Bellied Up - Adventures of Dating #59

Episode Date: July 20, 2023

Our first caller has a (future) father-in-law who doesn't want alcohol at the wedding, but the caller does. The next caller is a carpenter who is having a hard time with a douchebag coworker. The ...last caller is looking for a career change and wants to start a podcast about dating. Get yourself a ⁠"Road Huntin For Ditch Chickens"⁠ Hat Want us to come to your bar for a Bellied Up episode? Click Here

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All right, everybody. Welcome back to the Belly Up podcast. I'm here with Charlie Barron's Charlie. How you feeling? I'm feeling good. We're doing belly up to the bar with you. My as you can tell, bend it up to the bar. You do. Do do. No one Charlie's had a tequila shot when he starts singing show tunes, a Belly Up to the bar. We need a theme song. We'll get one. We've been at this for so long and we don't have a theme song. We're not a real podcast until we get a theme song. All right. We'll work on it. Okay. We'll workshop it right now. We're pull tab investing. We've been doing okay here.
Starting point is 00:00:40 Now this is the no goal pile, but in the goal pile, 17 bucks so far, we got 14 tabs left will maybe open that The middle here it's pretty slick. It's kind of teasing me. I Need a little bit miles. This is actually the first time I've really noticed your wedding band. Oh, yeah That's a big old chunk of gold. Can I try it out? Yeah, sure. It's not gonna fit. I don't think I have weird shaped fingers Oh, yeah, it fits perfect. Wow, look at that. Ah, let me check the memories. Look what you could have this eligible bachelor. Look at them. I don't know if I would go gold ring. This is like the ring my dad has. Okay.
Starting point is 00:01:17 Really? I mean, yeah, you don't think it looks good or what? No, I do think it's like a very traditional like. I just see you like, you know, got it. This on a table saw, you don't think it looks good or what? No, I do think it's like a very traditional, like, I just see you like, you know, got it, this on a table saw, you know? Now I got to get like one of those other, like rings on the other hand that I feel like old guys, they, when do old guys get rings? You know what I'm talking about?
Starting point is 00:01:41 Yeah, it's like, like, they got their wedding ring and then on the other hand, they always have another ring where when do men acquire rings? Because I have no situations I'm ever gonna acquire another ring. I think some fells, usually they're Italian, you know? I've got like some like, yeah, we're, I don't know, three mason or something like that. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:02 It's either like a class ring, something Italian, maybe like an Irish, like that collada deal. Yep. You know, well, here's my question. You Charlie. Yeah. How do you feel about class rings? Never, never, never had one. Never would get one, you know, kind of a waste of money. Don't you? Totally waste the money money. Now look, I was a very, I was very not really into all that rar rar stuff. Yeah, I don't have a class rank either. I do have a couple of state championship rings though. Oh, geez. Oh my gosh.
Starting point is 00:02:37 I just started wearing those on the podcast. What do you mean? That'd be hilarious. Do you still have them? No, I threw them away. Well, dude, I don't know if you're keeping track of those. Yeah, there's somewhere in my basement in the tub my mom gave me of all my stuff for my child. But your mom gave you it? Like, yeah, my mom calls it the baby box. Yeah, she's like, you got to get this out of here. I can't look at anything. Yeah, I got a couple
Starting point is 00:03:00 of those. My mom, a little bit of a hoarder when it came to kids stuff. Especially like, yeah. I mean, I wrote this one story about a squirrel when I was in second grade. And I haven't been the same since I reread it. I'm like, how did you guys now put me in therapy after this? Was it the squirrel die? Oh, yeah. I mean, the squirrel died a lot.
Starting point is 00:03:23 You know? Yeah. The squirrel had nine lives. Yeah, well, that's actually kind of a good children's book. It is. But but each like it's it's like each death gets more and more horrific. Yeah. You know, that's kind of what I wrote. The last death is just the remember the old mini-clip game, Kitten Cannon, where they just shoot can't kittens out of a cannon on the spikes of bombs and stuff. What was that? I miss that. Kitten Cannon. I never did the Kitten Cannon. It was just like a video game where you just shot a kid
Starting point is 00:03:53 out of a cannon and to see how far it would go. I was sometimes a baleson of trampoline and sometimes it would land on spikes. What was the game? What system? It was just like a computer internet game. Yeah. Do you guys remember ski free when you would ski away from the it's like an old 90s game. Oh, I don't think I know that one. I'm too old. So before we get into some colors here, Charlie, yeah, where are we at? Where are we at? Like Milwaukee, oh, we're at Dale Z's. I tell you, how much the kilo of you had? I had one shot and that's it. And then typically I don't do shots. So I might be a little Lucy Goosey. Yeah. Ladies and gentlemen, we're at Dale Z's. And what's makes beautiful sunny Milwaukee sides all the patrons and the vibes. They got them three dollar hot nuts miles. Oh, back they got some pickleball courts. Oh, yeah, I forgot about them.
Starting point is 00:04:49 We got about them. We might have to play some pickleball at the end of the day. I'll play some pickleball. Hey, we have to do it the other day because as soon as I step on that court I will be covered head to toe and sweat. So it's gotta be be the last thing I do before we leave. Otherwise, I can't come back belly it up to a bar and just I'll look like shack at the free free throw line, and I'll just sweat all over the bar. All right, I will play pickleball. Uh, loser has to buy hot nuts. Okay, are you a pickleball guy? Yeah, I like playing pickleball. How many times you play pickleball? I'd play it enough. Okay, that means he hasn't played very much. That's not true. Honestly, I was playing pickle ball before people even knew about the thing is is now they're saying it's the sport of the future. Are you buying into that? You think it could be? I'll buy
Starting point is 00:05:38 into that. Okay. I like playing pickle ball because you don't have to run as much. Yeah, it's way better than tennis. It's like really big ping pong. Yeah, it's or it's miniature tennis. That's true. Yeah, it's the best of both worlds. You know, and that tells you the kind of person that you're playing with. So Anna and I actually played a little pickle ball
Starting point is 00:05:55 on her honeymoon. Oh, and let's just say she never had a prayer. Really? Yeah, I mean, I told her, I said, this isn't going to go good for you. This is really good. You said it just like that on your honey moon. Yep, I said this is going to be our first marriage test. Can you handle playing pickleball with me and tell you what, there was a moment I thought she was going to take that ring and chuck it over the fence because I was just smoking her so bad, but really she wouldn't pawn it, but
Starting point is 00:06:25 well, she would have gone and went and picked it up and yeah. Yeah. But yeah. So what was do you remember the score of your games? How many games did you play matches? We played multiple days. So did you? She did squeeze out a win once in a while there. And did she rub it into your face the way you rub it into her face? No, no, because I was more mad than she was happy. She's such a nice gal. I know. And you are just such a little rascal. I'm a sore loser. I'm really bad at losing. So, so hopefully I win. Hey, I bet you I'll beat you and pick a ball though. But you know what Charlie what miles You show me a good loser and I'll show you a loser. Oh
Starting point is 00:07:11 Wow is Ann a good loser. Uh, she's not good nor bad I just painted him he painted himself into a corner on that. I just walked him into that Well, so painted himself into a corner on that. I just walked him into that corner. So we get a small charlier. All right, let's do it. Welcome to the Bellyduck podcast. You are live on the air with me, Charlie and him, Miles. Who is calling? Oh, this is Chandler from Southern Utah.
Starting point is 00:07:39 Tim from Southern Utah. Chandler. Chandler. Is it Chandler? I heard Tim. Yeah, Chandler. It's Is it Chandler? Yeah, Chandler. Charlie's had some daquilla. No, stop saying that, Miles. It's maybe my headphones aren't high enough.
Starting point is 00:07:54 Sorry, Chandler. Apologies. Southern Utah. I wish I had daquilla. Oh, yeah. You wish you had daquilla. They don't sell that in Southern Utah. Oh, Mormon country. No, it's just it's just extensive a shit down here.
Starting point is 00:08:11 What's a bottle of the queue we go for down there? Well, the cheap stuff or the good stuff Good stuff. The cheap stuff is probably good stuff. Well, I don't know. I never had any $20 bottle good stuff. Well, I don't know I never had any but like 18 20 dollars a bottle Where that hangover no, thank you It's why is it so expensive sin tax Didn't all you taught like so you have to in Utah you can only buy it at a state liquor store and Then also it's like taxed up the ass because they don't want people to be drinking before.
Starting point is 00:08:46 Yeah. So syntax. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, we were without saying yeah, syntax. Yeah, or you could say taxed up the ass, you know, more than one way to skin a cat. Yeah. So what's on your mind, Chandler? I'm calling for advice because I have a few, I'm engaged and my graduation is very, thank you. My family's father's very LDS.
Starting point is 00:09:15 And so we're talking about like wedding stuff. He's got LDS. I'm so sorry. I mean, he's like, God, he's just more than LDS is more than I don't know. I thought you said I was like, yeah, I was like, yeah, I think they got supplements and stuff he can do. Yeah. Yeah. Okay, so he's a ladder ladder day saints.
Starting point is 00:09:38 Yes, there he is. Okay. Good. And that's a murder. I want alcohol of my wedding. Yeah. I want alcohol at your wedding too. How's anyone going to dance otherwise? Exactly, right? But how do I approach that conversation with him because he doesn't drink and he's great, you know, they have LDS people don't drink and they don't really condone it, right? So how do I approach that conversation with him? Well, he can be paying for the wedding. So first off, what is your fiance think of the situation? Well, she's like what do we really need
Starting point is 00:10:10 out she drinks by the way. So she's being her wins the bar with weekend. But she's like well do we need it? And I'm like well, I mean, I really like it. You know, I'm going to be what about whether or not he lets me have some. I'm going to have some. You know, there's going to be what I'm going to be. What are not you listening to me have some? I'm going to have some.
Starting point is 00:10:26 There's going to have a plaster and a mini ball or something. Oh, yeah. I mean, that's what you have to be clear about is, look, what's his name? Curtis. You can just go and say, do you call? Are you calling them Curtis? Are you calling them Mr. or whatever?
Starting point is 00:10:41 To add. Yeah, what are you calling them? I don't know if I've ever actually in the three and a half years, these days, I've ever actually referred to him as anything. I think no, I know exactly what you're saying. There are people in my life that I've never said their name once in my life. I think specifically, the father, father's in law for whatever reason. It's tough to address them as anything,
Starting point is 00:11:05 because do you go super formal? You do not want to be the first guy to tread on the call them by their first name. And it's one of those things. If you call your father in law by his first name, there's a hint of you're trying to suck up, you know? Like what are you trying to pull? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:21 Calling me, calling me dunk. Well, what's all that about? Do you think that's sucking up or do you think it's seeing him in equal footing? And I bet he's not ready to see it. There's a couple layers there, Charlie. I think we're both on to something. I could call him what he is daughter calls. He might call him Kurt dog. Kurt dog. Yeah, let's not. If you want booze at your wedding, let's hold off. Yeah. Although why is he called Kurt Dog? Did he have another, was he doing some before we, he was a latter-day saint? Was he a party
Starting point is 00:11:50 animal at one point in his life? Well, I know, so he's always been LDS and his father used to be like, like a mission president and then like a bitch for the church at the time. He never, he's never once had to look around the whole of these Eastern California. So he had friends that always went out, you'd always do like a DC. So I think he's okay being around alcohol, but I don't think he's gonna be able to pay for it.
Starting point is 00:12:13 Like he's not gonna be wanting to pay for it. It's like alcohol, but I don't, I have to feel him that he definitely got Kurt Dog when he was out partying, but was he drinking and doing other stuff when he was partying that's the question he drinking and doing other stuff when he's farting at the question. Oh, apparently he's never had a lick it out.
Starting point is 00:12:29 He's from California. He might have been getting cally drunk if you know what I'm saying. Oh, is he into that? Oh, no, hell. He's a very conservative man. Oh, okay. His father actually like got he got in trouble one time for having a fake earring in his ear back in 80s. Oh man. I hate it when my fake earring gets me in trouble. That's the worst. Oh yeah. Wow. So,
Starting point is 00:12:55 all right. Well, he's in what we would call a predicament. You are, you're in a pickle, fella. Um, okay. It does he have to pay for the wedding? I mean, no, but like, so I'm in a graduate, I'm going to I'm going to have matches about like three from them. Okay. So I work too nice a week overnight at a grocery store talking shelves. My fiance, the manager at a coals, he's paid, you don't have a ton of money for us to pay for it. Yeah, yeah. Well, you could see if you could pay in Coles cash. That's just as good as my A. That's not a bad. That is a good point. Now, you got to be able to find a venue that'll
Starting point is 00:13:35 take Coles cash. Yeah. That's true. But here's the worst thing that's been Utah. It's hard to find a venue that like does it like so some of them on alcohol and like the ones that are alcohol are like the $10,000 just further than you and then $10,000 minimum. Yeah, I was going to say the ones, the ones in Utah that are allowing alcohol are the ones actually making money. Is that what you're saying? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:01 They make noodles of money. Yeah. No, do that. Yeah. No, to that. Yeah. No, and it sounds like not not only are you on an uphill battle trying to convince your conservative father and lot of have alcohol, not only that, it's also very expensive in your state. So it's kind of a double whammy year up against.
Starting point is 00:14:20 Yeah. I mean, we just so in southern you saw we're close enough to Nevada. We just scurry across the border by, you know, we got a, a lease at Leeds and the feet, which is like a Costco liquor store and you go by like a bottle like hand looks and go by a couple bottles, jump back across the border. Bootlegum. Rum runners. I like that. Bring it back to prohibition style. Maybe you could have a prohibition styled theme for your wedding. Oh, that's good. That's good.
Starting point is 00:14:49 I could. I got a little speaky to you. I just speak easy to tell the family, my family about. Don't know his family. Yeah. Yeah, just have a menu item for your family up at the bar. And call it the, where are you from? Well, I'm from Salt Lake City.
Starting point is 00:15:04 Oh, you are. What they do is they have, because all the booze will be in the basement. You just say, oh, my family's bathroom is down in the basement. Then they go down there and then they come back. I can like, wow, that family really got a pee. Yeah. It's not a bad idea. Is there going to be a bad idea?
Starting point is 00:15:21 Does he drink coffee? No, all of you know. So Mormons don't drink coffee, but soda Dude, they like there's a place you call it swig or like this. They're soda shops all over the place like every You like street corner and all the more mom's all the more like they don't drink coffee They just drink soda like it's like water. It's crazy Wow, so how's the diabetes there? And you talk pretty higher. I mean, I've never thought about that.
Starting point is 00:15:52 I must be, dude. You're not, this is not just a question for your wedding. This is a question for the rest of your life. You know, like you've got You're gonna have you trying to talk him out of this marriage. No, I'm just I'm I'm saying this if we need to come up with a solution Not just for this wedding, but for the rest of the time. Yeah, okay. Yeah, so let's circle back to old Let's circle back to old Curtis What's your what let's start with the baseline. What is in your head? What are you thinking about doing? How are you gonna approach it in your mind?
Starting point is 00:16:29 Well, my way of approaching it is not the way that I think I should approach it. I'm not gonna have to read out. You're gonna say we'll just do it and not tell him. I think he's going to be fine now. But that's not obviously good. Yeah, he's probably going to find out. I didn't thought about it that much. So I was like, oh, so okay. Oh my god. I don't know why the wedding went.
Starting point is 00:16:54 Have you thought about deferring this to your wife or your fiance to bring it up to him first? I have and she does my good idea. Because she's like, she's like, well, why do we have to make a big deal out of that? I'm like, hey, it will be some of my family is like, Hispanic and Catholic on one side. And like, doesn't give a shit on the other. So like, they're going to want to drink. And they're like, his big loud Hispanic family. Like, they're going to want like fear and like the key lives.
Starting point is 00:17:24 And we're going gonna have a party but then that side of the other side like first side This is the I want to film this this is a movie can we get an invite just to watch we'll bring the beer you know Hey you you some of your adric also enjoyed invite okay all right miles give them your address okay um so you an invite. Okay. All right. Miles give him your address. Okay. Um, so, uh, this is such a, cause I mean, how often do you incur this chat? So he wasn't so like, but he'll come down to come visit. Really what he's coming down for is to call and he'll invite me and then like, maybe I'll be paired up with him, you know, compared with him, we chat the whole time. But I don't know that we don't talk too much.
Starting point is 00:18:06 Well, I mean, there's a straight shooter approach. You can get them on there. Maybe, uh, maybe, uh, give them a favorable gimme on the green, right? It might be way too far for a gimme and just like, oh, no, that's good, Curtis. You're good. So then he's feeling good about getting his, uh, gimme birdie in the, on the scorecard. Then maybe that's something between the green and the next hole just casually throw it out there might be a good way to do it. Yeah. I could also open it up by cracking a beer in my own, except never even, I don't think he knows I drink. I can just walk up and crack a beer like, hey, you know, about like our wedding,
Starting point is 00:18:40 maybe I should have some of this, you know, I'd give them a bush lot taste and try and warm them up to that idea. You know what? That's not a bad idea. I think let's take this back to the good book, huh? I think, you know, you and Curtis should sit down with the Bible, and I think you should read the story of Jesus' first miracle. And what were they doing? They were at a wedding, the wedding of Cana. And what happened? They weren't having any alcohol there, right? Or they ran out of alcohol. They ran out of wine.
Starting point is 00:19:14 And you know what Mary said? Mary looked at Jesus and she says to Jesus, Jesus, we're out of wine. I can't stand these people sober. We need more wine as what Mary said. And Jesus requested, Mary requested Jesus that his first miracle, the miracle that will live on for thousands and thousands of years, be turning water into wine. This is so ingrained. Now do they have a different Bible Mormons? I was going to say do they believe in Jesus? Also, that's where it gets tricky. So because they have the book of Mormon, which is a, it's like a, it's like a, it's like a, a Bible part three, right? Because you have a little test,
Starting point is 00:19:54 a new test, man, then the book of Mormon's like Bible part three, but also in that watered line thing, I don't know if they believe that because when they do staccrament, it's with water. I don't know if they believe that because when they do a sacrament, it's with water. Okay. Okay. I think you should start by reading that book, you know, that warm-in book. I don't recommend that. That sounds like a nightmare. I mean, well, I mean, 18. Oh, yeah. Hey, Charlie, why don't you sit down and just read the whole Bible? That sound fun, Charlie. Just how much time you think he's at just doing overnight. Okay, get a PDF control, effort and search for wine.
Starting point is 00:20:29 Okay. There you go. And then find all the wine passages. And then you know, you're a lawyer now. Come up with your your thought process. I mean, you could change this man's mind about his whole thing. This could save you for Christmases to come. Do they believe in Christmas?
Starting point is 00:20:45 Yeah, I mean, oh, really? I don't know. There's a lot of weird things you want me to do. I don't know. I don't know a lick about Mormonism. I don't know anything other than they don't drink. Well, I'm more have it. Boy, you.
Starting point is 00:20:59 That's the only thing I don't know. Oh, no, they have fun. Their fun is like getting together and drinking soda and having a thousand kids and then just going playing outside and saying, oh, this is a great day. He's just going to play. Like I said, they hate fun.
Starting point is 00:21:16 So yeah. I think you sent Kurt Dog this podcast after it's up and published. And then they'll see it from your perspective. Well, here's the deal. I mean, just because just because half the family is Mormon, okay, but the other half is Catholic, all right. And you can't just, you, when you're married, you got both sides have to blend a little bit. Oh, here we go. I got it. I got it. Okay. That was just stolen for miles.
Starting point is 00:21:46 It's great idea. Here we go, dude. You have it in your back pocket. Just say that it is a requirement for your parents to have alcohol there. And you just don't even say that you, you'd be like, you know what? I want to respect what you guys got going on. But my dad and mom are really, really want me to have booze. You know, what should we do? What? Anything we can do? Put it on. Yeah, but then
Starting point is 00:22:11 my parents look like alcoholics. Well, I mean, they're Catholic. So yeah, they are. I mean, I don't know how else to say. Well, my parents aren't Catholic, but like the rest is my thing. Oh, but for the purposes of this conversation, we're like, Curtis doesn't need to know they're not Catholic. Okay. Yeah. You guys go to church. I was one time before the deal. Oh, I think that's your mood.
Starting point is 00:22:35 Put it on your family and say, I'm getting a lot of pressure from that. My side of the family, Curtis, my guy, Kurt dog. Is there anything we can do? I want to respect your guys' family, but I also want to respect mine and they're very insistent that they want to have some de Kila at this wedding. What do I do? I think he might be a little more understanding if you take that approach. maybe is honesty is honesty a big value in the Mormon book of Mormon. I don't know because I have to a good question. I find a way to they're honest people they're just not always the most straightforward the nice people they're very judgmental but other than that they're good
Starting point is 00:23:22 to honest these generally that's what you do, dude. Literally start ripping on your own family to Curtis, me like, God, they're alcoholics. They need to booze at this. I'm a hands are tied, Kurt. What do I do? I don't know what to do, man. And I think it changes tune a little bit.
Starting point is 00:23:37 Doesn't it say, excuse me, doesn't it say in the Bible to not be judgmental? It's the book of Mormon is what he knows though. I'm sure I'm a book of Mormon. Okay, control after that PDF and hit judgmental. Find that passage. You got to use that book in your favor. I'm sure it, look, all these every religious text says a lot of things.
Starting point is 00:24:03 You can believe whatever you want to believe by finding any passage and seeing, say it says it there. So just find the things that back your point. I mean, that's what all these like, you know, silly people do when they're holding up the protest signs, you know, they just cherry pick something in their Bible or whatever. You cherry pick now.
Starting point is 00:24:22 That's a two way street trend. I'm sure there's something in there about wine or not being a judgmental prick or whatever. You know, show them that passage and get some booze at your wedding. Yeah, first butter them up, maybe get them an ice cold doctor pepper in them and in his belly and then just start your family. Oh, yeah. That was like a great idea. Is that what's his soda of choice? I think it's not all along in this doctor. That's why they love their doctor.
Starting point is 00:24:56 No, no, no. It's got all these flavors back. No, that guy's back up the truck. There's caffeine in Dr. Pepper. Yeah. Oh, yeah. That's, yeah, it's up. Yeah, they drink caffeine in Dr. Pepper. Oh. Yeah, oh yeah, that's, yeah. It's, yeah, they drink caffeine, they just don't drink coffee.
Starting point is 00:25:09 Oh, yeah. Oh, okay. There's a theory that I have behind that one. There's a theory I have behind that. Because when Brigham Young came to Salt Lake City, they settled and everything. And there's a theory that a Jewish family opened a coffee shop and then he was racist so he told all the
Starting point is 00:25:26 lemons they can't drink coffee so the Jewish coffee shop would go out of it. Wow, wow, that's some bullshit. I'm just gonna say this. So there's something wrong with the coffee bean. No, it's a political. It's because it also have hot caffeinated beverages. You can't have hot caffeinated beverages? I'm sorry. Someone's gonna have to really do the math on this. I don't know who these people are.
Starting point is 00:25:54 And I'm not trying to be judgmental on anything. But I'm confused as someone who's interested in logic. What the flying prick, man? She's the least. I've been in Utah my whole life and I still don't understand. There's a lot of stuff that doesn't make sense. But hey, that's so nice, you know.
Starting point is 00:26:17 Well, just use the credit method. Just use the credit method. Just ask him, so we can't have coffee why and then and then if they say it's hot them why is hot caffeine better than cold caffeine. I don't I don't know about a nice coffee. I don't think attacking him about his religious beliefs. I'm not attacking. I just want answer. I seriously would like to answer these questions. This makes no freaking sense. I'm just asking for a little bit of logic. That's all I'm asking for. Just a little logic in this whole situation.
Starting point is 00:26:48 I mean, I don't know if it's the like, you know what? I know it's, so go ahead. I went to school in Missouri, my freshman year at college. And a lot, I thought, I thought you were like, oh, you're Mormon. The college is a little like, little like rumors they hear year, but also Missouri. It was legal to kill Mormon until like 1980. So that's not right. I got you stuff. Well, yeah, no, but how the hell is that legal? It's legal to kill. Yeah, I'm not saying kill anybody. I don't know. Well, no, I think what they got is crazy things they got to be thinking to get people to want to do that.
Starting point is 00:27:27 I would just like some logic in all of this. Oh, frickin' thing. I think I'm going to play a little bit of middleman down here and say, you know what? I don't care what anyone believes in. You can believe whatever you want to believe. That's fine. But you got to also, they got to meet you halfway. If you're in your family want to drink, they got to also be okay with that.
Starting point is 00:27:48 You know, if you're going to be okay with some of the stuff that they're throwing at you, they got to be a little okay with you. You got going on. That's all I'm saying. By the way, I just want to dollar and pull 10. I don't mean to get all steamed up about like the Mormon situation, but I just, I get confused when there's not a lot of blood to attach to some of this stuff. I just, that I just, I get confused when there's not a lot of logic attached to some of this stuff. I just, that's it. I'm a comp. Oh, yeah. That's all. And whatever,
Starting point is 00:28:10 you're right, Miles, whatever you want to believe, I could give two shits. But, you know, it's just, let's bring something into it that where we all know the rules. Oh, what are oranges? I just won with oranges five dollars five bucks good news all right well I think my advice. I don't know what Charlie's advice is I've you got you got a little worked up there Maybe gather your thoughts. I'm just confused. I Thought Mormons didn't drink caffeine at all and now you're telling me cold caffeine while for crepesakes, you know, it's just all Yeah, I you're telling me cold caffeine while for crepes shakes. You know, it's just. Oh, yeah. I think you just play the, hey, my family would love to have some alcohol at this.
Starting point is 00:28:51 I don't know what to do. My hands are tied. If you could say my hands are tied, he'll love that, I think, because I mean, that can sound erotic in some situations. Not with you when you're talking about your family, it's not erotic, okay? Charlie. Okay. What do you think?
Starting point is 00:29:09 I think that's been good advice. I mean, definitely, I definitely bet it would have been what I was going to do. Yeah. I mean, just not just blindly lying to his face and then him showing up might be fireworks, you know? So I think maybe give at least a warning shot. Well, I know I'm his favorite of his son, so that's what I wouldn't say that. Is that because you're lying to him and telling him you're not drinking? I don't lie to him. I just don't. Yeah, I think I drink alcohol. Say that again. Yeah, he's a real thing by drink alcohol. They share my cat piece of times, but yeah, you know,
Starting point is 00:30:00 well, I think that that's your move, man. I don't know what else to tell you. My hands are tied in this situation. So what do you want me to tell you? You know? No, yeah, that's great advice. Just push the blame on someone else. Yeah. Just blame someone else over and over again. That's how you get through life. So all right, man. Well, thanks for calling in. Best of luck. Yeah. You and Kurt know, thank you Conversation. I'm going to have to. Oh, yeah. Cool. Charlie off here after this. I'm totally cool. And by the way, I just want to say, if you're Mormon, whatever, I don't really care. I just, I learned some new information, and I was just flabbergasted by it. That's all. I'm just, it takes me a while to process,
Starting point is 00:30:40 and sometimes I process new motions in a weird way. And maybe it was a little judgmental. So maybe I'm on the wrong tree. Okay. I'm just going to climb down. Maybe you just need to cool off with some jolly good. Yeah. There you go. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:56 Yeah. No caffeine in that. Maybe jolly good found a new market. Maybe they got ahead to you. Tell you. You guys should get them to sell Tipeek cow out here. They don't have never been able to find it. And Mr. So is right there.
Starting point is 00:31:08 We'll talk to Mr. Cowell see what we can do. All right. Sounds good. Well, thanks for calling in. Yeah, tell Kurt Dogg we do says hi. And sorry if we got a little heated on this. Send them this podcast so we know as how sorry we are. All right, we'll do what you guys want to have for deer out there. Okay, you too. So yeah, that's a tough situation. I did. I, I, I'm, I'm confused on the whole,
Starting point is 00:31:37 but yeah, I really want to get into that story on the coffee and whatnot. You know, hey, that's your investigative journalism. That's the investigative journalism. It just smells fishy to me. That's all miles. What does it mean if you win? Yeah, I'm going to do them rest of mine. Well, hang on. I won with all lemons. And this says $2 total right there.
Starting point is 00:32:04 Yeah, you want two bucks. But I also want. What you want is three deer. You don't want three bucks. You don't want the lemons. Well, I won with the lemons and then also the two bucks. No, that's just what you want. I want a buck rest just now.
Starting point is 00:32:18 Cheers. Let me see. Oh, yeah, you want. Oh, and you want one now. Whatever the yellow square says, Charlie, is what you want. Oh, it's on every single. Oh, I get it. I get it. I like never look at the one that's not a winner, you know, that's why. All right. Another buck. There are a lot of winners. Did he handpicked these for us or what? Can we do two types of guys who pull pull tabs?
Starting point is 00:32:45 Like watch how miles does it? Oh, just blows his whole load right away. You know, not me. I like each one individually. Charlie's kind of a four play guy when it comes to pull tabs. No, because you look, Miles, you can get really excited about each one. And then. All right. Nothing.
Starting point is 00:33:04 Nothing. I think we won 20 some bucks. So I have to maybe reinvest. I think that's a good idea. By the way, shout out to Dale from Dale Z's because he gave us $50 worth of pull tabs. So you guys get in here, invest in some hot nuts and give that, you know, pay it forward. Dale gave us 50 bucks and, you know, we're going to leave a nice tip. But, you know, pay it forward. Dale gave us 50 bucks and, you know, we're gonna leave a nice tip, but you know, I just want everyone to know how generous Dale is here.
Starting point is 00:33:30 Good, good guy. Good, good guy. A second arc. Okay, sounds good. Welcome to the Belly to Podcast, who we chit chat with today. Hey guys, it's Anton from Montreal. From Montreal, say your name again, I miss that.
Starting point is 00:33:44 Anton. Anton from Montreal. How you doing, Anton? You do one time mission of your time call. Oh, thank you very much, Antonin. It's a pleasure to have you on the show. Belly on up to the bar with us. Let us know what's on your mind. I'm a young down 22, working in construction. I'm a coach in here. Good for you. Like you see you, and I don't know, I come from the French part of Canada. So all these French co-buckers, they're almost pissed off at their job.
Starting point is 00:34:13 The old guys from the different trades, we tend to be a little rude. So I'm asking like, how do I handle the, the result guys? Okay, so you're wondering, you're working construction, you're wondering how you handle the old crabby guys at the, at the job site. Is that correct? Yeah, the ones that come to work just because they don't want
Starting point is 00:34:36 to see their wives at home and stuff. Well, Anton, you have called the right place because I don't know if you know this but Miles is a construction expert and by expert I mean he's been to several jobsites and pissed off a lot of his bosses. Yes. Yeah so I grew up working construction for my dad, my dad on the business and I know exactly what you're talking about. It's these guys that come to work and all they do is bitch about their wives at home, what they let them do, what they don't let them do all that is, is that sound a little familiar? Oh, yeah. Well, I mean, bitch, like, like, to me, it's like the different trees there. I'm asking because I'm young to try to like be like, uh, so to bring the power they don't have at home on the job site. Okay.
Starting point is 00:35:28 A little man syndrome as we like to call that LF. Yeah. Like, in six, three doesn't help them. Oh, you see, you're six, three is like, San? Yeah. So together, like, and we're all so it's most of them. It's the show once they usually good.
Starting point is 00:35:46 So we hit the nail on the head and no pun intended. Yeah, they just see you as a tree. Yeah, chop down. That's what they see. Okay. Well, I think the first thing I'm going to ask is what, give me an example of something that they're trying to be a little man syndrome about to you Right, so let's see the concrete guys they got a level out the The slab of the building like he's coming into like porous a certain in a certain area But my drywalls like right next to it comes up and you start showing them the all your drywall and the gravel scraps I'm gonna screw this across the room if you don't move it oh, you drive while in the double scraps. I'm going to throw this across the room.
Starting point is 00:36:25 If you don't move it. Wow. So I don't make you're going to be a fucking idiot. Go shoot around. Go ahead. Well, you know, make it. Well, you're getting well, you. Okay. So the passive aggressive approach would be you have your boss send the concrete
Starting point is 00:36:41 company invoices for all the stuff that they're throwing around. That could be a good idea. Yeah. I don't want to bring up that'll get them in trouble real fast. If they're if I know anything about a concrete boss as soon as they start losing money, that's when shit really starts just straighting up around there. So you start costing the company money. The boss going to get on them about leaving you alone,
Starting point is 00:37:08 could be a good way to do it. You know what's kind of a fun, what could be kind of fun? You should could casually just go up to him and say, hey man, how tall are you? Ha ha ha. And how tall is he, do you think he is? Oh, five five.
Starting point is 00:37:28 Okay. Okay. How's the weather down there? Or or wait. It's really shitty right now. It's raining. I thought he meant that. Yeah, I miss him.
Starting point is 00:37:39 Well, okay. So what's this little man's name? I don't know his name because we don't work for the same company. Okay, well when he comes over to you ask him how tall he is and then when he says he's five five so when he says He's five seven say no way I'm five eight. There's no way you're five seven. There you go, you know You could also mention how small his hammer is. You know, that's good. Yeah, that would be good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:08 Another thing you could do is just getting a chest bumping mat for them, right? Everyone's all talk until you start getting your chest bump out, you start going against each other. And then they back down pretty fast, especially when you can just pick your foot up and stomp them down into the ground, you know. Yeah, and you're going to have to. Yeah and stomp them down into the ground. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:25 And you're going to have to see the thing is the chest bumping matches like at this drop set, especially with the French club actors, there's been a couple of fights already on the job. Oh, okay. I think like will give me into a fight. Yeah. And if you do a chest match with him, you're also going to have to squat down low. So I don't know.
Starting point is 00:38:44 Down on your knees. Yeah. Then you've given up don't know. Get down on your knees. Yeah. Then you've given up the high ground. It's all the thing. Yeah. Yeah. What is the difference in the very, like, do you guys speak French on the job site there? Or do you speak English? Oh, yeah, I'm early.
Starting point is 00:38:59 It's French on the job site. Like, the guy's barely in English. Just sometimes because of them all, I speak them in English. Yeah, that's what I was gonna say. You're already on it. It's just nothing makes someone more mad than when you're talking to them in the language they don't understand,
Starting point is 00:39:13 because it's like they don't know what to do. What are you saying? You could be telling them that he looks cute and he wouldn't know. Well, sometimes I turn and I tell him, like, oh, your boots look awfully clean or your husband be a boss or something out of work? I like that.
Starting point is 00:39:28 If I know anything about construction workers, there's always a pissing match on who works harder. So if you say that he's not working hard, that'd be good. Yeah, you could also just go the approach and just start hitting on him. That usually makes guys get, you know, I'll just be like, oh, you're looking really trimming fit today. I love that look you got. It's kind of cute. And he's going to be getting all insecure. Yeah. Exactly. Tell him that you love his new haircut and all that and he'll back down pretty fast. They're usually involved or into it. Yeah, maybe
Starting point is 00:40:03 he's hiding an insecurity. Maybe into it. What do you think, Charlie? What should you do? So I think, can you teach us how to swear in French? Oh, would you usually swear in New Lake? You see, French go back to the biggest swear word, the most popular one is tabarnac. Tabarnac.
Starting point is 00:40:23 Oh, yeah, that's right. Like tabarnacl. Like that comes that's right. Like Tabernackel. Like that's like, that comes from the Catholic thing. They taught me that. Yeah, it comes from the, you were an altar boy, right? Yeah, that's what Tabarnac said. I went there one time and they taught me that.
Starting point is 00:40:40 I'm finding that Tabernac, huh? Yeah, they look like, or like, Christ, they're like, uh, or like, price, there, just anything related to church and a sort of those are the main swear words. Wow. Yeah. That's something to dig to. Could also just go the prank route, right? When he's working and right before, you know, you go to where his truck is at, maybe put the E break on or, uh, turn his, or turn his heat on high. You know, that's always gets nothing gets so more mad than when they're already hot and sweaty and then they get more hot and sweaty.
Starting point is 00:41:10 That'll really piss them off. That's the way to do it. Put the beaver heater on the car. Yeah. Yeah, maybe rearrange this toolbox so we can't find anything. That would be infuriating. Oh, you know what you can do? You can put you guys thinking fighting fire with fire. Oh, yeah, that's how that's how us Americans do it, baby. What fight fire with fire? You know, what you can do is you can wrap every one of your tools, you know, to mark your tool, just wrap it in like a green tape or something. And just don't mention it, just have it there for a
Starting point is 00:41:43 week. And then one day when he's not looking, wrap all his tools in your color tape, you know, and then just tell him that he's he's stealing your tools. You could also your drywall guy, that's what he said. So you could take one of your markers or pencils or something and write a line at like six feet tall and put a big line there. It says must be this tall to talk shit. And then every time he says something, he just point to the line on the wall. That would really get him mad.
Starting point is 00:42:13 We're like, I've been going through all the trouble. I should just put my hand over like as if I'm looking into the distance and share of something. There you go. Never never meet his eye line. Just look over his head the whole time. Oh, that's a good way to get kicked in the pecker, I suppose. That's what you got to worry about. That's where that's where his punch zone is. Oh, there, I mean, so obviously you're not going to be on this job site forever.
Starting point is 00:42:43 So you also could just do the route of, you know, just ignoring them and tell you go to a different job site, you know? Yeah, but I like to kind of speak sometimes. So I think I'm like, true, but I'm here and there, you know, but uh, yeah, I would definitely go with, uh, must be this, this tall to talk shit. I think is a really, really good one. with must be this this tall to talk shit I think is a really, really good one. Now, if you really want to fix it, you could actually try to be friends with him. You could like actually like put yourself down a few pegs and say, sorry, I don't know what I'm doing. I'm new here, you know, I'll help you let him kind of get the thing.
Starting point is 00:43:18 So you become, you know, his buddy. And then it might be a better workplace environment. That'd be a lot less fun, but you know, it's an option. Charlie, like, uh, over here, if you say that you're the new guy, nobody's gonna like you. Nobody likes the new guys. Yeah, that is true. We don't want to be a tackle box. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:37 Um, yeah, I mean, I think the other thing too is, is it's like, if he doesn't like where you put your stuff, just tell him to move it himself then. I don't want time. He was yelling like you need to move this stuff like though that line. So I'm going to get him moved. Call my boss. Call your boss to talk to my boss and maybe you'll talk to me and then maybe we'll get him moved. And until then, I don't want to do.
Starting point is 00:43:57 Yeah, there you go. Have your people call my people. That's a good power move. I like that. Well, I think we gave you a lot of different possibilities here. Do you have any follow up questions? Things that are still lingering in your dome there? Yes, I got in finally on the call. I'm thinking what's the best color jig in rubber? All right. This is a totally all I all glad you asked. So right now, the question here you go,
Starting point is 00:44:27 right now, it's just up north, not too far from you. I was smelling your smoke. I was that far up north and Canadian wildfires. I was a reference. Okay.
Starting point is 00:44:36 And so what I was doing was beetle spins with a red rubber on it. So you know, beetle spin deal with the red little rubber tail on the end, hammering wall eyes with them. And my cousin actually was up there this weekend, also just doing it. So I, that's what I would go with. Now, by the time this, and the reason I'm so forthcoming with this information as we record these podcasts a bit before they be released. So by the time it's out, this information will be useless.
Starting point is 00:45:13 It'll be a little bit colder probably. So it might be a different thing. But if you want to get them, I'd try that. I'd try the red beetle spins. Yeah, I've never used them, but I haven't done. Yeah, give them a shot. Give them a nice fast retrieve given that it's summer. You know, they're they're moving fast and everything like that. Unless it's a blazing hot day and then maybe scroll it down a little bit of a rip. But yeah,
Starting point is 00:45:35 get it going and send us some walleye picks. I'd love to see what you get up there. Oh, we get like last Monday. I went fishing and called like I think 18 18 wall eyes, holy smokes, what late for you? No, this on the river. Oh, it's on the river. And what were you using? I was I found to jig like me matter the color with like a white Mr. Pister. Oh, got that white Mr. Twister on there. Okay. I like it. And you got them all with that, huh? Oh, that or sometimes you're using ones depends. Oh, sure. Other feeling. Yeah. Yep. Yep. Toss one of them. Drag it along the bottom. Wait for it to bump. Open the bail. Let it pull for a minute. Set the hook. Bam. Lunch. Love it. Yeah. God, I love it. I want to go fishing now.
Starting point is 00:46:22 I love it. Yeah, God, I love it. I want to go fishing now. Yeah, well, Anton, thanks for calling in, man. This was great. Hopefully, maybe one of those tips can help you manage dealing with those concrete guys. Those concrete guys are bastard sometimes. Yeah, let you know if he gets all right and mad. I hope he does.
Starting point is 00:46:43 Maybe he might grow a couple inches of the anger. That sounds good, man. Well, thanks for calling in and good luck. Yeah, all right. We'll talk to you soon. Good luck with the guys. Have a drink for me.
Starting point is 00:46:59 All right, we will. Bye bye now. Charlie, you know what I love about construction? What's that, Miles? It doesn't matter what, what language you speak. It doesn't matter where you are in the world. Everyone acts the same. It's kind of like the Catholic church in that way.
Starting point is 00:47:12 You could go to a church in any country and kind of know what's going on. And everyone's going to sit in the back. No one's sitting up front. Everyone's got, and they're all going to leave, shortly after communion. Yeah. Yeah, I could tell you guys were really, I mean, even though he was a French speaker, native tongue, you guys were communicating.
Starting point is 00:47:31 I should have told my last name is multiple. You was going to ask about your friends who consult. We we. How's Babel coming along? It's stagnant at the moment. Okay. But we'll get it. Taking our color. Let's do it. You know what I like doing? Sometimes when the weather's hot or when it's cold or when it's rainy outside or snowing. What about sunny? That too. What do you like to do? What I like doing is putting some ice in my glass and shaking my ass, but what's in the glass is some tippy cow. Okay,
Starting point is 00:48:11 tippy cow gets the motion moving. So you're saying that tippy cow gets those hips loosened up for you and you just start cutting the rug or what? Yeah, yeah, yeah, you could go to a chiropractor to get realigned or you could just have a little bit of tippy cow. Now, I must say that that's not medical advice. That's not medical advice at all. You know, if you have back problems, you're not asked us to say that. No, that just came out the old pie hole here. So anyways, I do like tippy cow though. It's a fantastic concoction.
Starting point is 00:48:42 What's it? I just close my eyes and I'm picturing Charlie at a bar with a glass of tippy cow with the karaoke mic in his hand. What is your go to tippy cow karaoke song? Oh, that's a good one. That's a good one dancing queen. Okay. I figured you were a dancing queen. Nothing gets those hips loosened up. Nothing turns you into a dancing queen. Nothing gets those hips loosened up. Nothing turns you into a dancing queen more than Tippy Cow. So guys, if you would also like, if you'd like to also be a dancing queen,
Starting point is 00:49:13 tip it on back. Tippy Cow. Hi, my name is Hillary. Hillary, what's going on? Where are you calling from? Um, so I'm in Cortaline Idaho. I actually just moved down from Anchorage, Alaska. Okay. Well brought you to Idaho. Welcome to the mainland. Thanks. Thank you. Um, nice to chat with both of you. Hi,
Starting point is 00:49:41 Jose Cohen. I didn't think I'd get through. Oh, here you are. Hi, I didn't think I'd get through. Oh, here you are. Here I am. Yeah, so what's going on with me is I currently work as a global event manager with the world poker tour. And I'm looking for a career change. Okay, well hold on. Why?
Starting point is 00:49:59 Well, first of all, what do you do for the world poker tour? What's your current job and why are you looking to change? So I'm a global event manager, so I essentially travel, um, that was a event starts finished, travel to the locations and put on the tournament and why you. I hope we know unless you see this that works. That works. No, but you Nobody wishes at all. Oh, stop, that's not true. It's not the best working environment.
Starting point is 00:50:35 I'll leave it at that. No, it's big into that a little bit. Let's just see what's under the hood there. Why isn't it the best working environment? Hold on, I'm before you do this. That makes me sad. You know, I hear you working for me. No, it's okay. Hold on. Let me backtrack. It is a great company. It's awesome in a lot of ways. It has taught me a lot for sure, but there's not a whole lot of separation between work and life. Like this weekend, I think I had 84 work messages just on Saturday.
Starting point is 00:51:08 Oh my. Yeah, so I work. Yeah, I work in average of like 50 to 60 hours when I'm not on site. And then when I am on site, my days are like 14 to 8 hours. Okay. So you want to live to work, not work to live? Exactly. Yeah, that's what I wanted. No, the opposite, Charlie. live to work, not work to live? Exactly.
Starting point is 00:51:25 Yeah. You want to know the opposite, Charlie. Live to work. Yeah. Always you want to work to live. No, work to live. Yeah. He had a number to kill a shot.
Starting point is 00:51:36 Yeah. I apologize. Maybe that's what I should be doing right now. I don't know. Hey, you never know. Well, that's my question. You know, you hear the, you know, the gambling industry here, you know, is there a lot of play going on with work or is it strictly
Starting point is 00:51:52 business? It's a lot of business. There's definitely like, if I filled in, you know, additional travel like before after the event, I get to kind of go and explore, but I'm personally not a big gambler. Like I'm horrible at poker. I'm in terrible poker face. So I'm more just there like when I'm on site, it's mostly just work. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:16 Yeah. Yeah. Okay, so you're looking for a career change. What do you got in mind right now of maybe something that you got your eye on? Yeah, so I used to work in tourism and travel, but with COVID that kind of, you know, killed that industry for a little bit. So potentially moving back to something like that, I definitely want it to be remote still. I don't like wearing like real pants to work, you know?
Starting point is 00:52:47 Games are great. Yeah, no one likes wearing real pants, you know? Yeah, exactly, exactly. Yeah, so maybe transition me into something like that, working more like back in the tourism. I don't know, maybe you should start a podcast. You guys have a bite. Yeah. Oh, I see. She is. She's looking for some podcasts. If I first fall, if you want to be drinking on Monday afternoons and start a podcast, what if you don't, then maybe it's game for you.
Starting point is 00:53:17 I don't know. She's on board with this. You know, what do you have? Do you have your best friend in the whole wide world that you can think of? Yeah, but I don't know if they would start a podcast. So that's perfect. Find your fifth best friend in the whole wide world. And start a podcast with them. What would your podcast be about?
Starting point is 00:53:39 Oh God. I am back in the dating world. So maybe something along the lines of that. Oh, back in the dating world. And was it Courtney? Is that what you said? Did I remember that right? No.
Starting point is 00:53:57 What's your name again? Hillary. Hillary. Hillary. He's so far away. He's had some to keep. He's both ended in a white. All right, Hillary. Sorry. I don't have the names right in front of me. If they say I'm, you know,
Starting point is 00:54:09 they have a book right out of my mind. So Hillary, okay, let's get the dating profile out there. Okay. What are we looking for? Hey, let's pretend we're doing a dating podcast. That's that's true. Oh my god. Hillary, you're the host. All right, pick it off. Get it off. Okay. All right. Um, God, uh, so got out of a six year relationship recently and I am first time on a dating site. So just experiencing that. So just kind of, I guess the podcast would be about, uh, adventures and dating or misadventures and dating. All right. Here we go. The name of the podcast is adventures and dating Start us off on the first episode Okay, um, oh god
Starting point is 00:54:53 It's very simple Hillary you just introduce yourself say the name adventures of dating and then introduce your co-hosts Yep, your co-hosts that be us so Okay, so this is Hillary. I'm starting a podcast called adventures and dating. This is my fifth best friend. That's joining me on this podcast. Hey, Charlie. And we're gonna talk about. Oh, sorry. Go ahead. Go ahead, Charlie. Oh, I just wanted to say hi.
Starting point is 00:55:18 That's your fifth best friend and six best friend. Miles is also here. Hillary, don't forget about him. Perfect. Perfect. Okay. Okay. Okay, so Charlie and Miles, I'm back in the dating world after six-year relationship. And I've been on this new, like, I know. Yeah, the whole dating acting is a little bit crazy.
Starting point is 00:55:37 Trying to get used to it. Do you guys have any advice? Do you have any experience in that? What? There's our listeners. Yeah, I know Charlie does. Hey, Hillary. So yeah, I got back in the dating pool while back ago. Got out of a six year marriage.
Starting point is 00:55:59 And that's how it goes. So let me ask, was it who broke up with who I broke up with him. Okay, it was just and what was not working. What was not working? A lot. I just I don't know. I don't know. I'm on either side. There's just not the next person on me drink. We'll just leave it at that. Got it, got it. Okay, that is, that's an issue, definitely an issue,
Starting point is 00:56:31 so sorry to hear about that. But so for your next fella, okay, give us the specs. Let's start with, do you have height restrictions? I mean, I'm five seven. So maybe someone taller than me. Wait, you said your wife five seven, five seven. Okay. So just that size.
Starting point is 00:56:55 I was like, what? Yeah, that's not what I meant. Okay, five foot seven inches tall. You're looking for someone five eight or above. Exactly. Yeah. Okay. So five eight or8 or about, I'm in my early 30s, so someone around that age I would go up like, I don't know, like 42, 43. Wow. Older gentlemen, not scaring you away. For a 42-year-old short-kang is what she's looking for. Yeah, I hear it.
Starting point is 00:57:26 I hear it. Hey. You guys are really sitting in the bar, hi there. No, we are. Can we just put a pin? Can I ask, why wouldn't you want to date someone who is shorter than you? Why do you think that's something that many women want
Starting point is 00:57:41 is to date someone that's taller than them? You know, I just, my last boyfriend was like six, three. I don't know, I guess I'm just used to like, taller guys, maybe same height. But yeah, I do think that's kind of something, and I don't know, I know that's not very nice. No, no, no, no, it's, it's, maybe same height. Okay, something, so you were, okay, it's okay. Okay. So you would okay, same height got it.
Starting point is 00:58:06 And what kind of qualities are you looking for in this gentleman? So I really like gain outside. So like backpacking, hiking, someone that's in that, I'm a big fan of hockey. So if they can play hockey, that's definitely about it. Okay. You're looking for some lettuce then. You want to go with a nice full head of hair. Nice, is hair important to you? Yes. Okay, why'd you- I feel like such a jerk. No, this is personal preference.
Starting point is 00:58:34 Yeah, everybody's got preference and salary. We want to get yours out there. This is the adventures and dating podcasts. This is what it's all about. Yeah, you don't start settling before you've even found a fella, you know? Okay, all right. All right. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:58:49 Discreet. Yes. Oh, go ahead. Here's important. Yeah. Great. Had a hair. What's an ideal height?
Starting point is 00:58:56 Is it just an inch above you or is it? I'm getting specific. She was being polite when she said, I'll tell her you Charlie. Okay, honestly, ideal height would be like five, eleven or taller. Five, eleven or taller. There we go. All right. Welcome to the new segment here on the adventures of dating podcasts.
Starting point is 00:59:16 Let's build that dating profile. What are you going to put in your bio, Hillary? What is your go to line that I travel a lot for work, but I'm always up for an intense and I'm seeing outside. Well, that's I can get dirty, but I can also dress up. I don't know. There we go. Now we're getting you just said you can get dirty, but you can also dress up. Okay.
Starting point is 00:59:43 And by hold on, let me prep this. If I get dirty, I mean, like go out. I'm gonna get dirty, but you can also dress up. Okay. And, wait, hold on. Let me prep us with it. If I get dirty, I mean, like, go out, and get dirty. Oh, that's what I was thinking. But we don't want to put that. Okay. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:59:53 No, no. We don't want to put that in your profile because we want to leave some mystery, right? They want to ask about what do you mean by getting dirty? You know, so that's a good way to start don't get too much information in the bio Otherwise, they're gonna swipe the other way if they think that something else. So that's a good way to start I think What else are you putting in there? I don't know they usually have like some sort of prompted question, right?
Starting point is 01:00:25 Two truths in a lie. Let's see. I've been arrested. I have been to Antarctica and I've had a run in with a block there. Okay. You, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you. Okay, you know, those are great actually by the way. You should definitely have a dating podcast. That's a great. Okay, all right. Done. Um, okay. My new career.
Starting point is 01:00:51 Okay, which one do you think so? I I think that she's never been arrested. And that's what I was thinking too. No, I got arrested when I was 17 for keeping a house. I've never been saying in article. Keep being a house. We'll see you're you're gonna last guys. So I figured you'd been in article. I've never been to Antarctica. Keep being a house. We'll see you in Alaska. So I figured you'd been to Antarctica.
Starting point is 01:01:08 I feel like those go hand in hand. It's opposite side of the globe. I know, but that's like how it goes right. I suppose. You go, you only travel the same distance as you are north, right? So I'm in North Dakota. So far as I travel south to Arizona, you know, all the whole thing.
Starting point is 01:01:22 Yeah, you can only get up to Canada. Yeah. Well, that's OK. So Yeah, you can only get up to Canada. Yeah. Um, well, that, um, okay. So you got an arrest for teaping a house. That doesn't count. But, you know, what? Okay. Okay. No, it's fine. It's fine. I'm sorry. I shouldn't negate it. It's true. You got put in the slammer. So good for you. 17. Not on the permanent record. I didn't. I didn't actually get put in the slammer, but I did have to sit on the permanent record. I did I didn't actually get put in the slimmer but I did. I have to sit on the curb. Where they actual handcuffs or did they just zip tie you? No, they were like actually handcuffs. Good for you.
Starting point is 01:01:57 Yeah, yeah. Yeah, you put that. Yeah, I was like pointed. It was wild. Really? Oh my God. Yeah. I know. He was born. That's also you throw that in the bio. Have experience with handcuffs and then you leave it up to mystery and then they'll ask about it. You know, that's that is definitely a way to go miles. All right. All right. Now okay. Is that going to be and like it's going to be attracting the right has a guy there? See that's like Third date that like I mean, you know, wait did you say that? She said that's third date stuff. I know no no no hold on let me backtrack that conversation is Got you Helen cuffs only come out on the third date, Charlie. That's what she said. Got it. Got it. And you know what, Charlie? That's what you did here on the Adventures of Dating
Starting point is 01:02:52 Podcast. You get the stuff that you can talk about with mom, but you also can get some of the third date talking there as well. Boo, boo, boo, stuff you can talk about with daddy. Um, okay. Boo, boo, boo, boo, stuff you can talk about with daddy. Okay, next question. That was a joke, that was a joke. Next question. What is the best DM slide you've ever received? I would have, I can tell you the worst. Okay, that's even funnier, that's even better.
Starting point is 01:03:21 Okay, I guess like just opening mine, hey baby, and I was like, oh no, that's hard. That's probably been a worse one. Yeah. What is like, so hey baby is in no go. So too, what overly aggressive with that? Yeah, no, sorry. I don't know, ask a question. Like I like like, like, like, like, like, like, like, I like the question, or do you like, no, I'm right? Or I don't know. Or like, what do you mean by you have experience with handcuffs?
Starting point is 01:03:51 Is that a good question? There you go. That's a perfect question. Okay, nice. I think she was giving that to you a little bit, you know? Okay, so asking a question, do you like the oceans or the months? I think there's a lot of fellas out here that don't know how to slide into the DMs. So let's give Hillary's top three tips for DM sliding. Okay. So ask a question like either an either or so you
Starting point is 01:04:21 guys are on the midwest. Maybe like, I don't know, like fishing in the summer or ice fishing. Guess in on the west coast mountains are ocean or like where is your favorite place that you've done that you've traveled so far. Oh I like that. All good ones. All very good ones. All right so number one question what's number two. Oh wait no I thought there's all three. Well, you kind of, like, you gave us a Midwest version, NOS coast version. So I ask a question, that's a very good tip, ask a question and give an either or like, you don't have time to like, think about, you don't want to like, compose a whole thought here. You don't even know if you like this guy yet, right? Exactly. Yeah. So those are those are my three questions. You've got Midwest, you've got West Coast.
Starting point is 01:05:07 I don't know if I was a Vietnamese Coast guy, but maybe. Wow. OK. Finance is a lawyer. I don't know if you guys have been on these coast. East Coasters are really taking that on the chin right now. Yeah, they. Oh, sorry.
Starting point is 01:05:20 There's nothing wrong with you. Like Vermont Street, I don't know. I don't know. Oh. Well, guys, I think that's another episode of the adventures of Dampage. Yeah. I know. Okay. So I've got a lot of work to do with what you guys are doing.
Starting point is 01:05:36 No. No. I actually, I think it's a great, uh, look, there's a lot, especially with the online dating thing that, you know, people, uh, don't know or they're afraid to ask. I think you're really onto something there. And you know, I have to go back to your original question. I think you should, if you do want to do a podcast, you should definitely get a career that allows you
Starting point is 01:05:57 to do that in your free time while you build that. Okay. Make some money. Don't just jump into podcasting. That's a terrible decision because it takes a long time to build an audience. And if you can expect that, just have another job. And then eventually you can get some sponsors or something. Yeah, perfect. I think this is this is great advice.
Starting point is 01:06:17 Things guys. Yeah, both me and Miles held down a day job before we. Yep. Just because then what happens like if you put all your eggs into like the creative basket before it really takes off then you kind of put so much pressure on it that it's no longer fun. If it doesn't work right away you kind of resent it and you lose a whole thing so yeah. There's a whole like you know, pain, rent or pain and mortgage. I have a dog, she's expensive. You know, like, there's that whole thing too. So income kind of important.
Starting point is 01:06:50 So I'll definitely keep a day job while I start my podcast. And I don't mean this in a bad way. Don't quit your day job because you got bills to pay. Yeah. OK. Yeah. Exactly. No, I don't think that's better.
Starting point is 01:07:04 All right, Hillary, well, yeah. Thank you, guys. So nice Yeah. Exactly. No, I don't think that's fine. All right, Hillary. Well, great. Yeah. Thank you, guys. So nice talking to you and have have fun out there in your adventure to find Mr. Right. Are you on Bumble, Hinge? Which one are you on? I'm on hand. Hinge is the that's the one. If you're 30 plus, Hinge is a good spot, I think to go. There's a little more substance on that one. Yeah, you're serious
Starting point is 01:07:25 about how would you know my brother gives me the lowdown. Oh, okay, 27 and he's always talking about prompts He's always talking about prompt questions. That's why I knew all about that. Oh, it's good. Yeah, so all right Well, thanks for calling in Hillary. Good luck Thank you. Yeah. See you. Watch out for deer. That one. OK. All right.
Starting point is 01:07:48 OK. Bye bye now. Well, Charlie, let's mark that up as another person helped. Look, we did what we could there. Yeah. I really did. But yeah, I think I feel it. And I've grown.
Starting point is 01:08:03 I didn't give you too much crap about being on the dating scene again. No, I knew you feel and I've grown. I didn't give you too much crap or bumping on the dating scene again. No, I knew you were leading up to it. It's like, I got Charlie's divorce, you know, screwed up. You said it not me. You said it not me. Look at me. I've grown. You have grown. Although you've also trimmed. I mean, have you been working out? Well, it is. It's Charlie? That's maybe not a good opening DM line. Well, it looks like you've trimmed recently. Well, folks, I think that's it in the books. Another episode of the Belly Up Podcast.
Starting point is 01:08:36 Here to answer all your questions and buy selling trade whatever you got. I do want to remind people of that because we haven't been getting a lot of buy selling trades lately. And that's my favorite part of the show. All right, well guys, thanks for tuning in. Don't forget, always tape your bar tender and we'll see you in the next one. Bye bye.

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