Bellied Up - #9 Beating The Summer Heat

Episode Date: August 4, 2022

Presented By Fleet Farm In this episode, Myles and Charlie play shake of the day. A caller asks about Supper Clubs. Next caller is curious on how to beat the brutal Texas heat. We wrap up the podcast ...with Charlie giving advice on how to score Packer tickets.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the BellyDub podcast, baby, presented by Fleet Farm. Charlie, we're here. BellyDub to the bar. We are here. BellyDub to the bar. We have our lovely bartender, Sarah's here with us. And I saw the shake of the day deal and I can never turn down a shake of the day. But here's the deal. Every bar is their own shake of the day. Their own shake of the day rules. Sarah, can you tell us the rules of this one? Sure. So what you do is you get one shake and we have to watch it. And if you get three of a kind of like that, how many lines are going to clarify that? We have to implement that later on because people were lying about it. Yeah, I imagine. That doesn't sound like someone who's been drinking. They would never lie about that right never
Starting point is 00:00:45 So you get one shake you get three of a kinder better. Yep three of a kind and if you get off straight You get one more shake. If you don't get a three a kinder better got you two ways to win or possibly win all right So the five of a kind you get half the pot all right All right, so we're gonna try our luck here. All right, we're gonna do it. We're gonna get I'm gonna give a five spot on this sucker. All right. Here we go. We're actually I think we can we do it five times or only one time. Just to your clear, you only get one shake of the day, Charlie. See, that was a trick question. But if there are five other people at this bar, can I shake for them? Yes. No, they all have to shake separately. Okay, and that's why you have to watch me shake it. Oh, it's worth a shot.
Starting point is 00:01:37 Okay, I don't ever Let's go for four sixes is the ace wild or not. Oh boy, boy, boy, so you get a one chip. You get a one nickel. That's awesome. That is awesome. First roll, Charlie Burns gets a four of a coin. In my rules, I'd say that that's a wild.
Starting point is 00:02:03 So you really I always say you got a five if I if we're playing bar diced right now, I would you drop the mic. Oh, is that how you play here? You got a call ace is wild. No, but in bar diced here, you call it you call it once on automatically wild. Wow. All right. Milwaukee, the ones are just always wild. Yeah, and you feed. Much like the bank shot.
Starting point is 00:02:31 All really. I played that one time up north where they said that, but I, the problem is with all the different bar dice rules. Is I'm usually, I've had a couple when I'm playing and then the rules come in and out. All right. Charlie rolls. You got to pay miles. She's okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:02:52 All right. Well, yeah, no, and he. Yeah. So technically that's mine because I gave him $20 for those tabs. It's all a thing. Charlie. Anyways, you'll pay me. He does.
Starting point is 00:03:04 He loves small talk. So. Okay, anyways, you'll pay me. He does, he loves small talk, so. Oh. Jeez, Louise. All right, let's see it, Miles. She's got what she wrote. You like, I'm like, I want to, it's my turn. I want to go. Charlie, shut up.
Starting point is 00:03:15 So I can go. But now I'm going to get nothing because I rushed it, you know? All right, shake it the day, baby. Two twos. That be a yeah, no, I know that 10, 13 and you know, nothing, nothing. Do you guys play Shipcapping crew here? Oh, no, you have to teach him after the podcast, Charlie.
Starting point is 00:03:45 Okay, that's Miles's way of saying this isn't podcast talk. It's not a good, uh, it's not good on radio to hear, you know, people explain bar dyes. So thank you Sarah. Really appreciate that. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Wouldn't nickel baby. That thank you. Oh, yeah, I will treasure this forever. I got a big herbs. Uh, wouldn't nickel here. I'll come by treasure it forever. I mean, it's going to be gone by the end of the day, most likely because then the hour, hopefully, that's a free drink.
Starting point is 00:04:14 Yes. Uh, well, that was a lot of fun. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, sir. Uh, so miles. Yes. You got your wedding coming up. Oh, yeah. Yeah. So where we at? Where are we at mentally, emotionally? How's the planning going?
Starting point is 00:04:29 I have been. Am I still invited? I'm not gonna lie. I've been pretty absent from the planning thing. That's fine. You only resent it forever. Yeah. It's one of those things, you know, it's like,
Starting point is 00:04:40 oh, we gotta like send out Save the Dates. We've talked about this on our other podcast. What the hell is save the dates even for? I don't know. Why don't you just send out the invitation because everyone gets to save the date and they put the save the date like on the side of the fridge anyways. Yeah. Because Anne was like, well, miles, they're going to lose what if they lose the save the date? And I'm like, well, I mean, they're not going to.
Starting point is 00:05:06 They save the, they, it's not only put the date down on their calendar. They also put it on the fridge. They don't lose the save the day. Yeah, I'm very confused about that. So do you have to, could you guys kind of disrupt this system and say, no, we're just sitting on it. But I would love to, but it's not going to, it's not going to fly with the old fiance. And yeah, we're just sitting on an invite. I would love to, but it's not gonna, it's not gonna fly with the old fiance. And yeah, we gotta do save the dates.
Starting point is 00:05:28 So just another thing we gotta do is there a something at your wedding that you're like, I need this at the wedding at this, this is a non-negotiable. Something at the wedding that's a non-negotiable. Like do you want a certain beer being served? Do you want just kegs of Bush airs? Or are there certain things like that? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:49 Um, I think for what's funny is I don't think we're gonna do the old cutting the cake thing. Oh, good. Yeah, my least favorite part. Also, they do it before dinner. That makes sense. Yeah, what is up with that? And then I don't
Starting point is 00:06:05 know how I feel with about the whole like you save it in the freezer. You save part of your cake and the freezer. I want to eat frozen cake. Well, it's an ice cream cake. But like you could have your wedding cake be a nice cream cake. Tyler would like that. That was a big ice cream cake guy. We'll explain it for the people who don't know the ice cream cake. No, just cake in the freezer. I actually don't know what to do. Apparently you save part of your cake at your wedding. You put in the freezer and then on your first year anniversary, you eat the cake to
Starting point is 00:06:35 it. Oh, isn't there somewhere you do it on your first year and then your fifth year or something like that? I don't know anything about that, but yeah, I don't know. It's just, it's literally just all of these things are just propaganda by the wedding industry to sell more stuff. Yeah, sell more cake, sell more for users. Sell a bigger cake because part of it's going to be put into a freezer.
Starting point is 00:06:55 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, it's a conspiracy. Sell you an extra round of invitations by sending you sending out the fake invitation. Yeah, I'd say the day. You're right. Imagine if we were doing that and other stuff, you know, we could do a bit guys who invented the wedding industry. You know what I mean? Like, oh, we actually should write that down.
Starting point is 00:07:17 Yeah, yeah, you know, tell me, write that down. Todd's writing it down. He's not writing shit down. He gave us the thumbs up and basically say go after yourself. One of the weirdest dumbest things about the wedding thing is gathering people's addresses. There's got to be a better way to do this, right? There should be a disruptor in the wedding. There's got to be an app for that. There's got to be a wedding app that
Starting point is 00:07:41 does all this. And then you send out a text and it's like put your address in and guess what? If they don't put their address in, they don't come. Saves you money. I like that. Yeah. They don't come. Then you don't get to go. I would not be putting my address in anything. And then I just wouldn't have to go. Are you doing a registry? Yeah. I haven't done that either. She asked me the other day, Hey, do I'm going to put on like just whatever you know what? I want to know what is if if you had to put one thing on the registry, what would you put on the registry? Um, you know, like, you could go the, like waffle maker type of,
Starting point is 00:08:14 uh, wrote, you know, but I just don't think I'm going to use that enough. Okay. You know, you're not a waffle guy, really? No, not a waffle. More of a French toast guy than I am waffle guy. So that's useless. Okay. What else could you go?
Starting point is 00:08:28 Well, I mean, on your wet, what was your registry? You know, I don't know what you wanted. Let's actually not talk about it. No, just, you know, just, what was it? What was it? Uh, I didn't, you know, I did not participate a lot in that aspect. So you're telling me that I should
Starting point is 00:08:48 I'm telling you that if you care about the longevity of the, all right, no pursuers, maybe participate a little bit more on the front. Basically do not do as I did. Okay. So just literally try and that'll be better. Well, okay. It's not like I didn't try. No, I did. You said there were some, uh, uh, you know, I'm gonna be honest with you. I didn't put anything on the registry. I didn't really, I felt weird about even doing a registry because. Yeah, it's too nice. Well, I feel weird about saying, uh, yeah, get, get me a gift. No, you just want to cash.
Starting point is 00:09:23 You're a cash. No, I didn't even want that. I didn't want to walk in around Sockdor money. Sockdor money. Where do you put your extra cash in your underwear, your sock, just to be the freezer. Everyone knows you put cash in the freezer. Because if the house burns down, that's a fairly fireproof situation right now. Freezer can burn. So don't go out in a lot of money way in the freezer, but if you don't have it safe, but then your software, software money, that's the first thing that's gonna be burning.
Starting point is 00:09:51 You know how flammable socks are? That is true. But I'm not putting the whole bank in there, so for good to go. All right, so I didn't get any answer out of you. You dodged that question like you're on cable news. Great politician. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:04 I don't really have anything that's, I mean, maybe like, like a, like a, like a air compressor, some shit like that that I'm never going to go by myself. But once in a while, it's nice to have. It's very nice to have an air compressor. Fill up your, your car tires, your bike tires. Yeah. You like it a lot. No bikes, no bikes.
Starting point is 00:10:23 Maybe the lawnmower tires, uh, you're no bikes, no bikes, maybe the lawn more tires, uh, you're doing ruckus scooter. Oh, I'll put a ruckus scooter on the registry. That'd be cool. Who's going to buy that? That's expensive. I think he was meaning that I could air up the ruckus scooter tires. If I bought one, then I know, put a ruckus scooter on the registry. Is that like one? Maybe I'll put a rough scooter on the registry. Is that like one? Maybe I'll put a razor scooter on the registry. Like one of those ones you can do tricks on.
Starting point is 00:10:49 Yeah. Well, I wouldn't do tricks. I would just coast, you know, I'd ride all the hills in Fargo, you know, I would be catch up with Tana Speed. That's the one thing. If you're a long border, skateboarder or any sort, you don't have much fun here in Fargo because there's absolutely no hills. So you just have to do way more work than everyone elsewhere. Yeah, it's very flat here. I didn't notice that. Yeah. When you were a kid,
Starting point is 00:11:15 were you a rollerblader, skateboarder, or scooter, or a piker? I was all of those. You were all. The skateboarding had the shortest stint because I couldn't I was too much of a Was to to like figure out the Oli and that stuff was too many wipe outs. You're like, okay. Yeah, there's no point in this right I know where this ends. Yeah, yeah broken arm. Yeah, and I'm dumb, but I'm not that dumb Yeah, and so there was that you know everyone bikes when they a kid, even the most unathletic kids can bike. Yeah, well, I mean, even you can bike miles, that's not very nice. I'm, I am somewhat athletic. I actually, I bike a lot. Now, okay, proving your point. Yeah, literally any. Yeah, so rollerblading was,
Starting point is 00:12:01 I liked rollerblading. I love rollerblading. I have, I just got a new pair of rollerblades. Did you? Yeah. I would love to see a video you rollerblading was I like rollerblading. I love rollerblading. I just got a new pair rollerblades. Did you? Yeah, I would love to see a video you rollerblading. There's one of me where it's I did a sketch a while ago Where I was playing spring and summer we can clip it into this video right now look winter I don't make the rules. Okay. I just roll with them Well, we're not gonna do that, but go watch the video. Oh, yeah. Spring versus winter. Yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:27 Spring versus winter, Charlie Baron's Google. I'm roller-biting. I'm sure it's good. I'd like to go roller-biting with you. Yeah, let's do it. We can do that. It may matter how this podcast goes down, you wanna go roller-biting?
Starting point is 00:12:37 That'd be fun. All right, let's do that. We're gonna do that. And I think we came up with something for your wedding registry. Roller-bites. Yes. What size foot are you?
Starting point is 00:12:46 I'm a 14. Are you really? No, you're not. All right, we're going to take some colors and yeah. Just give me your foot size so I can get this for you. Am I still invited to the wedding? Yeah, yeah. Well, you got to be looking for the save the date.
Starting point is 00:13:04 You can save it. All right. Well, save. All right. This date. All right. Let's get to the deal. Collars.
Starting point is 00:13:14 All right. Seriously, though, we're going to take some colors. Can't wait to talk to you guys. Hello. Hello. Who do we got on the line? My name's Katie. Katie. Well, welcome to the Belly. Up podcast. Why don't you belly up and tell us what's on your mind?
Starting point is 00:13:33 So I was serious problem. Oh, no, Katie. I guess it's very serious. I'm from Shaboy again. Uh huh. One of the serious. That's not the serious. I'm from Shaboyan. Uh-huh. One of the serious. That's not the serious. I live in Grand Rapids currently, but I'm married to someone who was from Chattanooga. Okay. And he said that roasted chicken and fried chicken are the same thing. All for Pete's sake. Did he say that to your face? I told you, it was, that he said it to you.
Starting point is 00:14:09 Are you guys still together as the question? Right now he's on the road, not sure if I need to change the lots or not. Also, he said supper clubs are dark and weird. Wow, holy shit. Cool, excuse my length. Yeah, My lord. Let me, Katie, can I start addressing the supper club as part of that? The supper club is more shocking than the chicken thing here. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:37 Supper clubs are not dark and weird. They are homey, homie. Some of them have red carpeting and velvet on the chairs. I mean, this is, this is the classy. Yeah. Yeah. And it, that really breaks my, my heart. What supper club did you take him to? Well, I've taken him to multiple supper. Oh my gosh. I brought him to like, Shorse's like, St. Anna. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's a fantastic spot. It's a real gem. And I brought him to supper clubs and no, he says they're weird
Starting point is 00:15:16 and he says that he thinks they're trying to put stuff in their food. That's why it's so dark. Well, no, they're not. They're probably putting something in the drinks called brandy, but that's about it. There is no foul play. I mean, and you're talking about cordon blue. I mean, there's some really good food that they make their prime rib, you know, Venice and truffles. I mean, this is the some of the best and broasted chicken, you know, and maybe maybe they we can connect. He deserves to have fit in his food to be on.
Starting point is 00:15:51 Yeah, you're going. You're like, Hey, honey, I'm going to go to the bathroom. You go up to the waitress. You're like, Hey, you're going to have to with spin his food. He's just. Yeah, little is that why he thinks they spin his food because you guys have this argument about the broasted chicken. And then he said what he said. is that why he thinks they spend his food? Because you guys had this argument about the bros to check it
Starting point is 00:16:05 and then he said what he said and then you gave the waitress the nod and then does he have evidence to suggest that there might be something. He has no evidence. No, he's got no evidence. He thinks that the wood on the walls is weird and tacky. All right, well, tacky?
Starting point is 00:16:22 Classy, he meant to say classy. Well, exactly. So what does he think then is like the bees knees when it comes to dining experiences? Yeah. What is Chad Nuga think about this? He's Chad Nuga. Is that what you said?
Starting point is 00:16:37 I mean, yeah. Yeah. I mean, technically he's originally from Bosnia, but he lived his entire his home life in the US in Chabniga. He liked crystals, which is like white castle knockoff. Oh my God. I was actually going to say, is he like, like McDonald's is like a fine dining experience. Sounds like. Golden. Yeah. How do you like golden corral and not like a supper cloth? I don't know. Oh, I'm sorry that you have to deal with this.
Starting point is 00:17:13 I mean, this is, it sounds like it's just maybe when you go out to dinner, you're just going to have to leave them at home. I don't know. I just, that's where I'm at. Get a babysitter. Get a babysitter for him. Now how long have you been together? Well, we just celebrated our 920 anniversary. Oh, so it's permanent. Congratulations. Either that or this is going to be their last anniversary.
Starting point is 00:17:45 Just before we hit the double digits. Are the dogs are the dogs that they're even upset about his his situation. I one of them is a miniature schnauzer. So I think that she does take the kind of the attack on the German ambiance of Wisconsin, probably. It takes it personally. You know, I think that it really, for some people, a supper club isn't acquired taste, but it just means that they haven't tasted enough of it.
Starting point is 00:18:22 And I think you just got to keep, I'm going to take the opposite advice. Don't get the don't leave them at home. Keep bringing them out and bring them out. And maybe, you know, is he a drinker this fellow years? He is a drinker. Okay, maybe there's one thing that we can get on this same page for about. Well, start in the bar of the supper club. Yes. You know, don't go right and get seated. Don't start with the reservations. Get there before your reservation. Okay. And have a couple of old fashions at the bar or whatever is drink of choices. I'm not saying
Starting point is 00:18:59 he has to have an old fashioned. But, you know, get them just into the ambiance a little bit. Maybe find a supper club that's got their polka night because polka night is. I'll get you up on your feet. Yeah, it's really some special. Can you, uh, does he have some dance moves? Does he like an accordion? Uh, she does like an accordion, but seeing people are very accordion friendly. So that's positive. But we don't have to find the poke see yeah, we have found the cultural bridge from Bosnia to
Starting point is 00:19:31 supper club. It's the accordion. And what you need to do is there's got to be a supper club with also the name Golden Carral somewhere out there. And you need to trick him and say, we're going to the Golden
Starting point is 00:19:44 Carral. You show up to the supper club that's named Golden Corral. And it's got polka music. Start with the drinks. He'll fall in love with it immediately. Yeah. Yeah. But here's the other half of the equations when we're in Michigan, I have yet to find a supper club. There was one in downtown and they closed it. Yeah. You know, it's much, it's a very, very Wisconsin thing. Yes, yes, it is. But I do think with enough passionate supper club advocates like yourself, we can take this cultural diamond in the rough and just make it something that we can see all over this great nation and I believe you are One of the people to help make this happen because you are given this unique opportunity to turn your husband
Starting point is 00:20:35 Yes into a supper club fanatic. Yes, and then you're this a success story that we need yes And then he will tell people I believe that I Want to believe it is still fighting us on bubblers North Dakota and I do think that's kind of dumb what I want to say What it's a mile it's a water no water phone is where we go to get changed for the meter. Okay, this it is a bubbler we go to get changed for the meter. Okay, this, it is a bubbler. Miles, we cannot continue to do this, but wait, no, you can't leave yet. We have to convince Miles that bubbler is the proper nomenclature. I mean, it's cool. It's cooler. It's definitely cooler. But I just don't think you guys are going to.
Starting point is 00:21:17 I have a cooler. The cooler company. Thank you for the bubbler. Do you hear that? The bubbler. We've followed a facial tissue or clinic. You acknowledge the person who paved the way. Doesn't matter the creator of it. Oh, well said. I am applauding over here. That was pretty good. Well said.
Starting point is 00:21:36 I think you just convinced them. You need to apply that type of argument-based logic there to your husband. And I think he'll be a supper club guy in no time. If you can apply those same things. I'm just gonna tap cooking and force him to go to supper club. Yeah. Either you're gonna cook or we're going to the supper club.
Starting point is 00:21:57 I think I'll win that way. There you go. So happy you called. Let's spread the joy of supper clubs across this land. We'll do. All right. Well, thanks for calling in. Good luck on your quest. Uh, turn them into a supper club guy. I think you can do it. Yeah, I will do my best and go pack. Go and fuck the bear. Yes. Thank you. I love it when they end like that. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:22:25 Good one. We'll see you. All right. Bye. Watch for deer. So I will always get good. Always watch it. So I want to say, yeah, the room.
Starting point is 00:22:43 I went to the supper club with you a year ago. Yeah, the next day I got COVID. Whoa, you're blaming that on the supper club. Remember the five day period where you can get it and you were in Nashville, basically licking every bar toilet. I went to the supper club the next day. I got cold. Licking every bar. I went to the summer club the next day. I got cold.
Starting point is 00:23:06 Man, when you got COVID, you were not happy with me. We had just I wasn't not happy with you. We basically made out the day before. And you were, but you were sick. You were sick for like the two days we were doing videos. It's like, are you sure you don't have COVID? You're like, now I'm fine. I got the Johnson and Johnson.
Starting point is 00:23:26 Yeah, which as it turns out, not the most reliable one. Yeah, it whatever. So I mean, it's water under the bridge. One of those things that it's, um, it may be correlated, but not necessarily causation. I get, how are you going to sit here and now you're going to spread missing from the supper clubs, causing cova say it's very ironic. It's ironic. It's not ironic at all. It's not ironic. Don't you think you're just all right, we got to take another call. Hello, Hey, shut the front no, no, shut the back door too. The AC's on shut all the doors close the windows. Who do we got on the one? So I'm a Kayla and I'm from Houston, Texas and it's funny because my power to just shut off because the state of Texas can't hold this freaking hot heat out the freaking door.
Starting point is 00:24:27 the state of Texas can't hold this freaking hot heat out the freaking door. Oh no, if you got another heat wave going, huh? And there's their conserving power down there in the great the lone star state, the lone star no AC state. Exactly, exactly. Well, why don't you belly up to the bar with us and tell us what's on your mind? Yeah. All right. So down here in Texas, in the summertime, we love to go to the beach and close the river. And my question for everybody in the Midwest is, what do you like to do to cool off in the summertime? Well, it's, I mean, the easy answer is some people go to the river, but most people go to the lakes in the, in the summer to cool off. We got a lot of lakes up here in
Starting point is 00:25:11 Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa. That's usually the, the number one. Charlie, is that how you do it? Yeah. I mean, you know, we got a lot of water here down there. I lived in Texas for a little bit and there's, they've got some water restrictions with drought and there. I lived in Texas for a little bit and they're there. They've got some water restrictions with drought and that. So I was going to say, you know, run through the sprinkler, but that's probably not the best advice down there. Charlie, one was the last time you ran through the sprinkler. I run through the, it's not a rare thing for me to run through the sprinkler. Like as you right now, like this summer, you've run through the sprinkler. I haven't done it like this summer, you've run through the sprinkler.
Starting point is 00:25:45 I haven't done it yet this summer, but I did get a new sprinkler had and I was looking at it with a little bit of lustfulness for running to that's the wrong word, but you get what I'm saying, you know, now, yeah, we kind of carry a free bottle around and it's just kind of, you know, oh, you split yourself. Is that what you do? You got to do. Spits yourself with water. Now, do you have access to the lake and the river or no, and you're looking for alternative ways outside of that to cool down? Well, you know, we're trying
Starting point is 00:26:20 to just like find like places to go because the part is I'm traveled to St. Louis. And I don't know if that really counts Does it yeah that counts as far as North Oh midwest and like you know we have lakes down here, but There's there, you know Not that great. Okay. Okay. It came to You know Got a lot of water so nobody wants to get in it either well
Starting point is 00:26:40 Here's the best thing you can do Take the family on a little vacation north. Okay, this ideal scenario, this is like you got the time off from work, you got the cash to do this. You got a camper? Yeah, if you got a camper, take them up north, okay, and find a lazy river. And then you get a bunch of inner tubes. And you sit in the inner tubes and you let that river take you all the way down to a car you park at the end of the river. And then you basically spend the whole day on the river. You have a a a a tube for your cooler. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You have a cooler tube. That's important. Want to make sure you got one of those. I will say somebody mentioned summer shandy and that is like
Starting point is 00:27:20 a cold fall in here and like a group of my friends. We are summer shandy people. And if we do have a cooler, it will be filled with that. That's the line of kugles. Miles is getting a little over here. Did Charlie tell you to call in and say that? Oh, they love summer shandy down there. That's that she just said. It's called classic down there.
Starting point is 00:27:41 Yeah. Summer. We got like loan stuff for, you know, like Houston bottle grants, but it's summer candy special for us. That's great. That is great to hear. That's Wisconsin giving you a little, a little kiss of summer down there in Houston. So you put a bunch of summer shandys in the cooler for you and the adults
Starting point is 00:28:06 there and then for the kids toss in some Capri Sun. I was going to say Capri Sun. Yeah, you can't beat it. We're on the same page with the Capri Sun. No, no, no tears on this trip. Can we just like skip and like, no kids just the two of you or who's going on this trip? Well, we have like a group of friends that we like to hang out with. And, you know, they were kind of like, we have like a compound, right? So it's, we all hang out and like, okay, what are we going to do this summer? Kind of thing. Nice back.
Starting point is 00:28:38 Where are we going to go? So can you back that, you have a compound? No, like we, we made like this pretend compound, like we're all really close friends, like there's a group of us, like we're all the same. It's like a fake cult is what you're saying. It's you guys are pretending that you're in a fake cult. Exactly. There we go.
Starting point is 00:28:58 That's fun. That's that's also even if it's just a doll's, even if it's just a doll's going. Yeah. But also, even if it's just adults going, even if it's just adults going, even if it's just adults going, you can still bring Capri Sun. What you do then is bring a scissors or a pocket knife. You cut off the top, pour a little shout of vodka in there and it goes down pretty easy too. You know, I have not tried. We have done that with Gatorade because you got a
Starting point is 00:29:26 Electriol. Smart. Very smart. Is there any other ways you like to cool off in the summer Charles? I like to go water skiing. You ever go water skiing? We don't have a boat. But you know what?
Starting point is 00:29:43 I've been trying to find a friend who has a boat because I heard that in secret. Yes. Thank you. That was just what I was going to say. And you don't even need a friend in the Midwest. You find a bar and in that bar, somebody owns a boat and you start making friends. And the reason why you're going to know that they have a boat is there's going to be the guy who owns
Starting point is 00:30:05 it or the gal, the couple that owns it. The guy is going to be wearing thong flip flops. He's going to be wearing sort of button up shirts, short sleeve button up shirt. He's going to have glasses with like one of the little straps that go behind your head on the glasses. And some sort of ball cap. Yeah, exactly. And that guy totally has a boat. Yeah, and like maybe like, you seem like some of those guys and they have the picture of their boat, but like, it looks like a race car driver shirt
Starting point is 00:30:39 and it has like a number on and everything. And it's probably like, hey, look, this is my boat. And I'm bragging on the machine shirt. Yeah. Well, that's it. That's, you know, that brings me to second point. They're probably going to be talking about their boat the whole time they're at the bar. So there you go. Yeah. This is good stuff. I'll have to go scout out and everybody out and think of somebody. Exactly. And they're not going to charge you at all. You're boat'm going to be a lot of time.
Starting point is 00:31:05 Yeah, I'm going to be a lot of time. Yeah, I'm going to be a lot of time. Yeah, I'm going to be a lot of time. Yeah, I'm going to be a lot of time.
Starting point is 00:31:13 Yeah, I'm going to be a lot of time. Yeah, I'm going to be a lot of time. Yeah, I'm going to be a lot of time. Yeah, I'm going to be a lot of time.
Starting point is 00:31:21 Yeah, I'm going to be a lot of time. Yeah, I'm going to be a lot of time. Yeah, I'm going to be a lot of time. Yeah, I'm going to be a to get an invite back on that boat. Yeah, well, I mean, it's been a pain for gas. So I'll bring all the beer. Let's. And we're wondering how long you would take for the gas prices to get brought up on this podcast today. And here we go. There we are. Boats drink.
Starting point is 00:31:38 We're fairly staying under $4. Then like for us in Texas, that's like, I mean, everybody's faces like the white like nobody ever, I'm not sure if it's going to be good. I'm not sure if it's going to be good. I'm not sure if it's going to be good. I'm not sure if it's going to be good. I'm not sure if it's going to be good. I'm not sure if it's going to be good. I'm not sure if it's going to be good. I'm not sure if it's going to be good.
Starting point is 00:31:58 I'm not sure if it's going to be good. I'm not sure if it's going to be good. I'm not sure if it's going to be good. I'm not sure if it's going to be good. I'm not sure if it's going to be good. provided a little cool off advice for you today. Yeah, appreciate it so much. Yeah, thanks for calling in, Michaela. Yeah, and uh, keep moving and tell your folks. He says hi. I will.
Starting point is 00:32:15 And you watch out for them deer down there. You got the mule deer. Okay. So watch out for them suckers. All right. For sure. All right. I'm a good one.
Starting point is 00:32:24 All right. Bye. all right. Sure. All right. All right. All right. Bye. What was the last time you went tubing? Uh, it's been a few, a few years ago, but we used to go a lot as kids. We're talking three, four hours at a time. Would you could just go over to Minnesota? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:44 So my parents had a cabin when I was like 12, they bought a lake cabin. And we just started tubing. Oh, tubing behind a boat. Oh, yeah. Yeah. How about river tubing? I don't do much river tubing. Too much river. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:56 Cause when you got a right river, well, that in like also when you got a cabin, you just go there and do the lake stuff. Right. But, uh, yeah. Well, tubing behind a boat, it's like the dad's number one way to get revenge on their kids. I know they just internalize. And then all they got to do when they send a kid flying off the tube and they get a kink in their neck, they's like, Dad's like, Oh, sorry, I didn't think the wave was that big, you know, even though he like hit
Starting point is 00:33:21 the throttle. That's their therapy. Yeah. So it's good. Yeah. You ever taken your dad tubing? No, my dad would literally crumble his body is shot. Oh, really? Yeah, a lot of hard work construction. But that would be great revenge. That would.
Starting point is 00:33:39 Yeah. Although then you're going to have to be responsible for the rep recussions. They heal easier as young and they can walk it off easier, rub some dirt on it. There's no way to rub dirt on nothing when you're too. It's like my dad will go right from the tube straight to the nursing home. Then if that's the case, yeah, and then you're, you're, you're foot in the bill, because you're responsible for that. So, yeah, maybe, maybe keep them
Starting point is 00:34:04 off the tube. Yeah, yeah, well, I hope we gave her some good advice. Yeah. Yeah. We did. Hey, everybody. Are you trying to get outdoors this summer? But you're looking for better, more creative ways to get outdoors. Maybe you're like miles and you don't like to hike a lot, but you really like to get yourself some nice smoked meat to drink an ice cold beer to maybe even bring out some wine or something once in a while. And then head on over to Fleet Farm because they've got everything you need for your outdoor kitchen experience.
Starting point is 00:34:34 That's right. You can pretty much take the entire kitchen and just move it outside. They've got everything from the grill to the outdoor dishes. That's right. Did you know there were outdoor dishes? There are. And they're at fleet farm. Okay. And they've also got great snacks there too.
Starting point is 00:34:49 This has nothing to do with the outdoor kitchen thing, but I will tell you, the smoke peanuts, I think that's what they're called. They're delicious. Okay. And also the trail mix, the stuff that they give you in the big coffee tin. I have a lot of that at my house because I keep going in and diving in and grabbing the the the M&M's and leaving the rest of the trail mix
Starting point is 00:35:12 I'm on a tangent But that's a beautiful thing about fleet farm as you can go on a million tangents because they have everything Check it out fleet farm and now back to the belly-up podcast. What do we got on the line? Holy shit. I actually got in Check it out, Fleet Farm, and now back to the Belly Up podcast. What do we got on the line? Holy shit. I actually got in. You hear, man. You got in. This is rich. Rich. Well, why don't you belly up and tell us what's on your mind? I'd love to belly up, but I work right now.
Starting point is 00:35:49 So listen, I'm actually trying to buy something. Nice. Okay. What do you got? This is specifically for a Charlie because my old, I don't think you're here in this, but I'm trying to, I'm a huge packer fan. Okay. I'm trying to take my boys to Lambo this fall. Where is the best place that I can get to get? Got it. All right the best place that I can get tickets? Got it. Well, first of all, Miles is on his way to becoming a huge packer's fan. Now tickets, obviously the season tickets have been sold out
Starting point is 00:36:16 for decades and decades and decades. So if you can find a friend and convince them that the game you want to go to isn't going to be a great game. Do it now before the season starts. Okay. So they sell you the tickets now. You don't want to get up to a few weeks before. You got to tell them that whatever the opponent is, just convince them that it's going to be the worst game of the season. And they should get rid of those tickets now. Plant that seed. Yes, just, well, started off by being like, oh man, the Jets man look real bad this year. Yeah. Oh God, I'd hate to go to that game.
Starting point is 00:36:54 That would suck. Yes. One of those deals. So plant that seed now, then in about a month when they forgot you had that conversation, say, hey, I'm gonna, I'm looking to get to a, you know, a game with my kids or whatever on this day. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:37:09 That's a great move. Talk just like talk about how big of fans your kids are. You want to give them a once in a life type opportunity to go to Lambo and experience a game. Say a bunch of stuff like that beforehand to also juice it up. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And then at that point, he's probably going to connect the dots or she is probably going
Starting point is 00:37:32 to connect the dots. They're going to get the, they're going to get the idea of what you're doing here. Okay. And they will probably have enough Midwest niceness or guilt in their Catholic hearts that they will give you the tickets. They may not even charge you, okay? You may also want to find someone who's loaded. That would help. Now, if none of that works, what I would recommend doing is buying them outside of the stadium as soon as the first quarter starts. So once the first quarter starts, all the people selling tickets around the stadium, their as the first quarter starts. So once the first quarter starts,
Starting point is 00:38:05 all the people selling tickets around the stadium, their prices dropped dramatically. And whatever cash you have, only bring with you, bring with you about $50 less than the sticker price of the tickets and say, sorry, this is all I got. A lot of times, they'll take all you got. And you might actually find yourself
Starting point is 00:38:24 with a really good deal on those Packer tickets. Does that make sense? Can I clarify anything in there? You got a plan so go with the everybody you know with Packer season tickets. Start planting that seed now. And while you're doing that, so you like playing like Cornhole or anything like that, bags? Oh, yeah. Okay, so what you're going to want to hustle a friend in a game of cornhole. What you're going to do is you're going to be throwing bags as you're warming up. Just throwing it left throwing it right not even hitting the board.
Starting point is 00:39:13 Oh, and then you're going to like, hey, should we put a wager on this game? Friendly wager. Yeah, just like a friendly wager. Like I'll just like, and you come up with something good. You know, you're going to beat them. you're like, I'll just like, and you come up with something good. You know you're going to beat them, but come up with some good and then be like, Hey, why don't we play for some Packers tickets as well and throw that in there. And then you win it. You got to win the tickets. Someone and you got to be good at cornhole first to and what game are you planning on going
Starting point is 00:39:41 to? Cause that will give us a little bit more. How good a cornhole you need to be. Yeah. How much time are you gonna have to train for this? So I mean I'm decent at corn awl. I don't want to go too late just because my boys are 12 and 10. Oh yeah, I don't Freeze their asses off over there. I'm the of the experience. Yeah, if you're a Vikings fan, you would have no problem with that. Your problem would be that the team sucks, though. So I do think this is a better situation here. So yeah, you definitely want one of those October games, September, October games.
Starting point is 00:40:18 Another thing I'm going to throw out there preseason. I mean, my first game was a preseason game and those tickets, honestly, you can get those pretty cheap. You can just tell your kids a regular game. They're young enough. They're not even they might not even notice us. Are they big sports fans? Would they know if it was a regular season game? My youngest boy would for sure. He's pretty into it. Oh, yeah. He wants a regular season game.
Starting point is 00:40:51 Honestly, Miles brought it up before the Jets game. If the Jets are playing at Lambo, the Jets, they are not very good right now, right? They haven't been very good for a while, right? Not traditionally. Not traditionally. I would start with the Jets game. I would call all your friends who may have season tickets and just start
Starting point is 00:41:10 telling them how bad that game's going to be. Do that this week. Two weeks follow up with how much your kids would love to go to a game. And you do this with enough people. You might wind up with tickets. You're trying to sell before the game because now you've got an influx of tickets. I'm going to be playing with you. I'm going to be playing with you. I'm going to be playing with you. I'm going to be playing with you.
Starting point is 00:41:30 I'm going to be playing with you. I'm going to be playing with you. I'm going to be playing with you. I'm going to be playing with you. I'm going to be playing with you. I'm going to be playing with you. I'm going to be playing with you. I'm going to be playing with you. I'm going to be playing with you. I'm going to the Jets game. So you just won your thanks for calling that.
Starting point is 00:41:45 That is well played. You just won yourself three tickets to the Jets game. Charlie, you can make that happen, right? I will be honest with you. I do not have season tickets myself. However, my uncle does. So here's what I'll have you do. Email ManTalk Minute at, this conversation or whatever. And in between now and when you're emailing, I'm going to ask my uncle, if anyone's going to that game, if no one's going to that game, I will get you them tickets. You need four, right? You, you're two boys, three. Oh, only three. All right. Well, unless you want to go, well, if I'm getting the tickets, I'll go. Okay. So I'll put some feelers out. All right. I see what you did here. I
Starting point is 00:42:28 see exactly what you did. You made me give you advice on how to do it. And now you're saying, Charlie, why don't you just do the thing you told me to do? Well, we see how good your advice is that was very well played. All right, we'll email that. Yeah, all right well email that. Yeah I'm gonna feel right now sir. All right sounds good well another satisfied customer here on the any time like a podcast that was really smart but yeah well also any future people calling in Charlie doesn't have any more tickets. I am I am out tapped out. Yeah he's not asest. Some more. Every time Charlie calls his uncle. He's just gonna his uncle's gonna be like, really Charlie, you promise some more tickets.
Starting point is 00:43:12 I didn't promise him. Yeah, I said, if he has, I think you said you can guarantee that they, no, I think that's what you said. Check the tape. Check the tape. No, if he has them and I and I have access to them, they're all yours because that game's gonna suck I will I'm gonna send out that email to you right now remind you of it Okay, I love everything you guys do I'm honestly shocked that you answered. Oh, yeah, of course. I'm we're thankful you called this is one of this a fun call for us. So appreciate it. Very fun for me too. And now I got to call my uncle.
Starting point is 00:43:49 Yeah, he hasn't talked over a few months. Yeah, he's actually do anyways. No, but there's like Charlie, I, I'll level with you. I started looking at a mile's first. I see your mile. Yeah, I saw it on Facebook, you happened. But then I thought you were a huge Packers fan. And it's like, well, this guy
Starting point is 00:44:09 he's my guy. Oh, yes. I love it. Got you with the Packers fans. He miles. If you were more of a Packers fan, he'd be more of a fan. Well, can you give me some
Starting point is 00:44:17 season records? I'll work on it. Okay. Oh, yeah, I'm drinking one right now, baby. I wish I was. All right, so you guys are off. I appreciate what you do keeping us in Western midwesterners entertained and Just that you guys seem like really cool guys and let the the podcast and go to your head
Starting point is 00:44:45 Charlie try not to try not to. I'll try not to call my uncle. Appreciate calling in and thanks for love and thanks for following and watching. Yeah, I really appreciate you. Yep. Thank you guys. Go packers, fucks bears and, uh, oh, you bet. Thanks man.
Starting point is 00:45:00 Have a good one. See you. Oh, I got my out of your life. I a good one. See it. I got my way out of your way. I call them now. Yeah, they also play the Lions too. So they play the Lions. Of course, yeah. I'd be better. Do you want to call your uncle quick? Yeah, I'll call him real quick.
Starting point is 00:45:17 Okay. All right. Here we go. Come on, Uncle John. Come on, Uncle John. He's getting sent me to voicemail. So much I'm left with my family. Come on, Uncle John. Where are you doing working? We know that's not what's happening.
Starting point is 00:45:43 Come on. I'm doing my shoes. Sorry, I can't speak. Hey, Uncle John. So I had someone call into the belly to podcast. It's my new podcast. Actually, you should have listened to it. If I haven't already, it's pretty entertaining. But anyway, he was trying to get tickets for his kids to go to a Packers game. He said, how do you do it? And
Starting point is 00:46:04 it's a vice podcast. So I gave him the advice of guilt, you know, one of your uncles who has tickets into giving them to them and the kids. You know, first I said, start off by saying, you know, the Jets game is going to be awful, you know, and then like a couple of weeks later say, oh, my kids would love to go see a packers game plant the seed whatever long story short He said do I know anyone who has tickets? He said do I have tickets? I says I don't but I think my uncle might So anyways, uh, Jets game tickets you want to get rid of those? Uh, hope you're doing good
Starting point is 00:46:42 Keeper moving watch out for. Bye-bye. Hey everybody. Hope you enjoyed another episode of the Belly Up podcast. I'm your fearless host, Charlie Barons. This is your fearful host. Co-host. Though you bet you guy, baby. Miles at O-O-U-Betcha. Yeah, I didn't think about that there's another H in there. When you say, oh, you bet you, you think, oh, H, you bet you. We had an extra H in there that's silent.
Starting point is 00:47:09 It's not a great move. Yeah, what? When people are trying to find your website and stuff, it's not great. Yeah, it is. You know, it's funny how when you make these things early on in your career, like, yeah, it'll be fine. Yeah. And then it's just like a little pricker in your paw, you know, it's
Starting point is 00:47:25 always, oh, you bet you, oh, H H, you bet you. Yeah, but you've done a good job with, I think you sell enough t-shirts. I think you're fun. You probably saw a lot more if you had you I know. I know. Who's got that website? I don't know. I gave up on that a long time ago. So how much did they want for it? It was too early on the process. I wasn't going to pay anything for it. Yeah. You know, I was. And now they know that maybe you can pay up.
Starting point is 00:47:52 They wanted, yeah, they know what they got. They know what they got. Well, so if you're the URL holder of, hit me up and just be fair. Just be fair. Yeah. Yeah. You're fair.
Starting point is 00:48:05 Speaking of websites, what's our website? No, not go to Man to Buckman. Think of what is our website? Bellied up that code. I don't know. Do we have? Do we have one? We should have a website.
Starting point is 00:48:16 We'll figure it out. We'll throw in the description if we got one. Oh, that's cool. All right. Well, well, anyway, the beer here is good and it's cold and the pretzels are not cold And that's how you know a great bar. Well, I'm looking at the tots are crispy tots are yeah, don't don't put another I'm not okay. Thanks. Alright guys. We'll see you in the next one. All right. We really mailed in that outro. Hope you enjoyed it you enjoyed it.

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