Bellied Up - #4 Dealing With Crazy Drivers

Episode Date: June 30, 2022

Presented By: Fleet Farm We are still at The Newport in Milwaukee. We speak with a Packers fan. A caller wondering how to deal with Chicago traffic. A dad calls in wondering how to get his kids into g...olf. A newlywed gives Myles valuable marriage advice. We wrap up the episode with Lucas to talk about poles.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 And how we doing ladies and gentlemen, it is time for another episode of the billy The podcast I'm your host Charlie Barons. I am your host more host. You bet you guy miles here in the house And we have so many folks that are in need of Midwest advice and we are just here to offer with all the liquid need a Midwest advice and we are just here to offer with all the liquid confidence one could assume we would have at this point. Liquid advice comes in all forms, but today it was whiskey. It was a whiskey and Blackberry brandy. Yeah, we did have some Blackberry brandy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Is that your first Blackberry brandy? No, no, no, no, but it was a great reminder of what can be. It gets your mind feeling a little funny. It does more than alcohol does. There's some special in it, you know, it's a spires the philosophers. Yes.
Starting point is 00:00:56 And that's what we were today is we were philosophers. That's giving us a lot of credit and I will take it. Yeah. I mean, that's how it was though I concur and we're sucking down a couple waters here because we've been over our limit Yeah, no wait when we got a long night ahead of us here. It's only about five o'clock Yeah, but it's been a fun day and we had a lot of people calling and they asked a lot of great questions And we were happy to you know assist them with those answers. Oh, Miles, we lost you. Talk.
Starting point is 00:01:29 Yeah, you lose your mic. I accidentally switched the mic off. I was my bad. Charlie, talk me through your overalls today. Now these overalls. You went, you went through the overalls. Yes. I'll tell you a story about my dad. First time my dad met my mom. Now my dad is from Fondalac, Wisconsin. Fondalac, that's fun to say. Yeah, and he grew up. I know some folks from Fondalac.
Starting point is 00:01:52 We get on over here. Come on over. Oh, my God. No, come, we have someone from Fondalac as well. She's got a job. She doesn't want to lose. Well, God bless her. She doesn't want the old guilt by association thing on her hands.
Starting point is 00:02:08 My dad from fond like he grew up a worm man. Okay. A worm man. Okay. Six years old. He was getting worms in the front yard selling them, you know, 25 cents a dozen. And so you can get 25 cents a dozen back in the day. Back in the day. in the day back. That's a good price back in the days in the late 60s. He was getting 25 cents a dozen for his wife. That's not too bad. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:32 Vietnam War was going on. It was chaotic in America. 25 cents a dozen. Yeah. Anyway, he grew up a humble man and you know, he carried that in through his college days and he was wearing overalls the first time he met my mom he met my mom's brother Tom my uncle Tom they were roommates and he came back to my my grandparents house where nothing but overalls nothing but yeah no he's going straight Fondy and straight Fondy when you're going straight Fondy the only overalls look is the fondy yeah it's the fondy overalls no shirt on and you know my mom saw that and she took a liking to them and uh... you know fast forward twelve kids later and that's how it goes so i'm wearing
Starting point is 00:03:18 overalls so it's safe to say your dad had a little bit of a different farmers tan that what we're used little different He had the it looked like a spaghetti strap a keeny And they didn't call him overall so my grandpa used to say you got them nice bibs on you know Well bibs that that's what I would call like ice fishing bibs. Yeah, I'd call them bibs I wouldn't call them overalls. Thank you. So that's what I'm rocking these are Duluth. They're very nice I like it look good. Yeah, thank you very much. I had to hit on you to know I appreciate that it's a different look You know, I got it is what it is, you know
Starting point is 00:03:56 If you're not rolling up to the bar and a pair of bibs. Hey, what are you even doing? I think honestly after this pot I'm gonna head to the store. Yeah. Get myself. Get yourself a good and some bibs. I'll tell you that right now. I wouldn't be able to fit into those ones. But I bet you you could. There's some space in here for you. So, and my toe touch. As he said that. I said that. Playing footsie with cheese. Well, we better stop by. I don't think that I should be trying to fit into your bibs anytime soon after that. You never know. You never know. So anyways, I'm We better stop that I should be trying to fit near bimps Never know so anyways, I'm excited for this next pod. We gave a lot of good advice out Not I'm excited for you folks to hear the advice we gave the Intros we just brag about how good our advice was it's usually
Starting point is 00:04:43 Sup our at bat. Oh Charlie, we crossed shit. We were really smart. We nailed it. You know, we didn't say anything dumb. You know, wow. Oh my gosh, my pockets vibrating. Yeah, well, it's your birthday, man. I know.
Starting point is 00:04:58 Yeah, that's how she goes. Anyway, let's get to another episode. Without any further ado, here are some callers Belly to podcast. Nope Hey there. How are you? I'm great. How are you good? This is Charlie and this is Miles. What's your name? Angela? Angela nice nice to talk to you. You're on the Belly to podcast right now and we just want to know where you calling from I'm from California California. Where in California?
Starting point is 00:05:29 Um, little town central California. Okay. What's your call again now? Little town. Rippin. Rippin. Rippin. Well, there's a rip in Wisconsin too.
Starting point is 00:05:41 So I know I went last year. Did you tour the rip rip-ins of the United State? Yeah, no I went to my first Packer game. Oh did you? Well not in Ripon, but you stayed in Ripon just for Fonzzi's or what? We went there to just visit the town. Yeah, it's a same name as the town you're from. Yeah, it does make sense yeah and how did the rip in Wisconsin compared to the rip in in California it's bigger wait the one in Wisconsin's bigger it is yeah bigger cold So probably on the outskirts I suppose. Yeah. So anyway, well, we don't mean to try get down
Starting point is 00:06:30 with the small talk in niceties here. You called for either advice or some to buy seller trade, which one was it? I called for advice. Okay, here we go. Me and Charlie have been having a few drinks here, so we are primed and ready to hand out advice. Absolutely are.
Starting point is 00:06:48 What you got? Yeah, what's on your heart? Collar, drop there. Let's call her back. She just hung up, yeah, let's call her back. Bad service. Just that word. Oh, it's been forwarded.
Starting point is 00:07:00 Oh, we're leaving her voice message. Oh, he's not available. At the tone. Please record your message. Hey, Angela, we missed you. You must be going through a tunnel or something. Yeah, I'll drop. So I don't know what's going on with the service over there in Ripon, California, but it's not ripping good. Okay. And so anyways, we know you had some advice. We'll just leave you with some advice to whatever problem you might want to switch providers on your cell phone. Yeah, it's number one advice. I'm thinking you're with AT&T now. They're not a sponsor and this is why, okay, calls always dropping over there and ripping. So anyway, you call us back, but if not,
Starting point is 00:07:45 I just want you to keep her moving in the watch out for deer, Miles. I'm a little sad that I'm sad too. I thought we had a good rapport. Yeah, we were talking about the ripens and the whole deal anyway. And you did too long of a small talk. I know.
Starting point is 00:08:02 I think I might have scared her away. Either that or she's at work right now and on her boss walk in. too long of a small talk. I know. I think I think I might have scared her away. Either that or she's at work right now. And yeah, boss walked in. Yeah. Yeah. Shoot. Maybe she works for AT&T too. Yeah. Anyways, it was nice talking briefly. Keep her moving. Bye bye. Will. Yes. How in the heck are you? It's Charlie. I'm doing pretty pretty decent how much yourself doing good I'm here with miles how's it going Will it's going pretty good windy out there huh yeah it's a windy Cindy Duluth gets windy doesn't it that that the wind right off Lake Superior sure does but wind right off Lake Superior. Sure does, but that brings me to my advice question to you guys. All right. So I'm on here. I'm down here on a job in middle of Illinois. And my question to you guys
Starting point is 00:08:57 was how do you deal with something like this? It's windy, it's flat, it's I don't like the people. It's windy. It's flat. I don't like the people. They drive too fast. I just don't get it. Wow. Well, so I can't weigh in on the flat and windiness. I'm from Fargon, North Dakota. All we are is flat and windy. So, but not like in the people, that is a tough situation. That's a tough one. Well, and by the way, forgive me. I heard that wind. I heard Duluth. I's a tough one, Will. And by the way, forgive me. I heard that wind.
Starting point is 00:09:26 I heard Duluth. I thought you were in Duluth. That's a windy city right there. So you are used to the wind. You're just not used to the flatness and the people. Duluth, very hilly city out there. So the flatness you're just going to have to deal with. The nice part about it is you can see the tornadoes coming.
Starting point is 00:09:43 That's true. You got to look at the positive side. And the folks there, you know, they they've had, uh, they've had a tough goal. You got to remember. Okay. So one, they're born in Illinois, they're born in Illinois. And the last time the various one of Super Bowl was 1986. And they are still holding on to the Super Bowl shuffle and so emotionally they're just damaged and you have to just you have to accept them as they are and then say how are you doing today? Yeah they're not mad at you they're more so mad that they're born there and their bears fan. It's
Starting point is 00:10:21 circumstantial is what it is and it is tough being a bears fan. It's circumstantial is what it is. And it is tough being a bears fan. I wouldn't wish that upon my worst enemies. But it's not something you can really change after birth. You know, you come out the womb with that bears go go tattooed on your soul. I tried and I got family there bears fans and it's a tough path for them. It is and that they don't quite see logic, they're blinded.
Starting point is 00:10:46 Do you got an example of someone that, maybe you just wasn't too nice to you? Yeah, tell us about that. I guess the only example I got is the people, mainly the drivers are me and here. A lot of honking, a lot of cutting people off or what? Uh, that included just mostly just people driving excessively over the speed limit, which I get going, going five, maybe seven over, but these, I'm doing that and these people are flying, blowing my
Starting point is 00:11:19 doors off, going 95 plus. Geez, so. Holy smokes. That's a little dangerous. Sounds like you need to call the department of transportation and not into the belly to podcast. Yeah. Not to be a knark or anything, but that's just not safe. Yeah, you get any license plates you want to report. We'll send it over right now. No.
Starting point is 00:11:40 Yeah, I can't provide you with one of those. Yeah, no, probably smart. Yeah, probably smart. No, I just remember, nine, you're fine, 10, you're mine. And by mine, I don't provide you with one of those. Yeah, I know, probably smart. Probably smart. Just remember, nine, you're fine, ten, you're mine. And by mine, I don't mean me, I mean the state troopers. So yeah, let me ask you this. Are you doing the Midwest thing of where you get up to speed?
Starting point is 00:11:56 You speeder up to 55 had on over to the fast lane, and then you put her on cruise control around 54, no. It depends on whether it's interstate driving or two lane country road driving. Yeah. And now are they going 95 on those two lane country roads? Not quite that fast, but okay, because that's where those deer are out and also cows are crossing. And so you really do want to be cautious there.
Starting point is 00:12:24 So I think you are doing fine. Sometimes the world x crazy. Some people just like to watch the world burn. You got to remember that. You got to remember that. We got to point there. Yeah. We learned that from the great philosopher Batman. And yeah. So anyways, I think you just got to keep being you and then with these other folks and don't get cute with them. Okay, don't start throwing bananas out of your car thinking they'll spin out because they just might. Okay, I play enough Mario card to know that. So just let them go. You'll you'll find them in the ditch down the road. And when when they are in the ditch, pull over and ask them if they need a toll or no. And
Starting point is 00:13:11 you can what what kind of car are you driving? I drive a nice Chevy Silverado. Oh, you got the Silverado. They do the gold. Do you have the two inch lift for more sporty look or no? No, I don't have enough money to that kind of stuff. Yeah, that is a spendy type thing. Smart. Smart. Do you have toe ropes in your back or the chains or anything like that where you can help one of them beamers? There's being passed you out of a ditch later or no?
Starting point is 00:13:40 Oh, yeah, I wouldn't be from Northern Minnesota. If I didn't have that, at least a couple of toe straps. That's, you got to have that. You got to have some ratchet straps have at least a couple of post-strap. That's great. You got to have that. You got to have some ratchet straps in the back. You never know when you're going to need it. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:52 Well, and the best way to real, it's, you know, show them, don't tell them. So, you know, when you see them in the ditch, you help them out and they'll learn from you. They've already seen your car. They've already said, why can't this sucker get out of the fast lane? They probably didn't say sucker. Some of that rhymes with it. But you know, when you pull them out of that ditch, they'll be now thinking, you know, maybe that Silverado knew what was going on the whole time. That Silverado with Minnesota plates.
Starting point is 00:14:18 I sure hope so. Yeah. Well, we appreciate you calling in. We really do. Hopefully our advice helped a little bit there. Yeah, I think I got a good mindset going. And I'll try to put it there. Yeah, hang in there. I'm not a man. You'll tell you get back home. Just hang in there.
Starting point is 00:14:36 You know, do what you can and tell your back in the homeland. We'll do, sirs. All right. Well, thanks for calling. Thank you very much. And remember, if it don't say bell on the side you'd just been taken for a ride all right Not as bad sir. Yeah, we'll talk soon. Okay Sounds good guys. All right, bye-bye call from Angela
Starting point is 00:14:59 Angela's back Angela what the heck happened and you're a What happened Hey, did the boss you keep up what was going on? I'm back sorry. Yeah, no Driving you went through a tunnel. She went through a tunnel. Yeah, I have a TNT and to be honest with us I actually do I actually do. She does. Oh, Angela, we got to get you a different provider. Yeah, we're gonna work on that. Pretty tip wireless coming your way. They got me. They got me locked into this. This
Starting point is 00:15:37 whatever. Yeah, yeah, they do that. So anyways, you were calm for some advice. Right? We were literally just about to tell us what you were, or what you called in to ask advice for and then he cut out. What's the advice he got? Well, actually, I just called to see if you guys had any random advice for me. I just wanted to talk to you guys. What do you? Yeah. Well, let me ask you this. What do you do for a living? Okay. I work with children. Oh, good. Real good. That that keeps the heart young. What? And you know, yeah, let me ask you, what, what is, what eats at your crawl more than anything else in life right now? It could be anything. It could be small, could be big. The San Francisco 49ers. The 49ers. Even the heart of 49er fandom.
Starting point is 00:16:25 It's not fun. So you are a fan or you aren't a fan of the Niners. That's important. Not not nor should you be. Are you a Packers fan? Yeah, of course. Yeah, you went to the you she went to Lambo. You're right. Yeah, of course. Yeah, I remember. Yeah. Well, now the 49ers they're mostly just a Big-dog big dog with a big bark and a lot of a lot of bark. No by Yeah, there's guys there in the Bay Area and just let them have their fun
Starting point is 00:16:55 I mean honestly if you're 49ers fan you've seen all these tech You know I I Don't want to say something bad about the tech bros, but they're check asses. And they've seen their city transformed by those fellas. They've ruined the city of free love and whatever it was in the 60s, flowers in your hair. Now it's just NFTs on your brain. And it's just a different territory.
Starting point is 00:17:26 And they also moved the stadium on San Francisco. They moved it way the heck over there and whatever, strip all the city it's in right now. It sucks eggs. And I was just there. I know about it. So that city's going through a lot of transformations, a lot of Teslas around.
Starting point is 00:17:43 And honestly, they're going through a lot emotionally. So you're just going to have to deal with them. No, though, that you are sitting really pretty being a Packer's fan. Yeah, it's, I mean, honestly, being a Packer's fan is nice. You always make it to the playoffs, then just losing the NFC championship. Okay, Miles. Thank you guys. Are making it to the end. Yeah, I know. And you and I are going to take you to task here, Miles. Thank you guys are making it to me. Yeah, I know. Ancho and I are going to take you to task your miles. Okay. Shaz go. Miles, we'll see your your Packer fan video.
Starting point is 00:18:11 Come on. Yeah, come on. We've seen that. I am one of those guys. I just, while you're right, she's a superman. Are you an owner as well? Angela or not? I am.
Starting point is 00:18:21 Me too, Angela. Last round. Yeah. Yeah. You got one. How many shares did you get you get one or two? I got one. My husband got one. Oh that way. You guys got technically I got his two. Nice. Yes. So you got two pieces of paper. That's awesome. That's a good investment. When you know my wall. Yes, I got mine hanging on my wall too. That's very good. Yeah, what are the pieces of paper going for these days? 26 bucks. Oh, yeah. That's an investment though, right? Antula. That's right. Yeah. Well, it's a lot like Poltab investing.
Starting point is 00:18:53 It is very much so. Yeah. It's kind of a money suck, but anyways. Okay. All right. We are, you know what? Antula, don't let miles get you down. I'm acting like I'm from San Francisco right now. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. She's a Louise. Well, Angela, this has been fantastic. I'm glad we could help you out with those 49ers fans.
Starting point is 00:19:15 And thank you, guys. I appreciate it. I think the biggest advice is just you need a new cell phone provider, really. Yeah. That's true. Cricket wireless. OK. OK. I'm on it. I'm on it, guys. Alright, you don't have to lie to us. You don't, you don't have to get a cricket wireless.
Starting point is 00:19:36 Charlie's just trying to make his purchase of cricket wireless more justifiable by getting more people on board. So don't take that advice, but more justifiable by getting more people on board. So don't take that advice, but. So watch for deer out there. And honestly, what else? You know, I don't know what other wildlife you're seeing out there in San Fran. Watch out for Tesco's, okay?
Starting point is 00:19:58 All right, tell your folks I says hi. All right, we'll see you up. Bye bye now. Thank you, bye bye. Zach, Zach, Zach, Zach attack. What's going on? What's going on, guys? Mr. Houston, how you doing, man? Not too bad. First time callers, long time. Long time, listen, all right?
Starting point is 00:20:18 Yeah, long time. Zach, I hear that. You're known around the you bet your circles, guy. This is Charlie, by the way, good, good. Finally, I'm that you're known around the You Betcha Circles guy. This is Charlie by the way good good finally Talk India I'm a manager at sweet bar. I think both of your merch. Oh Who sells more? Who sells more? The horse of peace horse of peace. Yeah, well, we know that's alive. Yeah, where are you? You can message me after this and tell me
Starting point is 00:20:46 that I'm actually the one. I'll message you separately. Yeah, yes, there we go. So Zach, how's it going in the old fleet farm these guys? Yeah. What do you see? I was going through the good. What's your role at the fleet farm?
Starting point is 00:20:59 I'm one of the managers there. Your manager, can you do me a favor as manager and make sure that the man's stuff is stuff is fully stock. Well that's fine make sure that you move the ebeth your stuff closer to the entrance is really what I'm looking for. I wanted to be front center. I do think at my store the ebeth your rack is closer to the front. Yes. That's that's garbage. Well, we're paying for that privilege. Let me ask you this. What city are you in doing that? Steven Point. Oh, you're in point. My stuff better. I would sell your stuff in point. This is home. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:21:35 Town and Pantage. Ah, geez, Louise. Alright, well, listen, Zach, do you have any advice that you want to give us? Do you want us to give you advice or do you have some to buy, sell or trade? I'm looking for a little bit of advice. Okay, all right, let's hear it. All right, so as a fleet bar manager, I'm very dedicated, I work long hours. Yeah, boy. Those are two little boys who are getting into baseball.
Starting point is 00:22:02 What are their names? What are their names? What are their names? Brodie and Chase. Brodie and Chase. All right. My cousin's name is Brodie. He's over there in Wapaka. So not far away.
Starting point is 00:22:12 OK. So there. Oh, there you go. How old are Brodie and Chase? Respectively. Just about to turn 9 and 7. 9 and 7. Who's older?
Starting point is 00:22:22 Who's older? Yeah. Brodie is older. Brody is older Brody is nine chases seven so what I'm looking for is I want to get back into golf but I'm such a busy guy I'm at the baseball time for nights a week plus working lots of hours and I'd like to get the boys in the golf too what do you guys think is the best way in the most golf etiquette I would say and bringing two little boys golfing? Okay. Well, so what's nice about the golf community is they are pretty good about kids coming on the course because that's the future of golf, right? They need
Starting point is 00:22:59 young lads coming in, otherwise the sport's going to die. So I think that you're OK that way. I think the biggest obstacle is you've got your kids playing baseball. It's really the issue. Better sport. Yeah. That is true. We're catching the water every sport.
Starting point is 00:23:16 So we'll see. Zach, let me tell you this. My dad grew up in Fondelac. I'm one of 12 kids. So we didn't have a lot of like my dad, of course, he's got a good job in the whole deal, but when you have 12 kids, doesn't matter, how good your job is, the money's tight. So what he did, he went, you get a high paying job, but you can't pull out. So then you're broke forever. My dad's gonna be my dad.
Starting point is 00:23:42 He won't listen to this. A moment. But what you want to do is you get your uncles, you get your uncles golf clubs, okay? They're uncles, if you got uncles. Otherwise you go to the goodwill, you buy some golf clubs there, and this is what my dad did. He took them, he saw them golf clubs in hand, and then he used a little WD40, got the grip off,
Starting point is 00:24:04 and then you put some hairspray, spray some hairspray in that grip after the WD-40 and then you put it on the shorter club and now you got some clubs to their side. Literally my dad did the exact same thing. Correct. Yeah, his dad's are great like that. So that's a great dad move. Yeah, that solves the golf being the expensive sport thing right there. Yeah, and's it.
Starting point is 00:24:25 And then the clubs are free essentially. The I think he's worried about the time on you know, how does he find time to take his kids out to the course? Well, you know, manager, like time and time and what is what's the etiquette and you just let everybody pass? Well, here's for the time thing. I'll tell you what now let miles handle the etiquette thing because I'm terrible at golf,
Starting point is 00:24:47 and I don't care about etiquette. But for time, here's how my dad used to wake us up on Saturday morning. It would be 6 a.m. and he'd be like, get your ass out of the rack. Okay, so you say that to them, and then once they're like terrified, and they're like, are we cleaning the crash?
Starting point is 00:25:05 Are we cleaning the basement? They get downstairs and you're like, no, we're going golfing, okay? And then so that's how you get the time. You're gonna get back by eight o'clock. You're only doing nine with those young whippersnappers. Now, as far as it goes, I don't know. So here's the thing, take the most snobby golfers,
Starting point is 00:25:24 golf between when the course opens, tell about noon. So I think what you need to do is you need to be a weekend afternoon guy. Little more lenient, the squad that comes at the twilight rates, won the twilight rates cheaper usually. Okay. You maybe not get a full 18 in, but you don't even need 18 with kids. You just need to be golfing 9 to 12. So go for that afternoon rate. The people are more relaxed.
Starting point is 00:25:52 There's less people on the course all that. That could be a good way to get around the etiquette deal. I like it and let me ask you this. If I ask my boss and I tell him that miles in Charlie told me I could have an extra weekend day off to get the boys on the course, you think I could make that work? Yeah, we're telling you you got an extra day right now. Obviously, it's all in the call us. Well, we'll accept. Sorry, it's not a good thing. By the way, Zach, before you go, I want to tell you a story about the time me and
Starting point is 00:26:19 Dude Dad went to Miles' country club. Miles belongs to this country club. Dude Dad and I went there, and we started playing around with the flag. You know, we grabbed the flag, we were running around, we thought it was funny. And it was funny. But then Miles was like,
Starting point is 00:26:34 well, you guys, he got angry dad at us. And he was like, well, you guys are embarrassing me right now. You're embarrassing me for all my friends. Yeah, he has a whole new set of friends that we didn't even know about and they're they're their hedge fund investors. Oh, good to have, audience. And you know, what really happened was. He's a big deal. Yeah. Well, the last thing I need on my hand is that Miles, you bet you guy became a member at our club and then his him and his friends came around and started screwing around and he's
Starting point is 00:27:07 Disrespectful of the course. We were not respectful of the course and that's what I was mostly worried about I was digging balls out of the ravine with my nine wedge honestly the reason why is I was worried that there be a grounds Cruel around because I know the grounds crew works hard at golf courses to make him the grounds crew around because I know the grounds crew works hard at golf courses to make him proceed. Oh, now he made it. Now he made it. I don't give a shit about hedge fund buddy behind us. That guy probably can't even afford to be there anyways, you know.
Starting point is 00:27:36 He's just doing it to impress his friends. It's the grounds crew that works hard on the lips of the cup and everything. They work hard. You guys. Blah blah blah. I get it. They cup and everything. You guys. You guys. Blah blah. I get it. They do work hard.
Starting point is 00:27:48 All right. You know what? You made your point, mouth. I will say this. Just bring a fish and pull with you. Okay. That is probably a good point. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:56 Them bass. No one's fished them bass. And you get kicked out of the course. You'll get yourself a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, Zach, before we let you go, I need to ask, I mean, I got to ask this question. Fleet Farm, you know, obviously Charlie and I love the Fleet Farm. I grew up going to the Fleet Farm. It was just down the road from my house. You got a good story about the old Fleet Farm, whether it's an old guy that would come in every single Sunday or something like that that you can share with our listeners.
Starting point is 00:28:43 Yeah. Oh yeah, I got a couple good ones, but I got one. What do you have when you sign up for our Fleet Farm credit card and you're saving money every time you shop? Yep, you're in some gift cards. Yep. And so we got guys that like to hide those gift cards, those $25 gift cards from their wife.
Starting point is 00:29:02 And they get to be in a special purchase for themselves, you know? That is smart. And I had a guy that came in and bought a firearm one and he covered the entire box of the firearm with $25 gift cards that he had saved up from his wife. Ha, ha, ha, ha. What kind of a firearm did he get? Ah, it was a shotgun.
Starting point is 00:29:23 A shotgun. It was a shotgun. It'd go get them peasants. That a boy. I love that. Was it a 12 gauge or 20 gauge, what was he going for? A couple of years ago, maybe 12 gauge Mossberg. That's a boy.
Starting point is 00:29:37 Yeah. Probably peasants. That's actually real smart. We actually had a caller call in and say that he told his wife he was going to spend $1,500 on a mower and he's told us that his budget was $2,500 so kind of the same vein cut from the same cloth but you know it ain't those gift cards that's free money that's monopoly money right there you you how's money is what it is you the game. You spend it how you will. Also, you know, he's for the brand when he's plugging that credit card. Yeah, we are definitely
Starting point is 00:30:13 cutting this into a short form. That's going to be our sweet farm video for the week. I'm mentioning that to my boss, so I can get extra time on the court. Yeah, there you go. Oh, now we can squeeze a few gift cards out of the deal. Charlie and I, yeah, go. I'm like a new shotgun to myself. There you go. Stop on in. Zach, this has been honor. Tell your kids we says, I and cut those golf clubs down
Starting point is 00:30:42 this size for them, OK? We'll do. We'll do good contenders. Get yourself a hacksaw with a 20% discount over there at Fleet Farm. If you don't have one. There you go, I do enjoy my 20%. That's it.
Starting point is 00:30:54 Yeah, I got some nice hacksaws over there. I've been eyeing some up, so watch for deer, my guy. Appreciate you calling in, Zach. Thanks for watching the content. Bye bye now. Absolutely. Tell your folks that you're fine. All right calling in. Yeah. Thanks for watching the content. Bye bye now. Your folks. All right. Yours to now.
Starting point is 00:31:08 Fleet Farm fanatics. How are we doing? To me, Charlie, co-host of the You Betcha podcast. And I just wanted to let you know that, you know, the fourth of July comes around once a year and you want to be prepared for it, right? You know, you want to say to you have to have all the things that make people happy. Excuse me. Had a little cough there.
Starting point is 00:31:25 Can you get cough drops at the fleet farm? I bet you could. You can get everything there. But anyway, it's the fourth of July and you're like, do I have everything that, you know, I need for the fourth? Well, yeah, yeah. Maybe you don't, you know, usually for me, it's a Yano. Okay, but I know I can go to the fleet farm.
Starting point is 00:31:39 They're going to be open regular hours, 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. For all the grilling, the cooking, the camping. Any needs you have water sports to you, bet your tush, all right? Tons of toll bowls, kayaks, the whole deal. So if you're looking for a little sum extra on the fourth, you don't have it. It is the fourth head on over the fleet farm. And guess what?
Starting point is 00:31:59 The first 350 customers to each fleet farm on July 4th, you are receiving a free 8x12 American flag to celebrate Independence Day So there you have it Independence Day celebration at the fleet farm get yourself a free flag and of course anything else You need because the fleet farm has it all all right. Let's get back to the belly-up podcast Hey, what's up? Hey, this is Charlie. Miles just went to hit the head real quick, but I figured I was going to hit the head. Yeah, he's coming back.
Starting point is 00:32:34 Don't worry about it. He'll be 30 seconds or so. But anyway, where are you from? Look. I'm from Door County. Oh, door County. And out of way, what city up there in Door County? It's a big county.
Starting point is 00:32:47 Brussels. Brussels. Brussels. You ever heard of Brussels? Yeah. Now, where is that North or South Egg Harbor? That's South Egg Harbor. We are like the first town of Door County.
Starting point is 00:33:02 First town. So you get right past the little thumb deal and you're in in Door County. All right, I like it. So now it was Luke again was. Oh, it's North, North to Dykesville yard. OK, yeah, our bartender just said to it,
Starting point is 00:33:19 North to Dykesville. And remind me again, it's Luke, right? Luke. Yeah, Miles is back. Now Miles just got done with the tinkel and Oh, go ahead. I was just telling Charles. I was just telling sorry. I was just telling Charlie that I'm from Brussels, Wisconsin Okay, I didn't mean to get a hold of you because I just found out a couple months ago that Brussels has a gas station
Starting point is 00:33:43 Little Brussels a town of maybe 500 people. And that gas station sells more bush light than any other gas station in the state of Wisconsin. Okay. Wow. I mean, so, so you're saying that the case, the case is going on of that gas station per capita is more than it it or is it just total volume? It's unreal. That's what I'm saying. Luke, how did you figure out this fact? Yeah, because I do hear a lot of hearsay about that bushlight capital of the world here, bushlight capital of the world there. Is there, you got facts to back this one up? And it better not be the gas station owner. I'm not calling us the bushlight capital of the world. All I'm saying is we have a one of a kind Belgian days.
Starting point is 00:34:28 And at Belgian days, the beers are flowing. I believe in our local, our local celebrity who owns Let's go to our county was out there advertising. And somehow that factoid came up after one, two, three beers. And that's where we got there. So you might have to come check it out for yourself. Okay well we might have to do that at some point. I mean I love you. He's heading up that way tomorrow. He's going to Green Bay tomorrow. Maybe you'll have to take a stop. Maybe you know
Starting point is 00:35:00 lots of swing on through. I love that Wisconsin. So I'm up in North Dakota. And unfortunately, we can't buy beer at gas stations. It's kind of bullshit if you're asking me. If you're asking me to, I was up here. Not even the holiday? No, not in North Dakota. In other states, you can at the holiday gas station. You can get all sorts of great stuff
Starting point is 00:35:24 at the holiday gas station. You can get beer sorts of great stuff at the holiday gas station. You can get beer if you're in the right states. You can get nice hot food. Quick trip is better. But the thing I do want to bring up though is Miles is a big wig over there in North Dakota. He's at the point where you can start bribing politicians.
Starting point is 00:35:39 And honestly, you should. You are. I sure, you're right. Well, no, it's not, it's called lobbying. It's called lobbying. It's called lobbying. Yeah, start lobbying. Greece, the wheels. Will you miles? You're a big dog now. Brian, you can't be throwing the word bribe around Charlie.
Starting point is 00:35:54 Those politicians know what they're doing. No, Paul Titian, if you're saying that out loud, they will stay away from them. It's all about lobbying. They should stay away. But the point is, is miles is going to fix that gas station situation for you Now can we give you any Midwest advice or do you have some you want to buy selling trade? So I actually have advice for miles. Oh you have advice you want to get miles It's the advice that I need to go to this gas station Yeah, you can give it guys. I mean I was just a side note while I had you on line. All right, you know, that was a side note. All right. I'm all ears
Starting point is 00:36:29 I advice to you I hear you're getting married pretty soon Oh, yes, yeah, I love to hear this Dead man walking I cannot stress the importance of how much you need to listen and I'm not talking about your wife I'm talking about about your wife. I'm talking about to other people. Okay. I have a story to go with that. Yeah. I have a story to go with that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:51 But I don't know what your marriage, how you're getting married or where you're getting married. But I know for for me personally, we got married in a church. Okay. And I don't know. Again, I don't know how what kind of classes you have to go to first But we had to go through marital class You're Catholic is what you're saying. Yeah. Yes. Yes, exactly So the last step the week before our marriage was we had to sit down with a priest and have a discussion and In this discussion we talked about all sorts of things. And we got to, one of his final questions
Starting point is 00:37:28 was, what are you most looking forward to about marriage? And you said finally having sex, right? Yeah. Yeah. OK, now you just ruined my punchline. Oh, yes. But I got it. Give it a minute.
Starting point is 00:37:41 Give it a minute. This sounds like a joke I would tell. So give it a minute. Give it a minute. This sounds like a joke I would tell. So give it a minute. So the background of the story is my wife, Blusher Soul has two siblings that got married within six months of us. We were the last of three to get married within six months. Wow. Holy moly. And we all got married at the same church. Yeah. So her dad's poor after that, right? Yeah. So this priest, this priest asked the question, and he starts laughing right away. And of course, he says, well, do you want to know what your brother's answer was?
Starting point is 00:38:12 Naturally, I say yes. Her brother's a funny guy. I'm sure he has a good response. So he starts chuckling, and he says he's most looking forward to the sex benefit, right? Right? So I'm giggling. I'm giggling, and he's g giggling and my wife is not happy.
Starting point is 00:38:28 And she's giving me the side out, you know, you know, the look. We are in front of a priest right now. This is a whole new thing. We're not forcing around here. Yeah. We're going to have to confess our sins to this same fella, you know, for years. James Goeys.. Yeah, well I don't know if I'll ever be able to invest you in my business. But anyways, so he goes and he states the question again, what are you most looking forward to? And my wife goes first and she gives us really nice answer. What was it?
Starting point is 00:38:55 What was it? It was really genuine. If I'm being honest again, listening skills. I didn't know. He doesn't know. He was only thinking about his answer. He was like, oh, waking up in the morning with them every morning. Oh, I've been waking up with you.
Starting point is 00:39:12 Very good. Come on. Anybody can say that, right? Anybody can say that. So it gets to me. And of course, my wife and I started, or the same fiance was right there. So I gave a really nice generic answer. And then I got done and I said, oh yeah, and the sex benefit, right? And I chuckled because he had already talked about that.
Starting point is 00:39:30 But he laughed really hard, like really, really hard. And my, my wife is clapping my leg and giving me a dirty look. And I like, he made the joke before. Why can't I make the joke now? Right? Obviously, this is a conversation we can all laugh at. Your own brother said the same joke. Exactly, right? Few minutes later, we walk out of the room because we're all done and we're heading home. Well, yeah, you guys nailed it.
Starting point is 00:39:56 And you guys nailed it. First step out the door. First step out the door, she gives a full wind up, smokes me right in the arm and she is pissed. Oh. And she looked at me and says he said cat benefit. Cat benefit. They both end with X.
Starting point is 00:40:16 They both end with X. I am an idiot. Yeah, I. Yeah, I'm not. I going to see that one coming. Tax benefits. You need to listen really closely. And also the tax benefits are awesome. Yeah, they are.
Starting point is 00:40:36 Yeah, don't get divorced. Those are not good benefits. You only got good tax benefits if you stay married, right? Yeah. That was pretty good. That's a that's you only got good tax benefits if you stay married right yeah Yeah, yes, that was pretty good unless unless you get divorced because you're having tax benefits with other. I don't know Yeah, we won't go there, but I think you should maybe consider hiring someone to do your taxes I don't know if you fully understand and don And don't hire someone to do your sacks. It's not where you want to go either. So, well, good for you. I'm happy you're getting married and it sounds like it's
Starting point is 00:41:14 going to be an excuse. Miles and I will be there. So just send us the save the date. Did he already get married? The date is past. Yeah, he already got married, Charlie. I've been drinking. I don't remember. I know. That's fun. So good.
Starting point is 00:41:29 So how are the, uh, how are the tax benefits? The tax benefits are fantastic. Okay, that's enough. That's enough. That's enough. Now you got to be here later and three kids. Three years, but we're good. Wait, three years, three kids. Yeah, he's really been taking advantage of the tax benefits.
Starting point is 00:41:48 Wow. You know, and to wrap this all up, I got to do a better job listening because I literally missed the whole point of what he was the story. He said he got to listen. So anyway, happy your marriage is going well and keep up with those tax benefits. Okay and by tax We mean You know, higher financial advice. Yeah, that's exactly what I mean. All right, real good Well, I appreciate you calling in man. That was a great story And I will constantly keep listening If you ever need more but Always listen All right, always listen.
Starting point is 00:42:25 All right, we're all good. Thanks for calling in, man. Talk soon now. So let's start from the top. What's your name? Where are you from? My name is Lucas Wendell from Oak Creek, Wisconsin. Lucas from Oak Creek, Wisconsin.
Starting point is 00:42:37 Lucas, Lucas. So you said you drove like 20 minutes to be here, right? Yes. So on Instagram, I'm like, I'm only 20 minutes away. You're coming to the park. I can make it there, man. Yes. So on Instagram, I'm like, I'm only 20 minutes away. You're coming to make it there, Mark. Nice. The new port welcomes you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:48 So you got something at 530, right? Yeah. Class at 530. Well, we'll try to get it. Get you out of here around 525. So you can make it to class sometime. Charlie, you went, Charlie, where'd you go to college at? I went to UW, man.
Starting point is 00:43:02 And how many classes were you on time for? Not many. So, yeah. So you'll be here a few beers in. And not a few more. Oh, we got shots coming the way. I like the Tullies. Yeah, we'll do three Tullies.
Starting point is 00:43:18 That'd be awesome, yeah. And we'll sponsor. Where did those come from? Did we sponsor those? Oh, geez. Well, big thanks to him. And that's also forcefully in order. Where is he from now? Oh, that's where you're from. Oh, Kim. Imagine that. Oh, I think she's being sarcastic. No, she's not. She's being very serious.
Starting point is 00:43:46 Very smart, right, Kim? Yeah, she's very serious. Miles, do you not put sarcasm upon her? By the way, Kim, when we're done with this, do you want to sit in the hot seat? Can we talk for a minute or no? No, she said no. I asked her already earlier.
Starting point is 00:44:00 All right, Kim. So what? That's fine. Hey, Charlie, we're doing a podcast now. Sorry, we're doing a, I just wanted to, you know're doing I just wanted to you know say hey, how you doing? Sorry, not only would was he late to class? He also did not pay attention. No, I didn't So busy chat anyway said you're originally from Illinois. I am originally from Illinois. How was that like growing up? Should we do a shot to the bears?
Starting point is 00:44:24 Suck in by the way, are you a Bears fan? Unfortunately I am. All right, well, you know what, that's how she goes. Fine Miles, don't cheers my glass, I see how it is. I am a Bears fan. But my fiancee is from Wisconsin. Oh, she's a hardcore Packer's fan.
Starting point is 00:44:43 So you married up is what you're saying. I married up. And you got a gold sweatshirt on, that's what hardcore packers fan. So you married up is what you're saying? I married up and you got a gold sweatshirt on that's what we like to and I bought this to impress her. Did you know that's a nice wet. I saw it. Storm like perfect. Where'd you get it from? I got some blind parts target. It's plausible deniability for you. It's like you know, you're in the packers goal. Next time you're looking for a nice shirt to buy somewhere. You go to flee farm. look for this guy is face there Somewhere and then right next to him. There's a better looking guy clearance rack is right next door to mine
Starting point is 00:45:12 Yeah, it probably is Anyway, so now this is a podcast where we give advice we take advice and we can buy selling trade stuff Do you have anything you want to buy seller trade? I do not back use my vice. Yeah All there's did I make the right decision moving from Illinois? Yes, of course you did of course you did. I mean Illinois. What does that have to offer? Chicago is a great city I will tell you Chicago is a great city. I will tell you. I want to say that Chicago is a great city. It's phenomenal. There's great music.
Starting point is 00:45:50 Chicago Blue is just born there. They got a bunch of great steak houses. They got great steak houses. It's got great steak houses. It's a great spot. I was blown away by the steak that I had there. I mean, the steak place. And that's Chicago's got Broadway. It's got a lot of the things that I had there. And that's Chicago Scott.
Starting point is 00:46:05 It's got a lot of amazing things. Unfortunately, it has the bears. And the bears takes away from any amazingness in Chicago because they've sucked so hard for so many years. So what inspired you to come to Wisconsin? He got a girl. Yeah, I got a girl.
Starting point is 00:46:22 No, I know his girl. But, okay, I got a girl. No, I know his girl, but okay I got a girl and then I got a job. What do you do for a living? I work at we energies So we energy says a big deal. Well, I can do well, that's what powers all the Wii sports, you know the video Yes, he would like We energize Wisconsin. Okay, yeah, oh Oh, so you're a liquor distributor then, because that's usually how Wisconsin makes our energize.
Starting point is 00:46:52 Couple whiskey shots and they're feeling pretty good. But no, not that. Not that we can. The lights on. What do you do for we energies? I'm a designer, so I build like utility poles. Oh, you're a utility pole, doesn't it? I like that. I like that.
Starting point is 00:47:05 I like that. Taking a utility pole that's, you know, uninteresting, right, to the general population, you slap designer on that, and it sounds like, oh my God, you're doing some fancy work. Every thing's some hot shit now. Exactly. I'm a designer.
Starting point is 00:47:21 Yep. You know, and they're like, well, what? Don't worry about it. Yeah. Utility pool. What goes into designing a nice pool? Yeah, well, length. Length.
Starting point is 00:47:33 Length. Not girth, just length. Look, come with girth. What about spin ability? What are you talking about, Miles? I don't think I know what a utility pole is. Now that you guys say it. Everybody knows it's a telephone pole.
Starting point is 00:47:49 Oh, telephone pole. I thought you meant like a utility pole can spin. It's nice and shiny. It goes, you know, Florida ceiling. You're talking outside, type of stuff. Yep. Sorry. Now let me ask you this.
Starting point is 00:48:03 You're a definition of utility pole in my definition. Utility pole is much different. So with the pole design, what goes into it? Oh, whatever needs to be on that pole. So if it's serving a house or distribution. Yeah. Yeah. And you design, you design different models for different purposes exactly. So you hate trees then a fit for every hole you hate trees then oh absolutely gonna fall down Yeah, you need to make sure that there's not a tree even close to that pole. Yeah, they all get ripped right out of ground Yeah, so we energy's I've been dealing with them a lot because we were getting solar panels on the deal and we energy's been pretty nice about the whole deal They've been pretty receptive about the number one in customer service. Yeah
Starting point is 00:48:51 I says I'm getting solar panels because the nice thing about solar panels you put them on once you don't have electric bill again Yeah, so that's good and I'm surprised that we energy says cool with that because I'm not paying anymore Number one in customer service. Number one customer service. We did the other day we mocked a customer service call. We could do a mock customer service call. Yeah, let's do it. I don't work in that seat.
Starting point is 00:49:15 That's not me. He's an art guy. He's an art guy. I'm a designer. He's all about poles. He doesn't give a pull. What kind of wood do you use for them poles? Oh Cedar and pine Cedar and pine. Where do you get the wood from no fucking clue?
Starting point is 00:49:32 But these honest I'll tell you what though the cedar poles are the crazy ones because there'll be a hundred year pole that won't be replaced Oh, cuz it wasn't nice thing. That's a nice thing. Yeah, you get a good piece of what it lasts for a long long time. So good to know if you own a strip club just by Cedar Pulse and then you will never have to replace it. There might be a splinter or two, but other than that, it's a hundred year pull. Miles, have you ever worked in a strip club? No, you've ever been an exotic dancer. Well, you know, I would like to defer that question I don't like to talk about my personal life too much. I used to be an exotic dance. Oh, yeah Over there there at Northern Exposure and my stripper name Ratchet strap
Starting point is 00:50:22 You like that? I do. I do. Tell you what though. That guy's not going anywhere. That guy is not going anywhere. He's not knowing. He's not going anywhere. He's not knowing. He's not knowing. He's not knowing. He's not knowing. He's not knowing. He's not knowing.
Starting point is 00:50:32 He's not knowing. He's not knowing. He's not knowing. He's not knowing. He's not knowing. He's not knowing. He's not knowing. He's not knowing.
Starting point is 00:50:40 He's not knowing. He's not knowing. He's not knowing. He's not knowing. He's not knowing. He's not knowing. He's not knowing. He's not knowing. He's not knowing. He's not knowing. question, the age old question, what's tougher to get off a bra strap or the overalls? Oh, the overalls come off quick. I tell you that right now. Yeah, that's smart.
Starting point is 00:50:50 Don't get too excited over here, you know. But um, so it's been good working for we energy so far. It has been very good. They're treating you good. Yeah. Two months in, can't complain. That a boy. Now, how many poles have you personally designed?
Starting point is 00:51:03 Yeah, that's a good question. Now I've done six jobs and almost 200 poles. Wow, six jobs and 200 poles. Good for you. Have you ever thought about getting into the fishing industry? Yeah, I have. Yeah, because that's a good thing. They also are designing poles as well. Yeah, could you could you use the same things that you said we energy to design a fishing hole? Probably not. Probably not. Really? Well, if you're not fishing holes.
Starting point is 00:51:30 Yeah, I mean, a lot of times polls go with holes. Are you adding the experience? My own holes. You gotta stop taking it dirty. I know where you're going. What are you going? I'm talking ice fishing, dude. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:51:41 You are taking that one dirty, and let's be honest. Ice augers. All of my polls do go in a hole. That is true. Well, that's taking that one dirty. Let's be asked ice augers all of my polls do go in a hole That is true. Well, that's the number one rule, but anything is polls always going holes Well, let me ask you this now when it comes to we energy is there a particular poll? You've been most proud of designing my first one. Where is it? Well, that's always special the first poll Yeah, it's in Racine Racine. Yeah, now right next to a culverse and what was it doing? Did you take a photo next to it? I?
Starting point is 00:52:12 Did I see I knew it were you holding the poll closer to the camera man get a look bigger and all yes Yeah, you were That's smart actually. Yeah, that's just good advertising So what was this poll for commercial use, actually. Yeah, that's just good advertising. So what was this poll for commercial use or residential use? No, it's distribution. Distribution.
Starting point is 00:52:31 What kind of things are you distributing? So energy. Oh, yeah. Cheese. Energy. Well, electricity. Good for you. From one point to the next.
Starting point is 00:52:42 That's amazing. Well, I thank you for what you're doing powering Wisconsin You know, and and keep getting them solar panels because that's nice I know that affects the bottom line of we energies, but you know, we support it you just support it And I appreciate that that's good that you guys do that. I should get a big bonus when we energies from plugging it so much Hey, you know we energies we would like to chat I should get a big bonus when we energy from plugging it so much I'm Hey, you know we energies we would like to chat we would yeah, we will talk polls all day long We'll talk polls and we haven't even brought the fact that's called we
Starting point is 00:53:14 Yeah, I mean we have we have to be the number one Promotional podcast for polls we do I don't think I know another one that's plug in polls more than this one. I don't think so. Yeah. Well, it's great talking to you guys. Yeah, you guys call or tell your fiancee. Thanks for driving over here too. I'm glad it was so close.
Starting point is 00:53:35 I still live in Illinois. I would not have made it. There you go. That's, I mean, that's your whole, that's why. Enjoy your class now. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I'm glad that shot helped with it. I'm sure I'll be studying all right real good Thanks guys. You promote it. I'll see you. Yeah, I'll buy now and that was an amazing episode
Starting point is 00:53:54 Miles what we learned today what we learned. You know what I learned today Charles what you learn I learned that there's no drink to tall There's no shot too strong. There's a country song. There's no drink to tall. There's no shot too strong. Sometimes you're belly up. Something that rhymes with strong strong We'll be on the opera soon. Yeah, well, we'll see what happens. Yeah, one of us might already be at the That's a humble break Wow, wow, wow, did your song got played at the opera? Why don't you tell people about that work and they download it? You can download drunk. I ain't just think is you drunk. I am oh
Starting point is 00:54:48 That was actually only not too bad. Let's feel more singing let film more singing. How's that? You can find that anyway you can find anything Yeah, you find all podcasts you bet your radio. Oh you bet you calm. You can find all this stuff there man to augment that calm better merch Oh, you you can find all this stuff there man to augment that calm better merch But anyway, is there anything else we should say to the Gals and guys I think we got to leave them with this first fall we fucking love you guys we do every time I have one too many eight shots like I have today my immediate move is one. I love you guys I'm a big I'm a lover not a fighter. Yeah, I'm a Frenchman my last name is The pleasure
Starting point is 00:55:31 And what a Frenchman do they They don't fight they don't fight some pole tabs knocked in over here. Thank you very much for that We got to check these pole tabs before we go how much do we owe you if we win? We got to check these poll tabs before we go. How much do we owe you if we win? We'll do half. It's up to you. 50-50? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:51 All right, we were... Well, everyone knows this about me, Charlie, as I'm a poll tab investor. You are. When everyone else is doing Bitcoin, you were doing poll tabs. I ain't got crap. This is...
Starting point is 00:56:02 When everyone bobs, I weave. When everyone goes NFT's crypto, I go poll tabs. Yeah is what everyone bobs. I weave when everyone goes NFTs crypto. I go pull tips. Yeah, so here we go. Here we go. Given the play by play Charles, should we side bet on it? I side bet you $3 you got nothing. All right, I side bet that I also three to 20 odds.
Starting point is 00:56:21 So three to three to 60. OK, whatever that works out to be be we'll have the producers figure that out Take you got that. Yeah, yeah That was his whole line. This is the whole time anyone's heard him today We heard the crack on the mic. That's nice. You got nothing one dollar the crack on the mic. That's nice. You got nothing. $1! He got a dollar! $1!
Starting point is 00:56:46 There we go. Come on. How much do I owe you that? This is what whole tab and best thing is all about. Let me verify it. Let me verify it. Let me verify it. I want to verify first. Can I verify it? Before you hand it to Kim, the waste of time.
Starting point is 00:57:01 Oh, you got a dollar. Sorry, Kim. I just wanted to make sure he wasn't in the back. Charlie, I got a dollar. Trust me, I wouldn't celebrate nothing. All right. Confiria. Good for you.
Starting point is 00:57:11 There we go. You guys put that in. So I get 50 cents. Yeah, you all, just tear that dollar nap, you know, with inflation. It's probably worth its weight paper. Yes. Anyways.
Starting point is 00:57:24 Well, that's it for another episode of the Belly to Podcast. Make sure you fall belly down. Can you give us one sign offline? Just one sign offline. One sign offline. Can we do it? I just want to let you know that not only is Brussels North of Dykesville, but it's also west of urine. Oh
Starting point is 00:57:51 It's good to know you know The Bar wisdom right there. Thank you Kim. We appreciate that everyone tip your bar Tenders tip your Kim wherever Kim is at at your town. You know a Kim you know a Kim tip your Kim wherever Kim is at at your town. You know Kim you know a Kim tip your Kim. I like that Dig on let's make a share about that. Thanks for tuning in another episode of the belly to podcasts as always follow Oh you bet you at oh you bet you calm and you bet your radio and all the other podcasts that we have We'll see you guys Charlie parents at show parents Man to walk minute. We're gonna to go try and we've had a few. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:30 See you guys. We're going to get a ride home. Bye-bye. Love you guys.

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