Bellied Up - Amish Civil War #113

Episode Date: August 15, 2024

In this episode, Myles and Charlie chat about the ways they're becoming like their dads. First caller is a young fella who wants to know how to be a good wingman for his buddy, who has an awesome The next caller is a Junior Olympic trapshooter that needs advice on how to get in the right headspace for his competitions. The last caller is curious about whether the Amish have any conflicts, so naturally, he asks Myles and Charlie. HIRED FROM THE NECK DOWN SHIRT⁠ Get yourself a ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠"Road Huntin For Ditch Chickens"⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Hat Check Out Myles' other Podcast ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠You Betcha Radio⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Check Out Charlie's other Podcast ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Cripescast

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to another episode of the bellied up podcast. I am Charlie Barron. So I'm here bellied up to the beautiful total lake store. I'm here with my buddy, Miles. Charlie, how are you doing? Miles, I'm doing great. I see you. Nice to see you, too. Yeah. Is it? Yeah. But that's a cool Wisconsin shirt.
Starting point is 00:00:20 This is a cool was kind of never seen a shirt like that. And now I want one really bad here. Shout it out. W D T Wisconsin design team. What it stands for. So it says corn fed on there too. And like that. Yeah. Yeah. I was, I was walking down state street in Madison, Wisconsin. I had to show there and they, someone ran up to me. Yeah. If you go on their Instagram was Wisco design team. Yeah. It came up to me and he says, Hey, you want a shirt? And how often does someone run up to you on the street? Say you want a shirt? They saw me pass and they says, it looked like a guy who needs a shirt. Were you shirtless at the time? I was not shirtless, but apparently the shirt I was wearing was not cool. And I'll sell me this shirt. Well, to go into this restaurant, you need a shirt. OK, I guess I got to buy one. See, yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:11 I in demand put a T-shirt store right next to a restaurant. That's it. Yeah. No. Oh, my gosh, Miles. I knew you weren't just complimenting my shirt. I knew Miles. Is this the new OPE shirt from you betcha? I love this. I actually coming out of the, um, the pisser unit, I saw you wearing the shirt and I was going to mention it there, but you were having a, you mean you have your own OPE shirt. And I said, Hey, we're the guys of the school of OPE. I said, I need my own. Absolutely. I love it. It's
Starting point is 00:01:45 really nice shirt at Oh, you bet Yeah. I'm a dad now. Not to brag. Yeah. I like talking about that. Yeah. You are a dad now. And I have started to realize that I may or may not be starting to turn into my dad a little bit. Okay. Here's an example. This isn't so much with my kid, but I was at work the other day and I pulled a classic, my dad move. Oh yeah. So basically when I worked for my dad, work concrete, it would be like, Hey, when's the concrete showing up today? And he would go whenever we're ready for it. You're like, okay, well that's, doesn't give me any direction. There's no, what time do you think that's
Starting point is 00:02:30 going to be? And it'll be like, well, if you work faster, it'll be earlier, you know? And it's like same scenario. It's a, when do you want that video edited by as soon as possible? And you're like, okay, well that doesn't give me a time that I need to. And I found myself starting to do that a little bit and it's freaking me out a little bit. Is there anything in your life where, you know, you're starting to turn into your dad? Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Is before I get to mine, I just want to kind of piggyback off yours. What's that teaching you about yourself? Did you did it annoy you enough when your dad did it that now that you
Starting point is 00:03:10 recognize it in yourself that you're going to change course? I'm going to try. I'm going to try my best to be more clear in the direction than just, you know, when you get it done, that's when we're going to do it. Because it doesn't quite give you that that rush now The question is why were you trying to figure out when the the concrete came? Was it be was it so you could kind of map out your day a little bit take a little bit? That is a good question. You know, it's a peace of mind thing, you know, it's also a I feel like hey
Starting point is 00:03:41 I got to get it done by this time, you know. It gives you a little motivation, some to work toward. Yeah, if you're just working just to work, sometimes that's not exactly the most motivating thing in the world. Yeah, so maybe, you know, you learn this stuff that's interesting. Here's something my dad does. My dad'll just be sitting there, everything will be quiet.
Starting point is 00:04:03 He'll be working or something on his computer, or it'll be, you know, fixing something and they'll just go, and I've started to do it. What do you, what, what does that mean? What is it? What does it? It's just it's just it's just it's pent up anxiety or annoyance or something, or just just talking to talk. It's a sign of frustration. Not necessarily. Sometimes it's just like, all right, I finished this task on to the next one. You know, and there's different modes.
Starting point is 00:04:43 Now, if it's if he just gets done yelling at you, he's just knock it off. I'm going to go, you know, it's kind of just blowing off some steam, but sometimes it's, it's comers, you know, it's like, all right, what's next? Or I'm about ready to go to bed. It's good. And I've started to do it too. Is it a car? Is it like a, this is the end of the conversation noise as well? You know, like me and you were talking and then you just sit in there and you go, yeah, yeah. So it could be like you're both discussing politics and just, you know, how annoying their politicians are, you know, typical politics talk. Yep. And if someone says some definitive or that
Starting point is 00:05:25 may shit or not sit well with them and just. And then that is you can get up and go. You know, you are dismissed is what that means. Yeah. Yeah. So it kind of feels good. It's I'm not going to lie to you. I'm not mad that I do it. It's almost like when you're a kid, you're like, I wanna get to a point where I can do that and it sounds convincing, you know? Yeah, saying so much without saying anything. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:00 That's what I found about dads is they get older, they're always trying to find ways to say less. Yeah. Until you get to the point, like my grandpa, he just can't hear anything. So even if you talk to him, he doesn't say anything because he can't hear you. He's like, he's how's it going? And he's just like, well, I'm going outside. That's an evolutionary tech. My grandpa who was on the podcast. He says a lot. Well, yeah. Chatty Cathy. But if you, yeah. But he says what he wants. What depends in the context, right? Yeah. He, when he met my kid for the first time, this is all he said. So we want to take a generational photo, you know, my grandparents, my mom and me and my kid it's, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:53 First, yeah. He walks into the house and he goes, yeah, we're the ones that started it all. And then he sat down with Mike on the couch for two minutes. We did the photo op and then he stood up and walked in, sir. Gone. He just went, yeah, he's going to get bigger. And then walked out of the house, man, a few words, you know, the most profound thing I think you can say in that situation to get bigger. And I can't wait for that someday when I'm 90 years old, God willing, you know, no one bats an eye. You just say random things. You just state simple truths. Yeah, that's a baby. Walk out the drawer. Beer is going gonna be gone. Yep. Before you know it. So. Well, should we do what we always do?
Starting point is 00:07:49 Mmm. Mmm. Yeah, more of a mmm. Mmm. Yeah. Mmm. Mmm. Now we're both gonna be doing it.
Starting point is 00:07:59 My dad's gonna be so proud. Let's take some callers. My name's Kel. Sorry, I was trying to use my air pod, but it wasn't working. No worries. No worries. You said your name is Cal. Sorry. Cal. Like I like the lettuce. Yeah. Oh, kale. Yeah. Sorry. Okay. Cal. Well, why don't you belly up to the bar with us? Tell us what's on your mind. Well, I've got a, I've got a lot of friends that are wanting to do some double dates, but they just can't seem to pull any girls. So they, I, I need some help on how I can be a good wingman here, you know? Okay. So
Starting point is 00:08:35 one, not to brag, you got yourself a girl. Correct. Well, I do. Yeah. Believe it or not. Are you married? Girlfriend, fiance? So, so I'm actually 17 years of age, but so I'm not married. You're 17. That complicates all the advice we're going to give you. I had a whole host of things that I was going to maybe say. Thank you for clarifying that before we were in some trouble. I figure we get that out of the way. Yeah. Okay. First question that pops in my head is why are you so worried about going on double dates at 17 years old? Well, I'm just trying to help out my buddies. You know, you guys are 17. Yeah. What are they more? Are they more interested in fortnight than hanging out with girls or what? I'm a lot of a lot of them are yeah
Starting point is 00:09:32 And what's so wrong with that kale? Well, there's nothing that's wrong with that. They just well, so see here's the predicament is they they all would like some They would all like some female interaction in their life, but they just, they don't know how to get it. And so I'm trying to be of assistance if I can, you know, Speaker 0.(1h 10m 5s): You sound like you're 30. You sound like you're 30. Speaker 5.(1h 10m 9s): I actually get told a lot that I'm really old. Okay. Or I sound
Starting point is 00:10:01 like I'm really old. Speaker 0.(1h 10m 12s): So,? So hold on. How did you meet your girlfriend? I asked her on a date at school. Well, yeah. Yeah. Okay. Well, is, do you say, well, like what class we're in school? How did it happen? Was it at her locker? I didn't ask her. I didn't ask. Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Well, I, so it was for a dance. Hey, Bronco, you wanna go close that door for me? Did you just call someone? Hang on, pause.
Starting point is 00:10:34 Did you just call that guy Bronco? That's his name. So, Bronco and Kale? Kale and Bronco are chilling playing Fortnite on their summer break. No, we're we're we're working right now Oh, where are you working at? We're we're beekeepers believe it or not your beekeepers This is this just keeps getting more and more. This is the onion that just keeps peeling. Hey is Bronco your brother by chance? No, he's he's the boss's son. Do you mind if I put you on speaker so I can use both my
Starting point is 00:11:07 Yeah, yeah, go put us on speaker. It's just Okay All right boys if you can't hear me let me know i'll figure something out what are you doing while you're talking to us Well, we're uh, so we got these pallets That uh, we're putting what's called loading boards on them. And we put them around like honey boxes when we strap them down or like underneath boxes. So the honey doesn't fail and we're just banding them up so we can store them. Oh, that's great. I like that. Yeah. We can count each one. You're standing up. It's nice.
Starting point is 00:11:41 So what is, so you're wondering how you're going to help your guy buddies get girlfriends. Is that what you're wondering? Well, at least, I don't know, just help them out a little bit. You know, whatever you can do to help me with that. All right. All right, Charlie, let's, I want you to close your eyes and pretend you're back in high school. Okay. How are you going to help your other high school friend? Get a girlfriend. What's not good at this in high school? Right. Cripes. Yeah. Okay. I'll go. What you're going to drop something, but it does suck that you weren't good at that in high school. Yeah, you weren't good at it like Kail is.
Starting point is 00:12:25 Kail, clearly, Kail is a game that he's reeling and dealing. He's got school. Yeah. And they might kill you're going to. So if I'm in high school and I'm trying to be a good wingman, I am probably starting a rumor that one person likes another person. Remember that it was so I like the way you that it was Charlie likes Miranda. You know, I heard that you're maybe in the, in the, at lunch in the cafeteria and now you just spill that information out.
Starting point is 00:12:56 Plant the seed. Yeah. Yeah. I do like that. Now I've got to ask with all the technology going on to kids still write notes? Um, I, I honestly, I have no idea. I can't confirm deny that. What do you mean you can't confirm or deny a dude you're in school? Who are we going to get? Well, I mean, I don't have enough, like, I don't know if people do that. I don't know. Maybe not that I've been, You've never not writing notes. You're going to accidentally send a Snapchat to the wrong person saying that Charlie likes
Starting point is 00:13:30 Miranda, right? That's you guys use Snapchat. Okay, I see what you're saying. I don't, but a lot of people do. Well, you're giving us a lot to work with here, Cal. I'm trying to work with here. Kayl. I'm, I'm trying to know you keep putting those pallets on that. The honey is serious business. So I'm going to think back to when I was a high schooler. If I was with my girlfriend, I wanted as much alone time with my girlfriend in high school
Starting point is 00:13:57 as virtually possible. And you're wanting to go on double dates. What's, what's the real root of this? What? Sorry. What's the real root of wanting to go on double dates. What's, what's the real root of this? What? Sorry. What's the real root of wanting to go on double dates? Uh, I don't know. A lot of my buddies just have very strict parents, you know, do you have non-strict parents? I don't know. I wouldn't say non-strict, but they're very, very loving and forgiving parents. So you're having the parties at your house then is what you're saying. Yeah, pretty much. Okay. All right. Charlie, Charlie, were you allowed to have parties growing up? Oh God. I had 12 kids grow up. The house was never empty.
Starting point is 00:14:39 That's true. I think a party with a friend would be a party with the whole family. That's exactly. So listen, you, you you're trying to get your your motivation here. How long have you been dating your girlfriend? Nine months, nine months. And we cut you off before I cut you off. Where did you guys meet? So there was a there was a school dance and I asked her to do it.
Starting point is 00:15:07 And then she, she asked me on another date and that's how that happened. You just dropped the pallet. You get stung by a bee. I haven't yet today, but I did a whole bunch yesterday for the day before a lot of, a lot of Epi pens getting thrown around at this job. I like it. All right. I got the solution. I'm not, I'm not alert. I don't ever have to be happy. Well, sorry to hear that Bronco Bronco was almost not bucking anymore. I tell you that close call. He just, he just, he just held my hand and is Bronco there by the way. Can we talk to Bronco? Oh yeah, here he is. There you go. Bronco Bronco. You're there. What are you doing? Working in a beekeeping job, being
Starting point is 00:16:10 allergic to bees. My uncle's family business. It's a family business. You know, you risk it all for the family. That's how it goes. So I was allergic to like a month ago. So well, glad you've changed course. Have you fired up your resume now knowing you are allergic to bees? No, I should though. Yeah. I mean, it's just, you're constantly living in a state of thrill. I could die at any moment and maybe that's what keeps you there. I know we've got plenty of F10s. Just give me another one. They get back to work. Is what happened yesterday. So you're not even getting the day off after getting stung by being getting stabbed with. Oh, I know. I work. I work seven more hours after that.
Starting point is 00:17:03 And how old are you Bronco? 16. Okay. They just, you know, they don't make kids like they used to Bronco is one of the, you know, he's one of the, the, the, my dad would be very proud of Bronco. He'd be way more proud of Bronco than he is a me. You know, with a name like Bronco, you really, you really got to live up to that situation. Well, is that your God given name or is that a nickname? Well, God given name. I love it. I mean, what do you ever wonder why your name Bronco Bronco? Oh, no, I do actually wonder why I don't know why, but I wonder all the time.
Starting point is 00:17:46 You ever ask. I do ask them and that, that'll even know why they're naming Bronco. Okay. Okay. All right. We'll leave it at that. You're 16. Hey Bronco, do you have a girlfriend or any idea how to get kale's friends to to talk to. Is Kale talking about Bronco right now while he's in the room? You are. Yeah. Okay. Well, what do you want to do? You want to hang out with girls? Yeah. Okay. Well, what, what's what? Why haven't you been able to hang out with girls and talk to girls? They scare me. They scared you. You can't even just do.
Starting point is 00:18:34 How can I help make Bronco more comfortable around people of the female variety? I mean, with a name like Bronco, you shouldn't have any fear. I think what he does, Charlie's you got to lead in with the B thing. Oh yeah. He's a B. Oh, I like the way you boys are thinking. Yeah. You just lead in with the beach.
Starting point is 00:18:54 Even you maybe, maybe you just leave. Bronco just about brought the whole building down in case you boys are wondering how he just about KO the ceiling with a, with a forklift, but it's okay. We're good. We didn't get crushed anyway. Sorry to interrupt you. Should I even ask if he's certified on that thing? No, no one, no one that works here is certified. That's the wrong answer. What if we were undercover OSHA agents? You got to say yes, we are for
Starting point is 00:19:18 everybody here has went through many, many hours of rigorous, rigorous training on the forklift. Good job, Kale. Okay. So what you're going to do Bronco is you're going to, you're going to be in the hallway at school. Oh, sorry. Hold on. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:19:32 Bronco, Bronco just took off on the forklift, but I can relay this message for me or you can wait. I think the forklift is a good look. Bronco can give tours of a beef keeping facility, you know, So find the nerdy, be loving girls or find the machine loving girls. He can give forklift rides. Well, I'm thinking you go the bad ass. I like the way you think. What's the bad ass route? Like he needs to be leaned up against a locker in the school hallway and just casually around some girls. But I almost died last week. Yeah. It's a close call. Oh, I like the way. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:08 Nothing a little. And then I've got to help. I've got to help like add onto these stories, right? Help them, like help them give them more reasons for them to be true. Yes. Cal builds the legends. My man. He got stung by a bee and he just didn't even stop. I, well, he was running the forklift. I had to stab him with an Epi pen the guy just keeps going easy Energizer bunny. Yeah, I Help build their relationship upon a mountain of life. Yeah, just like what a man one his name is Bronco and Two he's named after a crazy horse for heaven's sakes. He's gotta be a good guy. Yeah, exactly and Nothing will make someone Like someone more than if they flirt with death and survive nothing's hotter than that
Starting point is 00:20:53 That's why all the women were crazy about evil Knievel back in the day. Mm-hmm guys Women love guys who flirt with death and come out unscathed Exactly, and you you've got a taught You say you can even throw it in there. Bronco is the evil Knievel of, of forklift operators. You know, like I've seen him. Yeah. Build the legend. I like the way you boys are thinking. I tell you what you guys, whoever's running that beekeeping is running a tight ship. You guys haven't stopped and sent it on the phone. See, I, I tried to call you earlier, but then a whole boss man started yelling at us. So I had to hang up. Oh, that's what that was. Yeah. All it was was, um, and then click. Thanks for letting us know. Yeah. Well, yeah. He's
Starting point is 00:21:49 gone now though, so we can do it every one. Yeah, I like that. Well, I think yeah, just help Bronco out one legend at a time. Build one legend at a time. start with Bronco. Once Bronco gets himself a gal, you can move on to your other friends. I like the way, I like that one. One at a time, don't, I wanna over complicate ourselves here. You know, with a name like Bronco, you should just tell everyone that his middle name is Danger.
Starting point is 00:22:18 And I honestly, I don't think you're gonna bat an eye at that. I'm gonna be one question about that. What? There's not gonna be. Oh no. Oh, I don't know, I'm gonna be one question about that. What? Oh, no. I don't know. I'm just I'm just not very good at doing two things at once. What's Bronco's actual middle name? Let's determine if danger is a better Bronco. What's Bronco? What's your middle name? What's your middle name? Bronco Clive? Oh, sorry. Clive. And this is actual middle name. Clive oh Sorry Clive and this is actual middle name Clive in Bronco Clive and yeah, I mean you say he sounds like an outlaw. He does is that their Bronco Clive?
Starting point is 00:22:53 Yeah, he does We're building a lot of lore behind this guy. I like the way this is going here He's gonna be running through ladies like it's nobody's business You guys and by running lady running through ladies like it's nobody's business. You guys and by running lady running through ladies, we meet lots of hand stuffs in movie theaters at age 16. Right. There'd be no, no inappropriate activities. Absolutely not. Hey, you guys take your money, get Bronco leather jacket, work on his lean against the locker before you know it.
Starting point is 00:23:24 One friend will have a gal and then it's just domino effect from there. Okay. I like, I like this plan boys. All right. Well, thanks for calling in. Get back to work and watch out for bees. Hey, I appreciate, I appreciate your advice. I'll try not to get stung for you the rest of the day. Real good. Real good. Cal. We'll see you soon. All right. You boys watch out for deer. We'll see. All right. My guy. Bye bye. I like it miles. That is not where I thought that call was going Charlie, but we are here and we're he it's very funny. It's like high school relationships don't matter. No, not it. I didn't want to have the hard to tell kale that I usually wait till the early twenties to say, it's not going
Starting point is 00:24:09 to last. You do say that a lot. Yeah. Just for funsies, you know? And if it, if it doesn't last, I was right. And if it holds that test, that just, whatever doesn't break, it makes it stronger, you know? And we know what I'm having regrets about Charlie. What is that? I didn't name my kid Bronco Cliven Montplager. It's just when he said he already got a social security card to like, he, it's going to be a lot of paperwork to change it, but you know what? You're going to do the right thing. I know. Yep. So he's no longer August. He is Bronco Cliven. I mean that should we take another call? Let's take another call. Ben, how you doing? Yes, sir. Pretty good. How are you all doing? Good, my guy. So you threw out a y'all there. I'm
Starting point is 00:25:01 guessing you're from somewhere in the southern part of the Midwest, perhaps Southern Ohio. Southern Ohio. Not quite a little farther south. Kentucky. Kentucky. We're getting closer, but we need to go farther. Tennessee.
Starting point is 00:25:22 And this fee. No, I'm not from the Midwest. Where the hell are you on a little there? I apologize. Where are you from? Houston, Texas. Okay. So it's a lot farther south than Ohio. I get it. Well, it's a lot farther south and a little wet. Well, why don't you belly up to the bar with us? Tell us what's on your mind, Ben. All right. Well, I'm actually up here in Chicago right now in this weekend here. I'm going to be shooting bunker traps in the junior Olympics. Oh, that I have congrats by the way, trying to stay in a good head space when I'm competing. I was wondering if y'all maybe had some tips so I could stay focused and do a good job
Starting point is 00:26:05 Well, you're in luck. You're like Ben because you're talking to two guys who really know their way around firearms and and we we know how to maintain a good headspace because We've hunted deer before we both shoot our guns roughly two to three times a year Sometimes not at all. Okay. Well, I know at least two to three times, Charlie, you're at least missing that at least two or three. That's good enough. Yeah. Okay. So you're wondering how to get in the right mental head space to competitively shoot trap at the junior Olympics. Well, Charlie, I mean, you and I got a lot of experience in competitive shooting. You know, we go deer hunting. Like you said,
Starting point is 00:26:52 what's some stuff to get you in the right head space when you go deer hunting? Maybe that's where we start. You guys start with a nap. Okay. Yes. Make sure you start with a nap then. I understand that may sound counterintuitive, but you want sort of that bell or whistle or whenever it's your time to go to startle you because it's that sort of mind space that puts you just in the, in the Elm. It gives you that edge, you know? And yes, you're going to miss your first two or three shots, but that third one, I guarantee you, you'll hit the edge of your target. Yes. Yep. I think in that same vein, is there any ideal nap link? We went like 30 minutes, two hours. What are you looking
Starting point is 00:27:36 for? Oh, it just depends what you were doing last night. I mean, you don't ever dictate a nap. I'll tell you that right now the nap dictates you so Naturally now. Yeah, so you get there early So you can as soon as you feel that nap coming on you want to go down? Okay, put yourself down start self cuddling or whatever you call it soothing soothing self soothing Alright, and then yeah, just make sure you're in earshot or have a buddy there where if you don't wake up from the, uh, I don't know what your bell
Starting point is 00:28:12 or whistle is, but if you don't wake up, you need a buddy with a sharp elbow. You make sure you find your sharp elbow friend to just give you a, and you are right, Charlie. I do my best shooting when I stumble out of a nap suddenly. Yes. If I, if I'm still a little delirious and I'm staring down the barrel, that's when I do my best shooting 1000%. And the nice thing is you get, you hit the target. Perfect. You don't hit it even better. You won't remember it. Yeah. Yeah. You're not even fully awake. Oh, I like that idea. Yeah. Yeah. So you're
Starting point is 00:28:46 nervous because you don't want to fail, you know, but you got to remember if you don't remember it, did you actually fail? Yeah. Well, and that's like a great, great. I'm not saying that I do this, but if you do fall asleep and suddenly startle, wake up and you shoot and you miss, you just tell everyone that you didn't see anything all day. And then you're like, no, that shot wasn't me. That was further North. Right. And then, so in your scenario, you, if you wake up, you miss all your targets, you bomb at the junior Olympics, just tell everyone it got canceled due to weather, you know, it's the same church, different pew situation.
Starting point is 00:29:25 And they're going to believe you. I promise you that. Yeah. Aside for that. Do you have yourself a good book or something? Cause it's going to get pretty boring with all the other people like shooting, you know? And if you're nap, Oh, that's a good idea. I'll have to go pick up a book. Yeah. Cause it's sometimes it's tough after you are startled awake by your nap. You get that adrenaline going. You can't go back to sleep. So I would bring a book or, you know, get that second nap in. Yeah. Or a deck of cards or playing solitaire. That would be nice. If you got a range finder, if you got a range finder, just start picking out things and guessing how many yards away it is and then
Starting point is 00:30:09 see if you're right. You know, do that over and over. Yeah. I like to do that in the deer stand. Yep. The other thing is have lots of snacks. You know, it's hard to shoot with a empty stomach. Yeah. And I'm talking about cookies, donuts, jerky, jerky sandwiches, extra salt. Just bring a few salt packets. Just, just for you never, you don't want to cramp up either, Charlie. You don't want to cramp up. And some things you ever wonder, will this salt? And sometimes they do put a little salt on a cookie. Yeah. Yeah. A little sweet and salty situation. I like it. How old are you? I am 21. Oh, my one and only chance at this is I age out like right away. Oh, okay. You're 21 straight night before
Starting point is 00:30:57 I was gonna say, I thought you were like 12. Yeah. We were holding back on you, Mike. Okay. Yeah. So you're going to want to get absolutely blitz the night before go to bed at like three, wake up at five. And that's going to also help induce a nap. It is. Um, right. Get one of those really good nap. Yeah. Yeah. There's no better nap than sitting in a deer stand hung over for the night before on three hours of sleep. No, and you fall asleep like that. And some about that cool air. Just it's like you don't even need ibuprofen. You're you're like the you're environmentally being cool. It's awesome. So this is your last chance
Starting point is 00:31:36 to compete. Have you competed before? So I do a lot of American trap, which is different from like Olympic trap. This will be my second match shooting Olympic trap. And how are you doing so far? I'm feeling pretty good about it. I've been practicing learning how to do it for probably the last eight months, so hopefully we can do decent. But the last time you did it, how did it go? I actually just shot like eight rounds of this a few hours ago and I'm feeling pretty good
Starting point is 00:32:06 We're hitting a lot of 22 23. We shoot out of like rounds of 25 Okay, 22 23. They're pretty good for me. What's the hardest shot for you? I So you get some targets that you like really hard right or really hard left those those kind of hurt They're tough to get to in time What is what's like your tip for your average person doing trap? Like you're just starting out. Like, what are some common mistakes people make and how would you solve them? Let's see some common mistakes.
Starting point is 00:32:39 You're probably going to move too fast. You're just going to like throw the gun through the target. You're not going to hit anything. They really just need to slow down and really like see the target. See the target, be the target. Yeah. See the bird, hit the bird. And a lot of people. Other mistakes. Your stance, your stance is really important. We're not working with like a rifle stance here.
Starting point is 00:33:02 You got to like really get those knees into it get a lot of hip action Oh What do you mean by hip action? so you really wouldn't like turn get all your like Horizontal movement with your like legs and hips you don't want to like Move be moving with your arms because you lose a lot of like connection there It's gonna throw you off. So I gotta look like Dak Prescott warming up on the field is what you're saying. Yeah, it's all right. Right. Right. It's right here. My you're doing it right. So legs and hips, legs and hips.
Starting point is 00:33:32 Because I would usually just do like this, Charlie. I would usually just go like this. Yeah, no, it's not an arm action. You're all flimsy there. But this you got full control. Okay. And that's important to stretch. Stretching has got to be a good one. Yeah. Are you stretching? You'll, you'll pull some stuff, you know, you to own those guns for a while. You'll hurt your back. Not gonna lie. You have pulled the muscle shooting trap. When, so when you shoot American trap, you shoot a lot of targets in one day.
Starting point is 00:34:04 You might shoot two, 300. So when you're out there on a line in this Texas heat, it gets pretty hot and it's not a fun time. Like you said, you gotta bring your salt packets to stay hydrated, that helps with the cramps. But it's a rare occurrence, you know. Now some people will see the bead at the end of their gun and try to do some with that with the target.
Starting point is 00:34:30 What's your thought on that? How do you correct that? Take the bead off. You don't need a bead. I know, but let's say they're not going to take the bead off. So they just ignore it altogether. Is that it? Do your best to ignore it. Pretend you can't see it. Try to look over it. Is that it? Just do your best to ignore it.
Starting point is 00:34:46 Pretend you can't see it. Try to look over it, look around it. Act like it's not there. You shouldn't really be looking at like the B or your barrel at all. Just look at the target. When I first started, that was the mistake I was making. And then I was told basically to swing through it,
Starting point is 00:35:01 which I still don't know what swing through it means, but it helped, and it kinda clicked after that. But I know that that's sort of a common mistake is people use the bead on their gun. But what do you line up to the target? What part of the gun? So you don't aim a shotgun, like you aim a rifle,
Starting point is 00:35:20 you point the shotgun, but when you're holding it right appropriately, it's gonna move with your arms when you're moving with the target. Right. Move with your eyes. So as soon as you see the target and you can pick out a specific spot on that bird, you should just shoot, pull the trigger.
Starting point is 00:35:36 But keep moving the gun like you were saying, just swing through it. If you stop, it's gonna beat you out, you're gonna shoot behind it. Right, right, right. So that I think is is better than the, probably the thing I said, but. So you said you'll shoot 300 shots in a day.
Starting point is 00:35:52 How do you keep your shoulder from not falling off? You do it a lot, and you get used to it. A callus. But you're not shooting like heavy hunting loads. Yeah. You know, these are, they're 12 gauge shells, but maybe like an ounce, ounce and an eighth, depending on who you are, maybe like 1200 to 1250 feet per second. Got it. So it's not, it's not super hard, but it's just a lot of volume.
Starting point is 00:36:14 Yeah. Just build them a callus on that shoulder, Charlie. That's exactly. Yeah. That's a, that's my new aspiration in life. I want callus shoulders. You know, it's not a, Speaker 3rd-5 I've got a callous on the index of my finger from pulling a trigger. That is like the, maybe the biggest flex of all time. I got it. That's maybe a line from a rap song. I got a callous on my trigger finger is pretty baller. Yeah. You really should get one there if you're like doing it right, but if you, um, you can kind of like pull the trigger a little funky if the gun doesn't fit you super well and it like rubs on that like joint kind of. Yeah, that makes sense.
Starting point is 00:36:55 Yeah. Huh. Okay. Um, last question I want to know what has been your pregame sort of ritual before you called us and realized you had to take in that? I really liked listening to music. Um, some like classical stuff or occasionally we'll get like some EDM or just like white noise and just like Blair that really loud.
Starting point is 00:37:17 So my head is like full of nothing. Oh man. Wow. Surprised you're not listening to trap music. Just see what I did there. Oh, don't do a whole lot of that. I feel what you did there. Okay. It was really fun. Um, so that's it. You just listen to music, you know, and what else? Yeah. Um, I just like the music now. It's different.
Starting point is 00:37:42 So when like USA shooting, like what I'm going to do here, you can't listen to music. You just have to kind of raw dog that. So these help tips, you know, taking a nap, find a book, keep me, keep me occupied off off the range. That'll help keep you together. Why can't you listen to music? That's just the rule they have. That's so weird. I think it, yeah, they do it because if you have like earbuds or whatever, like your hearing protection, that's Bluetooth. You can get like other people connected
Starting point is 00:38:10 to it, talking to you and like coaching you and stuff. And they don't want that. Oh, okay. Yeah. Charlie's shooting and tree through it. Pull the trigger at the correct time. Don't use your bead. Move your hips, not your wrist. You know, I can't, I feel like that, that would just be a disadvantage. Someone in your, all of a sudden, Charlie's just like, shut the hell up. Just drop a bud, you know? Well, there was actually a point in time. Yeah. USA shooting changes these rules a lot.
Starting point is 00:38:51 And at one point, because you couldn't listen to music while you shot, if you do a shoot off to see like who wins overall, they would just play music while you're shooting to try to distract you. Wow. Oh, really? So they just, that's kind of so that's so that that's just kind of a last ditch situation where you mean they they'll like throw music on and sort of like a finale to distract you and then see who can shoot the best alley.
Starting point is 00:39:19 They'll just like get some speakers out there. Okay. Play some stuff. Cause then you can't hear that thing and here it go. Right. Got it. Huh. Well, that's fascinating, man. We're excited for you. I think, I don't know. I think you're going to do well.
Starting point is 00:39:35 I can feel it in my bones. What about you, Charlie? I'm feeling good. Good luck. Thanks for the shooting tips for everybody. And you're welcome for the pregame sort of meditation ritual we gave you. Remembered I think I got the pregame down. Good, good, good.
Starting point is 00:39:52 And good luck. We're excited for you and we hope you win. We'll be rooting for you. Cheering you along here. And then after that, thank you. It's the main Olympics. We'll see you there. Good luck. L.A. 2028. Heck yeah, dude. All right. On you there. Good luck. Yeah. LA 2028. Yeah, dude. On the calendar. Good luck. Yes, sir. I'll see y'all. Have fun. All right. Thanks, man. I'm excited for
Starting point is 00:40:13 him. Yeah, I like how he's got the Olympics on his calendar. LA. I didn't know the next Olympics are in Los Angeles. So you have to be in order to participate in the real Olympics. You got to be older than 21. I guess so. He says this is the last time he can do it. So he's sport by sport. Yeah. Interesting though. You think for the junior Olympics, you get the tattoo with the Olympic rings? Yeah. Yeah. Where would you get that? It's really small rings. Yeah. Junior. Yeah. Right. Right. Right. Yeah. Tiny rings. Yeah. Where would you get this really small rings? Junior? Yeah. Right. Right. Right. Yeah. Tiny rings. Yeah. Red and crayon. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Handwritten in crayon rings. That's
Starting point is 00:40:53 kind of funny. Well, should we take another caller, Charlie? Let's do it. Miles kick off your tailgating season with tippy cows, orange cream, ladies and gents. It's the perfect treat for game days in Wisconsin or Iowa. After Dave grilling up your favorite tailgate foods, Tippycows orange cream adds a nice touch to your game day feast. It's creamy. It's orange. It's good. Celebrate as you cheer on your team. Miles, I'm waiting for the, and if you've ever come up with outrageous tailgate traditions or debated the best grilling techniques, typical
Starting point is 00:41:36 will make your game day. Celebrations even better. Here's the toast, Charlie. What is it? Here's the toast. Here's a toast. Charlie. What is it? Here's a toast. Here's to the tip that the kickoff of tailgate season grills fired up teams cheering on tippy cows, orange cream, dad, a refreshing twist to the festivities. Cheers to a season full of good food, great friends and an unforgettable game days. Cheers. Cheers, Miles. Oh, my gosh. Guys, as the kids head back to school, it's a good time to think about safety. It's always a good time to think about safety.
Starting point is 00:42:17 Charlie is it not? Miles, if you're not thinking about safety, I'm not sure if you're very safe. Yeah. Yeah. From playground spills to school related to scrapes. Nicolay law is here to help. I hate it when you fall off the monkey bars. Yeah. Or maybe you're on a swing and you jump off the swing to get some extra height and you break your wrist and you're in the third grade, not good. Or you're 32. Yeah. Still not good. Cry like a baby. They're experts in personal injury cases and can make sure you get the help you need. If things go sideways, if things go
Starting point is 00:42:57 awry, let's make the school year a safer school year and more smooth. And remember, if accidents happen, Nicolay law got your back every step of the way. Yeah, Cameron Cameron from Ohio. Well, thanks my guy belly on up to this bar. Tell us what's on your mind. Oh, one of the kind of chit chat back for, you know, Ohio being the melting pot of the Midwest in my opinion. I feel like there's a lot of different viewpoints from like, and I would have that say you would have probably from Wisconsin, you know? Yeah. Different viewpoints like what? Oh, kind of like the Amish.
Starting point is 00:43:57 What about the Amish, Cameron? So we have a good population of the Amish where I'm at, of Senninites and German Baptist and whatnot. And, you know, I've always kind of wondered if they have like secret wars against each other, you know? Because they're all nice. They're all nice people on a day to day basis. But what if like, you know, Ezekiel books, Jeff died a little funny and they got to like, uh, find out who can
Starting point is 00:44:34 turn butter faster. This actually is great timing Cameron, because we are at a bar in Minnesota that's about a mile away from an Amish community. So we are right in the heart of Amish country here. So there was a guy who came in and wanted a Mountain Dew earlier. So this is great timing, by the way. So you're wondering- Oh, that's amazing.
Starting point is 00:45:03 Yeah, so you're wondering if you think that they have a civil wars in Amish communities. Is that correct? Yeah, pretty much. Well, you called the right place because Charlie and I know a ton about the Amish. Absolutely. In fact, we might do a belly up on the street. I might see how far this cord runs and I can go find someone to answer that question for you right away. No, I don't have enough cord. And also I think that would involve electricity. So the situation is I'm sure that there is fighting, you know, like there's there's bad blood. There's all of it. There's got be, because we're all... I'm gonna be honest, Charlie. What?
Starting point is 00:45:46 That's the next game of thrones. Ooh, Amish? Is a Civil War show set in an Amish community? And the power struggle? Well, have you guys ever watched that Amish mafia TV show? No. There's that Amish mafia TV show? No, I didn't. There's an Amish mafia. There was a TV show. Yeah, there was a TV show. It's called Amish mafia. And I spent the longest time. I always thought that that shit was a hoax. Like there's no way. First of all,
Starting point is 00:46:23 they got cameras and how would they run like a secret mafia? Well, let me ask you this. You say, how could they run a secret mafia? How much do you really know about the Amish? I'd say a good bit. I know a couple sellers, but not that much because you, you, you stereotype them and said that they all just churn butter all day. So I'm guessing you don't know too much. So I think you listen to one weird Al song and that's what you're going off of. Oh, weird out. Maybe he does play a good as if you will. Well, to miles his point, I think it's probably, you know, you got to get to know him better and then you can be our expert on that.
Starting point is 00:47:11 Yeah. That sounds like a good, uh, something I'd be interested in doing. Getting to know the homage real well. I wonder if they'll teach me how to build a barn in two days. I've seen those tick tocks as well. It is. They are fascinating. Those guys can work. Have you ever amazed at what the Amish can do in a short amount of time? I mean, they're incredible. Have you ever seen the Amish move a barn? Yeah. Yeah. Like, like 300 guys lift up a barn and move it. Yeah. God, that's incredible. You know what? I'm going to take that back. I don't think they have time to get in fights with each other. They need every single Amish dude they can get to come over and move their barns. You know, they've probably got a lot of alliances with all the other types of Amish. I don't even know how many types of Amish
Starting point is 00:47:58 are. Maybe I should start talking to some Amish cause I don't know what the hell I'm talking about either. All I really know is that weird Al song myself. So. Oh yeah. So you're in Minnesota today. I have a family member who lived in Minnesota there for a while. And she said that he lived in a neighborhood where you'd have a nice neighbor, a creepy neighbor, and a nice neighbor, and that they would all have these like block parties, and they would kind of outcast the creepy neighbors. That's not very Midwest nice of them to do it. I can't imagine why. Well, maybe he wasn't creepy. He was just way too Midwest nice, right, Charlie? Midwest nice and creepy. There's a fine line. You know, you can easily misconstrue one for the other, but you should be on the lookout because, you know, if it's creepy, it's going to get creepy.
Starting point is 00:49:06 What kind of creepy are we talking? What was he doing? That was just sounding alarms. So when the pandemic was happening, it would be, um, they would, and the toilet paper was all gone. You couldn't buy toilet paper anywhere. Kind of have to start. They would always offer
Starting point is 00:49:26 my family members to come down to the cellar and grab a case of toilet paper. They had to come down to this Midwest nicer creepy Charlie. I, you know, listen, if I'm home or not home, it's completely fine. Why don't you just go into my cellar? Okay. Now make sure no one's watching you, because I don't want everyone to know that they can just come all willy nilly in my cellar. But I tell you what, if you want to come down there, just you. You don't even have to ask. You're welcome. My cellar.
Starting point is 00:49:58 Anytime I'm going to. I think that's Midwest. Nice. I think that might be Midwest. Nice. You know, if it was his garage instead of his cell seller, I think this would be having a totally different conversation. Yeah. I mean, you know, some, the word seller gives off creepy vibes, but some people, they just, but also sellers are kind of fancy, you know, it's like you're classy. If you have a seller, yeah. If he had said crawl space, creepy. Yeah, crawl space is creepy. That's exactly it.
Starting point is 00:50:32 Crawl space is like unless it's a tornado, don't go in anyone's crawl space, you know. Right. Also, I love when he was like he was acting like this is a Minnesota thing. Yeah, it's like, you know, I haven't heard that happening around here, but those Minnesotans, I tell you what, they're they got creepy sellers trying to give away the toilet paper. Yeah, you there's there's always a different
Starting point is 00:51:00 side of the coin on that when you're I don't I don't know. side of the coin on that when you're I don't I don't know. You could easily have that situation in Ohio, I feel. I'd say the people out here about 50 50. We are kind of on the edge of the Midwest, kind of a state above the south and really close to the East. So we get it kind of like a potluck of people. Yeah. That's it. Just depends on your area. Yeah, that's true. That is very true of Ohio. Where are you driving to right now? I'm actually in a loader. I am at work. We're getting everyone at work these days. Are you
Starting point is 00:51:49 loader certified? I am heavy equipment, hash grains. Yes. I like that. Good answer. It's like family feud. Good answer. Good answer. Um, well, yeah, I'm a I'm a minor aggregate minor, so I'm just playing with dirt and rock all day. Yeah, you're bringing I'm a concrete guy. So thank you for your service. Oh, thank you. You keep me busy. That's right.
Starting point is 00:52:21 Also, a lot of sellers are made out of aggregate and concrete. So, you know, kind of a goal comes full circle. Yeah, full circle. The arm is going to have the gravel to put the new barn on. That's always nice. That's true. You know, I I'm glad you called in today asking about the Amish because I feel like a lot of us, we see them and we might wave to them. We should wave to them,
Starting point is 00:52:51 but you know, not a lot of us take the time to go over there and have a sit down conversation. So yeah, any of our Amish listeners, if you're listening out there, we see you and we thank you for all of your beautiful furniture. We absolutely do. You can make a heck of a table or a bed. Now, is it, is it rude? Is it rude to fly past them on the road or are they used to it by now? Give them a two finger wave.
Starting point is 00:53:18 And then that's, I think that's good enough. You can fly by Give them a wave, give them some distance. You know, those horses, they can be erratic. erratic so you know just just give them a little distance and then you can slow down a scotch but yeah I tell you what you know he's gonna have it figured out when AI takes over the Amish computers aren't gonna know a damn thing about them yeah they're gonna be like wow they are the superior being here. I know. They don't even need us.
Starting point is 00:53:49 What the hell? How do we get the Amish? Charlie, that's your answer, dude. You're wondering how to not die from robots. Go join the Amish community. As long as we don't turn in the nuclear winter, they're not gonna know a damn thing about me. I'll just get a beard. I'll fool any robot. Yes. You ever, you ever full face ID? Do I? Yeah. No, you ever look at face ID at don't open. Say that's not your only if I'm really hung
Starting point is 00:54:15 over. That happens. That's always a sad day. You know, like the day your face ID don't open by your face. Oh well. Anyways, well we appreciate you calling in today and have a good day in the loader. You're kind of, I kind of got loader envy. You know, it sounds like an awesome day to just spend a day in a big machinery, just moving stuff from point a to point B and thinking about the arm. So you're living the dream, man. in a big machinery just moving stuff from point A to point B. And thinking about the Amish. So you're living the dream, man.
Starting point is 00:54:47 Keep her loading. Oh, yeah, I appreciate taking the call, fellas. You betcha. We'll talk to you soon. Well, Charlie, it's another good call on the Belly to a podcast. Yeah, you're I can see your wheels are turning. My wheels were turning. It's like, oh, shit, I should be in the image.
Starting point is 00:55:06 You know, I've thought that many a times the image is it's an interesting way of living. You know, there's a lot of hard times, though. You can't forget about the hard. Well, what's harder time getting killed by a robot or turning your own butter? That's true. That's true. I mean, I think guys have it easier. It'd be a lot tougher to give childbirth is an Amish. That's true. Yeah. They got it tough. Yeah. But anyways, not for us to figure out miles. That's a day for
Starting point is 00:55:41 another time. Yeah. We are just the people who bring things to light. We are not necessarily solving the world's problems, right, Charlie? Precisely, my guy. Well, guys, thanks for tuning in to another episode of the Bellied Up Podcast. Remember to tip your bartender and we'll see you in the next one. Yes, indeed.

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