Bellied Up - #7 Charlie’s Secret Fishing Recipe

Episode Date: July 21, 2022

Presented By Fleet Farm In this episode we are at Big Erv's in Horace, ND. Our first caller asks what's the best fishing recipe, Our next caller is wondering how to deal with his moody kid, our last c...aller is wondering when you should stop investing, after winning big on pull tabs.     VENMO: @Eric-Dobervich

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All right, guys, welcome back to the Bellyduck podcast presented by Fleet Farm. Charlie, we're here. We are here. Thanks for that intro. I am joined by my gracious and humble guest, Charlie Burns. Thank you, Miles. And I'm joined by just a fantastic human being. Good looking guy.
Starting point is 00:00:20 Good looking fella. Just trimmed his beard. Yeah. Yeah, I showed up at Miles' house today, you know, in typical Miles' fashion, I was like, all right, I'll be there at 11. I was there at 20 minutes late, but then he goes, come to my house,
Starting point is 00:00:32 and then 40 minutes after I get to his house, he gets out of the shower finally. Oh, yeah, 40 minutes, that's a little. He smells good and his beard is trimming. Well, the other option was, did you want me to shower or not? I think you'd want me to shower. Yeah, I mean, in this close proximity, that is nice.
Starting point is 00:00:51 So I do appreciate you considering me in some ways. What were you doing this morning? I had a workout this morning. Oh, did you? And then your trainer. Yeah, he comes to my house, otherwise I can can't I won't be able to work out so Now I want to say this you have a great setup in your garage For training. It's like tied to your wall tether to the garage wall. Is that what you're using?
Starting point is 00:01:16 Yeah, I got the PRX equipment. That's also a Fargo company That's cool. Just folds up on the wall. You can still get your car in there I really like that. That's a Fargo company that does. I should get that in my garage. You gotta check it out. It's pretty good system. Yeah, I got one of those old school grages though where, you know, I don't know that that's gonna fit on the wall.
Starting point is 00:01:36 It's not as nice of a garage as you're actually. Oh, well, you can make it work. Okay. Make it work. But guys, we're here in Fargo, North Dakota at, wow, Fargo, we're in Horace, North Dakota, which is just south of Fargo, North Dakota at, well Fargo, we're in Horace, North Dakota, which is just south of Fargo.
Starting point is 00:01:48 Yeah. We're at Big Herbs. What do you think of Big Herbs? I like Big Herbs a lot. First of all, we're here on a Monday, and it is packed. Yeah. And it's been packed.
Starting point is 00:01:59 And it got more packed. I just looked around as like holy smokes. A lot of construction shirts here. That's nice. Nice to see you know, probably on their lunch break. Yep. And it's nice to be here. I ordered a line. He's myself and they didn't even ask, but they gave me the tallest glass in the bar. It took one look at you. So that guy needs a stiff drink. That guy needs a stiff drink. Yeah. Now it's a long morning for me. I woke up at the tip of Wisconsin Bayfield.
Starting point is 00:02:25 Look at my hand. I'll show you on the end, man. Right at the middle finger. That's where I was. You went from the tip of Wisconsin all the way to Fargo this morning. Yeah. And I'll tell you this much, I have never crossed such a small portion of the Mississippi River. What do you mean? I mean, when you cross the Mississippi River that far north, it looks like just a normal river. Oh, really? Yeah. I guess I've never crossed that far north. Yeah, no, because every time you cross the Mississippi,
Starting point is 00:02:51 it's like, wow, that is a river. Now, yeah, that is the Mississippi River. Yeah, now you go. There's no mistake in it. It's like, that is the MISS, ISS, IPPI. Congratulations on your spelling. I think it was wonderful. But the farther north you go, the more it's just you could miss it.
Starting point is 00:03:07 You could miss the Mississippi. You could you could M.I.S.S.S. the I.S.S.I.P.P.I. I like that. Yeah, that was good. That was right off the top of the dome. It's early, but you you're dialed in right now. Thank you. I got there.
Starting point is 00:03:22 So talk to me a little bit. Last time you're in Fargo, you were pretty unimpressed with the landscape. That was North Dakota. I would not say unimpressed. It first of all was winter and it looked like we were landing on the moon. And I don't think anyone can disagree with that. I wasn't, I was if anything impressed by it. And if anything, less convinced that we did actually land on the moon. I think they just shot it in North Dakota. Yeah, yeah
Starting point is 00:03:50 Yeah, I mean honestly, we can't rule that out Let's throw let's get on reddit and we're gonna throw out that conspiracy in the ring amongst the other ones about the moon That'll be fantastic. I'm sure that they'll have a field day. Have a field day with those. Field day. Because those are fields. Hey, I do want to mention one more thing about the moon while we're on it. And then yes, this does have to do with my binoculars. But I've got this great set of binoculars that you can actually look at the moon with.
Starting point is 00:04:16 And now these are my bird watching binoculars. But you look at the moon. Well, I've looked through them. They're great binoculars. Have you looked at the moon with them? No, I haven't. But I'm just going to throw it out there. You do have to do that. That's really all I wanted to throw in there. What do you eat the moon if it was made of cheese? Yeah. You would.
Starting point is 00:04:32 I did anything for as many cheese. Well, not anything. When I said that, now I started thinking of some gross things and, yeah, well, that's the, you probably don't like Harry Carey because you know your Wisconsin guy the is the I know he is. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I know. I mean he is a classic Midwest figure. I do like him quite a bit. Yeah, I like Bob Euker better, but I mean Harry Carey hard to hard to beat is to character. Yeah, what it what why do you bring him up? Oh, because Will Will Ferrell did is like yeah, SNL skid and I was one of the questions He asked why do you hate the moon if it was made a change?
Starting point is 00:05:12 I'm like, I don't know why that's even a question But what else what else about North Dakota stands out to you? other than not much well You see the landscape change. When you go from Wisconsin, okay, and you go through Minnesota, you see lush trees, like borderline Canada type stuff, you know? And you're like, wow, there's probably a lot of bugs out there.
Starting point is 00:05:39 And then you get here to North Dakota, and you're like, I don't know where the bugs would live. You know, you got it. Well, they're here. I know they're here. They're there. They're there. There's a lot of wind here too.
Starting point is 00:05:52 So that that that they're flying places. Although I will say one last thing on this, I was at a gas station and there was the biggest moth type bird creature I've ever seen in my life, just chilling out right, right by the pump, like not on the pump, on the ground, almost ran it over. Surprised I didn't. I thought it was dead. I touched it with my finger. It gave me a flap and then just stayed there.
Starting point is 00:06:17 I don't know if it was wounded or not. Do you know what this moth creature is? No, I'm not sure. No. I hope there's an insect Person out there who knows what I'm talking about because it's really an amazing creature. Yeah, I said riveting stuff at the gas station Yeah, I'm just yeah, I'm here delivering That's my news report of the morning. Yes It can always count on you Charlie for bringing the
Starting point is 00:06:40 controversial topics What insect is this? Mm-hmm. We don't even have a photo of it. We just have an audio description of it. Yeah, it looked like a very big moth, a big brown mooney-type pad and some big flappers. I mean, if this one hit your windshield, I don't think your windshield would survive.
Starting point is 00:07:00 Are you sure it wasn't just a small bird? No, yes, I am. I am positive. I was well up close and personal with it. It was in the moth family, but big, big about about you take your thumb and your first finger and you stretch it as wide as you can. And that's a little too big. Now just make a little bit of a sea with your thumb and then just figure finger and
Starting point is 00:07:23 that's all the insect people. There's a ton of you out there. I know there's a Reddit form for that too. Maybe we throw you a photo of your finger in the C formation on there. See if we can identify this large moth. Yeah, I would be very interested. Talk to me about your gas station routine. Are you someone who once you swipe the card? Yeah. Are you sitting in the car while filling? Are you standing? Are you chatting? Depends if anyone's looking. If no one was looking, if no one was looking, you know what I would do. I would toss the deal in the thing. I would start filling my car and I would walk into the store and purchase items. But I was like, well, you're not supposed to do that. Absolutely. And I tell you why
Starting point is 00:08:09 you're not supposed to do that because I was in Omaha, Nebraska. I was out there for a show and I got a little lazy with it. And I was out there with my buddy and I thought he was taking care of it. Actually, I didn't think at all. I was just like, whatever. And then I look out the window and gas is pouring all over the, yeah. How? You're not sick of it in there far enough? No, it just, it overflowed. That's why you have to stay with your pump. You cannot go into the store. That's a cautionary tale. What do you do? Do you sit in your truck?
Starting point is 00:08:39 I'll sit in the truck or I'll just stand there. Um, also, I got a lot of garbage in my truck at all times. I've noticed. Yeah. And so I'm a big throw away all the garbage while you're at the pump. Oh, saving time. Yes. Are you two for one is what we call that? Have you ever thought about folding the clothes in the back of your car? No, because that would be, it just wouldn't be worth it. No, it wouldn't because you have this amazing wrinkle guard. So this is, I come walking up to Miles' truck and he's spraying his shirt. The wrinkly is shirt I've ever seen in my life. He's spraying the front of it. He's like, yeah, there's stuff's amazing. And I look at the front of your shirt. No wrinkles, but back. Because a little, I need you to spray my back next. Yeah, it's not so that's a thing. I
Starting point is 00:09:26 Instead of fixing the real problem that is organization Doing your laundry and folding it or hanging it immediately so it doesn't get wrinkly Instead I found a band-aid that is the wrinkle spray That really has saved the day and it's good it worked on My t-shirt it worked really good and I do think you put a good. It worked on my t-shirt. It worked really good. And I do think you put a sweatshirt on, so it didn't matter. I know.
Starting point is 00:09:49 I know. It's all right, though. It's a nice looking fleet farm. How do you got on there? I'm kind of jealous. Yeah. Well, it's warm. You can have it.
Starting point is 00:09:57 Did you use burp? Yeah. Yeah. We're drinking at the bar. You're going to have a few burps, Charles. Yeah. Do you didn't have to blow it in my general direction? I'm sorry. That was uncalled for. Yeah. But yeah, I think we're going to have a few burps, Charles. Yeah. Do you didn't have to blow it in my general direction? I'm sorry. That was that was uncalled for. Yeah. Um, but yeah, I think we're going to have a good
Starting point is 00:10:08 host of callers today. People belly in up to the bar. Yeah, I'm excited. And so I think what we should do is just take a few callers and have a couple more beers and keep her moving as you would say. Oh, yeah. Yeah, that's you betcha. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. All right, let's take some callers, get her done. Hello. How's it going?
Starting point is 00:10:32 What do we got on the line? This is Dalton. Dalton. How are you doing, man? Dalton from Minnesota, yeah. Dalton from Minnesota. Where are you from? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:43 New all-menus soda. Oh, yeah. We located a brainer. Oh, Minnesota? Yeah. New all Minnesota. Oh, we located a brainer. Oh, brainer. That's smack dab right in the center of Minnesota, Charlie. I drove, I think I drove through brainer today. Probably you probably did. I passed the Paul Bunn in where you can sit on his hand. Is that a brainer? Yeah. I pass right by you today. Well done, I'm glad today. Yeah, today, I just few hours ago, right after I went over the Mississippi.
Starting point is 00:11:08 Well, thanks a lot, man, all you're coming through. Yeah, what a great job. I'm sorry, Dalton. Next time I tell you I'm coming through. All right, next time I bring it. Yeah, we appreciate you calling in, Dalton, the ones you belly up to the bar with us and tell us what's on your mind.
Starting point is 00:11:22 Well, so I was trying out some walleye for lunch today. Yeah, you're eating good today, then. I love a good walleye story. And so I know Charlie loves his walleye. So Charlie, what's your go to like how do you cook it? What oil you use in? You got a special batter. What's what's your charm?
Starting point is 00:11:44 Sure. Well, Hey, Dalton, this is a slippery slope. I don't know if Charlie wants to do the secret barren's family recipe on the walleye, but maybe we'll be barren's family recipe. Well, I tell you what my dad does. I tell you what my dad does. Now we go out there, we get in this just happen.
Starting point is 00:12:00 I was in the chippel of flowage and I got myself a nice 17 inch walleye. Okay, now that is a good eating walleye. It's right in the slide. Nice little slab. Yeah. Nice. So then you got to decide right away. How are you cleaning it? Are you going to filet it or you're doing you're gutting it and scaling it. Now I clean them. Okay, I do filets. So you and you filet you know how to filet fish, right? You got that down pat. Oh yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:12:25 So anyway, then we're just dealing with what I do at that point is you got your plays and then you dip it into the shore lunch and typically I'm going cation. Okay. Now you got to make sure you got your thumbs ready because cation is going to have that little happen. Yeah. That'll keep you sweating at night. Okay.
Starting point is 00:12:44 So it's just it's just a couple, a light breading. So have you ever thought about just crushing up the thumbs and using that as part of the breading? It's actually not a bad idea right there. That could be, but they're flavored and I don't want to interrupt the case. You're right. You're right. Sensation. Just, I am just trying to try new ideas. No, it is nice. It is nice. But if you crush it up, and well, I won't even go there. But anyway, if you just dip it lightly on both sides and then get yourself a deep fryer. Now, you got to be careful with the deep fryer's because that's where a lot of hot fires start. You know, so never like do a deep fryer when it's raining. Don't do it in your garage. Do it
Starting point is 00:13:19 far away from anything. You don't want to burn because fires can happen. But then you rest it in the oil and you can use whatever oil you want, vegetable oil, peanut oil, vegetable oil, vegetable oil is what we use. It's a little cheaper. Okay. And then you put that in there. And when they float, they're done. When them wallets float to the top, they're done. Okay. So pop them off. And what I also like to do before, before you get to cook in the wall, you want to practice. I also like to do before before you get to cook in the wall, you want to practice get a potato slice up the potato very thin, okay, and then just drop that into the oil. It'll float to the top. You got potato chips. Okay, and you can practice while you practice, then you also got a snack while
Starting point is 00:13:57 you're waiting exactly walleye to get done. Exactly. And by the way, you do man the fryer, you do man the fryer. Yeah. And you put the potato skins in, they are going to cook longer than the fish. Okay, when they float, they are done, but the fish, it should only be a minute or two or three. Okay, I'm not sure which I'm usually drink it, but again, when they float, they're done, don't let them go too long, but then you're really going to enjoy
Starting point is 00:14:21 that deep fried walleye. Oh yeah, see them salt right away. Oh, a lot of pressure to light. Well, so the nice thing about the Cajun stuff is that's all pre-seasoned. Now professionals have their own seasoning and I thought you were going to have a whole seasoning recipe for me here. No, I just like doing the shore lunch. Now you can do it on the pan and you can pan fry it.
Starting point is 00:14:44 And then I there's, pepper, obviously a little heat. You gotta add a little cayenne pepper, okay? And then a lemon and that'll get it going pretty good. But when it comes to cooking fish like that, I'd leave it up to the professionals. I'm basically only good at deep frying it, really. Understandable, Understandable. Are you Carter and no Carter?
Starting point is 00:15:08 Oh, yeah. You got to do Tarte and you got to do apple sauce and also potato pancakes. You get a little cheese grater and great up the potatoes and then slap them together, you know, with some eggs and whatnot. Now, how were you cooking your wall eyes before you called up? So move recently, right? And I just threw
Starting point is 00:15:28 some oil in the cast iron. I was kind of fryer. And I just, you know, went with the regular shore lunch. Oh, well that works. I mean, we're pretty much talking the same deal there. So you're doing good. Now, how big was that wall? I that you caught. Oh, there's about 17 inches. Yeah. Wow. We both got a 17 inch. Yeah, that means it was probably like a 14, you know, you know, you're a fisherman. Fisherman. He's a fisherman.
Starting point is 00:15:52 Yeah, I'm on the line. Yeah, he don't lie about. Well, you're the first guy ever. Yeah. Um, what else you got going on? You're doing a little fishing. I mean, it's a Monday. Are you you're not working today or what got going on? You're doing a little fishing. I mean, it's a Monday. Are you not working today or what's going on?
Starting point is 00:16:10 No, no, I'm not working. And I got a pretty nice gig going right now. I don't really have to work till about August. What's the gig that you don't have to work till August? I'm an athletic trainer. I'm sure Miles knows what that is. Oh yeah, oh yeah. Yeah, because Miles' professional ankle taper is what he is.
Starting point is 00:16:30 Well, I tried my back. What's the fastest ankle you've ever taped? How many seconds? How many seconds? I think I can hit a minute. Okay. I usually don't try to go too quick. I don't want to mess up.
Starting point is 00:16:43 I don't want to give him a blisters, you know. Yeah. But I think I was in the zone. I think I could to mess up. I don't want to give him blisters, you know. Yeah, but I was in the zone. I think I could crush a minute. Okay, that's pretty good. Yeah, I like that. Yeah. So yeah, you got the summer break. You're basically living the trophy husband type
Starting point is 00:16:57 of lifestyle right now. Yeah. Yeah, I mean, I don't got a wife, but girlfriend. Okay, same thing. It works out. Yeah. Living the, living the, it feels like it's staying home dad life,
Starting point is 00:17:10 but just not married smart. It's your girlfriend like your walleye. You're 17. Yeah, she loves it. Yeah. Now, if we, if we got her on this podcast and ask if it was a 17 inch walleye, do you think she would agree that a 17 inch walleye or? She's not here right now.
Starting point is 00:17:30 So I, oh, yeah, I think you would agree. Okay. All right. All right. You're not stretching it or anything. Are you? No. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:17:39 Yeah. Of course not. Okay. Real good. Well, that's 15 and a half. There we got it. We knew. Oh, 16 and a half. Okay, sure. Sure. What you catch it up? What you catch it up? Just, it's actually my buddy, Alex is Rob shout out to him. Yeah. His rod. Nice. He's your buddy's rod. Just
Starting point is 00:18:01 the black guy has with a white Mr. Twister. Oh, yeah, Mr. Twisters. Now are you lying to us about that? No, of course not. Okay. What, like, did you catch it on? All right, Charlie, jeez. And after this, could you send us the GPS location of where you caught in that? I tell you what I tell you what it is by an old gentleman's club. Oh
Starting point is 00:18:40 Now it has been down in the past couple of years. Oh, it is a little little clue. We're playing a year later. The Minnesota is podcast. A roll known area to the locals. OK. I was just says podcast. So Aaron, he'll go out to go catch a 17 inch walleye and there'll be eight other boats there. Yeah. 10.
Starting point is 00:18:56 10. I'm sure. Oh, it's a good crappy spot to come on. Tell me the late. Is it is it leech lake? Were you out there on leech lake? Were you out there on leech lake? That's too far north I think. I just passed
Starting point is 00:19:09 leech lake today too. It's a little more than same cloud area. Yeah. Oh, oh, okay. Hey, we don't got a press room. I'd tell you what. Charlie, do you take highway 10 today? I, you know, I, I don't want to disclose that, you know, out this close, out this close that information. When you tell me what like you caught this, yeah, but we have a, uh,
Starting point is 00:19:35 I got a little location standoff, right? Yeah. You tell me, you show me your side show you my, huh? Probably drove right over where I caught it. Oh, honestly, not that many gentlemen's club in rural Minnesota. He told you'll find it pretty easy. You hear what you said to drove right over. He caught it under the bridge. Yeah, he caught it under a bridge.
Starting point is 00:19:58 Do you have a boat? I don't. Okay, so he caught it under the bridge. That's what. Thank you very much, Don, and we got that out of it. I had an audio there. Yeah. All right. Well, thanks for thanks for calling. Yeah, we might have. He's now he started like, this is fun. I'll get a recipe, whatever. And then by the end where he's pissed at us because we just gave away
Starting point is 00:20:21 his fishing location. They got 17 inches over there. because we just gave away his fishing location. They got 17 inches over there. Apparently it doesn't let me know he's found him. Yeah, that is true. He was being kind of a jerk and letting you know he was coming through old Brainer, Minnesota. So you just keep a lookout under that bridge.
Starting point is 00:20:35 If there's crappies and wallets, there's charles. I tell you what, Charlie, if the bike's hot next time I'm there, I'll let you know. There you go. That's a good man. I appreciate that, Dalton. Thank you very much. Well, Dalton, we appreciate you calling in, man.
Starting point is 00:20:48 This is great. Yeah. It was good. Charlie, thanks for the help. Yeah, you bet you I'm here. Thanks for the advice on the wall eyes, OK? No problem. We'll see you under the bridge.
Starting point is 00:21:01 Yep. We'll see you under the bridge. See you, man. Hi. Well, see under the bridge means different things in different scenarios, different things to different people. That's not what the Red Hat Chili Peppers were singing. No, no, no, under the bridge. In the Midwest, that's the we're going fishing under the bridge. We're not doing anything else. That'd be a good parody song, though. Midwest under the bridge.
Starting point is 00:21:24 Yeah, yeah, I think it's a good one. Yeah. But that was a good, good guy. Yeah, it's good. Anytime someone has a fishing related question, you just ask enough questions around sort of the thing. Yeah, you don't go, hey, where? I'm right.
Starting point is 00:21:40 Yeah, you go like, well, like what kind of, you know, when you're fishing, really, it's about the beauty around you. Like what kind of trees you got out there, stuff like that. Yeah, and did you see that one house, you know? But finding out where they in a boat or not is a good indicator. That is, I never even thought about that. Yeah, I didn't think about that.
Starting point is 00:21:57 Before we go take the next color, yeah. You gotta get a secret ingredient that you're giving out, and then you can, you know, it's like Charlie's secret ingredient. I know. I got to be like cinnamon or something like that. You got to add it to the rest of the sample. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:11 Something unexpected, but that doesn't taste awful. I got to experiment a little more truthfully. Yeah. You know, well, we're cooking fish for a lot of people. So it tends to become a mass produced type thing. Yeah. I feel that. What do we got here?
Starting point is 00:22:26 This is Chris from Ripon, California. Chris from Ripon, California. Are you ripping and roaring now? Not too much. It's just, it's almost too hot to be ripping a roaring. Well, that's what you get when you're in California. Where is Ripon in the California state? Where we don't know where the Midwest guys so
Starting point is 00:22:50 Well, the best way I can describe it unfortunately is obviously we're in 49er country We're probably a couple hour an hour away from San Francisco. Oh, okay nice. It's so pretty hot there right now Yeah, she's a away from the coast. Oh, okay. I gotta get my, you know, there's a rip in Wisconsin, actually. And now that I think about, I think you may be the second person to call in from Ripon, California. Yeah, wasn't there someone else? Yeah. Yeah. You had the wonderful pleasure of talking to my wife for a couple of weeks. Oh, that's it. That's it. This is great. Oh, now we're getting the other side of the coin. So what what do you? We are she was the AT&T gal, right? So if you guys got it if you guys got a new provider since the last time Uh, no, but not yet. We're working on it though fella. Yeah, you gotta get different service provider. Yeah, some of that works over there and rip in what are you doing in rip in today?
Starting point is 00:24:04 Yeah, some of that works over there and rip and what are you doing in rip and today? Well, I got off this morning from work so I'm just kind of doing the honey do list right now. What's on the list? Yeah, here we go Well, we're building an outdoor purgula right now so I'm finishing up the work before it gets too hot And I'll go slowly with my little daughters and how many times you've been the heart to the hardware store today? Just one. Yeah, well, there's a lot of day left, yeah. What? When you left, you say, I'll see you guys later today. Oh yeah, we love the videos that you guys make
Starting point is 00:24:41 and I'm always quoting them through my girls. You know, I'm thinking about just going back to the hardware because I forgot some screws or something like that. You know, yeah, you'll be back. So are you a handy fella? I guess I am. I think I am. You could ask my wife that probably. Well, yeah, we're not saying yes in the background. Oh, no, tell her we says hi, by the way. have to say yes in the background. Oh, no, tell her we says hi, by the way. I will, I will.
Starting point is 00:25:06 So I just wanted to call and ask for some advice. Yes. Belly up to the bar, Thomas, what's on your mind? I'm dealing with my two beautiful children and one's a preteen and I wanted to know that the attitude is coming already. So how do I handle that situation? Well, do you have a garage one?
Starting point is 00:25:28 Yeah. Do you have the garage fridge filled with beer? Yeah. Well, then you're set. Just go to the garage, let the wife deal with the attitude. And you just have a couple of two tree beers in there and you're good to go. And I will like it. Oh, you do like that advice.
Starting point is 00:25:48 Well, you know what? We'll settle with that. We'll settle with that. Oh, no, you're a huge Charlie. I'll teach Charlie. What's going on? What can I do? Is your, this is your oldest, yeah?
Starting point is 00:26:01 Correct. Guy or gal, boy or girl? Gal. OK. Now'm not a guy. I'm not a guy. I'm not a guy. I'm not a guy. I'm not a guy. I'm not a guy. I'm not a guy. I'm not a guy. I'm not a guy.
Starting point is 00:26:10 I'm not a guy. I'm not a guy. I'm not a guy. I'm not a guy. I'm not a guy. I'm not a guy. I'm not a guy. I'm not a guy.
Starting point is 00:26:18 I'm not a guy. I'm not a guy. I'm not a guy. I'm not a guy. I'm not a guy. I'm not a guy. I'm not a guy. I'm not a guy. I'm not a guy. I'm not a guy. I'm not a guy. for anybody else's daughters, but my sisters, they're a handful each in their own unique way. But you love them, right? Oh, I love them. They're the best. I love them. I don't
Starting point is 00:26:30 always like them, but I love them. No, they're great. They really are. But you know, problems will will will occur, especially at that age. So what is the issue that uh... your daughter is dealing with right now well you have a few three hours i'm not i mean a little well let me ask you let me ask you this question is she more like her mother or more like her father well she was that the life of the right almost right next to me i'm going to
Starting point is 00:26:59 say more like me yeah so i were gonna need you to head out to the garage so we can have a real conversation. I can do that. I can do that. I'm just kidding. So yeah, I mean, it's just general attitude at everything, right? It's what you're going through. Yeah, you know, the eyes rolling, they, I call our Google sometimes because she knows more than Google. Oh, like argue with me. Yeah, I mean, that's the music.
Starting point is 00:27:32 That I mean, that's the that's the risk you run having a kid. It's a 50 50 is it going to be like mom or be like dad and you know, that's why you got to be ready. But what you should say, what I would say is what my mom said to my dad growing up is when I would throw a tantrum as a kid, she would be like, well, you got to deal with them because you gave them those jeans. She can pull that one out. I'll say that one.
Starting point is 00:28:03 Does she ever say she's bored? What are you guys doing besides drinking? Oh, that's all we are doing. That is absolutely everything. I was going there with you guys. Yeah, we wish you were here too. What's your daughter's name? Hey, Madison.
Starting point is 00:28:16 Yeah, Madison. Well, you got to tell Madison that we says hi, OK? And if does she ever say she's bored? Well, all the time, earn her sister Natalie, they like to say it to me and then giggle. So, got it. Yeah, if they're bored, just start tasking them with like pulling the weeds
Starting point is 00:28:36 and the landscaping stuff like that, they'll get pretty unbored, pretty fast if you're making them do stuff like that. Yeah. I like that. Is it wrong to have them go get me two or three beers at a time? No, no, that's part of that. They, they, if they give you any crap about that, you just got to say, is your bed warm
Starting point is 00:28:57 at night? Do you have a roof over your head, you know, and then I'll take a couple beers from the fridge, you know, and this is it by my mother. I also used to say it's to me. You could have your wife say this one. I brought you into this world. I can take you out. That's true. I love that.
Starting point is 00:29:15 I remember my parents didn't have to me. So my mom was an action figure and had a pole string on the back. That's what her tagline would have been growing on. So I'm loving it. Hey, my. I got a question for you the back. That's what her tagline would have been growing on. I'm loving it. Hey, Mil, I got a question for you, buddy. Yes. Are we? Are you doing any more ranch Wrangler video soon? I haven't done any recently, but we've, we've definitely talked about bringing it back. What ends up happening is I get pretty busy. And then that's the thing that goes to the, to the,side, but I don't don't worry when I'm eating out and I'm having a ranch, I'm always mentally wrangling that ranch. Are you a big ranch dressing guy?
Starting point is 00:29:56 I am I am 100% are you a do you like what kind of viscosity are you are you about low high thick, runny ranch, what are you about? Well, you know what? I hate to say it, but I'm thinking more of a thick kind of guy. Oh, man. I'm with you. I'm with you. All right. A ton of those, what are those deals, I guess?
Starting point is 00:30:19 You like to have a meal with your ranch, you know? Your ranch can be a meal. You like to have? That's Good. That's only good thing about like San Francisco. They do have good garlic fries there with wonderful ranch. Oh yeah, they do. I'm actually, we're getting kind of hungry. I might have to order some garlic fries here at the bar. I'm just going to do that. That's a great idea. Thanks for inspiring us here today. Yeah, this is great about this podcast is you guys call in and ask for some advice and we end up inspired by the end of it and get some advice. We got to get some garlic fries by the end here. Nice. Well, I just want to thank you guys for all the wonderful videos. You helped us the last couple of years and my family really enjoy watching you guys. So we'll drop them. Thank you. Appreciate it. That's very kind.
Starting point is 00:31:06 Yeah. So I think guys, we'll have to go ahead. Oh, I'm just going to say we'll be in your great state of Wisconsin in October. I'm bringing my girls to their first soccer game. Oh, no kidding. I did a better. Yeah, it's our, we're the Packers playing, which game?
Starting point is 00:31:23 I think we're going to see the wonderful jets of the New York team. Nice, nice. Well, I'll probably see you at that game. Well, to also it's another great thing to hang over their head, say, hey, we're not going to the packer game. If you keep giving me attitude, even though you're
Starting point is 00:31:38 definitely still going to go, you just got threatened it, you know, perfect. Yeah. And I have one last question if I may tell you. Yeah, shoot it out. Miles, I would love to know who's your football team. Um, so I don't really, what's tough is I don't really have a football team grown up in North Dakota. The closest team was probably the Vikings. My family were Vikings fans, but I was also kind of the shithead kid who would kind of cheer against the Vikings because my family wanted the Vikings to win.
Starting point is 00:32:13 And I like to see the world burn a little bit. So that's kind of that, but I'm also a big Hawkeye, Iowa Hawkeye fan college football. So yeah. That's good. Yeah. I appreciate fan college football. So yeah. That's good. Yeah. I appreciate you. Yeah, go ahead. Oh, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:32:31 No, you go ahead. No, I'm going to go ahead. No, you go ahead, Charlie. Miles is going to be a Packers fan eventually. I can't believe he hasn't decided to just get on the side of the winning team. But I think that's the answer that you were looking for. It's the answer I was looking for. Amen. I never underestimate my ability to sit on a fence. I could do it. Getting a weird visual right.
Starting point is 00:32:54 Not the fence post Charlie, just the fence. I tell us why I've taken up enough your time. I'll have some other colors. I'm sure we want some wonderful advice from you guys. So once again, I appreciate it. We appreciate you. We got the, we got the whole husband and wife combo there. We did. That was nice. It was like a circle being completed. And I feel actually I've got a little guilt. I feel like I threw all my eight sisters under the bus there. And I am going to, they're not going to listen to this. Yeah, you're probably right actually. Yeah, that is the one nice thing about, you know, doing enough content. Yeah, that there are chances of them doing it. Yeah. And if so, it can just water under the. When I started doing this, all my family
Starting point is 00:33:49 was like, Oh, yeah, I watched all the videos this week and this and that. And now it's like, I'll bring up something about a video. I didn't. They're like, I have no idea what to talk about. It's amazing how quickly they stop watching. It's amazing how quickly they lose interest. It's amazing how quick that they get bored. Yeah, they do. Guys, this belly up podcast is presented by Flea Farm. As you know, Charlie and I love the Flea Farm. We basically live at the Flea Farm. And if you're someone who also lives at the Flea Farm, there's a big time loyalty program deal going on this Saturday, July 23rd, you get 10% off the entire store. So this
Starting point is 00:34:28 is your moment to just go for it. Okay. And if you're not part of the loyalty program, you got to get signed up. All you need is your email and cell phone. There's no cost. There's no other strings attached. All you got to do sign up for the loyalty program or if you're already a loyalty member This Saturday's your Saturday to make it happen 10% off the whole store 10% off that You bet you emerge that's there 10% off the snacks 10% off all the fish and gear you name it It's in the store. It's 10% off this Saturday. So go to the local fleet farm. Hang out, I mean, you're probably if you're doing a DIY project on Saturday, you're going to be going there a few times. So one of the times that you're there,
Starting point is 00:35:14 just use that 10% loyalty program. Get yourself some some cheaper fishing gear, some cheaper yard work gear, all the whole thing. and cheaper fishing gear, some cheaper yard work gear, all the whole thing. Fleet Farm only July 23rd this Saturday, that's what, I mean, what it's all about, listen to the billy-up podcasts, you listen to this right now, probably on a Friday, Thursday.
Starting point is 00:35:37 Saturday is your day. You're gonna make it happen 10% off the entire store. You gotta be a loyalty member though, so go become a loyalty member, you. So go become a loyalty member. You get 10% off. No strings attached. Go do it. Fleet farm, baby.
Starting point is 00:35:51 Guys, as we said earlier in the podcast, we are at Bigger's here in Horus, North Dakota. And one cool thing I love about smaller communities, they always try and help each other out. They do. And Bigger's is actually holding a benefit for a kid named Aaron Erickson. He's here and I believe the more, yeah, he's in more head. So more of Minnesota just across the river. He's right over there more head high school. Yeah, and he's got a rare and complex heart defect that he's just waiting for a heart donor.
Starting point is 00:36:24 And so they're holding the benefit for him here at the Horus Senior Center. rare and complex heart defect that he's just waiting for a heart donor. And so they're holding the benefit for him here at the Horus Senior Center. So we just wanted to come on here and get the word out about it. You can, you can donate, you can come to the actual benefit if you'd like to. Yep. There's a live auction. It's on this silent on Friday, August 12th, this year. So August 12th, 4 PM at the Horace Senior Center, it's, it's, it's all for Aaron Erickson. And basically helping that him and his family out. And I believe that there's somewhere where you can
Starting point is 00:37:00 donate. Yeah, we'll put a Venmo link in the description of the podcast for everybody. If they want to help out, just throw, we're going to throw the Venmo handle in there. And you can donate whatever you can, five bucks, 10 bucks, whatever you're feeling. It all goes towards a good cause and helping out Aaron and his family. And yeah, like I said, that's tough stuff. We get to do the easy stuff of podcasting and hanging out at bars, but there's other, you know, Midwesterners that are going through some stuff and we want to do a weekend to help mount.
Starting point is 00:37:38 And so if you can't make it to the actual benefit, shoot of Enmo donation over and it's going to go towards a good cost. Yeah. If you want to follow along on what people are saying about Aaron, you just check out the hashtag hashtag at Aaron's army. Use that hashtag when you donate, inspire other people to donate. And that again, as Miles said, is the cool thing about small town bars, small towns in general when someone is in trouble or facing something difficult,
Starting point is 00:38:10 everybody chips in and helps and that's inspiring. It's cool. So thank you very much. Yeah, big on big, big on big herbs for helping out the community. Yeah, it's really cool. Great tots, great community service. How are those tots? Good. But yeah, donate if you can guys, we really appreciate it. Who do we got on the line? This is Brad. Brad, where are you calling from? The Biscuit Wisconsin.
Starting point is 00:38:37 Did you just say to Biscuit Wisconsin? I hear the door open. Can you hear me guys? Yeah, now we can hear you. We got you loud and clear. So what city are you in again? The biscuit Wisconsin. Ah, we're exactly is that I don't I've never been there. Believe it or not. Probably about two three exits north of Lambo. Oh, sure. Oh, not too. Oh, I'm I must have been there. Just you pass, Lambo. What right there? I'm on 41 and then you just keep going. Is that the deal? Yep. Yep. You got it. Fantastic. No, I I waved you a bunch, you know, but no, I've never stopped through what, what's it known for? I appreciate it. Yeah, what's it known for? Oh, I'm trying to think, um, I think, yeah, not much to be on it.
Starting point is 00:39:34 We're kind of well, it's, well, it's home of Brad. That's what we're doing. No. Yeah, you're known for being two exits away from the level. Yeah, there you have it. There you go. Well, yeah, that's that's about it. Yeah, that's about it. Why don't you belly up to the bar and tell us what's on your mind? A lot of things, but I just I just wanted to talk to
Starting point is 00:39:56 a full cabin, that thing a little bit. Having a issue over the years. Yeah. Well, if you have my wife just doesn't believe in it. Well, listen, luckily you have called, you know, they have financial advisors where you go, you trust them with your money. Miles has been in this business for a long, long time and he is one of our best guys for the job.
Starting point is 00:40:23 So I'm gonna let him take it. Well, first of all, thanks for calling in and asking about this pull tab investing advice because this is really important. The number one thing when you're pull tab investing going into it is you got to have the stomach for it. Do you got a good stomach, Brad? Yeah. And actually, I've been fairly successful pulled to have investing initially. You know I'm probably
Starting point is 00:40:49 guessing few 50s a few 99s but no matter which way I put it to my wife that's a show I'm running into she just doesn't understand the math and yeah and realistically I'm at head, I think, in pull tab and bad. Well, one, I get real long and, you know, well, I want you to tell our Brad that you are, if you are actually ahead and you're not fibbing us here, you are in the 1% of all pull tab investors 0.01, 0.01% of all pull tab and vegetable. So tell that that one, you know the markets better than anyone. If that's the case. And two, what I would do is I would deflect it
Starting point is 00:41:33 around the pull tab investing. This is another part of it is yes, you're going to get flack for drop in a hundred bucks and not making anything. What you got to do is start deflecting to all the stuff that she's buying that also is a waste of money. The other. The UPS and FedEx guy tend to show up here. Yeah, see there you go. All the Amazon packages, the UPS FedEx guy, you got to start bringing that up and go, well, what the hell did we buy that we got 15 packages in the last three days? You got to pull that out. Now, do you have a running tab of where you're at with the voltage? Do you have a ledger?
Starting point is 00:42:22 And are you cooking the books? You know, I should have a ledger. Um, and maybe I should hire a founder or something. No, you should not have a ledger. If you had a ledger, you would see that you actually are not up. So don't do that. You want to keep believing that you are up to any, any real account is going to tell you that you should not pull tab and vest. So don't hire an account either. This is going to be a solo venture for you, I think. But I will say this when it comes to when it comes to explaining this to your wife, I think really all you have to do is say, listen, if we look at the historical trends of the stock market, it's not a good time. Well, actually, it is a good time to put money in. Now, it's not a good time.
Starting point is 00:43:10 Yeah. So that goes out the window. But you could say, Hey, at least I'm not investing in Bitcoin, right? Yeah. You know, yeah. Yeah. Another thing to remember about whole tab investing is it's much like the stock market in the sense Yes, she'll see a drop a hundred on pull tabs. You win nothing. She's maybe a little mad We got to remember is there's never been a 15 year period in the stock market that it hasn't been up So just tell her you're in it for the long game and eventually you're gonna see your return you're in it for the long game and eventually you're going to see your return. Just keep telling you that over and over again. You throw enough facts into statistics at her. She's going to get bored of the conversation. Forget all about it. Yeah, just end every sentence with honey. It's just
Starting point is 00:43:57 math. Okay. It's just I keep repeating that even though I even though the math is not on your side if you just keep saying honey It's just simple math. Okay, then I think eventually She may leave you And then you can invest all of the money in pull tabs all your half of the money in the pull tab Yeah, I'll you then you can invest in pull tabs So you can pay for all of the child support and alimony payments. Yeah, we're giving you amazing advice here on the belly to pie. Don't, don't do that.
Starting point is 00:44:29 Don't, don't, yeah. Charlie, that's terrible advice. I did not, you just gave the advice. You just gave the advice. I was making a joke. You doubled down on the advice. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Oh, jeez, Louise.
Starting point is 00:44:41 But yeah, I would say don't get discouraged. I actually think that in the, uh, Poltab investing for dummies book, there would be a section on that your old ball and chain is going to be mad at you at some point. You just have to just say, yes, honey, I'll stop. I'll stop. And then just don't stop at all. And then you're good to go. And I got it. There's a lot of empty. I appreciate it. Yeah, there's a lot of empty promises that come through Poltab investing.
Starting point is 00:45:12 Got it. I got it. And you guys, you guys have one more time for one more. Oh, yeah. It's really related to Poltab. But like proper Pol poultry etiquette. Um, so let's say you pull like a, like a 99 or 25 or maybe hit the 250.
Starting point is 00:45:34 At what point do you buy everyone else around you a drink? Like is there, is there a threshold? Because I was, we were at a bar up in Rhineland or probably a couple weeks ago and we pulled the 99 and we're kind of on the edge. Do we buy the whole bar of drink or do we just keep our winnings and roll out of here? Well, I think that in in in Charlie, you can weigh in on this too here. I think that if you're just pulling a 99 that you may be by the drinks for the table you're sitting with or the people that are right around you at the bar.
Starting point is 00:46:11 It also depends if you're reinvesting your dividends back into Polta. If you're reinvesting that, then you definitely don't need to buy because you're like, hey, not buying you around because I'm going to put that 100 back in and I'm going to pull the 250 and then everyone gets a drink. You could you could set it up that way. Now I myself would take a different trajectory. Any money I'm winning is usually going back to the bar. In fact, I won five dollars in a pull tab right, you know, before you called and I'm looking at three dollar bills sitting on the bar. One of them, uh, bought miles of shake of the day. And, uh, I think the other three dollars is going to go toward a tip to the bartender. So, uh, it just depends how
Starting point is 00:46:55 good of a guy you are. Miles. What? I mean, what I was going to say is if you go over a hundred, then you got to really start giving it back. Okay. You're, I mean, you're flush with cash at that. Yeah. I think it's a philosophical question. Are you giving back a little bit as you go or are you just waiting to be cut because you may never hit it big time.
Starting point is 00:47:15 That's right. And then, and then we'll know when you're pulled to investing, you're at some point, you're going to hit it big. That's the whole point unless you run out of money. Well, that won't happen. And, and like, and like I watch, going to you reinvest back into all your money back into pull tab. Pretty much every time.
Starting point is 00:47:40 You basically go until pull tabs of suckedy dry, you know, got it. That's the fun part about pull tab investing. I appreciate it. Is it's it's really an investment in the local economy. Well, hopefully that will be today. That's what I had for now, guys. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:57 I'll send you my financial pull tab investing invoice in the mail. That'll be headed towards you. And hopefully I was helpful today. Yeah, I mean, at least, please get me on my way to my first divorce maybe. Just don't lose the season tickets. Okay, we got to see that Lambo. Okay. Yeah, the okay. Yeah, welcome to the Belly to podcast. The how to get divorced podcasts. Tell.
Starting point is 00:48:33 Thanks guys. I appreciate it. Tell your wife. We says hi and sorry and sorry. We'll do. Thanks guys. Have a good one, man. You too. We. I mean. We'll do. Thanks, guys. Have a good one, man.
Starting point is 00:48:46 E2. We, I mean, we got to stop giving divorce advice, Charlie. On this next call, we're not going to do that. Right. We didn't give divorce advice. I feel like a divorce comes up a lot. Or no, you were the only time a divorce came up, was you brought up mine. So I think that is all on you. Okay. I was joking. I was being I was kidding with the fella. I didn't. I don't actually think that pull tabs are more important than the sacrament of matrimony. No. Okay. But you took it there
Starting point is 00:49:18 and then you started talking about Elmoney and all that's really on you. I'm sorry. And you're getting married soon. And you got gotta start thinking about this more seriously. Okay, you don't wanna end up like me. I know. Okay. All right, we'll get there. All right, pal. All right.
Starting point is 00:49:32 All right, guys, thanks for tuning in to another belly it up podcast. Charlie, last time we did this, we were feeling pretty good by the end. Yeah, we were. So it was my birthday. I was wearing overalls. We were in Milwaukee, you know the Patrons of the bar were also feeling pretty good. Yeah, they were they were I am a lot more sober than I was then
Starting point is 00:49:55 Yeah, I think we did it right today, you know, we just kept a nice ease and easy little tiny buzz the whole time Yeah, good you got food and didn't order me any. So you were big time in me. You had a big big business meeting. You were I had a zoom call out on the patio. And I was gonna go interrupt which was it was interrupted by a my patron. Yeah. It was so fun. It was the most inopportune time. Oh, happened. You know what? When you're doing a taking a zoom call, take it. That's my car. You do not bring business to the bar. There you go. There's a couple guys doing their podcast in the bar. But I don't think this is business. I think we are doing the Lord's work. Oh, already. We're giving people advice. Yes. Exactly. Yeah. There we go. Wait. All the people at
Starting point is 00:50:42 the bar, they would probably need to go see a therapist said they come here or belly up. So yeah, I mean we are we are we are providing therapy That is a great way of Of saying it speaking of therapy. You want to go buy me some more pull tabs? I thought you're gonna say you want to buy me around a therapy Funny, hey, that should be that should be a thing like a Christmas. You just buy like a therapy gift card. I think I'm nice. All your parents, you know, they have grown kids.
Starting point is 00:51:16 So they put all gift cards for therapy and their stockings that just says, sorry about all the childhood drama. And just a gives a difficult to the bar. Yeah. Yeah. That's great. Well, both. Yeah. Oh, both. Yeah. An actual therapist. So you go to the fake therapist, who's the therapist? Then you go get the real therapy at the bar. Maybe we should get a sponsorship from that online therapy thing that every podcast has a sponsorship. Yeah, we should. We are the only part.
Starting point is 00:51:45 Tell them to call in and get therapy advice from us and not the app. Yeah. Either way, you're getting your therapy in either way, you're getting done. Well, guys, um, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, before you go tell them how the tuts are here at bigger tuts are crispy. That's what that's what I look for in a top. They're nice and crispy. You can hear it in the mic.
Starting point is 00:52:04 Oh, God, stop it. That's what that's what I look for in a top they're nice and crispy can hear it in the mic. Oh God stop it. It's that you were chewing in my ear earlier and I asked you you know what I brought it up I brought it you wanted to know all the thoughts were I mean I have listen to those were I've listened to you eat half those tots and Yeah You were milking it weren't you you knew I was the thing you were doing some stuff. Oh, you're kind of a creepy. Just listen to me eat you weirdo. Yeah, that'll happen. It's a kink. All right, guys. Thanks for tuning into another therapy session. Yeah, thanks for listening to the belly up podcast. Thanks for bellying up to the bar with us. Hopefully you can get in on the next round when we do callers. Don't be afraid. Don't be shy. You see on, we put it on our Instagram stories. So follow us on Instagram, belly.pod, or Charlie, or you bet you, we'll put it up there.
Starting point is 00:52:55 Don't be shy. Call in and hopefully we'll hear from you soon. So cheers and we'll see you the next episode. Real good. Watch Frickteer. Mm-hmm. Charlie's like that one meme of the kid who's like flexing his neck, like trying not to say watch out for gear.
Starting point is 00:53:14 Mhmm. I want to say it.

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