oh, it's good seeing you. Well, awesome talk with you guys, man. Really appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:49:01 Thanks for coming on, man. Yeah, I do a shot when we hang up here, but that sounds good. Yeah, you probably. Awesome meeting you guys. Like I said, I always spread the bush late really appreciate it. Thanks for coming on man. Yeah. We do a shot when we hang up here but that sounds good. Yeah. He possibly and you guys like I said, I always uh spread the bush lay at love that you do so well. What about the liney cook all to up? What about the the liney's? Liney's? Yeah. We just we get some or shandy that's about the only thing we sell but liney's just isn't a thing. Wow.
Starting point is 00:49:21 We yeah. That's where we got right. It's good. The liney's is a thing. Liney's just an amazing beer. It's great. Stop that. Lines. Yeah. I'm with him on the line. He's oh, sorry, man. I just sell it. I hate it. You're gonna get I agree. You're gonna get Oh, it's okay. Well, thank you for coming. Hey, thanks for having me on, guys. Thanks for coming. Thanks for coming on, man.
Starting point is 00:49:47 Cheers. Cheers, Diel. Cheers. Yeah, cheers. And that is it for this week's episode of the Belly. We had the salt of the earth on this podcast. We did. There's a lot of salt.
Starting point is 00:49:58 This is a good squad. Yeah, and we're still staring at these same shots. And, you know, we took a couple in between but these are the nice ones that are keep us from getting too far gone. Yeah yeah yeah yeah. Absolutely. Mix in a water once in a while. So keep your balance is going. So we learned a lot on this part. Charlie what's your favorite part about the new port before we close down this part? How much marriage you've advice you've gotten at the new port, you know? I have gotten an absurd amount of marriage advice.
Starting point is 00:50:29 Yeah, it's nice. And not even married yet. It's all future stuff. I'm looking forward to being married because now I've gotten so much advice. I'm going to dominate being married. He's going to be an expert in the field. He's got his master's degree in marriage from the new port in Milwaukee. That's what if you're looking for marriage advice come to the new port here in Milwaukee.
Starting point is 00:50:52 He was talking to Dewey the dog about marriage advice at one point. Well, you don't want to ask dogs for marriage advice. That's good. There's got to be a different agenda there. And the dog house a lot. They know more than you think so anyways They write they can write a book on what not to do. Yeah, there you go Yes, yeah, we'll make sure you follow the belly-up podcast and all social media platforms follow all you betcha
Starting point is 00:51:16 Go to all you We got merch What the hell are you doing? I'm trying to promote the belly-up man to augment that come But if you want to follow the belly-up pot It's at belly-up pot on all social media platforms. Yes, and close it out as always Go packers and well, no, yes, but no always Oh Yeah, tip your bartender ready always tip your bartenders over tip them they deserve it.
Starting point is 00:51:48 OK, if you're thinking you're going to see you guys in the next one. Yeah, I will see you. Bye bye. Watch for you.

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