Bellied Up - Auto Part Stores Are Terrible #144
Episode Date: March 20, 2025The first caller (8:30) is a frustrated beer salesman who's tired of people constantly demanding beer. The next caller (23:06) living in Colorado, shares how her friends assume she's the ultim...ate stoner. Finally, (46:48) we hear a voicemail from a guy ranting about auto parts stores never having what he needs in stock.Leave us a voicemal! 218-303-5095
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Folks, here we are. We are alive.
We're alive and feeling right.
And everything is good in life.
We are at Dr.
Jekyll's here in Appleton, Wisconsin.
I'm here with my partner,
my life partner, Miles, that you bet you guy.
Hello, Charles. Hello, Miles.
And it's a big day for Miles, ladies and gentlemen,
because this week it is his birthday.
Happy birthday to
you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, Mr. Miles. Do you like that? I'm kind of like
doing the Maryland Memorandum. Yeah, I was getting erotic over here. Anyway, happy birthday to you.
Do you guys have any breath mints at the bar?
Oh, that's funny. That's funny.
You know, I was here.
I was trying to be nice to you and sing you a birthday song.
Miles, what's the best part about your birthday and the worst part about your birthday? Just birthdays in general. I'm not like a big birthday guy. You know, we all not anymore.
You lost a lot of weight.
Uh, that joke's for your birthday.
We all got a birthday.
You know, what are we celebrating?
Celebrate our mom.
I mean, I'm not like a big birthday guy.
I'm not like a big birthday guy.
I'm not like a big birthday guy.
I'm not like a big birthday guy. I'm not like a big birthday guy. That joke's for your birthday. We all got a birthday.
We all do.
What are we celebrating?
You know, celebrate our mom.
Thank you, Charlie.
Did you call your mom on your birthday, miles?
Well, it's on my birthday.
I won't record in this, but I actually will be with my mom on my birthday.
So that's even better.
Where are you guys going?
So miles, I interrupted the thought process there. What's what's the best
part and the worst part about the birthday? Um, I think best part, you just, you just
have a built in excuse to do whatever you want with no consequences. Just short of breaking
the law. You know, I don't think that's going to fly in court, but, um, you know, I don't think that's gonna fly in court, but, um, you know,
Hey, I want to play video games all day.
Then they're like, well, you can't my birthday.
Not saying that's what I want to do, but he's got a nice built in
excuse and do whatever you want.
Now where I think the worst part is, is when people start taking advantage of
that and a birthday turns into a birth week, which turns into a birth month, which turns into a birth year.
You know?
And all of a sudden you got 33 year olds getting a party bus because it's their birth month.
And I don't know.
It's a lot.
I get that.
I get that.
I think a hard part about birthday and in this
day and age and Facebook really started it is like announcing it's your birthday. So
then you get a whole school of people that text you once a year on your birthday and
they text happy birthday exclamation point. You're like, yeah. And quite literally you
open up the text and the last text chain you got was from a year
ago and they didn't even switch up what they said. They weren't like happy birthday man
or happy birthday bro or hope you have a good one today birthday exclamation point. Yeah.
So yeah, that's tough. There's kind of those people that only text birthdays and Christmas and Thanksgiving. You know, those are the three days that people reflexively text message.
And then what you have is just this dilemma of like, do I even bother
responding? That was nice. They thought of me. But did they?
You know, or on Facebook, or did they send on a mass tax like for Christmas?
They send out a mass tax. There was a weird period of time, like on Facebook when your birthday
was public and people would write on your wall and they would say happy birthday. And
you felt really bad initially of not responding to all those people. Like, yeah, they wish
me a birthday. Don't be a Dick, whatever. And then you got a couple of years into that
and you're just like, I don't, I'm not going to respond to this. Yeah. Or I didn't ask for this. Facebook
just displayed my birthday. Yeah. I did not ask for people to do this.
And then the other thing would be people would do is like the next day they'd be like, Oh
my gosh, I feel so loved yesterday. Thanks to everyone for all the, but kind of a blanket
statement. Now you got, now you got to hire a so loved yesterday. Thanks to everyone for all the kind of a blanket statement.
Yeah. Now you got now you got to hire a frigging PR team to thank everyone
for wishing you a happy birthday.
Fucking Facebook ruined society, dude.
It did. I hate that goddamn website.
Everybody subscribed to Charlie Bairns.
I'm just I don't even give a shit.
It's constantly living in a glasshouse.
I know, because Facebook is the only reason
I'm standing here today.
Charlie, can't you just take the good and the bad?
Why are we always looking at the glass half full?
There's still beer in that glass.
I actually am thankful for Facebook.
One aspect of it that I was able to do comedy.
Outside of that, I think it can rot in hell.
So Miles, back to your birthday, what
kind of present are you hoping to get?
Uh, I'm probably just going to get another golf shirt from my parents. That's what I
got last year. And honestly, I liked that I'm to the stage where like, I never think
to go buy a golf shirt. So yeah, I'll take a golf shirt for my birthday. Easy peasy. I'll be on vacation
golfing so that I can just wear it the next day. Perfect.
You want to have my beef with golf shirts before you go on to your next present. Go
ahead. Golf shirts, man. You wear these things. They hold your smell. You know, I try to wear
shirts a few different times before washing them, you know, and a golf shirt you can't do that with. Cause like it's rank, you know? Do you know what I said? I
think it's a polyester. Yeah. I don't wear golf shirts more than once in a row. Usually
because I'm, I'm I sweat, you know, when you golf. Yeah. Really? Especially when I was 60 pounds heavier, I'd sweat on the way to the course
with AC on. All right. That's funny visual. But in terms of gift from like, and yeah,
we should give you a baby. Yeah. And we kind of just decided not really to do gifts to
each other. Oh really? Yeah. We just don't really do it. Yeah. I'll send her flowers and stuff, but like actually going in a gift.
We're both like, if you just want some, let's just buy it whenever you want it. Oh, plus
like we go on a nice vacation, like that kind of stuff. Yeah. Like, no, you guys, you guys,
your gift is to each other every day. Yeah. You know, some people like the gift giving aspect.
Yeah. I mean, that's the thing, right?
You talk about the love languages.
Yeah. Neither of ours are gifts.
Interesting. So well, that's good.
I'd rather just go to dinner and have a good conversation with my wife
rather than her. Give me a present.
Then I got to figure out what to say once I open it.
You know, it's like, oh, yeah. Yeah.
Where it's a I oh yeah. Yeah.
I like the people that are really looking at you. I really did need one of these.
How did you know? Oh yeah. You texted me and asked me what I wanted.
And then I told you, and that's exactly what I got. What a surprise.
You know, I actually, I was listening to this thing at one point in the car, I was driving somewhere, but this person was talking about sort of like gifts and that initial reaction.
Like some people give gifts for that,
they get high off that initial reaction
of you like opening a gift, you know,
and if you're not excited enough, it kind of blows it.
But I feel like there are some presents
where you're not excited to open it,
but the long-term excitement you have for that gift,
it's just, it can't be measured in that.
Some people aren't like good at showing emotion
when they open something right away,
but they really do like it and appreciate it.
So all you gift givers out there,
just know that if you got resting present face,
it doesn't mean that they hate the present necessarily. Yeah. Good
PSA. Well, it sounds like you're done with this intro miles.
Yeah. No, I, thanks for wishing me a happy birthday, Charlie. Happy birthday. Means a
lot. Happy birthday. You remember that Christmas cartoon where the snowman goes, happy birthday. I don't. Yeah, it's great.
You should look it up. All right. Let's take some calls. Well guys, we got Connor on the
line. He is from new England and he's wondering how someone who is Midwest nice can still
tell someone to fuck off.
That's a good question. Connor, where you said you just move out to the East Coast?
No, so I actually so I live in the Carolinas now.
I'm originally from New England.
Oh, OK.
So, yeah. So you're moved away from New England.
You're maybe because I mean, if you're a New Englander,
I feel like you're just telling people to F off left and right. That's how you say good
morning. And now he is gotten away from it or maybe wants to clean it up a little. He
wants to clean it up. He wants to be though. He's not from the Midwest. Ladies and gentlemen,
he's looking to spread that Midwest cheer. And even when he's got a jeer, you know, you like that rhyme. So who do you think, who
is this going to be targeted at? You clearly have someone in mind.
So kind of what I, when I called in and left the voicemail, so what would trigger me. So
I'm a beer salesman in the Carolinas. And I, I used to work for a big wholesaler and I actually used to sell a whole lot of book
But now I work for a smaller brewery in the Carolinas.
Kind of what triggered me was, it was like three o'clock on a Friday afternoon and an
account called me and said, you know, we give accounts a lot of free stuff like glassware
or the coasters that you see, the branded coasters and bars.
And an account called me at like three o'clock on a Friday and said, Hey, I'm completely
out of glassware.
I need you to bring me two cases right away before the end of the day.
I was like, there's no way on Friday at three o'clock you just found out you had no glasses.
So kind of stuff like that.
And it's the same that goes when they'll call on a Friday, same ahead, no glasses. So kind of stuff like that. And you know, it's the same
that goes when they, they'll, they'll call on a Friday, same around the same time. And,
and their delivery day was on Tuesday and they'll say, Hey, I never got my keg on Tuesday.
And I'm like, Oh cool. You waited till Friday to let me know. So you can go fuck yourself.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on, Charlie. What's that? So this is a, essentially they
are your customer, correct? Correct. And you are delivering product to them. Correct. Correct.
I technically don't deliver the keg I
ordered and you're telling them to fuck off. What's up with that? That seems like very
Boston. It seems like that might be you are the problem, not necessarily.
So my whole point of it is, listen, your delivery day was on Tuesday.
You didn't notice until Friday at three o'clock that you didn't get your keg.
Now I have no time to get anything done for you.
If you noticed on Wednesday, your keg didn't come in.
Well, I got two days to figure out.
I mean, if you just would have done it right the first time, you wouldn't have to
work at three o'clock on a Friday.
Exactly. Exactly. But well, I always tell, I don't tell people this, but it always comes
to my mind. My long time ago, my dad said to me, your lack of planning is not my emergency.
And that comes to my mind every single time something like this pops.
I think you might be taking that a little bit out of context. If I, you guys didn't get your beer delivered, your lack of planning is not my emergency.
Your lack of B on being unable to do your job correctly the first time is their emergency.
Yeah, they're Connor. You're going to have to find out the glass one. I can count on
how does a bar go? Oh geez. Sorry. I'm stepping on miles
as cord. And by the way, want to talk about Midwest nice instead of politely saying, Charlie,
you're stepping on my cord for the third time this show. He just yanks it like a pissed
off dad, you know? And I think miles has advised you was kind of like pissed off dad advice,
you know? That's what you got. Remember your, is like, you know, the Midwest, we're nice,
but you know, we'll tell it to you how it is,
and that's because we all have
that Midwest dad in our lives.
So yeah, I think with the keg, you're in the wrong.
With the glassware, I could see it, I could see it,
but at the same time, you know,
you want these accounts to buy your
beer. So it's, it's kind of, uh, it's more, the more frustrating part is when, when they
asked me for those little things, you know, late on a Friday and I was like, listen, Hey,
you know, I've already, I've already packed it in at three o'clock on Friday. You packed it in at three o'clock on a Friday. Wow. Dude, dude, I'm ready. I'm ready at the bar. I've
met so many people that are in the beer distribution business. They don't, the salesman never fucking
work Charlie. Is that how it goes? They are never on the clock.
They are all about relationships and my relationship building is I'm going to come have a beer
at your bar. Exactly. So they're just, so as soon as they're required to do an, a little
ounce of work of emailing someone to drop off glassware, They can't handle it. Yeah. I can't be bothered. I just
cracked this beer. It's three o'clock on a Friday. Now, if you want to role play miles,
how they should go. Yeah, sure. Stage. What is it? Connor, who do you want to play? You
want to play that? You be the bar. Tell us exactly what the bar said. And miles and I,
we will be
your Midwest sales team. And this is how we're going to kindly tell you to fuck off if you
deserve it. All right. So give us a call that you had recently. Ring, ring, ring, ring.
Hello. Hey Charlie. How you doing, man? I'm doing all right. I'm sitting here with miles.
We're just having a beer at the bar. You want another one, Charles? Yeah, let's do another
one. All righty. Three o'clock. You want another one Charles? Yeah, let's do another one
Already three o'clock. Ah, you guys start sometime, you know, tell them we're doing a little market research Oh, yeah, we're doing market research
I'm testing this new beer out. It's pretty gosh darn good. I gotta tell you it's so good. I'm gonna have another
Alright, well listen, this is this is Connor over here at Connor's bar
And this is Connor over here at Connor's bar.
Listen, man, I know it's late on a Friday, but my bartender just told me now
we are completely out of glass wearing coasters. We're not going to make it to the weekend.
We've got a real busy weekend coming up.
You know, man, I just don't know how I'm going to get to the weekend
without my glasses.
I know it's late on a Friday. Is there any way Fridays, but you can bring us, get us some down here like right away.
A couple cases will get us through the weekend.
A couple cases?
Or glasses?
Really putting us in a tight spot.
Yeah, I mean, I suppose we could.
We could. Um, hmm. Yikes.
Wolf. Well, let's uh, let me ask you this. So like, do you need, you know, here we go,
Charlie. We could do a themed, uh, Toby Keith, uh, uh, tribute night and you guys could just use red solo cups
all night.
How about that?
A little marketing.
Got yourself a Walmart close by.
That might work.
That might work.
Maybe I'll door dash you one.
Quick question.
I can write your beer comeback.
I can just write Sharpie on the cup.
So that might work.
That might work out. That's not a bad idea. How are you out of glassware by
the way? I mean, as a bar, you kind of have like one job and well, you got many jobs,
but that's a pretty important one. I feel like these bartenders, they just, they just
chuck them on the ground at the end of the night. That's a big, let's break everything
in the bar day. Yeah. I mean, a lot of times your employees are reflection of your management style, Connor.
So, you know, we could run to the office, grab some glassware and, uh, bring it over
there. But you might also want to take a look at, uh, how you're leading these people.
Okay. Cause Connor, I'm going
to be honest with you. I just cracked the second beer and it's not safe to drive when
you got two beers and yes. So it's going to be at least another hour before I can drive
assuming I don't get another beer and all. I just got another beer bought for me at the
bar. Thank you, miles.
And yeah, so this is going to be a real tough one. I'll see if I can door dash you some
glasses, but yeah, my recommendation is just, you know, sometimes you got to learn the lesson
the hard way. And I think that if we step in and save you now, well,
yeah, wait a minute. What lesson is he really learning? You know, my Midwest dad would always make sure I learned a lesson.
And would we really be acting in his best interest if we just solved his problem?
No, we can't just reprimand you and then bring you the glasses.
That'd be learning the lesson the soft way.
But you want to be hard, don't you, Connor?
Yeah, I like I like learning them the hard way. That's for sure. Yeah. Yeah, it's going to have to be hard don't you Connor? Yeah, I like listen. I like learning the hard way. That's for sure
Yeah, yeah, it's gonna have to be that I understand. We should have planned better. We should have planned better
I can't make my lack of planning your gear guys's emergency. I understand that yeah
Yeah, I think that's what we really learned today. Yeah, so so I tell you what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna sit here
Thank you miles. I'm gonna drink this beer what I'm going to do. I'm going to sit here. Thank you, Miles. I'm going to drink this beer and I'm going to think about you and the lesson you're learning.
And I'll say a prayer for you. And I might light a candle for church in you the next time I'm there.
Hey, just have one for me. You might as well tip another back for me.
All right. Cheers. And by the way, we're still good for the, you're still, you're still buying the
whole, the three kegs next month. Right? You got it. You got it. Well, since he kind of
inconvenience us today, disrupting our market research, I'll put you down for six kegs next
month. How's that sound? Okay. All right. We can do that. There you go. Don't let it
happen again though.
Oh, well, I suppose Charles, I suppose it's about that time to do another. So yeah, Connor,
you know, we didn't really answer your question how to, but the, but that's what you do. You
just start talking, you start talking and the general vibe of
all the words you're putting together is going to eventually spell fuck off, but you don't
have to explicitly say it. Yeah. And if you can throw it a lot in there, it lessens the
blow of the FU. Yeah. The groans go a long way. They're trying to make me feel bad. I
just got to make them feel bad for making me feel bad. I just got to make them feel
bad for making me feel bad. Exactly. It's a classic gaslight situation, but in a nice
way. Perfect. I love it. Yeah. Nice gaslight. So yeah, there you go. Anything else on your
mind, Connor? I don't know. Not really? Where are you guys drinking today?
We're over here at a doc doc Jackles in Appleton, Wisconsin.
You got to get up here sometime.
Yeah. I got to get back. I'm actually, so I'm, I'm visiting. I'm in,
I'm in Rhode Island right now. Oh, and then a parking lot.
They say bubbler over there.
Yes. We say bubbler here for sure. Roads in the islands. Good for you, man. Good for you.
Well, we hope you enjoy your time over there and rye and, um, yeah,
we'll, we'll have to, uh, we'll see you next time. We're out there in, um,
I'm going to go to the next one. and yeah, we'll, we'll have to, we'll see him next time we're out there in Providence.
Yes. That sounds good. All right, man. Well, thanks for calling in and let's just, let's
deliver those kegs on time and to the right spot from now on. How about that? Always the main goal. We're not mad at you, Connor. We're
just a little disappointed.
Well, I learned a good lesson here today calling into the belly dump. I guess I appreciate that
guys. You betcha you watch for lobster over there. All right. All right, guys. See you soon. How do you mother for me? We will. Well, we will. What about my dad?
And you dad. He's still on the line. I thought we hung up.
See you got her.
Thank you guys.
Yeah. Say hi to your mom for me. Fuck shit. Dude, what?
It's folks.
That's kind of an East Coast thing.
That's kind of a Macky Mark thing.
Say hi to your mother for me.
Yeah, that makes sense.
I mean, this is a classic situation of getting mad.
It's a defense mechanism when you mess up your own job.
Start getting pissed.
The other person.
That's how it goes.
But honestly, what if this whole podcasting comedy, all that stuff does fall apart?
We are a phenomenal tag team for a beer salesman.
Oh, we would be great.
We doubled our sales of that account in the matter of like five minutes.
I mean, that was all you to I was. It kind of like the, your rambling led to the sale. And that's
really what it was about. That's why I like my rambling. Cause you kind of just got to
get them to the point where they just need to get out of the conversation. I exhaust
them. I exhaust them. The exhaustor. And then you're sitting there like giving them the,
the off ramp, but the off ramp skirt cost them, you know, it's like a boxing match where you just run around for a while,
get them real tired. And then he still got all your juice and yet one punch and they're
done. Boom. A little rope of dope. Do you box miles? No, we should another color. Let's do it. Hi, is this Becky? This is Becky. You got miles
and Charlie from the belly and up podcast. How are you doing? I'm good. How are you?
I'm doing good. You got some time to chat with us. I actually do have a little time.
Yes. Awesome. All right. Well guys,
we have Becky from Colorado, Becky and the hot seat. Becky is the, her friend group stoner
and she keeps getting gifts with weed leaves on them. What's the problem with that? Becky,
what's the problem? You know, it's, it's fine. I appreciate it. I'm just not someone
who's very outward about my stonerness. Apparently not Becky, cause all your friends are getting
you the same gift. So I know. I mean, it's birthdays. it's Christmas, it's dish towels and socks.
So I don't know. I don't, I have a question for you guys.
Do you, do you think smoking and drinking for leisure is any different?
Smoking weed, actually, you know what, back in year, and drinking for leisure is any different?
Smoking weed, actually, you know what, Becky? Yeah, you called in the right podcast
when I was in college, freshman year,
I wrote a paper on the differences
between the psychoactive properties of marijuana and alcohol
and the physical properties, and I'll tell you right now.
You do, really?
I did, and I got an A on it and my parents were
upset. And from a psychoactive perspective, they are similar, but I suppose it all depends
on like how much from a smoking perspective, you're actually like you inhale deeper with weed.
So it's actually, it can be worse than cigarettes.
If you're like smoking a lot,
it just takes less smoke to get you high.
But from the drinking thing,
I think all bets are out the window ever since
that we're in this sort of gray, not legal thing.
Because the dope they have these days is so so now I sound like an old man.
You know, the dope they have these days, it's different from
when I was smoking it back in my day, you could get a whole bag
for a nickel. They called it a nickel bag. And that was half of
it was marijuana. The other half, they actually put leaves
in it for God's sake. So I was smoking oak with it too.
And now these days, you don't know.
You don't get in car with strangers.
You smoked dope with them outside the car.
Don't be driving and smoking, but, um, yeah.
And then they invented the old hot box and that's when society went downhill.
And all I tell you what, I'll tell you when society went downhill is when they
started these fricking vape things.
You know, everyone sitting there just sucking on their
robot peckers, it's like, for God's sakes,
do it acoustic style or don't do it at all.
That's what roll a blunt and grow up.
You're right, it's simply too convenient.
Yeah, yeah.
So, you know, I do think that I've read some studies recently just for fun.
And I think that the amount of THC that they're putting in this stuff, the problem, here's
the problem. You got to regulate it. The government's got to just say it's legal now. And then you
got to actually get somebody in there who's not getting bought off by the big, big weed industry,
you know, to so they can actually say, are you using pesticides in this stuff? Are you not?
Because you're not just smoking marijuana, you're smoking whatever freaking pesticides they decide
to throw into that deal. So that's right. That's why here in Colorado, it's nice because we can grow
our own. Yeah. And you get some real hippie growth.
Yeah, if you're growing your own.
Yeah, that certainly helps.
Now, how much are you smoking a day, Becky?
You high right now?
You know, I am.
I am actually.
I'm not going to lie.
Good for you.
But because I smoke before I go to the gym.
So I'm sitting in the gym parking lot.
I was about to go in.
I got my little smoke on and then you called and I was like, shit.
Yeah. Yeah. She's going to lose it.
She got to do it again before she goes in.
You're an active smoker. I like it.
It's nice working out. I am.
Yeah. It's nice working out.
It is nice. Have you ever tried? I've tried it. It's nice working out. Yeah, it's nice working out
I've tried it Yeah, I will say though that how often are you like are you high all day every day?
No, no, I'm not high all day. I I smoke at night or I take a gummy before bed to help me sleep. Okay
and then you know, I'll smoke before the
gym or, you know, I am a daily smoker or gummier. Yeah. I think anything you do on a daily basis,
you want to watch out for that. Cause you know, you're really committed to it. Cause
she was definitely about to go down the rabbit hole of talking about how alcohol is worse for you than weed and all that. But
if you just, I wasn't miles. I promise. I do not believe that. But I do believe that
weed is not as bad as people think who have never smoked it, who drink a bottle of wine
a night. Oh yeah. You know what I'm saying? No, you're talking same church, different
pew. You know, if you're right, if you're doing it, yeah. Alcohol, I don't think that's
good for you. I don't, I don't think, I think that's pretty, if you're, we're not doing
this stuff cause it's good for you necessarily. Like there are some people like, um, talking
about the health benefits of marijuana and alcohol.
And I think all those are kind of dubious at best, but you know, moderation in all things,
as they say.
Yes, I agree.
So what have you been, what have you been doing personally other than just smoking all
the time that has caused your friends to be like,
she needs these socks with weed leaves on them.
I don't know. I don't know. I don't talk about it. I'm not, you know, someone who's super
open about it to strangers. I just think it's because they know I prefer it over drinking wine or, you know, alcohol
or beer.
But if you were, but if you were a big wine drinker, they're not going to give you socks
with wine glasses on.
That's the point.
It's like, okay, guys, I don't know what to do with all this.
You know, I mean, I just ended up giving it to Goodwill and you know, we're in Colorado,
so I'm sure it gets used.
It gets bought up pretty good. So you grow your own weed, huh?
I tried last year. Yes, that was my first attempt.
And what happened?
And I put it in my garden outside.
I started it inside.
I put it outside.
And I think it hermaphrodited.
I've just learned about this.
It went from weed to CBD.
Isn't the male plant CBD and the female is the THC?
I don't know.
I don't know all of that.
What kind of a stoner are you Becky? Starium papers on this stuff. Right. I know. Like
you, I should, I should go back to college and do that. Yeah. Don't go back to college.
Anyway, it's cause you didn't put any pesticides on it. That's what happened. Right? I know.
Who knows? Anyway, it basically grows a bunch of seeds instead of the actual flower shake.
We would call that back in the day, back when you could get a nickel bag for a nickel. Yeah.
Okay. All right. Now I know. Thank you for that. Did you eat something like that?
So why don't you just, yeah. So you prefer the smoking over the gummies and the drinks?
No, no, I prefer just THC over alcohol. Basically. I mean, I take gummies. I don't smoke all
the time. I don't, I don't like how it's not.
Yeah. But even like the THC drinks, I mean, Oh, I haven't tried the drinks before. Have you
guys tried the drinks? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I haven't. I haven't. Are they the same? They're
all right. I mean, I don't know. Yeah. Same church, different same church, different pew.
You know, it's everything's different. Everything's different. Like with alcohol, you know what you're getting.
You don't really...
But even with alcohol, you're gonna,
whiskey to you is different than tequila and beer
and it all acts differently as well.
Yeah, I'm just saying they have an alcohol percentage on it.
And I guess they do with THC, they say 2.5 milligrams,
but I think some people like the gummies work on them different than the
smoking. And then, uh, I think the vapes generally speaking are just terrible for you. Um, or
you too. Yeah. Cause you'd have no idea what they're putting in that stuff. There's like
formaldehyde in some of them and all that. And then you get this out here. We got like
this Delta eight stuff and I don't know
that that's exactly what you want to do. Once you start getting a lab involved, if it doesn't
come from the ground, man, you can't trust it.
That's right. Yes. Yes. I don't really know. So I just, I just kind of feel like it's a
little hypocritical of people sometimes, you
Yeah. I mean, there's alcohol is not good for you and weeds probably not really good
for you either. So you can't know whatever you're doing. It's not that great.
It's also kind of funny that people are like, we'd going to rot your brain. You're going
to turn into a loser or this and that. But then like people just get hammered drunk and drive
home and get in a car accident.
It's like, yeah. Or they're like puking all night and they're hung over for two days.
You know, now that I'm in my late thirties.
Interesting fact about, Oh, go ahead. No, no, go ahead. I say interesting fact about marijuana.
The first law in the United States revolving around
marijuana was that each household was mandated
to grow a plant.
And the reason is, is that was for the hemp industry,
that's how they made ropes for sailing.
And sailing was the, whoever controlled the oceans
controlled trade.
And so every household was mandated to grow marijuana
and wasn't until the Mexican American war
where basically we stole Texas.
That's when they started to criminalize marijuana
because it was the traditional intoxicant of the Mexicans.
And so that's when you had that,
that's where the whole reefer madness thing came into play
and all that sort of stuff.
That's what got me the A.
You are very knowledgeable on marijuana.
Yeah, my parents, I went to college
and I came back with that paper
and they were like, the hell are you doing?
You kidding me?
I think they knew. Freaking liberal arts education.
Yeah, I know. That's so funny. Yeah. But well, so Charlie, how
would you recommend she stops getting those types of gifts? How would you stop getting
them? I think you got to make something else that you maybe would want more. Your, your
whole personality, even if it's kind of like your, uh, your on
camera persona, you know, it's like, even if you're not doing it behind the scenes,
just pick something else that maybe is, you'd want more.
Yeah. Become a real big fan of like the grateful dad. I just have to like develop a hobby.
Just so you can stop getting those gifts. Right. Right. Okay. Okay.
Do you like to paint? Maybe I can get more into that. Of course you like to paint. You
like to paint. You like to play frisbee golf. I don't. You like, You like playing the didgeridoo in your spare time.
You like rain sticks.
Yeah, what are the...
Legs making necklaces with glass beads on them.
Yes, yes, no.
I actually don't look like a stunner.
People are surprised that I smoke weed.
Apparently they're not.
Apparently they're not, apparently they're not surprised
to the point where they're getting you birthday presents with, well, yeah, I know. And then
I have to hide it like, Oh, thanks. And they're like, what did Anna get you? And I'm like,
Oh, not just some socks, you know? Yeah. Yeah. I mean, just started hammering the painting
thing. You know, just won't don't shut up
about it. And also, you know, throw out stuff like, God, I just wish I had more brushes
and stuff and just start dropping the hands. But it would be so funny. They're like, Oh,
yeah, she's really into painting. Let's get her some paint stuff. Let's get her some paint brushes with weed. So maybe I pick a holiday. You got to
pick a hobby that they just don't sell anything with weed leaves on it, which is hard to find
these days. They like order a special paint brush off Etsy custom painted by someone. Damn it. Oh my gosh. That's hilarious. Do
you, do you paint? Do you sell your work or you just do it for you? Um, I haven't painted
in a couple of years, but I, when I forgot a little, okay. Now we'll get to it. What
are you doing? Doing all this weed and not painting?
This is what happened. She was a painter first. Then she found that smoking weed helped to
be a better painter. And then she found out the painting just got in the way of her smoking.
And that's how we got here today.
Oh my gosh. That is not true. What do you do for work? I'm a hairstylist. Do you do that
high? Um, that's a yes. That's a yes. I'm going to plead the fifth on that. All right.
Do you have a, I, I am better at men's cuts actually because you can just really hyper focus in on that, you know,
but how long are your haircuts
anywhere from one to three hours?
Wow. No, I'm just using.
Yeah. So, okay. I got a question that you as a hairstylist, you seem like a pretty
level headed gal. I wouldn't roll in with all of the other crazy hairstylists. Why do
you think that hairstylists have gotten such a bad rap of just being crazy all the time?
I think it attracts that type of a person. Sometimes I think that people who like drama
tend to be drawn to drama because you're basically just gossiping all day at work talking to
the clients, right? Yeah, pretty much. I mean, they tell you all their problems. I mean,
and it's funny because they tell you their problems and they tell you about their
family and then they refer their family to you. So then I know all these things about
these people that come in and I've never met them before and they have no idea.
That's fascinating, man. So here's one little trick that I've done. I'm in the same scenario.
The gal that cuts my hair cuts my entire family.
So if I want someone to change their behavior,
I just leak that to my hairstylist
knowing that it's probably gonna get around to him.
And therefore I don't have to bring it up to him.
This is so Midwest.
That's really smart.
Talking to your family by proxy of your hairdresser.
It's very non-confrontational.
That's hilarious.
My mom, she just constantly wants
me to be there at like 6 AM for holidays.
And I just kind of want to show up at like noon.
And then next thing you know, next Christmas, it's not 6 AM,
but it's like 1030. I get to show up.
What's the weirdest thing you've ever heard in a hairdresser chair?
Heard somebody tell me about their situation or just seen or.
Yeah. I mean, there's a lot of crazy things.
What's the weirdest thing has been confessed to you in the chair?
a lot of crazy things. What's the weirdest thing that's been confessed to you in the chair?
I had this crazy lady one time come in and I think she was on some hard drugs.
And she told me that she had just gotten a tattoo and she showed me and pulled her pants down in the salon in her song. I was just standing there with her butt out and no one knew what to do.
I mean, we were like, Oh, that's really nice.
What was the tattoo of?
I have like a flower.
It was type of a no mechanical.
It was actually, uh, it was a tattoo of Moses. And what is it?
The Red Sea or the Dead Sea?
The Red Sea, the Red Sea.
And they had the waves on either side on either cheek.
And then that would have been something to see though.
I will say she had someone go party.
Moses parting the Brown sea full moon.
Why does no one ever just gotten the tattoo on both cheeks or just the moon on their ass?
That'd be a clever one.
Maybe they have maybe I'm, I'm sure somebody has had to have somewhere.
Well, this has
been great, Becky. We appreciate you calling in and delaying your, or we appreciate us
calling you, letting us delay your workout a little bit. You know what? It was such a
pleasure. Oh, can I say something to you miles? Sure. You look so great since you went to the gym
and you are looking like a snack. Oh, wow. He's married. Here, you're happily married as well.
Take that from me. I'm just telling you. I'm just telling you so you know. Well, thank you.
Yeah, I'm just saying. I know Charlie gets a lot of attention,
but I wanted to say.
I didn't know I got a lot of attention.
And I was single and you were single.
I'd be like, hey, that guy's cute.
It's gold.
Miles, that's what's up, dude.
I just want to tell you, I want to encourage you.
You're looking good.
You're looking like a snack.
And you better watch out.
Little fruit roll up. Yeah. Looking like a snack. Yeah. Yeah. And you better watch out. Little fruit roll up. Yeah. Yeah.
I want to unravel you, you know? Well, I mean, I don't, I'm,
I'm not saying fruit by the foot over here.
Yeah. Oh, also miles.
I really think you need to give Charlie another chance at the arm wrestle.
Thank you. Thank you. I do. I'm sorry. I think you can. I I'm not saying I think it would
be a good match. Is that, is that the moment you realized that maybe I'd crossed over into
snack territory. Is what I took down Charlie. I mean a little.
I wasn't expecting it.
It didn't hurt.
It didn't hurt.
Ever since that day, I've been crushing biceps every day
at the gym, just waiting for my next moment.
I'll find Miles when he's weak and ready to redo this,
and I'll just be choked up.
When you recover from your injury on your elbow
or whatever.
Whoppers elbow. Beat him. If you beat him again, you'll never have to talk about it again.
That is true.
You know, and that's going to be like, bro, I beat you twice.
Let's drop it.
You're saying I need to prove it is what you're saying.
Yeah. Prove it. We think it's just a fluke, Miles.
Well, the funny thing is Charlie is the fluke is one of the most common fish in the sea.
So is it?
I never caught a fluke.
Anyways, well, yeah, thank you very much.
Hey guys, thank you so much for having me on.
Thank you.
You've been a real joy.
Yeah, have a good day.
All right, you too.
Have a good workout. Happy trails.
Miles, we have Stoners that listen to the podcast, too, it seems.
Yeah. It's nice to know that we have a very diverse audience.
We do. I think we do all over the world.
Worldwide. It is.
It is fun to think about that once in a while.
Of some of the calls that we've gotten across the world and the different groups of people
Yeah, cool. It is pretty cool some days when you're feeling down you just pump your own tires with that. Mm-hmm
And Jared I'm gonna need you to clip that last part and and so I can send it to an
and send it to Ann.
Yeah, does Ann, now that you're out here looking like a snack, is Ann getting jealous?
I don't know, we're about to find out.
We're about to find out.
That's what's going on.
You know what I always say?
What do you always say, Mike?
I say you always gotta have a good lawyer
in your back pocket, because life happens.
First time I've ever heard you say that.
What do you I always say that?
Well, I suppose if you tell me, you always say it.
Maybe I haven't been paying attention.
Maybe it's like when you get a yellow card
and then you notice all the other yellow cars on the road.
Yeah, like if I was a Woody doll from the movie Toy Story,
oh, you pulled the string on my back.
I would just say, you always got to have a good lawyer in your back pocket. You know? Yeah. There's a good lawyer in your
boat. Yeah. You always got to have a good lawyer in your boot. Yeah. And no better lawyer
to have in your pocket. The Nikolai law, Mr. Russell Nikolai over in Nikolai law. Good
guy. You never know what's going to happen. You may be having an ATV accident, might hit a deer on the side of the road. And after your initial thought
of, well, there's an extra 20 pounds of venison. Yeah. Next thought after that should be, I
got to call Nicolay. Yeah. It's that's the next 20 pounds of venison. Where's my buck
knife. Got to call Nicolay. There you go. Yeah. One, two, three punch. Yeah. You get, I'm like, where's my knife? I'm like, where's my knife? I'm like, where's my knife?
I'm like, where's my knife?
I'm like, where's my knife?
I'm like, where's my knife?
I'm like, where's my knife?
I'm like, where's my knife?
I'm like, where's my knife?
I'm like, where's my knife?
I'm like, where's my knife?
I'm like, where's my knife?
I'm like, where's my knife? I'm like, where's my knife? If you're in an accident and you get hurt, you know, the whole thing. Yup. He'll get you that money you deserve.
Call 1-855-NIC-A-LEE.
All right, guys, we got another voicemail from Tucker.
Let's see what Tucker has to say.
All right. My name is Tucker Jenkins, 25.
Yeah, so my thing is, it's tough with all these auto parts stores.
And the AutoZone has like super shitty customer service.
I was there yesterday, asked the dude for a part.
He goes back, comes back up.
He can't find it, but all he did was go and like stand in between, you know, like
two of the, like the registers, like didn't even look.
You know, like two of the, like the registers, like didn't even look.
And then, then you go to O'Reilly's,
they don't have the part half the time, you know,
so don't know really what's up with these auto parts stores.
Other time, out of that auto zone,
dude straight up told me don't buy their stuff
because it's all like built poorly.
So you have to come back.
So yeah, just trying to find a new
auto parts store someplace that I can get something decent and
fix my truck that's falling apart. So alright, y'all a good
one. Bye.
Also, I knew exactly what he's talking about just going and
standing between the stuff
and just looking and being like, yeah, we don't have it.
You know, the problem here with these AutoZones
and O'Reilly's is they spend all their time
on the marketing, you know?
They get the, oh, oh, oh, O'Reilly's auto parts, wow!
And then, what's Auto Zone?
Get in the zone.
Do it. Auto Zone.
Yeah, you know, if they didn't spend all their money on those radio ads,
they might have some decent customer service.
What you really got to do is find your mom and pop shop.
OK, more like your Larry and Frank shop.
These guys are going to have the things that you
need, you know? And so you go find the local ones typically, because they don't, they,
they can't afford to have one bad store. They only have one store.
That's true. Um, what I will have to say, Charlie is I think you would be the perfect
person to own an auto parts store.
Oh, I take that as a compliment.
Why do you think that?
Yeah, you're folksy.
You don't really have to be organized.
That's true.
These guys are just going and looking
in random spots for parts.
And I don't know, I just feel like you just would fit right in at a auto parts store
I can't believe you've never worked out one. I appreciate that. No, I I
Worked at a bike shop. It's a bike mechanic
bicycles and
Yeah, my bench was always messy, but you know what I got the job done miles
I got the job done. Actually, I do have a lot of bike parts You know what I used to do in college. I worked at the bike shop
I wasn't getting paid a lot so I would go look for dead bikes
You know, you see a bike that's been locked to a thing for a long enough time
It's starting to rust out you take your hacksaw over there
You just cut the frame if it's a bad frame, then you got a whole new set of parts, you know
So someone call that thievery, but I was calling it recycling.
You're the guy that's stealing like Cadillac converters
and fuel pumps and shit out of trucks.
These are cars that have been, these are, I'm sorry,
these are bicycles that have been abandoned, you know?
Like Sarah McLaughlin, you know,
if these bikes were living,
she'd be doing commercials for them.
And I'm rescuing them, I'm giving them new life. Okay. All right. So what would the theme of your auto parts store be?
The theme? Yeah. Like we'll keep her moving. You like that? I mean, come on. It writes
itself miles. Do you have a keeper moving song on your? Yeah, I do. Yeah. Let's hear
it. You want to hear it? Yeah, I do. Yeah.
Let's hear it.
You want to hear it?
All right.
I thought you'd never ask.
No, you need to sing it.
I already recorded it.
We'll play it out for the episode today.
So this would be your theme song if you had an auto parts store called Keeper Movin'.
Oh, interesting.
Oh, I see what you're saying.
So I won't play the song. I'll just be like, keep, keep, keep, keep.
But move in, keep her moving, folks.
Come on down here, whether you hit a deer or slam.
Well, I won't say something else that rhymes with beers or I said beer.
Anyways, don't drink and drive. All right.
But if you got screwed by a drunk driver, bring your car over here.
We'll fix it up for you for free. Cause miles is paying for it. Keep, keep keeper move in. Yeah. You,
yeah. You're like, you're like a Zelinsky on Tommy boy. What's his first name? The guy
who's like the, the, the big wig guy Ray Zelinski, I think is his name.
Oh, doing the commercials and stuff?
For the American working man, by the American working man.
Yeah, that's good.
I should do that.
Maybe I should switch careers.
Yeah, I think you should.
You're trying to kick me out of this podcast, Miles?
No, no, no.
He is, isn't he? He talks about it.
It's like, you know how good this would be if I had a different host?
Who would you get if it wasn't me hosting this?
Who would you get? Oh, God.
Probably like Kevin Hart or someone like that.
That's it, Miles. We are done.
So another one in the books. High five up top. We talked to people today.
We took maybe we took a voicemail or two or maybe none at all.
But it was a good episode of the Bellied Up podcast.
We are at a bar sipping beer and oxygen.
We are. We have beers and good times.
Good times to be had, folks. Tip your bartender.