Bellied Up - #6 Buying The Perfect Mower

Episode Date: July 14, 2022

Presented By Fleet Farm We are at Wolski's (again) in Milwaukee. Our first caller is wondering how to sleep in her pickup when she goes to Yellowstone, After that, our next caller picks a fight with C...harlie about the Toledo War and is wondering how to handle hunting blind etiquette, A Canadian caller wants to know what's the perfect mower to buy, we end the podcast with a buy/sell/or trade.

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 All right, welcome to another episode of the Belly Up Podcast. This is episode number two here at the Walskies Bar. We got a pooch here. Hey, pooch, what's your name? Rosie. This is Rosie. Rosie, come on, pooch, how are you? Hey, me, Charlie, I don't have any treats for you. Bo-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- This is a podcast and right here. Rosie's really feeling this.
Starting point is 00:00:26 Now, what kind of dog is Rosie? She's Catahoola Lepard. Catahoola Lepard? I never heard of that. Oh, okay. Rosie's not happy. I don't know what I was saying in dog, but- I think Rosie needs a drink.
Starting point is 00:00:43 Yeah, can I get a relax? Yeah, I can't. I'd be getting a relax. Yeah, yeah, yeah. In my other coat, I got some pocket jerky. You were kind of annoying me a little bit too. So if I'm annoyed, Rosie's annoyed. All right, listen, I wasn't. I was just trying to. Sorry, I didn't mean to annoyed.
Starting point is 00:00:56 Yeah, I wasn't annoyed. I was trying to get a little, you know, I was just seeing what's going on with Rosie. Who is she dating these days, you know, you got to love a good bar dog You do have to love a good bar dog. We met a good bar dog and Cliff are all Minnesota did you know, it was Hank He was just a little pup. What how old was Hank? He was not too old. He was what six months maybe six months Less than that even tails. Oh look who's at my feet right now Rosie How are you pooch now you guys are friends you want some of the popcorn we dropped Rosie or no?
Starting point is 00:01:28 Oh, yeah, Rosie come here Rosie. Have a little popcorn isn't that good. Oh, you just want to lick it, huh? Okay, not enough salt on that popcorn I suppose yeah salty for me. I don't know anyway, uh Rosie Yeah, salty for me. I don't know. Anyway, uh, Rosie, uh, whether or not she's eating her popcorn or not, uh, yeah, you guys are about to eat some of our advice, I suppose. That's how we are. Want a segue. Yeah. You know, yeah. Yeah. It's job there.
Starting point is 00:01:59 I spent a lot of years in the news business working on those segues. So we got a lot of great callers that I think you'll be excited with either they're giving us advice or we're giving them advice or they have something to buy, sell, or trade. And you're not going to want to miss this. We even have people coming up to the old hot seat at the bar bellying up with us. Before we get into the callers, I got a question for you, Charlie.
Starting point is 00:02:24 Yeah, I've been excited to get a question from you. What's going on, Miles? What can I have? Um, you're big Craigslist guy. I love Craigslist. What is the strangest thing you've ever bought on Craigslist? Strangest thing I ever bought. Wow. Now, uh, I bought a lot. Geez. Well, so there was this one device that someone wasn't sure what it was used for. It was a little clamp. And they weren't sure if it was used
Starting point is 00:02:54 as an automobile clamp or an early on circumcision tool. And it purchased it as a metal device. It was was aluminum alloy so at least worth its weight in raw metal There you go. Smart presses metals no blood on it So I don't think it was a circumcision device, but if it was so you were buying it for the scrap metal Hopefully not for the latter. I was buying it for the story. Okay, and I'm glad I was able to tell that story I'm glad I was able to tell that story. Also you plan on having a kid someday and it's probably just cheaper to do DIY You know, it is it is now that brings up a whole other controversial topic. Do you circumcise or do you not? Frankly, that's a political topic, so we're gonna avoid it here
Starting point is 00:03:44 If you're belly up to a bar right now, or going to later this evening, and that's yours, maybe use that as a conversation piece. People usually love talking circumcision at the bars. Little nohood. Yeah, what are you going with here? You got a sweater on or not. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:59 So the question. Yeah, so. And we're not, you know, to each their own, you know, little snip snip or no, just don't snip too far of your sniping That's all I say you know miles knows about that Here's another episode Is that it was that enough for an intro you think that felt good? I think that maybe we should just get into the call. Let's get into the callers. Hello?
Starting point is 00:04:28 Yes. How's it going? Who do we have on the line? Oh, first time caller, longtime listener. Oh, good. Jackie. Did we get that right, Jackie? Yes, you did. Oh, Jackie, where are you from now? North Dakota, senior over in Fargo, Charlie. Oh, then you saw miles up on stage too. That's my neck of the woods.
Starting point is 00:04:55 Yeah, I'm familiar with that flat land over there. So, well, thanks for coming out to the show. I appreciate you. Oh, yes, we don't get too many good shows in North Dakota. So you know, I had to deal with the mediocre one, but that's okay Well, you'll keep looking for one. I know Charlie falls in that mediocre category Yeah, I'll be another good one. Come on. You will hang tight there Jackie. Some goods gonna come through So Jackie, do you have any advice or are you looking to buy selling trade something right now? I need some advice. Okay, we are here to help.
Starting point is 00:05:31 You guys. Okay, is it okay to use your pickup topper as the camper to go on a red Nick. Camping. Great. Great question. The short answer is yes. Yeah. I mean, that's, I don't mean to not give too much advice, but just yes. So what kind of a pickup truck you got and how old is this topper? We should ask you that how many holes are in your topper? Because I know I got one in mind and that might be a disqual fire right there if you got rain in the forecast. But let's start with the make in the model of the pickup. GMC Sierra 1500. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:15 Wow. Wow. A little spendy over there. Yeah. Yeah. That's nice. And we're card it things off. Yeah, sure it does.
Starting point is 00:06:24 It's a work car. What do you do for a living? It's my dad's ranch pickup. Oh, that's awesome. Um, so where are you planning on taking your, I believe you said redneck vacation to Yellowstone. Oh, yeah, you know, now it's a soft top, right? It's one of them rollies. Yep. Yeah. So the only thing about that is do not go sleeping in the bed of the truck with food bears will tear right through that sucker. I had mine opened with a switch plate. So this is like a tunnel cover. This isn't a taught like a hard top. No, this is one of them. This is one of them canvas deals. They do at bears out there, Jackie. Okay.
Starting point is 00:07:08 So we got to warn you about that. Just don't go sleeping in there with some jerky or funnians or whatever you got going. Keep the food in the in the bed or in the cab of the truck. Yes. And then you should be fine. Now, if you want to stargaze, uh, you might want to consider doing like, uh, a fancy rig up of like a screen type of top on there. Yeah. You could cut yourself a little moonroof with just a, a fine switch blade and use go, yeah, find, find
Starting point is 00:07:40 an old screen. Yeah. And then just flex seal it into the tunnel cover and you're good. Yeah, you can watch the stars and you can watch the bears and you want to see them before they see you. Yeah. So you suggest flex seal and not gorilla glue. I think in the sheer mass of what you're trying to do, flex seal is going to be better. I mean, he saw as a boat and a half. And that thing is he seals it up. It's good to go. Gorilla glue, I think is for more smaller projects.
Starting point is 00:08:11 I would that's where my personal preference is at. But if gorilla glue is all you got, go with God. That'll work too. Just be a little more tedious, I think. Yeah. It's going to take a little bit more attention to detail. Well, red mix always have duct tape and WB 40. So, and that is the next best option. Now, duct tape, the hell out of it, and you're going to have yourself a pretty nice moon roof in the bed of the truck. That'll be real romantic out there. Now, Jackie, I got to ask you, do you have a pad?
Starting point is 00:08:42 Because those, that, that truck trucks got some little divots in the bed of it, you know, so you can sweep it out easier. Is that the kind it's got or is it a nice flat thing there? Otherwise, I do think you're going to want to get yourself a mattress pad or maybe even a blow up thing. Otherwise, I'm worried about your back, Jackie. I was going to feel the kids as a mattress off their bed. That's a you know, out of us. Yeah. Don't even need this advice. Yeah. Leave us your number. We're going to call you later because we got some questions. We're going to call you and figure out all your secrets. That sounds good. I can give you some advice. Well, thanks, Jackie. Hey, we hope this helped you. Okay. So have fun out there.
Starting point is 00:09:25 You says yellow stone, yeah. Yeah. Oh, God. Yeah. And that's a good tip for everyone. Just get out to all the national parks there. Just, I mean, we're lucky to have those soccer. And if you got yourself a truck bed with a moonroof, I mean, you're living pretty good. You're living large. Uh, Jackie uh, Jackie, you're, you're gonna have a pretty good summer, I think in that thing. Jackie, last piece of advice, get yourself some good knocks. You want some good binoculars out there because there's, there are some amazing things to see. And you want to give those animals their space, you know, cause then you can watch them do what they do when no one's looking. And that can get pretty erotic. Okay. So, uh, you know, not, don't go in and penny the buffalo. Say that
Starting point is 00:10:11 again now. You don't recommend walking up and petting a buffalo. No, we are an anti petting. Yes. We're an anti petting buffalo podcast. Yeah. But we do like watching Buffalo from a distance. Yeah, we do. And you get to yourself some binoculars. Don't go to the fleet farm. Get a little spending with it. Now that you're saving on a tent and, you know, maybe go up into that $110 price range. It's an investment in your happiness.
Starting point is 00:10:43 I tell you that right now, Jackie. So you enjoy that, and have some fun out there, okay? That sounds good. Have a good day, guys. Hello. What's your name, sir? Oh, my name's Trenton. Trenton, how you doing Trenton? Where are you calling from? I'm doing pretty good. I'm calling from the great
Starting point is 00:11:11 Minton State Michigan. Oh, wow. I'll let you take this one. Let's try that. That is a little too close to home, I like. We're in Wisconsin. And I think if there's a true
Starting point is 00:11:21 Minton State, it's got to be Wisconsin. You can have one of two things, Trent, and you can call Michigan the Mittens state or you can give Wisconsin the UP. All right. You can't have both. I don't know about that. I think we got the UP fair and square. Trent, first of all, you didn't get the UP fair and square.
Starting point is 00:11:40 You got through the Toledo war, okay? And you got the UP and Ohio got screwed because they just got Toledo, okay? So you tell me that's fair? By the way, Trenton, did you know that the Toledo War was won with a single military confrontation of shots being fired into the air incurring no casualties.
Starting point is 00:12:04 If you ask me, that's no war. A shopping fire to enter the air and incurring no casualties. If you ask me, that's no war. A shopping fire to into the air and curing no casualties. That's called duck hunting. Okay, so what do you have to say for yourself now, Trenton? Well, I just got to say that it doesn't tell me where it's constant.
Starting point is 00:12:18 I had any part in that. Oh, wow, Trenton bird. What did you guys do, Charlie? So bad you should have just taken it. Yeah, well, we're bird. What did you guys do, Charlie? It's so bad. You should have just taken it. Yeah. Well, we're too nice. We're saying, no, if you insist after you, take the whole UP.
Starting point is 00:12:33 But congratulations on getting that Trenton. Now, you didn't call here to talk about that. We're in your mint and are you living? Up in Northwestern part towards a small town called Buckley, but it's near Traverse City. that's what you're looking at. You're looking at the right about the pop up at the pinky there. Up at the pinky. All right, so you're on the pinky over there, Michigan Traverse City.
Starting point is 00:12:50 Oh, by Traverse City. You says. Buckley. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:58 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. the pinky. Alright, so you're on the pinky over there Michigan Traverse City. Oh, by Traverse City, you says Buckley's. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, uh, coming to us Trent from Buckley, so, uh,
Starting point is 00:13:13 you got advice or you got something you want by seller trade. Well, I got some advice for you. Oh, you're giving us advice again. We were going to give you advice, but honestly, we're in no position to do it. We've had a few. So what's your advice for us? All right, well, you might have an opinion on that, but basically what I ran into is over at our hunting property, my grandpa, he would always steal, we had designated hunting blinds,
Starting point is 00:13:41 and he would always steal my blind. Well, the way I ended up tricking her modest steal in my blind is, you know, he's a big beer drinker, aren't we all? But I told him, I said, well, I'll tell you what, I said, the blind over on the west end, I said, there might be a few beers in there if you go look in.
Starting point is 00:14:01 Well, sure enough, every time I told them there was beers in there, whether there was or not, he would end up going to that blind and leaving mine alone. So I could get my blind. But so I guess what I'm saying is that if you got someone stealing your blind, maybe beer will trick them out of it. That is smart, actually, because if I am your grandpa, and even though I know you tricked me a couple times, I can't risk not going to that blind because there might actually be beer there. I got to go there every single time.
Starting point is 00:14:31 Trenton, yeah, exactly. What you're doing here, Trenton is actually very smart. In the same way, you would bait pigs, you know, you go out there with a bait pile for pigs, which by the way are an invasive species. You should shoot those suckers. But you're basically baiting your grandpa in the same way with beers. Now what kind of beers are you using to bait them with? Well, he's definitely a big bush lock. He's a bush. He sounds like a smart guy. Honestly. Yeah, I don't know. I mean, that'll, that'll, that'll, that'll get someone go into the wrong blind every single time. Now, you put one of those beers from, you know, Milwaukee out there, they're going to know that there that's not worth it. Oh, wow,
Starting point is 00:15:15 those are fighting word strength. Cause Miles is saying this in Milwaukee right now. He is deep in that enemy territory. And this bar is full with people that don't appreciate that. And the crowd has turned on us. Yeah, no, they've turned on you. They are on my side. This is a Miller Paps to the Schwitz Blatz situation over here. Trenton, I think you got a really good idea on that, though, with bait in your grandpa.
Starting point is 00:15:41 Now is there anything we can help you with on the advice side of life or if you have something to buy selling trade we'll do that right here right now we'll let people know where they can come pick it up and what it is and the whole deal. Yeah I actually do have something that I'm in the middle trying to get rid of so okay what I got is, uh, uh, it's a, the model is actually 122, but it's a Lear 122, uh, truck topper. Uh, it's a big old camper style and it's got, uh, everything on it works. It's completely fine.
Starting point is 00:16:15 I'm doing it. I'm missing the key to lock the rear glass on it. Wow. Okay. Honestly, without even putting this out, we already have a buyer for you. We do. We had a buyer for you. We do. We had a gal call in.
Starting point is 00:16:27 I believe it was Jackie, right? Jackie called in. She's taking a, taking a trip out to Yellowstone and she was asking us how to do a redneck, topper, camper situation in the bed of her truck. And here you are. You have it already for her. Trenton, she's only got a roly right now. Okay. So if you're saying you got a full on camper deal, I mean, how much you want for it? That is a
Starting point is 00:16:51 big question. Yeah. Cause because Jackie was talking about, he's on a budget. Yeah. She she was talking about guerilla glue and some, some, you know, you don't even want to spend the extra money on the flex seals. She was like, I got to stick to guerrilla. She was going to guerrilla glue a clear sheet around her, some, a nice, little fiberglass thing on her, rollly, just so she could see the stars. So we're, you know, she's open for it. Yeah. Well, I, like I said, when I first posted, I mean, they go for about two new. So I was actually asking for, uh, I first posted, I mean they go for about two new so I was actually asking for
Starting point is 00:17:26 I'd started high just had 12 but really I'm flexible I'm taking best offers So I mean if you know she's tight on cash that'd be fine with me just try to find I don't know I don't really have a bottom dollar I guess just whatever she could offer Here's the question for you is are you willing to knock off a little bit of money for the lockknot being able to lockknot locking? Because she's going somewhere with us a lot of bears. She got food in the back of her truck.
Starting point is 00:17:54 The bear can get in there. If it's not locked up. Bears not open handles and stuff. They don't have an opposable thumb, but they'll figure it out. Look, they'll get in there. Oh, yeah. Yeah, no, definitely. I mean, you know, if I'm fortunate and doesn't work,
Starting point is 00:18:08 but I'd still be, I'd be willing to knock some money off for that. All right. All right. Well, first we'll try and reach out to Jackie. Yeah. And see if she's interested if not. We'll try and.
Starting point is 00:18:20 Well, what's your email? No, we got to give them. You need my email? Yeah, we need your email. Yeah, we gotta give them. You need my email? Yeah, we need your email. Yeah, we need to, you know, and don't give us a burner. Don't give us the Yahoo account or we'll know, okay? We want that Gmail.
Starting point is 00:18:35 No, all right. Yeah, what do you got? I can give you. Yeah, you want to sell this thing or not? You know, give us email. What is it? All right, so it's my first name, Trenton, TREN,
Starting point is 00:18:47 T-O-N, Trenton, and then my last name is then H-A-N, S-E-N, Hanson with an E at and that's zero zero and then at Perfect. Trenton, Hanson, zero zero. Were you born in 2000? I actually was. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:08 Oh, that away. Now we've given everyone all of his entire information. What's your Social Security number, Trenton? Don't answer that. That's my advice Midwest advices. Don't ever give miles your Social security number. Oh, yeah, I feel like that's some good advice. Yeah. All right. Well, we're going to try and get this sucker sold. What do you think, Charlie? I think we can get it.
Starting point is 00:19:32 All right. Yeah. I think so. I appreciate it. Anything you can do to help out. I've, you know, been trying to get rid of that. So I can get extra cast to get the old boat ready for summer. So all right. That's smart.
Starting point is 00:19:44 And he's got no bottom dollar value. You can low ball Trenton all day long. Oh, baby. Yeah. Well, I've been dealing with low ballers the whole time, but you know, once I guess I get to the point where good enough, I'll take it. All right, Trenton. Well, you hold off for that right off for all right. All right. Well, do all right. Real good. Catch some wall eyes up there over there. All right. All don't worry. I will. We got busted this winter smell fishing, but hopefully
Starting point is 00:20:15 what the hell are you fishing smell for out of season trend? Geez, Louise. No, I'm yet. That is that is what were you doing? How'd you get busted? Well last this last past winter while January all that when we went out in January just said while mainly January but we were out there and we just didn't really have any luck. We went till a few local aches and holy hell like the most we caught between six of us was
Starting point is 00:20:42 only like 60 smell 60 smell what'd you do with the smell? While we saved them cut their heads off and got them ready, we just froze them for now. We didn't eat them up yet, but we were a fish trying perch. How'd you get busted then? What do you, what do you, oh, you mean that busted perch fishing? Oh, you just mean you caught a lot of smelt. Well, I'm saying we didn't really do too well. Oh, I got you. I got you. Oh, you don't even have limit.
Starting point is 00:21:14 I mean, smelt, it depends the lake you're going for the smelt. If they care if you take a bunch or not, usually they're doing pretty good population wise. Anyway, we don't need to go into the nuances of that, but it was nice for you to call. Anyway, we don't need to go into the nuances of that, but it was nice for you to call. Yeah, thanks for calling in. Oh, yeah, of course, of course, I mean, I really actually appreciate the chance to call in and speak to you guys. I mean, I'm big fans really. We're big fans of you, Trent. Hey, wild, I'll just let you guys know right now from the whole Hanson clan. Actually, you know, we're all big, again, big fans
Starting point is 00:21:47 and I appreciate chance to talk to you guys. And I hope you take her easy. Hey, Trenton with an old tell the Hansens with a knee. We says, hi, okay. Yeah, I'll tell him. All right, real good. See you later, Trenton. Hey, Belly, double listeners. I'm your co-host, Charlie Barons. And today I want to give a shout out to Fleet Farm who has all your grilling needs covered. I don't care if you need just your standard grill or tongs or the flipper deal or any of those little
Starting point is 00:22:14 hot pads or whatever. Fleet Farm has it all taken care of from the grill to the kitchen and so much more. And they even have farm fresh eggs. That's right, if you want to do omelets on the grill, you know, you don't have to stop make a separate stop at the grocery store. Just go right to the fleet farm. They are a proud. I hope they are proud. I think they're proud. We try to make them proud every podcast sponsor of the Belly to podcast. Thanks to them and thanks to all of you for supporting my cow and the heck Hacker. Hey, I'm doing that man. Are you? Yeah, where are you calling from? I'm
Starting point is 00:22:47 doing great, Mike. I really, I'm I'm fantastic and I want to thank you for asking that. Miles, how are you doing? I'm doing good as well. Mike, where are you from? Where are you at? Oh, Miles, I love that man. You betcha. You betcha, baby. Oh, where's Charlie? I love that man. Keep her moving. What's going on, Mike? All right, guys, dude, you started to find him. What's you guys for my neighbors? Oh, we could be your neighbors. Where do you live? We'll buy a house. Canada, man. Canada. Well, I'm going to have to maybe do some paperwork, but I can be up there.
Starting point is 00:23:19 We're in Canada. Don't get a little specific with us. About an hour west of Toronto. That's how you know how much he trusts us. He doesn't tell us the city. He just tells us a general geographical taste. He started with the country. I know he's like, I'm in, hey, where are you from? I'm from the United States. Okay. So you're in an hour west of Toronto. You're basically in the middle of the western. Pretty much. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:48 Pretty much. So are you looking for some advice today? You're looking to buy, sell, trade, something, what do you got? No, I need life advice. Life advice he needs. You've come to the right place. Yeah. I knew I could trust you, boys.
Starting point is 00:24:04 Yeah. And now, quick, hang on. Before you get to that, vice, I knew I could trust you boys. Yeah, and now quick hang on before you get to that, I say, forget your name already. I'd be drinking whiskey. Mike, how do I forget my talking to a mic? Just think about it. I got it. All right, Mike, what's the advice you want here, fellow? Well, boys and buying a ride lawnmower and I need your professional advice on which one is the one to buy. Well, what kind of what kind of size yard you got is where we got to start with. Good start, your question. Okay, good good call. But a half acre. Half acre? That's a good size yard. That is a nice size.
Starting point is 00:24:37 Depending on where you're located at, it can be in the city. It could be a pretty good size yard. Yeah, now he's in Canada. So he's got another three months to figure this out before they got. Well, you know, he's not as far north as North Dakota, but where I'm at, but oh, I guess that's true. I forget. Now I want to start off by saying this, you don't need to mow until June. Okay. first and foremost, you got to let those bees do their thing. Okay, because bees, I'll tell you this right now, Mike, they make the economy go round. You like beer, you like, you know, cheese, you like anything. It all starts with our pollinators. So give yourself some time to find the right choice here. Miles, what do you
Starting point is 00:25:23 think for riders? Well, um, great to know the size of the yard. So you're looking, you got some options if you got a half anchor. What size deck are you looking at getting? Going for like a double wide, you're going for something that's a little bit more, you can finesse it a little bit more. You're going for a big hog. Oh boy, we got to go zero turn. Oh, zero gate. Mike's a spendy fella. Yeah, he's apparently got a budget. How much money are we working with spending on this rider? Well, Canadian dollars is a bit different than you, American boys. So we're looking at it. About maybe 2500. Wow, American. Oh, 20. That is a car payment right there. Mike, what do you do for living? DSL cocaine or what's going on? No, no, just smart with my money. Oh, he's smart with
Starting point is 00:26:16 his money. He's a penny. Pitcher. But he's willing to spend $2,500 on a lawnmower. Are you an investor, Mike? Do you double down on a close cash or what's going on? Bottom returns up your voice. Tencent. So we've he drinks a lot. What we say that he might be drunk right now. First of all, do you have a significant other in the picture at all? Yeah. Are you a single guy? Oh, a significant other in the picture.
Starting point is 00:26:47 And I got three little rug rat. So, okay. Well, first of all, hey, run that. The law on taking care of. Have you run that budget by your significant other? Yeah. Oh, absolutely. Oh, gee, well, one keeper.
Starting point is 00:27:00 All right. Seriously, she approved a $2,500 budget for 100. Fish. Yeah. Yeah. It's older. Keeper. All right. Seriously, she approved a $2,500 budget for 100. Yes, older. How much did you spend on her ring? Let's start there. Because we're not going to have you go the full $2,500. If you spent like, if you got her like a cubic sirconeum, okay? We're just worrying out for you in the long time. No ring. That's why the budget time. No ring. Oh, okay, you got that's good. If she's okay with that, she's fine. Spent the whole not.
Starting point is 00:27:30 Yeah. Okay. Yeah. I mean, you're in a unique situation. Yeah, this is really ring. And she approved a budget. Well, she approved half of the budget. She approved half. Yeah, she's going to know for sure that. Yeah, like it.
Starting point is 00:27:43 It's just a small gray area. Yeah, small gray area. That's a thousand bucks fella. That's a big gray area. Yeah, but once once you use the grass looking. Oh, that is. Yeah, no, I doubt she cares that much about the grass as you do Mike, but it's nice that you say I I go with the Toro. That's what I got. I go with the Toro. That's what I got. Okay. I got myself as well. So Charlie doesn't have a zero turn. He's one of those. I got a push mower. He's one of those green energy push mower, guys. I got myself a 54 inch deck zero turn at my house. And I'm going to tell you what, if you're looking for speed as well as finesse, that's a great mower because not only does my lawn look good, but I get that thing done in about 20, 25 minutes,
Starting point is 00:28:34 then I still got a whole extra hour to work on all the details. I get the main cut done early, then I get on the weed whacker, I pull some weeds, I Do all that stuff to make sure that the rest of the lawn also looks really great. Mike, I give two shifts about my lawn. So I don't do any of that. So if you do care about your lawn, I would take miles of it. Do they have crakes list in Canada? Yeah. Well, I'd start there because you're going to get a good. You just got to put dot. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:06 Yeah. Oh, you just have to put dot see. Yeah. Get yourself a mower. You can, you can drive over to the bar. Okay. Whether that's a zero turn or not. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:17 You want to make sure you got the tires and enough tread to get yourself to the local watering hole. Now, one thing to think about with a zero turn though, Mike, is it's a lot harder to drink beer on the mower if you got to have both hands, you got all the handles. So that's something to think about. And that's the dilemma. Yeah. I ran into that.
Starting point is 00:29:38 I was all horned up about my zero turn. And I got on that mower and I had a beer in my hand and I was having to use the old elbow technique to try and keep it going straight while trying to have a drink of beer. So that's something to think about too. What matters more, your beer consumption or having a zero turn something to think about. Yeah, we're
Starting point is 00:29:59 going to give you a little beer dispenser like baseball hacks. You can always go the camelback route as well. Just fill that camelback full of beer and then your hands free all the way home. You do want to wash it out though, because if you forget to wash it out, and Mike, you sound like a guy that might forget to wash out his camelback of beer. And if you do that, I've gone through some camelbacks from Matt Winton amount, I can tell you how much you don't want to be drinking moldy beers.
Starting point is 00:30:25 I actually decided to buy camelback stock because of how many of them I was going through. But it's all about hands-free for hydration, you know? Otherwise, it tastes like you're drinking out of a dirty beer line, which honestly, sometimes that gives a nice little aftertaste. Or you get a little extra buzz from that. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Can I ask you guys one more quick question?
Starting point is 00:30:48 Sure, Mike. Yeah. We're not going anywhere. We're just sitting there. Honestly sitting at a bar drinking beer and booze right now. So we really got nothing going on. So go ahead. That's terrific, man. Okay. For leaf blower battery power or gas power. I go battery all the way. And I tell you why, because you can get a set. You can get a hedge trimmer, and then you use the same battery on it, and it's good.
Starting point is 00:31:17 And they actually charge pretty good these days. Honestly, even ice augers, these days they're all going. Yeah, the electric ice augerer I 100% would go for. Yeah. Now, the one downside to the electric leaf blower is, I'm all gas, no brakes. That's a guy when it comes to a leaf blower. Yeah. And so I got that thing on the turbo button the entire time.
Starting point is 00:31:38 And that drains the battery pretty fast. And sometimes I can't always get around my entire house on the full turbo. So so I'm to think about it, if you're all gas and all bricks like I am, and I think you are, you're spending $2,500 on a mower. I want to think about gas to get all the way around the house. I will say this, not to contradict miles right now, but you get yourself two batteries. That solves the whole problem. Also is one's charging while the others work in working and then you mix a match and you're
Starting point is 00:32:07 good to go. So if you're a guy who can remember to just put the battery on the charger, really you're going to spend your time doing one of two things. Put in your battery on the charger or go into the filling station to get yourself more gas. So it's up to you, Mike, we're not here to judge. We just here to God in a couple different directions. Sounds good boys you've been more than helpful. Okay, right. That's your YouTube all the time and you guys are hilarious. Oh, thank you. We'll have to get up to Canada to show up there. We do gotta do a Canadian tour. Thank you so much. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 00:32:45 Watch out. Come up here and do some stand up for something. And you can crash in my place. We love the crash of your play. We'll crash there before you buy this sucker and tell your wife about it. How's that sound? Okay.
Starting point is 00:32:56 I don't want to be in the middle of a fight. But watch out for G. Yeah. Okay, Mike. I will. Thanks a lot, guys. All right. Real good.
Starting point is 00:33:04 You too. He's a nice guy. You know, talk more is all day if I need to. Yeah. I mean, the market for getting a beggar on the back. Or you get in a beggar. Yeah. I think I got to. I don't think so. You just let that shit sit there. It's mulch. Yeah, but I want like if like you're having a party at your house,
Starting point is 00:33:22 you kind of mulch everywhere. I don't grass got to be looking good. I don't care. I don't care. I don't care. You, I think you care more about the look you're on than I do. I think that's probably, I've seen you're on. Yeah, it's pretty, pretty pathetic. Sitting here with David, David, how you doing?
Starting point is 00:33:38 I'm doing real good, Charlie. How about you? I'm doing good. You got yourself a nice high life. It was a rough day. I deserve it. Yeah, why was it a rough day? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:46 Why is it so rough? Everything's jacked up in the economy. You know, work is just work. Just leave it at that, I guess. Work is work. We all know what that means. That's right. Socks.
Starting point is 00:33:56 Where do you work? I work at home. Yeah. So I guess it could be worse. You got a wife and kids at all. I got the little lady right there. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:34:08 Okay. She's here. She is. All right. I'm going to steer this direction, this conversation, a different direction. Appreciate it. Thank you. So you love working at home with your family.
Starting point is 00:34:17 Yeah. It's wonderful. Yeah. Same room, same office we both work. She's listening more. Yeah. What's really going on? What's terrible about working at home? I? Can't have no really complaints. I mean, but the job just work itself in general
Starting point is 00:34:31 So I'm in fire protection, so we do inspections and such cheers to that my my grandpa was in that he was in the fire Insurance deal. There's a fire. He comes in and specks. He says yeah, you burnt your house down. That's how it goes all right So you came on to buy selling trade something. What do house down. That's how it goes. All right. So you came on to buy selling trades. I'm what do you need? What do you want? So all right. I have a as a 40 some year old bachelor I bought during the COVID, a four lane H.O. Slot car track for your house.
Starting point is 00:34:59 So I have my buddies come over and you know, we get to have get together. There's and it's four lanes. It's on a 10 by five foot track. It's awesome, but it's time to go. It's time to go next time to go. Oh, no, do you want to buy it? I want to sell, or I mean, do you want to trade it or sell it? I would be willing to trade it for some type
Starting point is 00:35:17 of arcade machine for the house to replace it is something with a smaller footprint. All right. But otherwise I am looking to get about $500 for it. $500. I'm gonna be honest, I don't, I'm not up to date on the market for one of those, so I don't know what they're going for these days,
Starting point is 00:35:34 but in my head that seems steep, but it's an impressive piece of technology too though. It is. It's awesome. It's got a shit ton of exp, sorry, a whole bunch of extra track that I'm not currently using and the I've won't use it maybe a dozen times paid over a gram for it. Some for half price. I think my pretty starting point. You know, some folks don't know what this is though. Can you explain it to your
Starting point is 00:35:57 average person who does a little like this is there about the size of a hot wheels car and it's a electro magnetic track that drives them around and there's three different speeds. So you got one for the little whipper snappers, you got one for medium folks and then you got the real high one that's real fast. And four different lanes goes through turns and all kinds of good stuff. So basically you're racing little hot wheel cars that are specifically made for the truck. So you and your buddies have a couple beers. And you start racing them. And you see who can you really can't count laps because everybody's terrible, but it's who stays on the track the longest. Now I got asked this before we get yeah. And that's how life goes, right? Who can keep it on the tracks the longest. Very good miles. It's pretty successful. It's philosophical. It's just a big here, though, is it you that wants to sell it or
Starting point is 00:36:45 to someone else want you to sell it? It is totally me. When I talk about selling it, she makes it be known that it's not her call. She doesn't give a crap, but it's got to go. We're moving time to downsize. All right. Let me ask you this now. Yes, sir. Do you gamble on this? Do you put some money on the line? We've been known to do that. All right, and have you come out ahead or behind? I'm guessing behind if you want to sell it. No, about break even. I can't even say that. Well, it's my track. So I have a lot more track time on it, plus I had one when I was a kid. So I haven't lost much.
Starting point is 00:37:19 Well, here's another question. If I'm a potential buyer, is there a way I can maybe juice my odds a little bit? So when I'm playing with my friends, I usually end up coming on top of the track. Which track should he take? Well, is there a way to juice their odds? Absolutely. The inside track is a little bit shorter,
Starting point is 00:37:38 so you want to start with that one. And then you could, if you really wanted to be dirty, turn the power down on two of the tracks to make them medium or low, and then you're high high and then you're going to do low and doors, you know. Piki blinders type of shit. Yeah, yeah. Fixed in races, you know. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:52 It's a good move. Yeah. So that's the item that I have to, legitimately was going to take pictures of today to list. Well, why don't you take some pictures, send it over to us and we'll go full screen on it right now. All right. And now let me ask you this, when you sell it, is this somewhere you'll deliver it or do they have to come to you to pick it up? If they just want the track, I can deliver it.
Starting point is 00:38:18 That will fit in the Saturn. If they want the table that goes on, that will not fit in the Saturn. Okay. Yeah. Okay. The other question, are you willing to raise someone for pink slips on the track? Ooh, this is a fast and furious question right now. Yeah, would you be willing to raise for pinks? Yeah. This is one of the question.
Starting point is 00:38:37 It may be for a discount. Okay. And you can beat him. You can get it out of discount. I like that. What's your favorite hot wheels car? Like the just hot wheels are the H.O. cars that I have at home. I'm sorry those cars. Yeah. Okay. I got like a 57 Chevy. That's just it's all blacked out. It's awesome. That's probably my
Starting point is 00:38:58 favorite. Matt black. Yes. Matt actually does Matt black. It's not the fastest car, but it's just the dopest one. It's the coolest. Well, for sure. real good. Well, it's the fastest if you fix the race. Yeah, the fastest car I have is an Indie car. Oh, that one is, I mean, that does add up. That's usually how it goes in real life too. For sure. Compared. So I think you start fixing raises between now and a few weeks from now from when this comes out. Okay, make some money back. All right. We can get it to a more manageable price course. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:33 With the extra cash that you've been fixing, Rasons on. Yeah, because you may, I mean, you may only get a buyer for $2.50 and we got to make up that gap in the next few weeks. I could definitely make the arrangements for that. All right. Well, that sounds good. Well, we're glad we could help you. Anything else, you know, bite nature, crawl that we can help you out with.
Starting point is 00:39:53 You look very fashionable. So no fashion advice necessary. Just looking forward to bucks taking series tonight. Like you are qualified to give fashion advice. Anyways, what are you talking about? I know a good looking guy when I see one. No, I'm saying you're, you said it doesn't be fashion advice. He shouldn't be getting it from us.
Starting point is 00:40:12 No, he shouldn't. So look at us. I'm wearing sweatpants right now. I mean, I'm feeling great. Well, when I was working, I was wearing sweatpants too. So. Well, then. And now you're, he's all business at the bar.
Starting point is 00:40:23 Yeah, thank you. Those are some nice wranglers you got on there. Thank you. Not a sponsor just you know, I can tell. I just a fan of Brett Farve, you know. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, well, thanks for coming on. Appreciate you having me. I get this baby sold for you as soon as we can. I appreciate it. I'll get some pictures. Where, where can they do it if they're interested? You got an email? I do. Uh, uh, don't give us the Yahoo. Do not give us the big email. Don't give us the hot mail.
Starting point is 00:40:52 We want that Gmail. I'll have it. I'm not giving on my. I give him my, you got my first and last full name spelling. I don't know. What do you think we're doing here? Take a look for it on the Facebook marketplace for Milwaukee. Okay. Or a Craigslist, if it comes
Starting point is 00:41:07 down to that, I'd rather not. Yeah. What do you mean? I'll figure out a way. Craigslist is a fantastic clip. I'm sick at Craigslist getting so much crap, honestly. Craigslist. Yeah. It's a little dirty sometimes. Well, you just said that in your email. Thank you. Thank you. You sound like you invented Craigslist connections. Yeah, miss connection Jesus he dirty bastard get the hell out of here, all right Maybe we'll sell a sack I mean track yeah Thanks for coming on We'll find a way to get people to connect with you. Yeah. Hey, cheers. Yeah, good seeing you too. Okay. Enjoy your high. Yeah, that a boy. That a boy. I like that. Yeah. And you drink half your beer while you were here. I like that. Cheers to you. Okay.
Starting point is 00:42:00 Well, this was a fun pot. What a great color that one. Hey, if you're in Milwaukee, make sure you get on over to Walzki's. Okay, they got some fantastic beers on tap. They got great service here. Make sure you tip your bartender and we wanna thank them for laying us. Before we close it out, Charlie, I got some to ask you.
Starting point is 00:42:19 Oh, the bell rang. Oh, you know what that means. So Charlie, tell me about your circumcision. Well, thank you. Um, you know, it was a long time ago. And I don't remember the exact moment. There was a lot of bright lights. I don't know. Right. A lot of parents were there. It was a lot of tears. It was good to get it done early. So I didn't remember it as much. Yeah, smart. Yeah. And then if you get older, you know, if you get past the It was good to get it done early so I didn't remember it as much.
Starting point is 00:42:45 Yeah, and then if you get older, you know, if you get past the point of 13 when natural things start happening, then you've got some skin, you know, it gets a little, there's some movement going on which can affect the stitching. I hope that puts you under if you're 13, honestly. I think they put you under if you're 13, honestly. I think they do. Honestly, again, I don't think this was the best topic for us to talk about because I don't know if you know this. I'm not a medical professional. Me neither.
Starting point is 00:43:13 So this is not medical advice. No. Don't try this at home, guys. No. Even if you have the device that Charlie has, don't try this at home. Contact a medical professional. I sold it at a show.
Starting point is 00:43:26 Actually, oh, well, then they're good to go somewhere in Ohio. Someone has it. I think Columbus Columbus or Dayton. Someone's got that device. Yeah, that sounds like Ohio doesn't it? Does. Yeah. Well, how's your mom going to like this episode?
Starting point is 00:43:41 No, I can't. I can't. I didn't think so. Yeah, that's how I'll go. Sorry, moms. Hey, just two guys belly it up to the bar, talking stuff. So. Yeah, real good.
Starting point is 00:43:53 Hey, if you want to be a caller on the next one, make sure you follow us. Instagram Stories is where we go first. Yep. To post the number, to call into what the topic is for the day. Keep calling. If we don't answer, we're probably on another call. We would love to take more than one call at once. That would actually be that's the next level of technology where we get a few few callers all at once and everyone's just trying to help each other out. Well, I'd love
Starting point is 00:44:18 to get a buyer or a seller up here. And then we're taking callers for people to want by it. Because you know, we ask them for their emails and they're giving us like their their Yahoo accounts. I like that. Sound real. Well, come on. Give us the Gmail. Give us that real shit or stuff.
Starting point is 00:44:35 I swore. That's all right. You already already talked about your own circumcision. So I think we're, I think we're past that point. So should I should I disclose that I've been circumcised? I know. Well, I think that's pretty obvious. Has that train left the station?
Starting point is 00:44:51 Yeah. Anyway, what can you do? All right. Watch out for deer. And tell your folks I says hi. Yeah, and all the boys are buzzard. Buy your merch, man. To walkmanattackcom.
Starting point is 00:45:04 Bye. And all the boys are buzzard by your merch, man. To Thanks. Bye.

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